Beej Mantra

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Courtesy - Apsra-The Celestial Nymph Yahoo Groups

Root Meaning of the Sanskrit Alphabet

a The first sound, Vishnu, Krishna, Shiva, Brahma, Indra, Soma, Vayu, Agni, Sun, Yama, the lifebreath, the formless God, absolute existence, beginningless, a symbol of knowledge and energy, Kala, Vasanta, Pranava, a happy man, a tortoise, a battle, the female quarters in a palace, Uma, sacrifice, negation. Used for comparison, recollection, root word for maya; it removes depression, brings hope, fulfillment of materialistic desires, names and fames, sharpens the intellect and talent. i Relative existence, one hundred, a symbol of movement, the seed-syllable (bija) for Agni.

Kamadeva, Lakshmi, to go, to pervade, to wish, to eat, to beg, gives success in life, the seedsyllable (bija) for the nectar of immortality (amrita), giver of energy (shakti-dayaka). u Pervasive, contained or progressive existence, to sound, to make noise, to roar, Shiva, Brahma, the seed-syllable (bija) for marana-uchhatana (a tantric spell), gives strength. Shiva, Moon, Protector, has hypnotic power.

^ Calling, ridicule, to give, to move, to go, to rise, to gain, to display, to attack, a symbol of prosperity, the seed-syllable (bija) for riddhi (material achievement), it gives quick evolution and prosperity. Terror, reproach, censorship, compassion, protection, pride, the seed-syllable (bija) of Bhairava (another name for Lord Shiva). Earth, mountain, mother of gods, helpful for self-knowledge, makes introvert, gives experience of Truth. A mother, a divine woman.

e To come, to approach, to submit, Vishnu; a symbol of stillness, or can also indicate movement (in other contexts); the seed-syllable (bija) that gives strength, health, and removes obstacles. ai o Shiva, the seed-syllable (bija) for Saraswati (goddess of knowledge), gives success. Brahma, a sacred syllable, gives fulfillment to desires, prosperity, beauty and youthfulness.

Courtesy - Apsra-The Celestial Nymph Yahoo Groups

au Sound, Ananta, or Sesha, the earth, the seed-syllable (bija) for marana and ucchatana (tantric spells). am a Tolerance, soft form of energy. The seed-syllable (bija) for peace.

ka Brahman, Brahma, Vishnu, Kamadeva, fire, air, Yama, Sun, soul, king, prince, knot, peacock, mind, body, time, cloud, a word or sound, hair, light, wealth, property, Daksha, possession, mastery, creation, action. kha Sun, sky, sense organ, city, field, secret message, happiness, dot, cavity, tale, knowledge, Brahman, attack, invasion, insistence, attrition or removal. ga gha a ca cha action,

A gandharva (celestial musician), Shiva, Vishnu, contact, motion, action, going. Bell, sin, striking, killing, violent contact,2hostile action, strong motion. Sound, sense objects, desire, wish, Shiva. Seedless, bad, Shiva, thief, swift and brilliant action, existence, contact, and. Pure, clean, trembling, a fragment, a part.

ja Born, prepared from, swift, belonging to or connected with, victorious, a father, Vishnu, Shiva, luster, production, enjoyment. jha Sleep, lost, destroyed, beating time, jingling sound, wind accompanied by rain, Brihaspati, a thing lost, hurricane, nine. a a Singer, gurgling sound, bull, Shukra, perversity, ten. The sound of a bow string, a dwarf, a quarter, hardness, force, crude, rajasic.

ha An imitative sound (metallic sound rolling down the steps ), loud noise, disc representing the sun or the moon, circle or the globe, a place resorted to or held sacred by all, an object of the sense, an idol, a deity, Shiva. a ha Sound, a kind of drum, submarine fire, fear, Shiva, dullness, persistence, obstinacy. Imitative sound, large drum, dog, a dog's tail, serpent, obstinacy, tenacity.

Courtesy - Apsra-The Celestial Nymph Yahoo Groups

a ta tha da dha na pa pha ba bha ma ya ra la

Knowledge, certainty, Shiva, no, not, gift. Tail, a jackal's tail, breast, womb, thief, a wicked man, Buddha, jewel, nectar, touch, impact. Mountain, protector, a sign of danger, a kind of disease. Giving, granting, destroying, mountain, wife, hard, forcible, impact or action. Placing, holding, Brahma, Kubera, virtue. Thin, empty, identical, unwearied, praised, undivided, gentle but effective relation. Drinking, guarding, air, leaf, egg, soft touch or impact, kindly relation, possessive action. Obvious, evident, high mind, yawning, fruitful, mystical rite. Varuna, water, water jar, soft, strong, embracing, contact, possession, action. The planet Venus, error, to fill. Time, poison, formula, moon, Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva, Yama, limitation, finality, completion. Goer, mover, carriage, air, union, fame, barley, restrain, light, Yama, relation. Fire, heat, love, desire, forty, vibration, play. Indra, fifty, love, sweetness.

va Powerful, strong, air, arm, Varuna, addressing, conciliation, auspiciousness residence, ocean, tiger, cloth, reverence, the shadow-planet Rahu, manifest existence. a Cutter, weapon, destroyer, Shiva, vehemence in union.

a Best, wise, loss, destruction, end, rest, final emancipation, heaven, sleep, nipple, horse, pride, strong action in rest. sa Snake, wind, Shiva, Vishnu, repose, union.

ha Shiva, water, sky, blood, meditation, paradise, dying, fear, knowledge, Vishnu, moon, war, horse, pride, force, supreme spirit, ego, body. ka Destruction, disappearance, lightning, Narasimha.

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