LearningToMinister HealingMinistry
LearningToMinister HealingMinistry
LearningToMinister HealingMinistry
{ Learning to Minister
Under the Anointing
Healing Ministry
in Your Church
Randy Clark
Learning to Minister Under the Anointing & Healing Ministry in Your Church
© Copyright 2011 Randy Clark 1st Edition, January 2011 All rights reserved.
Healing Ministry in Your Church © Copyright 2005, 2007 Randy Clark. First
Edition Revised, April 2007
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from HOLY BIBLE,
NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by In-
ternational Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
For more information on how to order this book or any of the other materials
that Global Awakening offers, please contact the Global Awakening Bookstore.
ISBN: 978-1-937467-69-2
1451 Clark Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Randy Clark
Mechanicsburg, PA
Property of: Oliver
{ Learning to Minister
Under the Anointing }
It has been a number of years since I wrote the original
edition of this booklet. Much of it came from my experience
in being used of God in what is known as the “The Toronto
Blessing.” The intervening years have continued to validate
the relevance of this little volume’s subject matter. We have
now taken thousands of people with us around the world,
training them to minister under the anointing of the Holy
Spirit. These “little ole’ mes” have seen healings, miracles,
and deliverances happen as they followed the simple truths
and practical suggestions presented here while operating
under the Holy Spirit’s leading and guidance.
Please see the copyright page for contact information to obtain these
and other instructional materials
Have you ever tried learning how to dance with a new
partner? I don’t know too much about dancing, but I do
know that someone has to lead and the other person has to
follow. There cannot be two leaders nor two followers. It is
essential that one leads while the other follows. There is no
negotiation on this point.
Learning to minister in the Spirit is like learning to
dance. We must remember that Jesus is the leader and that
we, as the Bride of Christ, must learn how to follow His lead.
That is the real secret to ministering under the anointing of
the Holy Spirit. Much like slow dancing, the closer you are
held, the easier it is to sense the movement of the Leader—
increasing your ability to follow His direction. We need to
learn how to relax, rest in the Holy Spirit’s presence, and
follow His lead. Like learning to dance, it takes time and
practice to learn to minister in cooperation with the Holy
Spirit. There is a process that we must all go through as He
teaches us. There are things that we will do right and there
are other things we will do wrong, but the important thing is
for us to press on and grow in our experience so that we may
increasingly be a vessel of blessing.
This booklet was not written as a theological framework
for you to believe in the things that I’m writing about or to try
“And with that he breathed on them and said,
‘Receive the Holy Spirit’”(John 20:22).
prayer. When you receive the Person of the Holy Spirit, you
receive power. Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem
until they were “clothed with power from on high” (Luke
24:49). This empowerment was for them to be effective
witnesses in life and ministry. When asked by His disciples
when He was going to set up His political reign, Jesus replied,
“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set
by his own authority. But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”
(Acts 1:7-8). Many times while praying for people, you will
see God pour out His Spirit on people to empower them for
ministry. This is often seen with visible signs of electricity
or power being manifested in the person’s body. Again there
are no laws, many feel nothing and go home with explosive
power released later as they minister.
I’ve watched visible demonstrations of God’s power
manifested in people’s bodies as I laid hands on them
and prayed for them. Many times I have observed people
beginning to shake— sometimes quite violently. Sometimes
those receiving prayer fall to the ground, where they continue
to shake, while at other times they just stand upright and
bounce up and down. Often this shaking is caused by a
sensation of high voltage electricity surging through their
body. When I see these physical phenomena, I thank God
for the power with which He is enduing His people. I bless
what I see the Father doing, and continue to watch and stand
in amazement at what God does.
When it comes to the Blessing of Power, many times
there are waves of the Holy Spirit. If you’ve ever been to
the ocean, you can see how the waves come in and go out.
They keep coming with slight intervals in between—wave
after wave. When the power of God comes in these waves,
it is almost as if God gives the person being touched brief
respites. I say this because often the anointing is so powerful
Ministering Deliverance
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who
have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have
received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).
