S5 Literary Criticism 03
S5 Literary Criticism 03
S5 Literary Criticism 03
S5 Literary Criticism
Historical Context
• Plato lived at a time of political decline.
• Education was in a sorry state.
• Courage, heroism, magnificence were the highly prized virtues of
that time.
• Literature became immoral and corrupt.
2. Imitation (Mimesis)
Eg : Cave image
• Poetry is thrice removed from reality. Poets have no knowledge of
truth. They imitate only appearances and not truths.
• Poetic truths are full of contradictions. They lack moral restraints.
• Poetry is not a substitute for knowledge based on reason.
• Forms of poetry like epic, tragedy and comedy are imitative.
• The readers identify themselves with the fictitious characters in
such forms of poetry. This leads to the unhealthy weakening of
human characters.
• Poetry serves no useful purpose because the poet merely imitates
the surface of things without knowing how to make use of them.
Plato’s achievements
• He introduced the concept of mimesis as an essential
characteristic of all art.
• He was the first to state the classical ideals of aesthetic
beauty to be incorporated in all artistic works.
• Mimesis is Imitation.
• It is the principle of all arts.
• Human actions or human beings are the objects of imitation in art.
• Tragedy like the epic, imitates the noble actions of good men and
comedy imitates the actions of low men.
• Tragedy is superior to epic according to Aristotle. Tragedy
embodies all the epic elements in a compact design with music and
spectacular effects.
• Plot is the structure of events. It is the soul of tragedy.
• Tragedy imitates not merely men but men in action.
• It is their deeds that matter more than their character.
• Deeds issue from character. It is second in importance to plot
• What the character thinks or feels during the course of events. It
reveals itself in speech.
• To accomplish objects of imitation the dramatist employs diction or
words including songs.
• It is the sixth element. It is the work of a stage mechanic.
• There are three unities
1. Unity of action
2. Unity of place
3. Unity of time
• Aristotle places emphasis on unity of action. The plot should have
beginning, middle and end.
• Tragedy should represent only those actions in the life of the hero
which are intimately connected with one another.
• They should appear together as one whole.
• The other unities do not find an important mention in Aristotle’s
concept of plot.
Tragic hero
• Tragedy arouses in the audience the feeling of pity and fear, pity at
the sufferings of the hero and fear of the worst that may befall him.
• Thus tragedy purifies the emotions by purging away the dross,
providing an outlet for strong or excessive feelings.
• It affects the emotional organism of the spectator.
• It gives satisfying release to the emotions and thus tragedy has great
moral value
• The Augustan Age is known as the golden age of poetry and
• Virgil, Ovid, Horace were the prominent writers during this time.
Why Augustan Age is known as golden age ?
• Augustus Caesar patronized art. This was the age of peace and not
of war. There was an upsurge of nationalism in Rome during this
time. So the Augustan age is known as the golden age of poetry and
• Through his poetry Horace runs a criticism of contemporary
manners, morals, politics and thought.
• Ars Poetica or the Art of Poetry is his important work.
• The subject matter of Ars Poetica falls into three parts:
1. Poesis or subject matter
2. Poema or form
3. Poeta or the poet
• Poetry is not imitation. It is a creative adaptation. Poem must have
an organic unity.
• Poets can indulge in his fancy but should not create monsters or
impossible figures.
• Purple patch is a term introduced by Horace. It is a brilliant or
ornate passage in a literary composition.
• Subject of poetry should be simple and consistent.
• Language of poetry should be of common man.
• A wise moderation can be exercised in the choice of words.
• A poet can coin new words and revive old once but only when it is
absolutely necessary.
• A particular genre should stick to the metre allotted by Greeks : epic
poetry should use iambic pentametre, elegiac verse should be used
for poems of complaint and iambic verse should be used for tragedy
and comedy.
• Poetry is the outcome of the incessant toil.
• Poem should be revised and pruned several times.
• Poets should not be in a hurry to publish his works and should let it
stand for over a decade.
• Poet must be a keen observer of men and manners.
• Function of poetry should be to teach and delight with greater stress
on teaching.
• Poet should instruct or please.
• For the sake of pleasing, he should not indulge in romantic
• Minor faults in poetry may be forgiven.
• He should try to avoid faults as much as he can.
• Great poets have been great prophets. So a poet should not feel
ashamed of his art. He must be proud of it.
• The idea of poetic madness or inspiration is absurd.
• Excess must be kept under restraint.
• Horace asserts the supremacy of classical Greek art.
• He inaugurated a new phase in the history of literary criticism.
• Longinus was a Greek rhetorician.
• He had considerable influence on 18C critics.
• Alexander Pope was influenced by him.
• The concept of sublimity paved the way for Romanticism.
• On the Sublime is his famous work.
