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Birth of Religion

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hielo Birth of Religiom Boy yore Roo bod om iwonp ood ungaewoctd PAA DARAJ SHIL DJADATAAT The Scroll of Eyes =e PM Mca Nico: A eB A) Day (OeOIp-S= ROY Sint PAA Nanutu known Td us AS? [|] =< Pe vaca Kobina York =» (Born ‘TuesOry, JUNE 26,1945 A.D. IN TARORAD,GMANA WEST AFRICA Sp L ING) “The TRANSMITTER” Introduction To All 9 Reasons to be Nuwaupian Not Them 1, The Inevitability of Fact: Everyone seeks facts, truth, confirmation. No one can really endure on blind faith or hopes. The stress and cares of life without facts about something, like not knowing the exact phone number of an important call; or the address of a place you must be at, at a certain time. To not have facts, to feel pain, fear, danger, but not know why or where to go to have it taken care of; that’s blind faith, not a life to death that cannot ultimately be proven. Atheists cannot prove there is no God or Gods just as religious people can not prove that their God or Gods exist by faith and belief only. And so they create other titles such as Pantheist or Pragmatist. Facts are unavoidable, even if we only choose to have facts in our own existence. What is to be decided is, what evidence, do we think is pertinent. How are we going to interpret the evidence and who finds it; and will they really accept the facts over their blind faith? Ask yourself who is your mother, She comes to mind because you know who she is. Now who is your Creator, God, Lord, Allah, Rabb, JAH, Yahweh? You don’t get an exact. One is fact and the other is fiction until confirmed. N . The use and mis-use of S : There are no limitations in finding facts when you compare religion to the Scientific method of “prove it”, The process defined by that which is measurable and repeatable. It speaks to issues and their ultimate origin as well as people, places, and things. Where did they come from? How long ago? How did they come about? Genetics, not control of others moralities or lives for such answers, science depends on what was recorded and found, read and confirmed to be the way people really lived, facts not fiction. Whereas, religious beliefs can’t be found or confirmed just what men wrote down and claimed as coming from an unproven spirit God. They make the claims that their God, Lord knows about the smallest details of our lives, but doesn’t and will not nor has stopped all the sickness, evils, wars, killings, destruction of nature, and even their own Human bodies, minds, and birth defects. He doesn’t help or prevent, we . The Problems Creation ys. Evolut your parents, their parents and so on. The first fact is you yourself, ‘ou reading this confirms your existence. Next step back is where did you come from, your parents, who came from theirs? That’s how it’s done with plants, animals, humans and the universe. Nothing new even if a test tube is used it still has the same root seeds for reproduction. Where did it start? Why must it have to have one? Only to support your belief in a spook God one point in time saying be or let there be this person. What most overlook is even then in their religious books they say this God used dust or mud or clay of the ground which always has some form of life in it; be it dry sand or moist soil. Life existed in it when their God used it to shape, fashion, mold, make, form and create the first flesh and blood being. So the sed of life was there or with that Gd who they claim is life and if you live for more than one moment you live or are living and that’s time. So then when did you start living to be alive? They even give their God a gender. He and a male child, a son and even a male Ghost or Spirit called angels, a gender means a sex, a male gender means a seed or XY Chromosomes and sperm, DNA, RNA. This is all they claim. This is the problem with the instant creation from nothing it can't be confirmed nor does their own Holy Books make that claim as for reproduction. This is Proven as for evolving or evolution this is proven. Not how many have pro-claimed but how it is you evolved from your parents who evolved from their parents and cach time there is change? Evolution, this evolutionary explanation of life by birth does not make God or Gods unnecessary. Anyone can see life develops gradually changing from person io person and over a great period of time much change. Of course there is intelligence involved by one designer who alone from nothing provided that one ingredient for life and set into motion by saying to it exist. Think of who was talking and why speak at all, if there were no other beings to listen? Older wiser living beings birthed, created, grew, made and fashioned our level of life. Just as if a pure African moves to Europe, it's known now his genes are older, stronger that’s a fact confirmed. If he is the very first and he takes a European or Caucasian female and impregnates her with his sperm, the child born would be a new creation, a first. His father would be his creator, his mother would also be his creator and the Paa-Ptah-Nun “The Planet Earth” in which he planted his seed to mix with her ovum. Now the other way around, if an African woman who holds the Mitochondrial DNA a genealogy is born. A line from her onward. While the seed of the African male ended at conception because he does not have Mitochondrial DNA like the woman. Yet, in both cases it was a new creation created from them. Then from the African woman’s seed because of the Mitochondrial DNA, the gene proven to be transferred from the mother only, This is evolution genetically if beings came to us from older worlds with stronger genes and bred » w us. They would be our Gods and if it was a female she would be our mother and Goddess. That is how it’s done. The Devil and Evil: Who has the most to profit from a Good God created us and all things more than a Devil or Devils? It gives him a purpose. It brings him into existence as well. For why would you need a Good if there was no Evil? Why need a God if there was no Devil? So who do you think created religion and its religious laws of Do and Don’t do? Not the creation and certainly not the creators or the one who has the most to gain by weaker beings violating these do and do not do laws and of course that created a place for enforcers of these laws and then subjects and of course records of what to do and not to do written by those enforcers. You get your so-called Holy Books by whatever title to enforce their laws and stay in control. Real do and do not's is only what is harmful in any way to anything. Your health, life, or nature, which you need. Don’t hurt yourself or others, that’s law. . The Bible, Quraan_and God Story: On first reading the opening words of the Old Testament in Hebrew as Tanakh “Torah” or English which birthed the New Testament many other Agnostic text of Nag Hammadi, scrolls found in Egipt in 1945 A.D. and the Qumran Scrolls called Dead Sea Scrolls found outside of Jerusalem in 1947 A.D. which birthed the Quraan of the Muslim’s Islamic Religion in 610-632 A.D. in Arabia and their religions for each base their belief in a Divine on this first book of Genesis in what they call the Bible. This first chapter seems to assume the existence of an D'OR Eloheem or 7171" YHWH or God, 510g Dios or Allah, 1, Rabb. Genesis, however was really written long after what the first verse claims at a point of time in History. They claim a Hebrew man of the Levite Tribe of Israel wrote it, which has not been proven to date. However, the very words, “In the beginning God,” is not saying, “In the beginning, I as the first and only God...”