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The Infor BW Environment and Configuration Selector

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The Infor BW Environment and Configuration Selector

The Infor BW Environment and Configuration Selector is a tool that enables you to manage a set of Infor BW
configuration files (.bwc files) for one or more LN or Baan environments. To add a new configuration file:

1. Start the Infor BW environment and Configuration Selector (BECS). Depending on the version of the Infor
application a different program folder entry must be selected:
 Infor Baan IV
Start > > Programs > > BaanIV > > BaanIV
 Infor Baan 5
Start > > Programs > > BaanERP > > BaanERP
 LN
Start > > Programs > > Infor ERP > > Infor BECS
2. On Windows Vista / Server 2008 or later, however, for each version the program folder entry is: Start > > All
Programs > > Infor > > BW > > BECS.
3. The BECS – Infor BW Environment and Configuration Selector window appears:

5. Select the new environment (preceded with <empty>), and on the File menu, click New.
The BW Configuration Properties dialog box appears:
For a Infor Baan IV environment, the BW Configuration dialog appears:

6. Supply this information:

On the Application Server tab of the BW Configuration Properties dialog, you can select these Baan services:
 Published:
This option uses the Active Directory Service (ADS) feature. The connection information will be retrieved from
ADS if you select the appropriate environment name in the drop down listbox. We do not recommend that you
use this option.
 Private:
You must specify these fields:
 Host Name: Specify the Infor server host name.
 BSE: Specify the path to the BSE environment on the Infor application server, which is equal to the BSE
environment variable on the Infor application server.
 Protocol:
Depending on the protocol that is installed and configured on the Infor server, you can select one of these
protocols: Rexec, BaanLogin, and SSPI Login. For more information about the protocol to be selected, see the
relevant Infor server Installation Guide.
The Published feature only works in the following instances:
 You are actually logged on to the Windows domain.
 You have configured access to the Active Directory Server on your client system through the BECS options
dialog. This option dialog can be started by the BECS menu entry Tools > > Options.
 Your Infor application backend has been published in the Active Directory.
We do not recommend that you use the Published feature.
You can only use the SSPI Login if your Infor server is a Windows server and you are logged on to the Windows
 Port number:
To change the default port number, you must have selected BaanLogin as the protocol to be used. If you intend
to change the default (7150), you must be sure that the supplied port number is the same as the port number on
which the BaanLogin daemon on the server is listening.
 Username:
Enter a valid user name that is known on the Infor server. If you selected SSPI Login as the protocol to be used,
you do not have to supply a username because your current Windows domain identity will be used.
 Password:
If this option is enabled (not applicable if you use the SSPI Login), your password will be stored in the Baan
configuration .bwc file.
On the Bshell Environment tab of the BW Configuration Properties dialog, you must fill in the following fields:
 Bshell Name:
Enter the application logic to use on the remote Infor host.
 Command:
The command option can usually be left empty. In special occasions, you can enter the options you want to pass
to the bshell. You can, for example, use the following syntax to define environment variables:
-set Environment Variable1=xxx -set Environment Variable2=yyy
For a description of these environment variables, see Chapter 5, set command.
On the BW Configuration dialog of Baan IV, the Application Server tab has more or less the same information as
on the Application Server tab and the Bshell Environment tab of the BW Configuration Properties dialog. The
essential differences are as follows.
 Published:
On Baan IV, the Active Directory Service (ADS) feature is not available. Always a Hostname, a BSE, and a
connection method must be specified. We do not recommend that you use this feature.
 Connect As:
Enter a username or select the Current User checkbox to select the named pipe connection method.
 Method:
SSPI login is not available on Infor Baan IV. The named pipe connection method is implicitly available by
selecting the Connect As Current User checkbox. From a user perspective, this offers the same functionality as
SSPI login.
On the NLS tab, you must fill in the Locale field, which enables you to select the character set to be used. The
default character set is International [ISO]. The selected Locale must correspond with the Infor Baan server locale.
For LN, porting set 7.6b and later, BW will automatically use the same locale as the bshell. In this case, the settings
of the Locale field on the NLS tab are ignored.
On the Font tab, fill in the Font type field, which enables you to enter the desired font type. To change the setting,
you can click the button on the right side of the font boxes.
The property Standard BW Font can be used to change the font used by BW to show data in edit fields, labels etc.
The default setting is the font set in the Windows control panel for menus. (This property is not available for Infor
Baan IV and Infor Baan 5).
The other two font settings only affect the BW character windows, for example, the display browser.
On the Automation tab, you can review the information in the Class Name field, which contains the name of the
Baan automation object Baan.Application.server, where server is the hostname of the Infor Baan server you
supplied on the Application Server tab.
7. To save the new configuration in a configuration file, click OK. On the BW Configuration dialog of Baan IV
a Save and a Save as… button are available.
The BECS – Infor BW Environment and Configuration Selector window appears again, and now shows the new

To start BW, select and double-click the entry for the new configuration.
To start an Infor Baan logon procedure, double-click the icon that corresponds to the relevant .bwc file in the
Explorer. You can also create a shortcut to a .bwc configuration file and store this shortcut in a Program Group
Folder, or on the Windows Desktop.
The Windows operating systems register the Infor Baan Configuration (.bwc) files. The location where the .bwc files
are stored (the so-called Profile Storage Path) defaults to the directory lib\user under the installation directory of
the Infor Baan client software.
On Windows Vista, Windows 2008 or later, the default Profile Storage Path is the directory:
AppData\Local\Infor\BW\<environment name>\config under the user directory of the current user,
typically C:\Users\<user name>.
It is also possible to specify (per environment) a non-default Profile Storage Path for the .bwc files. In BECS, first
select a .bwc file of the concerned environment and then choose menu item Tools > > Options This dialog appears
(for an environment named 'ERPLN' and a user named 'demo'):
On Windows Vista, Windows 2008 or later, this dialog displays:

By means of the radio buttons, a pre-defined alternative directory can be used, or a custom directory can be
In BECS, it is possible to copy (Ctrl+C, or use context menu item Copy) a .bwc file to the clipboard. Switch the
Profile Storage Path as described above and paste (Ctrl+V or use context menu item P aste) the .bwc file from the
clipboard into the new directory. In this way, for example, it is possible for an administrator to 'publish' a .bwc file by
copying it from his Local directory and pasting it into the Public directory. The same procedure can be used by a
normal user to 'import' a .bwc file by copying it from the Public directory and pasting it into his Local directory.
Pasting is not possible into an Infor Baan IV environment.
For Infor Baan IV environments, you can specify an alternative Profile Storage Path only on Windows Vista or later.

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