Chapter 1 3 Makakagraduate Kaya Ako
Chapter 1 3 Makakagraduate Kaya Ako
Chapter 1 3 Makakagraduate Kaya Ako
De Alcala, Raven Y.
Buitizon, Lloyd R.
Anciano, Albert M.
Lato, Jhomar
June 2021
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
Education has been a part of our society for thousands of years. It is a vital tool
for gaining knowledge and improving one's life. It is a crucial process that has a
significant impact on society's. Education draws a clear line between humans and other
animals, establishing man as the most intelligent creature on the planet. It equips and
one's abilities, knowledge, attitude, personality, ethics and culture. This is where we learn
Just like now, in the present situation the covid-19 pandemic disrupted the usual
flow of education. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has wreaked havoc
across the globe. In the field of education, this emergency has resulted in the widespread
order to prevent the virus's spread and mitigate its effects, (UNICEF, 2020). This forced
the government, especially in the Philippines to conduct distance learning in order for
education to continue. Distance learning was then introduced. Distance learning in simple
terms refers to the learning that takes place between the teacher and learners who are
Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction are the three types of this
either print or digital format/electronic copy, depending on the learner's needs, as well as
other learning resources such as activity sheets, study guides, and other study materials.
Learners can access both electronic and printed copies of learning materials via USB
storage. Teachers are responsible for keeping track of the students' progress by reviewing
their work at the end of each week. During the teacher's office hours, students may
contact the teacher via e-mail, phone, text message/instant messaging, and other methods.
Although modular distance learning may sound simple, it also posed many challenges for
teachers as well as for students. These challenges include students’ struggle with self-
well as parents’ lack of knowledge and time to help and guide their children. Just like in
Tagkawayan National High School, many students suffer from poor time management
and difficulty in self-studying. Many students are shy which makes it hard for teacher-
With this in mind, the researchers aimed to help the students of Tagkawayan
National High School to let their voices be heard. This study focused on identifying the
real struggles of students with incomplete outputs during modular learning. What are the
factors that affect their lives which results to incomplete outputs during the modular
learning implementation? And what are the possible policy changes and
recommendations that would help both teachers and students to get through this
pandemic crisis? In this research study this questions and objectives will be addressed.
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
This study aims to identify the struggles of students with incomplete outputs
1.2 Sex?
2. What is the struggles of students with incomplete outputs during the modular learning?
3. What struggles affect the students with incomplete outputs during modular learning in
terms of:
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
Theoretical Framework
diminishing-returns function of four essential factors: student ability and motivation, and
conditions in the home and peer group, and exposure to mass media. Each of the
essential factors appears to be necessary but insufficient by itself for classroom learning;
that is, all four of these factors appear required at least at minimum level. It also appears
that the essential factors may substitute, compensate, or trade off for one another in
diminishing rates of return: for example, immense quantities of time may be required for
The Theory of Performance (ToP) is a framework that develops and connects six
foundational concepts. This framework can be used to explain both current and improved
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
is a process.
The level of performance describes where you are in the journey. The current level of
performance is based on several factors. Context, level of knowledge, level of skills, level
of identity, personal factors, and fixed factors are the six components. For effective
Conceptual Framework
Figure 2 presents the conceptual framework of the study. The study utilized the
IPO (input, process, and output) for the framework of the study to better understand the
The input of the study includes the demographic profile of the respodents
including the age, sex, and Struggles of students with incomplete outputs.
interpretation of data and the statistical treatment for the tabulation of the results.
Incomplete Outputs during Modular Learning focused on identifying the sruggles faced
by students with incomplete outputs during modular learning. The researchers chose this
study to help those students as well as aid in identifying a solution for this problem which
endangers the success of students. This research is conducted with the selected grade 12
For the Students with Incomplete Outputs. This would be beneficial for the students
with incomplete outputs as they would have the opportunity to express their
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
struggles and reasons for their incomlepte outputs. This study would also help
expose their problem to attain a certain solution which would address their
For the School. This study would be beneifical for the school as this would help inform
them about the struggles of their students. This would then help set a better
communication for the student and the school in addressing the current issue.
