Asosa Math
Asosa Math
Asosa Math
Prepared By Department
Compiled By Group A
1. Tamru Abera-----------------Chapter-1
2. Shimels Geletaw-----------------Chapter-2
Mathematics Group-A- one To five
3. Maasho Brhane-----------------Chapter-3
4. Michael Merga(Yihenew Miteku)---------Chapter-4
Network Group Prepared By
5. Tsegay Tesfay-----------------Chapter-5
6. Nurie Hakima-----------------Chapter-6
Department of Mathematics Group-A-
one To five Network Group Prepared
By Department of Mathematics Group-
A- one To five Network Group
Prepared By Department of
Mathematics Group-A- one To five
Network Group Page i of 158
Prepared By
Department of Mathematics Group-A-
Chapter one..............................................................................................................................................................1
Matrix Addition and Subtraction .........................................................................................................30
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................................................ 53
4.6. Derivatives of Inverse functions ..................................................................................................83
Tabular Integration............................................................................................................................122
5.7. Improper Integrals.....................................................................................................................133
6.2. VOLUMES...................................................................................................................................141
Chapter one
Unit objective
1. Vectors and Vector Spaces
Graphically: u+v v
Parallelogram law of addition of vectors
Page 1 of 158
The difference of two vectors u and v graphically is shown as follows:
u-v u or u u-v
-v v v
Definition: Let a = (a1, a2) and b = (b1, b2) be vectors in ℝ2. Then:
where the entries a1, a2 are called components of the vector u.
Theorem1.2.1 For any vectors u, v and w in ℝ 2 and any scalars C and J the following relations
hold true:
a) u + v = u + v
b) (u + v) + w = u + (v + w)
d) C (Ju) = (CJ)u = J (C u)
c) u + 0 = u
e) C (u + v) = C u + C v
f) (C + J)u = C u + Ju
g) u + (-u) = 0
h) 1u = u
Example: If u = (1, 2) and v = (4, 5), then find:
a) u + v b) v – u c) 2 u + 3 v
a) u + v = (1, 2) + (4, 5) = (1 + 4, 2 + 5) = (5, 7)
b) v – u = (1, 2) - (4, 5) = (1 - 4, 2 - 5) = (-3, -3)
Component form of vectors in ℝ 3: A vector u in ℝ 3is given by u = (a1, a2, a3) where the
c) 2 u + 3 v = 2(1, 2) + 3(4, 5) = (2, 4) + (12, 15) = (14, 19)
Definition1.2.4 Let u = (a1, a2, a3) and v = (b1, b2, b3) be vectors in ℝ 3.
of the vector u.
a) u + v = (a1, a2, a3) + (b1, b2, b3) = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2 + a3 + b3) (addition of vectors)
b) u – v = (a1, a2, a3) – (b1, b2, b3) = (a1 – b1, a2 – b2 , a3 - b3) (subtraction of vectors)
d) C u = C (a1, a2, a3) = (C a1, C a2, C a3) (scalar multiplying a vector u by a scalar C)
c) u = v if and only if a1 = b1, a2 = b2, and a3 = b3 (equality of vectors)
Definition 1.2.5 The magnitude, length or nor m of a vector u = (a1, a2, a3) is denoted by KLK,
and defined by:
KLK = NOP > + O> > + O@ >
It is similar for vectors in ℝ2.
Example: If u = (3, 4, 5), then findKLK in 3-space.
Solution: KLK = NOP > + O> > + O@ > = Q3> + 4> + 5> = Q9 + 16 + 25 = Q50 = 5Q2
Theorem1.2.3 For every vector u and any scalar C the following properties hold true:
KLK ≥ T,
KLK = T if and only if u = 0
Definition: A vector u is said to be a unit vector if KLK = U
Proof: left as an exercise for the students.
V = KLK .
For any vector u, the unit vector in the direction of u is given by:
Example: For a vector u = (2, 3, 5), find a unit vector in the direction of u.
Solution: The unit vector in the direction of u is given by .
1. Find the norm of u if u = ( Z , Z , Z).
Y> @ [
The position vector of a point P(x1, y1, z1) in ℝ3 is the vector ^^^^^^_
= 4i +5j = i -2j +9k
\] = ( `P , aP , bP ) whose
initial point is the origin O and whose terminal point is P.
1.2. Dot (Scalar) Product
In this and the following section, we shall consider two kinds of products between vectors that
originate in the study of mechanics, electricity and magnetism. The first of these products is
Hence KLK = QL ⋅ L
Example: For vectors u = (1, -2, 4) and v = (3, 0, 2) find u⋅v.
Solution: u⋅v = (1, -2, 4) ⋅(3, 0, 2) = (1) (3) + (-2) (0) + (4) (2) = 3 + 0 + 8 = 11
Properties of dot product
1. u⋅v = v⋅u (dot product is commutative)
2. u⋅(v + w) = u⋅v + u⋅w (left distributive property of dot product over addition of
4. (u + v) ⋅w = u⋅w +v⋅w(right distributive property of dot product over addition of
3. (w⋅u)⋅v = w⋅(u⋅v) = u⋅(w⋅v)(Associative property of dot product)
Exercise: Find a vector having the same direction as u = (-2, 4, 2) but has magnitude 6.
Consider two vectors u and v. The square of the norm of their sum is given as follows:
KV + fKq = (V + f) ⋅ (V + f) = V ⋅ (V + f) + f ⋅ (V + f)
= V∙V +V∙f+f∙V+f∙f
= KVKq + qV ⋅ f + KfKq
And hence we see that KV + fKq = KVKq + KfK q if and only if V ⋅ f = T
Definition1.3.3 Two vectors V and f are called orthogonal
(Perpendicular) to each other if and only if V ⋅ f = T
a. Find the value of b so that the vectors u = (-2, 4, 2) and v = (b, b2, b) are orthogonal.
b. Find two vectors orthogonal to V = (1,2,3) and each of their components are non-zero.
Proof: Applying the law of cosine to ∆yz{ in the figure below we get:
^^^^^_ | = |y{
^^^^^^_ | + |yz
^^^^^_| − 2|y{
^^^^^^_ ||yz
^^^^^_| cos s -------(1)
> > >
Corollary 1.3.1 If s is the angle between the vectors u and v then: cos s = KLKK}K
a) Find the angle between u = (1, -2, 2) and v = (-3, 6, -6)
b) If KLK = , K}K = and the angle between them is = 60° then find u⋅v
2. If the vertices of a triangle are z(1, −3,2), {(2,0, −4)Ode =(6, −2, −5) verify the type
1. Find the angle between the X- axis and v = (1, -2, -2)
of the triangle.
3. If u = (2,-3,4) and v = (-1,2.0), and w = (5,-1,2) find the angle between u-2v and u+2w
Definition: Two vectors u and v are said to be ortho-normal if KLK ⋅ K}K = U.
1.3. Orthogonal projection
For two vectors u and v such that v≠ 0, consider the following figure:
⇒ = K}Kq
Definition: Let V and f be two vectors such that V ≠ T and f ≠ T then the projections of vector
u on to vector v Vf , and vector f
onto V, fV
Vf = K}Kq f fV = KLKq V
are given by:
V⋅f V⋅f
and similarly
Example: Let u = (1, 2, -1) and v = (3, 0, -2) then find Vf and fV
Solution: u⋅v = 3+0+2 = 5
KVKq = 6 GHI K}Kq = 13
1. Let V = (1,3, −4) Ode f = (5, −1,0). Find the projection of vector onto f and f
onto vector V.
2. Find the angle between the following pairs of vectors:
a. u=i + j + k, v=2i + j – k
c. u=3i − j + k, v = − 2j + 3k
b. u= 2i − j + 3k, v= 2i + j + 3k
d. u=i − 2j + k, v= 4i − 8j + 16k
3. Given u = 2i − 3j − 3k, v = i + j + 2k, and w = 3i −2j − k, find the angles between the
following pairs of vectors:
a. u + v and v – 2w
b. 2u − w and, u + v – w
c. v + 3w and u – 2w.
4. Find the component of the force F = 4i + 3j + 2k in the direction of the vector i + j + k.
5. Find the component of the force F = 2i + 5j − 3k in the direction of the vector 2i + j − 2k.
6. Given that u = i + 2j + 2k and v = 2i − 3j + k, find
a. the projection of u onto v, and
b. the projection of v onto u.
7. Given that a = 3i + 6j + 9k and b = i + 2j + 3k,
a. Find the projection of a onto the line of b and
b. Compare the magnitude of a with the result found in (a) and comment on the result.
1.4. Direction angles and Direction cosines
Definition: The direction angles of a non-zero vector u are the angles j, Ode in the interval
[0, ] that u makes with the X-, Y- and Z-axes respectively as in the figure below:
The cosine of these direction angles, m j, m Ode m are called direction cosines of the
vector u.
cos j = = cos = =
V⋅ O@
cos = =
OP = KLK cos j
⇒ O> = KLK cos
O@ = KLK cos
1. Find the direction cosines and corresponding angles for the following vectors:
a. i + j + k.
b. i − 2j + 2k.
c. 4i − 2j + 3k.
2. Find the direction cosines and corresponding angles for the following vectors:
a. i − j − k.
b. 2i + 2j − 5k.
c. −4j – k
V = (OP , O> , O@ ) = (KLK cos j , KLK cos , KLK cos ) = KLK(cos j , cos , cos )
From the equations above we observe that:
⇒ = (cos j , cos , cos ) which indicates that the direction cosines of u are the
V⋅ O> 2
cos = = =
V⋅ O@ 3
cos = = =
Exercise: If a vector has direction angles j = Ode = then find the third direction angle .
p @
1.5. Cross product of vectors
For two non-parallel vectors u and v, how can we find a non-zero vector w which is orthogonal
denoted by V × f.
to both u and v? This problem has a standard solution called the cross product of u and v
Definition: If V = (OP , O> , O@ ) and f = (gP , g> , g@ ) are two vectors, then the cross product of u
and v is defined as:
V × f = (O> g@ − O@ g> , O@ gP − OP g@ , OP g> − O> gP )
1. The cross product of two vectors is a vector.
Then by repeating the first and the second column we get:
OP O> O@ OP O> = V × f
gP g> g@ gP g>
3. In determinant form:
O O@ OP O@ OP O>
V × f = ¡OP O> O@ ¡ = ¢ >
g> g@ ¢ − ¢gP g@ ¢ + ¢gP g> ¢
gP g> g@
= (O> g@ − O@ g> ) − (OP g@ − O@ gP ) + (OP g> − O> gP )
= (O> g@ − O@ g> ) + (O@ gP − OP g@ ) + (OP g> − O> gP )
Example: Let V = − 2 + and f = − + 2 + 5 then find V × f.
Solution: V × f = £(−2)(5) − (1)(2)¤ + £(1)(−1) − (1)(5)¤¥ + £(1)(2) − (−2)(−1)¤¦
= −12 − 6¥
Theoerm1.4.1 Let V, f and o be vectors in ℝ/ and ∈ ℝ, then:
1. V × f ⊥ V and V × f ⊥ f
2. V × f = −f × V
3. V × V = T
4. (V) × f = (V × f) = V × (f)
5. KV × fKq = KVKq KfKq − (V ⋅ f)q
6. (V + f) × o = V × o + f × o
7. V ⋅ (f × o) = f ⋅ (o × V) = o ⋅ (V × f)
KV × fK = KVKKfK sin(s)
= O> > g@ > − 2O> g@ O@g> + O@ > g> > + O@ > gP > − 2OP gP O@ g@ + OP > g@ > + OP > g> > − 2OP gP O> g> + O> > gP >
2. Let u and v be vectors in ℝ/ and consider the figure below: sin s = KVK ⇒ ℎ = KVK sin s
3. For vectors u, v and w in ℝ/ as in the figure below; area of the parallelogram is given by
³ = DV ∙ (f × o)D
Hence volume of the parallelepiped spanned by the vectors u, v and w is
1. Determine the area of a triangle with vertices ¶P (1,5,2), ¶> (−1,3,0)and ¶@ (0,1,4)
a) V × (f × o) = (V ∙ o)f − (V ∙ f)o
b) (V × f) × o = (V ∙ o)f − (f ∙ o)V
1.7. Lines and planes in ℝ/ .
If f = (O, g, ) then f = (O, g, ) and = = (`, a, b), =· = (`· , a· , b· ) and hence equation
This equation is called vector equation of the line ℓ.
Another way of describing ℓ is to eliminate the parameter t from equation (2) above;
` − `·
that is:
` = `· + O ⇒ = , O≠0
a − a·
a = a· + g ⇒ = , g≠0
b − b·
b = b· + ⇒ = , ≠0
Then for O, g, ≠ 0 we have:
Let ℓP : =(j) = =· + jf and ℓ> : = ′ () = =·′ + f′ be two distinct lines, then:
1. ℓP and ℓ> will intersect if and only if there are j and in ℝ so that =(j) = = ′ ()
2. The lines ℓP and ℓ> are parallel iff their direction vectors are parallel. That is;
ℓP //ℓ> iff f//f′
3. If ℓP and ℓ> are intersecting lines, then the angle between ℓP and ℓ> is the angle between
their direction vectors. That is:
f ∙ f′
cos s =
KfKKf′ K
4. Non-parallel and non-intersecting lines are called skew lines.
5. ℓP is perpendicular to ℓ> iff f is perpendicular to f′ . That is:
ℓP ⊥ ℓ> f ⊥ f′ . f ∙ f′ = 0
Example: Find the point of intersections of the lines ℓP : =(j) = ( − 6 − 1) + j( + 2 + )
ℓ> : = ′ () = (4 − 2) + (2 + 2 + 2) and find the angle between them.
Solution: =(j) = = ′ () ⇒ ( − 6 − 1) + j( + 2 + ) = (4 − 2) + (2 + 2 + 2)
1 + j = 2 … … … … … .1
¸ −6 + 2j = 4 + 2 … … .2
−1 + j = −2 + 2 … … . .3
Multiplying equation (1) by 2 and subtracting equation (2) we get 8 = −4 + 2 which
implies = 6. And also j = 11
The angle between the two lines is the same as the angle between their direction vectors ~P =
Therefore, the point of intersection is (12, 16, 10).
s = m YP ( )
= =
> @ [
equation .
Solution: z· = (1, −1,0) from the symmetric equation of the line and ~ = (2, 3, −6)
where ^^^^^^^_
So the distance between the point Q(2,-1,3) and the line is e = z· { = (1,0,3)
|Æ Ç È×f|
and KfK = 7
= 2.18 d.
Exercise: Let ℓ be a line passing through z(1, 2, 1) and {(3, −1, 4) then find the distance
between ℓ and the origin.
1.9. Planes
A plane in space is determined by a point z· (`· , a· , b· ) on the plane and a vector É that is
orthogonal to the plane. In the figure below let z(`, a, b)is a point on the plane .
Since = − =· is perpendicular to Ê, we have:
Ê ∙ (= − =· ) = 0.
This implies Ê ∙ = = Ê. =· … … … … … . . (1) is vector equation of the plane .
1. Let Ê = (O, g, ), = = (`, a, b) and =· = (`· , a· , b· ) then equation (1) becomes:
1. Find the equation of a plane containing the point z(2,4,1) and normal vector Ê(2,3,4).
P : 2` − a + b = 4 and > : ` + 3a − b = 2
2. Determine the line of intersection of the planes;
1. Let =(`, a, b) be an arbitrary point on the plane containing the point P(2, 4, 1) and
normal vector N(2, 3, 4).
Here we have two equations with three variables and it is impossible to solve for the
three variables at same time.
So, we give some value for one of the three variables and solve for the other two in
order to get two intersection points of the two planes which can help us to find the
2` − a = 4 … … … . . (O)
equation of the line of intersection.
intersection of the two planes. Therefore, the equation of the line of intersection of the
two planes is given by (`, a, b) = (2, 0, 0) + (z> − zP ) for an arbitrary point (x, y,
z) on the line of intersection of the two planes.
¹=q− º
1. Find the equation of the plane that contains the points z(1,3,2), {(3, −1,6) and =(5,2,0)
2. Find the point at which the line with parametric equation ` = 2 + 3, a = −4, Odeb =
which are not collinear but coplanar.
