BIADP - Technical Specifications - Volume 2
BIADP - Technical Specifications - Volume 2
BIADP - Technical Specifications - Volume 2
Masonry surfaces other than those listed above including those to be painted.
A grout lift is the layer of grout placed in a single continuous operation. A grout pour is the entire
height of grout fill placed in one day and is composed of a number of successively placed grout
Hollow concrete masonry units reinforced vertically and horizontally with steel bars located within
cells or kerfs in the units and with cells containing reinforcing bars filled solidly with grout.
a. Back-Up: That part of masonry walls which is behind the exterior facing.
b. Bed Joint: The horizontal layer of mortar on which a masonry unit is laid.
c. Head Joint: The vertical mortar joint between ends of masonry units. Sometimes
d. Kerf: A cut or notch made with a saw, or with a cutter, part way through a portion of a
e. Low Lift Grouting: The technique of grouting masonry in 0.20 to 1.8 meters lifts as the
wall is being laid.
Handle, store and protect masonry units to avoid chipping, breakage or contact with the soil. Keep
steel reinforcing bars free of rust and loose scale. Reject rusted steel reinforcing bars. Deliver
cement and lime in unbroken bags, barrels, or other sealed containers. Keep cementitious materials
dry. Store and handle cement to prevent the inclusion of foreign materials. Store aggregates in a
manner to avoid contamination or segregation. Plainly mark and label containers with the
manufacturer's names and brands.
b. Linear Drying Shrinkage: Not to exceed 0.065 percent when tested in accordance with
ASTM 426.
c. Kinds and Shapes: In addition to the requirements specified, concrete masonry units of the
various kinds shall conform to PNS 16, Type II for 150 mm thick(f’m = 7 MPa / 5 MPa)
and for 100 mm thick (f’m = 2.5 MPa). Include closer, jamb, lintel and bond beam units
and special shapes and sizes to complete the work as indicated.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 4 – Masonry
Section VI- Technical Specifications Reinforced Masonry (CHB)
Provide centering clips that prevent displacement of reinforcing bars during the course of
2.4.1 Admixtures
a. Admixtures: May be used in mortar or grout provided that the admixture does not
adversely affect bond or compressive strength of mortar or grout.
b. Prohibited Ingredients: Do not use air entraining compounds, calcium chloride salts or other
chemicals that will adversely affect metals or the coatings of metals embedded in the
mortar or grout.
ASTM C 144, except that not less than 3 percent nor more than 15 percent shall pass the No. 100
sieve. Aggregate used in mortar for joint 6 mm or less shall have 100 percent passing the No. 8 sieve
with 10 percent being retained on the No. 16 sieve.
b. Pea Gravel: ASTM C 404, except that 100 percent shall pass the 9 mm screen and not
more than 5 percent shall pass the No. 8 sieve.
b. Pulverized Quicklime: SAO 181 except 100 percent shall pass the No. 20 sieve and 90
percent shall pass the No. 50 sieve.
c. Lime Paste: Lime paste shall be made with pulverized quicklime or hydrated lime.
Hydrated lime processed by the steam method shall be allowed to soak not less than 24
hours. Quicklime and other hydrated lime shall be allowed to soak not less than 72 hours.
In lieu of hydrated lime paste for use in mortar, the hydrated lime may be added in the dry
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 4 – Masonry
Section VI- Technical Specifications Reinforced Masonry (CHB)
2.5.1 Proportions
Type M in accordance with the proportion specifications of ASTM C 270. The mortar shall have a
flow, after 11 minutes, of 75 percent or more when tested for water retention in accordance with
ASTM C 91 except mortar shall be mixed to an initial flow of 105 to 115 percent.
2.6.1 Proportions
Mix in laboratory established proportions to in a compressive strength at 28 days of not less than
13.80 MPa (2,000 psi) when tested in accordance with ASTM C 91 for fine aggregate and ASTM C
39 for grout containing coarse aggregate. Grout shall be classified as fine and low lift types as
specified below.
a. Fine Grout: Portland cement, fine aggregate, and sufficient water to obtain a pouring
consistency without segregation of the constituents. Slump shall be approximately 125
b. Low Lift Grout: Portland cement, lime paste or hydrated lime, fine aggregate and coarse
aggregate, and sufficient water to obtain a pouring consistency without segregation of the
constituents. Slump between 200 and 250 mm.
Prior to delivery of masonry units to the site, select by random sampling nine individual whole units
from the units proposed for use. Select units free from cracks or other structural defects. Test in
accordance with PNS 16.
3.1 Preparation
3.1.1 Protection
a. Forms and Shores: Where required, construct forms to the shapes, lines, and dimensions of
the members indicated. Construct forms sufficiently rigid to prevent deflections which
may result in cracking or other damage to supported masonry and sufficiently tight to
prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Do not remove supporting forms or shores until the
supported masonry has acquired sufficient strength to support its weight and construction
loads to which it may be subjected. In no case shall supporting forms or shores be removed
in less than 10 days. Wait at least 16 hours after grouting masonry walls after applying
uniform loads and wait an additional 48 hours before applying concentrated loads.
b. Wall Bracing: Brace walls against wind and other forces during construction. Allow
sufficient time between lifts to prevent cracking of face shells of hollow masonry units. If
blowouts, misalignment, or cracking of face-shells should occur during construction, tear
down and rebuild the wall at no additional cost to the Owner.
Clean laitance, dust, dirt, oil, organic matter or foreign materials from concrete surface upon which
reinforced masonry is to be placed. Use sandblasting, if necessary, to remove laitance
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 4 – Masonry
Section VI- Technical Specifications Reinforced Masonry (CHB)
Do not wet concrete masonry units. Do not lay units having a film of water on the surface.
Build in wall plugs, accessories, flashings pipe sleeves and other items required being built-in as the
masonry works progresses. Fill cells receiving anchor bolts and cells of the first course below
bearing plates with mortar or grout. Fill spaces around metal doorframes and other built-in items
with mortar. Point openings around flush-mounted electrical outlet boxes in wet locations, including
the flush joint above the box with mortar. Do not embed aluminum items.
3.2.3 Bond Beams and Lintels: Install bond units, reinforced as indicated, filled with grout. Install open
bottom type bond beam units over cells to be filled. Place wire mesh or small mesh metal lath under
open bond beam units if used over cells not to be filled.
3.2.4 Unfinished Work: Step back-unfinished work for joining with new work. Do not use toothing
without the written approval of the Owner's Representative. Remove loose mortar and thoroughly
clean the exposed joints before laying new work.
3.2.5 Placing Units: Lay hollow masonry units so as to preserve the vertical continuity of cells filled with
grout. The minimum clear horizontal dimensions of vertical cores shall be 50 mm by 75 mm.
Masonry bond units at corners. Anchor intersections by reinforcing bars as indicated. Adjust each
unit to its final position while mortar is still soft and plastic. If any unit is disturbed after mortar has
stiffened, remove and relay in fresh mortar. Keep chases, raked out joints, and spaces to be grouted,
free from mortar and other debris.
3.2.7 Cutting and Fitting: Wherever possible, use full units of the proper size in lieu of cut units. Use
power masonry saws for cutting and fitting. Concrete -masonry units shall be wet cut. Make cut
edges clean, true and sharp. Make openings carefully so that wall plates, cover plates or
escutcheons required by the installation will completely conceal the openings and will be aligned at
the bottom with the masonry joints. Cut webs of hollow masonry units to the minimum required for
proper installation. Provide reinforced masonry lintels, above openings over 300 mm wide for pipes,
ducts and cables trays unless steel sleeves are used.
3.2.8 Mortar Joints: Spread bed joints with mortar for the full thickness of the face shells. Where only
cells containing reinforcement are to be grouted, spread cross webs around such cell with mortar to
prevent leakage of grout. Butter head joints for full thickness of the face shell and place the units.
Avoid fins of mortar that protrude into cells to be grouted.
3.2.9 Jointing: Tool joints when the mortar is thumbprint hard. Tool horizontal joints first. Brush joints to
remove loose and excess mortar. Mortar joints shall be finished as follows:
a. Flush Joints: Flush cut joints in concealed masonry surfaces and joints above electrical
outlet boxes in wet areas. Make flush cut joints by cutting off the mortar flush with the
face of the wall.
b. Tooled Joints: Tool joints in exposed exterior and interior masonry surfaces slightly
concave. Use a jointer of sufficient length to obtain a straight and true mortar joints.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 4 – Masonry
Section VI- Technical Specifications Reinforced Masonry (CHB)
Prior to placing grout, clean, reinforcement of loose, flaky rust, scale, grease, mortar, grout, or other
coating which might destroy or reduce its bond with the grout. Details of reinforcement shall be in
conformance with ACI 315. Do not bend or straighten reinforcing in a manner injurious to the steel.
Do not use bars with kinks or bends not shown on the drawings. Placement of reinforcement shall
be inspected and approved prior to placing grout.
3.3.1 Positioning Bars: Position vertical bars accurately at the centerline of the wall. Maintain a minimum
clearance between the bars and masonry units of 12 mm and between parallel bars of one diameter
of the reinforcement. Hold vertical reinforcing in place using metal support, centering clips,
spacers, ties or caging devices located near the ends of each bar and at intermediate intervals of not
more than 192 diameters of the reinforcement.
3.3.2 Splices: Locate splices only as indicated. Stagger splices in adjacent bars at least 600 mm. Lap
bars a minimum of 40 diameters of the reinforcement or 600 mm, whichever is greater. Welded or
mechanical connections shall develop the full strength of the reinforcement.
Use a hand bucket, concrete hopper or grout pump. Place grout in final position within 1-½ hours
after mixing. Where grouting is discontinued for more than one hour, stop the grout 25- mm below
the top of a course to form a key at pour points. Place grout to completely fill the grout spaces
without segregation of the aggregates.
Place grout as masonry is erected at a rate that will not cause displacement of the masonry due to
hydrostatic pressure of the grout. If mortar has been allowed to set prior to grouting, remove fins
protruding more than 12 mm into the grout space. Rod or puddle grout during placement using a
long 25-mm by 50-mm wood stick or a mechanical vibrator.
3.5 Tolerance
Lay masonry plumb, true to line, with course level. Keep bond patterns plumb throughout.
3.6.1 Grout
Employ a qualified testing laboratory to proportion and test grout. Do not change laboratory
established proportions or use materials with different physical or chemical characteristics in grout
for the work unless additional evidence is furnished that the grout meets the specified requirements.
3.7 Cleaning
After mortar joints have attained their initial set but prior to hardening, completely remove mortar
and grout daubs or splashing from exposed masonry surfaces. Before completion of the work, make
out defects in joints in exposed masonry surfaces fill with mortar and tool to match existing joints.
Immediately after grout work is completed remove scum and stains which have percolated through
the masonry using a high pressure steam of water and a stiff fiber bristled brush. Do not use metal
tools or metal brushes for cleaning. Dry brush exposed concrete masonry unit surfaces at the end of
work each day.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 4 – Masonry
Section VI- Technical Specifications Reinforced Masonry (CHB)
The quantity to be paid for shall be the number of square meters of reinforced concrete masonry
completed in place and accepted. Projections extending beyond the faces of the walls shall not be
included. In computing the quantity of payment, the dimensions used shall be those shown on the
Plans. No deductions shall be made for weepholes, drainpipes or other openings of less than one
square meter in area.
The quantity of masonry, determined as provided in the Methods of Measurement, shall be paid for
at the contract unit price per square meter of masonry, which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including mortar for masonry, for all
necessary excavations, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals to complete the work
prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 5 –
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Unless specified, all
publications below shall be of the latest edition.
