Uncanny Curse of Sekhmet CoC

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by J.C .


About the Adventure

ments from capturing the famed gangster Skeet Skitshaw,
The Uncanny Curse of Sekhmet is a low horror, high adven- a Chicago bank robber who escaped prison, took a trip
ture pulp Call of Cthulhu scenario – although it can be easily to Europe, and robbed four more banks as part of his va-
translated to other pulp-style systems (a GURPS Cliffhang- cation. With a big bounty on his head, the investigators
ers version is also available on 1shotadventures.com). Set in tracked Skeet and his girlfriend to Rome. They barely get
August 1936, the adventure hurls the heroes across Italy and onto his getaway plane just as it takes off, only to find their
Egypt in a search for the legendary Tomb of Hetshepsut. cover blown and guns drawn.
Racing against them to find the treasures of ancient Egypt
is the Testament of Vipers, a rogue group of nefarious mer- After surviving the incident in the air, the investigators
cenaries who are desperate to replenish their funds so that find themselves stranded near the ancient, cliffside city of
they can influence the fate of Europe before war breaks out. Calcata. There, a young woman begs them to rescue her
retired father, an acclaimed theology professor. The pro-
The Uncanny Curse of Sekhmet is suitable for three-to-five fessor has been taken captive by Count Malefik, a cruel
characters. The end of the adventure includes six pregener- man who leads a secretive group of mercenary revolution-
ated pulp characters – players can add pulp talents! aries called the Testament of Vipers.

Characters introduced for the first time in the adventure The Vipers are completely out of funds and are searching
are noted in ALL-CAPS. Skill rolls are in Small-Caps. Sec- for the location of the Tomb of Hetshepsut, which suppos-
tions marked with a map are side-quests and adventure edly contains a vast treasure of forty golden chariots. The
hooks, and not important to the overall plot of the adven- Count believes one of the old professor’s medieval manu-
ture. Sections marked with a person are opportunities scripts describes the location of the tomb and its riches.
for specific investigators, notably the pregenerated charac-
ters from the end of this adventure. The manuscript points the investigators to an archaeo-
logical dig at Leontopolis, ancient Egypt’s City of Lions.
Adventure Summary Hidden at the site is a description of the location of Het-
shepsut’s tomb. The Vipers, however, are difficult to out-
Like most pulp serials, The Uncanny Curse of Sekhmet be- maneuver. They ambush the investigators in an attempt to
gins in the middle of the action. The investigators are mo- kill them and retrieve the location of the Tomb of Het-
shepsut for themselves.
After fending off the Vipers, the investigators find them-
selves at the ancient pseudo-pyramid of Meidum. Some- THE DESPERATION OF VIPERS
where in the ancient mastabas that surround the pyramid In the summer of 1936 it was clear that the British were going
to depart Egypt. The recently negotiated Anglo-Egyptian Treaty
is the chamber that holds Hetshepsut’s resting place... and
required all British troops to leave the country, except for about
a treasure that will make any man rich. Unfortunately, the 10,000 soldiers required to guard the Suez Canal.
investigators discover that the pyramid is being robbed by
a beautiful and obsessively curious German archaeologist The secretive mercenary group the Testament of Vipers were
and her team of treasure hunters. excited about the withdrawal. Without the British interfering in
local politics, the Vipers could infiltrate the Egyptian govern-
If the investigators outmaneuver their many foes and use ment and use the country as a base of operations. There was
their wits to discover the lost tomb, they discover the un- only one problem. The Testament was broke.
natural secret that awaits them at the eternal resting place
of Queen Hetshepsut...! The recent invasion of Manchuria had cost the secret broth-
erhood a fortune. Then a handful of Irish thieves pulled off a
stunningly-executed heist and stole the Testament’s remaining
The Skies of Viterbo, Italy, 1936... gold stash from their Swiss vault. In just a few years, the Tes-
tament had gone from being one of the world’s most effective
The adventure begins aboard an Imperial Airlines civilian and well-funded revolutionary mercenaries to being completely
airliner. Having just departed Rome, the plane is headed incapable of mounting even the smallest international mission.
north to Milan. The investigators boarded the plane hoping
to apprehend notorious bank robber SKEET SKITSHAW The leader of the Testament, COUNT MALEFIK knew that
times were changing. If he wanted to be a participant in the new
who is fleeing the country with a satchel full of stolen lire
world that was coming, he had to find funds fast. That’s when he
worth a half a million dollars. learned that Queen Hetshepsut’s undiscovered tomb hid forty
solid gold chariots inside... a find that would fund the Vipers for
Unfortunately, the heroes’ plan went south fast. Just after years to come! How hard could it be to locate the tomb of one of
takeoff, Skeet’s girlfriend BETTY SAGE recognized one of Egypt’s most famous pharaohs and rob it?
the investigators! Skeet pulled a gun on everyone, and now
there’s a tense standoff 8,000 feet in the air. Three kidnapped Egyptologists later, Count Malefik learned
that the site of Queen Hetshepsut’s tomb was harder to find than
he thought. He had discovered that its location was only hinted
If playing with the pregenerated characters, Betty rec-
at in the medieval manuscript, The Mourning of Janshai. There
ognizes Duke Duckworth, the detective investigating the were two copies of the papers in existence. One was in the li-
death of her friend, starlet Lauren St. James. Otherwise, the braries at Oxford, the other was held in the personal collection
Keeper can decide who Betty recognizes. of an Italian scholar, ALBERTUCCHIO DANIELI.

Skitshaw’s Crew Count Malefik went to Oxford to steal the papers. In a stroke of
In addition to the investigators, there are five passengers on ill-luck, the would-be theft was discovered by a British scholar
board the airplane, all of whom work for Skeet Skitshaw in named JAMES CURLE. Overhearing what Malefik was looking
some capacity. for while browsing the library, Mr. Curle stole the manuscript
• Skeet Skitshaw is at the front of the plane, his gun drawn minutes before the count could found it. Eventually chased,
locked in Oxford an office, and cornered, the scholar burned
and pointed at the investigators.
the book in a trash can and escaped out the window.
• Skeet’s right-hand goon, GEORGIE FELDSMAN is
next to him. Furious and more desperate than ever, Count Malefik knew his
• Skeet’s drunk girlfriend, Betty Sage, is behind Skeet, ex- last hope was to steal the second copy of The Mourning of Jon-
tremely annoyed that her vacation is being interrupted. shai from Albertucchio Danieli. He chartered a plane to Rome
• The pilot, Skeet’s uncle JOHN “FLYBOY” SKITSHAW, and tracked the old man down to his home in Calcata – which
is in the open cockpit, studying the map binder to fine is where the investigators find him...
tune his course to Milan. Note that on this older model
civilian plane, the cockpit is inaccessible from the pas- Keeper’s Note: A PC making a successful History roll will have
senger compartment! heard of the Testament, its leader, and its financial troubles.
Enough time and a Library Use roll can also uncover that Count
• Betty Sage’s new friend, up-and-coming Italian actress
Malefik was last seen in Oxford.
ELENA ALTIERI is in the lavatory due to airsickness.
She has no idea what’s going on in the cabin.

A Precarious Start THE HANDLEY PAGE W.8f
The investigators begin the scene in the rear of the passen-
ger compartment, staring down Skeet and Georgie. The old, three-engine Handley Page
airplane should have been retired
For added kickoff adrenaline, the investigators with the years ago, but when Skeet Skitshaw
wanted a plane immediately, Imperial
highest Pilot skill (if any) managed to talk themselves into
Airlines scrambled and made due.
a co-pilot role on the plane – and begins the adventure stuck
up front in the open cockpit with Skeet’s uncle. The investi- The Handley has an enclosed cabin
gator with Dex 50%+ and the lowest Luck was held up on for 12 passengers, along with two
the runway by some of Skeet’s friends... and is now desper- crew in an open cockpit. It was the
ately clutched on to the starboard wing of the bi-plane! first airliner to include an onboard
lavatory, which was located in the
Skeet points his revolver at one of the investigators in the center of the plane, behind the pas-
cabin; Georgie has his shotgun pointed in their general di- senger “saloon” and in front of the cargo area.
rection. The heroes’ one bit of leverage is that they managed
The hull of the aircraft is made from spruce and only provides
to grab Skeet’s briefcase, which has half a million dollars of
minimal protection. The large windows of the aircraft can be
stolen lire in it. Skeet is furious. slid open for ventilation, and are big enough for someone to slip
in and out of the plane.
Well look at this. Here I am, on my nice Italian vacation, The Handley Page W is not a fast plane by modern standards,
sitting in my nice plane, just minding my own business, just able to reach 103 mph. It can fly as high as 13,000 feet, but
when what happens? I’m interrupted by you idiot stool usually flies lower. The plane engines are noisy (all Listen rolls
pigeons. And you know what’s worse? You’re holding will be Hard inside the cabin).
MY suitcase with all MY money in it. Can you believe
these guys, Georgie? Trying to rob me on my own plane? Flying the Handley requires the Pilot skill.
So listen - here’s how it’s gonna work. I’m gonna give
you ten seconds to toss my girlfriend that case. And if into the cabin, or scramble to a window, slide it open, and
you don’t…? Well, let’s just say your cause of death’s
squeeze inside. It’s also possible to climb from the wing to
gonna be altitude sickness via lead poisoning…
the cockpit, but this involves climbing up the fuselage, to
the top of the plane, and then down into the small cockpit
Skeet’s also happy to remind them: (this feat requires a Climb roll to pull off).
When we land in Milan, I got twenty boys with tommy
Every few turns, the bad guys in the cabin should make a
guns waiting for me on the runway. And my uncle John- Hard Spot Hidden roll to notice the wing walker. This will
ny is flying this plane. What do you think’s gonna hap- certainly surprise Skeet and his allies inside the plane, but
pen to you if you lay a fat finger on me up here? Huh? they won’t take shots at the wing walker until they’ve dealt
with anyone inside the cabin first.
The Open Cockpit
John “Flyboy” Skitshaw is oblivious to any action inside the If Flyboy the pilot sees a wing walker, he’ll try to shake
plane. He’s just dutifully flying the plane to Milan. There’s him off by jinking the plane. This causes everyone inside to
no way for him to know what’s going on inside the cabin, make a Dex roll to stay on their feet! The wing walker must
unless someone physically signals to him from the wing. make a Dex or Str roll (whichever is higher) to grab on
Even gunfire will likely go unnoticed! for life. Moving safely while the plane is jinking requires a
Hard Dex roll! If the pilot fails to shake off the wing walker,
Wingwalking Outside the Plane he’ll pull his revolver and take a few shots at the daredevil.
If one of the investigators is on the wing of the plane, they
add a few new options to the scenario. The wing walker Dealing with Skeet
must deal with wind and turbulence and can move from The investigators have two big challenges to overcome on
strut to strut on the wing, but only at a slow walk. Any the plane. The first is Skeet and his trigger-happy goon
faster, and the wing walker must make a Dex roll to avoid Georgie pointing guns at them in the cabin. The second is
tumbling off! that Skeet’s plane is going to land in Milan, where Skeet’s
friends – armed to the teeth – are waiting there at the run-
Because the cockpit is open, anyone on the wing has a rea- way to pick him up. If they see something has gone amiss,
sonably clear shot at the cockpit. They can also get a shot they’ll shoot first and ask questions later.
The Skitshaw Gang
STR 65 DEX 60 INT 60 STR 55 DEX 60 INT 40
CON 60 APP 55 POW 70 CON 50 APP 50 POW 60
SIZ 50 EDU 35 HP 11 SIZ 55 EDU 30 HP 10

