Trobell Hse Plan
Trobell Hse Plan
Trobell Hse Plan
Submitted on
1. Table of content 1
2. Introduction 2
3. Policies 3
6. HSE Communication 26
8. HSE Training 30
14. Environment 42
16. Transportation 53
17. Security 61
20 Closure 64
The objective of this HSE plan is to promote Health, Safety & Environment of
person working with TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD and prescribe
certain rules, procedures and safe practices in order to create a working
environment free of condition and factors that might contribute to an accident
or injury /Illness. The Specific HSE plan will provide guide line for safe execution
of project.
It is policy of TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD to carry out all its work
in a way that provides healthy and safe working practices and avoids risks of injury to
anyone as a result of the activity for which the company is responsible.
The overall responsibility for Health, Safety & Environment rests at the
highest level, however, all individual employees have important responsibility
towards HSE and must participate in carrying out policy. Appropriate training,
supervision and information are provided to encourage and enable to carry
out their duties safely.
It is therefore our goal to eliminate both unsafe working condition and unsafe work
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
▪ To minimize to the barest minimum, the impact of our operation on our working
▪ To reduce to the barest minimum project related CA conflicts/disturbances.
▪ To enlighten our host communities on the benefits derivable from community related
▪ To enhance our host communities’ awareness about HSE issues.
“To carry out our work safely without disturbances”
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
We shall maintain an insurance against any liability that may result in the event
of any personnel suffering occupational diseases or any impairment to health
resulting from our operation.
The company’s retainer ship clinic shall handle all routine medical and medical
Only certified and competent site nurse can man the first aid box and administer
first aid any operational areas. Records of medications administrated or injuries
MUST be kept at site and base office.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
The central safety committee shall make selection process after the pre-
selection exercise by the sponsor department/unit.
This policy shall be subject to review in line with the dictates of time
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
All Journeys should be made during the day with the vehicle in good condition,
all accessories and spare parts in place with enough water, oil and gas.
All Journeys will be carried out with the driver being pre-informed of the trip, the
estimated distance and the journey time. Driver must stay within speed limits
and choose the service route to be taken.
As a matter of fact, the supervisor must discuss the journey with the driver
before departure. The driver must avoid over indulgence in eating/drinking and
be physically and mentally fit. If the driver is discovered to have taken alcohol,
or any intoxicating drug, he will automatically be disqualified from making the
No driver is expected to use his phone during the course of the journey.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
All company vehicles are fitted with seat belt. Drivers and passengers shall
always use seat belt when traveling in company vehicles at all times.
This is one of the ways the company ensures proper implementation of its
journey management system.
It is the duty of drivers to ensure that personnel carried in the company vehicles
complies with this policy.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
However local security men from community, where we operate will also be
Armed security agencies, such as Mobile Police, Air Force, Army, or Navy shall
not be used in any of our work sites. They shall however be invited in riot
situation, which are out of control of the Nigerian Policy force.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Selecting a good sub-contractor will not relief the Company from its obligation,
in that we shell supervise the entire execution of the job.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Industrial wastes and site wastes shall be collected separately in bins market
accordingly. In remote locations, biodegradable waste shall be disposed off in
pits and backfilled. Non- degradable waste (but combustible ones) shall be
incinerated with proper precautions taken not to cause air pollution. Non-
degradable and incombustible waste shall be collected, crated and conveyed
for disposal at Government approval disposal sites.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Continually, the management shall enforce the effective use and maintenance
of available personal protective equipment, which entails regular conditions
audits and replacement of defective ones.
Site safety officers and supervisors shall continue to monitor compliance with
this policy.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Due to the sophistication of all our equipment, work tools, nature of operations
coupled with man’s imperfection, unsafe acts and conditions are inevitable.
These Act and Conditions if not observed, checked and controlled or completely
eliminated can result in accidents. TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD
recognize this fact and therefore has it as a policy to carry out frequent HSE
Audit at all its work sites and operations.
All front line supervisors are mandated to carry out site HSE audits, make
reports and forward same to the HSE Committee who reviews the report and
follow up actions to ensure corrective measures are implemented in good time.
The HSE management committee ensures that training on HSE Audit,
Management and Technical Safety Audits are carried out. Reports are compiled
recommendations made and followed-up ensuring compliance.
It is the responsibility of all the work force to carry out HSE Audit both in and
outside their department’s area of operation and report to the site HSE Officer
or their immediate supervisors.
