CISN 2011 - 05 - STCW - Rev 11
CISN 2011 - 05 - STCW - Rev 11
CISN 2011 - 05 - STCW - Rev 11
1.2 In accordance with regulation I/10 of STCW, holders of such a CoC also require an
endorsement from the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry attesting to the acceptance of
their CoC.
As may be amended, from time to time.
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Rev 11: 05 October 2021
Shipping Notice 05/2011 (Rev 11)
STCW & Recognition of Certificates of Competence (Continued)
1.4 This Shipping Notice primarily applies to ships subject to the STCW and the Maritime
Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) however Section 6 contains guidance to the masters of
pleasure vessels on safe manning.
2.1 Valid Certificates of Competency issued by the following countries are considered
acceptable for service as an officer on a Cayman Islands ship.
2.2 We only accept yacht CoCs issued by France, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand and
United Kingdom - see Annex A for further details.
issuing Notes / Limitations
Algeria -
Argentina -
Certificates issued from the Australian Maritime Safety
Australia Authority (AMSA) only. State issued certificates are not
accepted. Evidence of English is not required.
Azerbaijan -
Belgium -
Brazil -
Bulgaria -
Canada Evidence of English is not required.
Cape Verde
China -
Croatia -
Cuba -
Cyprus -
Czech Republic -
Denmark -
Ecuador -
Egypt -
Estonia -
Ethiopia -
Faroe Islands -
Finland -
France Some Yacht CoCs also accepted – See Annex A
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Shipping Notice 05/2011 (Rev 11)
STCW & Recognition of Certificates of Competence (Continued)
issuing Notes / Limitations
Germany -
Ghana -
Greece -
Hong Kong Evidence of English is not required.
Hungary Motorships Only.
Iceland -
India Evidence of English is not required.
Indonesia -
Iran Evidence of English is not required.
Ireland Evidence of English is not required.
Italy All Yacht CoCs also accepted – See Annex A
Jamaica Evidence of English is not required.
Japan -
Jordan -
Korea, Republic of -
Latvia -
Lithuania -
Madagascar -
Malaysia Evidence of English is not required.
Malta Evidence of English is not required.
Mexico -
Montenegro -
Morocco -
Myanmar Evidence of English is not required.
Netherlands All Yacht CoCs also accepted – See Annex A
Evidence of English is not required. Some Yacht CoCs
New Zealand
also accepted – See Annex A
Norway -
Oman -
Pakistan Evidence of English is not required.
Peru -
Philippines -
Poland -
Portugal -
Romania -
Russia -
Senegal -
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Shipping Notice 05/2011 (Rev 11)
STCW & Recognition of Certificates of Competence (Continued)
issuing Notes / Limitations
Serbia -
Singapore Evidence of English is not required.
Slovenia -
South Africa Evidence of English is not required.
Spain -
Sri Lanka Evidence of English is not required.
Sweden -
Tunisia -
Turkey -
Ukraine -
Uruguay -
Evidence of English not required. All Yacht CoCs also
United Kingdom
accepted – See Annex A.
USA Evidence of English not required.
Vietnam -
2.2 When a country has employed the “Principles governing near-coastal voyages” (STCW
I/3) when issuing a Certificate of Competency, any Cayman Islands endorsement issued
in recognition of such a certificate will be valid only for those same near-coastal voyages
as the underlying Certificate of Competency.
2.3 This list of countries will be updated from time to time and changes will be circulated by
the reissue of this Shipping Notice.
3.2 Medical certificates issued by, or on behalf of, a country listed on the “STCW Whitelist”
(the latest revision of IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ. 1163 refers) or a country which has
ratified the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 are accepted for service on Cayman
Islands ships. Such certificates should be issued in accordance Regulation I/9 of the
STCW Convention.
3.3 Accepted countries may be updated from time to time by the reissue of this Shipping
3.4 Medical certificates should clearly state that they are issued by, or on behalf of, the
Governments of the above countries. It is insufficient to hold a certificate issued by a
doctor residing in the above countries if the certificate is not issued, by or on behalf of,
the Government of that country.
