(54) PREPARATION OF DRUG PARTICLES USING 6,077,543 A 6/2000 Gordon et al. ................ 424/489
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-w OSO ca.
AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS 6,908,626 B2 * 6/2005 Cooper et al. ................ 424/489
(75) Inventors: Keith P. Johnston, Austin, TX (US); FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Robert O. Williams, III, Austin, TX
(US); Xiaoxia Chen, Austin, TX (US) WO 9714407 4f1997
WO 98.29096 7, 1998
(73) Assignee: Board of Regents, The University of WO O247659 A2 6, 2002
Texas System, Austin, TX (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer the term of this Liversidge et al., “Particle size Reduction for Improvement of Oral
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Bioavailability of Hydrophobic Drugs: I. Absolute Oral Bioavail
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. ability of Nanocrystalline Danazol in Beagle Dogs”. International
This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- Journal of Pharmaceutics 125 (1995) 91-97.*
claimer. True et al. A novel particle engineering technology to enhance dis
Solution of poorly water Soluble drugs: spray-freezing into liquid,
(21) Appl. No.: 10/266,998 European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 54 (2002)
(22) Filed: Oct. 8, 2002 Sherif et al., Characterization and bioavailability of danazol
hydroxypropyl B-cyclodextrin copreciptates, International Journal
(65) Prior Publication Data of Pharmaceutics 128 (1996) 45-54.*
Reverchon, E. et al., “Supercritical Antisolvent Precipitation of
US 2004/OO67251A1 Apr. 8, 2004 Micro- and Nano-Particles,” Journal of Supercritical Fluids, vol. 15.
O O 1999, pp. 1-21.
Related U.S. Application Data Young, T. J. et al., “Rapid Expansion from Supercritical to Aqueous
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/808.332. Solution to Produce Submicron Suspensions of Water-Insoluble
filed on Mar. 14, 2001, now Pat. No. 6,756,062. Drugs. Biotechnol Prog, vol. 16, 2000, pp. 402-407.
PCT Publication of International Search Report for PCT/US2001/
(60) Provisional application No. 60/245,479, filed on Nov. 051337 Dated Jun. 20, 2002, 3 pp.
3, 2000.
* cited by examiner
(51) Int. Cl.
A6 IK 9/16 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Michael G. Hartley
A 6LX 9/50 (2006.01) Assistant Examiner — Nabila Ebrahim
A6 IK 9/26 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Chainey P. Singleton;
A6 IK 8/00 (2006.01) Edwin S. Flores; Chalker Flores, LLP
(52) U.S. Cl.
USPC ........... 424/489: 424/494; 424/496; 424/497; (57) ABSTRACT
424/7O.19 A method for preparing poorly water Soluble drug particles is
(58) Field of Classification Search disclosed. The method comprises dissolving a drug in at least
USPC .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . ... 424/489 one organic solvent to form a drug/organic mixture, spraying
See application file for complete search history. the drug/organic mixture into an aqueous Solution and con
currently evaporating the organic solvent in the presence of
(56) References Cited the aqueous solution to form an aqueous dispersion of the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS drug particles. The resulting drug particles are in the nanom
eter to micrometer size range and show enhanced dissolution
5,145,684. A * 9/1992 Liversidge et al. ........... 424/489 rates and reduced crystallinity when compared to the unproc
5,686,133 A * 1 1/1997 Amidon et al. .............. 427,222 essed drug. The present invention additionally contemplates
5,766,635 A 6/1998 Spenleuhauer et al. products and processes for new drug formulations of
5,773,025 A * 6/1998 Baichwal ...................... 424/458 insoluble drug particles having high dissolution rates and
5,795,594 A 8, 1998 York et al. ... ... 424/489
5,851,453 A 12, 1998 Hanna et al. ...................... 264.5 extremely high drug-to-excipient ratios.
