Study - Id93075 - Headphones Boat in India Brand Report
Study - Id93075 - Headphones Boat in India Brand Report
Study - Id93075 - Headphones Boat in India Brand Report
August 2022
Global Consumer Survey Brand Report
The report is updated quarterly and is based on data Sample: Internet users, aged 18 – 64, quotas set on
from the Statista Global Consumer Survey, an gender and age
international survey that covers more than 11,500
brands across 56 countries. • Continuous from January to December
• Countries that receive the extended survey are
updated four times a year
2 Notes: (1): See the full methodology for a detailed overview of the study design
Management summary
• Brand usage
• Key insights
With a user share of 49%, boAt is the most used headphone brand
Management summary: brand usage and competition
boAt 49%
JBL 20%
Samsung 16%
Apple 14%
Sony 13%
Xiaomi/Mi 10%
Bose 9%
Philips 7%
iBall 6%
Beats 6%
4 Notes: "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=3,047 headphone users
boAt has a higher share of 18 - 29 year Similar aspects of life are important to 64% of boAt users state that they would boAt users access the internet via a
old users than other headphone boAt users and other headphone users. love to control their home via smartwatch more often than the
brands. smartphone or voice. average headphone user.
boAt users have similar interests as
There is a fairly even split of male and users of other headphone brands. 19% of boAt users are in the late On social media, boAt users interact
female boAt users. majority of innovation adopter types. with companies more often than other
Photography is a relatively popular
Unemployment and education are headphone users.
Consumers with a high income make up hobby among boAt users.
36% of boAt users. issues of particular concern to boAt 94% of boAt users watched TV in the
users. past 4 weeks.
Headphone users in general and boAt
users specifically, live in similar type of
Demographic profile
• Life stages
• Gender
• Education
• Income
• Household classification
• Type of community
boAt has a higher share of 18 - 29 year old users than other headphone brands
Demographic profile: life stages
7 Notes: ’’How old are you?’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Male Female
8 Notes: ’’What is your gender?’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
10% 9% 10%
5% 5% 5%
1% 1% 2% 1% 2% 3% 3% 2% 2%
No formal Secondary Further Technical / Bachelor degree Master degree Doctoral degree
education / education education vocational or equivalent or equivalent or equivalent
primary school (permission to education
go to university)
Brand users Category users All respondents
9 Notes: ’’What is the highest level of education you have completed?’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Share of consumers in India in the high, middle, and low thirds of monthly household gross income
10 Notes: Recalculated to only include respondents that provide income information, recode based on ’’Monthly/annual household income (local currency)’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base:
n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2022
44% of boAt users live in a household of two or more related adults
Demographic profile: household classification
25% 26%
7% 8%
4% 4% 5% 3% 3% 4% 2% 2% 3%
Single household Couple Single parent Partners Multi- Two or more Other
household household and children generational related adults household types
Brand users Category users All respondents
11 Notes: Typology based on ’’household size’’, ’’household constellation’’ and ’’children under the age of 14 in household’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047
headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2022
Headphone users in general and boAt users specifically, live in similar type of
Demographic profile: type of community
14% 14%
11% 10% 11% 11%
10% 10% 10%
7% 7%
Rural community Small town Medium-sized town Large city City with over 1 Megacity with over 5
million inhabitants million inhabitants
Brand users Category users All respondents
12 Notes: ’’In what type of community do you live?’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
13 Notes: ’’Do you consider yourself part of the LGBTQ+ community?’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Consumer lifestyle
• Life values
• Main interests
• Sports activities
• Sports followed
Similar aspects of life are important to boAt users and other headphone users
Consumer lifestyle: life values
32% 31% 31% 27%
29% 29% 25% 23%
24% 25%
23% 23%
15% 15% 10%
11% 11%
To be successful An honest and A happy Learning Safety and Advancing Making my Having a Social justice Traditions
respectable life relationship new things security my career own decisions good time
Brand users Category users All respondents
15 Notes: ’’Out of the following list, which are the 3 most important aspects to you in life? Please choose exactly 3.’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone
users, n=24,157 all respondents
Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2022
boAt users have similar interests as users of other headphone brands
Consumer lifestyle: main interests
53% 53%
52% 50% 51% 50%
47% 47% 46% 46% 46% 47%
45% 46% 45% 43%
42% 42%
39% 40% 40% 39% 40%
36% 37% 37%
Movies, Science & Health & Food & Career & Travel Sports Finance & Fashion Family &
TV shows technology fitness dining education economy & beauty parenting
& music
Brand users Category users All respondents
16 Notes: ’’What topics are you personally interested in?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=812 boAt users, n=1,524 headphone users, n=12,067 all respondents
45% 45% 45% 44%
42% 41%
41% 40% 39% 40% 41%
39% 38% 38%
34% 35%
33% 33% 32%
31% 32% 31% 30% 30%
27% 27% 28%
Traveling Reading Tech & Video gaming Photography Cooking Outdoor Doing sports Meditation Gardening
computers & baking activities and fitness & wellness and plants
Brand users Category users All respondents
17 Notes: ’’What are your personal hobbies and activities?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=812 boAt users, n=1,524 headphone users, n=12,067 all respondents
44% 42% 40%
40% 32%
34% 33% 33% 31% 28% 28% 29%
28% 28% 28% 27% 24%
26% 26% 25% 26%
23% 23% 22%
Cricket Badminton Cycling Dancing Soccer Yoga & Basketball Fitness, Running Table Tennis
pilates aerobics & jogging
& cardio
