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Typical Expected Values of The Fault Resistance in Power Systems

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Typical expected values of the fault resistance in power systems

Conference Paper · December 2010

DOI: 10.1109/TDC-LA.2010.5762944 · Source: IEEE Xplore

68 11,831

2 authors:

José Virgilio De Andrade Suárez Elmer Sorrentino

Abengoa Simon Bolívar University


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Typical expected values of the fault resistance

in power systems
Virgilio De Andrade, Elmer Sorrentino

 ZG are very diverse and, additionally, there could be other

Abstract-This article presents a range of possible values for objects interposed in the path of the current.
the fault resistance in transmission power systems, considering
six existing models for the arc resistance and a model for the II. APPLIED MODELS
grounding impedance of the towers. Resistance by possible
additional objects in the path of the fault current was not A. Models for the arc resistance
considered. Known the short circuit level (without fault
impedance), the fault resistance was calculated with the above A.1. Model 1
mentioned models, for line-to-line and line-to-ground faults. This This model probably is the most well-known, and it was
calculation was made for diverse nominal voltages and diverse proposed by A. Warrington in 1931 [1,2]:
short circuit levels for solid faults. The obtained range might be 28707.35 L
useful to improve the way of computing the settings for the RA1  (1)
corresponding protective devices. I 1.4
RA j: Arc resistance (), according to model j (j=1...6).
Index Terms- Arc resistance, grounding resistance, fault L: Arc length (m).
resistance, short circuit level. I: Rms value of the fault current (A).


S HORT circuit current may be limited by a fault

impedance, which may be composed by three elements:
electric arc, tower grounding, and the presence of objects in
This model is based on the analysis of Mason [11] about
the results of Warrington [1], Strom [6] and other authors:
1804.46  L
RA2  (2)
the fault path. Electric arc is a non-linear phenomenon that I
depends on diverse factors; however, there is a tradition
considering the arc as a resistance, dependent on the arc A.3. Model 3
current, in order to compute the short circuit currents in a This model is based on a article written by Goda et al. [3]:
simple way [1-13]. The effective grounding impedance of  950 5000  (3)
RA3    2  L
towers is mainly resistive, its inductive part is greater when  I I 
there are ground wires [14-20], and its value is assumed to be
not dependent on the fault current. Impedance of possible A.4. Models 4 and 5
additional objects interposed in the path of the fault current is These models are based on articles written by Terzija and
usually considered mainly resistive, and its value might be Koglin [4-5]:
zero or very high [1]; by this reason, fault impedance may be GL (4)
RA4 
described as an unpredictable quantity [21]. I
For transmission line protection, fault resistance (RF) is  855.30 4501.58  (5)
RA5     L
assumed to be composed by the arc resistance (RA) and the  I I2 
effective grounding resistance of the towers (RG) [11-14]. A G: Constant (between 1080.38 and 1350.47 V/m).
range of values for RF was computed in this article, by using
existing models for RA and for the effective grounding A.5. Model 6
impedance of the towers (ZG), and by assuming the short This is in a book written by Blackburn and Domin [12]:
circuit level without fault impedance (ISCL) as known. The 1443.57  L
RA6  (6)
obtained range for RF may be considered typical for the I
nominal voltages used as examples; however, it was
considered necessary to emphasize that the RF values may be A.6. Some details about these models
out of the studied range because the factors that affect RA and a) Each model was developed from experiments done with
a specific range of currents, but they have been used in a
V.D. and E.S. are with Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela.
wider range. In this work, the value of the fault resistance was
E-mail: virgilioandrade@usb.ve calculated of two ways: Method A, considering that each

