What is this New Age? The fullness of the completed Christ & His Bride!! Sons marrying their mother, What?. A Comany of Feet !! The seed of the Woman !! A voice from the past !!
What is this New Age? The fullness of the completed Christ & His Bride!! Sons marrying their mother, What?. A Comany of Feet !! The seed of the Woman !! A voice from the past !!
What is this New Age? The fullness of the completed Christ & His Bride!! Sons marrying their mother, What?. A Comany of Feet !! The seed of the Woman !! A voice from the past !!
What is this New Age? The fullness of the completed Christ & His Bride!! Sons marrying their mother, What?. A Comany of Feet !! The seed of the Woman !! A voice from the past !!
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''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
Part 31. The Sign Of His Coming In A New Age! ''While He was seated on the Mount of Olives, the disciles came to Him !ivatel" and said, Tell us, when will this ta#e lace, and what will $e the sign of %ou! coming and of the end &the comletion, the consummation' of the age('' Mat 24:3. AMP This age aion that we are now experiencing is not jst a ti!e period" #t a #rand new wa$ o% thin&ing ' it is ca((ed )RAC*. )race withot +A," )race withot in part +aw" )RAC* withot R*+-)-./" )RAC* withot an$ inhi#itions. The sa(0ation to #e re0ea(ed in the (ast da$ is )RAC* ' +.1*. - Pet 2:1. )race p(s nothing #t +.1*" this is tre (i#ert$. Can we recei0e it 3 ,ithin each ' e0er$ one o% s is or tre se(% P*AC*, the peace that 4ess so o%ten re%erred to "I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don't be troubled. Don't be afraid.'' 4n. 14:25. *R1. '')esus said to them, T!ul" I sa" to "ou, in the new age * ''paliggenesia'' or spiritual rebirth - +the Messianic !e$i!th of the wo!ld,, when the Son of Man shall sit down on the th!one of His glo!", "ou who have +$ecome M" disciles, sided with M" a!t" and, followed Me will also sit on twelve th!ones and -udge the twelve t!i$es of Is!ael.'' Mat 16:27 AMP. /otice the word rebirth, p(ease a(so notice in the %o((owing passage the new birth day. A /*, birth-day. ''The and )esus said to them/ Indeed I sa" to "ou, that "ou the having followed me, in the new $i!th da" when ma" sit the son of the man uon a th!one of glo!" of him, shall sit also "ou uon twelve th!ones, -udging the twelve t!i$es of the Is!ael.'' Mat 16:27. )8 Diag(ott. - wo(d sggest once again that this enhances the thoght that the c(!ination o% or new #irth does not ta&e p(ace nti( the birth o% the Man-child which shers in the new-birth DA9. This 0!esent Age 1oomed To 0ass Awa"! ''we do ima!t a +highe!, wisdom &the #nowledge of the divine lan !eviousl" hidden'2 $ut it is indeed not a wisdom of this !esent age o! of this wo!ld no! of the leade!s and !ule!s of this age, who a!e $eing $!ought to nothing and a!e doomed to ass awa". 3 4ut !athe! what we a!e setting fo!th is a wisdom of 5od once hidden +f!om the human unde!standing, and now !evealed to us $" 5od66+that wisdom, which 5od devised and dec!eed $efo!e the ages fo! ou! glo!ification +to lift us into the glo!" of His !esence,.'' - Cor 2::#;5. This Age which is doomed to pass away ' a now setting %orth o% a wisdom once hidden decreed $efo!e the ages, T. +-<T => -/T. T?* )+.R9 .< ?-> PR*>*/C*" i.e. Ta#ernac(es" The Most ?o($ P(ace" which is within us. This wi(( e0enta(($ c(!inate o% corse %irst in those who %(%i( the %o((owing 0erses. P(ease notice that this was not an a%terthoght o% )od #ecase the origina( p(an went wrong. /.@@ This what !an&ind has in the past ' are now experiencing is a(( in the p(an o% )od" D*CR**D A*<.R* T?* A)*>. Praises to or wonder%( )od ' >a0ior. In This 7utu!e Age The" Cannot 1ie!