This policy shall apply to all forces and all is required to read, understand and
abide by this policy.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
The Managing Director and the General Manager visit work areas regularly to
monitor HSE, wearing the required P.P.E., and discussing HSE with employees
and carrying out audits.
The company management holds her HSE meeting quarterly and HSE is also
an important agenda on all business meeting. Serious disciplinary action is
usually taken for serious and repeated breaches of HSE rules.
Line supervisors are empowered to stop work if they feel that the work is not
safe. Adequate funds are always allocated for the creation of safe working
Good HSE performance is always rewarded and the HSE department is fully
staffed with not only experienced personnel but also competent ones.
It is the management’s responsibility to ensure that all employees are properly
equipped and trained, and to motivate them to work safely.
The right attitude is the key to progress.
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
Managing Director
Trobell International Nigeria Limited
The HSE coordinator shall be responsible for checking that the work is carried out in
accordance with governing HSE regulations and in-house standards. He must be
qualified according to SPDC requirements, as a professional HSE adviser or an
adviser seconded from line management. Must have attended appropriate training
courses and received basic qualification relevant to TROBELL INTERNATIONAL
NIGERIA LTD.’s work, e.g. swimming, driving and first aid.
The QA/QC Officer reports to the head of QA/QC function but shall maintain close
liaison with the Project Manager and SHELL Inspection personnel. His duties include
but not limited to the following:
➢ Prepare the Project QC/QC Plan in connection with the Project Manager and the
QA Manager at head office;
➢ To make sure that all HSE precautionary measures are in place and also to
advise when necessary.
➢ Verify that the quality related activities are in accordance with applicable codes,
specifications and regulations;
➢ Ensure recording, updating and distribution of documents and information, i.e.
procedures, drawings, plans, reports and certificates;
➢ Identify any deficiency, promote corrective actions and verify their
➢ Verification of the Quality Assurance implementation by a system of scheduled
Quality Audits;
➢ Ensure surveillance at Client’s works;
➢ Evaluation of the Suppliers and Vendors quality systems;
➢ Ensure that measures are taken in order to identify and prevent acceptance of
defective materials;
➢ Ensure collection of documentation and certificates related to materials
purchased by TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD and its Vendors.
➢ Prepare QC plans for production phases and review quality plans issued by
Clients and vendors;
➢ Ensure the inspection and testing in compliance with established QC plans;
➢ Ensure the compliance of final documentation to be issued to the Client with
Project requirements;
➢ Make requisition for all safety personnel equipment and lifesaving appliances.
➢ Acts as secretary to the HSE management committee.
➢ Liaise with projects and site Engineers to establish safety training needs.
➢ Liaise with clients safety functions in matters of safety requirements, especially
➢ Organize formal safety training for all employees as may be necessary.
➢ Develop safety procedure guides for specific activities in liaison with line
➢ Serve as secretary of management safety committee and collate all line
committee activities
➢ Carry out scheduled and unscheduled safety inspection of all sites.
➢ Join in all accident investigations and give wide circulation of findings.
➢ Monitor employee compliance with statutory and clients' safety rules and
The Site Nurse / First Aider shall among other HSE activities do the followings:
• Attend all courses and meeting as schedule
• Maintain good house keeping
• Adhere to good working procedure.
• Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriately.
• Keep tools and equipment in designated areas.
• Report any observed incident to site supervisor and safety officer
Effective communication is essential for the development of a safety culture within the
organization, this will be implemented through:
➢ Dissemination of TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD HSE Policy to all
personnel, and instruction on its use.
➢ Distribution of HSE Safety Notices, periodic health and safety briefing notes etc.,
to employee. Promoting open communications between management and
workforce on safety matters. Ensuring health and safety issues are included on
the agenda at management meetings.
➢ Promoting hygiene, health and safety awareness by disseminating information
such as accident and injury statistics, and articles, which have a direct impact
upon the health, hygiene and safety of the workforce
➢ Weekly safety meetings.
➢ On the job instructions (toolbox meeting).
➢ On the job “Ten Minutes Specking” (One-on-One).
➢ Effective signs indicating hazards and escape routes.
➢ Site co-ordination
➢ Co-ordination between Corporate and Line Management
All HSE concerns shall be seriously considered and reported through the lines of
communication in an open manner.
The Site Induction training will be performed on all new arrivals (for person who have
not been on the site before) within the first day on site. The subjects to be covered by
the Site Safety Supervisor will, in the main, consist of:
Environmental Education
Accident Prevention
Typical mountain risks (General and work area climatology and altitude effects)
The extent to which the site induction training will take place will depend on the nature
of the work and hazards inherent in that work.
