Thermodynamic Description of The Cu-Sn System
Thermodynamic Description of The Cu-Sn System
Thermodynamic Description of The Cu-Sn System
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3 authors:
Shih-kang Lin
National Cheng Kung University
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The Cu–Sn binary system is important for various applications, especially for recent
developments in the electronics packaging industry. The ⑀-Cu3Sn and -Cu6Sn5
(⬘ phases) phases are frequently encountered in electronics products. However, the
two phases have been described as line compounds in previous thermodynamic
modeling, and their compositional homogeneities were not considered. In this study,
the thermodynamic properties of the Cu–Sn binary system are modeled and the phase
diagram is calculated by the CALPHAD method, using experimental information
reported in the literature. The ⑀ and (⬘) phases are described using compound
energy models with two and three sublattices, respectively, so that their compositional
homogeneities could be calculated. Good agreement was observed between the
calculated result and the existing experimental data.
3158 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 22, No. 11, Nov 2007 © 2007 Materials Research Society
W. Gierlotka et al.: Thermodynamic description of the Cu–Sn system
TABLE I. Phase of the Cu–Sn system. The oGi(T) functions are taken from Dinsdale16 and from
Phases Models Structure/space group SGTE Unary (Pure elements) TDB v.4.17 The thermo-
dynamic functions of pure elements are listed in Table II.
Liquid Substitional, RKP
The main differences between the functions by Dinsdale
FCC_A1 Substitional, RKP A1 Fm3̄m
BCT_A5 Substitional, RKP A5 I41/amd and SGTE Unary TDB v.4 are the descriptions of tin in
BCC_A2 Substitional, RKP A2 Im3̄m the FCC structure. It was decided to use the newest in-
␥ Two sublattice model D03 Fm3̄m formation taken from the SGTE database. Solid- and liq-
Stoichiometric compound P63 uid-solution phases (FCC_A1, BCC_A2, BCT_A5, Liq-
␦ Stoichiometric compound F43m
uid) are described by the regular solution model11:
⑀ Two-sublattice model Cmcm
Three-sublattice model
Three-sublattice model
B81 P63/mmc
Gm共T兲 = 冱x G 共T兲 + RT 冱x ln共x 兲
i i i
冉 冊
i i
GHSERCU 298.15 < T < 1357.77 −7770.458 + 130.485235*T − 24.112392*T* ln(T) − 0.00265684*T**2 + 1.29223E-07*T**3
+ 52,478*T**(−1)
1357.77 < T < 3200.00 −13,542.026 + 183.803828*T − 31.38*T* ln (T) + 3.64167E + 29*T**(−9)
GHSERSN 100.00 < T < 250.00 −7958.517 + 122.765451*T − 25.858*T* ln (T) + 5.1185E-04*T**2 − 3.192767E-06*T**3 +
250.00 < T < 505.08 −5855.135 + 65.443315*T − 15.961*T* ln (T) − 0.0188702*T**2 + 3.121167E-06*T**3 −
505.08 < T < 800.00 +2524.724 + 4.005269*T − 8.2590486*T* ln (T) − 0.016814429*T**2 + 2.623131E-06*T**3
− 1,081,244*T**(−1) − 1.2307E + 25*T**(−9)
800.00 < T < 3000.00 −8256.959 + 138.99688*T − 28.4512*T* ln (T) − 1.2307E + 25*T**(−9)
GCUBCC 298.15 < T < 1357.77 −3753.458 + 129.230235*T − 24.112392*T* ln (T) − 0.00265684*T**2 + 1.29223E
−07*T**3 + 52,478*T**(−1)
1357.77 < T < 3200.00 −9525.026 + 182.548828*T − 31.38*T* ln (T) + 3.64167E + 29*T**(−9)
GSNBCC 100.00 < T < 250.00 −3558.517 + 116.765451*T − 25.858*T* ln (T) + 5.1185E − 04*T**2 − 3.192767E −
06*T**3 + 18440*T**(−1)
250.00 < T < 505.08 −1455.135 + 59.443315*T − 15.961*T* ln (T) − 0.0188702*T**2 + 3.121167E − 06*T**3 −
505.08 < T < 800.00 +6924.724 − 1.994731*T − 8.2590486*T* ln (T) − 0.016814429*T**2 + 2.623131E −
06*T**3 − 1,081,244*T**(−1) − 1.2307E + 25*T**(−9)
800.00 < T < 3000.00 −3856.969 + 132.99688*T − 28.4512*T* ln (T) − 1.2307E + 25*T**(−9)
GSNFCC 298.15 < T < 505.08 −345.135 + 56.983315*T − 15.961*T* ln (T) − 0.0188702*T**2 + 3.121167E − 06*T**3 −
505.08 < T < 800.00 +8034.724 − 4.454731*T − 8.2590486*T* ln (T) − 0.016814429*T**2 + 2.623131E −
06*T**3 − 1,081,244*T**(−1) − 1.2307E + 25*T**(−9)
800.00 < T < 3000.00 −2746.959 + 130.53688*T − 28.4512*T* ln (T) − 1.2307E + 25*T**(−9)
GCULIQ 298.15 < T < 1357.77 +5194.277 + 120.973331*T − 24.112392*T* ln (T) − 0.00265684*T**2 + 1.29223E −
07*T**3 + 52,478*T**(−1) − 5.8489E − 21*T**7
1357.77 < T < 3200.00 −46.545 + 173.881484*T − 31.38*T* ln (T)
GSNLIQ 100.00 < T < 250.00 −855.425 + 108.677684*T − 25.858*T* ln (T) + 5.1185E − 04*T**2 − 3.192767E − 06*T**3
+ 18,440*T**(−1) + 1.47031E − 18*T**7