model is valid for the whole range of currents, and Method B, towers and grounding wires whose length is the average line
considering that each model is only valid for the specific span.
range of currents of the corresponding experimental tests NG: Number of lines arriving to the substation.
(table I). r: Quotient of the fault current that does not return through
the grounding wires that arrive to the substation divided by
TABLE I: RANGE OF CURRENTS FOR METHOD B the total current of the line-to-ground fault.
Model Range of currents (A) The values of ZP and r are:
1 135 - 960
 0.5  Z W 
Z P  0.5  Z W   Z W RT (8)
2 1000 - 20000
3 5000 - 50000 Z 'WL (9)
r  1
4 2000 - 12000 Z 'W
5 2000 - 12000 Z’W: Self impedance per unit length of the grounding wires.
6 70 - 20000 ZW: Self impedance of the grounding wires for an average
line span dT (ZW = dT · Z’W).
b) In this work, a maximum value and a minimum value Z’WL: Mutual impedance per unit length between the
are used for the arc length (L). Therefore, for Method A: grounding wires and the phase conductors of the line.
b.1) Model 2 and model 4 are complementary by using
model 2 with maximum length (LMAX), and model 4 III. RANGE OF USED VALUES
with minimum length (LMIN) and G=1080.38 V/m. RE was assumed to be between 0.01 and 5  [20,22], but
b.2) Model 3 and model 5 are complementary by using only its minimal value (0.01 ) is needed for this article
model 3 with LMAX and model 5 with LMIN. because it only influences the value of ZGMIN. RT was assumed
b.3) Model 6 is equivalent to the use of G=1443.57 V/m; to be between 1 and 800  [12-13,25-27]; its minimal value
therefore, its result is an intermediate value between (1) is needed to calculate ZGMIN and its maximum value (800
model 2 and model 4, and its calculation is not ) is needed to calculate ZGMAX.
strictly necessary. Table II shows the range used for the other parameters.
b.4) Model 1 must be computed with LMAX and LMIN; this These values were estimated from the analysis of the
implies the calculation of two different resistances. constructive characteristics that were reviewed for a wide
b.5) By this analysis, only the calculation of a subset of variety of transmission lines [25-34].
models is strictly necessary; however, the results of Arc lengths are different for line-to-line faults (LL-L) and for
the 6 models are shown in this article in order to see line-to-ground faults (LL-G). LMIN was assumed to be the
their differences. minimal distance required for a 50 % of probability of the arc
c) The analyzed models, with the exception of model 1, can occurrence at the corresponding nominal voltage (with
be considered particular cases of the general model stated by standard atmospheric conditions) [35]. A large arc lengthening
Ayrton in 1901 [7], by using the adequate value of the might exist by convection, wind action and/or electromagnetic
constants A, B, C, D: attraction (the arc might evolve in the time), and this affect
LMAX. By this reason, a value of LMAX was assumed for the
A BL C  DL (7)
RA   instantaneous action of the protections and other one for the
I I2 delayed action. LMAX for the instantaneous protections was
considered to be equal to the minimal distance of separation
B. Model for the effective grounding impedance of the towers (between phases or between phase and ground, according to
This article only considers the case of transmission lines the case) plus 6 meters of initial lengthening, which was
with ground wires. Hence, for a line-to-ground fault at a estimated considering a wind speed of 30m/s during 0.1s.
tower, a part of the fault current circulates by the individual LMAX for delayed protections was assumed to be 5 times the
tower grounding and other one circulates by the ground wires. minimal separation distance between phases, or between
This implies that the effective grounding impedance (ZG) is phase and ground, according to the case; such multiple is
different from the individual grounding resistance of the tower arbitrary and it is based on a qualitative appreciation of the
(RT). Minimal value of the effective grounding impedance available information (in the literature and in videos). The
(ZGMIN) is assumed to be for faults at a substation, and its criteria enunciated for LMAX have an exception for line-to-
maximum value (ZGMAX) is assumed to be for faults in a line ground faults at 69kV because the value for instantaneous
without contribution from the remote end. An analysis of the protections would be greater than the value for delayed
recommendations for the model of ZG [15-17,22-24] was done protections; by this reason, there was only used the arc length
specifically for this article, and by such analysis: ZGMIN is calculated for the delayed protection.
assumed to be equal to r multiplied by the parallel equivalent The minimum values for Z’W and the maximum values for
of RE with ZP/NG, and ZGMAX is assumed to be the parallel
Z’WL are necessary to compute ZGMIN, and they were estimated
equivalent of RT with ZP.
with two grounding wires (ACSR 240/40 at 20°C) and with a
RE: Grounding resistance of the substation.
soil resistivity of 20 m. The maximum values for Z’W were
ZP: Equivalent impedance of a ladder network formed by
an infinite number of individual grounding resistances of estimated with a soil resistivity of 10000 m, with a

