LearningToMinister HealingMinistry

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Property of: Oliver

{ Learning to Minister
Under the Anointing
Healing Ministry
in Your Church
Randy Clark

Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing / Healing Ministry in Your Church
PDF © Copyright 2013 Randy Clark. All rights reserved.

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing & Healing Ministry in Your Church
© Copyright 2011 Randy Clark 1st Edition, January 2011 All rights reserved.

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing © Copyright 2005, 2007 Randy

Clark. Second Edition, April 2007

Healing Ministry in Your Church © Copyright 2005, 2007 Randy Clark. First
Edition Revised, April 2007

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by

any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or
by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly per-
mitted in writing by the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed
in writing to: Global Awakening, 1451 Clark Street, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from HOLY BIBLE,
NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by In-
ternational Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.

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ISBN: 978-1-937467-69-2

1451 Clark Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Property of: Oliver

Global Awakening
{ Core Message Series }

It is our desire to bring the messages of the Kingdom to the

people of God. We have taken what we consider to be core
messages from Randy Clark’s sermons and schools and
printed some of them in booklet form. We hope this teach-
ing increases your understanding of God’s purposes for the
times we are in and that you find yourself encouraged in
your faith. Other core messages are available and they are
listed at the end of this booklet.

Property of: Oliver

Table of Contents
Learning to Minister Under the Anointing.............................1
Introduction ............................................................................5
Prayer Ministry Guidelines ......................................................7
Ministering Deliverance .......................................................21
Ministering Healing ...............................................................29
Catching ...............................................................................37

Healing Ministry in Your Church...........................................43
Why Have a Healing Ministry in Your Church?..................49
A Word About Renewal..............................................50
The Place of the Pastor...............................................52
The Place of Preaching...............................................54
The Place of the Ministry Team...................................55
Where, When, and by Whom?...................................56
Taking Healing Outside the Church...........................57
The Place of Excitement.............................................59
The Place of Testimonies.............................................60
The Centrality of Training.............................................62
Who Should Receive Training?...................................64
Common Pastoral Hesitations.............................................67
The Place of Words of Knowledge for Healing.........71
The Place of Encouragement....................................72
The Place of Intercession............................................72
The Place of Impartation............................................73
The Place of the Visiting Teacher or Evangelist........73
Selection of Ministry Team Members.........................73
Important Elements in Healing Ministry......................74
Additional Thoughts.....................................................77

Property of: Oliver

The suggestions discussed in this booklet are drawn
from my experience and the experience of many different
local church pastors I have met through my work. I want to
express my appreciation in particular to Pastors Bill Johnson
and Tom Jones, and to Tom Ruotolo, for their considerable

My warmest thanks and remembrance for the late John

Mackenzie, a longtime Global Awakening Associate, former
board member and dear friend,who put into written form (in
the original edition) this message which on my heart for the
church of today.

My hope is that this booklet will be the beginning, if

it has not already begun, of an exciting adventure for you
and your church, where you will see the power of the Holy
Spirit moving through your people as they pray for the sick
and reach out to the lost.

May God bless you richly!

Randy Clark
Mechanicsburg, PA

Property of: Oliver
{ Learning to Minister
Under the Anointing }

Property of: Oliver


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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

It has been a number of years since I wrote the original
edition of this booklet. Much of it came from my experience
in being used of God in what is known as the “The Toronto
Blessing.” The intervening years have continued to validate
the relevance of this little volume’s subject matter. We have
now taken thousands of people with us around the world,
training them to minister under the anointing of the Holy
Spirit. These “little ole’ mes” have seen healings, miracles,
and deliverances happen as they followed the simple truths
and practical suggestions presented here while operating
under the Holy Spirit’s leading and guidance.

Two things should be noted about this edition:

1. It is still a brief introduction to the topic. It outlines very

basic information, providing a useful, easily digested guide.
More in-depth material is available in our other publications,
including our Ministry Team Training Manual and in the
manuals we use to accompany our Schools of Healing and
Impartation, which we hold in various locations around the
U. S. and the world.1

2. The material is essentially unchanged, but has been

restructured and revised for clarity—including updated time
references, along with some minor expansion of the material.

I hope that these modest changes improve its usefulness.

Randy Clark, April 2007

Please see the copyright page for contact information to obtain these
and other instructional materials

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

Have you ever tried learning how to dance with a new
partner? I don’t know too much about dancing, but I do
know that someone has to lead and the other person has to
follow. There cannot be two leaders nor two followers. It is
essential that one leads while the other follows. There is no
negotiation on this point.
Learning to minister in the Spirit is like learning to
dance. We must remember that Jesus is the leader and that
we, as the Bride of Christ, must learn how to follow His lead.
That is the real secret to ministering under the anointing of
the Holy Spirit. Much like slow dancing, the closer you are
held, the easier it is to sense the movement of the Leader—
increasing your ability to follow His direction. We need to
learn how to relax, rest in the Holy Spirit’s presence, and
follow His lead. Like learning to dance, it takes time and
practice to learn to minister in cooperation with the Holy
Spirit. There is a process that we must all go through as He
teaches us. There are things that we will do right and there
are other things we will do wrong, but the important thing is
for us to press on and grow in our experience so that we may
increasingly be a vessel of blessing.
This booklet was not written as a theological framework
for you to believe in the things that I’m writing about or to try

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to convince you that the things described within these pages

are real and are of God–I am assuming that that has already
been established in your mind and heart, and that you are
ready to jump in and learn to minister under the Holy Spirit’s
guidance. Though we talk a lot about flowing with the Holy
Spirit, we don’t, when it comes down to it, know how to
cooperate with God, or the practical ways to recognize when
one is flowing in that anointing. This booklet is intended to
be a practical guide to help you, the reader, in these things.
I’ve been ministering for many years now and I hope
that what I have learned may aid you in learning to minister
under the anointing of God. There are many different ways
to minister in co-operation with the Spirit of God. In sharing
my experiences and insights into my understanding of this
way of ministering, I do not want to give the impression that
my insights are the only way to minister in the Spirit.
The central focus, in my mind, is that it is all about
having relationship with the Holy Spirit. The more time we
spend in the presence of God and building a relationship with
Him, the more we will become sensitive to Him and His
ways (Exodus 33:13). Relationship is only built as we daily
spend time with Him. We must, first and foremost, learn to
follow His lead as we press into Him everyday. In the prayer
ministry guidelines that follow, that is our underlying theme.

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

Prayer Ministry Guidelines

“If you remain in me and my words remain in
you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given
you” (John 15:7).
The goal of prayer is the release of God’s restorative
and redemptive love, life, and power in the lives of those to
whom we minister. When we look at the ministry of Jesus,
we see that, anointed by the Holy Spirit and power, He
“went around doing good and healing all who were under
the power of the devil, because God was with him” (Acts
10:38). Under the anointing of the Person of the Holy Spirit,
we too can follow the example of our Lord Jesus.
The early days of the Toronto outpouring were a great
time during which I learned many practical insights about
how to minister under the anointing of God. These came
primarily through observation while praying for literally
thousands of people during the first few weeks of those
meetings. I began to teach the insights that I was learning to
the ministry teams that I was training—in my own church
as well as in other churches. I hope the following review of
those insights is helpful to you. Some of the things I touch on
in this “guidelines” chapter I will cover in more depth later.
In this chapter I want to give you a “big picture” view. Let’s
get started.

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Pray with your eyes open

I began to teach those on ministry teams to pray with
their eyes open so that they could see what the Father was
doing. In my opinion, this is one of the reasons that Jesus was
so effective in His ministry—He learned how to cooperate
with the Father in what He was doing. Jesus only did what
He saw the Father do, and He only said what He heard the
Father say. Jesus said of Himself:
“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by
himself; he can do only what he sees his Father
doing, because whatever the Father does the Son
also does.” (John 5:19).
Jesus—under the anointing and power of the Holy
Spirit— only did what He saw the Father doing. This is also
essential for a maturing effectiveness in prayer ministry.

How to “See” What the Father is Doing

What does it mean—practically speaking—to “see”
what the Father is doing? When we speak of seeing the Holy
Spirit on an individual, we do not mean that we actually see
a visible form of the Holy Spirit on that person, although
that may happen in some instances. He may give other
direction through various biblical forms of revelation. Most
often, what we have learned to recognize are the effects of
the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit upon the human
body. For example, often when the Holy Spirit begins to
touch someone, their autonomic nervous system is affected:
their eye lids may begin to flutter, their breathing may
change—getting either slower or faster, their body may
begin to heat up, causing them to perspire, and their fingers
and hands will often begin to tremble.
One particular phenomenon I often see is what I call
the “Blessing of Peace” (I will cover more on this in a later
chapter). When this happens, a look of peace and rest comes

8 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

upon a person—often seen in their facial expressions and

body language. Many times the person’s shoulders will sag
slightly from the affects of what is felt. When I see that
peace being manifested, I will usually say, “There it is. Take
it.” Sometimes, if you do not encourage them in this way,
the person will try to control what is happening and stop
themselves from falling,2 causing ministry to that person to
be hindered or take much longer.
Let me say at this point that I do not believe that you
have to fall in the Spirit to receive from God. However, many
people receive a lot when they do rest in the Spirit. I encourage
people not to force themselves to stand and resist the Holy
Spirit, and I also encourage them not to make themselves fall
and help the Holy Spirit. Both of these responses are of the
flesh. We want people to relax and receive all that God has
for them in the way that He wants to touch them. Many may
fall and others may not fall—as each receives from God in
various ways.