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Shipping Notice 05/2011 (Rev 11)
STCW & Recognition of Certificates of Competence (Continued)
3.5 Medical certificates should state that the seafarer meets the minimum in-service eyesight
standards for seafarers contained in Table A-I/9 of the STCW Code, noting that colour
vision assessment only needs to be conducted every six years.
4.1 It is a requirement that the officers on board a Cayman Islands ship, both at operational
and management level, and irrespective of the common language of the ship, have an
appropriate level of proficiency in the English language, commensurate with the functions
the officer is permitted to perform.
4.2 Officers do not need to demonstrate proficiency in the English language if their CoC was
issued by countries where “Evidence of English is not required” is indicated in the “Notes”
section of the table in Section 2, above.
5.1 Ships subject to the STCW Convention should implement measures for preventing the
abuse of drugs and alcohol. These measures should ensure that no seafarer with a
blood alcohol level greater than 0.05% (BAC) or 0.25mg/l alcohol in the breath is to
perform any designated safety, security or marine environmental duties.
5.2 In addition to the limitations on working hours contained in both STCW and MLC2,
seafarers are reminded of their duty to use their non work hours so that they are properly
rested prior to commencing their next period of duty. Watchkeepers’ attention is drawn to
STCW A-VIII/19 to 23 and 56 to 58 regarding taking over a watch.
6.1 The master of every ship is responsible for the safety of the ship and those on board.
This includes ensuring that manning of the ship is sufficient to safely execute any
intended voyage.
6.2 Where there are no prescriptive manning requirements for a pleasure vessel, it is
strongly recommended that the master ensures that the pleasure vessel is manned at the
level that would be required for a similar vessel in commercial service.
7.1 Officers serving at the “management level” (masters, chief officers, chief engineers and
second engineers) are required to have an appropriate knowledge of the maritime
legislation of the Administration, relevant to the functions they are permitted to perform.
Please see Shipping Notice 05/2014 “Requirements and Guidance for recording Hour of Work and Rest on Cayman Islands
Flagged Vessels”.
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Rev 11: 05 October 2021
Shipping Notice 05/2011 (Rev 11)
STCW & Recognition of Certificates of Competence (Continued)
7.2 For officers on Cayman Islands ships this requirement is met by the officer demonstrating
knowledge of Cayman Islands Laws and Administrative Procedures (LAP) which is
available from
8.1 To apply for an endorsement attesting the recognition of a CoC, please visit
8.3 When applying for endorsements, candidates should ensure that applications are
complete in all respects and that copies of all required supporting documentation is
included with the application.
9.1 Since the “Manilla Amendments” to the STCW Convention entered into force, IMO has
adopted the Polar Code and the Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-
flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code). Both of these Codes require certain seafarers to hold
Certificates of Proficiency when serving on –
9.2 Certificates of Proficiency issued under STCW V/3 or V/4 do not require recognition by
the issue of an endorsement for service on a Cayman Islands ship.
10.1 Before being assigned shipboard duties, all seafarers are required to have received
familiarisation training in accordance with Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code.
11.1 Seafarers qualified in accordance with the training listed below shall be required (as
applicable), every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required
standard of competence, to undertake the tasks, duties, and responsibilities:
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Rev 11: 05 October 2021
Shipping Notice 05/2011 (Rev 11)
STCW & Recognition of Certificates of Competence (Continued)
12.1 As well as placing responsibilities on masters and other seafarers, the STCW Convention
also places responsibilities on the owners / managers of ships subject to STCW. The
obligations are outlined in STCW I/14 and are reflected in Cayman Islands legislation.
13.1 In addition to the measure to prevent fatigue in Section 5 (above) masters are required to
ensure that the principles of keeping a safe watch outlined in STCW A-VIII are
implemented on board.
• The principles contained in STCW A-VIII/2 Part 4-1 in relation to a navigation watch;
• The principles contained in STCW A-VIII/2 Part 4-2 in relation to an engineering watch;
• The principles contained in STCW A-VIII/2 Part 4-3 in relation to a radio watch; and
• The principles contained in STCW A-VIII/2 Part 5 in relation to watchkeeping in port.
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Shipping Notice 05/2011 (Rev 11)
STCW & Recognition of Certificates of Competence (Continued)
Annex A
The following yacht certificates are accepted for an endorsement by the Cayman Islands
Shipping Registry:
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