36 Structural Steel
A 53 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc Coated Welded and Seamless A
A 307 Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength A
SSPC SP1 Surface Preparation Specification No. 1, Solvent Cleaning SSPC SP3
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals
The work includes the fabrication, erection, and shop painting of structural steel in accordance with
the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction" referred to herein. In the AISC "Manual of Steel
Construction" referred to herein, the Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of
Structural Steel for Buildings," and the "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and
Bridges", and “structural Joints using A325 or A490 Bolts” shall be considered a part thereto.
1.3 Submittals
1.3.1 Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of all structural steel in 5 copies for approval prior to
fabrication of structural steel. Include complete information necessary for the fabrication and
erection of the component parts of the structure including the location, type and size of all bolts and
welds, members sizes and length, camber & connector details, blocks, copes, and cuts. Include all
welds by standard welding symbols of the AWS.
1.3.2 Erection Plan: Submit descriptive data to illustrate the structural steel erection procedure including
the sequence of erection and temporary shoring and bracing, and written description of the detailed
sequence of all welding, including each welding procedure to be performed.
a. Steel
b. Bolts, Nuts and Washers
c. Welding Electrodes and Rods
d. Shop Painting Materials
e. Nonshrink Grout
1.3.4 Certified Test Reports:
a. Structural Steel: Chemical analysis and tensile strength test required by ASTM A36.
b. High Strength Bolts and Nuts: Chemical analysis, tensile strength and hardness test
required by ASTM A325.
c. Anchor Bolts: Chemical Analysis Tensile Strength and Hardness Test required by ASTM
A 307.
Handle, ship, and store material in a manner that will prevent distortion or other damage. Store
material in a clean, properly drained location out of contact with the ground. Replace all damaged
material with new material or repair damaged material in an approved manner at no additional cost
to the owner.
2.1 Steel
2.1.2 Steel Pipe: Shall conform to ASTM A 53, Type E or S, Grade B, ASTM A 501.
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals
2.2.1 High Strength bolts for structural steel joints shall conform to ASTM A 325.
2.2.3 Nuts: ASTM A 563, Grade A, heavy hex style, except nuts under 38 mm may be provided in hex
style or equal.
2.3 Accessories
2.3.1 Welding Electrodes and Rods: Steel structural members (built up columns, built up beams, beam to
beam, beam to column, and base plate connections, trusses) shall use E70XX electrodes.
3.1 Fabrication: Fabricate in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Specification for the
Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings as set forth in Part 5 of the AISC
"Manual of Steel Construction".
3.1.1 Welding of Structural Steelwork: Provide AWS D1.1 qualified welders, welding operators and
3.1.2 Shop Painting: Except as otherwise specified, shop paint surfaces of all structural steel, except steel
to be embedded in concrete or mortar and bearing surfaces. Surfaces to be welded shall not be
coated within 12 mm from the specified top of the weld prior to welding (except surfaces on which
sheer studs are to be welded. Do not apply paint to steel which is at a temperature that will cause
blistering or porosity or will otherwise be detrimental to the life of the paint. Apply paint in a
workmanlike manner, and coat all joints and crevices thoroughly. Prior to assembly, paint all
surfaces which will be concealed or inaccessible after assembly.
a. Cleaning: Wash clean surfaces which become contaminated with rust, dirt, oil, grease or
other contaminants with solvents until thoroughly clean. Insure that steel to be embedded
in concrete and surfaces when assembled, are free from rust, grease, dirt and other foreign
b. Priming: Shop prime coat surfaces as soon as possible after cleaning. Apply two coats of
epoxy red lead primer to a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils.
3.1.3 Field Painting: When the erection work is complete, the heads of field bolts, all welds and any
surface from which the shop coat of paint has become worn off or has otherwise become defective,
shall be cleaned and thoroughly covered with two coats of shop coat paint. When the paint applied
for touching up bolt heads and abraded surfaces has become thoroughly dry, apply two field coats
of finishing paint to a minimum dry film thickness of 2.0 mils.
3.1.4 Marking: Prior to erection, members shall be provided with a painted erection mark. In addition,
connecting parts assembled in the shop for remaining holes in field connections shall be matched
marked with scratch and notch marks. Do not locate erection markings on areas to be welded. Do
not locate match markings in areas that will decrease member strength or cause stress
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 5 –
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals
3.2 Erection
Except as modified herein, erect steel in accordance with the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction".
Where parts cannot be assembled or fitted properly as a result of errors in fabrication or of
deformation due to handling or transportation, report such condition immediately to the Owner's
Representative and obtain approval therefrom for the methods of correction before proceeding with
marking any corrections. Do not heat-treat parts for straightening. Drain steel work properly; fill
pockets in structures exposed to the weather with an approved waterproof material. Provide safety
belts and lines for workmen aloft on high structures unless safe working platforms or safety nets are
provided. When calibrated wrenches are used for tightening bolts, calibrate them at least once each
working day using not less than three typical bolts of each diameter. Do not use impact torque
wrenches to tighten anchor bolts set in concrete.
3.2.1 Connections: Connections not detailed shall be designed in accordance with AISC “Manual of
Steel Construction”. Build connections into existing work. Punch, subpunch and ream, or drill bolt
3.2.2 Base Plates and Bearing Plates: After final positioning of steel members, provide full bearing under
plates using nonshrink grout. Place nonshrink grout in accordance with the manufacturer’s
3.2.3 Tolerances: In accordance with the "Code of Standard Practice” of the AISC "Manual of Steel
3.2.4 Temporary Welds and Run-Off Plates and Backing Strips: Need not be removed.
3.3.1 Visual Inspection of Welding: After the welding is completed, hand or power wire brush welds, and
thoroughly clean them before the inspector makes the check inspection. Inspect welds with
magnifiers under strong, adequate light for surface cracking, porosity, and slag inclusions; excessive
roughness; unfilled craters; gas pockets; undercuts; overlaps; size and insufficient throat and
concavity. Inspect the preparation of groove welds for adequate throat opening and for snug
positioning of backup bars.
3.3.2. Nondestructive Testing: AWS D1.1. Twenty five percent of the total number of joints as selected by
the Owner's Representative shall be tested. If more than 20 percent of welds contain defects
identified by testing, then all welds shall be tested by radiographic or ultrasonic testing, as approved
by the Owner's Representative. When all welds made are required to be tested, magnetic particle
testing shall be used only in areas inaccessible to either radiographic or ultrasonic testing. Retest
defective areas after repair.
The quantity of structural metal framing to be paid for shall be the number of kilograms complete in
place and accepted.
The quantities, measured as prescribed in the Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for the several Pay Items which price and payments shall be full compensation
for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, transporting, placing and erecting all structural steel and all
other materials for the complete structure; for all shop work, painting and field work; for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Section. Such
payment shall constitute full payment for the completed structure ready for use, and no allowance
shall be made for cofferdam construction, false
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals
work, or other erection expenses that shall be needed for the correction of misfits and errors in the
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals Steel
The Publication listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. Unless specified, all
publications below shall be of the latest edition.
No. 26 Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks and Roof Decks
1.2.1 Manufacturer's Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data for floor deck and accessories. Include
decking design calculations, or applicable published literature covering the specific type of
construction required by this project.
1.2.2 Certificate of Conformance: Submit manufacturer's certification that design of floor decks meets
the requirements of SDI and AISI.
1.2.3 Shop Drawings: Show a large-scale, cross-sectional detail of decking, various connections, and
bearing on supports, methods of welding, attachment of accessories, adjusting plate details, floor
layouts, placement directions, structural properties including composite section properties, and
other pertinent details.
1.2.4 Samples:
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 5 –
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals Steel
1.2.5 Welder Certification: Including a report of welder qualification procedure. Provide qualification of
welders and duration of qualification period in accordance with AWS D1.3.
Do not damage or overload decking and accessories during delivery, storage, or handling. Do not
use decking for storage or as a working platform until units have been welded into position. Stack
decking on platforms or pallets and cover with weather-tight ventilated covering. Elevate one end
during storage to provide for drainage.
Provide products of a manufacturer that is regularly engaged in production of steel deck units and
2.1.1 Steel Floor Decks: Cold formed section manufactured from hot-dipped zinc galvanizing steel, 1.2
mm thickness, in accordance with ASTM A 446. Base steel shall have a minimum yield stress of
550 MPa (80,000 psi) and minimum coating of 275 grams per square meter. The panel shall have a
unit width of 995 mm at equal centers and ribs formed to a depth of 50 mm.
2.1.2 Accessories
Prior to installation of decking units and accessories, inspect work-site to verify that the as-built
structure will permit the indicated field installation of decking system without modification.
Install steel deck units in accordance with approved shop drawings. Place units on structural
supports, properly adjusted, leveled, and aligned at right angles to supports. Report inaccuracies in
alignment or leveling to the Owner's Representative and make necessary corrections before deck
units are permanently anchored. Locate end laps over supports only, with minimum lap of 50 mm.
Do not use unanchored deck units as a work or storage platform. Permanently anchor all units
placed by the end of each working day.
After placement and alignment, and after inaccuracies have been corrected, permanently fasten steel
deck units in place by welding, or with self-drilling screws or powder-actuated fasteners. Use
methods as recommended by the Steel Deck Institute, subject to approval. Length of side and end
laps of deck and intervals of fastening shall be as recommended by the steel deck manufacturer.
Clamp or weight deck units to provide firm contact between deck units and structural supports
while welding of fastening is being performed.
a. Welding: Perform welding in accordance with AWS D1.3 using methods and electrodes
recommended by the manufacturers of the base metal alloys being used. Only operators
previously qualified by test prescribed in AWS D1.3 to perform the type of work required
shall make Welds. Location, size and spacing of welds shall be
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals Steel
in accordance with the Steel Deck Institute recommendations and as shown on the shop
drawings. Clean welds immediately by chipping and wire brushing.
b. Fasteners: Provide powder actuated or screwed fasteners for anchoring the deck to
structural supports and adjoining units. Provide positive locking-type fasteners standard
with the Steel Deck Institute and the manufacturer, as approved by the Owner's
3.2.2 Openings: Reinforce decks or frames openings as necessary for rigidity and load carrying capacity.
Neatly cut or drill holes or other openings required for work of other trades. The deck manufacturer
shall approve holes or openings larger than 150 mm in diameter prior to drilling or cutting.
3.2.3 Accessories
Prior to placement of concrete, inspect the installed decking to ensure that there has been no
permanent deflection or other damage to the decking. Decking which has been damaged or
permanently deflected shall be replaced as approved by the Owner's Representative. Concrete fill
over metal deck is specified in Section entitled, "Cast-In-Place Concrete."
The area to be paid for shall be the number of square meter of metal deck measured, completed in
place and accepted.
The quantities, measured as prescribed in the Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price per square meter of Metal Deck which price and payments shall be full
compensation for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, transporting, placing and erecting all structural
steel and all other materials for the complete structure; for all shop work, painting and field work;
for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this
Section. Such payment shall constitute full payment for the completed structure ready for use, and
no allowance shall be made for false work, or other erection expenses that shall be needed for the
correction of misfits and errors in the fabrication.
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals
Furnish materials and equipment and perform all work necessary to complete: All
a. Shop Drawings: Submit detailed shop drawings for approval prior to ordering
materials or fabrication. Show complete information concerning fabrication
installation, insert location, joint details, fastenings and other information requested
by the Engineer. Shop drawings shall be submitted in accordance with the
requirements of the General Conditions.
Minor variation in details for the purpose of improving fabrication and installation
procedures, but not affecting the exterior design concept or structural stability will be
given consideration if submitted.
Obtain measurements for all work required to be accurately fitted at the job and not from the
drawings. The Contractor will be responsible for the accuracy of all such measurements and
the precise fitting and assembly of the finish products. Coordinate the work with that of all
other trades to prevent interference. Verify conditions at the job before fabrication.
a. Make all works well formed to shape and size shown and assemble as detailed.