• The first English translation of Longinus’s On the Sublime by John
Hall appeared in 1652.
Definition of Sublimity
• Longinus defines sublimity as “a certain distinction and excellence
in expression. It flashes forth at the right moment, scatters
everything like a thunderbolt and at once displays the power of
orator in all its plenitude"
Sources of Sublimity
• There are five sources of sublimity:
1. Grandeur of thought
2. Passion
3. Schemata
4. Phrasis
5. Composition
Grandeur of thought:
• Sublimity is the echo of a great soul. Great soul conceives great
• The earlier masterpieces reflect the poet’s great thoughts or lofty
standards of the ideal.
• Inspired passions can contribute to sublimity
• Proper use of figures of speech and thought.
• Noble language and diction. Language and diction must be
appropriate to grandeur of thought.
Composition :
• Harmony in composition gives definite shape to art.
Of these five sources first two are innate and the other three are
rhetorical features.
Mathew Arnold
• Arnold is the most influential English critic of the Victorian age.
• His criticism is mainly contained in the Preface to the Poems of
1853 and Essays in Criticism in two series.
• The rest of his criticism appears in two other volumes- On
Translating Homer and The Study of Celtic Literature.
• He insists on the need for grand style in poetry and examines all
poetry as criticism of life.
Arnold’s Conception of Poetry
• Arnold thinks that poetry is a serious representation of an excellent
• He states: “All depends upon the subject; choose a fitting action,
everything else will follow”.
• The most excellent actions are “those which most powerfully
appeal to the great primary affections”.
• The object of poetry is to provide pleasure or enjoyment.
• The ancients are superior to the English in this respect. “They
regarded the whole, we regard the parts”.
• Great poetry requires choice of an excellent action, unfolded by
appropriate treatment, so that it may afford pleasure.
• This pleasure consists in a total impression derived from the organic
unity of the parts within the whole.
Grand Style
• To Arnold the grand style of the Greeks is superior to the colourful
style of the English.
Criticism of life
• The end and aim of all literature is “a criticism of life”.
• In his famous essay ‘The Study of Poetry’ he defines poetry as “a
criticism of life under conditions fixed for such a criticism by the
laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty”.
• The term criticism of life means the noble and profound application
of ideas to life.
• Poetic truth indicates truth and seriousness of substance and
• Poetic beauty implies perfection of diction and manner.
• This means that the function of poetry is not to present life as it is.
• Great poetry has a characteristic moral profundity
• All this points to Arnold’s concern with the idea of moral grandeur
in poetry.
Judgement of Literature
• According to Arnold, judgement of literature is a basic function of
• The value of literature lies not only in the matter and substance of
poetry but also in its manner and style.
• Neither the personal estimate nor the historical estimate is adequate
or reliable. What is required is a real estimate.
Touchstone Method
• The touchstone method helps in making real estimate.
• Short passages or even single lines from great masters like Homer,
Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare and Milton could serve as touchstones in
the estimate of other poetry.
• Arnold himself applies this method in his reading of English poetry.
• He thus shows that Chaucer is great but lacks high seriousness;
• Gray though scanty is, a classic;
• Pope and Dryden are masters of English prose only, they are not
great poets.
• Mathew Arnold along with Taine believed that “for that creation of
a master work of literature, two powers must concur, the power of
the man and the power of the moment.
• Gray “fell upon an age of prose” and Dryden and Pope are only
great masters of prose.
• Arnold declares that in a world where philosophy and religion have
failed, the real solace and mainstay for mankind will be poetry.
• Thus Arnold proves himself to be a reliable voice of the Victorian
age and a classicist nonpareil.
Indian Aesthetics
• Bharata was the first to write on aesthetics in Bharata's Natya
Shastra mainly in terms of Literature, Drama and Dance.
• Bharata’s Natya Shastra is the earliest available text on literary
• The entire story is told in terms of music and dance and is not
written for the folk artists.
• Purely classical in form.
• Bharat Muni mentioned Indra the lord of heaven who had a lot of
• Natyashastra according to scholars were written during 2nd century
B.C. or A.D. hence we can say that drama existed for a long time
• Though Natyasastra mainly deals with dramaturgy, it is in this work
that the process of relish of the sentiment (rasanubhuti ) is dealt
• Bharata in search of true Beauty uses the word RASA (the essence
of life,juice, Amrit)
• Rasa is only to be felt, it is the source of all life.
• In the 7th century, Bhama and Dandin rejected the theory of rasa,
some said that beauty in the drama was sarcasm.
• In the 9th century, Anand Vardhan (Kashmiri Pandit) supported
Bharata's rasa theory and Natya shastra.
• He researched and explained the theory in terms of dhwani, in the
book called ddhvanyalok
• 10th century Abhinav Gupta wrote a book called Abhinav Bharti and
elaborated the theory of dhwani and rasa through sutra and
commentaries (eg. kali das).