''4ut those who a!e conside!ed wo!th" to gain that othe! wo!ld and that futu!e age * aion - and to attain to the !esu!!ection f!om the dead neithe! ma!!" no! a!e given in ma!!iage * meaning after they attain -2 7o! the" cannot die again, $ut the" a!e angel6li#e and e8ual to angels. And $eing sons of and sha!e!s in the !esu!!ection, the" a!e sons of 5od.'' +&e 2B:32;3:. AMP. ''5od, who c!eated eve!"thing, wanted me to hel eve!"one unde!stand the m"ste!ious lan that had alwa"s $een hidden in his mind. Then 5od would use the chu!ch to show the owe!s and autho!ities 1 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' in the si!itual wo!ld that he has man" diffe!ent #inds of wisdom.'' *ph 3:6;1B. C*1. The %o((owing wi(( he(p s to rea(ise how a(( o% this wi(( ta&e p(ace. Coming In Clouds, In The Co!o!ate 4od", The Sons Of 5od O! Cloud Of Witnesses! ''Which also said, %e men of 5alilee, wh" stand "e ga9ing u into heaven( this same )esus, which is ta#en u f!om "ou into heaven, shall so come in li#e manne! * tropos - as "e have seen him go into heaven.'' Acts 1:11 841. The words li!e manner are %ro! the word " )2127 tropos trop';os <ro! the sa!e as )2125C a trn" that is" D#$ i!p(icationE mode or style Despecia(($ with preposition or re(ati0e($ pre%ixed as ad0er# (i&eEC %igrati0e($ deport!ent or character: ; De0enE as" con0ersation" FG like] manner DG #$ an$E !eans" wa$.... This word H tropos # does not !ean as we ha0e #een taght %or so (ong H e$actly the same # to nderstand jst what it !eans we on($ need one other exa!p(e to nderstand. ''How often would I have gathe!ed "ou! child!en togethe! as a * tropos - mothe! fowl gathe!s he! $!ood unde! he! wings, and "ou !efused!'' Mat 23:35#. AMP. The words H as a # are %ro! the word t!oos. /ow it goes withot sa$ing that 4ess was not a hen or a %ow(" #t in H li!e manner # as a hen" in the ro(e o% as it were a H mother hen # he %e(t this wa$ towards 4ersa(e!. -n this exact wa$ in li!e manner 4ess Christ is ascending once again. Ascending in ?is great C(od o% witnesses. As the p%% o% s!o&e on the ocean's horiIon was a sign that a stea!ship was co!ing" so the c(od o% a man's hand was a sign to *(ijah that !an$ c(ods were on the wa$" ' the sond o% a#ndance o% rain. That these c(ods depicted !en or !an&ind or the H sons of %od # is rea(($ not too hard to nderstand. /ow to Jote %ro! )eorge ?awtin. :; <or $ears we ha0e #een taght that the hope o% the chrch is to #e raptred out of the world to escape the tri#(ation. <or $ears - went a(ong with that #e(ie%" #t - cannot he(p #t %ee( that !ost o% the hope %or a raptre is #i(t pon !an's h!an desire to escape s%%ering ' tri#(ation" not &nowing that it is through much tribulation that we enter the !ingdom of %od. ,hi(e we ha0e so!e state!ents that appear 0er$ de%inite a#ot or #eing caught up, we !st re!e!#er that Pa( was caught up to the third hea0en ' re!ained right here on earth. 4ohn at Pat!os was twice caught up to to higher ' higher rea(!s in the spirit in one ' the sa!e experience $et re!ained here to #ear witness to it. Co!pare Re0. 1:1B. 4:1. Then again the sa!e trth is e0ident in Re0. 12 where the !an;chi(d was caught up to )od ' ?is throne $et was %ond %eeding the wo!an in the wi(derness e0en as *(ijah did. - ha0e no desire to change the !ind o% an$ !an a#ot these things" %or we can sa%e($ (ea0e this to the re0e(ation o% the +ord. ?owe0er" the sons o% )od are not to #e raptred ot o% the tri#(ation #t wi(( wa(& 0ictorios($ throgh it. The$ are not #e #rned to a cinder #$ the %ier$ %rnace o% tri#(ation" #t the$ are to wa(& as >hadrach" Meshach" ' A#ednego with the >on o% )od" preser0ed in its se0en%o(d %(a!e" to e!erge (i#erated" nscathed" 0ictorios" ' withot the s!e(( o% %ire pon the!. The$ are not to #e eaten #$ the (ions o% the den" #t to stand as Danie( nscathed ' nhar!ed as the ange( sht their !oths. The$ are not to perish o% thirst in its wi(derness" #t to drin& as *(ijah o% the #roo& o% the (i0ing waters. The$ are not to die o% hnger in its %a!ine" #t to spp($ the woman with !ea( ' oi( ti(( jdge!ent is sent %orth nto g(orios 0ictor$. The$ are not to #e s(ain #$ its 4eIe#e( H &abylon # #t to de%eat her prophets" destro$ her a(tars" ' race #e%ore the chariot o% the &ing proc(ai!ing rain pon the earth. ;: =nJote. Out of Ime!fection into 0e!fection! ,hat - a! a#ot to sa$ wi(( not #e eas$" #t p(ease #ear with !e. As the per%ect >on o% )od 4ess Christ was #orn o% an imperfect virgin na!e($ Mar$" so a(so the great 0ast %a!i($ the sons of %od are co!ing to per%ection in the wo!#" ' wi(( #e #orn ot o% another imperfect virgin" that is the now &nown chrch which is torn #$ stri%e" tr!oi(" di0ision" inconsistencies" ' carna(it$ he(d capti0e #$ Aa#$(on in a !ixtre o% - law grace, part 'udaism mi$ed with the law of liberty in (hrist 'esus # ' nder the do!inion o% a %oreign spirita( power. 2 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
