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4 STRUCTURE magazine
Cover Feature
By David Mykins, P.E.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 5
Invest in Your Success and the Future
of Structural Engineering
By Anne M. Ellis, P.E., F.ASCE
STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 7
Automation and the Future of
Structural Engineering
By Eytan Solomon, P.E., LEED AP
In July 2021, I discussed the “hot” topic of automation and the future for structural engineers with two of the industry’s leading experts in digital design:
Rob Otani is a Senior Principal and the Chief Technology Officer at Thornton Tomasetti, and Zak Kostura is an Associate Principal and the
Americas Region leader of Advanced Digital Engineering at Arup. Below are highlights from our discussion.
There are two things that we call “code.” First, building codes, self-perpetuating. If you simplify the process of designing, you give
meaning the rules for structural design – including the jurisdic- yourself the opportunity to iterate that design more and focus on
tional codes and model codes (like the International Building things you would not otherwise be able to. Plus, there are advances
Code [IBC]) and code-referenced standards (like the American in culture and technology.
Institute of Steel Construction’s AISC 360). And then computer
code, meaning the software programs we use for structural analysis When you are talking about designing a design process, it sounds
and design. A frequent question is – what is stopping ALL of the like systems engineering.
written building code from becoming written computer code?
Kostura: At Arup, before someone gets to the point where they
Otani: Nothing is stopping us. It’s just hard to implement. It’s hard to automate anything on a project, in theory, they are supposed to
create an app that is going to redirect you to all those other things… A put a workflow together that documents the design process. The
lot of engineering is actually not just designing a beam. It is deciding workflow diagram allows you to understand the linear parts of your
what beam to design, what material to use, etc. process versus the iterative. It helps you understand the dependen-
Kostura: Yeah, I would say that it may be shocking to a structural cies between the two. For example, if you look at three commercial
engineer, but I think building code is typically more forgiving high-rise buildings, you might say that no one piece of software will
than computer code. A lot of discretion and judgment goes into design all three of these entirely. But when you map the workflow for
engineering that you only appreciate when you try to automate these three projects, you see that certain steps are common. Those
it. One of the things that I really had to learn a lot about when I common steps can be a tool or a set of tools. The more you can
got into coding software is the concept of user-experience design. channel that and think about it in terms of process, the more clar-
You really have to plan what you’re doing and the group of users ity you have about how far you go with the scope of any software.
you are trying to help. In our line of work, there is a fundamental
question about who uses the software. There’s one line of thinking Can people be taught to think that way before they have really
that you can make software for engineers to assist in completing mastered the job?
the design. Alternatively, the end-user could be someone else, such
as the architect or owner with less understanding of the internal Otani: Well, there are a couple of questions there. The end-user is not
process. So it’s important to think going to see a lot of that. I think Zak
about the user we are building that was referring to the person who is
software for. It defines what the mapping this out. I think you know
software will do. “A lot of engineering is actually the machine learning apps that we
Otani: So, tools like RAM, SAP not just designing a beam. It is have created over the years. We need
2000, or ETABS already have code- independent little physics-based
based automation in their systems. deciding what beam to design, checks along the way because, you
By the way, they didn’t always. And know, engineers hate a black box.
I would argue that is what makes what material to use, etc.” They love Excel because all the for-
them reliable tools for structural mulas are very clear. The engineers
analysis and design. can write their own little checks along
Rob the way. What Zak was talking about,
Is it only a matter of time before Otani in general terms, is called robotic pro-
cess automation. They use that in the
all design is automated?
automotive industry, where a very
Kostura: I don’t think so. clear road map is needed to identify
Otani: I don’t think it is going to when and what to check along the
happen in our lifetimes. way because the engineers just by
Kostura: Is Apple ever going to be nature don’t trust anything.
done designing the iPhone? No, Kostura: Digital practitioners talk
because design is something that is about user journeys. What’s the
8 STRUCTURE magazine
process that the user goes through? What is the user’s goal, and what training every year to keep current. This has affected the “shelf
is the process to accomplish that goal? It is amazing to me how many life” of our project managers: their shelf life used to be their entire
project engineers are unable to sit down and articulate the process. careers. Like, someone who was 50 in 1990 could tell someone who
It isn’t a technique we prioritize, so most engineers are not getting was 21 exactly how to do the job – with tracing paper, the green
better at it. (AISC) book, whatever it was. And today, the senior folks who
know their stuff inside and out have a hard time being a mentor
When the author was in engineering school, in the early aughts, to the engineer who is churning away (with all the new software).
there was a requirement to take one coding class. Should aspiring And I’m not even talking about Revit, just the engineering tools.
structural engineering students be taking more coding classes?
However, most would assume that
Otani: I would say yes. I mean,
must be and has been the case for
everyone is not going to be a con-
decades in things like aerospace
sultant software developer, but you We know that our profit where you clearly have needed
kind of need to know what’s pos-
more advanced computing for the
sible. Like to Zak’s point, if you margins on conventional design analysis, and yet they had their
recognize something that is a real
pain point, and you have a little will not get bigger in the future. gray-haired engineers.
bit of software development knowl- Kostura: The difference is that
edge, you can piece things together nobody is expected to make a profit
to automate the process. So I think
it’s awareness. Zak on the first prototype in aerospace
and automotive. In our industry, that
Kostura: We are in a time-based Kostura is precisely what we are expected to
business, right? And we know that do, so we have a lot less rigor than
our profit margins on conventional they do.
design will not get bigger in the Otani: Aerospace has ridiculous QA/
future. They are probably going to QC. There are checks upon checks
continue to get smaller, so I think upon checks. For example, you put
we must equip as many engineers as a new pillow in an airplane, and it
possible with the ability to readily has to be verified.
identify repetitive tasks and perform Kostura: You know, it’s another
them more efficiently. That has been the role of technology for 40 delineation between us and aerospace and automotive that you do
or 50 years, and I think to Rob’s point, a new way is needed with not have this awkward transfer of risk and responsibility midway
competence and literacy in design thinking and programming. through the project, right? From design to construction. You have
And every organization is going to face a dilemma around what a team that is incentivized to collaborate and work together. If
you task an Engineer to know and what you leave in the hands of someone misses something and the model’s not correct initially, it
another professional digital practitioner. A lot of us in engineering is everybody’s problem, not just one person’s problem. And the way
are experimenting with Cloud services now, right? You can run up we have carved our industry up makes it harder to undo. So that is
an AWS [Amazon Web Services] instance and run your FE [Finite a big issue for all of us.
Element] model there, which is faster. And if you were to use
Do you think that will lead to more design-build?
Microsoft, you might choose Azure services over AWS. You might
get a price break today, but next year AWS might be cheaper. And if Otani: Yes. I think it will. I think it is going to go in two directions.
you do the analysis in the middle of the night, it is even cheaper than I think contractors will start to get more involved in design because
during the day. You can save money by analyzing when computing they can have more influence during that time. For example, do not
resources are less in demand, like electricity. Cloud economics is use that facade material because we cannot get it for two years. As well
an example of a field of expertise that will ultimately come into our as the engineers going further and producing shop drawings. And
analytically-heavy industry. Can you expect the engineers to increas- having the contractor we know who will build it fill in the rest because
ingly take that on? It seems like most organizations are ultimately we have been staring at this project for two years, right?
going to come to a point where they have to make a clear decision Kostura: We are all looking for a way to hedge our profits, right?
about what digital skills should be left in the hands of people who Because the conventional things we do are getting harder to make
practice structural engineering every day or in the hands of another money doing. So, what else can you do? What added services can you
field of conventional building design. They will also need to decide offer? There are many great ways to extend what you’re already doing.
how they cover the other areas of digital knowledge, like cloud Otani: In the startup world, they talk about making the process vertical.■
economics and many others.
Otani: Yes, but take that one step further. Recently, I did some- The author would like to thank both Rob and Zak for their
thing with a technology-in-architecture practice group. I showed a insights into these critical topics. There is much food for thought
graph of the software I had when I first started: Risa 2D and SAP as structural engineers consider how the profession integrates
90. That’s it – those two things. And by the way, there were only with new technologies and innovations.
three computers in the entire office. So today, there is probably
at least 10 times that amount of software, right? So, the engineer Eytan Solomon is a Senior Associate at Silman and a member of
coming out of college needs to know so much more than I knew. STRUCTURE’s Editorial Board. (
And now, the practicing engineer needs to have significantly more
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 9
construction ISSUES
Avoiding Sinkholes during Mechanized
Closed-Face Tunneling
By Hee Yang Ng, MIStructE, C.Eng, P.E.
Key Principles of TBM Construction Figure 1. Sinkhole caused by TBM tunneling work.
A TBM typically consists of a cutterhead, excavation chamber, and
a shield in very simplistic terms. The strong cylindrical steel shield annulus which needs to be grouted to minimize risks of ground and
provides a safe environment for removing spoils from the excavation lining movement.
chamber and erecting the permanent linings. At the front of the EPB TBMs are more suited for cohesive soils (clay/soft ground),
TBM, a cutterhead is equipped and configured strategically with while slurry TBMs are for cohesionless soils (sand/rock/mixed ground
disc cutters to break down rock and appropriately sized openings to of soil and rock) with additives/conditioning agents and bentonite
allow excavated materials to be removed from the face. Face pressure slurry added, respectively, to condition the excavated spoils for easy
is regulated via slurry flow and plastic paste discharge for slurry and removal. Slurry TBMs are more elaborate in setup as the slurry needs
EPB TBMs, respectively. It is important to note that the cutterhead to be recycled, requiring a separation plant on the ground. The better
needs to overcut a slightly larger diameter to allow the shield to control of face pressure for slurry TBMs allows such TBMs to be
advance by jacking against completed linings. Similarly, the linings used in more difficult (e.g., high groundwater and permeable) and
being erected within the shield means that there is a “tail-void” or heterogeneous ground conditions. Slurry TBMs are also sometimes
equipped with powerful crushers and grizzly bars to deal with
boulders (or rock debris) and prevent jamming the TBM.
Choosing the correct TBM type with adequate and suitable
specifications to deal with the site-specific ground conditions
is a critical first step in ensuring safe tunneling (Figure 2).
Ground Settlement
A sinkhole is a case of a sudden (and usually substantial) void
formed at the ground surface. The usual small magnitude
ground surface settlement caused by TBM tunneling can be
estimated using a Gaussian (normal) distribution curve. This
settlement is due to the volume loss in the ground in the pro-
cess of tunneling. Volume loss can include losses at the TBM
face, the shield, and the tail void. The Gaussian distribution
assumes that the area encompassed by the curve is equal to
the volume loss. Two key parameters are required to define
the curve: the volume loss, Vl, and i, the distance from the
tunnel centerline to the inflection point. The volume loss is
usually expressed as a percentage of the tunnel face area, say
0.5% to 3%. i is a fraction of the tunnel depth, which can
typically be 0.25H for sand and 0.5H for clay, where H is
Figure 2. Schematic view of EPB TBM and Slurry TBM. the depth to the tunnel centerline. For clay, this value can
10 STRUCTURE magazine
range from 0.4H to 0.7H for stiff clay and soft clay,
respectively. Although obvious, to minimize impact
to property and structures, surface settlement needs
to be minimized, and therefore, volume loss needs
to be as small as possible, preferably below 0.5%.
