Information System For Internship and Final Projec
Information System For Internship and Final Projec
Information System For Internship and Final Projec
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3 authors, including:
Muhammad Hamka
Universitas Sebelas Maret
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All content following this page was uploaded by Muhammad Hamka on 16 February 2021.
Abstract — T he Development of Portal Elektro Information applications based on application components, such as
System is carried out to create solutions for administrative manipulating data, controllers, and user interfaces. So that
problems related to Internship and Final Project, especially model components are easier to implement, test, and
students, lecturers, and Electrical Engineering staff. Moreover it maintain, because all access to the model goes through these
is an effort to improve the quality of the system to be mo re components. The main goal of developing using the Laravel
innovative and support the needs of Electrical Engineering study framework is to help developers work on applications faster.
program. The System of Portal Elektro covers student needs to In addition to using the Laravel framework, the development
carry out internship or final project, starting from of this information system uses the Rapid Application
implementation guidelines, proposal writing, until becomes final
Development (RAD) development method.
report. This information system is developed with Rapid
Application Development method, and use Laravel framework The development of the Information System is an effort
with the concept of MVC (Model, View, Controller) which can to improve the quality of the system to be more innovative
separate application based on application components, such as: and can support the needs of the Electrical Engineering study
manipulation data, controller, and user interface. With the RAD program. This system consists of an administrative system
method and Laravel framework, application development can be Internship and Final Projects for Electrical Engineering
done quickly and structured making it easier for further students. This system covers student needs to carry out
development in the future. The developed system has been internship and final project, from implementation guidelines
successfully tested and applied in the Elect rical Engineering
and proposal writing, to final report.
study program at UNS and is planned to be implemented in
several other study programs.
Keywords—Information system, Laravel, MVC, RAD
A. Software Development Method
I. INTRODUCTION Internship and Final Project Management Information
System is developed by using the Rapid Application
An information system is a set of components that Development (RAD) with the following steps:
connect, collect, process, store, and dis tribute information to
support decision making and monitoring in an organization.
Currently, information systems cannot be separated from
computer technology which is developing very rapidly along
with increasingly complex human needs [1].
The use of a computerized system is expected to
minimize errors made by humans and can streamline the
time to complete work quickly and accurately [2]. In
addition, a computerized system can function as a data
manager to present interactive and communicative
information. Do not miss the academic system of a university
where the academic information system is very vital in a
university, namely in the form of data information on Fig 1. Information system development step
students, lecturers, staff, list of grades, courses, etc. 1) Requirements Planning
The academic system can be implemented in the form of a. User and analyst meet to identify the purpose of the
a web, so that students and lecturers can easily access it
application or system
using a cellphone even if there is an internet connection. The
web is created using the PHP programming language and b. Oriented to solving business process
SQL database which are open source programs and are very
commonly used [3]. 2) Design Workshop
The current Information System can only be used for a. Design and improvement phase
Internship administration, while for the Final Project using a b. Programmer and analyst create and present user
blog made using the Google site, it is necessary to develop interface design and user flowchart
an information system that can handle Internship and Final
Projects in one container so that the data used more efficient. 3) Implementation
This Information System use Laravel framework with the a. Implementation and application system testing
MVC concept (Model, View, Controller) which can separate