Damage bonus: none Damage bonus: none

Build: 0 Move: 9 Build: 0 Move: 8

Fighting (Brawl) 65%, damage 1D3 Fighting (Brawl) 60%, damage 1D3
Dodge: 40% Dodge: 40%

Skills: Charm 75%, Climb 40%, Drive Auto 50%, Fast Skills: Charm 35%, Climb 40%, Drive Auto 50%, Fire-
Talk 70%, Firearms 70%, Listen 45%, Psychology 40%, arms 60%, Listen 25%, Pilot 75%, Spot Hidden 50%.
Spot Hidden 60%.
Equipment: S&W .32 revolver (1D8 damage, base range
Equipment: S&W .38 revolver (1D10 damage, base range 15, uses per round 1(3), 6 shots, malfunction 100); aviator
15, uses per round 1(3), 6 shots, malfunction 100). hat and goggles; leather pilot’s jacket (1 armor point).

Personality: Lecherous, ill-tempered, and overconfident, Personality: Flyboy enjoys flying his nephew across Europe,
Skitshaw is having the time of his life. Unfortunately, he’s using his contacts with Imperial Airlines to secure planes that
barely holding on to his secrets - that he just started an remind him of his WWI flying days. He’s utterly loyal to his
affair with Elena Altieri, right under his girlfriend’s nose. family, though really just wants to relax on a sunny balcony.


STR 60 DEX 60 INT 40 STR 40 DEX 50 INT 35
CON 60 APP 65 POW 40 CON 60 APP 65 POW 40
SIZ 60 EDU 30 HP 12 SIZ 50 EDU 40 HP 11

Damage bonus: none Damage bonus: none

Build: 0 Move: 8 Build: 0 Move: 8

Fighting (Brawl) 70%, damage 1D3 Fighting (Brawl) 30%, damage 1D3
Fighting (Knife) 70%, damage 1D4+2 Dodge: 25%
Dodge: 30%
Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) 15%, Charm 60%, Drive Auto
Skills: Charm 55%, Climb 50%, Drive Auto 60%, Fast 30%, Fast Talk 40%, Firearms 35%, Listen 40%.
Talk 40%, Firearms 75%, Listen 50%, Spot Hidden
60%, Stealth 40%. Equipment: Bottle of champagne.

Equipment: Ithaca Auto & Burglar 20G (2D6/1D6/1D3 Personality: Usually drunk, tipsy, and wearing too much
damage, base range 10/20/50, uses per round 1 or 2, 2 shots, perfume, Betty Sage is almost always at her boyfriend’s side.
malfunction 100); razor-sharp dagger. She pretends to not have a clue where his money came from
too. However, she’s harboring a secret of her own - she re-
Personality: Skeet Skitshaw’s unhinged toady, messy-haired cently started a side relationship with the boyfriend of her
Georgie is dangerous and unpredictable... probably due to actress friend, Lauren St. James, just weeks before she was
the phantom voices only he can hear. found tragically murdered in Detroit!

There are a few good ways for the investigators to extricate
themselves from both situations, though clever players will Elena Altieri
find many more. In the cabin: STR 40 DEX 55 INT 60
CON 50 APP 65 POW 60
• While Skeet’s unlikely to peacefully cut a deal – he be- SIZ 45 EDU 50 HP 9
lieves he has all the leverage – he’s prone to keeping a
conversation going. A good Fast-Talk or other social Damage bonus: none
skill roll might distract him long enough to get the Build: 0 Move: 8
jump on him.
• Threatening to dump Skeet’s briefcase of stolen money Fighting (Brawl) 30%, damage 1D3
Dodge: 40%
out of the plane will also give him pause and keep him
talking. However, actually tossing the money out of the Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) 60%, Charm 70%, Drive Auto
plane will enrage the gangster... he’ll try to force the in- 30%, Psychology 30%, Spot Hidden 40%
vestigator out the window to “retrieve” his money.
• Skeet’s got a soft spot for Elena Altieri, who is in the lav- Personality: En route to her first real film shoot in Florence,
atory and green from airsickness. While his girlfriend (Queen of the Scala), Elena Altieri was thrilled when Skeet
Betty doesn’t know, Skeet’s recently started an intimate and Betty volunteered to fly her there in style. While Elena
relationship with Elena, who thinks he’s an upstanding, is a bright woman, she is ambitious and impulsive and has
wealthy American businessman. If the investigators no clue she’s in the company of wanted bank robbers. If
can put together the truth about Skeet and Elena, they she discovers this is the case, she’ll be horrified and want
nothing to do with Skeet and his friends. Once she lands
can probably tempt drunk Betty to get mad and smash
back on the ground, she will do everything she can to get
Skeet over the head with a champagne bottle. to her film set in Milan.
• The cargo area in the back of the plane can be accessed.
There are some canvas straps (good for tying people up),
several trunks filled with expensive clothes luggage, a A Safe Landing!
single parachute, and a large, sealed crate which is la- With some luck, the investigators can subdue Skeet and his
beled the “Sarcophagus of Princess Neferura” – though pals, and land the plane.
in reality is only a movie prop. A Spot Hidden roll can
find a heavy wrench in the back of the cargo area, left Safely the plane requires a Pilot roll, Hard if landing on a
during the last repair. In a pinch, it can be used as an road. A failure by indicates a rough landing; everyone takes
improvised weapon. 1 damage from bruises. A big failure rips the wheels off and
tears a wing off the plane – everyone inside takes 2D6 dam-
In the cockpit: age (anyone still on the wing takes 4D8 damage!).

• J. “Flyboy” Skitshaw is a skilled pilot with hundreds of Whether the plane landed in Rome or somewhere in the
hours flying bombers in WWI. Tricking him to believe country, it does not take long for the local Italian police to
that there’s a flight emergency is very difficult; he should arrive. Assuming Skeet Skitshaw and his friends survived
resist such tricks with his Pilot (75%) skill. the ordeal, they are quickly arrested and hauled off to be
• Intentionally causing a flight emergency (such as dis- tried for armed robbery. Of course, Skeet will vow revenge
abling a propeller) requires a Pilot roll. on the investigators for their involvement in his capture:
• Control of the aircraft can also be seized by knocking
Flyboy out. If an extended brawl breaks out in the cock- SKEET SKITSHAW
pit, there’s a great chance the map binder will fly from One day, when you’re least expecting it – bam, you’re
the plane, making long distance navigation harder. gonna feel lead FIRE burning through your skull!
• Once Flyboy loses control of the aircraft, a Navigate
roll (Hard if the map binder was lost) finds a destina- With expected arrogance, the Italian police do not offer
tion; locals can also try a Know roll. The options in- foreigners any reward or assistance after the apprehension
clude flying back to Rome, landing on an old country of the gangsters. If the investigators try to talk up the police
road, or landing in Milan (which is a terrible idea – and succeed in a Charm or similar roll, they’ll get a tip
three cars and a dozen well-armed men await Skeet’s that the nearby town of Calcata has some good food, but
plane on the single runway). If the pilot fails the Navi- to stay away from the old part of the town because it’s been
gate roll, landing on an old country road is the only recently ordered clear due to the instability of the cliffs.
real option.

If Elena Altieri is still with the investigators, she flirts with LANDING BACK IN ROME?
the police officers and convinces them to give her a ride to a
telephone so she can call her director and explain her delay. It is possible that the investigators wrenched control of the plane
back and were able to navigate back to Rome. In this case, the
The character Duke Duckworth was motivated to get on Keeper has a couple ways to get them to Calcata.
the plane to interrogate Betty Sage, who he suspected had
If the investigators made a good impression on Elena Altieri,
a key piece of information in the Lauren St. James murder she’ll rush off to call her film director to tell him that she will
case he’s working. If he can intimidate or otherwise con- be late to the set in Milan. He tells her to instead meet him in
vince Betty to spill the beans, she reveals that she had been Calcata, where he plans on doing some test photography (this
having an illicit relationship with Lauren’s boyfriend, Hob- actually is an opportunistic ruse to be alone with her). With
by Malcolm. And that one night, in his sleep, he screamed few other transportation options at her disposal, Elena begs her
“I’m gonna kill you, Lauren!” angrily. While this piece of in- friendsto escort her to Calcata, which is about 30 miles away.
formation isn’t important at all to this adventure, this gives
Duke a clue as to who the murderer might be in his big case. The other option to get everyone out of Rome is for the inves-
tigators to come under suspicion by the Italian police, who im-
mediately lock down the airport after Skitshaw is arrested. The
Calcata, Italy police don’t appreciate being shown up by foreigners! The police
captain will tell the investigators that unless they leave Rome
Assuming the investigators land on a country road, they immediately, he’s opening an investigation on them. With the
find themselves within sight of Calcata, an ancient fortified airport locked down, the investigators’ best option to leave the
town built on 150-foot tall volcanic cliffs. (If they landed far country is to drive north to Florence.
from the Italian countryside, see the text box “Landing Back
in Rome?” for ways to pull them back into the countryside.) Calcata Nuova
Because there are no hotels yet open in Calcata Nuova, a
An appropriate Area Knowledge or Current Affairs Charm roll is required to find someone who will rent a
roll recalls that the government recently condemned the spare room for the night. The room is located across the
city and forced residents out of Calcata because they feared street from a small restaurant, Il Massimo, which appears
the cliffs would collapse. Now, the former population is lo- to open at 8 p.m. The restaurant has a menu that offers deli-
cated in Calcata Nuova, just a mile or so away from the old cious gnocchi with red potatoes, lasagna with wild mush-
town. rooms, and a fantastic selection of local wines.
Sure enough, the road to the old town is barricaded and A successful Charm roll also picks up that the residents
closed. A handful of burly, rude police officers guard the are angry that Mussolini ordered the old town closed. The
barricade and yell at the investigators in Italian, saying that fascist national police quickly and brutally forced people
they cannot go into the old town unless they have four legs out of their homes over the last few months. They have
and are also a cat. If asked about nearby accommodations, even fired shots at people who have tried to go back to col-
the police bluntly tell them to walk a mile into the newer lect forgotten items. No one believes that the cliffs are actu-
part of town and ask around. ally unstable.