For the Parents. This would be helpful for the parents of the students with incomplete
outputs as well as the rest of the parents of the students to spread awareness. This
study would inform them about the struggles of thei children which would then
For the Students. This study would be beneficial for other students also as this study
tackles about the importance of completing module outputs. This action is vital as
this will then turn in to habit and building a better habit also builds a better for
For the Researchers. This study would help the researches understand the struggles of
their fellow students with incomplete outputs. The accomplishment of this study
will also result to the accomplishment of the researchers as they finish their
For the Future Researchers. This study would serve as a basis of reference for future
Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally for better
Procrastination - is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute,
learner, and other learning resources activity sheets, study guides and other study
materials. Learners can have access to electronic copies of learning materials on USB
learners' mastery of a body of knowledge or a complex process and are designed where
the learner is free to choose what to learn, how to learn, when to learn and where to learn.
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
Review of related literatures and studies let the researchers seek pieces of
information. It also leads to brainstorming of ideas about the struggles of students with
incomplete outputs during modular learning. Lastly, it helps to gather valuable data and
Related Literature
many students fail to succeed, and the reasons for this have remained nearly unchanged
over the decades. Many studies have been conducted to determine the precise reasons
why students fail despite the greater influence of modern educational technology. There
was a lack of motivation and perseverance, as well as a lack of preparation and effort,
poor time management, and a variety of other external factors. Even when the reasons are
similar, a student's and faculty's perspectives on the same problem are different.
Let us take a look at some of the most important reasons why students fail, as
seen through the eyes of the faculty. 1) Lack of preparation, many students approach their
studies with a casual attitude, ignoring the importance of proper preparation. This is one
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
of the primary reasons why many students fail despite having access to the best
learners, is another reason why some students fail, and the cause is a lack of motivation
and interest. 3) Lack of Effort, this group of students is content with a C or D grade and is
unaware of the importance of striving for higher grades. 4) Personality issues, some
students may lack peace of mind as a result of their upbringing or be concerned about
their parents' behavior. Others may be socially isolated from their classmates and
years. Even if their priorities change, they should devote a significant amount of time to
proper learning in order to succeed in life. One should not take life for granted and devote
significant effort to overcoming life's unexpected obstacles and challenges. Thinking that
success comes easily in life leads to unrealistic hopes and expectations. 6) Not Ready for
College, high school years are the most crucial because they lay the groundwork for
advanced learning. Their poor note-taking, presentation, and organization skills, as well
as their poor study habits from high school, will backfire once they enter college. 7)
Economic issues, this group of students will want to work hard in class and achieve
success, but their financial circumstances will prevent them from doing so. This group of
students will want to work hard in class and achieve success, but their financial
circumstances will prevent them from doing so. 8) Poor Educational System, despite
technological advancements, a poor system can sabotage a student's ability to learn and
win. The failure to incorporate diverse learning and teaching styles may have an impact
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
on a group of students who do not prefer the current style.9) Poor Time Management, it is
critical to manage time effectively and to put available time to good use. A student should
be able to set priorities in his life and devote time to learning. Another reason for most
students' academic failure is wasting time on non-essential living activities and putting
studies last on the priority list. 10) Lazy Mentality, their lack of problem-solving skills
and inability to accept responsibility for their actions or learning can be a hindrance in
their advanced studies. Instead of relying on others to make decisions for them, a student
should be able to develop an independent mindset. 11) Fear of Failure, one of the main
reasons why many students fail is their fear of failing. They have a pessimistic attitude
toward progress and never take steps to improve their grades after failing in life. 12) Lack
of thinking skills, another reason why some students struggle in practical sessions is
because of this. To become good learners and apply theory in real life, teachers should
challenge them to think critically, analytically, and creatively. 13) Procrastination, Last
but not least, the lack of good study habits is affecting the success rate of students to a
larger extreme. They don’t take any effort to study the daily lessons and not practice the
problems regularly. The pending portions to study get piled up at the end and they make a
futile effort to study it all together just days before the exam.