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals
All items shall be of the materials, design, shape, sizes and thickness shown or called
for on the drawings and herein specified. Methods of fabrication and assembly
however, unless otherwise specifically stated, shall be of first quality craftsmanship
and at the discretion of the Contractors whose responsibility shall be to guarantee
satisfactory performance as herein specified.
b. Cut, shear and punch to produce clean, true lines and surfaces with burrs removed.
d. Provide all work proper clearances. Fabricate and install in a manner to provide for
expansion and contraction but will insure rigidity and provide close fitting of sections.
f. Provide a protective clear coating which is resistant to alkaline, mortar and plaster to
be applied to aluminum sections after fabrication.
The quantity to be paid for shall be the number of set of specified item actually completed and
The quantities determined as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract price
per unit of measurement, respectively, for each of the particular Pay Item listed on the Bill of
Quantities, which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescribed in this Item.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 5 –
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals Handrails, Railings and
This specification covers the furnishing of materials and labor including equipment necessary to
complete the installation of handrails, railings and guardrails as shown on the drawings and as
specified herein.
Manufacturer’s technical data for products and processed used in handrails, railing, guardrails
system, including finishes and grout.
Show details of fabrication and installation for each type and material of handrail, railing, and
guardrails required including plans, elevations, sections, profiles of rails, fittings, connections, and
1.2.3 Samples
Prepare samples of each type of metal handrails & railings stainless steel hairline finish and
automotive paint finish as required on GIP metal. Where finish involves normal color and texture
variations, include sample sets composed of two or more units showing limits of such variations
expected in completed works.
a. Include 6” long samples of each distinctly different railing member including guardrails,
handrails, top rails, posts, and balusters. Include samples of fittings and brackets if
requested by Architect.
Obtain handrails, guardrail and railing systems of each type and material from a single
1.4.1 Store handrails, guardrail and railing systems in clean, dry location, away from uncured concrete
and masonry, protected against damage of any kind. Cover with waterproof paper, tarpaulin, or
polyethylene sheeting; allow for air circulation inside the covering.
2.1.1 General
Comply with standards indicated for forms and types of metals indicated or required for handrail
and railing system components.
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Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals Handrails, Railings and
d. Steel Railings: refer to plans for the required dimension of various types of stainless steel
railings and location.
Fastenings: commercial types, except where special types are shown or required. Fastenings for all
exterior work shall be non-ferrous, unless otherwise shown. Fastenings for steel and aluminum and
for all other interior work, where exposed, shall match the fastened metal.
c. Fasteners
Use fasteners of same basic metal as the fastened metal, unless otherwise indicated. Do not
use metals that are corrosive or incompatible with materials joined.
2. Provide Philips flat head machine screws for exposed fasteners, unless otherwise
2.3.1 General
Fabricate handrails and railing systems to design, dimensions and details shown. Provide handrail
and railing members in sizes and profiles indicated, with supporting posts and brackets or size and
spacing shown, but not less than required to comply with requirements indicated for structural
Pre-assemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly.
Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for
reassembly and coordinated installation.
Fabricate handrails, guardrail and railing systems of materials indicated below for interconnections
of members of welding. Use welding method, which is appropriate for metal and finish, indicated
and develops strength required to comply with structural
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 5 –
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals Handrails, Railings and
performance criteria. Finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth, flush, and blended to match
adjoining surfaces.
2.3.4 Form changes in direction of railing members by bending members by metering, or as indicated on
the drawing, as approved by the Architect.
2.3.5 Furnish inserts and other anchorage devices for connecting handrails, guarail and railing systems to
concrete or masonry work. Fabricate anchorage devices, which are capable of withstanding loading
imposed by handrails, guardrails and railing systems. Coordinate anchorage devices with
supporting structure.
a. For railing, and guardrail posts set in concrete provide pre-chiseled openings and insert
posts as indicated on drawings. Fill opening with non-shrink, non-metallic grout.
Comply with NAAMM “Metal Finishes Manual” for recommendations and designations of
finishes, except as otherwise indicated.
b. Field Measurements
b. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installation of handrails, guardrail and
railing systems. Set work accurately in location, alignment, and elevation, plumb, level,
true, and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels.
c. Field Welding
Comply with applicable AWS specification for procedures of manual shielded metal-arc
welding, for appearance and quality of welds made, and for methods used in correcting
welding work. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints, but cannot be
shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Grind exposed welded joints smooth and
restore finish to match finish of adjacent rail surfaces.
d. Prior to anchoring, adjust handrails and railing systems to ensure matching alignment at
abutting joints. Space posts at interval indicated but not less than that required by design
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 5 –
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metals Handrails, Railings and
a. Welded Connections: Use fully welded joints for permanently connecting railing
components by welding. Cope or butt components to provide 100 percent contact or use
manufacturer’s standard fittings designed for this purpose.
a. Anchor railing ends to metal surfaces with manufacturer’s standard fittings using
concealed fasteners, unless otherwise indicated.
b. Anchor Railing Ends to Concrete or Masonry, use drilled-in expansion shields and
concealed hanger bolts, unless otherwise indicated.
a. Protect finishes of railing, handrails and guardrails system from damage during
construction period by use of temporary protective coverings approved by railing
manufacturer. Remove protective covering at time of Substantial Completion.
b. Restore finishes damaged during installation and construction period so that no evidence
remains of correction work. Return items which cannot be refinished in the field to the
shop; make required alterations and refinish entire unit, or provide new units as required.
The quantity to be paid for shall be the number of linear meters of specified railing actually
completed and accepted.
The quantities determined as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
price per unit of measurement, respectively, for each of the particular Pay Item listed below and
shown on the Bill of Quantities, which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this Item.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 6 – Wood and Plastics
Section VI- Technical Specifications Finish Carpentry
This specification covers the supply and furnishing of materials including equipment and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of all finish carpentry works as shown on
drawings and specified herein.
Show all prefabricated millwork. Include details and erection data associated with the work of
other trades; materials and species; arrangements; profiles of moldings; thickness; sizes of parts;
construction; fastenings; and clearances.
Submit certificates from the grading agency on graded but unmarked lumber of plywood attesting
that materials meet the grade requirements specified herein.
1.2.3 Samples:
Deliver lumber, plywood, trim, and mill work to the jobsite in an undamaged condition. Stack
materials to ensure ventilation and drainage and protect against dampness before and after delivery.
Store materials under cover in a well-ventilated enclosure and protect against extreme changes in
temperature and humidity. Do not store products in the building until wet trade materials are dry.
1.4.1 Lumber
The trademark of a recognized association shall identify each piece or each bundle of lumber,
millwork, and trim.
1.4.2 Plywood
Each sheet of plywood shall bear the mark of a recognized association or independent inspection
agency that maintains continuing control over the quality of the plywood. The mark shall identify
the plywood by species group or span rating, and shall show exposure durability classification,
grade, and compliance with PTS 631-02.
Yard and board lumber sizes shall conform to PTS 20. Provide shaped lumber and millwork in the
patterns indicated and standard patterns of the association covering the species. Size references,
unless otherwise specified, are nominal sizes, and actual sizes shall be within manufacturing
tolerances allowed by the applicable standard.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 6 – Wood and Plastics
Section VI- Technical Specifications Finish Carpentry
Air-dry or kiln-dry lumber. Kiln-dry treated lumber after treatment. The maximum moisture content
of wood products at time of delivery to the job site shall be 17 percent.
b. Clear shall be sound lumber and free or fot, unsound knots, shake, splits, dry-rot or other
defects impairing the strength of the piece.
Expansion Shield shall be of high quality, heavy duty, with size, group, type, class, and style best
suited for the purpose. Shield shall be accurately recessed and shall be not less than 63 mm into
concrete or masonry.
a. Nails and Staples shall be of best quality with type and size best suited for the purpose.
Nails may be of the annular ring or the screw type, with mechanically deformed shanks.
b. Lumber for interior millwork, shelves, wardrobes, wood base, finish and trim shall be
Tanguile, grade “Clear”.
High pressure laminate shall meet minimum standards for decorative laminate by National
Electric Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) Publication No. LD3. The sheets shall be
not less than 1.6 mm (1/16”) thick, color as selected from manufacturer’s standard. The
sheets shall be furnished in units as large as practicable, ready for bonding with backing
material. Adhesive for bonding with backing material shall be as specified herein.
e. Adhesives:
For Interior Millwork and Woodwork: Shall be of best quality, water and mold resistant.
a. Requirements: Lumber and woodwork shall be covered and protected from the elements
until used. All lumber shall be surfaced-four side. All materials for millwork shall be
kiln-dried. Where practicable, shop assembles and finishes items of built-up millwork.
Material shall show no warp after installation. Fasten finish work with finish nails.
Provide blind nailing where practicable. Set face nails for putty stopping. All lumber
surfaces in contract with concrete and masonry shall receive one brush coat of
bituminous paint.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 6 – Wood and Plastics
Section VI- Technical Specifications Finish Carpentry
Single check-in counter and ticketing counter shall be measured by will be measured by the number
of set installed and accepted.
The quantities determined as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
price per unit of measurement, respectively, for each of the particular Pay Item listed below and
shown on the Bill of Quantities, which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this Item.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specification Dampproofing
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment, and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of dampproofing as shown on plans and
specified herein.
1.2 Submittals:
Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance attesting that dampproofing materials are physically and
chemically compatible with each other.
Includes material description and physical properties, application details, and recommendations
regarding shelf life, application procedures, and precautions on flammability and toxicity.
1.2.3 Samples
Vapour Barrier: 1 layer at 6 mils (0.006") polyethylene thick layer. For slab on grade of the
building interior.
Coordinate the work with that of other trades to assure that components to be incorporated into the
dampproofing system are available when needed. Inspect and approve surfaces immediately before
the application of the dampproofing materials.
Over the 100mm thick gravel bed carefully cover it with the polyethelene sheet.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specification Dampproofing
Perform the work so that protection board is installed prior to using the waterproofed surface. Do
not permanently install protection board until the membrane has passed the flood test specified
under “Field Tests”. Move material storage areas as work progresses to prevent abuse of the
membrane and overloading the structural deck.
Dampproofing shall be measured by actual area installed in square meters and accepted to the
satisfaction of the Architect.
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract unit
price per square meter of Dampproofing which price and payment shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Elastomeric Waterproofing System, Fluid-Applied
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment, and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of fluid applied elastomeric waterproofing
system for escalator and elevator pits and as shown on plans and specified herein.
Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance attesting that fluid membrane materials are physically
and chemically compatible with each other.
Includes material description and physical properties, application details, and recommendations
regarding shelf life, application procedures, and precautions on flammability and toxicity. Submit
b. Elastomeric sheets
1.2.3 Samples
Apply materials when there is no surface moisture, or visible dampness on the substrate surface.
Ensure the air temperature remains above the temperature recommended by the manufacturer.
Moisture test for substrate is specified under Item 3.4, “Field Tests”. Work may be performed within
heated enclosures, provided the surface temperature of the substrate is maintained at a minimum
temperature recommended by the manufacturer, for 24 hours prior to the application of the
waterproofing, and remains above that the temperature during the cure period recommended by the
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Elastomeric Waterproofing System, Fluid-Applied
conference to ensure a clear understanding of drawings and specifications. Give the Owner 7 days
advance written notice of the time and place of meeting. The contractor, mechanical and electrical
sub-contractor, flashing sheets metal sub-contractor, and other trades that may do other types of
work on or over the membrane after installation shall attend this conference.
Primers, unless specifically prohibited by the manufacturer of the fluid-applied membrane, are
required and shall be as recommended by the fluid-applied membrane.
Bond breaker shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the fluid-applied membrane. The
bond breaker shall not interfere with the curing process or other performance properties of the fluid-
applied membrane.