If you want to find out more information about the 10-step model,
you can study our “Ministry Team Training Manual” or listen to a CD
series, “Deliverance”, by Pablo Bottari. Both are available through our
bookstore: store.globalawakening.com.
23 Property of: Oliver
10) Ask the person to pray for the Holy Spirit’s infilling
and to fill all the places formerly occupied by the evil
Spend some time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to fill the
To learn more about deliverance, I would also highly recommend a
book called “Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance” written by Neal
Lozano or “Deliverance from Evil Spirits” by Francis MacNutt. Both are
available through our website.
Ministering Healing
“Stretch out your hand to heal and perform
miraculous signs and wonders through the name
of your holy servant Jesus” (Acts 4:30).
• Be loving! Be persistent!
Why the need for catchers?
Like many others, I had heard the myth that states you
don’t need catchers because you will never get hurt when
you fall under the Spirit’s power. This myth says that if it
is truly something God is doing, then you cannot possibly
get hurt. In my experience, I found this not to be the truth. I
discovered that some people had been hurt and experienced
great pain when they fell. I also realized some found it
difficult to receive from the Lord because they had a fear of
falling and being hurt. Catchers made them able to relax and
it was easier for them to receive from the Holy Spirit.
We must train catchers to catch in the meetings. It is one
thing to have people catching—it is another to have them
trained in how to catch people without hurting them. Many
times when the people catching are not trained, they can
catch the person falling in a way that is incorrect and they
could end up injured.
I didn’t think about training catchers until I saw a woman
get hurt at my own church one of the first Sundays back
from Toronto. I was praying for this woman during a time of
ministry. Behind her was another woman who was prepared
Catching Tips
Following are basic instructions on how to catch:
I hope what I have written will be of help to you. I caution
you against turning my observations into laws rather than
leaving them as observations. I consider them as principles,
at best. I admit that God uses other people in a way that is
very different from what I have talked about, and it really
is God, so don’t make my observations and suggestions
“Saul’s armor” for a young David. If God has blessed you
in the use of the sling then use it. I was just sharing how
I use my sling. My counsel to people when ministering to
them works with the use of the sling God has given me. It
could prove counterproductive if God has equipped you to
minister in a different manner. So do not hear me saying that
I have something better than you. What I have written is just
the sharing of what works for me.
God bless you as you begin or continue the exciting
ministry of cooperating with the Holy Spirit. Through Him
we are enabled to become co-laborers with Christ.
Let the name of Jesus Christ be held in high honor in our
cities as people witness healing and deliverances as we share
the gospel of the Kingdom.
If you have been thinking of starting a healing ministry
in your church, this booklet is for you.
If you already have a healing ministry, but it is not
bringing results that stir your congregation, attract visitors,
or interests the lost in the power of Jesus, this booklet might
be for you.
If you have been wondering how to keep renewal alive in
your church, this booklet may be for you.
The purpose of the booklet is to outline some of the
things that pastors in the United States who have vibrant
healing ministries in their churches have proved essential or
helpful. It is intended to help you transform what may be a
vision into reality.
Praying for the sick should not end with the ministry
team. From the ministry team it should expand to most of
the members of the church. Some of this ministry will be by
groups of two or more individuals while some of it will be
by one person ministering alone.
At Bethel Church, everyone– whether the senior pastor,
an associate pastor, a staff person, a secretary, a janitor– is
trained and ready to pray for the sick as they come into the
“If you are a teacher, pray for the sick. If you are an usher,
pray for the sick. If you are a greeter, pray for the sick.
I teach that no matter where your area of giftedness lies,
you can still heal the sick.” –Tom Jones
Thirdly, prayer for the sick should not end in the church.
• A business customer.
their hands: “Did you share the gospel with someone this
week? Did you lead someone to Christ this week? Is a
person you led to the Lord this week here with you now?”
Then he invited some of the pairs—the church member and
the new believer—to tell the church what happened.
After this, Henry asked the congregation, “Did you pray
for someone to be healed this week outside of the church
services? Did the person you prayed for get healed?” Then
a couple of those who responded affirmatively were invited
to testify about the healing.