grounding wire (extra-high-strength steel, 3/8", at 100°C) for I = h(RA) = │VTH / (ZTH + RA + ZG) │ (11)
instantaneous protections and at its admissible short circuit Thevenin voltage (VTH) is the line-to-line voltage for line-
temperature (200 °C) for the delayed protections (except in to-line faults and the line-to-neutral value for line-to-ground
case of 765 kV, that was estimated by two grounding wires of faults. Thevenin impedance (ZTH) is the sum of the
this type because all the lines analyzed for this case had two impedances of positive and negative sequence for line-to-line
grounding wires). The value used for NG is 16. faults, and the average of the three sequence impedances for
line-to-ground faults. ZG is zero for line-to-line faults. ISCL is
TABLE II: RANGE FOR THE VARIABLES THAT DEFINE THE VALUES OF ZGMIN the value of h(RA) for RA = 0 (and with ZG = 0, for line-to-
PROTECTIONS (MIDDLE ROW) AND DELAYED PROTECTIONS (LOWER ROW) This analysis is based on the use of phasors. Therefore, the
VN LL-L LL-G Z’W Z’WL/km) dT effect of non-sinusoidal waveforms is not considered. The
(kV) (m) (m) /km) * (m)
value used for the Thevenin voltage is the nominal value.
0.23 0.15 0.120 + j0.577 0.059 + j0.362 94
The iterative method for computing the solution is very
69 7.83 5.80 6.098 + j2.502
- 246 simple: the first value of I for computing RA with equation
9.15 5.80 8.129 + j2.502
0.37 0.23 0.120 + j0.573 0.059 + j0.342 101
(10) is ISCL; with such value of RA, then I is updated by using
115 8.49 7.83 6.098 + j2.502 equation (11); and with such value of I, RA is updated by using
- 322 equation (10). This iterative process is repeated until the
12.5 9.15 8.129 + j2.502
0.70 0.42 0.120 + j0.568 0.059 + j0.320 126 convergence is achieved. The error for the current must be
230 11.0 8.77 6.098 + j2.502 lower than 0.1 % as convergence criterion.
- 451
25.0 13.9 8.129 + j2.502 In a graphic way, the solution for the equations (10) and
1.23 0.70 0.120 + j0.563 0.059 + j0.290 152 (11) is at the intersection of the curves (Fig. 1). Generally
400 13.6 10.3 6.098 + j2.502 there is only one solution; nevertheless, in case of two
- 503
38.2 21.5 8.129 + j2.502 solutions, only the solution with lower value of RA has been
2.06 1.33 0.120 + j0.511 0.059 + j0.236 213 considered in this article (the computing method forces such
765 18.0 13.6 3.078 + j1.489 solution).
- 512
60.0 38.1 4.094 + j1.489 In practice, the possibility of no intersection of the curves
*: Only the maximum values of Z’WL are required (they are is negligible. If this happen for the maximum arc lengths, the
required to compute the minimum fault impedance). recommendation of this article is to evaluate the biggest arc
length that allows an intersection of the curves and to use the
For each nominal voltage (VN), the range for the short results of such intersection. An example of this is shown at the
circuit level without fault impedance (ISCL) is between 0.1 and section V.B.3.
50 kA. Such range is greater than the usually required values
because the objective is to observe the behavior of the results
in the range of currents as wide as possible. The range I=h(R A)
assumed for the angle of the corresponding current is shown
in table III. The lower angle values were used to obtain the
maximum arc resistance values and vice versa. RA =g(I) g
VN (kV) Line-to-ground Line-to-line
71.6º…87.1º 78.7º…87.1º a) Unique solution b) Without crossings
69 y 115
(X/R: 3…20) (X/R: 5…20)
71.6º…87.7º 78.7º…87.7º Fig. 1. Examples of the relationship between the equations 10 and 11.
(X/R: 3…25) (X/R: 5…25)
76.0º…88.1º 81.9º…88.1º
(X/R: 4…30) (X/R: 7…30)
78.7º…88.6º 84.3º…88.6º A. Effective grounding impedance of the towers
(X/R: 5…40) (X/R: 10…40) Table IV shows the results of the effective grounding
impedance of the towers (ZG). The effective grounding
resistance of the towers (RG) is simply the real part of the
For the described models, the arc resistance is a decreasing Minimum value of ZG is practically zero and its maximum
function of the fault current: value is near to 45 (+/-10). This maximum value is
RA = g(I) (10) moderate, in comparison with the average individual
Arc resistance allows to calculate the fault current by using grounding resistance of the towers (RT =800 ); this is due to
the Thevenin equivalent circuit. A way for expressing this the presence of the grounding wires. Angle of ZGMAX is small,
calculation is: but the value in ohms of its reactive component is not