In addition to this; Ê ∙ z ^^^^^^^^_
· zP = KÊK|z· zP | cos s
⇒Ê∙z · zP = KÊKe
ÑÊ ∙ z · zP Ñ O`· + ga· + b· + e
⇒e= =
KÊK QO> + g > + >
Example: Find the distance between the planes 3` + a − 4b = 2 and the point (1,-1, 0).
1.11. Vector Space
Definition: A vector space is a non-empty set µ of elements called vectors together with the
operations of addition (+) and scalar multiplication (∙) over a field F such that the following
axioms (laws) holds.
For all vectors V, f, o ∈ µand scalars O, g ∈ Ö we have:
1. V + f ∈ µ (closure property of vector addition)
2. V + f = f + V (commutativity of vector addition )
3. V + (f + o) = (V + f) + o (associability of vector addition)
4. ∃T ∈ µ ∋: V + T = V = T + V (additive identity)
5. ∃ − V ∈ µ ∋: V + (−V) = T = (−V) + V (additive inverse)
6. OV ∈ µ (closed under scalar multiplication)
7. O(V + f) = OV + Of (distributive property of scalar over sum of vectors )
8. (O + g)V = OV + gV (distributive vector over sum of scalars law)
9. (Og)V = O(gV) (associative law)
10. 1V = V(monoidal law)
Remark: A field F is to mean like ℚ, ℝ, etc…
1. Let ℝH ,for positive integer H(n-space of real numbers) and let V be a set of n-tuples of
elements of ℝ.
We can define operations as follows:
(OP , O> , … … … OA ) + (gP , g> , … … … gA ) = (OP + gP , O> + g> , … … … OA + gA )
and scalar multiplication j(OP , O> , … … … OA ) = (jOP , jO> , … … … jOA ) and the zero vector
polynomial by a number; the zero vector is T=0 then show that ]H ()is a vector space.
Addition: usual addition of polynomials and scalar multiplication: multiplication of a
1. If V + o = f + o then V = f
2. jT = T
3. 0V = T
4. If j ≠ 0 Ode jV = T ℎd V = T
5. (−jV) = j(−V)
Proof: Exercise
1.12. Sub Spaces
Definition: A sub set o of the vector space µ is called a subspace of µ if o is also a vector
space under the addition and scalar multiplication defined on µ.
Theorem: For a subset o of the vector space µ, o is a subspace of µ iff:
1. T ∈ o mn T ∈ µ
2. ∀ V, f ∈ o, V + f ∈ o
3. ∀V ∈ o Odej ∈ Ö, jV ∈ o
Example: Consider the vector space ℝq ; then show that the subset o = Ü(0, a)/ a ∈ ℝÝis a
subspace of ℝq .
i. (0, 0) ∈ Þ so W≠ ∅
ii. ß ËP = (0, aP ) and Ë> = (0, a> ) be in W. Then ËP + Ë> = (0, aP + a> ) for some
aP , a> ∈ ℝ which implies ËP + Ë> Ï W.
iii. ß j Ï ℝ Ode Ë = (0, a)g d Þ. jË = (0, ja)ÏÞ for some aÏℝ.
Therefore, W is a subspace of ℝq
jP + 2j> = 8 … … (1)
2jP + 3j> = 13 … … . (2)
Multiplying equation (1) by -2 and adding the result to equation (2) gives j> = 3 OdejP = 2.
Therefore, f is the linear combination of VU GHI Vq .
Example: Consider the space z() (space of all polynomials). Let f = 5 > + 2 + 1, and
P = > + , > = + 1, @ = > + 1 then express f as a linear combination of VU , Vq OdeV/ .
Solution: Let jP , j> , j@ Ï ℝ such that ~ = jP P + j> > + j@ @
5 > + 2 + 1 = jP ( > + ) + j> ( + 1) + j@ ( > + 1)
jP + j@ = 5 … … . . (1)
P + j> = 2 … … … … . (2)
j> + j@ = 1 … … … … … (3)
Solving this system of linear equation simultaneously or by elimination method we get CU = /,
Cq = −U GHI C/ = q
Hence f is the linear combination of VU , Vq GHI V/
Exercise :
1. Write each of the following as a linear combination of ` + 1, ` > + ` Ode ` > + 2
a. ` > + 3` + 2
b. 2` > − 3` + 1
c. `
Solving this system of linear equation by elimination method we get jP = 0 , jP =
0 Ode jP = 0
Thus {(1, 0,-1), (2, 1, 2), (3,-2, 0)} is linearly independent in ℝ/
Example: Show that Ü1 + `, 3` + ` > , 2 + ` − ` > Ý is linearly independent in ]q (`) over ℝ.
jP , j> , j@ á ℝ such that jP (` + 1) + j> (3` + ` > ) +
j@ (2 + ` − ` > ) = 0` > + 0` + 0
Solution: Let
jP = 0, α> = 0 and α@ = 0 .
hand-sides. Solving this we get
3. Verify whether the following subsets of the vector space ³ = ℝ@ are linearly
Example: Consider the vector space ℝ@ . Then the vectors fU = (1,0,0), fq = (0,1,0)and
f/ = (0,0,1) form a spanning set of ℝ@ .
Solution: Let ~ = (O, g, )Ï ℝ@ . Then f = (O, g, ) = (O, 0,0) + (0, g, 0) + (0,0, )
= O(1,0,0) + g(0,1,0) + (0,0,1)
= OfU + gfq + f/
Therefore, {fU = (U, T, T), fq = (T, U, T), f/ = (T, T, U) } is the spanning set of ℝ@ .
Example: Consider the vector space ℝ@ ; then the vectors fU = (1,1,1), fq = (1,1,0)and
f/ = (1,0,0) form a spanning set of ℝ@ .
Solution: Consider the vector space ℝ@ ; then show that the vectors fU = (1,1,1), fq =
(1,1,0)and f/ = (0,1,1) form a spanning set of ℝ@ .
Definition: A set ÜfU , fq , … … … fH Ý of vectors in a vector space µ is called a basis of µ if it
satisfies the following two conditions:
1. ÜfU , fq , … … … fH Ý is linearly independent
2. ÜfU , fq , … … … fH Ý is the spanning set of V
Example: For the vector space ℝ> , the set of vectors fU = (1,0)Odefq = (0,1) is a basis of ℝ> .
Example: Let ä = Ü(1,1,1), (1,1,0), (1,0,0)Ý .show that ä forms a Basis for ℝ@ .
CU + C q + C / = T
¸ CU + C q = T gives CU = T, Cq = T, C/ = T . (1,1,1),
CU = T
which Thus
Example: Let ä = Ü(1,0,0), (0,1,0)Ode (1,0,0)Ý, then show that ä forms a Basis for ℝ@ .
1. Show that æ = Ü(1, −1,1), (2,1, −1), (−1,2,1)Ý is a basis for the vector space ℝ@ over a
field ℝ
Definition: If a vector space µ has a Basis of n elements; then n is called dimension of µand
written as eçµ = d
Example: eçℝ/ = 3, eçℝq = 2 Ode eçℝH = d , .
Miscellaneous Exercises
1. Given that a = 2i + 3j − k, b = i − j + 2k, and c = 3i + 4j + k, find (a) a + 2b − c, (b) a vector
d such that a + b + c + d = 0, and (c) a vector d such that a − b + c + 3d = 0.
2. Given a = i + 2j + 3k, b = 2i − 2j + k, find (a) a vector c such that 2a + b + 2c = i + k, (b) a
vector c such that
a − 2b + c = i + j − 2k
3. Given that a = 3i + 2j − 3k, b = 2i − j + 5k, and c = 2i + 5j + 2k, find (a) 2a + 3b − 3c, (b) a
vector d such that
a + 3b − 2c + 3d =0, and (c) a vector d such that 2a − 3d = b + 4c.
4. Given that A and B have the respective position vectors 2i + 3j − k and i + 2j + 4k, find the
vector AB and unit vector in the direction of AB.
5. Given that A and B have the respective position vectors 3i − j + 4k and 2i + j + k, find the
vector AB and the position vector c of the mid-point of AB.
6. Given that A and B have the respective position vectors a and b, find the position vector of a
point P on the line AB located between A and B such that (length AP)/(length PB) = m/n,
where m, n > 0 are any two real numbers.
7. Find the strength of the magnetic field vector H = 5i + 3j + 7k in the direction of 2i − j + 2k,
where a unit vector represents one unit of magnetic flux. Ans 7
8. Find the distance of point P from the origin given that its position vector is r =2i + 4j − 3k.
(b) If a general point P in space has position vector r = xi + yj + zk, describe the surface
defined by _r_ = 3 and find its Cartesian equation.
Ans a) KèK=Q29 b) ` > + a > + b > = 9.
Three points with position vectors a, b, and c will be collinear (lie on a line) if the
parallelogram with adjacent sides a − b and
a – c has zero geometrical area. Use this result in Exercises (9) through (11) to determine
which sets of points are collinear.
9. (2, 2, 3), (6, 1, 5), (−2, 4, 3).
10. (1, 2, 4), (7, 0, 8), (−8, 5, −2).
11. (2, 3, 3), (3, 7, 5), (0,−5,−1)
12. (1, 3, 2), (4, 2, 1), (1, 0, 2).
13. The volume of a tetrahedron is one-third of the product of the area of its base and its vertical
height. Show the volume V of the tetrahedron in Fig. 2.22, in which three edges formed by
the vectors a, b, and c are directed away from a vertex, is given by
V = (1/6)|a · (b × c)|
Chapter Two
2. Matrices and Determinants
INTRODUCTION: Information in science and mathematics is often organized into rows and
columns to form rectangular arrays, called “matrices” (plural of “matrix”). Matrices are often
tables of numerical data that arise from physical observations, but they also occur in various
mathematical contexts. For example, we shall see in this chapter that to solve a system of
` + 2a = 5
equations such as
3` − a = 1
1 2 5
all of the information required for the solution is embodied in the matrix
é ê
3 −1 1
and that the solution can be obtained by performing appropriate operations on this matrix. This is
particularly important in developing computer programs to solve systems of linear equations
because computers are well suited for manipulating arrays of numerical information. However,
matrices are not simply a notational tool for solving systems of equations; they can be viewed as
mathematical objects in their own right, and there is a rich and important theory associated with
them that has a wide variety of applications. In this chapter we will begin the study of matrices.
2.1. Definition of Matrix
Definition:-A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or variables, which we will enclose in
brackets. The numbers (or variables) are called entries or, less commonly, elements of the
1 4 −12 4 6 9
Example: Consider the following matrices
= õ 5 −1 10 9ö æ = õ6 0 −2ö
−1 −8 7 5 5 −8 1
The dimension/size of matrix A is 3×4 and the dimension/size of matrix B is 3×3. The entry O@@
in matrix A is 7 and the entry O>p in matrix A is 9.
NB: Matrices are important because they let us to express large amounts of data and functions in
3 4 2 −3
an organized and concise form.
1 5 −3
Example:@Â@ = õ2 0 −2ö
2 3 7
iii. Rectangular Matrix: A matrix of any size is called a rectangular matrix; this includes
Row Matrix (row vector): A 1 × d matrix is called a row matrix (row vector).
square matrices as a special case.
= £OPP OP> … OPA ¤ = (OP , O> , … , OA )
Column Matrix (column vector):A d`1 matrix is called a column matrix (column
ù 2ü
=ø ⋮ û
÷Od ú
vi. Diagonal Matrix: A d × dsquare matrix ýis said to be a diagonal matrix if all its
ePP 0 … 0
entries except the main diagonal entries are zeros.
0 e>> … 0
ý=ì ⋱ ð
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
0 0 … eAA
Remark: A diagonal matrix each of whose diagonal elements are equal is called a scalar
1 0 … 0
vii. Identity Matrix (Unit Matrix): is a diagonal matrix in which all diagonal elements are 1.
0 1 … 0
þA = ì ⋱ ⋮ ð is an d × d identity matrix.
⋮ ⋮
0 0 … 1
viii. Triangular Matrix: A square matrix in which all the entries above the main diagonal are
zero is called lower triangular, and a square matrix in which all the entries below the
main diagonal are zero is called upper triangular. A matrix that is either upper triangular
0 O>> … O O O>> … 0
=ì ⋮ ð æ=ì ⋮ ð
>A >P
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
0 0 … OAA OAP OA> … OAA
q T T q − U
they have zeros below and above the main diagonal.
Example:ô = õ / Tö = õT / ö
U U −q T T −q
2.3. Basic Operations on Matrices
Definition: Two matrices are defined to be equal, denoted by = ,if they have the same size
Equality of Matrices
`+1 3 4 3
=é ê and æ =
0 6 0 a−2
Solution: the two matrices are equal if and only if ` = 3 anda = 8.
Definition: Let A = ñ Oò óand B = ñ gò óbe two matrices of the same size, say, ç × d matrices.
Matrix Addition and Subtraction
Then the sum of A and B, written A + B, is the matrix obtained by adding the entries of B to the
corresponding entries of A. The difference A – B is the matrix obtained by subtracting the entries
of B from the corresponding entries of A. In matrix notation, if A = ñ Oò óand B = ñ gò óhave the
same size, then
+ æ = £O¤ò + £g¤ò = £Oò + gò ¤ Ode − æ = £Oò ¤ï×A − £gò ¤ï×A = £Oò − gò ¤ï×A
−1 2 3 4 1 6 −1 3
Example: Consider the following matrices
=õ 1 0 2 5ö , æ = õ2 5 0 −4ö
9 −2 0 6 3 4 1 2
Then find + æ Ode − æ
−1 + 1 2 + 6 3 − 1 4 + 3 0 8 2 7
Solution: + æ = õ 1 + 2 0 + 5 2 + 0 5 − 4ö = õ 3 5 2 1ö
9 + 3 −2 + 4 0 + 1 6 + 2 12 2 1 8
−1 − 1 2 − 6 3 + 1 4 − 3 −2 −4 4 1
−æ =õ 1−2 0 − 5 2 − 0 5 + 4ö = õ−1 −5 2 9ö
9 − 3 −2 − 4 0 − 1 6 − 2 6 −6 −1 4
Remark: Matrices of different sizes cannot be added or subtracted.
O>P O>> … OPA
=ì ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ð = ñOò óïÂA
OïP Oï> … OïA
−1 2 3 4 1 6 −1 3
Example: Let = õ 1 0 2 5ö and æ = õ2 5 0 −4ö. Then compute the following
9 −2 0 6 3 4 1 2
a. 2 − æ P
+ 2
−2 4 6 8 1 6 −1 3 −3 −2 7 5
Solution: a. 2A − B = õ 2 0 4 10ö − õ2 5 0 −4ö = õ 0 −5 4 14ö
18 −4 0 12 3 4 1 2 15 −8 −1 10
1 7
YP > p YZ Pp >W
@ @ @ −2 4 6 8 @ @ @
Z @X
b. A + 2A = @ 0 +õ 2 0 4 10ö = @ 0
P > Pp
@ @ @ @
18 −4 0 12
3 0 2 21 0 14
Y> YPp
@ @
`+2 a+3 3 a
2é ê=é ê
3 0 6 b
2 −1
2. Find matrix if 2 = é ê
6 0
Remark: If P , > , …,A are matrices of the same size and P, > , …,A are scalars, then an
expression of the formP P + > > + ⋯ + A A is called a linear combination of P , > , …,A
with coefficientsP, > , …,A .
Suppose A, B, and C are ç × dmatrices (having the same size) and j and are scalars. Then
Properties of Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication
2.4. Product of Matrices
Definition: Let matrix be an ç × d matrix and æ be an d × matrix (i.e. the number of
columns of is equal to the number of rows of æ). Then the product of and æ, denoted by æ,
is an ç × matrix which is obtained by multiplying the corresponding elements of row of by
column of æ and adding the product, i.e. if = ñOò óï×A and æ = ñgò
, then æ = =
nP . P nP . > … nP .
12 27 30 13
AB = é ê
8 −4 26 12
Exercise: Determine the size of the product matrix æ if the sizes of and æ are 4 × 5 and
5 × 7 respectively.
