Solid Mensuration: Pinoybix
Solid Mensuration: Pinoybix
Solid Mensuration: Pinoybix
B. 2.8%
D. 3.5%
Problem 1: ME Board October Problem 6: ECE Board November
1991 1992
A circular piece of cardboard with a Given a sphere of a diameter, d. What
diameter of 1 m will be made into a is the percentage increase in its
conical hat 40 cm high by cutting a diameter when the surface area
sector off and joining the edges to increases by 21%?
form a cone. Determine the angle
subtended by the sector removed. A. 5%
B. 10%
A. 144° C. 21%
B. 148° D. 33%
C. 152° Problem 7: ECE Board November
D. 154° 1992
Problem 2: CE Board November
1994 Given a sphere of a diameter, d. What
is the percentage increase in its
What is the area in sq. me of the zone volume when the surface area
of a spherical segment having a increases by 21%?
volume of 1470.265 cu. m if the
diameter of the sphere is 30 m? A. 5%
B. 10%
A. 465.5 m2 C. 21%
B. 565.5 m2 D. 33%
C. 665.5 m2 Problem 8: EE Board October 1991
D. 656.5 m2
Problem 3: CE Board May 1995 How many times does the volume of a
sphere increases if the radius is
A sphere having a diameter of 30 cm doubled?
is cut into 2 segments. The altitude of
the first segment is 6 cm. What is the A. 4 times
ratio of the area of the second B. 2 times
segment to that of the first? C. 6 times
D. 8 times
A. 4:1 Problem 9: CE Board May 1997
B. 3:1
C. 2:1 A circular having an altitude of 9 m is
D. 3:2 divided into 2 segments having the
Problem 4: CE Board November same vertex. If the smaller altitude is
1996 6 m, find the ratio of the volume of
the small cone to the big cone.
If the edge of a cube is increased by
30%, by how much is the surface area A. 0.186
increased? B. 0.296
C. 0.386
A. 30% D. 0.486
B. 33% Problem 10: CE Board November
C. 60% 1997
D. 69%
Problem 5: ECE Board November Find the volume of a cone to be
1996 constructed from a sector having a
diameter of 72 cm and central angle of
Each side of a cube is increased by 210°.
1%. By what percent is the volume of
the cube increased? A. 12367.2 cm3
B. 13232.6 cm3 B. 13
C. 13503.4 cm3 C. 14
D. 14682.5 cm3 D. 15
Problem 11: CE Board May 1998 Problem 16: CE Board November
Find the volume of a cone to be
constructed from a sector having a The volume of the frustum of a regular
diameter of 72 cm and a central angle triangular pyramid is 135 cu. m. The
of 150°. lower base is an equilateral triangle
with an edge of 9 m. The upper base
A. 5533.32 cm3 is 8 m above the lower base. What is
B. 6622.44 cm3 the upper base edge in meters?
C. 7710.82 cm3
D. 8866.44 cm3 A. 2
Problem 12: CE Board November B. 3
1996 C. 4
D. 5
A conical vessel has a height of 24 cm Problem 17: EE Board April 1992
and a base diameter of 12 cm. It holds
water to a depth of 18 cm above its What is the volume of a frustum of a
vertex. Find the volume (in cm3) of its cone whose upper base is 15 cm in
content. diameter and lower base 10 cm. in
diameter with an altitude of 25 cm?
A. 188.40
B. 298.40 A. 3018.87 cm3
C. 381.70 B. 3180.87 cm3
D. 412.60 C. 3108.87 cm3
Problem 13: CE Board May 1995 D. 3081.87 cm3
Problem 18: EE Board April 1993
What is the height of a right circular
In a portion of an electrical railway
cone having a slant height of
cutting, the areas of cross section
and a base diameter of 2x?
taken every 50 m are 2556, 2619,
A. 2x 2700, 2610 and 2484 sq. m. Find its
B. 3x volume.
C. 3.317x
A. 522,600 m3
D. 3.162x
B. 520,500 m3
Problem 14: CE Board November
C. 540,600 m3
D. 534,200 m3
The ratio of the volume to the lateral Problem 19: ME Board April 1996
area of a right circular cone is 2:1. If
Determine the volume of a right
the altitude is 15 cm, what is the ratio
truncated triangular prism with the
of the slant height to the radius?
following definitions: Let the corners
A. 5:6 of the triangular base be defined by A,
B. 5:4 B and C. The length of AB = 10 ft., BC
C. 5:3 = 9 ft. and CA = 12 ft. The sides A, B
D. 5:2 and C are perpendicular to the
Problem 15: CE Board November triangular base and have the height of
1994 8.6 ft., 7.1 ft. and 5.5 ft. respectively.