This practice clearly showed the church that evangelism
and healings, with all members “doing the stuff,” were high
values for him and for the church.
At Bethel Church folks who are healed often testify at
once, immediately after receiving a healing. If the healing
occurs in church, the person testifies to the church. If in a
staff or board meeting, the person testifies to the staff or
the board, and may later testify to the church. Pastor Bill
Johnson explains “We look hard for testimonies and give
them in every meeting, including staff and board meetings.”
I believe a testimony should be of an actual healing. If a
person is only somewhat better, it may be best to wait until
he is completely healed before having him testify. I think it
is wise to avoid a testimony by someone who has not been
healed, but who is “believing for my healing.”
hold training sessions for yourself and for the members and
prospective members of your ministry team.I simply ask the
pastors and lay people who accompany me to get training in
the use of the model presented in the Manual.
The training you choose should include the importance
of character, of love, and of compassion. It should include
such practical items as praying with eyes open, using one’s
normal tone of voice, laying on of hands, and the use of
catchers. It should include the importance of persistence,
the importance of discovering and dealing with causes of
an illness or other condition, recognition of hindrances to
healing, and the effectiveness of short prayers with frequent
checks for progress when praying for conditions where
improvement is easy to recognize.
It is important that a ministry team member have absolute
confidence that God loves the person being prayed for, and
that God’s love, through him or her, will bless the person
even if physical healing does not occur. Teaching on this
aspect of ministry is important.
I believe prayer for healing should be made with the
expectation that God will answer the prayer at the time
it is prayed—that is, that healing or at least improvement
will follow immediately. Those who pray should pray with
expectancy! Actual practice in praying for sick people and
seeing healings is a very good confidence builder.
However, a team member should also be prepared to
spend time perhaps considerable time—with the seeker. In
some cases, “soaking prayer” is needed. Prayers of 20 or
30 minutes are not unusual in our meetings. At times, one
or more team members may spend the whole worship time,
or perhaps the entire ministry time, praying quietly for one
person. Team members should appreciate that sometimes
When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with
eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed
to you the testimony about God. 2For I resolved
to know nothing while I was with you except
Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3I came to you in
weakness and fear, and with much trembling. 4My
message and my preaching were not with wise
and persuasive words, but with a demonstration
of the Spirit’s power, 5so that your faith might not
rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.
Answer: I have to face the fact that some laymen are more
anointed for healing than I am. We pastors need to develop
a Kingdom view about this—God’s Kingdom, not ours! We
may need to repent of insecurity, perhaps jealousy, perhaps
fear, and learn to sincerely rejoice when a “little ol’ me” is
more anointed than we are for healing or, for that matter, in
any other spiritual gifting.
I’d like to close with a testimony. An event in a mid-
western church illustrates a number of things spoken of
above: that God uses children effectively for healing, that
ministry outside the church building itself is especially
powerful, and the effect of testimony.
A boy of twelve saw a woman on the street,
limping. In child-like confidence, he approached
and asked if he could pray for her. She assented.
It turns out that she had a bad knee and, when
the boy prayed for her knee, it was healed! This
of course impressed the lady tremendously,
increased his faith level, and had quite an impact
on the congregation when he recounted what the
Lord had done!
I encourage you to catch a vision for healing ministry
in YOUR church. Our Father loves to pour out His gifts
upon His children! It is His will for us to receive answers to
prayer, thereby extending His Kingdom and glorifying the
Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that this booklet is
effective in helping you to get a healing ministry started in
your church.
Resource Materials
Many books have been written on the subject of praying for
the sick. Some are considered classics, such as:
Words of Knowledge
Evangelism Unleashed
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Global School of Supernatural Ministry is a one ot three year ministry school with
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supernatural. Classes start each September and end the following May. Courses
are offered on-site at the Apostolic Resource Center in Mechanicsburg, Pennsyl-
vania, as well as on-line. You also have the option of attending a 3 week intensive
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The GSSM student body is diverse in age, culture, ministry experience, and edu-
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passion and honor are key values of GSSM and are reflected in our worship,
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