Figure 3 shows a comparison of ground surface settle-
ment for TBM in clay and sand. The tunnel diameter
is 19.7 feet (6m) and located at 65.6 feet (20m) below
ground, using a volume loss of 2%. Ground settlement
in stiff clay and sand will show a narrower trough
width. Therefore, the maximum settlement would be
higher than soft clay to maintain the same area enclosed
by the curve, assuming the same volume loss.
A simplified finite element simulation of volume loss
in sand and clay using volume contraction is shown
in Figures 4 and 5 (page 12). It can be seen that the
settlement trough in sand is very narrow, with much Figure 3. Gaussian curve for ground surface settlement due to TBM tunneling.
settlement occurring on top of the tunnel and the
soil movement wedge surface propagating upwards at an angle of 60° During TBM excavation, the TBM face has to balance two primary
(measured from horizontal) to almost vertically (like a chimney-type sources of loadings, namely from soil and water. In terms of total
mechanism). In clay, the settlement trough is much wider, and some stress for undrained loading, where water is not considered explic-
designers assume the soil movement wedge to be at 45° measured from itly, the face pressure required to prevent collapse can be calculated
the horizontal tunnel centerline (springline). This is due to the plastic from overburden pressure less Nccu, where Nc is the stability number
flow of soft clay, where there is substantial movement horizontally (equal to 9 for deep tunnels with soil cover greater than 3 times
from the sides of the tunnel due to the generally higher horizontal the tunnel diameter), and cu is the soil undrained shear strength.
stress compared to sand. Whereas for sand, the frictional nature of Notice that Nccu is analogous to the ultimate bearing capacity of
the material means that vertical stress is usually higher than horizontal 9cu in piles. Surcharge (if extensive in area) and pressure variation,
stress, resulting in a greater tendency of downward soil displacement typically 1.45 to 4.35 psi (0.1 bar to 0.3 bar or 10 to 30 kPa), can
above the tunnel. In addition, the failure surface of sand tends to be included if necessary. To control settlement, a more stringent
propagate upwards in a path of least resistance, which is vertically Nc is used. For example, to control settlement below 2%, Nc could
upwards because the frictional strength decreases most rapidly in the be 4.5 (half of 9).
vertical direction with decreasing confining stress. Similarly, for effective stress, the face pressure required to prevent
collapse can be calculated from the sum of water pressure and effec-
tive soil balance pressure (submerged soil unit weight times tunnel
TBM Face Stability diameter) less soil cohesion, with some coefficients applied (e.g., 0.2
The tunneling process is an unloading process as soil support is and 2 respectively for effective soil balance pressure and soil cohesion).
removed when the ground is excavated. Therefore, the control of face The water pressure term is going to be the dominant factor when
pressure during TBM operation is critical. Inadequate face pressure the groundwater table is high. Again, to control settlement, a higher
could result in the face lacking support and the soil becoming unstable, pressure is necessary to balance the soil pressure (use a higher coef-
causing ground loss and possibly a sinkhole. Conversely, the soil might ficient, e.g., 0.6). The maximum face pressure should not be greater
be forced upwards if the face pressure is excessive, causing a blow-out than the total vertical overburden pressure to prevent ground heave.
or ground heave. Slurry might also be leaked out. Occasionally, operatives may need to enter the excavation chamber
to inspect, repair, clear obstructions, or change worn-out tools (also
known as cutterhead interventions). In such an instance,
compressed air is required to balance the water pressure
to prevent water ingress. As soil pressure cannot be
balanced, it may be necessary to ensure such stoppage
and interventions are carried out in stable ground, for
example, docking within a jet grout block. In addition,
dewatering and grouting might be required. Ensuring
that the membrane filter cake (an impermeable layer
on the soil surface formed by small particles clogged
or wedged together under pressure) is maintained and
effective is crucial for compressed air support, especially
during prolonged stoppages.
Controlling Over-Excavation
Another critical aspect in preventing sinkholes is in
the control of over-excavation during TBM tunnel-
Figure 4. Ground settlement due to TBM in sand. ing. The theoretical volume of soil to be taken out
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 11
High-Risk Activities
Designers need to be aware of several high-risk
activities during TBM tunneling. These include
break-in/break-out from shafts, stoppage and inter-
ventions, mixed ground (soil and rock) conditions,
worn-out cutting tools, and TBM flushing for a
slurry TBM. Flushing is a process to circulate slurry
in an attempt to revive a choked or jammed TBM.
Without shield advancement, the slurry discharge
could easily result in over-excavation. Therefore,
such a procedure must only be carried out under
authorization and close supervision with adequate
control and precautionary measures in place. The
tunneling team must follow strict procedures when
encountering unexpected events, such as a jammed
TBM. This is to avoid allowing the TBM operator
free rein in carrying out repeated and extended
Figure 5. Ground settlement due to TBM in clay. flushing and discharging excessive materials. It is
always tempting to repeatedly run the slurry flow
can be determined by the tunnel geometry, i.e., the product of the in the excavation chamber to revive a jammed TBM.
face area and length of the tunnel. If the actual excavated amount A mixed-face condition occurs where the TBM face has both soil and
exceeds this theoretical amount, it means there is over-excavation. rock. This is particularly challenging for TBM because of the vastly dif-
Over-excavation can be potentially dangerous because when more ferent stiffness of soil and rock. As the rock at the bottom of the TBM
soil is taken out from the ground, underground voids are formed, face resists the cutterhead’s advance, the soil at the top of the TBM
and these could culminate in a sinkhole being formed at the ground is continuously drawn into the excavation chamber. Therefore, over-
surface. In addition, the formation of a sinkhole can be sudden with excavation can quickly occur. In addition, broken rock fragments that
few tell-tale signs. Therefore, closely monitoring over-excavation and are too large to enter the cutterhead openings are trapped in front of the
setting an over-excavation limit is crucial in preventing sinkholes. TBM and rotated. This overbreak also contributes to over-excavation
Determining over-excavation is not a straightforward task because due to the drawing in of more material compared to TBM advancement.
the soil volume in situ is obviously different from the volume of loose
soil after excavation. Some designers estimate the expanded volume
or swell of the soil after excavation by applying a “bulking factor”
Precautionary and Remedial Measures
of 1.2 to 1.3 for soil and even higher for rock. However, additives In built-up areas, it may be helpful to visually annotate the TBM
or slurry are added for closed-face tunneling, either EPB or slurry, alignment on the ground surface. In addition, surface surveillance
and need to be accounted for. Furthermore, there is a possibility of by eye helps detect visible ground settlement, especially when ground
water intrusion and additive or slurry loss into the ground. Ground settlement readings are not yet taken or made available. In critical areas,
make-up is also likely to vary along the TBM alignment. Therefore, it is also helpful to have a drilling rig ready and on standby so that
designers have to be aware of the limitations and significance of over- any backfilling of voids by grouting can be carried out immediately.
excavation monitoring. Ground improvement by grouting is a commonly employed tech-
While soil volume may be different before and after excavation, the nique in TBM operations. In difficult ground conditions such as
weight or mass of soil must remain the same. For a slurry TBM, the mixed-face tunneling, grouting the weaker zones helps to provide
measurement of flow and fluid density at the input and output is a more stable excavation process and minimize the risk of over-
used to monitor over-excavation. As an illustration, to find out the excavation. Grouting may also be used in other higher-risk areas,
volume of soil excavated, the mass excavated can be found by first such as break-in/break-out locations.
multiplying density with flow and time and taking the difference at the
input and output pipes. Then, volume can be estimated by dividing
mass by density. EPB measurement methods include physical muck
skip counts and direct weight measurements. The avoidance of sinkholes is a crucial aspect of safe TBM construction.
Designers for TBM tunneling should always specify the limit of Starting with a good understanding of the ground conditions, a suitable
over-excavation allowed. Typically, this can be a value of 15% to 20% TBM tunneling method and machine with appropriate capabilities can
deviation in volume excavated for a single ring or a rolling average be selected. Maintaining adequate face pressure and working within allow-
of 5 to 10 rings. When such a limit is breached, the tunneling team able over-excavation limits are the two main control measures preventing
needs to know what immediate actions are required for reporting, sinkholes. When over-excavation occurs, a common error is to rely on
verification, review, and remedial work. The response required might grouting a sinkhole as an afterthought in an attempt to rush through
vary according to the risk to the public; for example, depending on tunneling with no regard for over-excavation and excessive slurry
whether tunneling is over a greenfield site (minor consequence) or discharge. The better way is to suspend excavation and restart
in close proximity to existing buildings or critical infrastructures after verification and review to confirm it is safe to continue.■
(severe consequence). When the over-excavation limit is breached,
Hee Yang Ng is a Principal Engineer with a building control agency in
it is essential not to excavate further until verification and review are
the Asia-Pacific region.
done to confirm that it is safe.
12 STRUCTURE magazine
Simpson Strong-Tie Specification Tools
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14 STRUCTURE magazine
sensitive equipment affected by vibrations remnants of long-ago movements, and no
or levelness (e.g., manufacturing, medical, safety risk exists. This condition is a some-
or testing). what best-case scenario, where proactive
instrumentation, monitoring, and patience
Developing Monitoring save the owner repair cost and disruption.
In some cases, No Action may result from
Programs several rounds (or years) of monitoring and
Developing an effective monitoring pro- a thorough investigation and assessment.
gram requires investigation to identify
Example of No Action
the program objectives. The investigation
includes a visual assessment, a desktop An owner was concerned that its building
study, and sometimes destructive or was settling. Multiple tenants reported
invasive activity that includes building cracked wall finishes, gaps between
openings or subsurface exploration. wood trim and floors, and sloped floors
• Visual Assessment: A visual assess- Temporary repair involving underslab void filling. Coring,
in a 100-year-old, multi-story residential
ment identifies the type of distress filling voids with grout, and patching can be performed over building. The structure consisted of wood
symptoms, magnitudes, locations, a few days compared to a longer construction period for a framing and masonry-bearing walls sup-
trends, construction materials, and permanent repair. ported on concrete and stone foundations.
age of the symptom. After performing a visual assessment of
• Desktop Study: A review of avail- the structure and symptoms, the engineer
able data, including construction implemented a monitoring program that
drawings, repair records, construc- included crack gauges, a structure defor-
tion permits, historical photos, or mation survey, and floor levelness readings
prior subsurface investigations gives every six to twelve months over two-plus
a head start in understanding build- years. Results showed that the symptoms
ing construction, foundation types, were not caused by foundation settle-
and potential load paths. ment but rather a combination of creep
• Invasive Investigations: When of the wood framing and localized framing
conditions permit or when historical reconfiguration and repairs over the life of
data is absent, an invasive investiga- the building. Seasonal dimensional change
tion consisting of building openings of wood trim and flooring finishes caused
(e.g., at framing connections, gaps to be more apparent in the winter
column to foundation interfaces) months, and the foundation was stable.
and/or subsurface investigations Permanent repair involving slab replacement is usually more No repairs were required. The instrumen-
(e.g., soil test borings or test pits) disruptive to the client’s space compared to temporary repairs. tation remained on the structure to allow
provides critical information to future readings if new symptoms develop.
diagnose a problem.