Two vertical conical tanks are joined at The volume of water in a spherical
the vertices by a pipe. Initially the tank having a diameter if 4 m is 5.236
bigger tank is full of water. The pipe m3. Determine the depth of the water
valve is open to allow the water to in the tank.
flow to the smaller tank until it is full.
At this moment, how deep is the water A. 1.0
in the bigger tank? The bigger tank B. 1.2
has a diameter of 6 ft and a height of C. 1.4
10 ft, the smaller tank has a diameter D. 1.8
of 6 ft and a height of 8 feet. Neglect Problem 28:
the volume of water in the pipeline.
An ice cream cone is filled with ice
cream and surmounted ice cream in
A. the form of a hemisphere on top of the
cone. If the hemispherical surface is
B. equal to the lateral area of the cone,
C. find the total volume (in cubic inches)
of ice cream if the radius of the
D. hemisphere is 1 inch and assuming
Problem 24: the diameter of hemisphere is equal to
the diameter of the cone.
A. 3.45 A. 67
B. 3.91 B. 69
C. 4.12 C. 63
D. 4.25 D. 65
Problem 29: ME Board April 1997 35. Find the approximate change in
the volume of a cube of side x inches
A cubical container that measures 2 caused by increasing its side by 1%.
inches on a side is tightly packed with
8 marbles and is filled with water. All 8 A. 0.3×3 cu. in.
marbles are in contact with the walls B. 0.1×3 cu. in.
of the container and the adjacent C. 0.02 cu. in.
marbles. All of the marbles are of the D. 0.03×3 cu. in.
same size. What is the volume of 36. A rectangular bin 4 feet long, 3
water in the container? feet wide, and 2 feet high is solidly
packed with bricks whose dimensions
A. 0.38 in3 are 8 in. by 4 in. by 2 in. The number
B. 2.5 in3 of bricks in the bin is:
C. 3.8 in3
D. 4.2 in3 A. 68
Problem 30: CE Board May 1997 B. 386
C. 648
The corners of a cubical block touched D. 956
the closed spherical shell that encloses 37. Find the total surface area of a
it. The volume of the box is 2744 cubic cube of side 6 cm.
cm. What volume in cubic centimeters
inside the shell is not occupied by the A. 214 sq. cm.
block? B. 216 sq. cm.
C. 226 sq. cm.
A. 2714.56 D. 236 sq. cm.
B. 3714.65 38. The space diagonal of a cube is
C. 4713.56 4√3 m. Find its volume.
D. 4613.74
31. If the edge of a cube is doubled, A. 16 cubic meters
which of the following is incorrect? B. 48 cubic meters
C. 64 cubic meters
A. The lateral area will be D. 86 cubic meters
quadrupled 39. A reservoir is shaped like a square
B. The volume is increased 8 times prism. If the area of its base is 225 sq.
C. The diagonal is doubled cm, how many liters of water will it
D. The weight is doubled hold?
32. The volume of a cube is reduced
by how much if all sides are halved? A. 3.375
B. 3375
A. 1/8 C. 33.75
B. 5/8 D. 3375
C. 6/8 40. Find the angle formed by the
D. 7/8 intersection of a face diagonal t the
33. Each side of a cube is increased by diagonal of a cube drawn from the
1%. By what percent is the volume of same vertex.
the cube increased?
A. 35.26°
A. 23.4% B. 32.56°
B. 33.1% C. 33.69°
C. 3% D. 42.23°
D. 34.56% 41. The space diagonal of a cube (the
34. If the edge of a cube is increased diagonal joining two non-coplanar
by 30%, by how much is the surface vertices) is 6 m. The total surface area
area increased? of the cube is:
A. 60 47. The volume of a regular
B. 66 tetrahedron of side 5 cm is:
C. 72
D. 78 A. 13.72 cu. cm
42. The base edge of a regular B. 14.73 cu. cm
hexagonal prism is 6 cm and its bases C. 15.63 cu. cm
are 12 cm apart. Find its volume in cu. D. 17.82 cu. cm
cm. 48. A regular hexagonal pyramid
whose base perimeter is 60 cm has an
A. 1563.45 cm3 altitude of 30 cm, the volume of the
B. 1058.45 cm3 pyramid is:
C. 1896.37 cm3
D. 1122.37 cm3 A. 2958 cu. cm.
43. The base edge of a regular B. 2598 cu. cm.
pentagonal prism is 6 cm and its bases C. 2859 cu. cm.