Dinner Interrupted
Just as the investigators are relaxing, and perhaps
espresso is being served to the table, the door the
small restaurant bursts in. A woman wearing a plain
white dress comes rushing in. She sobs at the feet of
LORENZO, the elderly owner of the restaurant.

First in Italian, and then in heavily accented English

as she notices the investigators paying attention to
her, MIRELLA DANIELI frantically tells her story.
She exclaims that her father, ALBERTUCCHIO has
just been abducted!

Albertucchio was forced from their nearby home by strange try to distract the Italian police who are guarding the
men and is being taken back to the old town. She describes entrance into the old cliffside town.
the strangers as bearded men all dressed in white shirts and • Mirella will also agree to help in any way she can, al-
wearing baggy black pants. Mirella recalls that her father though she’s not terribly skilled at covert operations.
gasped, “the vipers found me just as they did Mr. Curle!” She can give good directions to her old house at the
when they battered down the door to their cottage. Her fa- western edge of old Calcata.
ther urged her to hide in a closet, where she got a glimpse • If Mirella is asked about compensation for the rescue
of an older man who told her father he needed a look at his attempt, she’ll only say that her father has many rare
library, while he menacingly fingered a jeweled dagger. and valuable books still in his library, and that perhaps
one of those will be worth their effort.
Mirella begs Lorenzo to help, reminding him that he was
her father’s best friend, and without his help, she thinks
these “vipers” will execute her father, or cause him to disap-
pear, as so many others have disappeared recently. Alas, old
Lorenzo is too fearful to help, causing Mirella to go to the
investigators for their assistance. MIRELLA DANIELI
STR 40 DEX 55 INT 60
• Mirella doesn’t know who the older man was who CON 60 APP 75 POW 65
threatened her father. She explains that her father kept SIZ 45 EDU 75 HP 10
many books in a locked library in the cellar of their
original home in old Calcata. However, her father did Damage bonus: none
not have time to relocate his books to his their new Build: 0 Move: 8
home before the police forced him to relocate.
Fighting (Brawl) 30%, damage 1D3
• If asked about her father’s occupation, Mirella says that Dodge: 40%
he is retired, but was once a professor of theology at the
University of Padua. Skills: Drive Motorcycle 30%, Persuade 50%, Library
• An Archaeology roll recalls that James Curle is an ex- Use 60%, History 60%, Natural World 40%.
pert at Scottish archaeology and lectures at Oxford. A
Edu roll recalls that he recently was involved in a scan- Personality: A teaching assistant at the University of Flor-
dal where he got drunk and burned a valuable medieval ence, Mirella has taken the summer off to help her father
manuscript. relocate from old Calcata. She hates what Mussolini has
• A History roll identifies the aggressors as members of done to her country and is considering escaping with her
father to France in the fall.
the Testament of Vipers, a Turkish organization of mer-
cenaries that were once used by the German kaisers to Mirella talks a million miles a minute, and is not intimidated
perform kidnappings. The sect was founded and still by strangers. She’ll do anything to get her beloved father
led by COUNT MALEFIK, a once-wealthy man who back, although she won’t support outright violence.
wants to exert his will into national politics. Rumors
are that the count and
his group have run into
severe financial difficul-
ties lately.
• Old Lorenzo can be
guilt-tripped into of-
fering assistance with
a successful influence
skill or a Good or bet-
ter reaction roll. He’ll
loan the investigators his
precious 1912 Fiat Zero
Torpedo automobile. On
a great reaction to them
(perhaps with a Per-
suade roll), he offers to

Mirella insists that the investigators move fast. She fears the
Vipers will get what they want from her father and kill him. Carabinieri bullies
STR 65 DEX 65 INT 50
Entering Calcata Vecchia CON 60 APP 50 POW 60
There are multiple paths to the walled old city, but the only SIZ 60 EDU 35 HP 12
gate past the city’s wall is are guarded by six, well-armed ir-
ritable Carabinieri national police officers. Two motorcycles Damage bonus: +1D4
are near the men, along with a Fiat truck, its headlights on Build: 1 Move: 8
and engine running.
Fighting (Brawl) 65%, damage 1D3+1D4
Fighting (Baton) 50%, damage 1D4+1D4
The Carabinieri claim to know nothing about the kidnap-
Dodge: 35%
ping or the Vipers. The Carabinieri are under orders from
Count Malefik and his Vipers to not let anyone into the city. Skills: Drive Motorcycle 40%, Firearms 60%, Intimidate
They’ll quickly bully anyone who hangs outside too long. 55%, Law 40%, Listen 45%, Spot Hidden 40%.
No amount of diplomacy or fast-talking will get the inves-
tigators inside, although an obscene amount of bribery, at Equipment: Beretta Mod 1934 pistol (1D8 damage, base
least $300 for each man, will cause them to agree to patrol range 15, uses per round 1(3), 8 shots, malfunction 100);
in the opposite direction for a few minutes. Baton.

A Hard Climb roll enables someone to scale one of the city’s

vertical walls. A second roll enables them to climb down
into the city itself. A rope reduces the difficulty on the roll.
STR 65 DEX 60 INT 55
Unlucky climbers may find one or more of Calcata’s in-
CON 60 APP 50 POW 60
famous, feral cats waiting for them on the walls, ready to
SIZ 50 EDU 45 HP 11
loudly caterwaul when they see humans intruding into their
Damage bonus: none
Build: 0 Move: 8
Inside the walls, the city is being patrolled by two groups of
Vipers, each a handful of men. A good vantage point and Fighting (Knife) 65%, damage 1D4+2
an Spot Hidden roll can easily discovery this fact. While Dodge: 35%
Count Malefik ordered them to keep watch for nosy Cara-
binieri or townsfolk, only one of the groups is making a real Skills: Disguise 20%, Drive Automobile 40%, Firearms
effort to patrol the town. The other has broken into a house 55%, Intimidate 60%, Law 15%, Listen 50%, Spot Hid-
in the center of the city and looting it for valuables. den 40%.

Equipment: Fine large knife, Pickert Arminius Modell 10

Sneaking to the Danieli’s old house requires the investiga-
pistol (1D8 damage, base range 15, uses per round 1(3), 8
tors to either create some diversions to keep the patrol away shots, malfunction 100); plane ticket to Cairo; electric torch.
from them, or win an opposed roll of their Stealth vs. the
patrol leader’s Spot Hidden (40%). Inside the Danieli’s house, a Viper thug holds an older Be-
retta SMG (1D10 damage, base range 20, uses per round
If the one of the Viper groups spot the investigators, they’ll 1(2) or full auto, 25 shots, malfunction 96).
shout an alarm. The Vipers know that murdering locals is
bad for business, so they’ll first try to intimidate the inves- Personality: These Viper elites are utterly loyal to Count
tigators, brandishing their guns and knives and warning Malefik. After all, they haven’t been paid in months! They are
them they need to leave immediately. If the investigators intolerant of Italians (who they think are foolish after hear-
ing all the Count’s stories). They’ve also picked up a horrible
resist, the Vipers will violently try to expel them.
trademark of carving an eye into the flesh of their victims.

The Danieli House

Two Viper agents stand guard outside the door to the small
Danieli house. Dim lantern light can be seen inside the
house – the only house with light in the old town.

As the investigators come closer, a Listen roll hears muffled
shouting inside the house. If an investigator makes the roll COUNT MALEFIK
with a Hard success, he’ll hear one man warning another: STR 70 DEX 65 INT 55
CON 60 APP 55 POW 80
Unlock it faster! Else I think you are intentionally
stalling me, Albertucchio... Damage bonus: +1D4
Build: 1 Move: 9
This is the voice of Count Malefik. He is hurrying Albertuc-
chio to unlock the cellar door to his library. In a few mo- Fighting (Brawl) 80%, damage 1D3+1D4
Dodge: 35%
ments, Albertucchio finds the key on his massive keychain
and unlocks the padlock on the door.
Skills: Archaeology 35%, Firearms 60%, First Aid 40%,
Jump 40%, Intimidate 70%, Listen 90%, Psychology
The inside of the cottage is small – only a kitchen, living 70%, Spot Hidden 50%, Stealth 50%, Throw 40%.
room, and two small bedrooms. A small door in the kitchen
leads down stone steps to the heavy, medieval cellar door. Languages: English; Italian; Spanish; Turkish.

Inside the cellar is Albertucchio’s library, a room adorned Equipment: Pickert Arminius Modell 10 .32 revolver
with dusty centuries-old bookshelves and over a hundred (1D8 damage, base range 15, uses per round 1(3), 8 shots,
rare books on theology, mythology, and philosophy. malfunction 100); smoke grenade (7-yard radius for one
minute); airline ticket to Cairo (see Handout A).
As the investigators enter the house, they’ll hear Albertuc-
Personality: Ruthless and arrogant Count Malefik estab-
chio, Count Malefik, and a Viper armed with a submachine lished the Testament of Vipers when he realized that no
gun down inside the library. A bearded, spectacled Count political leader would give him an ounce of power unless
Malefik holds an old oil lantern and a revolver. he forced it. Unfortunately, his mind for details is severely
lacking, and his funds dwindled to nothing in just a few
“Now, you will pull the book I’ve asked for, professor...” years. Now he’s desperate to find a quick source of riches so
threatens the Count in a rich, deep voice. he can continue his surreptitious political work.

The count has exceptional hearing, and it is unlikely anyone

can sneak down the stairs without him hearing.

