MyEd Report Sample CSL Option 1

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Communicating Student Learning wi, Valleyciie Elomentary 38430 Westway Ave ‘Squamish BC vas ows = 604-892-9394 ‘School Message We are committed to engaging all students with personally relevant and flexible learning, empowering them to acquire the competencies vital for success in their future. Student Plans And Programs Individual Education Plan [] Performance Standard Descriptors Emerging: The student demonstrates an initial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning, Developing: The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. Proficient: The student demonstrates a complete understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. Extending: The student demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning. CAREER LIFE EDUCATION - GLOBAL COMMENT — The evaluations below are based on a variely of ongoing assessment activities specific fo the BC curriculum. Evidence of your child's progress has been communicated throughout the term. The points of progress indicate how your child is progressing in relation to the learning standards and what your child can do next to extend their understanding, I'm impressed with WINN steady progress in all subject areas this year in grade 5. Ithas been a pleasure to get to know her and watch her confidence build. MNIEBPEontinues to require support to remain positive about math. She has gained alot of skils including knowing her basic facts quickly. AINE! am proud of ‘hat you have accomplished in math this year and you should be proud of all you have learned and the effort you have put into the work. Over the summer MMB would benefit from using the IXL log into review and practice math concepts. Keep reading, writing and learning 44MM. Continue with a positive attitude towards all your learning. Enjoy your summer SNMMB and we will see you for grade six. Page 1 of 4 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 5 hntes/ouniculum gov.necafcuriculunvenglishlanguage-ateS Big idea: Exploring and sharing multiple perspectives extends our thinking, ‘Students read novels of their choice and participated in a number of book talks about their novel. Reading: Proficient ‘Students worked on developing skills in comprehension and fluency by reading a variety of texts, including their novels, Writing: Developing Students offered direct responses to their reading experiences supported by reasons, examples, and details. ‘They continued to practice applying conventions of spelling, grammar and punctuation Next Step: Write down your thoughts on post it notes as you read so that your response is relevant to the ‘event in the novel. Oral Language: Proficient During book talks students share summaries, share responses to an event and read aloud to a small group. Final: PROFICIENT MATHEMATICS 5.!5 Big Idea: to explain and justify mathematical ideas and dacisions Students worked on: one step equations. -perimeter of complex shapes -area of square, rectangle, triangle and trapezoid volume of rectangular prisms probability - predicting outcomes of independent events Next Step: review and practice number concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole umber and decimal numbers. ‘Ways to Support: For extra practice use your log in for IXL math. All concepts for grade 6 can be reviewed and practiced Final: DEVELOPING ARTS EDUCATION 5 htpsscuriculum calcuricuum/ats-education’s Final: PROFICIENT FRENCH 5 ntps:ieuriculum cacuniculumicore stench Final: PROFICIENT Page 2 of 4 PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION 5 ‘Term: PROFICIENT'S ‘Students continue to focus on safely and playing by the rules. They leamed some skills for foor hockey and basketball, which included passing, shooting and working with a team. The goal continues to be: participate fully, show a positive attitude and do your best. SCIENCE 5 ‘Term: PROFICIENT ‘ntps:euricutum caleuriculumiscioncalS Big [dear Systems of the human body work together. Students learned about the basic structures and functions of different body systems: digestive, muscular-skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and reproductive, SOCIAL STUDIES 5 Term: PROFICIENT htips:ouriculum gov-be-calcuriculumisocalstudos!S Big Idea: Poverty is found everywhere, Students watched and responded to “The Change Series" about the cycle of poverty. Students asked ‘questions, made inferences, and compared view points on the issue of global poverty. I - | APPLIED DESIGN SkILLS AND TECHNOLOGIES 5 ‘Term: PROFICIENT | ‘nips:eurteulum gov.becalcurtculumads¥ ‘Students continue to use tools and technologies to extend their capabiliies when completing a task. We ‘continue to fog into ixi math as a source of review and raz kids to support reading, This term students have Used the MAP portfolio to gather a collection of evidence. CAREER EDUCATION 5 ‘Term: PROFICIENT | tps:iouriculum!s We have continued to use skils of reflection to set realistic short term learning goals and self assess Progress. Students monitor progress to define a path for success. | COMPETENCY UPDATE | Critical Thinking: Our focus this term was CRITICAL THINKING. Students learned how to think eriically by; asking questions, considering their options, making an informed decision and then explaining their thinking or rationalizing their choice. We worked on this in a variely of ways from discussions about poverty, responses to videos, text and pictures. Students practice responding to events in their novels. Each child is responsible for assessing their own progress in critical thinking and that evidence will be provided in various. ways throughout the year. Page 3 of 4 ATTENDANCE RECORD FOR 2021 posent = 0 10 Page Ape My 4 of

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