Receive All That the Father

Has for That Moment
I instruct the ones that are receiving ministry to remain
on the floor if they fall until it is no longer difficult for them
to move or to get up. I explain that they will know it is time
to get off the floor when it takes no more will power than
normal to move and to get up. If it is difficult to move, then
they should not try to, because God is still working. They
should enjoy the peace of God as long they still feel its
manifest presence. I found that too many people get up too
quickly. Many times people try to get up before God is done
touching them and they miss out on so much God still wants
to do and impart.
2 The assumption here is that—for efficiency of space and time— people
are lined up in rows next to one another waiting for prayer ministry.
We discuss “catching” to prevent injury and facilitate ministry in a later
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Thank God for What He is Doing

When you see the Spirit begin to touch someone, thank
the Lord for what He is doing. This is most effective when
you thank Him out loud, so that the person receiving ministry
can hear you. I do this out loud for two reasons. First, this
reverences and honors the person and ministry of the Holy
Spirit. Secondly, it reassures the person being prayed for
that what they are beginning to experience is from the Holy
Spirit. When they hear you thanking God for what He is
doing, then they are reassured that it is not something that
they are initiating or imagining.
For example, if the physical signs indicate a “Blessing
of Peace” is occurring, then bless what God is doing. One
of the ways of expressing thanks is to acknowlede out loud
what you see the Father doing. You can do this by saying, “I
bless Your peace. Thank you, Holy Spirit. More peace.”

Don’t “Get Stuck,” Keep Moving

Another very important way that I learned to minister
under the anointing of God was to not stay too long with
someone when ministering to them. If someone does not
begin to receive within a reasonable amount of time, I will
usually move on to the next person and come back to that
person later or have someone else stay and “soak” them in
prayer. Staying too long with a person can sometimes drain
your own faith and anointing as well as create an atmosphere
of doubt rather than faith in the entire congregation. Many
times, moving on to someone else who more quickly receives
encourages the one having difficulty receiving as they see
the Holy Spirit ministering to the other. Of course don’t
make this a rule or law. There are occasions where the Holy
Spirit will move very powerfully on one person as a catalyst
for faith and the release of miracles. In this case, don’t move
on prematurely, but be sensitive to bless all that He wants to
accomplish in that moment.

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

Since some people need more time than others to receive,

it is great if you can have an apprentice/assistant with you
who can stay behind with someone who is receiving and
needs a little more time to soak in the presence of God. I
tell my assistant to stay a few minutes longer and soak the
person in prayer, then catch up to me.

Adapt Prayer Team Ministry to Crowd Size

The amount of time that you spend with each person
depends on the size of the ministry team and the size of the
crowd. If you have many people receiving ministry and not
too many ministering, then it is best to spend less time with
each person. When you have a larger ministry team with
fewer people, then you can obviously spend more time with
each individual. Praying for two people at once can be very
helpful at times as well. To do this, just place each hand on a
different person in the prayer line.
If you find yourself with a lot of people to minister to
and do not have enough people on the ministry team to help,
I often recommend lining the people up in lines to pray for
them. I have sometimes asked the pastors of the churches
to put down masking tape every eight feet on the floor
where we will be ministering. I tell them that I am going
to go through the line quickly, praying for each person very
briefly—that there will be some who will receive quickly,
and others who will need more time to receive. I then come
back around and pray again very briefly for those who didn’t
seem to receive as much as the others the first time. I will
repeat this continually assuring them that it is okay to take
longer as we are all different. This process allows those who
are what I term “easy-to­-receive” to get ministry and after
some time to get up and yield their floor space to others who
have been waiting for a turn to receive prayer.

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Help those who don’t easily receive

Something I have noticed is that when I begin to pray
for someone, if their eyebrow wrinkles up, it is usually very
difficult for them to receive. This usually indicates that their
body is beginning to get tense. It is much easier to receive
from God when you are in a relaxed posture than if you are in
an apprehensive one. If you have the time and can dialogue
with them, often the issue will be revealed and can be prayed
through, after which they can receive much more easily. Let
us now look a little more in-depth at this issue of receiving.

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

“And with that he breathed on them and said,
‘Receive the Holy Spirit’”(John 20:22).

The Holy Spirit is a Person

In learning to minister under the anointing, it is essential
to remember that the Holy Spirit is the Person of the
Godhead with whom, to use our previous illustration, we are
dancing. He is the Leader. He is the source of life, gifting,
and power, yes, but all ministry flows from relationship
with this exceedingly kind, gracious, caring Person, who is
NOT just a force. When you receive the Person of the Holy
Spirit, you are receiving everything that He is. Too often we
intellectualize what it means to “receive the Holy Spirit”
into one or more “events.” Father desires that it be an ever
increasing reception of the One that desires to dwell within
(see John 14:16-17, 25).
There are two common ways in which I have seen
the Person of the Holy Spirit come to us. For the sake of
communication, I call them “The Blessing of Peace” and
“The Blessing of Power.”

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The Blessing of Peace

“And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your
minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7) .
One of the first things I learned during the first few weeks
of the meetings at the Toronto Airport Vineyard (now Toronto
Airport Christian Fellowship) was the value of what I call the
“Blessing of Peace.” This was an important blessing to me
because only a few months before I had been on the verge
of an emotional breakdown. I came under the anointing of
God and fell to the floor where I rested in this deep peace
that was unlike anything that I had ever experienced before.
After I got up off of the floor, I had been totally set free by
this peace, the peace of God transcended my understanding,
touched my heart and brought peace to my mind in a way I
had not previously known.
As I was ministering in Toronto during the early days of
that move of God, I became deeply aware of the importance
of this “Blessing of Peace.” Many people fell to the floor
night after night under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and
experienced this “Blessing of Peace” as I prayed for them.
There were literally thousands of people who were having
the same kind of experiences, where the peace of God would
touch them in ways they had previously never experienced.
Many of those not only received peace, but were healed of
deep psychological wounds as well, as they rested in His
Presence there on the floor.
My first awareness that I needed to teach people about
the value of this blessing was when a very upset Vineyard
pastor came to me. He said, “I’m frustrated. I come all this
way, and I am not getting anything.” I decided to ask him
what had happened to him and his response was, “I was
prayed for and fell to the floor, but nothing happened.”

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

I said, “Tell me again what happened. You said you were

prayed for, fell on the floor, but nothing happened?” We went
through this several times. Then I said, “Your problem is that
you are bringing to this new experience the paradigm from
your former experiences in the Vineyard, which is equating
power with shaking and feeling electricity.” I explained to
him that this blessing was different than what he was used to
experiencing. I showed him that often when people fell, God
was blessing them and filling them with His peace–not just
His manifest power. I encouraged him to return to the area of
ministry and receive prayer again. I told him that if he fell this
time, he should not jump up right away, but should remain
there on the floor and give God an opportunity to touch
him in a different way. The pastor did this and discovered a
wonderful new experience with the Lord— that of deep and
abiding peace.
I believe that there is also a valuable lesson to be learned
from my experience with this Vineyard Pastor. Many times
God shows up in ways we do not expect or that we are not
used to. We may be so used to Him coming in great power
and shaking people that when He comes in peace we don’t
recognize Him because we are looking for the great power.
We are to be full of expectation for God, but we must not
limit Him to our own thinking of how He is supposed to
come. We are to expect God Himself—not just one or two
ways that God comes.

The Blessing of Power

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”
(Acts 1:8) .

I would like to speak about the manifest power of the

Lord that I’ve seen come upon many people as they received

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prayer. When you receive the Person of the Holy Spirit, you
receive power. Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem
until they were “clothed with power from on high” (Luke
24:49). This empowerment was for them to be effective
witnesses in life and ministry. When asked by His disciples
when He was going to set up His political reign, Jesus replied,
“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set
by his own authority. But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”
(Acts 1:7-8). Many times while praying for people, you will
see God pour out His Spirit on people to empower them for
ministry. This is often seen with visible signs of electricity
or power being manifested in the person’s body. Again there
are no laws, many feel nothing and go home with explosive
power released later as they minister.
I’ve watched visible demonstrations of God’s power
manifested in people’s bodies as I laid hands on them
and prayed for them. Many times I have observed people
beginning to shake— sometimes quite violently. Sometimes
those receiving prayer fall to the ground, where they continue
to shake, while at other times they just stand upright and
bounce up and down. Often this shaking is caused by a
sensation of high voltage electricity surging through their
body. When I see these physical phenomena, I thank God
for the power with which He is enduing His people. I bless
what I see the Father doing, and continue to watch and stand
in amazement at what God does.
When it comes to the Blessing of Power, many times
there are waves of the Holy Spirit. If you’ve ever been to
the ocean, you can see how the waves come in and go out.
They keep coming with slight intervals in between—wave
after wave. When the power of God comes in these waves,
it is almost as if God gives the person being touched brief
respites. I say this because often the anointing is so powerful

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

that it is physically painful. There have been some that

have experienced pain in their muscles and joints for days
afterward at the intensity of the anointing.
I like to instruct the person receiving ministry that there
are often waves of the Spirit and to stay focused on God,
waiting for all the waves to come. Many often get up too
fast after only one or two waves of God’s Spirit are poured
out on them. God has so much more to pour out on us if
we will only learn to wait on Him and receive from Him. I
will usually say to the Holy Spirit, “We don’t want to miss
anything you want to do. We are waiting here in order to
give place for You to come again and touch this person.” We
can’t do anything unless He comes and touches— when He
is done, so are we.

Don’t Limit or Categorize

What the Holy Spirit is Doing
I do not want to limit or categorize falling, shaking,
laughing or any other type of movement to mean a specific
thing. It would be foolish to try to limit God in such a manner
as that. Oftentimes He comes in ways that we do not expect.
I did begin to notice that there were some things which
occurred often enough to describe as common patterns in
how many people respond to the Holy Spirit, such as I have
described above concerning the “Blessing of Peace” and
“Blessing of Power.”

Responding to Waves of Power

When it came to healing, we often had to tell the people
after the first wave of power had come upon them to stay
focused, because often God came in waves with pauses
between them to allow the person receiving prayer a break
from the intensity of His Presence. Helping them stay focused
or in an attitude of receptivity is important. Many people are

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used to receiving quick prayers of pronouncements, which

they are “to believe” or “stand for” and are not used to
waiting upon the Holy Spirit to actually manifest the healing
they have asked for.

“Dialing Down” Fleshly

Control and Responses
Often in the meetings I instruct people with the following,
“We do not want any courtesy drops tonight. That would be
the flesh. However, if you try to stand, that is the flesh also.
Don’t try to fall. Don’t try to stand up. Both are flesh.”
One of the problems many people have is that of analysis.
Borrowing from John Arnott, I would instruct people to:
“...get out of analysis and into romance.
Experiencing God is a thing of romance, not
analysis. Analysis ruins it. For example did you
know that the human mouth has more germs in
it than any other part of the human body? Why
would two adults put their mouths together with
all those germs? Because they are focused not
on analysis, but rather, they’re caught up in
romance. What you need to do is quiet your spirit
and pucker up.”
Humor often helps lift the pressure people put on
One of the most difficult things to do is to get people
to stop praying when they are being prayed for. This is
especially true for those who have been in the church longer,
and for certain types of people who feel it is important to
pray in tongues when receiving or to say something like, “I
believe, I believe, I receive, and I receive.” I have observed
that it is much more difficult for people to receive when they
are praying and claiming instead of resting and receiving.

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

Ministering Deliverance
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who
have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have
received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).

The Need for Deliverance Ministry

When I first went to the Toronto Airport Vineyard, I
noticed how often they ministered to people who were
demonized. During the first week there, I told others from
my staff that either the Airport Vineyard was out of balance
regarding ministry to the demonized, or the St. Louis
Vineyard (where I pastored at the time) was out of balance.
When I finally left Toronto for an extended time, I asked
John and Carol Arnott to come to my church to train my
leaders in ministering to those that were demonized. Later,
Carol Arnott came with a team to teach the “Healing of Past
Hurts” seminar, and Paul White (who in my opinion was the
most gifted Vineyard pastor ministering to the demonized
in Ontario) and an associate came and led a more in-depth
seminar on healing the demonized. I realized my church
had been the one out of balance regarding ministry to the
Deliverance—called by some the ministry of liberation—
is setting a person free from the oppression of demonic
power. Many in the world, and in the church for that matter,

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are oppressed in some area of their life by a demonic

spirit. I learned that the word “demon-possessed” in the
Bible was not the best translation of what the Greek was
actually describing. I prefer to use the term “demonized”
or “oppression” instead, because “possession” implies that
the demon has ownership and complete control over all of
a person’s life. However, the demoniac in Mark 5 wasn’t
so “possessed” that he couldn’t worship Jesus. He still had
enough control over his own body that he could run to Jesus
and fall at His feet so that Jesus could bring Him freedom.

I learned that deliverance was central to the ministry of

Jesus. It was just as central to His ministry as preaching,
teaching and healing the sick (Mt. 10:7-8; Mk 16:15-17).
When Mark tells the story of Jesus in his gospel, deliverance
is mentioned often as one of Jesus’ “other works.”
That evening after the sunset the people brought
to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The
whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus
healed many who had various diseases. He also
drove out many demons, but he would not let the
demons speak because they knew who he was
(Mark 1:32-34).

Later, Mark writes about Jesus,

So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in
their synagogues and driving out demons (Mark

Not only was deliverance central to the ministry of Jesus,

but in the Great Commission He commands His disciples to
make it central to their ministry as well.
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach
the good news to all creation. Whoever believes
and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does

22 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

not believe will be condemned. And these signs

will accompany those who believe: In my name
they will drive out demons…they will place their
hands on sick people, and they will get well”
(Mark 16:15-17a; 19b).
Now for every believer, the Gospel consists of teaching/
preaching, healing the sick, and casting out demons. Since
this ministry was central to the ministry of Jesus and central
to the early disciples, then it must be a central ministry of ours
as well. God calls us to take up this ministry of deliverance
to the demonized.

The Ten-step Deliverance Model

We must have a loving approach to deliverance so that
we don’t hurt the individual or cause embarrassment. I found
a model that I like to use in different ministry settings when
demons begin to manifest. It is a very efficient, loving, ten-
step model for ministering deliverance from Pablo Bottari.
For many years, he ran the deliverance tents for Carlos
Annocondia during the Argentine revival. I want to briefly
give to you these steps:3

1) Give the individual priority.

When ministering to someone that is demonized, we need to
keep a loving attitude with the individual. We are to be firm
in breaking the demon’s power. Again, we are ministering
to the person and they need to feel loved and accepted by
the one doing ministry. I don’t know too many people that
would feel loved and accepted if we were yelling in their
face for the demon to leave. Many of us mistake the level of
our voice with the authority that Jesus gives us.

If you want to find out more information about the 10-step model,
you can study our “Ministry Team Training Manual” or listen to a CD
series, “Deliverance”, by Pablo Bottari. Both are available through our
bookstore: store.globalawakening.com.
23 Property of: Oliver

It is our job to be encouraging with the individual and raise

hope in them. It is crucial that we emphasize the overcoming
power of Jesus to bring victory, drawing their attention away
from the power of the demon (see 1 John 3:8b, 2 Corinthians

2) If a spirit is manifesting, or if one manifests during

your ministry, make the spirit be quiet and submit to you
in the Name of Jesus.
Here is where you take authority over the spirit and command
it to submit in the name of Jesus. This may take some time,
but be persistent until the demon submits. Remember that
you have the authority over it and it must obey you. This is
vital because it leads us to the third step.

3) Establish and maintain communication with the

person receiving prayer.
This is the place where you begin to talk to the person
receiving prayer. Find out their name and see how they
are doing. We don’t want to establish communication with
the demon. We want to converse with the person that is
The demon may manifest while you are trying to talk to the
person. Just command the demon to submit and continue
to talk to the person receiving prayer. Calling the person by
name is an excellent way to keep communication after the
demon tries to manifest again.

4) Ask the person receiving prayer what they want to be

free from and try to make sure they actually want to get
Most likely there will be a habit that the person is
unsuccessfully trying to break or some conduct that he or

24 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

she considers odd or unfamiliar. The person must want to be

free before you lead them in deliverance.
If a person doesn’t want to be free and they get delivered, then
the demon will end up coming back. Jesus said that when
this happens the demon goes and gets seven other spirits
that are more wicked than itself, and they go and live in that
place from which it came (Matthew 12:43-45). Unless God
sovereignly intervenes, then the person will not get and stay
free if they don’t want to. They must renounce and repent of
anything they have been involved in that opened the door to
the demonization.

5) Make sure the person receiving prayer has accepted

Jesus as his Savior and Lord.
The demonized person needs the help of the Holy Spirit
if they want to stay free. If they are not a Christian, then
they will probably be back in bondage soon after being
delivered. If this is the case, perhaps you can lead them to
Christ. If they don’t want to accept Jesus as their Lord and
Savior then you want to pray for them and bless them, but
you don’t want to do deliverance on them. Again, don’t turn
this into law. I prayed for a man in India that suffered from
headaches caused by a spirit of affliction. His deliverance
from them led to his giving his life over to the Lordship of
Jesus. Sometimes they want to accept Christ but are not able
because of the spirit’s resistance. In that case, you want to
proceed with deliverance so that they are unbound and able
to receive Christ.

6) Interview the person receiving ministry to discover the

event(s), relationship(s), or situation(s) which have led to
the bondage(s).

25 Property of: Oliver


In this interview process, you want to look for the “open

doors” that gave the spirit access into the person’s life.
Traumatic experiences and the person’s relationship with his
or her parents are good places to begin.
As I write in our “Ministry Team Training Manual”, “The
purpose of the interview is to expose the places where
forgiveness is required, where healing is needed, and where
repentance and breaking of bondages is needed. These places
are open doors.”
This will probably take you the longest in the whole
deliverance session. This is where you want to get as much
information as possible to see where these “open doors” are.
Be sure to be patient and loving. Key is listening to the Holy
Spirit as you are interviewing the person. He will make the
whole process a lot easier if you listen to Him as you go
through this. Remember, He leads; you follow in the “dance”
of ministry under the anointing.

7) Lead the person receiving prayer in “closing” these

doors to the admission of spirits.
When you lead this person in closing the doors, you will
want them to repeat a prayer that you pray. You want to
make sure that they:

• Forgive the one who has caused hurt or led him

into the wrong conduct.

• Specifically repent for each sin committed in the

situation and ask God’s forgiveness of each.

• Renounce in the Name of Jesus all the spirits


• Break the bondage caused by the sin, the conduct,

26 Property of: Oliver
Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

the attitude, the spirit, the vow, or the curse in the

Name of the Lord Jesus.
You want to make sure to go through all of these very
specifically, so that all “open doors” can be closed and the
spirits’ access to the individual will be cut off completely.

8) Cast out the unclean spirit(s) in the name of Jesus.

This is where you command the spirits to go in the name of
Jesus. You don’t have to send them somewhere – you simply
cast them out. Sometimes people will manifest in different
ways as this step is taking place. Many people just feel
lighter after this step takes place with no other manifestation
than that.
NOTE: You may have to repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 multiple
times before you can go on to 9 and 10. Don’t be discouraged
by this – you want to be very thorough with the person so
that all the “open doors” are closed. Again, be led of the
Spirit. Sometimes God will work on things in steps. Don’t
go further beyond the Holy Spirit.

9) Join the person receiving prayer in praise and thanks

to the Lord Jesus for the deliverance.
If the person receiving prayer cannot thank Jesus or there is
a demonic manifestation that takes place, then that is a sign
that more doors need to be closed and more spirits need to
go in the Name of Jesus. Otherwise, thank the Lord out loud
for what He has done.

10) Ask the person to pray for the Holy Spirit’s infilling
and to fill all the places formerly occupied by the evil
Spend some time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to fill the

27 Property of: Oliver


individual and letting the person that was demonized to ask

the Holy Spirit to fill him. This is one of the most important
steps in this process. You want to make sure that all the
places that were occupied by the enemy are now filled by
the Holy Spirit.

Dependence on the Holy Spirit

in Deliverance
Again, this is about a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
These ten steps are a model for deliverance. All models are
only an invitation to experience something greater in the
realms of the Spirit. This model of deliverance is an entry
point to hear the Holy Spirit and cooperate with Him. Don’t
sacrifice the relationship and cooperation with the Holy
Spirit for the model. You may need to adjust this model to
bring deliverance to the person to whom you are ministering.
The key is intimacy with the Holy Spirit— it is only in Him
that you find what you need to bring freedom to those who
are bound.

