Module - II
Module - II
Module - II
Practice of
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This book is also a Study Material for Paper-2 of the DIRM Course of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India.
The Insurance sector has emerged as one of the fastest developing sectors in India. Its
sphere has enlarged to the extent that requires expert and specific domain knowledge to
protect and promote the economic interests of all the stakeholders. For Chartered
Accountants, the importance of updation of knowledge is of quintessential importance.
Multi-pronged strategies are being adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI) to facilitate the members and students to acquire technical and practical
knowledge in the field of insurance. The ICAI through its Banking, Financial Services and
Insurance Committee (BFSIC) conducts Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management
(DIRM) Course to equip professionals with expertise and competence in insurance and
pension sectors.
It is heartening to note that the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Committee of
ICAI has taken the initiative to revise the Study Material of DIRM Course as a measure to
provide the latest possible technical inputs to the members who are pursuing the Course.
The material has been designed to provide an in-depth and comprehensive theoretical
knowledge as well as practical aspects, in a very practical and simplified manner.
I appreciate the efforts put in by CA. Dhiraj Kumar Khandelwal, Chairman, CA. Charanjot
Singh Nanda, Vice Chairman and other members of the Banking, Financial Services and
Insurance Committee of ICAI in bringing this revised Course material. I hope that the
members at large will make use of this material to the maximum possible extent for their
knowledge enrichment and in the overall interest of all stakeholders.
After completion of the Chapter the student should be able to
• Explain the history and development of insurance over the ages.
• Understand the mechanism of general insurance as a risk transfer system, a
business and a contract.
• Describe the application of the provisions of the Indian Contract Act to general
insurance contracts.
• Examine the fundamental principles governing general insurance contracts.
• Explain the difference between marketing and selling of insurance.
1. History of Insurance
Human beings live in a world of uncertainty. All of us hear of cars, buses, trains colliding;
floods destroying entire communities; earthquakes that result in grief and tremendous
disastrous losses; young people dying suddenly in accidents etc. Why do these events make
us anxious and afraid? The reason is simple. Firstly they are unpredictable; if we can
anticipate and predict an event, we can prepare for it. Secondly, such unpredictable and
untoward events often cause economic loss and grief.
A society can come to the aid of individuals who are affected by such events, by having a
system of sharing and mutual support. The concept of insurance took birth thousands of years
ago. Yet, the business of insurance, as we know it today, dates back to about three centuries.
Insurance has been known to exist in some form or other since 3000 BC. Various civilizations,
over the years, have practiced the concept of pooling and in-between among themselves, all
the losses suffered by some members of the community. Let us take a look intently at some of
the situations in which this concept was applied.
houses were lost, gave a boost to insurance and the first fire insurance company, called the
Fire Office, was started in 1680.The origin of engineering insurance dates back to the early
part of Industrial Revolution in the U.K. when steam boilers were introduced (1840-1850). The
occurrence of frequent explosions involving serious loss of life and damage to property was
alarming and in 1854 the Manchester Steam Users Association was formed with the object of
prevention of steam boiler explosions. Manchester Steam Users Association was not an
insurance company. It was concerned with inspection and loss prevention service – like Loss
Prevention Association (L.P.A.) is doing in India at present. Coupled with the twin objectives
namely Inspection & Insurance – the first Engineering Insurance Co. named “The Steam Boiler
Assurance Company” was formed in 1858 in U.K. In India Engineering Insurance commenced
with Machinery Insurance in 1953.
The origin of Motor Insurance lies in U.K. The First Motorcar was introduced in England in
1894. The first Motor Policy was introduced in England in 1895 to cover Third Party Liability.
Comprehensive policy covering own damage was introduced in 1899. Compulsory third party
insurance was introduced through the Road Traffic Acts 1930 and 1934.
Marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance and plays a very important role both in
internal and international market. It is closely connected with important commercial activities
like banking and shipping. Marine insurance can be traced to London market which is the
actual place of origin of Marine Insurance. The policies were simplified and streamlined in the
London market and all the marine policies not only in India but elsewhere in the world have
been adopted from London market.
Lloyds for Marine Insurance: The origin of insurance business as in vogue today, could be
traced to the Lloyd’s Coffee House in London during 1779. Traders, who used to gather there,
would agree to share the losses to their goods being carried by ships, due to perils of the sea.
Such losses used to occur because of maritime perils, such as pirates who robbed on the high
seas or bad sea weather spoiling the goods or sinking of the ship due to perils of the sea.
other Indian companies were set up subsequently as a result of the Swadeshi movement at
the turn of the century.
In 1912, the Life Insurance Companies Act and the Provident Fund Act were passed to
regulate the insurance business. The Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 made it compulsory
that premium-rate tables and periodical valuation of companies be certified by an actuary.
However, the disparity and discrimination between Indian and foreign companies continued.
The oldest insurance company in India which still exists is National Insurance Company Ltd.,
which was founded in 1906. It is still in business.
the National reinsurer, while ITI Reinsurance Limited is a Private Reinsurance Company and
there are, 8 foreign reinsurers branches including Lloyd’s India. Life Insurance Corporation
(LIC) is the sole public sector company. Apart from that, among the non-life insurers there are
six public sector insurers. In addition to these, there is national re-insurer, namely, General
Insurance Corporation of India (GIC Re). Other stakeholders in Indian Insurance market
include agents (individual and corporate), brokers, surveyors and third party administrators
servicing health insurance claims.
Out of 34 non-life insurance companies, six private sector insurers are registered to underwrite
policies exclusively in health, personal accident and travel insurance segments. They are Star
Health and Allied Insurance Company Ltd, Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd, Max
Bupa Health Insurance Company Ltd, Religare Health Insurance Company Ltd and Cigna TTK
Health Insurance Company Ltd. There are two more specialised insurers belonging to public
sector, namely, Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India for Credit Insurance and
Agriculture Insurance Company Ltd for crop insurance. Of these 64 companies presently in
operation, eight are in the public sector, two are specialised insurers, namely ECGC and AIC,
one in the life insurance namely LIC, four in non-life insurance and one in reinsurance. [Figure:
Figure: 1.1 : General Insurance Market Structure
angioplasty approaches a known official of insurance company for Medical cover (i.e.
Mediclaim Policy) and when the person is allowed to avail insurance cover then it is not
case of underwriting a risk but to be accepted as a moral hazard.
The characteristics of an insurable risk could be given as under:
1. In short risk is a phenomenon closely associated with uncertain events.The term ‘Pure’
risk is used to designate those situations that involve the chance of loss or no loss. Only
Pure risks are insurable and hence are subjected to Risk Management process.
‘Speculative’ risk in contrast describes a situation where there is a possibility of gain.
They are outside the purview of Insurance and also are not a subject matter of
traditional risk management and must be of a fortuitous nature. To be insurable it must
be a pure risk.
2. Loss caused by the risk must not be intangible in nature (i.e. to ensure the possibility
that the loss is always measured in terms of money).
3. Must not be ‘illegal’ in nature – like:
(a) Intentional self/ bodily injury/suicide;
(b) Gross negligence;
(c) Misconduct/ Malpractice.
1. Insured perils – which are covered under the basic policy – say, fire, riot, strike, flood,
inundation, etc. as covered in basic Fire Policy.
2. Extended Perils – which are covered with a little bit of extra premium along with the
basic cover. In Fire Insurance these are known as Add-on Covers but in other line of
business – say, Engineering or Motor Policies these extended perils are known as
extensions of the basic cover.
3. Perils not covered at all – those may be either the uninsured perils or the excluded
perils (as excluded specifically by inserting the printed conditions) specifically stipulated
in the policy copy itself.
Again as per the ‘origin’, the perils may be divided into three types as given below:
1. Acts of God Perils – Those are natural catastrophe or calamity –like flood, inundation,
storm, earthquake, landslide, rock slide, etc.
2. Process related Perils – These are the perils associated with the starting of the
operation of any plant / machine or any instrument being put to work – say whenever
we put into operation any machine say a generator or transformer for electricity supply it
may be subjected to breakdown, overloading or short-circuit, etc. – all such perils are
known as operational perils.
3. Human related perils – These are absolutely related to Human being. Some of the
perils are absolutely organized by anti-social elements- like theft, burglary, dacoity,
riot/strike & malicious damage. Terrorism damage covered by insurers are the results of
disruptive activities of terrorists .
2.3 Hazard
A Hazard is a pre-set condition – that may create or increase the chance of loss arising from a
given peril or under a given condition.
PHYSICAL HAZARD –It is any hazard arising from the Material, Structural or Operational
failures of the risk itself apart from the persons owning or managing it.
MORAL HAZARD –It is arising out of the fraudulent activities of either the insured or the
insurers. It involves any tendency for the presence of insurance to increase the probability of
loss or its amount. An extreme example would be an individual who burnt his own property to
collect the insurance claim. Insurance may affect behaviour in that less effort is taken to avoid
the loss, or the costs of the loss are exaggerated. More instances may be incurred by an
insured person than by the same individual without insurance. All are examples of Moral
hazards. Losses become larger for the insurer due to the existence of Moral hazard. Moral
hazard minimization is possible only through the following methods (which are not available in
Traditional Risk Management process applicable in Insurance but these are part of Enterprise
Risk Management processes applicable for any organisation):
1. Loss experience rating.
2. Partial risk sharing.
3. Credits for loss control.
4. Claims investigation.
5. Criminal prosecution.
MORALE HAZARDS –It relates the condition or situation as existing in the society. It is very
prominent and widely prevalent in Health Insurance- say, a person has three daughters named
Ganga, Jomuna, Swaraswati and he has taken medical / health insurance cover under his
Mediclaims policy only for his first two daughters and unluckily the third daughter Swaraswati
suffered an accidental injury – so the person will admit his third daughter in the name of Ganga
or Jomuna – i.e. he will go for this kind of morale hazard. Again whenever a patient is taken to
a hospital – the first thing the hospital authority will ask is the details about a Medical/
Mediclaim policy held by the person to be treated under that authority. If the sum insured in the
policy is Rs. 5 Lacs, he will be immediately admitted to ICU but if the sum insured is found by
the hospital authority to be Rs. 50, 000/- the patient may be treated at the corridor of the
INCEPTION HAZARDS – That which gives rise to the loss – which starts or originates the loss
incidenst like the perils of fire, explosion or collapse, etc. arising out of the following –
INCEPTION HAZARDS Proximate cause / Peril Operated
OVERHEATING Fire / Explosion
3. Furniture /Fixtures/Fittings
4. Stock in process/open/ godown/ in transit
5. Electrical installations/equipments/ancillaries
6. Motor vehicles, etc.
1. Public liability as per the statutory law (PLI Act, Third party liability, etc.).
2. Product liability as per common law, contractual liabilities (as per various contractual
obligations towards the customers, principals, other sub-contractors, etc. in terms of the
Consumer Protection Act).
3. Professional liability arising in the course of doing professional jobs.
4. Legal liabilities of the employers towards their employees.
5. Legal liability arising out of accidental falls, breakdown & other malfunction of Lift used
for elevating the people or materials against the owner of the lift / building (where it is
6. Commercial Global Liabilities of the Logistic Companies (engaged for the transit of
various items).
7. Liabilities for Clinical Trials for the various medicines (manufactured by drug
manufacturers) before introduction of that drug in the market for public use.
8. Any other kind of legal liabilities which may be faced by any individuals, entities etc.
1. Loss of life while engaged in professional duty,
2. Accidental death,
3. Bodily injury,
4. Collision with vehicle, etc.
Risk pooling is done by applying mathematical principles that make insurance possible.
transfer system refers to the transferring of risks from the insured to the insurance company
which is financially sound and has the capacity and willingness to take risks. The person
transfers the consequences of a loss to the company, thereby exchanging the possibility of a
large loss for the certainty of a much smaller periodic payment (premium). For transferring a
cost of loss it is not necessary for a loss to occur or exist. A mere possibility of a loss
constitutes a loss exposure that can be insured or transferred.
A Loss exposure can give rise to three types of losses, namely:
• Property loss (including net income loss),
• Liability loss, and
• Human and personnel loss.
On the other hand, sharing of risks implies the pooling of premiums paid by the insureds into a
fund out of which the losses are paid as and when they occur.
Thus, the role of insurance is to protect insured’s assets from the financial consequences of
loss. But, not all risks are insurable. Insurance covers only pure risks.
general, there are five requirements that are common to all valid contracts. To be legally
enforceable, an insurance contract must meet these requirements:
1. Offer and acceptance
2. Consideration
3. Capacity
4. Legal purpose
5. Free consent
1. There must be valid offer and acceptance: The first requirement of a binding insurance
contract is that there must be an offer and an acceptance of its terms. In most cases, the
applicant for insurance makes this offer, and the company accepts or rejects the offer. An
agent merely solicits or invites the prospective insured to make an offer. A legal offer by an
applicant for insurance must be supported by a tender of the premium and it should always be
prior to commencement of the ‘coverage’. The agent usually gives the insured a conditional
receipt that provides that acceptance takes place when the insurability of the applicant has
been determined by the Insurer. In property and liability insurance, the offer and acceptance
can be oral or written. Issuance of a policy may take some time after acceptance due
administrative procedures. Therefore the insurers may in that case issue a Cover Note for a
stipulated period which is also a valid evidence of the contract. Example, in a marine insurance
contract, an oral offer is considered as valid as the details of the shipment may not be known
fully at the time of taking an insurance policy. In all other contracts, only a written offer is valid.
2. Promises must be supported by the exchange of Consideration: A consideration is the
value given to each contracting party. The insured’s consideration is made up of the monetary
amount paid in premiums, plus an agreement to abide by the conditions of the insurance
contract. The insurer’s consideration is its promise to indemnify upon the occurrence of loss
due to certain perils, to defend the insured in legal actions, or to perform other activities such
as inspection or collection services, or loss prevention and safety services, or as the contract
may specify. The amount of premium is not the criteria, but a contract of insurance without
payment of premium is void.
3. Parties must have legal capacity to contract: This requirement of a valid insurance
contract is that each party to a contract must be legally competent. This means the parties
must have legal capacity to enter into binding contract.
Through a contract of insurance the insurer agrees to make good any loss on the insured’s
property or loss of life (as the case may be) that may occur in course of time in consideration
for a small premium to be paid by the insured.
Insurance principle deals with and contemplates -
1. A sufficiently large number of homogenous [similar] exposure units;
2. Loss produced by the risk must be definite and measurable;
3. Loss must be fortuitous or accidental;
4. Sharing of losses of the few by many;
5. Economic feasibility;
6. Public policy.
Apart from the above essentials of a valid contract, general insurance contracts are subject to
the following six additional principles:
• Principle of Utmost good faith
• Principle of Insurable interest
• Principle of Indemnity
• Principle of Subrogation
• Principle of Contribution
• Principle of Proximate cause
These distinctive features are based on the basic principles of law and are applicable to all
types of insurance contracts. These principles provide guidelines based upon which insurance
agreements are undertaken.
A proper understanding of these principles is therefore necessary for a clear interpretation of
insurance contracts and helps in proper termination of contracts, settlement of claims,
enforcement of rules and smooth settlement /resolution of disputes.
This principle of insurance stems from the doctrine of “Uberrimae Fidei” or Utmost Good Faith
which is essential for a valid insurance contract. It implies that in a contract of insurance, the
concerned contracting parties must rely on each other’s honesty.
Normally the doctrine of “Caveat Emptor” governs the formation of commercial contracts which
means ‘let the buyer beware’. The buyer is responsible for examining the good or service and
their features and functions. It is not binding upon the parties to disclose the information, which
is not asked for.
But in case of insurance, the products sold are intangible. Here the required facts relate to the
proposer, those that are very personal and known only to him. The law imposes a greater duty
on the parties to an insurance contract than those involved in commercial contracts. They
need to have utmost good faith in each other, which implies full and correct disclosure of all
material facts by both the parties to the contract of insurance.
The term “material fact” refers to every fact or information, which has a bearing on the
decisions with respect to the determination of the severity of risk involved and the amount of
premium. The disclosure of material facts determines the terms of coverage of the policy. Any
concealment of material facts may lead to negative repercussions on the insurance company’s
normal business and functioning.
Non-disclosure of any fact may be unintentional on the part of the insured. Even so such a
contract is rendered voidable at the insurer’s option and it can refuse any compensation.
Any concealment of material facts is considered intentional. In this case also the policy is
considered void. The intentional non-disclosure amounts to fraud and un-intentional disclosure
amounts to voidable contract.
For example, disclosures in life insurance pertain to age, income, health, residence, family
details, occupation and plan of insurance. Similarly, in case of property or general insurance,
the material facts pertain to the details of the property (car) such as year of make, usage,
model, seating capacity etc. Particularly in case of marine insurance, the insurance company
may not always be in a position to inspect the ship at the port physically and it relies solely on
the facts disclosed by the insured. In Fire insurance material facts include details about
inflammable materials, nature and its use, fire detection etc. Hence, it is imperative on the part
of the insured to disclose all the facts voluntarily.
Utmost good faith principle imposes a duty of disclosure on both the insurance agent and the
company officials . Any laxity in this point may tilt the judgment in favour of the insured in case
of a dispute.
car was driven by his son. The claim under this policy failed when the insurer pleaded that
Bond had failed to disclose all material facts. Although all the questions in the proposal form
has been fully answered, he should have informed that his young son, who was likely to drive,
had previous convictions.
stocks, machinery; under a liability policy it can be a person’s legal liability for injury or
damage; a ship in a marine policy etc. Any damage to the property must result in financial loss
to the policyholder. Only then insurable interest is said to exist.
The insured should have insurable interest in the subject matter of insurance at the following
points of time:
1. In Life insurance at the time of taking the policy
2. In Fire Engineering, Motor & Miscellaneous insurance, both at the time of taking policy
as well as at the time of loss.
3. In Marine insurance at the time of loss and an assured need not have an insurable
interest at the time of effecting the marine insurance.
Insurance contracts without insurable interests have no sanction of the law as they amount to
speculation. The owner of a property has absolute insurable interest. When a person insurers
his property, what is insured therein is his interest in that property. Thus, by this principle,
insurable interest exists in other parties also such as lessor, lessee, financers etc., but their
interest is limited only to the extent of their financial commitment. The leading Roman – Dutch
case on Insurable interest is Little John v. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society 1905 TH 374,
where it was held that if the insured can show that he stands to lose something of an
appreciable commercial value by the destruction of the thing insured then his interest will be
an insurable one. The Court went further to state that as a general rule, insurable interest
should exist at the time of taking the policy and at the time when loss is incurred.
There are a number of ways in which insurable interest will arise or be limited:
(a) By Common Law: Under common law insurable interest is automatically created by
‘ownership’ rights. Similarly, the common law of ‘duty of care’ that one owes to the other
may give rise to a liability which is also insurable.
For E.g. the owner of a tractor who depends on it for his agricultural operation stands to
lose financially if the tractor meets with an accident, as his business will come to a
standstill. Thus the owner has an insurable interest in the asset, i.e., his tractor. Hence
the tractor forms the subject matter when insurance is purchased on it.
(b) By Contract: Sometimes insurable interest is also created by contractual obligations. For
example, a lease agreement between a landlord and a tenant may make a tenant
responsible for the maintenance or repair of the building. This contract places the tenant
in a legally recognized relationship to the building which gives him insurable interest.
(c) By Statute: Sometimes an Act of Parliament may create insurable interest either by
granting a benefit or by imposing a duty.
Application of insurable interest
There are three main categories of application of Insurable interest as mentioned hereunder:
Every individual has unlimited insurable interest in his or her own life. In life insurance context,
insurable interest is deemed to exist in the case of certain relationships based on sentiment.
(e.g. Husband & wife, parent & child) Insurable interest is also deemed to exist when the
members of a family are in business together. Under such circumstances, it is not the family
ties which create insurable interest but it is the extent of financial involvement that creates
insurable interest. The business partners can insure each other’s lives because they stand to
loose in the event of the death of any of them.
Insurable interest normally arises out of ownership where the insured is the owner of the
subject matter of insurance, such as a car or a house. Sometimes, there are some other
financial relationships that give rise to insurable interest although they do not involve full
ownership. Thus, apart from ownership of property, potential legal liability and contractual right
can also support an insurable interest for purchasing an insurance policy. Following are
examples on the application of this principle:
• Part of joint ventures or Partnership contracts – wherein the joint owner is treated as
trustee for the other owner[s].
• Mortgagees and Mortgagors – the insurable interest under a mortgage sale arises to the
purchaser (mortgagor) from the ownership of an asset and to the financial institution
(mortgagee) as a creditor, it is limited to the extent of the loan.
For example, in case of purchase of a vehicle under a hire purchase agreement, the
finance company has the insurable interest in the vehicle until all the installments are
paid, according to the provisions of a clause called Agreed Bank Clause, which protects
the interest of the financer. A bank that gives home loan or loan to businessmen has an
insurable interest in the house building or the business property and takes insurance
policy on such property.
• Executors and Trustees – insurable interest arises out of the legal responsibility vested
in them for the property kept in their charge. A businessman has an insurable interest in
booking debts and may take a credit policy.
• Bailees – who are responsible to take reasonable care of the goods which are in their
custody, have insurable interest. For example: Motor traders and garage owners, have
insurable interest as bailees in respect of loss or damage to customers’ cars, which are
in their custody for repairs etc. A Motor Traders’ insurance covers this liability.
• Agents – where a principal has insurable interest, his agent can effect insurance on his
behalf. For example, a contractor or a sub-contractor who is responsible for loss arising
out of accident due to faulty workmanship, faulty materials and other errors has an
insurable interest in the project he is executing under the contract. Thus a Contractor’s
All Risk (CAR) policy can be taken by the principal or contractor or sub-contractor.
• Employer and Employee – An employer has an insurable interest in the life of his
employees and he can take the Employers Liability Insurance policy (or Workmen
Compensation (W.C) Insurance Policy) or Personal Accident Policy (which is a benefit
policy having worldwide cover covering bodily injury, death and disablement arising out
of any accident by external, violent and visible means during the course of employment).
He can also take GPA or JPA policy for his employees. But an individual or a firm
cannot take any GPA or JPA policy for the public at large, when they do not have any
insurable interest.
The concept of liability insurance is very different from property and life assurance. In this
insurance, it is not possible to predetermine the extent of the insurable interest because there
is no way of knowing how often one may incur liability and in such a case, what would be the
monetary value of such liability. In other words it is implied that insurable interest in liability
insurance is without monetary limit, but in practice it is possible to make a realistic judgment as
to the maximum liability that may be incurred. Hence it can be said that a person has insurable
interest to the extent of any potential liability which may be incurred by way of damages and
other costs (limited by sum insured which is the max. expected liability).
Another important aspect in the application of the principle of insurable interest is the time of
its application. While in life insurance, insurable interest needs to be present at the inception of
the contract or policy, there is no requirement at the time of a claim under the policy. On the
contrary, insurable interest in the subject matter of insurance must be present at the time of
loss in a marine insurance contract, and it means in other words, that there need be no
insurable interest when the insurance is effected.
In all other insurance policies, insurable interest must be present both at the time of inception
of the contract and as well as at the time of loss.
Insurer’s insurable interest
Like the insured, the insurance companies also derive an insurable interest having assumed
liability under the policies which they issue. In other words, they may insure with another
insurer a part or all of the risk they have assumed. This is usually done under a contract of
Thus, in property and liability insurance, the insurable interest must exist at the time of loss. If
an insurable interest does not exist at the time of loss, a financial loss would not occur. Hence
the principle of indemnity would be violated, if payment is made to anybody without there being
any damage to his insurable interest in the property by the occurrence of insured peril.
contract. The insurer charges a small amount as premium for undertaking the liability to cover
the risk and in return promises to pay the value of the insurance policy or the amount of loss
whichever is lower.
The principle of Indemnity ensures that the insurer is liable to pay only to the extent of actual
loss and not anything more than that. In other words it implies that the insured should not
derive any unwarranted/undue benefit from a loss.
Normally the principle of indemnity applies to property and liability insurance contracts and it
promises that the insured be restored to the same financial position that existed prior to the
occurrence of loss(neither less nor more ).
Whenever the insurance company indemnifies the insurer for the full value of the insurance
policy (when the asset is completely damaged) the insurer takes possession of the damaged
asset to realize the salvage value.
Importance of the principle of indemnity
1. The principle of indemnity is important in the sense that it ensures that the insured does
not derive any undue benefit from the loss.
Mr. Kumar had insured his car for Rs. 5 lakhs. The car met with an accident and was
damaged. The loss suffered was valued at Rs.1 lakh. As per the principle of indemnity the
compensation to be paid will be based on the amount of loss, i.e. Rs. 1 lakh. In case the
compensation exceeds Rs. 1 lakh, Mr. Kumar stands to gain from the loss.
2. The principle of indemnity also aims to control the moral hazard. It is possible that the
insured may try to secure the maximum amount through dubious and unfair means. For
example he may:
Deliberately inflict loss upon the property to seek compensation
Resort to exaggerating the loss
Make false claims, etc.
Such claims when accepted confer undue benefits on the insured. The insured may try to
inflate the value of the property and over insure it to seek profit. If the compensation to be paid
by the insurer is limited to the market value of the loss or less, it would put a check on the
avenue for undue gains for the insured. Thus the principle of Indemnity helps to eliminate this
possibility. This is demonstrated in the following example:
Mr. Ajay owns a restaurant, which he had bought three years ago for Rs. 2 lakhs. He bought
fire insurance policy worth Rs. 1.6 lakhs (which is the written down value of his insured
property). His restaurant caught fire and the amount of loss suffered was worth Rs. 90000.
The amount of compensation to be paid by the insurance company will be as under:
= Rs. (sum insured/value of insured asset) * actual loss
= Rs. (1.6 lakhs/2 lakhs) * 90000
= Rs. 72000
Give proper signs of multiplication and division in the above example
Indemnity in practice
Even though the property is fully covered, all covered losses are not actually paid in full since it
would contravene the he principle of indemnity.
As per certain provisions in force the amount of compensation paid can be less than the loss
suffered. Such circumstances are:
(i) Actual Cash Value (ACV)
The actual amount of payment to be made by the insurer for the loss is based on ACV of the
property, which is insured. Usually ACV is determined using the following three methods:
1. Replacement cost less depreciation
In this method ACV is the written down value of the property after taking into account the
depreciation and inflation in the value of the property over a period of time.
Thus actual cash value = (replacement cost - depreciation)
Example :
Suppose a Machinery is purchased by A five years ago at a cost of Rs. 10 lakhs.
The cumulative depreciation on the machine for the five years (@ 10% Straight Line
= Rs. 5 lakhs
Replacement cost = Rs. 10 lakhs
extent of underinsurance [i.e. the difference between the value of the property and the
sum insured].
• Excess –It is the amount of each and every claim which is not covered by the policy.
Excesses may be voluntary or compulsory. Most common in private car policies, where
accidental damages could be insured for 80% or 90%.
• Limits – Refers to the limit on the amount to be paid for certain events, as mentioned by
the wording in the policy. E.g. value of pictures, works of art restricted to 5% of the total
sum insured in household policies.
• Deductibles – Refers to very large excesses. Claims exceeding the deductible amounts
become payable by the insurer.
Exceptions to the Principle of Indemnity
Exception to the rule with respect to life insurance (In non-life insurance this covers Personal
Accident Insurance and certain types of Health Insurance such as ‘Critical Illness’, ‘Hospital
Cash’, etc., where the agreed amount is paid as claims without the policy holder having to
establish the actual spending.
The contract of life insurance is not a contract of indemnity, but it is in the nature of assurance.
This is so because life cannot be indemnified, instead if a person dies, then under the contract
of life insurance, the sum insured will be paid to the insured. The life of a person is different
from a material or property. The principle of valuing material property like replacement cost
less depreciation and discounted cash flows cannot be applied to determine the monetary
value of the life of a person.
The value of life is broadly determined by certain qualitative factors and is subject to one’s
opinion. The most important factor here is the earning capacity of the person and the insurable
value is the value of the policy taken by the person.
A life insurance policy is not subject to the principle of indemnity but is a valued policy wherein
the agreed upon amount in full is paid to the beneficiary in case of loss of life.
Other important exceptions:
• Valued Policy ( for antiques, arts, paintings, etc.)
• Valued policy Laws (as applicable to Marine cargo insurance)
1. Mr. X was on his way to office in his car when it was hit from behind by a Lorry, and the
lorry driver was drunk. Here X can claim compensation from the insurance company.
The insurer in turn can sue the lorry owner Y for the damages.
Here X will have no right of action against Y if he receives compensation for the loss
from the insurer.
2. Mr. A insures his house with an insurance company. The house is burnt by fire and A
recovers the loss from the insurance company. A subsequently brings an action against
his neighbour, who was responsible for the fire and recovers damages from the
neighbour. Here, the insurance company is entitled to the amount, which A has received
from his neighbour. So A must pay the amount to the insurance company.
3. The insurer of an importer of electrical goods receives a claim in respect of a faulty
toaster. The insurer pays the claim but takes over the insured’s rights to claim back
against the manufacturer. The insurance company can proceed with this claim in the
insured’s name.
Thus, it can be seen that subrogation rights apply only where there is a legal liability under the
policy, i.e. where policy cover existed and the claims are paid. However, the policy conditions
customarily provide for such subrogation rights before the claim payment. Recovery from the
third party can be made only if the claim is paid.
It is to be noted that the principle of subrogation is a corollary of the principle of indemnity and
is applicable when the damage has been caused due to the negligence or high handedness of
another party. The Principle of indemnity seeks to make good the financial loss suffered by the
insured by the insurer.
Thus after having been compensated for the loss the insured is restored to the same financial
position as he was before the incident.
In case he is allowed to sue the damaging party again he stands to make a profit from the loss,
which is inconsistent with the principle of indemnity.
In the case of Castellain v. Preston, Preston the owner of a house property entered into a
transaction under which he contracted to sell his house. The property was insured against fire.
Before the transfer of title of the property to the buyer, the house was partly damaged by fire.
The insurer indemnified Preston for the loss.
After that the sale was completed and the buyer paid the full price that was agreed upon to
Preston. Ultimately the insurer came to know about this and filed a suit against Preston on the
ground that since he received the full price he doesn’t stand to incur any financial loss from the
mishap. So there is no valid reason for him to receive payment from the insurer. The court
accepted the insurer’s stand and ordered Preston to return the amount indemnified by the
Importance of the principle of subrogation
The principle of subrogation serves to achieve the following objectives:
1. It prevents the insured from profiting from the damage, i.e., obtaining compensation
twice for the same loss.
2. It enforces the rule of law that the guilty is brought to book and made to pay for the loss.
3. It helps the insurer to partially or fully recover the amount paid for the loss.
4. It helps to lower the insurance rates. With reimbursement from the concerned third
party, the insurance company’s losses are substantially scaled down, the benefit of
which in turn is passed on to the final policyholder by way of reduction in premium.
Whenever the insurance company indemnifies the insured to the extent of the full value of the
insurance policy (when the asset is completely damaged) the insurer takes possession of the
damaged asset to realize the salvage value.
It has to be noted that if the value of compensation recovered by the insurance company from
the responsible third party is more than the amount indemnified to the insured, the insurer has
to return the excess amount to the insured (after deducting the expenses incurred in
recovering the money such as legal charges, etc.).
In a case where the insured himself takes action against the negligent party the insurer is not
liable to pay any compensation.
If the insured chooses to relieve the negligent party from his liability for the loss that may
happen when the concerned person is a close relation of the insured, the insurer is not liable
for compensation as his right to sue the negligent party is lost.
Applicability of the doctrine of subrogation
Necessarily the principle of subrogation applies to general insurance (other than insurance on
human) only. It has no relevance with respect to life insurance or health insurance since the
principle of indemnity on which it rests upon applies exclusively to general insurance.
There can be no subrogation on anyone’s life. In case of loss of life the insurance company
has to pay the assured amount to the beneficiary of the insured. Here the insurer has no right
of action against the third party for financial claims even if the loss of life was caused by him.
Limitations of the doctrine of subrogation
1. This doctrine is not applicable to life insurance policies and therefore the insurer has no
right of action against third parties responsible for the death.
2. The doctrine becomes operative only after the insured has been indemnified. There is
no relation between the indemnity provided for and the exercise of subrogation. The
insurer may not be able to recover exactly the same amount by exercising the right of
subrogation against the third party.
3. Subrogation cannot be exercised where the assured is not in a position to take action
against the damaging party.
Mr. Bhagat had insured his personal computer. It was damaged by his teenage son Jagat who
smashed it with a cricket ball in a fit of rage. In this case Mr. Bhagat does not want to subject
his son to any action. Hence the insurer is not obliged to make payment for the loss.
75,000 × 40,000
Liability of Y = = Rs. 24,000
It has to be noted that a life insurance is a contingent contract, and as such the principle of
contribution will not apply to life policies. If the same life has been insured more than once, all
the amounts will become payable in full.
The following conditions must be satisfied for the applicability of the principle of contribution:
1. The same subject matter is insured with more than one insurer
2. The policies must cover the same peril.
3. The assured must be the same person in all the polices.
4. All the policies must be in force at the time of loss.
5. Each insurer has to pay to the insured his share of loss only.
3. A cargo of oranges was insured against loss due to collision. The ship actually collided
resulting in delay and mishandling of cargo and made the oranges unfit for human
consumption. The Master of the Rolls held that the damages to oranges was not directly
due to the collision, but due to delay and mishandling. As these causes were not
insured, the insured could not recover the loss.
4. A policyholder sustained an accident while hunting. He was unable to walk after the
accident, and as a result of lying on wet ground before being picked up, he contracted
pneumonia and subsequently died. There was an unbroken chain of causes between
the accident and the death, and the proximate cause of the death, therefore, was the
accident and not pneumonia.
5. During a war period, a bomb was dropped on a factory, which caused fire to the factory.
The proximate cause of loss in this case is enemy action and not fire.
6. Firemen remove undamaged stock from a burning building to avoid its involvement in
the fire. It is stacked in the open yard and subsequently damaged by rain. Was the
proximate cause of the damage the fire or rain? If the rain damage had occurred before
the insured had an opportunity to protect it, then the proximate cause of the damage
would be fire. However, if the stock were left unprotected for an unreasonably long
period, the rain would be a new and independent cause of damage.
7. In Etherington v. Lancashire and Yorkshire Accidental Insurance Co.(1999) case, a man
fell from a horse and sustained injuries that prevented him from moving. As a result, he
contracted pneumonia due to lying in the wet and died.
The proximate cause of his death was held to be the fall and not pneumonia.
Similarly, if furniture is thrown out of a burning house to arrest the spread of the fire and it is
damaged in the process, the proximate cause of the damage would be the fire.
All the details related to proximate cause have to be clearly mentioned at the time of entering
into the contract. Sometimes the causes not covered by the policy have to be expressly
mentioned and though it is impossible to mention the whole range of causes that are to be
avoided they are usually assumed by implication. The replenishment of compensation
proceeds strictly depend upon the causes agreed upon.
Determination of proximate cause
Where the mishap occurs as a single event the determination of Proximate Cause is simple
and that particular event can be attributed for the loss. Where the loss occurs as a chain of
events in succession with one event triggering the other, it may be difficult to determine the
exact cause of the damage. In such an eventuality the parties have to carefully examine and
find out the correct reason for the loss, the extent to which the loss has been caused by the
proximate cause and the amount of compensation to be paid based upon it. It may happen
that the actual peril, which has caused the loss in turn, is caused by another peril.
It has to be noted that while determining ‘proximate cause’ the sequence of events according
to their time of occurrence is irrelevant. The deciding factor is the correct cause of loss.
Many court judgments act as precedents in arriving at decisions while making settlements.
They have been enumerated in the following paragraphs.
I. The insurer is liable:
• When the peril is a single event and it is insured.
• Where the insured peril (the event for which the policy has been taken for
protection) occurs first and it is followed by an excluded peril (the event which has
not been covered by the policy, i.e., which is not insured). Here the insurer has to
pay for the loss, which had occurred up to the happening of the excluded peril
only if the two perils can be distinguished from each other.
• Where the excluded peril causes the insured peril and the events occur in a
broken sequence the insurer has to pay for the loss caused by the insured peril.
• Where both the perils are occurring concurrently and both the events are
independent of each other.
II. The insurer is not liable:
• Where the excluded peril is the cause of the insured peril and they act
• Where the insured peril is followed by the excepted peril and both cannot be
distinguished from each other.
• Where both the perils are occurring concurrently.
1. In the case of Tootal Broadhurst Lee & Co v. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co.
the fire was caused by an earthquake. Here earthquake was not part of the covered risk
and hence the insurer was not liable as the loss was proximate to an excepted peril.
2. In a case where fire causes an explosion (an excepted peril), the insurer will be liable for
fire damage up to the time of explosion.
3. In the case of Marsden v. City and Country Assurance Co., Marsden had insured his
plate glass from any risk except fire. Eventually a fire occurred in the neighbouring
premises and in the commotion that followed some miscreants broke into the premises
by smashing the insured plate glass to commit theft. As per the verdict the proximate
cause of the loss was mob ambush and not the fire. Hence the insurer was liable for the
Commercial lines insurance is insurance tailored to fit the needs of commercial organizations.
Commercial liability insurance, workers’ compensation, commercial auto insurance, and
commercial property insurance are some examples.
2. Life/Health insurance
Life and health insurance covers financial consequence of human (personal) loss exposures.
Life insurance replaces the income-earning potential lost through death and also helps to pay
for expenses related to insured’s death. Health insurance provides additional income security
by paying for medical expenses. Disability income popular in most of the Western countries,
replaces an insured’s income if the insured is unable to work because of injury or illness.
Classification of Insurance on the basis of subject matter of insurance
(i) Insurance of property: Fire, burglary, motor vehicles, machinery, plate glass, aircraft.
In this insurance, property which has intrinsic value of its own, is insured against loss or
damage by various perils such as fire, burglary, accidents etc.
(ii) Insurance of liability: Legal liability to third parties, legal liability to employees etc.
Insurance provides protection against financial loss caused by incurring legal liability,
through negligence or by reason of statutory law.( Workmen’s Compensation Act).
(iii) Insurance of the person: Personal accident, and sickness insurance. This insurance
provides for payment of fixed benefits in the event of death or disablement of the insured
due to an accident or disablement due to illness.
(iv) Insurance of pecuniary losses: Loss of profits policies like Fidelity guarantees.
This insurance provides protection against certain consequential losses that result from
material damage. A fidelity guarantee policy pays for financial losses suffered by the
insured due to acts of dishonesty of his employees.
Some policies are a combination of property insurance and liability insurance. For example,
the comprehensive motor policy provides cover for accidental damage to the vehicle as well as
legal liabilities for third party injury and property damage. A fire policy on building may include
insurance on loss of rent thus making it a combination of property insurance and pecuniary
loss insurance.
General insurance as seen earlier helps in the mitigation of property and liability losses.
General insurance policies are classified into the following categories.
(2) In insurance, unlike other products, one is not selling any tangible product but only a
promise [in the form of an insurance policy] to pay in the event of a fortuitous /
contingent event causing financial loss.
Marketing activities in Insurance involves -
1. Understanding and segmenting customers;
2. Targeting and positioning – Implementing the marketing plan.
The difference between marketing and traditional selling is explained as follows:
Traditional Selling Marketing
1. Spotlight is on products and services 1. Spotlight on finding the gap between
rather than the customer’s needs, customers need, want / desire & what is
desires & concerns made available to them today
2. A firm using a sales orientation focuses 2. A firm with a marketing orientation tries to
primarily on some how pushing its create and deliver products and services
already existing products & services, that are appropriate and ideal, from the
using aggressive promotion techniques customer’s stand point. It is a way to
to attain the highest sales possible engage customers gainfully and build a
beneficial relationship
3. Selling is essentially a strategy of push 3. Marketing is a strategy of pull
• Human beings live in a world of uncertainty. All of us hear of cars, buses, trains colliding;
floods destroying entire communities; earthquakes that result in grief and tremendous
disastrous losses.
• Insurance has been known to exist in some form or other since 3000 BC to protect
humans against losses. Various civilizations, over the years, have practiced the concept
of pooling and in-between among themselves, all the losses suffered by some members
of the community.
• Modern insurance in India began in early 1800 or there abouts, with agencies of foreign
insurers starting marine insurance business.
• The insurance sector was opened up to reforms with the enactment of the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999.
• Insurance is one of the most popular mechanism to secure against risks. Therefore, for
understanding insurance, one needs to essentially understand the concepts and
linkages between risk, peril, hazard and insurance.
• Insurance contract involves a contractual agreement in which the insurer agrees to
provide financial protection against specified risks for a price or consideration known as
the premium.
• Insurance is actually a combination of three elements namely a transfer system, a
business and a contract
• A general insurance contract is subject to the following six principles namely:
— Principle of Utmost good faith
— Principle of Insurable interest
— Principle of Indemnity
— Principle of Subrogation
— Principle of Contribution
— Principle of Proximate cause
— The most common and basic types of insurance (property, liability, life and health)
are generally divided into two broad categories: Property/Liability insurance and
Life/Health insurance.
• Marketing and selling of insurance involves the process where in an insurance company
seeks to identify, serve, satisfy, and retain or keep the customer while in a Selling
process is the act of giving a product or service in return for money.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Insurance is best described as
(a) A Contract (b) A Business
(c) A Transfer System (d) Either (a) or (b)
(e) All the above
Ans: (e)
2. According to the Marine Insurance Act 1963, a contract of marine insurance is
(a) Only when it is in writing
(b) Only when it is verbal
(c) Only if it fulfils the essentials of a valid contract
(d) It can be an oral agreement or a written contract
Ans: (d)
3. In which of the following the principle of indemnity is applicable?
(a) All types of insurances (b) Non-life insurance only
(c) Life insurance only (d) Either (b) or (c) above
(e) None of the above
Ans: (b)
4. According to the Marine Insurance Act 1963, a contract of marine insurance is
(a) Only when it is in writing
(b) Only when it is verbal
(c) Only if it fulfils the essentials of a valid contract
Short & Essay Questions
1. Discuss the applicability of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 to an insurance contract.
2. Discuss the consequences that follow non-disclosure of material facts in a contract.
3. Explain how the principle of insurable interest adds legal validity to an insurance
contract. Cite the instances of general insurance contracts where insurable interest has
to be proved.
4. Why is the principle of indemnity not applicable to life insurance contracts? Explain how
the principle of indemnity controls moral hazard and undue benefit to the insured in a
general insurance contract.
5. Discuss the subrogation rights of an insurer.
6. What are the principles behind the doctrine of contribution? Explain the mechanism
behind contribution through ratable proportion of the loss.
7. What is the difference between Selling and Marketing?
Questions with Answers
1. Explain why an insurance contract is considered as a contract of utmost good
faith and not of caveat emptor?
Ans. An insurance contract is based on the principle of utmost good faith. The principle of
utmost good faith is supported by three important legal doctrines: representations,
concealment [intentional failure of the applicant for insurance to reveal a material fact to
the insurer] and breach of warranty [promise made by the insured in the contract]. Each
party [insured and insurer] to the contract is entitled to rely on good faith upon the
representations of the other. The rule of caveat emptor [let the buyer beware] does not
generally apply. The Insurer believes in the representations of the Insured.
Representations of insured are statements of his or her age, weight, height occupation,
state of health, family and personal history. And from the insurer’s side, it is intricate and
highly technical. Here both the parties are under an obligation not to attempt to deceive
or withhold material information from the other. The insurance contract is voidable at the
insurer’s option if the representation is material, [if the insurer knows the true facts, the
policy would not have been issued or would have been issued on different terms] false,
reliance [the insurer relies on the misrepresentation in issuing the policy at a specified
premium] and innocent or unintentional misrepresentation.
