Complete The Following Tasks
Complete The Following Tasks
Complete The Following Tasks
NIM : 030839882
digits are numbers that have their own meaning, for example the digits of
a house or car
number is a number that shows unity for example the numbers 1 to 100
figures are numbers that show the next number for example numbers 21-
2. Give the example for the using of digits, numbers, and figures in our daily life
NIM : 030839882
Expression addition
we must have seen that actually the lines that are drawn differently meet
each other at a certain point. some lines end with arrow points. Another
shape of the edge of a line is commonly called an angle.
The two dimension form is developed with two axes, namely the X axis
and the Y axis and has a transient depth of form.
NIM : 030839882
5. What the difference between linear movement and rotary movement? Give the example from
the things around you!