Note: The product of lower triangular matrices is lower triangular, and the product of upper
triangular matrices is upper triangular.
10 00
Example: For matrix A and B given by = é ê æ = é ê we have
10 11
æ = é êis a null matrix even though andæare not a null matrix.
5) The relation æ = mn æ = does not imply that æ = . In other words the
1 23 123 23 4
cancelation law doesn’t hold as for real numbers.
1. ( + æ) = + æ
Properties of Matrix Transpose
2. ( ) =
3. (æ) = æ
Proof: Ex.
Note: The transpose of a lower triangular matrix is upper triangular and the transpose of an
1 1
orthogonal matrix is:
= Q2 Q2
1 1
Q2 Q2
Definition: If A is a square matrix, then the trace of A, denoted by n(), is defined to be the
Trace of Matrix
sum of the entries on the diagonal of A. The trace of A is undefined if A is not a square matrix.
Example: The following are examples of matrices and their traces.
Definition: Let be a square matrix. Then is said to be
Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices:
3 g 0 3 −4
Exercise: Determine whether the following matrices are symmetric, skew symmetric or neither.
a) = é ê
g 3 d) ý = õ−3 0 5 ö
1 0 0 4 −5 0
b) æ = é ê
0 0 1 0 0
e) = é ê
0 5 −4 3 0 0
c) æ = ì−5 0 −7 −2ð
4 7 0 1
−3 2 1 0
2.5. Elementary Row Operations and Echelon Form of Matrices
A matrix ô is said to be row equivalent to matrix , written ô~ if matrix is obtained from ô by a
i. Elementary Row Operations
finite sequence of elementary row operations. These elementary row operations are:
i. Interchanging the ° row by the ° row (i.e = ↔ =ò )
ii. Multiplying the ° row by a none zero scalar (i.e= → = ).
iii. Replacing the ° row by times the ° row plus ° row (i.e= → =ò + = )
2 6 1 5 7 −4 2 6 1 2 6 1
Example: Apply all elementary row operations on the given matrix:
ô = õ1 2 −1ö =P ↔ =@ õ1 2 −1ö => → 2=> õ2 4 −2ö => → 2=@ + => õ11 16 −9ö =
5 7 −4 2 6 1 5 7 −4 5 7 −4
3 −1 2
Exercise: Let = õ 4 3 2ö. Then find matrix which is row equivalent to ô with GUU =
−1 −2 7
T andG/q = T.
Remark: The first non-zero entry in a row is called the leading entry (pivotal entry) of that row.
2 0 1
0 −2 −1
ì ð
−4 0 −3
0 0 0
Entries 2, −2 Ode − 4 are leading entries of nmË 1, 2,3 respectively, and no leading entry for row 3.
−1 2 0
entries below the leading entry are zero).
2 6 1 1 2 6 9 1 2 6 9
0 6 1
Example: ô = ì ð = õ0 2 −2 1 ö = õ0 1 7 6 ö = õ0 1 7ö
0 0 −1
0 0 3 −4 0 0 0 −4 0 2 8
0 0 0
Matrices , and are in echelon form, but matrix is not.
Definition: An m × n matrix is said to be in row-echelon form (REF) provided the following two
conditions hold.
1. The matrix is in echelon form.
1 2 0 1 0 02
2. All leading entries are equal to 1.
1 6 1 1 1 6 9
0 1 1 0 1 0−5 = õ0 1 7ö
Example: ô = ì ð = õ0 1 −2 1 ö =
0 0 1 0 0 10
0 0 1 −4 0 1 8
0 0 0 0 0 00
Matrices ô, Ode are in row echelon form (REF) but is not.
Definition3: An m × n matrix is said to be in reduced row-echelon form (RREF) provided the
following two conditions hold.
1. The matrix is in row echelon form.
1 0 0 1 0 −3 0 1 0 −30
2. All non-leading entries in a column, which contains the leading entries, are equal to 0.
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 = 0 1 5 0
Example: ô = ì ð = õ0 1 0 0ö =
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Remark: Any matrix can be reduced to its echelon form by applying some elementary row operations
on the given matrix.
Example: Reduce matrix ô to its row echelon form by applying elementary row operations where
3 −10 5
A = õ−1 12 2ö
1 −5 2
1 −5 2
Solution: Applying =P ↔ =@ we have: õ−1 12 2ö
3 −10 5
1 −5 2
Applying => → =P + => and =@ → =@ − 3=P we get:õ0 7 4ö
0 5 −1
1 −5 2
Applying => → we get:0 1 47
0 5 −1
1 −5 2
47 ð
Applying =@ → =@ − 5=> we get:ì0 1
0 0 −277
1 −5 2
Appling =@ → − 27 =@ we get:0 1 47
0 0 1
1 −5 2
Applying => → => − we get:õ0 1 0ö
0 0 1
This is in row echelon form.
Suppose an ë × H matrix is reduced by row operations to an echelon form !. Then the rank of ô,
Rank of a Matrix
1 2 1 1
Example: Determine the rank, and identify the basic columns in the matrix
= õ2 4 2 2ö
3 6 3 4
1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
Solution: = õ2 4 2 2ö → õ0 0 0 0 ö → õ0 0 0 1ö
3 6 3 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
nOd() = q and
Basic Columns = ¸"q# , "q#$
Exercise: Reduce each of the following matrices to its echelon form and determine its rank & identify
1 2 3 3 1 2 3
the basic columns.
a. = õ2 4 6 9ö 2 6 8
2 6 7 6 b. æ = 2 6 0
1 2 5
3 8 6
2.6. Inverse of a Matrix and Its Properties
Definition: If A is an d × d square matrix, and if a matrix B of the same size can be found such
that æ = æ = þ, where þ the d × didentity matrix, then A is said to be invertible (non-singular)and
B is called an inverse of A. If no such matrix B can be found, then A is said to be singular.
Example: The matrix
1. YP ≠ %
Properties of Inverse Matrices
1. If B and C are both inverses of a matrix A, then B = C. that is the inverse of a matrix is unique
and is denoted by AYP .
2. If A and B are invertible matrices of the same size, then
a) AB is invertible and
b) (æ)YP = æ YP YP
3. YP is invertible and (YP )YP =
eP 0 … 0
0 e> … 0
4. Let ý = ì ð be an d × d diagonal matrix where all e ≠ 0 (for = 1, 2, … , d).
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0
0 0 … eA
0 … 0
0 … 0
Then the inverse of ý, denoted by ý , is given by ý
= ÐÕ
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0
0 0 …
Let ôbe an d × dmatrix and let 'H be an d × d identity matrix. Then to find the inverse of ô.
1. Adjoin the identity d × dmatrix 'H to ôto form the augmented matrix (ô: 'H ).
2. Compute the reduced echelon form of (ô: 'H ). If the reduced echelon form is of the type ('H : ),
then æ is the inverse of ô. If the reduced echelon form is not of the type ('H : ), in that the first
d × dsub matrix is not 'H , then ôhas no inverse.
1 2 3
Example: Find the inverse of A if
A = õ2 5 3ö
1 0 8
1 2 3⋮1 0 0
Solution:£: þ@ ¤ = õ2 5 3⋮0 1 0ö
1 0 8⋮0 0 1
Applying => → => − 2=P we get:
1 2 3⋮1 0 0
õ0 1 −3⋮−2 1 0ö
1 0 8⋮0 0 1
Applying =P → =P − 2=> we get:
1 0 9 ⋮ 5 −2 0
õ0 1 −3⋮−2 1 0ö
1 0 8⋮0 0 1
Applying =@ → =@ − =P we get:
1 0 9 ⋮ 5 −2 0
õ0 1 −3⋮−2 1 0ö
0 0 −1⋮−5 2 1
Applying =P → =P + 9=@ ; => → => − 3=@ and =@ → −=@ we get:
1 0 0⋮−40 16 9
õ0 1 0⋮−13 −5 −3ö
0 0 1⋮ 5 −2 −1
−40 16 9
Therefore, B = õ−13 −5 −3ö = YP
5 −2 −1
1 0 2
Example: Find the inverse of = (2 −1 3) by using elementary row operations (Gauss-Jordan
4 1 8
1 0 2⋮1 0 0
£ ⋮ þ@ ¤ = õ2 −1 3⋮0 1 0ö
4 1 8⋮0 0 1
1 0 2⋮1 0 0
õ0 −1 −1⋮−2 1 0ö
0 0 1 ⋮ 6 −1 −1
Applying=P → =P − 2=@ and => → => + =@ we get:
1 0 0⋮−11 2 2
õ0 −1 0⋮ 4 0 −1ö
0 0 1⋮ 6 −1 −1
Applying => → −=> we get:
1 0 0⋮−11 2 2
õ0 1 0⋮ −4 0 1ö
0 0 1⋮ 6 −1 −1
1 0 0⋮−11 2 2
£þ@ ⋮ æ¤ = õ0 1 0⋮ −4 0 1ö
0 0 1⋮ 6 −1 −1
−11 2 2
⇒ æ = õ −4 0 1 ö = YP
6 −1−1
1 −1 −2
Example: Determine the inverse of the matrix
ô=õ 2 −3 −5ö
−1 3 5
1 −1 −2 ⋮ 1 0 0
(: '/ ) = õ 2 −3 −5 ⋮ 0 1 0ö
−1 3 5 ⋮ 0 0 1
1 1 5 1 2 −3 2 1 3 1 6 4
Exercise: Determine inverse of the following matrices, if it exists.
= õ1 2 7 ö = õ1 2 1 ö = õ 0 2 1ö ý = õ 2 4 −1ö
2 −1 4 5 −2 −3 1 1 2 −1 2 5
2.7. Determinant of a Matrix and Its Properties
of a matrix variable in the sense that it associates a real number () with a square matrix A. Our work
Introduction: In this section, we shall study the “determinant function,” which is a real-valued function
on determinant functions will have important applications to the theory of systems of linear equations
and will also lead us to an explicit formula for the inverse of an invertible matrix.
matrixô, and it is usually denoted by I+º(ô) orDôD. i.e. if ô is an d × d square matrix, then
Definition: A “determinant” is a certain kind of function that associates a real number with a square
1 2
Example: Find det() if = é ê
−2 0
Solution: det() = 1(0) − 2(−2) = 4
c. Determinant of H × H matrix
Definition-1: Let ô be an d × dsquare matrix and ,¥ be the (d − 1) × (d − 1) matrix obtained from
matrix ô by deleting ° row and ° column containing the entry Oò . Then -.Î (,¥ ) is called the
minor of Oò .
Remark: the matrix ,¥ is called sub matrix of ô.
Definition-2: The cofactor of Oò , denoted by ò , is defined as ò = (−1)Äò det (/ò ).
2 5 −4
Example: Let = õ3 −1 2 ö. Then find the minor and cofactor of OPP and O>@ .
5 4 6
−1 2
Solution: Minor of OPP = det(/PP ) = ¢ ¢ = −1(6) − 2(4) = −14
4 6
Cofactor of OPP = PP = (−1)PÄP det(/PP ) = −14
2 5
Minor of O>@ = det(/>@ ) = ¢ ¢ = 2(4) − 5(5) = −17
5 4
Cofactor of O>@ = >@ = (−1)>Ä@ det(/>@ ) = 17
Definition-3: The determinant of an d × d matrix is given by either of the following two formulas.
i. det() = OP P + O> > + ⋯ + OA A = AòP Oò ò , for fixed = 1,2,3, …
ii. det() = OPò Pò + O>ò >ò + ⋯ + OAò Aò = AP Oò ò , for fixed = 1,2,3, …
0 2 3 0
Example: Evaluate the determinant for the matrices
2 −1 3
0 4 5 0
= õ1 2 4ö and æ = ì ð
0 1 0 3
5 −3 6
2 0 1 3
Solution: Let us take row-1 of matrix for . Then
A @
-.Î(ô) = 0 Oò ò = 0 OPò Pò = OPP PP + OP> P> + OP@ P@ = 2(24) − 1(14) + 3(−13) = −
òP òP
= 0PP + 0>P + 0@P + 2(6) = Uq
Example: Let = (OP , O> , O@ ), æ = (gP , g> , g@ ) Ode = (P , > , @ ) be vectors in = @ . Then show
that¡O> g> > ¡ = ⋅ (æ × )
O@ g@ @
g g@ g g@ g g>
Solution: ¡O> g> > ¡ = OP > − O> P + O@ P
> @ P @ P >
O@ g@ @
= OP (g> @ − g@ > ) − O> (gP @ − g@ P ) + O@ (gP > − g> P )
= (OP , O> , O@ ) ⋅ (g> @ − g@ > , gP @ − g@ P , gP > − g> P )
= ⋅ (æ × )
Note: The determinant of a 3×3 square matrix = õ >P O>> O>@ öis given by
O@P O@> O@@
O>>O>@ O>P O>@ O>P O>>
e() = ¡O>P O>> O>@ ¡ = OPP ¢O O ¢ − OP> ¢O O ¢ + OP@ ¢O O ¢
O@P O@> O@@ @> @@ @P @@ @P @>
2 16 40 16 14 1 2 −3 4 5
1. Evaluate the determinant for each of the following matrices.
Q2 0 0 0 4 −5
0 −3 22 −3 −18 6 5 −2
= 0 0 4 1 20
, æ = ì−8 Q2 0 0ð, = 7 8 −8 6 20
, ý=
0 0 0 5 0
7 0 −1 0 3 6 −9 12 15
0 0 0 0 1 9 5 0 1 0 −2 3 4 1
1 0 6 2 0 0
õ3 5 2ö, = õ0 −1 0ö
0 0 0 0 0 2
2. Let det() = 4 and det(æ) = −3,and let and æ be a 5 × 5 matrices. Then find
i. det (2) iii. det (æ)
det ( ) det (YP )
` − 1 −2
ii. iv.
Theorem-1: Let A be an invertible matrix. Then e(YP ) = (e())YP.
Proof: þ = YP then taking determinant on both sides we get:
e(þ) = e(YP )
⇒ 1 = e()e(YP )
⇒ e(YP ) = = (e())YP
2 1
Example: If = é ê, then e(YP ) = = @.
3 3 Ð4(%)
Note: We can evaluate the determinant of any square matrix by reducing it to its echelon form by
keeping the following conditions.
a. If æ is a matrix which results by applying the elementary row operation of multiplying any
particular row of by a non-zero constant , then det(æ) = e().
b. If æ is a matrix that results when two rows or two columns of are interchanged, thendet(æ) =
−det ().
c. If æ is a matrix that results when a multiple of one row of is added to another row or when a
multiple of one column is added to another column, then det(æ) = det ().
O g
Exercise: Let = õe ö and let det() = −12. The find det (æ), det ()and det (ý) if
¬ ℎ
3O 3g 3 O g O g
=õe ö, = õ¬ ℎ ö and ý = õe + 2O g + 2g + 2 ö
¬ ℎ e ¬ ℎ
34 6
Example: Find the matrix of cofactors and adjoint of the matrix
= õ3 9 0 ö
1 2−1
90 34
The cofactors of each elements of A are
3 2 −1
Exercise: Find the adjoint of A if:
= õ1 6 8ö
2 −4 0
Definition-2: Let be and × d square matrix with det () ≠ 0. Then the inverse of a matrix , denoted
Note: If det() = 0, then the matrix has no inverse (i.e. is singular matrix).
34 6
Example: Find the inverse of the matrix = õ39 0 ö
Solution: det() = −33
−9 12 −54
Adj(A) = õ 3 −9 18 ö
−3−2 15
3 −4 19
11 11 11
1 1 −9 12 −54 1 3 −6
YP = Oe() = − õ 3 −9 18 ö = −
det() 33 11 11 11
−3 −2 15
1 2 −5
11 33 11
1 2 3 2 −1 3
Exercise: Verify whether each of the following matrices has an inverse, and find the inverse if it has.
1 4
=é ê, æ = õ 0 −1 2ö and ý = õ1 2 4ö
3 2
−4 5 0 2 4 8
ô¹ = ¼
A x b
Where, is the coefficient matrix, ` is the unknown matrix (vector) and g is the known matrix (vector).