5,985,248 A 11/1999 Gordon et al. ... ... 424/46
6,001,336 A * 12/1999 Gordon ........ ... 424/46 5 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 1 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
F.G. 1
FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 2 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
FIG. 3
O 15 30 45 60
Time (min)
-o-Bulk Carbamazepine - A - Example 31
-- Example 30 -O-Example 32
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 3 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 4 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
F.G. 6
O 20 40 60
Time (min)
-- Example 34 - A - Example 36
-o- Example 35 -o- Example 37
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 5 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
FG. 7
pure solvent
drug solution
P-pressure regulator;
H-BPLC pump
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 6 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
F.G. 8
-6 PVP4OT-Pluronic F27
so P1
Proro F27
2000 ? PVP K-15
BUK carazo
3. O 17 24 3. 38 45
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 7 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
FIG. 9 (a)
danazol systems with high dissolution rate
S 60
40 -e-Dan-PWPK-5
-O-Bulk Darazo
O 2O 40 60 BO OO 120
Time (min)
s-O-Bulk danazol
S -e-Puronic F27
-0-PVP4OT-Pluronic F27
a--PVP 400CA
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 8 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
F.G. 10
Particle redispersibility in the stability study period
She OOO --PVP 40-danazol
O 1 2
Tirne (week)
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 9 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
F.G. 12
g 8
5 s
3 4
. s-d-PWPK-5-danazol
Clo 2 e-PVP4OT.canazo
O 2
Time (week)
FIG. 13 (a)
Dissolution profile of system danazol--PVP4OT+SDS during stability study
--Dan-PVP40+SDS (O wks)
-0-Dan-PVP40+SDS (1 wiks)
-o-Dan-PVP40+SDS (2 wiks)
O 30 60 90 20
Time (min)
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 10 of 11 US 8.551,526 B2
FIG. 13(b)
Dissolution profile of system danazol--PVPK-15 during
ge 60 --Dan-PVP15 (Owks)
40 -0-Dan-PVP15 (1 wks)
O 30 60 90 2O
Time (m
FIG. 13 (c) me (min)
Dissolution profile of system danazol--PVP 40T during stability study
60 --Dan+PVP400 wks)
-0-Dan-PVP40 (1 wiks)
-O-Dan+PVP40 (2wks)
O 30 60 90 f2O
U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 2013 Sheet 11 of 11 US 8,551,526 B2
F.G. 14
and are not intended to limit the scope of the claimed inven 7 70 65 10 1 932 50
tion. Percentages are in weight percents unless otherwise 8 70 65 2O 5 322 14
Examples 9-13
For the following examples, the apparatus shown in FIG. 1
is used. The drug/organic mixture was fed via a Constametric The drug was cyclosporine, the organic was diethylether,
3200 HPLC pump through a preheating coil into a 30 mL
receiving tank containing the required amount of aqueous and the concentration of the drug/organic mixture was as
Solution. The nozzle used for the spraying was made by 30 shown below in Table B. For the aqueous solution, phosphati
cutting/16" stainless steel tubing to form an elliptical conical dylcholine (10 wit percent), a Sigma egg lecithin, 60 percent
geometry at the end. The end of the tube was filed to obtain the pure, was a surfactant, or other excipient, used as a particle
desired flow rate. Nitrogen was continuously flowed down stabilizer. The drug/organic mixture was sprayed into 10 mL
ward to break up foam in cases where it formed. For all of the aqueous solution at a rate of 1 ml/min. The temperature of the
examples, particle size was measured by dynamic light scat 35 aqueous solution is 75° C., while the drug/organic mixture
tering techniques within 4 hours of the spray. was sprayed into the aqueous solution at a temperature of 75°
Dissolution testing for the following examples was carried C. Table B lists some processing parameters and the resulting
out using a Vankel dissolution apparatus following the USP particle sizes.
Apparatus II paddle method. During all dissolution tests, to
ensure sink conditions, only 10-30 percent of the saturation 40
solubility of the drug was added to the dissolution apparatus.
