Hitachi Development in Traction For Dump Truck

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FEATURED ARTICLES Core Utility Products Underpinning the Social Infrastructure

Multipurpose Deployment of
Highly Efficient and Reliable
Industrial Electric Motors
Motors are the Hitachi’s founding products and have come a long way since that time
through advances in design and manufacturing technologies backed by a long tradition.
This article presents Hitachi’s lineup of highly efficient and reliable industrial electric
motors that are made possible by these technologies, and are installed in machinery
used for various applications. Hitachi’s lineup of motors for rail transport includes com-
pact, high-efficiency induction motors and permanent magnet motors made possible by
applying electromagnetic field/thermal-structure multiphysics analysis, optimization
technology, and materials technology. This article also looks at the work being done on
predictive diagnosis for industrial electric motors that make use of Lumada, a Hitachi
solution designed to accelerate the pace of digital innovation. The discussion is illus-
trated by examples of equipment diagnosis using motor inverter signals, and diagnosis
of bearings in wind power generators.

Mikio Endo
Katsuhiko Fujii
Masaaki Endo
Shinji Sugimoto
Koichiro Nagata, Ph.D.
Yasushi Hayasaka, Ph.D. and P.E. Jp.

Alongside work on refinements to today’s Internet

of things (IoT) and digital technologies, Hitachi is
1. Introduction now working on developing diagnostic technology
that analyzes actual product operation information
Motors are the Hitachi’s founding products and have and predicts equipment replacement dates by using
come a long way since that time through advances Lumada (a Hitachi solution designed to accelerate
in electrical and mechanical design, materials tech- the pace of digital innovation)(2), (3).
nologies, and manufacturing and testing technolo- Hitachi’s motor design and manufacturing tech-
gies backed by a tradition spanning over a century. nologies are bringing together products and digital
As a result, Hitachi motors have become key devices technologies in a way that lowers maintenance costs
underpinning the social infrastructure. Its industrial while maintaining product reliability throughout the
electric motors are used for a wide range of applica- entire product lifecycle from design to operation and
tions, with uses that have spread to areas such as power maintenance. This article presents industrial electric
generation, industry, mobility, and home appliances(1). motors that create new value by applying the latest

Hitachi Review Vol. 69, No. 2 216–217 87.

Figure 1 — Design Concept of Lumada-
based Industrial Electric Motors Providing
High Efficiency and Reliability Next-generation maintenance
By bringing digital technologies together with IT
Hitachi’s design and manufacturing technolo-
gies (IT and OT), these industrial electric motors
provide new value from benefits such as reducing
maintenance costs while maintaining product OT
reliability throughout the entire lifecycle. Industrial electric motors

Electrical Mechanical Materials
design design technologies

Multiphysics analysis/optimization

Manufacturing/testing technologies
Design standards, product track records,
inspection logs, etc.

OT: operational technology

motor design technology together with the IoT and motor) that greatly reduces the maintenance work-
digital technologies (see Figure 1). load by providing a number of benefits. For example,
it eliminates the need for air intake filter cleaning,
2. Highly Efficient and Reliable reduces the internal traction motor dust cleaning
Industrial Electric Motors workload, and reduces the frequency of traction
motor disassembly work. In response to demands for
This section presents typical examples of Hitachi’s further gains in noise reduction and energy-saving,
industrial electric motors, looking at the latest motor the company subsequently began work on develop-
technologies being incorporated into rail transport ing a 165 kW totally enclosed induction motor in
systems and mining dump trucks released in markets 2003. After repeated work on prototype verification
throughout the world. testing, a 190 kW totally enclosed induction motor
was developed in 2009 and released in 2012. To date,
2. 1 the company has delivered over 20,000 filterless low-
Motors for Rail Transport maintenance motors and over 1,300 totally enclosed
The recent growth in worldwide concern for the envi- structures [see Figure 2 (a)].
ronment is creating a need for more energy-saving Hitachi’s past development work has improved the
rolling stock drive systems, and there is increasing rated efficiency of traction motors by about 95%. Since
demand for ways of reducing maintenance work to obstacles such as restricted railroad truck mounting
adapt to today’s shrinking workforces. Rolling stock space make it difficult to achieve further efficiency
traction motors have seen a major shift from direct gains just by refining conventional designs, permanent
current (DC) motors to induction motors that has magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are increas-
been accompanied by efforts to increase performance ingly being used alongside conventional induction
and efficiency while reducing size, weight, and main- motors (IMs) as way to achieve these efficiency gains.
tenance needs. The technologies used to address these IMs and PMSMs each have their own advantages
issues are presented here. for use in rolling stock systems. IMs enable a sin-
In 1998, Hitachi developed a low-maintenance gle inverter to control multiple motors, resulting in
rolling stock traction motor with a filterless dust superior drive system compactness and cost. PMSMs
extraction mechanism (filterless low-maintenance control a single motor with a single inverter, resulting