The augmented matrix, £ ⋮ g¤, for the above system of linear equation is
OPP OP> … OPA ⋮ gP
O>P O>> … O>A ⋮ g>
ì ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ð
OïP Oï> . . OïA ⋮gï
Remark: If a system of linear equations is the form ô¹ = T, i.e. all entries of g are equal to 0, then the
system is called homogeneous system of linear equation, otherwise it is called non-homogeneous.
Example: write the coefficient matrix and the augmented matrix for the following system of linear
3`P − `> + `@ = 4
`P + `> + `@ = 6
`P − `> − `@ = −4
3 −1 1
Solution: Coefficient Matrix = = õ1 1 1ö
1 −1 −1
3 −1 1 ⋮ 4
Augmented Matrix= £ ⋮ g¤ = õ1 1 1 ⋮ 6ö
1 −1 −1 ⋮ −4
2.9. Solving System of Linear Equations
Let ô¹ = ¼ be a system of d linear equations in d unknowns such that det() ≠ 0. Then the system has
I. Cramer’s Rules
`P = , `> = , …, `A =
123 (% ) 123 (%Õ ) 123 (%& )
123 (%) 123 (%) 123 (%)
Where (for = 1, 2, … , d) is the matrix obtained by replacing the entries in the ° column of by the
entries in the matrix g = 6 7.
`P + `@ = 6
Example: Using Cramer’s Rule, solve the following system of linear equations.
−3`P + `> + `@ = 30
−`P − `> + `@ = 8
1 0 2 1 6 2
Thus ¹U = = = ¹q = = pp = UU and ¹/ = = = UU
123 (% ) Yp· YUT 123 (%Õ ) Z> U 123 (% ) PX> /
123 (%) pp UU 123 (%) 123 (%) pp
5` + 7a = 12 2`P − `> − `@ − `p = 6
Exercise: Solve the following system of linear equations using Cramer’s Rule:
Let` = g be a system of linear equations. Then, to solve the system by using Gaussian elimination
system in to one whose augmented matrix is in row echelon form is called Gaussian elimination.
2`P − `> − `@ − `p = 6
Example: By using the Gaussian-Elimination method, solve the following system of linear equations.
`P − 5`> − 3`@ − `p = 1
5`P + `> − 7`@ + 6`p = −3
−`P − `> − `@ = 3
Theorem: If ô is an invertible d × d matrix, then for each d × 1 matrix , the system ` = g has
III. Inverse Matrix Method
`P + 2`> + 3`@ = 5
Example: Solve the following system of linear equations by using inverse method.
¸ P + 5`> + 3`@ = 3
`P + 8`@ = 17
In matrix form, this system can be written as:` = g where
1 2 3 `P 5
A = õ2 5 3ö ` = õ`> ö and g = õ 3 ö
1 0 8 `@ 17
−40 16 9
But YP = õ−13 −5 −3ö and we have:
5 −2 −1
−40 16 9 5 1 `1
` = g = õ−13
−5 −3ö õ 3 ö = õ−1ö = õ`2 ö
5 −2 −1 17 2 `3
Thus`P = 1, `> = −1 Ode `@ = 2 On ℎ mÀmd
`+a=2 `P + 3`> + `@ = 4
Exercise: Solve the following system of linear equations by using inverse method.
5` + 6a = 9 b) 2`P + 2`> + `@ = −1
2`P + 3`> + `@ = 3
1. A system of equations that has no solution is called inconsistent; if there is at least one solution
of the system, it is called consistent.
2. A system of linear equations may not have solutions, or has exactly one solution (unique
3. Every homogeneous system of linear equations (. , . ô¹ = T) is consistent, since all` = 0 (for
solution), or infinitely many solutions.
= 1, 2, 3, … ) is a solution. This solution is called the trivial solution; if there are other solutions,
they are called nontrivial solutions. If this system has nontrivial solutions, then these solutions are
4. If the number of variables is greater than the number of equations in a given system of linear
equations, then the system has infinite solutions. The arbitrary values that are assigned to the free
5. Let ` = g be a system of non-homogenous linear equations and the number of variables are
variables are often called parameters.
equal to the number of equation (i.e. be a square matrix). And let (for = 1, 2, … , d) be a
matrix obtained by replacing the entries in the ° column of by the entries in the matrix
g = 6 7. Then
i. if det() ≠ 0, then the system has a unique solution.
if det() = 0, then the system has
a. infinitely many solutions if det( ) = 0 for all = 1,2,3 …
b. no solution if at least one of the det( ) ≠ 0 for some = 1,2,3 …
2.10. Eigen values and Eigenvectors
Definition: Let be an d × d square matrix and ` be a non-zero column vector. Then `is called the
eigenvector ( or right eigenvector or right characteristic vector) of if there exists a scalar 8 such that
` = 8` … . . (1)
Then, 8 is called an eigenvalue or characteristics value of . Eigenvalue may be zero, but eigenvector
cannot be zero vectors.
Example: show that é ê is an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue 8 = −2 for the matrix
3 5
é ê.
−2 −4
3 5 1 2 1
Solution: from equation (1) we have
é ê é ê = é ê = −2 é ê
−2 −4 −1 −2 −1
From equation (1), ` − 8` = ( − 8þA )` = 0
D − 8þA D is called the characteristic polynomial of .
The equation D − 8þA D = 0 is called the characteristic equation.
For each eigenvalue 8, the corresponding eigenvector is found by substituting 8 back into the
characteristic equation D − 8þA D = 0.
3 5
Example: Determine the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix = é ê
−2 −4
3 5 1 0 3−λ 5
Solution: For this matrix − λI = é ê − λé ê=é ê and hence
−2 −4 0 1 −2 −4 − λ
det( − λI) = (3 − λ)(−4 − λ) − 5(−2) = λ> + λ − 2 = 0. Thus, the characteristic equation of A is
λ> + λ − 2 = 0 and up on solving this we get λ = 1 and λ = −2
The eigenvectors to : = U will be obtained by solving equation (1) above for ¾ = é` ê. With
2`P + 5`> = 0
This is equivalent to the set of linear equations given below:
−2`P − 5`> = 0
The solution to this system is `P = `> with `> arbitrary, so the eigenvectors corresponding to λ = 1
¾ = é` ê = ; > < = `> ; > < with `> arbitrary.
> `> 1
When : = −q, equation (1) above may be written as:
3 5 1 0 `P 0 5 5 `P 0
ªé ê − (−2) é ê« é` ê = é ê ⇒é ê é` ê = é ê
−2 −4 0 1 > 0 −2 −2 > 0
5`P + 5`> = 0
This is equivalent to the set of linear equations given below:
−2`P − 2`> = 0
The solution to this system is `P = −`> with `> arbitrary, so the eigenvectors corresponding to λ = −2
`P −`> −1
5 2 2
Exercise: Determine the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the following matrices if there exist:
= õ3 6 3ö
6 6 9
3 −2 0
æ = õ−2 3 0ö
0 6 5
3.1. Definition of limit
Definition: A function is a relation in which no two distinct ordered pairs have the same first
element. If f is a function with domain A and range a subset of B, we write
∶ → æ
If ∶ → æ is given by a rule that maps x from A to y in B, then we write a = (`).
Definition: A function ∶ → æ is said to be
a) Odd, if and only if, for any ` ∈ , (−`) = − (`).
b) Even, if and only if, for any ` ∈ , (−`) = (`). The evenness or oddness of a
function is called its parity.
Definition: A function ∶ → æ is said to be one-to-one (an injection), if and only if, each
element of the range is paired with exactly one element of the domain, i.e.
(`P ) = (`> ) ⇒ `P = `> , mn Oda `P Ode `> ∈ .
Definition: A function ∶ → æ is onto (a surjection), if and only if, Range of f = B.
Definition: A function ∶ → æ is a one-to-one correspondence (a bijection), if and only if, f
is one-to-one and onto.
From preparatory we have been evaluating the limit of a function by using its intuitive definition.
That is we have said that limit of f (x) as x approaches to a is L and write;
lim (`) = ß
If we can make f (x) close enough to L by choosing x close enough to Obut distinct from O.
Definition: (Intuitive Definition of Limit): Suppose is defined when ` is near the number O.
(This means that is defined on some open interval that contains O, except possibly at O itself.)
Then we write
lim (`) = ß
and say “the limit of f (x), as ` approaches O , equals ß ” if we can make the values of
` arbitrarily close to O(as close to L as we like) by taking x to be sufficiently close to O(on
either side of O) but not equal to O.
Roughly speaking, this says that the values of f (x) approach Oas `approaches O. In other words,
the values of f (x) tend to get closer and closer to the number ßas `gets closer and closer to the
number O(from either side of O) but ` ≠ O.
In this section we see the formal definition of limit, which we call the > − ? definition of limit.
Although this intuitive definition is sufficient for solving limit problems it is not prices enough.
Definition: (Formal definition of limit): Let be a function defined on some open interval that
contains the number O, except possibly at O itself. Then we say that the limit of
@(¹)as ` approaches O is L, and we write
lim (`) = ß
if for every number > > 0there is a number ? > 0such that if 0 < D` − OD < ? then D(`) − ßD <
Since D` − OD is the distance from `to O and D(`) − ßDis the distance from (`) to ß, and since
> can be arbitrarily small, the definition of a limit can be expressed in words as follows:
lim (`) = ßMeans that the distance between (`) and ß can be made arbitrarily small by
taking the distance from `to O sufficiently small (but not 0).
lim (`) = ßMeans that the values of (`)can be made as close as we please to L by taking
Examples on limit
Even if it is very difficult to use the formal definition of limit to handle all limit problems let us
see how we can use it for evaluating same important limits that may help us in developing rules
by the way of which we can evaluate limits without using the formal definition.
1. Solve the inequality D(`) − ßD < >to find an open interval say (c, d) containing a on
accomplished in two steps.
0 < D` − 3D < ? ⇒ D` − 3D <
⇒ D(4` − 5) − 7)D < 4
⇒ D(4` − 5) − 7)D < >
∴ ga ℎ edmd m Àç Ë ℎO~; lim 4` − 5 = 7
any smaller positive number ?P will also fulfil those requirements. I.e. if it is true that;
unique; once we have found a value of δ that fulfils the requirements of the definition, and then
D(`) − ßD < > If0 < D` − OD < ?it will also be true thatD(`) − ßD < > if 0 < D` − OD < ?P
This is because Ü` ∶ 0 < D` − OD < ?P Ý is a subset of Ü` ∶ 0 < D` − OD < ?Ý
Example: show that:
a) lim ` > = 9
b) lim  =
Â→> >
a) Here we have (`) = ` > , L = 9 and a = 3
We need to show for every number > > 0 there is a number ? > 0 such that
0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ D(`) − ßD < >
That is 0 < D` − 3D < ? ⇒ D` > − 9D < >
Now consider D` > − 9D < >
D` > − 9D = D` + 3DD` − 3D < > We wish to bound the factor |x + 3|. This can be done by setting
fixed number for ? then let ? ≤ 1 then we have;
D` − 3D < 1
⇒ −1 < ` − 3 < 1
⇒ −1 + 6 =< ` + 3 < 1 + 6
Consequently we can have that D` + 3D < 7 and hence we have;
D` > − 9D = D` + 3DD` − 3D < 7D` − 3D < 7?
This suggests us we can choose ? = min ÜZ ,1Ý. This proves thatlim ` > = 9.
We need to a number ? > 0 given that a number > > 0 such that;
1̀ 1 2−` D2 − `D 1 D2 − `D
H − H=H H= =
2 2` D2`D 2 D`D
In similar manner of the second example above we have to bound the factor |x| then let ? ≤ 1
D` − 2D < 1⇒−1 < ` − 2 < 1 ⇒ 1 < ` < 3 consequently we can have D`D < 3 and this implies
and we have;
1̀ 1 2−` D2 − `D D` − 2D D` − 2D
H − H=H H= = >
2 2` D2`D 2D`D 6
⇒ < <>
[ >DÂD
This suggests us we can choose ? = min Ü1, 6>Ý and hence this proves that lim  = >
lim (`) = /
Now since lim (`) = ß then given > > 0 there exist ?P > 0 such that
0 < D` − OD < ?P ⇒ D(`) − ßD <
And since lim (`) = / then given > > 0 there exist ?> > 0 such that
0 < D` − OD < ?> ⇒ D(`) − /D <
Now take ? = min (?P , ?> ) and we have:
0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ D(`) − ßD < > And 0 < D` − OD > ? ⇒ D(`) − /D < >
0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ D(`) − ßD < >That is0 < D` − 0D < ? ⇒ ¢Â Õ ÄP − 0¢ < >
⇒ 0 < D`D < ? ⇒ I > I<>
` +1
`> `
I I = D`D ¢ > ¢ < D`DD`D = D`D> < >
` +1
> ` +1
⇒ D`D < Q>
Now we can choose ? = Q> such that 0 < D`D < ? ⇒ ¢Â Õ ÄP¢ < Q>
6. lim J(Â) = eN→O
9. lim N(`) = &T lim (`) for n is even lim (`) > 0
Â→ Â→ Â→
Proof: 1 since lim (`) = Landlim (`) = M then by definition for given >P , >> > 0 there exists
Â→ Â→
0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ D(`) − ßD <
0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ D¬(`) − /D <
We need to show 0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ D(`) + ¬(`) − (ß + /)D < >
Now consider D(`) + ¬(`) − (ß + /)D = D((`) − ß) + (¬(`) − /)D
≤ D((`) − ß)D + D(¬(`) − /)D
> >
< + =>
2 2
Hence 0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ D(`) + ¬(`) − (ß + /)D < >
Therefore lim £(`) + ¬(`)¤ = ß + / = lim (`) + lim ¬(`)
Â→ Â→ Â→
Proof 2. Given that lim (`) = ß we need to show for every > > 0 (¬~d) there exist a ? > 0
Let a = lim ¨(`)©
⇒ ln a = Àd Ulim ¨(`)© V
= lim ¬(`)Àd(`)
⇒ SAÃ = N→O
⇒a = N→O
b) lim f) lim
Â→@ ÂY@ Â→> QÂ Õ YpÕ
c) lim g) lim
ÂYP ( )
d) lim
Â→p ÂYp
pÂ Õ Ä[ÂÄ[
Example: Findlim
Solution: Using the basic limit theorems above we can solve it as follows; since all limits of the
terms exists we can write it
lim 4 + lim 6` + lim 6 4lim` > + 6lim` + 6 0 + 0 + 6
4` > + 6` + 6 Â→·
lim = Â→· Â→·
= Â→· Â→·
= = −6
Â→· sin ` − 1
> lim sin ` − lim 1
> lim sin ` − 1
> 0−1
Â→· Â→· Â→·
Supposelim (`) = and(`) ≠ for a with
all`in some open interval about the
possibleexception of a itself. Suppose also thatlim ¬(`)exists, then lim¬¨(`)© = lim ¬(a)
Â→ Â→ Ã→Ô
Example: Find
a) lim Q1 − x >
b) lim\ Qsin 2x
ueezing (sandwich) theorem
Suppose that ¬(`) ≤ (`) ≤ ℎ(`) for all ` in some open interval containing O except possibly
at O itself. Suppose also that:
lim ¬(`) = lim ℎ(`) = ß. Then lim (`) = ß
Â→ Â→ Â→
Example: given that 1 − ≤ (`) ≤ 1 + for all ` ≠ 0 then find lim (`)
p > Â→·
Solution: observe that lim ª1 − « = 1 = lim (1 + ) then by the sandwich theorem we have
Â→· p Â→· >
limit We say that the right hand limit of (`) at ` = O is ß, if (`) → ß as
1. Right hand limit:
` → O through values greater than O. And we write:
lim` (`) = ß If for every number > > 0 there is a number ? > 0 such that if
O < ` < O + ? then D(`) − ßD < >
limit We say that the left hand limit of (`) at ` = O is /, if (`) → / as
2. Left hand limit:
` → O through values less than O. And we write:
limX (`) = / If for every number > > 0 there is a number ? > 0 such that if
O − ? < ` < O then D(`) − /D < >
Example: Show that lim` Q` = 0
Solution: here we have (`) = Q` , ß = 0 Ode O = 0 then for every number > > 0 we need to
find a number ? > 0 such that:
0 < ` < 0 + ? ⇒ ÑQ` − 0Ñ < >
0 < ` < ? ⇒ Q` < >
0 < ` < ? ⇒ ` < >>
Then we can choose ? = > >
For checking 0 < ` < ? ⇒ Q` < Q? = Q> > = > ⇒ ÑQ` − 0Ñ < >
Therefore lim` Q` = 0
Definition: We say thatlim (`) = ß, if lim` (`) = ß = limX (`) however, if lim (`) ≠
Limit of a function derived from one-sided limits
lim (`) or if any one of the limits lim` (`) mn limX (`) doesn’t exist, then we say that
Â→X Â→ Â→
2` + 1 mn ` ≤ 2
Example: Let (`) = Ì then find lim (`)
` + 3 mn ` > 2 Â→>
4 − ` > mn ` ≤ 1
Exercise: Let ℎ(`) = Ì then find lim ℎ(`)
2 + ` > mn ` > 1 Â→P
Definition: Let (`) be defined for all ` in some open interval containing O except possibly that
Infinite limits:
satisfies: (`) > / 0 < D` − OD < ? that is 0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ (`) > /
Definition: Let (`) be defined for all ` in some open interval containing O except possibly that
(`) need not be defined atO. We will write:
lim (`) = −∞ If given any negative number M, we can find a number ? > 0 such that (`)
satisfies: (`) < / 0 < D` − OD < ? that is 0 < D` − OD < ? ⇒ (`) < /
Example: Show that lim =∞
Â→· Â Õ
Solution: let M be given positive number, then we need to find a number ? > 0 such that
0 < D`D < ? ⇒ >/
> / ⇔ ` > < c ⇔ D`D <
Therefore lim =∞
Â→· Â Õ
Definition: Let (`) be defined for all ` in some infinite open interval extending in the positive
Limit at Infinity:
lim (`) = ß If given > > 0, there corresponds a positive number N such that D(`) − ßD <
x-direction. We will write:
> if ` > Ê
Definition: Let (`) be defined for all ` in some infinite open interval extending in the negative
lim (`) = ß If given > > 0, there corresponds a negative number N such that D(`) − ßD < >
x-direction. We will write:
if ` < Ê
Solution: Applying the above definition (`) = Â Ode ß = 0 we need to find a number N>0
such that
H − 0H < > ` > Ê
Since ` → ∞ we can assume that ` > 0, then we can write it without absolute values as
< > ` > Ê
` > Ê
Then we can choose Ê = which satisfies the required proof.
