Video Debate Questions
Video Debate Questions
Video Debate Questions
Before you actually record your debate, answering the following questions will help create a
"structure" for your debate. Once you decide who is on what side, do a little research. This helps
you develop an understanding about the “pros” and “cons” of both English Only and Bilingual
Each group only must create one document in total. However, I would still like each of you to
create a tab in your Weebly portfolio and upload the document there.
Jordan and Narissa are Bilingual Education and Amy and Sabina are English only.
--Research Bilingual Education and English Only. Identify 3 pros for each, and 3 cons for
English Only
● less participants
● may make students feel uncomfortable which can affect learning
● Lack of Motivation in Students
Video Debate Questions
--Identify 3 key points you will discuss in your opening for Bilingual Education. Briefly
describe why you believe the key points are relevant/appropriate for the debate. Do the
same for English only.
Bilingual Education
English Only
2. In the American Institutes for Research (AIR) study, released in 1978, the researchers
concluded that there was no significant continuing impact of the Title VII bilingual programs on
student outcomes. American Institutes for Research, 1978
3. Without adequately prepared (bilingual) teachers, good curriculum, and programs that combat
the effects of poverty and marginalization that the majority of these students face, there is little
hope of significantly closing achievement gaps.
–Create 3 questions the English Only side will ask the Bilingual Education side during the
cross examination. Also vice versa.
English Only
1. Will the bilingual education program cause the development of cliques or the separation
of students due to the multiple languages?
2. To have effective classroom management, students need to be held to the same
standards. Will a bilingual program impact a teacher's classroom management?
3. Will implementing a bilingual program negatively impact other students occupying the
classroom as they will have less instruction directly in English?
Video Debate Questions
Bilingual Education
--Identify 3 key points you will address in your closing statements for both English Only
and Bilingual Education.
English Only
1. Students speaking another language distract other English learners. English only is part of
effective classroom management that fosters learning and respect.
2. Students will learn to speak English by speaking English. The only way to become fluent
in a language is by being immersed in the language.
3. Allowing students to speak other languages distracts them from the task of learning
English. english-only-in-class-1211767
Bilingual Education
1. Allows both non-native english speakers and native english speakers to experience
instruction in a new language.
2. Bilingual education is also a great way to foster acceptance and inclusion in the cultures
that are taught.
3. Bilingual education levels the playing field for students who speak other languages.