The appropriate amount of final drug preparation was Drug conc Particle
weighed and added to 900 ml of distilled water. Each sample Drug conc in Spray in aqueous Drug size
organic solin time (mg/ml Surfactant range
was stirred at 50 rpm using a paddle-type stirrer. The disso EX (wt percent) (min) water) ratio (nm)
lution apparatus was maintained at 37° C. throughout the 45
experiment. Samples in the amount of 5 ml were automati 9 1 2O 14.5 O.13 135-390
10 2 19 30.8 O.28 120-575
cally withdrawn at 10, 20, 30 and 60 minute intervals. These 11 5 10 37.1 O.33 90-300
samples were filtered using a 0.45 um filter (Gelman OHP 12 5 10 34.9 O.32 215-590
Acrodisc 0.45 um, VWR). To ensure that no precipitation 13 10 6 29.7 O.30 170
occurred during HPLC analysis, 0.5 ml of organic solvent 50
was added to 3 ml offiltered sample. This organic solvent was
preferably the organic component in mobile phase (acetoni
trile). These were mixed using a Vortex mixer at high speed Examples 14-16
for approximately 10 seconds and then refiltered using a 0.45
um filters into a HPLC vial for analysis. HPLC analysis was 55
The drug was cyclosporune (5 wt percent), the organic
different for each drug and the exact methods being modified solvent was that listed in Table C below. For the aqueous
from those suggested in HPLC methods for pharmaceutical solution, Poloxamer 407(1 wtpercent), also known as Lutrol
analysis by George Lunn and Norman R. Schmuff, John F127, a poly(ethylene)-poly(propylene) block polymer con
Wiley & Sons, NY, 1997. sisting of 73 percent of polyethylene glycol and 27 percent
Examples 1-8 polypropylene glycol with an average molecular weight of
12,000 (BASF), was a surfactant, or other excipient, used as
The drug was cyclosporine, the organic was diethylether, a particle stabilizer. The drug/organic mixture was sprayed
and the concentration of the drug/organic mixture was 5.0 into 25 mL aqueous solution at a rate of 1 ml/min. The
weight percent cyclosporine in diethylether. For the aqueous 65 temperatures of the aqueous solution and of the drug/organic
solution, Tween-80, a polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate mixture were 75°C. Table C lists some processing parameters
(ACROS) was a surfactant, or other excipient, which was and the resulting particle sizes.
US 8,551,526 B2
11 12
TABLE C dish and vacuum dried for at least 10 hours at temperatures
ranging from 40-60° C. and a vacuum level of 30 inches of
Drug conc in Hg. The resulting Solids were mechanically ground to a pow
aqueous (mg/ml Drug surfactant Particle size der and dissolution studies were performed on these powders.
Ex Organic Solvent water) ratio range (nm)
5 The results of these dissolution tests were compared with that
4 Diethyl Ether 15 1.5 320-1000 for bulk TAA. The results shown in FIG. 3 indicate the
15 Dichloromethane 17.8 1.78 160-345
16 Dichloromethane 14.8 148 196-2O2 increased dissolution rates of TAA processed according to the
present invention.