. It’s about a God not by this God. Just as the first verse of St. John in the New Testament stating, “Jn the beginning was the word and the word was with God...” It does not say, I am the God the first and only God and the word was with me. Again it’s not by a God. The Qur’aan read, “In the name of your Rabb who created...” It doesn’t say, Read in the name of me Allah who created, it’s about Allah not by Allah. It was written by mortal men, human beings about a God, not by a God about human beings, just as many children world over now believe that Santa Clause was a real person; they call him “Chris Cringle”. Note Chris=Christ. Saint Nick=Saint, Holy. They have how he dresses, how he looks, how he has helpers, his words, “ho, ho, ho”, how he flies through the skies with flying reindeer, how he gives gifts iii and that makes people happy. How he lives way up North at the North Pole. People spend their hard earned money on gifts. Now is not all of this the exact same story created in the Bible or Quraan about their God, Angels, reward. He knows if you are asleep, he knows if you are awake, he knows if you are good or bad. Is not that the same and people all over wait for Christmas? Who was born on Christmas? They have music, feast, rituals, symbols, it’s not real, it’s all fake. He really doesn’t and never existed, a make believe. That is the very same thing with the Bible stories of a God, the places, the miraculous events, signs, symbols. You think about it, now he Santa Claus is supposed to be good like God. But then they created stories of Frankenstein, a man-made man, made of human parts came alive and became evil, killed. Don’t forget when I said the name, you saw his image as if he is real. And so many others I could say but you think them and see how it works and worked. It’s all faith and belief in what another person created in their mind like the best fiction stories. There is no proof of the stories religious people devote their lives to, none. Yes, they found places mentioned in the Bible but you can find the North Pole or Transylvania, both are on the map. Figure 1: Map of North Pole iv Map of Transylvania That does not mean Santa Claus and Frankenstein are or were real. And it doesn’t matter how many people claim they believe in Big foot or the Lockness Monster until they uncover the facts, proof they do not exist and yet in Egipt facts, records, bones, tombs, dates, times, places, and real people confirmed. They have not done that with the monotheistic religions of Mosesism, Jesusism, or Muhammadism which all three should be called Abrahamism, for each claim him in their Quraan 16:123, as their founder and he has not been proven to ever have existed. No facts, confirmation, findings, none not one of him. None of them have proven their creation story, their angels story, their God story, their life after death story, their Heaven story, but their Hell story is true. We have it right here on Earth with all the pain and suffering, around us. Fiction has become real to those that need anything to believe in. But facts will always come out of the lies or fabrication. Religion. . The Name of a Religion or God doesn’t make it Real: People who claim names today like Jews, Christians, Muslims, or Judaism, Christianity and Islam and their many sub-divisions, sects, and denominations, The fact that there are millions who believe the fictions of their Holy Books, the fictions of the beings or people in their own stories, the fact that there is a place called Jerusalem or ‘The Vatican in Rome or Mecca in Arabia, none of the above mentions or confirms the facts needed. It’s only beliefs and are not argument of their God’s existence. A God each claims is partial to their rituals and them as the chosen ones and that their God would not protect other children of the world unless they all convert to their races, religious beliefs. That he is responsible for all being born amongst the Hindus Indian sub-race, or Buddhist Asian sub-race or Yorubans African race, Is not he the giver of all life to all people regardless of race according to their religious beliefs? Are we to believe that when each time these so-called Hebrew race of Jews or Israelites the sub-race of Caucasian people could not live safe, find food where he sent them the Land of Canaan or fear death their God, Yahweh, Eloheem sent them to Africa to the Africans. Egipt is in Africa and was ruled originally by Africans who many Caucasians have taught are cursed to be black, nappy hair, big lips, large genitals, and big butts, Alll this they claim while their God sends them to safety amongst Africans “repeatedly”, The Personification of God, Angels, Spirits: Many religions claim to worship their God in Spirit Torah Genesis 1:2 (Mosesism) John 4:24 (Jesusism) or as an unseen Spirit Quraan 2:3, John 1:18, that God is not a Human being Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9. That Angels have wings Isaiah 6:2, Ezekiel 1:11 and are also Holy Ghost Luke 1:35, Quraan 16:102-103 or Spirits yet human beings 1 Timothy 2:5, Genesis 3:22, Exodus 7:1; because, we as human beings know we have all kinds of weaknesses and needs from outside sources. We need to clean ourselves inside as well as outside. We start off as babies weak and dependant. And as we age, we loose our sight, our hearing and receive all other kinds of sickness, and we need to eat, we need to drink water, and we have other needs we go crazy or lose our minds. We are selfish. So how can their God be a human being and still be all powerful? So they use the spirit of God comes into a body of flesh as the word made flesh St. John 1:14 used by the Christians in New Testament or the Angel comes as a complete well-made man in the Muslim’s Qur’aan Chapter 19:17, Psalm 18:10-11 and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters by the Hebrew’s Torah, Genesis 1:2. But in each a spirit being came down to Earth. Also in the Torah, God or the Lord came to Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth” with two angels to Abraham and ate food, flesh in fact, Genesis Chapter 18. They ate meat of animals with this and so many others in human form. They use doves Mark 1:10, ass, calves, mules, strange flying animals to take them to Heaven as in the Qur’aan 17:1, unicorns Job 39:10, dragons Revelation 13, talking snakes Genesis vi 3:1, fish men 1 Samuel 5:2-7 goat men Leviticus 17:7. So we