negligible, and it might influence the apparent reactance seen with model 1 for the lower values of ISCL and with model 2 for
by the distance protections. the higher values. In Method B, model 1 is assumed to be only
valid for fault currents between 0.135 and 0.96 kA, and model
TABLE IV: EFFECTIVE GROUNDING IMPEDANCE OF THE TOWERS 2 for values between 1 and 20 kA; by this, its maximum
Maximum values () for values are obtained with model 6 for very low values of ISCL,
VN instantaneous protections with model 1 for the moderately low values of ISCL, with
Minimum value (m)
(kV) (upper row) and delayed
model 2 for almost all the higher values of ISCL, and with
protections (lower row)
model 3 for line-to-line faults whose ISCL is greater than 20kA
35.2 /10.9º = 34.6 + j6.67
69 2.51 /12.40º = 2.45 + j0.54 approximately. The maximum values with model 6 in Method
39.9 /8.34º = 39.5 + j5.79
B have little practical application because they are obtained
40.2 /10.9º = 39.4 + j7.58
115 2.73 /13.12º = 2.66 + j0.62 for negligible values of ISCL.
45.5 /8.30º = 45.0 + j6.57
47.3 /10.8º = 46.5 + j8.88
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show that the low and high limits of the
230 3.07 /13.09º = 2.99 + j0.70
53.5 /8.26º = 53.0 + j7.69
graphs tend to be very similar for Method A and Method B.
Additionally, the variables that define the value of the fault
49.9 /10.8º = 49.0 + j9.35
400 3.51 /13.55º = 3.41 + j0.82 impedance are unpredictable. By these two reasons, the use of
56.4 /8.24º = 55.8 + j8.09
the results of Method A is advisable for the sake of simplicity.
36.6 /12.6º = 35.7 + j7.99
765 4.02 /13.44º = 3.91 + j0.93
41.2 /9.73º = 40.6 + j6.96
B.3. Shape of the curves
All the curves of the minimal values of RA, and the curves
of the maximum values of RA for line-to-line faults, tend to be
B. Arc resistance
straight lines in the chosen logarithmic scale. This occurs
because RA = g(I) is a hyperbolic function in terms of the fault
B.1. General description of the graphs of results
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the results of the arc resistance (RA) current, what means a straight line in the logarithmic scale,
in function of the short circuit level (ISCL, without fault and in these cases the fault impedance is moderate (and by
impedance). The minimum values of resistance are equal in this, ISCL is similar to the value of the fault current).
both figures. The maximum values of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 The curves of the maximum values of RA for line-to-ground
correspond to the instantaneous and delayed protections, faults tend to be inclined straight lines for low values of ISCL
respectively. Each graph in both figures indicates the results and to become stable horizontally for high values of ISCL. This
of the arc models for the minimal and maximum values of RA. occurs because the values of ZG are very high, and for high
For example, Fig. 2 shows that for line-to-ground faults at values of ISCL, such ZG value tends to define the value of the
fault current; therefore, as the fault current has little changes,
230kV whose ISCL is 1 kA, the value of RA is between 0.36
the arc resistance also has little changes.
and 23 for Method A, with minimal values in the range
There are two cases without intersection between the
between 0.36 and 0.76, and maxima values between 9.5
curves RA = g(I) and I = h(RA). Both were obtained with
and 23 (according to the considered arc model). The
model 1, for the maximum values of RA for line-to-ground
corresponding case in Fig. 3 indicates that the maximum value
faults at 69kV, and ISCL equals to 0.1kA (one case is in Fig. 2
for delayed protections is 42 (with values between 16 and and the other one is in Fig. 3). As it was indicated in section
42, according to the considered arc model). IV, the biggest arc length that allows intersection of the curves
was computed for such cases, and the result of this
B.2. Comparison between Method A and Method B intersection was applied to the graph for these values of ISCL.
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 indicate that the minimum values of RA in
the Method A are obtained with model 5. For Method B, B.4. Comparison between different nominal voltages
model 5 is assumed to be valid only for fault currents between Except in case of the maximum values of RA for line-to-
2 and 12 kA; by this, its minimal values are obtained with ground faults, for each ISCL value, the estimated values of RA
model 6 for low values of ISCL, with model 5 for intermediate tend to be greater while greater is the nominal voltage (VN).
values of ISCL, and with model 3 for highest values of ISCL. The This occurs because the simulated arc length is greater while
fact of obtaining the minimal values with model 3 in Method greater is VN.
B only can be seen easily for line-to-line faults at 765kV In case of the maximum values of RA for line-to-ground
because the RA values are very small for these high values of faults, the simulated values of ZG are very big and they do not
ISCL and such RA values leave the graph by the minimum value differ very much between the different VN values. By this, at
used in the scale (0.1). In the Method B, the assumed range each ISCL specific value, for the lower values of VN there is a
for the fault current (table 1) is not equal to the range for ISCL greater reduction in the fault current; such reduction in the
by the effect of the fault impedance; this is more evident for fault current influences more in the function RA = g(I),
the maximum values of RA for line-to-ground faults because increasing the value of RA, than the influence by the reduction
the fault impedances are greater. of the simulated arc length for the lower values of VN.
The maximum values of RA with Method A are obtained

RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 69 L-L, 69 kV L-G, 69 kV L-L, 69 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 115 kV L-L, 115 kV L-G, 115 kV L-L, 115 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 230 kV L-L, 230 kV L-G, 230 kV L-L, 230 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 400 kV L-L, 400 kV L-G, 400 kV L-L, 400 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 765 kV L-L, 765 kV L-G, 765 kV L-L, 765 kV


Method A Method B

Fig. 2. Minimal and maximal arc resistances for instantaneous protections.

Legend for the arc models:  Model 1,  Model 2,  Model 3,  Model 4, + Model 5,  Model 6.

RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 69 kV L-L, 69 kV L-G, 69 kV L-L, 69 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 115 kV L-L, 115 kV L-G, 115 kV L-L, 115 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 230 kV L-L, 230 kV L-G, 230 kV L-L, 230 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 400 kV L-L, 400 kV L-G, 400 kV L-L, 400 kV


RA () RA () RA () RA ()

L-G, 765 kV L-L, 765 kV L-G, 765 kV L-L, 765 kV


Method A Method B
Fig. 3. Minimal and maximal arc resistances for delayed protections.
Legend for the arc models:  Model 1,  Model 2,  Model 3,  Model 4, + Model 5,  Model 6.

B.5. Summary of typical values for ISCL greater than 1kA TABLE VI: APPROXIMATE RESULTS OF RA FOR LINE-TO-GROUND
For each ISCL and VN, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 indicate exactly the FAULTS, AND ISCL > 1 KA (EQUATIONS 13 AND 14).
minimal and maximum estimated values of RA. Nevertheless, Maximum (instantaneous Maximum (delayed
Min. protection) protection)
it is also possible to indicate some approximate relations: VN
a) Except for 69kV and 115kV, the minimal values of RA (kV) (kV) (Ω) (kV) (Ω)
(kA) (kA)
are approximately 1 at 1kA, 0.1 at 10kA, and tend to be 69 0.13 54 3 18 66 3 22
lower than 0.1 for ISCL greater than 10kA. For 69kV and 115 0.20 52 4 13 72 4 18
115kV, the minimal values of RA tend to be even lower. 230 0.36 49 6 8.2 75 5 15
b) For line-to-line faults, the maximum values of RA for 400 0.60 47 8 5.9 91 7 13
instantaneous protections are approximately 20 at 1kA and 765 1.1 46 16 2.9 130 13 10
2 at 10kA if VN is 69kV, 115kV or 230kV, and they are
approximately 40 at 1kA and 4 at 10kA if VN is 400kV or VI. CONCLUSION
765kV. The corresponding values for delayed protections are A range of typical expected values for the fault resistance
approximately 30 at 1kA and 3 at 10kA if VN is 69kV or in electrical transmission systems was computed, by using six
115kV, they are approximately 60 at 1kA and 6 at 10kA if existing models for the arc resistance and a model for the
VN is 230kV, and they are approximately 100 at 1kA and effective grounding impedance of the towers. The minimal
10 at 10kA if VN is 400kV or 765kV. and maximum expected values for the fault resistance are
c) For line-to-ground faults, the maximum values of RA for dependent of the short circuit level and the nominal voltage of