efg w
Limits involving
Theorem: lim = 1 (s in radians)
WR h
h→· h
The aim is to show that the right-hand and left-hand limits are both 1. Then we will know that
From the figure Area iyz < OnO mn yz < OnO Δyk. We can express these areas in
the two-sided limit is 1 as well.
1 < WR h < mnW h⇒1 > > cos s and by taking limit as s → 0 through and the sandwich
h P WR h
Example: using lim = 1 show that:
WR h
Â→d h
a) lim =0 b) lim =X
mnW °YP WR >Â >
°→· ° Â→· XÂ
Solution: a) By using the half angle formula cos ℎ = 1 − 2 sin> (>) then we can have;
o o
Y> WRÕ ( ) WRÕ ª «
lim = lim = −lim = −lim ∙ sin s (by letting s = ) thus we get
mnW °YP Õ Õ ÚA(h) °
°→· ° °→· ° °→·
h→· h >
−lim ∙ sin s = −1(1)(0) = 0
h→· s
( )WR >Â
b) lim = since lim = lim = lim = lim (ga Àd¬ s =
WR >Â > WR >Â _ > WR >Â > WR h
Â→· XÂ X Â→· XÂ Â→· ( )XÂ X Â→· >Â X h→· h
2`) thus we get
2 sin s 2 2
lim = (1) =
5 h→· s 5 5
Exercise: Find
a) lim
3pR Â
Â→· Â
b) lim
Â→· Â
c) lim
Â→· XÂ
Horizontal Asymptote:
1. Horiz Asymptote a line a = g is horizontal asymptote of the graph of a function
a = (`) if either:
lim (`) = g Or lim (`) = g
Â→d Â→Yd
@Â Õ Ä>
Example: The curve
Whose sketched is in the Figure below has the line a = @as a horizontal asymptote on both the
right and the left because; lim (`) = and lim (`) =
Â→d @ Â→Yd @
Example: Find lim sin Â
Solution: we can solve this by substituting a new variable = and as ` → ∞ → 0Ä and hence,
lim sin = lim` sin = 0
Â→d →·
2. Vertical Asymptote:
Asymptote a line ` = O is a vertical asymptote of the graph of a function
a = (`) if either:
lim`(`) = ±∞ mn limX(`) = ±∞
Â→ Â→
Example: Find the Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes of the curve (`) = ÂÄ>
is zero. Using long division we get;
a =1+
We now see that the curve in question is the graph of a = Âshifted 1 unit up and 2 units left as in
the figure below. The asymptotes, instead of being the coordinate axes, are now the lines a = 1
and` = −2.
3.5. Continuity:
Definition: A function f is continuous at a point a, if and only if the following three conditions
are satisfied:
1. (O) is defined
2. lim (`) exist
3. lim (`) = (O)
Example: Determine whether the following functions are continuous or not at ` = 2.
In each case we must determine whether the limit of the function as ` → 2 is the same as the
satisfied; then
value of the function at ` = 2. In all three cases the functions are identical, except at ` = 2,
and hence all three have the same limit at ` = 2, which is,
`> − 4
lim (`) = lim ¬(`) = lim ℎ(`) = lim = lim (` + 2) = 4
Â→> Â→> Â→> Â→> ` − 2 Â→>
Definition: A function is continuous from the right at a number O if lim` (`) = (O) and f is
Example: The Greatest Integer Function(`) = r`s. It is discontinuous at every integer because
So the left-hand and right-hand limits are not equal as ` → d. Since rds = d the greatest integer
function is right-continuous at every integer n (but not left-continuous).
For any O ∈ (−1,1). − 1 < O < 1 using the limit laws we have:
end points of the interval as follows;
lim (`) = lim ª1 − N1 − ` > « = 1 − lim ªN1 − ` > « = 1 − tT lim (1 − ` > )u = 1 − N1 − O>
Â→ Â→ Â→ Â→
= (O)
Thus by definition is continuous at O if −1 < O < 1 now we are going to show that the limit
exists at the end points, that is:
lim (`) = lim `¨1 − Q1 − ` > © = 1 = (−1) And limX(`) = limX¨1 − Q1 − ` > © = 1 =
Hence f is continuous from the right at -1 and continuous from the left at 1.
Therefore f is continuous on £−1,1¤
Theorem: If f and g are cont. at O and is constant, then the following functions are also cont.
at O. + ¬
1. − ¬
3. ¬
where ¬ ≠ 0
1. Since f and g are continuous at a we have:
lim (`) = (O)andlim ¬(`) = ¬(O)
Â→ Â→
⇒lim ( + ¬)(`) = lim £(`) + ¬(`)¤
Â→ Â→
= lim (`) + lim ¬(`) (By limit laws)
Â→ Â→
= (O) + ¬(O)
= ( + ¬)(O)
Thus + ¬ is continuous at a
Proof the rest as an exercise
a) Any polynomial function is continuous everywhere. That is continuous on
v = (−∞, ∞)
b) Any rational function is continuous where ever it is defined; that is continuous on its
Theorem: In general the following types of functions are continuous at every number in their
polynomial function
rational function
root functions
trigonometric and their inverses
exponential functions
logarithmic functions
Solution: By the above theorem a = ln ` is continuous for all ` > 0 and a = tanYP ` is
continuous on v. Thus by theorem of addition from previous theorem a = ln ` + tanYP ` is
continuous at (0, ∞). The denominator a = ` > − 1 is polynomial, so it is continuous at all
positive numbers ` except where` > − 1 = 0. So f is continuous on the interval (0, 1) and (1, ∞).
Exercise: Evaluate lim >ÄmnW Â
Proof: Exercise
Solution: Since inverse trigonometric functions are continuous then we can use the above
theorem: thus
1 − Q` 1 − Q`
lim sinYP t u = sinYP tlim u
Â→P 1−` Â→P 1 − `
1 − Q`
= sinYP tlim u (gO 1 − ` = ¨1 − Q`©¨1 − Q`©)
Â→P ¨1 − Q`©¨1 + Q`©
= sinYP tlim u
Â→P ¨1 + Q`©
= sinYP w x = = 30°
2 6
Exercise: By using the above theorem show that: lim N¬(`) = &T lim ¬(`)
Â→ Â→
Theorem: If ¬ is continuous at O and f is continuous at ¬(O) then the composite function m¬
given by (¬(`)) is continuous at O.
Proof: Because ¬ is continuous at O we havelim ¬(`) = ¬(O). Now is continuous at ¬(O);
thus, we can apply the above Theorem to the composite function m¬, thereby giving us
b) Ö(`) = ln (1 + cos `), now (`) = ln `is continuous and ¬(`) = 1 + cos ` is
continuous. Then Ö(`) = ln (1 + cos `) is continuous wherever it is defined. But
ln (1 + cos `) is defined when 1 + cos ` > 0. So it is undefined when cos ` = −1 that
is when ` = ±, ±3, ±5 … thus F is discontinuous when ` is an odd multiple of
and is continuous on the intervals between these values.
Geometrically, the Intermediate Value Theorem says that any horizontal line a = Êcrossing the
y-axis between the numbers ƒ(a) and ƒ(b) will cross the curve a = (`) at least once over the
Example: Show that there is a root of the equation 4` @ − 6` > + 3` − 2 = 0 between 1 and 2
interval [a, b].
Solution: Let (`) = 4` @ − 6` > + 3` − 2. We are looking for a solution of the given equation,
that is, a number between 1 and 2 such that () = 0 . Therefore we take, O = 1, g = 2 and
Ê = 0in the above Theorem. Then we have
(1) = 4(1)@ − 6(1)> + 3(1) − 2 = −1 < 0
(2) = 4(2)@ − 6(2)> + 3(2) − 2 = 12 > 0
⇒(1) < 0 < (2), that is Ê = 0 is a number between(1) Ode (2). Now is continuous
since it is a polynomial, so the Intermediate Value Theorem says there is a number between 1
and 2 such that () = 0. In other words, the equation4` @ − 6` > + 3` − 2 = 0has at least one
root in the interval (1, 2).
From the basic limit theorems which we have seen in the previous section we have the following
special limits as a summary:
1. lim =
2. lim ` = O
3. lim ` A = OA
4. lim Q` = QO d ∈ z Ä if n is negative we assume that O > 0.
& &
1. Evaluate the following limits.
a) lim d) lim
Â→X ÂYX Â→d  ÕX{N`
b) lim e) lim
Â→· ÂÄP Â→· Â
c) lim
Â→· Â
2. Find the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the following functions.
a) (`) = b) (`) =
@ÂÄ> ÂY@
3. Show that whether the following functions are continuous or not at ` = 2.
if ` ≠ 2
a) (`) = b) (`) = |
1 ` = 2
4. Show that the function (`) = 1 − Q4 − ` > is continuous on the interval£−2, 2¤.
7` − 2 if ` ≤ 1 ` > if ` ≤ 2
5. Find the value of k, if possible, that will make the function continuous.
O) (`) = Ì > b) (`) = Ì
` ` > 1 2` + ` > 2
Unit out
out comes
Example : Find the slope of the tangent line to the graph of (`) = ` 2, at the point (1,1).
Solution: Given (`) = ` 2 which (`o+ ℎ) = (`o+ ℎ )2and (`o) =
`o2 , ¶(`o, ao) = (1,1)
implies that
Normal Line.
Definition : The normal line to a curve at a given point is the line perpendicular to the tangent
line at that point.
If this limit exist we say that f has a derivative at a. i.e is differentiable at a or ′(O) exist.
+ 1. Find ′(−1) and ’(3) and draw the lines tangent to the graph of
Example : Let f(x) =
at the corresponding points.
w ÄPxYw ÄPx w ÄPxYP/p
Solution: ′(`) = limÂ→YP = limÂ→YP = −1/2.
^ ^ ^
Find ′(O)for the given values of O.
Derivative notation
The process of finding a derivative is called differentiation. When the independent variable is `,
ie a = (`) the differentiation operation is often denoted by ÐÂ ((`)) = ′ (`) = ÐÂ
Derivatives of constants
Theorem : The derivatives of constant function are 0. If (`) = , where c is any real number,
then ′(`) = 0
If f and g are differentiable at x and c is any constant then + ¬, − ¬ , . ¬, , /¬ where
¬ ≠ 0 are differentiable at x
(` + ℎ) (`)
Proof .5 From definition of derivative, we have
e e e
(`) = ñQ`¬(`)ó = Q` £¬(`)¤ + ¬(`) ñQ`ó
e` e` e`
=Q`¬ + ¬(`) = Q`¬ (`) +
Â Õ K(Â)
(4) = Q4¬ (4) + = 6.5
Solution. Let (`) = ` 2−1 and ¬(`) = `4+1, which implies ′(`) = 2` and ¬′(`) = 4` 3
Example: Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve » = ¨UĹq © at the point (U, U/+)
If ¬ is differentiable at the point ` and f is differentiable at the point ¬(`), then composition m¬
is differentiable at the point ` and (¬m)′(`) = ¬′((`))′(`).
Solution: Let (`) = 1 + `4 and ¬(`) = x then ′(`) = 4` 3 and ¬′(`) = for ` > 0
2 x
4` @ 2` @
= ¬ ¨(`)©′(`) =
2N(`) Q1 + ` p
dℎ 1 − mℎ
= lim m` w x − d` w x
°→· ℎ ℎ
= m`lim − d`lim = m`(−1) − d`(0) =
°→· ° °→· °
The derivative of ¬(`) = m` can be obtained in the same way and (m)’ = −d`.
Let ß (`) = Â
= Â lim°→ =
4 o YP
 ln = Â
Therefore,( Â ) = Â ln = Â
Example: Let (`) = 2Â , then ¨(`)© = 2Â Àd2.
Solution: By chain rule
Let (`) = Àm¬Ó ` , ` > 0 and g > 0 , g ≠ 1,then from the definition of derivative we obtain
Solution@ (¹) = ¹q
"(O) = limÂ→ Whenever this limit exists we call ′′(O) the second derivative of
J (Â)YJ ()
at a.
(AYP) (`) − (AYP) (O)
(O) = lim
Â→ `−O
(p) (`) = 72
(X) (`) = 0
(X) (`) = 0 (d ≥ 5)
Example : Let (`) = cx. Find a formula for the dth derivative of .
Now , 1 = 1! , 2 = 2! 6 = 3!
the variable y appears alone on one side of equation. However, sometimes function are defined
by equation in which y is not alone on one side.
is not of the form a = (`),however, this equation still defines y as a function of ` since it can
be a = ÂÄP. Thus we say that (1) defines y implicitly as a function of x the function being a =
In general, it is not necessary to solve an equation for a in terms of ` in order to differentiate the
function defined implicitly.
if `a = 1
Example: Find
= −1/`2
Solution: One way to find is writing this equation as y=1/x ⇒
£`a¤ = £1¤ ⇒ ` + a = 0
=− = −1/` >
if 5a2+da = `2
Example: Use implicit differentiation to find
Solution:ÐÂ (5a > + da) = ÐÂ (` > ) ⇒ 5 ÐÂ (a > ) + ÐÂ (da) = 2`( the chain rule)
⇒ 10a ÐÂ + m ÐÂ = 2`
Solving for , we obtain (*)
Note that this formula involves both ` and a .In order to obtain a formula for , that involves `
alone, we would have to solve the original equation for a in terms and then substituting in to (*).
in terms of `
and a.
However, it is impossible to do this. So we are forced to leave the formula for
if 4` 2−2a2= 9.
Example: Use implicit differentiation to find
8` − 4a =0
Substituting (*) in to (**) and simplifying using the original equation we obtain
e > a 2a − 2` ª a « 2a > − 4` >
= = = −9/a @
e` > a> a@
Example: Find the slope of the tangent line at (2, −1) and (2,1) to a2−` + 1 = 0.