In addition, more intensive induction training will be given to Supervisors, Foremen and
senior members of site staff.
After issue of basic safety gear to personnel, the Site Safety Supervisor will take all new
arrivals on a tour of the Site. During this tour he will; Show escape routes and muster
Show location of safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire hoses, breathing
apparatus, first aid kits etc
Indicate specific hazards and precautions, including any restricted / hazardous areas
and who may go in there.
Give a general guided tour of all the main areas of the site.
On completion of the induction talk and tour of the site, the Site Safety Supervisor will
ensure that new arrivals have received a copy of the safety handbook.
Its agenda shall include discussion of the previous accidents, any unsafe work, material
or equipment reported by the inspectors. It shall include also the planning for the next
period for all activities and their safety requirements.
Those meetings shall study also the needs for the safety materials information bulletins,
training and the tool box meetings.
Reports of the supervisory meetings shall be provided to the Project Management and
Safety Department and Operations Director.
All Supervisors and Safety Inspectors are to lead the weekly individual meetings for
working crews. This ensures that every worker is quite conscious of his week’s duties
and their hazards answer any questions, initiate discussions. Inspect the safety
conditions of all mechanical equipment, materials stored and proposed work manner.
They shall discuss the accidents and deficiencies, if any that occurred in the previous
Safety Inspector, during his daily job site inspections shall held individual ten Minute
Speech to personnel involved in the fumigation and pest control who are caught in
violating of safety rules and regulations or in unsafe acts or conditions.
During the initial induction course, a “Safety Handbook for Civil Engineering and
Construction activities” shall be distributed to all new employees.
All potential hazards related to the Settling Tanks Revamp at MPN Facilities operations
to be performed by TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD shall be systematically
identified, the risks assessed and appropriate actions taken and implemented by:
Developing and maintaining hazard identification and risk assessment procedures and
criteria (Risk Analysis).
A qualification risk analysis of the project operations will be carried out prior to contract
activities starting. In a systematic approach, it shall be implemented and reviewed by
experienced competent personnel, using their Professional and operational knowledge
and best judgment to identify and rank the risk associated with each activity.
Good safety awareness training is important to all employees, especially for those
learning a new trade. It is also essential to keep Supervisors and skilled Operators up-
to-date current safety techniques and practices.
Therefore in addition to the induction training, the Site Safety Supervisor shall ascertain
any extra safety training that will be required for employees, and shall either perform
the training himself, assign other site personnel to perform the training, or in certain
circumstance, arrange for personnel to attend external training courses.
In addition to standard skill training courses for skilled operators, the type of safety
training which may be required could be; first aid, fire teams and firefighting, use of
breathing apparatus, Supervisors training etc.
An activity Training Matrix shall be instigated identifying specific disciplines and training
requirements and shall be approved by the Operations Manager.
A formal activity specific Safety Induction Course shall be given to all employees on the
All employee safety training shall be recorded and kept in a central point.
All event involving fire and/ or damage to TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD
or Oil and Gas Industry properties, plant and equipment will be reported in writing to
Where a Near Miss is recorded it shall be reported and where necessary investigated
and appropriate corrective actions taken to prevent re-occurrence.
Monthly safety reports shall be submitted to Oil and Gas Industry safety department and
contract owner.
Permit to Work procedures are intended to maintain a high level of plant safety by
reducing the chance of misunderstandings when non-routine activities are to be carried
out at the same amount in time.
In the Operational Area non-routine will be taken to mean anything other than the
normal operation of the plant and therefore even planned maintenance will be
considered “non-routine activity”.
The original of the Work Permit and all other certificates will be retained on the job.
The copy of the Work Permit and all other certificates will be retained in the Permit to
Work Administration system.
A work permit authorizes specific works to be conducted in a restricted area. This serves
a record that steps have been taken to ensure safe working conditions in the area.
In this proposed revamp project, TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD shall
strictly follow Oil and Gas Industry Work Permit System. Application for Work Permit
must be made 24 hours before the commencement of the work activity. Any activity will
not start until all conditions on work permit are completely met.
Before the commencement of any construction activity in a restricted area work permit
is necessary.
The work at site must be performed according to the instructions and precautions on
the work permit.
The authorized Business owner (Representative) has the responsibility to stop the work
and advise the Operation Supervisor any time safety on the job does not meet the
condition of the work permit.