Coordinate the work with that of other trades to assure that components to be incorporated into the
waterproofing system are available when needed. Inspect and approve surfaces immediately before
the application of the waterproofing materials. Free concrete surfaces of laitance, loose aggregate,
sharp projections, grease, oil, dirt, curing compounds, and other contaminants that could adversely
affect the complete bonding of the fluid-applied membrane to the concrete surface.
3.1.1 Flashings
Do not begin application until penetrations through the structural slab are in place, and until
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Elastomeric Waterproofing System, Fluid-Applied
sleeves are placed through the slab and are made watertight. Drains
Drain flanges shall be flush with the surface of the structural slab. Apply a full elastomeric sheet
around the drain, with edges fully adhered to the drain flange and to the structural slab. Do not
adhere the elastomeric sheet over the joint between the drain and the concrete slab. Take care not to
plug any drainage of weep holes. Cover the elastomeric sheet with fluid- applied waterproofing
during waterproofing application. The elastomeric sheet shall be adhered a minimum of 100 mm
(4”) into the horizontal deck. Cover this portion of the elastomeric during waterproofing
Flash penetrations and projections, including vents and service pipes, through the structural slab
with an elastomeric sheet adhered to the concrete slab and the penetration. Leave the elastomeric
sheet unadhered for 25 mm (1”) over the joint between the penetration and the concrete slab. The
elastomeric sheet shall be adhered a minimum of 100 mm (4”) onto the horizontal deck. Cover the
elastomeric sheet with fluid-applied waterproofing during the waterproofing application.
Flash wall intersections which are not of monolithic pour or constructed with reinforced concrete
joints with an elastomeric sheet adhered to both the vertical wall surface and the concrete slab.
Intersections that are monolithic pour or constructed with reinforced concrete joints with an
elastomeric sheet adhered to both the vertical wall surface and the concrete slab can be flashed with
a vertical grade of fluid-applied waterproofing membrane. Leave the sheet unadhered for a distance
of 300 mm (12”) from the corner on both the vertical and horizontal surfaces. Cover the elastomeric
sheet with fluid-applied waterproofing during waterproofing application.
Prepare visible cracks and joints in the substrate to receive application of the waterproofing
membrane by separating these joints from the waterproofing membrane by placing bond breaker
and an elastomeric slip between the membrane and the substrate. Cracks that show movement shall
receive a 50 mm (2”) bond breaker followed by an elastomeric sheet adhered to the deck.
Nonmoving cracks shall be double coated with the fluid-applied waterproofing.
3.1.3 Priming
Prime surfaces to receive the fluid-applied waterproofing membrane. Apply the primer as required
by the membrane manufacturer’s printed instructions.
Protect components during transport and application of waterproofing materials. Do not dilute
primers and other materials, unless specifically recommended by the materials manufacturer. Keep
containers closed except when removing the contents. Do not allow contact of various materials
through mixing of remains and dual use of application equipment for mixing and transporting
materials. Do not permit equipment on the project site that has residue of materials on previous
projects. Use cleaners for cleaning, not for thinning primers of membrane materials. Ensure that
workers and other who walk on the cured membrane wear clean, soft-soled shoes to avoid
damaging the waterproofing materials.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Elastomeric Waterproofing System, Fluid-Applied
Over the primed surfaces, provide a uniform, monolithic coating of fluid-applied membrane, 60
mils thick, plus or minus 5 mils thick, by following the manufacturer’s printed instructions. Apply
material by trowel, squeegee, roller, brush, spray apparatus, or other method acceptable to the
membrane manufacturer. Check wet film thickness as specified under Item 3.4, “Field Tests”, and
adjust application rate as necessary to provide a uniform coating of the thickness specified. Where
possible, mark off the surface to be coated in even units to facilitate proper coverage. At expansion
joints, control joints, prepared cracks, and termination, carry the membrane over the preformed
elastomeric sheet in a uniform 60 mils thick, plus or minus 5 mils, wet thickness to provide a
monolithic coating. When work has stopped long enough for the membrane to cure, begin the next
application by wiping the previously applied materials with a solvent so that accumulated dirt and
dust, which could inhibit adhesion of the overlapping membrane coat, is removed. Use solvent
recommended by the membrane manufacturer, as approved.
Perform the work so that protection board is installed prior to using the waterproofed surface. Do
not permanently install protection board until the membrane has passed the flood test specified
under Item 3.4, “Field Tests”. Move material storage areas as work progresses to prevent abuse of
the membrane and overloading the structural deck.
Protect the fluid-applied membrane by placing protection board over the membrane. Timing of
placement shall fall within the parameters established by the fluid-applied membrane manufacturer.
Protect membrane application if the protection board is not placed immediately. Butt protection
boards together and do not overlap.
Prior to application of the waterproofing, check moisture content of substrate with moisture meter.
An acceptable device is the Delmhorst Moisture Meter, Model BD7/2E/CS, Type 21
E. Similar meters by other manufacturers, which are suitable for the purpose, may be used as
approved. Do not begin application until the meter reading indicates “dry” range or similar reading
indicating that substrate is suitably dry.
Check wet film thickness every 10 square meters during application by placing flat metal plates on
the substrate or using a mil-thickness gauge especially manufactured for the purpose.
After application and curing is complete, plug drains and fill the waterproofed area with water to a
depth of 50 mm (2”). A minimum 48-hour cure time shall be required prior to flood testing in order
to ensure full cure of the membrane and adhesive prior to subjecting them to full flood test of water.
Allow water to stand 24 hours. Test water tightness by carefully measuring the water level at the
beginning and end of the 24-hour period. In the event that the water level falls drain the water,
allow the installation to dry, and inspect. Make repairs or replace as required and repeat the test.
Work shall not proceed before approval of repairs of replacement.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Elastomeric Waterproofing System, Fluid-Applied
Elastomeric waterproofing shall be measured by actual area in square meter installed and accepted.
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract unit
price for Elastomeric Waterproofing which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, including labor, equipment, tools and incidentals, necessary to
complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Elastomeric Acrylic Waterproofing System
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment, and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of elastomeric acrylic waterproofing system
applied as coating for roof, as shown on plans and specified herein.
Includes material description and physical properties, application details, and recommendations
regarding shelf life, application procedures, and precautions on flammability and toxicity.
1.2.3 Samples
Apply materials when there is no surface moisture, or visible dampness on the substrate surface.
Ensure the air temperature remains above the temperature recommended by the manufacturer.
Moisture test for substrate is specified under Item 3.4, “Field Tests”. Work may be performed within
heated enclosures, provided the surface temperature of the substrate is maintained at a minimum
temperature recommended by the manufacturer, for 24 hours prior to the application of the
waterproofing, and remains above that the temperature during the cure period recommended by the
This waterproofing is made of water-based acrylic resin system which is filled with minute heat
shield cells which act as a thermally resistant blanket covering the whole treated
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Elastomeric Acrylic Waterproofing System
structure. When applied, the Ultraviolet and heat rays are reflected and emitted from the surface,
reducing the thermal conductivity between the substrate and the coating. Hence, roof surfaces
treated with elastomeric acrylic membrane can experience interior temperature reduction up to 10
degree Celsius. This roof coat also has excellent dirt pick-up resistance and is able to retain
elasticity even after aging.
All surfaces must be clean & free from laitance, dust, dirt, oil & grease. Surfaces should be power
washed prior to coating without damaging the roof or cause leaks. Clean the area & apply primer to
the unpainted surfaces. Let the primer dry thoroughly before applying the color coat. For painted
surfaces, it is required to remove all flakes paints & apply one coat of primer.
3.2 Application
Elastomeric acrylic membrane can be applied by roller, brush or airless spray & should be applied
on touch dry between coats.
a. For roller, use a roller to larger areas & use the largest one that fits in the areas to be
b. For brush, use on small or narrow areas & cross brush 3 coats or as per manufacturer’s
instruction for adequate protection.
c. For airless spray, tip orifice: 0.031”/ atomizing pressure: 2200-2500 psi. For Pump : 3 liters
per minute at 2500 psi prime pump with water before using elastomeric acrylic
membrane coating. Filter: Remove filters & screens.
d. Cleaning Equipment
Clean equipment with soapy water followed by rinsing with clean water. Flush mineral
spirits through spray equipment to prevent rust.
e. Curing
Elastomeric acrylic waterproofing shall be measured by actual area in square meter installed and
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
unit price for Elastomeric Acrylic Waterproofing which price and payment shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals, necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Polyurethane Based Applied Waterproofing System
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment, and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of polyurethane based applied
waterproofing system for canopy, suspended slab deck, toilets and as shown on plans and specified
Includes material description and physical properties, application details, and recommendations
regarding shelf life, application procedures, and precautions on flammability and toxicity.
1.2.3 Samples
Apply materials when there is no surface moisture, or visible dampness on the substrate surface.
Ensure the air temperature remains above the temperature recommended by the manufacturer.
Moisture test for substrate is specified under Item 3.4, “Field Tests”. Work may be performed within
heated enclosures, provided the surface temperature of the substrate is maintained at a minimum
temperature recommended by the manufacturer, for 24 hours prior to the application of the
waterproofing, and remains above that the temperature during the cure period recommended by the
The polyurethane based liquid applied waterproofing is a single component, ready to use, highly
elastic, cold applied polyurethane waterproofing which cures into a membrane with excellent
abrasion, mechanical, chemical, thermal, and UV resistance.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Polyurethane Based Applied Waterproofing System
Liquid Applied Polyurethane waterproofing shall be one part coal-tar-free bitumen modified,
moisture curing polyurethane coating. After curing it provides tough highly elastomeric membrane,
impervious barrier to moisture.
Substrate moisture should not exceed 5% (use moisture meter or polyethylene test in accordance
with ASTM D 4263). New concrete structures need to dry until the required strength is acquired.
The substrate must be clean and free from all traces of loose materials, old coatings, curing
compounds, release agents, laitance, oil grease etc. It should be saturated surface dry (SSD)
Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects such as blow holes and voids must be fully
All ducts, loose and friable material must be completely removed from all surfaces before
application of product, preferably brush and/or vacuum.
a. For a well prepared and mechanically sound concrete slab, apply waterproofing screed to
attain desired slope-to-drain surface level.
b. Anticipate cold joints during Screed pouring. With these joints, create a V-cut profile
using concrete grinder or router with the size of approximately 2 inches on both edge
c. Apply polyurethane sealant to fill completely the V-cut profile, about 1.5 inches in depth.
Once the sealant is cured, create a strip of 25 wet mils waterproofing, 3 inches on each
a. Seal the gap between pipe and slab using polyurethane sealant for about 2 inches in
b. Apply a strip of 25 wet mils waterproofing, 3 inches each side of the sealant
around the pipe.
Apply polyurethane sealant with approximate 20mm width and 20mm height in all corners where
the floor meets the wall.
After the sealant has cured, create a strip of 25 wet mils waterproofing measuring 3 inches
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Polyurethane Based Applied Waterproofing System
on each side.
3.1.5 Priming
For porous substrates like concrete, cement mortar, or wood, use primer, then apply waterproofing
within 2-3 hours (not later than 4 hours) when the primer is still a little bit tacky.
For non-porous substrates like metals, ceramic tiles, use primer, then apply waterproofing within 6-
12 hours (not later than 24 hours) when the primer is still a little bit tacky.
3.1.6 Mixing
Stir the material well by means of an electric stirrer (approx. 500 rpm). Mixing time at least 2-3
minutes until homogenous mixture is achieved.
3.1.7 Application
a. After application of appropriate primer and observing its curing time, using brush or
roller consistently cover the whole area with waterproofing coating system as per
manufacturer’s recommendation.
b. Second coat has to be applied within 18 hours (not later than 48 hours), if necessary.
c. Ensure that the waterproofing coating layers overlap by at least 3 inches beyond
previously applied detailing strip.
