Under Amour Case Study
Under Amour Case Study
Under Amour Case Study
Under Home Improvement
Working to Stay
on Top ofShould
Its Game
Home Depot
Enter or Will it Have a Late-
Mover (Dis)advantage?
Millions of people each year try to come up with a Utilizing broad-based, frequently free endorsements and
“million dollar” idea. Many believe that it requires an well-received publicity, Under Armour has also reached
“unfathomable” idea, but sometimes going back to the regular athletes, active outdoor enthusiasts, elite tactical
basics is the key. That’s what allowed Kevin Plank, the professionals, and active lifestyle consumers.
founder of Under Armour performance apparel, to find Under Armour is quickly becoming a leader in the
success. The task at hand was to simply make a superior sports apparel industry, and it could be argued that it
T-shirt and nothing more. It all began in 1996 when the is an opposing force to Nike in sports apparel, with its
former University of Maryland football player wanted to widespread popularity amongst top-name athletes and
create a shirt that would help control the temperature of sports programs and teams. This is further evidenced
an athlete’s body, not just soak up the sweat during intense by a 133 percent compound annual growth rate and an
activities. He wanted a shirt that enhanced performance equally enormous increase in operating income from
rather than detracted from it. As a result, Plank created $5.7 million to $52.5 million between the years 2003 and
a synthetic shirt made of high-tech material that had a 2007. As of 2007, Under Armour had $606 million in
snug fit designed to feel like a second skin. sales revenue, far surpassing its first year’s revenue in
The technology behind Under Armour’s diverse 1996 of $17 thousand (see Exhibits 1 and 2).
product lines for men, women, and youth is complex, Under Armour’s products are sold worldwide, with
but the message is simple: wear HeatGear when it’s hot, the company’s headquarters located in the United States
ColdGear when it’s cold, and AllSeasonGear between and support offices in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China.
the extremes. Under Armour’s mission is to enhance the Primary sales are achieved through wholesale distribution
experience for all athletes by applying passion, science, and licensing to distributors. Products are offered through
and the relentless pursuit of innovation to create cloth- the company website and retailers, and company stores
ing with temperature control, comfort, and flexibility.1 in the United States, Europe, Japan, Canada, South
Under Armour’s stated goal is to be “a leading Africa, Australia, and New Zealand (see Exhibit 3). Under
developer, marketer, and distributor of branded Armour operates in a highly competitive industry where
performance products.” It has been able to successfully the dominant competitors have significant breadth
penetrate the sports apparel market by using the image of market coverage that it is difficult to find an entry
and influence of: domestic and international professional point. The main competitors have been advertising and
teams, collegiate teams, Olympians, and individuals. establishing distribution channels, marketing agreements,
(In thousands, except per share amounts) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Source: 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K 2007 Annual Report, December 31, 26.
Operating expenses
Source: 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K 2007 Annual Report, December 31, 46.
and recognition for many years. Thus the battle for t-shirt under his jersey, so he set out to create a unique
Under Armour was much more uphill than most other product that would meet the needs of all athletes. His
new entrants to an established market. However, Under laboratory was his grandmother’s basement in Maryland.
Armour has succeeded in breaking into a mature market After many prototypes, Plank created his first shirt; it
and is no longer simply an amateur player in the sports was a shiny tight shirt made of high-tech fibers that
apparel arena. The question is: “How does the company wicked away moisture, keeping athletes cool, dry, and
stay on top of its game?” feeling “light.”2 Plank’s shirts truly did regulate athletes’
body temperatures, lending to improved performance.3
History of Under Armour Starting Small
As previously mentioned, when Plank was a football Plank believed that he could make a profitable apparel
player he grew tired of having to change his damp, heavy business with his advanced feature shirts, so he used
Source: 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K 2007 Annual Report, December 31, 68.
$20,000 of his savings and ran up $40,000 in credit card During 2007, Under Armour increased its marketing
Location Use
Glen Bumie, MD Distribution facilities, 17,000 square foot quick-turn, Special Make-Up Shop
manufacturing facility, and 4,500 square foot retail outlet store
Source: 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K 2007 Annual Report, December 31, 20.
Under Armour’s sales results are broken into apparel, made up the remaining 16 percent of sales: footwear
footwear, accessories, and licensed products (see Exhibits (7 percent), accessories (5 percent), and licensed prod-
5 and 6). Apparel dominated in 2007 with 84 percent of ucts (4 percent). Footwear is a new product line that was
total sales. Men’s apparel made up the “lion’s share” of launched in fourth quarter of 2006. Initially this line only
Under Armour’s business, representing 68 percent of offered baseball, softball, and lacrosse cleats designed for
apparel sales and 57 percent of total sales. The second high performance through a highly breathable and light-
largest apparel segment was women’s with 23 percent weight design. The footwear line now includes shoes
of apparel sales and 19 percent of total sales, represent- for golf, football, running, and cross-training. In the
ing a significant growth and diversification opportunity. near future it will likely introduce basketball shoes and
Youth products made up the balance of apparel sales. soccer cleats. It captured 20 percent of the U.S. football
Source: 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K 2007 Annual Report, December 31, 68.