Solution: Solving for a in terms of ` and then evaluating the derivative of a = Q` − 1 at (2,1)
and the derivative of a = −Q` − 1 at (2, −1).
e e
(a > − ` + 1) = (0)
e` e`
⇒ 2a −1=0
∴ = 1/2a
At (2, −1), we have a = −1 and at (2, 1) we have a = 1 the slope of the tangent lines at those
points are
5) 3` 2−4a2= 7
2) d(`2a2) = ` 6) `3+a = 1
1) y = 3 2 x − 5
3) Od3(`a + a) = ` 7) a + da = `
4) ` > =
Definition: Assume that the function has an inverse and let YP be the unique function having
as its domain the range of satisfying (`) = a iff YP (a) = ` for all ` in the domain of and
a in the range. Then YP is the inverse of .
From the above definition we can see that, if is a function the inverse of is -1 such that for
each x in the domain of f
Domain of = range of YP
Range of YP =domain of
Theorem : A function f has an inverse iff for some numbers `1 and `2 in the domain of , if
`1≠ ` 2, then (`1) ≠ (`2).
1) Write a = (`)
2) Interchange ` and a
Solution: Let a = 3` − 2 ⇒ ` = 3a − 2 ⇒ ` + a = 3a ⇒ a =
+ 2/3
⇒ YP (`) = @ + 2/3
Theorem: Let be continuous on an intervalþ, and let the values assigned by to the points in þ
form an interval. If has an inverse, then YP is continuous on .
Assume also that′(O) exists and ′(O) ≠ 0 and (O) = .Then(-1)′() exist and
Theorem: Suppose that f has an inverse and is continuous on an open interval I containing a.
(-1)′() =
f ' (a )
Proof. Using the fact that -1() = O and definition of derivatives we find that
More over the fact that YP has an inverse and YP () = O, implies that YP (a) ≠ a for a ≠
nmç (∗)( YP )′() = limÃ→Ô J(JX (Ã))YJ() = limÂ→ J(Â)YJ() = limÂ→ = J ()
J X (Ã)Y ÂY }(N)X}(O) P
Solution: Let us find the value of a for which (O) = −2, but (0) = −2, so O = 0
of and -1. For this purpose suppose that both function are differentiable and
We conclude this section with brief discussion of the general relation ship between the derivative
⇒ 1 = (a)
= J(Ã).
Thus from (*) we obtain the formula that relates the derivative of -1 to the derivative of
e 1
¨ YP (`)© = YP
e` ( (`))
4.7. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Derivatives.
.None of the six basic trigonometric functions is one to one because they all repeat periodically
and do not pass the horizontal line test. Thus to define inverse trigonometric function we must
first restrict the domain of trigonometric function to make them one to one.
sinYP `,cos YP ` , tanYP `,sec YP `,csc YP ` and cot YP `.(or alternatively by Ond`, Onm`,
OnOd`,On`,On` and Onm`)
a = Od-1` is equivalent to Oda = ` if−∞ < ` < ∞ and−/2 < a < /2.
3) sin(cos YP `) = Q1 − ` > , −1 ≤ ` ≤ 1
Now let us use implicit differentiation to obtain the derivative formula for a = d-1`
(`) = (da)
Therefore, ÐÂ = QPYÂ Õ
( sc YP `) = −
`Q` > − 1
From the definition, we conclude that the hyperbolic sine and cosine are defined for all real
number x and y and differentiable
Notice that sinhx is an odd function with sinh0=0 and the coshx is an even function with
Since 0<ex<1 for x<0 and ex>1 for x>0, it follows that sinhx<0 for x<0and sinhx>0 for x>0 and
coshx>0 for all x.
Direct calculation shows that
mℎ> ` − dℎ> = 1
4 N Ä4 XN > 4 N Y4 XN >
mℎ> ` − dℎ> ` = ª « −ª « = ( >Â + 2 · + Y>Â ) − ( >Â + 2 · + Y>Â )=1
> > p p
We define the other four hyperbolic functions in terms of sinhx and coshx
dℎ` Â − YÂ 1 2
Odℎ` = = ℎ` = = Â
mℎ` Â + YÂ mℎ` + YÂ
mℎ` = = 4 N Y4 XN ℎ` = =
ÔÚ°Â 4 N Ä4 XN P >
e  + Y e
dℎ` = = mℎ` Odℎ` = > ℎ`
e` 2 e`
e  − YÂ
mℎ` = = dℎ`
e` 2
ℎ` = −ℎ`Odℎ`
e e
mℎ` = − > ℎ` ℎ` = −ℎ`mℎ`
e` e`
The six hyperbolic functions are related by many identities called hyperbolic identities. We list a
few of them.
Odℎ` ± Odℎa
tanh(` ± a) =
1 ± Odℎ`Odℎa
If we let ` = a in (*) and (**), we obtain the hyperbolic double angle formulas.
ädℎ2` = 2dℎ`mℎ`
mℎ2` = 2dℎ2` + 1
mℎ2` = 2mℎ2` − 1
circular function, replace m` by mℎ` and d` by dℎ` where i= − 1 .For instance we
Note To obtain the above hyperbolic formulae from the corresponding trigonometric formulae of
know that
mℎ2` + (dℎ`)2= 1mn mℎ2` − dℎ2` = 1. Other formulae can be similarly obtained
e e
dℎ = mℎ
e` e`
e e
mℎ = ℎ
e` e`
e e
Odℎ = ℎ>
e` e`
e e
ℎ = −ℎmℎ
e` e`
2)mℎYP ` = ln (` + Q` > − 1) (` ≥ 1)
5)ℎYP ` = ln w x (0< ` ≤ 1) .
> Â
⇒ dℎa = =
4 Y4 X 4 Õ YP
> >4
⇒` = ⇒ 2` Ã ` = >Ã − 1 mn( Ã )> − 2` Ã + 1 = 0
4 Õ YP
2` + Q4` > + 4
à = = ` + N` > + 1 ⇒ a = Àd ª` + N` > + 1« mn OÀÀ `
e 2Q` > + 1 1
dℎYP ` = =
e` ` + Q` > + 1 Q` > + 1
e 1
dℎYP ` =
e` Q` > + 1
e 1
mℎYP ` =
e` Q` > − 1
e 1
OdℎYP ` =
e` 1 − `>
If the set þ is the complete domain of ƒ, and if ƒ has a maximum value on þ,, then this maximum
value is called thee maximum value or (sometimes global maximum value) of similarly, when it
exists, the minimum value of ƒ on its domain is the minimum value (or some times the global
minimum value) of ƒ.
1. If (`) = `, then on ££0,1¤ the function has has the maximum value of 1 and
2. If (`) = tan `,, then on (− > , > ), the function has neither a maximum value nor a
minimum value of 0 (as shown in the figure a below)
3. If (`) =|`D, for −1 ≤ ` < 0 and 0 < ` ≤ 1and (0) = 1, then on [-1,1]
minimum value (as shown in figure b below)
has the maximum value of 1 but has no minimum value because does not assume the
1,1] the function
4. If (`) = ` for −∞ < ` < ∞, then (−∞, ∞) the function has neither a maximum value
value 0( as shown in figur
figure c below).
Theorem (Extreme –value theorem)
If a function is continuous on a finite closed interval [O, g], then has both an absolute
maximum and an absolute minimum on [O, g]
Example: The function (`) = 2` + 1, is continuous and hence has both an absolute maximum
and absolute minimum on every closed interval and in particular on the interval £0,3¤ i.e
(0) = 1
to I such that () exists and is not equal to 0, and then () is not an extreme value of on I.
Proof:The statement of the theorem is equivalent to the assertion that if c is any number interior
(`) − ()
For such `
Because (` − ) > 0
Therefore (`) > (), so that does not have a maximum value at c. in the same way
Thus (`) < (), so that does not have a minimum value at c hence if () > 0 then has
neither a maximum value nor minimum value at c.
The points at which either (`) = 0 or is not differentiable are called the critical points of .
(`) = 4` − ` >
(`) = 4 − 2`
(`) = 0
⇒ 4 − 2` = 0 ⇒ ` = 2( critical number)
in (0,1) (0) = 0, ( −ª « = and (1) = 0, so
Q@ Q@ Q@ Q@ >Q@
@ @ @ @ q
the critical numbers ) ==
1) A sheet of card board 12 in square is used to make an open box by cutting a square of equal
size from the four corners and folding up the sides. what size squares should be cut to obtain a
box with largest possible volume?
a. (`) = ` + Â c. ¬(`) = QÂ Õ
b. (`) = sin ` d. (`) = D` − 2D e. (`) = ` > Â
2) Find all extreme value (if any) of the given function on the given interval. Determine at
We introduce an auxilar function ℎ that allows us
ℎ is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b), ℎ(O) = ℎ(g) = 0, so by Rolle’s theorem
there is a number c in (a, b) such that ℎ () = 0
(g) − (O)
And thus
0 = ℎ () = () −
Example: Let (`) = ` @ + 2`, the show that f satisfies the mean value theorem on the interval
[0, 2]
() = =5
We find a number c in (0, 3) such that () = 5
d. (`) = 3 ª` + « , O = @ , g = 3
(−∞, ∞)
Solution: (`) = ` > − 2` + 1 = (` − 1)>
Since (`) > 0 for all x except x=1, where (`) = 0
Hence f is increasing on (−∞, ∞)
Example:Find where the Function (`) = 3` p − 4` @ − 12` > + 5 is increasing and where
We divide the real line in to intervals whose end points are the critical numbers -1,0 and 2
and arrange in a chart.
4.5.3.The first and second derivative tests.
Theorem: Let be differentiable on an open interval about the number c except possibly at c,
where is continuous.
minimum value at c.
Example: Let (`) = p ` @ − 3`, find the relative extreme value of
Solution: (`) = ` @ − 3`
-2 2
`+2 - - 0 + + +
` −2 - - - - - 0 + +
f(`) = (` + 2)(` − 2)
+ + 0 - - 0 + + +
(`) Changes sign from positive to negative at -2, so (−2) = 4 is relative maximum value.
(`) Changes sign from negative to positive at 2, so (2) = −4 is relative minimum value of
= 4(` − 1) (` − 2)(` − 3)
¹ − q − − − − − − − −T + + + + +
¹−/−−−−−−−−−−− T+++
From the sign chart (`) Changes sign from positive to negative at 2, so (2) = 1 is relative
maximum value.
(`) Changes sign from negative to positive at 1 and 3 so (1) = 0 and (3) = 0 are relative
minimum value of .
Since () = 0 by hypothesis, it follows that for all ` ≠ in some open interval ( − , + )
J (Â) J (Â)YJ (Ô)
If − < ` < then ` − < 0, so that (`) > 0. If < ` < + then ` − > 0 so that
(`) < 0. This means that ′ changes sign from positive to negative at c.
Example: Let (`) = ` @ − 3` − 2. Using the second derivative test. Find the relative extreme
value of .
Solution (`) = ` @ − 3` − 2
(`) = 0, when ` = −1 mn ` = 1
a. (`) = ` > + 6` − 11
1. Determine the value of c at which
b. () =
c. () = sin +
2. Use the first derivative test to determine the relative extreme values (if any) of the
a. (`) = 4` > −
b. (`) = `Q1 − ` >
3. Use the second derivative test to determine the relative extreme value (if any) of the
Example: Find open intervals on which on which the function (`) = `3−3`2+1 is concave up
and concave down.
⇒ ′′(`) = 6` − 6 = 6(` − 1)
⇒ f is concave up on (1, ∞) and concave down ward on (−∞, 1)
Inflection points
Example :Let (`) = ` p − 6` > + 8` + 10. Find the inflection point of the graph of
_______________________ -1_________________ 1______
`−1 - - - -
- - - 0 + + + + + +
(1, (1)) = (1,13) and (1, (`)) = (1, −3) are inflection points of
Example :Let (`) = PÄÂ Õ , sketch the graph of by noting all the relevant properties.
’(`) =
(1 + ` > )>
Since ’(`) > 0 for ` < 0 and ’(`) < 0 for ` > 0, it follows that f is increasing on (−∞,0] and
decreasing on [0, ∞ ) and (0) = 2 is the maximum value of f.
− 3
3 3
3x + 1 −−− 0+++++++++++++++
3x − 1 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −0 + + +
4(3x − 1)
f ' ( x) = +++++++0−−−−−−−−−−−0++++
(1 + x 2 ) 3
, 3/2) (- @ , 3/2)
Q@ Q@
inflection point at ( and
b) ¬(`) = ÂY@
4.13. Related rate
When spherical balloon is inflated, the radius r and the volume v of the balloon are
function of time t.
³ = π r3 .
e~ e~ en en
Using the chain rule to differentiate v with respect to t
= = 4n >
e e e e
The rates e~/eand en/e are related
Example: Suppose a spherical balloon is inflated at the rate of 10 cubic centimeter per
= 10 ,n = 5ç.
If Ð Ð
How fast the radius of the radius of the balloon increasing when the radius is 5cm?
Solution: =4n >
Iº Ð Ð
Ð Ð P·
⇒ 10=4(5) ⇒ =
Therefore, when the radius is 5ç, the radius is increasing at the rate 1/10 per minute.
Example: One end of a 13 feet ladder is on the floor and the other end rests on a vertical wall. If
the bottom end is drawn away from the wall at 3 feet per second, how fast is the top of the ladder
sliding down the wall when the bottom of the ladder is 5 feet from the wall?
Solution: Let y be the height of the top of the ladder above the floor and let x be the distance
beween the base of the wall and the bottom of the ladder.
⇒ 2`e`/e + 2aea/e = 0
When the bottom of the ladder is 5 feet from the wall, the top is sliding down at the rate 5/4 feet
per second.
Example: Suppose that liquid is to be cleared of sediment by pouring it through a conical filter
out of the cone at constant rate of 2ç> /çd. at what rate is the depth of the liquid changing
that is 16cm high and has a radius of 4cm at the top( fig. below). Suppose that the liquid flows
Solution: Let
Substituting this in to (1) gives
Differentiating (2) with respect to t gives
x feet from the wall the bottom is being pushed toward the wall at the rate of `/2 feet per
A ladder 15 feet long leans against a vertical wall .Suppose that when the bottom of the ladder is
second. How fast is the top of the ladder rising at the moment the bottom is 5 feet from the wall.
limÂ→· = limÂ→· = 4/3.
Suppose limÂ→∗ (`)=∞ mn − ∞ Ode limÂ→∗ ¬(`) = ∞ mn − ∞ then we say that limÂ→∗
limÂ→∗ = limÂ→∗ (provided that the later limit exist as a number ∞ mn − ∞).
J(Â) J(Â)
K(Â) K(Â)
Example: In each part confirm that the limit is an indeterminate form of the type ∞/∞
b) limÂ→·`
a)limÂ→d 4 N
solution:a) The numerator and the denominator have a limit of ∞ so we have indeterminate form
of the type ∞/∞.
` 1
lim = lim =0
Â→d  Â→d Â
c) The numerator has a limit of −∞ and the denominator has alimit of +∞ so we have
indeterminate form of the type ∞/∞. Applying L’Hopital’s rule we get.
` 1/` d` d`
lim` = lim` = lim` Od` = lim` lim Od` = (−1)0 = 0
Â→· ` Â→· `m` Â→· ` Â→· ` Â→·`
Other Indeterminate Forms
1) 0. ∞ lim `Àd`
Indeterminate form Example
lim x
2) 00
lim ª1 + «
3) 1∞
4) ∞0 lim `P/Â
When we find the limit of the indeterminate forms of the type listed above, we have to
rewrite the given limit in a way that enable us to L’ Hopital’s rule
lim `x limlnx = −∞
Solution: Â→· =0 and Â→·`
0. ∞
The limit is of the form
Àd` 1/`
lim` `Àd` = lim` w x = lim` w x = lim`(−`)
Â→· Â→· 1/` Â→· −1/` > Â→·
∴ lim xlnx =0
1) a) Find the slope of tangent line to the curve a = ` − ` @ at the point (1,0). ans -
4. Review Questions
c) Find equation of the line tangent to curve a = 1 + ` @ ,which is parallel to the
line 12` − a = 1 ans a = 12` − 15.
