Makalah Kel.5 ESP
Makalah Kel.5 ESP
Makalah Kel.5 ESP
Group 5 :
T/P 2022
First of all, thanks to Allah. swt because of the help of Allah, we finished writing
thepaper entitle. “Designing Lesson Plan of English For Spesific Purpose” The purpose
in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr Sugeng Riyadi, M.Pd as
lecturer in English For Spesific Purposes major.
In arranging this paper, group 5 truly get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many individuals, those obstructions could pass. We as group 5 also realized there
arestill many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, we says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of
writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. The group 5 realized
that this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then we hopes the criticism
from the readers can help the writers in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least
hopefully, this paper can help the readers to gain more knowledge about English For
SpesificPurposes major.
Group 5
CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................................................................... 4
Background ......................................................................................................................... 4
Formulation of The Problem ............................................................................................... 4
The Purpose of The Problem............................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................... 5
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 16
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 17
A. Background
Lesson plans have been described by many authors as a "scheme of work" or a "map"
which indicates to the teacher the work which has to be covered in the brief time allowed. This
"map" also shows how to carry out the assignment. During the actual lesson the teacher has to
make innumerable decisions and they must be made fast. Without previous planning teacher will
probably not find the best linguistic examples or be able to foresee, on the spur of the moment,
which activity best suits the learning needs of a particular group.
One lesson does not exist by itself. It is related to the aims of the curriculum and to the
lesson that precedes and follows. It is more efficient to think in terms of preparing a series of
connected lessons- commonly called a "teaching unit". This unit could represent the work
covered in the language class over an extended period- say three weeks or months. It is then
broken down into daily lesson plans. Only individual lessons will be discussed here, but it should
be borne in mind that they form part of a greater whole.
We are going to focus on foreign language learning cycle. Specific steps need to be
followed in a certain order, and the ordering needs to be cyclical. The cyclical succession of
interrelated steps in the process of learning is what we call a learning cycle. The steps should be
interrelated in such a way that they facilitate the gradual transformation of linguistic knowledge
into free and spontaneous use of communicative skills.
A. Definition Of Lesson Plan
A lesson plan is the instructor‟s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done
effectively during the class time. Then, you can design appropriate learning activities and
develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. Having a carefully constructed lesson
plan for each 3-hour lesson allows you to enter the classroom with more confidence and
maximizes your chance of having a meaningful learning experience with your students.
A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key components:
Learning Objectives
Learning activities
Assessment to check for student understanding
A lesson plan provides you with a general outline of your teaching goals, learning objectives,
and means to accomplish them, and is by no means exhaustive. A productive lesson is not one in
which everything goes exactly as planned, but one in which both students and instructor learn
from each other. You may refer to an example of a 3 hour lesson plan.
experience rather than what the learner will be exposed to during the instruction (i.e. topics).
Typically, it is written in a language that is easily understood by students and clearly related to
the program learning outcomes. The table below contains the characteristics of clear learning
Characteristic Description
Clearly stated tasks Free from jargon and complex vocabulary; describe specific and
achievable tasks (such as „describe‟, „analyse‟ or „evaluate‟)
NOT vague tasks (like „appreciate‟, „understand‟ or „explore‟).
Important learning Describe the essential (rather than trivial) learning in the course
goals which a student must achieve.
Achievable Can be achieved within the given period and sufficient resources
are available.
Fair and equitable All students, including those with disabilities or constraints, have
a fair chance of achieving them.
Linked to course and Consider the broader goals - i.e. course, program and
program objectives institutional goals.
The Bloom‟s Revised Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is a useful resource for crafting
learning objectives that are demonstrable and measurable.
What will I do to explain the topic?
What will I do to illustrate the topic in a different way?
How can I engage students in the topic?
What are some relevant real-life examples, analogies, or situations that can help students
understand the topic?
What will students need to do to help them understand the topic better?
Many activities can be used to engage learners. The activity types (i.e. what the student is doing)
and their examples provided below are by no means an exhaustive list, but will help you in
thinking through how best to design and deliver high impact learning experiences for your
students in a typical lesson.
Activity Type Learning Description
Students are more likely to Quiz Exercise to assess the level of student
retain information understanding and questions can take
presented in these ways if many forms, e.g. multiple-choice, short-
they are asked to interact structured, essay etc.
with the material in some
Student Oral report where students share their
presentation research on a topic and take on a position
and/or role
Interaction with digital Game Goal-oriented exercise that encourages
content collaboration and/or competition within a
controlled virtual environment
Interaction with others Debate Verbal activity in which two or more
differing viewpoints on a subject are
presented and argued
Problem solving and Case Study Detailed story (true or fictional) that
Critical thinking students analyse in detail to identify the
underlying principles, practices, or
lessons it contains
The process of reflection
starts with the student
thinking about what they
already know and have
experienced in relation to
the topic being
explored/learnt. This is
followed by analysis of why
the student thinks about the
topic in the way they do,
and what assumptions,
attitudes and beliefs they
have about, and bring to
learning about the topic.
It is important that each learning activity in the lesson must be (1) aligned to the lesson‟s
learning objectives, (2) meaningfully engage students in active, constructive, authentic, and
collaborative ways, and (3) useful where the student is able to take what they have learnt from
engaging with the activity and use it in another context, or for another purpose.
o giving feedback to students on how to improve their learning, as well as giving
feedback to instructors how to refine their teaching
1. Gain attention: Obtain students‟ attention so that they will watch and listen while the instructor
presents the learning content.
o Present a story or a problem to be solved
o Utilize ice breaker activities, current news and events, case studies, YouTube videos, and
so on. The objective is to quickly grab student attention and interest in the topic
o Utilize technologies such as clickers, and surveys to ask leading questions prior to
lecture, survey opinion, or gain a response to a controversial question
2. Inform learner of objectives: Allow students to organize their thoughts regarding what they are
about to see, hear, and/or do.
o Include learning objectives in lecture slides, the syllabus, and in instructions for
activities, projects and papers
o Describe required performance
o Describe criteria for standard performance
3. Stimulate recall of prior knowledge:
o Help students make sense of new information by relating it to something they already
know or something they have already experienced.
o Recall events from previous lecture, integrate results of activities into the current topic,
and/or relate previous information to the current topic
o Ask students about their understanding of previous concepts
4. Present new content: Utilise a variety of methods including lecture, readings, activities,
projects, multimedia, and others.
o Sequence and chunk the information to avoid cognitive overload
o Blend the information to aid in information recall
o Bloom's Revised Taxonomy can be used to help sequence the lesson by helping you
chunk them into levels of difficulty.
5. Provide guidance: Advise students of strategies to aid them in learning content and of resources
available. With learning guidance, the rate of learning increases because students are less likely
to lose time or become frustrated by basing performance on incorrect facts or poorly understood
o Provide instructional support as needed – as scaffolds (cues, hints, prompts) which can be
removed after the student learns the task or content
o Model varied learning strategies – mnemonics, concept mapping, role playing,
o Use examples and non-examples
o Provide additional practice
Estimate how much time each of the activities will take, then plan some extra time for
When you prepare your lesson plan, next to each activity indicate how much time you
expect it will take
Plan a few minutes at the end of class to answer any remaining questions and to sum up
key points
Plan an extra activity or discussion question in case you have time left
Be flexible – be ready to adjust your lesson plan to students‟ needs and focus on what
seems to be more productive rather than sticking to your original plan
Check for student understanding and inform subsequent instruction (adjust your teaching
Emphasise key information
Tie up loose ends
Correct students‟ misunderstandings
Preview upcoming topics
There are several ways in which you can put a closure to the lesson:
ask all students to write down on a piece of paper what they think were the main points of
the lesson
It is very important for teachers to understand the role each of these steps, (or stages), play in the
learning process and to know how to design activities for each of them. Some experienced
teachers declare that the distinction the steps that involve practice of different types is sometimes
hard to define and this causes teachers not to know how to tell a controlled activity from a guided
In this step the goal is to cause the students to feel the need to communicate using what they
already know. Motivate them to learn the new content. The students" freedom to choose
linguistic structures is for the most part high, because they can use the language they know to
express meaning. It is medium when the teacher induces them to feel the need to use new
language items. The teacher"s role is to encourage, motivate, interact, elicit.
The main goal is to cause the students to discover regularities in the linguistic phenomena, as
well the interrelation between culture and language. The students" level of involvement is high,
of course, in a conscious process of discovery and generalization. The students" freedom to
choose linguistic structures is high. In discovering regularities, students are not expected to use
specific language items. The teacher"s role is to encourage students to disclose and define, ask
Develop linguistic habits, (accuracy). Imitation, substitution and sentence enlargement drills are
very useful in this step. The students" level of involvement is high (imitative, reproductive and
conscious). The students" freedom to choose linguistic structures is low. The teacher controls the
students" output. The teacher"s role is to show, listen, model, correct. Error correction is of
paramount importance in the step.
Develop accuracy and fluency: gradually move from sentence to text/discourse structure, this
will be the main goal. The students" level of involvement is high: conscious and gradually
coming from reproductive to productive. The students" freedom to choose linguistic structures is
medium. The teacher allows certain freedom, but still guides the students" output. The teacher"s
role is to monitor, ask, interact, correct. Correction in this stage focuses on sentence- level
accuracy and beyond-sentence fluency.
The main goal in this step is to cause the students to interact fluently using the new language
content. Students" level of involvement is high, (productive). The students" freedom to choose
linguistic structure is high. At this stage, the tasks designed focus on what to say, and not on how
to say it. The new language content will be used in communication. The teacher"s role is to
monitor, interact, correct for the sake of effectiveness in the process of communication
(linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse issues).
CREATIVE APPLICATION: The main goal is to cause the students to communicate on their
own outside the classroom environment. Students" level of involvement is high (creative). This
step may involve student-generated projects in whose design teachers may have little or no
participation. The students" freedom to choose linguistic structures is very high and teachers are
not generally present.
We adapted specifically this step in our lesson plan from Font"s foreign language learning cycle,
taking into account the needs of our students have. For example, the main goal is to cause the
students to communicate on their own not only outside the classroom environment but also
inside the wards on the-job training sessions.
It is the step where the students are rewarded for their efforts. They have had considerable
preparation during controlled and guided practice steps. Creative application is a "skill-using"
stage during which student should be prepared to take risks. They will try to incorporate their
recent language acquisitions into their existing repertoire in order to help produce the original,
creative discourse appropriate to the needs of the particular activities.
These activities at this step often take the form of task. This type of learning activity allows
group work and problem solving. Students will concurrently develop their own strategies to
ensure successful communication and interaction. Students need to know how to put into effect
such strategies as paraphrasing, defining, explaining, opening and closing conversations, and
interrupting in order to assure a conversational turn. That"s why the teacher"s role in this step is
a supportive one. He must suppress the urge to correct and interrupt unnecessarily.
The teacher should listen to what the students are really trying to say. He may have to guess at
the students" meaning and encourage reformulation of the message in some cases.
During the course of the interactions, he could also note which linguistic or pragmatic mistakes
really impeded meaningful interaction. Such mistakes should be dealt with later during another
"controlled and guided practice" session, let teacher review the main points.
From these general considerations, the teacher now moves on to the preparation of the lesson
itself. The needs of the learners and the demands of the program have been taken into account.
At this point the creativity, intelligence, and imagination of the teacher come into play. Hard
work and talent also help.
Here is a list of some the advantages to be gained from thorough planning of each individual
These are only some of the advantages to be derived from lesson planning. Let"s say, in
summary, that it enhances our sense of professionalism, that it increases our control of teaching
and learning and that, last but not least, it allows us greater enjoyment of teaching.
Furthermore, in the light of what the professional educators tell us, we have no choice. As Edwin
Ralph (1989:140) puts it "…to fail to plan is to plan to fail".
A. Conclusion
Lesson plan is the instructor‟s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be
done effectively during the class time.A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key
components: learning objectives, learning activities, assessment to check for student
understanding.Lesson plan provides you with a general outline of your teaching goals, learning
objectives, and means to accomplish them, and is by no means exhaustive.
There is 6 steps for preparing your lesson plan before your class, : Identify the learning
objectives, Plan the specific learning activities, Plan to assess student understanding, Plan to
sequence the lesson in an engaging and meaningful manner, Create a realistic timeline, Plan for a
lesson closure.
Lesson plan make students know what they will be learning and doing in class will help
keep them more engaged and on track. Providing a meaningful organisation of the class time can
help students not only remember better, but also follow your presentation and understand the
rationale behind the planned learning activities.
Ambrose, S., Bridges, M., Lovett, M., DiPietro, M., & Norman, M. (2010). How learning
works: 7 research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Fink, D. L. (2005). Integrated course design. Manhattan, KS: The IDEA Center.
Retrieved from
Richardson, J.C., & Swan. K. (2003). Examining social presence in online courses in
relation to students' perceived learning and satisfaction. Journal of Asynchronous
Learning Networks 7(1), 68-88.