Source: 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K 2007 Annual Report, December 31, Intro.
shoe market in the first year.14 The company’s 2009 first products are not exclusive, by implementing an effective
in the world. Adidas was founded in 1924 in Germany new products. It is well known for quality, comfort, and
Case 29: Under Armour: Working to Stay on Top of Its Game
by Adolf Dassler. Dassler created the first running shoe reliability. SportHill’s clothing can be found globally in
made by hand without electricity in his mother’s kitchen. most major retailer stores and can be purchased online.
Dassler’s big break came in 1954 when the German soc- The success of SportHill is apparent in the number of
cer team beat Hungary in the World Cup wearing Adidas sponsorships it has, including many Olympic athletes
cleats. From that point forward, Adidas was the industry and collegiate running teams; however, it is a privately
leader in soccer shoes and apparel. held company so financial information is not available.
Changes in leadership during the late 1980s led Adidas Under Armour has been able to remain successful
to branch out into other markets, but it struggled to find among its competitors in large part due to the strength
its niche. Through acquisitions and better management of character of its founder and other leaders.
it was back on track by the mid-1990s. Adidas acquired
three smaller companies: TaylorMade, Salomon Group,
and Maxfli. These acquisitions gave it access to the golf
Under Armour’s Leaders
and winter sports market segments. In 2006, it merged Under Armour’s success may seem unbelievable at first,
with athletic apparel and equipment giant Reebok mak- but it’s no accident. Plank’s drive to keep trying even
ing it the second largest athletic apparel manufacturer during difficult times when it seemed the company
in the world. Today the Adidas product line includes might never flourish is what made it possible. In the
shoes and athletic apparel for basketball, soccer, fitness, beginning, when customers would request products that
golf, and outdoor adventure. Adidas operates globally Plank had not created, he would respond, “Of course
and has 25,000 employees worldwide with 80 subsidiar- we make that!” and then immediately go to work with
ies and reported $15.6 billion in profits in 2007. suppliers and contractors to deliver on his promise. Two
such examples were when the equipment manager for
Columbia Sportswear22 the Atlanta Falcons wanted long-sleeve Under Armour
Columbia Sportswear Company started in the 1930s as shirts, and when the equipment manager for Arizona
a family-owned and operated hat company in Portland, State wanted clothing for cold weather.24
Oregon. Founder Paul Lamfrom grew tired of working “He’s one of the hardest workers I’ve known in my
with inadequate suppliers and decided to manufacturer life,” says Plank’s mother.25 Plank’s humble beginnings
his own products. Columbia quickly gained a reputation give him valuable insight into his business. He knows
for its innovative, high-quality products. every aspect of it because at one time he actually did the
Columbia’s introduction of waterproof, breathable work himself. Many of his first employees were his col-
fabrics triggered the growth it has experienced since the lege classmates and teammates. Most of them are still with
1980s from a small family-owned business to a billion Under Armour and play important roles in management.
dollar publicly traded company. Columbia continues to He spent five months driving round-trip from
grow thanks to its innovative product development and Baltimore to Moundsville at least twice a week to help
the acquisitions of Sorel, Mountain Hardware, Pacific Ella Mae Holmes produce and ship Under Armour prod-
Trail, and Montrail. These acquisitions enabled the ucts. He left Baltimore at 4 am, arrived in Moundsville
company to branch out into other market segments. about 8 am, and worked with Holmes and her boy-
Columbia Sportswear is now one of the largest man- friend throughout the day. At 8 pm, Plank would take
ufacturers and sellers of outdoor apparel specializing in his shipment to the local FedEx office and drive back to
skiwear, snowboard gear, and hunting, fishing, hiking, Baltimore.26
camping, and casual wear. Columbia currently operates Plank effectively uses his athletic experience and
in North America, Europe, and Asia, and its products are connections to help Under Armour’s marketing and
available in 90 countries. Columbia has 3,000 employees sales teams earn new business. In the athletic world, he is
worldwide. In 2007, Columbia posted record net sales of considered by his customers to be “one of them” rather
$1.36 billion. than a CEO of a very profitable business. It frequently
takes competitors years to develop a loyal customer, but
SportHill23 Under Armour has been able to quickly earn loyalty after
SportHill was founded in 1985 by a University of Oregon a customer has had one or two good experiences with
track runner who saw the need for cold weather track their purchase. Most of the sports teams feel that Plank
gear. His athletic apparel design concept merged the best is truly helping them by providing a better product and
American fabrics with European style to make unique not simply trying to sell his brand. Plank embraces and
athletic apparel. SportHill clothing is designed for use in nurtures this connection respectfully and gracefully. He
any climate and for any sport. SportHill utilizes the regularly seeks feedback regarding existing products and
expertise of elite athletes to perfect its design and innovate the need for new products.