= 3`
a) ans
ii)` Ã = a + ` >
a)(`) = ℎQ` − ℎQ` OdℎQ`
6) Differentiate the following.
> QÂ
b) (`) = dℎ> Q1 − ` > ans − dℎQ1 − ` > mℎQ1 − ` >
c) ) (`) = dℎYP (−3` > ) ans
open top find the largest possible volume of the box. Ans 4000ç@
7) If 1200ç of material is available to make a box with square base and an
8) Find the point on the line a = 4` + 7 that is closest to the origin. Ans
( , )
on (−2,2)
b)(`) = ` Â . ans increasing on (−1, ∞) , and decreasing on (-∞, −1)
Chapter Five
Solution: The right end points of the five interval are i where i=1,2,3,4,5 the width of each
since area of a rectangle is Gè+G = º ∗ oIº then the area of the five
rectangle is
2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10
rectangles on the intervals 0, , , , , , , , is
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
i. Evaluate f at the right end point from fig (a)
2i 2 5 2i 2 2 162
Area (a) = ∑ f =
5 5
∑ − + 5 =
i =1
i =1 5 5
ii. Evaluate f at the left end point from fig (b)
5 2
2 202
2i − 2 2 2i − 2
Area (b)= ∑ f ∑
= − + 5 = =8.08
i =l 5 5
i =1 5 5 25
By combining the results in parts (a) and (b), you can conclude that
6.48 ≤ (area of the region under f) ≤ 8.08
We get an upper estimate of the area of R in fig (b) by using five rectangles containing R is 8.08.
We get lower estimate of the area of R in fig (a) by using five rectangles containing R is 6.08.
And we know that the area of the region under the curve is between 6.08 and 8.08.
Note: As the number of rectangles increase the upper sum decreases but lower sum increases.
Definition: Let f(x) be a nonnegative and continuous function on an interval [a, b ]. and let S be
the region bounded by the graph of f and the vertical line x=a, x=b and the x-axis as show in
figure below, Then, the area A(s) is given by
If f is continuous function defined for a ≤ x ≤ b,we divide the interval [a,b] in to n subintervals
The Definite Integral as a Limit of Riemann Sums
of equal width ∆x = . We let a = x· < xP < x> < ⋯ < xR = b be the endpoints of these
subinterval and we let z = £xYP , x ¤ i = 1,2,3, … , n be any sample points in these subintervals,
where zP = £x· , xP ¤,z> = £xP , x> ¤ and so on. Then the definite integral of f from a to b is
Note-2. The sum is called a Riemann sum after the German Mathematician
Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866). If f(x) is positive then the Riemann Sum can be interpreted as
the sum areas of the approximating rectangles.
Note-3. The value of the definite integral of a function over any particular interval depends on
the function, not on the letter we choose to represent its independent variable.
If we decide to use t or u instead of x we simply write the integral as
The Existence of Definite Integrals
A continuous function is integrable. That is, if a function ƒ is continuous on an interval [a, b],
then its definite
Properties of theintegral
Definiteover [a, b] exists.
> X X
Example: Suppose that f and g are integrable and
> P X X
Then, find
Example: show that the value of
> @ @
1. Suppose that f and g are integrable and
P P @ X
Then, find
P ·.X
1 1
a. dx b. dx
1 + x> 1 + x>
· ·
(a,b) and its derivative is f(x);
F = f(t) dt = f(x)
dx p
d d 1
Use the Fundamental Theorem to find
a. costdt b. dt
dx dx 1 + t >
p ·
a. cosxdt = m`
d 1 1
b. dt =
dx 1 + t > 1 + x>
If ƒ is continuous at every point of [a, b] and F is any antiderivative of ƒ on [a, b], then
(`)e` = Ö(g) − Ö(O) , Ëℎn Ö(`) ℎ Oden~O~ m (`), ℎO , Ö (`) = (`).
The theorem says that to calculate the definite integral of ƒ over [a, b] all we need todo is:
a. Find an antiderivative F of ƒ, and
b. Calculate the number
Use the FTC (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) to evaluate the following.
O. ` > e`
g. m` e`
9 − `, ` < 1
. (`) e` Ëℎn (`) = Ì
· ` > + 7, `≥1
m` e` = d`¤· = d − d0 = 0
@ P @
c. By using the property-5 we can write as
−` < +`
> P @ @
= 9` + 7`<
2 · 3 P
= ª9 − « + ª + 21« − ª + 1« = 33.1667
P >Z P
> @ @
When we to find the indefinite integral of a function ƒ, remember that it always includes an
arbitrary constant C.
integral (`)e`
Here are some examples of derivative formulas and their equivalent integration formulas:
Differentiation Formula Integration Formula
£`¤ = 1 e` = ` +
e ` ÄP ` ÄP
; < = ` (n ≠ −1) ` e` = + (n ≠ −1)
e` n + 1 n+1
£d`¤ = m` m`e` = d` +
£m`¤ = −d` (−d`)e` = m` +
£Od`¤ = > ` ( > `)e` = Od` +
£−m`¤ = > ` ( > `)e` = −m` +
£`¤ = `Od` (`Od`)e` = ` +
£−`¤ = `m` (`m`)e` = −` +
e Â
£ ¤ = Â ( Â )e` = Â +
e 1̀ 1̀
£ÀdD`D¤ = w x e` = ÀdD`D +
Example: Describe the anti-derivative of 3x
Solution We have k=3 and f(x)=x
csc x + C
cos x
∫ sin 2 x dx
cos x
∫ sin x sin x dx ∫ cot x csc xdx
Example: Evaluate
a. ∫ (2 x + 3 cos x )dx b.∫ (x + x 3 )dx
Solution: a.
Using the above properties
∫ (2 x + 3 cos x )dx = ∫ 2 xdx + 3∫ cos xdx
= 2 ∫ xdx + 3∫ cos xdx
=2 + C1 + 3 sin x + C 2
= x 2 + 3 sin x + C where C=C1+C2
` >
` @
Solution: b.
The above property (b) can be extended to more than two functions, which can be formulated as
£P P (`) + > > (`) + ⋯ + A A (`)¤ = P P (`)e` + > > (`)e` + ⋯ + A A (`)e`
2x + ` Q` − 1
Example: Evaluate
> >
2x > + ` > Q` − 1
Solution: First we need to write the integrand in a simpler form
dx = w2 + ` > − ` Y> x e`
x q
= w2 + ` > − ` Y> x e`
= 2 e` + ` > e` − ` Y> e`
= 2` + ` Õ − ` YP +
@ 1̀
= 2` + ` > − +
Exercise: Evaluate the following integrals
5.4. Techniques of integration
Integration by Substitution
Theorem: Let f(x) and g(x) be functions with both fog and g ′ continuous on an interval I. If F is
an antiderivative (indefinite integral) of f on I, then
(i) ∫ f ( g ( x ) )g ′ ( x ) dx = F ( g ( x )) + C
Example: Find ∫ ( x + 6) dx
( g ( x)) 21+1 ( g ( x)) 22 ( x + 6) 22
∫ (g ( x) )g +C = +C = +C
21 /
( x ) dx =
21 + 1 22 22
= ` + 6 ç¶À e = e`
Equivalently we can let
( ) ( ) u 22 (x + 6) + C 22
∫ + ∫
x 6 dx u du = +C =
22 22
Example: consider the following patterns
Original integral g(x)=u g ′ (x)=du f ( g ( x) )g / ( x)dx
∫ 2 x x + 1 dx
4 u=x2+1 du=2xdx
du __________
∫ 3x
( x 3 +1 dx ) u=x3+1 du=3x2dx
∫ u du __________
d 1 1
d 1
Corollary ∫ dt = ⇒ (ln x ) =
dx 1 t x dx x
Example: Evaluate ∫ x dx
in terms of logarithm
6 6
1 6
Solution: ∫ dx = ln x ∫ = ln 6 − ln 2 = ln = ln 3
2 x 2 2
Note: ∫ x dx = ln x + c
Example: Find ∫ x5 +1dx
Solution: let u = x 5 +1 so that du = 5 x 4dx
x4 1 1 1
∫ x5 +1dx = ∫ x 5 +1 x dx = 5 ∫ u dx
1 1
= ln u + c = ln x 5 +1 + c
5 5
1. Show that ∫ tan xdx = − ln cos x + c
2. Evaluate the integrals
1 x 2 x2
i) ∫ dx ii) ∫ x 2 +4dx iii) ∫ dx iv) ∫ dx v) ∫ dx
x −1 1 − 4x 1 −x2 0
x −4 x − 1
Integration by parts
Theorem Let F and G be differentiable on [a, b ] , and assume that F’ and G’ are continuous on
[a, b ] then.
∫ f (x )G ′( x)dx = F (x )G (x ) − ∫ F ′(x )G (x )dx.
b b
and ∫ F ( x )G′( x )dx = F ( x ).G ( x ) − ∫ F ′( x )G ( x )dx
a a
∫ udv = uv − ∫ vdu
Example: Find ∫ x cos xdx
Solution: the integral x cos x can naturally be split in to the two parts x and cosx
Let u = x implies du = dx dv = cos xdx
v = sin x
uv = ∫ vdu + ∫ udv
∫x e
5 −x
Exercise: Find dx
Reduction Formula
− 1 n −1 n −1
Note: 1. ∫ sin n xdx =
n ∫
sin x cos x + sin n − 2 xdx
1 n −1
2. ∫ cos n xdx = cos n −1x sin x + ∫ cos n − 2 xdx
n n
Example: Find ∫ cos 5 xdx
Let n=5 in the reduction formula
1 4
∫ cos xdx = 5 cos x sin x + 5 ∫ cos xdx
5 4 3
A second application
1 3
∫ cos xdx = ∫ 3 cos x sin x + 2 ∫ cos xdx
3 2
1 2
= cos 2 x sin x + sin x + c,
3 3
1 42 2
∫ cos xdx = 5 cos x sin x + 5 3 cos x sin x + 3 sin x + c
5 4 2
1 4 8
= cos 4 x sin x + cos 2 x sin x + sin x + c
5 15 15
Tabular Integration
We have seen that integrals of the form ∫ f (x )g (x )dx in which f can be differentiated repeatedly
to become zero and g can be integrated repeatedly without difficultly, are natural conditions for
integration by parts. However, if many repeat are required the calculation that saves a great deal
of work. It is called tabular integration and is illustrated in the following examples.
Example: Find e x dx by tabular integration
Solution: with f (x ) = x 2 and g ( x) = e x , we list
f (x ) and its derivative g (x ) and its integrals
x2 ex
2x (+) ex
2 (-) ex
0 (+) ex
We add the products of the functions connected by the arouse, with the middle sign changed, to
Example: Find sin xdx by tabular integration
f (x ) and its g (x ) g (x ) and
Derivates its integrals
x (+) sin x
cos x
sin x
cos x
We add the products of the functions connected by the arouse, with every other sign changed,
1. Evaluate the integrals by tabular Method.
∫ x e dx ∫ (x −5 x )e dx c) ∫ p 4 e − p dp
3 x 2 x
a) b)
2. Use integration by parts to evaluate the following integralsEvaluate ∫ cos 5 xdx.
∫ x ln x
∫ xe dx
c) ∫ (x + x sin x )dx
sin x
d) ∫ ex
Partial fraction
Consider the following rational functions
2 x3
1) 2 We can divide the function by the long division as follows
x +3
2x 3 − 6x
= 2x + 2
x +3
x +3
2x 6x
Then ∫ 2 dx = ∫ 2 xdx − ∫ 2 dx
x +3 x +3
2x + 4 2x + 4 2( x + 2 ) 2
2) 2 = = =
x +3 x + 2 (x + 2)(x + 1) (x + 2)(x + 1) x + 1
2x + 4 2
∫ x 2 +3x + 2dx = ∫ x + 1dx
Examples of Integration by partial fraction:
2x + 3
Example: Evaluate ∫ 3 dx
x +2 x 2 + x
2 x +
2x + 3 2 A B C
= = + +
x +2 x + x
3 2
x (x + 1)2 x x + 1 ( x + 1)2
Determine A,B and C
A( x + 1)2 + B( x( x + 1)) + 2 x + 3
( ) ( )
A x 2 +2 x + 1 + B x 2 + x + cx = 2 x + 3
Ax 2 +2 Ax + A + Bx 2 + Bx + Cx = 2 x + 3
A+ B = 0
A=3 B = −A
B = −3
2A + B + C = 2
C = −1
2x + 3 3 3 1
= − −
x ( x + 1)2
x x + 1 ( x + 1)2
(2 x + 3) 3 1 1
∫ x(x + 1)2 dx = ∫ x dx − 3∫ x + 1dx − ∫ (x + 1)2 dx
= ln x − 3 ln x + 3 + + C1
x +1
x 1
= 3lin + + C1
x +1 x +1
x 2 +2 x + 7
Example: Evaluate ∫ x3 + x 2 −2 dx
x 2 +2 x + 7 A Bx + C
Solution: 5 2 = +
x + x −2 x −1 x +2 x + C
x 2 +2 x + 7 2 x+3
Thus ∫ x3 + x 2 +2 dx = ∫ x − 1dx + ∫ x +2 x + 2dx
2 x+3
= ∫ x −1dx + ∫ (x + 1) +1dx
Let u = x + 1 x = u −1 ⇒ x + 3 = u + 2
2 u+2
= ∫ x − 1dx + ∫ u +1du
2 u 2
= ∫ x − 1dx + ∫ u 2
du + ∫ 2 du
u +1
= 2 ln x − 1 + ln (( x + 1)2 +1 )2 +2 arctan ( x + 1) + c
Summary for determining the constants by partial fraction is given as follows.
numerrator A B
1. = +
(x + p )(x + q ) (x + p ) (x + q )
numeantor A B
2. = +
(x + p )2
(x + p ) (x + p )2
numerator Ax + B C D
= 2 + +
(x + p )(x + q ) x + p x + q (x + q )2
2 2
Finally C is found covering the ( x − 3) in above equation and evaluating at x=3
3 2 +1 10
C= = =5
(3 − 1)(3 − 2)(x − 3) 2 × 1
Example: Evaluate
∫ x3 +3x 2 −10 x dx
Solution: the degree of f (x ) = x + 4 is less than the degree of g ( x ) = x 3 +3 x 2 −10 x , and with
g (x ) factored.
x+4 x+4 A B C
= = + +
x +3 x −10 x x ( x − 2 )( x + 5) x ( x − 2 ) ( x + 5)
3 2
x+4 −2 3 1
Therefore: = + −
x ( x − 2 )( x + 5) 5 x 7( x − 2 ) 35( x + 5)
x+4 −2 3 1
and ∫ dx = ln x + ln x − 2 − ln x = 5 + C
x ( x − 2 )( x + 5) 5 7 35
Home Task
Evaluating the following indefinite integral
a) ∫ (x − 1) x 2 +2 x + 1 dx
( )
b) ∫z 3
− z 2 −6 z
x x2 3x
1. a) ∫ dx b) ∫ 2 c) ∫ (x − 2) dx
x +1 x +1 2
d> ` =
If both m and n are even
Evaluate the following indefinite integrals
O. d@ `m > `e`
g. m @ `e`
d> ` =
1 − m2` 1 + m2` 1
d> `m > `e` = w xw x e` = (1 − m > 2`)e`
2 2 4
Let = 2` ⟹ e = 2e` ℎd
1 1
(1 − m > )e = w 1e − m > ex
2 2
= w − m > ex
1 1 + m2
= w − ex
2 2
1 1 1
= w − − d2x +
2 2 4
1 1
= w2` − ` − d4`x +
2 4
1 1
= w` − d4`x +
2 4
Evaluate the following indefinite integrals
O. dX `e`
g. 4Odp `e`
Products of Sines and Cosines
Integrals of the form
sinm x sin d` e` , sinm x cos d` e` , Ode cosm x cos d` e`
sin ç` cos d` = > £sin(ç − d)` + sin(ç + d)`¤
cos ç` cos d` = > £cos(ç − d)` + cos(ç + d)`¤
Evaluate the following indefinite integrals
O. sin 2` cos 3` e`
g. cos 4` cos 3` e`
. sin 2` sin 3` e`
Solution a.By using property (i)with m=2 is Even and n=3
sin ç` sin d` = £cos(ç − d)` − cos(ç + d)`¤
sin 2` sin 3` = £cos(2 − 3)` − cos(2 + 3)`¤
sin 2` sin 3` = > £cos(−`) − cos(5`)¤then
sin 2` cos 3` e` = £cos(−`) − cos(5`)¤e`
= £cos(−`) − cos(5`)¤e`
= Ì m`e` − m5`e`
d md Od ~d dmd cos(−`) = m`
= ªd` − d5`« +
> X
Solution b.By using property (iii)with m=4 is Even and n=3
cos ç` cos d` = £cos(ç − d)` + cos(ç + d)`¤
cos ç` cos d` = £cos(4 − 3)` + cos(4 + 3)`¤
cos ç` cos d` = £cos(`) + cos(7`)¤then
cos 4` cos 3` e` = £cos(`) + cos(7`)¤e`
= w cos(`)e` + cos(7`)e`x
= ªd` + d7`« +
> Z
Solution c. Exercise
Exercise: Evaluate the following definite integrals
involvingQO> − ` > QO> + ` > and Q` > −O> into integrals we can evaluate directly we use the
Trigonometric substitutions can be effective in transforming integrals
table below.
