Strategic Foresight Notes - Teresa Jesus
Strategic Foresight Notes - Teresa Jesus
Strategic Foresight Notes - Teresa Jesus
Chapter 1
The Foresight concept is defined by 3 different definitions that
complement each other. These definitions are:
The future is defined as a cone of possibilities that gets broader and broader
and more diffuse. There are possibilities associated with the present and we do
not have all the information about those possibilities so, to foresight, uncertainty
is a raw material to set the different scenarios.
Forecasting VS Scenario Planning
Forecasting is the action of predict, in a short-term period, scenarios or
action that might take place and that can affect an environment. Most of the
forecast are related with Operations, based on the quantitative focus, and answer
to question with a low level of uncertainty as: “What to manufacture? By using
each model?”
Forecasting VS Foresighting
o Focus on certainties and hides the uncertainties
o Generates linear projections in a single point
o Favours continuities
o Gives primacy to quantitative over qualitative
o Hides the risks
o Starts from simple to complex
o Usually adopts a partial approach
o Focus on uncertainties
o Generates several but logical pictures about the future
o Takes disruptions into consideration
o Unites quantitative and qualitative
o Underlines risks
o Starts from complex to simple
o Adopts a global approach
Scenario concept is defined by 4 different definitions that, through time,
complement each other. These definitions are:
Focal Issue
The Focal issue is characterized as the issue or question that will guide your
scenario think and that building process. To set the right focal issue you should be
as more objective as possible and you should add supporting questions that will
be answered with the different scenario planning.
When defining the focal issue are some aspects that must be considered:
The focal issue should also relate relevant emerges, once it creates a platform for
discoveries and explorations. To sum up, the focal issue should be the starting
point to discussions and questions.
The different environments that might characterize and have an effect on the focal issue
The ideal time horizon must be the horizon of ruptures, where considerable
changes are starting to happen. However, this is not always identifiable, and in
certain situations there is a succession of micro-ruptures that could lead to a new
Distinctive Principles
The distinctive Principles are principles that have to be kept in mind when
building the different scenarios. To build scenarios, those are some characteristics
that must be taken into consideration.
Retrospective and Peripheral view 360º: Be aware that change can came
from different areas that are not directly related with the focal issue and the
industry, keeping in mind a 360º view
Outside-in thinking: Think outside the box and consider different wild
cards, trends, black elephants or even implications that can lead to key scenarios
Triangulation: Toolbox that allows to look at the future in different
Global, Holistic and Systemic Approach: Consider all the external factors
that might impact the scenario in order to have a global view of the environment
The Long Term and “the Long View”: Bear in mind a long-term perspective
when building the scenario, to not base the scenario only with behaviours that are
happening right now
• Provides guidance for strategic actions being taken today – not only what
to do, but how and when to do it.
• Provides useful information for actors whose decisions consider long-term
• Allows for decisions to be based on a wider societal debate and a greater
variety of knowledge sources.
• Allows for knowledge and ideas to flow more freely, enhancing innovation
and the capacity to design and manage non-routine events.
• Increases risk awareness and provides a basis for more effective
contingency planning and appropriate forms of resilience.
• May result in new decision-making processes in organisations.
Decision Tree
Similar to the flowsheets, the depicted decision tree
can be used to determine whether scenario thinking is an
appropriate tool for addressing your challenge or problem.
Through steps, there are key question that will be asked to
set the right scenario thinking, with different results for the
different answers.
Foresight Processes
The Foresight processes are characterized for 4 stages, mandatory to a
complete and assertive foresight. This processes are also called as the S4 Futures.
4. Strategy
4.1 Direction and Vision
• Implications of Foresighting / of the Scenarios (portfolio)
• Develop Strategic Options
• Direction and Appropriation
• Think in a Visionary Way
• Envision desired outcomes
• Preferred Futures
• Scenarios and Visions: “organizing the wish”
The goal is to clarify the possible futures of a system and its framework. It is
frequently applied to the analysis of macro questions.