Examples 17-21
Organic Amount of HPMC added for
The drug was danazol, and the solvent was methylene Ex stabilizer Aqueous stabilizer gellation (g)
chloride. The particle stabilizer in the aqueous solution is 7 PVP K-15 Deoxycholic acid 3
listed below in Table D. In all cases, the concentration of the 15 28 Poloxamer 407 PVP K-15 2
particle stabilizer in aqueous Solution was 1 weight percent. 29 Poloxamer 407 Deoxycholic acid 2
The drug/organic mixture (2 wit percent drug) was sprayed
into the aqueous solution at a rate of 2 ml/minute for 5 min
utes. The temperature of both the aqueous solution and the Examples 30-32
drug/organic mixture was 75°C. The drug/excipient ratio was
1.06. The drug was carbamazepine and the solvent was methyl
ene chloride, The temperature of the drug/organic mixture
TABLED and the receiving aqueous solution was 87°C. The concen
Ex Particle stabilizer Particle size range (nm)
tration of drug in the organic was 1.0 weight percent. The
25 particle stabilizers in the aqueous solution are listed in Table
17 Sodium lauryl Sulfate 370-415 G. In all cases the concentration of the particle stabilizer in the
Poly (vinyl pyrollidone)
Poly (vinyl pyrollidone)
aqueous Solution was 2 weight percent and the organic solu
2O Poloxamer >1000 tion contains, in addition to the drug, 0.5 weight percent
21 *Myri 52 >1000 Poloxamer 407. The volume of the aqueous solution was 20
30 ml. In all cases the resulting aqueous drug Suspension was
*Myris polyoxyethylene monostearate sprayed into liquid nitrogen and the frozen particles were then
lyophilized for 24 hours. The resulting powder was thor
Examples 22-26 oughly mixed and dissolution studies were performed on
these powders. The results of these dissolution tests were
The drug was Carbamazepune, and the solvent was meth 35 compared with those for bulk carbamazepine. The results
ylene chloride. The concentration of drug in the organic was shown in FIG. 4 clearly indicate the increased dissolution
2 weight percent. The particle stabilizer in the aqueous solu rates of carbamazepine processed according to the present
tion is listed below in Table E. In all cases, the concentration invention over the bulk unprocessed carbamazepine. The
of the particle stabilizer in aqueous solution was 1 weight crystallinity of these powders was also studied, with the result
percent. The drug/organic mixture was sprayed into the aque 40 being a reduction in crystallinity as compared to the bulk
ous solution at a rate of 2.5 ml/min. The temperature of both drug.
the aqueous solution and the drug/organic mixture was 75°C. TABLE G
The drug/excipient ratio was 1:30.
45 Ex Aqueous stabilizer
30 Deoxycholic acid
Ex Particle stabilizer Particle size range (nm) 31 PVPK-15
32 SLS
22 Sodium lauryl Sulfate (SLS) >7000
23 Poly (vinyl pyrollidone) (PVP) 320-1000
24 Polyethylene glycol 290-SSO 50
25 Poloxamer >1000 Example 33
26 Myri 52 >1000
The drug was carbamazepine and the solvent was methyl
ene chloride. The temperature of the drug/organic mixture
Examples 27-29 55 and the receiving aqueous solution was 87°C. The concen
tration of drug in the organic was 1.0 weight percent. The
The drug was Triamcinolone acetonide, also referred to particle stabilizer in the aqueous solution was 2 weight per
herein as TAA, and the solvent was methylene chloride. The cent deoxycholic acid and that in the organic Solution was 5
concentration of drug in the organic was 0.5 weight percent. weight percent Poloxamer 407. The organic solution was
The particle stabilizers in the aqueous solution and the 60 sprayed at 2 ml/min for 27 minutes into 50 ml of the aqueous
organic Solution are listed in Table F. In all cases the concen deoxycholic acid solution. The Suspension was immediately
tration of the particle stabilizer in the aqueous solution was 1 spray dried in a Buchi 190 spray dryer where an inlet tem
Weight percent and in the organic solution was 0.5 weight perature of 145-150 degrees C. and an outlet temperature of
percent. The volume of the aqueous Solution was 15 ml. In all 90-95°C. were maintained. The resulting dry powder was
cases the resulting aqueous drug Suspension was poured into 65 collected, and an SEM micrograph of this powder is shown in
a Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (HPMC) (grade E-5), thor FIG. 5. The Figure shows no crystalline particles indicating
oughly mixed by hand, poured into a Glass crystallization the amorphous nature of the drug produced using EPAS.
US 8,551,526 B2
13 14
Examples 34-37 other excipient, in order to raise the potency in the precipitate.