Confronting the Count

Count Malefik is here for one purpose – to recover the
single copy of The Mourning of Janshai, an illuminated
manuscript written by a monk who visited Egypt after his
brother died from the plague. Albertucchio Danieli has
the only known copy in existence. In all scenarios, the
count will use Albertucchio’s life as a bargaining chip.

If the investigators get the jump on the count and his min-
ion, it’s possible that they can defeat the Vipers and escape
with the professor. If a fire fight ensues, the count will do
everything he can to survive and escape. First, he’ll grab
Albertucchio to use him as a human shield. If this isn’t
working, he’ll throw his smoke grenade or oil lamp and
try to escape up the stairs. Meanwhile, his henchman will
be aggressively shooting away with his SMG to keep the
count safe.

If the investigators confront the count, he’ll be amused.

“You foreigners are all alike. You can’t help but sticking
your nose in other people’s business.”

The Count simply insists he is here for an old book “out of of the few women pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The queen
curiosity,” and says that he’ll let Albertucchio go once he is said to have been buried with forty, solid gold chariots.
gets what he wants. He is perfectly willing to make a trade Whoever found her tomb would be very rich!
for Albertucchio’s life.
An Archaeology or History roll recalls that archaeolo-
If the investigators let him proceed, Albertucchio points to gists have searched for Hetshepsut’s tomb since King Tut’s
an dusty, thin tome on his shelf, which Count Malefik will tomb was discovered in 1922, but all their digs have ended
happily take. At that point, Malefik will leave the house, still in vain.
using Albertuccio as a hostage to ensure his escape.
If the investigators ask about the other copy of the book
Count Malefik is ruthless, however, and does not want the at Oxford, Albertucchio tells how his acquaintance James
investigators to tell others about him. If given the opportu- Curle was chased by the Vipers for the exact book a few
nity, he’ll betray any deal the investigators make with him. weeks ago. Any further research on the topic, most likely
For example, if he makes it up the stairs, he might throw done through contacts, discovers that the second book was
his oil lamp down into the old bookshelves and then lock reportedly burned by a drunken professor six months ago.
the door the cellar, hoping to suffocate and burn his op-
ponents. Or, once out in the city, he will rendezvous with Albertucchio’s only explanation why the count wanted The
any surviving Viper patrols and order them to kill anyone Mourning of Janshai is it contains a story where the author,
emerging from the house. Finally, if he makes it out of the Vicar Eustace, was nearing the end of his sojourn in Egypt.
city, he’ll tell the Carabinieri to kill the investigators. (While He fell asleep in a place called the Contemplation Chamber
the Carabinieri are bullies, they don’t like the idea of killing of Sekhmet, where he received a vision of Queen Hetshep-
locals based on the orders of a foreign count; they can be sut visiting him and inviting him to live with her in his pal-
talked down or bribed.) ace. He believed the vision to be a warning that he would
be tempted by the devil if he stayed longer in Egypt, so he
Keeper’s Note: While Count Malefik will do everything pos- soon took a boat back to England. Albertucchio shows the
sible to escape with his life in this encounter, it’s okay if he investigators the page in the book (see Handout B).
doesn’t survive. It’s also fine if he doesn’t leave with the book!
In fact, it’s impossible for him to actually escape with The Albertucchio does not know where the Contemplation
Mourning of Janshai, because clever Albertucchio will give Chamber is located. The old man is a theologist and has
him the wrong book. As smart as Count Malefik is, he can’t little expertise or interest in mythology. To recall the loca-
read Latin, and in the heat of the moment, won’t think that tion of the chamber, the investigators must either rely on
the scared old professor has tricked him. contacts, or make an Archaeology, Occult, History, or
Library Use roll (using the dozens of books the professor
The Mourning of Janshai keeps in his newer house in Calcata Nuova). If the inves-
Once the investigators have rescued Albertuccio and es- tigators botch all the rolls, Mirella can recall the location!
caped the old city, the scholar invites them back to his new-
er cottage to thank them. (Keeper’s Note: If, in an unusual The ruined temple of Sekhmet is in the city of Leontopo-
turn of events Albertucchio is killed during the “rescue,” then lis, the “City of Lions,” located in the Nile Delta in Lower
Mirella can take over this role.) Egypt. In 1921, archaeologists unearthed a contemplation
chamber there.
Albertucchio pours everyone some strong grappa and
shows them the book that Count Malefik tried to steal:
The City of Lions, Egypt
I am mystified why the Vipers would want to steal this The ancient city of Leontopolis is located 39 miles north of
old book. It is not even one of a kind. There is another Cairo. The most direct route for the investigators is to fly
copy in the libraries at Oxford. But I’ve perused it sever- out of Florence and land in Cairo and then hire a driver to
al times, and it is merely the sad and scattered thoughts take them north to the dig site. The whole trip costs about
of Vicar Eustace, a priest who was overcome with grief $150 per passenger.
from the death of his brother. It has nothing to do with
the tomb that the count desperately sought. The dig site is several miles from civilization; the nearest
modern town is Mit Ghamr, located on the Nile, where a
Albertucchio goes on to explain that Count Malefik said that reasonable hotel can be found.
he was looking to find the tomb of Queen Hetshepsut, one
If the investigators hire a talkative
driver, or make an Archaeology
roll, they’ll learn that excavations are
actively underway on Leontopolis’
largest mound, which contains both
the palace of Ramesses II as well as
a temple to Ramesses III. The lead of
the site is the renowned Egyptologist
DR. C.C. EDGAR. He has come out of
retirement to lead the excavation. An
Archaeology or Edu roll recognizes
the name, as he was recently the direc-
tor of the Cairo Museum.

A local will also impart the informa-

tion that a squad of British army sol-
diers has recently been dispatched to
the dig site.

To officially gain access to the ruins,

the investigators need permission
from Dr. C.C. Edgar.

The Ruins of Leontopolis Dr. C.C. Edgar

The ruins themselves are not much to look at. Sand and C.C. Edgar is a famous Egyptologist and, until recently, the
dirt have long covered both the temple and palace here. The Director of Egyptian Antiquities for the Cairo Museum.
only sign of the city’s ancient existence are pieces of an in- Having gotten bored of studying papyrus back in the UK,
tact wall atop a hill, and a 20’ red-granite column that still and fearing Egypt will soon be pulled into war, he recently
stands and is well-preserved. On the same hill is a hole that came out of retirement to lead up the excavation of the
leads through the ceiling of Queen Kama’s burial chamber temple to Ramesses III. The director is in his mid-sixties,
and the Contemplation Chamber of Sekhmet. very Scottish and energetic, and utterly obsessed with an-
cient Egypt, especially Graeco-Roman Egypt.
A dozen or so archaeologists that are part of C.C. Edgar’s
group are present on the mound during the day. They are Dr. Edgar is excited to get western visitors. If the investiga-
busy digging in the southwest part of the mound, where the tors casually approach the ruins, he and some of his men
Temple to Ramesses III is being slowly uncovered. The men come over to openly greet them (although not without get-
are being guarded by two British soldiers, who mostly sleep ting the attention of the camp’s two British soldiers).
during the day but patrol the ruins at night.
On a Good reaction or better, Dr. Edgar invites the inves-
If the investigators are stealthy, they may be able to sneak on tigators to tour the archaeological site. He’ll show them the
to the mound and enter the burial chamber without anyone current dig site on the temple of Ramesses III, along with
finding out. This is most possible at night, although they’ll five beautiful bronze lions he recently recovered from it.
have to avoid the two British soldiers. If the British soldiers He’ll also show them other interesting artifacts, such as the
observe the investigators sneaking into the site, they’ll first Column of Merenptah and the entrance to Queen Kama’s
fire some warning shots to scare them off. If the soldiers burial chamber.
catch the investigators, they’ll question them see if they’re
up to no good. Due to the recent invasion of Ethiopia, the • If asked about the presence of the British soldiers, he
soldiers are extremely distrustful of Italians sneaking on to sighs and explains that a group of well-armed locals
the property. They assume they are spies and immediately recently tried to scare them away from the site. He
take them into custody. confides that they were members of a revolutionary
group know as the Testament of Vipers. He pulled
some strings and had a squad of soldiers stationed here
to protect the dig, which ends in a few months. Un-

fortunately, what started as a full squad of guards
has whittled down to just two as the British have
grown more nervous about an Italian invasion
from Ethiopia; the rest were recently sent to Suez.
• If asked more about the Contemplation Chamber,
Edgar explains that the two-room burial chamber
of Queen Kama was found in 1921. He laments
that her sarcophagus was badly damaged due to
water, but they recovered some jewels from her
mummy, which were sent to the Museum in Cai-
ro. The adjacent chamber, known as the Contem-
plation Chamber of Sekhmet, contained many
beautiful images of Egyptian mythology on the
walls, but much of the art was also destroyed by
water over the centuries. Other than the art, he
insists the chamber is empty and devoid of any-
thing valuable.
• Unless he has reason to suspect the investigators
mean to damage the site, C.C. Edgar allows them
to visit the chamber.

The Column of Merenptah The second room is the Contemplation Chamber of

This 20-ton sandstone column is in near-perfect shape. It is Sekhmet, which has walls painted with figures of Egyptian
a dedication to the Pharaoh Merenptah and his victory over mythology. The most prominent figure in the wall paint-
the Libyans that occurred around 1200 BC. ings is Sekhmet, a statuesque goddess with the head of a
lioness, said to be a warrior goddess and protector of the
Tool Storage and Truck pharaohs. Sadly, most of the paintings are rubbed away, de-
The archaeologists keep their heavier tools here, including stroyed by dripping water.
some winches, hemp rope, and additional tents. A ten-year
old Willys Overland Crossley lorry is here as well, which Someone studying the paintings and making a Hard Oc-
the archaeologists use to travel into town for food and other cult roll (due the damage) finds that most of the paint-
supplies. ings tell traditional stories of Sekhmet. There is, however,
an unusual story that seems to be unique to this tomb, one
Queen Kama’s Tomb where Sekhmet appears to be shielding a young Hetshep-
sut from fiery light (see Handout C).
A 6-foot diameter hole is cut into the rock here. Seven yards
below the surface lies the tomb of Queen Kama. Jumping The Secret Room
down without Jump skill is foolish (2D6 falling damage), Unknown to the archaeologists, the Contemplation Cham-
but investigators can find rope at the tool storage area. A ber holds a secret door in its south wall. The door is per-
Climb roll allows a person to shimmy down (or they can be fectly concealed and locked by ancient, master architects.
tied and lowered). The only way to unlock the secret chamber is to place over
200 lbs. of weight on the statue of Hetshepsut while some-
Due to its location below the water table, the floor of the one else pushes on the image of Sekhmet on the southern
tomb is wet, with up to three inches of water on the eroded wall of the Contemplation Chamber. This causes the statue
tile floor. to sink down into the floor up to its knees and the wall with
the image of Sekhmet to push inwards.
There are two connected chambers in the tomb – Queen
Kama’s burial chamber, which is empty and strewn only For someone to discover this architectural secret on their
with broken tiles and heaps of mud. A worn statue of Het- own, they’d have to thoroughly examine the room and suc-
shepsut, complete with a man’s beard on her chin, resolute- ceed a contest of Spot Hidden vs. the ancient architect’s
ly watches over both rooms. Architecture (94%) – very unlikely!