To ensure optimum results, the surface must be clean, dry and structurally sound, free from
contaminants, including but not limited to dust, dirt, loose particles, rust, oil etc. before
application of waterproofing. New concrete must have cured for 28 days.
3.2.2 Application
b. Seal all cracks or joints of up to 20 mm in width with polyurethane sealant before the
application of liquid applied waterproofing.
c. Waterproofing can be applied immediately over the polyurethane sealant and seal
after initial set of approximately 60 minutes at 25ºC.
d. Waterproofing shall be applied to achieve a dry film thickness between 1.0 to 1.2 mm
minimum for optimum performance. To achieve this dry film thickness apply
waterproofing at 1.2m/liter/coat. Extremely porous surfaces should be filled prior to
coating and a second coat of waterproofing shall be applied.
e. Apply waterproofing evenly to avoid thin spots, air entrapment or pin holes. Any defects
can be repaired by over coating and a second cost of waterproofing may be applied as
f. For applications where two coats of waterproofing are required, allow 24 hours between
coats. Protection board must be used to protect the membrane before back
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Polyurethane Based Applied Waterproofing System
Polyurethane based waterproofing system shall be measured by actual area in square meter
applied and accepted.
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract unit
price for the polyurethane based waterproofing system which price and payment shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including labor, equipment, tools and
incidentals, necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Cementitious Waterproofing System
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment, and
performing labor necessary to complete the application of cementitious waterproofing system as
shown on plans and specified herein.
Submit to the Engineer the manufacturer's complete printed instructions for the application of the
1.2.2 Samples
Apply materials when there is no surface moisture, or visible dampness on the substrate surface.
Ensure the air temperature remains above the temperature recommended by the manufacturer.
Moisture test for substrate is specified under Item 3.4, “Field Tests”. Work may be performed within
heated enclosures, provided the surface temperature of the substrate is maintained at a minimum
temperature recommended by the manufacturer, for 24 hours prior to the application of the
waterproofing, and remains above that the temperature during the cure period recommended by the
When mixed with cement, the waterproofing material forms a seamless, non-porous impenetrable
layer that disperses any liquid upon contact, preventing any seepage when applied on both vertical
and horizontal surfaces.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Cementitious Waterproofing System
New masonry surfaces should be allowed to cure at least 14 to 28 days. Surface should be clean,
free from oil, grease, dirt, and loose grit or mortar. Wet masonry surfaces first with water before
applying the mixture to avoid abrupt drying and cracking of the applied modified cement, under hot
and sunny condition.
a. Add cement to the waterproofing material slowly while stirring to prevent lumping. Pass
mixture through a fine strainer to sift out lumpy materials. Ensure intimate mixing, stirring
as often as possible to avoid settling. Keep mixture proportion constant for a uniform
texture. Mix enough material to prevent waste. Workability of the waterproofing mixture
is 30 minutes, while potlife is 2 hours.
b. For vertical surface such as firewalls, apply 2 coats of the mixture by textured roller or 3
coats by brush.
c. For mortar patching, apply the waterproofing mixture using applicable trowels.
Cementitous waterproofing shall be measured by actual area in square meter installed and accepted.
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract unit
price for Cementitious Waterproofing which price and payment shall constitute full compensation
for furnishing and placing all materials, including labor, equipment, tools and incidentals, necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Building Insulation
This specification covers the furnishing of materials including equipment and performing labor
necessary to complete the installation of rockwool insulation as shown on drawings and as specified
1.2.2 Samples
Deliver materials to the site in the original sealed wrapping bearing manufacturer’s name and brad
designation, specification number, type, grade, R-value, and class. Store and handle to protect materials
from damage. Do not allow insulation materials to become wet or soiled. Comply with manufacturer’s
recommendations for handling, storage, and protection during installation.
Insulation material is stone wool made of basalt stone and suitable for thermal, fire protection and
sound reduction/absorption.
Density : 60 kg/m3
Type recommended by insulation manufacturer and having fire resistance characteristics similar to that
of the insulation.
Type recommended by insulation manufacturer and having perm rating and fire resistance
characteristics similar to that of the insulation.
Manufacturer's standard for the items or type best suited for the intended use.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Building Insulation
a. Before installing insulation, ensure that areas that will be in contact with the insulation are dry
and free of projections which could cause voids, compressed insulation. If moisture or other
conditions are found that do not allow the workmanlike installation of the insulation, do not
proceed but notify the Engineer of such conditions.
b. Keep material dry and free of extraneous materials. Ensure personal protective clothing and
respiratory equipment is used as required. Observe safe work practices.
Insulation shall be measured by actual area in square meters installed and accepted.
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
unit price for Insulation which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing
and placing all materials, including labor, equipment, tools and incidentals, necessary to complete the
work prescribed in this Section.
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Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Prepainted Horizontal Roofing Sheet
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment, and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of all prepainted horizontal roofing sheet as
shown on drawings and as specified herein. The works shall include flashings, trims, accessories
and other supplementary materials required for a complete watertight and weather-tight installation.
Submit shop drawings showing erection and installation details, indicating type, elevations, gauges,
fastening and anchoring systems, and other construction details for the following:
a. Roof
c. Joint sealing
e. Corners
f. Supports
g. Anchorage
Deliver, store, and handle panels and other manufactured products to prevent damage. Stack
materials stored on the site on platform or pallets and cover with tarpaulins or other suitable
weather-tight covering. Store panels so that water, which might have accumulated during transit or
storage, will drain off; do not store the panels in contact with materials that might cause staining.
Inspect the panels upon arrival to the job site; if wet, remove the moisture and restack and protect
the panels until used.
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Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Prepainted Horizontal Roofing Sheet
The manufacturer shall have conducted tests on previously manufactured sheets of the same type
and finish as proposed for the project to assure conformance with quality requirements.
Submit a five (5) year paint warranty that the finished paint coating shall be free of defects, fading
color, cracking, flaking or any failure of color finish quality.
The prepainted horizontal roofing sheet, shall be 6mm thick x 305mm galvanized cold rolled steel-
complying to JIS G 3141 SPCC coated with the eutectic mixture of zinc and aluminum (95/5),
complying to ISO 14788, commercial quality.
Roof frames should be well-anchored. Rafters and trusses should be straight, level and parallel to
each other. Regular spacing between rafters and trusses should be based on 0.6mm metal thickness
and profile of roof to be installed as per manufacturer’s recommendation. Provide top grid along
ridge line and bridging at mid-span between rafters parallel to top grid.
Double rafters should be provided with 0.10 meter (4 in.) clear space between rafters along valley
gutter line. Gutters should be installed before any roofing is laid. Insufficient roof framing
anchorage brings about the danger of wind and storm pressure lifting off the whole roof including
the roof framing system.
If possible, carry out all panel cutting on a flat surface. Use a straight edge as a guide and mark off
the length where the cut is to be made. Roof panels must be free from concreting works cement,
water-proofing compounds, chemical solutions, paint, welding sparks, nails, or iron tools. Removal
or scraping of such may cause damage to the roof panels.
Scaffoldings should have protective caps on the points of contact with the roof and should be rested
with care on roof edges, gutters and end-flushing to prevent dents and scratches. Roof traffic should
be minimized. When crossing the roof area, walking should be conducted along roof frame
locations, along overlaps or on wooden planks laid over the roof panels. Walking on the ridges or
valleys between the purlins may dent the roofing.
Standard Coating shall be factory applied. The paint is oil free polyester, over baked to achieve full
curing to satisfy the requirements of both PNS and JIS Standards. Coating shall have a top coat of
15-18 microns for exterior surfaces. Primer and service coat with 5-7 microns. Exterior color as
selected and approved by the Owner and Architect/Engineer.
Pick up all discarded scrap materials, especially ferrous metals such as nails and wires. Immediately
wash all plastering site with water. Clean all gutters of leaves and other waste refuse to prevent
clogging at downspout areas and allow the continuous flow of water.
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Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Prepainted Horizontal Roofing Sheet
To attain its original bright luster finish, wipe the panel with a wet rag and follow up with a clean
Panels should be stacked neatly in a dry and covered areas to prevent capilliary action which could
cause rainwater or condensation to be drawn between the sheets. If it is necessary to store the panels
in the open, cover completely with loose tarpaulin or similar material and stack with one end
slightly elevated. Remember that permanent damage may result if the panels remain wet and
clustered together for a long period of time.
The galvanized pre-painted horizontal roofing sheets shall be measured by the number of square
meters installed and accepted.
The quantity measured as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price for galvanized
pre-painted horizontal roofing sheets, which price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials including roof insulation, sheet metal accessories and gutter,
and all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Roof Insulation
This specification covers the furnishing of materials including equipment and performing labor
necessary to complete the installation of interior roof insulation as shown on drawings and as specified
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications
are referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
D4397-84 Polyethylene Sheet for Construction, Industrial and Agricultural Applications. E84-84
1.3.2 Samples
Deliver materials to the site in the original sealed wrapping bearing manufacturer’s name and brand
designation, specification number, type, grade, R-value, and class. Store and handle to protect materials
from damage. Do not allow insulation materials to become wet or soiled. Comply with manufacturer’s
recommendation for handling, storage, and protection during insulation.
The roof insulation shall be double bubble/double foil with minimum thickness of 7.5mm and R
value = 19. It consists of air bubble pockets made of high density polyethylene, thermally bonded and
sandwiched by layer of pure aluminum foil. Provide chicken wire mesh prior to the laying of bubble
insulation. Provide chicken wire mesh prior to the laying of bubble insulation.
a. Before installing insulation, ensure that the areas that will be in contact with the insulation are
dry and free of projections which could cause voids, compressed insulation. If moisture or
other conditions are found that do not allow the workmanlike
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Roof Insulation
installation of the insulation, do not proceed but notify the Engineer of such conditions.
b. Keep material dry and free of extraneous materials. Ensure personal protective clothing and
respiratory equipment is used. As required observe safe work practices.
c. Install insulation material according to the direction and procedure of the manufacturer.
The Blanket insulation shall be measured by actual area in square meters installed and accepted.
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
unit price for roof insulation which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing
and placing all materials, including labor, equipment, tools and incidentals, necessary to complete the
work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Composite Panel
This specification covers the furnishing and installation of aluminum composite panels.
Submit complete shop drawings for approval prior to fabrication. Indicate thickness and dimension
of parts; fastening and anchoring methods; detail and location of joints and gaskets, including joints
necessary to accommodate thermal movements.
1.3.2 Samples
Two samples each type of panel assembly 152 mm x 152 mm. Submit two samples for each color
or finish selected.
Composite panel manufacturer shall have a minimum of 5 years experience. Fabricator / installer
shall be acceptable to Composite Panel manufacturer and field measurements should be taken prior
to completion of shop manufacturing and finishing.
Protect finish and edges in accordance with panel manufacturer’s recommendations. Store material
in accordance with aluminum panel manufacturer’s recommendations.
Aluminum composite panel is composed of a polyethylene core between two aluminum sheets, and
coated with extra-durable PVDF (flouroresin) resin coating system to ensure
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Composite Panel
excellent durability of surface finish. The back side of the panel shall be made of aluminum- coated
polyester. Panel thickness shall be 4 mm with minimum coating thickness of 1.0 mil. Coating shall
withstand direct and reverse impact of 1.5 inch pounds per mil substrate thickness. Color shall be as
selected by the Architect / Engineers from manufacturer’s standard or custom colors.
Surfaces to receive panels shall be even, smooth, sound, clean, dry and free from defects
detrimental to work.
Erect panels plumb, level and true. Anchor panels securely in place in accordance with
manufacturer’s approved shop drawings. Conform to aluminum panel manufacturer’s instructions
for installation of concealed fasteners.
Remove and replace panels damaged beyond repair. Repair panels with minor damage and clean
exposed panels surfaces promptly after completion of installation in accordance with
recommendations of panel and coating manufacturer.
