Resume Builder Application
Resume Builder Application
Resume Builder Application
0 967
1 author:
Rinki Tyagi
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Rinki Tyagi on 28 October 2021.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at
Abstract: Nowadays there is a tough competition for getting a job and one of the biggest trials for many job-seekers is creating
the perfect resume. The resume is the very first thing that a potential employer encounters regarding an applicant and is used
to screen applicants, often followed by an interview. This research paper aims to specify a method for creating resumes in a
very simpler and user friendly way. We are proposing an application that will help applicants in creating resumes by simply
taking their information as input. Resume builder application allows users to login/signup via OTP verification and let them
create, update, delete, view and save their resume in pdf format.
This is an application that helps us to build a resume for individuals. The system is malleable for creating an appropriate resume
according to qualification by reducing the need of thinking. Usually individuals get confused while creating a resume especially
fresher’s who are looking for new jobs. They are not much clear about what things and information must be included in a resume.
This application will provide an easy way of developing a resume that will look like a professional resume [3].
This application requires less human interruption and a user friendly app. Individuals just have to fill in the required fields of the
form such as educational information, interest, skills, work experience and so on. The information given by the user will be stored
in the system and generate a well-structured resume. Users will be able to create a resume in any format. The proposed application
will reduce the manual work of individual as a person can get his resume in a formal format without any issues just by using this
resume builder application. It is mainly focused on format by simply choosing the desired template and giving some necessary
details to the application and the resume builder app will process this raw information into the finished resume easily [3].
The reason behind it is that there is a lot of information to be maintained and has to be kept in mind while making the resume. The
existing system is quite laborious and time taking. The existing system is time taking and difficult. Some applications and websites
are also providing the facility to create resumes but those applications and websites are charging for the same so those systems are
not cost effective
B. Proposed Work
1) This app allows users to login/sign.
3) This app allows and suggests users to choose from several creative and up-to-date templates to make their resume more eye-
Catching to HR.
4) This app generate resume according to the internationally recognized format of resume.
5) This app does the proper grammar and spelling check of the resume for the user so they don’t have to worry about
grammatical havocs.
6) This app has 128 bit encryption of user data, so the user does not have to worry about data theft.
7) This would be facilitating the employees to make and print their resumes in a proper format.
8) This app automates the process of creating resumes by simply taking information as input from the us
a) Advantages
i) It is free of cost.
ii) It saves time for users
iii) It helps users to focus on content.
iv) In application creation and modification are very simple and user-friendly tasks.
C. Technology Used
1) Android SDK: The Android (SDK) includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include a debugger, libraries, a
handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and tutorials [1]. Debugger tool provide communication
with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered Device as it is a versatile common line tool. Emulator helps to test
application without the use of a physical device. Android tools helps in managing projects, Android Virtual Device and the
installed component of the SDK. Android software development is the process by which new applications are created for
devices running the Android operating system. Android apps can be written using Java, Kotlin, C++ languages. Android
SDK is used as a tool for developing Android apps. In the proposed system we used android SDK for development of resume
builder application.
2) Firebase: Firebase is a mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps [2]. Firebase allows you to build
apps which need authentication, database, file storage, analytics and server side functionality without having to own and
manage infrastructure and software required for server side support. User Authentication is achieved with the help of
passwords, phone numbers, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. Firebase facilitates authentication in an app by summing up the
different methods of sign in. Data is non-volatile i.e. remains available in the offline mode and is shared among all clients..
Firebase can be added to android sdk by creating a firebase project and then by registering an android application with that
firebase project.
Fig. 5 Firebase
3) Material UI inside Android SDK: Material UI inside Android SDK helps in material designing. It was developed by UX
designers at Google.
4) Google Play Services: The official Android app distribution mechanism to end users is Google play service it also allows
staged gradual app release, as well as distribution of pre-release app versions to testers [1]. For running and keeping
application up to date google play service is responsible.
This paper summarized the importance of a perfect resume and method to create formal and eye-catching resumes. The proposed
application is very helpful and makes the resume formation easy so that a person can get his resume in a formal format without any
issues just by using this resume builder application. It is mainly focused on format by simply choosing the desired template and
giving some necessary details to the application and the resume builder app will process this raw information into the finished
resume easily.
[1] Android_SDK ftware_development#