The tomb, however, is a strange place with eons of history
emanating from its walls. Anyone who sleeps in the cham- BRITISH SOLDIERS
ber will experience a strange dream that hints at the way the STR 60 DEX 60 INT 50
door is opened – exactly like Vicar Eustace did hundreds of CON 60 APP 50 POW 50
years ago when he wrote his book, The Mourning of Jonshai. SIZ 50 EDU 40 HP 11

The Dream of Eustace Damage bonus: none

Build: 0 Move: 9
A vivid dream visits those who sleep in the tomb. Dream-
ers see a large, golden lioness suddenly leap atop the room’s Fighting (Brawl) 60%, damage 1D3
statue, staring at them with the piercing yellow eyes of a Dodge: 35%
predator. The statue sinks into the ground from the lion’s
weight. As the dreamers back up to escape the lion, they Skills: Archaeology 10%, Drive Automobile 40%, Fire-
feel the room shrinking, their backs pressed against the cold arms 60%, Intimidate 35%, Law 40%, Listen 45%, Spot
wall of the tomb. Suddenly, the goddess Sekhmet appears Hidden 45%, Survival 50%, Track 30%
behind them, wrapping her arms around them, protecting
them from the lion. With that, the dreamers feel her pull Equipment: Enfield SMLE rifle (2D6+4 damage, base range
110, uses per round 1, 8 shots, malfunction 100); Brodie
them through the wall. The stone dissolves away and they
helmet (2 points of armor, rarely worn).
find themselves in a new chamber, beautifully preserved
and filled with polished, gold lion statues.

This dream should be a strong hint on how to find the secret VIPER RAIDERS
chamber. If the players can’t figure it out, the GM can give STR 55 DEX 60 INT 55
them some help. Perhaps a Spot Hidden roll allows them CON 60 APP 50 POW 65
to see the faint outline of a door surrounding the painting of SIZ 50 EDU 50 HP 10
Sekhmet, or finds the mysterious pressure mechanism pres-
ent in the room’s statue of Hetshepsut. Damage bonus: none
Build: 0 Move: 9
The Chamber of Lions
The hidden chamber is dry, somehow avoiding centuries Fighting (Knife) 60%, damage 1D4
of water damage. The room holds six brass lioness statues Dodge: 35%
which would be fantastically precious to any museum.
Skills: Drive Automobile 40%, Climb 35%, Firearms
60%, Intimidate 50%, Listen 40%, Spot Hidden 40%,
A lioness-headed stone statue of Sekhmet rules over the Throw 40%.
other lions. High above her head she holds a bronze and al-
abaster, single-masted boat. The artifact is the size of a large Additionally, Radames has EDU 70%, Archaeology 40%,
child’s toy but weighs 6 lbs. Removing the boat from her History 50%, and Intimidate 60%.
hands is easy as it is held loosely by the statue. The artifact is
very valuable, worth at least $2,500 to a reputable museum. Equipment: Most of the Vipers wield older Mauser Modell
10E rifles (2d6+1 damage, base range 100, uses per round
Carved on to the wall behind the statue is a depiction of a 1, 8 shots, malfunction 100). They also carry small knives
kept hidden in their boots.
five-stepped pyramid – the Meidum Pyramid, also known
as the “pseudo pyramid” – which any History or Archae-
Two of the raiders have Beretta SMGs (1D10 damage,
ology roll will identify. It is a unique stepped structure base range 20, uses per round 1(2) or full auto, 25 shots,
that looks markedly different from traditional pyramids. In malfunction 96). These men also carry one stick grenade
hieroglyphics underneath the pyramid is a description of apiece (4D10 damage / 3 feet).
Tomb of Hetshepsut (see Handout D):

“When the sun sets above Meidum and the shadows fall on involves rotating one of the bronze lions (a two man ef-
the mastaba tombs of the dead princes, Sekhmet’s pointed fort). Once this happens, the door reseals itself after about
shadow shall take the living to the sun halls of Hetshepsut.” one minute, giving anyone inside the room time to escape.

Once inside this secret chamber, a Locksmith roll can fig-

ure out how to reset the room’s locking mechanism, which

A Testament of Trouble The RAGING WATERS OF THE TOMB!
Unfortunately for the explorers, one of the C.C. Edgar’s as- Queen Kama’s burial chamber is located underneath the wa-
sistants is in league with the Testament of Vipers. When the ter table. The walls have been seriously weakened by the water
investigators arrived, he sent a message through one of the damage over the centuries. An Archaeology or similar roll
identifies that the tomb is in serious structural jeopardy.
locals who delivers meals to the archaeologists.
If the Vipers detonate explosive grenades inside the tomb, the
A truck full of six Vipers arrives soon after the investigators walls begin to dramatically crumble, cracks stretching up to-
discover the Chamber of Lions. Their brute force strategy is wards the tall ceiling of the chamber. With the weight of the
to drive at full speed straight up to the mound, park next to truck atop the tomb, the entire ceiling collapses. Anyone within
the ceiling entrance, and then drop a tear gas grenade into 8 yards of the ceiling entrance comes crashing down into the
the burial chamber. tomb, taking 3D6 damage from the fall and the heavy debris.
Those below the collapse can take cover in the adjacent cham-
The grenade instantly fogs up the first two chambers. Vic- ber before the ceiling falls, but anyone stupid enough to stick
tims must make two Con rolls, one to avoid coughing (most around below the collapse takes 4D8 damage from falling
stones. The tomb then begins to rapidly fill with mud and water.
skills become Hard), the other to resist blindness. Ill effects
endure for about five minutes. Surviving Vipers will desperately try climb out of the chamber
to escape the water – they can’t swim! Climbing out requires a
The high-ranking leader of the raiders, a man named RA- Climb roll, although this may get harder as the tomb walls start
DAMES, will call down to anyone in the burial chamber, to get slick and wet from the rising water.
saying he has far more deadly grenades to gift them unless
they surrender to his men. Only Radames is resolute enough to try to accomplish his origi-
nal mission during this crisis. If he’s still in good shape after the
Radames enjoys having the upper hand and gloating about fall, he’ll try to prevent the investigators from escaping, trying
it. If the investigators are intransigent, he isn’t above send- to shoot them as they climb out. Finally, he’ll try to rush into
the Chamber of Lions to glimpse its secrets before finding an
ing some of his men to capture C.C. Edgar or any of his
air pocket in the crumbling tomb to survive until he is rescued.
archaeologists to use as bargaining chips.
Keeper’s Note: If the heroes don’t know what happened to
There are several ways to escape the Vipers’ ambush. First, Count Malefik in Calcata, they may ask Radames about him.
if any of the investigators were stationed outside the burial Regardless of the truth, Radames will say that he is dead and
chamber, they’ll likely have seen the truck speeding up and that he is new leader of the Testament of Vipers!
might have been able to take cover or duck out of sight.
These investigators could lead an attack against the Vipers, Once the investigators defeat or flee the Vipers, they should
perhaps with the British soldiers’ help. now know the location of the Tomb of Hetshepsut – some-
where near the Meidum Pyramid, which isabout 90 miles
Second, if the investigators stall too long or irritate Ra- south of them. If brought into the excitement of it all, C.C.
dames, he’ll make good on his threat and toss a grenade or Edgar will happily lend the investigators his lorry to make
two into the chamber to kill or scare the investigators into the grand discovery (and, on a Persuade or other appro-
surrendering. An explosion causes a terrible calamity in the priate social skill roll, even agree to accompany them).
unstable underground chamber (see text box),
which gives the investigators a dangerous oppor-
tunity to escape.

Finally, while Radames isn’t stupid, he can be ma-

nipulated. He only wants the information on the
location of Hetshepsut’s tomb that he knows is
down in the burial chamber. If the investigators
give him what he wants, he’ll leave (though will
throw a grenade or two down for good measure).
It’s also possible a clever plan or great roleplay-
ing might convince him to pull the investigators
up out of the tomb while he sends his own men
down inside.

Edge of the Western Desert, Egypt
The Meidum Pyramid is located on the edge of the
Western Desert, about 62 miles south of Cairo. The in-
vestigators can drive here in a few hours along a lonely
desert road, or rent a boat that takes them down the Nile
and deposits them on the western shore near Meidum.

Surrounding the towering pyramid are a dozen mas-

tabas, square mudbrick tombs that contain various
princes and high-ranking servants. Most of the masta-
bas have been robbed years ago and now only contain
empty chambers are hastily dug robber tunnels. Some
of the mastabas, however, are still sealed, unmarred by
both tomb robbers and archaeologists.

An Archaeology roll recalls that the Meidum site

was most recently excavated in 1928, but has now been
abandoned for a few years. Sure enough, as the investi-
gators arrive, the place looks deserted.

