Catalytic Distillation in Structured Pac
Catalytic Distillation in Structured Pac
Catalytic Distillation in Structured Pac
Catalytic Distillation can impro®e process design, the design of column internals re-
quires special attention. The catalytic packing MULTIPAK facilitates effecti®e catalysis,
high separation efficiency, and a wide loading range simultaneously. In this work the
main characteristics of MULTIPAK } pressure drop, loading range, and separation
efficiency } are determined experimentally. The de®eloped nonequilibrium stage model
de®eloped reflects the complexity of catalytic distillation processes and comprises corre-
lations describing pressure drop and separation efficiency of MULTIPAK as a function
of the operating conditions. The model has been implemented in the simulation en®i-
ronment Aspen Custom Modeler, and the simulation results are compared with experi-
mental data for the synthesis of methyl acetate. This model reflects the process beha®ior,
but differences between simulated results and experimental data can still be obser®ed.
The combination of heterogeneously catalyzed reaction and tion columns ŽFair, 1998.. However, designing a catalytic dis-
separation in one single process unit, known as catalytic dis- tillation column requires knowledge of device characteristics,
tillation, offers new potential for improved process design. as well as of reaction kinetics, and chemical and vapor-liquid
Even if not a new concept, it still bears a lot of advantages equilibrium. A suitable model is indispensable to reflect the
compared to the conventional approach where reaction and complex behavior of catalytic distillation columns. In recent
separation are carried out sequentially. One of those advan- years, great effort has been made to investigate the relevant
tages is the elimination of equipment for product recovery phenomena occurring in catalytic distillation processes. A de-
and recycling of unconverted reactants, which leads to sav- tailed overview of different aspects of reactive distillation
ings in capital and operation costs. Catalytic distillation may processes has been given recently by Taylor and Krishna
also improve selectivity, mass transfer and process control, Ž2000..
and avoid catalyst fouling. On the other hand, the installation The analysis of reactive distillation from a thermodynamic
of a solid catalyst in a distillation column conflicts with these point of view, as done by Ung and Doherty Ž1995., Nisoli et
benefits since it complicates the design of catalytic distilla- al. Ž1997., or Frey and Stichlmair Ž1999., allows to check if
tion processes. the process is feasible or to identify the presence of reactive
One of the major problems is the choice of suitable cat- azeotropes and attainable regions for product compositions.
alytic column internals. Those devices have to reconcile satis- Okansinski and Doherty Ž1997. outlined the important role
factory separation efficiency and catalytic activity without of uncertainties in model parameters at this early stage of
limiting possible column loads. Catalyst bales, covering a large designing reactive distillation columns. They become even
percentage of the column cross section, have been used suc- more important when the steady-state and dynamic behavior
cessfully in commercial-scale MTBE production, but high- of a reactive distillation column should be predicted. Models
capacity devices can lower capital costs for catalytic distilla- of different complexity have been presented to describe the
behavior of catalytic distillation processes. Bessling et al.
Ž1998. analyzed the process of methyl acetate synthesis via
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to . catalytic distillation using a simple model assuming chemical
the used test system this requirement is only fulfilled for op- Ž5.
erating pressures above 40 kPa. However, for lower operating
pressures, the deviation from a mean relative volatility a is According to the generally adopted two-film theory, the rela-
below 0.2% ŽOnken and Arlt, 1990.. Equation 2 is therefore tionship between the overall height of the gas phase transfer
used for all operating pressures with a mean relative volatility unit HTUOG and the individual film transfer units HTUG and
calculated by HTUL is given by
a sexp Hx ln a Ž x . dx. Ž3. HTUOG s HTUG q mHTUL . Ž6.
The number of theoretical stages per meter of the catalytic Even if the mass-transfer resistance in the liquid phase is al-
packing NTSM is given by most negligible in most distillation applications ŽOlujic et al.,
1999., the penetration approach is widely used to calculate
n th the liquid phase mass-transfer coefficient. It can be calcu-
NTSMs . Ž4. lated from
k OG
bG s . Ž9.
k OG u L, s
1y m
bL u G, s
0.96 0.33
Figure 3. Separation efficiency of packing A. Sh G s 0.0064 ReG ScG . Ž 10 .
1 n n
The binary mass-transfer coefficients k i j can be derived from ds Ý Ýd Ž 29.
suitable mass-transfer correlations for binary systems, using n Ž ny1 . is 1 js 1 i j
the appropriate Maxwell-Stefan diffusion coefficient. For the j/ i