The adsorbed surfactant, or other excipient, was sufficient to
The drug was nifedipine and the solvent was methylene prevent aggregation and enhance wetting to maintain a high
chloride. The concentration of drug in the organic was 1.0 Surface area and likely a high local equilibrium concentration
weight percent. In all cases the stabilizer in the aqueous of API in the diffusion layer. The dissolution rate was ana
solution was poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). The volume of the lyzed as a function of the Surfactant, or other excipient,
aqueous solution was 20 ml. Table H lists excipients added to adsorption, particle size, Surface area, contact angle, particle
the aqueous solution in addition to the PVA. In all cases the morphology and crystallinity.
resulting aqueous drug Suspension was rapidly frozen by Materials
dipping the sample container in liquid nitrogen and then 10
Danazol was purchased from Spectrum Chemicals &
lyophilized for 24 hours. The resulting powder was thor Laboratory Products Corporation (Catil D1103). Pluronic
oughly mixed and dissolution studies were performed on F127 (BASF), Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-15, Mw =15,
these powders. The results of these dissolution tests were 000 and PVP 40T, Mw-40,000) (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.),
compared with that for bulknifedipine. The results, shown in
FIG. 6, clearly indicate the increased dissolution rates of 15 Sodium dodecyl sulfate (Sigma) and Deoxycholic acid
EPAS processed nifedipine over the bulk unprocessed nife (Sigma) were used as received. HPLC grade acetonitrile was
dipine. The crystallinity of these powders was also studied from Merck (Germany) and spectro grade dichloromethane
using X-ray diffraction patterns, with the Result being a was from Fisher Scientific Co. (NJ, USA)
reduction in crystallinity of the drug processed according to Evaporative Precipitation into Aqueous Solution (EPAS)
the present invention AS compared to the bulk drug. The organic danazol solution was fed by an HPLC pump
through a 3 m long /16 in. o.d.x0.030 in. i.d. stainless steel
TABLE H coiled tube contained within a 1/2" ODx24" long plastic
Excipients in aqueous
water jacket (Alltech). Water was circulated through the
Ex solution jacket with a JULABO MP temperature controller. The
25 organic solution was atomized through an unheated insulated
1.5 wt percent PVP K40
1.5 wt percent SLS
adjustable restrictor (5 mm dia.x136 mm long, ISCO, USA)
36 1 wit percent Poloxamer 407 into hot water. Atomization was achieved by adjusting the
37 1 wit percent PVP K15 nozzle valve manually to maintain a pressure drop to about
3500 psi. The aqueous stabilizing Solution was contained in a
30 250 ml plastic submerged in a temperature-controlled water
Examples 38-39 bath. The nozzle was submerged approximately 10 cm under
the surface of the aqueous solution. To suppress and drain the
foam produced by the organic vapor, nitrogen was blown
The drug was ketoprofen and the solvent was methylene downwards on top of the foam at 20 psi into the cylinder
chloride. The temperature of the sprayed drug/organic mix 35 through three /16 in. o.d.x0.030 in. i.d. stainless steel tubes.
ture and the receiving aqueous solution was 87°C. The con Unless indicated otherwise, the stabilizer was added in the
centration of drug in the organic was 1.0 weight percent. The aqueous phase and was not present in the organic feed solu
particle stabilizers in the aqueous solution are listed in Table tion. After spraying for a required time to produce the desired
3. In all cases the concentration of the particle stabilizer in the drug/excipient ratio, the Suspension was recovered and ana
aqueous Solution was 2 weight percent and the organic solu 40 lyzed within 30 mins to determine the particle size by light
tion contains, in addition to the drug, 0.5 weight percent scattering with a Malvern Mastersizer-S (Malvern Instru
Poloxamer 407. The volume of the aqueous solution was 20 ments Ltd., U.K.).