Learning for Students, the challenges faced by students in distance learning are: 1)
Unfortunately, "many students find it difficult to find a balance between their studies and
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
their day-to-day lives," and ineffective time management was linked to outcomes like
"poor sleep patterns" and "increased levels of stress," according to the same research. 2)
setting, making it simple for students to get answers and clarify points of confusion.
is a time gap between teacher and student. Misunderstandings can easily develop in these
gaps, causing a problem to snowball before it can be addressed. 3) Not Receiving Timely
Feedback, one of the most important and meaningful ways a teacher engages with a
student is by providing feedback. Students may become confused or unsure about your
expectations, their progress, and their performance in your class if feedback is delayed by
Expectations, it’s always crucial to set clear expectations for students. Otherwise, they
can only guess at whether they’re performing tasks and projects correctly. While setting
it a greater obstacle.
Stenger (2022), have you ever had a to-do list that was so long that you felt
physically exhausted just thinking about it? New research has shed some light on the
cause of this feeling, demonstrating that overloading students not only causes academic
stress, but also has a negative impact on students' mental and physical health, which,
predictably, hinders learning. While students who spend more time on homework are
sometimes more behaviorally engaged in school, they are also more anxious and report
more physical symptoms as a result of stress. Students voiced their frustration with their
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
workload, saying things like; “There’s never a time to rest, there’s always something
more you should be doing;” “It can feel like you are drowning;” and “My body crashes
lack of balance in their lives, feeling compelled to prioritize homework completion over
social, physical, and restorative activities that could improve their well-being. According
to previous research, assigning too much work can reduce its effectiveness and even
make it counterproductive. Clearly, just because students are working harder does not
outputs; therefore, if you do not submit an output, you should not be given a grade
because it is unfair to those students who are up all night to complete their requirements.
Only deserving students should receive grades, and those who do not should not.
Additionally, teachers must consider their students. They should not do anything that will
hurt the feelings of their students. Otherwise, simply be patient with them. As a role
model, you can assist them in achieving their objectives. If students fail to complete their
work, you should guide and assist them rather than failing them.
Learning Makes Time Management Even Harder, the pandemic brought to light the
significant difficulty in learning time management skills. Students who were successful
time managers in person benefited from the scaffolding provided by teachers and schools.
Students who had been able to function successfully began to fall apart when those
supports bells, peer modeling, teacher reminders, mandated routines, staff check-ins, and
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
the like were removed, and the physical and emotional complexities of the pandemic
sickness, grief, fear, hunger, anxiety, loneliness, and depression were added. Students
who had previously struggled with time management had even more difficulty.
Time management is a valuable skill that most teachers would agree is necessary
for academic success in our classrooms. However, we frequently assume it's a unique
skill that students either have it or should be able to learn it on their own. At best, this
harmful grading and reporting practices. There's no denying that time management skills
have an impact on learning. Students who can manage their time are aware of the link
between time management and productivity. They understand how to plan ahead and
keep track of their time. They know how to break down tasks, prioritize subtasks, and
reevaluate their time management when something unexpected arises. Students with
Related Studies
Attitude of the Senior High School Students in Modular Distance Learning Modality, one
of the existing behaviors that any individual could have is procrastination. Procrastination
has become a major problem for everyone, especially students, with or without their
quickly depletes one's creativity and productivity. Because cramming causes pressure and
frustration in our minds, as well as stress, guilt, and other negative emotions. Anxiety can
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
lead to depression, which is a serious mental illness. This irrational behavior has become
the norm for many students. They are under the impression that procrastination is
beneficial to them. When, in fact, it is not the case. This bad habit hampered students'
accomplishments and goals. And this problem is very rampant here at Rizal Memorial
Colleges Inc., where students procrastinate due to the following reasons: Primarily (1)
students delay a certain task due to distractions; (2) neglecting responsibility; (3) lack of
focus and motivation.; They used procrastination as (4) a technique in making a task
occurrence. It's incorrect because it can't benefit everyone. This is a bad practice that
must be stopped. There are three (3) main strategies for students to overcome
procrastination: (1) time management; (2) a healthy diet; and (3) motivation. Several
students are unable to effectively manage their time. They have no idea how to use it
correctly. That is why it is critical for people to understand how to allocate their time to
the tasks at hand, as many people nowadays are simply wasting their time on pointless
activities. They're just abusing their time for their own pleasure. It is also important to
have a healthy diet to be physically and mentally fit. Another thing is that students need
to have motivations in life to have reasons to keep going in everything they do.
