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Customer :M/s.

PO :-
TAG :80-FO-052A/B/C Doc :REV.-00
TAG Fluid :METHANOL Sales Order:Q2122-EX-212
Fluid Ref. :METHANOL Service :Liquid
Pipe :ASTM A53 GR.B Primary :316 Stainless Steel
Meter :Restrictive Orifice Taps :NA
Coeff Eq :Stolz Calculation:SIZE
Preparer :MK Printed :07/07/2021 81cb1837
----------------------------- Max/Design/Normal ----------------------------
Flow Rate 16.8000 m^3/h(Flow Volume)
Differential 3.5000 kgf/cm^2
Pipe Reynolds Number 207947.
------------------------------- Measurements -------------------------------
Pressure 5.3000 kgf/cm^2,abs
Temperature (Flowing) 46.0000 degC
----------------------------- Fluid Properties -----------------------------
Density (Flowing) 790.00000kg/m^3
Viscosity 0.58000 cSt
--------------------------------- Factors ----------------------------------
Sizing Factor(SM) 0.08305 @ Normal Flow
Discharge Coefficient(C) 0.65008 @ Normal Flow
Pipe Thermal Expansion(FaD) 1.00029
Bore Thermal Expansion(Fad) 1.00043
----------------- Flow Meter Constant (for AGA/API C'=FMC) -----------------
FMC=(m^3/h)/(dp)^ 0.5 8.9800
---------------------------- Design Information ----------------------------
Pipe Diameter(D) 49.25060 mm@20.degC
Bore Diameter (d) 17.53001 mm@20.degC
Plate thickness-Flange Mounted Plate
6.0000 mm@20.degC
Beta 0.35593 @20.degC
Pipeline Velocity (Max) 2.45 m/s
Overall Pressure Loss(Max) 3.5000 kgf/cm^2
Energy Cost 28063. $/year@2.00/kwh
Noise @ 3 ft /one metre 63. dBA
Computation for dBA is compatible with ISA SPA SP39.1

Meter is starting to cavitate

Stress and deflection should be checked based on actual thickness, mat
erial, and process conditions

Orifice plate thickness is calculated using ROARK Stress/Strain equations.

Shown thickness is within the required limits for the plate material

R.W. Miller and Associates The FLOW CONSULTANT TM

Licensed Software C1987-2021 Version 8.1.8

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