see they believe that angels come in human form Quraan 17:85, Daniel 8:15-16, Revelations 22:8-9 in spiritual birds, human fish, giant fish, giants Genesis 6:4. You can read this in their Holy Scriptures and books they use to explain their religions. Yet, they will look at Egipt and say we are pagans because they claim we Egiptians of old worship animals. Yet, Moses and his people worshiped a brass serpent “snake” Numbers 21:8-9, John 3:14. Thus, their own God trusted Egipt as a place of safety to live and stay for 430 years Genesis 46:3, Exodus 12:40-41 and also sent to the Christian’s own God in flesh Jesus, Matthew 2:13-15 to Egipt to be safe. This also is to be found in their Holy books Exodus 12:40-41. Think their God, Allah, YHWH, Eloheem, Rabb made a promise with their father Abraham, Ibraheem to give him a land flowing with milk and honey Exodus 3:8, 3:17, 33:3; Leviticus 20:24, Genesis 12:1, 7 then Genesis 12:10 and Quraan on Jesus (Isa) return Quraan 43:61. To look over them, protect them, a safe place. Now note this is their all-knowing God, but he did not know the land of Canaan would have a famine Genesis 42:3-5, dry-up and force the Israelites to have to move or die. He could not see that far when he made the promise to Abraham Genesis 17:8. Then of all the planet Earth why are they or does he feel they are safe in pagan Egypt? Why is Egipt even in their books at all if we were such backward, confused pagans? He passed through Europe to go to Egipt; look at map of his route: pr a TE ; Beem cee cry per co Figure 3: Map of Abraham’s Journey = Egiptians are never called evil in Hebrews’ Holy books. Their Jesus came from above in the form of a bird dove Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10; John 1:32 enter a human being and he became Emmanuel, “God with us” Matthew 1:23 with us they claim. The Muslims claim he Isa or Al Masih will climb down a latter onto a Mosque when he returns from up there or Heaven and Caucasoid European Jews wait for a Mashiakh to come rule over them and set peace on Earth. While they and the sub-race of Palestine kill each other over the Land of Camaan. In each they see some human being coming from above to Earth with more power than earthlings who can transform himself. Yet, when we Egiptians said our Khamunu “Ogdoads” were symbolic of frogs and snakes of the deep who came out of the water meaning the tadpole like sperm and the fetus like frog in the wet womb of a female which came out on dry land as a Human being onto land before becoming an upright mortal Homo-Sapian or that Paa- Sapzdutu the Enneads personified and create man in their images, they say that never could have happened. Well, the fact is they really believe the very same things that we Egiptians knew, but the fact remains and has been proven that the Egiptians never needed them, they needed Egiptians. The Egiptian Nazduru “Gods of Nature” never sent Egiptians in need to them; it is the other way around. And who was first on Planet Earth, the Egiptians who are Africans in Africa first. These are proven facts. Whose records have been found, the Egiptians. And in person who looks like you Negroids, your Egiptian ancestors, your own Holy blood line, DNA. And where is Egipt? Africa. And what does that make true Egiptians? Africans. And who are the original Africans? Negroids, Dark-skin, wooly- hair people, the first. Look on the walls of Egipt the same way you look at your grandparents” pictures. It is the same. . The Evidence of Greatness and Miracles: All you have to do is look at Africa and Africans, the Great empires we built. Look at Timbuktu in Mali, look at Egipt, Sudan, and South Africa, look at our records, our arts, the first to write a script, and the first doctors in their Holy books. They claim one of their prophets cast his rod to the ground and his Lord God turned the wooden stick into a living snake, Exodus 7:9-10. Now the ruler of Egipt, a man Per-RE-Ah: Satukh Paa-Wahan “Pharaoh Seti I” called his Hanutu “priests” and they could do the same thing that the Israelite, Hebrew, Muslims Yahweh, Allah, God or Adonai, Rabb, Lord did for their prophet viii = Moses, Mosheh, Musa; he did not do the miracles, his God, YHWH, ‘Theos, Allah did it for him. But RE did not do it for the Egiptian Priest, they did it themselves from their own Earthly knowledge. So in fact who is the Hebrews Gods, the Egiptians, Right in their books, Isaiah 19:25, Hosea 12:9, Hosea 13:4. The Hebrew does not say who brought you out of Egypt. It says their very God, Lord is from Egipt himself, What was the name of Amun-RE or Amon, Amen ‘The Amen Revelation 3:14. They still use his name at the end of their prayer today Amen. So we Egiptians already knew how it was done making us equal as mere mortal men in powers to their spirit God, Lord. So who in fact is Greatness and who is performing miracles as human beings, the Egiptians, the Africans called Negroids. The God who doesn’t Know, and Lies: In their Holy books their God asks questions like, “Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9 as Adam hides from him as he walked on Earth in the Garden. And, “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” Genesis 3:11 and so many other times this God did not know all things. Also he told Adam a lie he said: “For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Genesis 3:6, Adam and Eve both ate of it but they did not die that day, That was a lie. Then does this God have fears? Yes he said, “Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live “forever.” Genesis 3:22 So yes, he feared this man (Adam) who had become a God (Eloheem) like him. Just as Moses did Exodus 7:1, “And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” Paa-Nazdur: Amun-Nub-RE-Akh-Ptah (Djedi) Shil Paa Hanutu DzaHuti XROoLy a ‘Paa-Safun Mehyetaat Shil PAA Nazdir: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah, PAA Hanut: Djedi ‘The Sacred Papyrus of: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah (Djedi) Bi Paa Ren Shil RE: Atum wu Atun wu Amun By the name of RE: Atum and Atun and Amun Paa Safur Shil Udjetu ‘The Seroll of Eyes aa Nefermul Medetaat Meh.yet: 4 Birth of Religions “The Beautiful Words” Papyrus:#16 rr . Religion, is a system of faith, beliefs, and/or worship, rules and rituals. One is called religious if they belong to any group of people who all have blind faith in the same thing, things and if they practice it or them a lot it’s called religiously, and these acts are religiousness. 2, Itall relates to belief or believe, a believer who is believing in something, or nothing if it has not been proven or confirmed. 3. In that case unknowingly they are belittled by what is counterfeit, if they teach what has not been confirmed or preach it then they belie or falsify, speak falsely of subjects, persons, places that are not true, making them a liar, who lies. 4. In most cases religion is based on fear. . If you don’t believe this or that, then this or that will happen to you. 6. Most religious people only try to convert you because they feel if others believe as they do then they are not ignorant or being fooled. The more that go along with what they claim; they believe it is true. This makes them think after repeating it over and over, over time that it must be true when in fact it’s not truth, it’s belief. 