Strategic Foresight
To be agile, we need to be seen change but, at the same time, we also need
resource fluidity to be able to reallocate resource.
→Agility relates not only with the ability to be fast, but also to make strategic
changes and reorientations in an appropriate timing.
To seize opportunities, you need strategic agility, and that consists of going
through this loop, making sense, making priorities, making it happen, and making
revisions consistently faster and better than your opponents. If you can do that,
the cumulative benefit of many small advantages can prove decisive.
Chapter 2
Environmental Scanning
→The environmental scanning is the systematic search for the forces of change in
the environment: phenomena that we observe in the external environment with
the potential to change the future. It is also common practice to use conceptual
frameworks to categorize the environment into different dimensions to facilitate
the scanning process.
Issue Life Cycle
Mapping a trend’s diffusion into public awareness from its starting point as
an emerging issue of change.
NOTE: The higher the number of variables to be considered, the higher the
level of uncertainty.
Key Terminologies
Drivers of Change: Drivers are any factors or forces not controlled by your
organization that can potentially influence a given strategic focus.
→The future will result from the interaction between Megatrends coming from
the past and shaping the future, Weak Signals or issues at an embryonic stage of
development, Wildcards that might surprise us in a positive or negative way, and
Structural Uncertainties that might take us not just for one but for a plurality of
possible futures.
Trends or Megatrends
Weak Signals
Weak signals are external or internal warnings that are too incomplete to
permit an accurate estimation of their impact, and/or to determine a complete
response. Weak Signals can have ambiguous interpretations because are open to
interpretation but are concrete events. (ex: the earthquakes that occurred before
the eruption in Canarias)
Regarding Weak Signals, they can be groups of recent events that don’t
happen often or can be characteristics.
When Weak Signals are identified as groups of recent events, they can
point towards directions not covered by the identified trends, they can point
towards an eventual of inversion of the identified trends or can point towards the
possibility of a wild cards.
→ Weak signals are emerging ideas, trends, technologies which hint at what the
future may hold.
Wild Cards
Wild cards are discontinuities, sudden events with a low probability, high
impact and a surprising character. (ex: COVID-19, Twin Towers disaster, tsunamis)
Black Elephants
Predetermined elements are those events that have already occurred (or
that almost certainly will occur) but whose consequences have not yet unfolded.
Predetermined elements of structure can also be identified as areas where
structure will change, but the change is largely predictable.
Chapter 2
Scenario Planning Approaches
NOTE: Scenarios can also be built by simply telling stories about the future based
on your critical uncertainties.
Key Uncertainties
In order to define the key uncertainties, there are 3 criteria that must be
considered to choose the key uncertainties: The 3 criteria are:
1. For each quadrant, choose a small set of “deep causes” that together create
the most compelling starting point for a scenario.
2. Inside each quadrant, describe how these “deep causes” relate to one
another (ex: by a sequence of systems diagrams, or by simply describing
some of the interaction effects between them)
Chapter 4
Implications of the Scenarios
Implications of the scenarios are the transition between the narrative and
the options. They represent the implications of each scenario, either in general or
for the strategic focus. When addressing to these implications, there are some
questions we must reflect on:
As for the suppliers’ perspective, there are some questions that must be
addressed. The questions are:
After analysing the external world, we must dive into the internal world. We
must analyse the firm’s current position, considering that different scenarios are
plausible in the long term.
When considering the options, there are some thoughts that must be
taken into consideration in order to analyse the company’s options. The questions
that must be considered are:
Strategic Responses
Scenarios and Internal Factors of Competitiveness
The Ansoff Matrix and Scenario planning are complementary tools. The
Ansoff Matrix might be used to identify alternative entry-market strategies, while
scenarios can be used to scan the environment and explore plausible and relevant
futures, identifying key market drivers, and then use the Ansoff Matrix to develop
and test product and market alternatives for each identified scenario.