2. Explain the principle of indemnity. And what are the exceptions to this principle of
Ans. Indemnity is one of the important legal principles in Insurance. The principle of Indemnity
states that the insurer agrees to pay no more than the actual amount of the loss, which
means the insured should not profit from a loss. And this principle has two fundamental
1. To prevent the insured from profiting from a loss; and
2. To reduce moral hazard. This indemnity is different for different types of insurance.
In property insurance, the basic method for indemnifying the insured is based on the
actual cash value of the damaged property at the time of loss and this cash value can be
determined through three major methods such as (a) replacement cost less
depreciation, (b) fair market value, and (c) broad evidence rule.
In liability insurance, the insurer pays upto the policy limit.
In life insurance, the amount paid when the insured dies is the face value of the policy.
Life insurance is not a contract of indemnity. In business income insurance, the amount
is paid on the loss of profits and continuing expenses when the business is shut down
because of loss from a covered peril.
Exceptions: The major exceptions to the principle of indemnity are 1.valued policy [pays
the face amount e.g. Payment for the loss of antiques]; 2.valued policy laws [differ from
State to Sate]; 3. Replacement cost insurance [no deduction for depreciation]; 4. Life
insurance [ a valued policy ].
3. What problems might arise if life policies were contracts of `indemnity and
property and liability policies were valued contracts?
Ans. The principle of indemnity states that the insurer agrees to pay no more than the actual
amount of the loss. In the case of life policies the amount is paid when the insured dies.
The actual amount of loss of human life value is capitalized through the face value of its
policy. It is only a valued contract and it cannot be a contract of indemnity. If it is a
contract of indemnity, the principle of paying actual amount of the loss cannot be
4. What is insurable interest? Why is an insurable interest required in every insurance
Ans. It is an important legal principle. It states that the insured must be in a position to lose
financially if a loss occurs, or to incur some other kind of harm if the loss takes place. To
prevent gambling, to reduce moral hazard and to measure the amount of the insured ís
loss [in property insurance] all insurance contracts must be supported by an insurable
interest. There is a difference between an insurable interest in property and liability
insurance and life insurance.
In property and liability insurance
(a) Ownership of property can support an insurable interest because he loses
financially if his property is damaged.
(b) Potential legal liability also can support an insurable interest in the property of the
customer because these firms are legally liable for damage to the customer’s
goods caused by their negligence.
(c) Secured creditors also have an insurable interest in the property pledged to them.
(d) A contractual right also can support an insurable interest.
(e) In property insurance, the insurable interest must exist at the time of the loss.
In life insurance there is no question of insurable interest if the life insurance is
purchased on one’s own life. If the life insurance policy is purchased on the life of
another person, this person should have an insurable interest on that person’s life.
Close ties of blood or marriage or a pecuniary interest will satisfy the insurable interest
requirement in life insurance. And this requirement must be met only at the inception of
the policy and not at the time of death. Life insurance is not a contract of indemnity but is
a valued policy that pays a stated sum upon the insured’s death.
5. Explain the principle of subrogation. Why is subrogation used?
Ans. The principle of subrogation strongly supports the principle of indemnity. According to
George E Rejda, subrogation means substitution of the insurer in place of the insured
for the purpose of claiming indemnity from a third person for a loss covered by
insurance. Eg. In an accident insurance the insured victim gives legal rights to the
insurer to collect damages from the negligent third party instead of collecting himself
directly from the third party. The main purposes of subrogation are (a) to prevent the
insured from collecting twice for the same loss, (b) to hold the negligent person
responsible for the loss and (c) to hold down insurance rates.
Insurer must pay before he resorts to subrogation.
The insured cannot impair the insurer’s subrogation rights.
The insurer can waive its subrogation rights in the contract either before or after the
Subrogation does not apply to life insurance and to most individual health insurance
contracts because life insurance is not a contract of indemnity and subrogation relates
to only contracts of indemnity.
Finally, insurer cannot subrogate against its own insured because it defeats the basic
purpose of purchasing insurance.
6. What are the differences between subrogation and contribution?
Ans. The principle of subrogation strongly supports the principle of indemnity. According to
George E Rejda, subrogation means substitution of the insurer in place of the insured
for the purpose of claiming indemnity from a third person for a loss covered by
insurance. Subrogation and Contribution are corollaries to the principle of indemnity.
Both these arise only in property insurance. Contribution arises with the liberty of double
insurance which means the assured can insure the same property with more than one
insurer and that too with over insurance. The conditions to satisfy this right of
contribution are all the insurance must relate to the same subject matter; they should
cover the same interest of the same insured; they should cover same peril, and all of
them should be in force at the time of loss. When all these conditions are satisfied the
insurer who has paid first the full assured amount, he can claim contribution from the
other co-insurers. And this claim amount depends on the aggregate of rateable clause
or continental law. Though the doctrines of subrogation and contribution are important
corollaries of indemnity, they differ with each other in the following respects:
Subrogation Contribution
The loss shifts from one person to another The loss is distributed among insurers
It is against third party It is in between insurers
One insurer -one policy More than one insurer
The right of the insured is claimed The right of the insurer is claimed
7. What is the legal doctrine of proximate cause?
Ans. The legal doctrine of proximate cause is based on the principle of cause and effect. It
does not concern itself with the cause of causes. The law provides the rule
‘causaproxima non remotaspectaturì which means to be proximate, a cause must be
immediate cause, which is effectual in producing that result but not the remote or distant
one. And this cause has to be selected by applying common sense standards, i.e. the
standards of a man in the street.
An insurance policy is designed to provide compensation only for insured perils [named
in the policy as insured Eg.. fire, theft, etc.] but not for uninsured [not mentioned in the
policy] and excepted or excluded perils [stated in the policy as excluded] .The liability of
the insurer arises only if the loss is caused by an insured.
The selection of proximate cause is not an easy and simple task because loss may be
caused by several events acting simultaneously or one after the other. It is necessary to
differentiate between the insured peril, the excepted peril and the uninsured peril.
Application of the doctrine: It is, not the latest, but the direct, dominant, operative and
efficient cause that must be regarded as proximate.
• If there are concurrent causes, i.e. causes happening together and no excluded
peril is involved, there is liability under the policy.
• When an insured peril and an excepted peril operate together to produce the loss,
the claim will be outside the scope of the policy.
• If the results of the operation of the insured peril can be easily separated from the
effects of the excluded peril, then there is liability under the policy.
• Where several events occur in unbroken sequence and no excepted peril is
involved, the insurer is liable for all loss resulting from the insured peril.
• If an excepted peril precedes the happening of an insured peril, there is no claim
• If the insured peril is followed by an excepted peril, there is a valid claim for part,
at least, of the loss.
• If the happening of an excepted peril is followed by the occurrence of an insured
peril, as a new and independent cause, there is a valid claim for loss caused by
the happening of an excepted peril.
Modification of the doctrine: In the event of loss, the onus of proof [or burden of proof]
is on the insured. He has to prove that his loss is proximately caused by an insured peril.
The onus is shifted to the insurer, if the insurer argues that the loss was caused by an
excepted peril. They have to prove that the loss was proximately caused not by the
insured peril, but by the excepted peril.
Value of the doctrine: This doctrine serves not only to define the scope of coverage
under the contract but also to protect the relative rights of the parties to the contract.
• It maintains a balance between the rights of the insureds and insurers.
• In the absence of this rule, every loss could be claimed by the insured and every
loss could be rejected by the insurer.
• It permits application of common sense to the interpretation of an insurance
contract to the mutual advantage of the parties.
Case Studies
Proximate Cause in Marine Insurance
(a) Reischer v Borwick(1894) 2 QB 548 CA
A tug called Rosa was insured with the defendants only against collision with any object
including ice. In her voyage along the River Danub, it collided with a floating snag, causing
damage to its machinery and a hole in the cover of the condenser, which allowed water to
enter the tug. It was then anchored and by temporary measures the hole was plugged, but
afterwards when another tug arrived and started towing it towards the nearest dock, the hole
reopened because of the motions and it was filled with water. Finally Rosa was beached and
abandoned. The insured claimed damages for the total loss of the tug but the underwriters
paid only for the damage from the snag and denied greater liability. At first instance, judgment
wasgiven in favour of the insured for the whole amount claimed; the underwriters appealed.
The court of appeal upheld the decision of the trial judge and ruled in favor of the insured,
holding that the collision was the efficient and predominant cause of the loss of Rosa.
(b) Leyland Shipping Co Ltd v Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd (1918) AC
350, HL
In 1915 a steamship named Ikaria, was insured with the defendant under a policy, which
covered perils of the sea but contained an F C and S clause that stated: ‘Warranted free of
capture, seizure and detention and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat piracy
excepted, and also from all consequences of hostilities or warlike operations’. Ikaria was
torpedoed by a hostile submarine while awaiting a pilot outside Le Havre off the French coast.
Two large holes were made in the hull and eventually it was filled with water. Nevertheless it
managed to reach the port of Le Havre, and it would have been saved if it had been allowed to
remain there. But a gale caused the Ikaria to bump against the quay and the authorities fearing
it would sink and block the quay, ordered it to move to the outer harbour, near the breakwater.
In the outer harbour because of the weather conditions and the fact that it was down by the
head as a result of the torpedo damage, it grounded at each low tide and, eventually, sank and
became a total loss.
The assured contended that only the cause last in time could be regarded as proximate and
thus the loss was caused by perils of the seas. But the underwriters refused liability and
argued that the proximate cause of loss was torpedo and therefore within the F C and S clause
of the policy. The House of Lords, in endorsing the decision of both the lower courts, ruled that
the loss was not due to perils of the seas and the torpedoing was the proximate cause of the
loss. The House of Lords unanimously rejected the last in time approach to proximity of
causation. Lord Shaw of Dunfermline in his judgment with a prefect wording observed : “The
true and overruling principle is to look at a contract as a whole and to ascertain what the
parties really meant. What was it, which brought about the loss, the event, the calamity, the
accident? And this is not in an artificial sense, but in a real sense which parties to a contract
must have had in their minds when they spoke of cause at all.”
(c) Heskell v Continental Express and Another [1950] 1 All ER 1033
It often happens that more than one cause has led to a loss or damage. The causes may
operate successively, or simultaneously, separately or in combination, as seen in this case.
In this case plaintiff sold three bales of poplin to a Persian buyer and instructed Continental
Express to forward the bales to the vessel Mount Orford Park. Continental Express negligently
did not forward the goods. Strick Line Ltd, the charterer of Mount Orford Park, allocated space
for the bales of poplin in the vessel, by mistake, issued a bill of lading for the goods that were
never received. The ship arrived in Persian Gulf without the goods and it was discovered that
the goods had never been dispatched from the warehouse. The plaintiff after he had made
recompense to the buyer, claimed against the both companies, Continental Express and Strick
Line Ltd. The court ruled that the issuing of bill of lading by Strick Line Ltd was a misstatement
but since there was no contractual relationship between the plaintiff and Strike Line Ltd the
plaintiff could not recover from them. However, damages were awarded against Continental
Express for a breach of contract. This case shows a situation, where there are two proximate
causes of loss of equal efficiency, one is the initial breach of contract and the other, an
intervening act by another party. The court was faced with the problem that the intervening act
of the issuing of the bill of lading, and the initial failure of Continental Express to forward the
goods to the ship, were equally operative causes of the loss.
money on the ground that the loss was caused on account of rats, which was not an
insured peril. How will you decide.
Ans: The insurer is liable to compensate the insured for any loss arising on account of sea
peril insured against. Such peril should be the proximate cause of loss. In this case, the rats
were a remote cause of loss and sea water was a proximate cause. Since the loss was on
account of sea water, which is an insured peril the insurer is liable to pay for the loss.
3. Mr. Sharma insured his goods in a warehouse against fire with XYZ Insurance
Company. The goods were burnt and Mr. Sharma recovered the full value of Rs.
10,00,000 from the insurance company. Subsequently Mr. Sharma also sued the
warehouse. And recovered a sum of Rs.10,00,000 . Can Mr. Sharma retain this money?
Ans: According to the doctrine of subrogation in a contract of indemnity, an insured cannot be
allowed to make any profit from an insurance claim. He cannot take benefit of an insurance
policy as well as any other alternative remedies. On the basis of the above principle, Mr.
Sharma ought to return a sum of Rs.10,00,000 to the insurance company.
4. A steamer was insured for Rs. 11 lakhs, although its declared value was Rs. 13
lakhs. In a collision with a ship, the steamer was completely lost. The insurer paid a
sum of Rs. 1,00,000, being the insured amount to the owner of the ship. Later, the
insurer recovered a sum of Rs. 21 lakshs from the owner of the ship responsible for the
collision. Can he retain the sum insured?
Ans: The doctrine of subrogation entitles the insurer to all altenative remedies and rights.
Available to the insurer against the third-party. However, it is to be noted, that subrogation of
the insurer extends to the value insured and not more than that.
5. Mr. Prakash effected insurance on his goods against loss or damage by fire. Mr.
Prakash and his wife quarreled and the excited wife set fire and destroyed the goods.
Can Mr. Prakash recover under the policy? If yes, can the insurer sue the wife under the
doctrine of subrogation?
Ans: Mr. Prakash can recover the loss amount under the policy as the wife had set fire to the
goods without his approval. But the insurer cannot sue the wife under the principle of
subrogation, because there can be no subrogation of those rights which the insured himself
does not have. In this case, the husband himself cannot sue his wife for her act.
6. Mr. Aakash contracted to buid a ship for Mr. Bunny for Rs. 5,00,000. All the
materials were to be supplied by Mr. Bunny. Can Mr. Aakash get all the materials
insured for the period of construction?
Ans: Yes. Mr. Aakash can get the materials insured because he has an insurable interest
therein, as he would suffer financial loss on the destruction of the materials.
1. Introduction
2. Fire Insurance Contract
2.1. Characteristics of Fire Insurance Contract
2.2. Distinction between Life Insurance and Fire Insurance
3. Types of Fire Policies
4. Rights of an Insurer in a Fire Insurance Policy
5. Rating of Fire Insurance Policy
6. Fire Claims
7. Termination of Fire Insurance Policicy
8. Solved Case Studies
9. Summary
10. Questions
After completion of the Chapter the student should be able to
• Explain the importance of a fire insurance policy to cover against the risks of
• Explain the features and characteristics of a fire insurance policy.
• Differentiate between fire insurance and life insurance.
• Describe the intricacies in a fire insurance contract.
• Evaluate the different types of fire insurance polices based on the need.
• Explain the pricing fundamentals for rating fire insurance policies.
• Describe the process and procedure for fire insurance claims
• Explain the grounds for termination of fire insurance policies.
1. Introduction
Property Loss exposure refers to the inherent risks to which the different types of property
are exposed. The various risk exposures are natural calamities, fire, floods, theft, etc. All
general insurance policies seek to protect the insured from the financial consequences of
these risks. This Chapter deals with property loss exposures and the ways in which such
property loss exposures may be covered in practice. The various types of property include
Buildings, Personal assets, Money, securities, Motor vehicles , Property in transit, Ships ,
cargo, Boilers , machinery etc.
Causes of loss, or perils, that can damage or destroy property are sometimes listed in
insurance policies called “Named Perils” policies. Other policies called “Special Forms
coverage” or “Open Perils”, provide coverage for any direct loss to property unless the
loss is covered by a peril that is specifically excluded by the policy. The financial
consequences of a property loss can include:
• A loss of/reduction in the value of the property
• Loss to income because the property cannot be used
• Increased expenses
It is to be noted that, in any loss situation, there are other parties, in addition to the
property owner, who might be affected by a property loss. These parties include secured
lenders, users of property and other holders of property.
Thus, any property either personal or commercial can be insured to mitigate the impact of
financial losses to the owner. These polices include all policies classified under the
general insurance category.
In the present Chapter Fire insurance is discussed in detail. Other Chapters will discuss
other types of policies.
Definition of Fire
The term fire in a fire insurance contract is used in its popular and literal sense. It means
the production of light and heat by combustion. Combustion occurs only at the actual
ignition point. Hence there is no fire without ignition. Loss or damage which occurs as a
result of putting out the fire would be covered by the fire risks. However, fire policies do
not cover the risk of fire caused by earthquakes, riots, civil commotion, foreign enemy,
rebellion. etc.
Causes of Fire
The cause of fire is immaterial. However, the loss is significant. Generally, the fire waste is
usually the result of two types of hazard:
1. Physical Hazard: It refers to the inherent risk of fire in the property which may occur due
to inflammable nature, construction, artificial lighting and heating, lack of extinguishing
applicances in the property, etc.
2. Moral Hazard: This hazard depends upon humans just as physical hazard depends on
the property. The property may be set on fire by the owner or by any other person with his
willingness, or carelesseness, and lack of sense of duty which may also increase the fire
waste. Sometimes when the market price is going down, the owner can willingly set on fire
the property to gain from the payment from the insurance company. Thus, when losses are
caused deliberately, moral hazard exists.
5. Adjustable Policy: This is a policy issued on the stocks of the businessman with
liberty to the insured to vary at his option. The premium is adjustable pro-rata according to
the variation in the stock. This policy is issued for the definite term on existing stock.
Whenever there is variation in the stock, the insured informs the insurer. As soon as the
information is received, the policy is suitably endorsed and the premium is adjusted on a
pro-rata basis. Thus, the policy amount changes from time to time.
6. Rent Policy: This policy protects the building owners against the loss of rent. If a
tenant does not pay rent because of fire, the insurance company will pay for such loss.
Such a policy may constitute a separate policy, or can be included within other forms of
cover and may be effected either by the owner, or tenant or by an owner – occupier.
7. Transit Policy: A Transit policy covers goods in transit from one place to another by
rail, road, air or sea transport. Under this policy the insurance company promises to make
good the loss or damage to merchandise while it is being moved.
8. Builder’s Risk Insurance: These policies are issued to protect against fire loss to
buildings, including machinery and equipment, in the course of construction and to
material incidental to construction. This policy is called as ‘Contractor’s risks’ or ‘contract
works risk policy’.
9. Excess Policy: This policy is suitable for those businessmen who deal in different
stocks of goods in their usual course of business and whose value of stocks also fluctuate
from time to time. Such businessmen take two policies namely Loss Policy and Excess
Policy. ‘Loss policy’ is taken for the minimum value of stocks which is held always. The
‘Excess policy’ is taken for the excess value of stocks which may be held at any time over
the minimum stock within a stipulated period.
10. Sprinkler Leakage Policy: This policy insures destruction or damage due to
accidental discharge or leakage of water, from automatic sprinklers installed in the insured
premises. However, the discharge or leakage of water due to heat caused by fire, repair or
alteration of building, sprinkler installation, earthquake, war or explosion are not covered
by the policy.
11. Blanket Policy: This policy is issued to cover several properties or all assets fixed
as well as at the current location of the insured under one insurance. More than one type
of property in one location or one or more types of properties at several locations can be
covered under this policy.
12. Maximum Value with Discount Policy: This type of policy is taken for a maximum
amount and full premium is paid thereon. At the end of the year, in case of no loss, one
third of the premium paid is returned to the policyholder. Generally this type of policy is not
issued on all types of commodities and is confined only to selected commodities.
13. Consequential Policy: Under this policy, the insurer agrees to indemnify the
insured for the loss of profits which he suffers due to dislocation if his business as a result
of fire. This is also known as ‘Loss of Profits Policy’. This policy covers
• Loss of goods or property damaged
• Loss of net profits
• Outstanding expenses (interest on debentures, salaries, rent on building, etc)
• Prepaid expenses.
The following types of Fire Insurance policies are explained in greater details:
14. Standard Fire & Special Perils Policy
Scope & Coverage of Cover
The Standard Fire & Special Perils Policy can be issued to cover standard fire risks as
well as certain special perils. There are 12 different types of risks covered under the this
1. Fire
2. Lightning
3. Explosion / implosion
4. Aircraft damage
5. Riot, Strike, Malicious and Terrorism damage (RSMTD)
6. Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and Inundation
7. Impact damage by rail/ road/ vehicle or animal
8. Subsidence and landslide (including rockslide)
9. Bursting and/or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes
10. Missile testing operations
13. Additional rent for alternative accommodation – caused due to operation of insured
perils, Start-up expenses.
14. Damage due to molten material spillage.
15. Start up expenses.
16. Terrorism damage.
General Exclusions
The Standard fire and special perils policy does not cover the following:
1. Five per cent of each and every claim –
- Subject to a minimum of Rs. 10,000/- in respect of losses arising from Acts of
God Perils
- Rs. 10,000/- for each and every loss out of other perils
The excess shall apply per event per insured.
2. Loss, destruction or damage caused by
- war
- ionizing/ radiation/ nuclear fuel or material
- pollution
3. Loss, destruction or damage caused to
- bullion, precious stones, works of art for an amount exceeding Rs. 10,000,
books of accounts, paper money, explosives etc. (to be specifically described
and valued)
- stocks in cold storage
- any electrical/electronic machinery/ appliances (fans, wiring due to short
4. Loss of earnings, loss by delay, consequential loss etc.
5. Loss/ damage by spoilage, interruption/ cessation of any process
6. Loss by theft during or after the occurrence of an insured peril
• The insured has to submit the plans, specifications and other details needed for the
reinstatement, to the insurer at his expense. In addition, when the insurer demands
for such plans it does not imply that he has chosen to reinstate the property.
• The insured may agree for reinstatement at a different site provided the insurer’s
liability doesn’t increase.
• The insurer after electing to reinstate should put the property considerably close to
what it was before the fire. He is liable for the damages if he fails to do so
(Braithwaite v.. Employer’s Liability Assce. Corp.).
16. Floating Policy
Floating policy is applicable to the inventory of the policyholder. Some traders have stocks
that are stored in more than one warehouse or lying in process blocks. They may not be
able to keep an account of these stocks on daily basis. Such traders can furnish the total
value of all the stocks to the insurer and obtain a floating policy of fire insurance. A floating
policy covers stocks located in various godowns in a single sum insured. Such policies
involve higher risk and therefore higher premium. The premium charged is the highest rate
chargeable to any one location with a nominal rate of loading. If the stocks are located in
the same compound no loading is charged on the premium. The premium may be loaded
by say 25% for three locations and 50% for more than 3 locations. (during 2007, after
detariffing, insurers were allowed to give a max. of 51.25% discount on the applicable
rates. Now, pricing and wordings and terms can be decided by individual insurers – after
clearance from IRDA)
Illustration 1
A trader has stocks stored in 3 godowns namely X, Y & Z. The premium chargeable
at different locations is given below:
Godown Rate of premium per ‘000
X Rs. 1.25
Y Rs. 1.75
Z Rs. 2.00
Sum assured Rs. 12,00,000
Since the highest premium is Rs. 2.00 per Rs. 1000 the premium chargeable is Rs. 2400.
The loading is taken as 25% here because there are only three locations. So, the loading
is 25% of Rs. 2400 that is equal to Rs. 600. Thus, the premium payable is Rs. 25000.
General features of floating policy
• The policy is issued only for the stocks and does not apply to immovable properties
like machinery, furniture etc.
• The insured has to give the address of each godown. Any change in address should
be intimated to the insurer.
• The insured is required to have an efficient internal audit and accounting system that
can provide the total amount at risk and locations whenever required.
17. Declaration Policy
Declaration policy is a special policy related to stocks of the insured. It is issued in the
interest of those traders who deal in seasonal goods. The stocks may have fluctuating
values. During peak time the stock values are highest and during the slack season their
value is reduced. It is difficult to fix a sum assured for such goods. There may be over
insurance if the value is ascertained during peak season and under insurance if the value
is ascertained in the slack season. To overcome this problem, a declaration policy is
In the declaration policy the sum assured is selected by the insured on the basis of highest
stock value. On this value premium is computed provisionally and is paid as provisional
premium. Subsequently, the insured declares the actual stock value at risk every month.
Monthly declarations are based on (a) The average of the values at risk on each day of the
month or (b) The highest value at risk during the month. Declaration policies can be issued
only when the minimum sum assured is Rs. 1 crore and in respect of stocks, which are the
sole property of the insured. In policies covering stock in different locations – the sum
insured in at least one of these locations should not be less than Rs. 25 lacs.
Illustration 2
Sum assured Rs.5,00,00,000/-
Rate per 1000 Rs.1.20
Premium due Rs.60,000/-
Provisional premium Rs.60,000/-
Illustration 4
Value of stock at the time of fire Rs.1,50,00,000
Loss assessed Rs. 15,00,000
Standard policy A incurred Rs. 50,00,000
Standard policy B Rs. 30,00,000
Declaration policy C Rs. 1,00,00,000
Now, when the loss occurs, policy A and B will be applied first. For the remaining loss if
any, the declaration policy C shall be applied. This is explained below.
Apply average Share of loss = Insured value/value of property*loss
50,00,000 × 15,00,000
A’s share = = 5,00,000
30,00,000 × 15,00,000
B’s share = = 3,00,000
It is clear that the loss remains even after receiving payments from A and B. The excess of
loss over the sum insured is the difference between the declared value and the policy
valued in A and B.
Declared value Rs. 1,50,00,000
Policy valued in A and B Rs. 8,00,000 (5,00,000 + 3,00,000)
Excess of loss Rs. 7,00,000 (15,00,000 - 8,00,000)
Therefore, C’s share = × 15,00,000 = Rs. 10,00,000
However, since the claim amount is only Rs.15,00,000, the liability under the Declaration
Policy will be limited to Rs.7,00,000.
If the stock values at the time of loss are collectively greater than the sum insured then the
insured shall be liable for the rateable proportion of the loss accordingly. This is known as
the prorata condition average.
The sum insured will be maintained at the same level at all times during the currency of
the policy. Even when loss occurs, prorata premium shall be charged on the amount of
loss paid.
for 24 months – 2 times the annual gross profit, for 36 months – 3 times the annual
gross profit.
has been made good by the insurer and therefore, any sum received by him from a third
party should be passed on to the insurer.
5. Right to Salvage : When the insured goods or property is destroyed or damaged by
fire, the insurer has got a right to take possession of the salvage i.e., the stock or property
saved after fire. This right of the insurer is absolute and flows from the contract of
6. Right of reinstatement : In case of damage or destruction of the subject matter, the
insurer has a right either to pay the amount of loss to the insured in cash or replace the
damaged or destroyed property in kind.
But this can be done
1. if the contract of insurance gives him the right to do so; or
2. if he suspects any fraud or arson; or
3. if he is requested to do so by a person other than the insured who owns or is
otherwise interested in the premises damaged by fire.
7. Right of Contribution : This right arises when the same subject matter has been
insured with two or more insurers. Thus, if in case of loss, one of the i insurers has made
full payment to the insured, he can claim rateable contribution from his co-insurers.
6. Fire Claims
In the event of fire, the insured must immediately give the insurer a notice about the loss
caused by fire. A written claim should be delivered within 15 days from the date of loss. In
addition, the insured is required to furnish all plans, invoices, documents, proofs and other
relevant information required by the insurer. If the insured fails to submit these documents
within 6 months from the date of loss the insurer has the right to consider it as no claim.
analysis reports etc. Finally, the surveyor submits his final report to the insurer. He can
only recommend. He is not authorised to admit any liability.
Scrutiny: The insurer scrutinises the final report and all the supporting documents like
final bills of repairs, photographs etc., and attachments like fire brigade reports, police
reports, etc.
Adjustment of loss: The next step is to sanction the claim for payment. The insurer
sends a discharge voucher to the insured. All the persons named in the policy as insured
sign and return it to the insurer.
Burden of proof
As per the provisions of the Evidence Act, 1872, “the burden of proof as to any particular
fact lies on that person who wishes the court to believe in its existence.” Therefore, the
burden of proof lies on the insured to prove that he incurred a loss that was caused by an
insured peril. However, if under any circumstances the insured caused the loss, the
burden is on the insurer to prove that the insured himself caused the loss.
for SI of Rs. 1,11,50,000 (gross profits). A fire occurred on 7.3.2015, causing material
damage of Rs.20.50 lakh payable under standard fire policy. The surveyors have collected
the following details for determination of loss under the fire loss of profit policy:
Business trend: Increase 12%
Period of Insurance : 01.01.20015 to 31.12.2015.
Indemnity limit : 6 months, time excess: 3 days
Occurrence of incident : 07.03 2015 at 17.05 hours
Completion of repairs: 15.04.2015 at 17:00 hours
Interruption period: 24-25 days in March and 14-17 days in April, Total : 39 days
Other information collected in this regard:
(i) Net turnover (2014): Rs.3,13,29,000
(ii) Turnover (March and April, 2014) : Rs.26,74,500 and Rs.27,05,900
(iii) Expenses for loss minimization : Rs.20,500
(iv) Reduction insured costs: Rs.6,060.
(v) Actual turnover during interruption: Rs.39,93,100
(vi) Opening Stock: Rs.25,80,000
(vii) Raw materials : Rs.2,11,62,000
(viii) Other expenses : Rs.2,18,000
(ix) Closing stock: Rs.26,83,000
Calculation of loss of profit (M/S XYZ Ltd.)
Trading account for the year ended on 31.12.2014
Opening Stock: 25,80,000 Turnover : 3,13,29,000
Raw Materials : 2,11,62,000 Closing Stock: 26,83,000
Other expenses: 2,18,000
Gross profit (A) : 1,00,52,00
3,40,12,000 3,40,12,000
Case Study 2
X. Ltd. took a fire policy covering machinery, building and stock for Rs.4,00,000 and Rs.
3,00,000, respectively and a FLOP for Rs. 1,00,000 for an indemnity period of 6 months
for the policy period from 1.1.2005 to 31.12.2005. On 1.4.2005, a fire occurred causing
damage to property and turnover was severely affected for 3 months. The surveyor
assessed the loss of machinery and building at Rs. 2 lakh and Rs. 1 lakh respectively, but
loss of stock and loss of profits are yet to be calculated.
Ascertain claim under the fire policy and FLOP policy with the following data:
(a) Particulars of revenue items:
Turnover during 1.1.05 to 31.3.05 2,50,000
Purchase during 1.1.05 to 31.3.05 3,00,000
Manufactured expenses during 1.1.05 to 31.3.05 70,000
Turnover during 1.4.05 to 30.6.05 87,500
Standing charges insured 50,000
Actual expenses incurred after fire 60,000
(b) The general trend is an increase in turnover around 15% but decrease in GP by 5%
due to the increased cost. Turnover includes production and sales.
(c) Trading and Profit and Loss account for year ended 31.12.2004
Opening Stock 20,000 Sales and turnover 10,00,000
Purchase 6,50,000 Closing Stock 90,000
Manufacturing expenses 1,70,000
Gross profit 2,50,000
Administration expenses
Selling expenses _________
Interest 10,90,000
Net Profit
Ans: Value of stock damaged is Rs.2,60,000. Turnover shortage is Rs. 2,12,500.
Adjusted GP ratio is 5 %. Adjusted annual turnover is Rs. 11.50,000. Claim for loss
of profit is Rs. 15,000.
Case Study 3
In July 2005, due to the floods in Mumbai, a reputed Multinational Shoes manufacturing
company’s various showrooms and depots were affected. They have incurred a total
loss of round 15 Crores.
Insurance Coverage
The insured had taken one Policy which mentions the value of stocks and furniture and
fixture for each locations and the address of all locations was specifically mentioned in
the policy. Subsequently they have made several endorsements to cover or delete
some locations and after cross checking the locations physically, in insurance policy
and the agreements the insurer disallowed the locations, which were not covered under
the policy. But there was one location of Mumbai, Bhiwandi Depot, which was changed
from present godown location to new godown location in the same compound; based
on this fact the insured had intimated the insurers and they had also written that they
were in the process of shifting. The insurers made an endorsement to such effect. As
the loss occurred in both the godowns, it is the duty of the surveyors to present such
facts in the report and give alternative at their discretion. The insurer may or may not
allow the loss due to two reasons:
(a) The insured was in the process of shifting
(b) The loss occurred in both godowns
Physical Inventory
During the course of survey, the insured had segregated the stocks according to their
condition (i.e. safe/damaged) and we conducted the complete inventory of safe and
damaged stocks (model wise) and also noted the MRP from all location. Around 40
days were taken for completing this procedure. This physical inventory ultimately was
compared with stock records and it became the basis of loss assessment.
Valuation of Stocks
We conducted the complete inventory of total stock, (safe and damaged) with the
MRP/WSP rates for each of the affected articles (location wise) ; on further verification
of documents provided by the insured, we noticed the cost involves 70% of MRP
(Maximum Retail Price) and 90% of WSP (Whole Sale Price). Accordingly, while
making calculations, we have also taken into account the WSP & the MRP
1. WSP is the rate taken into account by the Whole Sale Depots.
2. MRP is the rate taken into account by the retail shops and RDC.
We have taken the above said facts for our calculation of loss as well as the value at risk.
Under Insurance
The insured had taken one policy to cover all the show rooms and depots all over India.
Hence we have computed the value at risk as well as the loss assessment location wise.
Disposal of Salvage
The salvage was disposed off through tendering process. The insured had given an
advertisement in three national daily news paper and two local dailies and called for bids
with 10% of EMI. Thereafter the sealed bids were opened in the presence of Surveyor,
insured and the representative of underwriters and all others concerned and the bid was
given to the highest bidder and through this process the maximum salvage value was
realised. Typical problem was faced when cartel was formed by the bidders, which could
only be solved by re-bidding process.
Dead Stock Factor
Surveyor initially proposed 5% dead stock factor, but ultimately deducted the dead stock
factor @2.5% based on the actual data made available by the insured from their system.
Case Study 4 : Limitation Period is Key to Insurance Claims
Limitation period means the time within which a person must file his case before a judicial
authority for exercising his rights. This period is to be calculated from the date of the
cause of action. This term does not have any definition, but it is well settled that “cause of
action” is a mixed question of fact and law. It has consistently been held that for insurance
disputes, the cause of action starts from the date of rejection of the claim.
Yet, a recent judgment of the Supreme Court is being misinterpreted out of context to
claim that the date of rejection of the claim is irrelevant as the limitation period starts from
the date of the incident or occurrence of loss in respect of which the claim is lodged.
Consequently, consumers are at the receiving end as any complaint filed after two years
of the date of the incident is being rejected as time barred without considering the date of
rejection of the claim.
The law:
The manner of computing the limitation period for insurance claims is given under Article
44 (b) of the Limitation Act 1963, which states that time is to be calculated from “the date
of the occurrence causing the loss, or where the claim on the policy is denied either partly
or wholly, the date of such denial”.
In Sirpur Paper Mills Ltd. v. National Insurance Co. Ltd. [ (1997) II CPJ 36 (NC)] the five
member Bench of the National Commission has interpreted the law on the subject. A fire
had occurred in October 1986. The claim was rejected in November 1986. The insured
made representations to the insurance company which appointed a surveyor who
submitted his report in April 1989. The insurance company slept over the claim and
ultimately rejected it in August 1994. Aggrieved by the rejection of the claim, the insured
filed a consumer complaint in 1995. The issue before the National Commission was
whether the claim was time barred or not. The Commission held that since the claim was
under consideration by the insurance company, it would be just and fair to consider that
limitation would begin to run from the date of final rejection of the claim.
In Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Prem Printing Press [ (2009) I CPJ 55 (SC)], a similar
issue came up. After the claim was rejected, the insured sent representations to the
insurance company to review the claim. The insurance company agreed to reconsider it,
and later re–affirmed the rejection. The question was whether the starting point for
computing the limitation period would be the date of first rejection or the final rejection.
The Supreme Court observed that by stating that the matter was under fresh
consideration, the insurance company had “dangled a carrot of hope”, because of which
the insured had not taken legal action. Hence, the limitation period cannot be computed
from the date of the original rejection of claim, but would have to be calculated from the
date when the claim was rejected for the second time after reconsideration.
The judgment being mis–interpreted: In Kandimalla Raghavaiah & Co. v. National
Insurance Co. Ltd. & Anr. [(2009) III CPJ 75 (SC), a fire had occurred in March 1998.
Although the insured intimated the insurance company about the fire, the claim was not
lodged for years together. The insured asked for the claim form in November 1992 after
four and half years. As the insurance company ignored the request and did not issue the
claim form, the insured filed a consumer complaint in the year 1997. The Supreme Court
held that the cause of action should be taken to have arisen on the date when the incident
of fire occurred and the limitation period would begin to run from that date and accordingly
held that the complaint was time barred.
One sentence from the judgment in the case of Kanimall Raghavaiah is being picked up
and misquoted to argue that in insurance matters, the limitation period would run from the
date of the accident and not the date of rejection of the claim.
What is lost sight of is the fact that in Raghavaiah’s case, the claim itself was not lodged
and hence there was no question of repudiation of the claim and it is in this context that
the Supreme Court held that the cause of action would run from the date of the incident
when the fire occurred. The well settled principles of law ought not to be given a go–by in
view of the peculiar facts in Raghavaiah’s case. If a claim is settled, there is no cause of
action; whereas if it is rejected, the insured is aggrieved and thus the rejection of the claim
gives rise to a cause of action for initiating legal proceedings. Hence limitation has to be
construed from the date of rejection of the claim.
The misinterpretation of Raghavaiah’s case is playing havoc with regard to insurance
claims. Unless the law and facts are properly distinguished, consumers will continue to
find themselves at the receiving end with genuine complaints being thrown out as being
time barred.
Case Study 5
Deokar Exports Pvt. Ltd. v. New India Assurance Co. Ltd. (2001) II ACC 364, AIR 2001
Bom 327; 2001 (4) BomCR 526
1. A few facts
Sometime in August, 1986, the Appellant imported Onion Dehydration Machinery.
This was financed by Maharashtra State Finance Corporation (MSFC). MSFC
arranged for Marie-cum-Erection Policy for 18 months period from 12-9-1988. The
said policy expired on 12-3-1988. On 25-8-1988, MSFC requested the respondent
for renewal of the said policy by letter dated 25-8-1988. Cheque for premium of Rs.
3135/- was also sent. By the said letter, the respondent was asked (i) to renew the
policy and (ii) to issue stamped receipt for the premium paid. This was received by
the respondent on 26-8-1988. The respondent on 26-8-1988 issued a stamped
receipt recording receipt of the premium. On 7-4-1989, the respondent wrote a letter
to the appellant pointing out that MSFC, Nasik has deposited an amount of Rs.
3135/-towards the premium for fire policy covering the machinery. A standard form
for the fire insurance came to be sent. This was received by the appellant on 16-6-
1989. The appellant filled the same and sent it back to the respondent. It specifically
mentions in para 11 that the period of insurance is from 12-3-1988 to 12-9-1989.
This was received by the respondent and the fire policy came to be issued on 30-6-
1989 covering the risk of fire from 26-8-1988 to 25-8-1989. The policy was sent to
MSFC as it was acting on behalf of the appellant.
2. Fire took place on 10-2-1990 and the machinery was damaged. The appellant orally
informed this to the respondent and intimated in writing to the respondent on 17-2-
1990. By letter dated 18-4-1990, the respondent declined to make payment on the
ground that the insurance cover was from 26-8-1988 to 25-8-1989. On the date of the
fire, there was no insurance in existence and hence it was not liable.
3. The appellant sent the legal notice to the respondent on 8-1-1991, but there was no
reply. The appellant then approached National Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commission (for short NCDRC) on 20-8-1991 under the Consumer Protection Act,
1986. However, on 23-9-1992, the said Commission held that there was no deficiency
in service on the part of the respondent as according to the respondent on 10-2-1992
the insurance policy was not in force. Therefore, it was dismissed with liberty to the
appellant to resort to any other remedy that may be available.
4. Thereafter the appellant filed an appeal against the said order before the Supreme
Court but the Supreme Court declined to interfere by order dated 29-1-1993.
5. The appellant then filed civil suit on 29-4-1993 claiming damages for the loss suffered
by the appellant. It was averred that the fire policy was for one year. It was actually
issued by the respondent on 30-6-1989. Hence, the contract of insurance came into
existence on that day and was valid for one year thereafter. Hence, it was in force
from 30-6-1989 to 29-6-1990. The fire had taken place causing damage on 10-2-1990,
Therefore, the respondent was liable.
6. On behalf of the respondent, it was contended that the policy has come to an end
already. It was in force from 26-8-1988 to 25-8-1989. It was not in force on 10-2-1990.
Therefore, there was no liability on the part of the respondent. It was also contended
that the suit was barred by limitation and it was bad for mis joinder of necessary
parties. It was also contended that the suit was barred by the principles of res
7. The suit came to be heard by the learned Civil Judge, Senior Division, Nasik. He held
that the said Insurance policy was in force on 10-2-1990 as it was for one year
commencing from 30-6-1989. Consequently, it was held that the respondent was
guilty of breach of contract. The appellant was entitled to recover damages of
Rs. 26,91,130/- along with interest at 21% per annum. The contention raised on
behalf of the respondent that the suit was bad for non-joinder of necessary party (i.e.
MSFC) was negatived. The contention raised on behalf of the respondent that the suit
is hit by the principles of res judicata was also negatived. However, the contention
raised on behalf of the respondent that the suit was barred by limitation came to be
accepted. Hence, the learned Judge by his judgment dated 16-9-1999 dismissed the
said suit.
8. Being aggrieved the appellant has filed this appeal and the respondent aggrieved by
the findings recorded against it has filed cross-objections.
9. In view of the contentions raised by the learned counsel, the following points arise for
our consideration :--
(i) Whether the suit is barred by limitation?
(ii) Whether it is hit by the principles of res judicata ?
(iii) Whether the suit is bad for nonjoinder of the necessary party ?
(iv) Whether the insurance policy was in existence on the date of fire i.e.
10-2-1990 ?
(v) What order?
10. Our findings are :--
(i) The suit is within limitation
(ii) to (iv) No.
11. Appeal dismissed. Cross-objections partly allowed.
12. While dealing with the question of limitation, the learned Judge of the trial Court held
that the appellant was not entitled to get the benefit of Section 14 of the Limitation
Act, 1963 as it cannot be said that the respondent has approached the National
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission bona fide or in good faith. He held that
the appellant has deliberately chosen the said Forum which was not competent one.
The learned counsel for the respondent tried to support this reasoning. On the
contrary, the learned counsel for the appellant has relied upon the judgment of the
Apex Court Saushish Diamonds Ltd. v. National Insurance Co. Ltd. and contended
that the suit was within limitation.
13. We may note that on 10-2-1990, fire broke out and the machinery was damaged. The
respondent was immediately informed orally by the appellant. However, the
respondent was informed in writing on 17-2-1990. Correspondence followed between
the "parties. The respondent declined to pay the claim of the appellant on 18-4-1990.
The appellant approached the said NCDRC on 20-8-1991. The same was decided by
the said forum on 23-9-1992. It came to be rejected on the ground that considering
the contention of the respondent there was no deficiency in service. Therefore, it has
no jurisdiction and appellant can avail of any other remedy available. Article 44(b) of
the Limitation Act, 1963 provides three years limitation from the date of occurrence
causing loss or where the claim on the policy is denied the date of such denial.
Section 14 deals with exclusion of time of proceeding bona fide in Court without
jurisdiction. Section 14(1) is as under :--
14. Exclusion of time of proceeding bona fide in Court without jurisdiction.-- (1) In
computing the period of limitation for any suit the time during which the plaintiff has
been prosecuting with due diligence another civil proceeding, whether in a Court of
first instance or of appeal or revision, against the defendant shall be excluded, where
the proceeding relates to the same matter in issue and is prosecuted in good faith in a
Court which, from defect of jurisdiction, or other cause of a like nature, is unable to
entertain it."