Figure 2 — Hitachi Traction Motors for

Rolling Stock
Use of a totally enclosed structure has reduced (a) Motor structure comparison
internal dust and improved maintainability Open structure (filterless Totally enclosed Totally enclosed external
relative to conventional open structures. PMSM low-maintenance motor) internal fan structure fan structure
models have also been released that use asym-
metrical magnetic poles to reduce pulsation loss.

(b) Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs)

Opening angles of
PMSM rotors Conventional Developed asymmetrical the magnetic poles
step-skew magnetic poles have been made

in advantages such as better viscous control perfor- generated during inverter drive (see Figure 3)(4), (5).
mance when idling. Since PMSMs have high stand- To make further efficiency gains, elements such as
alone motor efficiency, they also provide better power low-loss electrical steel sheets, trapezoidal bars, and
consumption on lines with short coasting intervals magnetic wedges have been used to attain commercial
due to frequent station stops. In contrast, IMs are efficiency (efficiency by summation of losses) of about
better on lines with many coasting intervals due to 97%, reduce loss during inverter drive, and reduce
infrequent station stops, where no losses are gener- loss by about 63% relative to conventional IMs (see
ated from coasting. But IMs require further efficiency Figure 4)(6).
gains to handle system configuration and maintain- To increase PMSM efficiency, multipolarization
ability issues. Hitachi has responded by working on has been used to shorten stator winding coil lengths
improving IM efficiency and releasing PMSM models. and reduce copper loss. High-speed side efficiency has
This work has led to product releases. been increased by improving the power factor by using
IM losses consist of copper loss, iron loss, mechani- asymmetrical magnetic poles in the skew structure
cal loss, and stray load losses such as harmonic losses. needed to improve motor control performance [see
The copper and iron losses are generated by funda- Figure 2 (b)]. These refinements have improved com-
mental frequency components (sine wave compo- mercial efficiency to about 98% (a figure exceeding
nents), and the mechanical loss by mechanical factors IMs) while using a totally enclosed body structure
during IM operation. Harmonic losses include losses with the same weight as an open structure.
caused by the IM’s structure and losses caused by
the inverter waveform. Reducing the copper and iron 2. 2
losses has always been the main method of improving Traction Motors for Mining Dump Trucks
IM efficiency, and has been responsible for reducing Mining dump trucks drive and control the traction
loss by about 30%. In addition to this improvement, motor by using a converter/inverter for DC into
harmonic loss has been reduced by about 80% by using alternating current (AC) conversion of power gen-
electromagnetic field analysis to analyze the magnetic erated by a diesel generator. This technology is an
flux distribution within the motor in detail and devel- application of systems used in equipment such as
oping a rotor structure that reduces both harmonic diesel electric locomotives (DELs) for rolling stock.
loss caused by the IM structure and harmonic loss Traction motors used in mining dump trucks need

Hitachi Review Vol. 69, No. 2 218–219 89.

Figure 3 — Motor Loss Composition and Harmonic Loss Reduction Technology
Motor efficiency has previously been increased by reducing the copper and iron losses. Losses during inverter drive have also been reduced by focusing
on harmonic losses and using electromagnetic field analysis to break down the motor’s internal magnetic flux into its factor components, enabling use
of optimized structures adapted to the loss generation mechanisms.

Time Total harmonic • Harmonic loss caused by inverter waveform Slot depth is changed
harmonic Time harmonics
loss loss reduction:
0.8 *2
Total loss (p.u.)