250.00 < T < 505.08 +1247.957 + 51.355548*T − 15.961*T* ln (T) − 0.0188702*T**2 + 3.121167E − 06*T**3 −
61960*T**(−1) + 1.47031E − 18*T**7
505.08 < T < 800.00 +9496.31 − 9.809114*T − 8.2590486*T* ln (T) − 0.016814429*T**2 + 2.623131E − 06*T**3
− 1,081,244*T**(−1)
800.00 < T < 3000.00 −1285.372 + 125.182498*T − 28.4512*T* ln (T)
SETARAM high-temperature calorimeter to determine For this optimization, thermodynamic data for the liquid
the mixing enthalpies of liquid alloys, with the Cu–Sn phase, invariant reactions, and liquidus/solidus were
alloy was one of the examined systems.38 Lee et al.39 used. Each piece of the selected information was given a
determined the enthalpy of mixing of liquid Cu–Sn sys- certain weight based on personal judgment. The optimi-
tem at 997 K. Additionally, he suggested the existence of zation was carried out step by step. First, the optimiza-
associate Cu3Sn in melt, although this was not confirmed tion of the liquid phase was performed, and then the solid
by other authors. Kleppa33 also measured enthalpy of phases were assessed. All parameters were finally evalu-
formation of solid alloys for the compositions between ated together to provide the best description of the sys-
0.074 and 0.255 mol fraction of Sn at 723 K. tem. The calculated interaction parameters are shown in
The activities of Cu and Sn were measured by Alcock Table III.
et al.,40 Hager et al.,41 Ono et al.,42 Oshi et al.,43 and
Sengupta et al.44 Of these studies, Alcock et al.,40 Hager V. RESULTS
et al.,41 and Ono et al.42 used a Knudsen cell technique
Figure 1(a) shows the calculated Cu–Sn phase dia-
and measured the activities at 1300, 1593, and 1573 K,
gram. Compared with the experimental data,22,25,28–30 as
respectively. Electromotive force (EMF) measurements
shown in Fig. 1(b), the calculated diagram is in good
with the electrochemical cell technique were used by
agreement with the experimentally determined phases
Oshi et al.43 between 1173 and 1373 K and Sengupta et
boundaries. In addition, the invariant reaction tempera-
al.44 at 1073 K. All authors obtained activities of Cu and
tures calculated in this study are in good agreement with
Sn with negative deviation from Raoult’s Law. Alcock
the experimental data listed in Table III. As mentioned
and Jacob45 used a gas–solid equilibration technique to
previously, the ⑀-Cu3Sn and /⬘-Cu6Sn5 phases are
measure the chemical potential of Sn in the terminal solid
relatively stable and are usually formed at Cu/Sn alloy
solution of Cu-side at 1000 K. Sommer et al.46 and
interfaces.1–10 However, in the previous optimizations of
Predel and Schallner47 used an EMF technique to meas-
the Cu–Sn system11–13,18 the important intermetallic
ure the same variable at 1000 K.
compounds, ⑀-Cu3Sn and /⬘-Cu6Sn5, were treated as
C. Invariant reactions line compounds. This brought certain difficulties in the
assessment of the corresponding higher-order systems
The Cu–Sn phase diagram reported by Saunders and
since those phases exhibit considerable ternary solubili-
Miodownik18 has three peritectics, two peritectoids, four
ties in many systems.4–10 The Cu–Sn system was suc-
eutectoids, one metatectic, one congruent transformation,
cessfully optimized with suitable homogeneous ranges in
and one eutectic reaction. All data concerning invariant
the ⑀-Cu3Sn and /⬘-Cu6Sn5 phases.
reactions used for the assessment procedure are listed in
The liquidus line of Cu–Sn system was fitted well with
Table III.
the previous optimization of liquid phase by Shim et al.13
and Liu et al.14 However, both proposed models have
IV. MODELING PROCEDURE independent on temperature enthalpy of mixing, and they
The thermodynamic parameters for all phases in the do not match the thermodynamic properties experimental
system were optimized using ThermoCalc software.48 measured at different temperatures.33–44 Therefore, the
TABLE III. Invariant reaction data and the calculated results.
Phase Parameter
0 BCT_A5
GCu ⳱0
LCu,Sn ⳱ 0
0 BCT_A5
FIG. 3. Calculated activities of Sn at 1073 and 1573 K and the su- FIG. 5. Calculated activity of Sn in solid state at 1000 K where Sn
perimposed experimental results. Both components referred to liquid. referred to liquid and Cu referred FCC_A1 structure and the superim-
posed experimental data.
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