Political Parties in The US Graphic Organizer
Political Parties in The US Graphic Organizer
Political Parties in The US Graphic Organizer
What is the Role of a Political Party What was the beginning of the 2 Party System in the US
A political party is made up of individuals who Founded in 1828, the Democratic Party is the oldest
organize to win elections, operate government, and of the two largest U.S. political parties. The
influence public policy. Republican Party was officially founded in 1854, but
the histories of both parties are intrinsically
Third Parties Influence in the US Third Parties Influence in England’s Parliamentary System
Voters seldom pick third-party and independent The three main political parties which dominate British
candidates, but the outsider candidates make their politics, at all levels, face a continuing challenge
mark by adding their ideas to the agenda. “The most
important role of third parties is to bring new ideas
and institutions into politics.