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Student's Guide For Final Year Project Thesis: BSc, MSc, MA, and MBA

Book · September 2016


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1 author:

Fadi Safieddine
University of East London


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Student’s Guide: Final Year Project Thesis
BSc, MSc, MA, and MBA (2nd Edition)
Author Dr. Fadi Safieddine ,Editor Dr. Koba Lomidza

Final Year Project Thesis

Every effort has been made to check the contents
of this book for accuracy. However, the authors
recommend that the student always consult their
supervisor before making any changes. The
information used and decisions taken are entirely
at your own risk. Project thesis structures and
content maybe required differently at some
institutions or courses. The contents of this book
are based on the authors’ research. The authors
cannot be held responsible for the results of
action, inaction, or otherwise taken as a
consequence of the information in this book. All
the Internet addresses (URLs) contained within
this book are valid at the time of going to press.
However, due to the dynamic nature of the
Internet, some addresses may change and some
sites may alter or cease to exist, post publication.
Whilst the authors and publishers regret any
inconvenience this may cause readers, either the
authors or publishers can accept no responsibility
for any such changes.

It is illegal to reproduce or resell this book/eBook

or any part of it in any form. The authors reserve
all rights.

Final Year Project Thesis

© Content and images are copyright of Dr. Fadi Safieddine 2015
16 Boultwood Road, Beckton, E65QQ

Version 2.0

Final Year Project Thesis

“After over sixty years in Higher Education it is a
pleasure to welcome another book about Final Year
There is indeed a plethora of literature on this topic,
much of it specific to particular courses or institutions.
Usually it is useful, often worthy, frequently good, but
eye-opener examples are rare.
Here I believe we may have one such. Not because of
any flashy heterodoxy, but by its comprehensive
clarity, logical sequencing, confident handling of
statistical materials and accessibility, mirroring the
professional expertise, wide experience and student
empathy of the author. It provides an ideal template for
successful submission.
A boon to any graduate researcher and equally
valuable to their supervisors.”

Professor Bartley Culverwell, BSc (Econ) MSc MBA

Director of Education London Graduate School of Management
Reporting Inspector for the British Accreditation Council for
Further and Higher Education in the Private Sector.
Intermittently Head of the Business School University of
Greenwich and of Community Education at Dartford College of

Final Year Project Thesis

Table of Contents
Disclaimer: ..........................................................

Foreword .............................................................

Section 1. Project structure. ...............................

1.1: What is a Final Year Project? ..........................
1.2: General Thesis structure: ...............................

Section 2. Project Front Page .............................

Section 3. Abstract ..............................................

Section 4. List of Contents .................................

Section 5. List of Figures and Tables ................

Section 6. Acknowledgement ............................

Section 7. Definition of Terms ..........................

Section 8. Chapter One :Introduction ...............

Section 9. Chapter Two: Literature Review .....

Section 10. Chapter Three: Case Study .............

Section 11. Chapter Four: Methodology ...........

Section 12. Chapter Five: Implementation .......

Section 13. Chapter Six: Evaluation ..................

Section 14. Chapter Seven: Conclusion ............

Final Year Project Thesis

Section 15. Bibliography ...................................

Section 16. Appendix .........................................

References: ..........................................................

About the Author ..............................................

Editor: .................................................................

Feedback: ............................................................

Final Year Project Thesis

Section 1. Project structure.

1.1: What is a Final Year Project?

A final year project represents a demonstration
of a student’s ability to integrate the
knowledge they acquired from more than one
course and subject, to produce a final work that
shows your readiness to graduate. In many
cases, you are also required to demonstrate the
ability to learn new skills on your own.
However, the write up of your final year
project has to follow clear academic guidelines
that also show: integrity, creativity,
organization, and research skills.

Before we start explaining the different sections

of a project thesis, a student should confirm
with their project supervisor that they are
happy with the general structure suggested
below. The structure here is a popular academic
structure for writing up a final year project
used by degree, master’s, and even PhD
students. This academic structure is not
difficult to understand or implement. I
recommend students to make a quick review of
it before they start and come back to read each
section as they write it.

Final Year Project Thesis

1.2: General Thesis structure:
1. Project Front Page.
2. Abstract.
3. List of Contents.

4. List of Figures.

5. List of Tables.

6. Acknowledgement.

7. Definition of terms.

8. Chapter One: Introduction.

9. Chapter Two: Literature review.

10. Chapter Three: Case Study.

11. Chapter Four: Methodology.

12. Chapter Five: Implementation.

13. Chapter Six: Evaluation.

14. Chapter Seven: Conclusion

15. Bibliography.

16. Appendices.

Final Year Project Thesis

Book available
printed and
CreateSpace Independent
Publishing (New York) and
ISBN -10: 1517293588
ISBN-13: 978-1517293581

Final Year Project Thesis

1. Citation Machine. (n.d.) Retrieved January 21,
2015, from
2. Philips, E. (2000) How to get a PhD: a handbook
for students and their supervisors. Open
University Press. 3rd Edition.
3. Safieddine, F. (2004) Empirical Evaluation of E-
commerce for fourth generation programming
languages. PhD University of East London.

Final Year Project Thesis

How to reference this book?
APA: - Safieddine, F. (2015) Student’s guide: final year
project thesis. (K.Lomidze, Ed) New York:
CreativeSpace Publishing.
Harvard: - Safieddine, F, (2015) Student’s guide: final
year project thesis, ed. K Lomidze, New York:
CreativeSpace Publishing.
MLA: - Safieddine, Fadi. Student’s guide: final year
project. Ed. Koba Lomidze. New York: CreativeSpace
Publishing, 2015.
Chicago: - Safieddine, Fadi. Student’s guide: final year
project. Edited by Koba Lomidze. New York:
CreativeSpace, 2015.

Final Year Project Thesis

About the Author

Author: Dr. Fadi Safieddine (BSc, MSc,

P.G.Cert, MBCS, PhD)

Associate Professor in MIS at the American University of the

Middle East (AUM). Has strong background in statistics and
management information systems. Completed his PhD from
University of East London, and professional member of the
British Computer Society (MBCS). Dr. Safieddine has over 16
years experience in higher education and has been involved in
degree, masters, and PhD supervision. This book was
developed initially to help his degree students appreciate the
steps involved in writing up a project. The popularity of it and
the difference they made have convinced him to make the
book available for all students.

Final Year Project Thesis


Dr. Koba Lomidze (BA, MSe, PhD)

Assistant Professor at the American University of the Middle

East (AUM). Currently teaches English Composition at the
undergraduate level as assistant professor.
Has a PhD in Linguistics from Georgian Technical University
(Tbilisi, Georgia) and a Master of Science in Education,
International Higher Education Leadership from Old
Dominion University (Virginia, USA).
Dr. Lomidze is passionate about the studies in second
language acquisition.

Final Year Project Thesis

We always welcome feedback for improvements. Please
do not hesitate to contact us below:
Contact author: Dr. Fadi Safieddine at
Or contact editor at

Final Year Project Thesis

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