Aluminum composite panel shall be measured by the number of square meter installed and
The quantity measured as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price for Aluminum
Composite Panel, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing
materials including sealant and all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the
work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Sealants and Caulking
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment and performing
labor necessary to complete installation of all sealants and caulking work as shown on drawings and
specified herein.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications
are referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
Submit certificates from the manufacturers attesting that materials meet the specified requirements.
Clearly mark data to identify material type provided. Submit complete descriptive data for:
a. Sealants
Data for sealant and caulking shall include application instructions and precautions, self life,
mixing instructions for multi-component sealants and recommended cleaning solvent.
Silicone sealant should not be used in all the buildings.
b. Primers
c. Backstop Materials
1.3.3 Colors
Submit one sample of each color for each sealant type to verify that products match the colors
indicated. Where colors are not indicated, submit not less than 3 different samples of manufacturer's
standard colors.
Before sealant work is started, provide a sample of each type of finished joint where directed. Sample
shall show the workmanship, bond, and color of sealant. The workmanship, bond, and color of sealant
work throughout the project shall match the approved sample joints.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Sealants and Caulking
The ambient temperature shall be within the limits of 40 and 100 degrees F when the sealant is applied.
Deliver materials to the job site in unopened manufacturer’s external shipping containers, unopened,
with brand names, date of manufacture and material designation clearly marked thereon. Elastomeric
sealant containers shall be labeled as to type, class, grade, and use. Carefully handle and store materials
to prevent inclusion of foreign materials or subjection to sustained temperatures exceeding 37.8 degrees
or less than 4.5 degrees C.
Products shall conform to the reference documents listed for each use. Provide sealant that has been
tested and found suitable for the substrates to which it will be applied.
2.1.1 Interior Sealant: ASTM C 834, Type S or M, Grade NS, Class 12.5, Use NT. Locations and colors of
sealant shall be as follows:
Location Color
For joints in vertical surfaces, provide ASTM C 920, Type S or M, Grade NS, Class 25, Use NT.
For joints in horizontal surfaces, provide ASTM C 920, Type S or M, Grade P, Class 25, Use T.
Location Color
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Sealants and Caulking
Floor joint sealant shall conform to ASTM C 920, Type S or M, Grade P, Class 25, Use T.
Locations and colors of sealant shall be as follows:
Location Color
Fire rated sealant shall be one part in tumescent elastomer. Under normal environment conditions
the material shall be non-corrosive to metal.
Provide a non-staining, quick-drying type of consistency recommended by the sealant manufacturer for
the particular application.
Provide the type and consistency recommended by the sealant manufacturer for the particular
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Sealants and Caulking
Provide glass fiber roving or neoprene, butyl, polyurethane, or polyethylene foams free from oil or
other staining elements as recommended by sealant manufacturer. Backstop material shall be
compatible with sealant. Do not use oakum and other types of absorptive materials as backstops.
Provide types recommended by the sealant manufacturer except for aluminum and bronze surfaces that
will be in contact with sealant.
Surfaces shall be clean, dry to the touch, and free from dirt, frost, moisture, grease, oil, wax, lacquer,
paint, or other foreign matter that would tend to destroy or impair adhesion. When resealing an existing
joint, remove existing caulk or sealant prior to applying new sealant.
Remove loose mill scale by sandblasting or, if sandblasting is impractical or would damage finish
work, scraping and wire brushing. Remove protective coatings by sandblasting or using a residue free
Remove temporary protective coatings from surfaces that will be in contact with sealant. When
masking tape is used as a protective coating, remove tape and any residual adhesive just prior to sealant
application. For removing protective coatings and final cleaning, use non-staining solvents
recommended by the manufacturer of the item(s) containing aluminum or bronze surfaces.
Do not add liquids, solvents, or powders to the sealant. Mix multi-component elastomeric sealants in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
a. Acceptable Ratios
Minimum Maximum
6 mm (minimum) 6 mm 6 mm
Over 6 mm 12 mm width Equal to width
6 mm (minimum) 6 mm 6 mm
Over 6 mm 6 mm Equal to width
Over 12 mm to
50 mm 12 mm 16 mm
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Sealants and Caulking
b. Unacceptable Ratios
Where joints of acceptable width-to- depth ratios have not been provided, clean out joints to
acceptable depths and grind or cut to acceptable widths without damage to the adjoining work.
Grinding shall not be required on metal surfaces.
3.3.2 Backstops
Install backstops dry and free of tears or holes. Tightly pack the back or bottom with backstop material
to provide a joint of the depth specified. Install backstops in the following locations:
a. Where indicated
b. Where backstops are not indicated but joint cavities exceed the acceptable maximum depths
specified in paragraph entitled, "Joint Width-to-Depth Ratios."
3.3.3 Primer
Immediately prior to application of the sealant, clean out all loose particles from joints. Where
recommended by sealant manufacturer, apply primer to joints in concrete masonry units, wood, and
other porous surfaces in accordance with sealant manufacturer's instructions. Do not apply primer to
exposed finish surfaces.
Provide bond breakers to the back or bottom of joint cavities, as recommended by the sealant
manufacturer for each type of joint and sealant used, to prevent sealant from adhering to these surfaces.
Carefully apply the bond breaker to avoid contamination of adjoining surfaces or breaking bond with
surfaces other than those covered by the bond breaker.
3.3.5 Sealants
Provide a sealant compatible with the materials to which it is applied. Do not use a sealant that has
exceeded shelf life or has become too jelled to be discharge in a continuous flow from the gun. Apply
the sealant in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions with a gun having a nozzle that fits the
joint width. Force sealant into joints to fill the joints solidly without air pockets. Tool sealant after
application to ensure adhesion. Sealant shall be uniformly smooth and free of wrinkles. Upon
completion of sealant application, roughen partially filled or unfilled joint, apply sealant, and tool
smooth as specified.
3.4.1 Protection
Protect areas adjacent to joints from sealant smears. Masking tape may be used for this purpose if
remove 5 to 10 minutes after the joint is filled.
Upon completion of sealant application, remove remaining smears and stains and leave the work in a
clean and neat condition.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Sealants and Caulking
Immediately scrape off fresh sealant that has been smeared on masonry and rub clean with a
solvent as recommended by the sealant manufacturer. Allow excess sealant to cure for 24
hours then remove by wire brushing or sanding.
Sealant and Caulking shall not be measured and paid for separately, but the cost thereof shall be
considered as included in the contract unit price of the Items where called for.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Steel Doors and Frames
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials including equipment, and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of all steel doors and frames as shown on
drawings and schedule, and as specified herein.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
A 115.1-82 Preparation for Mortise Locks for 1-3/8 Inch and 1-3/4 Inch Doors A
115.2-80 Preparation for Bored Locks for 1-3/4 Inch and 1-3/8 Inch Doors
A 151.1-80 Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Physical Endurance for Steel Doors
and Hardware Reinforcing
111-F Recommended Completed Opening Anchors for Standard Steel Doors and
Manufacturer's descriptive literature for steel doors and frames. Include data and details on door
construction, panel (internal) reinforcement, insulation, and door edge construction.
Submit drawings for steel doors showing types, sizes, location, elevations, construction details,
metal gauges, hardware provisions, installation details and other details of construction.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Steel Doors and Frames
Attest that doors, frames, and accessories meet the requirements specified herein. Include the grade
and model of each door.
1.3.4 Samples
Two samples of each color for pre-finished doors. Where colors are not indicated, submit
manufacturer's standard colors and patterns to the Owner/Engineer for selection.
Deliver doors, frames and accessories undamaged and with protective wrappings or packaging.
Store doors and frames on platforms under cover in clean, dry, ventilated, and accessible locations,
with 6 mm airspace between doors. Remove damp or wet packaging immediately and wipe
affected surfaces dry. Replace damaged materials with new ones.
Standard Steel doors shall conform to SDI 100, except as specified otherwise. Doors shall be either
hollow steel construction or composite construction, fabricated from minimum Gauge 18 steel face
sheets for exterior doors and Gauge 20 steel face sheets for interior doors. Prepare doors to receive
hardware specified in Section 08710, "Finish Hardware." Exterior doors shall have top edge closed
flush. Doors shall be 44 mm (1-3/4") thick, unless otherwise indicated. Exterior doors shall be
provided with weather-stripping and thresholds.
Metal flush doors using # 18 G.I. panel, 4mm thk., with Honeycomb / Rockwool insulation on #
16 G.I. frame (150mm), single rabbet jamb with SS butt 4.5” x 4” x 3.5 mm thk. (4BB) hinges (4
pcs / panel) with epoxy primer gray. Door sizes & swing as shown on plans.
Standard duty doors shall conform to SDI 100, Model 3 of size and design
indicated. Provide where shown on drawings.
Heavy duty doors shall conform to SDI 100, Grade II, Model 3 or 4 of sizes and designs
Door shall be provided with louver section. Louvers shall be sight-proof type, inserted into the
doors. Inserted louvers shall be stationary as shown, and formed of not less than Gauge 20 steel.
Blades of inserted louvers shall be securely installed into the frame, and the entire assembly shall
be fastened to the door to present a neat appearance and to be non-removable from the outside of
the door. Insect screens shall be removable type with
18 x 16 mesh stainless steel, aluminum or bronze cloth.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Steel Doors and Frames
For pairs of exterior steel doors which will not have aluminum astragals or removable mullions, as
specified in Section 08710, "Finish Hardware," provide overlapping steel astragals with the doors.
Standard steel frame shall conform to SDI 100, except as otherwise specified. Fabricate frames
from minimum Gauge 16 commercial grade cold-rolled steel for all exterior and interior steel
doors. Form frames to sizes and shapes indicated, welded corners. Provide steel frames for steel
doors, unless otherwise indicated.
Continuously weld frame faces at corner joints. Mechanically interlock or continuously weld stops
and rabbets. Grind weld smooth.
2.4.2 Anchors
Provide anchors to secure the frame to adjoining construction. Provide steel anchors, zinc- coated
or painted with rust-inhibitive paint, not lighter than Gauge 18.
a. Wall Anchor
Provide a minimum of three anchors for each jamb. Locate anchors opposite top and
bottom hinges and midway between.
b. Masonry
Reinforce, drill, and tap doors and frames to receive finish hardware. Prepare doors and frames for
hardware in accordance with the applicable requirements of SDI 107, ANSI A 115.1, ANSI A
115.2, and ANSI A 115.4. Drill and tap for surface-applied hardware at the project site. Build
additional reinforcing for surface-applied hardware into the door at the factory. Locate hardware in
accordance with the requirements of SDI 100, as applicable.
Unless specified otherwise, phosphate treat and factory prime metal doors and frames as specified
in SDI 100.
After factory priming, apply two coats of low-gloss enamel to exposed surfaces. Separately bake
or oven dry each coat. Drying time and temperature requirements shall be in
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Steel Doors and Frames
accordance with the coating manufacturer's recommendations. Color(s) of finish coat shall be as
indicated and shall match approved color sample(s).
Finished doors and frames shall be strong and rigid, neat in appearance, and free from defects,
waves, scratches, cuts, dents, ridges, holes, warp, and buckle. Molded members shall be clean cut,
straight, and true, with joints coped or mitered, well formed, and in true alignment. Dress exposed
welded and soldered joints smooth. Design door frame sections for use with the wall construction
indicated. Corner joints shall be well formed and in true alignment. Conceal fastenings where
3.1.1 Frames
Set frames in accordance with SDI 105. Plumb, align, and brace securely until permanent anchors
are set. Anchor bottoms of frames with expansion bolts or powder-actuated fasteners. Build in or
secure wall anchors to adjoining construction.
3.1.2 Doors
Hang doors in accordance with clearances specified in SDI 100. After erection clean and adjust.