Considering the above position, it cannot be accepted that the resort by the
appellant to the said forum of NCDRC was not in good faith or bona fide or it was
deliberately chosen knowing fully well that it was incompetent to deal with it. The
order passed by the said Forum shows that the appellant has approached the said
Forum bona fide and hence the respondent was permitted to avail of any other
remedy available. At the most, it may be said that the further steps by the appellant
of going before the Apex Court by filing S.L.P, was not in good faith. However, in
view of Section 14(1) of the Limitation Act, the appellant is entitled for exclusion of
the period from 20th August, 1991 to 30-9-1992. The learned counsel for the
respondent has rightly relied upon the judgment in the matter of Saushish Diamonds
Ltd. v. National Insurance Co. Ltd. . In the said case, precisely the same position
concurred. The appellant had approached the National Commission for Consumer
Redressal. The said Commission in its order held that the Insurance Company has
repudiated the claim. Hence, the relief cannot be granted by it. This order came to
be challenged before the Apex Court. It was observed as under :-
"..... Under these circumstances, the Commission rightly relegated the parties to a
civil action. It is true that limitation has run out against the appellant during the
pendency of the proceedings. Therefore, the time taken between the date of the
filing of the claim before the Commission and the date of its disposal, namely, 28-9-
1995 would be considered by the Civil Court for exclusion under Section 14 of the
Limitation Act, 1963."In view of the above position, we hold that the suit filed by the
appellant was within limitation.
15. It is next contended that the appellant has approached NCDRC making the same
claim and the claim came to be dismissed by the said Forum. Therefore, it is
contended that this suit is hit by the principle of res judicata. We find that the learned
trial Judge has rightly negatived this contention. We have already pointed out that the
said Forum dismissed the application filed by the appellant in view of the conclusion
reached by the respondent that the said insurance policy was not in force on 10-2-
1992 and hence it cannot be said that there was any deficiency in service. Therefore,
it was held that the said Forum was having no jurisdiction and it came to be dismissed
on that limited ground giving liberty to this appellant to pursue any other remedy
available. Considering this position, the provisions of Section 11 of C.P.C. are not
attracted as the question regarding the liability of the respondent to pay damages
under the Insurance Policy, was not decided.
16. The learned counsel for the respondent then contended that the suit ought to have
been dismissed in view of the non-joinder of the necessary party. According to the
learned counsel for the respondent. MSFC should have been joined as a necessary
party to the present suit. As it was not made a party, the suit ought to have been
dismissed. It is not possible to accept this. We find that the learned trial Judge is right
in holding that the suit was not bad for nonjoinder as MSFC cannot be said to be a
necessary party. There is no dispute that MSFC was only a financier. It has financed
the transaction of purchase of machinery by this appellant. It was acting as an agent
of the appellant. When the machinery was damaged by fire, the real claimant was the
appellant and the claim was against the respondent. There was no claim against
MSFC. The claim of the appellant arose because the respondent has undertaken to
pay the loss in case of fire to the machinery belonging to the appellant. There was no
liability of MSFC under the said insurance policy. Hence, MSFC was not a necessary
17. The learned counsel for the respondent contended that the trial Court has committed
an error in coming to the conclusion that the policy was in force on 10-2-1990. He
submitted that it was an error to hold that the appellant came to know about the
acceptance of the proposal when the policy was issued on 30-6-1989 and, therefore,
assumption of risk will start to run from 30-6-1989 and as the policy was for one year,
it was in existence on 10-2-1990. He submitted that the trial Court has committed an
error in relying upon the judgment of the Apex Court reported in 1984 Acc. CJ 345 :
(AIR 1984 SC 1014), Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Raja Vasireddy
Komalavalli Kamba and the other delivered by one of us (P. S. Patankar, J.), Oriental
Fire and General Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Panvel Industrial Co-operative Estates Limited.
He submitted that those judgments have no application in the present case date of
assumption of risk has nothing to do with the date of conclusion of the contract or the
issuance of the policy. The learned counsel for the respondent supported the
reasoning given by the trial Court and also relied upon the two Judgments cited
18. First we shall examine the two judgments on which the trial Court has relied upon
(cited above). In the Apex Court judgment of the LIC of India (1984 Acc. CJ 345 : AIR
1984 SC 1014), the question was relating to the life insurance. In the said case, one
Raja Vasireddy died on January 12, 1961. He had filed the proposal on 27th
December, 1960. He was also medically examined on that day. Two cheques for two
premiums were issued by him. The cheques were accepted without demur or
qualification. One was encashed by the Life Insurance Corporation on 29th
December, 1960. The other was initially dishonoured but it came to be honoured on
11-1-1961. On 16-1-1961, the widow of Raja Vasireddy made a claim. However, the
Corporation denied its liabiity. According to the Corporation, those amounts realised
of the cheques were put by the Corporation in the Suspense Account and not adjusted
towards the premium. The policy was not issued though prepared. Therefore, it was
contended that there was no acceptance of the terms of the insurance contract ? and
the proposal cannot be said to have been accepted. In the light of those facts, the
question arose whether there was a concluded contract of insurance or not. The
Supreme Court laid down that the expression ‘underwrite’ signifies ‘accept liability
under’. Acceptance must be signified by some act or acts agreed upon by the parties.
It was held that as there was no acceptance as contemplated by Section 7 of the
Contract Act, there was no concluded contract of insurance. It was held that mere
receipt and retention of premium even for a long time is not acceptance and cannot
give rise to a contract. In view of this, the Apex Court reversed the judgment of the
High Court. It was observed as under (Para 15 of ACJ: Para 14 of AIR) :--
19. Though in certain human relationships silence to a proposal might convey acceptance
but in the case of insurance proposal, silence does not denote consent and no binding
contract arises until the person to whom an offer is made says or does something to
signify his acceptance. Mere delay in giving an answer cannot be construed as an
acceptance, as, prima facie, acceptance must be communicated to the offerer. The
general rule is that the contract of insurance will be concluded only when the party to
whom an offer has been made accepts it unconditionally and communicates his
acceptance to the person making the offer. Whether the final acceptance is that of the
assured or insurers, however, depends simply on the way in which negotiations for an
insurance have progressed. . . ."
20. In the case of Oriental Fire and General Insurance Co. Ltd. (cited supra), Section 64-
VB of the Insurance Act, 1934 and Sections 7 and 8 of the Contract Act, 1872 were
considered. The question related to fire insurance. In that case, agent accepted the
cheque towards the premium covering the sheds and also promised to issue cover
note after inspection of the premises. No proposal form was submitted by the insured.
The premises caught fire and extensively damaged. One of the questions involved
was whether mere payment of premium amount and its acceptance by the insurance
agent can amount to concluded contract of insurance. It was answered in the
negative. Section 64-VB(1) was considered and it was observed-
"In my view, the object of the said section is to secure advance payment of premium
by the Insurance Company before the assumption of risk. Section 64-VB(1) places a
prohibition upon the insurer that unless and until it receives the payment of premium
or the same is guaranteed to be paid in a particular manner and within a particular
time as may be prescribed in advance, there can be no assumption of risk on the
part of the insurer. Sub-section (2) of the said section lays down that risk may be
assumed not earlier than the date on which the premium has been paid in cash or by
cheque to the insurer in case of those risks for which premium can be ascertained in
advance. The Explanation further makes it clear that the premium may be tendered
by postal money order or by cheque sent through the post and the risk may be
assumed on the date on which the said money order is booked or the cheque is
posted. In my view, Sub-section (2) is an enabling provision for the insurer. The
contract between the insurer and the assured may be concluded later on. However,"
the insurer can assume the risk from the date when the money order is booked or
the cheque is posted towards the premium. The phrase 'risk may be assumed not
earlier than' in Sub-section (2) and the phrase 'may be assumed' used in the
Explanation thereof clearly indicates this. Neither Sub-section (2) nor the
Explanation means that the risk attaches immediately on payment of premium and
the insurer undertakes the risk. ..... Therefore, in my view, this section does not lay
down that payment and acceptance of the premium meant that there was concluded
contract. ..... "
It was held that there was no unqualified acceptance and risk cannot attach as the
matter was still under negotiation and no binding contract resulted. In our opinion.
The question involved in the present appeal was not at all for consideration in either
of these cases. The question that was considered was when the contract of
insurance is said to be concluded. Hence they have no application here. In the
present case the question is on what date the risk can be assumed so assumed
here. The legal provision makes it clear that it can be assumed even from a prior
date of conclusion of the contract or issuance of the policy. The only limitation put is
by Section 64-VB(1)and (2) on such assumption which is as under :
"64-VB. No risk to be assumed unless premium is received in advance-- (1) No
insurer shall assume any risk in India in respect of any insurance business on which
premium is not ordinarily payable outside India unless and until the premium payable
1988 to 25-8-1989 and neither the appellant nor his agent MSFC has controverted it.
Hence, the said term be accepted. It was irrelevant whether it was sent to the
appellant or not. However, it was sent to MSFC which was acting as agent for the
appellant. Further generally, fire policy was for one year. Rule 59 of Insurance
Rules, 1939 deals with relaxation and Rule 59(i) suggests that generally fire policy is
for one year. In the present case, the fire policy was issued by the insurer for a
period of one year and the premium of Rs. 3135/- was paid by the MSFC on 26-8-
1988. It has assumed the risk from that date onwards for one year i.e. 25-8-1989.
Hence, it cannot be said that policy was not in force on 10-2-1990. Therefore, the
view taken by the learned trial Judge in this respect was not correct. We answer the
point in the negative.
In view of the above discussion, we pass the following order :--
The appeal is dismissed. Cross-objections are partly allowed.”
• Fire is one of the gravest cause of loss. Property Loss exposure refers to the
inherent risks to which the different types of property are exposed. The various risk
exposures are natural calamities, fire, floods, theft, etc.
• All general insurance policies seek to protect the insured from the financial
consequences of these risks.
• A contract of fire insurance can be defined as a property insurance agreement
whereby the insurer undertakes to compensate the financial loss suffered by the
insured due to damage or destruction of the insured property by fire or other
specified perils, duringa stated period.
• There are a number of variety of fire policies available in the market to suit to the
requirement of every business.
• An insurer has many rights in a fire insurance policy such as
— Right to avoid the contract.
— Right of control over the property.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A fire Policy is a
(a) valued policy (b) unvalued policy
(c) indemnity policy (d) agreed value policy
(e) none of the above
1. (c) 2. (e) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (a)
Short & Essay Questions
1. What is the meaning of ‘Fire’?
Ans: To constitute fire, there must be combustion and ignition. The meaning however
does not extend to chemical actions which do not result in actual ignition though
they correspond in their effects to fire. Thus, lightning may be a form of fire, but loss
occasioned by lightning unaccompanied by ignition, is not, in the ordinary meaning
considered as a loss caused by fire. However, where lightning results in ignition, a
loss occasioned by such ignition is a loss by fire. To start a fire, there are three
essential factors:
(a) There must be a flammable gas and vapour.
(b) There must be oxygen present.
(c) There must be source of heat, e.g. flame or a spark.
2. Define Fire Insurance
Ans: Fire Insurance is a contract of insurance by which the insurer agrees, for a
consideration, to indemnify the assured upto a certain extent and subject to certain
terms and conditions against loss or damage by fire which may happen to the
property of the assured during a specified time. There is said to be fire within the
meaning of fire insurance when:
(a) There is actual ignition.
(b) The fire is purely accidental or fortuitous in origin so far as the insured is
(c) The fire has burnt/ damaged the property of the insured.
to pay the amount of such damage or reinstate or replace such property, if the
insured property be damaged or destroyed by any of the perils specified hereunder:
• Fire
• Lightning
• Explosion / Implosion
• Aircraft Damage
• Riot, Strike, and Malicious Damage
• Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and
• Impact Damage
• Subsidence and Landslide including Rockslide
• Bursting and / or overflowing of Water Tanks, Apparatus and Pipes.
• Missile testing operations
• Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler installation
• Bush Fire
7. Can you have a separate consequential loss policy without an ordinary FIP?
Give some examples of consequential losses.
Ans: No, there cannot be a separate consequential loss policy without an ordinary fire
policy. Under an FIP, not only can one insure the property but any consequential
loss can also be covered. The claim under this head can succeed only if the insurers
adjust their liability for loss of property by fire under an ordinary policy. The following
are some of the examples of consequential loss for which indemnity is provided:
(a) Loss of profits
(b) Standing charges
(c) Increased cost of working
(d) Increased cost of reinstatement
Ans: A cover note is not a policy of insurance. It is only an interim protection note. It is a
temporary and limited agreement. The effect of the cover note is that if the fire takes
place between the date of the receipt of the cover note and the date of intimation by
the insurance company regarding the acceptance or refusal of the policy, the
insurance company will be responsible.
12. What are salvage expenses? Who incurs these expenses? What is the
implication of ‘sue and labor’ clause in an FIP policy?
Ans: Salvage expenses are those expenses incurred by the assured in salvaging or
saving the property. It is the duty of the assured to minimize the loss by saving the
property and preventing the spread of fire, because a fire insurance contract is a
contract of indemnity. In modern fire policies, with a view to encourage the assured
to take steps to save the property a clause known as the “sue and laborí clause” is
inserted under which the insurance company will be liable to pay the expenses
incurred by the assured in salvaging the property even though nothing has been
13. State the significance of the doctrine of Proximate Cause with respect to fire
insurance claims.
Ans: The doctrine of Proximate Cause holds a very significant place in the determination
of fire related claims. Proximate cause means the active efficient cause that sets in
motion a chain of events which brings about a result without intervention of any force
and working actively from a new and independent source e.g. where insured object
is burnt, cause is plainly fire and insured is entitled to recover unless the insurer can
show that the fire was caused by exempted peril or willfully by insured or with his
consent such as:
1. Where there is an explosion during a fire, the concussion damage falls within
the exception and the insured cannot recover.
2. Where subject matter is burnt but fire, which burned it, was due to natural
consequences of excepted peril, the insured cannot recover.
3. Where fire was set in operation by earthquake, if not covered by insured under
fire policy and then spread by natural causes, i.e. spread by wind or one thing
catching fire from another and so on, the insured cannot recover.
recovered by the assured. The amount recoverable depends upon whether the
policy is a valued or unvalued one. Fire policies are supposed to be unvalued or
open policies, wherein the amount of insurance specified in the policy does not
necessarily represent the measure of indemnity. In such cases the amount is
calculated according to the intrinsic value or the market value on the date of the fire.
In the leading case Butter v Standard Fire Insurance Co the insured was held
entitled to recover the value of the stock as at the date of fire, though, in fact it was
greater than its value at the time of insuring.
The contract of fire insurance is a contract of indemnity, and the insured is not
adequately indemnified against the loss of property, unless, so far as money can do
so, he is restored to the position which he occupied at the time of loss.
Prima-facie, therefore, the basis of calculation is either the market value of the
property destroyed or the cost of reinstatement. It is to be noted that, what the
insured is entitled to recover is the value of the property. Whichever basis is
adopted, it is only as a basis for calculating the real value of the property, and the
insured does not recover more than the market value or the cost of reinstatement as
such. In many cases the market value of the property destroyed represents its real
value. In such cases, payment of the market value is an adequate indemnity, since
the insured, by purchasing similar property in the market with that money can be
said to have been completely restored to his original position.
Theoretically, the market value and the cost of reinstatement ought to be the same.
In practice, however, there is a difference between them. In a leading case,
Equitable Fire Insurance Co v Quinn”, it was held that the insurers were liable to pay
the market value at the time of fire, which exceeded the cost price although the
insured had not insured the profit.
In another case, McCuaig v Quacker City Insurance Co’, where a steam boat was
insured against fire, the insurers were held liable to pay the real value of the
steamboat notwithstanding the fact that there was a depreciation in the value of
steam boat caused by circumstances which might only be temporary.
Hence, the view that in all cases the basis of calculation is the market value of the
property, is not applicable. There are cases in which, the loss cannot be made good
except by reinstatement. The insured is not restored to his original position, if he is
unable to reinstate the property out of the proceeds of the insurance. Payment of
market value therefore does not give the insured an adequate indemnity, since he
cannot reinstate the property with this sum representing its market value, but is
necessarily compelled to incur further expenditure before he can restore the
property to its original position. Consequently, a basis of calculation must be
adopted which gives him adequate indemnity, and the basis is the cost of
However, where the cost of reinstatement is taken as a basis of calculation, the
reinstatement contemplated is a reinstatement sufficient to restore the property
insured to the condition in which it was at the time of loss. But very often, by
reinstatement the assured will be more than fully indemnified because an old
property is now substituted by a new property.
In certain cases, neither reinstatement nor market value can be the basis of
valuation as reinstatement is impossible and the market value does not exist. The
property may not have market value, except perhaps as scrap and it may be capable
of physical reinstatement but it may not be commercially practicable to do this. In
such cases, the test is the real value to insured at the time of loss.
16. Can an insurance company be compelled to replace / reinstate the damaged
property? Is it optional?
Ans: Reinstatement literally means replacement of what is lost or repairing the damaged
property and bringing to its original value and utility. The word ‘reinstate’ in a policy
of fire insurance refers to buildings or chattels, which have been damaged, and the
word replace refers to those which have been totally destroyed.
Under an insurance policy, the normal liability of the insurer is generally to indemnify
the assured, by paying the value of the thing lost or the expenses incurred by the
assured in repairing the damage occurred by an event insured against. Though the
insurer, in certain cases, makes payment of money with the consent of the assured,
it may discharge their liability by reinstatement.
The right of ‘reinstatement’ is usually stipulated as an option to the insurer in the
sense that on the happening of the loss, the insurer will have right to elect either to
pay the assured in money or to reinstate the property.
The assured will not have the right to compel the insurer to reinstate, nor the insurer
has a right to compel the assured on payment of money to apply the proceeds of the
policy in reinstatement. The assured has always an unbridled right to utilize the
policy proceeds as he pleases without any interference from the insurers.
The right of the insurer to reinstate the property instead of paying the money may
spring up:
• Either from a contract in the form of a clause under the policy, or
• Under a statute.
This type of clause is not inserted in all branches of insurances, e.g. it is not and
cannot be included in life policies.
Only in indemnity insurances, in appropriate branches of insurance, like fire,
burglary, steam boilers, or motor vehicles insurances, this clause called the
reinstatement clause, entitling the insurers to exercise an option, on the happening
of the insured event, either to reinstate or to pay the insured money can be
incorporated. This only empowers the insured to exercise the option and under no
circumstances the assured can compel the insurer to reinstate. The insurers on the
other hand, can exercise this option by expressly giving a motive to the assured or it
may be inferred from their conduct.
17. What are the rights of co-insurers to combine in reinstatement?
Ans: When two or more insurers grant insurance on the same subject-matter and if they
combine together to reinstate, the assured cannot prevent them from joining to do
the work and when once they complete reinstatement they are discharged from their
liability. This right of combination sometimes may be a valuable right where the
policies relate to separate interest on the same subject-matter because the cost of
reinstatement may then be very much less and more economical than the measure
of loss.
18. Discuss the implication of the doctrine of subrogation in a fire insurance
Ans: The doctrine of subrogation is a necessary incident to the contract of indemnity and
therefore applicable to a contract of fire insurance and marine insurance. Under this
doctrine, as applicable to fire insurance, the insurer has a right of standing in the
shoes of the insured and avail himself of all the rights and remedies of the insured,
whether already enforced or not. The principle of subrogation prevents an insured
who holds a policy of indemnity from recovering from the insurer a sum greater than
the economic loss he has sustained.
Therefore, if a loss occurs under such circumstances that he has an alternative right
to recover damages, under common law, tort or statute and if the loss is also
covered by the policy he can recover the entire loss from the insurer and if he so
receives, the insurer is entitled to, or is subrogated to, the former alternative rights
and remedies of the insured and this is technically called ‘subrogation’. The insurer
is entitled to subrogation only to the extent he has paid the insured.
The important rights in respect of which subrogation arises are those arising out of a
tort, contract or statute. The right of subrogation is exercisable at common law after
the amount has been fully paid, but Condition 9 in the standard policy enables the
insurer to claim against the third party even before the payment is made.
The insurer cannot recover from a third party before he has indemnified his own
insured, but can only take steps to hold the third party liable pending the settlement
of the claim under the policy. It is from actual payment under the contract of
indemnity that the right of subrogation springs. As subrogation means substitution,
where the assured himself cannot bring an action, the insurer also cannot claim
anything by subrogation. For example, where the wife of the assured set fire to his
house and the insurers paid, it was held in Midland Insurance v Smith that the
insurers cannot recover the insurance money as the assured had no right of action
against his wife.
Similarly, where two ships belonging to the same owner collide by the fault of one,
the insurers of the ship not in fault will not be entitled to any claim on the owner for
acts of the other ship, though the insurers of the cargo owned by the third party
would have had a claim against him.
Following are the limitations of the doctrine:
(i) It does not apply to life and personal accident policies;
(ii) Insurer must pay before he can claim subrogation;
(iii) Assured must have been able to bring action.
19. What are the underwriting factors to be considered for a fire insurance cover?
Ans: Underwriting the peril of fire focuses on the physical hazards presented by a
particular loss exposure. To assure a thorough review of these hazards property
underwriters use an approach that scrutinizes four specific areas. These are
traditionally referred as COPE - construction, occupancy, protection, and external
Construction of the covered property is of primary concern to the underwriter. The
building construction is directly related to its combustibility when exposed and its
construction as fuel once ignited. The Insurance Services Office (ISO) divides
building construction into six classifications:
(i) Fire resistive
(ii) Modified fire resistive
(iii) Masonry noncombustible
(iv) Noncombustible
(v) Joisted masonry
(iv) Frame
Occupancy factors affect the frequency and severity of losses. These factors which
vary from one occupancy to another can be grouped into three headings:
(i) Ignition sources or fire causes
(ii) Combustibility
(iii) Damageability
Fire protection can be of two types: public or municipal protection provided by towns
and cities, and private protection provided by the property owner or occupant.
External exposures are those outside the area owned or controlled by the insured.
These exposures fall into the following categories:
(i) Single-Occupancy Exposures
(ii) Multiple-occupancy Exposures
When the property being underwritten consists of a single building, fire division, or
group of buildings owned and controlled by the same policyholder, a single-
occupancy exposure exists. A multiple-occupancy exposure occurs whenever other
portions of the same fire division are owned and controlled by persons other than
the policyholder.
Case Studies
1. Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd. delivers a fire policy to Mr. Ajay on
April 15. However, the insured paid the premium on a latter date. Unfortunately
there was a fire in the premises resulting in loss of property insured. The
company denied its liability on the basis of the fact that the premium was
overdue at the time of loss. Is it correct? Discuss.
Ans: No, the company cannot deny its claim. When an insurance company delivers a
policy without requiring immediate payment of the premium, they incur responsibility
for the risk, because having delivered the policy, they are held to have given credit
for the premium. Moreover, when once the contract is concluded with the premium
and other particulars fixed, the policy drawn and delivered, the insurer becomes
liable for loss by fire, and it is immaterial whether the premium is paid before or after
the fire.
2. Mr. Amar lost his factory furniture valued at Rs. 200,000 as on the date of fire.
He wanted to recover a claim of Rs 2,50,000 for he had a policy of Rs 500,000.
On enquiry he found that for new furniture the cost would be Rs 1,75,000. If the
principle of indemnity is to be applied how much of his claim is to be
Ans: Since the market value of the furniture lost was Rs 2,00,000 and the cost of
reinstatement would cost the insurers only Rs 1,75,000, the insurers would opt for
reinstatement and accept the claim of Rs 1,75,000.
3. Mr. Shetty, owner of an inn, took out an FIP with Bajaj Alianz Ltd. A fire took
place and his inn was destroyed. The assured included in his claim the
sumwhich he had to pay by way of rent, the cost of hiring alternative
accommodation, and loss caused by customers not frequenting the inn during
the period of repair. Justify his claim.
Ans: No, his claim is not justified. Where a fire destroys property, from the use of which
the insured expects to earn a profit in the ordinary course of business, he does not
merely lose his property but also loses the chance of earning the profit, which he
might have earned if the property had not been destroyed.
But this anticipated loss of profit is regarded as very remote and is not recoverable
under an ordinary fire policy on the property lost by fire. Accordingly, insurance upon
a hotel, shop or factory covers only the value of the hotel, shop or factory but does
not cover the loss of business. In the above case, none of the above items is
covered by the policy. Anticipated profit is to be distinguished from the profit
ascertained at the date of loss to ascertain the value of the subject-matter and in
fixing the amount recoverable under the policy. [Wright v Pole]
4. Mr. Kishore insured his machinery and stock of goods stored in the factory
premises against damage by fire and a protection note was given, subject to
the usual conditions of the company’s policy, one warranty clause being
“smoking and cooking be strictly prohibited in or about the premises”. The
stocks were damaged by fire said to be accidental in nature. But the insurance
company claimed that smoking a cigarette or bidi carelessly by some
employee occasioned the fire. Is the denial justified?
Ans: In the above case, the company denied the claim on the ground that there was a
breach of warranty as the fire was occasioned by smoking which is strictly
prohibited. But as there was no eye-witness to the origin of the fire, the court held
that the cause of fire was a matter of conjecture. [Bhattacharjee v Sentinal Insurance
In the famous case Dekhari Tea Co v Assam Bengal Roadways Co it was also held
that fire cannot always be explained, and it must be a matter of conjecture. As
regards the warranty, as the plaintiff had put notices strictly prohibiting smoking in
and around the places, in fact there is no breach of warranty. Hence, the denial on
the part of the insurance company is not justified. On the other hand, the company
should make good the loss.
1. Introduction
2. Marine Insurance Business Governing Legislations
2.1 Carriage of Goods Act (COGSA), 1992
2.2 Marine Insurance Act, 1963
3. Maritime Perils
3.1 Insured Marine Perils
3.2 Uninsured Perils
4. Types of Marine Losses
4.1 Total Loss
(i) Actual Total Loss
(ii) Missing Ship
(iii) Constructive Total Loss
4.2 Partial Loss
4.2.1 General Average
After completion of the Chapter the student should be able to
• Explain the intricacies in the contract of Marine insurance
• Describe the important provisions governing marine insurance business
• Explain the coverage and exclusions in the various types of marine insurance
• Evaluate the claims processes and loss amounts for different types of losses
1. Introduction
Marine insurance as we know it today, originated in England owing to the frequent sailing
of ships over high seas for trade. Marine insurance is an important element of general
insurance. It essentially provides cover from loss suffered due to marine perils. Marine
insurance extends beyond marine perils to provide cover for loss incurred during shipment
of cargo over water bodies like rivers, lakes and inland waterways. It also covers ships
under construction, docked for repairs, stranded at ports and ships transporting
The contract of Marine insurance is a special (insurance) contract of indemnity which
protects against physical and other losses to moveable property and associated interests,
as well as against liabilities occurring or arising during the course of sea voyage (R.
According to Section 1 of the Marine Insurance Act, 1906: “A contract of marine insurance
is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in the manner and
to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incidental to
marine adventure.”
It is a contract of indemnity. While in fire insurance, the indemnity is limited to actual loss,
in Marine insurance it is ordinarily based on values agreed upon in advance.
Maritime insurance business today is governed by the provisions of the English Maritime
Insurance Act 1906, and in India the business is regulated by the Indian Marine Insurance
Act 1963, which is based on the original English Act.
Marine insurance covers three main interests in a marine venture. They are:
• Hull – it represents the ship;
• Cargo – the goods being transported by the vessel; and
• Freight – is the profit or earnings of the ship at the end of a marine venture.
(“Marine” insurance policy covers not only sea voyage but also purely inland transits
through any mode like rail / road / multimodal / even by post.)
Marine contract is also like any other contract. It has certain general characteristics, which
will help in a better understanding of different aspects of a marine insurance contract.
d) Such a bill of lading (B/L) shall be prima facie evidence of receipt by the carrier of
the goods therein described.
e) The shipper shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy of
marks, numbers, quantity and weight of the goods as furnished by him; otherwise
the shipper shall indemnify the carrier against all loss, damage and expenses arising
from inaccuracies in such particulars.
b. Shipowner's rights and immunities
(a) The carrier shall be relieved from liability for loss/damage arising or resulting from
unseaworthiness unless caused by want of due diligence on the part of the carrier
to make the ship seaworthy, to secure that the ship is properly manned, equipped
and supplied and to make the ship fit to carry cargo. Thus, when loss or damage
has resulted from unseaworthiness, the burden of proving the exercise of due
diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption from liability.
(b) Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or
resulting from :–
i) negligent navigation or management of the ship
ii) fire, unless caused by the actual fault or privity of carrier
iii) perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters
iv) Act of God, act of war, act of public enemies
v) Arrest or restraint of princes, rulers or people or seizure under legal process
vi) Quarantine restrictions
vii) Act or omission of the shipper or his agent or representative
viii) Strikes, lock-outs, stoppage or restraint of labour; Riots and civil commotions
ix) Saving or attempting to save life or property at sea
x) Inherent defect or vice of the goods; Insufficiency of packing
xi) Insufficiency or inadequacy of marks
xii) Latent defects not discoverable by due diligence
xiii) Any other cause arising without the actual fault or privity of the carrier, or
without the fault or neglect of the agents or servants of the carrier, but the
burden of proof shall be on the person claiming the benefit of this exception.
(c) The carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any deviation in
saving-or attempting to save life or property at sea or any reasonable deviation.
(d) The carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage to the goods if the nature or value
thereof has been knowingly misstated by the shipper in the bill of lading.
c. Dangerous Cargo
Goods of inflammable, explosive or dangerous nature, to the shipment whereof the carrier
or master has not consented with knowledge of their nature and character, may at any
time be landed at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without
compensation and the shipper shall be liable for all damages and expenses arising out of
or resulting from such shipment.
If any such goods are shipped with the knowledge and consent of the carrier and they
become a danger to the ship or cargo, they may, in like manner, be landed at any place or
destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without liability on the part of the carrier,
except to general average, if any.
d. Limitation of monetary liability of the carrier
Liability of the carrier for loss or damage to cargo is limited to 666.67 SDR (Special
Drawing Rights) per package or unit of freight or 2 SDR per Kg. of gross weight of the
goods lost or damaged, whichever the amount is higher, unless the nature and value of
such goods are declared by the shipper and inserted in B/L.
(Note: Before amendment of this Act in October, 1992, the monetary limit of liability of the
carrier was £100 per package or unit of freight).
Where a container, pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate the goods,
the number of packages or units enumerated in the B/L as packed in such article of
transport shall be deemed to be the number of packages or units for the purpose of this
paragraph as far as these packages or units are concerned. In that case, the limit of
liability will apply to each package or unit contained in the pallet or container.
If the B/L does not show how many separate packages are there, then each article of
transport (pallet or container) will be deemed to be an entire package or unit of freight for
the purpose of applying the limit of liability.
Notice of loss or damage: Unless notice of loss or damage be given in writing to the carrier
at the port of discharge or at the time of removal of the goods into the custody of the
person entitled to delivery thereof under the contract of carriage, or if loss/damage be not
apparent, within THREE days, such removal shall be prima facie evidence of delivery by
the carrier of the goods as described in the B/L. Such notice in writing need not be given if
the state of the goods at the time of their receipt was the subject of joint survey or
Time limit for legal action: The ocean carrier is discharged from all liability in respect of
loss or damage, unless suit is brought within ONE YEAR after delivery of the goods or the
date when the goods should have been delivered. This period may, however, be extended
if the parties so agree after the cause of action has arisen; provided that a suit may be
brought after the expiry of the period of one year referred to above, within a further period
of not more than three months as allowed by the Courts.
COGSA, 1925 applies to "goods” and "goods" are defined as "including goods, wares,
merchandise, containers, pallets or similar articles of transport used to consolidate goods
if supplied by the shipper and articles of every kind whatsoever, except live animals and
cargo which by the contract of carriage is stated as being carried on deck and is so
The SDR (Special Drawing Rights) is a "currency basket" made up of five currencies as
Currency Weightage
U.S. Dollar ..... 42%
German DM ..... 19%
Pound Sterling ..... 13%
French Franc ..... 13%
Japanese Yen 13%
It is a relatively stable unit, since a fall in the value of one currency usually means a rise in
value of the others. Its actual value is re-calculated daily by the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) which promulgates the SDR as a churrency unit. The Covention holds that the
conversion to national currencies for compensation payable as a result of judicial
proceedings shall be at the rate announced for the day of judgement. Value of an SDR is
published daily in important financial dailies and in the Lloyd's List in terms of £ Stg. and
U.S. Dollars. Currently, 1 SDR = £0.940050 or U.S. $1.46629
3. Maritime Perils
Maritime perils can be defined as the fortuitous (it represents an element of chance or ill
luck) accidents or casualties of the sea caused without the willful intervention of human
agency. There are different forms of perils at sea, of which only a few are covered by
insurance while others are not. In this part we will be enumerating both the insured and
uninsured perils of the sea.
peril of the sea even if it could have been avoided by competent crew and the master. The
sub section also excludes delay, wear and tear, leakage, etc from the insurance cover,
unless the policy otherwise provides for it.
Losses are primarily divided into three categories. They are
• Total loss
• Partial Loss
• Expenses
• General Average Contribution
The General Average losses are further divided into two classes:
(i) General Average Sacrifices : The general average sacrifices are made for
common safety. For example ‘jettison’ which means throwing away of the cargo in order to
lighten the ship. Similarly, the use of cargo as fuel or cutting away of a spare and sails.
(ii) General Average Expenditure : The general average act involves expenditure. In
this case extra expenditure are involved for common safety. Here additional charges are
incurred at the port, when the ship is repaired, expenses are involved for lightening and re-
loading of the cargo. General Average Contribution : The general average loss is ratably contributed
by the parties interested. In contribution of general average loss the contributory interest,
amount to be made good and contributory values are considered.
(a) Contributing Interests : The interests saved by the general average act are liable
to contribute rateably to make good the sacrifices or expenses. There are certain
articles which are not required to contribute towards general average loss. For
example: postal articles, parcel, crews’ effects and personal effects of passengers
not shipped under bill of lading.
There are three main contributing interests: ship, freight and cargo. When a general
average loss occurs among different interests, it is of vital importance that the
interest which has been sacrificed must also rateably contribute to the loss,
otherwise it would be in a better position than the interests saved by the general
average act.
(b) Amounts to be made Good : The amount to be made good in a general average
act differs from adventure to adventure.
(i) Ship : The amount to be made good in a general average in respect of ship is
measured by reasonable cost of repairs less the actual deductions (if any) .
The cost of repairs are taken into account as they have been actually effected
either at a port of refuge or at destination.
(ii) Cargo : The amount of general average in case of goods is their net value.
The net value in turn is calculated taking into account the value of goods
sacrificed at their safe arrival and from this the expenses (i.e. freight unpaid,
duty and landing charges) which would have been incurred had the goods
arrived safely, are deducted. Thus, the net value of goods is arrived at.. The
remaining cargo arrives damaged from causes which would have actually
affected the sacrificed goods. The amount to be made good for general
average purposes is their net value based on what the goods sacrificed would
have realized, had they reached the destination damaged to some extent as
the other cargo. For goods arriving damaged owing to general average
sacrifice, the allowance is the difference between their net value in sound
condition and net value in damaged state.
(iii) Freight : Where the freight has to be paid at destination in respect of a cargo
which is used for general average act, the ship owner will lose it and it would
be made good in general average. The ship owner is entitled for the gross
freight which he would have earned, had the goods not been sacrificed less
the charges which he would have incurred to earn such freight during the
remainder of the voyage, but which he has not incurred as a result of the
(iv) Expenses : All the extra ordinary expenses properly incurred by the ship
owner in time of peril for the common safety of all the interests are also made
under the general average contribution.
(c) Contributory Values : The third process is to determine what are the basis to
contribute to the general average. The interest contributes on their net value at the
place where the voyage ends, i.e. at destination or at an intermediate port if the
voyage is abandoned there. The values are known as contributory values. It may be
of three types:
(i) Ship : The ship owner will contribute on the ship’s value as saved by sacrifice.
The value is the amount for which the ship owner as a reasonable man would
be willing to sell her on arrival at her destination. Any amount that may have
been contributed in respect of general average damages is added to this value
to arrive at contributory value.
(ii) Cargo : The cargo owner will contribute on the market value of goods saved at
the place where the voyage ends; to arrive at the value the expenses
incidental to the safe arrival of the cargo is deducted from the selling price of
the cargo.
(iii) Freight : If freight has been paid in advance, it would have been included in
the value of separate interest. The good arrived safely at the destination will
have to contribute on the basis of the net value of freight saved if the freight
was not paid in advance. The contribution of freight will be arrived at by
ascertaining the actual sum of freight received at port of destination less the
expenses of earning it from the date of general average act. Application of General Average to Insurance
In the absence of anything contrary to the contract, the general average losses and
contributions are recoverable from the respective marine insurers insuring ship, freight,
and cargo if the general average has been incurred for the purpose of avoiding a peril
insured against. The extent of insurers’ liability for general average contribution is the full
amount of the contribution provided the contributory value does not exceed the insured
The method of adjusting the general loss is as follows.
The ship-owner or his representative arranges for the adjustment of the loss and usually
employs an experienced average adjuster for the purpose. The master of the vessel is
required to keep the interests together until adequate security for any liability can be
obtained. A general average bond and a marine insurance policy are usually sufficient, but
in the absence of the latter a cash deposit may be required; after a survey of the damaged
goods and determination of the amount of loss, the various interests are appraised to find
out a basis for the respective contributions.
A vessel is valued at Rs. 300,000, the cargo at Rs.400,000 and freight at Rs.40,000, and
in the course of the voyage Rs.7,400 of cargo is sacrificed for the general benefit under
conditions that make it a general average loss. ; the cargo is owned by one shipper.
The total value of the venture is found to be as follows:
Vessel Rs. 300,000
Cargo Rs. 400,000
Freight Rs. 40,000
Total Rs. 7,40,000
Each interest contributes to the general average loss in proportion the value of its interest
bears to the value of all interests, as follows:
Vessel 30/ 74th of Rs.7400 or Rs.3000
Cargo 40/74th of Rs.7,400 or Rs.4,000
Freight 4/74th of Rs.7400 or Rs.400
All Interests Rs. 7,400
It is to be noted that the cargo owner must also contribute Rs.4000 as his share of the
general average loss. Therefore he receives only Rs.3,400 as reimbursement.
If the parties carry full insurance, each can be reimbursed in full. On the other hand, if they
are partially insured, the law permits them to recover only in proportion the insurance
taken bears to the value of the interest.
In the above example, if the vessel owner had insured his vessel for one half of the value,
he could recover only one half of his contribution of Rs.3000 or Rs.1,500
4.2.2 Particular Average
This is a partial loss of the insured property, by a peril it is insured against. For example if
a ship is damaged due to turbulent weather the loss incurred is a particular average loss.
This loss may be on the ship, cargo or the freight.
(i) Particular Average on Cargo : The particular average loss may be either the damage
and depreciation of a particular interest or a total loss of its part. If the property is insured
under one value for the whole and is all the same kind, quality or description, a total loss
of part will be recovered as a particular average loss. Where goods are delivered in
damaged condition or where the value is depreciated, the resulting particular average loss
will be adjusted upon the basis of comparison between the gross sound value and
damaged value.
The process of valuation is as follows:
1. The gross sound value of the goods damaged is found out. This is the value for
which the goods would have been sold if the goods had reached the port of
destination in sound condition.
2. After calculating the above value, the gross damaged value of the goods damaged
or depreciated is found out on the basis of market price at that time.
3. Deduct the gross damaged value from the gross sound value. The difference is the
measure of the actual damage or depreciation.
4. The ratio of the damage or depreciation is calculated by dividing the amount of
damage or depreciation by the gross sound value.
5. Apply the above ratio to the value (insured or insurable value as the case may be) of
the damaged or depreciated goods which will give the amount of particular average
6. Of the amount thus arrived at, the insurer is liable for that portion which the sum
insured bears to the value (insured or insurable).
1. A quantity of cotton is shipped and insured under a valued policy for Rs.10,000
being its full value. The cotton is damaged to the extent of 20 percent during the
voyage; in addition, the market value of cotton has declined. If the cotton had arrived
uninjured, it would have been sold for Rs.8000, owing to it decline in market value.
In its damaged condition it gets sold only for Rs,6,400.
It is by this comparison of sound and damaged values at the destination that the
extent of damaged is ascertained.
2. Calculate the partial loss amount payable from the information given below:
Cargo worth Rs. 20,000 was sent on a shipment. Half of the goods are damaged
which realized Rs.4000 at destination. If the damaged goods would have realized
(a) Rs.8000, (b) 16,000, had they reached undamaged, calculate the loss in each
(a) Gross sound value on arrival (half) Rs. 8000
Gross realized value on arrival Rs. 4000
Damage Rs. 4000
Damage is Rs.4000, which is half of gross sound value. Therefore, the claim on the
policy is half of Rs.10,000 , that is Rs. 5000.
loss. The subject – matter may vary according to the type of interest, packing, original
localities. The last series which does not fulfill the required limit or amount is called tail
series. A tail series is dealt as a complete. The assured is free to recover particular
average in respect of each series separately.
(iii) Particular Average on Ship : In case of partial loss of ship, the following factors are
1. Where the ship has been repaired, the assured is entitled to the reasonable cost of
the repairs less the customary deductions. The amount on repairs shall not be more
than the sum insured.
2. Where the ship has been partially repaired, the assured is entitled to reasonable
cost of such repairs and reasonable depreciation.
3. If the ship has not been repaired, and has not been sold in her damaged state
during the risk, the assured is entitled to be indemnified for reasonable depreciation
arising from the unrepaired damage.
Thus, the measure of indemnity for particular average is the reasonable cost of repairing
the damage less customary deductions ‘new for old’. If the damaged parts of the ship are
old, then the insurer is obliged to indemnify the insured only to the extent of the value of
old parts. But, when new parts are added, the difference between the value of new parts
and the value of the old parts are made. Insurers are liable for the cost of repairing
particular average damage to the ship irrespective of the insured or actual value of the
ship; where temporary repairs are necessary the insurers are liable for such repairs in
addition to the permanent repairs. Where a ship cannot be repaired, at the port of refuge,
cost of removal to another port is regarded as part of the cost of repairs. Extra expenses
involved in ‘over-time’ working are not allowed.
(iv) Particular Average in case of Freight : Where there is a partial loss of freight, the
measure of indemnity is such proportion of the sum fixed by the policy in the case of a
valued policy, or of the insurable value in the case of an unvalued policy as the proportion
of freight lost by the assured bears to the whole freight at the risk of assured under the
4.3 Expenses
These are the expenses incurred by the ship owner for labour, salvage, etc. They are
discussed below:
2. The object being insured and the perils against which the insurance cover is sought
3. The voyage, period of time, or both
4. Insured sum
5. Name of insurer.
Time and Voyage Policy (Section. 27) – The voyage policy is the one used to insure a
subject matter ‘ at and from or from one place to another. This policy covers the subject
matter irrespective of the time factor. It covers the subject matter from the port from where
the voyage commences (terminus quo) till the port where the voyage ends (terminus ad
quem).The time policy on the other hand covers a subject matter for a specific period of
Valued Policy (Section 29) – This kind of policy specifies the settled value of the subject
matter that is being provided cover for. According to this policy unless there is a fraud, the
value decided by the insurer and the assured is irrefutable, whether the loss is total or
partial. A valued policy is in consonance with a wagering contract, that is if the subject
matter is over- valued, then a valued policy becomes a wagering contract because a
marine insurance contract is a contract of indemnity (there is no scope of making a profit
out of such a contract). For a marine contract to become a wagering contract it has to be
proved that the over- valuation was fraudulent.
Unvalued policy (Section 30)– This policy does not fix the value of the subject matter
being insured.
Floating policy (Section 31) – This kind of policy includes only the general insurance
terms. It does not include the name of the ship and other details. The other details are
required to be furnished through subsequent declarations, which should be eventually
endorsed on the policy. This kind of policy is helpful for the assured who does not know
the name of the ship transporting his goods, or by carriers, warehousemen with limited
interests in the goods.
