Ca Wa Agents
Ca Wa Agents
Ca Wa Agents
Automation Agents
Agents for Application Automation
Agent Job Job Function
Workload Automation Agent for Entity Bean • Entity Bean lets you create an entity bean, update the property values of an
Application Services leverages your existing entity bean, or remove an entity bean from the database.
investment in existing Java applications
and lets you create complex scripts JMS Publish • JMS Publish lets you send a message to a queue or publish a message to a
with low latency for integration topic on a JMS server.
with these applications. Workload
JMS Subscribe • JMS Subscribe lets you consume messages from a queue or topic on a JMS
Automation Agent for Application server.
Services lets you define and run the
following types of jobs: Session Beans • Session Beans lets you access a session bean on an application server. This
job type can make a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to the session bean,
invoke a method that defines the business logic, pass parameters to the
method, and have the results returned as serialized Java output. You can
access stateless and stateful session beans using the Session Bean job.
HTTP • HTTP lets you invoke a program over HTTP in a similar way to a web browser.
For example, you can use the HTTP job to invoke a CGI script, a Perl script,
or a servlet. The HTTP job sends a URL over HTTP using the GET or POST
POJO • POJO lets you instantiate a class to create a Java object and to invoke a
method on it. The job is restricted to classes that take constructors with
no arguments (default constructors). You can use the POJO job to invoke
custom Java code within the agent.
RMI • RMI lets you set up interaction between Java objects on different computers
in a distributed network. Using an RMI job, you can access a remote server
and invoke a method on a Java object.
MBean Create • MBean Create lets you create an entity bean.
MBean Set • MBean Set lets you change the value of an MBean attribute on a JMX server.
MBean Get • MBean Get lets you query a JMX server for the value of an MBean attribute.
The returned value is stored on the computer where the Application Services
agent resides.
MBean Operation • MBean Operation lets you invoke an operation on an MBean on a JMX server.
MBean Get Remove • MBean Get Remove lets you remove an MBean from a JMX server.
Subscribe • Subscribe lets you monitor an MBean for a single notification or monitor
continuously for notifications.
Workload Automation Agent for Web Services • Web Services lets you call an operation within a web service and pass
Web Services allows you to integrate parameters to the operation. The parameters can be actual values or a
Workload Automation with any serialized Java object passed by another job.
application that has implemented SOA.
The agent lets you define and run the
following types of jobs:
POJO • POJO lets you instantiate a class to create a Java object and invoke a method
on it. The job is restricted to classes that take constructors with no arguments
(default constructors). You can use the POJO job to invoke custom Java code
within the agent.
Workload Automation Agent for DB Monitor • DB Monitor lets you define a Database Monitor workload object to monitor a
Databases provides direct integration database table for added or deleted rows.
with database activity that allows you
to eliminate the creation of scripts,
files, or other custom code, to trigger
workload processing. The agent
can immediately detect and trigger
workload based on table, row, or value
changes. The agent lets you define and
run the following types of jobs:
CA Workload Automation
Product Brief
Workload Automation Agent for DB Trigger • DB Trigger lets you monitor a database for updates to rows and to specify
Databases (cont.): conditions for those changes. Database Trigger jobs detect all changes made
to the database.
DB Procedure • DB Procedure lets you invoke Stored Procedure Workload Objects to run a
routine that is stored in the database.
SQL Query • SQL Query lets you run single SQL Queries which can be executed with the
results available in a file for viewing or in the job’s spool file, which can be
accessed from the various user interfaces.
Workload Automation Agent for ‑ ‑
Micro Focus provides an interface that
enables automation and control of
COBOL and JCL Micro Focus jobs. The
agent allows for execution, monitoring,
and control of batch workloads that are
migrated to the Micro Focus Enterprise.
Workload Automation Agent for ‑ ‑
Informatica PowerCenter provides
an interface between Workload
Automation and Informatica
PowerCenter. With this agent, you can
run, monitor, and manage Informatica
workflows, including features like task-
level start and restart and error and log
visibility, and other functionality that
is not accessible from the Informatica
CLI. Without having to write command
scripts, you can easily integrate
Informatica workflows with other
jobs across the enterprise, increasing
efficiency and reducing costs.
Workload Automation Agent for ‑ ‑
Microsoft SQL Server enables you
to execute and manage jobs that are
defined in multiple Microsoft SQL
Server Agent instances from Workload
Automation. The agent includes
features like step-level logging and
control, and Windows SQL Server
authentication. With this agent you can
easily automate and monitor Microsoft
SQL Server jobs using the same
Workload Automation that you use to
manage workloads in other systems
across your enterprise.
Workload Automation Agent for File Trigger • File Trigger lets you monitor file activity. You can define File Trigger jobs for
Unix, Linux, HP Integrity NonStop UNIX, Linux, NonStop, Windows, or i5/OS systems. You can monitor when a
(NonStop), Windows and i5/OS file is created, updated, deleted, expanded, or shrunk, and when a file exists
Agents allow you to integrate workload or does not exist.
processing across all leading operating
File Watcher • File Watcher lets you start a process that monitors for the existence and
system environments such as UNIX, size of a specific operating system file. When that file reaches the specified
Linux, NonStop, Windows and i5/OS, minimum size and is no longer growing in size, the File Watcher job
to schedule, execute, and monitor IT completes successfully, indicating that the file has arrived.
automation events. The agent lets you
define and run the following types of Text File • Text File lets you to search a text file on a Windows, UNIX, or i5/OS computer
jobs: for a text string. For example, you can monitor a log file for an error message
after a script executes.
CA Workload Automation
Product Brief
Workload Automation Agent for Process • Process lets you to monitor the status of a process on the computer where
Unix, Linux, HP Integrity NonStop the agent is installed.
(NonStop), Windows and i5/OS Agents
CPU • CPU lets you to monitor the CPU usage of the computer on which the
specified agent is installed. By default, the job monitors for available CPU and
completes when the specified conditions are met.
Disk • On UNIX and Windows systems, Disk lets you define a job to monitor the
available or used space on a disk or logical partition. On i5/OS systems, Disk
lets you define a Disk Monitoring job to monitor storage space in the file
systems mounted on the i5/OS operating system.
IP • IP lets you monitor an IP address or a port at an IP address.
Windows Service • Windows Service lets you monitor a service on a Windows computer where
the agent is running.
FTP • FTP lets you upload data to or download data from an existing FTP server or
another agent running as an FTP server.
SCP • SCP lets you upload data to or download data from a remote server. The data
is encrypted during the transfer. By default, a Secure Copy job uses the SFTP
protocol. However, you can define the job to use the SCP protocol.
SNMP Subscribe • SNMP Subscribe lets you subscribe for SNMP trap information.
SNMP Trap Send • SNMP Trap Send lets you send SNMP trap information.
SNMP Value Get • SNMP Value Get lets you retrieve the value of an SNMP variable.
SNMP Value Set • SNMP Value Set lets you set the value of an SNMP variable.
Wake On Lan • Wake On Lan lets you send a signal to a server to turn it on. The job can wake
up a remote computer that has been soft-powered-down.
Process Automation • Process Automation Process Execution lets you directly execute a CA Process
Process Execution Automation process.
Process Automation • Process Automation Start Request Form lets you submit a Start Request
Start Request Form Form to execute a CA Process Automation process.
Workload Automation Agent for z/ Batch Job • Batch Job lets you schedules z/OS jobs.
OS provides mainframe-strength
workload automation, that is managed Manual • Manual lets you create dependencies on z/OS jobs that are submitted outside
and controlled through a distributed of the scheduling manager.
engine. Workload Automation Agent Dataset Trigger • Dataset Trigger lets you create dependencies on data set activities. You can
for z/OS offers full scale scheduling customize trigger conditions to define the conditions in which the z/OS Data
features to execute, monitor, and Set Trigger job completes.
control mainframe workload, including
the unique capability of interfacing Box • Box let you organize and control process flow. The box itself performs no
with existing legacy mainframe actions, although it can trigger other jobs to run. You can use boxes to
schedulers, providing an interface contain other boxes that contain jobs related by starting conditions or other
between distributed and z/OS criteria.
workloads. The agent lets you define
and run the following types of jobs:
Workload Automation Agent for HP Batch Job • Batch Job lets you schedules NonStop jobs.
Integrity NonStop (NonStop) provides
powerful workload automation, Manual • Manual lets you create dependencies on NonStop jobs that are submitted
managed and controlled through a outside of the scheduling manager.
distributed engine. The agent offers full Box • Box let you organize and control process flow. The box itself performs no
scale scheduling features to execute, actions, although it can trigger other jobs to run. You can use boxes to
monitor, and control mainframe contain other boxes that contain jobs related by starting conditions or other
workload. The agent also includes criteria.
the unique capability of interfacing
with existing schedulers, providing
an interface to NonStop workloads.
The agent lets you define and run the
following types of jobs:
CA Workload Automation
Product Brief
Workload Automation Agent for SAP R/3 • R/3 lets you schedule an SAP R/3 job on your SAP system.
acts as an interface between Workload
Automation and SAP’s internal
scheduling tools, providing direct R/3 Job Copy • R/3 Job Copy lets you copy an existing SAP R/3 job.
integration with components of SAP,
SAP Business Warehouse, and SAP
BW InfoPackage • BW InfoPackage lets you transfer data from any data source into an SAP
NetWeaver. The agent lets you define
Business Warehouse system.
and run the following types of jobs:
CA Workload Automation
Reference Guide
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WAA-PB101 August 7, 2019