7. It’s really what they assume or take for granted: a put on claim, arrogate, pretend, be arrogant, it’s all assumptions, suppositions, arrogance, assumptive. Not proven. 8. It becomes real to them, so they don’t feel stupid; when in fact to believe in anything that can affect your life without you yourself confirming it, is stupid and if you believe it hard enough you will create your own images in your own imagination. That is you will start to create, draw, fashion, shape fake images in your mind, Then draw pictures, fashion statues. And give life to your image. As you see with religion. w 9. Then you turn to all others and to convince yourself that what you only believe is true is true and all others who don’t believe as you do must be stupid or ignorant. When in fact you need others to accept and believe what is not confirmed in order to not feel stupid. Next if they don’t, you fight them or even kill them. Call them names like disbeliever, infidel, unbeliever, and then you create a new word infidelity to make you feel you're good, right or righteous. That's religion, blind faith. That when you opened your eyes Negroid, the Caucasoid had already used his own imagination to create images of what your belief should be. What is good, what is evil, wicked, and bad, how to live, what to say, what to even eat, who to marry and it all traces back to a God “Elohim, Allah” that chose one of them, be he Jewish, Greek, Roman, Indo-Arab, as your prophet, apostle, disciples, angel, always looking like them, Figure 1: Their Image of the Creation Story God Creates Man (Creation), according to Michelangelo (Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni), Ceiling of Sistine Chapel, Vatican, 1508-1512; Figure 2: Figure 3: ‘Their Image of God ‘Their Image of Angles According to God and Science at Future of The Books So in fact religion, given to you or that you convert to, is saying the all good being up in heaven with the angels created me in his image Genesis 1:26-27, “26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”So God, Allah is of his race. Or even a Jewish boy, a Hebrew boy, an Israelite boy of a Jewish tribe of Judah and Levite, who was born by way of a holy angel or ghost (Matthew 1:18-21; Quraan 19:17-19), sent by god to a Jewish girl, a virgin (Matthew 1:23), so she is clean and she gave birth to god the son of god. 10. So you have this being, all good, who birthed himself as his own son, Son of God John 10:30, “I and the Father are one”. That says out of his own mouth, “When you see me you see God”. 11, So he is in the image of God, which puts God in his image. Looks like him, he looks like God. What is this saying? That whichever race he is from is God. All good. That’s Mosesism, Jesusism, Muhammadism and all their sub groups or religion of Abrahamism, Ibraheemism. Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: ‘Their Image of Moses Their Image of Jesus Their Image of Muhammad According to Ingvil Flaskerud, Qum 1999 A.D. 12. So you’re in fact worshipping their race as your god by worshipping their image of prophet, messiah, Christ, apostle, angel, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit. Be it Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah, Lord, Rabb, Allah, El Shaddia, Adonia, God, Dios, Dieu, Theos, Supreme Being, Most High, Anu, Anunnaki. Be it Arab, Indian, Asian, European. Be it who or whatever. It’s always in their own image and after their own likeness, not yours, Negroid. And if you think for yourself or try to change the image for your own children, to see the image of your race they call you a Black Religious cult and they all get together to stop you. Because your children will see in themselves greatness not only in others. Then your daughters will not want to look like the image of other races. But will see their own image as good as God. Is it wrong? Only if they cannot prove it like their Bible and Qur’aan which teach of a God, Allah they claim is unseen, not even transparent, but not here. Yet he is there until you ask just where is there? Up there, they say. And if you say up there where? How far up there? They say in heaven. You ask where is heaven? You get “up there” again. They don’t know. 13. Even if you look at the Hebrew for heaven in their Torah you get heaven Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #8064 OW shamayim it’s a dual or plural. From root 72W shameh “those two up there, to be lofty, the sky” or ]2@ Chaldean shamayin all from Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #8033 OW sham “there, thence”. So all the Hebrew from Chaldean in the Jewish Bible says about heaven is it’s two or more places up there. 14. And if you look in the Greek for heaven in their gospel or New Testament you get Online Bible Greek Strong’s #3772 ovpavoc ouranous, it’s nothing more than sky, heaven from Online Bible Greek Strong’s #3735 opos oros “to rise or rear”. So you can see that in fact in the New Testament the Greek 00-ran-os is really saying Orion the constellation containing seven very bright stars, three of which form Orion’s belt. Also now you see where they get the seven heavens (Qur’aan 23:17 was originally 74) those seven bright stars of Orion. eS) ec) 5 | ot] c] Ks Kunnaa Ani | Maal wa Wewere Not And about J ‘Taraaiq ‘Saba Fawgakum_ Khalagnaa = Lagad = Wa Ways = Seven Over You We Indeed And All Created E17 owe | shel Ghaafiliyna Al Khalqi ‘Unaware The Creation 15. And if you look in the Arabic for heaven in their Qur’aan or Koran you get 13.2) As-Samaawat from the same words as the Hebrew with the exact same meanings the heavens, or slat! As-Samaa’a “the sky, the clouds”. Again it comes back to up there somewhere. 16, And the Gospel or New Testament confirms just where up there is, Orion Star Contellation, so in fact it tells them where their God, Allah is; up there in Orion star system, a constellation in the 7 heavens. And the Old Testament supports this in the books Job 9:9, Job 38:31 and Amos 5:8. So it’s not hard to find this absent god. He has docked or is in Heaven which comes from abode of Ged place of bliss, heavenly or from the word haven; harbor, refuge. So their God/Allah is up there in heaven or two star constellations, those being pointed out to them by we ancient Egiptians as Saahu “Orion” and Sapzdetu “Sirius”. 17. So you have all the religious people asking where is heaven, when the answer is right in their Bible and Quraan. 