Rasa siddhanta
• The rasa siddhānta (theory of aesthetic experience) of Bharata (5th
century ) is based on the four kinds of abhinaya (acting/expression).
1. āngika abhinaya (voluntary non-verbal expression) to depict
emotions/feelings of a character being played by the actor.
2. vācika abhinaya (verbal expression) to express
emotions/feelings, tone, diction, the pitch of a particular
3. āhārya abhinaya (costume and stage expression) to enhance
4. sāttvika abhinaya (involuntary non-verbal expression)
expressed by the presence of tears, a mark of horripilation,
change of facial colour, trembling of lips,enhancing of nostrils)
to express the deepest emotions of a character.
Alamkara siddhanta
Riti siddhanta
• The rīti siddhānta (theory of style) of Vaman (8th century) is also
based on three types of styles of the creative use of language.
• To sumup, rīti (style) mainly depends upon the fact how the
meaning of kāvya (poetry) is imparted in consonance with
Dhwani Theory
• The dhvani siddhānta (theory of suggestion) Anandavardhana (9th
century)Dhwani was initially written for poetry but by time, it's
used in the art also for its suggestive meaning.
• (Rasa Dhwani) When listening to something gives you some feeling
of joy or sadness.
• Mahima Bhatta states, vyanjanā is always latent.
• As we delve deep into abhidhā (primary meaning), we get the
meaning of vyanjanā(tertiary or suggested meaning).
Vakrokti Siddhanta
Auchitya Siddhanta
• The aucitya siddhānta( Theory of Appropriety) propounded by
Ācãrya Kshemendra (11th century)
• Aucitya or appropriateness is another such concept which needs a
brief mention here.
• Bharata recognizes it in the context of performance(say, aptness of
acting to the context, social stature of the hero, etc).
• Ânanda discusses it and so does Kuntaka.
• But it gets central focus in the hands of Ksemendra who highlights
the fit among the elements, the subject,and the contexts and so on.
• The most important and widely acclaimed view was that dhvani or
suggestion caused the effective enjoyment of poetry.
• The followers of Auchitya School held that auchitya or
appropriateness is the most important factor that makes the relish
of the sentiment in poetry.
• Anumitivada maintained that there is no dhvani or suggestion.
Therefore it cannot be considered a proper school.
7th Century
• In the seventh century AD lived Bhamaha, author of Kavyalankara
also called Bhamahalankara.
• Bhamaha’s was the first attempt to deal with poetics, different or
separate from dramaturgy.
• Bhamaha is the first exponent of Alankaravaada or Alankara school.
8th Century
• He is the author of Kavyadarsa, a well known literary critic lived in
the 8th century AD.
• He is the earliest theorist of Guna-Riti aspect of poetry.
• He has also authored prose works like Dasakumaracharita and
• He wrote Kavyalankarasarasangraha.
• He also lived in the 8thC AD.
• He has commented Kavyalankara of Bhamaha.The name of the
work is Bhamahavivaranam.
• Udbhata was the follower of Alankara School.
9th Century
• He was the first to propound the concept of soul of poetry.
• He lived during the 9th C AD.
• He maintained that style or Riti is the soul of poetry.
• He explains the Ritis in terms of poetic excellence or gunas.
• He conceived that alankara is the beauty of poetry or saundaryam
• He was a follower of Alankara School.
• He lived during the 9th C AD.
• His work is also called Kavyalankara.
• 9th C AD was an outstanding period so far as Kavya sastra in
Sanskrit is concerned.
• While Vamana, the exponent of Riti School lived in the former half
of this century, Anandavardhana, author of Dhvanyāloka lived in
the latter half.
• He is the first exponent of Dhvani School.
• According to Anandavardhana, an indirect meaning is arrived at
dhvani through the vyapara or connotation of the word called
vyanjana or suggestion.
• According to him the best type of poetry is Dhanikavya in which the
dhvani element is predominant.
• He holds that in good poetry rasa should be suggested. It is called
• The dhwani theory had to face much opposition mainly from
Mahimabhatta, author of Vyakti Viveka and Bhattanayaka, author
of Hridayadarpana.
10th Century
• Bhattanayaka (early 10thC AD) repudiates Dhvani theory and
upholds rasa theory in his work Hridayadarpana.
• Bhattalollata and Sri Sankuka of the 10th C AD made valuable
contribution to Sahityasastra in the form of commentaries to
Natyasastra but their works are not extant.
• Dhananjaya, author of Dasarupaka lived in the tenth century.
• This work deals with the different aspects of the ten varieties of
dramatic composition.