A Final Word of Caution

Let me give a word of caution here: We are not to become
demon focused. As we focus on the Lord, He will show us
where deliverance is needed. Seldom did this ministry occur
during the meetings I led. We did not want the focus of
the meetings to shift from the joy, peace, and empowering
presence of God that was happening over to the demonic.
When deliverances did occur in the ministry areas, we
removed the person from the meetings to minister to them,
so it did not distract from what God was doing cooperately.4

To learn more about deliverance, I would also highly recommend a
book called “Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance” written by Neal
Lozano or “Deliverance from Evil Spirits” by Francis MacNutt. Both are
available through our website.

28 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

Ministering Healing
“Stretch out your hand to heal and perform
miraculous signs and wonders through the name
of your holy servant Jesus” (Acts 4:30).

I am deeply indebted to John Wimber and Blaine Cook,

who have influenced me more than anyone else in the area of
healing. The five-step prayer model that they taught helped
me tremendously. I want to share about this prayer model
in the healing section because of how it relates to praying
for the sick. It has a biblical foundation in the accounts of
the blind man who was healed in John 9, and in the boy
who was demonized whom Jesus healed after coming down
from the Mount of Transfiguration in Mark 9:14-29. Jesus
interviewed the boy’s father and the blind man while He was
ministering to them.

Let us look at the demonized boy in Mark chapter 9:

When they [Jesus, Peter, James and John] came

[from the Mount of Transfiguration] to the other
disciples, they saw a large crowd around them
and the teachers of the law arguing with them.
As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were
overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him.

29 Property of: Oliver


“What are you arguing with them about?” he

A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I
brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit
that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes
him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at
the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid.
I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but
they could not.”
“O unbelieving generation,” Jesus replied, “how
long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put
up with you? Bring the boy to me.”
So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus,
it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion.
He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming
at the mouth.
Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he
been like this?”
“From childhood,” he answered. “It has often
thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if
you can do anything, take pity on us and help
“‘If you can’?”said Jesus.“Everything is possible
for him who believes.”
Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do
believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the
scene, he rebuked the evil spirit. “You deaf and
mute spirit,” he said, “I command you, come out
of him and never enter him again.”

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and

came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse
that many said, “He’s dead.” But Jesus took him
by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he
stood up.
After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked
him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”
He replied, “This kind can come out only by

The Five-step Prayer Model

The five-step model consists of the following:
1) The Interview – Here you question the person
to determine the condition for which prayer is
sought, and if possible, the cause of the condition.
The purpose here is to determine the root cause
of the infirmity or sickness. Possible root causes
can consist of an afflicting spirit; sickness rooted
in the soul (psychosomatic); or natural causes
such as accident, injury, or disease.

If the cause is known, then you can go immediately

to step 3) Prayer Selection. Typical questions are:
What is your name? How can I pray for you? How
long have you had this condition? Do you know
the cause? Did someone cause this condition?
You should be listening to them in the natural and
also listening for a word of knowledge. Depend
on the Holy Spirit—quietly ask Him if He has
anything to show you about the condition or its
cause. Listen to Him! You are listening, in both
cases, for what may be the root cause of the

31 Property of: Oliver


2) Prayer Selection – This is based upon the

supposed root cause that you determined in the
previous step. Obviously you would not pray the
same way for someone who has an afflicting spirit
as you would for someone who needed prayer
for healing of past hurts. You would not pray for
someone with a physical or bio-chemical disorder
as you would for someone with an illness that is
related to a spiritual root.
The two main categories of prayer are petition
and command:
Petition: “Father, in Jesus’ name I ask You to heal
the inflammation in Joe’s knee and take out the
swelling and pain.”
Command: “In the name of Jesus I command the
inflammation in Joe’s knee to be healed, and all
swelling and pain to leave.”
Commands are generally used when: breaking a
curse or vow; casting out an afflicting spirit or
other spirit; you have used petition prayers and
progress has stopped; you are led to use them by
the Holy Spirit; a word of knowledge; or other
circumstances indicate that God wants to heal
the person immediately (Many times a gift of
faith manifests at this time and you know that a
command will bring healing).

3) Prayer Ministry (Praying for Effect) – Prayer

ministry should have an effect. Our goal is to see
the person healed and the Name of Jesus Christ
glorified. General steps to take consist of the

32 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

Audibly ask the Holy Spirit to be present with

His guidance and His healing power.
Ask the person not to pray but instead, to close
her eyes and focus on her body. It’s a time to just
Ask the person to interrupt you and tell you if/
when something is felt, i.e. heat/electricity/
trembling, etc. – about 50% of people being
healed feel something.
If indicated, have the person confess any sin
(unforgiveness, anger, etc.) and/or pray for the
person’s emotional healing before praying for
physical healing.

Other helpful tips:

• Keep your eyes open to see God’s touch.

• Follow any leading of the Holy Spirit.

• Use your normal tone of voice.

• Always pray in the name of Jesus.

• Use short, specific prayers.

• Pray where God is working.

• Periodically ask, “What is going on?” and

“Are you feeling anything?”

• Remember- trust the Holy Spirit, not the method.

• Be loving! Be persistent!

33 Property of: Oliver


• Thank God for whatever He does. You cannot

thank God too much!

4) Stop and Re-interview — Keep listening to the

Holy Spirit. Stop praying and re-interview the
Ask them how they are doing or what they are
feeling while being prayed for. Depending upon
the response of the individual, you may either
want to continue praying the same way or in
another manner. You want to continue praying
for them the same way when they are feeling
something happening to them. If nothing is
happening then you may want to switch the way
you are praying for that person. The object here
is to find out what is happening so you can adjust
your prayer to bless what the Father is doing.
If pain moves around or increases during prayer
or if a condition has existed a long time, consider
casting out an afflicting spirit.
Stop praying when: the person is healed or wants
you to stop; the Holy Spirit tells you to stop; you
are gaining no ground and receive no other way
to pray.

5.) Post-prayer Suggestions – After praying, it is

beneficial to give helpful, follow-up instructions
or exhortations:

• Encourage the person from Scripture.

34 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

• Share appropriate lifestyle changes for

maintaining healing and to prevent problem re-

• Prepare the person to resist any further attack

after healing.

• If someone is not healed or is only partially

healed, do not accuse the person of a lack of faith
or of sin in his or her life as the cause. Encourage
them to keep coming for prayer and seeking God
until the healing comes.

Ministry done in love is paramount. Many have continued

to press in for healing who did not immediately receive
because they were “so encouraged by the love of God that
was present” whenthey were prayed for.” The person prayed
for should always leave with greater awareness of the Father
and His love and care.
The difference in ministering healing in a crusade or
renewal context and in a pastoral context has mainly been
the time constraints. Even with a ministry team, there has
been a different focus in the crusade or renewal meetings
than that of a regular worship service on Sunday or a small
group setting. Often there are hundreds of people needing to
receive ministry during these times. Circumstances do not
permit the amount of time I would normally spend while
praying for someone for healing. In renewal meetings I
usually do not pray for healing until later in the meetings.
The only exception to this is if the ministry team and I
receive words of knowledge for healing that night. Then I
have a time for healing as part of the overall invitation.

35 Property of: Oliver


I have already alluded to this, but I was deeply impacted

in Toronto while reading the account of how Peter responded
to the healing of the cripple at the Gate called Beautiful. He
said “Why do you look at us as if by our own godliness or
power this man has been healed?” Later he adds, “This man
was healed by faith in the name of Jesus.” I saw that Peter
was what I called a Teflon Christian. He did not let any of the
glory or honor stick to himself— he was always careful to
give the glory and honor to Jesus. I also became much more
concerned that the Name of Jesus was more prominent in my
healing prayers than they had been before going to Toronto.

36 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

Why the need for catchers?
Like many others, I had heard the myth that states you
don’t need catchers because you will never get hurt when
you fall under the Spirit’s power. This myth says that if it
is truly something God is doing, then you cannot possibly
get hurt. In my experience, I found this not to be the truth. I
discovered that some people had been hurt and experienced
great pain when they fell. I also realized some found it
difficult to receive from the Lord because they had a fear of
falling and being hurt. Catchers made them able to relax and
it was easier for them to receive from the Holy Spirit.
We must train catchers to catch in the meetings. It is one
thing to have people catching—it is another to have them
trained in how to catch people without hurting them. Many
times when the people catching are not trained, they can
catch the person falling in a way that is incorrect and they
could end up injured.
I didn’t think about training catchers until I saw a woman
get hurt at my own church one of the first Sundays back
from Toronto. I was praying for this woman during a time of
ministry. Behind her was another woman who was prepared

37 Property of: Oliver


to catch her if she happened to fall to the floor. When she

did fall, the woman behind her reached around and put both
of her hands on the breasts of the woman who was falling
as she was guiding her to the floor. Obviously this woman’s
experience was less pleasant because she didn’t know if
it was a man or a woman who had caught her. Sometimes
men have had their shirts pulled up exposing much of their
stomachs. At other times, women have been exposed as
their blouses pulled up over their undergarments. These are
significant reasons to train catchers, but they are not the only
Occasionally an untrained catcher would touch a person’s
back and then back away remove their hands, causing the
person not to know whether anyone was still behind them.
Even worse is when the person who receives prayer thinks
that the catcher is still behind them and they fall with no
support. Obviously, this can easily result in injury. On one
such occasion someone fell and caught the corner of a metal
chair, resulting in a gash in the head. Another elderly woman
fell and hit her arm against a theatre-style chair. Her arm
looked like it was definitely broken when she came to me. I
prayed for her arm and encouraged her to go immediately to
the emergency room to have it x-rayed. She refused to see
a doctor even though I requested she should do so. When I
called back to check up on her, however, I was told that God
had healed her arm.
Another reason that I train catchers is because of
the premium I place upon floor space. If the room is full
of people seated and most of them want prayer, there is
obviously not enough room if they were to all fall down
under the power of God. It has not been uncommon for as
many as 90% of the people to fall in some of the meetings.
If there is no organization while praying for people, the floor

38 Property of: Oliver

Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

space is not used efficiently. If someone in a line is allowed

to fall sideways rather than straight back, then the next two
to three people cannot be prayed for because if they were to
fall, they would fall on the person who has fallen sideways.
We also found that training catchers is important for
those who want to join the ministry team or expand their
prayer ministry skills. For the catcher, there is an opportunity
to learn how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit by hearing the
prayer and watching the person respond to the Holy Spirit.
Catching offers a low pressure environment to practice
hearing from the Holy Spirit and watching how others
who have been trained to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.
The catcher will not actually pray out loud, but it is a good
way for them to observe someone else operating in prayer
For these reasons I have training times for the catchers,
as well as the rest of the ministry team.