Open Policy: Open policy and Open cover are different. Open policy is for transit within
India. Premium is collected in advance at the commencement of the one year period
based on the expected total declaration value i.e., sum insured. Only declaration sheets
are sent by the insured and open policy is stamped with Re.1/- as it is inland. Open cover
is for import/export. The sum insured is not mentioned in open cover document. Individual
certificates are issued and insurance stamps are affixed based on the sum insured of
respective values.
An open cover is issued in the case of import/export. The indigenous purchases/ sales can
be covered under an open policy for a continuous automatic cover. An open policy, unlike
an open cover is a stamped document with necessary clauses attached. It is issued for a
period of 12 months and all consignments cleared during the period are covered by the
6. Warranties
Sections 35-43 of the Marine Insurance Act, 1963 deal with the warranties. There are two
types of warranties, those warranties that simply denote the insurance cover provided, and
the second being promissory warranties - promise by the insurer that the warranties will be
Section 35 (2) classifies warranties as Express and Implied warranties.
Breach of Warranty is permitted only under three conditions that are listed in Section 36 of
the Marine Insurance Act, 1963. According to this section a breach can be excused:
(a) If the warranty is rendered unlawful by a subsequent law, that is by statute
(b) If due to changed circumstances the warranty loses relevance
(c) If the insurer waives the breach, that is by volition.
also states that the shiper should not suppress documents or falsify them. The insurer is
not liable if there is a breach.
(ii) Warranty of Good Safety (Section 40) : “Where the subject-matter insured is
warranted “well” or “in good safety” on a particular day, then it is sufficient if it be safe at
any time during that day.
7. Freight Insurance
Freight’ is defined as the profit that a ship owner makes by transporting his own cargo or
the cargo of another person.
7.1 Types of Freight:
(a) Prepaid Freight – This is paid in advance by the owner of the goods, at his own
risk. He covers this cost while insuring the goods, but in case of failure of delivery
the freight is not refundable.
(b) Freight payable on delivery – This is paid once the goods are delivered. If the
carrier fails to deliver the goods, then they are not entitled to the freight. But they are
entitled to the freight even if the goods are delivered in a damaged state.
(c) Lump sum Freight – This is under certain conditions (when a huge consignment is
being transported), when the carrier is not required to deliver the entire cargo to
receive the lump sum of freight, but a sizeable amount of the cargo should be
(d) Time charter hire – This is paid to the ship owner by the owner of the goods for
making use of the ship for transporting his goods. But if due to any cause the ship is
not operational for more than 24 hours then the payment ceases.
8. Hull Insurance
‘Hull’ in marine insurance refers to ocean going vessels (ships, trawlers, barges, fishing
vessels, etc.), their hull and machinery. This also covers “builders risks”, that is when the
ship is under construction.
Ships are the subject matter of hull insurance. There are different kinds of ships with
respect to design, which decides the purpose of the ship. The design and construction of a
ship is regulated by the respective Classification societies. They scrutinise the material
used for construction, steel, engines, boilers, etc. Once the ship is constructed it has to be
registered in compliance with the Merchant Shipping Act. The Indian Register of Shipping
(IRS) deals with the registration of ships. This society provides the certification after
assessing the mechanical and structural fitness of the ship.
machinery, stores etc. But this policy does not provide cover to the consignment
being shipped.
2. Disbursement and Increased Value Insurance: This policy provides insurance for
all those items not included in the hull insurance estimation. This insured value can
amount to 25 percent of the hull insurance value. This is meant to cover the charges
borne by the ship owner while preparing the ship and stocking the ship before
embarking on the marine adventure. But this amount can be insured only if freight
insurance is not already taken. This policy also provides protection to the ship owner
from loss, which may be partial or total (actual total loss or constructive total loss).
This also covers the ship owner’s contribution in case of a general average loss and
also bears expenses like salvage charges, liability towards other vessels in case of
collisions, labour charges etc.
3. Premium of Insurance: This is also called the premium reducing policy. The
amount of insurance cover provided for a marine adventure is very high; therefore
the premium is also a considerable amount. So, it is safe to insure the premium on
these covers, including the premium of the premium reducing policy. This is
applicable only to a total loss situation, whereby the amount of indemnity
depreciates by one-twelfth every month.
4. Returns of Premium: This policy is also applicable for a total loss situation. It is to
insure the prospective returns in case of total loss.
5. Loss of Hire Insurance: This policy protects the owner from the loss incurred by
him incase the ship is stranded due to some failure in machinery or anything else
that is covered in the hull and machinery policy.
6. Loss of Profits Insurance: This is also to protect in case of total loss. This cover
protects the Charterer’s loss of profits. This is provided over the period the ship is
chartered for in case the ship is time chartered, or for the voyage if the ship is on
hire for a voyage.
7. Ship Repairer’s Liability: Even when the ship is being repaired, there is a chance
of expenses other than the repairs, if there is negligence or an accident. Thus, the
repairer is liable to the ship owner in case something happens while the repair work
is in progress. This insurance provides cover to the repairer against such a situation.
8. Builders’ Risk Policy: Like the previous policy, this covers the risk of the builders.
It covers the builders from the beginning of construction, till delivery. It also includes
all the test and trials conducted before the delivery of the vessel to the concerned
9. Charterer’s Liability Policy: When a vessel is chartered, if some damage is caused
to the ship due to the fault of the charterer, then the charterer is held responsible.
This policy provides cover against such a loss.
10. War Risks: The Government war risks scheme covers loss under policies like hull
and machinery, reducing premium, freight, disbursement, in case of war and strikes.
But this policy does not provide cover against policies like loss of hire, etc.
9. Cargo Insurance
Cargo insurance is codified under the Institute of Cargo Clauses (A), (B) and (C). Under
each of the three clauses the provisions are categorised as follows:
(i) Risks Covered : Risks covered under the three Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC) are
(ii) Risk Clause : This clause lists the different types of risks covered by ICC (A), (B)
and (C). ICC (A) –
• This clause provides cover for all perils, which are capable of causing loss or
damage to the insured subject, and excludes perils that are not specified in the
policy. It covers the general average charges and salvage charges caused as
a result of perils included in the policy only. It also provides cover to the
assured in case of a collision, where both the ships are to be blamed.
(a) ICC (B) and ICC (C)
The risks covered under these two clauses are enumerated below.
• Fire – This clause states that any damage caused as a result of a fire or an
explosion (heating, smoke,), including damage caused while extinguishing the
fire are covered by insurance. However, this does not apply to a situation
where the fire is caused due to a peril, which is excluded (not covered under
the insurance). Cargo that is affected is also not covered.
• Covers a ship that is sunk or stranded or capsized. Loss caused due to land
• Collision with another vessel or with any other object from land or air – this
does not cover loss caused due to movement of goods in the ship due to
turbulent weather. Likewise, it does not cover damage caused to goods due to
jolting, while being transported by rail or road.
• Disposal of cargo at a port of distress
• General average loss
• Jettison – This states that jettison (to throw property overboard) done with the
intention of countering an imminent danger can be classified as a general
average sacrifice. But in a situation like this if the cargo and the ship belong to
different owners then a claim for general average sacrifice can be put up. If
the ship and the cargo belong to the same owner then there is only one
interest involved, so it does not qualify as general average sacrifice, the loss is
however covered under the policy.
The loss and damage caused due to the above mentioned is provided cover under
both ICC (B), and ICC (C). But apart from the listed risks ICC (B) provides cover
against some other risks like - are:
• Lightning, earthquakes, loss caused due to volcanic activity.
• Washing overboard - It has to be proved beyond doubt that the cargo was
washed overboard and not lost overboard to claim such a loss.
• Loss caused due to incursion of water (sea, river or lake) into the vessel that
may damage engine, cargo, storage, etc.
• It also covers the loss incurred when a package is lost or is damaged in the
loading and unloading process – this is also called sling loss.
The difference between the ICC (A), (B) and (C) is that ICC (A) covers all risks
except the ones specifically excluded from the policy. For cover under ICC (A), the
assured has to show that loss of cargo was during the period for which the insurance
cover was provided. If the insurer thinks otherwise then he has to prove that an
excluded peril was involved in causing the loss.
On the other hand ICC (B) and (C) cover only specific risks. For cover under ICC (B)
and (C), the assured has to prove that the loss was caused within the time frame of
the policy and that the loss was caused by a listed peril. Unless the insurers are able
to prove otherwise, the assured is entitled cover.
The Risk Clauses listed in the three sets of the Institute of Cargo Clause are
different and also, there are some differences in the General Exclusions Clauses.
Other than this all the other clauses are the same.
(b) General Average Clause (Clause 2)
• This says that the General Average and Salvage Charges are covered by
insurance only if the loss is caused due to perils that are included in the policy.
• The assured has to make a contribution towards a common fund, in case of
loss of goods due to average general sacrifice.
• The insurer is liable to cover the entire contribution of the assured in case of
general average contribution. But the insurer is not liable to cover the
contribution in case of under insurance.
• Salvage charges can be recovered under the policy.
• If a salvage award is given then the beneficiaries of such an award are to
make a contribution for the same. But the contribution of each should be in
proportion to the saved interest.
• The insurer is liable to salvage charges incurred by the assured. That is, the
insurer is liable to cover the contribution made by the assured towards such a
(c) “Both to Blame Collision” Clause (Clause 3) : This states that the insurer is liable
to cover loss incurred by the assured in case of a collision, as under the contract of
(d) Exclusions : These are the perils or risks that are excluded from a marine
insurance policy, that is they are not provided insurance cover.
Statutory Exclusions: These are described under Section 55 of the Marine
Insurance Act, 1963. According to Section 55 (1) of the Act the insurer is liable for
any loss caused only due to perils of the sea, which has been provided insurance
cover. According to sub section (2) the insurer is not liable for any loss incurred due
to a malpractice by the assured, but the insurer is liable if the loss is proximately
caused by a peril of the sea even if it could have been avoided by competency from
the crew and the master. The sub section also excludes the following from insurance
cover, unless the policy otherwise provides for it:
• Delay,
• Wear and tear,
• Leakage,
• Loss due to rats and vermin,
• Loss due to inherent vice of the insured subject matter,
• Damage to machinery not caused due to perils of the sea.
It is pertinent to discuss statutory exclusions, before going into the other exclusion
clauses embodied in the Institute Cargo Clauses. The different Exclusions under
ICC are:
General Exclusions Clause (Clause 4) - This is applicable to ICC (B) and (C)
This clause enumerates the different types of loss/damage/expenses that are
excluded from a policy. Sub clauses dealing with the exclusions are as follows:
4.1 – Loss attributable to willful misconduct of the assured
4.2 – Ordinary leakage, breakage, wear and tear
4.3 – Loss due to improper or insufficient packing of the insured cargo
4.4 – Loss due to inherent vice of the subject matter: If goods are stored close to
goods that possess an inherent vice that causes loss then it is covered by
4.5 – Loss caused due to delay, even if the delay is caused due to an insured peril
of the sea. This however, does not apply to general average and salvage
4.6 – Loss due to financial default on behalf of the owners, charterer’s, etc.
4.7 – Willful destruction or damage of the insured subject matter by the act of a
person or group.
mentioned in the policy to embark on the voyage, till it is eventually delivered at the
destination. The insurance policy expires:
• Once the goods are delivered at the warehouse or storage facility at the
destination port as mentioned in the policy;
• On arrival at an intermediary warehouse or storage facility at the will of the
assured for storage or distribution; and
• After 60 days from the date of discharge of the cargo at the destination port.
If the goods are transported from the destination to another place before the end of
the policy, then the cover would last only till the commencement of transit to the next
In accordance to the above clause the insurance cover exists in case of:
• Delay – if the delay is not within the control of the assured then the insurance
cover is provided. At the same time there is no coverage for damage caused
due to delay, even if it is by an insured peril.
• Reshipment and Transshipment – Insurance covers these if mentioned in the
contract of affreightment.
• Discharge of goods.
• Deviation – Although the marine insurance clause exempts the insurer from
liability incase of a deviation, ICC extends the insurance cover without the
need for payment of extra premium or intimation.
(i) Termination of Contract of Carriage (Clause 9): If due to some unforeseen reason
the voyage is terminated or if the contract of carriage is terminated at some port
other than the destination port then the insurance policy also terminates
simultaneously. But if the assured needs cover, then he has to intimate the insurer
and ask for continuation. But the intimation has to be on time and an extra premium
has to be paid. Then the insurance cover would continue till the cargo is sold or
delivered at any intermediary port, or after 60 days of arrival at any such place or
port. The insurer is liable only if the termination is due to an insured peril of the sea.
(j) Change of Voyage Clause (Clause 10): According to the Marine Insurance Act, if
the destination of the ship is voluntarily changed, then it is termed as change of
voyage. The Act also exempts the insurer from any form of liability in case of a
change of destination, unless it is mentioned in the policy. But clause 10 of ICC
states that the change in voyage is covered, at a premium and conditions decided
on by the insurer on prompt intimation.
(k) Inland Transit Clauses: Manufacturers require transit insurance for the raw
materials purchased by them and finished goods supplied to their customers. An
open policy is issued to cover a number of incoming and outgoing consignments
automatically. For regular exporters and importers, continuous and automatic
insurance protection is afforded by open cover. Open policy is an ordinary cargo
policy expressed in general terms and the sum insured is for an amount sufficient to
cover a number of dispatches. The sum insured is adjusted against each dispatch -
and so it is called a floating policy.
Inland Transit Rail / Road Clause “A”: This clause covers All risks of Loss or
damage to the subject matter insured except the excluded risks mentioned
(c) Common Exclusions Under Clause A/B/C
• Wilful Misconduct
• Ordinary Leakage/ breakage/ shortage etc. i.e. Ullage Losses check
ullage ?
• Insufficiency/ unsuitability of packing
• Delay
• Inherent Vice
• War and allied perils
• Strike, Riot, Civil Commotion & Terrorism (SRCC)*
*Note: SRCC risks can be covered by payment of extra premium.
(d) Common Exclusions Under Clause “B” & “C” In addition to exclusions 1 to 7
mentioned above, Malicious Damage is also excluded. However, this can be
covered by payment of extra premium.
(e) Extention of Cover
2. Under Inland Clause ‘B’/ Icc ‘B’ : Sometimes instead of availing All Risks policy
i.e. as per Inland clause ‘A’ for inland transit and Institute Cargo Clause “A” for
imports and exports, the insured can take cover a per Clause “B” and extend the
same to include various extraneous perils, subject to payment of additional premium.
Examples of such perils include:
— Theft, Pilferage, and Non-delivery
— Fresh/rain water damage
— Damage by Hook/ oil/ mud/ acid
— Damage/Leakage (not ordinary leakage)
— Country damage (Cotton)
— Shortage
— Bursting and Tearing of bags
— S.R.C.C Risk
Inland policies ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ can be extended to include SRCC risk subject to SRCC Clause.
War and SRCC risks: Ocean policies can be extended to include War & SRCC risks with
additional premium. Air transit policies can be also extended to include war and SRCC
with additional premiums.
In case of a General Average loss, the General Average Adjuster has to be informed
so that he can –
• Check whether the loss was incurred due to General Average causes
• Make appropriate reductions in the contributions in case some amount of
damage is caused during the voyage.
(In all marine claims, there is a concept of recovery from the carrier. The claimant
should protect the recovery rights of the insurer. Otherwise, the claim will be
prejudiced and it may become a non-standard claim where not more than 75% of the
admissible claim is paid. The legal procedures to be followed by the insured to
protect the recovery rights are prescribed in the respective Acts such as Railways
Act, Carriers Act, Carriage of Goods by Air Act, etc. The most important documents
are letter of subrogation and special power of attorney to be executed and noterised
to be submitted to the insurer before receiving the claims payment).
(iii) Documents required for Claim : Following are some of the important documents
required at the time of claim:
1. Policy or certificate of insurance
2. Bill of lading – it defines the scope of the contract of carriage.
3. Invoice or bill stating the terms and conditions of sale
4. Copy of protest –in the event of stranding of or accident to the vessel, the master of
the ship notes ‘protest’ before a counsel or a notary public. The protest states that
everything was done to bring to safety the ship and cargo and loss or damage was
not due to lack of diligence on the part of the master or crew.
5. Certificate of Survey – to find out whether the necessary franchise is reached or not
in case of particular average.
6. Account sales or Bill of Sale – similar documents where goods have been sold. The
difference between the gross sound value and proceeds as per account sales might
be accepted as the amount of loss.
7. Letter of subrogation – it enables the underwriters to sue and recover compensation
from third parties where the same is due.
8. Cost of Protection – incase of partial loss claims, cost of protection is paid by the
underwriters apart from the particular average if there was a successful claim. In
unsuccessful claims insurers are not liable to pay these charges.
(a) 25 personal computers were insured for Rs.35,00,000 with the following invoice
Model A – 20 pc @ Rs.1,00,000 each = 20,00,000
Model B – 5 pc @ Rs.2,00,000 each = 10,00,000
Total value CIF = 30,00,000
When the consignment arrives at the destination, it was found that one of the Model
A and one PC of Model B were missing.
Invoice value of missing PC
Invoice value of one Pc Model A Rs.1,00,000
Invoice value of one Pc Model B Rs.2,00,000
Total Rs. 3,00,000
Total invoice value of Rs.30,00,000 was insured for Rs. 35,00,000,
So the claim amount is
3,00,000 × 35,00,000
= Rs.3,50,000
(b) A consignment of goods was insured for Rs.22,00,000. The Gross Arrived Damaged
Value (GADV) at destination is Rs. 8,00,000. And the Gross Arrived Sound Vlue
(GASV) is Rs.20,00,000.
The depreciation is
GASV = Rs.20,00,000
Less GADV = Rs.8,00,000
Difference = Rs.12,00,000
Difference × 100
The Loss is = =%
12,00,000 × 100
= = 60 %
So, 60% of the insured value of Rs.22,00,000 = Rs.13,20,000 will be paid as claim.
It should be noted here that gross value includes wholesale price, (or the estimated
value) with freight, landing charges, and duty paid.
(c) A consignment of goods under ICC (A) was insured for Rs. 24,00,000. On arrival
broken consignment value was Rs.1,06,800; the invoice value was Rs.21,50,000.
Rs.3000 was paid as sorting charges.
The claim is worked out as below:
1,06,800 x 24,00,000 = 1,19,220 + 3000 = Rs.1,22,220.
(d) A consignment of apples in 400 cases was booked from Mumbai to New York and
was insured for Rs.40,00,000. At the destination it was noticed that
1. 120 cases were damaged by fire – depreciation @ 30%
2. 40 cases damaged by sea water – deprecation @ 50 %
3. 50 cases were found to be missing due to pilferage
4. 10 cases were lost overboard during discharge
5. 218 cases arrived sound.
6. The survey fee was Rs.10,000
The purpose of the given case is to calculate the loss under the different clauses A
B & C.
Find the claim amount if insurance is under ICC (A), ICC (B), and ICC (C).
Particulars Insures Depreciation Claim
1 120 cases were damaged by fire 12,00,000 30% 3,60.000
2 40 cases damaged by sea water 4,00,000 50% 2,00,000
3 50 cases were found to be missing 5,00,000 - 5,00,000
due to pilferage
4 10 cases were lost overboard during 1,00,000 - 1,00,000
Total 9,60,000
A – Claim under – ICC (A) – All Risks
All claims Rs. 9,60,000
+ Survey Fees Rs. 10,000
Total Amount Rs. 9,70,000
B – Claim under – ICC (B) – named risks covered ( pilferage not covered)
Loss amount payable = Total Claim – loss by pilferage
= Rs.9,60,000 – Rs.5,00,000 = Rs.4,60,000 + Survey fees Rs.10,000
= Rs. 4,70,000
C – Claim under – ICC (C) – named risks covered, other losses not covered
except fire loss.
Thus, loss payable is for good a damaged due to fire only.
120 cases lost by fire = Rs. 3,60,000
+ Survey Fees = Rs. 10,000
Total = 3,70,000
(e) There was a 500 bales consignment for Rs.3,00,000 under ICC (B) . There were 21
unidentified bales and 22 bales were lost. Insurance claim for - 500 bales insured for
Rs.3,00,000 will be as under:.
21 × 600 × 50
(1) 50 % of 21 bales unidentified = = Rs.6,300
(2) 22 bales lost @600 = Rs. 13,200
Total = Rs. 19,500
(f) At the time of general average act, a vessel had unrepaired damage from a previous
accident amounting to Rs. 2,00,000.
The Sound value on arrival at destination was Rs.1,00,00,000
The damage sustained on current damage was Rs.5,00,000
Therefore the contributor value would be the sound value Rs. 1,00,00,000
Less cost of repairs Rs. 2,00,000
Outstanding at destination (current) Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 7,00,000
Contributory value Rs. 93,00,000
(g) Cargo jettisoned on which freight is payable at destination = Rs.4,00,000
Cost of discharging cargo = Rs. 90,000
Therefore, amount to be made good for loss of freight = Rs. 3,10,000
Sound value of the Ship = Rs.50,00,000
Estimated cost of repairing particular average (less) Rs.10,00,000
Value of vessel immediately preceding the GA sacrifice Rs.40,00,000
Amount realized by the sale of the vessel Rs. 4,00,000
Therefore the amount to be made good in GA in respect of the sacrifices
Rs. 36,00,000
(h) Adjust the General Average from the - following facts:
Sound market value of ship at destination = Rs. 8,00,00,000
foreign currency. But if the amount is too high then payment can be made by
remittance from India, though it requires the sanction of the Reserve Bank of India.
4. Remittance of export claims – Remittance in foreign currency is only possible, if the
insurer is able to prove that the person holding insurable interests is a non- resident.
5. Remittance of Import claims – The preferred practice is to settle the claims of the
importer in the local currency, but foreign currency settlements are allowed to pay
the overseas suppliers, so that goods can be replaced in case of damage. The
situation under which such a settlement is allowed is when the import is by the
government or a public sector enterprise and when imports are made against foreign
credits by a public sector enterprise.
6. Customs clearance: For acquiring immediate clearance from customs, documents
relating to the shipment should be filed 15 days prior to the arrival of the cargo. For
clearance, the importer has to submit an Import Bill of Entry, in addition to an
invoice, weight specification, packing list, insurance policy, Bill of lading, and an
Import license valid for the goods being imported, etc.
• Marine insurance as we know it today, originated in England owing to the frequent
sailing of ships over high seas for trade. Marine insurance is an important element of
general insurance. It essentially provides cover from loss suffered due to marine
• The contract of Marine insurance is a special (insurance) contract of indemnity
which protects against physical and other losses to moveable property and
associated interests, as well as against liabilities occurring or arising during the
course of sea voyage.
• Marine insurance covers three main interests in a marine venture. They are:
— Hull – it represents the ship;
— Cargo – the goods being transported by the vessel; and
— Freight – is the profit or earnings of the ship at the end of a marine venture.
• (“Marine” insurance policy covers not only sea voyage but also purely inland transits
through any mode like rail / road / multimodal / even by post.)
• Marine insurance business in India is governed by the COGSA, 1925 and Marine
Insurance Act, 1963.
• Different kinds of loss incurred during a marine adventure are enlisted in the Marine
Insurance Act, 1963 in Sections 55 to 63.According to Section 55 (1) of the Act, the
insurer is liable for any loss caused only due to perils of the sea, which has an
insurance cover.
• Losses are primarily divided into three categories. They are
— Total loss
— Partial Loss
— Expenses
• The general average loss is rateably contributed by the parties interested. In
contribution of general average loss the contributory interest, amount to be made
good and contributory values are considered.
• Different aspects of a marine policy are dealt with in Sections 24 to 34 of the Marine
Insurance Act, 1963. According to this Act a marine contract is not acceptable if it is
not embodied in a marine policy (Section 24).
• Sections 35-43 of the Marine Insurance Act, 1963 deal with the warranties, which
means promise by the insurer that the warranties will be upheld.
• Freight’ is defined as the profit that a ship owner makes by transporting his own
cargo or the cargo of another person.
• ‘Hull’ in marine insurance refers to ocean going vessels (ships, trawlers, barges,
fishing vessels, etc), their hull and machinery. This also covers “builders risks”, that
is when the ship is under construction.
• Cargo insurance is codified under the Institute of Cargo Clauses (A), (B) and (C).
Under each of the three clauses the provisions are categorised as follows:
• Exclusions are perils or risks that are excluded from a marine insurance policy, that
is they are not provided insurance cover.
• The movement of cargo within the country is known as Inland Transit. The inland
transit of the cargo may be by - Rail or Road or Inland water ways and Coastal
Shipments. Sometimes sending cargo by Air or Post is also likely.
• When a policy has been issued the risk for the peril insured against is covered.
However, when the contingency against which the protection is given or when the
loss insured against actually occurs, the insured has got to make a claim on the
insurer for indemnification of loss. If loss does not occur, no payment would be
made to the insured.
• Exchange control regulations deals with the rules governing the import and export of
goods. Residents of India are not permitted to acquire insurance protection from
Insurance companies in foreign countries without prior permission from the
Government of India and the Reserve Bank of India in compliance with the General
Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The marine insurance has its origin in
(a) England (b) USA
(c) India (d) France
(e) None of the above
2. A marine cargo insurance policy is a
(a) open policy (b) valued policy
(c) unvalued policy (d) indemnity policy
(e) none of the above
3. Insurable interest is necessary in a marine insurance contract on
(a) the policy issue date (b) on the policy termination date
(c) at the time of loss (d) after the loss
(e) none of the above
4. The profit made by the ship owner by transporting his own cargo or the cargo
of another person is known as
(a) carriage (b) franchise
(c) excess (d) freight
(e) none of the above
5. Any expenditure voluntarily incurred for the common safety of the ship is
called as
(a) particular average (b) general average
(c) total loss (d) constructive loss
(e) none of the above
6. Cargo insurance is codified under the
(a) ITC clauses (b) ICC clauses
(c) IIC clauses (d) IHC clauses
(e) None of the above
7. Which of the following perils are uninsurable in a marine policy
(a) fire (b) barratry
(c) delay (d) collision
(e) none of the above
8. A clause aimed to bring about cooperation between the assured and the
insurer such that the rights of neither party is affected with regard to the
goods is
(a) inchmaree clause (b) waiver clause
(c) collision clause (d) proximate cause clause
(e) none of the above
9. Unseaworthiness and unfitness clause is
(a) an implied warranty (b) an express warranty
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (b)
Short & Essay Questions
1. Outline the importance of marine insurance to trade.
Ans: A marine insurance policy is indispensable for trade and commerce. Its importance
• Significant in international trade than banking
• Provides security for credit in international trade
• Integral part of overseas trade
• Regarded as handmaid to commerce
• LOC issued by the importer bank on the strength on marine insurance cover.
dispatches, and when it is difficult to approach insurers for each and single
transit. This policy covers all the despatches from a specified place to
specified places in the policy during the period of insurance.
• Open Cover: This arrangement is beneficial for overseas trade. It covers all
shipments in accordance with the agreement. It is issued for one year in the
form of an agreement to cover shipments by sea/ rail/ road/ between two
specified termini on a worldwide basis. The policy is not stamped and separate
policies are to be issued for all the shipments declared under open cover.
7. What are the underwriting considerations to be taken before a policy of Marine
Insurance is issued?
Ans. Underwriting criteria to evaluate include:
• Seaworthiness of the vessel
• Waters navigated and the season
• Experience of the operators
• Susceptibility of the cargo
• Packaging standards
• Size and value of individual items of equipment
• Financial status of the policyholder
• Past loss history
• Labour relations
The underwriters should properly evaluate the conditions that may increase the
hazards of a fire loss and so should check the installations of such equipment.
8. Discuss the various types of marine loss claims.
Ans: A marine claim upon a policy of marine insurance goods may arise upon the
happening, as a result of insured perils of any of the following:
(i) Total Loss - actual or constructive
(ii) Particular average - partial loss
Case Studies
(A) Three friends, Ashok Jadhav, Lalit Kapoor, and Govindahari - teamed up to start a
lobster export business. Jadav owned a ship which was used in the business for fishing as
well as for transporting the processed lobsters to foreign shores. They insured their ship,
the cargo, freight, profits and commission, for a total of Rs. 80 lakhs. Expecting to obtain
enormous profits on their cargo, it was overvalued by the insured. A few months later, the
ship sank in mid-ocean as it had a hole. Consequently the cargo was also lost. The
insured approached the insurance company to file a claim for compensation for the lost
cargo. However, the insurance company refused payment of the entire claim amount. It
only made partial payment of the claim stating that the cargo was insured for an amount
more than its actual market value. Moreover, investigation by the insurance company
surveyor revealed that the insured had intentions to sink the ship. The vessel was
retrieved by the insurance company and was offered for sale as salvage. The insured
approached the court to prevent the sale of the ship.
1. Was the insurance company violating the insurance contract by refusing
payment to the insured? Justify your answer.
2. Discuss the duty of an insurer pertaining to salvage.
1. An insurance contract legally binds an insurer to pay the policyholder for the
damages or losses caused by the perils against which the policyholder has insured
himself. In the given case, the sinking of the ship and the loss incurred by the
insured was due to willful or fraudulent act of the insured and not by the perils
against which the ship was insured. An insurer is not liable for refusing to accept a
claim pertaining to a loss caused by the fraudulent act of the insured. Such losses
are not covered by insurance policies.
However, in taking over the ship to sell as salvage, the insurer was violating the
insurance contract because salvage belongs to the insurer only after he has made
the payment of the loss suffered to the insured. In this case, the insurer should have
rejected any further dealings with the insured once it was apparent that the insured
had involved in fraudulent act by intentionally causing the ship to sink to claim the
insurance amount. Instead, the insurance company took over the insured’s property
for salvage without the latter’s approval.
Thus, the insurer was not acting within the framework of the insurance contract and
was liable to be legally penalized.
2. The term salvage refers to partially damaged property. Salvage belongs to the
insurer after the insurer has paid the insured for the loss incurred. Thus, insurers are
entitled to any material that remains after damage provided they pay the full amount
for the loss. Hence, an insurer can claim his right on the salvage only after he makes
the payment for it to the insured.
The insurer is also entitled to the salvage after paying the claim amount when the
insured is unwilling to retain it or unable to dispose it.
(B) Consort Shipping Line Ltd v FAI Insurance (Fiji) Ltd [1998], (29 October 1998);
Marine Insurance- Mandatory Arbitration provision- right to arbitration not waived
by commencement of proceedings
The defendant insured the plaintiff’s vessels with a standard marine hull policy. The policy
included a mandatory provision that provided that all differences be referred to an
Arbitrator. Unaware of the provision, the insured filed a writ claiming damages for the
sinking of his two vessels. On obtaining a copy of the policy the insured sought a stay of
the proceedings so that the matter could be referred to Arbitration. The insurer argued that
since the insured had commenced legal proceedings the court could not be satisfied that
2003 contract unless that had been expressly agreed to in the negotiation of the 2003
contract. There was no evidence of a promise to automatically renew coverage in 2003
after the plaintiffs had voluntarily suspended coverage in July 2002. This was especially
true where the vessel had been removed from class so the former coverage could not be
(D) Laho Ltd v QBE Insurance (Vanuatu) Ltd [2001] VUSC 130; Civil Case 24 of
2000 (2 April 2001)
Marine Insurance- Seaworthiness- Presumption of loss due to ‘perils of the sea’ if it can be
shown that vessel was seaworthy prior to setting out
The vessel owned by the plaintiff went down with 27 people on board. The events
surrounding the sinking were unknown. The plaintiff sought a declaration that the
defendant insurer was obliged to indemnify the plaintiff in respect of the loss. The vessel
was insured for loss due to ‘perils of the sea’.
DECISION: Action dismissed.
HELD: If it was known that the vessel was seaworthy when she set out and she
disappeared with crew, then on the balance of probabilities she must have sunk, and on
the balance of probabilities the sinking must have been due to the perils of the sea. If the
vessel is not shown to be seaworthy when she left on her last voyage, the presumption
does not apply since it cannot be held on the balance of probabilities that her presumed
sinking was due to perils of the sea rather than to her unseaworthy condition. The plaintiff
was unable to prove on a balance of probabilities that the vessel was seaworthy when she
set out on her last voyage. The court dismissed the action on this point, but went on to
consider the defendant’s other claims.
The non-disclosure of material facts will void insurance coverage where the nondisclosure
of the material fact has induced the insurer to assume the risk. In this case the vessel had
taken on water and there had been substantial work done to the hull after the issuance of
the safety certificate which the insured had supplied to the insurer and before the issuance
of insurance. The insured had also applied to increase the passenger load form 20 to 25
and this also was not known to insurer. The court found these to be material facts which
had not been disclosed to the insurer and would have voided coverage.
The court also found that the insured had breached express warranties in the policy. The
express warranties must be exactly complied with whether material to the risk or not. In
this case the plaintiffs had not complied with the strict manning of vessel requirements.
(E) Pimco Shipping Pty Ltd v Moeder, Hermann and Moeher Trading Pty Ltd
[1987] PGNC 57; [1987] PNGLR 427 (23 December 1987)
Marine Insurance- Carriage of goods by sea- Statutory provision for time for making claim-
Indemnity proceedings- Indemnity proceeding barred if claim barred
The plaintiff owned and operated a coastal vessel. In 1978 goods carried by the vessel
were damaged in transit and as a result the owner of the goods sued the plaintiff and was
awarded damages. The plaintiff claims that at the time of the shipment the defendant was
the actual owner of the vessel and brought suit on the basis that the defendant indemnify
the plaintiff for damages.
DECISION: Action dismissed
HELD: The indemnity action by the plaintiff is time barred pursuant to the Sea-Carriage of
Goods Act, Act. III, Rule 6 which provides that suit in respect of loss of or damage must be
brought within one year after delivery of goods or when the goods should have been
delivered. In the original proceeding the owner of the goods was granted default
judgement against the plaintiff here. The 2nd defendant in that case was the company that
had been formed to buy the vessel. However at the time of the loss the present defendant
was the actual owner of the vessel as the corporation had not yet been formed. The
present defendant should have been, but was not added as a third party in the original
action. Because there was no liability on the part of the defendant to the owner of the
goods established within the time limitation period, the plaintiff cannot now seek
indemnification beyond the time period. Indemnity may not be awarded without the support
of liability on the part of the indemnifier to the injured party.
(F) Westpac Banking Corporation v Dominion Insurance Ltd [1996] FJHC 148;s (8
October 1996) Dominion Insurance Ltd v Westpac Banking Corporation [1998] FJCA
48; (27 November 1998)
Marine Insurance- non payment of premium does not affect the existence of the contract
of insurance- court looks at wording of Renewal notice and history of dealings between the
The plaintiffs were the owner of the insured vessel and the bank which held the mortgage
on the vessel was named payee on the policy. The defendant was the insurer. The plaintiff
had insured the vessel with the defendant since October 1990. There had been 3 renewals
of the coverage in October 1991, 1992 and 1993. The vessel was damaged beyond repair
in March 1994. The insurer defendant denied coverage on the basis that no insurance
premium had been received since the October 1993 renewal.
DECISION: In favour of the Plaintiff.
HELD: The fact that no premiums have been paid does not affect the existence of the
contract. The court looked at the Renewal notices and the history of dealings between the
parties. As to the Renewal notices, while they demanded payment, there was no clear
statement that coverage would be canceled if payment was not received. As to the
dealings between the parties, the court found that previous claims had been paid as credit
for owing premiums; so clearly in the past it had been the practice to renew without the
payment of premiums.
1. Introduction
2. Regulatory Framework for Motor Insurance in India
2.1 The Motor Vehicles Act, 1939
2.2 The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
2.3 The Motor Vehicles Amendment Act, 2015
3. Types of Motor Vehicles
4. Motor Insurance Policy & Types
5. Scope of Motor Insurance
6. Motor Insurance Premium
7. Change of Vehicle
8. Cancellation of Insurance
9. Termination of Insurance
10. Transfer of Policy
11. Cancellation and Issuance of Fresh Certificate of Insurance
After the completion of the chapter, the student should be able to
• Explain the need and importance of motor insurance
• Appreciate the rationale for mandatory Third Party Motor Insurance cover in
• Describe the coverage under the various motor insurance polices
• Examine the rules and provisions for motor insurance claims under different
• Explain the provisions relating to settlement of claims through the MACT
• Describe the new initiatives undertaken by IRDAI in motor insurance coverage
1. Introduction
Motor insurance is an insurance contract which protects the vehicle as well as the driver.
Being a contract like any other contract has to satisfy the requirements of a valid contract
as laid down in the Indian Contract Act 1872. In addition, it has certain special features
common to other insurance contracts. Motor insurance gives protection to the vehicle
owner against damages to his/her vehicle and pays for any Third Party Liability
determined as per law against the owner of the vehicle. Third Party Insurance is a
statutory requirement in India. The owner of the vehicle is legally liable for any injury or
damage to third party life or property caused by or arising out of the use of the vehicle in a
public place. Driving a motor vehicle without insurance in a public place is a punishable
offence in terms of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
As per the Motor Vehicles Act, “Motor vehicle” or “vehicle” means any mechanically
propelled vehicle:
(i) Adapted for use on roads whether the power of propulsion is transmitted thereto
from an external or internal source and
(ii) Includes a chassis to which a body has not been attached and
(iii) A trailer;
But “vehicle” does not include:
(i) Any vehicle running upon fixed rails or
(ii) Any vehicle of a special type adapted for use only in a factory or in any other
enclosed premises or a vehicle having less than four wheels fitted with engine
capacity of not exceeding [twenty-five cubic centimeters].
Vehicles Act “no person shall use or allow any other person to use, a motor vehicle in a
public place, unless the vehicle is covered by a policy of insurance.”
Compulsory insurance in respect of motor vehicles comprises the following liabilities:
(a) Liability arising out of bodily injury or death of the third party or arising out of the
damage to his property.
(b) Compulsory insurance of passengers carried on hired vehicles.
(c) Compulsory insurance of passengers carried by reason of a contract of employment.
(d) Compulsory insurance of an employee under Workmen’s Compensation Act
considering the factors such as:
— Who was driving the vehicle?
— Whether working as conductor or ticket examiner/coolies
— Nature of goods carried in the goods carriage
The policy comes into effect from the date of issuance of certificate of insurance to the
proposer or the insured. The insurance policy is subject to termination before the policy
period comes to end. Accordingly, the insured is required to submit the certificate to the
insurer within 7 days after termination. And the insurer may withdraw or suspend by
notifying the registration authority within 7 days of action. An affidavit should be produced
in case of loss of certificate as evidence No TP cover can be terminated by any party
without proof of existence of another insurance. RTO has to be intimated in such cases
and insurance certificate is to be called back and cancelled.
(i) Mandatory Motor Third Party Insurance Policy
Motor Third Party Insurance (known as TP Policy / Liability only policy / Act Policy) is
compulsory under law. It is designed to protect the interest of third parties. When a motor
vehicle is in use in a public place, when running or stationery, it can accidentally cause
harm to others. Members of public i.e. pedestrians, passengers in bus, people travelling in
the opposite vehicle, cyclists, employees engaged in the commercial vehicle etc. may be
injured or killed in accident. Property belonging to third party may be damaged. The object
of motor third party insurance is to cover the risk of vehicle owner who is likely to incur
liability for payment of compensation to third party. Motor TP Insurance is different from
other branches of insurance. It covers statutory liability which is unlimited; whereas other
branches of insurance covers contractual liability limited to the sum insured. Financier has
an interest in the other branches whereas no such term is there in third party policy.
(ii) Exemption U/s 146(3)
Motor vehicles belonging to Central and State Government, any Local Authority, any State
Transport Undertakings are exempted from the provision of compulsory insurance
mandated under Section 146(3) of Motor Vehicles Act 1988, provided any such authority
has to establish and maintain a fund to meet the liability arising out of the use of any
vehicle belonging to such authority.
Motor TP Policies are governed by Motor Vehicles Act, WC Act, Legal Services Authority
Act, Courts, Lok Adalat etc. The terms ‘Tort’, ‘Negligence’, ‘in course of employment’,
‘Vicarious liability’ are relevant for the purpose of dealing with third party claims.
Death/injury/property damage of third party is caused due to the fault of the driver. The
vehicle owner being the master becomes vicariously liable for the fault committed by the
servant (driver) under the law of Tort. Similarly the employer is liable for the damage
caused to employees connected to the vehicle in the course of employment.
would not do. Thus, it is not only commission of an act but is also an omission
to do something which a reasonable man would do or is obliged to do.
— Negligence does not always mean absolute carelessness, but want of such a
degree of care as is required in particular circumstances.
— Negligence as a tort is the breach of a legal duty to exercise due care.
— Res ipsa loquitur: It means “accident speaks for itself”. Whenever the
presumption of “Res ipsa loquitur” is raised, the claimant need not adduce any
evidence to prove negligence, rather the burden shifts upon the respondents
to explain the accident to rebut the charge of negligence on the part of the
— Last opportunity rule: It means that as between the driver of the offending
vehicle and the victim of the accident whether the driver had with him the last
opportunity to avoid the accident. Thus, whoever had the last opportunity, he
will be held responsible.
(b) Defense available with the respondent:- Against the plea of negligence, the driver/
respondent can take following defense:
(i) Act of God (Vis Major): Accident caused due to natural causes directly and
exclusively, without human intervention, and the same could not have been
prevented by any amount of foresight , efforts - and care reasonably expected
from the driver.
(ii) Victim, the wrongdoer: Own negligence of the victim- self negligence- claim
not maintainable.
(iii) Classification of negligence
Negligence can be further categorized as follows:
I. Sole negligence: Where in an accident two or more vehicles are involved but
the accident has occurred due to negligence of one vehicle only, the driver of
the offending vehicle is solely negligent.
II. Composite negligence: Where a person is injured or died as a result of
negligence of two or more wrong doers, each wrongdoer is jointly and
severally liable for payment of entire damages and the injured / LRs of the
deceased have the choice of proceeding against all or any of wrongdoer
III. Contributory negligence: Where a person is injured or died as a result of
partly due to negligence of another person/or persons, and partly by his own
negligence, then negligence on the part of the injured/deceased is referred to
as his contributory negligence.
(c) Difference Between Hire And Reward - ‘Hire’ means availing the motor vehicle for
use or service in exchange for payment whereas ‘Reward’ means something given
or received in return for service or merit.
(d) Pay And Recover Theory - Where the driving license of the driver of the insured/
offending vehicle was found to be fake, the tribunal directed the insurer to pay the
awarded amount to the third party and recover the same from the insured by filing
recovery petition under Section174 r.w. section 149(5) of the MV Act before the
same MACT. The Tribunals are passing pay and recover awards following the
decision of the Supreme Court in the case of National Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Swaran
Singh (2004) ACJ 1.
(e) Difference between fake, ineffective and invalid Driving License (DL) -
— Fake DL - On verification from the licensing authority if the DL is found to have
been issued in some other name or the DL is not at all issued.
— Ineffective DL - means with regard to the type of the vehicle i.e. DL issued for
LMV but the driver was driving HGV.
— Invalid DL - means with regard to the period of DL i.e. on the date of accident
the DL was not in force.