- a! a!aIed in that so %ew Christians %ind it hard to see an$ di%%erence #etween the chrch ' the !ani%ested sons o% )od" #t !$ %riends there is a 0ast di%%erence ' as - write - pra$ that )od wi(( he(p s a(( to see this. ,ithot ?is he(p no re0e(ation is e0er %orthco!ing. -n an$ !arriage there are two bodies. ,e ha0e the body o% the !a(e bridegroom ' another body o% the wo!an bride. /ow when spea&ing o% the wo!an we are not nderstanding in the sense o% the h!an nderstanding o% a %e!a(e with #reasts ' sexa(it$. >pirita(($ )od has a %e!inine side to ?i!" ?e is #oth !asc(ine ' %e!inine" Ada! was created #oth !a(e ' %e!a(e in the -MA)* o% )od #e%ore he was e0er endowed with h!an %(esh. The %e!inine side o% the #od$ o% Christ is the gent(er !other($ side which the chrch needs toda$ ' is in no wa$ in%erior to the !a(e. The chrch toda$ has pt a gi(t trip on the wo!an in that she was the one that sinned ' #roght the !an down" this is dar! age tradition. This )od wi((ing" we wi(( (oo& at so!eti!e in the %tre. ,hen Ada! was !ade both male female neither was in%erior to the other" the *+;>?ADDA- feminine part o% )od is in no wa$ in%erior to ?is masculine side a(( o% this co!es down to the western wa$ o% thin&ing. -n ending this (itt(e discorse it is interesting to &now that in the #rning o% witches a %ew hndred $ears #ac& it was a(wa$s the wo!an" there is apparent($ not one record o% one !a(e wiIard e0er #eing #rnt or conde!ned" this is what we ca(( prejdice to say the least. ,e are right now #oth in the #od$ o% Christ ' in !an$ other spheres recti%$ing this. A(( o% what - ha0e said here is a((ding to the !ingdom of %od which is within $o ' is a part o% $or tre spirita( #eing. Chrch histor$ has shown that #iJitos($ the re(igios s$ste! has de!onised #oth wo!an ' sexa(it$ %or ages in #ringing pon the! an in%erior gi(t co!p(ex which sti(( has a ho(d !ore than !an$ rea(ise e0en toda$. The #od$ o% the !an is a co!p(ete #od$ o% its own without the wo!an" separate" with head" torso" %eet" #one ' !sc(e. This #od$ has its .,/ ?*AD" its .,/ A.D9" ' its .,/ <**T. ,hen there is a niting in !arriage" this ,?.+* MA/ #eco!es the head o% the wo!an" ' the wo!an #eco!es the body of the man. >o a(so it is with Christ ' the Chrch. ,e !st nderstand that the sons o% )od ' the chrch are two distinct comanies! .ne thing that is not readi($ nderstood is the sons of %od #eing the full perfected corporate body, or the many membered body of the &)ID*%)++M even (,)IS- ' the tre chrch #eing the &+D. +/ -,* &)ID*. ,hen #oth are co!p(ete ' per%ect the$ wi(( then #eco!e ./*" as Ada! was before he was pt into a deep s(eep ' then a%ter separated into two distinct entities which is a(so a metaphor o% what happened within a(( o% s. >o the the %ina( res(t o% the %irst son of %od Ada!" wi(( in the corporate +A>T ADAM as the %(( re0ea(ing or !ani%estation o% the (hrist within, not on($ #e recti%ied #t co!p(ete($ %(%i((ed in that the sons of %od wi(( #eco!e life giving spirits with an incorrpti#(e g(ori%ied #od$. )en 1:25" 2:21;22. - Cor 12:42. Ro! 7:23. /ot %orgetting that it wi(( e0enta(($ #e every man in his own order which wi(( incorporate a((. ?a((e(jah@@