Management Style itself with team sports, rather than individual sports and
become a master of product placement in movies, TV products leads to a lower-cost, more effective, grass roots
Case 29: Under Armour: Working to Stay on Top of Its Game
shows, and video games. ad campaign. While Under Armour did sponsor its
Plank believes that word-of-mouth advertising is the first Super Bowl commercial in 2008, the company will
most effective method. Plank has said, “We always build continue to use more guerrilla tactics than traditional
a product for the athlete’s needs.” The customer is will- expensive ad campaigns.
ing to pay the price because the Under Armour prod-
uct has value in it. “Without value, our product is just
an expensive t-shirt. But we have the technology in the
Strategic Challenges
fabric [and] the design and the features satisfy what the Like most up-and-coming companies, Under Armour
athlete needs.”34 “Our model is getting to the athletes— faces several issues and challenges. These challenges
supplying them with great product that helps them include the current economic downturn, competing
perform better.”35 against major rivals such as Nike and Adidas/Reebok,
Athletes are a valuable marketing resource and the and maintaining a positive brand image despite set-
mouthpiece for Under Armour. The company signed a backs, such as the recent recall of its men’s protective
five-year partnership agreement in April 2009 with Cal athletic gear.40 In addition, some of the most critical
Ripken, Jr., a retired professional baseball player, to be issues involve protection of the differentiation strategy,
their official uniform representative. Under Armour feels improvement of production and procurement capabili-
this is a great opportunity because Ripken previously was ties, and continued implementation of a sound interna-
partnered with Nike.36 The company has reached out to tional expansion strategy.
capture much of the youth sports industry by sponsor- Under Armour’s differentiation strategy has been
ing recreational teams and major youth tournaments, successful to date; however, the lack of proprietary prod-
including the Under Armour All-America high school uct rights, intellectual property rights in foreign coun-
football and lacrosse games (see Exhibit 7).37 tries, and a heavy reliance on relatively few third-party
Under Armour has initiated other sponsorships that suppliers and manufacturers could adversely affect the
help get its name out in public, such as the Baltimore long-term sustainability of the firm. “The intellectual
Marathon, which is now named the Under Armour property rights in the technology, fabrics, and processes
Marathon. In an effort to boost the women’s clothing used to manufacture our products are generally owned
line, Under Armour sponsored the women’s U.S. field by our suppliers and generally not unique to us.”41 The
hockey team and some of the U.S. women’s softball and company’s ability to obtain patent protection for its
volleyball athletes during the 2008 Olympic Games.38 products is limited, and as previously mentioned it does
During the first three months of 2008, Under Armour not currently own any fabric or process patents.42
apparel appeared in cable shows nearly 3,000 times, Intangible assets such as trademarks are very impor-
more than any other company, according to Nielsen tant to the Under Armour brand, as are licensing
Media.39 Ironically, movie studios are asking to use arrangements and other legal agreements. The intellec-
Under Armour’s products as opposed to Under Armour tual property rights laws and regulations of countries
having to purchase product placement time. The desire in the global market vary dramatically. Under Armour
of athletes and movie studios to use Under Armour’s relies heavily on suppliers and manufacturers outside of
December 31
2008 $14,684
2009 14,660
2010 13,110
2011 10,125
Source: 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K 2007 Annual Report, December 31, 60.
the United States. Seventy to 75 percent of the fabric used cute its international growth strategy? Going forward,
1. 2008, Investors Relations—About Under Armour, Inc., http://www 18. 2008, Under Armour, Hoovers, http://premium.hoovers
.underarmour.com. .com.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/subscribe/co/competitors.
2. 2008, Five questions with Under Armour CEO, Kevin Plank, xhtml?ID=fffrfjjfkrrrhkxsxh.
Sports Business Journal, http://www.sportsbusinessconferences 19. 2008, Nike history, http://www.nikebiz.com/company_overview/
.com/sss-pov/entries/2008/five-questions-with-kevin-plank, history, December 4.