This tool resembles a painter’s canvas (reformatted with the nine blocks)
which allows to paint pictures of new or existing business models. It is a hands-on
tool that fosters understanding, discussion, creativity, and analysis.
Business Model Canvas → Scenarios
Early Indicators
The last 3 main school represent Other Scenario Planning schools and
Porter 5 Forces
“Macro scenarios, despite their relevance, are too general to be sufficient
for developing strategy in a particular industry”- Michael Porter, 1985
The time period should reflect the time horizon of the most important
investment decisions.
*Subjective probabilities are difficult to put numbers on it, so that's why we often
talk about plausible uncertainties instead of using probabilities.
Trend Impact Analysis (TIA)
1. Define the events to be included in the study (between 10 and 40) → these
events are identified from literature search and interview key experts. After
the research, is gotten the Initial set, where from there you will clustering,
excluding and refining.
2. Estimate the initial probability of each event [either the probability of each
event is specified assuming that the other events have not occurred, or the
initial probabilities assume that the experts making the probability
judgements have in mind a view of the future that includes the set of events
and their likelihoods]
3. Estimate the conditional probabilities: “If event m occurs, what is the new
probability of event n?” → proceed to a cross-impact matrix ready for
sensitivity testing or policy analysis.
If a certain event occurs, what is going to happen and how it will affect other
scenarios? →The table provides the effect on the other events, if C occurs
La Prospective: Morphological Analysis
Fritz Zwicky proposed it in the 1960s for exploring all the possible solutions
to a multi-dimensional and non-quantifiable problem. The Morphological Analysis
eliminates incompatible combinations of factors and creates plausible
combinations of the key variables. With morphological analysis, we can see various
elements and dimensions in the system and develop raw scenarios for the future.
From each scenario, there will not occur structural changes because some
of them can be really similar or go in the same direction. Furthermore, it would be
difficult to develop all options
Once there too much scenarios to be developed, how can we diminishing the
1. Cluster them together, joint the ones that are similar
Ex: Names of the scenario: 1111, 1112, 2323 --> if you want to retain 1111,
you should take 2323 because probably you have already prepared, at least
in a similar way, to prepare scenario 1112
2. Evaluate the configurations that are not compatible and eliminate them
Ex: economic crash is not compatible with high public investment
Here for each of the 22 scenarios, a set of calculations will be done by the
software. Those are:
1 : CT – sum of common hypotheses with the rest of the scenario group (ex: the
sum of the number of configurations that the considered scenario has in common
with the other scenarios).
The Extreme World Method: This a Method for scenario building that results
in two extreme scenarios. These scenarios go beyond the normal optimistic and
pessimistic by allowing planners to better and more fully explore the effects of
extreme event interactions when there is a high degree of uncertainty about
future events. A third scenario can be detailed: an extrapolation of the present
often called the ‘status quo’ scenario.
1. Identify the issue of concern and the horizon year which will be captured in
the scenarios;
2. Identify predetermined trends that have some degree of impact on the
issue of concern;
3. Identify critical uncertainties, which when resolved (one way or the other)
have some degree of impact on the issue of concern;
4. Identify the degree to which the trends and resolved uncertainties have a
negative or positive impact on the issue of concern;
5. Create extreme worlds by putting all positively resolved uncertainties in one
scenario and all negatively resolved uncertainties in another scenario;
6. Add the predetermined trends to both scenarios;
7. Check for internal coherence. Could the trends and resolved uncertainties
coexist in a plausible future scenario?;
8. Add in the actions of individuals and/or organizations who will be impacted
by the future described in a scenario. What actions would they take/have
taken to satisfy their own interests?
Backcasting gives you a chance to look through the front windshield seeing
clearly the road ahead, as well as the tools to imagine the best possible destination
where you could arrive and thrive. Is a technique in which through the final goal
that you want to achieve, you can understand what are the scenarios and the
directions you can take to achieve the desirable goal or output.