,hen 4ess to(d s that ''toda" : tomo!!ow I heal the sic# : cast out devils : the THI;1 1A% I shall $e e!fected.'' .ne 0ersion states that ''I reach my goal'' another ''I finish or complete my course'' ' then again '' I come to resurrection life''. ,hat ?e was sa$ing in essence was that ?is 'many membered son' or ?is corporate #od$ wo(d reach per%ection ' that ?e Christ wo(d #e who(e or co!p(ete. This Man;chi(d wo(d #e the co!p(eteness o% Christ ?i!se(%. The ai! o% Christ has a(wa$s #een to co!p(ete ?-> .,/ >P-R-T=A+ A.D9" as Christ was ' is the ?*AD; >./ so there is now a #irthing o% the rest o% ?i!se(%" other >./>. /o (onger wi(( ?e jst #e the ?ead" #t now the <**T wi(( #e #orn" the (ast part o% a #a#$ to #e #orn in an$ nor!a( #irth is the %eet. - >?A++ A* P*R<*CT*D" - R*AC? M9 ).A+" - <-/->? .R C.MP+*T* M9 C.=R>*" - the rest o% M$se(% wi(( C.M* T. R*>=RR*CT-./ +-<*" ' together we are ./* A.D9 or ./* */T-T9. To %rther 0a(idate this thoght" (et s consider these two prophetic 0erses. ''I, even I, am the <O;12 and $eside me the!e is no saviou!.'' -sa 43:11. ''And saviou!s shall come u on mount =ion to -udge the mount of >sau2 and the #ingdom shall $e the <O;1'S.'' .#a 1:21. 841. This is once again showing the p(ra(it$ o% the ./* A.D9 o% C?R->T. 3 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' 0!otecting His 4!ide! -n the 12 th chapter o% Re0e(ation we see in 0erse 2 the #irth o% the Man;chi(d who is caught up to the throne destined to r(e the nations with a spirita( sceptre. ,e a(so see it is %rther !entioned that the wo!an is ta&en into the wi(derness" 0erse : ' 14 where she is %ed #$ the Man;chi(d" which is si!p($ a re; enact!ent o% *(ijah when he went to the wo!an in the wi(derness who was a#ot to die o% hnger #t %ed her with meal oil" this is the %irst action o% the tre responsi#(e hs#and who is to (o0e ' cherish his wi%e who is in need o% (o0e ' spp($ ' protection. /otice care%(($ that it is a Man-child ' not jst a Male-child, there is a 0ast di%%erence" this chi(d was a %(($ de0e(oped MA/ at #irth. A !ost nsa( ' wonder%( e0ent. The Mothe! and Wife! At this point a !ost interesting passage o% scriptre %ond in -saiah deser0es an exp(anation. ''7o! as a "oung man ma!!ies a vi!gin, so shall th" sons ma!!" thee/ and as the $!ideg!oom !e-oices ove! the $!ide, so will th" 5od !e-oice ove! thee.'' -sa :2:2" ,e#ster. >ons !arr$ing their !other preposteros" ' as the AR-D*)R..M rejoices o0er the AR-D*. The sons who are the man"chi(d" who a(so sit on the throne are the %((ness o% the Christ ' are the C?R->T who is the !ani%estation o% )od" or in other words in who! dwe((s all the fullness of the %odhead wi(( !arr$ the #ride" who was once their !other. There it is ' what a wonder%( trth is in this 0erse. As !entioned ear(ier the sons of %od were #orn ot o% an imperfect virgin the present chrch" which is in t$pe their !other. A%ter the #irth o% the man-child ?e the co!p(ete corporate many membered #od$ o% Christ wi(( then !inister to ?is #ride - the church in the wilderness - the one ?e was #orn %ro! who is now #eing per%ected" to %eed" care" ' norish her" ?is now /*, AR-D* Re0 12:: ' 14. This wi(( #e the %(%i((ing o% the a#o0e prophec$ that -saiah a((ded to in that the imperfect chrch who was once the !other o% the >./> has now #eco!e ?is wi%e. ''4ehold, I am doing a new thing! Now it s!ings fo!th2 do "ou not e!ceive and #now it and will "ou not give heed to it( I will even ma#e a wa" in the wilde!ness and !ive!s in the dese!t.'' -sa 43:16. AMP. ,hat a wonder%( )od we ha0e within s ' what a wonder%( con%ir!ing word o% prophec$ that ?e has gi0en to encorage s. /ow - !st !ention that as the !ingdom of %od is ,-T?-/ => this #irth is not ta&ing p(ace an$ where other than within, $es o% corse it wi(( !ani%est on the otside. At the o0erco!ing" the te!p(e" the throne" or p(ace o% athorit$" the increasing o% or (o0e" is a(( happening ,-T?-/" as we en(arge within we throw ot the o(d" T?* /*, R*P+AC*> T?* .+D. As so!eone stated recent($ we are not in need o% !ore new wine #t it is the /*, ,-/*>8-/ that we are a%ter. To Jote %ro! a recent paper %ro! Michae( ,ood. :; This gigantic" paradig!;sha&ing shi%t" wi(( on($ #e !ade possi#(e" when we are sccess%( in esta#(ishing a /ew ,ine >&in Dnot !ore /ew ,ineE or a /ew Kant! Paradig!. A /ew >pirita( Perspecti0e" which is proper($ )od;centred and not !an; centred. .ne" which is esta#(ished %ro! or Christ Conscios Awareness" %ro! the &now(edge o% the Tree o% +i%e" and not %ro! or o(d da(istic &now(edge o% good and e0i(. To do this" we !st see&" to !o0e #e$ond or e(e!entar$ sorces o% in;part 8now(edge and the +aw" into an a((;inc(si0e" a(( enco!passing Kant! Paradig! o% +o0e and )race ; throgh <aith. ;: =nJote. The 0!omised <and!