ml. In all cases the resulting aqueous drug Suspension was Excipient Adsorption Measurement
rapidly frozen by dipping the sample container in liquid nitro To quantify excipient stabilization of the danazol particles
gen and then lyophilized for 24 hours. Crystallinity studies 45 in the EPAS Suspension, excipient adsorption was measured
were performed on these powders using X-ray diffraction based on a mass balance between the Supernatant and pre
patterns, and were compared with that for bulk ketoprofen, cipitate. In these measurements, W was the weight of the
which resulted in the processed powder exhibiting amor Supernatant before drying, which includes the weight of
phous character as opposed to the bulk ketoprofen. water, excipient and danazol, which may dissolve in micelles
50 or excipient complexes if formed. W was the weight of the
Supernatant after drying, thus (W-W) was the amount of
Ex Aqueous stabilizer water in the supernatant. W, was the weight of the precipi
tate before drying, which includes danazol, adsorbed excipi
38 Deoxycholic acid ent and a Small amount of Supernatant with the same compo
39 SLS 55 sition as the bulk Supernatant. W, was the weight of the
precipitate after drying. W., was the amount of danazol in
the precipitate measured by HPLC. W., was the amount of
Examples 40-45 adsorbed excipient on danazol. Since composition of the
Small amount of supernatant in the precipitate was assumed to
Danazol particles with high dissolution rates and 60 be the same as that in the bulk Supernatant
extremely high drug:excipient ratios greater than about 5.
corresponding to a potency (wt drug/wt drug--wit excipient)
above 80% were produced by EPAS. An aqueous suspension
was produced by EPAS to produce surfactant, or other excipi Wed Wodan Wpsuf (1)
ent, coated particles with a low drug:excipient ratio ranging 65 W - Wed
from 1:4 to 1:1. The suspension was then centrifuged and the
Supernatant was decanted to remove the free Surfactant, or
US 8,551,526 B2
15 16
From this equation, the amount of adsorbed excipient on through 0.45 um Syringe filters and 2 ml of each sample were
danazol was given by diluted with 0.1 ml acetonitrile before analysis. Danazolcon
centrations were measured using HPLC (SHIMADZU,
LC-600, Japan).
W ) (2) Particle Size
Walt = Wi-Wan - (Wa-W4)x(ww. S 's Particle size distributions, based on volume fraction, of the
original EPAS suspension and redispersed dry powder were
measured by static light scattering with a Malvern Master
To measure the amount of excipient adsorbed on the par sizer-S. To measure the particle size distribution, 5 ml sus
ticles, 1% w/v danazol solution in dichloromethane was 10 pension with 5 mg drug/ml water concentration, was diluted
sprayed into 15 ml aqueous solution containing 1% w/v. with 500 ml distilled water, to produce a light obscuration in
excipient at a flow rate of 1 ml/min for 7.5 mins to produce a the range of 10-30% for accurate measurement. To study the
suspension with a drug to excipient ratio of 0.5:1. The pres redispersibility of the dry powders after centrifugation and
sure drop was 3000-4000 psi and the temperature was 75°C. vacuum drying, about 50 mg dry powder were Suspended into
After centrifugation, the Supernatant and the precipitate were 15 500 ml distilled water to produce an obscuration in the range
weighed before and after drying at 55° C. and -30 in. Hg. 10-30%. After 1 minute, the particle size distribution was
High Potency Danazol Powder by Centrifugation measured. In a control experiment, bulk danazol was dis
Two percent (2%) w/v danazol solution in dichlo persed in 500 ml 0.02% non micelle-forming PVP 40Taque
romethane was sprayed at a flow rate of 1 ml/min into 100 ml ous solution, since it was very hydrophobic and difficult to
aqueous solution containing 1% w/v excipient or a excipient disperse in pure water. Ultrasound was used in the measure
mixture at 1:1 w/w ratio, if two surfactants were used, to ment to break up the agglomerated particles.
