Response To Arnelle M. Strand
Response To Arnelle M. Strand
Response To Arnelle M. Strand
Re: Tendering of proposed Order(s) for 09/18/07 hearing results in Martin v. Martin
Ms. Strand:
I am in receipt of your two proposed orders for the judge, and I am appalled as usual. This will not do.
Your flagrant, repetitive disdain for the written law and basic due process is practically unequaled even
within the plots of certain Hollywood movies, and the collateral damages caused by your outright fraud
upon my divorce from Stephen have further manifested by way of irreparable injuries to my children.
Obviously, you could have had no expectation that I would ever approve of either of these tendered
orders, as they are both falsely seeking judicial rulings that are plainly and clearly in violation of law:
1. A child custody/support action is never final under the law until the last minor child reaches
majority, and so there is no merit to any attempt to say you were not still the attorney of record.
2. Notwithstanding that, there are multiple motions filed by me in this case which are still in play,
and have yet to be decided by the Court, so again, there is no merit to saying this case is closed.
3. Further, the written law absolutely requires you to draft and file a written request to withdraw,
and also absolutely requires the judge to grant that request, before you can ever leave the case.
4. Moreover, you were served several days before you even first unilaterally claimed to withdraw
from this case by way of your worthless “notice of non-representation”, and the service upon
Stephen was only a courtesy notice, and not required by law, which I doubt you understand.
In short, you are still, to this present day, the attorney of record, under the mandatory requirements of
the plainly written law, whether you like it or not. Personally, I do not care which, as you are a fraud,
and should be held fully accountable for your acts, regardless of your attempts to leave this case or not.
Instead of discussing your new fraud in attempting to pass clearly violative “orders” through the court,
I will suggest the following two options: (1) you either have the matters of this case immediately
corrected as is mandated by the written law, including the fact that your entire involvement in having
Stephen “divorce” me a second time just to get falsely-obtained custody of my children, when he is a
four-time convicted child molester, and is utterly ineligible to have any custody of any children, is null
and void, and the remaining fact that my children must be returned to me at once, and that Stephen’s
unjust enrichment by falsely garnishing my income under such a void case, is all corrected, or (2) I will
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appear to have no other choice left, but to counter-sue you, both individually, and as principal of your
own law firm, for your rampant, wild, and continual devastation of the integrity of our state courts, and
will include the following as co-defendants in their various vicarious and supervisory relations to your
work ethics, your needed training on basic due process, your utter and demonstrable inability to even
use a damn calculator, and other such easily shown aspects of the ridiculousness of this entire case:
As a concerned citizen who is very familiar with the local system, I feel it should be my duty to take
the time to properly inform all of the above authorities and associations of your continual pattern of
knowingly violating all sorts of ethics, civil, criminal, and professional rules, regulations, and law,
when you have been repeatedly and duly advised in writing, multiple times, of the errors of your ways.
Again, and to be perfectly clear: If you tender these same fraudulent orders to the court for signing and
entering, I will commence suit as described above. If you fail, refuse, neglect, or delay to correct these
basic due process matters of law in correcting and ameliorating the unlawful damages inflicted, I will
commence suit as described above. If you further do anything, at all, that is perceived as retaliatory,
spiteful, or contrary to the written law, in any manner, whatsoever, I will commence with the same.
Thank you for your time in now finally attending to the necessary, prompt – and correct – resolution of
this entire matter. Please also immediately inform me of your actual, affirmative steps taken in proper
collection action against your client for the several thousand dollars in child support that he still owes
me to this day, and the same steps taken with respect to returning to me the entire amount of false child
support that you conspired to rob me of without due process of law, and both of the same with interest.
Please cease and desist from any further unlawful action. You have been so duly notified and warned.
Most Sincerely,
Theresa M. Martin
cc: file
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