Unfortunately for the investigators, the Meidum site has

now become the home of a team of Nazi treasure hunt-
ers, who are hidden in one of the mastabas, crating up
archaeological treasures. (See p.16 text box for details.)
Climbing the pyramid is treacherous and requires two
Keeper’s Note: If the investigators somehow gave away the lo- Climb rolls, the last one is Hard due to the sheer walls! The
cation of the Tomb of Hetshepsut to the Vipers, the site will climb takes about an hour.
soon have a truckload of mercenary visitors. This can also
happen if Radames was able to escape into the Chamber of The top of the pyramid is strewn with rubble. An Archae-
Lions in the tomb of Queen Kama. When he is rescued a few ology roll recalls that the pyramid likely collapsed over
hours later, he notifies his allies to rush to Meidum, and will 4,000 years ago.
arrive by soon after them (see p.17).
As the sun sets, the pyramid casts a long shadow towards
The Tents the Nile. Majestically, the shadow stretches and grows
Two canvas tents sit outside the Meidum Pyramid. The and just as the sun fades below the horizon, its tip almost
western tent contains six empty crates, each big enough to touches one of the northern mastabas – the False Tomb,
hold a large amount of tools or artifacts. There is also a box located in a thicket of grass and palm trees at the edge of
of flares and a several coils of heavy rope. the desert. This wondrous sight fulfills the directions writ-
ten on the wall of the Chamber of Lions in Queen Kama’s
The second tent contains a cheap plywood table and stools. tomb. The shadow points towards the final resting place of
A map of the dig site is on the table, held down by rocks (see Hetshepsut!
Handout E). The map seems to show that progress is being
made exploring the various mastabas around the site. The shadow, however, lies. The pyramid has eroded over
the centuries, and was once much higher – about 70 feet
Shadow of the Pseudo-Pyramid higher! The Keeper can allow an Know roll to realize that
Towering 213 feet above the desert, the three-stepped great the pyramid of 1936 looks different from the pyramid de-
Meidum pyramid resembles an ancient tower more than a picted on the wall.
traditional pyramid. The top of the pyramid is strewn with
rubble. The top of the pyramid likely collapsed over 4,000 An Edu roll would realize that the shadow should extend
years ago. proportionately further, deeper in the grass and brush,
while a Physics roll can pinpoint the exact location the
higher pyramid’s shadow would point to.
Nazi Treasure Hunters!
The Nazi treasure hunters are led by the vibrant and stun- MARGRIT Kehler
ning historian, MARGRIT KEHLER. The team has secretly STR 40 DEX 55 INT 80
dispatched to illegally loot the remaining mastabas of their CON 60 APP 70 POW 50
gold. They have made their base in one of the largest mas- SIZ 45 EDU 70 HP 12
tabas (German HQ on the map), though have erected two
tents that they use to temporarily crate and store treasure Damage bonus: none
until a plane arrives to transport them back to Berlin. Build: 0 Move: 8

If the investigators arrive in Meidum noisily, or explore the Fighting (Brawl) 55%, damage 1D3
pyramid and surrounding mastabas, they’ll likely be spotted Dodge: 35%
by one of the Nazis. Kehler, thinking that their illicit op-
Skills: Archaeology 70%, Cthulhu Mythos 5%, Fast Talk
eration has been discovered, first radios a plane for pickup,
60%, Firearms 55%, History 70%, Listen 60%, Medi-
which arrives in about an hour. But soon Kehler’s curiosity
cine 40%, Persuade 60%, Psychology 40%, Spot Hidden
gets the better of her and she ventures out of her mastaba to
60%, Stealth 30%, Throw 30%.
talk to the visitors. She uses a convincing cover story that
she is an archaeology student working with the Cairo mu- Languages: German, English (with a perfect London ac-
seum. She deploys her acting skill, sex appeal, and her abil- cent), Hieroglyphics
ity to put on a perfect London accent to perfect the ruse.
Kehler’s objective is to discover what brings the investiga- Equipment: Walther Modell 8 .25 pistol (1D6 damage, base
tors to Meidum. range 15, uses per round 1(3), 9 shots, malfunction 100).

If asked about the tomb of Hetshepsut, Kehler says that she Personality: Obsessively curious with a deep love for ancient
has already discovered it, via a robber’s tunnel, and points Egypt, Margrit Kehler loves her job. She naively has no idea
to the False Tomb. Kehler honestly believes she has discov- that the Third Reich will melt down these artifacts to build
ered it, as the hieroglyphics in the False Tomb do describe steel tanks, and not keep them as historical treasures.
the resting place of Hetshepsut. She describes the tomb as
“beautiful but empty”. In reality, her treasure hunters stole
most of the artifacts inside the tomb. Half were cargo-
planed out of Egypt days ago, the other half is in her HQ
STR 70 DEX 60 INT 55
inside one of the larger mastabas.
CON 60 APP 50 POW 40
Unless the investigators are utterly convincing, Kehler is SIZ 50 EDU 30 HP 10
likely to grow suspicious. She offers to lead them to the
Damage bonus: none
tomb... but has positioned her Nazi assistants inside the
Build: 0 Move: 9
mastaba to capture them, and interrogate them for infor-
mation. If Kehler ever discovers that they are searching for
Fighting (Brawl) 60%, damage 1D3
something special, her intense curiosity takes hold of her Dodge: 35%
and she may agree to work together to find it. Kehler is not
bloodthirsty, so she will hesitate to kill the anyone, especial- Skills: Archaeology 30%, Climb 60%, Firearms 65%,
ly before any treasure is found. Her men, on the other hand, Jump 40%, Spot Hidden 40%, Stealth 30%, Throw 40%.
do not agree with this approach. But her loyalty to the Third
Reich is strong, and it is likely she will do anything she can Equipment: Walther PPK .32 pistol (1D8 damage, base
to seize any priceless treasures for her country’s future glory. range 15, uses per round 1(3), 8 shots, malfunction 100).
The Oberleutnant has a brand new Bergmann MP34 SMG
When Kehler’s plane eventually arrives, she will order her (1D10 damage, base range 20, uses per round 1(2) or full
men to destroy any vehicles at the site and then try to escape auto, 25 shots, malfunction 96).
with any remaining artifacts in the Germans’ possession.

The false tomb has a low-ceiling and is decorated
with beautiful carvings of Hetshepsut and the lioness-
headed goddess Sekhmet.

A wooden chariot used to be the centerpiece of the

chamber, but it has fallen apart and now lies asunder.
The Nazi treasure hunter Margrit Kehler believes that
this chariot is the only thing true about the original
legend of Hetshepsut’s forty golden chariots.

An opened sarcophagus inside the false tomb contains

a mummy – but this mummy is only a high-ranking
servant, not the preserved corpse of the great Queen
of Egypt. A careful examination, and an Archaeolo-
gy roll, notices that the mummy is not wrapped with
the usual care a pharaoh would receive.

The Nazis took most of the golden valuables from this

room. The only thing left of value is the Amulet of
Ahmose, a beautiful pectoral that shows two lionesses
jumping at each other. It is made from gold and inlaid
The False Tomb of Hetshepsut with turquoise, lapis lazuli, carnelian, and garnet. It
The false tomb is a sturdy, square mastaba set atop a mound would easily fetch thousands of dollars. The amulet was re-
overgrown with thick grass. A narrow slab still seals the moved from a box found in the room, but it slipped behind
tomb shut. Carved into the slab is a faint outline of Sekhmet the sarcophagus of the mummy. A Search roll can find it.
holding a boat above her head – the same likeness that was
in the Chamber of Lions. Unsealing this tomb’s entrance The German HQ
would require industrial machinery. The Germans have occupied the inside of one of the larg-
est mastabas at Meidum to use as their base of operations.
The Nazis, however, have already found a way into this Inside the tomb:
tomb, via a northern tunnel that was originally started by • A table holding a battery-powered portable radio.
tomb robbers. This tunnel is the only practical way inside. • Three crates filled with golden treasures looted from


If the investigators left either Count Malefik or his high-ranking servant Radames
alive, they are likely to dramatically arrive in Meidum to seize the treasure that
the believe is theirs. The Vipers’ arrival is not critical to the adventure, so Keepers
should use their judgment as to whether they show up based on how well the inves-
tigators covered their tracks in the previous chapters of the adventure.

The Vipers have no alliance with the Germans and will treat everyone at Meidum as
an obstacle standing between them and their treasure. Unless the Vipers know ex-
actly where the Tomb of Hetshepsut is located, their plan is to gun down any resis-
tance, take a few knowledgeable hostages, and force them to help look for the tomb.

To ensure their success, the Vipers arrive with a truck-full of raiders (see p.13). They have also commandeered an armored car!
The cheap, German-made car is heavy and not very maneuverable, but holds a bloodthirsty, amateur gunner who is prepared to
gun down anyone in their way – assume Guns (60%). If either Count Malefik or Radames survived to arrive at Meidum, they will
be in the gunner position, excited to fire upon the investigators that have embarrassed them so many times already.

Vehicle HP Top Speed LWt. Occ Armor Price

Kfz 13 Adler 46 69mph 2.4t 1 driver, 1 crew 3 points $750

The Adler has a tripod-mounted 7.92mm MG (7d pi, Acc 5, Range 1,100/4,400, RoF 8, ST 11B, Bulk -7, Rcl 2, 21 lbs).

the tombs at Meidum. Solid gold burial masks, per-
fume boxes, alabaster chests, headrests, and pen-
dants are all carefully wrapped in straw, ready for
• Cots, blankets, and food for a few days.
• Digging tools, picks, brushes, and shovels.
• A first aid kit.
• A small, locked metal box labeled “Dynamit”. There
are only two sticks left (4D10 damage).

The Tomb of Hetshepsut

The actual tomb of Hetshepsut is a square mastaba
overgrown by Nile grass and palm trees. From the out-
side, it looks crumbled and long-robbed – a false door
looks like it has been broken into, its entrance filled
with fallen rubble.

However, a careful search atop the mastaba finds loose

sand and dirt covering a heavy, flat stone slab. The slab
weighs over 2,000 lbs. – at least four strong men are
required to drag it. When the slab is pulled away from
it’s opening, a massive plume of foul-smelling, hot dust
roars out of the tomb. Investigators within five yards of
the opening take 1D3 damage from the burning dust
and must make a Con roll or wheeze and cough hor-
ribly for thirty minutes (making most skill rolls Hard!).

The slab covered a steep shaft that descends fifteen

yards into the dark tomb. A Spot Hidden roll sees a
faint whitish glow emanating from the bottom.