0.6 −80% Bar

iron loss
Magnetic flux distribution Magnetic flux is linked outside Bar is moved away
the bar, generating loss from rotor surface
from carrier harmonics
• Harmonic loss caused by structural elements such as number of slots Bar is changed to core
Space harmonics

Conventional IM made of Harmonic
Magnetic flux distribution caused Magnetic flux is linked in Tooth tip structure is
motor low-loss loss-reducing radiating pattern, changed to adapt to
by slot harmonics
materials IM generating loss magnetic path
IM: induction motor
*1 Mechanical loss
*2 Stray load loss (from space harmonics)
*3 In comparison to inverters made by Hitachi Industrial Products, Ltd.

high hauling performance along with stable operation such as Australia, Republic of South Africa, Republic
in a wide range of temperature environments ranging of Zambia, Republic of Mozambique, Republic of
from equatorial to polar. By drawing on technology Finland, USA, Canada, Russian Federation, China,
and expertise gained over many years of working on and Republic of Turkey.
traction motors for rolling stock, Hitachi’s dump truck One recent example of a development project is the
traction motors enable compact designs and high effi- verification testing now being done in Australia for an
ciency, while ensuring the reliability needed to with- autonomous haulage system (AHS) used in mining
stand harsh environments. Mining dump trucks with dump trucks. Ensuring that control commands tai-
Hitachi traction motors are currently in use around lored to the current conditions are correctly commu-
the world at a growing range of sites in countries nicated to the traction motor and used to drive it are

Figure 4 — Comparison of Losses in

Conventional and High-efficiency IMs
Relative to conventional IMs, the high-efficiency
IM developed by Hitachi reduces iron loss and
stray load loss by a combined total of about w1 w2 w stray + w 1 wm
32%. Total loss overall is reduced by about 63%.
Refinements such as use of magnetic wedges to
reduce surface loss enable efficiency of 96.8%,
Total loss (p.u.)

which is a level of efficiency nearly equal to a Stator core eddyloss

(Elen )

0.6 (iron loss) (*1.E+07)

PMSM. +1.5609
−32% +0.0000

−63% Gap totaloss

0.4 (Elen )
Rotor core +0.4960

0.2 (iron loss)

Conventional Developed wedge
Rotor bar structure structure
0.0 (harmonic
Conventional IM Developed IM secondary
No-load loss distribution
copper loss) (enlarged view of
circumferential cross-section)


Figure 5 — Equipment Installed in Mining

Dump Trucks
Actual load testing
Hitachi has drawn on technologies and expertise equipment
accumulated over many years in traction motors
for rolling stock to develop traction motors and
generators that are compact and highly efficient,
ensuring high reliability supporting use in harsh
environments. To maintain accurate operation
in mine hauling environments with continu-
ously changing road surface conditions, actual Generator
load testing is performed on traction motor and
control equipment combinations in the plant.
Traction motor

increasingly important requirements for supporting is a Hitachi solution designed to step up the pace of
self-driving vehicles. Hitachi is continually working digital innovation through work on refining IoT and
to improve the controllability of traction motors and digital technologies.
control equipment so that they can maintain accu-
rate operation in mine hauling environments where 3. 1
changes in road surface and other conditions are Equipment Diagnosis Using Inverter Signals
extreme and continuous (see Figure 5). from Motors Mounted in Equipment
Figure 6 shows Hitachi’s lineup of industrial motors
3. Use of Lumada to Improve the and inverters as of November 2019. To provide an
Value of Industrial Electric Motors example of the new value that Hitachi is providing
to customers, this section presents a Hitachi equip-
This section looks at new Lumada-based methods ment diagnostic solution made possible by industrial
of maintaining industrial electric motors, including electric motors and inverters that bring new added
some of the latest examples now underway. Lumada value to the lineup. Hitachi is currently developing an

Figure 6 — Industrial Inverter and Motor

Inverter lineup
Hitachi is improving customer value worldwide
by drawing on experience accumulated over Type E2 (medium- to Type E (high-capacity inverters)
low-capacity inverters)
a century of motor manufacturing, along with
cutting-edge motor control technologies and an
extensive lineup.

Motor lineup
Skin cooling IMs HyMD Series IMs 13 MW-class IMs
(air-cooled heat exchanger cooling)

Up to 1,000 kW 500 kW and up

1 MW 6 MW
Low capacity Medium capacity High/ultrahigh capacity

HyMD: Hitachi Yamate Modular Design

Hitachi Review Vol. 69, No. 2 220–221 91.

Figure 7 — Overview of IoT-based Industrial Electric Motor Drives
Hitachi’s IoT-based industrial electric motor drives use the motor as a sensor to gather current, voltage, and various other types of electrical data. They
perform real-time equipment and machinery KPI analysis, predictive diagnosis and control. Gathered data is used to provide guidelines for areas such
as optimum operation methods.

