Sheet 2
Sheet 2
Sheet 2
Sheet 2
1. Consider a large plane wall of thickness L = 0.4 m, thermal conductivity k = 2.3 W/m · °C,
and surface area A = 20 m2. The left side of the wall is maintained at a constant temperature
of T1 = 80°C while the right side loses heat by convection to the surrounding air at T =
15°C with a heat transfer coefficient of h = 24 W/m2 · °C. Assuming constant thermal
conductivity and no heat generation in the wall, (a) express the differential equation and
the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional heat conduction through the wall, (b)
obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the wall by solving the differential
equation, and (c) evaluate the rate of heat transfer through the wall.
2. Consider the base plate of a 800-W household iron with a thickness of L = 0.6 cm, base
area of A = 160 cm2, and thermal conductivity of k = 20 W/m · °C. The inner surface of
the base plate is subjected to uniform heat flux generated by the resistance heaters inside.
When steady operating conditions are reached, the outer surface temperature of the plate is
measured to be 85°C. Disregarding any heat loss through the upper part of the iron, (a)
express the differential equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional
heat conduction through the plate, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in
the base plate by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the inner surface
4. Consider a large plane wall of thickness L = 0.3 m, thermal conductivity k = 2.5 W/m · °C,
and surface area A = 12 m2. The left side of the wall at x = 0 is subjected to a net heat flux
of q· = 700 W/m2 while the temperature at that surface is measured to be T1 = 80°C.
Assuming constant thermal conductivity and no heat generation in the wall, (a) express the
differential equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional heat
conduction through the wall, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the
Benha University.
Benha faculty of engineering.
Mechanical Department. Heat and Mass Transfer(M1321).
3rd year (Power Section) - First semester 2021/2022.
Dr. Mahmoud Said.
wall by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the temperature of the right
surface of the wall at x = L.
5. When a long section of a compressed air line passes through the outdoors, it is observed
that the moisture in the compressed air freezes in cold weather, disrupting and even
completely blocking the air flow in the pipe. To avoid this problem, the outer surface of
the pipe is wrapped with electric strip heaters and then insulated. Consider a compressed
air pipe of length L = 6 m, inner radius r1 = 3.7 cm, outer radius r2 = 4.0 cm, and thermal
conductivity k = 14 W/m · °C equipped with a 300-W strip heater. Air is flowing through
the pipe at an average temperature of -10°C, and the average convection heat transfer
coefficient on the inner surface is h = 30 W/m2 · °C. Assuming 15 percent of the heat
generated in the strip heater is lost through the insulation, (a) express the differential
equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional heat conduction through
the pipe, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the pipe material by solving
the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the inner and outer surface temperatures of the
Benha University.
Benha faculty of engineering.
Mechanical Department. Heat and Mass Transfer(M1321).
3rd year (Power Section) - First semester 2021/2022.
Dr. Mahmoud Said.
6. In a food processing facility, a spherical container of inner radius r1 = 40 cm, outer radius
r2 = 41 cm, and thermal conductivity k = 1.5 W/m · °C is used to store hot water and to
keep it at 100°C at all times. To accomplish this, the outer surface of the container is
wrapped with a 500-W electric strip heater and then insulated. The temperature of the inner
surface of the container is observed to be nearly 100°C at all times. Assuming 10 percent
of the heat generated in the heater is lost through the insulation, (a) express the differential
equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional heat conduction through
the container, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the container material
by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the outer surface temperature of the
container. Also determine how much water at 100°C this tank can supply steadily if the
cold water enters at 20°C.
7. A 2-kW resistance heater wire with thermal conductivity of k = 20 W/m · °C, a diameter
of D = 5 mm, and a length of L = 0.7 m is used to boil water. If the outer surface temperature
of the resistance wire is Ts = 110°C, determine the temperature at the center of the wire.
8. In a nuclear reactor, 1-cm-diameter cylindrical uranium rods cooled by water from outside
serve as the fuel. Heat is generated uniformly in the rods (k _ 29.5 W/m · °C) at a rate of 7
x 107 W/m3. If the outer surface temperature of rods is 175°C, determine the temperature
at their center.
9. Consider a large 3-cm-thick stainless steel plate (k = 15.1 W/m · °C) in which heat is
generated uniformly at a rate of 5 x 105 W/m3. Both sides of the plate are exposed to an
environment at 30°C with a heat transfer coefficient of 60 W/m2 · °C. Explain where in the
plate the highest and the lowest temperatures will occur, and determine their values.
10. Consider a large 5-cm-thick brass plate (k = 111 W/m · °C) in which heat is generated
uniformly at a rate of 2 x 105 W/m3. One side of the plate is insulated while the other side
is exposed to an environment at 25°C with a heat transfer.
Benha University.
Benha faculty of engineering.
Mechanical Department. Heat and Mass Transfer(M1321).
3rd year (Power Section) - First semester 2021/2022.
Dr. Mahmoud Said.
11. A 6-m-long 2-kW electrical resistance wire is made of 0.2-cm-diameter stainless steel (k =
15.1 W/m · °C). The resistance wire operates in an environment at 30°C with a heat transfer
coefficient of 140 W/m2 · °C at the outer surface. Determine the surface temperature of the
wire (a) by using the applicable relation and (b) by setting up the proper differential
equation and solving it.
12. Consider a homogeneous spherical piece of radioactive material of radius r0 = 0.04 m that
is generating heat at a constant rate of g· = 4 x 107 W/m3. The heat generated is dissipated
to the environment steadily. The outer surface of the sphere is maintained at a uniform
temperature of 80°C and the thermal conductivity of the sphere is k = 15 W/m · °C.
Assuming steady one-dimensional heat transfer, (a) express the differential equation and
the boundary conditions for heat conduction through the sphere, (b) obtain a relation for
the variation of temperature in the sphere by solving the differential equation, and (c)
determine the temperature at the center of the sphere.
13. A long homogeneous resistance wire of radius r0 = 5mm is being used to heat the air in a
room by the passage of electric current. Heat is generated in the wire uniformly at a rate of
g· = 5 x 107 W/m3 as a result of resistance heating. If the temperature of the outer surface
of the wire remains at 180°C, determine the temperature at r = 2 mm after steady operation
conditions are reached. Take the thermal conductivity of the wire to be k = 8 W/m · °C.
14. A 1000-W iron is left on the iron board with its base exposed to ambient air at 20°C. The
base plate of the iron has a thickness of L = 0.5 cm, base area of A = 150 cm2, and thermal
conductivity of k = 18 W/m · °C. The inner surface of the base plate is subjected to uniform
heat flux generated by the resistance heaters inside. The outer surface of the base plate
whose emissivity is = 0.7, loses heat by convection to ambient air at T = 22° C with an
average heat transfer coefficient of h = 30 W/m2 · °C as well as by radiation to the
surrounding surfaces at an average temperature of Tsurr = 290 K. Disregarding any heat loss
through the upper part of the iron, (a) express the differential equation and the boundary
conditions for steady one-dimensional heat conduction through the plate, (b) obtain a
relation for the temperature of the outer surface of the plate by solving the differential
equation, and (c) evaluate the outer surface temperature.