18. Confirmed. Yet they wish to believe in all kinds of myths that don’t add up like math, which is the art of facts. Math versus myth areas Figure 6: Map of Orion Star Constellation 6 Figure 7: Seven Bright Stars of Orion Star Constellation Figure 8: Orion Star Constellation Figure 9: Sirius Star Constellation 19. So we Ancient Egiptians always explain what we mean of whom we speak. Our GPbI’49 Nazdiru means “watchers” and links back to that which looks on over all life, nature. And being things grow or come to life from nature, we call it Mother Nature being all living beings in fact came from females first. Even us males came from females or Mother Nature. 20. And please don’t quote your Bible or Quraan and say, “But God he created aman, Adam” The Hebrew word O78 Adam means Earthling or the grown not man as in male gender; Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #119-123, also meaning, “red, flush, rosy, ruddy, Human being, mankind, man (Man as in Humanity not a male)". Yet Adam was by your Bible and Quraan created from the dust, mud, soil of the ground. Which means the ground was here before Adam was shaped or fashioned from it. And the ground is a part of the planet, which is nature. 21. Next you will say “But God created the earth and he is a him”, And I will say, if God Allah is an all total he, him, male, man being, then why is it a fact that the Y chromosome comes from the X or the XX chromosomes of female, woman, she, her, mother was first, a fact, and in fact the chromosomes or male, man, he, him, father, son, came from it. As to Christians, if Jesus Christ is God, he came from she, Mary his mother. And that’s a recorded fact (Matthew 1:18). And if, as they teach, angels don’t have gender, then the Holy Ghost did not have chromosomes or semen so it had no part in the gender of Jesus, who they call Immanual or “God is with us” (Matthew 1:23). So their God came from his mother Mary, a woman, As for Jews and Muslims, both who call their god Hashem, YHWH, Eloheem, or Allah, Raab, Aalihat. They claim it has no gender, yet call it he, him, giving him a gender as male, which put him in the workings of nature being seen now or not. Moses saw him even if it was his back and Muslims accept the Torah of Moses or as they call it in the Quraan of Attaurat. And Moses is called Musa. He saw their God’s back (Exodus 33:20-23) . So their God/Allah had a physical form according to their own books called holy books. 22. So being physical, matter, of elements mean for however long he was in physical form, to be seen my Moses, Musa, he was a part of nature. 23, Nature, innate or essential qualities of a thing all phenomena in the material world; material world as a whole. Did their God come to Abraham, Ibrahim in the Bible and eat with him (Genesis 18), in flesh and Muslims? Qur’aan says in Chapter 2:130 if you turn away from Ibraheem’s “Abraham's” rites you’re a fool (Qur’aan 16:123) so Abraham sat with, talked with, ate with the Lord. In Arabic .)!! the Lord and angels Malaa-ikat were with him, Moses also saw God in Exodus 24:9-11. Both Jews and Muslims describe the non-gender Angel Gabriel, Jibriel 8 Bil Ghaybi AL By way of or in the unseen Is from the real root word in Arabic Ghaab o Qur'aan 4:34. ...in their husbands’ absence..... And means not unseen as in can’t be seen It means “absent” as in was here, but not here now. Not here. Not unseen, as in can’t be ever or have ever been seen “not here now”, so where is he right now if he is only absent? Right, Orion, Saahu. Like Christians say, their god Jesus left and will return (Thessalonians 5:1-3; 2 Peter 3:10). And the Qur’aan calls Jesus or Isa the soul/spirit of Allah or allzg yll Ar-ruwhullah right in their Qur’aan 17:85. So don’t let Muslims say tell you they understand all about what cg,l) Ar-Ruwh is, it says right there that they don’t. So when the Qur’aan calls Isa, Jesus the Ruwhullah, the soul, spirit of Allah Qur'aan 4:171 and Qur’aan 2:87 supported with jus4!l cg) Bi Ruwhil Quddus “By way of the holy soul”. So Isa, or Jesus or Yashua incarnated into physical form God in flesh to Jews who then became Christians who taught Muhammad. And they teach Jesus, Isa was on Earth and left, taken up (Luke 24:51). And will come or return as Mashiakh, Messiah, Masih. So he is in fact the soul of Allah, Theos born of the Holy Ghost, or the seed of Adam “Earthling”, the Son of God. He left or is absent and will return. Yet none of them have confirmed that he ever existed as a living person, nor those between Jesus and back to Adam. And in their own Book of Revelations 22:16 what do they call Yashua, Isa, Jesus: “I Jesus have sent mine angel ‘messenger’ to testify unto you these things in the churches ‘assemblies’. I am the root ‘seed’: and the offspring (ovum, semen) of David ‘beloved’ and The bright and morning star”. So this saviour, which is what Jesus, Isa, Yashua means, says he is a star. And in Matthew 2: what time the star appeared” then verse nine “....and lo the star which they saw in the east...” Verse 10 “When they saw the star...” And in Greek that’s Online Bible Strong’s #792; aotepn aster as- 9 tare’ same as Isis, Aset. So now is it a who or what? Does it represent the constellation of a star system returning, and stars and suns (Malachi 4:2)? All religions are based on movement of the star. They look for certain stars to mark change, in heaven, for god to return from Saahu, Orion. This was all started in Egipt by the Paa-Hanutu, the priest of the Amen, or Amun first son of Ptah or two star systems. As it moved from Egipt to the east or Mesopotamia, Babylon and then given to the Hibiru “Hebrews” things changed. Has it been proven a star and land mark back 2000 years ago? Astronomers have found a star alignment back then April 17, 6 B.C. According to Michael R. Molnar “In particular, there is confirmation from an astrologer that the conditions of April 17, 6 BC were believed to herald the birth of a divine, immortal, and omnipotent person born under the sign of the Jews, which we now know was Aries the Ram. Furthermore, the coins of Antioch and ancient astrological documents show that there was indeed a Star of Bethlehem as reported in the biblical account of Matthew.” Yes. So religion was born to them in their Bible in Genesis 4:26 “And to Hab “Seth” to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Hapi ‘Enos’ then began people to call upon the name of Paa Nazdir ‘The Lord’.”” Jupiter in Aries rae ed eae Pe att a aa relat ear er er ure 10: Star Chart depicting April 17, 6 B.C. 10 24. Religion was born calling from Earth and above for help. For the sun to come in the morning for light and warmth, Protections, long life, health and men took the lead, Paa Hanutu. 