Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering is an autonomous engineering college established in 2002 that has achieved success through its academic discipline, strong student results, and placements. Located on a 28-acre campus with world-class facilities, it is well-connected by rail and road. Sasi has become a top choice for companies recruiting students with strong technical and soft skills, as well as for parents seeking a safe academic environment. Through following the systems developed by its parent organization, Sasi has established itself as one of the best engineering colleges in coastal Andhra Pradesh known for both academic excellence and placement success.
Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering is an autonomous engineering college established in 2002 that has achieved success through its academic discipline, strong student results, and placements. Located on a 28-acre campus with world-class facilities, it is well-connected by rail and road. Sasi has become a top choice for companies recruiting students with strong technical and soft skills, as well as for parents seeking a safe academic environment. Through following the systems developed by its parent organization, Sasi has established itself as one of the best engineering colleges in coastal Andhra Pradesh known for both academic excellence and placement success.
Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering is an autonomous engineering college established in 2002 that has achieved success through its academic discipline, strong student results, and placements. Located on a 28-acre campus with world-class facilities, it is well-connected by rail and road. Sasi has become a top choice for companies recruiting students with strong technical and soft skills, as well as for parents seeking a safe academic environment. Through following the systems developed by its parent organization, Sasi has established itself as one of the best engineering colleges in coastal Andhra Pradesh known for both academic excellence and placement success.
Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering is an autonomous engineering college established in 2002 that has achieved success through its academic discipline, strong student results, and placements. Located on a 28-acre campus with world-class facilities, it is well-connected by rail and road. Sasi has become a top choice for companies recruiting students with strong technical and soft skills, as well as for parents seeking a safe academic environment. Through following the systems developed by its parent organization, Sasi has established itself as one of the best engineering colleges in coastal Andhra Pradesh known for both academic excellence and placement success.
(Autonomous) is not just one more engineering college.
It's a college with a difference. It has made its presence Sri. B. Venu Gopala Krishna felt more with its academic discipline, results and the Chairman, Sasi Group of Institutions achievement of its students. Though started a few Sri. M. Narendra Krishna years back i.e. in 2002, it has set to compete with the Vice-Chairman, Sasi Group of Institutions best in the state. Providing the best education in Dr. K. Bhanu Prasad engineering and technology and following the systems Director, Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering that Sasi has developed over two decades, it has made its mark already in the minds of millions. The campus is located amid lush green fields in the spacious area of Prof. Mohammed Ismail organizes 28 acres offers world class facilities. It is well connected Principal, Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering to rail and road transport. It has become the first choice for any company that Dr. T. Venkata Ramakrishna wants to recruit the best students with strong Dean, Academics technical and soft skills. Naturally, it is the best choice Dr. T. J. V. Subrahmanyeswara Rao (Theme: STEM for Realtime Problem Solving) for many parents who want to keep their wards in the Dean, Student Affairs safest and best academic environment. Treated the Dr. Ch. Srinivas best in coastal belt of Andhra Pradesh for professional Dean, Research & Development education, Sasi stands with highest success rate not Dr. Sohel Rana only in academic lines but also in placements. Dean, ICT & ITL Dr. M V S S Nagendranath Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE Vizag Bay Sub-Section (R0014902) which is an very Dr. K. Subhash Bhagavan Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of IT active section formed on 19-Feb-2011. Then it was Dr. D. Prasad elevated as a full section named Vizag Bay Section Professor & Head, Dept. of ECT (R00150) as 12th Section in India and 59th Section in Dr. G. Naveen Kishore R10, recommended by IEEE Hyderabad Section, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of ECE endorsed by IEEE R10 and approved by MGA with the Sri. B. Krishna Murthy geographical boundaries of Srikakulam District, Assistant Professor & Head, Dept. of Mechanical Vijayanagaram District, Visakhapatnam District, East Dr. A. Prasad Godavari Dist, West Godavari Dist. of Andhra Pradesh, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of EEE India. Now it is one of the larger section in India Dr. Ch. Tirupathi having more than 1600 IEEE members. IEEE Vizag Bay Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Civil Section is very active and committed to enhance the Dr. P. Ramakrishna knowledge of IEEE members in the IEEE designated Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of MBA areas. Dr. T V Raghu Professor & Head, Dept. of AS & H
Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering
((Autonomous) IEEE Student Branch (STB64284) was inaugurated on 12-10-2016. After that Computer Dr. P. Sivakumar , SMIEEE Society, Power and Energy Society (PES) and Signal SITE IEEE Student Branch Counselor Processing Society(SPS) were started on 2018, 2020 and Chair, Computer Society, IEEE Vizag Bay Section Excom Member, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 2021 respectively. SITE IEEE student branch is very 29th October, 2022 active and vibrant. It is maintaining good IEEE Dr. E. Aswani Kumar, SMIEEE Advisor, SITE IEEE PES Chapter members strength from last four years. Treasurer, PELS/IAS/PES Jt. Chapter, IEEE Vizag Bay organized by SITE IEEE Student Branch received 1450 USD for Dr. C R S Hanuman,SMIEEE Advisor, SITE IEEE SPS Chapter Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering(A) conducting Professional Communication workshop Professor & Head, Department of ECE from IEEE. Members from this SB volunteered various Dr. P. Kirankumar, SMIEEE Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade, Accredited by NBA, IEEE events and contributing to the section activities. Professor & Head, Department of CST Approved by AICTE - New Delhi, Recognized by UGC under It is committed to provide technological updates to all Dr. P. Hema Chandu, SMIEEE section 2(f) & 12(B), Permanent Affiliations from JNTUK, SBTET, engineering communities in around the colleges. Our Professor, Department of EEE Ranked as A Grade by Govt. of AP. SB organized various events, competitions, workshops, Dr. Mohammed Rafee, MIEEE Tadepalligudem, West Godavari District A.P. 534101 and seminars to enhance the skills of our IEEE Student Professor & Head, Department of AI & ML Visit: Members Prof. S. Lakshmi Narayana Rs. 400/- for a team of IEEE Members. Chair, IEEE Vizag Bay Section (2022 IEEE Membership certificate is required) 1. Block Chain Dr. Abraham Varghese 2. Criminal Science & Forensics Rs. 500/- for other teams Vice Chair, IEEE Vizag Bay Section Note: 3. Cyber Bullying Dr. Md. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti 4. Data Analytics& Statistics Registration fee includes Food & Accommodation Secretary, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 5. Disaster Management Prof. N. Deepika Rani 6. Identity Theft & Protection Treasurer, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 7. Food Technology Prof. PSR Chowdary UG / PG/ Research scholars of all Branches of 8. Fraud Detection Excom Member, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 9. Robotics and Drones Engineering, Technology and Management Sri. K V Sriram 10. Speech Recognition Excom Member, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 11. Systems Engineering Dr. T S N Murthy 12. Sustainability Engineering Chair, COMSOC/SPS jt. Chapter, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 13. Energy Engineering Dr. V. Sandeep 14. Green Technology & Sustainability First Prize - 10,000/- Chair, PELS/IAS/PES jt. Chapter, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 15. Electrical & Computer Engg Second Prize - 7,000/- Dr. T. Sudheer Kumar 16. Strategic Civil Infrastructure Third Prize - 5,000/- Chair, Education Society, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 17. Coastal &Offshore Engineering Dr. D. Harini 18. Waste Technology Chair, SAC, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 19. GIS & Remote Sensing Dr. V. Usha Bala 20. Construction Technology First Prize - 12,000/- Chair, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Vizag Bay Section 21. Climate Sciences 22. Mining & Mineral Processing Second Prize - 8,000/- 23. Underground Space Utilization Third Prize - 6,000/- 24. Bio similar Technology An innovative & novel Product / Prototype / Model from 25. Genome Engineering Note: any Engineering / Management discipline can 26. Precision Health Technology Gifts worth of prize amount will be given. participate. 27. Control Systems & Sensors Tech. Aspirants to this expo are requested to submit one page 28. Earthquake Engineering write up along with details of the work using registration 29. Aqua-food technology link. 30. Organ Printing Technology Last date for sending the ideas: 28th Oct, 2022 College / University ID card is mandatory for 31. Drug Engineering registration 32. Cellular Agriculture Selection Intimation: 29th Oct, 2022 After preliminary verification, selected participants will 33. Electric Vehicles Last date for registration: 2nd Nov, 2022 be informed through mail. 34. Low cost desalination Dates of Project Expo: 4th & 5th Nov, 2022 Payment shall be done after the confirmation mail. 35. Photonics 36. Molecular Manufacturing An exhibit may be individual or team of maximum two. 37. Alternate Fuels Project evaluation will be based on novelty, innovation, 38. Real Time Translation technology, societal impact and green initiatives 39. Synthetic Biology Top 3 will be selected from both Emerging and Smart 40. Bio-mimetic Engineering category. 41. Immersive Virtual Reality Exhibits may be either Hardware / Software / Simulation 42. Human Centre Computing / Poster presentation. Exhibits are requested to bring all the necessary components required for their product. 1. Smart Agriculture 2. Smart Aqua Culture Dr. P. Sivakumar, 8074480076 After confirmation mail, every team has to register for participating in the exhibition. 3. Smart Appliances 4. Smart Homes Dr. E. Aswani Kumar, 7981164246 All the participants will get participation certificates from IEEE, best projects will be awarded with attractive 5. Smart Automation prizes worth of 50000 with appreciation certificates. 6. Smart Cities Dr. P. Hema Chandu, 8184969699 7. Smart Education Project expo will be visited by Schools and Intermediate students in and around Tadepalligudem. 8. Smart Healthcare Dr. Md. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti, 95734 12381 9. Smart Vehicles