The Company’s copy of the work permit shall remain on the job site at all time for the
duration of the activity in the work permit.
Where an incident or emergency occurs the Permit to Work will be withdrawn
immediately pending confirmation to restart work.
Administration of work permit procedures shall be in compliance with Oil and Gas
Industry Requirements.
In the event of Gas systems, precautions will be taken by rolling blinds before work on
the system will take place.
Oil and Gas Industry’s Operations shall identify and isolate all required lines and
equipment before Contractor employees will accept a line to work on. Contractor
supervisors may assist operations as requested.
Locks and hold tags will be provided to employees to put on isolation panels after
operations has put their locks on. Work Permit Receiver Person, must also put his own
lock to insure safety.
Lockout keys will be kept by the Work Permit Receiver Person for his own lock. The
transfer of keys will be done in the presence of the employees Supervisor.
When the Fire Alarm is sounded, all work must stop. All personnel are to proceed to
the nearest muster point on foot. Vehicles/cranes etc must be left switched off with the
ignition keys in them. When the All Clear is sounded the permit holder must seek advice
from the Area.
Operator if a false alarm, then verbal instructions from the Area Operator is sufficient to
recommence work. However, if it was a real fire alarm, then conditions at the work site
may have changed and the safety officer must revalidate the work permit before work
can start again.
When the work specified in the Work Permit is complete, the Permit Holder must clear
up the work site so that both the work and the site are in a safe and tidy condition. He
then signs the hand-back section of the Work Permit for the work and returns the
documentation to the point of issue.
This includes not only complete body entry but also when only head is inserted into the
confined space as follows:
➢ Manholes
➢ Hatches
➢ Pipe ends
➢ Vessels Tanks
➢ Drains Sumps
➢ Excavations Pits
➢ Trenches Piping
➢ Culverts
At no time may work be carried out which is not described on the Work Permit.
Are designed to protect personnel working on equipment. The person whose name
appears on the notice can only remove a Danger Notice.
➢ A source of ignition
➢ Confined space entry
➢ Opening systems, which are expected to contain Hydrocarbons.
➢ Opening systems, which are expected to contain Hydrocarbons.
➢ Any non-routine works in a pressurized building with air intake protected
by Fire & Gas system.
Any non-routine work in the Operational Area that involves a source of ignition
as follows:
➢ Any non-routine work on the Operations area that involves entry into a
confined space. A confined space is any partially enclosed space where
there is some risk of:
➢ Reduced oxygen.
➢ Accumulation of toxic, flammable or explosive material
➢ Where means of entry /exit are limited.
➢ This includes not only complete body entry but also when only the head
is inserted into the confined space as follows:
➢ Manholes
➢ Pipe Ends
➢ Hatches
➢ Columns Ducts
➢ Drains Sumps
➢ Exchanges Tanks
➢ Furnaces Vessels
➢ Excavations Pits
The HSE Supervisor and the Nurse, after investigation of the job site
When an emergency condition exists or on hearing the ‘Stop Work Alarm” every
supervisor shall ensure the following:
No one is permitted to return until notification has been received from the MOBIL’s alarm
or Plant supervisor of his representative that it is safe to do so.
Emergency Preparedness
The idea of emergency preparedness is among other things to:
- Save life
- Assist the injured
- Reduce damage to company or client’s property or resources and the
Drill such, as fire, medical evacuation, security and general emergency shall be held
from time to time in order to prepare workers for real life situations. Participation by all
personnel on the
Project shall remain mandatory, and report of the drill documented. Drills shall be
conducted forth nightly.
The main objective of first aid is to save life, prevent further injury and aid for recovery.
First aid being the first help or assistance given at once to the injured person or to those
taken suddenly ill before taking him/her to the hospital, the first aider must be observant,
resourceful, sympathetic, gentle and cheerful.
He of course has to do the first thing quickly, quietly, methodically without panic. Give
artificial respiration if breathing has stopped every second counts.
Stop bleeding if any. Guard against or treat for shock by moving the casualty as little
as possible and handling him gently.
Do not attempt too much, do the minimum that is essential to save life and prevent the
condition from worsening.
Reassure the casualty and of those around, so as to help lessen anxiety.
Do not allow people to gather round, as fresh air is essential.
Do not remove clothes unnecessarily.
Arrange for the removal of the casualty to the company retained hospital as soon as
Above all, first aid lectures shall be organized for staff once every month. These
lectures will be conducted by in-house or by external trainers, as management deemed
necessary. Staff shall
attend these lectures in nominated batches.
Attendance registers shall be kept. The safety officers and First-Aid personnel shall
organise, schedule and execute the lectures with management approval.
Medical Care
All TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD beyond first-aid shall be referred to the
company’s retained clinic for adequate medical attention. Such TROBELL
INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD shall be properly documented and followed by the
personnel department as well as safety.
All medical evacuations from work site shall be conveyed in the company’s
vehicles/speed boat for that purpose. However, should there be TROBELL
INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD occurring within client’s facilities, their articulated
medical procedure will take precedence.
All personnel who enter the job site must make themselves familiar with the muster point
nearest to their work place as well as an alternative muster point should conditions
prevent access to the closed one. All occupants of buildings must know duties in the
event of an alarm, the evacuation procedures of that building and the location of the
nearest muster point and an alternative one.
In a site emergency all personnel, with the exception of Security Personnel and
members of the TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD Emergency Support Team,
who have been allocated emergency response duties, shall muster at the designated
muster points. Personnel working on the facilities must ensure that they have suitable
means of communication with them.
Their fire wardens will devise people, who muster at Non-operational Muster Locations,
when it is safe to resume normal duties. People at Operational Muster Locations must
remain at the muster point until the “All Clear” is sounded.
Those personnel who are caught at a remote location or cut off and unable to make
their way to a muster station must ensure that they advise Main Gate security of their
name, company, location and number of persons at that position.
TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD disciplinary plan may entail a first incident
warning, second incident probation, third incident immediate dismissal depending on
the nature and seriousness of the offence.
During the performance of the Project programmed works, the following topics will be
developed for implementation, aiming at establishing and preserving the highest
standard of health and hygienic conditions for the entire work force in the worksite:
TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD confirm its commitments in performing the
PROJECT- contractual works with the least possible impact on the environment and in
absolute compliance. With all NIGERIAN applicable Laws, Regulations, Guidelines and
terms of approvals issued by Environmental Authorities.
Waste Management
Waste constitutes serious hazards to the health of the personnel, environment and the
neighborhood especially when it is not properly collected, handled and disposed of.
To eradicate these hazards resulting from our activities, the company shall embark upon
valid assessment of source, types and quality of waste that are generated and employ
an acceptable strategy in the evacuation of waste.
The strategy will include the engagement of our specialists in environmental and waste
management, when and where necessary, provision of waste disposal and recording
Evacuation procedures; and approved waste dump areas and in accordance with
establish HSE d client and government laws on waste matter.
The waste focal point for TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD activities is the
site environmental coordinator who is responsible for ensuring that all waste is disposed
of in an acceptable environmental manner and according to all local and state laws.
The site waste coordinator is responsible for arranging hazardous waste disposal under
the instruction of the site environmental officer.
Schedule Wastes
Where disposal is not feasible, the wastes shall be properly stored at the temporary
waste storage area. Waste should be stored in covered containers, which are durable
and will able to prevent spillage or leakage into the environment; the containers should
be clearly labeled, for identification and warning purposes. The waste is handled by
contractor and will be incinerated.
Oil and chemical spills can represent a potential threat to the Plant, personal safety and
the environment. Immediate action should be taken in the event of all spills to minimize
the consequences of the spill.
The first action should be to locate and stop the source of the spill. If this cannot be
done or involves a threat to your safety call the emergency number.
Containment of the spill is also important to minimize the chances of oil or chemical
entering the storm water system and potentially the ocean. Small spills should be
cleaned up immediately using an appropriate absorbent material.
If the spill is more severe call the emergency number or use a Plant Radio to advise
operations of the situation.
All spills over 20 liters must be reported to the Environmental Coordinator.
Use all radiation protection devices including protective equipment and personal
dosimeters in the correct manner.
Be licensed by the regulatory body to operate radiation-emitting apparatus
TROBELL INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA LTD HSE policy on Radiation Safety shall be
adhered to at all times
Recommendations by Radiation Advisory Committee are to be followed.
Where you intend to lift any load, the followings procedures applies;
Do not try to lift something, which is too large for you to get a good grip on it. Do not
run. Avoid carrying a load that will obscure your view, particularly when using stair ways
or on elevated sites.
Do not try to lift heavy loads by yourself. Get help to lift heavy loads.
All plants and equipment on site must be operated by experienced and skilled
personnel. The plants and equipment must be regularly be inspected and vice in
accordance with the maintenance schedule. Unauthorized persons shall be debarred
from tempering or operating any plant or equipment on site.