academic, and professional tasks, social media can be a source of distraction. They can
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
university setting. The findings revealed three types of social network addiction: low
procrastination were discovered between the three latent profiles, indicating that the
higher the addiction to social networks, the higher the procrastination behavior. In terms
thought that they could be a useful resource for undergraduates during their initial
revealed that in online courses, where students can schedule their learning on a flexible
management failure, and it has been linked to poor student outcomes. Previous research
has defined single measures directly from raw logs of student activity to quantify the
allow different types of behavioral patterns to emerge naturally from clickstream data and
create a composite Time Management Score ("TM"). Findings show that mixture
modeling can reveal latent types of behavior, each of which is linked to a level of
procrastination and the frequency with which it occurs. Students who are identified as
associated with better performance in non-procrastinators, but the opposite is true for
As stated by Cheng and Xie (2021) on their study entitled Why college students
task value and emotional cost, students' perceived content relevance and technology
the interplay between college students' perceptions of the learning context, personal
characteristics, and motivational beliefs. This paper discusses the practical implications
Lastly, Sepriana et. al (2021) on their study entitled Time Management and
management skills. Students who can effectively manage their time will not procrastinate
teaching and education faculties who teach in the departments of informatics engineering
education and English language education will provide motivation and discipline in
completing assignments by students, allowing for proper online learning and achievement
of learning objectives.
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
This chapter presented the methodologies employed in the study. This includes
the research design, research environment, subjects of the study, research instruments,
Research Design
with incomplete outputs during modular learning. The method utilized in this research is
the descriptive method. The descriptive method is a research approach that focuses on
Research Locale
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
The research was conducted with grade 12 students from Tagkawayan National
High School in Tagkawayan, Quezon. The school was chosen by the researchers since
they also go to this school. This in turn would result to the ease with which data could be
collected and the large number of students present in this school. The respondents of the
study were chosen because they best represented the study. It was assumed that the
subjects in this location could provide vital information because they have the ability and
knowledge to do so.
The participants in the study are 6 grade 12 students who were selected
Random sampling was used to select the respondents because they had been
identified as able to attain the data needed for the study. There were a total of 6 grade 12
Research Instrument
In order to identify and understand the phenomenon behind why students struggle
with completing their module ouputs and what will happen with students with incomplete
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
modular outputs the researcher utilized a survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire
was crafted with the guidance of the statement of the problem, these questionnaires were
given on hand to the chosen respondents to get the necessary data for the completion of
the study.
with the chosen respondents was sought after receiving approval from the research
adviser. To obtain the subjects' participation, informed consent forms were secured. The
researcher utilized a survey questionnaire given to the study's participants to collect the
necessary data. The results were then tallied to determine the the struggles of students
Statistical Treatment
1. Percentage
P= ×100
P= percentage
F= frequency
N= population
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
The above formula was used for the computation of the profile of the respondents.
2. Mean:
X = Mean
∑ x = Summation of Frequency
N = number of respondents
The formula above was used to determine the mean of the respondnets answer in
the different variable that was analyzed and presented in the different tables.
∑ x = Summation of Frequency
N = number of respondents
The formula above was used to determine the average weighted mean of the
respondents in the different variables that was analyzed and presented in the different
Makaka-graduate kaya ako? Sruggles of students…… Gime, De Alcala, Buitizon, Anciano, and Lato
4 3.40-4.19 Agree
3 2.60-3.39 Undecided
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree