SUBJECT: - HISTORY AND CIVICS PRACTICE WORKSHEET – 2 NAME: ___________________ Date: - 13/10/21 STD:- VIII DIV:- Roll No. ______
Chapter – Rise of Indian Nationalism
Q.1 Answer the following in one or two sentences:
a) What is Nationalism? b) How did Western education help in accelerating the national movement? c) Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress held?
Q.2 Give reasons for the following:
a) Mention two reasons for the rise of nationalism in India. b) The British introduced Western education in India. c) The chances of Indian candidates joining the Civil Services were greatly reduced.
Q.3 Answer the following briefly:
a) How did the Western education help the Indians? b) Mention any three points that exposed the true nature of British rule. c) Explain the role of national literature in the rise of nationalism.
Q.4 Write short notes on:
a)Vernacular Press (3 points)
Q.5 Observe the given image and answer the following questions. This is the picture of a retired British official of the Civil Service.
a) Identify the person.
b) Name the political organisation founded by him? c) When was it formed? d) What were the aims of this organization? (Any 2)
Q.6 Think and answer the following:
a) Why do you think western-educated Indians took the lead in raising national consciousness and political opinion in India?