Final Project Report FA221

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In this video are used primer rush cap cut and in short software for editing the video and adding effects
and music. I use my iPhone for recording the video add my sister was the model. it took about 20 hours
or more in terms adjusting the photography and editing the video.

The story
Baneen decides to change her lifestyle after she is tired of her life and her boring routine and to do
anything new because of the addiction to the phone and social media without choosing her time on
things that will benefit her in the day.

Location 1: bedroom location 2: bedroom Location 3: bedroom- location 4: bedroom

close up of Benin Dutch angle, she is table table
hands. She is eating thinking about herself to Low angle, she's taking in-out movement zoom
chips and watching in change her lifestyle. a notebook to write a in.
her phone. challenge for changing
Sounds: clock tracking
Sounds: sack of the and music. her lifestyle.
chips and music.

location 5 kitchen Location 6: kitchen location 7 Yard location 8: yard

Birds Eye view, she Longshot, she is doing worms eye view angle Medium shot
her breakfast
implementing the she's doing exercises. she is drinking water
challenge and she is Dolly level movement
Sound: running sound sound: birds effect
doing for her a
and music. and music.
healthy breakfast.

Fatima jassim ali

Location 9 living room Location 10-bedroom
camera shot: close up.
camera shot close up.
camera angle: high
camera angle: eyes angle.
camera movement:
camera movement: Pan left right (Right to
pan left right (right). left).
what's happening: she What's happening:
is reading a book and She is sleeping calmly
drinking coffee. at the end of the day,
and she seems happy
and relaxing.
Video link

behind the sense

Fatima jassim ali


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