(f) Certificate Of Insurance And Cover Note : ‘Certificate of insurance’ according to
section145 (b) refers to a certificate issued by an authorised insurer in pursuance of
section 147(3); it also includes a cover note complying with the prescribed
requirements. Under rule 141 of Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 an authorised
insurer issues a certificate of insurance to every holder of insurance policy in Form
51 in respect of every vehicle. The cover note contains the following details:
• The registration mark, Engine no. & Chassis no., Model, Make, etc. and the
number of description of the vehicle
• that there has been a breach of a specified condition of the policy, being one of the
following conditions, namely:-
(i) a condition excluding the use of the vehicle
(a) for hire or reward, where the vehicle is, on the date of the contract of
insurance, a vehicle not covered by a permit to ply for hire or reward,or
(b) for organised racing and speed testing, or
(c) for a purpose not allowed by the permit under which the vehicle is used,
where the vehicle is a transport vehicle, or
(d) without side-car being attached where the vehicle is a motor cycle; or
(ii) a condition excluding driving by a named person or persons or by any
person who is not duly licensed, or by any person who has been disqualified
for holding or obtaining a driving licence during the period of disqualification;
(iii) a condition excluding liability for injury caused or contributed to by
conditions of war, civil war, riot or civil commotion; or
• that the policy is void on the ground that it was obtained by the nondisclosure ofa
material fact or by a representation of fact which was false in some material
Due to the wrong usage of vehicle by the insured the insurers cannot escape the
liability towards third party. But the insurer can recover the sum paid from the
(j) Rights of Third Parties
1. When Insured is insolvent - According to Section 150 of the MV Ac t, 1988,
in case of an insolvent insured the rights are automatically transferred to the
third party. Similarly, the insurer accepts the liabilities of third party.
Hence the Act was amended in 2000. However, with changing needs and demands, the
Motor Vehicles Act has been amended from time to time.
The Government of India recently passed the Motor Vehicles Act, 2015 and
accordingly the IRDAI has passed Regulations to suit the amendments. These are
discussed later in the chapter.
(iv) Miscellaneous types of vehicles : All other vehicles, which do not fall under any of
the categories listed above, are classified under this category. Examples are: Ambulance,
Tractor and Trailer, Road Rollers, Excavators etc. Policy schedule wording regarding
"limitations as to use" and driver clause is important to remember specifically when
‘limitations as to use’is imposed as below in such items:
• Agricultural and Forestry Vehicles IZ-303
Used only for agricultural and forestry purposes.
The Policy does not cover:
(a) Use for hire or reward or for racing pace making reliability trial or speed
(b) Use for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward.
(c) Use whilst drawing a greater number of trailers in all than is permitted by law.
• Ambulances/Hearses IZ-303
Use only for ambulance purposes
(i) The Policy does not cover:-
(a) Use for hire or reward or for racing, pace making, reliability trial or speed
(b) Use whilst drawing a trailer except the towing (other than for reward)
of any one of disabled mechanically propelled vehicle.
(ii) In the case of Hearses, substitute "Use only as a hearse".
• Cinema Film Recording and Publicity Vans, Delivery Trucks, Pedestrian
Controlled Trolleys , Goods Carrying Tractors, Vehicle used for Driving Tuition
IZ - 303
Use in connection with the insured's business.
The Policy does not cover:-
(a) Use for hire or reward or for racing pace making reliability trial or speed
the vehicle.Type of cover required - Comprehensive, Third party, Fire only, Theft only,
Fire/Theft and Third party only.
The insurance cover requirement also may vary depending on the following parameters:
(i) Type of use of vehicle
(ii) Details of the vehicle
(iii) Age, experience, past claims experience, previous insurance, if any
(iv) Value of the vehicle including accessories fitted thereon.
The various motor insurance policies are explained in detail as follows:
(i) Act Only Policy (Third party liability towards death and/or bodily injury and/or
property damage)
(ii) Comprehensive Policy (Accidental damages to the vehicle insured or loss of the
vehicle and liabilities to third party towards death and/or bodily injury and/or property
(iii) Act only with Fire and/or Theft
(iv) Fire and/or theft only
(v) Motor Trade Policies
(vi) Internal Road Risk Policy.
(i) Act Only Policy: It is the minimum cover required under the Motor Vehicles Act and
provides compensation for death and/or bodily injury and/or property damage to third
parties out of use of motor vehicle in the public place for which the Insured is liable to pay.
The extent of liability is as per the Motor Vehicles Act.
(ii) Comprehensive Policy: An Insurance policy which covers Accidental Damage to
the vehicle involved in an accident along with or in addition to the third party liability.
(iii) Act Only and Fire and/or Theft: A restricted cover under comprehensive policy by
which the insurer accepts to insure the risk of Fire and/or theft only of the vehicle to be
insured in addition to third party liability. This decision is taken by the underwriter after
considering the various factors such as make, model of the vehicle, declinature of
Insurance by previous insurers, past claims experience etc.
(iv) Fire and/or Theft Risk: This cover is given if the vehicle to be insured is laid up in
the garage of if it remains unused.
(v) Laid Up Vehicles: ‘Laid up vehicle’ is one, which is laid up in the garage and not in
use for a period of two consecutive months or more and not left for repairs due to an
accident. Concession is provided for such vehicles provided the period of suspension
should not extend - 12 months from the original expiry date of the policy. The layup period
will be counted from the date of surrender of Certificate of Insurance.
(vi) Motor Trade Policies: Motor Trade policies are designed to extend the facility of
Insurance to Motor vehicle Manufacturer, dealer and repairer who deal with Motor vehicles
that remain in their custody as part of their trade. Trade policies are given to those who
are authorized to have own trade plates by Registered Transport Authority. This policy
takes care of damage to the vehicle, bodily injury to Third Party and third party death. This
insurance is unlike to the normal motor insurance policy given to the registered owner of
the vehicle.
(vii) Transit Risk Insurance: This policy is issued to manufacturer or dealers. This
policy takes care of transport risk during the period of transit from one place to another.
Usually the vehicles involved are un-registered and uninsured under Normal Motor policy.
the vehicle is required to carry with it under Motor Vehicles Act. This will depend upon the
class of vehicle and its use. Example: Rear view mirror, crash guard.
Electrical/Electronic Items: Electrical/Electronic Items - for insurance purpose are items
that are fitted to the vehicle in addition to those provided by the manufacturer of the
vehicle including accessories. With regard to the details of perils for different type of
vehicles, the student may refer to the annexure and comparative charts. Which annexure?
If there are more than one annexure give Numbering
5.2 Exclusions
The company will not be liable to make payment in respect of
(i) Consequential loss, depreciation, wear and tear, mechanical and electrical
breakdown, failures or breakages
(ii) Damage to tyres and tubes (normally 50% is allowed if proved that the damage is
only due to the mishap)
(iii) Any accidental loss or damage suffered whilst the insured or any person driving with
the knowledge and consent of the insured is under the influence of intoxicating liquor
or drugs. (for that matter breach of any warranty which has a bearing on the mishap
will invalidate the claim).
5.3 Rating
5.1.1 Tariff for Motor Risks : Tariff for motor trade risks: Load transit risks tariff for motor
trade – road risk should be loaded. In other words, the extra premium must be charged for
any risks likely to happen during transit of cargo on motor vehicles. Tariff for motor trade:
For all internal risks, the tariff provides for 48 general regulations.
5.1.2 Liability only policy : According to the new Section 147(1) the liabilities incurred by
the user of the motor vehicle should be covered by insurance in order to satisfy the
requirements of Chapter XI of the 1988 Act. These liabilities are also referred as
Compulsory insurable risks. According to Chapter XI of 1988 Act, it is necessary for a
motor vehicle to be insured against user’s liability for death or bodily injury to third party.
The policy amount is fixed by the Act.
Illustration : A motorist while parking his vehicle unintentionally hit the compound wall
resulting in third party liability. The ‘Liability only’ policy covers the risks mentioned in the
Motor Vehicles Act. This policy provides coverage even if the value of the property is high.
It means the compensation provided by the insurer may be upto the value of insurance,
which could be higher than the minimum amount, prescribed under the Act. This policy
normally covers risks under Fatal Accident Act 1855, and common law The package policy
covers all the risks under liability only policy and includes compensation for the damage to
the vehicle as well. Rates provided under the Tariff Act are only for Third Party premiums;
the rates are administered by IRDAI. For Own Damage cover, Tariff has been abolished.
Hence, each Insurance Company can have its own rates. Loading on tariff premium rates
upto 100% may be applied for adverse claims experience of the vehicle insured and
individual risk perception as per the insurer’s assessment. If the experience continues to
be adverse, a further loading upto 100% on the expiring premium may be applied. No
further loading shall apply.
9. Any extra cost, which may be material for valuation of risk, offered for Insurance.
The selection of value is usually the option of the insured and such value so fixed will be
the maximum limit of liability in the event of loss. It is also on the basis on which premium
is collected. This value is called sum insured which can be increased or reduced during
the currency of the policy. Sum insured is stipulated in the Motor Policy in the name of
“Insured’s Declared Value” (I.D.V.) in Motor Insurance.
5.9 Endorsement
From time to time, it is necessary to make alterations in the wordings of a policy to take
note of changes in the material facts submitted earlier in substitution for one item to
another. It would be costly and time consuming to issue a new policy for every alteration.
Therefore, any changes to the original policy are noted by way of issuing an Endorsement.
(ii) Pro Rata Premium: Under some circumstances, depending on provisions made
available in the tariff, premium is charged in proportion to the number of days for which the
risk has been in force. Such premium is known as Pro rata Premium. Situations where pro
rata premium is charged are:-
(i) Due to the change of ownership of the vehicle, the insurance gets transferred to the
new owner. This may happen during the currency of the policy period and the new
owner may like to have the extension of policy period so that he gets an insurance
policy for not more than complete 12 months. The insured can get such extension of
policy with a suitable premium for additional period of insurance without letting the
insured to have a revised policy for a period more than 12 months.
(ii) Some insured desire to revise their policy period to coincide with the financial year
or assessment year
(iii) When the insured desires to enhance the value of vehicle during the currency of the
policy in order to cope with the market value.
(iv) Any additional extra items like electronic or non electronic items subsequently fitted
in the vehicle can be added to the value of the vehicle insured during the currency of
the policy with suitable additional premium
(v) Sometimes the insured may desire to re-opt the extraneous perils like earthquake,
flood, riot & strike during the currency of the policy which he had originally opted out
by enjoying reduced premium.
(iii) Short Period Premium : There are occasions where the insured needs insurance
for a period less than 365 days. Such facility is allowed but the insured has to pay the
premium on short period basis. The premium for short period is slightly higher than the
regular premium-rating factor. It means the policy for short period is more expensive than
normal annual policies. Situations under which short period premium is collected may be:-
(a) When the policy is issued for a period less than 12 months
(b) When the policy is cancelled at the request of the insured
(iv) Premium Rebates : The insurer recognizes the merits of claim-free clients and the
premium for renewal period is reduced by way of bonus. The bonus is rewarded on
premium for the value of the vehicle and not on premium for third party liability. Tables of
no claim bonus are provided in the tariff for different categories of vehicles.
This discount goes with the insured and not with the vehicle i.e., if the vehicle is sold, the
new owner is not eligible for the no-claim bonus. However, the previous owner can
substitute the discount for any new vehicle, which he may purchase during three years
from the date of transfer. If the vehicle is sold to spouse or children or parents, the
discount passes on to such persons. Similarly, if a vehicle is used or operated by an
employee for an institution and the same is transferred to him at a later date, he can avail-
no claim discount.
For persons coming from abroad, the discount can be allowed provided he produces a
letter to the effect that he is eligible for the discount, within three years from the expiry of
the overseas policy. In case of renewals, the no-claim discount can be granted to the
insured only if he renews his policy within 90 days.
(v) Vehicles Used In Own Premises and Confined Sites : A reduction in premium is
allowed if the vehicle is not licensed for road use and used in own premises where public
have no access to. Similar discount is allowed for goods carrying vehicle, which need not
be registered, and which are used in confined sites where public have no access.
(vi) Vehicles Specially Designed for Handicapped Persons : A Discount in premium
for vehicles, which are specially designed for and used, by handicapped persons and
institutions engaged exclusively in the service for handicapped and mentally retarded, is
allowed, of course, as per the provisions of the MV Act.
(vii) Automobile Association Membership : If the insured is a member of a recognized
automobile association, a discount of 5% shall be granted subject to a maximum of
Rs.50/- for Two-wheelers and Rs.100/- for Private cars.
(viii) Voluntary Excess Discount : Some insured desire to avoid preferring insurance
claims to the extent, which can be borne by them within their financial limits. This is called
Insured bearing first portion of each and every claim arising out of accident. The premium
is reduced based on the quantum chosen by the insured as per tariff / guidelines.
(ix) Third Party Liability Premium Rates by IRDAI : It is important to note that liability
premium is fixed by the insurer. It is the minimum statutory premium to be paid as fixed by
IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India). The liability premium
amount depends on the engine power of the car. The premium increases with an increase
in cubic capacity. The third-party liability premium chart (for private cars) released by the
IRDAI for the financial year 2017-18 is as follows:
(e) Age and gender of the car owner: Individuals below 25 years of age are
considered to be more risky drivers. Hence, insurance providers offer car insurance
at a higher premium for people in the age group of 18 years to 25 years.
(f) Make and model of the car: High-end cars such as Bentley and Audi are insured at
a higher cost when compared to more affordable vehicles like Santro and Alto.
Similarly, SUVs are charged higher insurance premiums than ordinary family
(g) Geographical location: Since the density of traffic is high in cities, the premium is
higher there. Moreover, the incidence of thefts and robberies are considered to be
high in urban areas. This directly impacts the premium of car insurance. For the
purpose of rating, the whole of India has been divided into the following zones
depending upon the location of the office of registration of the vehicle concerned.
(a) Private Cars/ Motorized Two Wheelers/ Commercial Vehicles rateable under
Section 4.C.1 and C.4.
• Zone A: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad , Kolkata,
Mumbai, New Delhi and Pune.
• Zone B: Rest of India
(b) Commercial Vehicles excluding vehicles rateable under Section 4. C.1 and
• Zone A: Chennai, Delhi / New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai
• Zone B: All other State Capitals
• Zone C: Rest of India
(h) Fuel Type : A CNG fitted car will be costlier to insure than diesel and petrol models.
Also, a diesel car will attract a higher insurance premium than a petrol car. This is
due to the following reasons:
(i) A diesel car is more expensive than a petrol car of the same model. Since the
premium for car insurance is directly proportional to the cost of the car, the
premium will be higher for the diesel variant.
(ii) It is more expensive to get a diesel car repaired post an accident, when
compared to a petrol car.
(iii) Diesel cars have gained a lot of popularity in the recent years. When diesel
cars became as attractive as their petrol variants, the insurance premiums for
these vehicles also witnessed a hike.
(i) Year of manufacture : The older the car is, the lesser will be its IDV. This leads to a
lower insurance premium as well.
(j) Premium Calculation for Used and New Cars: Every car manufacturing company
uses its own set of parameters to calculate the premium for a policy. However, the
factors that are considered by most insurers are listed below:
(i) Premium calculator for used cars - To calculate the premium for used cars,
the following details are required:
— Type of car
— Fuel type
— Details of the existing car insurance policy
— Registration number of the car
— Details regarding change in ownership
— Claims for previous years, if applicable
(ii) Premium calculator for new cars - The details required for premium
calculation for insuring a new car are:
— The name of the car manufacturer
— The model of the vehicle
— Year of manufacture
— Personal details of the owner-driver
— State of registration of the vehicle
Illustrative example of NCB
No Claim Bonus is an easy way to progressively reduce premium. For example, the
following scenario as shown in the table NCB over the years reduces the premium
(k) Total loss: A vehicle is considered as a constructive total loss where the aggregate
cost of repairs exceeds 75% of IDV.
(l) Period of Insurance: This is generally for one year and can be extended for a few
months, if such extension is required for a specific purpose. Premium payable will be
on a prorata basis provided the extended policy on expiry is renewed for a further
period of twelve months.
(m) Premium Rates for Short Period Cover: Short Period Cover/Renewal may be
granted for periods less than twelve months at the following short period scale:
Note: 1. Extension of short period covers/short period renewals, for any reason, can be
granted only by charging the premium for such extensions at the above
mentioned short period rates.
2. Short period covers/short period renewals for ‘Liability Only’ Policies are not
Premium computation along with discounts allowed is to be shown clearly on the
(n) Payment of Premium: Full premium is required to be collected before
commencement of cover. It is not permissible to collect premium in installments.
Minimum Premium: The minimum premium applicable for vehicles specially
designed or modified for use of the blind, handicapped and mentally challenged
persons will be Rs.25/- per vehicle. For all other vehicles, the applicable minimum
premium per vehicle will be Rs.100/-.
7. Change of Vehicle
A vehicle insured under a policy can be substituted by another vehicle of the same class
for the balance period of the policy subject to adjustment of premium, if any, on pro-rata
basis from the date of substitution.
Where the vehicle so substituted is not a total loss, evidence in support of continuation of
insurance on the substituted vehicle is required to be submitted to the insurer before such
substitution can be carried out.
Vehicles subject to hire purchase agreements, vehicles subject to lease agreements and
vehicles subject to hypothecation: Motor policies are not issued in joint names. The
financial interests are only recorded by attaching/ invoking the respective endorsement
nos. in the name of the financier – Hire Purchase/ Hypothecation/ etc.
8. Cancellation of Insurance
(a) A policy may be cancelled by the insurer by sending to the insured seven days
notice of cancellation by recorded delivery to the insured’s last known address and
the insurer will refund to the insured the pro-rata premium for the balance period of
the policy.
(b) A policy may be cancelled at the option of the insured with seven days’ notice of
cancellation and the insurer will be entitled to retain premium on short period scale
of rates for the period for which the cover has been in existence prior to the
cancellation of the policy. The balance premium, if any, is refundable to the insured.
(c) Refund of premium will be subject to: there being no claim under the policy, and the
retention of minimum premium as specified in the Tariff.
(d) A policy can be cancelled only after ensuring that the vehicle is insured elsewhere,
at least for Liability Only cover and after surrender of the original Certificate of
Insurance for cancellation.
(e) Insurer should inform the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) concerned by
recorded delivery about such cancellation of insurance.
9. Termination of Insurance
A contract of insurance can be terminated in the following circumstances
(a) At the option of the insurer
(b) At the option of the insured
(c) Due to existence of two (i.e. Double) insurances for the same vehicle.
If it comes to the knowledge of the insurer or the insured finds that there are two co
existing policies for the same vehicle for the same period, the one which was taken first
remains and the other - policy gets cancelled and the premium is refunded by retaining a
nominal amount towards administrative and documentation expenses. Retention of
minimum premium is necessary in the event of cancellation to take care of administrative
Cancellation Options of Insurance Policies
1. At the option of the insurer 7 days’ notice by registered letter to the insured at his
last mentioned address. The insured is entitled to refund of premium for unexpired
period and the insurer retains the premium for expired period proportionately.
2. At the option of the insured 7 days’ notice and the insured is entitled to refund of
premium on the number of unexpired days and the insurer will retain the premium for
the period during - which the risk was in force more than proportionately on short
period basis provided no claim has been preferred by the insured.
3. No cancellation is allowed if the ownership of the vehicle is transferred to the new
owner unless the evidence of from policy for the vehicle is produced.
(i) Death certificate of the insured and legal heir ship certificate
(ii) Proof of title to the motor vehicle
(iii) Copy of the policy
The Insurance company reserves its rights to abide by any order of the court, with regard
to declaration about the legal heirs and ownership of the vehicle and the nominee will not
have any right to the order of the court.
Commencement of Risk
The risk commences immediately on the issuance of insurance policy. The details of policy
and what it contains are given as under.
Indirect Loss and or Damage: As a result of accident, the owner of the vehicle may be
made legally liable to compensate the third parties for their death and/or bodily injury
and/or property damage. Such compensation is called “Liability” arising out of use of
vehicle in public place. It means the insurers meet the legal liability payable by the insured
to a third party due to accident.
‘Third party’ means any person other than the Insured and the Insurer:
‘Liability’ means “The amount of financial compensation legally payable by the insured to
the third party”.
‘Public place’ according to Section 2(24) of the MV Act, is a road, street, way or other
place, whether thoroughfare or not, to which the public have a right of access and includes
any place or stand at which passengers are picked up or set down by a stage carriage”
Example: A Motor car sustains damages by hitting against a compound wall of another
person and in the process resulted in the death of a pedestrian. Before arrival of police on
the scene, the stereo is also stolen.
In the above case following liabilities - arise:
(a) Direct loss and/or damage: (i) Damage to vehicle; (ii) Loss of stereo.
(b) Indirect loss and/or damage of Third Party liability: (i) Death of the pedestrian;
(ii) Damage to compound wall.
(b) The Insured should maintain the vehicle in the most efficient and roadworthy
(c) The company as at all times, shall be at liberty to inspect and examine the vehicle or
any part of the vehicle and also any driver or employee of the insured.
(b) If necessary, the insurance company will conduct the defense in settlement of
claim/legal proceedings/prosecution on behalf of the insured. The insured should
extend all assistance and co-operation to the insurance company.
(l) He may have to verify the bills of the parts to ensure the avoidance of inflated bills
by the repairers.
(m) The surveyor should finalize his report with regard to the admissible liability in
respect of cost of repairs, Labour charges, replacement of parts and the value of
salvage. He should ensure that the report is concluded after re inspecting the
repaired vehicle so as to confirm that the repairers have actually carried out
replacement of new parts and other repair works as agreed by repairers.
(n) The report should be submitted with his due recommendations confirming the
genuineness of the claim, the authenticity of proximate cause (cause of loss), and
verification of vehicular records.
(o) His report should be submitted at the earliest so that the insured does not suffer
under any circumstances for want of financial assistance.
• Under many circumstances, the insurance company may opt to make over the
damaged vehicle if the claim on repair liability is found to be on the higher side,
uneconomical as compared to the market value under this basis.
• The insurer may have to incur additional expenditure like garage charges; cost of
disposal in the form of advertisement, auction charges and/or sales charges and
total insured value may be paid, if it is less than the market value just prior to the
loss. In case the vehicle is lost by theft, the market value of similar vehicle, same
type and model or sum insured, whichever is less, is paid.
of the parts or pay in cash the amount of loss or damage not exceeding the
declared value or the value at the time of loss which-ever is less
• The insurer is entitled for subrogation and in case of double insurance he
cannot contribute more than the rateable proportion of loss
• If the insurer disputes the amount of claim the matter should be arbitrated
within 12 months.
III. Settlement
Claims are settled on the basis of the survey report. The report is examined and
accordingly the settlement is made. The practice followed is that the repairer gets a letter
from the insurer and is paid only after the repairs are made. A voucher to this effect is
given by the insured that he is satisfied with the repairs.
The insured can also make the payments for repairs directly. In such cases the insured is
later reimbursed.
(a) Law of negligence and nuisance: As per the terms of the policy the insurer has to
indemnify the insured. If the insured’s conduct is negligent or amounts to nuisance, he is
liable to pay the third party. Negligence refers to breach of duty. Negligence arises when
the driver:
• Indulges in dangerous and reckless driving without any concern for the safety of
• Breaks traffic rules and regulations
• Is careless while driving
• Uses a defective vehicle
(These are not grounds for absolving the insurer from their liability)
(b) Knock-for-Knock agreement: This is applicable to a situation where there is a
collision involving two vehicles. The insurers of two parties involved in this case come to a
settlement that there is no need to go into the question as to whose negligence caused the
accident and agree to indemnify their respective insured’s against loss. The subrogation
right too is not exercised. On the contrary each insured is indemnified as per the policy
conditions by the insurers. The benefits of this agreement being
• It avoids litigation
• Insured is benefited through a quick settlement
• Each insurer compensates his insured directly
• Insurers save on legal costs, which ultimately results in reduction in premium rates.
When a vehicle sustains damages in an accident and the insured incurs expenditure in
order to repair the damaged parts of the vehicle in addition to the towing charges to the
repairer’s workshop which is less than the insured value of the vehicle under the policy,
the loss or damages fall under the partial loss.
Example: Cost of repairs comprising of the following:
(a) Cost of parts replaced;
(b) Labour charges towards painting and replacing the damaged parts;
(c) Cost of removal from the Accident spot to the repairer’s workshop.
Total Loss: There is a total loss when the insured vehicle is stolen by somebody or the
vehicle is so damaged that it cannot be repaired without incurring expenditure more than
the sum insured or the vehicle is so damaged that the damaged value of the vehicle be as
of no value, such losses fall under Total loss.
The insurance company practices different modes of claims settlement depending upon
the nature of claim, extent of repairs and the market value of the vehicle on the date of
For total loss insured’s declared value (IDV) is considered as-
• IDV = SI
• IDV = (Manufacturer’s listed SP) - (Depreciation as per GR 8)
• Fixed at commencement of each policy period
• IDV for Side Car and/or Accessories also to be fixed likewise
• Not subject to change during policy period
Sometimes loss may be settled on constructive total loss (CTL) basis -
• If {Cost of Retrieval + Cost of Repair}* > 75% of IDV
* Subject to terms and conditions of policy
• Maximum Liability ≯{IDV – Value of Wreck}
(c) Cash loss or salvage less loss basis: This is a kind of settlement when the insured
chooses to retain the damaged vehicle and insists for immediate payment based on the
cost of repairs. The insurance company ascertains the resale value of the damaged
vehicle (on as in where in condition) and pays the difference between the market value of
similar undamaged vehicle as on date of accident and the market value of the damaged
vehicle. Such repair cost is restricted to 75% of the admissible claim on repair basis in
respect of cash loss basis.
The insurance company chooses one of the above three modes of settlement whichever is
more economical:-
Maruti Swift Desire Model 2012 met with an accident
Sum insured of the vehicle is Rs.5, 00,000/-
The market value on the date of accident is Rs.4, 50,000/-
Rs.4, 00,000/-
The cost of repairs
[Cost of labour + Replacement cost – Salvage]
(a) Cost of labour is - Rs.50000
(b) Replacement of parts Rs.375000
Less salvage: Rs.25000
The resale value of the damage vehicle is Rs.2, 00,000/-
Settlement of Claim on Repair Basis
1. Repair basis: Rs.3, 75,000/-
2. Total loss basis:
Market value Rs. 4, 50,000/-
Less Resale value of the
Damaged vehicle Rs.2, 00,000/-
Add Advertisement expenses Rs.5, 000/-
Add Garage expenses Rs.10,000/-
Make, Model, Color of the vehicle, Cubic Capacity, carrying capacity etc. Any financial
interest in the form of Hire purchase or Hypothecation will be endorsed in the R C book.
(ii) Driving license: Driving License means License issued by the Competent Authority
namely Regional Transport Authority authorizing the person specified therein otherwise
than as a learner to drive a specified class of motor vehicle. The Drivers License contains
particulars such as Name of the Driver his address, age, validity period of license and the
class of vehicle he is entitled to drive.A Driver should hold a valid Driving License at the
time of accident. A valid license means “Any person holding a permanent Driving License
Other than Learners License) in force and is not disqualified from holding such license.
Driving License is required in all claims involved in accident except for the following
1. For parked vehicles
2. Theft or Burglary of the vehicle
(iii) Taxation book: It is mandatory for all vehicles plying on the public place to pay the
prescribed Road tax to State Government. The Road tax can be paid on quarterly half
years or Annual of life time which is entered in the RC book of the respective motor
vehicle. A claim is admissible only if Road tax is paid in full as on the date of accident.
Certificate of Insurance in force is a must for RTO authorities to accept tax. In case of
stolen vehicle the payment of road tax may be waived. This tax is paid on all the vehicles
including two-wheelers and cars. The tax is levied on all private and commercial vehicles.
Road Tax is paid when the registration of the vehicle takes place. It is paid either on a
yearly basis or once in a lifetime. This payment depends on the various criteria of the state
governments. However, if the owner of the car uses it in some other state, i.e. not in the
state where the vehicle is registered and the owner has paid the road tax for the lifetime,
then in this case, the person has to pay the road tax again in the new state.
B. Documents required in the event of claim for Commercial vehicles
1. Registration Certificate
2. Driving license
3. Taxation book
4. Fitness certificate
5. Permit
6. Trip sheet
7. Weigh slip/load challan
8. First information report (FIR)
(a) Fitness certificate: Fitness certificate is a certificate issued by Regional Transport
Authority confirming that the Vehicle is in Road worthy condition to ply on the public
CFX form - cancellation of fitness: When a commercial vehicle meets with an
accident, the Motor Vehicle Inspector inspects the vehicle on the spot and issues a
CFX (Cancellation of Fitness) report which means the fitness of the vehicle is
suspended temporarily till the repairs to the vehicle is carried out by the owner of the
vehicle. Once the vehicle is repaired the vehicle is to be shown to the RTO
Authorities and Fitness Certificate will be revalidated.
(b) Permit: Permit is a document issued by a Competent Authority specifying the
boundaries or limits up to which the vehicle is authorized to ply in a public place and
also the nature of goods it can carry. The permit contains details such as Name and
address of the holder of the permit, Area of operation, goods permitted to be carried,
and validity period of permit.
Example: The area of operation can be limited by the type of permit whether
National permit or State permit, public carrier permit or private carrier permit, or
stage carrier permit or contact carriage etc.
Separate permit is issued for vehicle carrying inflammable materials.
(c) Trip sheet: It is a document to be prepared for every trip undertaken by the vehicle
whether it is Goods Carrying or Passenger Carrying Vehicle. It is a Log book stating
the particulars of goods carried or passengers travelled according to the type of
vehicle. Trip sheet has to be closed on daily basis and also on trip to trip basis.
(d) Claim form: Claim form is issued by the insurer to the Insured immediately when a
claim is reported. Issuance of claim form does not mean acceptance of Liability. The
claim form should be duly filled in by the insured in all respects. The claim form
contains details such as Insured particulars, vehicle particulars, Details of the
driver’, Place, time, cause, nature and extent of damages, Details of third parties
involved in the accident, witness and also whether the accident was reported to
Police. The details required in the claim form are vital in deciding whether there is
liability for the insurers and hence it has to be filled in, clearly, legibly and in a
descriptive manner to the extent possible
(e) Estimate: The insured should provide a detailed quotation as to the number of parts
to be replaced or repaired, along with the cost and Labour charges from the repairer
to whom the vehicle is to be entrusted for repair. This forms the basis for arranging
C. Documents Required for Theft Claims
1. First Information Report: First Information Report is the report given by the Police
Authorities based on the statement given by the Insured or his representative
immediately after the occurrence of the theft. The case is registered in CR Diary
under Indian Penal Code and the report given is the FIR which is the main proof of
the occurrence of theft.
2. Non-Traceable Certificate: When the vehicle is not traced after a reasonable period
of reporting the theft, the Police Authorities issue Non-Traceable certificate in the
prescribed format stating that the vehicle is undetectable.
3. Final Investigation Report: The police authorities will finally prepare a Final
Investigation Report stating that the vehicle is un-detectable obtaining a certified
copy of the order passed by the Court accepting the report. The Insured should
produce a copy of the Final Investigation Report to the insurer during the settlement
of the claim.
4. Letter of Subrogation: The insurer establishes his right by getting the rights of the
insured transferred to him by executing a bond in non-judicial stamp paper called
Letter of Subrogation. The letter has to be executed by the insured immediately on
acceptance of liability by the insurer. This Letter of Subrogation is normally executed
for theft claims after payment of the claim to the Insured where the Insurer has the
right over the vehicle stolen when recovered at a later date. Though for accidental
damage claims the insurer has a Subrogation Right to sue and get reimbursement
from the negligent party, it is not enforced due to the presence of Knock for Knock
Original Vehicular documents along with all the keys pertaining to the vehicle have to be
20. Arbitration
Arbitration shall be conducted under and in accordance with the provision of the Amended
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
Only when a claim is admitted: In case -of any dispute or difference of opinion between
the insured and the insurers as to the quantum of claim to be paid under the policy, the
matter can be referred to Arbitration. Such facility is available only in the - case of
admissible liability.
Rejected claim cannot be referred to Arbitration: In case the insurance company has
disputed or - has not admitted the liability in respect of any policy issued due to technical
reasons, the matter of dispute shall not be referred - to arbitration.
Arbitration Proceedings: The difference as to the quantum of admissible claim shall be
referred to the sole arbitrator who will be appointed in writing by both the parties. If they
cannot agree upon a single arbitrator within 30 days, the matter will be referred to a panel
of three arbitrators comprising of two arbitrators, one appointed by each party to the
dispute or difference. The third arbitrator has to be appointed by the - two arbitrators and
thereafter arbitration shall be conducted under the Act.
Award by Arbitrators: The right of action or suit upon the Insurance policy can be taken
only when the award by such arbitrators with regard to the quantum of loss or damage is
obtained; it means it is a condition precedent that the award should be obtained first and
then only right of action or suit upon the Insurance policy shall lie.
In case of repudiated claim: When a suit in the court of law is not filed within twelve
calendar months from the date of insurance company denying - the liability to the insured,
it is considered for all purposes that the claim is deemed to have been abandoned or given
up by the Insured, in which case no amount is recoverable by the insured from the
Insurance company thereafter.
Relevance of material facts in the event of claims: It has become an absolute necessity
that the insured declares all information that is needed by the insurer in the proposal form
and that - influence the admissibility of - the claim.
Examinees should definitely understand the relevance of material facts. It is open to the
Insurance Company to allege and prove that the policy give rise to a claim which was
obtained by non-disclosure of relevant material facts or by representation of a fact which
was false in some material and consequently the contract of Insurance becomes void ab-
If the policy was obtained by fraud it - becomes void from the inception. A plea under this
clause cannot be disallowed on the ground that in spite of the alleged misrepresentation,
the policy was not cancelled by the insurers.
The following are considered to be material facts which warrant special attention:
• Avoid - misstatement of age of the vehicle
• Warranty that the vehicle would be driven by a person who has not been convicted
of motoring offences.
• Previous refusals of other insurers to insure the vehicle
• Allegation that the policy was obtained after the accident in collusion with other
Lok Adalat: Lok means “People” and ‘Adalat’ means “Court”. Lok Adalat is formed for
quick justice and speedy disposal of claims for Road accident victims whose cases are
pending in MACT or before civil courts.
With relevance to Motor Insurance Lok Adalat plays a significant role in dealing with cases
pertaining victims of road accident spending before Motor Accidents Claims tribunal.
Cases are taken up at Lok Adalat only if at least one hearing is over in MACT or civil
Court. The Insurance Company before taking up the cases before Lok Adalat will have to
ensure that the negligence of the Motorist is evident and all documents in support of the
claim are in order because the claim placed before the Lok Adalat cannot be withdrawn.
The decision of the Lok Adalat does no have a legal binding on both the parties and need
not be accepted by either of the parties. But in principle it is accepted as effective system
to negotiate and arrive at a Amicable settlement acceptable to both the parties.
Once a - settlement is effected it is binding on both the parties and is generally acceptable
by the Tribunal. Thus Lok Adalat has helped in clearing a lot of cases pending before
MACT thereby helping the petitioner in getting a reasonable compensation and also helps
Insurance Company to uphold their image as a provider of social security.
(a) Arrange for representation any inquest or take inquiry in respect of any death
for which the insurance company will indemnify the insured.
(b) Insurance company will take any proceeding to any court of law for any
alleged offence relating to any event that falls under the subject of indemnity
under the policy.
Types of Compensation
1. General Damages
2. Special Damages
1. General Damages: General Damages are damages awarded by the court of
Tribunal for pain, suffering reduced earning capacity, inconvenience and loss of life.
The General damages will depend upon the state of injury, the Medical examination, the
X-ray test Medical evidence, pain in leg, leg gets swollen when the injured walks, unable
to do heavy work, slight deformity in the legs for the whole life.
2. Special Damages: Special Damages is awarded to the Insured who is hospitalized
and medical expenses that are incurred and for financial loss of income because of
absence of someone to replace the injured to carry on business or loss of income due to
absence from duty this kind of damages will not prevent much difficulty in assessing
damages. Remaining without salary amount to special damages, Loss of maintenance
expenses if injured, earning at the time of accident will also fall under the head special
In the case of death: In order to ascertain the quantum of damages in case of death the
following criteria should be considered by the Tribunal:-
(a) Age and the health of the deceased when the accident was caused
(b) The status of the deceased, his earning capacity and his contribution to the family
(c) The loss caused to the family by his death
(d) The damage he suffers from pain and suffering and duration of the same of the
(e) Whether he died immediately or after the expiry of some days
(f) Loss of expectancy of life.
Components of an award:
(a) The award contains the just compensation made by the tribunal
(b) Specifies the person to whom the compensation to be paid
(c) It specifies the amount, which shall be paid by the driver of the vehicle or owner,
insurer, involved in the accident or by all or any of them as the case may be.
Now, as per the mandate given in the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended by The Insurance
Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2014, the Authority had initiated framing of regulations
prescribing the obligations of the insurers in meeting the Motor TP coverage needs of the
country. Text of the Regulations appears hereunder
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Obligation of Insurer in
Respect of Motor Third Party Insurance Business) Regulations, 2015
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 114A of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of
1938), as amended from time to time, read with sections 14 and 26 of the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999) and Section 32D of
Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time, the Authority in consultation with the
Insurance Advisory Committee, hereby makes the following regulations, namely:-
Short Title and Commencement of the Regulations
(1) (a) These Regulations may be called the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (Obligation of Insurer in respect of Motor Third Party
Insurance Business) Regulations, 2015
(b) These shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official
(2) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, -
(a) "Act" means the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938), as amended from time to
(b) “Authority” means the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
India established under the provisions of Section 3 of the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999)
(c) “Insurer” means the insurance companies registered with the IRDAI and
licensed to underwrite direct motor insurance business in India
(d) “Motor Third Party Insurance Business” consists of the motor third party
insurance business in respect of both, the liability only policies as well as the
package policies issued in motor portfolio
(e) “New Insurer” means an insurer which has started its business operations
during the immediate preceding financial year of the financial year for which
obligations in respect of motor third party insurance business are to be fixed
Obligations of the Insurers
(3) The Obligation of an Insurer in respect to Motor Third Party insurance business for a
Year (X) should be arrived as below:
(i) Total ‘Gross Direct Premium Income(GDPI)’ under all lines of business of all
insurers in the immediate preceding financial year = A
(ii) Total GDPI under motor insurance business of all insurers in the immediate
preceding financial year = B
(iii) Insurer’s GDPI under all lines of business in the immediate preceding financial
year = C
(iv) Insurer’s GDPI under motor insurance business in the immediate preceding
financial year = D
(v) Total GDPI under motor third party insurance business of all insurers during
the immediate preceding financial year = E
(vi) Obligation of the Insurer to be met in a financial year
X = [C/A +D/B] x E x 90
2 100
(4) The new insurer writing motor insurance business licensed to underwrite motor
insurance for the first time shall be exempted from the application of the obligatory
requirement during first two financial years of its operations including the financial
year in which its operations are started.
(5) Such insurer shall also be excluded from the calculations for determining the
minimum obligatory requirements for other existing insurers for such period till which
the minimum obligatory requirements are not applicable to that insurer.
(6) Every insurer shall submit the financial returns to the IRDAI for every quarter of the
financial year within forty five days of the end of the quarter as per the Schedule –
Underwriting of Motor Third Party Risk
(7) The Regulations (3) and (4) stipulate just the minimum obligation of the insurer in
respect of motor third party insurance business. Notwithstanding this, at no instance
the insurer shall refuse to underwrite the “liability only” motor policy covering motor
third party insurance risk coming to its office (s).
Highlights of the Motor Vehicles Act (Amendment) 2015
The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2015 received Presidential Assent on 11th March
2015. It amends the Motor Vehicles 1988 Act. Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin
Gadkari while moving the Bill said that the Bill - would not only benefit the poor but it will
give a boost to ‘Make in India’ initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as battery moving
vehicle will be manufactured indeginously by a Pune based Company. Now, the drivers
can ply e-rickshaw legally in Delhi. Intelligent speed adaptation, driver alert control and
eye drowsiness detectors distance closure rate detection and green box monitoring, are
some of the features proposed in the Bill that seeks to prevent at least 2 lakh road
accident deaths in next five years through hefty penalties and jail-terms.
The new Act aims at "Providing safe, efficient, cost effective and faster transport across
the country. The Act lays emphasis on E-governance to bring in transparency in the
transport sector. Some of the other features include
• unified vehicle registration system,
• single National Road Transport & Multinational Coordination Authority and
• Goods Transport and National Freight Policy.
• The Bill provides for up to 5,000 penalty for violation of provisions related to wearing
seat belts while in case of head gears it is 2,500.
• Seeking to come down heavily on traffic offenders, it proposes penalty of up to 3
lakh along with a minimum 7-year imprisonment for death of a child in certain
circumstances, besides huge fines for driving violations.
• It also proposes a fine of 5 lakh per vehicle as well as imprisonment for faulty
manufacturing design, besides cancellation of licences for rash and negligent
• The Bill, unveiled by Road Transport and Highways Ministry for seeking suggestion
from stakeholders, proposes penalty of up to 1 lakh or imprisonment for six months
which may extend to one year or both in case of using vehicle in unsafe conditions.
• First offence for drunken driving will attract Rs.25,000 fine, or imprisonment for a
term not exceeding 3 months, or with both and a six-month license suspension."
• "Second offence within three years will result in Rs. 50,000 penalty or imprisonment
for up to one year or both and a one year licence suspension.
• "Any subsequent offence shall result in the cancellation of the licence, and
impounding of the vehicle which may extend for 30 days," draft Road Transport &
Safety Bill 2014 said.
• If school bus drivers are caught driving drunk, Rs. 50,000 fine will be imposed with
imprisonment for three years while "immediate cancellation" of licence will take
place in case of drivers in the age-group of 18 to 25 years involved in such
• Causing death of a child in certain circumstances will result in Rs.3 lakh fine, and
imprisonment for a term not less than 7 years while violating traffic signal three
times will result in 15,000 fine, licence cancellation for a month and a compulsory
refresher training, it said.
• It also provides for graded point system for imposing fines.
• The new 'golden hour' policy will provide immediate relief to accident victims and will
help save lakhs of lives. The Golden Hour policy provides for treatment to road
accident victims within one hour.22. Role of Ombudsman in Motor Insurance
The hardships and expensive legal recourse available to individuals in the event of delay
in or dispute of quantum of settlement of a claim prompted IRDA to establish an
Independent Arbitrator - known as Ombudsman. Ombudsman was established in
November 1999 by IRDA to arbitrate insurance related disputes for quick, low cost and
prompt settlement of claims at the cost of Insurance companies. Prior to this the only
options available to people was to go to the Consumer Forum or Civil Court to settle their
differences. The Ombudsman now has representation in 12 different notified jurisdictions
throughout the country. Here the process is very simple. Any Insurance related complaint
can be filed in the notified jurisdiction. Ombudsman entertains complaints only on
individual life or non life policies, as long as it is non commercial in nature up to an extent
of Rs. 20 lacs.
As an arbitrator, the Ombudsman has to take unbiased and independent decision to
ensure that the common man receives fair and just compensation from the insurance
A complaint to the Ombudsman could bemade as under :
1. A letter in writing stating the facts of the case along with documentary proof.
2. Complaint - should be filed within 1 year from the date of repudiation of claim by the
3. Ombudsman will not interfere if the insured has already approached the consumer
forum or filed suit in Court of Law
4. Complaint should be filed within the jurisdiction of the insured.
Role of Ombudsman
1. On receiving the complaint, if Ombudsman finds a prima facie case, response is
sought from the insurer within 14 days.
2. If on receiving the petitioner’s claim, the circumstances of the case, documentary
evidence and cross examination reveal that the claim of the petitioner is fraudulent
in nature, the claim is immediately dismissed.
3. Settlement is done in 3 ways.
(a) Settlement on reference
offered under the Act Only insurance. The mandatory term for the third party liability
component of these policies has now been increased to five and three years respectively
for two wheelers and private cars.
Apart from the Act Only policy and the long term package policy, effective 1st September
2018, policyholders may also be offered a "Bundled Policy", where a one year own
damage component is bundled with a five year or a three year third party liability cover, as
applicable, for two wheelers and private cars respectively. Per the directions of the IRDAI,
General Insurers are now required to offer the following motor insurance products at the
time of purchase of a new vehicle, for a three or five year term:
(a) Long term Act only policy;
(b) Long term Package policy;
(c) Bundled Policy (with a 1 year component for Own Damage).