August 15. 20. 2009, Nike company overview fact sheet, http://www.nikebiz.com;
3. Ibid. 2009, Nike pulling production from four Asian factories, Reuters,
4. Ibid. http://www.reuters.com, March 24.
5. S. Lyster, 2008, The history of Under Armour—A mastermind for 21. 2008, Adidas group history, Adidas Group, http://www.adidas
performance apparel, http://www.ezinearticles.com, December 4. -group.com/en/overview/history/default.asp. December 4.
6. 2008, Under Armour performance apparel, Funding Universe, 22. 2008, Columbia Sportswear, Funding Universe, http://www
http://www.fundinguniverse.com, December 4. .fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Columbia-Sportswear
7. Ibid. -Company-Company-History1.html, December 4.
8. Ibid. 23. 2008, http://www.sporthill.com, December 4.
9. D. Rovell, 2005, Under Armour could offer up to $100 million in 24. M. Hyman, 2003, How I did it: Kevin Plank: For the founder of
stock, http://sports.espn.go.com, August 26. apparel-maker Under Armour, entrepreneurship is 99% perspiration
10. S. N. Mehta, 2009, Under Armour reboots: The sports apparel and 1% polyester, Inc., http://www.inc.com, December.
maker is sprinting into footwear—and trying to take on Nike—with 25. S. Graham, 2004, Kevin Plank’s drive makes Under Armour an
the help of software and science, Fortune, http://www.money.cnn industry overachiever, Sports Business Journal, http://www
.com, March 5. .sportsbusinessjournal.com/article/36213, January 19.
11. D. Kiley, 2008, Under Armour steps into footwear field: 26. Ibid.
Sports apparel maker set to do battle with Nike and Adidas, 27. 2008, Five questions with Under Armour CEO, Kevin Plank.
BusinessWeek, http://www.businessweek.com, January 31. 28. 2008, How do you define your job? Business Management Daily,
12. Ibid. http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com, November 8.
13. 2008, Under Armour 10-K 2007 Annual Report, http://www 29. 2007, Under Armour appoints Peter Mahrer as president &
.underarmour.com/annuals.cfm, February. managing director, Europe; Experienced sporting goods industry
14. D. Kiley, 2008, Under Armour steps into footwear field. executive to lead sport performance brand’s European growth
15. A. K. Walker, 2009, New shoe helps Under Armour beat strategy, Baltimore, MD, Under Armour press release, http://www
expectations, Baltimore Sun, http://www.baltimoresun.com, .underarmour.com, July 9.
April 29. 30. T. Heath, 2008, In pursuit of innovation at Under Armour: Founder
16. S. N. Mehta, 2009, Under Armour reboots. Kevin Plank says Super Bowl commercial has generated “buzz,”
17. D. Kiley, Under Armour steps into footwear field. Washington Post, February 25, D03.
31. D. Kiley, 2009, Under Armour steps into footwear field. 38. R. Sharrow, 2008, Under Armour entering an Olympic contest of its
Case 29: Under Armour: Working to Stay on Top of Its Game
32. R. Sharrow, 2009, Plank: Under Armour eyeing ‘09 “with appropriate own, Baltimore Business Journal, http://www.baltimore.bizjournals
degree of conservatism,” Baltimore Business Journal, http://www .com, August 1.
.baltimore.bizjournals.com, January 29. 39. A. K. Walker, 2008, Under Armour in public eye, The Baltimore
33. R. E. Hoskisson, M. Hitt, R. Ireland, & J. Harrison, 2008, Competing Sun, July 24.
for Advantage, Thomson Southwestern, 286. 40. J. Alper, 2009, Under Armour recalls 200,000 cups: Injuries involve
34. 2007, I am, Video interview with Kevin Plank, CNBC, http://www cutting and bruising, NBC New York Sports, http://www
.cnbc.com/id/25191722, September 11. .nbcnewyork.com/sports, April.
35. M. Hyman, 2003, How I did it: Kevin Plank. 41. 2007, Under Armour, Inc., Form 10-K Annual Report, http://investor
36. R. Sharrow, 2009, Under Armour, Ripken Baseball swing for fences .underarmour.com, December 31, 18.
with sportswear pact, Baltimore Business Journal, http://www 42. Ibid.
.baltimore.bizjournals.com, April 22. 43. 2008, Under Armour, Inc., Form 8-K, http://investor.underarmour.com, 6.
37. R. Sharrow, 2009, Cal Ripken Jr. nears deal to promote Under 44. Ibid.
Armour, Baltimore Business Journal, http://www.baltimore 45. R. Sharrow, 2009, Plank: Under Armour eyeing ‘09 with appropriate
.bizjournals.com, March 20. degree of conservatism.