25. So we ancient Egiptians some 6000 years ago during the ages of Anun- Atum-Atun and Amun were aware of the interconnectedness of all these beings. That in fact Paa Paut The All was one as Paut “A//” and in all is many the same time. Then is it not a fact that what they now call monotheism which in fact is not to them. The Hibiru Hebrews have so many forms of their so-called one deity. Names, attributes, and actions, so they don’t really accept the existence of only one deity. The same with Christians who say they only believe in one god and state God the father, is one, God the son is two and God the Holy Ghost is three. And don’t forget Mary the Mother of God, four. And in Islam they claim don’t worship or have any partners with Allah or Rab and his 99 attributes. Yet if Allah is the one and only existing deity then there is no need to repeat over and over Laa lah illa allah ail YX) at) Y which they translate as “there is not god but Allah”. Well if that’s true then how can anyone worship a God that does not exist? And how could one have partners or equals to Allah if they don’t exist? How can Allah be the most anything j if there i is no other? How can Allah be the greatest? Greatest of who? 4 ali Atahu Akbar. How? Why, do you to have to say what cannot be? So again their own statements and claims say they believe there are other 4g] Allahs found many places in their Qur’aan, but you should only worship the one they tell you to. People of Mosesism, Jesusism, Muhammadism are the real polytheists of polytheism. 26. And we Egiptian state all things are in all. All is one, one is all. All is Lam. So that is the true paradox they claim what they are not, and call us what we are not. 27. Actually we ancient and now Egiptians or Nuwaupians always from then to now and all previous ages were not monotheistic or polytheistic or daulitic one-two-or more. All is. 28. When we use Nazdiru, Neter, it is Nature. You find it in Online Hebrew #5201-2 “01 N.T.R Natar “to guard, to cherish”, from Chaldean Net-ar 1 “keep, to retain” and also it exists in Arabic as bi Nazdara, na-ta-ra observer watch, look over, look at. So the words in Hebrew and Arabic came from Egiptian Nazdiru watchers which became nature. Three Flags were used for the Nazdiru, you see the triple flags at the ‘Temple of Aset at Philae, The Temple of Aset at Philae Figure 11: Outer Court of Temple of Aset at Philae 5 4 4 = Nazdir “Watcher” As you see both Hebrews Shin/® Siin and Arabic Gu seen and Gi came from the Egiptian symbol of three flags or Nazdir-Nazdiru, watcher of the watchers. It became the Hebrew deity “"e Shaddai 29, And note that Nazdir in Egiptian: WW Nazdir 22 Became the Hebrew and the Arabic 2 Sheen; or in Hebrew “12 O8 and Arabic’s aya4ull Ash-Shadiyd. Both have same meaning too. “The Mighty”, or “Powerful”. 30. All their teachings, cultures, rituals, rites which became their religion came from Wu-Nuwaupu in ancient Napata and Mero®. 31, And "72 and sa Shaddai, Shadd from Shed also the Egiptian Nazdir, according to the Routledge Dictionary of Egiptian Gods and Goddesses ISBN 0-203-02362-5 Master e-book ISBN, page 146. Se, — = SHED “Saviour” in Egipt called the protector of humans from desert animals. So again you see their “72 5N El Shaddai in Hebrew and asd Ash-Shadiyd in Arabic, both came from Egipt’s Shed deity. 32. The point being we Egiptian Nuwaubians don’t have a religion, it’s our way of life, our culture. Call us a cult if you will. You will only be revealing how ignorant you are of the word cult or cultivate, cultivation, from the cultivators of our cultural way of life cultured by our ancestors in ancient Egipt. Call us Nuwaupians a cult. Call us pagans, then look up what it really means a farmer who wished not to move in town or city and go alone with the religions inside them. Or Pantheism one who identifies with Thei the Greek deities and the universe. Pantheist, pantheon. What fools these mortals be. 33. They don’t even know where the names of their gods come from or their religions. In fact, the word “God” comes from the German. The earliest written form of the Germanic word god comes from the 6th century Christian Codex Argenteus. The English word itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic * gudan. Most linguists agree that the reconstructed Proto- Indo-European form * ghu-té-m was based on the root * ghau(a)-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke" taken from Wikipedia The word God comes from the Old English/Germanic terms god (gup, gudis in Gothic, gud in modern Scandinavian and Gott in modern German). -taken from the New World Encyclopedia. 13 34, So in fact the culture of pre-dynastic on to dynastic Egipt was began by Paa-Nazdiru who came here to Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth" from Heaven Saahu “Orion” and other star systems. Their description, definition and systems of teaching became a separation from the way lived; the totality of existence changed after the creation of Caucasians which became the basis for religion to try and civilize them, Yet it cannot be done. 35. They even got their devil as a snake or serpent, Muslims called 4) Shaytaan, Shaitan and that comes from the Egiptian deity Routledge Dictionary of Egiptian Gods and Goddesses ISBN 0-203-02362-5 Master e-book ISBN, page 145: 2a, 6) -~ Tt was the Greco-Roman in their time with Agthodaimon, the popular serpent-god of fortune at Alexandria, That’s how it got to the Israelites and Ishmaelites. Shay, however, in Egipt was a personifying destiny which, who exists both as a concept and as a reality of divinity. Just as the devil is in religion a fore and a fact, a being and an act. Shay was noted for being at funerary rites, such as in Ani Royal Papyrus; there Shay appears in the weighing of the heart scene as anthropomorphic. Also known as the instructor of morals and religious precepts known as the instruction of Amun-Em-Ipet, one passage stresses the futility of pursuing wealth and riches by pointing out that no one can ignore shay, it means fate, or a thing that is, thing. Also found in the rites of Akh-en-Atun how it got to Shasu Israelites who taught it to Muslims in their Qur’aan as Shay-taan that they mis-translate as Satan or Devil. Akh-En-Atun himself was called Shay, as the reality and Atun as the precept, unreal existing. So again all they teach comes from Egipt. All a play on word meanings. 36. So this was the origins of rituals and leaders other than Paa Nazdiru after pre dynastic. Yet in pre dynastic you had: 14 Paut Paa Paut RE Anun - RE Nunet > Nun - Paa Khemenu “Ogdoad” Atum + RE Ptah - Tum Hehet - Heh Keket - Kek Niaut - Niau ‘Amunet - Amun Son of Ptah.Tum Amun. Atun Atum From this you get 1 Teffnut-~ Sh Natt Gat }—Paa Sapzedenu “Enneads” In the Suf or ancient hieroglyphic script you can see Nazdiru in it 11 Enneads The Nine Also called Pesdjet, P.sit, Sep.zdet and Nazdiru is there is the triple flags. hkl Amun Atun Atum Paa. Nazdiru who birthed Paa-Sapdzetu being themselves Paa Khemenu, first entering the deep or waters of this planet, So you read Paa-Khemenu or the 8 Ogdoads were four Nazdiru in the form of frog-headed beings and four Nazdiru in the form of snake headed beings or reptilians. And of them came Paa-Sapzdetu, the Enneads or nine minds. From sea to come on land to become Huminu and Humimu, Mammalians which were also Nazdiru, yet incarnated into human form. 15 They were: Khonsu — Min — Khnum Aset —_Asar - Nabtchat —Sutukh Ab-Nub “Anpu” On to Har ! Tabijet — HisMates __ et-ttar Em-Sutukhtwy Hapi Dua-muef — Qebeh-Sen-uef (Em-Se From this point on starts the 46" Dynasties | Har-Aha I Min-Es 1 Ner-Mer | Hent —— Mines —]— Net-Hotep= First Dynasty Har-Net - Dzer Ner-Mer | Mere-Net Duet (Wad) etep-Sekhentwy = Second Dynasty Den I Anedji pBetrest Pemse fomeshit Kha-Sekhem-Way M | ‘Qa Sen-Akhet = Third Dynasty | Droser ' Sekhem-Khet | Kha-Baa | Huni 1 Sen-Nefer-RE = Fourth Dynasty 16 37. Into Egipt came invaders who live amongst us mixed and chose our way of life to become religion to and for them. 38. Much was changed, lost of names, dates places, and so we kept the true secrets of Paa Nazdiru from them in secret brotherhoods and sister hoods under Paa-Hanutu priest of Ptah-Tum and his six sons. 1, Amun 2, Sagar 3.Hab 4, Sabaq 5. Yim Hutip 6. ZdiHuti and the females they chose both of Huminu and Nazdirtu. 