Triumph Gallic+Campaign+Rules+Teaser+v1
Triumph Gallic+Campaign+Rules+Teaser+v1
Triumph Gallic+Campaign+Rules+Teaser+v1
Campaign Rules
December 2020
TRIUMPH! Copyright 2019-2020 Washington Grand Company
Army lists for TRIUMPH! are available on the Meshwesh website. Meshwesh
provides online access to more than 600 army lists ranging from the Sumerians to
the early Renaissance armies of Europe. These army lists are fully searchable and
simple to access. Links to enemies and related army lists make it easy to browse
through the lists. Access to Meshwesh is free—and open to all gamers.
Washington Grand Company has run versions of these campaigns three times a year for more than a
decade at the largest historical wargaming conventions in the USA with great success. At least four
campaign books are planned as of the time of this writing, and should be released through 2021 and
This campaign book teaser shows a single campaign (Caesar’s Gallic Wars) and the format that the
campaign book will use for its campaigns. Two different designs are shown -- one aimed at a campaign
for a larger group (usually 16-20 players), and one aimed at a slightly smaller group (8-12 players).
Maps are provided to show the layout of the armies/tribes/nations involved. Army lists for each
individual nation/tribe are provided, based upon a refinement of the Triumph! army lists set out in
Meshwesh as described on page 1. Minor changes may occur to this individual campaign when it is
published, but it should give readers a view into what they may expect when the forthcoming
campaign book is released.
We hope that Triumph! players will enjoy getting this advance glimpse of what the forthcoming
campaign book will offer.
In 390 BC a Gallic army sacked Rome. At the time Rome was just one city-state among many, and the
army that defeated them at the Battle of the Allia was from just one Gallic tribe among several in
Northern Italy (Cisalpine Gaul).
Now it is 58 BC, more than three centuries later. All of Italy has long-since bowed the knee to Rome.
Mighty Rome is a single citystate no longer -- the Republic of Rome has conquered the Western
Mediterranean including Spain, North Africa, and the south coast of Gaul.
The Gallic tribes are powerful, but internally divided. From the forests across the Rhine powerful
Germanic tribes are beginning to put pressure on them. And an ambitious proconsul named Julius
Caesar commands the legions in the south of Gaul. He has political ambition, military ability, and
massive financial debts -- a very dangerous combination.
Any Roman politician with a lot of ambition and even more debt needs more popularity and plunder to
rise. Military success gives you both. Rome had never forgotten being sacked by the Gauls -- victory
against them would make Julius Caesar a very popular man. And the legions love a leader that brings
them loot and victory.
o 2x Bad Horse (pony-riding horsemen with o 2x Heavy Foot (raw legionaries) [6 pt]
javelins) [6 pt] o 5x Elite Foot {legionaries) [20 pt]
o 6x Warband [18 pt] o 2x any combination of Artillery, Light Foot, or
o 1x Bad Horse or Warband or Skirmishers [3 pt] Skirmisher. No more than one Artillery. [6 pt]
o Choice of one of: [6 pt]
▪ 2x Warband Early German (3)
▪ 1x Warband and 1x ● Boi. Maneuver 2. General must be Javelin Cavalry
Skirmishers [48 pts]
▪ 2x Skirmishers o Choice of one of: [1 pt]
▪ 3x Rabble ▪ BC: Fortified Camp (wagon
Marian Roman (3) ▪ BC: Pack Train and Herds
● Gallia Narbonensus (Labienus). Maneuver 3. (cattle herds)
General must be Javelin Cavalry. [48 pts] o 1x Javelin Cavalry (BC: Deployment Dismounting
o BC: Fortified Camp (ditch and rampart) [1 pt] as Warrior) [5 pt]
o 2x BC: Hold the Line (Elite Foot) [1 pt] o 10x Warrior [30 pt]
o 1x Javelin Cavalry (allied veteran horsemen) [4 o 2x Skirmisher or Warrior [6 pt]
pt] o 3x Rabble [6 pt]
o 1x Javelin Cavalry or Elite Foot [4 pt]
o 8x Elite Foot {legionaries) [32 pt] ● Tencteri. Maneuver 2. General must be Javelin
o 2x any combination of Artillery, Light Foot Cavalry [48 pts]
(velites or allied javelinmen), Skirmisher, Heavy o Choice of one of: [1 pt]
Foot (raw legionaries) or Bad Horse (Gallic ▪ BC: Fortified Camp (wagon
horsemen). No more than one Artillery. [6 pt] laager)
▪ BC: Pack Train and Herds
● Gallia Transalpina (Caesar). Maneuver 3. General (cattle herds)
may be either Javelin Cavalry or Elite Foot. [48 pts] o 3x Javelin Cavalry (BC: Deployment Dismounting
o BC: Fortified Camp (ditch and rampart) [1 pt] as Warrior) [14 pt]
o 2x BC: Hold the Line (Elite Foot) [1 pt]] o 8x Warrior [24 pt]
o 1x Javelin Cavalry (allied veteran horsemen) [4 o 1x Skirmisher or Warrior [3 pt]
pt] o 3x Rabble [6 pt]
o 1x Javelin Cavalry or Elite Foot [4 pt]
o 8x Elite Foot {legionaries) [32 pt] ● Suebi Confederacy. Maneuver 2. General must be
o 2x any combination of Artillery, Light Foot Warrior [48 pts]
(velites or allied javelinmen), Skirmisher or Bad o Choice of one of: [1 pt]
Horse (Gallic horsemen). No more than one ▪ BC: Fortified Camp (wagon
Artillery. [6 pt] laager)
▪ BC: Pack Train and Herds
● Gallia Cisalpina (Publius Crassus). Maneuver 2. (cattle herds)
General must be Javelin Cavalry. [48 pts] o 2x Javelin Cavalry (BC: Deployment Dismounting
o BC: Fortified Camp (ditch and rampart) [1 pt] as Warrior) [9 pt]
o 2x BC: Hold the Line (Elite Foot) [1 pt] o 10x Warrior [30 pt]
o 2x Javelin Cavalry (allied veteran horsemen) [8 o 4x Rabble [8 pt]
o 2x Bad Horse (Gallic horsemen) or Heavy Foot
(raw legionaries) [6 pt]
Special Rules
Wild Regions
Wild Regions are those held by the Suebi, Helvetii, and Ruteni.
Wild Regions represent zones where the residents have a significant advantage in knowledge of the
terrain, and outsiders are more likely to be ambushed or otherwise forced to battle in a situation not of
their choosing.
In the 20-player version of the campaign all armies may cross the English Channel -- consider the
Catevellauni to be adjacent to the Veneti, Bellovaci, and Morini for all normal movement. In addition,
the Veneti were widely respected as ship builders and users, so the Veneti may move to the Morini,
Aquitani, and Cantabria as if they were adjacent.
In the 20-player version of the campaign the three Roman armies begin the game as allies. They may
move through each other’s zones freely and may not attack each other. As soon as a Roman army
loses a battle (attacking or defending), this special rule no longer applies between the losing Roman
army and the other two.
No other armies start the campaign allied. Germanic and Gallic tribes were constantly warring with
each other.
Germanic Cavalry
Germanic cavalry was considered superior to Gallic cavalry in this period. To reflect this, if Germanic
Javelin Cavalry are in combat against Bad Horse (regardless of origin) and the combat results in a tie,
the Bad Horse will fall back instead. This applies to Bad Horse in the Roman army as well (those were
often Gallic mercenaries).