An immediate visual assessment of severe distress symptoms coupled
with a brief desktop study can quickly identify the potential need
Repairs (with Verification)
for immediate emergency stabilization. In many cases, after ruling In many cases, the need for repairs is evident based on visual inspection.
out immediate safety issues, the engineer can develop correlations However, desktop study, instrumentation, and monitoring help define the
between building construction (or renovations), foundation type, appropriate type of repair. In some cases, instrumentation and monitor-
and subsurface conditions, identify possible contributors to dis- ing can verify the adequate performance of a more cost-effective repair.
tress symptoms, and identify what to measure. Then, armed with
Example of Repairs with Verification
knowledge, the engineer can develop a targeted instrumentation
plan with the type, location, and quantity of instruments and the An owner reported cracks in the shear walls for a multi-story masonry
frequency of data collection to help establish whether movement apartment building. The engineer completed an investigation and
has stabilized or is worsening. monitoring program to evaluate the cause. The monitoring program
The owner and its engineer must work together to balance priorities. consisted of deformation surveys and crack gauges and showed that
For example, what areas are most important to diagnose and repair? the foundation was no longer moving. The engineer developed repairs
What areas must be maintained without disruption in the short for the shear wall, supplemented with a monitoring program for a few
term? Does the owner’s time-horizon permit monitoring beyond a years after repairs to confirm performance, saving the client the costs
year? The owner’s specific needs and input influence the program. and disruption of more significant and conservative foundation repairs.
The monitoring program informs decisions for a range of outcomes,
from no action needed, to implementation of repairs, to deferred
action where repairs are prioritized over time.
Repairs (Temporary, with Monitoring)
Depending on the project, permanent repair may not be the best
option for the client. For example, permanent settlement mitigation
No Action repairs such as soil improvement grouting, foundation underpin-
The engineer’s recommendation may be No Action if the monitoring data ning, or replacement of a slab-on-grade with a structural slab are
shows that movement is no longer ongoing, the distress symptoms are often disruptive to the client’s operations, even if repairs are phased.
continued on next page
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 15
Test pit excavation to observe buried wood pile foundations and extract specimens. Example of a disruptive foundation underpinning repair requiring capital planning.
The monitoring program informed the locations for the test pit investigation. Foundation underpinning repairs consist of needle beams supported on micropile
Depending on the structure, rate of measured movement, cause of The structure deformation survey was critical for repair planning.
settlement, and the client’s use of the space, a temporary repair can High accuracy and repeatability of the survey data are essential to
“buy time” and serve as an effective means to limit disruptions to understanding behavior. In this case, structure deformation monitoring
operations. While a permanent repair could be the most robust solu- techniques involved a high precision digital level and an invar survey
tion, the temporary repair supplemented with monitoring may better rod, collecting multiple rounds of data, and performing a least-squares
suit the client’s needs. adjustment of the elevation data to obtain an appropriate accuracy
not achievable with traditional survey methods. This was particularly
Example of Temporary Repairs with Monitoring
important since the survey traversed multiple interior building spaces.
An owner reported settlement of a slab-on-grade at a cleanroom For this high-value building, the owner agreed to engage the engi-
medical manufacturing facility. The building’s structural framing was neer to evaluate and estimate the remaining service life of the timber
supported on deep foundations and exhibited little to no movement. piles supporting the structure. Combined with the groundwater and
The slab-on-grade settlement significantly impacted serviceability structure movement monitoring program, the engineer identified
and facility operations due to racked door frames, damaged utilities, trends and established a low to high-risk priority matrix for repairs
and reduced equipment usage. within the structure. This priority matrix helped the owner develop
A subsurface investigation identified the presence of voids beneath a capital plan for long-term repairs. The owner continues to use the
the slab-on-grade, in addition to compressible subgrade. The engineer monitoring program to update its capital plan as needed based on
implemented a monitoring program combined with temporary repairs measurements as time progresses.
in targeted areas to mitigate slab settlement by filling the under-slab
voids with a lightweight grout. The monitoring program consisted
of frequent structure deformation surveys and annual ground pen-
etrating radar surveys to detect under-slab voids and identify areas There are a variety of instruments available for monitoring the behav-
at risk of sudden settlement. The monitoring program allowed the ior of structures and their foundations. Some tools can be used in
owner to slow damage to the floor slab and equipment, manage risk day-to-day work; others are more complex and require planning,
of additional settlement, and maintain facility operations. investigation, and some level of disruption to the tenants.
When initial investigations determine that structural safety is not a
concern, time for thoughtful and targeted monitoring typically can
Repairs (Deferred and/or Prioritized) save the owner unnecessary disruption and repair costs. An effective
In many instances, repairs are warranted but not required immediately. monitoring program helps owners understand the source of distress,
The owner and engineer can work together to plan for what can often serves as a tool to document symptoms over time, and ultimately helps
be costly and disruptive foundation repairs. Since repairs are deferred the owner and its engineer make decisions about the extent and time-
and implemented over time, monitoring is a critical tool to help plan liness of needed repairs, if any. Ultimately, the successful monitoring
and prioritize repairs. program allows owners to control priorities and budgets for
repairs and provides time to plan for disruptions to occupancy
Example of Deferring and Prioritizing Repairs
and facility operations.■
A historic and iconic masonry building previously experienced set-
tlement due to timber pile deterioration resulting from lowered All authors are with Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger, Inc. in Waltham, MA.
groundwater levels. The monitoring program consisted of groundwater Steven F. Keppel is a Senior Consulting Engineer. (
observation wells, borehole extensometers, tiltmeters, various types of Scott J. DiFiore is a Principal. (
crack monitors, and an extensive network of structure deformation
Giuliana A. Zelada is a Senior Project Manager. (
monitoring points on walls and foundations.
16 STRUCTURE magazine
engineer's NOTEBOOK
The Hidden Cost of Copy and Paste
Part 1
By Jason McCool, P.E.
STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 17
2021 IBC Significant Structural Changes
Part 2: Foundations (Chapter 18)
By Sandra Hyde, P.E., and John “Buddy” Showalter, P.E.
18 STRUCTURE magazine
4) Ultimate axial capacity of pile Because piles can be subjected to ten-
shaft. sion caused by overturning moment
5) Ultimate axial capacity of pile during an earthquake, mechanical
shaft couplings. means to transfer the tension to the
6) Sum of the ultimate axial pile cap must be designed for the
capacity of helical bearing plates required tension force and not less than
affixed to pile. ten percent of the pile compression
Change Significance: Larger helical capacity. This requirement focuses on
pile elements are now common, and the attachment of a pile to the pile cap
shaft friction can play an important role with enough strength in the connec-
for larger shaft diameters (Figure 2). tion that the pile steel will not pull out
Pa , the base capacity plus the shaft of the pile cap. See Section 1810.3.11
resistance, may now be used when for more information on changes to
determining the allowable axial load. the pile cap requirements.
Shaft resistance is the shaft area mul- Piles located in site class E or F soils
tiplied by the shaft’s ultimate skin – poor, liquifiable, and expansive
resistance for the length above the soils – must satisfy the requirements
shallowest bearing plate. Base capac- for moderately ductile members per
ity is the soil or rock ultimate bearing AISC 341.
capacity in the bearing layer multi-
Deep Foundation Element
plied by the total number of bearing
plates multiplied by the plate area for
all plates in that layer of soil or rock. Deep foundation element splices for
The term shaft resistance is used to be buildings in Seismic Design Category
consistent with Section 1810. A and B regions designed by general
addressing allowable shaft resistance. engineering practices do not have to
Determination of ultimate capacity meet the 50 percent tension and bend-
Figure 3. Installation of H-piles.
by load testing has never been intended ing capacity requirements.
to be a requirement for all piles. Adding the reference to Section 1810.3.6 Splices. Splices shall be constructed so as to provide
1810. for load tests clarifies when a load test for ultimate and maintain true alignment and position of the component
capacity must be made available. Details for the load test are covered parts of the deep foundation element during installation and
in the load test provisions. subsequent thereto and shall be designed to resist the axial and
shear forces and moments occurring at the location of the splice
Structural Steel H-Piles
during driving and for design load combinations. Where deep
The design and detailing of H-piles must now conform with require- foundation elements of the same type are being spliced, splices
ments of AISC 341, Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, shall develop not less than 50 percent of the bending strength of
for a structure assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F. the weaker section. Where deep foundation elements of different
1810. Structural steel H-piles. Sections of structural materials or different types are being spliced, splices shall develop
steel H-piles shall comply with the requirements for HP shapes the full compressive strength and not less than 50 percent of
in ASTM A6, or the following: the tension and bending strength of the weaker section. Where
1) The flange projections shall not exceed 14 times the mini- structural steel cores are to be spliced, the ends shall be milled or
mum thickness of metal in either the flange or the web and ground to provide full contact and shall be full-depth welded.
the flange widths shall be not less than 80 percent of the Exception: For buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category
depth of the section. A or B, splices need not comply with the 50 percent tension
2) The nominal depth in the direction of the web shall be not and bending strength requirements where justified by
less than 8 inches. supporting data.
3) Flanges and web shall have a minimum nominal thickness {remainder unchanged}
continued on next page
of 3⁄8 inch.
For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category
D, E, or F, design and detailing of H-piles shall also
conform to the requirements of AISC 341.
Change Significance: Steel H-piles (Figure 3) used
in higher seismic design categories are expected to
yield just under the pile cap or foundation from a
combined bending and axial load. Design and detailing
requirements for H-piles in AISC 341 are intended
to produce stable plastic hinge formation in the piles.
A plastic hinge is the area along the pile length that
yields or stretches with permanent deformation during
an earthquake. Figure 4. Steel pile splice.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 19
All other requirements of Section
1810.3.6 continue to apply for pile
splices in areas assigned as Seismic Design
Categories A and B.
Precast Concrete Piles
Precast concrete piles are now to be
designed following ACI 318, Building
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete,
rather than IBC provisions.