Value creation for expanding object (product/service)-based business areas

Using both of Hitachi’s strengths: OT (products) and IT

Hitachi Example Customers

Normal Verification Value
IoT industrial electric space data

value 2
motor drives Optimized operation
methods/maintenance proposals
Data lakes/analysis Solutions for upstream analysis (such as optimization)
using unique Hitachi product data and customer data
IoT drive products
Feature value 1
Automatic display of KPI analysis →Predictive diagnosis/
IT: Analysis control
Components considered problem severity
Acquiring and analyzing unique Hitachi product data,
Threshold providing new value

Compressors Pumps
Manufacturing-related correlation data
Fans Blowers
Electrical data Manufacturing equipment
OT: Inverters
Motor control/sensing technology

KPI: key performance indicator IoT: Internet of Things

IoT-based industrial electric motor drive that detects These methods are already in use at multiple sites.
key performance indicators (KPIs) such as motor, The solution aims to let the company evolve beyond
equipment, and machinery problems and quality. It the simple Hitachi product delivery business model of
also performs predictive diagnosis, provides control, the past by providing a deeper level of value through
and suggests optimum operation guidelines. These collaborative creation work with customers. This
features are made possible by combining electrical sig- approach will let the company provide equipment
nals and control information obtained from a Hitachi diagnosis and other forms of new added value through
inverter by using the motor driving the equipment industrial electric motor drives that draw on Hitachi’s
and the machinery as a sensor (see Figure 7). This operational technology (OT), IT, and products.
drive also supports non-Hitachi inverters if a sen-
sor is mounted. However, the use of Hitachi invert- 3. 2
ers eliminates this additional sensor and provides Wind Power Generator Bearing Diagnosis
other benefits such as access to internal inverter Wind power generation systems are playing a key role
information. in the shift toward renewable energy sources. Hitachi
As shown in Figure 7, the solution uses the motor as has developed various wind power generators that
a sensor to collect electrical data, and can also use data draw on motor and generator technologies accumu-
from the customer if needed. The required parameters lated over many years, and has logged an extensive
are selected from among the data to extract feature track record of generator deliveries to domestic and
values for correlation analysis and model building. overseas customers.
These models are used for objectives such as provid- Figure 8 shows Hitachi’s wind power generator
ing real-time displays of changes of the degree of lineup. The lineup is divided into AC excitation types
anomaly against the motor, equipment, or machinery, and permanent magnet types. Both are totally enclosed
and identifying problem locations. The correlation types with coolers. Numerical analysis has been used
analysis with customer KPI data is also used to pre- to ensure appropriate aeration cooling design and
vent equipment problems or quality issues. compactness. Elements such as stator frame structures


Figure 8 — Wind Power Generator Lineup and Specifications

Shown here is the lineup of generators manufactured and delivered by Hitachi. Hitachi has delivered a total of about 10,000 units to date.

No. Output Voltage Frequency Generation method Delivery year

1 1.5 to 1.85 MW 575/690 V 50/60 Hz DFIG 2003
2 2.0 to 2.1 MW 690/1,400 V 50/60 Hz DFIG 2007
3 5.2 MW 1,980 V 50/60 Hz PMG 2014

Gearbox Nacelle

Cooling blower
Blade • Air cooling
• Maintenance • Water cooling

Slip ring
Stator frame • Maintenance
Tower • Variable speeds

Bearings Stator winding

• Maintenance Rotor winding
• Longer life

(a) 2 MW DFIG (b) 5 MW PMG

DFIG: doubly-fed induction generator PMG: permanent magnet generator

Figure 9 — Development of Wind Power Generators Using Actual Equipment Data

Wind power generators undergo optimized design and verification testing using various types of analysis done during the design phase. Hitachi has
recently been improving its ability to use actual equipment operation data acquired online as feedback for design and testing.

Actual equipment
data analysis ◆Numerical analysis
Testing technology (actual
durability testing)

Casing structure Computational fluid

analysis dynamics analysis
Rotation speed range (rotors/stators)

◆Materials testing Motor drive

Electromagnetic field analysis Accelerated inverter

control testing

Vibration, strain and temperature

Computational fluid
dynamics analysis
(slip ring)

have been designed to withstand vibrations by consid- voltages from the excitation converter(7).
ering changes in rotation speed caused by wind speed. Wind power generators undergo optimized design
The bearings have been designed for lower mainte- and verification testing involving various types of
nance and longer life. AC excitation types have a slip analysis done during the design phase. The load envi-
ring for rotor winding excitation. The brush unit com- ronment of wind power generators can sometimes be
ponents requiring maintenance have been given highly different from the anticipated environment as wind
reliable structures made possible by techniques such as conditions at the installation site change. Hitachi has
computational fluid dynamics analysis. A highly reli- therefore created methods of analyzing operation data
able Hitachi insulation system, made of mica, has been from actual equipment, and methods of numerical
used to withstand extended operation under harmonic analysis and verification testing. Figure 9 shows an

Hitachi Review Vol. 69, No. 2 222–223 93.

Figure 10 — Predictive Diagnosis for Wind Energy Generation
Data acquired from the SCADA system can be used and analyzed to enable early detection of generator bearing degradation and its progress. The progress
of correlation breakdown among sensors is evaluated to predict generator bearing damage.

Lumada customer use case code: UC-00854

Predictive diagnosis for wind energy generation

Predict bearing damage in electrical generators by using and analyzing SCADA log data.

SCADA (monitoring control system) Analysis center

Learning normal correlations Progress monitoring
Sensor information (10 minute statistics)
Power generating wind turbine temperature
Bearing Information to
Sensor data from each part acceleration customer
Electrical generator Power
Outside the nacelle Bearing: Vibration,
Upper part: Wind direction temperature Bearing
and wind speed Stator: Temperature temperature
Blade hub Nacelle acceleration
Pitch motor: Current, Frame: Vibration Normal correlation Normal correlation
temperature Interior environment: beginning to fall apart
Battery: Percentage of charge Temperature, smoke
Tower • Draft maintenance
Main axis Interior environment: plans
Bearings: Vibrations, Temperature, smoke
temperature • Improve quality of
Interconnection equipment Threshold value Multiple sensor values wind turbine
Speed-increasing gearbox Electrical power:
Enabled/disabled power (N dimension) converted
Bearing: Vibration into a single dimension
Lubrication oil: Dirt, oil Voltage/current, frequency
temperature Interior environment: Correlation falls apart
Temperature, smoke

SCADA: supervisory control and data acquisition

example of how actual equipment operation data Predictive diagnosis is also done by analyzing trends
acquired online by the supervisory control and data among the bearing vibration acceleration data from
acquisition (SCADA) system, provided as standard the standard mounted sensors. As shown in Figure 11,
equipment in Hitachi wind power generators, is bearing damage is detected using a system that visu-
fed back to design using numerical analysis/materi- ally depicts the relationship between bearing accelera-
als testing, and product reliability is verified using tion and rotation speed, and the changes in vibration
accelerated durability testing in the manufacturing acceleration over time. The results enable simple eval-
plant. Using and analyzing the data acquired from the uations of changes in vibration characteristics over
SCADA system lets the wind power generator detect time, suitable for rapidly evaluating bearing damage.
generator bearing degradation and its progress early When bearing damage is difficult to evaluate using
on, providing a solution enabling bearing replacement the vibration sensors provided as standard equipment,
or repair before power generation is shut down by temporary vibration sensors are sometimes mounted
bearing damage. The technical expertise Hitachi has to measure the characteristic frequency of the bear-
accumulated over its history is used to pinpoint the ings. The acquired data is compared to the inspection
optimum sensor set from among 200 items of statis- results logged when the bearings were maintained, to
tical information, while the company’s wind turbine acquire correlation data used to improve the problem
operation expertise is used to evaluate the progress detection accuracy (see Figure 12).
of correlation breakdown among sensors to predict Wind power generator bearing diagnosis enables
generator bearing damage (see Figure 10)(3). early detection of problems in bearing units by using


Figure 11 — Bearing Vibration Trend

Analysis h ary anuary h
Marc Febru J May April Marc July June May

Vibration acceleration

Vibration acceleration

Vibration acceleration
Bearing damage is rapidly evaluated from the
signals of vibration sensors provided as standard
equipment. The evaluation is made possible by
a system that visually depicts the relationship
between bearing acceleration and rotational
speed, and the changes in vibration accelera- Rotational speed Rotational speed Rotational speed
tion over time.
mber gust mber ctober eptember ary ecember ovember
Septe Au July Nove O S Janu D N

Vibration acceleration

Vibration acceleration

Vibration acceleration
Rotational speed Rotational speed Rotational speed

Vibration acceleration


multiple detection methods like the methods cov- backed by a long tradition, and are used in a wide range
ered here. It enables parts for repairs to be obtained of applications underpinning the social infrastructure.
in advance, early scheduling of workers, and repair By bringing product design and manufacturing expe-
proposals aligned with turbine maintenance. Hitachi rience together with digital technologies, Hitachi is
wants to draw on these benefits to provide custom- now becoming increasingly adept at providing added
ers with wind power generators that reduce turbine value from areas such as new maintenance methods
downtime. in the form of equipment diagnosis that draws on
Hitachi’s OT, IT, and products. The company will
continue to incorporate best practices into its product
4. Conclusions lineups, working to improve customer value.

Hitachi’s industrial electric motors are made possible

by motor design and manufacturing technologies

Figure 12 — Bearing Vibration

Acceleration Trend Analysis and
Rotational speed/ Time/vibration
Typical Damage vibration acceleration acceleration
Typical bearing damage
Examples of bearing vibration acceleration
Vibration acceleration

Vibration acceleration

Intermittent high vibrations Intermittent trends • Scratched rolling element

trend analysis and typical bearing damage and race
are shown here.

Rotational speed Time

Continuous high vibrations Rapidly rising trend • Track surface peeling

Vibration acceleration

Vibration acceleration

Rotational speed Time

Vibration acceleration
Vibration acceleration

Peak at specific rotational Gradually rising trend • Bearing life (lubrication, wear)

Threshold value
Rotational speed Time Data

Hitachi Review Vol. 69, No. 2 224–225 95.

References Authors
1) H. Mikami et al., “Historical Evolution of Motor Technology,” Mikio Endo
Hitachi Hyoron, 92, pp. 928–933 (Dec. 2010) in Japanese. Electrical Machinery Design Department, Drive
Systems Division, Electrical Systems Division,
2) N. Takeda et al., “Using Operation Information in Reliability
Hitachi Industrial Products, Ltd. Current work and
Design and Maintenance: Analytics for the IoT Era,” Hitachi research: Coordinating development and design of
Review, 65, pp. 450–455 (Nov. 2016). electric motors for rail transport systems and mining
3) Hitachi, Ltd., Lumada: Customer Cases, “Predictive dump trucks. Society memberships: The Institute of
Diagnosis for Wind Energy Generation,” Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ).
uc_00854.html Katsuhiko Fujii
Electrical Machinery Design Department, Drive
4) S. Sugimoto et al., “Study on Decreasing Time and Space Systems Division, Electrical Systems Division, Hitachi
Harmonic Losses of Induction Motor,” The Institute of Industrial Products, Ltd. Current work and research:
Electrical Engineers of Japan, Transactions on Industry Coordinating development and design of electric
Applications, 135, 10, pp. 993–998 (Oct. 2015) in Japanese. motors for rail transport systems and mining dump
5) K. Ishikawa et al., “Development of Rolling Stock Inverters trucks. Society memberships: IEEJ.
Using SiC,” Hitachi Review, 66, pp. 155–160 (Feb. 2017).
Masaaki Endo
6) K. Terasawa et al., “Development of Lightweight Traction
Electrical Machinery Design Department, Drive
Systems to Reduce Energy Consumption,” Hitachi Review, Systems Division, Electrical Systems Division, Hitachi
67, pp. 802–807 (Dec. 2018). Industrial Products, Ltd. Current work and research:
7) M. Iizuka, “Generators and Motors for Large and More Development and design of wind power generators.
Advanced Models,” Wind Energy, 34, 4, pp. 8–11 (2010) in

Shinji Sugimoto
Electrical Machinery Design Department, Drive
Systems Division, Electrical Systems Division, Hitachi
Industrial Products, Ltd. Current work and research:
Development and design of electric motors for rail
transport systems and mining dump trucks. Society
memberships: IEEJ.

Koichiro Nagata, Ph.D.

Customer Front Project, Global Center for Social
Innovation – Tokyo, Research & Development Group,
Hitachi, Ltd. Current work and research: Studying for
building novel businesses by customer co-creation.
Society memberships: IEEJ and the Physical Society
of Japan (JPS).

Yasushi Hayasaka, Ph.D. and P.E. Jp.

Electrical Machinery Design Department, Drive
Systems Division, Electrical Systems Division,
Hitachi Industrial Products, Ltd. Current work and
research: Research and development on structural
integrity and failure of machines utilizing digital
technology. Society memberships: The Japan Society
of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), the Gas Turbine
Society of Japan (GTSJ), and the Society of Materials
Science, Japan (JSMS).


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