General Insurers may also offer motor insurance add-on covers with the foregoing for a
period co-terminus with that of the package product, i.e., three year or five years as the
case may be. Insurers have also been directed to take cognizance of the movement of IDV
over time for all relevant purposes including underwriting, pricing and settlement of claims.
In line with the earlier directions issued by the IRDAI, General Insurers are required to
ensure that the mandatory five year or three year third party liability cover is available
through online channels, and also continue liaising with police authorities to enable
issuance, renewal and easy availability. General Insurers have also been instructed to
advertise the long term motor insurance available pursuant to the Supreme Court's
directive in S Rajaseekaran vs. Union of India and Ors.
B. Premium Rates:
The IRDAI prescribes the premium rates for third party motor insurance, and the same are
usually revised on an annual basis and published on the IRDAI's website. Since the term
of third party insurance covers has been extended beyond a one year period, the IRDAI
has introduced a new premium rate structure for the 3 year and 5 year third party liability
insurance, where the premium for the entire term would be collected at the point of sale
E. Commission Structure:
The IRDAI has subsequently introduced a new structure for the commission/remuneration
payable, rewards, and the MISP's distribution fees for long term motor insurance policies4.
Payment of commission/remuneration for long term motor insurance shall be paid in the
financial year premium is booked by the Insurer, and shall be restricted to the gross
written premium recognised for that year.
No commission/remuneration or rewards are payable to insurance agents/insurance
intermediaries for the distribution of the Act Only long term policies. For bundled covers,
commission is 15% of the OD premium for new private cars, 17.5% for new two wheelers,
and NIL for the TP portion. For package policies, commission has been capped per year
as a reducing percentage of the total premium collected. The distribution fees payable to
MISPs is marginally higher than the commission/remuneration payable to insurance
agents/insurance intermediaries.
F. Enhancement of Capital Sum Insured:
Pursuant to the decision of the High Court of Madras in United lndia lnsurance Co Ltd v R
Rekha, the IRDAI has effectively amended General Regulation 36 of the India Motor Tariff
2002 which prescribed the sum insured and applicable premium for the compulsory
personal accident cover for owner-drivers under the liability only and package policies.
Further, with the introduction of long term motor insurance policies, General Insurers are
now required to provide compulsory personal accident cover under Bundled Policies as
The IRDAI has now increased the minimum capital sum insured for motorised two
wheelers from Rs.1 lakh and private cars from Rs.2 lakhs, to a capital sum insured of
Rs.15 lakh for the single year policies, at a premium of Rs.750 per annum. However, for
long term motor insurance policies, General Insurers have been permitted to set the
premium in terms of their existing pricing approach.
Circular on "Implementation of the Directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the
matter of WP No 295/2012 of Shri S Rajaseekaranvs Union of India and Ors.” of 28th
August 2018.
G. Compulsory Personal Accident (CPA)
Effective January 1, 2019, IRDAI has unbundled the Compulsory Personal Accident
(CPA) cover and permitted the issuance of a stand-alone policies. This move can reduce
the cost of ownership of a vehicle. Here's how this can happen.
As a policyholder, the premium of Rs 750 per annum for annual CPA cover for both cars
and two-wheelers was to be paid. Now, effectively, this is the amount of savings if one
already has a stand alone personal accident cover.
Effective January 1, on expiry of a bundled CPA cover, it may be replaced with a stand-
alone CPA cover and the same may be taken from any registered general insurer. Since a
general personal accident cover also includes cover against motor accidents, if an owner-
driver already has a 24 hour personal accident cover against death and permanent
disability (total and partial) for CSI of at least Rs.15 lakh, there is no need for a separate
CPA cover to be taken.
On October 9, 2018 Irdai issued a circular stating that it is the choice of the owner-driver
to opt for a one-year CPA or long-term CPA and insurers cannot compel owner-drivers to
go in for long-term package policy or long-term PAC policy. Irdai has directed insurers to
ensure that they necessarily offer the choice of one-year CPA to an owner-driver.
H. Unbundled CPA
Effective 1st January, 2019, stand-alone Compulsory Personal Accident cover for Owner-
Driver may be issued. Keeping in view the date of implementation, as an interim measure,
insurers may price the product in accordance with their general pricing philosophy, based
on actuarial principles for the risk in question. Should the Authority find the pricing
approach in variance from their general pricing philosophy/approach and not in line with
actuarial principles, suitable direction may be issued by the Authority.
The product shall be filed with the Authority in terms of the Product Filing Guidelines dated
18th February, 2016 on or before 15th January, 2019 failing which the insurer shall not be
allowed to sell the product as permitted in 4(i) above beyond that date.
4(i) above may be followed till such time the duly filed product is approved by the
Authority. On approval, the product shall be sold on the lines it has been approved
Accordingly, effective 1st January, 2019, on expiry of a Bundled CPA cover, it may be
replaced with a stand-alone CPA cover and the same may be taken from any registered
insurer transacting general insurance business. Coverage under the stand-alone CPA will
extend to all the vehicles owned by the owner-driver under the same policy. In other
words, the cover under the stand-alone CPA policy would be valid when the owner-driver
drives any of the vehicles he/she owns. The duration of the stand-alone CPA cover would
be one year. The coverage under the stand-alone CPA would continue to be that
stipulated under GR 36 A of the erstwhile India Motor Tariff, namely, Death and
Permanent Disability (Total and Partial).
Since a general Personal Accident cover also includes cover against motor accidents, if an
owner-driver already has a 24 hour Personal Accident cover against Death and Permanent
Disability (Total and Partial) for CSI of at least Rs.15 lacs, there is no need for a separate
CPA cover to be taken
paying the entire amount of Rs. 1.5 lakh towards the claim, the insurer paid him 30% less
i.e. Rs. 1,05,000. Ajay could have saved Rs. 45,000, if he had opted for a ‘zero
depreciation policy’ as allowed by Indian non-life insurers.
Depreciation means decrease in the value of an asset due to use. ‘Nil depreciation’ or
‘zero depreciation’ policies are gaining popularity with increasing awareness among
vehicle owners in India. These policies offer full claim without deduction for depreciation
on the value of parts replaced. This cover extends to the repairing costs of fiber glass,
rubber parts and plastic. In standard motor policy, rate of depreciation ranges from 0% to
40% depending on the age of vehicle and the type of material, thereby making you shell
out some money from your pocket. In the case of a zero depreciation policy, no
depreciation is charged, thus a 100% re-imbursement on replaced or depreciated parts
can be availed leading to optimum benefit under the cover.
The IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) allowed these add-
on covers for the new entrant private players to make their entry into the Indian market
about two years ago. Some private insurers which provide these kinds of depreciation
cover include Tata AIG General, Bajaj Allianz, Bharti AXA General, ICICI Lombard
General, Reliance General, HDFC Ergo General, etc. Public sector insurance companies
have also launched this add-on cover under their motor policies.
Nil (or Zero) depreciation cover is usually available on new cars/ two wheelers and mostly
do not cover cars/ two wheelers that are more than three years old (normally, PSU
Insurers allow up to five years for the cars which are already in their books). The premium
is slightly higher than that in a standard motor policy. Also certain companies place a
restriction on the number of claims that can be made - without depreciation during a policy
period. For instance: Bharti AXA General pays two claims in a policy period without
deduction of depreciation.
Besides providing nil (i.e. zero) depreciation as add-on, some insurers also ensure that the
policyholder does not lose his no-claim bonus.
What is not covered?
There are few conditions which are not covered under the zero depreciation policy.
1. Wear and tear;
2. Damage to uninsured items like accessories and bi-fuel/gas kit, tyres, etc.;
package policy simply apply only to new cars, with the age limit being five years, in
general. If your vehicle is older, it is not eligible for this benefit. Moreover, it may not be
cost-efficient to shell out higher premiums on a five-year-old vehicle. If your car is brand
new, a nil depreciation rider is a worthwhile investment. Many opine that nil depreciation
works only for new drivers because they are more likely to damage their car leading to
total loss. However, even the most careful drivers are involved in accidents, often because
the other person was careless. Hence, nil depreciation as an add-on cover in your motor
package policy is a good buy provided the extra premium does not pinch your pocket.
In Indian market at present - Nil Depreciation is an add-on car insurance cover which
offers full settlement without any write-off for depreciation as opposed to normal car
insurance. This type of coverage offers a full claim policy for a premium amount which is
relatively higher than a normal car insurance policy. This type of coverage is usually opted
for mid and top-segment expensive and luxury cars, reason being that most people prefer
a superior cover to obtain optimum benefits.
2. Nil depreciation cover as an add-on with two wheelers and private car policy
by PSUs
Since ‘Nil’ Depreciation add-on cover that had been approved by IRDAI, was selectively
granted for individual proposals from each of insurers’ Corporate Office initially. As per the
initial initiative during October, 2011 to January, 2012 this add-on cover was allowed to the
PSU Insurance Companies - by simply applying the loading of premium (to be applied on
the Basic OD premium in respect of Private Cars and Two Wheelers, subject to approval
by the Competent Authorities) as under :
Sr. No. Age of the vehicle Loading on basic
Own damage rate
1. New vehicle 10-15%
2. Less than two years 20 to 25%
3. Between two and three years 30 to 35%
4. Between three and five years 35 to 40%
But in view of the rising number of proposals for the said add-on cover and in
consideration of the feedback on high market demand received from various ROs, the
Competent Authority delegated the authority for approval for this add-on cover to Regional
in-Charges to grant such cover who may in turn delegate the same to an officer not below
the rank of Manager in RO. As the cover gained extensive popularity, in order to concede
the ever increasing demand for the cover, finally the authority for granting this add-on has
been delegated upon the Operating Offices (OOs) but the concerned offices shall consider
granting the said cover absolutely in line with the IRDAI approval. Operating office in-
Charge, if required, may further delegate the authority for granting cover to an officer in
the rank of Assistant Manager, who may act on behalf of OO-in-Charge for that purpose
meriting this nil depreciation cover absolutely remaining within the norms of underwriting &
specific stipulations, comply with the regulator’s directives and obviously applying the
following loading of premium on basic OD premium:
Sr. Age of the vehicle Loading on basic
No. Own damage rate
1) New vehicle 15%
2) Less than two years 25%
3) Between two and three years 35%
4) Between three and five years 40%
This add-on may be utilized as a new marketing tool to widen the market share in these
classes of vehicles. However proposals of this add-on for vehicles under various auto tie-
up arrangements need to be referred to Corporate Office with recommendation of
respective RO for approval by the concerned Competent Authority of Corporate Office.
The other salient features - like, deductibles, underwriting guidelines, endorsement
wordings as approved for the use and granting cover by the regulator namely IRDAI, the
coverage under the add-on cover are given in brief in the following paragraphs.
Features of the Nil Depreciation Policy
Deductibles to be applied for this cover
(a) For Private Car: 5% of claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs. 500 & maximum of
(b) For Two wheelers: 5% of claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs.250 & maximum
of Rs.1000.
Underwriting guidelines
1. It is advisable to grant the cover to new vehicles at the time of purchase only and
continued during each renewal by charging - appropriate loading as per tables
2. No midterm cover to be granted.
3. In case cover by an existing insured is sought, it may be granted subject to
inspection at the time of renewal and the insured being entitled to ‘No claim bonus’.
4. In respect of insurances under Tie up arrangements decision regarding granting of
cover and other terms and procedures will be decided by the - Head office.
Endorsement wordings
In consideration of payment of additional premium as indicated in the Schedule it is hereby
agreed and understood that indemnification in respect of Partial loss claims shall be done
without application of Depreciation as mentioned in Section 1 of the policy.
However claims payable in accordance with this endorsement will be subject to a
Deductible of 5% of the claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs.*……………..and
Maximum of Rs.*……………… in addition to the deductible stated in the Schedule.(* here
the underwriter needs to insert appropriate amount depending upon the class of vehicle for
this add-on cover).
Norms for Granting Cover
A. For Individual Insured:
(i) Cover may be granted to all new cars/two wheelers for the 1st year policy and the
same add on may be continued in the subsequent policy periods;
(ii) Cover may be considered for all existing policies on renewal if enjoying NCB but
subject to inspection of the vehicle and the cover may be granted on subsequent
B. For Fleets: The Nil Depreciation Add on may be granted to a fleet if the average
ICR of the fleet for the last 3 years is within 60%
C. For Corporates with a fleet of cars/two wheelers: Same as ‘B’ above.
D. Dealers: Same as ‘A’.
that they may guard their money-purses from paying for any damage or loss if their
vehicles sustain any bodily damage. But if your car, your prized possession, is stolen and
is never recovered, or is damaged beyond repair due to an accident, the arrangement
from insurer may be less than the current ex-showroom price of the same model as
payment is always as per the Insured’s Declared Value (IDV)in terms of GR.8. Insured’s
Declared Value (IDV) of All India Motor Tariff, which is still the basis of loss settlement, is
only at net of depreciation. He/she is then left out for taking the option to choose to remain
without a Car plus the further expenses of buying a new Car at a higher price.
‘Invoice Protection’ add-on cover of your personal vehicles / two wheelers, has arrived in
Indian General Insurance Sector as an add-on to both the Private Car Package Policy and
Two Wheeler Package Policy, and in the ‘Own damage auto insurance segment in India’
to relieve you out of such oppressive situations as it will complement your vehicle’s
Package Insurance and provide reassurance and financial support you need to get back
on the road in a vehicle of the same value that you possessed before total loss of the
vehicle occurred.
The Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) of the vehicle will be deemed to be the ‘sum insured’
for the purpose of Motor Tariff and it will be fixed at the commencement of each policy
period for each insured vehicle. The IDV of the vehicle is to be fixed on the basis of
manufacturer’s listed selling price of the brand and model as the vehicle proposed for
insurance at the commencement of insurance /renewal and adjusted for depreciation (as
per Schedule given below). The IDV of the side car(s) and / or accessories, if any, fitted to
the vehicle but not included in the manufacturer’s listed selling price of the vehicle is also
likewise to be fixed. The Schedule of age-wise depreciation as shown below is applicable
for the purpose of Total Loss/ Constructive Total Loss (TL/ CTL) claims only. A vehicle will
be considered to be a CTL, where the aggregate cost of retrieval and / or repair of the
vehicle subject to terms and conditions of the policy exceed 75% of the IDV.
As per motor tariff the Schedule of depreciation for arriving at the IDV is as under :
Note: IDV of vehicles beyond 5 years of age and of obsolete models of the vehicles (i.e.
models which the manufacturers have discontinued to manufacture) is to be determined
on the basis of an understanding between the insurer and the insured. For the purpose of
TL/CTL claim settlement, this IDV will not change during the currency of the policy period
in question. It is clearly understood that the liability of the insurer shall in no case exceed
the IDV as specified in the policy schedule less the value of the wreck, in ‘as is where is’
condition. In the case of a Total Loss/ Constructive Total Loss/ Total Theft of your car,
‘Invoice Protect’ add-on cover pays the difference between Current Invoice Value of your
car and the IDV. Additionally, the sum of first time Registration Charges, Motor Own
Damage Premium paid and Road Tax incurred with respect to the insured vehicle, subject
to a maximum of 10% of Current Invoice Price, is also payable.
How taking this add-on covers work ?
Suppose your Car’s Current Invoice Price: Rs.10, 00,000 and the age of the Car is 1 year
6 months – then the ‘Depreciation’ charged is 20% of that invoice price. Obviously the sum
Insured to be considered as Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) being only 80% of Rs. 10,
00,000, i.e. Rs. 8, 00,000, thereby creating a gap between current invoice price along with
Registration Charges, Motor Own Damage Premium paid and Road Tax incurred with
respect to the insured vehicle up to 10% of Current Invoice Price being paid under this
add-on cover allowed in Own Damage Section of the motor policy. Without this ‘INVOICE
PROTECT’ add-on, normal payout is Rs. 8, 00,000/- but with this add-on as ‘INVOICE
PROTECT’ in motor package policy, the payout will invariably be the Current Invoice Price
of Vehicle i.e. Rs.10, 00,000/-, the current invoice price of the vehicle i.e. the price at
which you may buy the new vehicle from the show room. The only eligibility is that the
Vehicle must be insured with the same insurer under Private Car Package Policy. Here the
benefit may be recognized in the considering the claim payable under the ‘INVOICE
PROTECT’ add-on cover of Private Car or Two wheeler Package Policies and the
following additional aspects are covered by this add-on exclusively:
1. The difference between the ‘Current price of vehicle’ and IDV;
2. The sum of first time Registration charges, Motor Own Damage Premium and Road
Tax incurred with respect to the insured vehicle, subject to a maximum of 10% of
Current Invoice Price.
Invoice Protect, is relatively new add-on cover allowed in Motor Package Policy for
Two Wheelers and Private Cars. The requisite approval has been given by the
Indian Regulator, IRDA, during June, 2014 – approval is given as a two distinct add-
on product for two different segments as below:
(a) Invoice Protect (Add-on to Two Wheeler Package Policy) &
(b) Invoice Protect (Add-on to Private Car Package Policy).
3. Invoice Protect (Two Wheelers And Private Cars)-Salent Features:
(a) No mid term cover can be allowed.
(b) This add on cover will cease to exist on transfer of ownership of vehicle.
(c) No claims bonus is not to be allowed on the premium under this add-on.
(d) Vehicle insured with other companies can be covered under policy and add-on
cover, subject to inspection of the vehicle
(e) Documentary proof of registration charges and/or road tax paid, must be
submitted to claim for these two components.
(f) Cover shall be granted to vehicles of up to 5 years of age .
(g) Permission of RO required after 3 years.
(h) Cover should not be granted to imported/obsolete vehicles.
(i) The policy period under this add-on cover should coincide with that of the
package policy.
Duration of the add-on of ‘nil depreciation’ As per the above approval this ‘Invoice
Protection’ add-on will be concurrently effective along with the original package policy as a
full annual contract. The policy period of this add-on need to coincide with that of Private
Car or Two Wheeler Package Policy. Exclusions of this add-on part of the Motor Own
Damage Policy now need to be considered i.e. the insurance company shall not be liable
to make any payment in respect of the following situations:
(a) A total loss/ constructive total loss/ total theft claim that is not admissible under the
Package Policy ;
(b) Total loss of just accessories and not the vehicle.
(c) Any facilitation charges paid to any broker/ dealer / intermediary in respect of the
vehicle registered.
(d) Any other exclusion as per the Package policy.
Premium rate of this add on cover
Premium Rate of this “Invoice Protect” add-on cover of Private Car or Two Wheeler
Package Policy may vary based on two important parameters and those are (i) the IDV of
the concerned vehicle and also (ii) on the age of the vehicle.
Premium Rates to be applied for this Invoice Protect (Add-on cover to be taken along with
the Private Car Package Policy- as approved by IRDA in respect of …………….. (name
the company) is given hereunder for the bnefit of the interested persons:
Age Premium Rate as a % of IDV plus (+) Service tax
(As per Service tax rules) to be paid separately
0 0.08%
1 0.30%
2 0.42%
3 0.59%
4 0.67%
Buying this add-on
When you are interested for this add-on cover, please note that the same can be availed
as an extension (i.e. only along with the Main Policy – either Private Car Package Policy
or Two Wheeler Package Policy . The policy can be bought from any of the following -
1. The operating offices of General Insurers;
2. Agents of the insurer ;
3. Private car dealers;
4. Insurer’s tie-up partners.
For availing the add-on cover under Package (for Private Cars or Two Wheelers) Motor
Policies the insured need to submit the completed and signed proposal form and
documentary proof of the following:
(a) Copy of document evidencing payment of Registration Charges and
(b) Copy of the document evidencing payment of the Road Tax
to the concerned office where from you have taken your Motor Policy (through the same
operating offices of insurers, or to your scheduled agent, along with the requisite
additional premium required to be paid (or during the renewal along with original premium
for the basic cover).
If Any Claim arises
There is no other additional requirement/duty/responsibility for availing this add-on cover.
As normally, whatever has to be done in a policy without this add-on cover, the same has
to be done in the event of any claim to avail this benefit with “NIL DEPRECIATION” or
“INVOICE PROTECT” cover (as add-on to Private Car/ Two Wheelers Package Policy).
Claim Intimation is a must. In the event of a claim, the concerned insured should
immediately inform the Company about the accident/ theft in writing and give all possible
Documents to be submitted
Policy being exactly similar to any other Motor (OD) Claims, here also the related Claim
form is to be submitted supported with the following documents:
(a) Certificate of Insurance and the original insurance policy
(b) Duly filled and signed Claim Form;
fitted to the vehicle) is to be fixed on the basis of the manufacturer’s listed selling
price of the brand and model as the vehicle insured at the commencement of
insurance/renewal and adjusted for depreciation (as per schedule in the Section I of
Private Car Package Policy).
4.5. Motor Own Damage Premium means the premium paid under Section I (loss of or
damage to the vehicle insured) of Private Car Package Policy.
4.6. Policy means the Private Car Package/ Two Wheelers Package Policy.
4.7. Policy period means the period commencing from the inception date and terminating
at midnight on the expiry date as mentioned in the schedule.
4.8. Schedule means a document forming part of the policy, containing details including
name of the insured person, description of the insured vehicle, IDV, premium paid
and the policy period.
4.9. Underwriting considerations:
4.9.1. Vehicle to be insured with the Company under Private Car Package Policy.
4.9.2. Vehicle up to 5 years of age to be insured.
4.9.3. Obsolete models not to be insured.
4.9.4. Vehicle to be of indigenous make no imported cars comes within this
4.9.5. Vehicle insured with other companies may be covered under Policy and
Cover, subject to inspection of the vehicle before insurance is allowed &
4.9.6. Cover for SUVs and similar type of vehicles may be allowed only to
professionals, companies, etc.
4.9.7. Policy to be continuously renewed. In case of a break, the Policy and Cover
may be considered subject to inspection. If Vehicle not insured with a the
current insurer earlier but now requiring a shifting of cover from the erstwhile
insurer, vehicle must be inspected before issuance of policy.
4.9.8. Policy and Cover to be underwritten in the same office.
4.9.9. Policy period under the Policy and Cover to be identical. Midterm cover not
to be allowed.
4.9.10. Proposals of vehicles beyond 3 years of age, to be referred to the Regional
Offices for approval.
4.9.11. Cover to cease in case of transfer of ownership.
4.9.12. Cancellation of the Cover should follow the Cancellation Clause of the
4.9.13. No Claims discount not to be allowed on the Premium under this add-on.
4.10. Premium Rates: Premium rates depend on the age of the vehicle normally
expressed as a percentage of IDV. The approved rate for issuance of this add-on
cover on the Package Policy, as offered by my employer, may be considered as
Age Premium Rate as a % of IDV plus (+)
Service tax: as per Service Tax Act.
0 0.08%
1 0.30%
2 0.42%
3 0.59%
4 0.67%
Similarly you as the insured may need to consider that your two-wheelers not just for Third
Party cover but also for loss or damage to your vehicle to ensure that you shield your
pocket from paying for any damage or loss. But if your two-wheeler, your prized
possession, is stolen and never recovered, or is damaged beyond repair due to an
accident, the settlement from insurance would be less than the current ex-showroom price
of the same model as payment is on the Insured’s Declared Value (IDV), which is net of
depreciation. You would be left without a Two-Wheeler plus the additional expenses of
buying a new Two-Wheeler at a higher price. ‘Nil Depreciation’ or ‘Invoice Protect’, is
offered as an add-on to our Two Wheeler Package Policy, will ease you out of such sticky
situations as it will complement your vehicle’s Package Insurance and provide the
reassurance and financial support you need to get back on the road in a vehicle of same
value. So the calculation referred earlier for Private car may be applicable in too. Say,
your Two Wheeler’s Current Invoice Price: Rs.1, 00,000 and the age of the Two Wheeler:
1 year 6 months – so here also the depreciation charged is 20%. Therefore, the ‘Insured’s
Declared Value (IDV)’ will be actually 80% of Rs.10, 00,000, i.e., say, Rs.80, 000/- and
without “Invoice Protection Add-on, payout is Rs.80, 000/-. With this ‘Invoice Protect’ add-
on being availed, the pay-out is the Current Invoice Price of the concerned insured two
wheelers, i.e. Rs.1, 00,000/-
The eligibility, terms & conditions, benefits, duration, exclusions, claim documentation &
claim servicing of this section as the add-on in the Two Wheeler Package Policy, is
absolutely same as applicable to that add-on as offered for the Private car and discussed
&described earlier in details. Premium Rates for the ‘Invoice Protect’ add-on cover as
allowed in the Two Wheelers’ Package Policy: Premium payable will depend on the IDV
and age of the two wheelers and the approved rate of premium of mu own company is
also given here for the ready reference of the reader as detailed below:
Age Premium Rate as a % of IDV of two wheeler plus (+) Service tax (As
per Service tax rules) to be paid separately
0 0.28%
1 0.46%
2 0.61%
3 0.66%
4 0.94%
If the insured vehicle (in both cases of insurance of Private cars and the two wheelers with
this add-on cover of the concerned package policy) is recovered subsequently the Insured
shall have the option to repay the claim amount already paid and retain the recovered
vehicle. If the vehicle is found damage, the Insured shall be indemnified against loss of or
damage. The Insured should be advised to obtain a recovery memo from the Police and to
get the vehicle surveyed at the Police Station before taking delivery.
(b) The Total loss/ Constructive Total Loss (CTL) or Total Theft of the vehicle should be
admissible under Section I of the policy.
(c) Insured should be the first registered owner of the vehicle.
(d) Vehicle insured should be indigenous.
(e) The bank/finance company whose interest is endorsed in the policy shall agree in
• Motor insurance is an insurance contract which protects the vehicle and as well as
the driver being a contract like any other contract has to satisfy the requirements of
a valid contract as laid down in the Indian Contract Act 1872.
• The Motor Vehicles Act was passed to mainly safeguard the interests of pedestrians.
The current Act is MV Act 1988. According to the Act, a vehicle cannot be used in a
public place without insuring the third party liability.
• Motor Third Party Insurance (known as TP Policy / Liability only policy / Act Policy)
is compulsory under law. It is designed to protect the interest of third parties.
• The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988) is a Central legislation through which the
road transport is regulated in the country.
• By the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 1994, inter alia, amendments were made
for make special provisions under sections 66 & 67 so as to provide that vehicles
operating on eco–friendly fuels shall be exempted from the requirements of permits
and also the owners of such vehicles shall have the discretion to fix fares and
freights for carriage of passengers and goods.
• As per the Motor Vehicles Act for the purpose of insurance the vehicles are
classified into three broad categories such as Private cars, Motor cycles and
Commercial vehicles.
• A Motor Insurance Policy is a stamped document, which forms the evidence of
contract of Insurance. In the event of dispute, the terms and conditions embodied in
the policy are referred to in the court of law.
• The contract of motor insurance comes into force only when the consideration is
paid by the insured to insurer who promises to indemnify the insured in the event of
• It is a precondition that premium ought to be collected prior to the commencement of
risk upon which the promise of the insurer rests.
• Motor losses can be a direct loss and/or damage to the Insured vehicle resulting
from accidental means caused by insured peril proximately.
• Indirect loss and/or damage (Third party Liability) Indirect loss and/or damage to the
insured by legal liability
• A Claim arises when the insured’s vehicle is damaged or any loss incurredor Any
legal liability is incurred for death of or bodily injury or damage to the property of a
third party caused due to the usage of insured vehicle.
• Motor Accident Claims Tribunal was set up with the object of providing less
expensive and quicker settlement of third party claims to the victims of motor vehicle
accidents. The Tribunal is a substitute of civil courts and has all the powers of a civil
court for the purpose of taking evidence.
• Under many circumstances, the insurance company may opt to make over the
damaged vehicle if the claim on repair liability is found to be on the higher side,
uneconomical as compared to the market value under this basis.
• ‘Nil’ Depreciation add-on cover had been approved by IRDAI, was selectively
granted for individual proposals from each of insurers’ Corporate Office initially.
• Invoice protect insurance policy is designed to protect the purchase price of
customer’s vehicle for up to 36 months and to provide financial protection if the
customer has paid for their vehicle outright.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Under the Motor Vehicles Act, a public place is
13. Application for compensation under Solatium scheme has to be made to:
(a) Corporate office of an insurance company
(b) Claims enquiry officer nominated by State Government
(c) Nominated divisional office of the insurance company
(d) Claims Settlement Commissioner nominated by the State Government.
14. The MACT awards Rs. 40000 to a claimant petitioner for simple injuries.
Insurance Company wants to go on appeal to High Court. The minimum
deposit under Sec 173 is to be made at the MACT for appealing in this case is
(a) Rs 10000/- (b) Rs 25000/-
(c) Rs 20000/- (d) Rs 40000/-
15. The - MACT awards Rs 9000 for a pedestrian who meets with an accident.
Insurance Company wants to go on appeal as the injury was very minor. The
option available is
(a) Go on appeal on normal course
(b) File a writ in High Court
(c) File an SLP in the Supreme Court
(d) Company has to satisfy the award
16. Owner of the vehicle residing at Kanpur had taken a Motor TP Policy from
Delhi. The vehicle meets with an accident at Kolkata injuring a person, who
had retired from services and resides at Guahati. He had very simple injuries.
From - where he can move the MACT :
(a) Anywhere in India (b) Kolkata/Gauhati
(c) Gauhati/Kanpur/Kolkata (d) Gauhati/Kanpur/Kolkata/Delhi
17. A married person dies in a road a accident. His wife files a case in MACT Pune,
whereas his parents file the case at Mumbai. What is the correct step to be
taken to handle the situation out of the following:
(a) Wait till the Court decides in one case and then go for appeal.
(b) Go the High Court for stay in both the cases in the initial stages itself.
(c) Wait till one case is decided and bring this fact to the other court for dismissal
of the pending case.
(d) Take effective steps in both the courts by filing certified petition copies ,FIR
sets to transfer the case to either of the courts for clubbing together.
18. Sec 163A of MV Act 1988 relates to
(a) No fault Liability (b) Hit and run case
(c) Structured Compensation (d) Insurer’s defense
19 Insurers’ defense available under which of the following sections of the MV
(a) Section 140 and 147 (b) Section 149(2) and 170
(c) Sections 165 and 166 (d) None of the above.
20. Motor Vehicle’s Act 1939 was amended in
(a) 1960 and 1999 (b) 1988 and 1994
(c) 1995 and 2002 (d) None of the above
21. Motor Vehicle’s (Amendment) Act 1994 was enacted mainly for the purpose of
(a) Doing away with the provisions of previous Acts
(b) Protecting the loss arising out of the use/carrying of hazardous goods
(c) Improving upon the provisions of previous Acts.
(d) All the above
22. For registration of vehicles, submission of which of the following isa must:
(a) Policy schedule
(b) Policy schedule and certificate of insurance
(c) Original certificate of insurance
(d) Proof of sale
23. Grace period for filing of an appeal before High Court in MACT cases is
(a) 180 days (b) 90 days
(c) 120 days (d) No grace period at all
24. Under which section of MV Act, an insurer can defend the liability before
(a) Section 163 (b) Section 170
(c) Section 149 (2) (d) Section 166
25. If a brand new vehicle meets with an accident on the first day of insurance
cover what percentage of depreciation the vehicle’s fibre part attracts
(a) 50% (b) As per percentage table
(c) 30% (d) Nil
26. CNG/LPG fuel kit attached vehicles can be insured provided the insured
(a) Invoice copy (b) Declaration in proposal form
(c) Proof of endorsement in the RC (d) Physical verification of unit
27 The most essential document required for filing of an appeal before High Court
in MACT cases is-
(a) Award deposit receipt
(b) Petition filed before the lower court
(c) Lower court’s order obtained under Section 170 of MV Act
(d) Insurer’s Vakalat
28. Under which section of MV Act 1988, no person shall allow any other person to
use a vehicle in a public place unless the vehicle is covered by an insurance
policy complying with the requirements of the ACT
(a) Section146 (b) Section147
(c) Section148 (d) Section149
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (d) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
Short & Essay Questions
1. Discuss the nature and scope of the Motor Insurance cover.
Ans: A policy of motor vehicle insurance is, in the ordinary course, a combined insurance.
It insures the damage to the motor vehicle and its accessories, assumes the liability
for damage for property, death of or injury to, the assured himself or spouse and it
also insures the motor vehicle against the risk of liability for injury to, or death of
third parties caused by the driver’s negligence.
2. What are the different types of policies available and what is the limit of
indemnity under those policies?
Ans: The terms of the policies define the nature and extent of the indemnity provided by
the policy. There are two types of policies namely:
(b) the person causes or allows any other person to use the vehicle, other than an
owner, one who is in possession of the vehicle under a contract of loan or
6. Mention the provisions and conditions to be adhered to, under the Motor
Vehicles Act in respect of third party insurance.
Ans: The Motor Vehicles Act has made it statutory and obligatory for a third party
insurance cover to be taken by every owner of a vehicle. The Act specifically states
that no person shall use except as a passenger or cause or allow any other person
to use a motor vehicle in a public place, unless there is in force in relation to the use
of the vehicle by that person or other person, as the case may be, a policy of
insurance complying with the requirements of the Act. Thus, third party insurance is
a must for running a motor vehicle in a public place. The following are some of the
important provisions to be adhered to in case of third party insurance:
(i) It applies to any r person other than a passenger;
(ii) What is prohibited is the user by himself or allowing another person to use;
(iii) Such use should be - of a motor vehicle;
(iv) Such vehicles should be used in a public place;
(v) The using or causing of use by the other person should be without a policy of
(vi) The policy of insurance should comply with the provisions of the Act.
7. Is there a statutory contract between an Insurer and Driver?
Ans: According to section 147 (5) of the Motor Vehicles Act, a person issuing a policy of
insurance under this section, shall be liable to indemnify the person or classes of
persons specified in the policy in respect of any liability which the policy purports to
cover in the case of that person or those classes of persons. In fact by virtue of the
provision of this section the insurer is liable to indemnify any specified class of
driver, but is not thereby liable to the injured third party himself.
This section gives statutory recognition to the practice of extensions of the policy.
The effect of this provision is to create a contract, between the insurers and any
driver of the vehicle who is of a class covered by the policy.
A satisfactory form of policy therefore not only covers the liability of the
policyholder while driving his own car but also extends to indemnify:
(a) The policy holder while driving another’s car;
(b) Other persons while driving the policy holder’s car.
In fact, it is a second statutory contract, which runs subsidiary to the main contract,
and it stands or falls with the main contract. If the owner sells away his vehicle, his
contract comes to an end and along with it the second contract also disappears.
8. Discuss the effect of the following on claims:
(a) Insolvency
(b) Death
Ans: Insolvency: Under the provisions of section 154, the Act protects the rights of the
third party against insolvency of the assured. The broad effect of the section is that
all rights and liabilities arising between the insured and the insurers in the case of
compulsory motor insurance shall remain unaffected, not withstanding that a third
party has been given larger rights against the insurers than the assured himself had.
Death of parties: The general principle of action personalis moritur cum persona
does not apply to accidents under this Act. Under the provisions of the Act, if the
death of a person in whose favour a certificate of insurance had been issued, occurs
after happening of an event which has given rise to a claim under the provisions of
Chapter …….(give Chapter number), shall not be a bar to the survival of any cause
of action arising out of the said event against his estate or against the insurer.
From this the following rules may be laid down:
(i) Where the owner of the motor vehicles dies in the accident and the injured
party is alive, the injured third party can make his claim against the estate of
the deceased owner unless he died before the accident.
(ii) Where the third party dies as a result of the accident his legal representative
can make a claim for the compensation before the appropriate tribunal.
(iii) Where the owner of the vehicle and the third party die in the accident, the
estate of the deceased owner will be liable to the estate of the dead third
(iv) Where the third party is not dead in the accident, he can himself make a claim
within six months of the accident; in such a case it does not matter whether
the owner is alive or dead in the accident.
9. What is the liability of the insurer in case of Hit and Run motor accident
Ans: A ‘hit and run’ motor accident means an accident arising out of the use of a motor
vehicle or vehicles the identity whereof cannot be ascertained inspite of reasonable
efforts for the purpose. According to the Central Government instructions to the GIC,
the insurer has to pay compensation in such hit and run cases to third parties as
under :
(a) Fixed sum of Rs.8500 in case of death of third party.
(b) In respect of grievous hurt a fixed sum of Rs. 2000.
Before this provision, where the wrongdoer is not identified, which is very common in
a case where a vehicle driver hits a poor pedestrian, though the victim has a
statutory right to get compensation, he is denied on the ground that his respondent
is unidentified. It is just, that in such cases GIC should provide full compensation for
such victims.
10. What are the underwriting considerations / parameters for u/w passenger
carrying commercial vehicles?
• Vehicle Model
• Carrying capacity
• Permit route
• Fleet
• Past claim experience
• Terrain(Geographical area) where plying
• Age/ experience of drivers/ conductors
• Private/ Public
• Road worthiness of vehicle/ Inspection
• PA for passengers
• Other Insurance from the same insured
• Voluntary excess
• Own workshops/ access to quality workshops
• Member of association/ safety equipment.
• Owner & driver same.
Case Studies
1. Should an insurance claim be paid to insured or financer?
Inder Singh Chauhan had purchased a bus by taking a loan from Swami Financers.
The bus was being used as a private service vehicle, and not as a public transport. It
was insured under a comprehensive insurance policy issued by United India
Insurance. The bus met with an accident, for which insurance was claimed. The
insurance company appointed its surveyor, who assessed the loss at Rs 1,26,500.
However, the company deducted Rs 33,125 from the assessed amount, on the
ground that the driver did not have an endorsement on his licence to drive a
transport vehicle. Even this amount was not paid to Chauhan, but was directly paid
to the financer. Aggrieved, Chauhan filed a consumer complaint which ultimately
reached the National Commission. It was held that once a person had a licence to
drive a heavy goods carriage vehicle, it would mean that he/she was entitled to drive
a transport vehicle, including a public service vehicle. Accordingly, the insurance
company was directed to pay the balance amount, along with 12 per cent interest
and costs of Rs 5,000.The Commission also ruled that the practice adopted by
insurance companies of directly paying to the financer, without informing the insured
or without his consent, cannot be justified. If the insurance policy is taken in the
name of the vehicle purchaser, there is no question of paying the amount
straightaway to the financier. [United India Insurance Co Ltd v/s Inder Singh
Chauhan – IV (2006) CPJ 15 (NC)]
2. Claim for theft of car - on the ground that car could not have been taken
without the use of the programmed key.
Mrs. Pooja’s teenage son arrived home one afternoon and said her car was missing
from the spot where she always left it, just outside her house. Not long afterwards
the car was discovered just a short distance away. It was badly damaged and
appeared to have been driven off the road and to have caught fire. The insurer
turned down Mrs Pooja's claim. It said its loss adjusters had noted that the car could
only have been operated by someone using an "intelligent" (programmed) key. The
key had not been left in the car and Mrs Pooja had not reported that either of her
two keys had been lost or stolen. When asked to produce the keys, she had at first
been able to find only one of them, although she later found the other key. Mrs
Pooja challenged the insurer's insistence that the car could only have been taken by
someone who had the programmed key. In response, the insurer cited a report from
motor vehicle security experts, which it said supported its view.The insurer also
suggested that the only other way in which the car could have been moved was by
means of a transporter or tow-truck. Either of these would have caused the car's
alarm to sound, alerting Mrs Pooja to the theft. But in any case, as far as the insurer
was concerned, the fact that the car had been driven off the road immediately before
the fire indicated that a key must have been used. Complaint rejected: Mrs Pooja
was extremely distressed by the firm's stance and by its implication that she - or
someone in her family - had taken the car and caused the accident. She produced
evidence from the original dealer to support her argument that the car's security
could be by-passed, and that the car could be operated without the use of the
programmed key. It was clear that the incident had caused Mrs Pooja much distress.
However, the technical evidence Mrs D produced, supplied by the original dealer,
was of a very general nature. It did not make any specific reference to the make and
model of Mrs Pooja's car. By contrast, the technical evidence produced by the
insurer referred very specifically to the exact make and model that Mrs Pooja had
owned. After taking into account the particular circumstances of the case and the
possible alternative explanations for what had happened, it can be concluded, on a
balance of probabilities, that the firm had sufficient reasons to refuse to pay the
to his car, he had not contacted his insurer but had simply gone ahead and arranged
the repairs. Mr B said that, while repairing the car, the garage had spotted some
damage to the boot that did not seem to have been caused by the most recent
accident. So he told the insurer the original repairers must have failed to complete
the job properly. The insurer arranged for a different garage to inspect the reported
damage. It also asked the engineer who had inspected the car after the first accident
to review his report and the photographs taken at the time. As a result of its findings,
the insurer refused Mr B's request that it should pay for the repair of the boot as part
of the original claim. It said there was nothing to connect this damage to the original
Claim not allowed: After looking at all the evidence, it was found that there was
nothing to support Mr B's view that his car's boot had been damaged in the original
accident. And there had been any "negligent act or omission" on the part of the
repairers who had carried out the remedial work after the first accident. The insurer
had not been required to disprove Mr B's allegations. However, by instructing
independent experts and seeking clarification from the original inspecting engineer,
it had gone to some lengths to try to establish whether it was liable for the damaged
boot. Although it had declined to consider the damaged boot as an outstanding
issue from the original claim, the insurer had offered to deal with it as a new claim,
subject to a new policy excess. This was a fair and reasonable offer and hence
rejection of the claim cannot be faulted.
5. Theft of car- owner only producing the spare key – Claim rejected Miss L's car was
stolen from the driveway of her home while she was inside the house. She neither
saw nor heard the sound of the car being driven away. When she put in a claim to
the firm, the insurer asked her to send it her car keys. However, she was only able
to produce the spare ignition key. Taking this as evidence that the key had been in
(or on) the car when it was stolen, the firm rejected Miss L's claim. It said that by
failing to "exercise reasonable care in safeguarding her car" she had breached a
general condition of her policy. Miss L objected to this. She said that the key had
definitely not been in the car when it was stolen. She had lost the key a month
earlier and had been using the spare. She was adamant that she had not been
"careless", as the firm had suggested.
Claim rejected: It is clear that with Miss L that she had not been "reckless".
Someone is reckless if they recognize a risk, but deliberately "court" it. Miss L had
not done this, so the firm was wrong to say that she had breached the "reasonable
care" condition. However, the firm's policy also contained a specific (and very
comprehensive) clause that excluded claims for cars stolen when the keys were left
in them. The firm had specifically highlighted this clause when it sold Miss L the
policy. And as the insurer was not satisfied with Miss L's explanation that she had
lost the original car key, it must be concluded on balance that it was likely that she
had left the key in, or on, the car. Since, the circumstances of this theft did fall within
the scope of that exclusion, she could be said to have "left" the keys in the car
because she had gone into the house, and was too far from the car to be able to
prevent it being stolen. In addition, the fact that the car was parked so close to the
road meant it was relatively vulnerable to an opportunistic thief. Therefore rejection
of the the complaint is justified. Owner leaving the car just to with key in it just to
reach the letterbox across the road –Someone driving away the car - Claim upheld.