1810.3.8 Precast concrete piles.
Precast concrete piles shall be
designed and detailed in accordance
with Sections 1810.3.8.1 through
1810.3.8.3 ACI 318.
1) For precast prestressed piles in
Seismic Design Category C, the
minimum volumetric ratio of
spirals or circular hoops required by
Section of ACI 318
Figure 5. Precast concrete piles. shall not apply in cases where the
design includes full consideration
Change Significance: Steel pile splices (Figure 4) must be designed of load combinations specified in ASCE 7 Section 2.3.6 or
to resist axial and shear forces as well as moments occurring at a Section 2.4.5 and the applicable overstrength factor, Ω0. In
splice location. Conformance with this requirement ensures the such cases, minimum transverse reinforcement shall be as
structural integrity of the splice. Section 1810.3.6.1 contains specified in Section of ACI 318.
restrictive splice requirements for structures assigned to Seismic 2) For precast prestressed piles in Seismic Design Categories
Design Categories C through F. For low seismic areas, commonly D through F, the minimum volumetric ratio of spirals or
available splices are acceptable in many design situations, such as circular hoops required by Section of ACI
a splice located deep enough that significant tension or bending 318 shall not apply in cases where the design includes full
demands are not expected or possible. Load requirements at the consideration of load combinations specified in ASCE 7
splice diminish due to soil resistance above the splice when the Section 2.3.6 or Section 2.4.5 and the applicable over-
splice is located at depth. strength factor, Ω0. In such cases, minimum transverse
Splices in low seismic design categories are exempt from having to reinforcement shall be as specified in Section of
be designed to fifty percent of the tension and bending strength of ACI 318.
the pile material. For example, if friction piles are driven to 240 feet, {Sections 1810.3.8.1 Reinforcement through 1810. Axial
the splice between the two 120-foot sections is 120 feet below grade. load limit in SDC D-F deleted without replacement}
These piles do not need to be checked for a capacity of fifty percent Change Significance: Sections 1810.3.8.1 through 1810.
of the pile tension and bending capacity. The pile is braced at the of the IBC have been deleted as similar provisions are included in
splice by surrounding soil. Chapter 18 of the 2019 edition of ACI 318. Two exceptions for precast
prestressed piles (Figure 5) are retained in the 2021 IBC.
Exceptions 1 and 2 recognize that the volumetric ratio of spiral
reinforcement need not be greater than that required for driving
and handling stresses when a pile foundation system is designed
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20 STRUCTURE magazine
due to uplift and bending moments
due to fixity to the pile cap.
Anchorage shall develop not less
than 25 percent of the strength of
the element in tension. Anchorage
into the pile cap shall comply with
the following:
{No changes to Items 1 and 2}
3) The connection between the
pile cap and the steel H-piles or
unfilled steel pipe piles in struc-
tures assigned to Seismic Design
Category D, E, or F shall be
designed for a tensile force of not
less than 10-percent of the pile
compression capacity.
1) Connection tensile capacity
need not exceed the strength
required to resist seismic load
effects including overstrength
of ASCE 7 Section 12.4.3 or
2) Connections need not be pro-
vided where the foundation or Figure 6. Pile cap connecting two foundation piles.
supported structure does not rely
on the tensile capacity of the piles
for stability under the design seismic force. concrete piles are now to be designed following ACI 318
{remainder unchanged} rather than IBC provisions. Pile cap requirements have also
Change Significance: Steel piles used in higher seismic been updated to align with the 2019 edition of ACI 318.■
design categories are expected to yield just under the pile cap
(Figure 6 ) or foundation because of combined bending and axial load. Sandra Hyde ( is Managing Director, and John “Buddy”
Design and detailing requirements of AISC 341 for H-piles are intended Showalter ( is Senior Staff Engineer, both with
to produce stable plastic hinge formation in steel piles. Because piles can ICC’s Product Development Group.
be subjected to tension caused by over-
turning moment, mechanical means to
transfer such tension must be designed for
the required tension force, but not less than
10-percent of pile compression capacity.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 21
SloVer Connecting Old and New
LibraRY By David Mykins, P.E.
22 STRUCTURE magazine
The historic Seaboard Building is located to the east of the new site.
Built in 1900 as a post office and federal courthouse, the city took over
the property in 1934 as Norfolk’s City Hall. It remained so until the
mid-60s when the City Hall moved to a new facility. The Seaboard
Building housed Norfolk’s Social Services until the early 1970s. After
that, it was privately-owned until the City of Norfolk re-purchased it
in 2007. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in
1981. To the west is the Selden Arcade, a 1930s two-story retail and
office space used by retailers and financiers into the 1980s, but many
storefronts were vacant by 1995. The City of Norfolk purchased the
Arcade in 2003 and recently converted it to serve as a studio space
for the more than 40 artists of the d’Art Center. To the south is an
eight-story city-owned parking garage.
Because of unsuitable soils that extended to an elevation of about 50
feet below the existing grade, it was determined that the new building
would need to be supported on deep foundations. Several options
were considered, including driven piles and auger cast piles. One of
the factors significantly influencing this decision was that the new
building would be constructed immediately adjacent to the existing
historic structures. With driven piles, there was great concern that the
resulting ground vibrations might cause damage to these buildings.
So, the decision was made to use 14-inch-diameter auger cast piles.
But since they would need to extend to tip elevations of 100 feet
below grade, removing the spoils associated with traditional auger
cast pile installation would be a considerable cost. The team chose to
use drilled soil displacement piles, a type of auger cast pile to mitigate
this. Instead of removing the soil material, the soil is displaced later-
ally into the surrounding soil resulting in a similarly profiled regular
shaft pile but with minimal spoils.
These piles had the additional advantage of being able to be installed
very close to the existing buildings. This minimized the length that
the grade beams needed to cantilever to support the new columns
set close to the existing buildings.
Another consideration of tight urban sites is the lack of convenient
material laydown areas. This was one of the factors that influenced Slover main entrance.
the decision that the majority of the new structure would consist
of cast-in-place concrete over structural steel. The amount of space system consisted of waterproofing on the outside of the basement
required to store reinforcing bars is much less than that required for walls with an exterior foundation drainage system. Still, inside,
structural steel, and the erection can often be done just as quickly. there is a structural slab over a vapor barrier designed for the
hydrostatic uplift should the water table rise despite the exterior
drainage system.
High Water Table
In Norfolk, the water table is relatively high; most basements
in this area extend below the water table. Not surprisingly, the
Connecting Old and New
basement in the 115-year-old Seaboard building had a history of As with many historic preservation projects, the team was faced with
leaking and even flooding during significant rain events. So, the several unique challenges throughout this project. The most significant
first challenge was to provide a reliable waterproofing system to the structural challenge was the lack of documentation of the Seaboard
existing building. The waterproofing system the team employed for building’s structure. Destructive investigation in advance of the design
the Seaboard building consisted of a network of pipes that could was not possible because the building was in use until just before
remove a large amount of water from the soil, combined with a the construction was scheduled to begin. So, the design team was
positive water barrier on the outside of the basement walls. Next, forced to make many assumptions based on limited field investiga-
within the existing basement, a new waterproof membrane was tion. Existing beams were encased in concrete for fireproofing, as was
installed on top of the existing slab on grade and extended up the typical for that era. So, the sizes and depths of beams were estimated.
inside of the basement walls. Finally, a new 4-inch topping slab When construction began and crews started to remove some of the
was installed on top of a 4-inch sand bed to finish the basement finishes, the engineers could verify their assumptions. In addition to
floor and protect the waterproof membrane. determining actual member sizes, it was also necessary to verify the
The new Slover Library needed to connect to that basement material properties. To do this, engineers obtained samples of the
to allow elevator access to the Seaboard. But a slightly different structural steel to confirm that it was consistent with A-36 steel and
waterproofing system was designed for the new structure. The new the concrete to determine the compressive strengths.
continued on next page
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 23
Through the verification process, it
was discovered that one area, which
would be the future home for the
library’s precious historic collections,
was not able to support this proposed
loading. The first thought was that
these areas would need to be removed
and replaced. But upon further
investigation, it was determined that
the existing 5½-inch concrete slab
could be removed and new beams
installed between the existing beams.
A lighter slab on steel deck system
was designed on this new steel gril-
lage, thus preserving much of the
existing structure.
Because the Seaboard Building
is listed on the National Historic
Register, the team was required to
preserve and protect as much of the
original building fabric as possible.
So, connections to the new struc-
ture had to be carefully planned and
approved by the Commonwealth’s Slover interior.
Department of Historic Resources.
The floor plans were designed to connect the buildings above the windows in the Seaboard Building so that only a small portion of
first floor with a series of pedestrian bridges over an ample open the wall below the windowsill needed to be removed.
atrium space. These were coordinated with the locations of existing
Project Success
Design and construction occurred between 2009 and 2015. Slover is
certified LEED Gold. It also won a 2015 AIA/ALA Building Award
from the American Institute of Architects and the American Library
Association, recognizing excellence in innovative design as leading to
the library’s resurgence as a community hub. Slover is also a DBIA
(design-build) award winner.
A combined public and private endeavor, the $65 million building
was made possible by a $40 million gift from Frank and Jane Batten
and a $21 million contribution from the City of Norfolk. In addition,
the project led to the creation of the Slover Foundation, which con-
tributed an additional $4 million to the initial construction.
The library is named in honor of Colonel Samuel L. Slover,
a former Mayor of Norfolk and uncle of Frank Batten, Sr.■
Project Team
Structural Engineer: Lynch Mykins
Architects: Newman Architects
Ornament: Kent Bloomer Studio
Urban Designer: Urban Design Associates
Geotechnical Engineer: Schnabel Engineering
General Contractor: Turner Construction
Lighting Designer: Patrick Quigley Associates
Civil Engineer: Timmons Group
Landscape Architect: Michael Vergason Landscape Architects
Slover Library lobby.
24 STRUCTURE magazine
Bypassing Expansive Soils
with Hollow Core Planks Over a Crawlspace
By Eric Homburg, P.E.
26 STRUCTURE magazine
with soil, decoupling it from expansive soil behavior (piers are
still in contact with the soil). Additionally, it also precludes the
need to purchase and painstakingly place select fill. In aggregate,
this decision should prove to save time, save money, and improve
quality, a trifecta rarely achieved.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 27
Timber at
P ig Patch House is a single-family custom house located in
England. It is built from mass timber panels used in the walls,
upper floor, and roofs, suspended insulated precast concrete floor
planks at ground floor level, and RC ground beams on mini concrete
piles used as foundations.
There are two types of dowel laminated timber products that
have been used in this project. The wall panels are made of timber
planks aligned in three directions, a diagonal layer sandwiched
between two (or four) orthogonal layers. The floor and roof panels
are made of traditional dowel laminated timber, where planks are
all installed in one direction.
The mass timber panels used in the walls are made entirely from
wood without any resin. In producing these panels, boards are laid on
By Sanja Buncic, C.Eng, MIStructE, and Matthew Smith, M.A.Sc., M.Eng, P.Eng a mounting table in layers in three directions: longitudinal, diagonal,
and transverse. Blind holes are drilled, and the solid wood threaded
dowel is screwed in. The threaded dowels are made of well-dried
and compressed beech. As they are inserted into softwood (spruce),
they absorb the ambient humidity of the surrounding spruce board
layers, swell up, and connect solidly with the surrounding wood.
The mass timber panels used in floors and roofs are made of timber
planks/boards oriented in the same direction and connected with
beech threaded dowels.
Pig Patch House is not a square house; it has an irregular shape at
both levels. The ground floor is an open plan providing the dining
and kitchen area directly over more than a half of the footprint, with
some smaller rooms and upper floor stair access occupying the other
half. On the upper floor, there are two bedrooms and a large roof
terrace. Very few walls align at the two levels, which means that some
areas have an upper floor structure spanning over 20 feet (6 meters).
The external walls have large door and window openings up to 10
feet (3 meters) wide. All these factors presented design challenges.
The house is built in a rural area, surrounded by large mature trees
and shrubs. The soil in this area is high plasticity clay, prone to
shrinkage and heaving due to moisture variations caused by nearby
trees. To address this, the foundation system is designed as reinforced
concrete ground beams 24 inches wide (600 millimeters) by 18
inches deep (450 millimeters), spanning over 12-inch-diameter
(300-millimeter) mini continuous flight auger piles installed at
Example of panel connections. proximately 10 feet (3 meters) on-center.
28 STRUCTURE magazine
The ground beams support precast insu-
lated prestressed concrete units, which are
laid on top. Due to the presence of prestress-
ing tendons, there are limited areas where
resin anchors can penetrate the panels. As a
result, the layout of the ground floor units was
developed to suit the position of internal and
external walls to allow fasteners for the timber
wall cleats (plates) to be in this safe zone.
The stability of the building is derived
from the external panels, and the horizontal
forces are transferred into the walls at the
ground floor level by diaphragm action of
the upper-floor structure. The shear-center
of the ground floor wall is positioned closer
to the area with smaller rooms. This was
addressed in the distribution of the forces Typical connection detail.
that would need to be resisted by the walls.
It is assumed that only external walls contribute to the stability of and Use of Residential Buildings – Code of Practice, for flame-spread to
the building to allow for potential future adaptations. satisfy the Building Regulations 2010 (UK). The Approved Documents
The upper-floor structure is made of 4-foot-wide (1.2-meter) by max mentioned above are prescriptive documents for fire safety design,
36-foot-long (11-meter) dowel laminated timber panels. These panels which are analogous to the role building codes play in the U.S. They
transfer the load and are designed to span as one-way panels. Since the demonstrate to designers how to meet the minimum requirements
panels act independently, the connection between two adjacent panels for fire safety as mandated in the Building Regulations.
was achieved with 11⁄32-inch-diameter (9-millimeter) screws installed at Approved Document B Fire Safety – Volume 1: Dwellings, 2019
an angle of 45 degrees and a spacing of 8 inches (200 millimeters) along edition, provide designers with an efficient means of meeting fire
the junction. These screws allow the floor to act as a deep beam for the safety requirements for common building situations. However, they
horizontal loads, transferring the horizontal loads into stability walls. are not the only option available to design teams. The design team
A similar approach was adopted for the roof diaphragm. can deviate from the prescriptive guidance if they demonstrate that
To span over large door and window openings, panels above the upper the building is still safe and meets the requirements of the Building
floor have been designed as deep beams. As noted earlier, the wall panels Regulations. In the case of Pig Patch House, there was a desire to
are constructed from timber planks in lamellas that span in three direc- leave the timber panels untreated and fully exposed.
tions (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal). The diagonal layer is required This was achieved using a performance-based approach.
for the resistance of horizontal (racking) forces. Therefore, only the outer Understanding that the untreated timber has an increased rate of
lamellas that run parallel to the opening could be used to bridge over flame spread relative to a guidance-compliant solution and that this
the opening and transfer the load from the upper-floor structure onto impacts the early stage of fire development, a mitigation strategy was
the walls. It should be noted that the planks in the lamellas are only developed which similarly addressed the early stage of the fire and
connected to other planks by beech dowels. Although the deep beam improved occupant evacuation. Detection was increased throughout
panel would have worked similarly to a traditional CLT deep beam, the the house to alert occupants to a potential fire much sooner relative to
designers assumed that each individual plank in the external lamellas a guidance-compliant solution with only a single detector in corridors.
would carry a portion of the total load applied on the deep beam panel. The effectiveness of this mitigation strategy was quantified using fire
This load was estimated based on the stiffness of each of the planks. modeling to determine how long it takes for conditions to become
This was a conservative approach because beech dowels will transfer unsafe, evacuation calculations to determine an overall range of
the load from each of the planks in the external lamellas onto other evacuation times for occupants, and an event tree analysis to quantify
lamellas and create a mass timber panel of similar properties to a the risk of each scenario. This type of analysis can demonstrate that
traditional cross-laminated timber panel. the holistic fire strategy achieved the required level of performance
The deep beam over some of the windows also acts as a balustrade for despite aspects not meeting prescriptive guidance.
the roof terrace. To achieve this, the cleat plate at the bottom had to This custom house has demonstrated that, by understanding the struc-
be intermittent to allow direct transfer of moments and shear forces tural and fire safety nuances of mass timber construction, the material can
into the upper-floor structure through pairs of 11⁄32-inch-diameter be successfully applied to satisfy architectural and sustainability goals while
(9-millimeter) screws installed at an angle of 45 degrees. meeting life safety requirements. The two-way nature of the Nur-Holz
As mentioned above, the upper-floor structure had to span over 20 panel allowed for efficient structural framing, while the thoughtful intro-
feet (6 meters) while carrying the load from the upper-floor walls duction of glulam elements allowed for load transfers between the floors.
supporting the roof and the upper-floor roof terrace. Because the It was also shown that a holistic fire safety strategy was able to
upper-floor structure is only 6 inches thick (150 millimeters), a single quantify the performance of the mass timber building while
glulam beam was installed over the upper floor and hidden within one creating design opportunities beyond prescriptive guidance.■
of the walls to help transfer the loads. The glulam beam is connected
to the floor panel with screws and load-shared between the two. Sanja Buncic is an Associate at Entuitive and leads several major ongoing
Fire design was an integral part of the project because most timber projects in the UK. (
panels were left exposed as walls or soffits. The exposed timber, left
Matthew Smith is an Associate at Entuitive, where he leads the company’s
untreated, did not satisfy prescriptive requirements from Approved
fire engineering service. (
Document B of BS 9991:2015, Fire Safety in the Design, Management
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 29
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Structural Investigations
Gray Columns
The configuration of the fabricated steel Gray column cross-
sections involved four sets of vertical Carnegie Steel double
angles located 90° from each other around the circumference
of the section. These were connected to the adjacent angles via
articulated, riveted gusset plates uniformly spaced vertically
for the full height of the column. A total of four plates were
located at each connection level (Figure 16 ).
Because of this unusual configuration, a finite element
analysis (FEA) determined that the loads imposed on any
one set of double angles by a beam reaction at any level
would not be shared with any of the other three pairs of
angles over the full height of the column. This condition
occurred because of the inability of the riveted gussets to
adequately transfer the vertical load of any one of the double
angles to the other adjacent double angles. This situation,
along with the findings of a weldability analysis conducted
for the Gray columns, influenced the development and
design of the connection of the new loft beams to these
unusual existing columns.
As indicated previously, it was assumed that the components
of the Gray columns were rolled by Carnegie Steel; there-
fore, a chemical lab analysis of a sample from a steel beam
obtained from the 9th floor was used to conduct a weldability
analysis. From the findings of the lab test, a calculation of
the carbon equivalency (CE) based on the Dearden-O’Neill
Equation (from the American Welding Society (AWS) Guide
for Strengthening and Repairing Existing Structures, D1.7)
Adaptive Reuse
of the Historic
Part 4: Structural Investigations
By D. Matthew Stuart, P.E., S.E., P.Eng, F.ASCE, F.SEI, A.NAFE, SECB
32 STRUCTURE magazine
resulted in a CE value of 0.23% for steel with a carbon content
greater than 0.12%. This value was significantly less than 0.35%
(which would require that special care be taken when welding) and
well within the recommended CE range provided in Table 6-1 of
The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding by the Lincoln Arc Welding
Foundation. Therefore, the CE value for the beam sample indicated
good weldability.
Based on the results of the above analysis, it was determined
that the welding procedures, including any required preheating,
could comply with the requirements of Section 4.5 of AWS D1.7.
However, although the results of the weldability analysis indicated
the Gray columns could be field welded, the results of the FEA
concerning the inability of a Gray column to distribute the imposed
vertical loads uniformly across the section influenced the design
of the new loft beam connections. In addition, there was a real
potential for material strength reduction at any one of the vertical
double angles due to the heat generated by the welding process,
which could weaken the angles and cause a localized failure unless
the column was shored the full height of the building. As a result,
all new beam connections were designed to connect only to the
internal gusset plates.
In addition, an in-situ weld test, recommended by AISC Design Guide
21, Welded Connections – A Primer for Engineers, was also conducted
at one of the top gussets at a Gray column that extended into the
original mechanical penthouse and was therefore not supporting any
appreciable vertical load. The test confirmed that the proposed welds
associated with the new loft beam to Gray column connections did
not damage the existing section.
Typical 1st-floor loft beam connections to existing Gray column
gusset plate details are shown in Figure P, online. Figures 17 and 18 Figure 17. 1st - floor loft beam connection to existing Gray column.
show examples of the erected condition of the same beam-to-Gray-
column connections.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 33
Carnegie Steel beams, which in turn were also spaced at approxi-
mately 5 feet on-center. A lab test of one of the rods removed from
a new opening indicated a yield strength of approximately 50 ksi,
which equates to a factor of safety of approximately 2.75 for the
recommended maximum allowable stress of 18 ksi provided in the
Principals of Tile Engineering Handbook of Design for the design
of flat arch, hollow clay tile framing.
Utilizing the recommended formula and allowable stress for deter-
mining the load capacity of a hollow clay tile arch from the same
reference resulted in a uniform load carrying capacity of approximately
280 psf. Deducting the existing topping weight and the tile and plaster
ceiling resulted in a reserve load carrying capacity of approximately
170 psf, almost twice the reserve load-carrying capacity of 100 psf
determined for the floor beams.
34 STRUCTURE magazine
Demolished Existing 2nd Floor
After the existing 2nd-floor mezzanine was
demolished for the proposed new 2nd-floor
loft, which was eventually eliminated from
the adaptive reuse project, it was necessary to
strengthen the existing remaining two-story
steel wide flange columns that remained and
extended up to support the 1960s 3rd-floor
infill framing above. In addition, several of
the existing Gray columns in the same area of
the building were also strengthened because it
appeared that the same members at one time
had been braced by framing that had existed
within the Witherspoon Hall space but had
been removed when the 2nd-floor mezzanine
was constructed in the 1960s.
Horizontal, diagonal bracing was installed
between the wide flange columns checked for
the approximate two-story unbraced length
and the existing Gray columns. Some of the
wide flange columns had not been erected as
a continuous vertical member at two 2nd floor Figure 21. Reinforced discontinuous column at 2 nd - floor mezzanine cantilevered beam.
mezzanine beam cantilevers. Instead, they
had been interrupted by the same beams (Figure R, online). Reinforcing transfer girder, a splice in the beam near the midspan of the section
plates and stiffeners were installed to ensure the remaining stacked was determined to be deficient for the new imposed loads (Figure 22).
columns would behave as a continuous vertical member (Figure 21). A new HSS steel column was installed between a new footing at
the sub-basement slab and the bottom of the girder at the splice to
Existing 2nd Floor Roof Top Unit (RTU) Dunnage
reduce the span of the member.
Due to lack of space on the original mechanical penthouse roof
for all of the new required RTUs, one of the units was placed
on an existing exterior steel dunnage frame at the 2nd floor that
had been previously used to support Liebert units for the old The structural investigation, analysis, and design associated with the
office spaces on the west side of the building at the courtyard adaptive reuse of the historic Witherspoon Building were all chal-
area. The analysis and strengthening of lenging and interesting. In the absence
the existing dunnage were performed of existing drawings, it was fascinating
by another structural engineer hired to discover the concealed aspects of the
directly by the mechanical contractor. structure as the building revealed itself
As the SEOR, the analysis, design, during the construction phase. From
and calculations were peer-reviewed the author’s perspective, the most inter-
by Pennoni. In addition, the respon- esting aspects of the structure included
sibility for ensuring that the existing the Gray columns and the 4th-floor
building structure was capable of transfer trusses.
supporting the new RTU load and The adaptive reuse of the build-
modified dunnage was assumed by ing was also a sustainability success
the SEOR. because, as Architect Carl Elefante
Assessment results associated with the stated in a 2007 National Trust for
existing supporting structure involved Historic Preservation Journal article,
a considerable amount of investiga- “…the greenest building is one that
tion and exploratory demolition due to is already built…” The restoration of
the complexity of the existing building the building was also a historical suc-
below the 2nd floor in the vicinity of the cess, which benefited the developer
dunnage in question. The investiga- through the available tax
tion results indicated that the existing credits associated with this
structure was adequate, including steel type of project.■
beams and a transfer girder over the
mechanical sub-basement area that D. Matthew Stuart is a Senior Structural
indirectly supported a portion of the Engineer at Pennoni Associates Inc. in
dunnage above. However, at the exist- Figure 22. Existing 20-inch-deep, Carnegie Steel B3 transfer Philadelphia, PA. (
ing 20-inch-deep Carnegie Steel B3 girder splice.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 35
structural DESIGN
Pour Strips
Often Overlooked and Misunderstood
By Gordon H. Reigstad Ph.D., P.E., S.E., Jason G. Reigstad, and Jared M. Reigstad, P.E.
36 STRUCTURE magazine
cannot be self-supporting, which requires expensive backshoring. turns soft/plastic around 150°F. Therefore, EORs need to be careful
Contractors who understand backshoring know that the associated using the lockable dowel when fire ratings are required.
costs and schedule delays far exceed any savings in reinforcing steel and Although the lockable dowel creates a gapless pour strip, it falls short
PT. Furthermore, backshoring must stay in place until the concrete and does not provide the same structural functions as a traditional
structure is complete. pour strip. Structural engineers must be careful when evaluating the
lockable dowel because it cannot transfer the ductile reinforcement
needed to withstand all vertical and horizontal loads, including dia-
Often Overlooked phragm chord continuation. In other words, the lockable dowel is
EORs often overlook construction issues created in their designs. only a partial substitute for a traditional pour strip.
Pour strip locations, how they are designed, and when they can be
poured back drives the formwork and shoring requirements. Pour
strip construction is not just a means and methods responsibility of the
Mechanical Splices
contractor. The pour strip design has a trickle-down effect that delays Steel reinforcement mechanical splice systems (known as rebar cou-
every other trade and results in longer, more expensive construction plers) have a long, proven history of providing for the continuation
projects. The concrete structure is on a project’s critical path, and the of ductile reinforcing steel, dating back to the 1960s. Tens of mil-
pour strip is on the critical path of the concrete structure. lions have been successfully installed worldwide, including in high
Beyond the apparent cost, quality, and schedule issues traditional seismic zones. Since normal reinforcing bar lengths are far short of
pour strips present, they also create a safety hazard. The number one typical building dimensions, four ACI 318 code-permitted methods
concern on a construction site is safety. Having a large gap in the of splicing rebar provide reinforcement continuation: lap splices
floor is a significant obstacle that must be protected and bridged to (used in traditional pour strips), mechanical splices (rebar couplers),
prevent injuries. butt-welded splices, and end-bearing splices.
Mechanical splices were first used in high seismic regions. They are
now defined by ACI 318 as Type 1 (non-seismic) capable of developing
Gapless Pour Strips 125% Fy (yield strength) and Type 2 (seismic) capable of developing
A gapless pour strip that eliminates the large leave-out but still allows 100% Fu (ultimate strength); this is also included in the required
for volume change and structural continuity would take the pour ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Connector Systems for
strip off the critical path and be the best of both worlds. This type of Steel Reinforcing Bars (AC133).
pour strip would allow EORs to achieve higher quality slabs without Mechanical couplers are made of steel or a combination of steel and
increasing cost or lengthening schedules. concrete. Fire ratings for mechanical reinforcement splices installed
When a traditional pour strip is poured back, it achieves two structural in concrete are prescriptive (and the same as for rebar) according to
functions (transfer of vertical and horizontal loads) utilizing an ACI the International Building Code (IBC) and ICC-ES (defined in Table
318-permitted lap splice providing ductile reinforcing steel continua- 721.1 in the latest IBC).
tion (ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and A mechanical coupler is simply another ACI 318-permitted method
Commentary). For a gapless pour strip to be substituted for a traditional of splicing reinforcing steel, much like a lap splice utilized by
pour strip, it must have the same structural functionality.
A gapless pour strip lowers costs, improves quality, and
shortens schedules. The length of time a gap is left open is no
longer an issue; thus, quality is improved without expense.
Additionally, there is no trickle-down effect that delays other
trades, and safety concerns are eliminated. But how can a
gapless pour strip be achieved?
Lockable Dowels
Some have used lockable dowels to create a gapless pour
strip. They are typically located at a one-fifth-span since
they do not provide reinforcing continuation and instead
act as a shear dowel. The lockable dowel can support a self-
supporting four-fifths-span, which allows for less-costly
reshoring versus expensive backshoring. However, this is only
part of the story as it does not provide structural continuity
like the traditional pour strip.
Since this product is a dowel (with limited non-ductile
pull-out much like an expansion bolt), it must be used
when ductile reinforcing steel continuation is not a concern.
Most structural engineers call this an expansion joint where
diaphragm chord steel is interrupted. This does not replace
all of the vertical or horizontal loading functions provided
by a traditional pour strip.
Fire ratings are typically required in concrete slabs. Beyond Figure 2. a) PS=Ø Mechanical Reinforcement Splice System provides ductile reinforcement
its inability to transfer loads like a traditional pour strip, the continuation and a gapless pour strip; b) First pour installation of PS=Ø at the AdventHealth
lockable dowel uses an epoxy grout, which is combustible and hospital in Overland Park, KS.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 37
traditional pour strips. Could a unique mechanical rebar coupler
that provides the same structural functionality as a traditional pour
strip but allows for volume change be the solution to a gapless pour
strip? Yes.
A New Solution
The PS=Ø® Mechanical Reinforcement Splice System (Figure 2, page 37)
eliminates traditional pour strip leave-outs and maintains reinforcing
continuity while allowing for volume change. It features a tapered
thread on one end and a grout-filled sleeve on the other. The system
meets ACI 318 Type 1 and Type 2 mechanical splice requirements and
is ICC-ES approved (ICC-ESR 4213). PS=Ø stands for Pour Strip
Zero and allows for free movement, longitudinal and transverse, to the
SRJ until the coupler is grouted with a high-strength concrete grout
(Figure 3). PS=Ø allows for the original EOR design of a traditional
pour strip to be maintained, and since it is a simple substitution, no
delegated design is required.
PS=Ø has the same structural functionality as a traditional pour
strip but does not require a leave-out. It provides a load transfer of
both vertical (such as slab moment and shear) and horizontal loads
(like diaphragm, horizontal shear, and drag forces) by connecting
ductile reinforcing from one side of the slab to the other using a
code-permitted method of splicing rebar.
Figure 3. The PS=Ø mechanical coupler allows for a gapless pour strip and is
Applications grouted with a high-strength, non-shrink grout after the EOR specified time; the red
arrows indicate the open joint that will be filled with the same non-shrink grout.
Both applications apply to one-fifth-span and mid-span locations.
1) The standard application (Figure 4) is where the second slab
is poured directly against the first slab. Stressing can be done
from either end of the first slab but only from the outside of
the second slab.
2) When a temporary leave out or stressing strip is needed,
they can easily be added to the system between slabs or at a
wall and adjacent slab, then poured back immediately after
stressing. This can also be utilized in construction sequencing
where a delayed, low-rise building is attached to an adjacent
high-rise building.
The traditional pour strip has been the industry solution used by
EORs to allow for volume change and relieve RTS in concrete slabs
for decades. Although a good solution, it has been an issue of con-
tention between EORs and contractors because of the construction
problems it brings. Cost, quality, and schedule are essential aspects
of building projects and pour strips have forced EORs to sacrifice
quality for cost and schedule.
Real, lasting innovation in construction requires solutions that make
designs better and construction more productive. Structural engineers
developed PS=Ø to create a gapless pour strip or strain-relief-joint (SRJ)
that provides high-quality slabs without increasing cost or lengthening Figure 4. Standard PS=Ø application where the second slab is poured directly
schedules. With PS=Ø, overall projects costs and schedules are significantly against the first slab; all MEP and curtain wall trades have worked without delay
reduced and safety is improved, making this rebar coupler an excellent across the bottom of this SRJ at the Even Hotel in Rochester, MN.
innovation for concrete construction. Lower cost, higher quality, acceler-
ated schedules, and improved safety are achieved. PS=Ø provides All authors are with Reigstad Engineers, Inc., developers of the PS=Ø ®
the same structural functionality as the traditional pour strip, Mechanical Reinforcement Splice System.
making it an easy substitution for a gapless pour strip.■ Gordon H. Reigstad is President. (
38 STRUCTURE magazine
Adaptation Advantage
The Top Non-Technical Skill Structural Engineers Need in an Evolving AEC Industry
By Stephanie Slocum, P.E.
STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 39
Calculating Rain Loads per 2021 IBC
By Sandra Hyde, P.E., and John “Buddy” Showalter, P.E.
Change Significance
Secondary (overflow) system design (Figure 1) has been
harmonized with roof rain load provisions for a structure
to provide realistic expectations of the roof drainage system
and potential roof loading by rainfall (Figure 2). The IBC
is now consistent with ASCE 7 provisions. Calculations
for the design mean recurrence interval and duration for
determining the hydraulic head, dh, are available in both
ASCE 7 and the IBC.
Legacy ASCE load standards’ design rainfall durations for
plumbing systems were between 15- and 60-minutes for
a 100-year mean recurrence interval. The 1995 Standard
Plumbing Code used the 100-year/60-minute duration for
primary drainage system design and a 100-year/15-min-
ute duration storm for the secondary drainage system. In
the 2018 IBC and International Plumbing Code (IPC), a
100-year/60-minute duration is used for both the primary
and secondary systems. Note that using twice the 60-minute
Figure 2. Design for ponding instability is based on secondary drainage system rain loads. duration is close to the 15-minute duration rainfall rate for
40 STRUCTURE magazine
many regions. Also, note that 2021
IPC and 2021 IBC rainfall maps
(Figures 1106.1 and 1611.1, respec-
tively) both include a 60-minute
duration rather than the 15-minute
storm duration. However, the 2021
IBC, by giving two options – the
15-minute duration or twice the
60-minute duration – results
in values similar to ASCE 7
when drainage pipe or scupper flow
rates are calculated. Note that the
2021 International Plumbing Code
has not yet been updated to reflect
the 100-year/15-minute (or twice
the 100-year hourly) duration rain-
fall event design requirement for Figure 3. Secondary drainage design assumptions.
secondary drainage systems; the
structural engineer would be advised to coordinate with the plumbing reasonable. Engineers should be aware of different secondary drain
engineer to ensure that the secondary drainage systems are designed options available to plumbers and clearly communicate how changes,
for the higher rainfall rate. especially to secondary drain geometry, can impact design rain loads
The best source for rainfall data is the National Oceanic and on a building. Important parameters to communicate include assumed
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service static head, hydraulic head associated with secondary drain or scupper
Precipitation Frequency Data Server – Hydrometeorological Design size and geometry, rain load, and rainfall rate.