39, The brotherhood of Asar = Asar J om a Osiris “To Squeeze” Extract from And he or they are linked to the star constellation of Saahu Saahu Nz Akt * oe 40. The sisterhood of Aset SS = Aset Isis ny “Female sitting on a throne” And she or they are linked to the star constellation of Sapzdetu ( A = = Sapzdetu au* Sirus “Hairy” 41. Secret brotherhoods were set up to protect the secrets of our arts over them was Paa-Hanutu a priesthood of men chosen by Amun son of Ptah himself 42. Secret sisterhoods were set up to protect the seed of Paa-Nazdiru here on Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth”. This secret sisterhood was called Paa Hat- Haru, And each was chosen and taught for her physical well kept body and 7 her mind, healthy, wise, strong, with good genes. Once this passed on to the Shasu “Israelites”, the priests became the Levite and the woman was chosen from their tribe and the Tribe of Judah for the men. Later this was given in small parts to monks and nuns and later became the ancient mystical order Rosae Crucis or Amore. The Rosicrucian, Order of the Rose upon the Cross which became many suborders down to the Masonic Order or Freemasons. Figure 12: Cross of Rosae Crucis 43. Yet they the Europeans were never given the true arts of black magic or alchemy “Paa-Khaf-RE”, 44, For the very word alchemy is from Al-Khami or Al-Haam from Egiptian word Khami, Khemitian, Kemet “Black”. 45. All about protecting the seed of the women. As you read in their Bible Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” It’s not about the Online Bible Hebrew #2233 D7 zeh-ra from #2232 DTT zara, to sow, to disseminate, plant, fructify, bear, conceive, seed, yield, and seed, fig, fruit, posterity from Chaldean Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #2234 DTN zara seed, the life germ. And the word posterity is to keep, fixed firmly, supporting a thing. That is exactly what the female has and does by her carrying the Mitochondrial DNA which men don’t carry. 18 So women are the carrier of the seed not just the blood line. A man can do that by father to son, but the very genetic code is only by the female. 46. And if we trace it down in their religion and Bible and Quraan it starts right here Genesis 1:27: “So Eloheem created mankind “Adameem” pl. in his own image, in the image of Eloheem created he him, #2145 72? Zakar “remembered”, a male from #2142 7D? Zawkar “to mark as to be recognized, to remember, to mention" and #5347 7323 female, from 323 Nagab “to puncture, to specity, designate” created he them.” So you see male must be marked to be remembered, yet female is designated. So it started with the placement of the Mitochondrial DNA in the female. 47. And from there you can trace it down from Eve. It would have stopped, yet it says, Genesis 5:4 that Adam and Eve had sons and daughters. It’s the daughter who carries the genetic code of the Eloheem. And that is repeated from Adam to Eve to Genesis 5:22, daughters of Methuselah and his female. Then on to Genesis 5:26 of Lamech’s daughters. Now it stops at Lamech, only mentioning a son Noah. Yet Genesis 5:30 gives Noah daughters. So beside the 3 sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, Japeth, there were daughters of Noah. And you read in Genesis 6:1 what does it say, which gender was the sons of Eloheem interested in? I quote: 1. And it came to pass when men Online Bible Hebrew #120 Adamite began to multiply on the face of the earth, and “daughters” were born unto them 2. That the sons of Eloheem saw the daughters of men that they were fair Online Bible Hebrew #2896 312 tobe “good at what they do” and they took them wives of all which they chose. 48. That is these sons of gods planted their seeds in these daughters of Adamites, Enosites and so on. So the seed of the women and gods carries on the Mitochondrial DNA of the Gods, Eloheem, Anunnagqi, Nazdiru 49. Then in Genesis 7:7 Noah’s female and his son’s females are saved, and after, they came out of the ark. And they stop speaking about females but they must be there to have offspring. Then Genesis 10:32 you read these are the families of the sons of Noah yet you know females must be there. 50. Then in Genesis 11:11 it happens again, the word daughters comes back in. Then on to Genesis 11:25, 19 “25, And Nahor lived after he begat Terah, 199 years and begat sons and daughters," But then it stops again, until Genesis 11:29, you read: “And Abram and Nahor took them ‘wives’ the name of Abram’s wife was Sarai...” Now note what happens in verse 30. But Sarai could not have children, she was barren Online Bible Hebrew #6135 “PY Aygar “sterile, as if extirpated in the generative organs. If you look you will see this word as Online Bible Hebrew #6137 I7PY stumped, knotted, tied, her tubes were tied. This is not a good thing for the Nazdiru or Eloheem. If she doesn’t have a daughter her seed will be cut off. And she was Abram’s half-sister. There were other brothers who did have daughters. Next you read of lots of moving from place to place to place, but next to family members. Abraham took a pure seed Egiptian as a wife, Hagar, Genesis 16. She gave him a son, Ishmael, no daughter. So she, Hagar, made sure her son had a pure seed of Egiptian female of her own family line Genesis 21:21. And he had 12 sons and one daughter Genesis 36:3...Bashemath. And then after you read in Genesis 18:10 that a God and two angels came to Abraham and Sarah and untied her tubes so that the next year she would have a son Issac. And they did. But again he was a son, no mitochondrial DNA. So what did they do? Abraham made his servant swear he would not pick a female for his son from the cursed seed of lepers, Canaanites among who they lived (Genesis 24:1-3); note what Abraham tells him in Verse 4 “But you must go unto my country and to my kindred ‘family’ and take a wife female for my son Isaac." Why? To make sure that the Mitochondrial DNA is still with his seed of the women. 