''%ou +)udah, shall no mo!e $e te!med 7o!sa#en, no! shall "ou! land * our dwelling place0 within - $e called 1esolate an" mo!e. 4ut "ou shall $e called Heh9i$ah +M" delight is in he!,, and "ou! land $e called 4eulah +ma!!ied,2 fo! the <o!d delights in "ou, and "ou! land * our conscious awareness - shall $e ma!!ied +owned and !otected $" the <o!d,.'' -sa :2:4. AMP. -n ti!e there wi(( #e the %(( enact!ent o% this !arriage. Their wi(( #e no !ore deso(ation in s. At e0en now as there was no (one(iness in 4ohn's experience on the (one($ -s(e o% Pat!os" his spirita( experience was sch that he was %(( o% the presence or co!pan$ o% his H true identity (hrist - ' needed nothing e(se. >o it is with s. ,e !a$ sa$" we(( - a! not 4ohn@ That sa!e 0ei( that was rent %or hi! was rent %or $o ' -" ' the access into the Most ,oly 1lace that was a0ai(a#(e to hi! is a0ai(a#(e to each ' e0er$ one o% s #$ %aith ''Since then, $!eth!en, we have f!ee access to the Hol" lace * ,oly of ,olies - th!ough the $lood of )esus, $" the new and eve!6 4 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' living wa" which He oened u fo! us th!ough the !ending of the veil66that is to sa", of His ea!thl" natu!e.'' ?e# 1B:16;2B. ,e$!oth. There is no need %or s to %ee( deso(ate %or or (and H consciousness - is i% we wish is in A*=+A?;+A/D" in that the wa$ has #een !ade a0ai(a#(e into the Most ?o($ P(ace" not #$ deeds" or rewards" #t #$ the si!p(e ' aweso!e H and far from yet fully realised - trth o% the grace o% )od" ''who has now aea!ed a second time, not ca!!"ing an" $u!den of sin * our mista!en identity # o! dealing with sin, $ut $!inging to 7?<< salvation, those who a!e constantl" : atientl" waiting fo! : e@ecting Him.'' ?e# 6:27#. - Pet 1:2#. The %o((owing is again %ro! )eorge ?awtin.
Kote:; +et s not tr$ to re0i0e the age o% grace with its %(ic&ering (ights" -ts spirita( gi%ts" ' a(( its i!per%ections" #t (et s %o((ow the increasing (ight into the per%ect da$ where e0er$thing in part is done awa$. -% $o want to sta$ there" !$ #rother" #$ a(( !eans sta$" #t don't as& !e to sta$ with $o" %or the ?o($ >pirit is rging !e within to stand with ,is feet on Mount 2ion and proc(ai! the g(orios &ingdo! o% eterna( peace. <arewe(( to things that are in part. <arewe(( to seeing throgh a g(ass dar&($ and good morning to that which is per%ectC good !orning to that which is co!p(eteC good !orning to seeing face to face.-: =nJote. 9et once !ore wi(( - sha&e ' !a&e tre!#(e not on($ the earth #t a(so the starr$ hea0ens. .et once more" indicates the %ina( re!o0a( ' trans%or!ation o% a(( H that can be # sha&en ;;; that is" o% that which has #een created H for a purpose, short while to bring us to a higher understanding - in order that what can #e sha&en ' re!ain !a$ contine. >o (et s there%ore recei0e ' contine in a &ingdo! that is %ir! ' sta#(e ' cannot #e sha&en. <or or )od is a cons!ing %ire ' wi(( #rn p a(( that is dross" ' se(ess %or the co!ing age. -t is se(ess to &eep carr$ing a (oad o% that which is o% no #ene%it %or the Age aion to co!e. P(a$ to$s ' gi%ts were wonder%( when we chi(dren #t as we !atre or when the co!p(ete ' per%ect co!es" the i!per%ect wi(( 0anish awa$ #eco!e antiJated" 0oid" ' sperseded H and are right now being sha!en - so when - was a chi(d" - thoght (i&e a chi(d" - reasoned (i&e a chi(dC #t when we !atre we do awa$ with chi(dish" ot o% date things ' pt the! aside %or the sa&e o% not ha0ing an$ hindrances in or !atring ' %or that which wi(( #ene%it ' eJip s %or that which is ahead e0en or MA/-<*>TAT-./ A> >./> -/ T?* C.M-/) A)*. '*+3.' ,hen we re%er to the sha!ing we are not a((ding to the recent Tsna!is or the ,or(d Trade Centre or that which is on the otside o% s #t that which is within orse(0es" which we orse(0es ha0e created. The on($ thing that wi(( re!ain wi(( #e that which was ne0er created #t always has been e0en ).D ?-M>*+< or or true (hrist Identity which is" was" ' a(wa$s wi(( #e *T*R/A+. The 7eet Coman"! ,hen in 4n13:2;15" 4ess pored water into a wash#asin ' #egan to wash the discip(es %eet" ?e ca!e to Peter" ' Peter said. Are !$ %eet to #e washed #$ 9.=3 4ess rep(ied $o do not nderstand /., what - a! doing" #t $o wi(( nderstand +AT*R. Peter rep(ied" $o sha(( ne0er wash !$ feet@ 4ess answered hi!. =n(ess - wash $o" $o wi(( ha0e /. PART or share in co!panionship with Me ' what - a! doing. Peter then said" +ord wash not on($ !