Episode 4
Episode 4
Episode 4
Recalling age-typical characteristics of school learners according to Piaget’s
cognitive theory.
Grade Observed: Grade 7- St. Claire Subject Area: English Time: 10:10am to
Lesson Objective: Conducting review for the midterm exam by identifying tenses
of verbs and its usage, differentiate tenses of verbs, and formulate examples.
Grade Observed: Grade 7- St. Claire Subject Area: TLE Time: 11:00am to
Subject Matter: Identifying the software, hardware, and parts of the computer.
1.Were there evidences gathered for all the listed cognitive abilities? Which
characteristics were the most observable (i.e. most number of evidences)?
The table shown above clearly illustrates that students under concrete
operational stage exhibit the same cognitive abilities as being observed inside
the classroom. Evidences shows that as a child proceed to the next grade level,
the cognitive ability increase and they become more logical as they express their
viewpoint of the subject matter. In addition, the cognitive ability of a student
increases as they grow older.
As the given results provided in the table above, all cognitive abilities were being
observed in different grade level. As the student increases his/her grade level,
his/her cognitive ability also improves and develop critically to draw conclusions
at the end of the discussions.
3.Do you notice any pattern in your observation? Is there a relationship between the
grade level and the number of gathered evidences? What grade levels have displayed
more abilities?
Based on the given results found during the conduct of observation, there is no
significant relationship found between the grade level and the number of
gathered evidences maybe because we observed during review weeks before
midterm examination. Tendencies are teachers limit their discussion and focus
more on the review where questions are the possible questions for the exam. But
most of students displayed more abilities are those senior high school students
(grade 11 and grade 12) because they exhibit higher cognitive abilities.
Drawing generalizations from observations of learner’s behaviors.
1.Are all the learners in a given age range (middle childhood or adolescent)
capable of performing all the cognitive abilities? Give reasons of your
Based from the results of the observations, the given age range are
capable of performing all cognitive abilities but only differs on the
performance. Those students who were belong to lower age range
show minimal cognitive abilities. Most of the cognitive abilities
possess are basic abilities like identifying symbols and able to
compare and contrast. While the higher age range perform more
crucial cognitive abilities as their cognitive develops and increase.
But there is instance that students excel beyond their age range
because of multiple intelligences.
Giving suggestions on how teachers can help the cognitive abilities of learners.
learner is the “fill in the blank” exercises. Fill in the blanks consists of a question
phrase, sentence, or paragraph with a blank space where a learner provides the
missing words. This allows a learner to recall, identify, and supply the correct
For this English subject, a teacher may use questions asking for the correct
form of verb and its tenses then a learner will provide the correct answer in the
blank. A teacher can use sentences for this activity or she/he will create a story
which has verbs and verb tenses then a learner will fill in the blanks what is the
correct form asking. With this activity, a learner used and develop his/her cognitive
Recalling characteristics of learners in the different stages of cognitive
Recognizing the guidelines followed in teaching learners of a particular cognitive
Teaching Formal Operational Learners
Drawing the application of the cognitive characteristics of learners in teaching-
learning process.
1. Were all the teaching guidelines demonstrated in the lesson you observed? Which
were clearly shown?
Based on the matrix above, results shown that all the teaching guidelines
demonstrated in the lesson was being observed in different time manner. The
teaching guidelines number three to six revealed a clear evidence that in the
classroom, the development of cognitive ability is present and it is always
happening during the lecture.
2.Which guidelines were not observed at all?
The guidelines numbers one and two is not being observed in the class during
the conduct of observation since the teacher only do a review class because of
the upcoming examination. This the reason why these guidelines is not being
observed and not being validated.
3.What could be the reasons why the teacher did not have the opportunity to observed
the suggested guidelines for this stage?
Based on my observation, the teacher failed to observed the suggested
guidelines because she did not include this on her lesson plan for the reason that
she only conducted a review class of her subject for the midterm examination.
The teacher only had the “question and answer” portion to her students to
highlights the possible questions that can be show in the test paper.
4. What guidelines have you added in the matrix? What could be the reason why the
teacher followed these guidelines you have noted? Why were they did not include in the
original list?
As I observed, the teacher added few guidelines as she conducted her lecture
such as she was asking to highlights the important matter of the topic and
distinguish the statements provided to find out the correct answer and disregard
the other wrongful statements. It is not included because it was not written in her
lesson plane because that time that I observed her class, she only conducted a
review class.