Catching Tips
Following are basic instructions on how to catch:

• Make sure you are strong enough to catch those to

whom you are assigned. If not, get help.

• Keep the tips of one hand touching the person’s

back so that they know you are there. STAY

• When catching, hold one hand above the other, so

that as the person falls back, your hands do not
unintentionally wrap around the person’s torso,
causing embarrassment to you both.

39 Property of: Oliver


• Keep your feet apart, with one leg in front to help

catch and continuously support the weight of the
person as they slide down. This allows you to
gently guide them to the floor, and allows you
to cradle the person’s head as you carefully set
them down.

• Make sure that the person is in a comfortable

position. Help them if requested or necessary.
If a lot of activity is happening around them, such
as others falling, remain and guard them from
injury until things settle down (or get another to
help, so that you can move on to further assist the
one doing prayer ministry).

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Learning to Minister Under the Anointing

I hope what I have written will be of help to you. I caution
you against turning my observations into laws rather than
leaving them as observations. I consider them as principles,
at best. I admit that God uses other people in a way that is
very different from what I have talked about, and it really
is God, so don’t make my observations and suggestions
“Saul’s armor” for a young David. If God has blessed you
in the use of the sling then use it. I was just sharing how
I use my sling. My counsel to people when ministering to
them works with the use of the sling God has given me. It
could prove counterproductive if God has equipped you to
minister in a different manner. So do not hear me saying that
I have something better than you. What I have written is just
the sharing of what works for me.
God bless you as you begin or continue the exciting
ministry of cooperating with the Holy Spirit. Through Him
we are enabled to become co-laborers with Christ.
Let the name of Jesus Christ be held in high honor in our
cities as people witness healing and deliverances as we share
the gospel of the Kingdom.

41 Property of: Oliver


42 Property of: Oliver

{ Healing Ministry
in Your Church }

Property of: Oliver


44 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

If you have been thinking of starting a healing ministry
in your church, this booklet is for you.
If you already have a healing ministry, but it is not
bringing results that stir your congregation, attract visitors,
or interests the lost in the power of Jesus, this booklet might
be for you.
If you have been wondering how to keep renewal alive in
your church, this booklet may be for you.
The purpose of the booklet is to outline some of the
things that pastors in the United States who have vibrant
healing ministries in their churches have proved essential or
helpful. It is intended to help you transform what may be a
vision into reality.

The Key Person

The key person in your church, if you want to have an
active, successful healing ministry, is you.
Pastors who have successful healing ministries say that
they regard their support and participation as essential
to the healing ministry in their churches. If you are not
enthusiastic about having a healing ministry in your church,
you will probably not do the things necessary to start or keep

45 Property of: Oliver


such a ministry alive. Your congregation sensing this, will

take its cue from you.
Even if you have some people who are excited about
praying for the sick, they will gradually lose their strong
sense of purpose if you are not enthusiastically involved as
the senior pastor. Their ministry will gradually become just
another one of the worth-while activities in your church,
contributing to its life to some degree, but not generating
excitement in your congregation or serving as a stimulus for
outreach into your community.

How can you get excited

about a healing ministry?
The best way to get excited about having a healing
ministry is to see a strong healing ministry in action, where
miracles of healing are expected, and where they occur on a
regular basis.
The best way I know to see such a ministry in action
is to go on an international trip with Global Awakening or
another organization that uses ministry teams extensively,
where you and other leaders like yourself join with many
believers (God’s “little ol’ mes”) to pray for the sick in
meeting after meeting. On such a trip, seeing miracle
after miracle of healing, you will almost certainly become
interested in having a vital healing ministry in your church–
it has happened to literally dozens of pastors!
You can experience the same sort of thing on a reduced
scale at our meetings in the United States. Our yearly Voice
of the Apostles conferences and the Healing Schools which
we present at various cities in North America have been the
catalyst for many pastors to begin having powerful healing
ministries in their churches.

46 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

If the prospect of participating in such a ministry with

Global Awakening interests you, visit our website at www.
globalawakening.com, where you can get our schedule for
contacting us for information about each trip or meeting.
Another option is for you to visit a church that has a
vital healing ministry. One such church is Bethel Church
in Redding, California, pastored by Bill Johnson.1 Bill
has traveled extensively with me and his church has such
a reputation that people come to them from a wide area to
receive prayer for healing. You may know of such a church
in your neighborhood.

How can your church become

enthusiastic about a healing ministry?
Perhaps the most effective way of getting church
members enthusiastic about praying for healings is for them
to attend an evangelistic crusade where believers of all ages
and from all walks of live do much of the praying for the
sick. When they see ordinary people like themselves pray
for sick people and see healings take place before their eyes,
or when they themselves pray for sick people and see many
of them get healed, they are likely to become enthusiastic
about participating in a healing ministry.
As pastor, you might consider inviting several of your
congregation to accompany you on an outreach where much
prayer for the sick occurs.

However, even if attending a ministry trip or another

church’s healing ministry is not practicable for you, you
can still start or improve a healing ministry in your church
by initiating training for your interested people and then
encouraging them to step out with you in praying for the
sick. Training with actual hands-on practice is very helpful.
The most important thing, though, is your own participation
and encouragement.
You can contact Bill Johnson at info@bethel.org.
47 Property of: Oliver

48 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

Why Have a Healing

Ministry in Your Church?
A strong healing ministry in your church will help you
stay true to the gospel: a gospel of the Kingdom and a gospel
of power.
A strong healing ministry in your church is effective in
evangelizing the lost and as an aid to church growth.
C. Peter Wagner, a former professor of church growth at
Fuller Theological seminary, points out that by far the fastest
church growth worldwide is in those countries where there is
widespread healing activity in the church and that, although
there are exceptions, the churches in those countries that
have active healing ministries tend to be those showing the
greatest growth.2
Ramsay McMullen, a historian at Yale University who
studied the spread of Christianity into the Roman Empire,
comments that the “Christianization” of the empire was
due primarily to the impact of Christians healing the sick
and casting out demons.3 I think of Paul, who described his
coming to the church in Corinth—after preaching with little
effect in Athens—thus:
C. Peter Wagner, How to Have a Healing Ministry in Any Church, 1988,
Regal, a division of Gospel Light, Ventura, CA, chap. 3.
Ramsay MacMullen, Christianizing the Roman Empire, AD 100-400, 1984,
Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, p. 27; cited in Wagner, op cit., p. 76.

49 Property of: Oliver


And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come

with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring
to you the testimony of God. For I determined not
to know anything among you except Jesus Christ
and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in
fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and
my preaching were not with persuasive words of
human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit
and of power, that your faith should not be in the
wisdom of men but in the power of God. 1 Cor.
2:1-5 (NKJV).
I have talked with pastors in China whose underground
churches have grown enormously in recent years. They told
me that eighty to ninety percent of their new believers have
come to the Lord because they were healed through prayer
or knew of someone who was so healed.

A Word About Renewal

Many churches have experienced something often called
“renewal” or “revival,” generally involving meetings at which
the Holy Spirit touches people deeply—sometimes without
manifestations, but frequently with the manifestations of
trembling, falling, resting trance-like, weeping, laughing,
and others. Those who are touched in this way (and many
not touched in this way, but present in these same meetings)
often have a strong sense of God’s presence, gain a renewed
interest in a God-centered life, experience healing of
emotional wounds, and frequently find new empowerment
for a ministry that was in danger of ending due to burnout.
Churches hope to see such meetings continue indefinitely
and regard these manifestations as evidence that all is well
with the church and its members. However, far too often these
marvelous and powerful sessions fade into rather ordinary

50 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

meetings with sometimes wonderful praise and worship, but

with considerably reduced effect on individual lives and little
lasting effect on the church. In my view, this often happens
because the emphasis in the church is on continued visitations
of the Holy Spirit with these manifestations (something of an
unconscious, well-meaning “bless me” attitude), without the
adequate outward expression of a “servant heart”—moving
out to do what the Holy Spirit (as shown perhaps in large
part through these manifestations) has been equipping the
members of the church to do.
Generally speaking, I believe the Holy Spirit is interested
in equipping the saints for the work of ministry, including
evangelism, missions, visiting those in prison, helping the
poor, ministering to the sick and those in bondage, other
works of charity, and activities intended to bring the power
and love of God into secular activities. If the church does
not move on into servant-ministry, it may languish in seeking
continued outward manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s
Praying for the sick is one of the ministries a church can
engage in that will help keep the power of the Holy Spirit
flowing. It’s an easy ministry to engage in, because every
interested member can participate, and because it does not
require a substantial investment of funds. It ought not to
be the only ministry the church engages in, but it is one
of the things that can help a church to remain in renewal.
It can also be a stepping stone to evangelism and to other
outreaches of various kinds that please God and keep the
river of the Spirit flowing.
“Praying for the sick was an obvious and necessary
outflow of revival. We did not believe we could continue in
revival without following the Lord’s example in pursuing this
essential aspect of ministry.” – Bill Johnson

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The Place of the Pastor

As expressed in the introduction, a prerequisite to a
successful healing ministry is the desire and commitment of
the senior pastor of the church. By his words and his actions
he must communicate that he considers such a ministry of
great importance to his church. If he does, many in his
congregation will also consider it of great importance. If
the senior pastor places a healing ministry lower on his list
of priorities, his congregation will sense his attitude and will
also consider it of less importance.
This may not mean a big investment of time, but it does
mean an investment of quality time and quality thought.
You may not be the actual leader of the ministry; it can be
an associate or a layman. But the ministry will require your
participation, and both the leader and the ministry must have
your unequivocal, enthusiastic support.
As the pastor or senior pastor, you must be willing to
lead by example. Successful pastors suggest the following
ways you can lead:
• Personally going on evangelistic crusades where
many layman participate in praying for the sick.