Climbing down requires a heavy rope, or a daring,

Hard Climb roll. Falling down the shaft is deadly, with
hapless victims taking 4D6 damage!
in this room, not forty. However, each chariot is worth over
half a million dollars!
The Tomb of Sekhmet
The Queens’ Tomb
The shaft leads directly into the most treasured vault of The centerpiece of the burial chamber are two mummies
Meidum – the Tomb of the Sekhmet and the Great Pharaoh lying together on a raised platform at the end of the room.
Hetshepsut. Sealed for over three thousand years, the tomb A mirror-like wall behind the mummies is made from pol-
was undisturbed until this moment. ished silver and flecks of crystal, which somehow creates an
intense, bright glow that is difficult to stare directly at.
There are only two chambers in this tomb – the large chari-
ot vault where the PCs enter, and the burial chamber to the A casual investigation and an Edu roll determines that
north. When the PCs rappel down into the tomb, they see there’s not enough reflected sunlight coming into the cham-
a bright white glow emanating from the burial chamber; its ber to actually create a glow of that intensity. A closer exam-
mesmerizing backlight effect makes it impossible to clearly ination discovers that the strange crystals seem to actually
see the burial chamber’s contents. be emitting light! A Science roll identifies the crystals as a
rare variety of fluorite. If the investigators take a sample and
The Gold Chariot Vault get it back to a lab, they will learn that the fluorite appears
The central vault is a large, square room. The corners of extraterrestrial in nature, likely recovered from a meteor
the room hold raised platforms; each contains a solid gold impact.
chariot! Contrary to the legend, there are only four chariots
The two mummies are wrapped in bleached white bandag-
es that still look new. Very little, if any, decomposition has
affected these mummies.
With up to four factions of explorers fighting over the con-
tents of the tomb, the finale of the adventure can play out
One mummy holds a glass-striped, bronze crook and flail,
in many ways.
the symbols of pharaonic authority. A History roll clearly
• Margrit Kehler is motivated by her intense curiosity,
identifies this as the corpse of Queen Hetshepsut, one of
love of artifacts, and loyalty to the Third Reich. She will
the greatest pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
try to escape the tomb with something valuable. Once
her plane arrives, she will happily escape Egypt and re-
The second mummy is well-built and significantly taller
turn to Berlin.
than the other. The preserved body looks not-quite seven
• Kehler’s Nazis are greedy and looking for loyalty. They
feet tall. Furthermore, the mummy has a fierce, silver lion-
have no problem killing the investigators to take all of
ess mask covering its head. A closer look at the silver head
the treasure of the tomb of their own. Obviously, once
shows that the metal is inscribed with thousands of tiny
the curse brings undead chaos to bear, the Nazis’ first
hieroglyphics. However, anyone who can read hieroglyph-
priority becomes defending themselves and escaping
ics, or a History roll, spots that there are anomalies in the
the tomb.
symbols. The language here is gibberish, and furthermore,
• The Vipers are motivated purely by greed, regardless
several of the glyphs are wholly new and very much non-
of whether Malefik or Radames is leading the group.
They both need a large amount of gold to survive.
Whether the Vipers charge headlong into the fray and
If curious investigators remove the mask off this mummy,
are in the tomb with the investigators and the Nazis
they see that the actual anatomy of the corpse has a head
at the end... or bide their time to ambush the investi-
anatomically similar to that of a lioness!
gators after they escape the tomb is entirely up to the
Keeper, and how badly the investigators have angered
The investigators seem to have discovered the actual tomb
or embarrassed the Viper leaders over the course of the
of the lion-headed goddess, Sekhmet... or perhaps a queen
of some unknown ancient species that lived and died
• The guardians of the tomb have the simplest motiva-
alongside the pharaohs. This unnatural realization causes a
tion! They wish to kill the intruders and reseal the
Sanity Check (1/D6)! A closer examination, and a Medi-
tomb, protecting the secret of Sekhmet forever.
cine roll, reveals that this deformity is no mere stitch work
– the creature they have discovered actually seems to be a
Either way, the adventure is concluded once the investiga-
hybrid of man and panthera leo.
tors have dealt with their foes and escaped the tomb. If the
investigators are fortunate, they will have also escaped with
Keeper’s Note: If the investigators are hesitant to pull of the
an artifact, or at least a deeper understanding of the god-
mask, then certainly one of the curious NPCs accompanying
dess Sekhmet and her true nature.
the PCs will think to do so, especially the German archaeolo-
gist Margrit Kehler, or one of the Viper or Nazi goons.
Unfortunately, recovering the chariots from the tomb is ex-
ceedingly difficult. A winch and heavy machinery is need-
Removing the mask of Sekhmet, however, unleashes a
ed to lift the golden chariots out (the Vipers’ Adler would
curse upon intruders in the tomb, starting with a burst of
do it). But the presence of the radioactive wall causes sick-
terrible energy. See the next page for details on the curse,
ness and other health issues, giving true validity to the idea
and the horrors it summons!
of an ancient curse upon tomb robbers. If the investigators
leave it up to the Egyptian government to retrieve the trea-
sures, they’ll pull out one chariot and then quickly give up
on the mission due to sickness and exhaustion... resealing
the tomb for another thousand years.

For completing the adventure, surviving investigators re- Version History
ceive a 1D4 SAN reward, or 1D6 if they saved they defeated 1.0 Original release
the Vipers along the way. Keepers may also confer various 2.0 Edits for clarity, reformatting
reputations, contacts, or patrons for befriending some of
the influential folk in the adventure, or retrieving any of
the legendary artifacts from the Tomb of Sekhmet. And if
the nefarious Vipers survived the adventure, they make ex-
cellent long-term enemies for the player characters!

Special Thanks

Special thanks to thispersondoesnotexist.com for pho-

to reference for the various characters in this adventure.
Thanks also to Ajay Viknesh on Fiverr for creating the 3D
model of the various tombs. If you enjoyed this adventure,
or ran it for a group, all the author asks is that you give a
shout out and let me know how it went. Send a telegram
to @SageThalcos on Twitter or post a note on 1shotadven-

The material presented here is an original creation, intended

for use with the Call of Cthulhu system from Chaosium, Inc..
This material is not official and is not endorsed by Chao-

The Doom of Sekhmet!
Within a minute of the mask of Sekhmet being removed, TOMB GUARDIANS
a Listen roll hears scratching sounds coming from the STR 105 INT 40 HP 14
interior of the tomb’s walls. At the same time, the mum- CON 80 POW 65
mified corpse of Sekhmet begins to twitch and move, SIZ 65 DEX 35
causing a Sanity Check (1/1D4) for anyone who notices
it. Damage bonus: +1D6
Build: 2 Move: 7
Within another minute, the corpse is pulled into the air, Attacks per round: 2
as if by a wire. It floats, upright, in front of the large mir- Fighting (Khopesh) 70%, damage 1D8 + damage bonus
rored wall, its fingers clenching spastically. Dodge: 17%

Suddenly, a burst of energy explodes outwards from the Skills: Stealth 35%.
wall flecked with crystal. Although the PCs will likely not
realize it, this is a 20-rad burst of radiation! Anyone in Armor: 2-point skin (3-points on the head due to its bronze
the tomb must make a Con roll or suffer its ill effects: lion mask). Impaling weapons, including bullets, have little
• A critical success, or an investigator carrying the effect on its dry body (half damage).
Amulet of Ahmose from the False Tomb, shrugs off
Sanity Loss: 1/1D8
the effects.
• A success burns the victim, causing 1D6 damage.
• A failure additionally causes nausea. After 1D10
hours, the all of the victims skill rolls become Hard.
Furthermore, the victim gains hemophilia, which
adds an additional 1D4 damage to any cutting or SKELETAL SERVANTS
piercing type wound. The hemophilia will wear off STR 55 INT 40 HP *
in a few days. CON - POW 05
• A critical failure causes all of these results instantly. SIZ 60 DEX 50

Simultaneously, the scratching sounds in the walls grow Damage bonus: none
louder. Suddenly, bursting out of the tomb walls are the Build: 0 Move: 7
undead guardians of the Sekhmet – two tomb guardians
Attacks per round: 1
and ten skeletal servants (although the Keeper can tune
Fighting (Ceremonial Knife) 70%, damage 1D4+2
this depending on his group, whether Nazis or Vipers are Dodge: 30%
present to help fend them off, etc.).
Skills: Stealth 35%.
As chaos breaks out in the tomb, the corpse of Sekhmet
continues to float, twitching lifelessly, bathed by the Sanity Loss: 0/1D6
glowing light of the mirrored wall. However, the radia-
tion emitting from the wall slowly starts to disintegrate * Special Defenses: Any blow striking a skeleton has a chance
her body. First her bandages dissolve away, revealing the of destroying it equal to or less than the damage done x 5 (as
desiccated corpse of a creature that looks like a combi- rolled on 1D100). Unless the skeleton shatters, it remains
totally undamaged. Apply one penalty die on attacks made
nation of a woman and a lion. Her hands are claws, her
with an impaling weapon, including bullets.
teeth are canines, and a withered tail hangs from her but-
tocks. Soon, her dried flesh body is torn away to a skel-
eton, which eventually turns to dust and blows across the


Handout A - Airway ticket found in the

Handout D - Inscription in the secret
pockets of the Count Malefik and his
room of the Contemplation Chamber
which reveals the location of the Tomb of

Handout C - Translation of the new myth of Sekhmet

found in the Chamber of Lions


Handout B - Translated page from The Mourning of Janshai (originally in Latin)


Handout E - Map of Meidum found in the nearby tents

Player Safe Maps

The Handley

Player Safe Maps

The Danieli’s House

Player Safe Maps

Player Safe Maps

The Contemplation Chamber of Sekhmet

Player Safe Maps

The False Tomb

Player Safe Maps

The Tomb of Hetshepsut

Carlo Grandi 32 25
65 17 65 32
17 50 10
Veteran 35 35 25
23 Male 70 15 70 14 50 10
Rome, Italy 30 27
Rome, Italy 60 12 55 11 9
26 50


35 5
40 208
10 2
70 14
70 14
20 104 Desert 26 13
55 15
6 40 208
15 73
30 156 16 8

English 40 208 Parachuting 31 6

Italian 50 2510

35 17 5
Beretta Pistol 70 35 14 1D8 15 1(3) 6 100 +1D4
32 6
Outgoing and vibrant
Great hair Stubborn
Military rank - “Marescial o Capo” of the 3rd Bersaglieri Company

Secretly an anti-fascist Has chronic hip pain from a grenade injury

Protective of women (especial y older ones)

Regularly sends money to his mom and grandma Afraid of cats

Sneezes more often than you’d expect

Collects Mickey Mouse Weekly comics

Bersaglieri uniform
Comb $150
Extra socks
Army watch
Small satchel
Army boots
Mickey Mouse Weekly, Vol 1, #9