Protect doors and frames from damage. Repair damaged doors and frames prior to completion and
acceptance of the project or replace with new, as directed. Wire brush rusted frames until all rust is
removed, clean thoroughly, and apply an all-over coat of rust- inhibitive paint of the same type
used for shop coat.
Upon completion, clean exposed surfaces of doors and frames thoroughly. Remove mastic smears
and other unsightly marks.
Steel doors of the type specified shall be measured by the number of set installed and accepted. A
set shall consist of metal door, jambs, anchors and hardware except locksets.
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for Steel Door, which price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Wood Doors
This specification covers the furnishing and supply of materials, including equipment and
performing labor necessary to complete the installation of all wood doors as shown on drawings
and schedule and as specified herein.
Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval. Shop drawings shall indicate the location of each
door, elevation of each type of door, details of construction, marks to be used to identify the doors,
and location and extent of hardware blocking.
1.2.2 Samples
Prior to the delivery of wood doors, a sample section of each type of door which shows the stile,
rail, veneer and core construction shall be submitted.
Doors shall be delivered to the site in an undamaged condition and shall be protected against
damage and dampness. They shall be stored under cover in a well-ventilated building and shall not
be exposed to extreme changes of temperature and humidity. They shall not be stored in a building
under construction until concrete and masonry works are dry. Defective or damaged doors shall be
Before shipment, the top and bottom edges of doors shall be sealed with approved manufacturer’s
standard water resistant sealer.
Doors shall be of the type, size, and design indicated on the drawings.
Local plywood used for fabrication of wood doors shall conform to PTS 631-02, Class 1,
preservative treated, and the adhesive used for plywood manufacture shall be water- proofing grade.
The Contractor shall submit compliance certificates for plywood and adhesive for approval prior to
fabrication of doors.
Local lumber used for fabrication of wood doors shall conform to PTS 20. Lumber used shall be of
premium select grade and in no case contain any defects or damage. Lumber shall be Tanguile or a
higher class hardwood specie. Wood blocking for specified hardware shall be provided in all
hollow core and mineral core doors.
Adhesive and bonds shall be in accordance with NWMA Standard I.S.I. using requirements
for interior doors. Adhesives shall be waterproof type.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Wood Doors
Doors shall be furnished prefit, in accordance with the standard under which they are produced.
Doors with surfaces to receive paint finish shall be furnished with these surfaces factory primed.
Interior flush doors shall be hollow core flush doors conforming to NWMA I.S.I. Doors shall have
waterproof plywood veneered faces. Waterproof plywood veneered doors shall have premium grade
6 mm. minimum face veneers. Finger jointed edge bands will not be permitted.
3.2.1 Glazing
Where shown, doors shall be prepared for the reception of glass. Glass requirements are specified in
Section 08800, “Glazing”.
Where indicated, doors shall be provided with sight-proof insert louvers. Louvers shall be
stationary. Blades shall be tenoned to the frame and the entire assembly fastened to the door with
metal mounding on both sides. The frame shall be non-removable from the outside of the door.
Door frames shall be of the sizes and profile shown. Doorstops shall be provided. Frames and trims
shall be constructed of the species of hardwood specified in Section 06200 Finish Carpentry.
Frames shall be set plumb and square, double-wedged, and secured with proper size finishing
nails. Solid blocking shall be provided back of jambs at butts and lock strikes. Blocking shall be
placed at a maximum of 400 mm. on centers.
Doors shall be fit, hung and trimmed as required. The lock edge of doors shall be beveled at the rate
of 3 mm in 50 mm. Cuts made on the door shall be sealed immediately after cutting, using a clear
varnish or sealer.
Specified in Section 08710, “Finish Hardware”, shall be carefully fitted, securely attached, and
demonstrated to work freely. Care shall be exercised not to mar or injure the work.
Doors and door frames shall be primed as specified in Section 09900, “Painting of Buildings (Field
Painting)”. In addition, before installation, all side and edges of door frames that will be in
contract with concrete, masonry or mortar shall be given a prime coat.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Wood Doors
Wood doors, of the type specified shall be measured by the number of sets installed and accepted.
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for Wood Doors which price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials inclusive of door frame and all required hardware and for
all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the prescribed work in this
Section. Locks shall be paid under Section 08710, “Finish Hardware”.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Skylight
This specification covers the furnishing of materials and labor including equipment necessary to
complete the installation of solid polycarbonate skylight herein.
b. Selection of Colors: Colors of finishes shall closely approximate colors indicated. Where
color is not indicated, submit the manufacturer’s standard colors to the Architect /
Engineer and/or Owner for selection.
c. Shop Drawings: Show all information necessary for fabrication and installation of
polycarbonate sheet. Indicate materials, sizes, thickness, fastening, and profiles.
Deliver materials to the site in an undamaged condition. Carefully store materials off the ground to
provide proper ventilation, drainage, and protection against dampness. Polycarbonate sheet shall be
free from nicks, scratches, and blemishes. Replace defective or damaged materials with new ones.
a. Solid Polycarbonate Sheets shall be 6 mm thick with aluminum clamping, rubber gasket,
100’s steel tekscrews, silicone sealants, etc., to complete.
Provide U connector, end cap connectors and other accessories as per manufacturer’s standard.
Solid Polycarbonate Sheets shall be measured by the actual area installed in square meters and
accepted to the satisfaction of the Architect / Engineer.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section VI- Technical Specifications Skylight
The quantity measured as provided in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
unit price per square meter of Solid Polycarbonate Skylight which price and payment shall
constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Doors and Frames
The work includes the supply and furnishings of materials including equipment, and performing
labor necessary to complete the installation of all aluminum doors and frames as specified and as
show on drawings and schedules.
The publication listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publication is referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
Shall indicate elevations of aluminum doors and frames, full-size sections, thickness and gages of
metal, fastenings, proposed method of anchoring frames, size and spacing of anchors, details of
construction, method of glazing, details of operating hardware, method and materials for weather-
stripping, installation details and other related items.
1.3.2 Sample
Submit one full size corner showing construction, color and finish.
Submit schedule with erection drawings indicating location of each door unit.
Deliver aluminum doors and frames to project site in an undamaged condition. Use care in handling
and hoisting aluminum doors and frames during transportation and at the job site. Store aluminum
doors and components out of contact with the ground, under a weather-tight covering, so as to
prevent bending, warping, or otherwise damaging the aluminum doors. Damaged doors shall be
repaired to an "as new" condition as approved. If doors cannot be repaired, a new unit shall be
Finish surfaces shall be protected during delivery and handling using the Manufacturer's Standard
Method, except that no coatings or lacquers shall be applied to surfaces to which caulking and
glazing compounds must adhere.
Aluminum doors and frames shall be designed and constructed with swinging panels and
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Doors and Frames
fixed side panels in the sizes and arrangements indicated. All door and framing sections shall be
extruded from AA-6063-T5 aluminum alloy 44mm (1 3/4") thick, to size and shape as shown in
drawing and details. Sections shall conform to details, 3 mm (1/8 inch) minimum thickness, and
shall present straight, sharply defined lines, and shall be free from defects impairing strength or
durability. All fasteners shall be of aluminum, stainless steel, cadmium plate or other corrosion
resistant materials.
Aluminum doors except for all glass entrance doors shall have narrow stile design unless otherwise
shown or specified. Door stiles and rails shall be securely joined and reinforced by means of
structural corner block assemblies. Welded corners without structural corner block assembly will
not be permitted. Lock and hinge stiles on all double acting doors, and the lock stile of a pair of
doors shall incorporate two woven pile weather-strips from top to bottom. Doors shall be adjustable
vertically and front to back. Cut-out operations for hardware shall be accurately made and
reinforced, as required. Glass stops shall be the snap-on type with non-stretch vinyl beads. Screw
fastened stops will not be permitted. Push-pull bars shall have a formed, comfortable grip and
concealed mechanical fasteners. All vertical and horizontal door sections shall be installed so as to
receive infill thickness as specified in the glazing section of the specifications.
2.2.2 Finishes
All exposed surfaces shall be smooth and free of distracting scratches and blemishes. Interior door
frames shall have anodized clean finish. Exterior door frames shall have anodized finish
conforming to Aluminum Standards of Architectural Class 1 anodic coding. Color shall be anodized
2.2.3 Hardware
All doors shall have maximum security deadbolt lock for single doors and maximum security hook
bolt lock and 460 mm (18 inches) lever type flush bolts for double doors. Operating hardware shall
be offset pivots or center pivots as recommended and supplied by door manufacturer. All push and
pull hardware shall be of size and type furnished by door manufacturer.
2.2.4 Weatherstripping
All four sides of each door shall be provided with weather-stripping which shall provide maximum
protection against the elements and designed so it may easily be replaced. Provide continuous wool
pile, silicone treated or type recommended by door manufacturer.
2.2.5 Glass and Glazing - shall be as specified under Section 08800, "Glazing"
2.2.6 Caulking and Sealing - shall be as specified under Section 07900, "Sealants and Caulking".
Plumb, square, level, and align frames and framing members to receive doors and transoms. Anchor
frames to adjacent construction as indicated and in accordance with manufacturer's printed
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Doors and Frames
3.1.2 Protection
Protect doors and frames from damage. Prior to completion and acceptance of the work, restore
damaged doors and frames to original condition, or replace with new ones.
3.1.3 Cleaning
Upon completion of installation, thoroughly clean door and frame surfaces in accordance with door
manufacturer's recommended procedure. Do not use abrasive caustic, or acid cleaning agents.
Aluminum glass door, fully equipped with fixing accessories and locking devices shall be measured
by the number of set installed as shown on the Plans and accepted.
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for Aluminum Glass Doors, which price and payment shall be full compensation
for furnishing and placing all materials including fixing accessories and locking devices and for all
labor, equipment and incidentals to complete the prescribed work in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Automatic Sliding
This specification covers the furnishing of materials including equipment and performing labor
necessary to complete the installation of automatic sliding door as specified herein.
a. Product data
b. Manufacturer’s Instructions
Deliver automatic sliding door units in the manufacturer’s original unopened containers with brand
name and type clearly marked. Handle equipment carefully and store them under cover in dry, well-
ventilated and watertight enclosures.
Maintain a uniform temperature of not more than 55 degrees C and a relative humidity of not more
than 90 percent continuously before, during, and after installation of automated door control units.
a. Electrical Requirements
(1) General
(i) Provide all necessary electrical requirements for works under this
Section, for services at connection points provided in Division 16 of
these Specifications – Electrical Works.
(ii) Wire, cable, conduit, grounding and installations shall conform to PEC
and NFPA 70.
(i) Motors shall comply to 2 ac brushless three phase AC motor, 230V, 60hz.
(2) Wiring
(i) Sheathed types only shall be used throughout and installed in conduit or
other approved wire ways all complete with boxes, covers and devices
and accessories necessary to complete Works.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Automatic Sliding
b. Electrical Service Requirements: Normal and emergency power shall be 220 VOLT, 60
Hz, 3 phase AC.
c. Wiring Diagrams
(1) Required for entire electrical system work included under this Section; prepared
to indicate:
(2) Provide singularly where practical or in sets as necessary to clearly portray all
relevant connections and interconnections; all sheets in any one set shall be
uniform in size.
d. Finishing Requirements
(1) General
Colors: As selected by the Engineer from manufacturer’s standard series and one only
throughout for all A.D.S. work.
e. Identification Requirements
(3) Permanent operational and precautionary signs shall be attached as and where
f. Technical Requirements
(1) Systems shall be essentially self-contained, complete unto itself, and independent
from other systems, except as specified for power.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Automatic Sliding
g. Operation Requirements
(1) Operation shall be automatic 30 cm/second to open door when the activator is
triggered Adjustable opening speed of 30 cm/second – 70 cm/second; opening
pulse self-closing 80 – 30 seconds and closing speed of 15 cm/second – 50
cm/second shall be provided through an activator which shall be submitted to the
Engineer for his approval.