Before use in the plant, Coating machines, air compressors and cranes must be
checked and a certificate issued by:
ii) Civil Engineering mechanical workshop section for air compressors cranes
engines of Coating machines.
The certificate must be revalidated every six months and displayed in the prominent
place on the equipment. It is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure that the
above is carried out.
Equipment register shall be kept for all equipment by maintenance. Information about
Inspection Schedule and update of Inspection Schedule shall be included in register.
All mobile equipment must have a stop sign attached to the appropriate button, key or
devise that is used to shut down the machine.
Ensure portable equipment or tools are used for the job it is designed for.
Only use tools in good condition. Broken or damaged tools and makeshift tools must
not be used and will be confiscated without warning. This includes:
All tools powered by motive power (electricity, air) are considered to be capable of
producing incentive sparks and a permit to work must cover their use in the restricted
Those tools, which depend entirely on manpower, are considered to be cold tools from
which the possibility of producing an incentive spark is remote and their use may be
authorized by a permit to work. Remember that all work in confined spaces requires an
entry permit.
Wandering lead lamps, portable clusters etc. are to be obtained from Civil Engineering
electrical department. The use of non-authorized equipment is not allowed. Instructions
about voltage etc. can be obtained from Electrical Department (PPE).
Bottles and flame cutting equipment not in use shall be parked only on dedicated places
outside of the plant. At the end of every day tubes shall be removed from the plant to
dedicated places.
When hot work is done in plant a habitat or tarpaulin is recommended to direct sparks.
Maximum open circuit voltage of Coating equipment including quivers shall be limited
to 50 Volts ac. or 110 Volts dc.
Work piece return cable shall be connected directly to the work piece to provide good
earthling connection. Insulated connectors of locking types shall joint the sections of
Coating cable.
The length of supply cable to a Coating transformer shall be limited to four meters. Minor
cuts in Coating cable are to be repaired with self-fusing tape (not PVC)
Cable lengths between repairs shall exceed 10 meters and the length of the tape applied
shall be less than fifteen centimeters cable length.
Cylinders intended for the storage of compressed gas are the subjects of special
standards as to material and method of construction, the pressure that they are tested,
and the maximum pressure to which they can be filled.
All gas cylinders shall be color-coded and certified. An instruction about color-coding is
available from Civil Engineering Department.
Mishandling gas cylinders can result in explosions. When using Coating gas in a
workshop, the cylinders should be outside the building and manifold to a piping system
to provide the gas at the place of work. Such piping systems should be marked to
identify the gases.
To prevent the interchange of fittings between cylinders to combustible gases and non-
combustible gases, the valve outlet is screwed left hand and right hand respectively.
Provision should be made on gas cylinder trolleys for the safe storage of hoses.
Gas cylinders other than those associated with breathing apparatus must never be
taken into confined spaces and gas torches and hoses must be removed when the work
is completed or whenever work is temporarily suspended at the end of the workday.
When regulator head from an empty cylinder is transferred to a full one the regulator
screw must be completely unscrewed. The cock on the cylinder must be opened very
gradually to prevent
Any pressure shock to the regulator head. Failure to observe these precautions will
result in putting great pressure suddenly on the regulator, which can cause it to
Ladders should in principal be used on flat level ground only. Wedges or other loose
material should not be used. The top of the ladder should be securely clamped or
lashed with wire or polyprolene rope during use. If this is not possible it should be held
firmly (footed) by another person. The ladder should be placed at a safe angle, i.e. up
to 1 out.
Ladders, which have damaged stiles or rungs, must not be used, but brought to the
attention of supervision. If they cannot be repaired immediately they shall be removed
from site.
Wooden ladders shall be inspected regularly.
Metal ladders must not be used near unprotected live electrical conductors.
Aluminum ladders must not be used in areas where they may come in contact with
caustic material.
Pipe work below 75 mm (3”) in diameter must not be used as a ladder support.
The ladder should always be of sufficient length for the job, i.e 1 meter (3’3”) above the
place of landing and above the highest rung to be reached by the feet of the person
working on the ladder.
Lifting gear for the execution of small jobs may be borrowed from mechanical tool store
when it is specified that the contractor must supply its own lifting tackle, the following
rule applies.
All vehicles must have valid statutory papers at any given time to be used in the
All vehicle particulars such as vehicles license, insurance certificate, road worthiness
certificate, and any other document such as driver'’ license should be handy at all times.
Company’s internal proficiency test should be conducted before drivers are being
deployed to drive any of the company’s vehicles.