You were in Ethiopia in 1935. But six months into the conflict, you had seen enough.
You had no idea what Italy was doing there. Almost as soon as you had that real-
ization, you got hit by a grenade and shrapnel almost tore your leg off. You got a
metal for your wound and were sent back to Rome. There, you made friends with
some of the anti-fascists. Although they were angry you were stil in the military,
you felt that maybe you could help their cause from behind a desk. When one of
your friends, Carolina, told you she was going to the airport to capture an American
bank robber, you decided you weren’t about to see her get hurt - so you went down
to the runway to lend a hand.
Marisa Santarelli 30 22
60 12 80 40
16 45 9
Stunt performer 35 30 25
24 Female 70 15 60 12 50 10
Rome, Italy 25 27
Rome, Italy 50 10 55 11 9
24 45

65 13

Acting 25 125 40 208

35 7

35 7
40 206
25 125
50 2510 30 156
English 40 208 31 156
60 15

Italian 50 2510 35 7

65 32 13
60 15
Her confident demeanor always catches your eye A born entertainer
Loves bad horror films Lecherous
Enamored with anyone even mildly famous

Obsessed with becoming famous

Dislikes police, thinks they are all corrupt
Holds grudges forever
Uncle Pierluigi, a mafia don with extensive social power Competitive, especial y with other actresses
Elena Altieri, up-and-coming actress friend

Expensive leather boots

Compass (swiped from her last film) $20

You were AMAZING in your last film - The Crown of Spartacus. The direc-
tor said he’d never seen anyone thrown from a balcony with such gusto - and he
meant it. You wanted to KILL him when he then refused to cast you into a speak-
ing part in his next film! Your luck returned when you heard that your friend, Elena
Altieri, got cast in a BIG film - and she convinced the director to give you lines! But
then you met some new friends who told you Elena had gotten in with some bank
robbers. You casually mentioned this to Elena, but she told you to screw off! Then
she went to sneak out of town without taking you along. No way was that going to
happen.. !
Jonny Talon 30 27
60 12 65 32
12 55 11
Pilot 35 30 25
29 Male 70 15 60 12 50 10
Vero Beach, FL 35 27
Meridian, ID 70 15 55 11 7
28 55


3 30
6 1 60 15

45 22
9 50 2510 35 17

20 104
35 167
30 156
35 177 6 3

66 13

40 209
English 50 2510 20 104

65 32 13
.41 Revolver 45 22 9 1D10 15 1(3) 8 100 +1D4
32 6
A charismatic daredevil Fantastic driver’s reflexes
Always overcomplicates his plans Chummy
Has a recognizable square jaw Impulsive

Strong empathy towards others

Has a professional’s code of honor

Soft spot for farmers - never turns down jobs to help dust crops Always needs about two hours more sleep every night
Hates unpolished shoes

His Piper aircraft

Small leather bag

Leather pilot’s jacket (1 armor point) $270
Polished leather shoes
Banana yellow Piper J-3 Cub aircraft Owes his flight school a lot of money
Binoculars (10X)
Pilot’s goggles

Your old man always told you that you were flawed because you wanted too
much. He told you to be content living in Idaho. He told you to be happy being a
cropduster mechanic. But you knew that wasn’t enough, so you pestered the pilots
until they taught you how to fly. Then you blew all your money on a new Piper.
To make ends meet, you found a high-paying stunt pilot gig in Rome for a new
talkie. After you finished the job, an Italian military officer named Carlo offered
you a drink. He said that he was hot on the trail of some gangsters and he
could use a pilot’s expertise to nab the guy. Carlo offered you some good money
for your time, so you signed up.
Carolina Ezzat 25 32
50 10 55 27
11 65 13
Ex-law student 25 25 35
23 Female 50 10 50 10 70 14
Rome, Italy 25 42
Venice, Italy 50 10 85 17 8
20 65


35 176
16 8
3 40 208

31 15
5 6 1
25 125 36 6

Desert 30 6

40 208 30 156
30 156
40 208
20 104 English 50 2510
Arabic 25 125 40 208
11 52
Italian 70 14

25 12 5
.32 Pistol 25 12 5 1D8 15 1(3) 6 100 -
27 5
Selfless and stubborn
Ex-law student turned an angry protester Photographic memory
Charismatic and intuitive

Strong anti-fascist - set on taking down Mussolini

Always finds new causes to talk about
Believes in the best of people
Feels like she is in the shadow of her mother, the great professor
The Carabinieri national police are looking for her

Leather purse
Journal and pencil $100
Fashionable sunglasses
Photo of her family at the pyramids

The Fascists made you quit law school and then lose your journalist job. So when you
overheard some Americans talking about how there was a $23,000 reward for
the capture of a bank robber - and the robber was in Rome - you talked them
into giving you a cut of the reward if you helped them track him down. That kind of
money would really make a dent in equipping your new anti-fascist friends! Plus you
have a ton of friends with their ear to the ground of what’s happening in Rome,
and tracking an American bank robber who loves to throw money around wouldn’t
be that hard. Sure enough, you located him in 24 hours. Now you’re making sure
you’ll be there when he gets nabbed, so no one screws you out of that reward!
Duke Duckworth 30 27
60 12 60 30
12 55 11
Private detective 35 27 25
33 Male 70 14 55 11 50 10
Detroit, MI 27 30
Detroit, MI 55 11 60 12 9
25 55


25 125
55 27
11 30 156
25 125 50 2510
21 104
Photography 25 125 50 2510 70 35

20 104
40 208
25 125 25 125

45 9

English 50 2510

55 27 11
Colt.38 Revolver 50 25 10 1D10 15 1(3) 6 100 -
45 9
Tough detective - known for being involved with a starlet’s murder Good boxer (great footwork)
Not a lot of new cases means he’s struggling Whistles when he’s alone

Respects physicians, regrets not becoming one

Lauren St. James - murdered starlet he loved Thinks he’s the unluckiest man alive - might be
Has good contacts with Detroit and Los Angeles area journalists Always dresses for warm weather
Carries glasses to look smart (but doesn’t need them)

Calls his favorite gun “my third fist”

Cheap leather briefcase

Body holster $15
Journal and pencil
Sinclair Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here

Lauren St. James. Talented, drop-dead gorgeous, and those battleship gray eyes
that could sink a man’s soul. After two drinks with her at Mikey’s - right after
she finished shooting her scenes for her new movie - you knew you had it bad
for her. But three days later she turned up dead, and you were the first suspect
they arrested. Sure, eventually the Detroit police realized they were goof-offs
and let you go, but it kil ed your reputation big time. But you swore you’d find the
no-good SOB who kil ed Lauren. When you heard a socialite friend of hers,
Betty Sage, knew who Lauren was with that night, you grabbed a plane to Italy
to talk with the broad.
Solange “Patience” Paquet 30 25
60 12 70 35
14 50 10
French agent 32 30 25
25 Female 65 13 60 12 50 10
Rome, Italy 25 30
Toulouse, France 50 10 60 12 9
23 50


15 73
70 35
14 40 208

25 125
Food Connoisseur 20 104 50 2510 55 2711
45 279
20 104 40 8
40 208
45 279 35 7

English 40 208
German 40 208
25 4

French 50 2510

Mauser .32 Pistol 50 25 10 1D8 15 1(3) 8 99 -

Fine dagger 1d4+2+db - - - -
35 7
Bloodthirsty in fights
Resourceful junior agent in French intelligence; does not tolerate fools Always on alert
Distinctive purple-gray eyes

Intolerant of fascists - especial y German ones

Loves horses
Has no patience for show-offs
Member of Deuxième Bureau - French intelligence Loves her wine and cocktails - probably a bit too much
Daughter Agnes, age 6, left with her parents in Toulouse

Expensive purse
Nice ladies hat $500
Suitcase full of clothes for all occasions
Nice Swiss watch
Leather shoes

Deuxième Bureau, French intelligence, wants you nowhere near Mussolini’s

fascists while you’re on assignment in Rome. That’s why they told you to go
track down an American bank robber - Skeet Skitshaw - who somehow
escaped prison in Chicago, vacationed across Europe with his dumb girlfriend,
and then robbed four more banks in Italy when he ran low on cash. This is
the case you get assigned? Fortunately, Mr. Skitshaw is as easy to track as
a bear in a bookstore, and you were able to buy a ticket on to the plane he’s
using to escape Rome to Florence..
Wil y Van Der Woodson 25 35
50 10 60 30
12 70 14
Adventure capitalist 30 30 37
25 Male 60 12 60 12 75 15
New Haven, CT 27 32
Boston, MA 55 11 65 13 8
23 70


20 104 55 27

50 2510
36 18
7 35 7 30 156

25 125
30 156
80 4016

Arabic 30 156
Latin 30 156
30 6
20 10
4 English 75 15

25 12 5
S&W .38 revolver 36 18 7 1D10 15 1(3) 6 100 -
35 7
Broad-smiled, bright, and incredibly wealthy Good mechanical intuition
Has a big, almost-fake smile all the time Overconfident

Loves funding races and grand adventures

Never gambles with friends

Loves his mom, writes to her almost every day Compulsive spender
Has a bitter rival - Richard Maskhaven Buys overly nice gifts for friends - can be embarrassing
Calls guns “bean shooters” (thinks it’s cool)

Loves expensive cars - obsessed with race cars

Leather carrier bag

Nice European suit $2,500
German PERTRIX flashlight torch
Travel diary and pencil Trust fund ($2,500 per month)
Racing bicycle - Oscar Wastyn Special
Italian leather shoes
Two 1932 Talbot 65 Coupes

It’s not like you need the money, but when you found out there was a
$23,000 reward for the capture of the notorious escaped bank robber,
Skeet Skitshaw, you couldn’t resist. Plus, you and he were already in Rome
thanks to that whole affair with the sword of Julius Caesar that you’d prefer
no one found out about. But capturing a bank robber would make the whole
trip worth it, not to mention the coverage you’d get in the papers if you pulled
it off! So you rounded up some reliable friends, bought a ticket on to Skeet’s
plane, and are 99% sure that just waving a bean-shooter at the guy wil get
him to surrender pronto.
Jonny Talon

Duke Duckworth
Bad news detective
Marisa Santarelli
High-energy STunt WOMAN

Willy Van der Woodson

Rich, Very Rich
Patience Paquet
French intelligence

Carolina Ezzat
Determined Anti-fascist
Carlo Grandi
Wounded war captain

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