Bank Account Statement: Mr. John Doe 2 Post Alley, Seattle, WA 98101

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Customer support

1 (855) 545-4380

Bank account statement

Mr. John Doe

2 Post Alley,
Seattle, WA 98101

Account Number Statement Period

001234567890 1 March, 2021 - 31 March, 2021

Summary Amount
Beginning balance on 1 March, 2021 $314.00
Deposits and other credits $2,758.52
Withdrawals and other debits $3,010.32
Fees $0.00
Lili Rewards $0.00
Ending balance on 31 March, 2021 $62.20


Date Authorization Code Description Amount Balance

03/04/2021 756932 MONIFI EXT XFER, EXT TRNSFR, JHODGES $550.00 $864.00

03/04/2021 756930 MONIFI EXT XFER, EXT TRNSFR, JHODGES $450.00 $1,314.00

03/04/2021 387083 Direct Deposit Return $-450.00 $864.00

03/04/2021 387185 Direct Deposit Return $-550.00 $314.00

03/04/2021 387107 Direct Deposit Return $-114.00 $200.00

03/04/2021 387108 Direct Deposit Return $-200.00 $0.00

03/05/2021 763070 MONlFI EXT XFER, EXT TRNSFR, JHODGE $495.00 $495.00

03/05/2021 763074 MONIFI EXT XFER, EXT TRNSFR, JHODGE $565.00 $1,060.00

03/05/2021 763072 MONIFI EXT XFER, EXT TRNSFR, JHODGE $495.00 $1,555.00

03/06/2021 768129 MONIFI EXT XFER, EXT TRNSFR, JHODG E $ 100.00 $1,655.00

03/06/2021 392376 Tax Buckel - Transfer from primary account $-5.00 $1,650.0

03/07/2021 116666453 APPLE.COM/BILL 800-275-2273 CAUS $-77.21 $1,572.79

03/07/202 116666454 APPLE. COM/BILL 800-275-2273 CAUS $-18.22 $1,554.57

03/07/2021 116696402 APPLE.COM/BILL 866-7 2-7753 CAUS $-21.43 $1,533.14

03/09/2021 784263 Tax Bucket - Transfer to primary account $5.00 $1,538.14

03/ 10/2021 116766126 APPLE.COM/BILL 866-7 12-7753 CAUS $-2.99 $1,535.15

03/ 11/2021 116793908 APPLE.COM/BILL 800-275-2273 CAUS $-85.79 $1,449.36

APPLE.COM/BILL 866-712-7753 CAUS

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03/11/2021 116800798 $-48.25 $1,401.11

03/14/2021 805153 Cash App*Cash Out Visa irect CAUS $98.52 $1,499.63

03/14/2021 410107 Tax Bucket - Transfer from primary account $-4.93 $1,494.70

03/14/2021 158958 7ELEVEN-FCTI $-400.00 $1,094.70

03/15/2021 159373 7ELEVEN-FCTI $-400.00 $694.70

03/15/2021 116909136 APPLE.COM/BILL 866-7 12-7753 CAUS $-10.70 $684.00

03/16/2021 159711 7ELEVEN-FCTI $-400.00 $284.00

03/17/2021 15999 77ELEVEN-FCTI $-160.00 $124.00

03/18/2021 117012645 APPLE.COM/BILL 866-7 12-775 3 CAUS $-1.06 $122.94

03/23/2021 117156524 TRTHFDR *TRUTHFINDER .COM888-8974556 CAUS $-28.05 $94.89

03/23/2021 117170508 TRTHFDR *TRUTHFINDER.CO M888-8974556 CAUS $-3.99 $90.90

03/28/2021 117292628 CAUS $-17.99 $72.91

03/31/2021 117437486 APPLE.COM/BILL 866-7 12-775 3 CAUS $-10.71 $62.20

For questions regarding account history, notice of errors, or preauthorized transfers:

Call: 1-855-545-4380



In case of errors or questions about your electronic transactions, call 1-855-545-4380 or send an email at, if

you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction listed in the statement or

receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem


*You will need to provide us:*

Your name, account number, and/or 16-digit card number Include the dollar amount of suspected error.

Describe the error of the transfer you are unsure about and explain in detail why you believe there is an error or why you

need more information.

If you provide this information verbally, we may require that you send your complaint or question in writing within ten

(10) business days. We will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and

will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) days to investigate your

complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your Account within ten (10) business days for the amount

you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes to complete the investigation. If we ask

you to put your complaint or question in writing and you do not provide it within ten (10) business days, we may not credit

your Account.

For errors involving a new account, POS transactions or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to ninety (90) days

to investigate your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to (20) business days to credit your account

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for the amount in question. We will notify you of the results within (3) business days after completing our investigation. If

we decide there was no error, we will send you a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we

used in our investigation.

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