51. So Issac got Rebekah of Noah’s same seed, of Adam’s same seed. The seed of the woman. You also hear Isaac say the same thing in Genesis 28:1 now read Verse 2, “Arise, go to Padam-aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother's father: and take yourself a wife ‘female’ from there of the daughters of Laban your mother’s brothers” 52. So this Isaac has a female of the seed. Now he tells his son Jacob do the same. Jacob takes four wives (Genesis 29:28, 30:4, 30:9); the first is of the seed, named Leah and she births for Jacob 6 sons: 1, Reuben 2.Simeon 3. Levi 4,Judah 5. Issachar 6. Zebulun And one daughter Dinah “religious one” 20 He also has a wife Bilha (no daughter) and Zilpah (no daughter) and then Rachel (no daughter). So the son of Jacob and Rachel, named Joseph takes a wife of pure Egiptian blood (Genesis 41:37-57). Bring the pure seed back into the family on that side, while from Levi you get Moses, Aaron and what, a sister, Miriam down to Elizabeth and Mary, mother of Jesus. And from Judah you get down to Mary Magdalene the wife of Jesus and their daughter Sarah. From scrolls of Nag Hammadi uncovered in 1945 A.D. in Egipt. 53. So the seed of the women in their Bible carried on down to now. Yet note these were in fact Egiptians not as you read in your Bible, Jews. Now on the other side of Abraham with Hagar and their son Ishmael and his one daughter. You get his second son Kedar who also took an Egiptian wife out of which was born Muhammad of Islam and all of Muhammad’s sons died only his daughter Faatima lived on, chased out of Arabia up into Egipt. So the seed would last to this day. Mix in with Napatans as did Sarah, Jesus and Mary of Magdalene did. So the Mitochondrial DNA would live on for the rebirth or return. Now all this got lost, mixed up, confused as religion. 54. So both Mosesism and Muhammadism call their religion 37 Din ys: Deen Judgment decision, after the one daughter of Jacob and Leah named Dinah. She was raped by a Canaanite Genesis (+). So she was all but forgotten as if our daughter do. Yet, both live it as a way of life and don’t know it was all about protecting the seed of our women, our daughters only mixing with pure seeds to keep it alive in us, and this became religions. 55. All this happened once our seed left Egipt for West and East and returned with mixed seeds. Every race wants to mix with the pure race of Negroids to get the blood of the gods in their own seed. And as you read in their Bible and Quraan they keep going to Egipt for women. Even the Islamic Muslims’ prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin 570-632. Took for a last wife an Egiptian women named Mary the Coptie she had a son he named Tbraheem who died as all his sons. Yet he chose that name out of so many to make the statement as Abraham of old if he ever exist as they claim him. While we have our own records of all those people in their Bible and Quraan as being Egiptian and we have them physically as well as on 21 records while they claim people who after thousands of years have not found the bodies. Only what they claim. Faith, belief, blind faith while they ignore the facts being uncovered every day in Egipt. And Egipt is in Africa. 56. So for rituals Paa Hanutu had structures erected for good reasons. Such as temples “behaat” and pyramids “miraat” which came from Caucasoid Greek-Romans; they used pyramid. Which translated “fire in the middle” also called Per-Nazdiru, abode of watchers, house of nature, which functioned as a machine not a tomb for Per-RE-Ah “Abode of sun-moon” or Pharaoh. 57. The pyramids or Paa-Miraat act as a seismic tap resonating in harmony with Paa-Ptah-Nun, The Planet Earth. Also called Temu, Ta-nun and other names. Yet structures were built over choice places, to line up on upon leylines to Earth’s basic vibrational energies 58. To resonate with the igneous rocks present such as: 1. Granite 2. Diorite 3. Schist 4, Basalt 59, Along with the highly organic sedimentary rock Limestone Figure 12: Granite Figure 13: Diorite Figure 14: Figure 15: Basalt Figure 16: Limestone to generate a harmonic acoustical amplification of that basic energy. On a certain tone or sound or key note such as F flat — F major — F# sharp 60. In the ancient times each place was an area with a source of crystals and running clean clear water. 4 “four” stones would be placed on an altar in the center of a 9 “nine” foot circle of pure salt 61. The four stones crystalline in nature and the altar would be of igneous rock (granite)(basalt) or (alabaster) 23 Figure 17: Alabaster 62. This area originally was the first sacred site the running water and crystal combining to create an active energy 63. Energy field, it was the Holy of Holies, seat of communication. 64, Later this was the Greek word temenos which meant “sacred enclosure or temple” 65. And lead by Paa-Hanut for the Pharaohs = PerAa Highest Abode 66. You can find the word for Pharaoh and think of male ruler or king. King isGPHOX Nysut, Queen GPHOXYX~ Nysutet. 67. Those are not Per-RE-Ahu Pharaohs or Latin A’aferti used also by Sumerian. So to trace the word pharaoh in Greek, Hebrew and Arabic: Greek Strong’s #5328; ®upao == ‘Far. Aho In Hebrew Strong’s #6547 75= — Par.aw or Far-ah; Paroh from Strong’s #6546; mp= Feminine Both from Per-Aa or abode of highest as Per-RE-AH “abode of sun-moon” again back to feminine or Femi-nine. 24 In the Arabic Quraan 2:49-5 ge 3 Firuwn 68. Why each Egiptian ruler had to have a female with pure blood, or seed to breed with and must birth a daughter. 69. The female is the temple, her body of the Nazdiru seed. 70. She was the first object of worship, not man. She is Mother Nature, the eternal fire is in her womb. 71. The Freemasons call her the Eastern Star. The Shriners call her the Daughters of Isis “Aset” Figure 18: Grand Worthy Figure 19: Imperial Deputy, Matron, Order of the Eastern Daughters of Isis 72. Everything of importance to me they call her, she. They even call their consorts, wife Mama. 73. To this day men still worship women but now it’s her body, her sex, not her divine mind, The truth has been lost by religions worldwide. The women is treated as a slave or unclean in most religions, Truth lost, now found. Without Beginning and Without Ending 25 ‘What is the definition Religion? Describe the Orion Star Constellation and its symbolism? What is another name for Sirius Star Constellation. What does the word “absence” mean in Quraan 4:34? Why was religion born? ‘What is the Egiptian hieroglyph for “Watcher”? List the six sons of Ptah-Tum? What does Asar mean? Explain the significance of Mitochondrial DNA? What is Birth of Religions? 26 Ld (RIB HHL NSH P ils U eee eee eee etn erorey ROT RC ei ceecacdieie tat ad ptreareran errata Cea eT Ce Oe ka GoM on cn oe T@ THE INCARNATE OVERSFER: AMUN NUE RE AKH PTAT COO VG ICCC eC E Ee eer Lg tT) Se eee oer eee ractrerarocrcs erin See SECT ee Me eae irae at arerr nen Pte ects} Pee ete Rome Ce eterno oe fii erecta mc rerttl ea V OCR SOO R RINT Se er eed Toner cats CGS Ti Ua CEs Ce een ee eee eo a LAMA NUWAUPIAN THAT IS WHAT 1AM. POU OR at a Oe Pent s eae eee ae taces ata ad nme t ec aera rer CER DORIC COT CS een eee Se eed Poa er ia aya ear reat ae ares ‘AY MUTET, AY AABUH, AY ZAMAL, AY ZAMALTET, Pen ae ee os er cores) Poa merece rere Naas ESOS OEIC Oa Oni aN Mies ame re [ Dae ee eee eae od PSCC Vereen tare DOOR Ce eee

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