$ %eet" #t !$ hands ' !$ head too@....>o when ?e had %inished washing their %eet ' had pt on ?is gar!ents" ?e said to the!. Do $o nderstand what - ha0e done to $o3 *ar(ier in 0erse 5 4ess had said to Peter" $o do not nderstand this now A=T you will understand this later on, or as in another 0ersion but you shall !now hereafter. -n 0erse 15 4ess said ''If "ou ANOW these things, "ou shall $e $lessed if "ou do them.'' A #etter wa$ o% sa$ing this to %it or topic toda$ is if you !now the meaning of these things. 4ess the Christ was as ?e so o%ten did" (a$ing a %ondation %or that which was to co!e" e0en %or toda$" R-)?T /.," %or the <**T C.MPA/9. This is the hor that a 0er$ i!portant co!pan$ o% peop(e are #eing c(eansed" the ?ead is pre" the hands ha0e #een washed (ong ago" the on($ !e!#ers that are de%i(ed #$ earth are now #eing washed ' are co!ing ot o% Aa#$(on. As we ha0e !entioned ear(ier in an$ nor!a( chi(d #irth the %irst part to e!erge is the head ' then (ast($ the %eet. This is 0er$ signi%icant as the dirt ' gri!e o% re(igiosit$ ' Christian tradition ' (ega(is! is now #eing dea(t with ' washed %ro! the +A>T T. C.M* $et %ar %ro! the +*A>T" %eet co!pan$. ?ear what the Apost(e Pa( has 0er$ !eaning%(($ inserted into his narrati0e to the *phesians" ''And "ou! feet shod with the !ea!ation of the gosel of eace.'' *ph ::12. ''4wa!e0 4wa!e0 1ut on your strength, 2ion5 put on your beautiful robes, + 'erusalem, the holy city. /or 2 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' never again shall come to you uncircumcised and unclean ones. Sha!e yourself from the dust5 rise up0 Sit, 'erusalem0 /ree yourself from your nec!-bands, + captive daughter of 2ion. /or so says 'ehovah, .ou were sold for nothing5 and you shall not be redeemed with silver. /or so says the 6ord 'ehovah, My people went down before into *gypt to stay there5 and the 4ssyrian oppressed them without cause. 3ow therefore, what have I here, says 'ehovah, that My people are ta!en away for nothing7 -hose who rule ma!e them howl, says 'ehovah5 and without ceasing My name is blasphemed every day. -herefore My people shall !now My name5 So it shall be in that day, for I am ,e who spea!s5 behold, it is I. ,ow beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings , ma!ing peace heard5 who brings good news, ma!ing salvation heard5 who says to 2ion, .our %od reigns0 -he voice of .our watchmen shall lift up0 -hey lift up the voice together5 they sing aloud. 7o! the" shall see e"e to e"e, when 'ehovah shall bring again 2ion.'' -sa 22:1;7. M841.
?ow wonder%(($ do the prophets descri#e the !inistr$ o% the feet. A((ow $or spirit to soar as the$ expond to s this trth. ''The glo!" of <e$anon will come to "ou, the fi! t!ee, the ine t!ee, and the $o@ t!ee togethe!, to $eautif" the lace of M" sanctua!"2 and I will ma#e the lace of M" feet glo!ious.'' A(so ''The sons of "ou! afflict6e!s shall come $owing to "ou2 and all "ou! desise!s will $ow down at the soles of "ou! feet . And the" will call "ou, The cit" of the <o!d, The =ion of the Hol" One of Is!ael.'' -sa :B:13;14. And again. ''4ehold uon the mountains the feet of him that $!ings good tidings, that u$lishes eace! O )udah, #ee "ou! solemn feasts, e!fo!m th" vows/ fo! the wic#ed shall no mo!e ass th!ough thee2 he is utte!l" cut off.'' /ah! 1:12. ''And His feet will stand that da" on the mount of Olives.'' Lec 14:4. -s it an$ wonder that 4ess said to Peter that - what I do you will !now hereafter or later on - the di%%erence ' the in%inite re(ationship #etween the %irst;#orn >ons who are co!ing into the exact i!age ' (i&eness are !e!#ers o% ?is %a!i($ ' are !e!#ers o% ?is Aridegroo!. As 4ohn to(d s in the 1 st ' 14 th chapters o% Re0e(ation ''one li!e the son of man'' 0er$" 0er$ (i&e ?i!. The exact i!age o% ?i!. This is Christ in a(( o% ?is co!p(eteness. '',ere I stand I the children that you have given me.'' ?e#. 2:13. This is the %(( co!p(ete #od$ o% a(( o% those o0er the past !an$ $ears who in their part o% the #od$ stand per%ected in one g(orios #od$ or #ridegroo!. ''His e"es we!e as a flame of fi!e, : His feet His glo!ious feet, li#e $!ass as if the" $u!ned in a fu!nace2 : His voice was as the sound of man" wate!s. Out of His mouth went a sha! two6edged swo!d : His countenance was as the sun shining in its st!ength.'' Re0 1:12;1:. ,e#ster.