are 12 cm apart. Find its volume in cu. D. 2589 cu. cm.
cm. 49. A frustum of a pyramid has an
upper base 100 m by 10 m and a
A. 743.22 cm3 lower base of 80 m by 8 m. if the
B. 786.89 cm3 altitude of the frustum is 5 m, find its
C. 567.45 cm3 volume.
D. 842.12 cm3
44. The base of a right prism is a A. 4567.67 cu. m.
hexagon with one side 6 cm long. If B. 3873.33 cu. m.
the volume of the prism is 450 cc, how C. 4066.67 cu. m.
far apart are the bases? D. 2345.98 cu. m.
50. The altitude of the frustum of a
A. 5.74 cm regular rectangular pyramid is 5m the
B. 3.56 cm volume is 140 cu. m. and the upper
C. 4.11 cm base is 3m by 4m. What are the
D. 4.81 cm dimensions of the lower base in m?
45. A trough has an open top 0.30 m
by 6 m and closed vertical ends which A. 9 x 10
are equilateral triangles 30 cm on B. 6 x 8
each side. It is filled with water to half C. 4.5 x 6
its depth. Find the volume of the D. 7.50 x 10
water in cubic meters. 51. The frustum of a regular triangular
pyramid has equilateral triangles for
A. 0.058 its bases. The lower and upper base
B. 0.046 edges are 9 m and 3 m, respectively.
C. 0.037 If the volume is 118.2 cu. m.., how far
D. 0.065 apart are the base?
46. Determine the volume of a right
truncated prism with the following A. 9m
dimensions: Let the corner of the B. 8m
triangular base be defined by A, B, C. 7m
and C. the length AB = 10 feet, BC = D. 10m
9 feet and CA = 12 feet. The sides at 52. A cylindrical gasoline tank, lying
A, B and C are perpendicular to the horizontally, 0.90 m. in diameter and
triangular base and have the height of 3 m long is filled to a depth of 0.60 m.
8.6 feet, 7.1 feet, and 5.5 feet, How many gallons of gasoline does it
respectively. contain? Hint: One cubic meter = 265
A. 413 ft3
B. 311 ft3 A. 250
C. 313 ft3 B. 360
D. 391 ft3 C. 300
D. 270
53. A closed cylindrical tank is 8 feet A. 387.4
long and 3 feet in diameter. When B. 381.7
lying in a horizontal position, the C. 383.5
water is 2 feet deep. If the tank is the D. 385.2
vertical position, the depth of water in 59. A right circular cone with an
the tank is: altitude of 8 cm is divided into two
segments. One is a smaller circular
A. 5.67 m cone having the same vertex with the
B. 5.82 m volume equal to ¼ of the original
C. 5.82 ft cone. Find the altitude of the smaller
D. 5.67 ft cone.
54. A circular cylinder is circumscribed
about a right prism having a square A. 4.52 cm
base one meter on an edge. The B. 6.74 cm
volume of the cylinder is 6.283 cu. m. C. 5.04 cm
find its altitude in m. meter on an D. 6.12 cm
edge. The volume of the cylinder is 60. The slant height of a right circular
6.283 cu. m. Find its altitude in m. cone is 5m long. The base diameter is
6m. What is the lateral area in sq. m?
A. 5
B. 4.5 A. 37.7
C. 69.08 B. 47
D. 4 C. 44
55. If 23 cubic meters of water are D. 40.8
poured into a conical vessel, it reaches 61. A right circular cone has a volume
a depth of 12 cm. how much water of 128π/3 cm3 and an altitude of 8
must be added so that the length cm. The lateral area is:
reaches 18 cm.?
A. 16√5 π cm2
A. 95 cubic meters B. 12√5 π cm2
B. 100 cubic meters C. 16π cm2
C. 54.6 cubic meters D. 15π cm2
D. 76.4 cubic meters 62. The volume of a right circular cone
56. The height of a right circular base is 36π. If its altitude is 3, find its
down is h. If it contains water to depth radius.
of 2h/3 the ratio of the volume of
water to that of the cone is: A. 3
B. 4
A. 1:27 C. 5
B. 2:3 D. 6
C. 8:27 63. A cone and hemisphere share base
D. 26:27 that is a semicircle with radius 3 and
57. A right circular cone with an the cone is inscribed inside the
altitude of 9m is divided into two hemisphere. Find the volume of the
segments; one is a smaller circular region outside the cone and inside the
cone having the same vertex with an hemisphere.
altitude of 6m. Find the ratio of the
volume of the two cones. A. 24.874
B. 27.284
A. 19:27 C. 28.274
B. 2:3 D. 28.724
C. 1:3 64. A cone was formed by rolling a
D. 8:27 thin sheet of metal in the form of a
58. A conical vessel has a height of 24 sector of a circle 72 cm in diameter
cm. and a base diameter of 12 cm. It with a central angle of 210°. What is
holds water to a depth of 18 cm. the volume of the cone in cc?
above its vertex. Find the volume of
its content in cc. A. 13,602
B. 13,504 71. Find the percentage increase in
C. 13,716 volume of a sphere if its surface area
D. 13,318 is increased by 21%
65. A cone was formed by rolling a
thin sheet of metal in the form of a A. 30.2%
sector of a circle 72 cm in diameter B. 33.1%
with a central angle of 150°. Find the C. 34.5%
volume of the cone in cc. D. 30.9%
72. The volume of a sphere is
A. 7733 increased by how much if its surface
B. 7722 area is increased by 20%?
C. 7744
D. 7711 A. 32.6%
66. A chemist’s measuring glass is B. 33%
conical in shape. If it is 8 cm deep and C. 44%
3 cm across the mouth, find the D. 72.8%
distance on the slant edge between 73. Given two spheres whose
the markings for 1 cc and 2 cc. combined volume is known to be 819
cu. m. if their radii are in the ratio
A. 0.82 cm 3:4, what is the volume of the smaller
B. 0.79 cm sphere?
C. 0.74 cm
D. 0.92 cm A. 576 cu. m.
67. The base areas of a frustum of a B. 243 cu. m.
cone are 25 sq. cm. and 16 sq. cm, C. 343 cu. m.
respectively. If its altitude is 6 cm, D. 476 cu. m.
find its volume. 74. How much will the surface area of
a sphere be increased if its radius is
A. 120 cm3 increased by 5%?
B. 122 cm3
C. 129 cm3 A. 25%
D. 133 cm3 B. 15.5%
68. What is the surface area of a C. 12.5%
sphere whose volume is 36 cu. m? D. 10.25%
75. The volume of a sphere is 904.78
A. 52.7 m2 cu. m. Find the volume of the
B. 48.7 m2 spherical segment of height 4 m.
C. 46.6 m2
D. 54.6 m2 A. 234.57 cu. m.
69. If the surface area of a sphere is B. 256.58 cu. m.
increased by 21%, its volume is C. 145.69 cu. m.
increased by: D. 124.58 cu. m.
76. A sphere of radius r just fits into a
A. 13.31% cylindrical container of radius r and
B. 33.1% altitude 2r. Find the empty space in
C. 21% the cylinder.
D. 30%
70. The surface area of the sphere is A. (8/9)πr3
4πr2. Find the percentage increase in B. (20/27)πr3
its diameter when the surface area C. (4/5)πr3
increases by 21%. D. (2/3)πr3
77. If a solid steel ball is immersed in
A. 5% an eight cm. diameter cylinder, it
B. 10% displaces water to a depth of 2.25 cm.
C. 15% the radius of the ball is:
D. 20%
A. 3 cm
B. 6 cm
C. 9 cm 84. Find the volume of a spherical
D. 12 cm segment of radius 10 m and the
78. The diameter of two spheres is in altitude 5 m.
the ratio 2:3. If the sum of their
volumes is 1,260 cu. m., the volume A. 654.5 cu. m.
of the larger sphere is: B. 659.8 cu. m.
C. 675.2 cu. m.
A. 972 cu. m. D. 680.5 cu. m.
B. 927 cu. m. 85. Find the volume of a spherical
C. 856 cu. m. wedge of radius 10 cm. and central
D. 865 cu. m. angle 50°.
79. A hemispherical bowl of radius 10
cm is filled with water to such a depth A. 425.66 sq. m.
that the water surface area is equal to B. 431.25 sq. m.
75π cm2 The volume of water is: C. 581.78 sq. m.
D. 444.56 sq. m.
A. 625/3 cm3 86. Determine the area of the zone of
B. 625π/3 cm3 a sphere of radius 8 in. and altitude 12
C. 625π/2 cm3 in.
D. 625π cm3
80. A water tank is in the form of a A. 192π sq. in.
spherical segment whose base radii B. 198π sq. in.
are 4 m and 3 m and whose altitude is C. 185π sq. in.
