Be An Overcomer
Be An Overcomer
Be An Overcomer
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. Rev. 21:7
1. Be an o - ver - com - er, on - ly cow - ards yield When the foe they meet on the bat - tle - field;
2. Be an o - ver - com - er, He who stands with you Is a might - y One, who is al - ways true;
3. Be an o - ver - com - er, you are heav - en’s heir, And a crown of life you may ev - er wear;
4. Be an o - ver - com - er, for -ward bold - ly go, You are strong e - nough if you count it so—
We are blood -bought princ - es of the roy - al host, And must fal - ter not, nor de - sert our post.
In the sor - est con - flict you shall win the day, Face the le - gions dark till they flee a - way.
So with cour - age press the bat - tle to the gates, Till you gain the prize which in heav - en waits.
Strong e - nough to con - quer through sus - tain - ing grace, And to o - ver - come eve - ry foe you face.
In Je - ho - vah’s might put the foe to flight, And the vic - tor’s crown you shall wear at last.
WORDS: Charles W. Naylor, 1907. MUSIC: Andrew L. Byers, 1907. Public Domain.