''Thou hast ut all things in sub8ection unde! his feet. 7o! in that he ut all in su$-ection unde! him, he left nothing that is not made su$-ect to him. 4ut now we see not "et all things su$-ected to him.'' ?e# 2:7. /ote not yet all things, not nti( the %eet co!pan$ are c(eansed" pri%ied ' %or!ed. The Seed Of The Woman! ''And the <O;1 5od said to the se!ent, 4ecause "ou have done this, "ou a!e cu!sed a$ove all cattle, and a$ove eve!" $east of the field/ uon "ou! $ell" shall "ou go, and dust shall "ou eat all the da"s of "ou! life/ And I will ut enmit" $etween "ou and the woman, and $etween "ou! seed and he! seed/ it shall $!uise "ou! head, and "ou shall $!uise his heel.'' )en 3:14;12. ,e#ster. ?ere the %irst pro!ise o% the co!ing o% Christ" the seed o% the wo!an" is !ade. -t is a(so a pro!ise o% the ,ead ' sons the many membered body co!ing in ?is i!age ' (i&eness" o% ?is %(esh ' o% ?is #ones. The co!p(ete Christ that 4ohn saw whose feet were li!e fine brass # -udgement * as i% the$ had #een burned in a furnace. To (oo& at this )enesis 0erse in the natra( or the in! on the paper" we wi(( not %ind an$ rea( answer as this is a !etaphor or an a((egor$" which is what 4ess sed !ost a(wa$s. As a point o% interest" tradition wo(d te(( s that the serpent was a %a((en ange(" #t i% we care to do a (itt(e honest research we wi(( no do#t #e srprised. <or instance %or a Jic& ' eas$ re%erence i% $o wo(d care to ta&e a (oo& at the %ootnote o% -saiah 14 in the A!p(i%ied Ai#(e there is a 0er$ in%or!ati0e re%erence as to the tre identit$ o% : ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' +ci%er" which is trans(ated %ro! light bringer or shining one ' is sed as a tit(e o% Christ in 2 Pet 1:16. Things are not what the$ see! i% we are ta&ing notice o% hand me downs instigated in the DAR8 A)*>. The seed o% the wo!an which we are now re%erring to as #e%ore;!entioned" the sons o% )od - the many membered body - #orn ot o% an imperfect virgin, has had his hee( #rised #$ his mista!en identity, the antichrist, the serpent the one who sits on the throne in the in the ,oly 1lace in the p(ace where he ought not. 2Thes 2:4. As )o(iath had his own wa$ with -srae( %or a period with his #(%% ' siIe ' was #rising the hee( o% -srae( as it were" a(ong ca!e Da0id whose spiritual seed we are" ?e not on($ #rised the head o% the serpent #t ct o%% the head o% the then serpent )o(iath.
The serpent or )o(iath's o% toda$ are that which is within s that wo(d %ight against progressi0e ' re0ea(ed trth" those that ho(d tenacios($ %or past traditions" rites ' an$thing that re%ers to a )od on the otside a )od who has a &ingdo! p in the s&ies ' is co!ing to raptre s into the s&$ so!ewhere ' wo(d e0ade the isse o% sta$ing with the tea! when the going gets hot ' the need is in the right here ' now ./ *ART?. That tre Da0id;ic seed is now ctting o%% the head o% a(( %a(seness" is now #rising the head o% religiosity whi(e at the sa!e ti!e !an$ who thin& that the$ are right are bruising the heel o% the <**T C.MPA/9. At &now this that it is written that the head o% a(( o% this" the serpent wi(( #e #rised ' e0en re!o0ed per!anent($ ' e0en as Pa( has stated. ''%ou have ut all things in su$-ection unde! his feet.'' ?e# 2:7. - #e(ie0e that Pa( is re%erring to the sa!e thing when he wrote. ''And the 5od of eace shall $!uise Satan * the adversary # unde! "ou! feet sho!tl".'' Da0id a(so said ''Thou has ut all things unde! His 7>>T.'' Re!e!#er that we were to(d that we were to tread on serpents scorpions. /ow this !a$ ha0e #een done to a degree in the in;part rea(!. - #e(ie0e that this is on($ a t$pe o% that which is to co!e" to coin a phrase you aint seen nothin yet. Ro! 7:23. -n the !ani%estation or in the %(( adoption o% or son-ship that is ''to wit, the redemption of our body'' the %(( enact!ent o% what this tr($ !eans wi(( #e %(($ carried ot. - wish to sa$ here that it is a(wa$s a !ista&e %or an$ !an or wo!an to i!agine that the re0e(ation the$ ha0e is co!p(ete" that !ista&e wi(( (ead the! into end(ess di%%ic(t$ ' !a&e the! #igoted in their ideas ' so esta#(ished in their wa$s that )od can ne0er gi0e the! an$ greater (ight.