• Becoming familiar with training and resource


• Receiving training yourself of the kind and model

that your ministry team is receiving.

• Inviting people to receive prayer during or after

every regular service, with prayer usually by a
“team” that includes laymen.

52 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

• Expanding the other occasions in your church

where people are invited to receive prayer, not
necessarily by “team” members, but by those in
attendance at the occasion.

• Frequently joining the ministry team when it is

praying for the sick, even if you do not consider
yourself particularly anointed for healing. You’ll
grow, and they will be encouraged to press in by
your example.

• Getting prayer when you are sick or in pain, and

testifying if you are healed through the prayer.

• Especially important is to vigorously encourage

testimonies of healing at every opportunity.

As pastor, you will need to give open, strong, and

consistent support for things that strengthen the healing
ministry in your church. This includes training, regular
ministry times; support of the ministry team and its
leadership; constant encouragement of testimonies; inviting
visiting speakers with strong healing ministries; recognition
of those who serve; and seeking impartation for yourself
and your church members from those who may have greater
anointing for healing.
“It is essential...that the senior pastor be involved. The
senior pastor is the one who sets the standard and people
aren’t going to grow too far past his mark.”
–Bill Johnson

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“It is essential that I stay involved…that I model praying

for the sick. The team needs to see me experience the
same successes and failures that they have.”
–Tom Jones4

The Place of Preaching

Pastors with successful healing ministries in their
churches preach seriously on healing from time to time.
Common topics preached include:

• Healing the sick is a significant spiritual ministry.

• Healing was a central part of Jesus’ ministry.

• The mission and charge to the disciples set out in

Luke 9 and 10 specifically included healing the

• Jesus used healing to demonstrate that He was

the Messiah (Luke 4:18-21; 5:20-26; 7:18-23).

• Jesus regarded sickness and demonic oppression

as works of the devil. Luke13:16; 11:20.

• Healing is in the Atonement. Isaiah 53:5.

• The frequent connection between healing and

evangelism in the Book of Acts.
Tom Jones is former Senior Pastor of Suncoast Worship Center and
currently serves as the Executive Director of A.N.G.A

54 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

• The importance of healing in evangelism today.

God’s heart is to heal. Jesus is a revelation of
God’s heart. Mark 1:41.

• The importance of persistence in praying for the

• The Great Commission. “Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you. And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:19-
20; Mark 16:15-18).
• “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.”
(There is no sickness in heaven) Matt. 6:10.

See also “A Biblical Basis for Healing” and “Ministry

Team Training Manual” by Randy Clark.

The Place of a “Ministry Team”

If a church is to develop an effective healing ministry,
the “little ol’ mes” of the church—not just the pastor and
not just the pastor and elders or deacons—must be involved
in the ministry. Usually this will start in the form of lay
men and women who have had training and who, sometimes
along side you, pray for the sick on a regular basis in church
services, under the direction and with the approval of the
church leadership.
If lay people are not involved, there is little chance that
the ministry will extend outside the church building itself.
Even with lay people involved, extension of the ministry

55 Property of: Oliver


beyond the walls of the church building will usually require

your active encouragement.
To allow for more people to serve on your ministry
team, in the event of absences, and to avoid burn-out of team
members, you may want enough team members so that they
can rotate assignments. As a pastor, I used two separate
teams, each with its own leader, for our two Sunday services.
You may want enough team members so that each team
member needs to serve only every second or third Sunday.

Where, When, and by Whom?

Praying for the sick can be part of the regular Sunday
church service, or it can take place after the Sunday church
service, or it can take place at a special meeting, such as
every Sunday night, the first Friday night of each month,
etc, at all gatherings of church members, or any or all of the
It is important that praying for the sick take place on a
regular basis, so that it becomes an integral part of the life
of the church.
“Healing is not something you add to the church; it should
be a part of the fiber of your church. It should be a part
of every ministry. It’s not a finger or arm attached to the
body; it’s more like the blood which flows throughout the
body” –Tom Jones

At Bethel Church, there is prayer for the sick at every

meeting of the congregation, “…on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday and throughout the week.” Bill Johnson says, “No
time is better than another, but when the Holy Spirit is
prompting, always be ready.”

56 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

Praying for the sick should not end with the ministry
team. From the ministry team it should expand to most of
the members of the church. Some of this ministry will be by
groups of two or more individuals while some of it will be
by one person ministering alone.
At Bethel Church, everyone– whether the senior pastor,
an associate pastor, a staff person, a secretary, a janitor– is
trained and ready to pray for the sick as they come into the

“If you are a teacher, pray for the sick. If you are an usher,
pray for the sick. If you are a greeter, pray for the sick.
I teach that no matter where your area of giftedness lies,
you can still heal the sick.” –Tom Jones

Thirdly, prayer for the sick should not end in the church.

Taking Healing Outside

the Church and to the Streets
From the church it should expand to many places outside
the church. Much of the evangelistic power of healing will
be realized outside the church building.
At the outset, I’m sure a new ministry team will be most
comfortable praying for the sick in a familiar setting, such
as in a church service or home group. However, some of
your congregation, especially if you encourage them, will
find opportunities outside of these settings. There are many
occasions outside of church that offer perhaps brief but very
effective opportunities for prayer. Here are some examples:

• A telephone conversation with someone who has

fear about something, or a “splitting headache,”
or a sprain or strain, or an ache or pain of some

57 Property of: Oliver


• The visitor in a home who has an illness or injury.

The workman or service man who comes to a

home or office, and who has an illness or injury.

• The waitress in a restaurant.

• The flight attendant on an airplane.

• A colleague in a business meeting.

• A business customer.

Some individuals and groups of young people at Bethel

Church walk through a mall or any other public place,
offering to pray for anyone who seems to need prayer. Bill
Johnson comments “If you are going to embrace the ministry
of healing, you have to be ready and willing to do it anytime,
anywhere.” And, “Our highest percent of success is out on
the streets in the public places.”
Some churches send out teams of two or three to call
“cold” on homes, identifying themselves as Christians or as
members of a church, and asking if anyone in the home is
sick and would like prayer for healing. Frequently there is
someone who would like prayer, and often healing follows,
with a resulting evangelistic opportunity.
Some churches send out a team of two or three women to
pray for a sick woman in her home, or a team of two or three
men to pray for a sick man in his home. Frequently healings
result, with wonderful testimonies.
Many ministries to the poor, as in the distribution of food
and clothing, afford opportunities for praying for sick people
who are visited or who come for food.

58 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

At Suncoast Worship Center, some teams leave as early

as 4:30 am for places where day laborers are working, to
give the men and women a sack lunch and then pray for all
who will allow them.
Testimonies of such activities outside the “four walls”
itself are very inspiring, in my view, even if initial results
are not at first great. God blesses these activities, often with
greater results than come from prayers for believers in the
building, indicating how highly He values them. Such
testimonies can be very powerful.

The Place of Excitement

(or, How to Get Started)
Divine healing is always supernatural. It is always
miraculous. Sometimes it is spectacular, as when a very
serious condition or a condition of long duration, is suddenly
healed through prayer. Even a “minor miracle,” such as
the lengthening of a short arm or leg, the sudden end to a
headache, or relief from pain in a throbbing thumb, can be
astonishing to someone who has never seen a miracle.
As I noted in the introduction, probably the best way to
get your church started or to have your ministry team’s spirits
raised, is for several members of the church to participate in
a crusade where “little ol’ mes” do much of the praying, and
where many healings occur. Their resulting enthusiasm and
mutual support are often the spark that ignites an effective
healing ministry.

“Take some of your ministry team on a ministry trip

where they can have intense exposure over a short period
of time. On a ministry trip they will pray for more people
and see more happen in a week or two than they will
probably see in several months in their church.”
–Tom Jones

59 Property of: Oliver


Or, I might add, perhaps in several years in their church.

When healings occur on a regular basis, more church
members will want to get involved in the ministry. Members
will bring sick relatives and friends for prayer, and these in
turn will speak about the healing services to their friends and
families. An effective healing ministry can bring vitality to
a sleepy church and more enthusiasm to a live one.

The Place of Testimonies

Constant encouragement of testimonies of healing by the
senior pastor is essential.
Nothing arouses interest and excitement more than seeing
a person healed. The next best thing is to hear the person
who was healed tell about her condition and her healing. For
this reason it is exceedingly important to encourage those
who have been healed through prayer to tell the church what
has happened.
Testimonies are important for building faith in the
congregation and for attracting to Jesus those visitors in
the congregation who don’t know Him. In my view, the
importance of testimonies cannot be overstated; Testimonies
should be given to all the church, so that all know what is
Where testimonies have not been the practice, there
may be reluctance on the part of those healed to speak up,
and there may be reluctance on your part as the pastor to
encourage speaking up. However, the encouragement of
your people to testify to their healings is essential.
As the senior pastor you should mention the imortance
of testimonies for building faith and for evangelism to the
whole church, especially first, and periodically thereafter.
You should tell your church that, on every suitable occasion,
you intend to include testimonies:

60 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

• By persons healed through prayer in the church.

• By persons healed through prayer in home groups.