6. Mr A parked his car opposite a letterbox and jumped out to post a letter, leaving the
key in the ignition. While he was crossing the road to reach the letterbox, someone
stole his car. Mr A was horrified when the firm rejected his claim on the ground of its
"keys in car" exclusion clause. He said that the firm had never told him the policy
included such a clause. Claim upheld: By turning his back on the car and walking
away from it, Mr A had fallen foul of the "keys in car" clause in the policy. In legal
terms, he had left the car "unattended" - in other words he was not close enough to
the car to make prevention of the theft likely, as established in Starfire Diamond
Rings Ltd v Angel, (reported in 1962 in Volume 3 of the Lloyd's Law Reports, page
217); and in Hayward v Norwich Union Insurance Ltd, (reported in 2001 in the Road
Traffic Reports, page 530). Mr A accepted that he had left the car unattended. But
he claimed that none of the policy documents that the firm had sent him (such as the
policy schedule and certificate) referred to the "keys in car" exclusion. The firm had
set out the exclusion in the policy booklet but had done nothing to draw Mr A's
attention to it when it sold him the policy, as it should have done in accordance with
industry guidelines. It is natural that Mr A had been prejudiced by the firm's failure to
highlight the clause. If the firm had clearly referred to the clause on the policy
certificate or schedule, Mr A might well have acted differently. It is also observed
that Mr A had not acted "recklessly". Applying the test of "recklessness" as set out
in Sofi v Prudential Assurance (1993) - he had not even recognised that there was a
risk, let alone deliberately courted it. Therefore, it it can be said that the firm has to
pay Mr A's claim.
7. Owner leaving car with ignition on fir a brief moment - theft of such car- Claim for
loss rejected. Mr H drove to the council-run tip to get rid of an old carpet. While he
was disposing of the carpet, someone stole his car. He had left the keys in the
ignition and, although he hadn't walked far from the car, he did not hear or see
anything suspicious. He only realised that his car was gone when he turned back
towards where he had left it. The firm turned down Mr H's claim because he had left
his keys in the car. The claim was rejected. Rejection of the claim: The firm's
decision not to pay the claim was based on CCTV footage that it obtained from the
council. This showed Mr H walking away from his car with the carpet. It also
appeared that he had left the car's engine running. The insurer is justified in turning
down the claim on the grounds of its "keys in car" exclusion. Mr H had turned his
back on the car after leaving it in a public place and he was completely oblivious to
the theft until after it had happened. He had walked far way from his car, so he was
unlikely to have been able to prevent the theft. In this instance, Mr. H had no excuse
for not being aware of the policy exclusion. The firm had highlighted it very clearly
on the policy certificate, a document that every motorist is required to have by law.
Therefore, rejection is justified.
1. Introduction
2. Origin of Engineering Insurance
3. Application of Basic Principles of Insurance to Engineering Insurance Policies
4. Types of Engineering Policies
5. Insights into Select Engineering Policies
6. Engineering Insurance Claims
7. Summary
8. Revision Questions
After the completion of the chapter, the student should be able to
• Explain the need and importance of Engineering Insurance Polices
• Describe the origin and evolution of Engineering Insurance
• Explain the different types of Engineering Policies.
• Examine the scope and coverage of construction and Engineering phase
1. Introduction
Rapid industrialization has led to increasing use of machines in industry. The major thrust
is now on the infrastructure development, which in turn is contributing to the socio-
economic development. Infrastructure comprises projects ranging from
• Airports to bridges
• Dams to tunnels to off-shore structures
• Refineries to reservoirs
• Pipelines to power stations
• Factories to hospitals
All these involve huge capital, human resources, and technical expertise. However, these
projects are exposed to
• Physical losses involving accidental breakdown, repair, replacement, loss of
• Financial losses in terms of loss of income,
• Third – party liability affecting a number of parties such as owner, financial
institutions and the turnkey contractor.
Basically, General Insurance can broadly be divided into two categories –
(1) Commercial Insurance and
(2) Personal Insurance
Whilst Personal Insurance takes care of the insurance requirements of the individual, the
Commercial branch of insurance takes care of the needs of industrial and business
houses – Examples of Commercial Insurance are, Fire Insurance covering Building, Plant
& Machinery, Consequential loss insurance and the group insurance schemes that come
under the broad title ‘Engineering Insurance’.
frequent explosions of steam boilers involved loss of life and property. Coupled with the
twin objectives-Inspection & Insurance – the first Engineering Insurance Co.- named “The
Steam Boiler Assurance Company” was formed in 1858 in U.K. In India Engineering
Insurance started with Machinery Insurance in 1953.In India the New India Assurance
Company was the first company to introduce Engineering Department followed by the
Oriental Insurance Co. In the eastern region a syndicate of five companies, some British
and some Indian, was formed to transact this class of business.
Engineering insurance also involves technical expertise in the areas of risk management
with special focus on issues like Risk inspection, Risk improvement, Rating and
Engineering Insurance schemes primarily aim at protecting business houses from
eventualities that could give rise to a loss and disrupt their day-to-day functioning. Such
losses arise due to the failure of machineries, explosion of boilers and breakdown of
computers and sophisticated electronic equipment. A major breakdown due to mechanical
failure could also result in consequential loss of profits. All these risks can be covered
under various engineering policies.
In addition to the above, Engineering Insurance covers are available at the time of putting
up of a factory or even during an expansion. The engineering policy basically insures
equipment like boilers and pressure plants, engine plants, electrical plants, lifting
machineries, computers and other miscellaneous plants. These insurance covers are the
Storage-cum-erection policies for industrial risks, the Contractors all risk policy for civil
works and the Contractors plant & machinery policy, which takes care of the Contractors
Insurance requirements.
The Advance Loss of Profits policy is a sophisticated insurance cover, which takes care of
losses arising out of delay in completion of a project well beyond the stipulated period
where the delay is caused by an insured peril.
Utmost Good Faith. Every engineering insurance policy must follow this principle to have
a legal effect.
The Principle of Insurable Interest is also applicable in different ways. A civil engineer
has insurable interest in his works since he is responsible for damages, if any, caused to a
construction work. A firm which erects a plant or machinery has insurable interest in their
The Principle of Indemnity stipulates that the contractor or the person who gets insured
should be in the same financial position as immediately before the loss. In the case of an
engineering insurance policy covering machinery, the measure of indemnity is usually the
replacement value at the place and date of loss or damage, less an appropriate allowance
towards depreciation. If the machinery can be repaired, the repairing cost represents the
measure of indemnity.
Engineering insurance follows the Principle of Subrogation. For example, engineering
equipment which is insured is destroyed by fire caused by the negligence of a third party.
The insurer who indemnified the insured is entitled to the insured’s right of recovery
against the third party. If the engineering equipment is covered under several insurance
policies, each the insurance company should be liable only for the rateable proportion of
such loss.
In accordance with the Principle of Proximate Cause, the loss suffered due to the
damage of a plant or equipment shall be indemnified only if that damage is covered by the
4.4 Exclusions
No liability under the policy is covered in respect of the following:
• Amount of loss shown as excess
• Loss discovered at the time of inventory
• Normal wear and tear, rusting, etc.
• Cost of correction of any error during construction unless resulting in physical
• Files, drawings, currency, cheques
• Packing materials
• Penalties and fines
• Loss or damage due to faulty design
• Cost of repair or replacement of defective material or workmanship
• Vehicles licensed for general use, or waterborne vessels or equipment mounted on
such vessels
4.7 Exclusions
These policies do not cover any loss or damage caused due to the following perils:
• Fire and special perils
• War and civil wars
• Nuclear risks
• Experimental loss due to over loading or tests
cost to site, custom duties, and all installation costs. The basis of Indemnification is
Restoration of the costs incurred or the Market value in case of total loss.
If there are several machines or parts in the plant, the liability of the company for the
parts/machines ceases, as they are declared ready.
If the actual erection period is shorter than the period indicated in the schedule, no refund
of premium shall be allowed, unless specifically provided by insurers.
In the case of second-hand/used property, the insurance hereunder shall cease
immediately on the commencement of the testing.
At the latest, the insurance shall expire on the date specified in the schedule but if the
work of erection and test operations included in the insurance is not completed within the
time specified hereunder, the company may extend the period of insurance but the insured
shall pay to the company additional premium at agreed rates. Premium can be paid in
quarterly installments in advance.
• General Conditions
All the conditions are same as specified for boiler and explosion insurance policies (as the
name itself suggests, they are “general conditions”). Two points worth mentioning here
(A) Just like boiler and explosion policy, the insured is required to notify the company in
the event of any occurrence that might give rise to a claim under this policy. Upon
notification being given to the company under this condition, the insured may carry
out the repair or replacement of any minor damage not exceeding Rs. 7,500.
(B) This insurance may be terminated at the request of the insured at any time in which
case the insurers will refund appropriate premium amount subject to the following
(i) Claims experience under the policy as on date of cancellation should be less
than 60 % of reworked premium.
(ii) The unexpired period is not less than 3 months or 25% of the policy period,
whichever is less.
(iii) Testing period should not have commenced.
This insurance may also at any time be terminated at the option of the insurer with 15
days notice to that effect being given to the insured in which case the insurers shall be
liable to repay on demand a ratable proportion of the premium for the unexpired term from
the date of cancellation.
(b) In the case of a total loss the actual value of the items immediately before the
occurrence of the loss less salvage
If the costs involved in the latter were lower than those in the former, the company would
replace the item instead of repairing it.
The cost of any provisional repairs will be borne by the company if such repairs constitute
part of the final repairs and do not increase the total repair expenses.
The cost of any alterations, additions and/or improvements shall not be recoverable under
this policy.
The cover can be extended on payment of additional premium to include charges for
overtime, work on holidays, express freight (including air freight), which are not covered by
this insurance, unless agreed upon at an additional premium.
Loss of/or damage to construction plant and machinery excludes loss or damage directly
caused by its own explosion or its own mechanical or electrical breakdown or
The loss to the surrounding property belonging to/or held in care, custody or control of the
Principal(s) or the Contractor (s) shall only be covered if
- Occurring directly due to the erection, construction or testing of the items insured
under Section – I
- Happening during the period of cover, and
- Provided that a separate sum therefor has been entered in the Schedule
This cover does not apply to construction/erection machinery, plants and equipment.
The Major Perils/Acts of God claims shall mean the claims arising out of:-
(a) Earthquake - Fire and shock
(b) Landslide/ rockslide/ subsidence,
(c) Flood/inundation
(d) Storm/ tempest/ hurricane/ typhoon/ cyclone/ lightning or other atmospheric
The company will indemnify the insured against –
(a) Legal liability for accidental loss or damage caused to property of other persons
including property held in trust by/or under custody of the Insured for which he is
responsible excluding any such property used in connection with erection thereon
(b) Legal liability (liability under contract excepted) for fatal or non-fatal injury to any
person other than the insured’s own employees or workmen or employees of the
owner of the works or premises or other firms connected with any other erection
work thereon, or members of the insured’s family or of any of the aforesaid; directly
consequent upon or solely due to the erection of any property described in the
Provided that the total liability of the company during the period of insurance under this
clause shall not exceed the limits of indemnity set opposite thereto in the schedule.
In respect of a claim for compensation to which the indemnity provided herein applies, the
company will, in addition, indemnify the insured against:-
(a) All cost and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant from the insured
(b) All costs and expenses incurred with the written consent of the company.
The exclusions contained in paragraphs (d), (f) & (g) in Section I of this policy shall apply
to this section also.
The company will not indemnify the insured in respect of:
1. The excess stated in the Schedule to be borne by the insured in any one occurrence
related to property damage.
2. Expenditure incurred in doing or redoing or making good or repairing or replacing
anything covered or coverable under Section I of this policy.
• Extensions
Extensions are available on payment of additional premia for third party liability cover,
owner’s surrounding property and removal of debris, inclusive of express freight, holiday
wages, overtime pay, air freight etc.
5. ‘Flue gas explosion’ is the explosion of ignited gases in the furnaces or flues of the
boilers, economizers and super heaters.
6. ‘Chemical explosion’ means an explosion arising out of chemical reaction in any
The document that contains the details of the policy is called the Schedule. Beginning with
policy number and date, the Schedule contains details of amount insured, annual
premium, period of policy, boiler and pressure plants insured, surrounding property
insured, legal liability to third parties as well as additional perils covered. Steam or feed
water piping, separate super heaters, separate economizers etc. have to be mentioned
specifically in the Schedule. The term ‘boiler’ does not include them.
Let us see in detail the different perils the policy covers:
1. Damage (other than by fire) to the boilers and/or other pressure plant or surrounding
property described in the schedule.
2. Liability arising due to death of or bodily injury to any person provided he is not
employed or under apprenticeship with the insured.
3. Liability arising from damage to any property whether the insured is responsible for it
or not
The damages listed above must be caused by and solely by explosion or collapse of any
boiler or other pressure plant described in the schedule occurring in the course of ordinary
General Exceptions
1. Damages arising directly or indirectly from fire, explosion or collapse or any other
2. Damages caused by war, hostilities or war- like operations, natural calamities etc.
Similarly damages from nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive
contamination are excluded.
3. If the explosion results from any experiment requiring overloading or abnormal
4. Defects that are gradually developing and would require repairs at some future date
are not covered under this policy. Suppose what would happen if such defects would
be covered? Every insured would try to get his boiler well serviced before the expiry
of the policy.
5. Defects like wearing away or wastage of materials of any part of the boiler or failure
of individual tube (if there are multiple tubes in the boiler). This is because such
damages are not the result of explosion.
6. Damages due to negligence.
7. Consequential losses.
8. Damages due to flaws known but not disclosed by the insured.
To prevent the insured from getting careless about the safety of boilers, these warranties
are required on his part:
1. Annual inspection of boilers by appropriate authorities.
2. Only certified competent people will handle the boiler.
3. The boiler must work under permissible pressure limits.
There are general conditions like the policy and the Schedule that together form the
contract. If any specific meaning is attached to any term in either of them, it will apply to
whole of the policy. The pressure on the safety valves should not exceed the limit
permitted in the latest inspection or the limit specified in the schedule, whichever is lower.
If there is any change in the type of fuel used in the boiler, the details should be intimated
to the insurer and the terms of the policy revised accordingly.
Any fraudulent means that are resorted to, in order to benefit from the policy or if the claim
is rejected and no action is taken within 3 months, the benefits under the policy would be
forfeited. The insured cannot make any admission, promise, payment or indemnity without
the written consent of insurer. On the contrary, the insurer may act to settle the claims
arising and the insured is bound to disclose all the relevant information to him in such
If at the time of loss, the boiler or pressure plant turns out to be of greater value (including
freight, custom duty and erection costs), the insurer will bear a rateable share of the loss.
The basis of indemnity differs when the item can be repaired and when it has to be
replaced. In the first case, the insurer will pay the repairing cost and the incidental cost
incurred in restoring the item to conditions prior to damage. The value of the salvage
would be deducted. If the item is destroyed, the company will pay the value as assessed
immediately before the accident. It will also pay the incidental charges (to the extent
provided in Schedule) incurred in setting it up in the premises. The company shall deduct
depreciation and salvage value. The charges for extra work necessitated shall be paid
only if mentioned in writing in the Schedule.
Obligations of the insured are more or less same as warranties. The insured should carry
out the conditions listed in the warranties attached in the standard policy. Besides, he
should give the insured the right to inspect the boilers anytime. Moreover he is obliged to
make all arrangements for the inspection. This includes stopping, cleaning, emptying the
If there is any material change in the subject matter of the policy, the same would be
rendered invalid unless revised and endorsed by the company.
In case of an accident the insured is expected to observe the following duties:
(a) Immediately notify the company by telephone or telegram as well as in writing,
giving an indication as to the nature and extent of loss or damage.
(b) Take all reasonable steps within his power to minimise the extent of the loss or
damage or liability.
(c) Preserve the damage or defective parts and make them available for inspection by
an official or surveyor of the company.
(d) Furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the company may require
The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage of which no notice is
received or company has not received completed form within fourteen days of its
Upon notification of a claim being given to the company, the insured may proceed with the
repair of any minor damage, cost not exceeding Rs.2,500.
If the liability due to claim is covered under some other insurance policy as well, the
company will pay only its ratable proportion of such liability.
As far as the position of the insured after claim is concerned, he cannot abandon any
property to the company once the claim is settled. Secondly the amount insured shall
decrease with each compensation unless it is otherwise reinstated.
As seen earlier, the change in the subject of the policy renders it invalid. So is the case
with ownership. If the interest in the property is transferred to some other party (except by
Will or operation of law), the insured should get the policy reinstated and endorsed by the
The policy can be terminated by:
(a) The insured at request
(b) The insurer by notice of 15 days
In case of termination, the company will retain the premium for the period the policy had
been in force.
Regarding recourse, the insured reserves the right to perform any act necessary to obtain
relief from the claims arising under the policy.
In case of dispute or differences between the insured and the insurer, regarding the
quantum to be paid under the policy, the matter is to be solved through arbitration. If both
the parties do not agree on a single arbitrator within 30 days, three arbitrators will be
appointed, one by each party and the third by the two arbitrators.
It is clearly agreed and understood that no difference or dispute shall be referable to
arbitration as herein before provided, if the company has disputed or not accepted liability
under or in respect of this policy.
General Regulations
1. No policy to be issued on first loss basis.
2. No policy to be issued with a bonus clause.
3. Projects located outside India to be out of the jurisdiction of the Committee.
4. Sum insured: It is a requirement of the policy that the boiler and pressure plants are
covered for their present day new replacement value with a view to avoid under-
9. Rounding of Rates: It is not permissible to round off rates in boiler and pressure
plant insurance policies.
10. Mid-Term Increase in Sum Insured: If the sum insured is increased during the
currency of the policy:
(a) Short period scale of rates shall apply to increased amounts.
(b) If the policy is renewed thereafter for 12 months for an amount not less than
the increased sum insured, the difference of premium between short period
scale of rate and pro-rata rate may be refunded.
11. Mid-Term decrease in Sum Insured: If the sum insured is decreased during the
currency of the policy, short period scale of rates shall apply on the reduced sum
a) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or war like operations (whether
war be declared or not). Civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny,
riot, strike, lockout and malicious damage, civil commotion, military or usurped
power, martial law, conspiracy confiscation, commandeering by a group of
malicious persons or persons acting on behalf of or in connection with any
political organisation, requisition or destruction or damage by order of any
government de-jure or de facto or by any public, municipal or local authority.
b) Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination.
3. Accident, loss, damage/and/or liability resulting from overload experiments or tests
requiring the imposition of abnormal conditions.
4. Gradually developing flaws, defects, cracks or partial fractures in any part not
necessitating immediate stoppage, although at some point of time in future repair or
renewal of the parts affected may be necessary.
5. Deterioration of/or wearing away or wearing out any part of any machine caused by
or naturally resulting from normal use or exposure.
6. Loss, damage and/or liability caused by or arising out of the willful act to willful
neglect or gross negligence of the insured or his responsible representatives.
7. Liability assumed by the insured by agreement unless such liability would have
attached to the insured notwithstanding such agreement.
8. Loss, damage and/or liability due to faults or defects existing at the time of
commencement of this insurance and known to the insured or his responsible
representative but not disclosed to the company.
9. Loss of use of the insured’s plant or property of any other consequential loss
incurred by the insured.
10. Loss, damage/ and/ or liability due to explosions in chemical recovery boilers, other
than pressure explosions for e.g. smelt, chemical, ignition, explosions etc.
Special exclusions
The Company shall not be liable for the following:
1. The excess, as stated in the Schedule, to be first borne by the insured out of each
and every claim; where more than one item is damaged in one and same
occurrence, the insured shall not, however, be called upon to bear more than the
highest excess applicable to any one such item.
2. Loss of/or damage to belts, ropes, chains, rubber tyres, dies, moulds, blades,
cutters, knives or exchangeable tools, engraved or impression cylinders or rolls,
objects made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, all operating media (e.g. lubricating oil,
fuel, catalyst, refrigerant) felts, endless conveyor belts or wires, sieves, fabrics, heat
resisting and anti-corrosive lining and parts of similar nature, packing material, parts
not made of metal (except insulating material) and non-metallic lining or coating of
metal parts unless loss or damage to the equipments/machinery is indemnifiable in
terms of the policy.
3. Loss or damage for which the manufacturer or supplier or repairer of the property is
responsible either by law or contract.
In any action, suit or other proceeding where the company alleges that by reason of the
provisions of the exceptions or exclusions above, any loss, destruction, damage or liability
is not covered by this insurance, the burden of proving that such loss, destruction, damage
or liability is covered shall be upon the insured.
Provisions of this policy are as under:
It is the requirement of this insurance that the sum Insured shall be equal to the cost of
replacement of the insured property by new property of the same kind and same capacity
which shall mean its replacement cost including freight and customs duties, if any, and
erection costs.
(a) In cases where damage to an insured item can be repaired, the company will pay
expenses necessarily incurred to restore the damaged machine to its former state of
serviceability plus the cost of dismantling and re-erection incurred for the purpose of
effecting the repairs as well as ordinary freight to and from a repair shop, customs
duties if any, to the extent such expenses have been included in the sum insured. If
the repairs are executed at a workshop owned by the insured the company will pay
the cost of materials and wages incurred for the purpose of the repairs plus a
reasonable percentage to cover overhead charges.
No deduction shall be made for depreciation in respect of parts replaced except for
(i) wear and tear parts and (ii) parts for which manufacturers have specified a fixed
life for use and the like but the value of any salvage will be taken into account.
If the cost of repairs as detailed herein above equals or exceeds the actual value of
the machinery insured immediately before the occurrence of the damage the
settlement shall be made on the basis provided for in (b) below.
(b) In cases where an insured item is destroyed, the company will pay the actual value
of the item immediately before the occurrence of the loss including costs for ordinary
freight erection and customs duties if any provided such expenses have been
included in the sum insured, such actual value to be calculated by deducting proper
depreciation from the replacement value of the item. The company will also pay any
normal charges for the dismantling of the machinery destroyed but the salvage will
be taken into account.
Any extra charges incurred for overtime, night-work, work on public holidays,
express freight are covered by this insurance only if especially agreed to in writing.
In the event of the makers’ drawings, patterns and for boxes necessary for the
execution of a repair not being available, the company shall not be liable for cost of
making any such drawing patterns or core boxes.
The cost of any alterations, improvements or overhauls shall not be recoverable
under this policy.
The cost of any provisional repairs will be borne by the company if such repairs
constitute part of the final repairs and do not increase the total repair expenses.
If the sum insured is less than the amount required to be insured as per provision 1
hereinabove, the company will pay only in such proportion as the sum insured bears
to the amount required to be insured. Every item if more than one, shall be subject
to this condition separately.
The company will make payments only after being satisfied, with the necessary bills
and documents that the repairs have been affected or replacements have taken
place, as the case may be. The company may, however, not insist for bills and
documents in case of total loss where the insured is unable to replace the damaged
equipments for reasons beyond their control. In such cases claims can be settled on
‘indemnity basis’.
8. Before rating, it is necessary to collect full nameplate, details of the machine, and it
should be a part of the policy as well
4. Indemnity Period and Time Excess: The period not exceeding the indemnity period
limit stated in the list of machinery and plant insured commencing with the occurrence of
the accident during which the results of the business are affected in consequence of such
accident. Provided always that the insurers are not liable for the amount equivalent to the
rate of gross profit applied to the standard output during the period of time excess (in
terms of days) stated in the policy.
5. Rate of gross Output
(a) Rate of Gross Profit: Rate of Gross Profit per unit earned on the output during the
financial year immediately before the date of damage.
(b) Standard Output: Output during that period in 12 months immediately before the
date of damage which correspond to indemnity period.
(c) Annual Output: The output during 12 months immediately before the date of
The following memos are attached with the standard policy:
If during the indemnity period goods are sold or services are rendered elsewhere than at
the premises for the benefit of the business either by the insured or by others acting on his
behalf, the money paid or payable in respect of such sales or services shall be taken into
account in arriving at the turnover during the indemnity period.
The term ‘relative importance’ referred to in the list of machinery and plant insured shall be
the percentage effect which a breakdown of a particular machine will have on the total
gross profit, disregarding any loss minimising measures.
If in the event of an accident affecting an insured item of machinery, the percentage of
relative importance stated in the list of machinery and plant insured for this item is lower
than the actual percentage of relative importance subsequently arrived at for the period of
interruption, the company shall only be liable to indemnify the proportion which the
percentage of relative importance stated in the list of machinery and plant insured bears to
the actual percentage.
(iv) Shortage, destruction, deterioration and spoilage of/or damage to raw materials,
semi finished or finished products or catalyst or operating media (such as fuel,
lubricating oil, refrigerant, heating media and the like) even if the consequence of
material damage to an item indicated in the list of machinery insured is involved.
(v) Any restrictions on reconstruction or operation imposed by any public authority.
(vi) An extension of the normal repair period for more than 4 weeks on account of-
(a) The inability to secure or delays in securing replacement parts, machines or
technical services.
(b) The inability to carry or delays in repairs.
(c) The prohibition to operate the machinery due to import and/or export customs
& other restrictions or by statutory regulations.
(d) Transport of parts to and from the insured’s premises.
(vii) Alterations improvements or overhauls being made while repairs or replacements of
damaged or destroyed property are being carried out.
(viii) Loss, damage and/or liability caused by or arising, directly or indirectly from or in
consequence of :
(a) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, etc.
(b) Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination.
General Regulations
1. The insurers should not quote a rate lower than Rs.1.40 even provisionally when
they underwrite new proposals in respect of fertiliser risks.
2. Policies are normally issued on turnover basis. The policies can be issued on
‘output’ basis for loss of profits cover following machinery breakdown and/or boiler
explosion only to manufacturers having single end products. For manufacturers
having multiple end products individual proposals must be submitted to Tariff
Advisory Committee for approval before granting LOP cover on ‘output’ basis.
3. Insurers can extend MLOP Cover on DG Sets subject to adequate re-insurance
4. With regard to the issuance of MB (LOP) policies in the first year of operation such
proposals will be considered by the committee on case-to-case basis and the rates
will be decided by the committee.
5. Rules for Cancellation: For cancellation of insurance during the currency either
wholly or in part
(a) At the option of the insurer, a pro-rata refund of premium may be allowed for
the unexpired term on demand.
(b) At the insured’s request, refund of premium may be allowed after charging
premium for the time insurance was in force on short period scale as defined
in the All India Fire Tariff subject to the retention of minimum premium by the
However, if, a new annual policy replaces the old one, covering identical
equipment/ machines for sum insured not less than the respective sums
insured under the cancelled policy, refund of premium may be allowed on pro-
rata basis subject to retention of minimum premium.
If the risk is insured under short period scale, refund may be calculated at pro-
rata of the short period scale premium provided such cancellation is followed
by an annual policy for sum insured not less than the sum insured under
cancelled policy. Otherwise, retention of premium shall be on short period
For the sum insured not replaced in the renewed policy after cancellation,
refund must be calculated after charging premium on such sum for the time
insurance was in force on short period scale subject to retention of minimum
premium by the insurer.
For the policy issued or renewed for periods shorter than 12 months, the
premium rate shall be charged as per the short period scales prescribed under
CPM Tariff. The short period scale of rates under CPM Tariff shall also be
followed in respect of cancellation of policies during the currency of the policy
by the insured.
(c) In case of revision of tariff rates/excess, it is not permissible to cancel the
policy and allow a refund of premium whereby an insured pays lower premium
ascertainable, the provisions of clauses (a) & (b) of item 1 of the specification shall apply
separately to each department affected by the damage; provided that if the sum insured by
the said item be less than the aggregate of the sum produced by applying the rate of gross
profit provided for each department of the business (whether affected by the accident or
not) to the relative annual output thereof, the amount payable shall be proportionately
In no case whatsoever shall the company be liable in respect of any claim under this
policy after the expiry of –
(i) One year from the end of the indemnity period or if later.
(ii) Three months from the date on which payment shall have been made or liability
admitted by the company covering the accident giving rise to the said claim unless
the claim is the subject of pending action or arbitration.
Every notice and other communication required by these conditions must be written or
Endorsement: Time excess clause is available as endorsement
increase in expenses incurred in reducing or avoiding the delay in startup. The indemnity
period shall be the duration between the dates of actual commencement of insured’s
business and the date of scheduled commencement had there not been a delay.
There is a time excess of 30 days for this policy.
The changed industrial scenario led to the growing demand for insurance of loss of
anticipated earnings, due to delays in commissioning of projects. Foreign financial
institutions have also made the ‘advance loss of profit’ cover an essential condition for
disbursing assistance to Indian clients. It is thus vital for mega projects with substantial
financial involvement to have advance loss of profits cover together with cover for project
during its erection.
police authorities and other Civil authorities as per law and local practice. Copies of
their reports should be obtained and handed over to the surveyor or office
(g) Surveyor may also be given copies of licences, permits and certifications etc. in
force to ensure that the operations are conducted as per law and as per the
necessary safety standards.
(h) A copy of the survey report may be handed over to the insured if he so wishes to be
aware of the assessment made.
(i) As soon as the survey report and copies of the document desired by the surveyor /
insurer are complied with the insured, the insured may be in touch with the office for
early disposal of the claim
Claims Examples
1. Equipment Breakdown Claim
Equipments are exposed to unique risks that other property is not. Electrical short
circuits, mechanical forces, overload, control failures are just a few of the causes for
equipment breakdowns. Examining some examples of the kinds of losses that can,
and do occur, offers solid insight into why equipment breakdown insurance is
important coverage for today’s equipment-intensive businesses.
2. Electrical Losses
(a) Office Building
Electrical arcing destroyed three main electrical panels and left an office building
without power. Temporary measures were taken to restore power to tenants –
particularly to an accounting firm that was in the height of its tax season crunch.
Total Loss: Rs. 1,597,389
(b) Apartment Building
An apartment complex's aluminum electrical supply bus burned out, severely
damaging electrical wires and cables. Angry residents had to be relocated.
Equipment Repair Cost: Rs.118,681 Relocation Cost: Rs. 72,152
Total Loss: Rs.190,833
A section of a boiler and a steam pipe fitting cracked. Steam damaged the church
organ, choir robes, and public address system.
Total Loss; Rs.34,969
6. Business Equipment and Systems Losses
(a) Municipal Building
A power surge damaged a generator, burned out police radio equipment, printed
circuit boards for a fire alarm system, a small transformer, and small electric motors.
Total Loss: Rs. 90,160
(b) Office Building
Electrical power supply voltage fluctuation caused two telephone system terminal
boards to burn out.
Total Loss: Rs.52,500
(c) Service Station
A power surge damaged a service station's electronics, including the computerized
diagnostic system, telephone, paging system and the security system.
Total Loss: Rs.33,388
• Rapid industrialization has led to increasing use of machines in industry.
• The major thrust is now on the infrastructure development, which in turn is
contributing to the socio-economic development.
• Infrastructure involves huge capital, human resources, and technical expertise.
• These projects are highly exposed to physical and financial losses and Third – party
liability affecting a number of parties such as owner, financial institutions and the
turnkey contractor.
• Engineering insurance covers all risks of all parties.
• The origin of EI dates back to the early part of the Industrial Revolution in the UK,
where frequent explosions of steam boilers involved loss of life and property.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the losses are not covered by a Boiler Explosion policy
(a) Explosion
(b) Fire
(c) Collapse
(d) Damage of surrounding property
(e) None of the above
2. “Explosion” does not mean
(a) Sudden and violent tearing apart
(b) Collapse due to external pressure
(c) Bursting apart due to high pressure
(d) Bursting of the boiler due to chemical reaction
(e) None of the above
3. A boiler explosion policy specifically covers losses caused to
(a) Damage of surrounding property
14. The basis of total loss settlement in an EAR policy is payable on the basis of
(a) Actual value less salvage (b) Value decided by IRDA
(c) None of the above (d) All of the above
15. Which of the following is not Act of God perils
(a) Earthquake (b) Flood
(c) Negligence (d) Storm/ Tempest
(e) None of the above
16. Project Policies are
(a) All Risk (b) Named Perils
(c) Consequential Loss (d) Agreed value
17. Big Project Insurance Business is U/W on the basis of
(a) Long tail liability (b) Loss Reserve
(c) Profit Margin (d) Probable Maximum Loss
18. Percentage of obligatory cession to GIC is
(a) 30 (b) 20
(c) 05 (d) 10
19. CPM is
(a) Coverage all risk policy with inclusion of breakdown
(b) All risk policy with exclusion of breakdown
(c) Self propelled machineries on public/Private Road
(d) None of the above
20. FOES is an extension under:
(a) CPM (b) CAR
(c) DOS (Potatoes) (d) MBD
21. DSU stands for
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (e) 4. (e) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (e) 9. (e) 10. (a)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (b)
Short & Essay Questions
1. Define the scope and aim of ‘engineering insurance’
Ans: Engineering Insurance schemes aim at protecting business houses from
eventualities that could give rise to a loss and disrupt their day-to-day functioning.
Such losses arise due to the failure of machineries, explosion of boilers and
breakdown of computers and sophisticated electronic equipment. A major
breakdown due to mechanical failure could also result in consequential loss of
profits. All these risks can be covered under various engineering policies.
Engineering Insurance covers are available at the time of putting up of a factory or
even during an expansion. These insurance covers are the Storage-cum-erection
policies for industrial risks, the Contractors all risk policy for civil works and the
Contractors plant & machinery policy, which takes of the Contractors Insurance
requirements. The Advance loss of profits policy is a sophisticated insurance cover,
which takes care of losses arising out of delay in completion of a project well beyond
the stipulated period where the delay is caused by an insured peril.
2. Define the term ‘explosion’ and explain the scope of coverage in a Boiler
explosion policy
Ans: The term ‘Explosion’ refers to the sudden and violent rending or tearing apart of the
permanent structure of a boiler or pressure plant or any part or parts thereof by force
of internal steam gas or fluid pressure causing bodily displacement of the said
structure and accompanied by the forcible ejection of its contents.
The BP policy explicitly covers the following:
1. Damage (other than by fire) to the boilers and/or other pressure plant or
surrounding property described in the schedule.
2. Liability arising due to death of or bodily injury to any person provided he is
not employed or under apprenticeship with the insured.
3. Liability arising from damage to any property whether the insured is
responsible for it or not
3. State the general exceptions of Boiler Explosion policy.
Ans: The following losses are not covered under the policy:
Damages arising directly or indirectly from fire or explosion or collapse or any
other cause.
Damages caused by war, hostilities or war like operations, natural calamities,
• The cost of any provisional repairs will be borne by the company if such
repairs constitute part of the final repairs and do not increase the total repair
8. What is the main aim of a Loss of profits insurance policy?
Ans: Under this policy the company makes good the losses arising from unforeseen and
sudden damages to any machinery described in the schedule, during the period of
policy, on the basis of the following requirements:
• The liability of company for claims remains within the limit specified in the
• The accident should happen during period specified in the policy and should
be covered by standard machinery insurance policy or boiler & pressure plant
insurance policy.
• The terms and conditions of the policy have been fulfilled.
• The statements and answers in the proposal form are true.
The cover provided under this policy shall be limited to loss of gross profit due to
(a) Reduction in output and
(b) Increase in cost of working and the amount payable as indemnity thereunder
shall be
o In respect of reduction in output
o In respect of increase in cost of working
The reduction in fixed charges if any during the period of business is disrupted, shall
be deducted from the compensation amount.
9. What is the scope of coverage under the Industrial All Risk Insurance?
Ans: Industrial all risk insurance is available to all major industrial units (other than
petrochemical risks) manufacturing as well as storage, having all sum insured of
Rs.100 crores and above, in one or more locations in India. The policy covers
damages that are covered under:
(i) Fire and special perils policy.
Case Studies
House damaged in fire
Mr. Kumar bought a large house that needed major restoration. While this work was taking
place there was a serious fire, thought to have been caused by a blowtorch used by one of
the builders. The estimate for repairing the damage was Rs. 7,50,000 and the building
contractor, Mr. Bhushan, put in a claim under his contractors' all-risks commercial
insurance policy for liabilities to third parties.
Mr. Bhushan was extremely surprised when the insurer rejected the claim. It said he had
breached a specific policy condition regarding the preparations necessary during the use
of heat in building works. The insurer said that it could also dismiss the claim on the
grounds of the builder's carelessness.
Mr. Bhushan complained to the insurer that the specific policy condition that he had
breached had not been part of his insurance contract, so he could not be bound by it. The
insurer disagreed. After a lengthy dispute about several slightly different versions of the
policy condition which applied in this case, and about the precise legal interpretation of
these different versions, Mr. Bhunshan referred the complaint to the Ombudsman.
Complaint upheld
The Ombusdman concluded that the policy condition could properly be considered a part
of Mr Bhushan's insurance contract. The difference in the wording of the various versions
of the policy condition were immaterial as far as this specific dispute was concerned. That
was because none of the versions explained exactly what policyholders were expected to
do - over and above taking standard fire-prevention precautions - in order to comply with
the policy condition. The Ombudsmen were satisfied from the evidence that
Mr Bhushan had ensured his staff had taken all standard precautions. There was nothing
to substantiate the insurer's view that it could also reject the claim on the grounds of the
contractor's carelessness. So it was held that the insurer should deal with the claim. It
agreed that the insurer it should pay the full amount due, even if this came to more than
Rs.100,000 - the maximum award the Ombusdman have the power to award in any such
individual case.
1. Introduction
2. Indian Health Insurance Portfolio – Its Experience & Exposure
3. Healthcare Financing Models
4. Challenges facing Health Financing Schemes
5. Types of Health Coverage
6. Health Insurance Exclusively For Senior Citizens
7. Health Insurance Portability
8. Health Risks
9. Importance of Health Insurance
10. Health Insurance Policies offered in America
11. Health Insurance Policies In India
12. Health Insurance: Governing Legislations In India
13. Recommendations of Various Reforms Committees
14. IRDAI’s Health Insurance Regulations
After completion of the Chapter, the Student should be able to
• Explain the need and importance of health insurance in today’s world
• Describe the various financing models of health care and health care financing
• Discuss the scope and coverage of health insurance policies
• Evaluate the various provisions and guidelines of IRDAI for health insurance
• Describe the available health insurance policies in America and India
• Discuss the recommendations of various reforms committees on health
• Explain the latest guidelines on health insurance standardization of IRDAI
1. Introduction
World Health Organisation (WHO) in its preamble has defined Health as “a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or
infirmity”. As per the Declaration of Universal Rights 1948, health is recognised as one of
the fundamental human rights. It is an essential component of human and social
development as well as of a nation’s growth and stability.
Definition of Health Insurance may be “The Contract to provide sickness benefit or
medical/surgical or hospital expense benefit - as inpatient or outpatient on indemnity or re-
imbursement basis, pre-paid, hospital or other plan basis including assured benefits &
long term care”. Health Insurance, like other property & casualty insurance is a contract
between the Insurer and the insured. It draws two parties together based on mutual
consent in the form of a proposal by customer & fulfils the mandatory elements like offer &
acceptance, consideration, capacity to contract, legality of form etc. The policy is the
evidence of the contract. Insurance contracts are different from other contracts as the
customer may never see the contract till he receives the policy. While other contracts are
based on caveat emptor (let the buyer beware), the rule is modified in insurance to the
principle of good faith (Uberima Fides) from both sides. Health insurance like other
insurances is governed by the principles of insurance & violation of the principles results in
insurer deciding to avoid liability.
Health Insurance is an ideal mechanism for protecting an individual’s earnings by
transferring the risk to the insurer. A properly managed health insurance program would
not only protect the finances of the individual but also ensure wellness by providing access
to preventive health care. Claim outgo is being funded from either reserves or cross-
subsidized by other classes of insurance business like fire and engineering. Life insurers
also market health insurance which is mostly in the form of riders or long term benefit
policies. There are very few stand-alone health insurance products in the life sector.
Health insurance continues to be one of the most dynamic & fastest growing sectors.
Health insurance portfolio has grown on an average of 20% during the last few years. It is
estimated that in coming 6 – 7 years it might overtake motor insurance portfolio. Research
and innovation has resulted in developing the marketed products that cover maternity
benefits, cash less facility, Cumulative Bonus, restoration benefits, covering critical illness
riders, top-up plans, senior citizen plans, multiplier benefits, OPD coverage, life-long
renewal etc. Health Insurance in India began with the ESI Act, 1948 and it provided for
both cash and medical benefits. The ESIS was soon followed by a scheme for Central
Government employees, the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS).The first serious
attempt to standardize the terms and conditions of health insurance made by the GIC is
known as the “Mediclaim” Policy.
The insurance industry also innovated and launched certain other health insurance related
products for lower socio-economic groups (Universal Health Scheme). From 2008 onwards
Union Government has introduced RSBY Policy for BPL Families for all over the India.
Hon’ble President of India Sri Pronab Mukherjee has expressed in Joint Session of
Parliament about the urgency for tightening Health Insurance & Pension safety nets. At a
recent meeting on Health Reforms where the Prime Minister was present the format of
Health Insurance for all Indian Citizens, setting up Medical Colleges in each District & 3
yrs B.Sc. Course in Community Health were discussed.
A High power meeting was conducted by PM Mr. Narendra Modi on health reforms where
a decision was taken for health insurance coverage for all Indian citizens by opening new
medical colleges in each District. Three years B.Sc. course in community health services
is likely to be introduced. Finance Minister Sri Arun Jeitley expressed the need for a
National Policy on Health as well as reforms in Health Insurance. Dr. Harsh Vardhan, as
the Health Minister, offered the first glimpse into BJP Govt’s ambitious UHA Scheme for
Health Insurance component including Diagnostics & availability of 50 essential drugs.
Union health Ministry is eager to set up E-health regulator to regulate health care
providers through Electronic Health Record guidelines (EHR). With the help of ICT
(Information & Communication Technology) adoption it is expected to archive remote
consultation, diagnosis & treatment through Telemedicine.
Currently India spends about 6.1% of GDP on health. Private Health Care expenditure is
around 75% or 4.8% GDP and most of the rest (i.e. 1.3% of GDP) is Government Funding.
Most of the public funding is for preventive, promotive and primary care programmes while
private expenditure is largely for curative care. Over the period the private health care
expenditure has grown at the rate of around 12.84% per annum and for each per cent
increase in per capita income the private health care expenditure has increased by1.47%.
Number of private doctors and private clinical facilities are also expanding exponentially.
6. 77.5% of total expenditure for health care costs are paid by individuals or
households. (WHO Report 2005).
7. Health insurance is the best mechanism to finance healthcare.
8. Total Health Expenditure represented 6.1% of India’s GDP – 4.8% of it is share of
private expenditure and a mere 1.3% of GDP is public expenditure. Of the 4.8%
private expenditure, 98.5% are out of pocket spending (WHO Report 2002). For the
year 2015-16, Total Health Expenditure (THE) for India is estimated at Rs. 5,28,484
crores (3.84% of GDP and Rs. 4116 per capita).
9. Household’s Out of Pocket Expenditure on health (OOPE) is Rs. 3,20,211crores
(60.6% of THE, 2.3% of GDP, Rs. 2,494 per capita) Private Health Insurance
expenditure is Rs. 22013 crores (4.1% of THE). Of the Current Health Expenditures,
Union Government share is Rs. 38416 crores (7.8%) and the State Government’s
share Rs. 75785 crores (15.3%). Local bodies’ share is Rs. 3808 crores (0.8%),
Households share (including insurance contributions) about Rs. 3,42,257crores
(69%, OOPE being 64.7%). Contribution by enterprises (including insurance
contributions) is Rs. 23,691 crores (4.8%) and NGOs is Rs. 7,708 crores (1.6%).
External/donor funding contributes to about Rs. 3,525 crores (0.7%). (National
Health Accounts Report, 2018)
meet the heavy cost of treatment involving hospitalisation. In the US as much as 47% of
health care expenses are met by the Government through medical benefit schemes
administered by it known as Medicare and Medicaid. While 19% of the expenditure is
taken care of by own resources, 35% of health care expenditure comes from private
insurance companies through various health insurance policies sold by them.
In India, health spend from own resources is 75% and out of the balance 25%, the share
of Central Govt. is 5.2%, States 15.2%, Employers and others 3.3% and Local Govt. and
donors 1.3%. From this, it is clear that there is a vast scope for Health Insurance in India.
Health insurance can be organized either on private or public basis - for individuals and
families against uncertain events. In developing countries, the potential for expanding
health care sector through government financing is very limited because of a very narrow
tax base. In such a situation, health care financing by individuals and families who can
afford, goes a long way in reducing the burden of the government.