''7o! whom he did fo!e#now, he also did !edestinate to $e confo!med to the image of his Son, that he might $e the fi!st6$o!n among man" $!eth!en.'' Ro! 7:26. ,e$!oth te((s s ''That He might $e the eldest in a vast famil" of $!othe!s!'' A 0ast %a!i($ o% #rothers $et one many membered entit$ Christ in ?is entiret$. - sa$ this to (ead into or next thoght. ''4nd I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the !ey of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 4nd he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. 4nd cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled5'' Re0 2B:1;3a. An ange( is a !essenger" co(d it #e that ta&ing into consideration a(( that we ha0e said that the corporate son ./* >P-R-T=A+ */T-T9 as an ange( or messenger who is to tread on ' crsh the ?*AD o% the serpent co(d #e doing so right here. There is no do#t that this !essenger is Christ ' we need to re!e!#er that at this ti!e the MA/;C?-+D is #orn ' the sons o% )od are now !ani%esting. A((ow !e to Jote at this ti!e %ro! 4. Preston *#$. Kote :; +et s re!e!#er that >atan is not the ''ange('' o% the pit" nor does he ho(d the ''&e$'' to the pit" nor is he the ''&ing'' o0er the pit. A(( o% this has #een trans%erred to or +ord 4ess Christ who is +ord o% a((@ >atan is a no#od$ and has no power at a((. >o!eone sa$s" ''At" #rother *#$" it sa$s that the na!e o% this ange( o% the #otto!(ess pit" or this &ing o0er the (ocsts" is 4baddon and 4ppolyon --- which !eans D*>TR.9*R@ >re($ that can't #e (hrist0'' - wi(( con%ess that !$ 0iew o% A#addon and Apo(($on is 0er$ di%%erent %ro! !ost. - !a&e no e%%ort to connect these na!es with the de0i(. The antichrist. /or an$ other dar& personage o% power. Apo(($on is the ''ange('' o% the a#$ss or the one who has power and contro( o0er the a#$ss. ?ere he has the ''&e$'' to the a#$ss and athorit$ to open it..... /ow (et s consider so!e pertinent Jestions. -n this symbolic scene" who is it that has the &e$ to the a#$ss3 An ange(@ 9here is the angel from7 /rom hea0en@ There%ore" where did the &e$ to the a#$ss co!e %ro!3 <ro! hea0en@ ,hat did the ange( do3 ?e bound the devil, shut him up in the pit, and loc!ed it with the &e$@ ,ow, then, could Satan be the one who has 5 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' the !ey7 Impossible0 ,ho is it that has #ond" and does #ind" the power o% >atan3 .r +ord 4ess Christ@ 9ho is the symbolic ''ange( %ro! hea0en'' a(( throgh the #oo& o% Re0e(ation3 (hrist is0 Ah" can we not see #$ this that the ''destro$er"'' that is" A#addon and Apo(($on is the Christ o% )od@ This is not so!e negati0e entit$ ot o% a rea(! o% dar&ness ;;;; this is C?R->T. -: =nJote. - repeat - see this as the co!p(eted" many membered corporate #od$ o% C?R->T crshing the ?*AD o% the >*RP*/T. The ange( - messenger - is %ro! hea0en" or heavenly places. *ph 2::. -% $o can recei0e it" a(( o% this is happening within. The ad0ersar$" or mista!en identity, is #ond" (oc&ed p" ' cast into a bottomless pit or that which is withot a <.=/DAT-./. There is a(so no %ondation to that which is not *T*R/A+" na!e($" or mista!en identity. -n si!p(e ter!s it is a rea(isation within orse(0es o% that which is rea(it$ ' TR=T?. The 4!a9en 7eet! ''And his feet li#e fine $!ass, as if the" $u!ned in a fu!nace2 and his voice as the sound of man" wate!s.'' Re0 1:12 ''Who has e"es that flash li#e a flame of fi!e, and Whose feet glow li#e $!ight and $u!nished and white6hot $!on9e/'' Re0 2:17. Dan. 1B::. A %ew da$s ago - !et a spirita( #rother" A(an Mc8enIie" a Pastor who is on a high spirita( path ' he shared with !e an experience in which he was caught up where the +ord ?i!se(% !inistered to hi! ' showed hi! !ch o% what !an$ o% s are seeing toda$. -n this 0isitation ?e saw Christ as in the a#o0e 0erses" #t one thing that he did not see were ?is %eet. ?e wondered a#ot this. .n (ater thin&ing on what he said it co!e to !e 0er$ strong($. .% corse the %eet were a#sent %ro! his 0iew as the$ are right now #eing c(eansed ' pri%ied ' are not $et re0ea(ed. The Sign Of His Coming In A New Age! '';emem$e! "e not the fo!me! things, neithe! conside! the things of old. 4ehold, I will do a new thing2 now it shall s!ing fo!th2 shall "e not #now it( I will even ma#e a wa" in the wilde!ness, and !ive!s in the dese!t.'' -sa 43:17;16. The sign - #e(ie0e is %ond in a /*, T?-/). ''And this 5ood News a$out the Aingdom will $e !eached th!ough all the wo!ld fo! a witness to all eole2 and then the end will come.'' Mat 24:14. - i!p(ore each o% s to ha0e an open searching heart that we !a$ see& to see i% these things are so. Tradition or or %or!er wa$ o% thin&ing" has in the past ' wi(( a(wa$s #e" the greatest hindrance to )od's /*, T?-/)>. Anothe! Boice 7!om The 0ast! '-he Son's 'brea!ing in pieces' ,is enemies is for the sa!e of remoulding them, as a potter his own wor!5 as 4er17::" says: i.e. to restore them once more to their former state.'' *se#is o% Caesarea" 2:2;34B AD. Aishop o% Caesarea in Pa(estine. Ro! 7:2B;21. A(essings to a((. #ritten by Ralh $nowles% &'ly ()**! -% we ha0e #een prone to h!an error in this artic(e it is not prpose($" ' - trst that a (itt(e &indness wo(d a((ow %or an$ %a(t" ' that we wi(( consider ' i!#i#e the #etter or spirita( part o% that which is presented ' intended. R,8.. 7