(2) Doors shall be connected to an essential power circuit in case of power failure.
a. Specifications
(1) Automatic door operation shall be electric with drive unit consisting of
drive motor (0.8 kW) and a vibration-free low noise tacho generator. The
operation shall be totally electric with control by intelligent microprocessors.
(2) Actuating system shall be a standard radar movement indicator system with safety
ray system as approved by the Engineer.
(3) Low-noise operation due to convex running section and concave rollers.
(4) Opening pulse-partial opening of the door with infrequent use by persons; door
opens fully if frequently used-self closing after set time interval (additional on
b. Accessories
(1) Each system shall be complete with track, door carriers; floor guide, safety light
barrier, emergency button, automatic “opening” in case of power failure.
(2) Carriage with plastic rollers, adjustable support rollers and door suspensions for
adjusting the door wings.
c. Door Sensor
(1) Sensor shall be overhead, concealed-in-head type and of size to fit within spaces
(2) Each unit shall be sized and of adequate capacity to operate and control doors of
size and total weight required and at locations indicated and shall include all
necessary accessories and devices.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Automatic Sliding
a. General
(1) Install A.D.S system and related and associated work as approved shop
drawings and applicable requirements specified or referenced.
a. Installation shall be free from exposed fastenings, unnecessary cuts, holes or blank
plates; and advertising labels or signs, other than as particularly shown on the Drawings.
Specified or approved.
b. Each unit shall be fixed tightly and rigidly in place and be free form unnecessary
movement, squeaks or rattles.
c. Each unit shall be square, plumb, and level, accurately assembled and aligned straight and
true to plane plumb in all positions of opening or closing operational testing shall be as
a. General
(1) Install A.D.S system and related and associated work as approved shop
drawings and applicable requirements specified or referenced.
a. General
(1) Required for each A.D.S.; and under continuous control of assigned installation
b. System Testing
Test by full and complete operation under various and varying conditions as directed.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Automatic Sliding
Automated sliding door shall be measured by the number of set installed as shown on the Plans and
accepted, excluding its automatic door mechanism which shall be measured separately under Finish
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for Automatic Sliding Door System (excluding its mechanism) which price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials including accessories
and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the prescribed work in this
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Automated Door Control System
This specification covers the furnishing of materials including equipment and performing labor
necessary to complete the installation of automated door control system as specified herein.
a. Product data
b. Manufacturer’s Instructions
Deliver automated door control units in the manufacturer’s original unopened containers with brand
name and type clearly marked. Handle equipment carefully and store them under cover in dry, well-
ventilated and watertight enclosures.
Maintain a uniform temperature of not more than 55 degrees C and a relative humidity of not more
than 90 percent continuously before, during, and after installation of automated door control units.
Shall be magstripe card readers specifically for access control applications. The reader shall be
mounted on wall surface. The reader housing shall be compact cast aluminum which is
inconspicuous in profile. Red and green high intensity CED’S are recessed into the housing to
provide visible user feedback. A built-in tamper switch signals when the housing is removed from
its mount. The reader shall include an integral 12-key keypad for entering a Personal Identification
Number (PIN). These devices read high and low coercivity Magstripe cards encoded on track 1 or 2
with a format of 5-bit numeric characters at 75 bits per inch. The data record format shall include a
six character customer code, a six character code number, a four character encrypted check code
and a one character longitudinal check character.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Automated Door Control System
a. The reader reads the data, calculates the longitudinal check code and parity bit for each
character, and compares the result to data read from the card. If valid, the reader sends the
information to the micro NODE which verifies the validity of the encrypted check code.
The micro NODE then makes the access decision based on the correct customer code, card
number, reader location, time of delay, day of week, and if required, a PIN number.
b. If all is correct, the micro NODE energizes the relay which unlocks the door and lights the
green LED on the reader. If there is any conflict, the micro NODE denies access and lights
the red LED on the reader.
After installation, protect magstripe card reader from paint, stains, blemishes and other damage
until acceptance of work.
Automated door control system shall be measured by the number of set installed as shown on the
Plans and accepted.
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for Automatic Door Control System which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials including accessories and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the prescribed work in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metal Wall Louvers
This specification covers the furnishing of materials and labor including equipment necessary to
complete the installation of metal wall louvers as shown on drawings and specified herein.
Wall louvers.
Colors of finishes shall closely approximate colors indicated. Where color is not indicated, submit
the manufacturer’s standard colors to the Architect / Engineer and /or Owner for selection.
Show all information necessary for fabrication and installation of louvers. Indicate materials, sizes,
thickness, fastenings, and profiles.
Deliver materials to the site in an undamaged condition. Carefully store materials off the ground to
provide proper ventilation, drainage, and protection against dampness. Louvers shall be free from
nicks, scratches, and blemishes. Replace defective or damaged materials with new.
Weather resistant type, with stainless steel insect screens and made to withstand a wind load of not
less than 146 kgs. per square meter. Wall louvers shall meet the requirements for air performance
and water penetration
Formed of zinc-coated steel sheet not thinner than 16 U. S. gauge, or aluminum sheet not less than
2 mm.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Metal Wall Louvers
Same material and finish as louvers. Provide where indicated. Provide mullion covers on both faces
of joints between louvers.
For steel louvers, provide 12.7 mm square mesh, 16-gauge zinc-coated steel. Mount screens in
removable, re-wirable frames of same material and finish as the louvers.
Provide zinc-coated or stainless steel screws and fasteners for steel louvers. Provide other
accessories as required for complete and proper installation.
a. Galvanized Steel Louvers shall have phosphate treated and shop primed finish.
Install using stops or moldings, flanges, strap anchors, or jamb fasteners as appropriate for the
wall construction and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Metal louvers of the design / style and type of operation specified shall be measured by the number
of set installed and accepted.
The quantities measured as determined in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
unit price, respectively, for each of the Pay Items listed below and shown in the Bill of
Quantities which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the prescribed
work in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Windows
The work includes the supply and furnishing of materials, including equipment, and performing
labor necessary to complete the installation of all aluminum windows as specified and as shown on
drawings and schedules.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
Shop drawings shall indicate elevations of windows, full-size sections, thickness and gages of
metal, fastenings, and proposed method of anchoring, size and spacing of anchors, details of
construction, method of glazing, details of operating hardware, method and materials for weather-
stripping, installation details and other related items.
1.3.2 Sample
Submit one full size corner showing construction, color and finish.
Submit certificates that identical windows have been tested and meet the requirements specified
herein for air infiltration and water penetration.
Submit schedule with erection drawings indicating location of each window unit.
Deliver windows to project site in an undamaged condition. Use care in handling and hoisting
windows during transportation and at the job site. Store windows and components at the site on
edge, out of contact with the ground, under a weathertight covering, so as to prevent bending,
warping or otherwise damaging the windows. Damaged window shall be repaired to an “as new”
condition as approved. If windows cannot be repaired, a new unit shall be provided.
Finished surfaces shall be protected during delivery and handling using the manufacturer’s standard
method, except that no coating or lacquers shall be applied to surfaces to which caulking and
glazing compounds must adhere.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Windows
Provide each side hinged ventilator with one pair of non-friction-type extension hinges, one sash
operator designed to hold ventilator open firmly at any angle up to 90° and one locking handle.
Hinges shall have the strength necessary to permanently support the glazed ventilator without twist
or sag.
Caulking and Sealing shall be specified under Section 07900, “Sealants and Caulking”.
Window units shall conform to the requirements of Master Specification, Part A, “Architectural” of
ANSI/AAMA 302.9.
Design glazed windows and rabbets suitable for glass thickness shown on drawings.
2.2.3 Fasteners
Use flathead, cross-recessed type, exposed head screws and bolts with standard threads on windows,
trim and accessories. Screw heads shall be finished flush with adjoining surfaces. Self-tapping
sheet metal screws are not acceptable for material more than 1.5 mm (1/16 inch) in thickness.
Design sash for inside glazing and for securing glass with glazing channels and glazing compound.
2.2.5 Mullions
Provide mullions between multiple windows units designed to withstand the wind load
requirements specified. Secure mullions to adjoining construction and window units in such a
manner as to permit expansion and contraction and to form a weather-tight joint. Provide mullion
covers on the interior and exterior to completely close exposed joints and recesses between window
units and to present a neat appearance.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Windows
2.2.6 Accessories
Provide windows complete with necessary hardware, fastenings, clips, fins, anchors, glazing beads
and other appurtenances necessary for complete installation and proper operation.
2.2.7 Anchors
Build into, bolt to, or otherwise secure anchors and fastenings to the heads, jambs and sills of
openings and fasten securely to the windows or frames. Use concealed anchors of the type
recommended by the window manufacturer for the specific type of construction. Use fasteners
compatible with the fastened materials. Anchor each frame at jambs with a minimum of three
adjustable anchors. Provide perforated anchor stems for mortar keying with anchor flanges of
sufficient width to provide a sliding friction fit inside frames. Extend perforated stems in less than
100 mm (4 inches) into masonry.
Clean all surfaces and apply a protective coating of clear, water-white methacrylate-type lacquer,
resistant to alkaline mortar and plaster immediately after fabrication. Covering shall not chip, peel
or flake due to temperature or weather, and shall protect against discoloration and surface damage
from transportation, storage, and construction activities. Covering shall be readily removable
without affecting the finish. Covering shall either be adhesive paper, waterproof tape, or strippable
plastic and may not be removed even after completion of installation.
2.2.9 Finishes
Exposed aluminum surfaces shall be powdercoated finished. All windows shall have the same
Install in strict accordance with the window manufacturer’s printed instructions and details, except
as specified otherwise herein. Build in windows as the work progresses or install without forcing
into prepared window openings. Set windows at proper elevation, location and reveal; plumb,
square level and in alignment; and brace, strut and stay properly to prevent distortion and
misalignment. Bed screws or bolts in sill members, joint at mullions, contacts of windows with sill
and built-in fins, in mastic sealant of a type recommended by the window manufacturer. Install
windows in a manner that will prevent entrance of water.
Make ample provisions for securing units to each other, to masonry, and to other adjoining
construction. Windows installed in direct contact with masonry wall shall have head and jamb
members designed to recess into masonry wall not less than 11 mm (7/16 inch).
3.1.3 Protection
Where aluminum surfaces are in contact with, or fastened to masonry, wood or dissimilar metals,
except stainless steel or zinc, the aluminum surface shall be protected from dissimilar materials as
recommended in the Appendix to ANSI/AAMA 302.9.
Clean interior and exterior surfaces of window units of mortar, plaster, paint, spattering spots and
other foreign matter to present a neat appearance and to prevent fouling of weathering surfaces and
weather-tripping, and to prevent interference with the operation of hardware.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Aluminum Windows
Replace with new windows all stained, discolored or abraded windows that cannot be restored to
their original condition.
Aluminum windows of the design / style and type of operation specified shall be measured by the
number of set installed and accepted.
The quantity measured as determined in Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract
unit price per set of Aluminum Window which price and payment shall constitute full compensation
for furnishing and placing all materials inclusive of glazing and accessories and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
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Bicol International Airport Development Project Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Section VI- Technical Specifications Finish Hardware
This specification covers the furnishing of materials including equipment and performing labor
necessary to complete the installation of all finish hardware as shown on drawings and schedule,
and as specified herein.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only.
Keying – Procedures, System and Nomenclature (Jan. 1978). Recommended Location for Builder’s
Hardware for Standard Steel door and Frames (1975).
Submit for approval by the Engineer a listing of each item of finish hardware and a manufacturers’
catalog cut for each different item of hardware. Submit hardware list in the following form:
Submit for approval by the Architect / Engineer. Include for each item the quantity, manufacturer’s
catalog number, corresponding reference publication type number, size, finish, and key control
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