Studies Center ( for pre-
cipitation intensity (inches per hour) based on the 100-year mean
recurrence interval. NOAA’s data lists both 15-minute and 60-minute
2018 IBC Design Example:
duration data. 60-minute rainfall total for primary and secondary systems.
Design rainfall: 3.30 inches for 100-year mean recurrence, Cedar
Rapids Station No. 1.
Details of Load and Drain Size Calculations Calculate primary and secondary drain size and the resulting rain
To understand why this makes a difference, the following examples load, R.
show how to determine rain load, R, assuming rainfall for the city of
Primary Drain
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The first example uses 2018 IBC requirements,
and the second uses 2021 IBC requirements. Depth of water (in 1 hr): 3.30 inches (NOAA)
Secondary drain size and geometry affect the structural engineer’s Tributary area (primary drain): 100-ft by 50-ft = 5,000 ft2
determination of a maximum height of water above the roof surface Flow rate (volume) to maintain roof drainage:
using variables ds and dh for static and hydraulic head (Figure 3). Q = 0.0104 × A × i (ASCE 7-16 Equation C8.3-1*)
Secondary drains should be specified, if possible, to keep rain loads where (page 42):
⁄16 inch per foot 1
⁄8 inch per foot 1
⁄4 inch per foot 1
⁄2 inch per foot
2 34 15 22 31 44
3 87 39 55 79 111
4 180 81 115 163 231
5 311 117 165 234 331
6 538 243 344 487 689
8 1,117 505 714 1,010 1,429
10 2,050 927 1,311 1,855 2,623
12 3,272 1,480 2,093 2,960 4,187
15 5,543 2,508 3,546 5,016 7,093
[2021 International Plumbing Code Table 1106.2 – courtesy of the International Code Council]
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 41
Typically, once the structural engineer determines
the rainfall, static head, hydraulic head, and rain
load on a roof, a plumber can size the secondary
system pipes or scuppers to a flow rate of 172 gal/
min or greater. An engineer does this check as an
iterative process to keep rain loads on the roof ratio-
nal by limiting the hydraulic head to a reasonable
value. Engineers should be aware of different sec-
ondary drain options available to plumbers and
clearly communicate how changes, especially to
secondary drain geometry, can impact design rain
loads on a building.
To calculate R:
dh (hydraulic head) = 5 inches for a 6-inch-wide,
6-inch-high, closed-top scupper which cor-
Figure 4. Secondary drainage using scuppers.
responds to a flow rate of 194 gpm (Table 2)
which is sufficient for the calculated flow rate of
172 gpm.
ds (static head) = 6 inches (specified distance
from the roof surface to the bottom of the
R = 5.2(ds + dh) = 5.2(6 in. + 5 in.) = 57.2 psf
(IBC Eq 16-19)
As a second iteration, a 24-inch-wide scupper
(open- or closed-top of any height) handles 200
gpm with a corresponding 2-inch hydraulic head.
This would reduce the rain load to a more reason-
able 41.6 psf.
Note: The 5.2 value in the equation converts depth of
water, which is in inches, to pressure in pounds/square
foot (psf ) using the density of water of 62.5 pounds
per cubic foot (pcf ) and the conversion inches to feet
(12 inches per foot); therefore, (62.5pcf )/(12in./ft) =
Figure 5. Secondary drainage using pipe with visible outlet. 5.2 psf per inch of water depth.
42 STRUCTURE magazine
Table 2. Flow rate of various roof drains at various water depths at drain inlets.
1 2 3 4 5
4-inch-diameter drain 80 170
6-inch-diameter drain 100 190 380
8-inch-diameter drain 125 230 560 1,100
6-inch-wide, open-top scupper 18 50 90 140 194
24-inch-wide, open-top scupper 72 200 360 560 776
6-inch-wide, 4-inch-high, closed-top scupper 18 50 90 140 177
24-inch-wide, 4-inch-high, closed-top scupper 72 200 360 560 708
6-inch-wide, 6-inch-high, closed-top scupper 18 50 90 140 194
24-inch-wide, 6-inch-high, closed-top scupper 72 200 360 560 776
[2018 IBC Commentary Figure 1611.1(2) - courtesy of the International Code Council]
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 43
Quebec Bridge Failure #2, 1916
By Frank Griggs, Jr., Dist. M.ASCE, D.Eng, P.E., P.L.S.
44 STRUCTURE magazine
Lifting details. Tipping of lifting beam.
it in, and lift it intact into place connecting with the ends of the and they were being lowered for another lift when, at 10:50 am, a
two cantilever arms. sharp report was heard, and the span was seen to slide off its end
The anchor spans were 515 feet, the cantilever arms were 580 feet, supports into the river.
and the suspended span was 650 feet. As the result of the thorough Unlike the first failure, where there were few eyewitnesses to the
planning and checking of every detail of the design, the fabrication collapse, this time, the press, photographers, government officials,
and erection work generally went smoothly. The field inspection staff and the Board were on hand to witness it. Engineering News reported
for the government consisted of 33 men over the erection period. that “many prominent engineers from the United States and Canada
The bridge company had over 60 men working as engineers, drafts- were on the suspended span when the lifting operations began. At
men, calculators, and checkers on the job. The Dominion Bridge the intermission in the jacking operations, they came ashore. That
Company and the Canadian Bridge Company devoted their entire saved their lives...”
fabricating facilities to the bridge throughout its construction. Thirteen men were killed this time, with fourteen injured. Once
The suspended span was finished in July of 1916. The span weighed again, an intensive investigation into the cause of the accident was
over 5,000 tons and was floated into place and connected to the launched. It was clear to all that the truss had fallen off of the southwest
lifting jacks on September 11. After a short lift, the span slipped supporting girder, where the designers used cruciform steel castings
off its supports and collapsed into the river. The official report of at each corner to provide for rotation about two perpendicular axes.
the Board of Engineers described, in part, the series of events on Engineering News reported,
that fateful day as follows, “A steel casting, by which the weight of the south upstream corner
“Preparations for floating were completed about September 1st, of the suspended span was transferred to the lifting girder, broke
1916, but the range of tides, at this date, was not suitable…The in such a manner that the girder kicked back from under it. This
next series of high tides occurred on September 11th, and, weather corner of the span dropped into the water, starting transversal
conditions being favourable, the span was floated at 3:40 am, and rotation of the whole south end of the span… But experience
by 4:40 am, it was being towed out into the river…As the tide was teaches again that disaster may come, even to the most careful.
running strong, the tugs had little to do but guide the span on In the light of what has happened at Quebec, engineers in every
its trip up the river. At 6:35 am, the span reached the bridge site, rank of the profession must realize anew that there is a lurking
and at 7:40 am, the lifting hangers at all four corners had been
connected. At 8:50 am, the jacks began lifting, and during the
third lift of two feet, the scows floated clear, leaving the span
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D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 45
possibility of failure in every task
that the engineer performs and
that, when such failures come,
those who suffer by it deserve the
broad and generous sympathy of
their brethren. The final success
of any great engineering work
depends on a multitude of details
and on eternal vigilance to see
that none are neglected. It is the
engineer’s duty to study disasters
to engineering works because of
the useful lessons they may teach;
but let him study them with all
sympathy for his brother engineer Quebec Bridge
who has borne the responsibility,
remembering that he himself might have been in a like situation.” crushed and tipped the remainder of the rocker at the same time
The Engineering Record had similar thoughts, writing, kicking out the swinging girder and allowing the corner to fall.
“Engineers, who must constantly face unknown factors in break- With the supports at this corner gone, the long, heavy span could
ing new paths, will not lose faith in their brethren at Quebec, not maintain its equilibrium, and it dropped into the river…The
though the layman, seeing only the workingmen who were on the sus-
outstanding fact of a second serious pended span when it fell were thrown
loss at the site, may be a doubting into the water. Of these, a number
Thomas…Fortunately, sufficient evi- were saved by the small boats, but
dence was preserved on the girder some 10 or 11 have not since been
to show exactly what happened. The final success of any great accounted for.”
This evidence, combined with the On September 13, 1916, the St.
detailed drawings, leaves it to every engineering work depends on Lawrence Bridge Company accepted
engineer to draw his own conclu- full responsibility for the failure and
sions. Some will believe, as does this a multitude of details and on took “immediate steps to replace
journal, that greater factors of safety the span.” The Board and the Bridge
should have been used in the inter- eternal vigilance to see that Company decided that the entire lift-
mediate castings and the suspension ing apparatus would have to be rebuilt
details.” none are neglected due to excessive deformations of the
The Railroad Gazette wrote, lifting links occasioned by the fall.
“From examinations of the hangers The investigating team submitted
since the accident, it is evident that its report on October 19, 1916. The
the intermediate or roller casting most significant finding was that the
under the southwest hanger gave disaster was due solely to a failure of
way. The fracture of the front lower the casting.
pin bracket of this rocker threw the lower pin out of service, and Work on the new suspended span got underway on June 4, 1917,
the concentration of the 1,200-ton load on the remaining pieces with the span being completed on August 27. It was floated into
place on September 17, or just over one year after the failure. This
time, the lift went as planned. The Engineer, London wrote, “one
of the greatest, if not the greatest, feat of bridge engineering the
ADVERTISEMENT–For Advertiser Information, visit
pins connecting the two sections of the Quebec Bridge to the
ends of the cantilever arms were driven.”
As the engineering journals of the time wrote, “The final success of
reinforced concrete cross-section analysis app any great engineering work depends on a multitude of details and
Details at on eternal vigilance to see that none are neglected” and all
also on Windows, MacOS and iPad
engineers must “realize anew that there is a lurking pos-
USD 20.00 from the various app stores sibility of failure in every task that the engineer performs.”■
Google Play, Apple App, Apple Mac App, Microsoft.
No advertisements
Inch pound or metric. Any shape, input X, Y for each concrete corner. Any Dr. Frank Griggs, Jr. specializes in the restoration of historic bridges,
reinforcement arrangement, input X, Y for each bar. Any materials, input a
sequence of stress and strain for each. Most codes can be accommodated. having restored many 19 t h Century cast and wrought iron bridges. He
is now an Independent Consulting Engineer. (
46 STRUCTURE magazine
professional ISSUES
A Vision for Structural Engineering Licensure
Structural Engineering Licensure Coalition
T he Structural Engineering Licensure engineers’ work and the complexity of codes. engineering profession would have over its
Coalition (SELC), an organization In addition, the profession is challenged to own regulation. Plus, profession-run certifi-
formed by the Council of American Structural acquire an ever-increasing essential formal cation would fill a void should licensure be
Engineers (CASE), the National Council of education while many colleges are being diminished in some fashion.
Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA), forced to reduce classroom hours. These cir- While there is growing justification for
the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI), cumstances call for rigorous credentialing specialized structural engineering licensure,
and the Structural Engineering Certification programs that effectively and adequately iden- threats continue to challenge the regulation
Board (SECB), has been advocating since tify engineers qualified to design structures. of professional engineers and structural engi-
2012 for structural engineering neers in particular. For example, in
(S.E.) licensure as a post-professional the past several years, some U.S.
engineer (P.E.) credential in all U.S. jurisdictions have raised the pos-
jurisdictions. As part of that effort, Communication regarding the sibility of reducing regulation of
SELC recently published its Vision professions, including engineering,
for the Future of S.E. Licensure (the positive and negative aspects of S.E. with the potential for licensure to
Vision), which builds on vision be eliminated. Also, there is some
documents published by its parent licensure should be more robust resistance advanced by the struc-
organizations. within the engineering community. tural engineering community itself,
Professional licensure has been fun- principally from two fronts: 1) the
damental in the U.S. since Wyoming status quo within the profession,
first instituted a licensing require- which contends that what we have
ment for professional engineers in done in the past is good enough for
1907. Civil engineers at that time tended Th e process to attain licensure has the future, and 2) the position held by many
to practice across a breadth of disciplines improved over the years. Strict requirements that holding a P.E. license and conform-
(structural, geotechnical, water resources, for education, experience, and examina- ing to the relevant codes of ethics suffice.
transportation, etc.). Over the decades since tion have evolved under the guidance of While both points had merit in the past and
licensing first appeared, the profession has the National Council for Examination probably still do somewhat in the present,
become compartmentalized, with engineers of Engineers and Surveyors (NCEES). they do not speak well to the future and the
now tending to practice mainly in a single Education accredited by Accreditation for profession’s evolution. Structural engineering
discipline. Taking responsible charge in more Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) licensure aims to protect public safety by
than one specialty is much less common now is typically required. Verification of appli- restricting structural engineering to those
than it might have been decades ago. cants’ experience for licensure generally who demonstrate that they are best quali-
The SELC Vision argues that the trend toward is mandated through affidavits from col- fied to practice by passing an objective and
specialization, and the increasing complexity leagues or supervisors. The signers of the rigorous examination. Legislative support
of engineering, should dictate specialization affidavits attest that the candidate’s experi- for this goal, through licensure, provides a
in the licensing process. Jurisdictions in the ence is progressive, requires the application strong base for long-term continuity of the
U.S. recognized this early, with Illinois creat- of engineering knowledge, shows self- merits of the profession and its influence on
ing a specialty license in structural engineering improvement, teaches the candidate to our built environment.
in 1915, less than 10 years after engineering design, and puts the candidate in a position Ultimately, it is on the shoulders of
licensure was first introduced. While the expan- of responsibility for the design product. In the structural engineering community
sion of S.E. licensure has been relatively slow addition, nearly all U.S. jurisdictions now to advance S.E. licensure in the U.S.
since then, now at least twelve states and two recognize that meaningful continuing edu- Communication regarding the positive and
territories restrict either structural engineer- cation is essential for the engineer to stay negative aspects of S.E. licensure should be
ing practice specifically or the use of the title abreast of new technologies and changes in more robust within the engineering commu-
“Structural Engineer.” standards and codes. nity. In addition, improving outreach and
Trends in the profession are strengthening Recently, certification of structural engi- discussion within the community is neces-
the argument that specialized licensure is neers by the profession has been discussed sary to rally support to defeat legislative
needed. For example, technology is chang- as a companion to S.E. licensure. The goal of initiatives that would harm licensure. Please
ing how engineering is performed, new certification is to raise the bar of structural read SELC’s Vision (
sophisticated analyses and design tools allow engineering practice in the eyes of the public if you wish to learn more about
marginally qualified engineers to practice and validate additional outcomes necessary the history and importance of S.E.
outside their specialty areas, and globaliza- to be in responsible charge, especially as licensure in the U.S.■
tion engages stakeholders in remote and continuing education is mandatory and
SELC has been formed to champion the cause
potentially unfamiliar markets. Moreover, given that not all states have S.E. licensure.
of structural engineering licensure and to build a
the growing breadth and extent of informa- In addition, certification by the profession
consensus among all stakeholders.
tion engineers need to assimilate complicates is advantaged by the control the structural
STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 47
talking POINTS
The Case for Science-Based Public Policy
By John A. Dal Pino, S.E.
48 STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 0 21
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50 STRUCTURE magazine
A New Link in Calgary’s Covered Walkway System
707 Fifth – Manulife Place camber before installing the cladding to utilized to accommodate thermal movements
Pedestrian Bridge is an essen- minimize impacts on the cladding due to in service while improving the durability of the
tial link in Calgary’s elevated network of movement. The sensitivity of the structure supports. Additionally, as the bridge straddles
pedestrian pathways. The bridge improves to temperature differentials required a careful an active service alleyway, the bridge bents are
connectivity within the downtown core, calibration of forces between the stainless- secured by post-tensioned anchor rods to rein-
adding a new connection from 707 Fifth steel cables and carbon steel frames to attain forced concrete pedestals designed to sustain a
– Manulife Place to Calgary’s +15 covered a reasonable camber profile. potential vehicular impact.
walkway system, creating a Due to the limited areas in
unique architectural expres- the downtown core that could
sion in downtown Calgary. It serve as a staging area, the bridge
was a challenge that required components were fabricated
innovative solutions: provid- off-site, then assembled in the
ing a seamless connection to adjacent parking lot and lifted
adjacent buildings while man- into place on the weekend,
aging subgrade conditions, requiring a road closure of only
installation sequences, and two weekend days. The presence
non-structural coordination. of various utilities in the alley-
With a total length of 270 feet way as well as the proximity of
10 inches, the bridge features an adjacent buildings – including
elegant structural system known a landmarked theater – neces-
as a suspended lenticular truss, sitated a different configuration
spanning 96 feet 5 inches. for each above-grade support
The bridge consists of 5 spans: and foundation element for the
two end cantilever spans of bridge, in some cases accom-
27 feet 10inches and 28 feet modating for future structures
2 inches, two side Vierendeel Skidmore, Owings & Merrill was an Award Winner for the 707 from proposed developments.
spans of 55 feet 9 inches and 62 Fifth – Manulife Place Pedestrian Bridge project in the 2020 Annual Due to the lack of secondary
feet 8 inches, and a central sig- Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards Program in the Category mullions, all connections are
nature span of 96 feet 5 inches. – New Bridges or Transportation Structures. exposed and therefore require
The structure is supported by close coordination between the
pot bearings attached to steel bents roughly The central “suspended lenticular truss” span structural engineers, architects, steel fabrica-
18 feet tall above grade that straddle the adja- includes tension cables and compression arches tors, and contractors. Given that most major
cent service alleyway. The simple and clean whose geometries follow the moment diagram structural elements of the bridge are located
architectural enclosure allows the structure under self-weight. The cables have been pre- at eye level with the pedestrian user, special
to become a prominent visual feature of tensioned to minimize loads on the arch and attention was paid to the appearances of welds
the design. provide camber for the system, resulting in during the fabrication and assembly processes.
The challenge of providing a seamless con- smaller member sizes. An internal stressing In collaboration with cable supplier Pfeifer,
nection to adjacent buildings while managing method of cable tensioning was undertaken as the cable fittings and clamps were custom-
subgrade conditions, installation sequences, part of a careful erection sequence where the arch ized to fit the design aesthetic of the bridge.
and non-structural coordination, required members are installed after tensioning but prior The vertical struts feature a double-cruciform
innovative structural solutions to successfully to the concreting of the floor slab. The top and shape that provides adequate stiffness while
deliver the bridge. bottom chords are designed to be continuous creating visual interest.
The central signature span is an elegant struc- to control higher mode walking vibrations. The By agreeing to construct the bridge, the
tural system known as a “suspended lenticular architectural cladding systems were designed to client obtained additional leeway through
truss.” Cable tensioning was undertaken as attach directly to the structure and eliminate the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
part of a careful sequence where the arch secondary mullions. And, to minimize impacts to provide higher floors in the main office
members are installed after tensioning but on the cladding due to movement, the bridge tower of the project, offering clear views of
prior to the concreting of the floor slab. floor was pre-loaded with a weight equivalent to the Canadian Rockies to the west. The bridge
The architectural cladding systems were the floor finishes to take out additional camber is also an essential element in connecting
designed to attach directly to the structure before installing the cladding. the development to existing as well as future
and eliminate secondary mullions, requir- Installation during sub-freezing temperatures developments, providing benefits to both the
ing all steel to be fabricated to stringent could result in a higher camber than when public and building tenants. In particular, the
Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel installed during warm weather due to the bridge integrates a previously iso-
(AESS) 4 finishing specifications. The bridge different expansion coefficients of the cables lated portion of the +15 network to
floor was pre-loaded to take out additional versus steel frames. Pot bearings were also the rest of the functioning network.■
STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 51
National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
52 STRUCTURE magazine
News from the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
NCSEA Webinars
Visit for the latest news on upcoming
webinars and other virtual events.
Now is the time to consider an NCSEA webinar subscription!
First time subscribers receive $100 off their subscription price with
discount code SAVE100. Offer expires January 7.
Subscribers receive access to a full year’s worth of live NCSEA
education webinars (25+) and a recorded library of past webinars
(170+) – all developed by leading experts; available whenever,
wherever you need them; and at an affordable price of $1,195
(member) / $1,695 (nonmembers), less than $40/webinar for
follow @NCSEA on social media for the latest news & events!
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 53
SEI Update
Advancing the Profession
Futures Fund
Investing in the Future of Our Profession
*A Professional Development Hour (PDH) is one contact hour of instruction or presentation. More than 75 percent of U.S.
registration boards require continuing education for P.E. license renewal. Visit each registration board’s website to confirm
its continuing education requirements. You are required to pass an exam on the webinar’s content to receive a PDH.
Errata SEI Standards Supplements and Errata including ASCE 7. See
To submit errata, contact
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 55
CASE in Point
CASE Tools and Resources
Did you know? CASE has tools and practice guidelines to help firms deal with a wide variety of business scenarios that structural engineer-
ing firms face daily. So whether your firm needs to establish a new Quality Assurance Program, update its risk management program, keep
track of the skills engineers are learning at each level of experience, or need a sample contract document – CASE has the tools you need!
CASE has several tools available for firms to use to enhance their own internal policies and procedures – from office policy guides to employee
reviews. All Tools are free to Coalition Members!
Tool 1-1 Create a Culture for Managing Risks and Preventing Claims
Tool 1-2 Developing a Culture of Quality
Tool 1-3 Sample Policy Guide
Tool 1-4 Creating a Culture of Recruitment and Retention NEW!
56 STRUCTURE magazine
News of the Coalition of American Structural Engineers
Thursday – February 10
Friday – February 11
D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 57
CASE business practices
Coordination and Completeness of
Structural Construction Documents
By Jeff Morrison
58 STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 0 21
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