6 m. The capacity of the tank in gallon D. 195π sq. in.
is: 87. The corners of a cubical block
touch the closed spherical shell that
A. 91,011 encloses it. The volume of the box is
B. 92,011 2744 cc. What volume in cc, inside the
C. 95,011 shell is not occupied by the block?
D. 348.72
81. Find the volume of a spherical A. 1356 cm3
sector of altitude 3 cm. and radius 5 B. 4721 cm3
cm. C. 3423 cm3
D. 7623 cm3
A. 75π cu. cm. 88. A cubical container that measures
B. 100π cu. cm. 2 inches on each side is tightly packed
C. 50π cu. cm. with 8 marbles and is filled with water.
D. 25π cu. cm. All 8 marbles are in contact with the
82. How far from the center of a walls of the container and the adjacent
sphere of a radius 10 cm should a marbles. All of the marbles are of the
plane be passed so that the ratio of same size. What is the volume of
the areas of two zones is 3:7? water in the container?
A. 2613 A. 8
B. 2723 B. 6
C. 2542 C. 4
D. 2472 D. 10
90. The volume of water in a spherical
tank having a diameter of 4 m. is
5.236 m3. Determine the depth of the D. 19 r3/3
water on the tank. 96. A solid has circular base of
diameter 20 cm. Find the volume of
A. 1.0 the solid if every cutting plane
B. 1.4 perpendicular to the base along a
C. 1.2 given diameter is an equilateral
D. 1.6 triangle.
91. A mixture compound from equal
parts of two liquids, one white and the A. 2514 cc
other black was placed in a B. 2107 cc
hemispherical bowl. The total depth of C. 2309 cc
the two liquids is 6”. After standing for D. 2847 cc
a short time the mixture separated the 97. The base of a certain solid is a
white liquid settling below the black. If triangle of base b and altitude h. if all
the thickness of the segment of the sections perpendicular to the altitude
black liquid is 2”, find the radius of the of the triangle are regular hexagons,
bowl in inches. find the volume of the solid.
A. 7.53
B. 7.33
C. 7.73
D. 7.93
92. 20.5 cubic meters of water is
inside a spherical tank whose radius is
2 m. find the height of the water
surface above the bottom of the tank,
in m.
A. 2.7
B. 2.5
98. The volume generated by the
C. 2.3
circle by the circle x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y
D. 2.1
– 12 = 0 revolved about the line 2x –
93. The volume of the sphere is 3π cu.
3y – 12 = 0 is:
m. The surface area of this sphere in
sq. m. is: A. 3242 cubic units
B. 3342 cubic units
A. 36π
C. 3452 cubic units
B. 24π
D. 3422 cubic units
C. 18π
99. The volume generated by rotating
D. 12π
the curve 9×2 + 4y2 = 36 about the
94. Spherical balls 1.5 cm in diameter
line 4x + 3y = 20 is:
area packed in a box measuring 6 cm
by 3 cm by 3 cm. If as many balls as A. 48π
possible are packed in the box, how B. 58π2
much free space remains in the box? C. 42π
D. 48π2
A. 28.41 cc
100. Find the volume generated by
B. 20.47 cc
revolving the area bounded by the
C. 29.87 cc
ellipse (y2/9) + (x2/4) = 1 about the
D. 25.73 cc
line x = 3.
95. A solid has a circular base of
radius r. find the volume of the solid if A. 347.23 cu. units
every plane perpendicular to a given B. 355.31 cu. units
diameter is a square. C. 378.43 cu. units
D. 389.51 cu. units
A. 16 r3/3
101. The area in the second quadrant
B. 5 r3
of the circle x2 + y2 = 36 is revolved
C. 6 r3
about the line y + 10 = 0. What is the
volume generated?
A. 2218.6
B. 2228.8
C. 2233.4
D. 2208.5
102. A square area of edge “a”
revolves about a line through one
vertex, making an angle Ѳ with an
edge and not crossing the square. Find
the volume generated.
A. 3π a3 (sin Ѳ + cos Ѳ)
B. π a3 (sin Ѳ + cos Ѳ) / 2
C. 2π a3 (sin Ѳ + cos Ѳ)
D. π a3 (sin Ѳ + cos Ѳ)
103. Given an ellipse whose semi-
major axis is 6 cm. and semi-minor
axis is 3 cm. what is the volume
generated if it is revolved about the
minor axis?