stabilize the drug particles. The temperatures of both heating Contact Angle
jacket and water bath were 80° C. and the pressure drop was mg dry powder was filled into a 0.7 cm diameter flat faced
3500-4000 psi. After 25 minutes spray, a suspension with die and compressed with a Carver Laboratory Press (Model
drug to excipient ratio of 0.5 was recovered and the particle 25 M, Fred S. Carver Inc, WIS, USA) at 1500 kgfinto a tablet. A
size of the danazol particles was measured with Malvern drop of 51 ul distilled water was placed on the surface of the
Mastersizer-S. The suspensions were centrifuged (BECK tablet and contact angle was measured from the tangential
MAN, Model TJ-6, USA) at 3000 rpm for 30 mins. The angle of the water drop with help of a camera (Panasonic
Supernatants were poured out and the precipitates were WV-1410, Philippines).
placed into a vacuum oven and dried at 40°C., and -30 inHg 30 Stressed Cycle Stability Study
for 3-4 hrs. The crystallinity of the dry powders was examined Dry powders were placed in 60 ml Qorpak R. glass bottles,
by X-ray diffraction (PW1720, PHILIPS). The surface area of sealed with sodium calcium aluminosilicate hydrate desic
the dry powders was measured with a high-speed Surface area cant containing cobaltous chloride indicator (VWR Interna
BET analyzer (NOVA 2000, Quantachrome Instruments, tional, West Chester, Pa.). The temperature cycle was:
USA). 35 increase temperature from -5°C. to 40°C. over 30 mins, hold
Dissolution Test at 40° C. for 2.5 hours and then decrease temperature from
After centrifugation and vacuum drying, 20 mg dry powder 40° C. to -5°C. over 30 mins. The cycle was repeated 6 times
was placed into a USP basket assembly and stirred at 50 rpm per day. The humidity was dry and the duration of the stability
in pH 9.0 SDS/tris buffer, which contained 0.75 w/v % study was 2 weeks. The characteristics of the dry powders
sodium dodecyl sulfate and 1.21 w/v '% tris (hydroxymethyl) 40 were studied over two weeks.
aminomethane PD 2960 in aqueous solution for 1 hour. The Results and Discussion
stirring rate was then increased to 200 rpm for 1 hour. Ali Excipient Adsorption Study
quots of the dissolution medium (5 ml) were sampled at 2, 5. The adsorption of various Surfactants onto drug particle
10, 20, 30, 60 and 120 mins. The aliquots were filtered surfaces during EPAS are listed in Table K(1).
Adsorption of excipient onto danazol in EPAS Suspension
Aqueous M of W/W,
excipient Properties Chemical structure of excipients excipients (m/m,96)
PVP K-15 Homopolymer
U 15,000 13.O 2.43
—i-cis pi
Aqueous M of W/W,
excipient Properties Chemical structure of excipients excipients (m/m,96)
DCA Anionic CO2H 414 5.79 - 1.61
The peak height of danazol x-ray diffraction at 20 = 15° 15 Cyclic Stability Study
Two week cyclic stability tests were undertaken under
Excipient Peak height (counts) harsh storage conditions for the three systems with the high
Bulk danazol 3182
est dissolution rates. Samples were analyzed each week to
determine if the potency, particle size, crystallinity, dissolu
PVP K-15 2358 tion rate and morphology had changed with time. The con
PVP4OT 1942 centrations of danazol in the three systems were: 88.9% with
Pluronic F127 2843 SD (standard deviation) of 2.9% in PVP K-15+Danazol,
DCA 2413 93.6% with SD of 1.4% in PVP4OT.-Danazoland 89.6% with
SLS 2867 SD of 5.0% in PVP4OT-SDS--DanaZO1.
PVP4OT - Pluronic F127 2S46 25 Redispersibility of the Dry Powder
PVP4OT - DCA 2371 The dry powders were redispersed into 500 ml pure water.
PVP4OT - SLS 2465 Changes over two weeks are shown in FIG. 10. Without
ultrasound, the size of particles stabilized with PVP K-15
increased from 9.7 um to 25.5 um after two weeks. However,
Surface Area 30 after 15 seconds Sonication, the primary particle size
The BET surface areas of the dry powders were analyzed. decreased to 8 um for both samples. For the PVP K-15 sys
As shown in Table O, systems with small particle size and tem, agglomeration of the dry particles increased with time.
