A Typical Quantity Surveying Office in The Public Sector
A Typical Quantity Surveying Office in The Public Sector
A Typical Quantity Surveying Office in The Public Sector
Of course, it can be a challenge to design an office space. But there are some important aspects
one should think about before charging forward lock stock and barrel to make things easier. For starters,
they will be considering anything from the optimal floor layout to better ergonomics to the noise level in
the workspace — all for the sake of happier workers, better productivity and other benefits. While an
open layout would be most recommended so that each employ can personalize their working space for
optimal performance, some factors must be considered as listed below.
1. Ergonomics: A good office design ensures that employees can work without
discomfort or pain. On the other hand, disorganized and cluttered space leads to
wasted time looking for supplies while also contributing to feelings of stress and
frustration — all things which can contribute to physical pain.
2. Workflow: Whether horseshoe-shaped, cluster, a straight line, circular or other
setups, the office floorplan needs to make the flows of work as seamless and
efficient as possible.
3. Maximization: Space can be costly. As such, all real estate in the office should
be optimized while still giving enough space to promote the well-being and
efficiency of the staff.
4. Unrestricted Movement: Clutter and cramped conditions in the office may
reduce efficiency. These problems can be remedied by better organization and by
providing enough room for unrestricted movement in the office floor plan. Also,
the furniture and equipment should be positioned to allow better access to
cleaning, maintenance and egress in cases of emergency. Technological
requirements should be considered here too.
5. Allocation: When divvying up real estate to different departments, the degree of
relationship of one department to another is taken into account.
6. Uniformity: Furniture, equipment and tooling used in an office should be uniform
to guarantee flexibility and a pleasing, calming appearance.
7. Compatibility: Office systems and procedures must be compatible with the office
layout for employees to be efficient. To attain this, make sure employees and
equipment are positioned to fit and make logical sense when used with the
procedures and office systems in operation.
8. Safety: Safety in the office is a very crucial aspect. Fire exits, emergency exits
and fire alarms should be provided and clearly marked to ensure the safety of
staff and visitors.
9. Facilities and Special Spaces: For a good office design, one should incorporate
facilities such as handicap-friendly restrooms, water fountains, and breakrooms
with kitchenette, telephone, fax and internet. Special spaces to include in the plan
include attractive reception rooms and conference rooms.
10. Provisional Space: If it is company that is growing, chances are the team will
require more meeting spaces or working spaces. Provisional space, or flex space,
is what one plans for before they outgrow their current office layout. This plan can
mean a physical expansion or alternative office solutions like co-working spaces,
hot desks or virtual offices.
11. Cost: How much the office layout is going to cost should definitely be taken into
consideration too because it can really add up if one does not design their floor
plan properly.
12. Type of Office Layout: When it comes to types of office layouts, an important
factor to consider is whether it should be open-plan or private.
QS firms heavily bank on the skills, expertise, and knowledge of quantity surveyors to
address clients’ needs. Thus, employees are indispensable to QS firms since they are service-
based organizations providing expert advice, services and consultancy. Moreover, possessing
the right employees is critical to success since firms’ knowledge rests in the minds of people
instead of in databases or formal documentation. Further, knowledge sharing among individuals
is a process that contributes to both individual and organizational learning. In order to retain and
share knowledge among employees, the development of a portal that is readily accessible to all
employees is crucial. Nonetheless, since the majority of firms do not adequately focus on
knowledge management at present, knowledge is often lost when valuable employees leave the
organization. This article studies the various levels in the hierarchical structure of a QS firm.
They are answerable to the Cabinet Secretary for Public Works, as they are the
head of the Department of Quantities and Contracts. They serve as the secretaries
to the BORAQS.
I. Crosschecks and approves BQs and Specifications, contractual claims,
technical evaluation reports and final accounts for all building projects.
II. Works together with the PSQS to shortlist contractors in the case of
restricted tendering.
III. In charge of technical administration of reports and policies of QS nature
as assigned by the CQS.
IV. Represents the CQS in the contractors Registration Committee in case of
I. He organizes and coordinate seminars or workshops for training programs in collaboration with
human resource department
II. He or she controls contractor documentation and tendering for all building projects and
maintenance contracts with the help of the contract documentation officer.
III. He or she at is an alternative member in the ministerial training committee.
Include the personnel in the office that facilitate the carrying out of QS tasks, without being directly
involved in the procedures.
Include cleaners. Receptionists and drivers.
The functions of a client’s or consultant’s quantity surveyor are broadly classified into
three stages
1. At pre contract stage
2. Post contract duties
3. After construction
Preparing an approximate cost estimation at the design stage and advising the design team
about alternative materials, construction types and the financial aspects of contracts.
Ensuring that the client gets the best value for his money by planning the cost at the design
Preparing the bills of quantities and taking out quantities from drawings.
Preparing tender documents and calling for tenders.
Evaluating tenders and tender reports preparation.
Giving advice regarding the best form of contract for a specific project.
After Construction
Preparing the final accounts report and agreeing the totals with the client’s quantity surveyor.
Estimating the bills of quantities for contracts based on drawings and specifications.
Preparation of payment statements.
Collecting information of various operations and under which conditions they occurred.
Preparing list of materials for projects in hand using working drawings and bills of quantities.
Advising the contract manager to prepare construction program, progress chart etc.
Agreeing on domestic sub-contractor’s account.
Assisting the manager to control the costs of the project.
The functions of a contractor’s quantity surveyor are different from that of a client’s
quantity surveyor.