Drivers and front seat passengers must wear their seat belts while the vehicle is on
All vehicles shall be equipped with fire extinguishers (portable), two triangular reflectors,
one jack and wheel spanners and spare wheel/tyre.
The necessary safety check should be routinely carried out daily such as oil, water,
brake fluid, lights, trafficators, wipers etc.
All drivers must be prepared to drive according to or within speed limits, to stop at all
cross-roads, should not over-load and prevent excessive speeding.
All accidents involving company’s vehicles must be reported immediately as per injuries,
damage and cause of accident for immediate investigation.
No employee will be permitted to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs or without
a valid and appropriate driving license.
All regulations, which are applicable to vehicles on the public roads, apply inside
General Rules
The driver is responsible for the safety of all passengers and shall inspect the vehicle
each day before use.
Seat belts shall be worn at all times when vehicle is in motion
No private cars will be allowed on the job site without the approval of the Project
Manager or his designated.
Always look at the rear of the vehicle before reversing and sound the horn in congested
areas before backing.
Obey all speed limits and regulations and always give pedestrians the right of way.
When refueling a vehicle, be sure to shut off the engine. During refueling no smoking is
allowed and mobile telephone shall be shut off.
Safety Belts
Safety belts shall be worn in the vehicles all time while under transport except for forklift
trucks. This applies to both residential area and industrial area as well as outside. Not
wearing Safety Belt is considered a serious offence. A formal warning will be issued if
caught not complying with this rule.
Passengers in vehicles must be seats provided. The used seats shall be provided with
safety belts except for the buses. They must not stand while vehicle is in motion and
must not travel in the same compartment as an unsecured load.
No person shall drive a vehicle on site for which he/HSE does not hold the relevant
class of license. The speed limit for light vehicles is 30 km/h and for mobile plant and
heavy vehicles (those exceeding two tons in weight) is 10 km/h. The speed limit of 10
km/h applies in the vicinity of shutdown /project work. The maximum clearance under
pipe racks is 5.5 meters.
All cranes must travel along roads with their booms down. A guide, to avoid collisions
with process equipment, in another vehicle or walking, must accompany all cranes
maneuvering in the process areas.
Vehicles are to be parked in designated parking zones unless the vehicle must be close
to the job to allow it to be used for work. In all circumstances vehicles shall be parked
so as not to obstruct access for emergency services. The vehicle keys are to be left in
the ignition.
Occupants of vehicles fitted with seat belts must wear them whilst driving on site. Riding
on vehicles is not permitted where there is no vehicle manufacturer’s seating provided.
When vehicles with a load in excess of ten tons require Operational Area access and
they need to cross plant road bridges, their route must be approved by the Technical
Director before being permitted on site.
The use of vehicles within the site is strictly controlled to minimize the risk to personnel
and plant. The Nigerian Road Traffic Act applies within the site boundaries; site specific
regulations take precedence. All traffic signs rules and all drivers shall observe barriers.
Vehicle Inspection
All vehicles entering the Plant are to be maintained in a safe operating condition and
shall be inspected at six-month intervals or as required. Vehicles, which fail any part of
the inspection, will not be permitted to access site until they have been repaired and re-
inspected. Vehicles, which have passed inspection, can be identified by a round sticker
on the top near (passenger) side of the windscreen. The sticker colors change each
six-month to aid Identification of vehicles due for re-inspection. Vehicles are either given
renewed transponder access or a blue vehicle Inspection Card.
The Quarter-Master is in-charge of the craft and all instructions and safety regulations
passed by him must be complied with.
Always remain seated in the cabin at all times unless instructed otherwise.
Embark and disembark only when craft has fully secured along-side.
The transportation of workers in water-borne and swampy areas will be by house-boat,
and speed-boats.
Induction or briefing should be conducted to the people on the use of life-jackets and
vest during emergency before commencement of journey.
Life jackets and vests should be stocked inside the boat in easy access in TROBELL
Personnel should not be allowed to wear safety shoes or helmet inside the boat.
All passengers boarding the Aircraft and Helicopter should observed all necessary
precautions and follow the lead of the pilot
Wear your earmuffs and obey all instructions from the pilot and crew.
Walking around the back of the aircraft should be avoided because the Rotor is very
Do not carry long objects horizontally and light items to be properly hand carried.
Do not inflate your lift jacket until you are out of the Helicopter.