These agglomerates were broken into primary particles with
high dissolution rates, that is danazol with PVP K-15, PVP ultrasound. The moisture in the container was minimal due to
40T or PVP 40T+SDS, had surface areas on the order of 5 desiccant.
m?g. 35
X-Ray Diffraction
X-ray diffraction was used to study the crystallinity of the
TABLE O dry powders. As shown in FIG. 11 shows the diffraction
Surface area of the dry powder profiles of danazol over 2 weeks.
40 Surface Area
Excipient Surface Area (m?g) FIG. 12 shows the surface area of danazol systems over
Bulk danazol O.S2 time. This result was in accord with the stability of the drug
PVP K-15 5.55 particle size over time. FIG. 14 shows that danazol with PVP
PVP4OT 4.89 40T+SLS has a smooth crystal surface, but with PVP K-15 or
Pluronic F127
45 PVP 40T it has a fluffy Surface, despite the similar crystal
DCA 3.72
SLS 3.07 Dissolution Rates
PVP4OT - Pluronic F127 3.28 The dissolution results are shown in FIG. 13. The dissolu
PVP4OT - DCA 3.22 tion rate did not change over time, nor did other certain
50 properties of these drug powders, including the particle size
and surface area. For the two week cyclic stability study, high
Contact Angle potency danazol dry powders with PVP K-15, PVP 40T or
The contact angle results are shown in Table P. For systems PVP 40T and SDS as stabilizing excipients were very stable
with high dissolution rates, contact angles were close to the when desiccant was used to prevent to the particles from the
value of pure PVP which was 43, indicating high surface 55 moisture.
coverage by PVP. For the anionic excipient systems, the con What is claimed is:
tact angles were very low. The overall contact angle may be 1. A method of producing poorly water Soluble drug par
written as ticles for release comprising the steps of
providing a drug;
cos 0 if cos 0-fcos 02 60 providing a container comprising aqueous Solution;
spraying the drug and one or more excipients below the Sur
wheref, and f, are the fractions of the surface occupied by face level of the aqueous solution wherein the one or more
Surface types having contact angles 0 and 0. The con excipients selected from polyoxyethylene Sorbitan monolau
tactangles in Table Pare below the values expected from rate, phosphatidylcholine, a poly(ethylene)-poly(propylene)
this equation, based on the pure component values 0 65 copolymer, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), Poly(vinyl pyrroli
and 0, indicating that the Surface was enriched by the done) (PVP), Poloxamer, polyoxyethylene monostearate,
hydrophilic excipient. gelation agent, deoxycholic acid, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA).
US 8,551,526 B2
21 22
cetostearyl alcohol, methylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose,
hydroxypropylcellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
phthalate, noncrystalline cellulose, magnesium aluminum
silicate, and triethanolamine;
forming one or more stabilized drug particles by Solution
precipitation, anti-solvent precipitation, spray freezing,
evaporative precipitation or lyophilization;
separating said one or more stabilized drug particles from
a Suspension solution;
removing said solution from the one or more stabilized 10
drug particles; and
producing one or more stabilized drug particles having a
drug-to-excipient ratio of greater than about 4:1 and an
average particle diameter from 50 nanometers to about
20 microns; and 15
a dissolution rate greater than about 65% drug in about 60
wherein the drug-to-excipient ratio is about 2:1, 3:1, 4:1,
5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1, 10:1 or greater;
wherein the drug particles have a surface area greater than
about 2.5 m/g, 5 m/g, 10 m/g, 20 m/g or 30 m/g; and
wherein the drug potency is about 80% or 100%.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the drug particles are
separated by centrifugation, settling, or filtering.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of removing the 25
Solution from the resulting drug particles comprises lyo
philization, vacuum dried, or spray drying, or spray drying.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein the amount of drug
dissolved is about 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% or 100%.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein the dissolution occurs 30
about 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 times faster than the bulk drug.
k k k k k