instantaneous protections are approximately 60 at 1kA and the system. The component of the fault resistance associated
tend to become stable to 25 at 3kA if VN is 69kV, they are with the effective grounding resistance of the towers is shown
approximately 30 at 1kA and tend to become stable at 10 in tables because it is not dependent of the short circuit level,
at 3kA if VN is 115kV or 230kV, and they are approximately while the component associated with the arc resistance is
30 at 1kA and 6 at 10kA if VN is 400kV or 765kV. The shown in graphs in function of the maximum short circuit
corresponding values for delayed protections are similar if VN level (without fault impedance). The achieved information can
is 69kV, they are approximately 60 at 1kA and tend to be useful to have a fast estimation of the required range of
become stable to 15 at 3kA if VN is 115kV, 230kV or fault resistances.
The maximum values of the arc resistances were computed
400kV, and they are approximately 100 at 1kA and 15 at
considering two different assumptions about the arc
10kA if VN is 765kV.
lengthening. The considered arc length for the instantaneous
Another way for doing a summary of these results is
protections is lower than for the delayed protections.
making use of the fact that the sloping part of the curves tend
For line-to-ground faults, the fault impedance has an
to a straight line in the logarithmic scale, whose expression is:
inductive part. The angle of the fault impedance is small, but
RA ISCL = K (12)
K: Constant. the modules of the possible maximum values are so high that
The curve of maximum values of RA for line-to-ground the inductive part of the impedance is not insignificant, and it
faults can be approximated as the intersection of an inclined might affect the behavior of some distance protections.
straight line with a horizontal one. The horizontal straight line
is described by the values of stabilization (ISCL,ST and RA,ST); VII. REFERENCES
therefore: [1] A. Warrington, “Reactance relays negligibly affected by arc impedance”,
RA ISCL = K, if ISCL < ISCL,ST (13) Electrical World, Sept. 1931, pp. 502-505.
[2] A. Warrington, Protective Relays. Their theory and practice. Volume
RA = RA,ST, if ISCL ≥ ISCL,ST (14) one, Chapman & Hall Ltd., London, 1976.
This summary of the results is different to the described [3] Y. Goda, M. Iwata, K. Ikeda, S. Tanaka, “Arc voltage characteristics of
one in the previous items (a, b, c) and it has a greater accuracy high current fault arcs in long gaps”, IEEE Transactions on Power
and simplicity (Tables V and VI). Delivery, Vol. 15, N° 2, April 2000, pp. 791–795.
[4] V. Terzija, H. Koglin, “On the modeling of long arc in still air and arc
resistance calculation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19,
[5] V. Terzija, H. Koglin, “New dynamic model, laboratory testing and
features of long arc in free air”, Electrical Engineering, Springer-Verlag,
Maximum Maximum Vol. 83, N° 4, Aug. 2001, pp. 193-201.
VN Minimum (instantaneous (delayed [6] A. P. Strom, “Long 60-Cycle arcs in air”, American Institute of
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