• Abhinavagupta who lived in the tenth century has made substantial
contribution to the field of Kavyasastra through the commentaries
of Natyasastra viz Abhinavabharati and Dhvanyaloka viz Lochana.
• It was Anandavardhana and
• Abhinavagupt who revolutionized Indian literary criticism.
11th Century
• Kuntaka was the exponent of Vakrokti School.
• He lived during the 11thC.
• In his Vakroktijivitam, he extols vakrokti or indirect expression or
hyperbolic expression as the soul of poetry.
• Mahimabhatta of 11th C in his Vyaktivivka repudiate the dhvani
• He opines that there is no need of accepting a vyapara called
• Dhvani can be made out through inference or anumiti.
• So he is said to be the propounder of Anumiti School.
• But his argument could not get much currency.
• Bhoja of 11th century was the king of Dhara and is credited with
two works in Sahityasastra viz Sringaraprakasha and
Sarasvatikanthabharana which deal with all aspects of Sahitya
• He said that sringara or erotics is the main sentiment and he calls it
• Kshemendra (11th century) is known for his concept of auchitya or
• His work is Auchityavicharacharcha.
• He actually borrowed the concept from dhvani.
• Two other works by him include Kavikanthabharana and
• Mammatabhata (end of 11th century) in his Kavyaprakasha deals
with almost all aspects of Sanskrit poetics.
12th Century
• Hemachandra’s (12th C) Kavyanusasana is a complete handbook of
Sahitya sastra.
• Vagbhata’s Vagbhatalankara (12thC) and Ruyyaka’s Alankara
Sarvasva (12thC) contain study of poetic figures.
13th Century
• Jayadeva’s Chandraloka(13th C) covers the entire field of sanskrit
14th Century
17th Century
• Jagannatha Panditha’s Rasagangadhara (17th C) covers the entire
field of Sanskrit poetics.
• A special feature of this work is the influence of logical reasoning.
• With Jagannatha, the line of eminent writers in Indian Poetics
draws a close.
• Tasting of flora and the country green, Dance and Provencal song,
and sun burnt mirth, here the poet calls for a drink tasting of sight,
colour, motion, sound and heat.
• Synaesthesia has been made use of by poets ever since Homer.
• It is frequently used during the Romantic period.
• French symbolists also used it.
• Baudelaire and Rimband incorporated this technique of
synaesthesia in their writings.
• We may either use words for the sake of the references they
promote, or we may use them for the sake of the attitudes and
emotions which ensue.
• Eliot is one of the greatest literary critics of England from the point
of view of his critical writings.
• His five hundred essays occasionally published as reviews and
articles had a far-reaching influence on literary criticism in the
• His criticism was revolutionary which inverted the critical tradition
of the whole English speaking world.
• Eliot devised numerous critical concepts that gained wide
popularity and has a broad influence on criticism.
• ‘Objective corelative’, ‘Dissociation of sensibility’, ‘Unification of
sensibility’ are few of Eliot works hotly debated by critics.
• His comments on the nature of Poetic Drama and the relation
between poetry and drama have done much to bring about a revival
of Poetic Drama in the modern age.
• Even if he had written no poetry, he would have made his mark as a
distinguished and subtle (shrewd) critic.
• Eliot’s views on the nature of poetic process are equally
Objective Correlative
• The theory of the ‘objective correlative’ is one of the most
important critical concepts of T.S. Eliot.
• It exerted a tremendous influence on the critical temper of twentieth
• In the concept of the ‘objective correlative’, Eliot’s doctrine of
poetic impersonality finds its most classic formulation.
• Eliot himself defines ‘objective correlative’ as “a set of objects, a
situation, a chain of events, which shall be the formula” for the
poet’s emotion so that “when the external facts are given the
emotion is at once evoked.”
• According to Eliot, the poet cannot communicate his emotions
directly to the readers.
Dissociation of Sensibility
• Dissociation of sensibility is a literary term first used by TS. Eliot in
his essay “The Metaphysical Poets”.
• It refers to the way in which intellectual thought was separated from
the experience of feeling in seventeenth century poetry.
• Eliot used the term to describe the manner by which the nature and
substance of English poetry changed “between the time of Donne or
Lord Herbert of Cherbury and the time of Tennyson and Browning.”
Impersonality Of Poetry
• ‘The Tradition and the Individual Talent’, of 1919 he explains about
this theory.
• Eliot's impersonal theory of poetry is that the poet, the man, and the
poet, the artist are two different entities'.
• The poet has no personality of his own. He submerges his own
personality, his own feeling, and experience into the personality and
feelings of the subject of his poetry.
• Eliot says that "poetry is not a turning loose of emotion but an
escape from emotion, it is not the expression of personality but an
escape from personality".
• He emphasises the same theory of impersonality in art.
• The emotion of art is impersonal.
• It has its life in the poem and not in the history of poets.