• By persons who prayed for someone outside

the “four walls” at the office, at the check-out
counter, on the street, on the telephone, at the
soup kitchen, at the restaurant, or over coffee at
I would like to stress again that in my view, just the fact
that a church member prayed for someone outside the church
service or small group is important and worth sharing. If
healing also occurred, that is a great plus. Testimonies of
healings that occur outside the church building are especially
Then, you should follow through by actually requesting
testimonies, not as an afterthought nor as an incidental
activity, but as an important part of the service. Don’t worry
if sometimes no one responds to testify.
The extent to which you encourage testimonies will
do more than anything else to show the value you and
your church place on the healing ministry (or, for that
matter, on any other activity). Another indication is your
encouragement for every member of your church to become
a “minister.” Praying for the sick and ministry to the poor
are perhaps the two easiest ways for a believer to become
involved in ministry outside the church building.
A number of years ago, I visited a large church in Kiev,
Ukraine, pastored by Henry Madava. At each of the several
meetings I attended, after welcoming guests, Henry asked
the congregation to respond to some questions by raising

61 Property of: Oliver


their hands: “Did you share the gospel with someone this
week? Did you lead someone to Christ this week? Is a
person you led to the Lord this week here with you now?”
Then he invited some of the pairs—the church member and
the new believer—to tell the church what happened.
After this, Henry asked the congregation, “Did you pray
for someone to be healed this week outside of the church
services? Did the person you prayed for get healed?” Then
a couple of those who responded affirmatively were invited
to testify about the healing.
This practice clearly showed the church that evangelism
and healings, with all members “doing the stuff,” were high
values for him and for the church.
At Bethel Church folks who are healed often testify at
once, immediately after receiving a healing. If the healing
occurs in church, the person testifies to the church. If in a
staff or board meeting, the person testifies to the staff or
the board, and may later testify to the church. Pastor Bill
Johnson explains “We look hard for testimonies and give
them in every meeting, including staff and board meetings.”
I believe a testimony should be of an actual healing. If a
person is only somewhat better, it may be best to wait until
he is completely healed before having him testify. I think it
is wise to avoid a testimony by someone who has not been
healed, but who is “believing for my healing.”

The Centrality of Training

There are different models for praying for the sick. A
good one is set out in our “Ministry Team Training Manual”.
It is easy to learn and easy to practice. It is a help, if
your ministry team has never had training, to ask a Global
Awakening associate or some other competent teacher to

62 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

hold training sessions for yourself and for the members and
prospective members of your ministry team.I simply ask the
pastors and lay people who accompany me to get training in
the use of the model presented in the Manual.
The training you choose should include the importance
of character, of love, and of compassion. It should include
such practical items as praying with eyes open, using one’s
normal tone of voice, laying on of hands, and the use of
catchers. It should include the importance of persistence,
the importance of discovering and dealing with causes of
an illness or other condition, recognition of hindrances to
healing, and the effectiveness of short prayers with frequent
checks for progress when praying for conditions where
improvement is easy to recognize.
It is important that a ministry team member have absolute
confidence that God loves the person being prayed for, and
that God’s love, through him or her, will bless the person
even if physical healing does not occur. Teaching on this
aspect of ministry is important.
I believe prayer for healing should be made with the
expectation that God will answer the prayer at the time
it is prayed—that is, that healing or at least improvement
will follow immediately. Those who pray should pray with
expectancy! Actual practice in praying for sick people and
seeing healings is a very good confidence builder.
However, a team member should also be prepared to
spend time perhaps considerable time—with the seeker. In
some cases, “soaking prayer” is needed. Prayers of 20 or
30 minutes are not unusual in our meetings. At times, one
or more team members may spend the whole worship time,
or perhaps the entire ministry time, praying quietly for one
person. Team members should appreciate that sometimes

63 Property of: Oliver


ministry may involve inconvenience, discomfort, and

perhaps sacrifice.
Of course, healing does not always follow the prayer
time. The team member must be prepared for this. Here
again, teaching or training is important.
Other elements of significance might be following an
established “gender policy” in the church, the use of oil
when praying for the sick, whether prayers minister alone
or with partners, and observance of other church’s policies.
A good summary of helpful training is included in the
Global Awakening training manual, mentioned above, in the
sections on prayer guidelines and team protocol, and in the
several sections on healing.
Tom Jones, for example, used his own manual. He
also used experienced visiting teachers, but did most of the
training himself. When you are ready, it would be a positive
step if you undertake to do part of the training of your team

Who Should Receive Training?

Probably every member of your church who prays for the
sick should receive training. Rigidity and legalism are not
necessary, but general uniformity encourages confidence in
the congregation and helps to avoid weird or other unhelpful
Since it is good for everyone on staff or serving in any
capacity to be able to pray for the sick, each of them should
receive training. If the pastoral staff follows a different
model from the one taught to the ministry team, confusion
will be introduced.
In both Bethel Church and Suncoast Worship Center, all
leaders are involved on the ministry team, and all follow the
same general model.

64 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

Both pastors consider their participation and that of other

church leaders on the ministry team as essential, and they
all receive the same training as the ministry team. Both of
them encourage all members of the congregation to receive
training and to pray for the sick whenever the occasion
presents itself.

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66 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

Common Pastoral Hesitations

There are several places where you may be tempted to
omit essential or valuable elements of a successful healing
ministry. Here are some, with a few comments about them:

1) You may be tempted to skip the training for yourself or

other leaders in the church, or perhaps for all who have had
considerable experience in praying for the sick. You may
think the training is not needed, or perhaps that it is beneath
the dignity of the church leaders.

Answer: This is a mistake. Appropriate training will

increase the effectiveness of most pray-ers, even leaders.
Many experienced pray-ers do not really expect healing to
follow quickly when they pray. Training will build confidence
if it includes practice by the attendees in praying for people
with actual needs. And will also help to avoid weird or odd
methods of praying will avoid the confusion that can result
if different prayer models are used by various members of
the ministry team and it will help you to identify with your
ministry team.

2) You may be tempted not to encourage testimonies. You

may think testimonies take too long.

67 Property of: Oliver


Answer: Some testimonies may indeed be too long. Short

testimonies may especially be needed where there are
several or many who wish to testify. Experience will help
to determine when to avoid too-lengthy testimonies. Some

• Let the interviewer hold the microphone, not the

one giving the testimony.

• Let the interviewer encourage the person to be

brief:“Please tell us what was wrong in just five

• He can ask limiting questions, such as ”Did you

feel anything – heat, electricity or did the pain
just go?”

However, I would encourage you not to shut down testimonies

much. You are much more likely than the members of
your congregation to think a testimony is too long. Your
congregation may find a testimony much more interesting
than you do.

3) You may think testimonies take time from more important

things such, as your preaching the Word.

Answer: The Word is indeed of great importance. However,

actual evidence of the love and the power of God is also of
great importance! Let’s face it. It’s possible that a testimony
showing the power of God to heal may speak more to your
congregation, and thus do more for the Kingdom, than the
same amount of time added to a particular sermon! Note
what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5:

68 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with
eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed
to you the testimony about God. 2For I resolved
to know nothing while I was with you except
Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3I came to you in
weakness and fear, and with much trembling. 4My
message and my preaching were not with wise
and persuasive words, but with a demonstration
of the Spirit’s power, 5so that your faith might not
rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.

A testimony can be an illuminating teaching tool. It can

sometimes be used as a spring-board for comments about
the love of God, the power of God, the boldness of the pray-
er, the manner of praying, the working of the Holy Spirit, etc.
Can we see a healing testimony as an aid to our preaching,
rather than as a competitor with our preaching?

4) You may hesitate to pray for the sick yourself, worrying

that some members of the congregation will get more
healings when they pray for the sick than you do, and that
you may accordingly lose status.

Answer: I have to face the fact that some laymen are more
anointed for healing than I am. We pastors need to develop
a Kingdom view about this—God’s Kingdom, not ours! We
may need to repent of insecurity, perhaps jealousy, perhaps
fear, and learn to sincerely rejoice when a “little ol’ me” is
more anointed than we are for healing or, for that matter, in
any other spiritual gifting.

5) You may feel that encouraging testimonies also encourages

spiritual pride.

69 Property of: Oliver


Answer: Spiritual pride can indeed develop when a ministry

team or a team member has many successes in praying for
the sick. Cautions may be needed, but don’t let that concern
override the greater good that sharing testimonies brings
in releasing kingdom realities through the power of the
testimony and bringing glory to God.

6) You may be tempted to stop asking for testimonies if some

meetings go by without anyone reporting a healing.

Answer: Persistence in requesting testimonies is vital!

Encourage them to share, even about healings that seem

7) You may be tempted to stop having prayer for the sick if

not many people report being healed or if some who receive
prayer remain ill or die.

Answer: Persistence in praying for the sick is vital! Tom

Jones says, “Never, never, never give up or quit. The Holy
Spirit told me years ago, after I prayed diligently for a
24-year-old who died of cancer, ‘You pray for the sick and
leave the rest to Me.’”

A note to items 5 and 6: Preaching on persistence is very

useful. There are many examples of successful healing
ministries that started out very poorly as far as results were
concerned: John Wimber, Heidi Baker, Charles and Frances
Hunter, and my own ministry, are some examples.

8) You may be tempted to cancel the prayers for the sick on

occasions when interesting events occur.

Answer: Praying for the sick should be consistent. It should

be an integral part of each service.

70 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

The Place of Words of

Knowledge for Healing
Words of knowledge for healing are really words from
God that He is prepared to heal persons with a particular
disease or condition now—at this time!
Words of knowledge for healing are particularly faith-
building. You will probably see a higher percentage of
healings when words of knowledge for healing are given
than in the usual prayer times. You should by all means be
prepared to encourage words of knowledge from members
of your congregation, including the member who takes his
courage in hand and steps out, but feels his “word” was not
When a condition that has been called out publicly is
healed, it is a clear demonstration to unbelievers in the midst
of the love of God and His power to heal, and can be a very
good opportunity for evangelism.
Tom Jones encouraged members of his church to give
words of knowledge at any point in his services.
If words of knowledge for healing are new to you and
your ministry team, consider having someone visit who is
skilled in encouraging people to try them. This may give
you and your ministry team a jump-start in using them.
I frequently teach on how to receive and use words of
knowledge for healing, and usually there are many in the
audience who have never given a word of knowledge in
I usually ask for words of knowledge, but only from
those who have never given one publicly. I don’t think I have
ever had a group that did not begin actually having many
accurate words of knowledge.