Brand users Category users All respondents
18 Notes: ’’Which of these sports or activities do you do at least occasionally?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=399 boAt users, n=730 headphone users, n=12,067 all respondents
53% 52%
35% 31%
34% 32%
29% 25% 23% 23%
22% 22%
23% 25% 24% 19%
22% 22% 22% 22% 20% 21%
19% 20%
Cricket Soccer Tennis Basketball American Boxing Volleyball Table tennis Cycling Motorsports
Brand users Category users All respondents
19 Notes: ’’In which of these sports do you follow competitions, leagues or teams?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=366 boAt users, n=651 headphone users, n=12,067 all respondents
Consumer attitudes
• Innovation adoption
• Politics
64% of boAt users state that they would love to control their home via
smartphone or voice
Consumer attitudes: housing & household equipment
I would love to I want the best I could not live without I buy new electronics, Electronics are a
control my home via audio and cinematic my smartphone even when my old status symbol for me
smartphone or voice experience from all model still works
my devices
21 Notes: ’’Which of these statements apply to you?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=4,024 all respondents
37% 38%
25% 24%
19% 19% 18%
15% 16% 16%
3% 3% 3%
22 Notes: Recode based on ’’Which of these statements apply to you?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
58% 57%
50% 50%
49% 48%
44% 42% 42%
41% 40% 41%
41% 40% 40% 39% 40% 38% 40%
38% 37% 37% 36% 36%
36% 34%
Unemployment Education Poverty Health and Economic Environment Crime Religious Rising prices Climate change
social security situation conflicts / inflation /
cost of living
Brand users Category users All respondents
23 Notes: ’’What do you personally think are the most important issues in your country of residence that need to be addressed?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047
headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2022
boAt users reflect the general political landscape
Consumer attitudes: politics
24 Notes: Recode based on ’’Many people use the terms ’left’ and ’right’ when they want to describe political views. Where would you place yourself on a scale from left to right?’’; Single Pick; "What brand are your personal
headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2022
Marketing touchpoints
• Media usage
97% 95%
67% 64%
62% 60%
57% 57% 56%
53% 51%
49% 46% 46% 45% 44% 42%
39% 39%
35% 35% 32% 30%
29% 28%
28% 28%
25% 24%
Smartphone Smart TV Regular laptop Desktop PC Smartwatch Tablet Smart speakers Laptop with Gaming console Streaming
touch screen device
Brand users Category users All respondents
26 Notes: ’’Which of these devices do you regularly use with an internet connection?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
63% 62%
60% 59% 59% 58%
57% 56% 58% 58%
52% 52% 53%
49% 49% 47%
47% 46% 46% 45%
42% 40% 42% 39%
33% 31%
6% 6% 7%
1% 1% 2%
Followed Sent private Posted Commented Liked posts Liked Posted texts Shared Followed Shared I have used I haven’t used
people messages pictures on posts by other company / status posts by companies company social media social media
/ videos users posts updates other users posts only passively
Brand users Category users All respondents
27 Notes: ’’Which of these things have you done on social networks in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all
Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2022
94% of boAt users watched TV in the past 4 weeks
Marketing touchpoints: traditional media usage
Type of media consumers in India have been using in the past 4 weeks
94% 92%
78% 77%
53% 53%
36% 37%
28 Notes: ’’What kind of media have you used in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=1,507 boAt users, n=3,047 headphone users, n=24,157 all respondents
Top 10 places where boAt users in India have come across digital advertising in the past 4 weeks
Social media Video portals Search engines Online stores Video streaming Other apps Websites Video games Music portals Editorial
services and apps websites
of brands and apps
Brand users Category users All respondents
29 Notes: ’’Where have you come across digital advertisements in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=812 boAt users, n=1,524 headphone users, n=12,067 all respondents
Places where consumers in India have come across non-digital advertising in the past 4 weeks
58% 58%
48% 48%
41% 42%
38% 38% 36% 38% 38%
32% 33% 34% 33% 32% 32%
23% 23%
30 Notes: ’’Where have you come across non-digital advertisements in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; "What brand are your personal headphones?"; Multi Pick; Base: n=812 boAt users, n=1,524 headphone users, n=12,067 all
Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2022
• Cross-tabulation
• Customized target groups
• Trend and country comparisons
• Export in Excel (CSV) or PowerPoint format
Jack Spearman Jan Gewiese Stefan Rau Melvin Liesen
Senior Research Manager Senior Research Manager Research Manager Junior Research Manager
Jack Spearman studied Sociology at Jan Gewiese has degrees in Economics (B.Sc.) Stefan Rau studied Economics (B.Sc.) at the Melvin Liesen studied Socioeconomics at
Kingston University, UK. After graduating, he from the University of Hohenheim and Ludwigs-Maximilian-University in Munich the University of Hamburg. During his
worked at TNS and Ipsos Mori in project Business Administration (M.Sc.) from the and Public and Nonprofit Studies (M.Sc.) at studies he worked at FOM University of
management and market research roles for University of Hamburg. He interned at the the University of Hamburg. During his Applied Sciences for Economics and
over 7 years. Moving to Hamburg in 2016 he Hamburg Center for Health Economics and studies, he interned at TNS Infratest. Management.
worked as a Patient Insight Manager, where Mercedes-Benz USA.
At Statista he is responsible for report and In his full-time role at Statista, he is
he helped lead the development of the
At Statista he is responsible for designing process automation. His area of expertise is responsible for brand research as well as
company's online survey offer.
consumer studies, product automation, and data analysis using Python and SPSS. report and process automation.
Now at Statista, he is responsible for brand research.
reporting and conducting in-depth surveys.