` = Ods −
NO> − ` >
Expressions in integrand Trigonometric substitution Interval(s)
≤s≤ ,
2 2
` = OOds −
NO> + ` > ≤s≤ ,
2 2
N` −O ` = Os 3
0 ≤ s ≤ , mn ≤ s ≤
> >
2 2
The substitutions come from the reference of right triangles as shown below
Reference triangles for the three basic substitutions identifying the sides labeled x and Ofor each
`> 3 `>
Evaluate the following indefinite integrals
O. e` g. e` . @ e`
Q9 − ` > Q1 + 9` > (` > − 1)>
9 d> ses = 9 w x es = ws − x+
2 2 2
From ` = 3ds we get s = dYP ª « and sin 2s = 2 sin s cos s
9 d2s 9
ws − x + = ªdYP ª « − sin s cos s« +
2 2 2 3̀
9 Q9 − ` >
= tdYP ª « − u+
2 3̀ 3̀ 3
9 `Q9 − ` > 9 `Q9 − ` >
= tdYP ª « − u + = dYP ª « − +
2 3̀ 9 2 3̀ 2
set = 3` ⇒ e = 3e` > = 9` >
3 1
Solution: b. we and then from this
e` = e
Q1 + 9` > Q1 + >
From the above table we can set = Ods ⇒ e = sec> ses and from the
trigonometric identities we have 1 + tan> s = sec > s then
1 1 > ses > s
e = ses =
= es
Q1 + > Q1 + Od> s Qsec > s Dsec sD
≤ s ≤ > , then we can have
es = (1) sec s es
Dsec sD
sec s + tan s sec > s + sec s tan s
= w x sec ses = es
sec s + tan s sec s + tan s
Let v = sec s + tan s ⇒ e~ = (sec > s + sec s tan s)es
sec > s + sec s tan s 1
es = e~ = ÀdD~D +
sec s + tan s ~
= ÀdDsec s + tan sD+C but s = tanYP = tanYP 3`
=ÀdDsec(tanYP 3`) + 3`D +
Solution c. Exercise
Exercise: Evaluate the following indefinite integrals
O. e`
`Q4 − Àd> `
g. ea
Q >Ã − 1
. > e`
` +1
(`) e` = lim (`)e`
2. If ƒ(x) is continuous on £−∞, O), then
(`) e` = lim (`)e`
Ó→Yd Ó
3. If ƒ(x) is continuous on £−∞, ∞), then
Ô d
(`) e` = (`)e` + (`)e`
Yd Ô
Where c is any real number.
In each case, if the limit is finite we say that the improper integral converges and that the limit is
the value of the improper integral. If the limit fails to exist, the improper integral diverges.
Evaluate the following improper integrals
O. e`
Yd 1 + `
g. s h es
Solution: a. According to the definition in part 3above we have
· d
(`) e` = (`)e` + (`)e`
Yd ·
1 ·
1 d
e` = e` + e`
Yd 1 + ` Yd 1 + ` · 1+`
> > >
1 Ó
= lim e` + lim e`
Ó→Yd Ó 1+` > Ó→d · 1 + ` >
= lim tanYP `¤·Ó + lim tanYP `¤Ó· = + =
Ó→Yd Ó→d 2 2
ℎnmn e` =
Yd 1 + `
Solution b. Exercise
1. If ƒ(x) is continuous on (a, b] and is discontinuous at a then
(`) e` = lim` (`)e`
Ô→ Ô
2. If ƒ(x) is continuous on [a, b) and is discontinuous at b then
(`) e` = limX (`)e`
3. If ƒ(x) is discontinuous at c, whereO < < g,and continuous on
£O, ) ∪ (, g¤, then
(`) e` = (`)e` + (`)e`
In each case, if the limit is finite we say the improper integral converges and thatthe limit is the
value of the improper integral. If the limit does not exist, the integral diverges.
Show weather the following improper integrals converge or diverge.
O. e`
· 1−`
g. @ e`
· (` − 1)>
Solution: a.The function PYÂ is discontinuous at x=1 the as defined in 2 above we can have
1 Ô
e` = limX e` = limX Àd(1 − `)¤Ô· = limX£ln(1 − ) − 0¤ = ∞
· 1 − ` Ô→P · 1 − ` Ô→P Ô→P
Show weather the following improper integrals converge or diverge.
O. e`
· 1−`
g. (−Àd`)e`
Miscellaneous Ex
Evaluate the following integrals
∫ (x − 3 x 2 + 4 x − 2 dx )
∫ dxx+
3. ∫ (θ + sec θ )dθ
1 2 x
2 2
5. ∫ f ( x)dx , where
f(x)= 2
sec 2 θ for 0 ≤ x ≤ π
π π
csc θ for ≤x≤
4 2
∫ (x x − 1)dx
5 2
7. ∫ (1 + 4 x ) 1 + 2 x + 4 x dx
a) ∫ xe − x dx
b) ∫ x cos xdx
c) ∫ x 4 dx
2 x
∫x − x−6
c) ∫
x2 + x +1
13. By making the substitution u=1-x show that
x 1
∫ x (1 − x )
n m n
O. dX 2` m2`e`
The mathematical application will include area, volume, length of a curve, and surface area and
the other work, force and momentum and centre of mass so on are for physics, engineering...
6.1. AREA
Suppose we want to find the area of a region bounded above by the curve a = (`) and,
below by the curve = ¬(`)and on the left and right by lines ` = O Ode
` = g (Ö¬ 6.1) Ode ¬ On mddm .
We first approximate the region with n vertical rectangles based on a partition
P = {`· , `P , … , `A } m £O , g¤ (Fig 6.2) the area of the ° rectangle (Fig 6.3) is
= ℎO¬ℎ × Ëeℎ = £(
) − ¬(
As K¶K → 0 ℎ area of the right approach the limit £(`) − ¬(`)¤e` because
Ode ¬ are continuous. We take the area of the region to be the value of this integral.
That is,
≈ lim 0£(
) − ¬(
= £(`) − ¬(`)¤e`
Definition; If Ode ¬ are continuous with (`) ≥ ¬(`) throughout £O, g¤ then the area
Area between curves
of the region between the curves a = (`) and a = ¬(`) from O m g is the integral
Fig 6.4
The limits of integration are found
By solving a = 2 − ` > and a = −` simultaneously for `
2 − ` > = −` O (`)Ode ¬(`)
2 − ` > − ` = 0 nËn
(` + 1)(` − 2) = 0 Omn
` = −1 Ode ` = 2
The region runs from ` = −1 Ode ` = −2 is the limit of integration from
O = −1 Ode g = 2 then the area between the curves is
Figur 6.5
1. Let (`) = 5` Ode ¬(`) = ` > , and let R be the region between the graphs of
If is a function continuous on an interval £O , g¤ then (`)e` is the limit of the Riemann
sums for md £O, g¤ as the lengths of the subintervals derived from the partition of £O, g¤
approach 0.
We will describe briefly here our procedure for introducing the other application of the integral.
For each application our goal will be to find a formula for a quantity I (such as the volume of
In each case it will be reasonable to expect that A
P (
) ∆`
should approach I as the
solid region) we will proceed in the following way
I = (`)e`
We will conclude that
Volume can be found by different methods
a. The cross-sectional method
b. The disc method
c. The washer method
d. The shell method
Consider the cross-sectional area A of the region D is a function that is continuous on £O , g¤ let
a. The Cross-Sectional Method
P= (`· , `P , `> ..., `A ) be a portion of £O. g¤ for each k between 1 and n ,let
be an arbitrary
number in the sub intervals [`
YP , `
], if ∆`
is small ,the volume ∆~
of the part of D between
YP , `
is approximately equal to the product of the cross-sectional area A(
) and the length
Thus ∆³ ≈ (cross-sectional area)×(length)
=A (
Since the volume V of D is the sum of ∆~P , ∆~> , … , ∆~A . It follows that V should be
approximately A
P (
) ∆`
The volume of a solid of known integral cross-sectional area A(x) from ` = O m ` = g is the
Example: Find the volume V of the solid D in which cross-section at x is semicircular region
with radius r is ` > for 0≤ ` ≤ 1
n > .
Solution: The area of a semicircular region with radius r is
Thus the cross-sectional area A(x) of x is given by A(x) = (` > )> .
V=· (`)e`
=· ` p
When the graph of a continuous non-negative function on an interval £O, g¤ is revolved about
b. The Disc Method
the ` axis, it generates a solid region having circular cross-sections, that is cross-sections are
circular disc (Fig 6.6) ,since the radius of the cross-section at ` (`) it follows that
(`) = £(`)¤> (1 )
Thus we obtain a formula for the volume ³ of the solid that is generated
Figure 6.6 Figure 6.7
³ = £(`)¤> e`
Example: Find the volume ³ of a sphere of radius n
Figure 6.8
Example: Find the volume of the solid that is obtained when the region under the
Curve a = Q` over the interval [1,4] is revolved about the x-axis
Figure 6.9
1. Let R be the region between the graph of the function and the x axis on the given interval.
plane region about the `-axis .let Ode ¬ be function such that
We present a formula for the volume of the solid region generated by revolving a more general
The volume ³ of the solid generated by revolving the region between the graph of
Figure 6.10
Example: Find the volume of the solid generated when the region between the graphs
Solution first sketches the region (Figure); then imagine revolving it about the x-axis. From
(6.10) the volume is
1. Let R be the region between the graph of Ode ¬ on the given interval. Find the volume v
b≥ O ≥ 0 Ode ≥ 0 then since the volume of the cylindrical shell is the difference of the
Suppose the rectangle is bounded by the x-axis, the line y=c, the lines x=a and x=b, where
volume of the outer and the inner cylinders ,it follows that
V = volume of outer cylinder – volume of inner cylinder
= g > − O> = (g > − O> )
If we replace O ga `
YP Ode g ga `
then we obtain
³ = (`
> − `
YP > ) = (`
+ `
YP )(`
− `
YP ) ..............(*)
Now let be a continuous nonnegative function on £O, g¤,with O ≥ 0. We wish to define the
R between the graph of f and the x axis on [a,b]. Let P={`· , `P , `> , … , `A } be any partition of
volume V of the solid region in Figure above ,obtained by revolving about the y-axis the region
( `
+ `
YP )
[a,b]. For each k between 1 and n, let
be the midpoint 2 of the subinterval
YP , `
] .if ∆`
is small, the volume ∆³
of the portion of the solid between the revolve
lines` = `
YP Ode ` = `
is approximately equal to the volume of the corresponding cylindrical
shell with height (`) by (*), with (
) replacing c, this means that ∆³ ≈ (
YP )(`
− `
YP ) = 2
Therefore the volume V of the solid, which is the sum of ∆~P , ∆~> , … , ∆~A
Should be approximately A P 2 ( )∆` which is a Riemann sum for 2` md £O. g¤ .as a
³ = 2(`)e`
Let Ode ¬ be continuous on £O, g¤, Ëℎ mn O ≥ 0 ,and suppose that
Then let R be the region between the graphs of Ode ¬ on £O, g¤ Figure.
The volume V of the solid obtain by revolving about the a O` is given by
³ = 2`£(`) − ¬(`)¤e`
Solution: First sketch the region (Figure6.12);then imagine revolving about y-axis
Figur 6.12
1. Let R be the region between the graph of the function and x axis on the given interval. Find
O. (`) = Q` > + 1; ñ0, Q3ó g. (`) = >ÂÄP ; [0,1] . (`) = Àd` ; £1,3¤
the volume v of the solid generated by revolving R about the y-axis
Consider the graph of a function with a continuous derivative on closed interval [a,b]. If is
linear, that is ,if the graph of is a line segment ,then the length L of the graph is the distance
between (O, (O)) Ode (g, (g)) so that
When is not necessarily linear, we let P = {`· , `P , `> , … , `A } be any partition of [a,b] and
(`· , (`· ),( `P , (`P )),....,( `A , (`A )) figure. Let ∆ß
be the length of the portion of the graph of
approximate the graph of f by a polygonal line l whose vertices are
f joining (`
YP , (`
YP )) and (`
, (`
)). If ∆`
is small, ß
is approximately equal to the length
of the line segment joining (`
YP , (`
YP ) and (`
, (`
)). In other words
) − (`
YP = ′ (
− `
YP ) for some
d (`
YP , `
). Therefore (1) can be
Figure 6.15
Figure 6.13
Figure 6.14
nP + n>
r1and r2 ,then the surface area S is given by
Fig 6.15
More generally, suppose is defined on£O, g¤, and(`) ≥ 0 mn O ≤ ` ≤ g.we will derive a
formula for the S of the surface obtained by revolving the graph of about x axis Figure. In
order to be able to use the length of the graph of on £O, g¤in our calculations of surface area, we
will assume that is continuous differentiable on £O, g¤. Now let P={`· , `P , … , `A } be a partition
on £O, g¤ ,and let ∆ä be the area of the portion of the surface between the revolved lines ` =
YP Ode ` = `
. ∆`
is small, the surface area
is approximately equal to the surface area
length of the line between (`
YP , (`
YP )) and `
, (`
) and the radii of whose ends are
of the frustum of the corresponding cone. That is the frustum whose slant height is equal to the
Which is a Riemann sum for 2(
)N1 + £ (
)¤> on £O, g¤. Therefore we define the
surface area S by
ä = lim 0 2(
)N1 + £ (
)¤> ∆`
= 2(`)N1 + £ (
)¤> e`
DEFINITION Let be nonnegative and continuously differentiable on £a,b¤. The area of the
surface obtained by revolving the graph of about the x axis is defined by
S = 2(`)N1 + £ (
)¤> e`
Figure 6.16
Find the area S of the surface generated by revolving about the x axis the graph of f on
the given interval
O. (`) = Q4 − ` > ; [1/2,3/2] g. (`) = @ ` @ ;[0,Q2]
1. Sketch and find the area of the region to the parabola ` = 2a > to the right of the y-axis ,
and between a = 1 Ode a = 3
2. Find the area bounded by the curve a = 1 − ` Y> and the lines a = 1 , ` = 1 Ode ` = 4
1 − 5 Find the volume the solid that results when the region enclosed by the given curves is
revolved about `-axis
1. a = 9 − ` > a = 0
2. a = Q25 − ` > a = 3
3. a = d` , a = m` ` = 0 , ` =
4. a = QPÄ4 N ` = 0 , ` = 1, a = 0
4 N
5. a = QpÄÂ Õ ` = −2, ` = 2 a = 0
6 − 10 Find the volume the solid that results when the region enclosed by the given curves
is revolved about a-axis
6. ` = a a = a= ,` = 0
p p
7. a = ` > , ` = a >
8. a = T (` > 0)
9. a = Àd` , ` = 0 , a = 0 , a = 1
10. ` = a > , ` = a + 2
11. Let V be the volume of the solid that results when the region enclosed by a = ,a =
0, a = 0 , ` = 2 Ode ` = g(0 < g < 2) is revolved about the x-axis. Find the value of b