Personal Protective Equipment refers to the protective, i.e. the materials given to a
worker to safeguard against the hazard involved in the duty he has to perform. Such
protective gadgets includes but not limited to the followings:
In swampy area, safety jack boots, jungle or rain boots should be used. Such safety
shoes or boots must have steel cap.
All coverall or work cloths should be worn and maintained in good state and shall not
be transferable.
Workers should not work bare chest or put coverall in oil, chemicals or any other
dangerous products.
Ragged clothing’s, loose or torn clothing should be replaced, particularly when working
near running machinery.
Avoid wearing over-sized or under-sized overall.
Workers working close to load or high noise area should wear ear muffs aid plugs as
required and avoid wearing unserviceable ear protective equipment.
Respiratory protection should be in a serviceable condition such as face mask, nose
covers, breathing apparatus, dust hoods and shield etc.
Respiratory protective equipment should be worn to avoid inhalation of dangerous and
harmful substances.
Appropriate respiratory system, eye wear and protective clothing must be worn when
sand-blasting, using a spray gun for painting and in the presence of dangerous dust.
Discard equipment when it is dirty or unserviceable and replace stock immediately.
Safety hats are to be worn during over-head or working in hazardous areas that could
result in a head injury.
Inappropriate use of hard hats shall not be accepted
Damaged or unserviceable hard hats must be replaced as soon as reported.
Hard hats should have fastening traps to grip hat properly to the head to avoid frequent
falling off from head.
When working or handling corrosive substances ensure covering your hands with
rubber hand gloves.
Special hand protection such as gauntlets shall be used by operators etc.
Torn or worn out gloves must be replaced as soon as reported and gloves should be
worn to avoid hand injury.
All lifting or any menial work must be done with hand gloves
Various kinds of hand gloves exit, which must be according to the required work
Safety goggles or suitable eye protection must be worn on all jobs involving drilling,
handling chemicals or other corrosive materials.
Face shield and goggles must be in serviceable condition.
Aprons and leggings should be provided to those who face hazards of Fumigation
chemicals and maintained in serviceable condition.
Every worker or employee should be familiar with the fire emergency procedure on client
site, location or work place you are deployed or working.
The operating procedure for firefighting equipment such as the different fire
extinguishers should be familiar with all workers and employees.
Save your life first before anything else while abandoning any firefighting, ensure your
way of escape is safe and do not shut doors and windows on your exit to escape.
Do not obstruct fire exits and extinguishers. Watch out the direction of the wind before
fighting fire.
Dispose of all combustible waste, rags, papers and other rubbish in the appropriate
Attack fire at an early stage using the equipment provided in your work area.
In order to ensure that high standards are maintained for protection of human and
material resources used in our operations, we shall:
Employ full time security personnel to monitor security of human and material resources
within the working site, offices and designated residential areas.
Ensure that each personnel in any area of our operation have appropriate identity
marks/card with him/her, which must be presented on demand when the need arises.
Monitor all entries into our premises and site by the use of tag or log-in/log-out system.
Provide emergency alarm system and whistles to alert personnel in cases of robbery
Check stealing by prohibiting all forms of hawking, screening of visitor (s) in our
premises, sites and offices.
Ensure that every person entering our working areas or premises declares his identity
and personal belonging at the gate. Proper documentation of the person’s identity shall
be made, stating date, purpose of visit, time in and out recorded.
Ensure authentic gate passes and waybills are presented to the security personnel to
authorize exit of materials from company premises and sites.
Provide adequate escort for specific vehicles as need arises.
In addition to the above listed steps, we shall consider security matters to be a crucial
part of our Health, Safety, and Environment and Security obligations. To achieve the
above targets, we shall:
Ensure the provision of healthy, dedicated and trained security personnel who shall be
properly dressed to carry out the job.
Organize in-house training programmes for all security procedures.
Maintain strict control of all potential pollution sources to ensure pollution is avoided.
Reducing to a bare minimum, waste resulting from execution of the work and ensuring
that it is property disposal of:
Ensuring that urinating and defecation anywhere other than sanitary facilities is totally
prohibited. Strict guidelines will be issued to this effect as part of the conditions of
employment and a possible reason for termination.
FATALITY 0 0 0 0 0 0
ROAD TRANSPORT 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL RECORDABLE CASE (TRCF) 90/Month 90/Month 90/Month 90/Month 90/Month 90/Month
LTI FREE CUMM MAN- HOUR 110,720 104,648 110,720 106,062 110,720 108,184
Our Health, Safety & Environment program is
planned to protect you and prevent accidents.