CHE 42 - Problem Set 4 - Column Distillation
CHE 42 - Problem Set 4 - Column Distillation
CHE 42 - Problem Set 4 - Column Distillation
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This problem set must be done individually. For each items/sub-item in the
problem, you must do the following:
• Draw the schematic diagram/representation of the process that is ongoing. The diagram must include
the known values and unknown variables to be determined.
• The entire solution process (i.e., mole balances, the list of equations used, sample calculations,
etc.) must be manually handwritten. A screenshot of these handwritten solutions must be pasted
in the document.
• For the steps wherein iteration/use of Solver function is required, you may encode the necessary
data or do the screenshots of the steps performed in MS Excel.
• Ponchon-Savarit and McCabe-Thiele diagrams should be printed, and the graphical solutions
should be done manually.
• I encourage you to make your solutions have an organized flow by putting “Step number #” on it.
Step 1: Collect all the necessary physico-chemical data for the design of the flash drum.
Step 2: Compute for the permissible velocity of the drum.
• Conclude each sub-item/item by making a summary of the required answers placed or enclosed in
a box.
The file must be saved and submitted as a PDF file. Please keep your MS Excel files because I will ask for
them soon as part of your deliverables:
Word Problems:
4. Estimation of Tower Diameter of Sieve Tray. A distillation sieve-tray tower is being used to distill
a hydrocarbon feed. The vapor flow rate at the tower bottom is 21 000 kg/hr and the liquid flow rate
𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔
is 19 500 kg/hr. The density of the liquid is 𝜌𝐿 = 673 𝑚3 and for the vapor is 𝜌𝑉 = 3.68 𝑚3 .
Assume a tray spacing of 24 in. (0.610 in). Calculate the tower diameter assuming the tower operates
at 80% of flooding. Assume 𝜎 = 22.5 𝑐𝑚 .
Hint: Refer to Section 11.5F of Geankoplis’ book (Flooding Velocity and Diameter of Tray Towers)
5. Continuous Column Distillation Design via Ponchon-Savarit Method. One hundred pound-
moles per hour of a mixture of 65 mol % methanol in water at 30˚C and 1 atm is to be separated by
distillation at the same pressure into a liquid distillate containing 98 mol % methanol and a bottoms
liquid product containing 96 mol % water. Enthalpy and equilibrium data for the mixture at 1 atm are
given in the table below. The enthalpy of the feed mixture is 765 Btu/lb-mol.
Table 1. Methanol – water vapor – liquid equilibrium and enthalpy data for 1 atm (MeOH = methyl alcohol)
Enthalpy above 0 ˚C, Btu/lb-mol Solution Vapor Liquid Equilibrium Data
Mol % MeOH
Saturated Vapor Saturated Liquid Mol % MeOH in Boiling Point
y or x
T (˚C) ℎ𝑉 T (˚C) ℎ𝐿 Liquid Vapor (˚C)
0 100 20 720 100 3 240 0 0 100
5 98.9 20 520 92.8 3 070 2.0 13.4 96.4
10 97.7 20 340 87.7 2 950 4.0 23.0 93.5
15 96.2 20 160 84.4 2 850 6.0 30.4 91.2
20 94.8 20 000 81.7 2 760 8.0 36.5 89.3
30 91.6 19 640 78.0 2 620 10.0 41.8 87.7
40 88.2 19 310 75.3 2 540 15.0 51.7 84.4
50 84.9 18 970 73.1 2 470 20.0 57.9 81.7
60 80.9 18 650 71.2 2 410 30.0 66.5 78.0
70 76.6 18 310 69.3 2 370 40.0 72.9 75.3
80 72.2 17 980 67.6 2 330 50.0 77.9 73.1
90 68.1 17 680 66.0 2 290 60.0 82.5 71.2
100 64.5 17 390 64.5 2 250 70.0 87.0 69.3
80.0 91.5 67.6
90.0 95.8 66.0
95.0 97.9 65.0
100.0 100.0 64.5
Make sure to plot the enthalpy-concentration diagram with the xy-diagram below it for the Ponchon-Savarit
method. Using a reflux ratio of 1.5 times the minimum, determine the following:
a. Determine the theoretical number of stages needed to achieve the concentration of the distillate.
b. Calculate the condenser and reboiler heat loads.
c. Determine the minimum number of theoretical stages at total reflux.