71 Property of: Oliver


The Place of Encouragement

Unfailing encouragement should be your rule as the
The various needs for encouragement have been
mentioned above. It is perhaps enough to say here that if
there is not strong encouragement from the senior pastor,
the experience of the ministry team will drop a bit then from
there the expectations of those who minister will drop a bit,
and then their experience will drop again, and then their
expectancy will drop again, etc, resulting in a downward
spiral. Strong encouragement from you as the pastor can
prevent this.
As noted earlier, occasional exposure to meetings where
a vital healing ministry is taking place is also extremely
helpful and important in this respect.

The Place of Intercession

Intercession is very important here, as in all aspects of
the life of your church. If there is no intercessory prayer
group in your church, pray for the Lord to raise one up and
to guide you in it.
The intercessors as individuals should be trained in
praying for the sick, but it is not necessary that they join
the ministry team. It is important for them to pray for the
effectiveness and success of the healing ministry in the
church, along with their other intercessory activities. We
have found in our travels with teams around the world that
those who also participate in the healing prayer ministry
many times are also much more effective in their intercession
times as a result of the experience.
At Bethel Church there is an intercessory group whose
sole mission is to pray for the healing anointing in the church.

72 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

The Place of Impartation

Scripture is clear that there can be an impartation of
spiritual gifting through prayer and the laying on of hands
(Timothy 4:14). It is most desirable for you as pastor, and
for members of the ministry team or perhaps even others,
to receive prayer for impartation whenever practicable.
There may be special opportunities for such impartation at
crusades, or when a healing evangelist visits your church,
for example, Bill Johnson encourages everyone to receive
prayer for impartation whenever anyone who seems to have
a strong anointing for healing is available.
At our crusades, I frequently devote an entire meeting to
the subject of impartation, after which I pray for impartation
for those specially moved upon by the Holy Spirit. I
encourage team members—whether pastors or laymen—
who feel so moved, to remove their ministry badges and
receive impartation along with others from the crowd who
come forward for this ministry.

The Place of the Visiting

Teacher or Evangelist
If a visiting evangelist or speaker has an effective healing
ministry, by all means take advantage of his presence for
teaching, for ministering to your congregation if he is
willing and for praying for you and others for impartation.
Let the teaching be for all the congregation, if appropriate,
and impartation for all who are moved by the Holy Spirit,
whether or not they are on the ministry team. Rejoice when
more people in the pews are called into a healing ministry.

Selection of Ministry Team Members

Age is not usually a valid criterion for team members.
Qualified children, teenagers, adults, and seniors can serve
effectively. In some churches there are “children’s church”,
where the entire ministry team is made up of children.

73 Property of: Oliver


Spiritual maturity may be a valid criterion. Team members

should be reasonably stable, able to keep confidences, and
making reasonable progress in their own spiritual lives. If
there are spiritual or mental problems that might compromise
the integrity of the ministry, help should be provided to assist
the person in resolving the problems before releasing them
to join the ministry team.

Important Elements in Healing Ministry

I have asked Bill and Tom to mention a few of what they
see as very important elements for the development of the
healing ministries in their churches.

Comments from Bill Johnson:

• We don’t stop. No matter who dies, no matter

who doesn’t get healed, we just don’t stop.

• We stay connected with people who have greater

success than we do.

• We make room for prayer for the sick at every

single meeting. We always make room for God
to show up and touch people. It’s either at the
beginning, middle, or end of the meeting, or all
of the above.

• “(Start) it. Be hungry and desperate enough for

it that you are willing to receive from others who
are successful already. Let them minister to you,
learn to receive impartation from everyone who
has a healing anointing, whether he is a great
leader who travels the world or a fairly new
believer who has great success in ministry. Let
them pray for you.”

74 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

• “No matter what, don’t stop! It is impossible

for you to pursue this ministry and not have

Comments from Tom Jones:

• We placed a high value on exposure to visiting

leaders with strong healing and teaching

• We had ongoing training for the ministry team,

and encouraged the entire congregation to
become involved in praying for the sick.

• We set aside specific times to pray for the sick.

Although we pray for the sick in every service,
Sunday night was specifically devoted to this
ministry. It’s easier to have extended times
of prayer at those special meetings. The folks
prayed as long as they liked. We started at 6:00
and stopped when everyone left. There was no
specific quitting time.

Some Additional Thoughts

I hope the following will be helpful to you in starting a
healing ministry in your church or in helping one to thrive.
Here are some other ideas that some churches are using that
you might find interesting:

• Some churches train young people, and even

children, to pray for the sick and encourage them
to serve on the church’s ministry team.
• Henry Madava, referred to earlier, pastors in the
Ukraine where the fields are practically virgin

75 Property of: Oliver


because of the atheism forced on the country by

the former Soviet Union for decades; He sends
teams of pray-ers out two by two ahead of himself
into towns where he plans to have an evangelistic
crusade. They visit hospitals, call on government
offices, walk the streets, pray for anyone they
can who is sick, and invite people to Henry’s
upcoming meetings. He reports extraordinary

Would this be possible in areas of our large cities?

• The pastor of a small church on the west coast

visits the Philippines with a ministry team for
two weeks or so every spring. Part of the time
the ministry team separates the members going
to different churches or institutions at the request
of the local churches to pray for the sick, or
for other special purposes with praying for the
sick following. The rest of the time this pastor
conducts public evening meetings, with prayer
for the sick following each meeting. Daytimes,
teams follow up those who have made decisions
the night before and also offer to pray for any
needs in the homes they call on. His ministry
team gets a lot of practice praying for the sick
in a very short time. Many healings result with
great impact on any new team members.

Would joining such a mission in a third-

world country be a possibility for you? Would
organizing and leading such a mission be a
possibility for you?

76 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

• “Occasionally, as I felt led, I would place 4 or 5

chairs down front and tell the people that anyone
can come forward at any point during the praise
and worship to sit in one of the chairs, and a team
would “soak” him or her in prayer. This has
worked extremely well.” –Tom Jones

77 Property of: Oliver


I’d like to close with a testimony. An event in a mid-
western church illustrates a number of things spoken of
above: that God uses children effectively for healing, that
ministry outside the church building itself is especially
powerful, and the effect of testimony.
A boy of twelve saw a woman on the street,
limping. In child-like confidence, he approached
and asked if he could pray for her. She assented.
It turns out that she had a bad knee and, when
the boy prayed for her knee, it was healed! This
of course impressed the lady tremendously,
increased his faith level, and had quite an impact
on the congregation when he recounted what the
Lord had done!
I encourage you to catch a vision for healing ministry
in YOUR church. Our Father loves to pour out His gifts
upon His children! It is His will for us to receive answers to
prayer, thereby extending His Kingdom and glorifying the
Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that this booklet is
effective in helping you to get a healing ministry started in
your church.

78 Property of: Oliver

Healing Ministry in Your Church

Resource Materials
Many books have been written on the subject of praying for
the sick. Some are considered classics, such as:

The Real Faith, Charles S. Price.

Christ the Healer, F. F. Bosworth.

God’s Generals, Roberts Liardon.

God’s Medicine Bottle (Pamphlet), Derek Prince.

Healing, Francis MacNutt.

How to Have a Healing Ministry in Any Church,
C. Peter Wagner.

How to Heal the Sick, Charles and Frances Hunter.

John G. Lake, His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of

Faith, A compilation by Kenneth Copeland.

Power Evangelism, John Wimber, with Kevin Springer.

When Heaven Invades Earth, Bill Johnson.

79 Property of: Oliver

the C ore M essage S eries
f rom ra n dy clark

Words of Knowledge

Biblical Basis of Healing

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Open Heaven / Are You Thirsty?

Evangelism Unleashed

The Thrill of Victory / The Agony of Defeat

Awed by His Grace / Out of the Bunkhouse

Healing is in the Atonement /

The Power of the Lord’s Supper

Pressing In / Spend and Be Spent

Property of: Oliver

O ther books
f rom ra n dy clark

The Essential Guide to Healing

Healing Unplugged
Entertaining Angels
There is More!
Power, Holiness and Evangelism
Lighting Fires
Changed in a Moment
The Healing River and its Contributing Streams
Healing Energy: Whose Energy is It?


Ministry Team Training Manual

Kingdom Foundations Workbook
Empowered Workbook

Property of: Oliver

tu ra l
hool of

er na
S Mini st

To release followers of Christ into their specific desinty and calling, in order to live
out the Great Commission.

Global School of Supernatural Ministry is a one ot three year ministry school with
an emphasis on impartation and equipping students for a life of walking in the
supernatural. Classes start each September and end the following May. Courses
are offered on-site at the Apostolic Resource Center in Mechanicsburg, Pennsyl-
vania, as well as on-line. You also have the option of attending a 3 week intensive
in June.

The GSSM student body is diverse in age, culture, ministry experience, and edu-
cational accomplishments. From high school graduates, to professionals, to
retirees - the students come together seeking more of God. Supernatural power,
passion and honor are key values of GSSM and are reflected in our worship,
outreach and personal relationships.

for more information - or to enroll in classes - contact us at

or apply on-line at
g s s m . g l o b a l a w a k e n i n g . c o m

Property of: Oliver

In “There Is More”, Randy will lay a solid biblical foundation
for a theology of impartation as well as take a historical look
at the impartation and visitation of the Lord in the Church.
This will be combined with many personal testimonies of
people who have received an impartation throughout the
world and what the lasting fruit has been in their lives. You
will be taken on journey throughout the world and see for
yourself the lasting fruit that is taking place in the harvest
field - particularly in Mozambique. This release of power is
not only about phenomena of the Holy Spirit, it is about its
ultimate effect on evangelism and missions. Your heart will
be stirred for more as you read this book.

“This is the book that Randy Clark was born to write.”

- Bill Johnson

For this and other books go to: store.globalawakening.com

Property of: Oliver

For a schedule of upcoming events and
conferences or to purchase other products from
Global Awakening, please visit our website at:


Property of: Oliver

Property of: Oliver

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