Health insurance as a mechanism is already widespread in the developing countries. The
market for health insurance is growing both in terms of awareness and necessity levels.
Health insurance can be financed and organized in a number of ways. It can be purchased
by an individual, or by groups consisting of the self – employed, or retired persons, or
persons between jobs, part-time, temporary, or contract workers not covered by their
The reasons for rise in health care costs across the globe are :
• Increase in medical treatment costs.
• Technological advancements in medical equipment
• High labour costs
• Corporatisation and the increasing overheads
Some important products in Indian Health Insurance Sector which are now existing in the
market apart from the Standalone ‘Mediclaim” policies being issued by the General
Insurers in India are the following:
1. Retail, wholesale/group, Government & Micro schemes, Overseas travel;
2. Indemnity & Benefit Policies;
3. Variants – Individual/ Floater/ Top up/ Hospital cash/ CI/ Disease specific like DM/
HIV/ Segment specific like students, elders, travel, micro health, BPL, RSBY, etc.
4. Ashadeep Plan or Jeevan Asha Plan by Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICI),
Overseas Mediclaim Policy, Cancer Insurance Policy, Bhavishya Arogya Policy,
Dreaded Disease Policy .
(a) If the policy holder chooses to switch over from one Insurance Company to another,
(b) If the policy holder switches from one plan/policy to another plan/policy of the same
Company provided the previous policy has been maintained without any break (A
break in the policy for the purpose of portability occurs when the premium due on a
given policy is not paid on or before the premium renewal date or within 30 days
Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being and not mere absence of
disease or infirmity. Health Insurance is going to be an important portfolio, huge potential
of Indian market, which largely remains untapped. Therefore, Government has taken
initiative to make a change in the Indian Health Care Sector through Insurance. At present
there is no standardization or regulation in the health care sector.
8. Health Risks
The risk of poor health includes both the payment of catastrophic medical bills and the
loss of earned income. Unless human beings have adequate health insurance or private
savings or financial assets, or other sources of income to meet these expenditures, they
will otherwise feel insecure. The matter becomes more catastrophic if old age added with
ill health or some form of disability persists with no or inadequate financial support. For
health care, more than anything else financing the healthcare expenses becomes a major
issue. The loss of earned income becomes a cause of still greater insecurity if the
disability is severe. In the case of long-term disability, besides substantial loss of earned
income, medical bills are incurred, employee benefits may be lost or reduced, savings are
often depleted, and the most difficult part of the whole problem is that someone must take
care of the disabled insured person.
“Health insurance is an insurance, which covers the financial loss arising out of poor
health condition or due to permanent disability, which results in loss of income.”
provides security against loss of income. These policies can be short term or long-term.
Disability income insurance is provided by life insurance companies and other insurance
companies specialised in health insurance. Disability income insurance is offered to
groups and to individuals. In the US, a majority of the health insurance policies are group
Injury: Injury can be defined as “any bodily injury caused due to an accident during the
period of the policy”.
Disability: An insured individual is stated to be disabled if he is rendered incapable of
performing his duties in his occupation due to ill health or sickness for a particular period.
The disablement can be temporary or permanent or total which results in loss of income.
Disability insurance provides regular income benefits to the insured person during the
period of disablement.
There are some common exclusions under disability insurance policies.
They are as follows:
• This policy does not cover disability due to wars, intentional injuries, and normal
• In individual policies and group policies, pre-existing conditions are excluded.
• There is also a variant of agreed value policies - Unit Linked policies from LIC,
Reliance, etc.
Some examples are:
• Mediclaim Policy (individuals and groups)
• Overseas Mediclaim Policy
• Videsh Yatra Mitra
• Raj Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojna
• Bhagyashree Child Welfare Policy
• Janata Personal Accident Policy
• Cancer Insurance Policy
• Bhavishya Arogya Policy
• Jan Arogya Bima Policy
• Personal Accident Policy
• Gramin Personal Accident Policy
• Universal Health Insurance Policy
• It will pay the health check up costs equal to 1% of insured sum every 4 years, if the
insured does not make any claim during this period. However this benefit is available
only under individual policies.
• Cumulative bonus of 5% will be offered at the end of every year provided there is no
claim during the period. This bonus will be provided for a maximum of up to 10
years. If insured claims during this period, the sum insured with cumulative bonus
will be reduced by 10%.
• If the premium is paid by cheque, it will be exempted under income tax act up to a
maximum of Rs. 10,000/- under section 80D of Income Tax Act with an increased
limit of Rs. 15,000/- for senior citizens.
This policy will not cover the following:
• Any sickness or illness for first 30 days during the policy
• Any medical expenses relating to pregnancy
• Diseases caused by war, invasion or due to nuclear weapons etc.
• Any expenses incurred for spectacles, cosmetic treatment etc.
• Medical expenses incurred for purchasing tonics, vitamins unless incurred as part of
the treatment.
Any situation in which insured claims the sum insured should be informed to the insurer
with the details about his injuries, admission etc., into hospital within 7 days.
Insured should file the claim with the insurer within 30 days after discharge from hospital
and show all medical bills and other information required by the insurer.
The insurer can appoint any medical practitioner to observe the injuries and diseases that
requires hospitalisation.
The medical treatment should be taken within Indian boundaries and compensation is paid
in rupees.
The insurance company will not pay the compensation in case the claim is proved to be
1 Refers to complete autonomy given to insurance companies to fix premiums from 2007-08, by
• Though there are some insurance products that are technically ‘available’ for senior
citizens, in practice it is not easy for them to obtain a health insurance cover.
• The underwriting practices of insurers are not transparent and there are several
complaints of arbitrary loading, denial of renewals and cancellations without
assigning reasons, restricting access of Senior Citizens to health insurance.
• Insurance companies need to assure the Senior Citizens that they will be protected
through health insurance with guaranteed renewal.
• Health insurance policy should be drafted in simple language with terms and
conditions clearly stated for easy understanding by the users
• The Industry to have uniform definitions of terminology, and standard terms and
conditions used in the policy.
• IRDA to create a national repository of data relating to health insurance as well as
health sector for the use of the industry.
• To constitute a government funded ‘pool’ mechanism with participation of all
stakeholders of the industry, under the aegis of the IRDA, to address the needs of
these ‘high risk’ individuals
• To streamline the procedural and operational issues related to senior citizens
pertaining to: service standards of TPAs, grievance redressal mechanism, policy
renewals, choice of TPAs, disclosure requirements, cashless authorisations and
delays in claim reimbursements
• All senior citizens with incomes below the average per capita income but above the
poverty line should be given a grant of Rs 100 per month by the Government.
• IRDA to play an active ‘developmental’ role till health insurance picks up momentum.
• IRDA should mandate the companies carrying on health insurance business that all
senior citizens should have access to health insurance regardless of age, health
condition or claim history
• ‘Standalone’ health insurance companies to be allowed to enter the market, to
develop health insurance sector and to transact this business on more professional
• All insurance companies, both life and non-life should promote separate health
insurance subsidiaries.
• Stand-alone insurance companies should be permitted to accept long-term deposits
from those insured with the company. Such deposits should be made into a
‘healthcare savings account’ broadly patterned on the lines of Public Provident Fund
accounts but without any time limit, premature deposits being permitted only for
bona fide medical treatment, and qualify for deduction under Section 80C of the
Income Tax Act.
more clarity about the service standards and minimize the chances of disputes over
(iv) National Standard Treatment Guidelines framed jointly with FICCI with the
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, specifying standard
treatment procedures and costs for major illnesses and surgeries.
(v) Standardized Pre-authorization OCR Claim form to streamline health insurance
claims processes at all stages. The OCR format facilitates transfer of data from
handwritten paper based form to IT systems, which in turn can help to develop
Electronic Health Records with detailed demographic database, claims disease-
wise, city-wise and region-wise.
(vi) Standard Claims settlement format for settling claims arising in multiple policies
wherein one insurance company could pay for the entire amount, which in turn
would reduce delays in claim settlement.
As observed from the growth trends of the health insurance industry, although health
insurance penetration is low at present, the pace at which it is growing indicates the latent
potential demand existing in this segment. Presently, Health Insurance is the second
largest portfolio, second only to Motor Insurance. A recent estimate puts the potential
health insurance market at current levels at Rs.15,000 crores and another estimate puts
the asset based insurance premium being only 25% of the real health insurance
potentials. Health insurance is becoming more of a necessity than an option whether
voluntary or as a beneficiary.
Some of the new creative health products available in the Indian markets include:
• Critical illness cover
• Hospital cash
• Family Floater
• Special policies for Diabetics and HIV patients
These policies also have a facility of Cashless settlements through the Third Party
Administrators (TPAs), which is a Western model, wherein the payments are made directly
to the treating hospitals. The Indian market is further trying to adopt some of the Western
healthcare providers practices to bring in more innovative products such as Health Saving
Accounts, Health Annuities, Managed Health Care through organizations acting as
facilitators such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Preferred Provider
Organizations (PPO), Point-of-Service (POS) plans, etc.
The focus of the insurers is more on provisioning of ‘holistic health’ rather than ‘financing
for health’ which is possible only through products with reasonable and adequate cover at
optimum premiums. Thus, with increased activities and innovative plans, the Regulator
and the Government will act as facilitators with the required legislations and administrative
mechanisms. Further, the regulations will regulate not only the health insurers but also
health service providers, viz., hospitals, doctors, diagnostic laboratories, etc.
Health insurance in India is still in the developing stage. The increasing health care costs
in the country is likely to contribute to the development of more health insurance products.
Health insurance is not at present recognized as a separate segment in Indian insurance
industry. The present health insurance policies available in the Indian markets have some
inherent limitations.
IRDAI is very seriously considering breaking insurers into three broad categories from the
current two, i.e., Life, Non-life & Health. Already, as mentioned earlier, section 32AA,
Insurance Act, 1938, provides for special treatment in the matter of issuing licence for
exclusive health insurers. Even the solvency margin is going to be risk based for health
insurance instead of the current 1.5, which is fixed.
Some of the areas that need to be focussed from the coverage perspective are
• Old age Health care – mostly required at old age to take care of health problems
associated with aging.
• Long-term care – for a term of three to five years.
• Disability income insurance, which is not provided in basic policy cover.
• Mental care – to provide financial assistance for the caring parents.
• Health cover for the daily wage earners seasonal workers casual laborers,
construction workers, etc.
• Workers employed in the seasonal factories.
• Juvenile insurance- to meet ill health/medical expenses associated with health
related problems of children.
• Special/exclusive health care policies for ‘women’ for gender related diseases.
Health cover for the informal sector/unorganized sector.
• Rural health policies to be tailor-made for the members, to suit to their needs.
Thus, a health insurance policy to be meaningful should be designed in such a way that
the basic needs of health care are met. The Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDAI) on its part is also taking initiative to increase the penetration of the
health insurance markets in India. The IRDAI is also looking into regulatory issues to allow
stand alone health insurance companies with lesser capital requirements. Probably, with
such exclusive health insurance companies, there would be better choice available to
consumers to choose policies that would be suitable for their requirements. On the other
hand, the companies can also have greater freedom in designing policies with fair
premiums depending upon the riskiness of insured individual.
(i) The Detailed document is available in the IRDAI website for further reference.
(ii) Guidelines on Standardization in Health Insurance is also available as per the
following reference circular Ref: IRDA/HLT/REG/CIR/146/07/2016 dated 29.07.2016
• World Health Organisation (WHO) in its preamble has defined Health as “a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease
or infirmity”.
• As per the Declaration of Universal Rights 1948, health is recognised as one of the
fundamental human rights.
• It is an essential component of human and social development as well as of a
nation’s growth and stability.
• Health insurance can be defined in very slender sense where individual and group of
persons purchase in advance health coverage by paying a fee called premium.
• Section (6) (c) of the Insurance Act. 1938, defines health insurance business as
‘effecting of contracts which provide for sickness benefits or medical, surgical or
hospital expense benefits, whether in-patient or out-patient, travel cover and
personal accident cover'.
• Portability means the right accorded to an individual health insurance policy holder
to transfer the credit gained by the insured for pre-existing conditions and time
bound exclusions.
• In India, both general and life insurers offer health insurance products though the
later class is a recent entrant. Indemnity policies are offered only by general
• In 1984, the Overseas Mediclaim Policy was developed. This policy will reimburse
the medical expenses incurred by Indians upto 70 years of age while travelling
abroad. The premium will be charged based on their age, purpose of travel, duration
and plan selected by the insured under the policy.
• Health insurance in India was introduced in the year 1912 when the first insurance
Act was passed. As the maternity benefits defined under the Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1923 was found inadequate, need for a better comprehensive
cover was felt, based on the principle of risk- pooling and financing.
• The Health Insurance Standardization Guidelines of 2013 aim to standardize health
insurance business processes and practices in the country, by reducing ambiguity,
confusion and misunderstandings between the insurance company and re-insurance
company, consumers and hospitals.
• Claims and grievance settlement are the major challenge areas for insurance
companies to prove their service quality. Therefore, the IRDA introduced the
Insurance Ombudsmen Scheme in accordance with the Redressal of Public
Grievances Rules, 1998, to facilitate speedy disposal of complaints in a cost-
effective and efficient manner.
• To augment growth in this segment, Section 3 (2AA) of Insurance Act 1938 provides
for special treatment for new insurance companies which opts to operate exclusively
in health insurance.
• The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has updated its
guidelines in the year 2016 to address various changes in the health insurance
industry. These changes are aimed at increasing transparency and satisfying
customer needs.
• The Protection of Policyholder’s (health insurance ) guidelines, 2017 laid down very
clearly all the matters that are to be stated in a health insurance policy and the
claims settlement processes.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Mediclaim policy is basically a -
(a) Benefit policy
(b) Indemnity policy
(c) Neither benefit nor indemnity policy
(d) Both indemnity and benefit policy
2. Group mediclaim policies are of:
(a) High volume & high margin (b) Low volume & high margin
(c) Low volume & low margin (d) High volume & low margin
3. The penetration of health insurance in India is around:
(a) 5% of the total population (b) 2% of the total population
(c) 4 % of the total population (d) 10% of the total population
4. The coverage of pre-existing diseases was a major bone of contention in case
of mediclaim policies over the years. Who has defined the pre-existing
diseases recently for use by all Indian non-life Insurance Companies?
(a) Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority
(b) General Insurance Council
(c) Health Insurance Council
5. Mediclaim policy was introduced by PSU Insurers in the year:
(a) 1986 (b) 1973
(c) 1976 (d) 1996
6. Medical underwriting is practiced in case of:
47. Senior citizens are entitled for tax benefit under Section 80 D of the Income
Tax Act up to:
(a) Rs 20,000/- (b) Rs 15,000/-
(c) Rs 50,000/- (d) Rs 25,000/-
48. The co-branded health insurance policy with Banks has become very popular
in India. It is an example of:
(a) B2B business model (b) B2B2C business model
(c) B2C business model (d) None of the above
49. Which one of the following policy is a deferred mediclaim policy?
(a) Jana Arogya (b) Arogyashri
(c) Bhavishya Arogya (d) Sampoorna Arogya
50. The beneficiary under CGHS and Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules
1944 can opt for mediclaim policy. State which statement is incorrect?
(a) They can claim reimbursement from both the sources subject to the total
reimbursement not exceeding the total expenditure incurred for treatment
(b) The beneficiaries first have to claim on original documents with Insurer and
secondly claim with CGHS on photocopy and certification from Insurer
(c) The reimbursement from CGHS or other department source will be restricted
to admissible amount as per approved package subject to the amount not
exceeding total expenditure on treatment.
(d) The amount of treatment will be shared under contribution clause.
51. The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima is a smart card based health scheme for BPL
families in States across the country. What is the sum insured under the
(a) Rs 30,000/- (b) Rs 25,000/-
(c) Rs 50,000/- (d) Rs 20,000/-
52. The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Scheme provides for pre and post
hospitalization benefit up to:
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (d) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (b) 50. (c)
51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (a)
Short & Essay Questions
1. Describe the salient features of the Individual Mediclaim insurance policy.
Ans. The individual Mediclaim policy covers reimbursement of Hospitalization/ Domiciliary
Hospitalization expenses for illness/ diseases or injury sustained. The company will
pay to the Insured Person the amount of such expenses as are reasonably and
necessarily incurred but not exceeding the Sum Insured in any one period of
2. What is the scope of cover under the various clauses in a health insurance
Ans. In the event of any claim/s becoming admissible under the scheme the company will
pay to the insured such expenses as mentioned below:
• Room expenses, boarding expenses as provided by the hospitalization/
nursing home.
• Nursing expenses
• Surgeon, anesthetist, medical practitioner, consultants and specialists fees.
• Other expenses relating to blood, oxygen, surgical expenses.
3. What Institutions can be considered as Hospital/ Nursing Home under a
Mediclaim policy?
Ans. Hospital/ Nursing Home means an institution in India established for indoor care and
treatment of sickness and injuries and it should have been registered with local
authorities and should be under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner or
should comply with minimum criteria of having 15 in-patient beds, fully equipped
operation theatre and fully qualified nursing staff and doctors round the clock.
4. What are the benefits under a Domiciliary Hospitalization cover of health
Ans. Medical treatment exceeding three days for such illness/disease/injury which in the
normal course would require care and treatment at a hospital/nursing home but
the date on which the policy takes effect. Pre-existing conditions will be covered
after a waiting period, which differs from insurer to insurer.
Under the policy reinstatement clause, when the premium is not paid even within the
grace period, the policy lapses. However, the policy may be reinstated if the
premium is received at least within 45 days. Sometimes a fresh application is
required. There is a waiting period for sickness, not accidents, for the reinstated
13. What steps would you suggest for minimization of losses in Health Sector?
(i) There is robust growth of business in Health Sector and this trend is expected
to continue in future also. Unfortunately, ratio of loss in this sector has
increased with the business growth. Hence, there exists urgency of minimizing
(ii) Aggressive marketing of Health Policies to the people of younger age by
introducing new products, training to the agents and greater incentives for
procuring this business.
(iii) Loading of premium on group policies based on their past claim experiences.
(iv) Careful selection TPAs having professionals favorable past records
(v) Monitoring the working of TPAs on regular basis as the loss ratio in the health
sector increases considerable after introduction of TPA.
(vi) The benefits under various heads like Room rent, Doctors fees and Diagnostic
materials etc. should have individual limits instead of overall SI without any
sub limits.
(vii) Maximum limits of compensation may be fixed for treatment of common
diseases like cataract, kidney stone, and heart ailments etc.
(viii) While empanelling Hospitals for cashless service, we may negotiate for
(ix) Prompt investigation of doubtful cases to detect fraud.
(x) Blacklisting of Hospitals and TPA found resorting to fraudulent means.
Case Studies
1. Mr. Khanna had obtained a mediclaim insurance policy from the United India
Insurance Company from 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2002 for a sum of Rs.1,50,000/- for
himself and his wife, Smt. Karuna Khanna. During the subsistence of this policy,
Smt. Karuna Khanna suddenly developed pain in her knees. She had never suffered
from any medical problems relating to her knees earlier. However, she went to the
doctor who advised her to undergo surgery for knee replacement of both knees
which she underwent on 15.09.2002 at a total cost of Rs.1,78,945/-. Unfortunately,
she died due to sudden cardiac arrest in the hospital on 29.09.2002. Requisite
information regarding her admission into Nayyar Hospital, her subsequent treatment
there and the relevant medical bills were forwarded to the Insurance Company for
settlement of the claim as per the policy but this was repudiated by the Respondent
on the grounds that the claim was not covered as per Clause 4.8 of the policy as
well as the Exclusion Clause 4.1 since it was a pre-existing disease. Since, the
insured did not have any pre-existing disease nor were she or the Petitioner ever
made aware of the terms and conditions of the policy, Petitioner, - filed a complaint
before the District Forum on grounds of deficiency in service for having wrongly
repudiated the claim and requested that the Respondent be directed to pay the
Petitioner Rs.1,78,945/- towards medical treatment of the deceased insured with
interest @ 12%, Rs.10,000/- as compensation as well as any other relief available
under the law. However, the above contention was denied by the Respondent
(company)_which stated that there was no doubt that the insuree had a pre-
existing disease since it was medically well established that any problem which
would require replacement of the knees cannot occur within days or months and in
fact takes years for the knees to degenerate to a condition where total replacement
is medically advised. Thus, under Clause 4.1 of the policy which is an exclusion
clause, any pre-existing disease even if it is without the knowledge of the insuree is
excluded. The Counsel for Petitioner reiterated that the claim was wrongly
repudiated on the ground that the deceased had a pre-existing disease. According to
the Counsel for Petitioner, the deceased/insured did not have any medical complaint
pertaining to her knees nor did she undergo any treatment and when she felt pain for
the first time in September, 2002, she visited the doctor. In fact, the onus to prove
that she had a pre-existing disease was on the Respondent who failed to file any
expert medical or credible evidence in support of its case. Further, the deceased
had been taking the mediclaim insurance policy from the Respondent right from
1996 and she had also, as per the practice, been examined by the doctor of the
Respondent/Insurance Company who has nowhere recorded that she had any
medical problems relating to the knees. Further, it is not disputed that the insured
had been taking mediclaim policy right from 1996 and nowhere has it been recorded
that she had any medical condition including the problem of the knees, by the
Respondents doctor who examined her. Thus, there is no record produced by the
Respondent to indicate that any such disease existed and that it was, therefore, pre-
existing.Further, it is settled law that the onus to prove that the insured had a pre-
existing disease was on the Respondent which as stated above, has failed to prove.
For the reasons cited above and particularly in the absence of any credible
documentary or other evidence by the Respondent on whom was the onus to prove
the reasons for repudiation, the Court allowed the revision petition. Thus, the
Respondent/Insurance Company was directed to pay the Petitioner Rs.1,78,945/-
along with interest @ 6% from the date of the claim and Rs.1,000/- as litigation cost
within six weeks from the date of this order.
2. A privately insured member claimed for treatment to his shoulder two days after
obtaining a policy. The member was on a full medical underwriting (FMU) policy.An
Initial request for the members medical history did not identify a pre existing injury
and the insurer commenced to fund the treatment. The members GP confirmed in a
report that the condition was new.Three months after the initial claim an anonymous
caller contacted the insurer and reported that they were aware the medical
insurance members injury was preexisting. The matter was referred to fraud
investigators who interviewed the physiotherapist. The physiotherapist informed
investigators that the injury was preexisting. Investigators interviewed the health
insurance member who admitted the fraud. The member repaid the £1800 of funding
that the insurer had paid, their policy was cancelled and they were reported to the
3. Policyholder X submitted numerous cash-plan claims, over a short period of time, for
various treatments. Regular reporting lead to a review of these claims and it was
found that 15 of these treatments did not take place – this was confirmed by the
1. Introduction
2. Crop Insurance
3. Aviation Insurance
4. Personal Accident Insurance
5. Overseas Travel Insurance
6. Golfer’s Indemnity Insurance
7. Crime Insurance
8. Burglary Insurance
9. Baggage Insurance
10. Bankers Indemnity Insurance
11. Plate & Glass Insurance
12. Fidelity Guarantee Insurance
13. Money-in-Transit Insurance
14. Horse/ Donkey/ Mule/ Pony Insurance
15. Kidnap & Ransom Insurance
After completion of the Chapter, the Student should be able to
• Explain the need and importance of insurance for miscellaneous risks
• Describe the scope and coverage for crop insurance and other allied policies
under agriculture
• Evaluate the coverage, benefits and exclusions available under aviation,
personal accident, overseas travel, burglary and many other insurance policies
• Describe the importance and need for taking liability insurance against risks of
dishonest and disloyal employees and negligence.
• Explain the benefits of package policies as an umbrella cover for many risks at
a time.
1. Introduction
The insurance industry is developing rapidly, not only in the scope of activities covered but
also by the various new insurance covers that are being introduced. One area that saw
rapid growth in a short span is miscellaneous insurance, also called accident insurance in
England and casualty insurance in USA. According to Section 2 (13B) Insurance Act, 1938
Miscellaneous Insurance Business is “the business of effecting contracts of insurance
which is not principally or wholly of any kind or kinds included in Fire, Life and Marine
Insurance business.”
There are innumerable Miscellaneous products available in the market which may be
distinctly divided into three types as shown below –
The risks covered by miscellaneous insurance are classified into four main categories
• Person
• Property
• Pecuniary risks, and
• Liabilities
The first category includes insurance for individuals and groups against health risks such
as accidents and hospitalization & critical illness.
Property risks relate to burglary, housebreaking, etc., and include other classes like
livestock, plate, glass, money in transit and others.
Pecuniary risks refer to fidelity and other credit or financial guarantees
2. Crop Insurance
In India crop insurance cover is not very widespread.
Crop Insurance schemes in India
In order to provide a boost to the agriculture in India, a number of experimental crop
insurance schemes have been introduced. The first ones of the experimental crop
insurance schemes has been a Pilot Crop Insurance scheme. This was introduced by GIC
from the year1979.
Some of the important features of the scheme were that the scheme was based on “Area
Approach”. This scheme covered crops such as Cereals, Millets, Oilseeds, Cotton, Potato
and Gram. The scheme was confined to loanee farmers only and on voluntary basis. The
risk was shared between General Insurance Corporation of India and State Governments
in the ratio of 2:1. The maximum sum that could be insured under the scheme was 100%
of the crop loan, which was later increased to 150%.
(a) Under this scheme, 50% of the subsidy was provided for insurance charges which
was payable to the small/marginal farmers by the State Government & the
Government of India on 50:50 basis.
(b) Among the earlier crop insurance schemes that were introduced was a
comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme. The Government of India introduced the
Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme with effect from 1st April 1985. This
scheme was introduced with the active participation of State Governments. The
Scheme was optional for the State Governments.
The objectives of the scheme are as follows: -
1. To provide insurance coverage and financial support to farmers in the event of
natural calamities, pests and diseases.
2. To encourage the farmers to adopt progressive farming practices, high value inputs
and higher technology in agriculture.
3. To help stabilise farm incomes, particularly in disaster years.
Salient features of the scheme
• Crops covered
The crops in the following broad groups in respect of which (i) the past yield data based on
Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) is available for adequate number of years, and (ii)
requisite number of CCEs are conducted for estimating the yield during the proposed
(a) Food crops (Cereals, millets and pulses)
(b) Oilseeds
(c) Sugarcane, cotton and potato (annual commercial/annual horticultural crops)
Other annual commercial/horticultural crops subject to availability of past yield data will be
covered in a period of three years. However, the crops, which are covered next year, will
have to be specified before the close of preceding year.
• Farmers to be covered
All farmers including sharecroppers, tenant farmers growing notified crops in notified areas
are eligible for coverage.
The scheme covers the following groups of farmers:
(a) On a compulsory basis: All farmers growing notified crops and availing Seasonal
Agricultural Operations (SAO) loans from financial institutions i.e. loanee farmers.
(b) On a voluntary basis: All non-loanee farmers growing notified crops who opt for the
• Risks covered and exclusions
Comprehensive risk insurance will be provided to cover yield losses due to non-
preventable risks (natural perils) like, fire and lightning, storms, hailstorm, cyclones,
typhoon, hurricanes, tornados, as also floods, landslides, droughts, pests/diseases etc.
Losses arising out of war and nuclear risks, malicious damage and other preventable risks
shall be excluded.
• Sum insured /limit of coverage
The Sum Insured (SI) may extend to the value of the threshold yield of the insured crop at
the option of the insured farmers. However, a farmer may also insure his crop beyond the
value of threshold yield level upto 150% of average yield of notified area on payment of
premium at commercial rates. In case of loanee farmers the sum insured would be atleast
equal to the amount of crop loan advanced. Further, the insurance charges shall be
additional to the Scale of Finance for the purpose of obtaining loan. In matters of crop loan
disbursement procedures, the guidelines of RBI/NABARD shall be binding. Premium rates
go to the maximum 3.5% for bajra and oilseeds.
• Premium subsidy
A 50% subsidy in premium is allowed in respect of small farmers (a cultivator with a land
holding of 2 hectares [5 acres] or less) and marginal farmers (a cultivator with a land
holding of 1 hectare or less [2.5 acres]) to be shared equally by the Govt. of India and
State Government/Union Territory. The premium subsidy will be phased out on sunset
basis within a period of three to five years subject to review of financial results and the
response of farmers at the end of the first year of the implementation of the scheme.
Risk will be shared by the implementing agency and the Government. The quantum of risk
to be assumed by each is listed down in the policy.
• Area approach and unit of insurance
The scheme would operate on the basis of ‘area approach’ i.e., defined areas for each
notified crop for widespread calamities and on an individual basis for localised calamities
such as hailstorm, landslide, cyclone or flood.
• Estimation of crop yield
The State Govt/UT will plan and conduct the requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments
(CCEs) for all notified crops in the notified insurance units in order to assess the crop
yield. It maintains single series of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) and resultant yield
estimates, both for crop production estimates and crop insurance.
• Corpus fund
To meet catastrophic losses, a corpus fund shall be created with contributions from the
Govt. of India and State/UT on a 50:50 basis. A portion of calamity relief fund (CRF) shall
be used for contribution to the corpus fund.
The corpus fund shall be managed by an Implementing Agency (IA).
• Implementing Agency (IA)
An exclusive organisation is to be set up in due course, for implementation of crop
insurance. Until such time the GIC of India will continue to function as the Implementing
Scenario in India
Crop insurance which - offers efficient and comprehensive protection to farmers has been
under discussion since Independence. A Pilot Crop Insurance Scheme (PCIS) was in
place between 1979-80 and later from 1984-85. A comprehensive crop insurance scheme
was introduced in April 1985. The National Crop Insurance Scheme was started from
1999-2000 rabi season. All these schemes were group insurance schemes, aimed at
farmers taking crop loans from banks.
The premiums were minimal — 1-3 percent. The risk was shared by the Centre, the State
governments and the General Insurance Corporation. The financial results of the three
schemes indicated that none succeeded in correctly estimating the actuarial probability of
the risk covered. The claims paid were almost six times the premiums collected in the
comprehensive schemes. They would be more than six times higher under the National
Crop Insurance Scheme. The block nature of the crop insurance schemes and the fact that
the premium has no actuarial basis, takes away the business character of the schemes. It
encouraged those wanting to take undue advantage of the schemes. It would appear that
in many cases where the actual loss was serious, little or no compensation was paid.
There are also cases where there was little loss but the compensation was based on block
experience. As India moves towards world-class agriculture and is becoming increasingly
market-oriented, a dependable crop insurance scheme has become a necessity. The
agricultural sector primarily depends on monsoon, which is known for its erratic character.
Furthermore, the low capital utilisation and the small size of holdings make agriculture in
India fraught with risk.
A study comparing model yields of 15 crops showed that the risk of loss is as high as 40-
60 percent. The model yields in India are much lower than the actual yields in many other
countries; and the actual yields are still lower. It would appear that if crop insurance is to
give protection at the present model yields after deducting a basic loss, the premium might
be as high as 30 percent. Thus, a crop insurance scheme based on a premium of 1-3
percent of the amount covered cannot provide effective insurance cover.
Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd., New Delhi is the exclusive Company for
implementing crop insurance in India now. It started functioning from 1.4.2003. The
Company enjoys the distinction of being the largest crop insurance provider in the world in
terms of the number of farmers insured annually. During 2005-06, more than 167 lakhs
farmers were brought under the crop insurance umbrella. The main product i.e. “National
Agricultural Insurance Scheme” [NAIS] is presently implemented in 23 States and 2 UTs
by the company and it is also making continuous efforts to bring the remaining States/UTs
into its fold. The Company presently operates through its 17 Regional Offices located in
State Capitals across the country, under the supervision and control of Head Office at New
Delhi. The company envisages to bring more and more farmers into the insurance net by
offering them varied and tailor-made products and services. Of late, great emphasis is
being laid on risk management in agriculture too.
A Working Group has been set up under the Planning Commission, to look into the various
aspects relating to agriculture and allied activities, including Credit & Insurance, so as to
identify the various kinds of risks and the various ways and means to address them,
including extensive as well as intensive enhanced insurance coverage under NAIS. The
company also appointed Prof. V. S. Vyas and his team at The Institute of Development
Studies, Jaipur to carry out a comprehensive study of the working of the Crop Insurance
program. The findings of the study are still being examined by the company. Further, to
adopt a more realistic and market-based approach based on sound insurance principles,
the Company is also taking the assistance from the World Bank for designing and pricing
of area based yield product. The World Bank conducted the study through reputed
international Actuaries, particularly in the areas of designing and rating of Weather
Insurance Products and the Company’s Risk Portfolio Management.
Agriculture scenario
Ironically, even though agriculture’s share in Gross Domestic Product has steadily
declined to 18.5% during 2006-07, till today, more than half of the population directly
depends on this sector and that is the reason why agriculture is so crucial in the socio-
economic fabric of the country. It is well known that a vast majority of the farmers cultivate
their crops in rain-fed conditions during monsoon season which impacts every stage of
agricultural operations from land preparation to selection of seed variety, timing of sowing,
transplantation, schedule of irrigation, fertilizer application, usage of pesticide, harvesting,
It is in this context that the agricultural risk management products, viz. insurance,
particularly for the small and marginal farmers, are of critical importance. A Study reveals
that ‘variability in rainfall’ accounts for more than 50% variability in crop yields. It is also
found that the negative impact of excess rainfall is not as high as the adverse impact of
deficit rainfall. In this backdrop, the 2006 monsoon rainfall was at 99% of the long period
average but distribution over time and space was uneven which affected east India, north-
west India and southern peninsula.
premium, which ranges from 40% to 75%, equally shared by Centre and States. The
Insurer is responsible for the claims liabilities. AICIL has been implementing MNAIS since
its inception. During Kharif 2014, the MNAIS was implemented by AIC in 133 Districts
across 13 States and during Rabi 2014-15 in 87 Districts across 9 States. Following Table
gives statistical data regarding the Scheme.
Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS)
(In Rs. Lakh)
Considering the learnings from existing and previous schemes and views from various
stakeholders, NCIP/NAIS was reviewed and a relatively matured Scheme “Pradhan Mantri
Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)” was launched in 2016. From Kharif 2016, PMFBY replaced
the erstwhile NAIS/MNAIS in NCIP. WBCIS component under NCIP was also reviewed
and premium structure and administrative structure was made in line with PMFBY. This
reviewed WBCIS component had been named as Restructured Weather based Crop
Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS). Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS), a component of
NCIP, is being continued without any change.
New Products Launched
Some of the new products introduced by the company with sustained R&D efforts include
the following:
• Sookha Suraksha Kavach
• Coffee Insurance
• Mango Weather Insurance
to60 year are eligible for coverage. On premium,50% subsidy will be paid by Coconut
Development Board (CDB) and 25% by State Government concerned and balance 25% of
the premium will be paid by farmer / grower. In case, the State Government does not
agree to bear 25% share of premium, farmers / growers will be required to pay50% of
premium, if interested in insurance Scheme. Besides the above, AIC has developed
various crop insurance products for risk mitigation of various crops viz. Rainfall Insurance
Scheme-Coffee (RISC) in collaboration with Coffee Board Rubber Plantation Insurance,
Bio-Fuel Plants Insurance, Grapes Insurance, Mango Weather Insurance, Potato Contract
Farming Insurance, Pulpwood Tree Insurance, Rabi Weather Insurance, and Varsha Bima
/ Rainfall Insurance
Awareness & Publicity Program
The Company undertakes extensive awareness and publicity activities through print and
electronic media, posters, wall paintings, bus panels and mobile-vans, awareness
workshops at State and District levels where farmers, bank officials, district level
government functionaries and other interested parties are briefed about the services. A
massive awareness campaign for NAIS called “Krishi Bima Kisan Tak” [KBKT] was
undertaken to touch 1,00,000 villages in 3,600 tehsils, across 400 districts of 23 States &
2 UTs, with an objective to make the farmers aware of crop insurance and the benefits
available thereunder.
Micro Level Marketing strategy
Further, to reach out to the farmers at their doorstep, the Company has made plans to
launch “Krishi Bima Sansthan” [KBS], which conceptualizes utilization of rural
entrepreneurs to market crop insurance products, especially to non-loanee farmers. The
KBSs are proposed to be established at district levels, backed by the work-force of
Agents/Micro-Agents. IRDA regulations on micro insurance provides for servicing of micro
insurance products through micro insurance agents to be selected from SHGs, MFIs &
Product Development
The Company has undertaken studies to design various farmer-friendly, tailor-made,
affordable products, in accordance with the sound actuarial principles to cater to the
specific needs of different farmer groups. Some of the products are:-
Rainfall Insurance
Rainfall Insurance product, more popularly known as Varsha Bima, was developed to
combat the impact of adverse rainfall incidence. The product was aimed at mitigating
some of the adverse financial effects of rainfall variation on crop yield. A correlation
between the deviation in crop output and the deviation in the adverse rainfall is
established and payout structures are created and the insured farmers are accordingly
compensated. The main advantage of the product is quick settlement of claims on the
basis of rainfall data obtained from the designated Rain Gauge Stations.
Modified Products
Poppy insurance
Poppy insurance introduced during Rabi 2005-06 season has been modified on the
basis of experience and review; and got it approved as ‘Micro Insurance Product’ for Rabi
2006-07 season. This policy was made available to the licensed poppy growers in the
States of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Uttar Pradesh.
JUNE, 2016
The Regulator IRDAI in its recent circular issued to all the CEOs of General Insurance
companies had notified the Guidelines on Point of Sales Person for Govt. approved
Crop insurance Scheme. As per the guidelines, the Government of India has approved
inclusion of the following Government sponsored crop insurance Schemes that can be
solicited and procured through Point of Sales Persons of non-life insurers:
(i) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY),
(ii) Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) and
(iii) Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS)
The Authority has removed the cap on sum insured for the above mentioned Government
sponsored crop insurance Schemes. The insurers wishing to solicit and procure the above
Government sponsored crop insurance schemes through Point of Sales Persons shall
follow the procedure prescribed under clause 3 of Para V of the Guidelines on Point of
Sales Person - Non-life & Health lnsurers.
3. Aviation Insurance
Aviation industry is vulnerable to risks of devastating losses. If a single aero plane
crashes, lives of hundreds of people are lost along with the aircraft besides the damage
caused to the place where the accident occurs. Insurance is therefore of paramount
importance for this industry. The most common coverages of aviation insurance are:
• Aircraft liability insurance
• Hull coverage
• Personal accident
The premium rate for each aircraft is driven by international reinsurance markets, mainly
at UK, based on the world trend in claims experience during the preceding years.
voluntarily offers compensation on the occurrence of accident, this policy is also called
“voluntary settlement charge”.
Medical Payments
The aircraft liability insurance also provides coverage of medical payments for injuries
sustained while travelling in or entering or alighting from the aircraft. This policy coverage
is available only if the policy includes passenger bodily injury liability.
Hull coverage
Hull refers to the body and machinery of the aircraft. Some policies provide open perils
coverage both on ground and in flight whereas others restrict the open perils coverage to
ground only. In flight policies do not cover crash or collision. They cover perils of fire,
lightning or explosion in air.
In India the following are the important policies available in aviation insurance.
• Aircraft Hull and Spares All Risks Aviation Liability Insurance (Airlines)
This policy is best suited for scheduled airlines.
Covered Risks: Accidental physical loss or damage to the aircraft/aircraft spares, legal
liability to third parties towards bodily injury/death and property damage, passenger(s)
bodily injury/death baggage, cargo and mail. Premises, hanger keepers, catering and
vehicle liability on airports also can be covered.
• Aircraft Hull/Liability Insurance Policy
This policy is meant for the owners/operators of smaller aircrafts used for private pleasure,
training, industrial aid, business, commercial, offshore operations etc.
Covered risks: Accidental physical loss or damage to the aircraft. Bodily injury/ death of
the passenger(s), loss of passenger’s baggage and bodily injury/death and property
damage to the third parties.
• Aviation Fuelling/Refuelling Liability Insurance Policy
This policy is meant for the suppliers of ATF (Aviation Turbine Fuel).
Covered risks: Legal liability to third parties arising out of injury/death and property
Scope of cover
Personal accident policy pays compensation to the insured in the event of happening of
one or more of the following which may be selected by insured at the time of taking policy:
• On death
• On permanent total and partial disability and
• On temporary total disability
In case of accidental death during the policy period, normally, the policy, in addition covers
funeral expenses of the insured person. (some companies even provide removal of mortal
remains). Permanent total disablement occurs when an individual is unable to perform his
regular duties for the remaining part of his life. (loss of both eyes, upper limbs, lower limbs
etc. are treated as total disability.
Table of Benefits
Sl. No. Benefit Description Table Benefits
1 Death (100% of CST) I I
2 Loss of two limbs or loss of one limb and loss of sight of
one eye(100% of CSI)
3 Loss of one limb or loss of sight of one eye (50% of CSI)
4 Permanent Total Disablement from injuries other than II I to 4
named above (100% of CSI)
5 Permanent Partial Disablement III I to 5
6 Temporary Total Disablement Weekly 1% of CSI upto
100 weeks (max. Rs. 5000/- per week)
Additional benefits without additional premium
1. Education Fund: In case of death or permanent total disablement of the insured
person due to accident, in addition to the compensation certain percentage of the sum
insured is paid towards the education of the dependent children.
2. Expenses for Carriage of dead body: In case of the death of the insured away from
his/her place of residence due to accident, such expenses for carriage of the dead body to
the place of residence are paid upto 2% of the CSI subject to Rs. 2500/- maximum.
3. Cumulative bonus: At the time of renewal of the policy, in case of no claim having
been reported under the earlier policy, then the policyholder is entitled to an increase in
the compensation payable for death and permanent disablement by 5% each year up to a
maximum of 50% of CSI.
The policy is effective for a period of one year from the payment of premium.
Like life insurance policy, personal accident policy will pay the predetermined benefits or
compensation if the accident occurs. This is an agreed value policy and not an indemnity
policy. So even in case of multiple policies, the claim can be made from all the policies.
Only the underwriter has to be careful in not granting over insurance. It is a contract to pay
benefits, which are fixed, but not a contract of indemnity. There is a condition in personal
accident policy that if insured wants to take another similar policy he has to take written
permission from the insurance company with which he is already insured. The financial
position of the insured determines the insurance amount. If the insured reaps more
benefits from the policy that places him in a better position than he was, it will force the
insured to become intentionally disabled. Hence it is necessary to take the insured’s
income into consideration and also the income he loses due to an accident. An acceptable
limit has to be followed for additional expenses incurred by insured as a result of
disablement. In temporary total disablement, the claim is limited to weekly earnings of
Premium Rates
Generally PA policies are issued to insured between age group of 5 yrs to 70 yrs and the
upper age may be relaxed on merit. The premium rates of personal accident policy are
fixed based on the nature of occupation of the insured. The occupations are classified into
three categories. The Personal Accident risks are classified into three groups.
Risk group – I: Accountants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, Consulting engineers,
Teachers Bankers, Executives.
Risk group – II: Builders, Contractors and Engineers engaged in superintending
functions, veterinary doctors, paid drivers, garage and motor mechanics, machine
operators, athletes, sportsmen, wood working mechanists, cash carrying employees.
Risk group – III: Persons working in underground mines, explosive magazines workers
involved in high tension supply electric installation, Jockeys, Circus personnel, persons
engaged in hazardous sports activity.
The following are the coverages offered under travel insurance policies in India:
• Flight life Insurance, which covers only single flight and travel accident insurance.
• Lost baggage insurance, which provides security to valuable items carried during the
trip. Insurer pays the value of the missing items.
• Overseas health insurance.
• Reimbursement of overseas medical expenses.
• Trip cancellation and interruption insurance provides for the huge non-refundable
prepayments made when an individual is unable to take trip due to illness or any
other emergency conditions.
• Delay in arrival of baggage. Delay in departure.
• Public liability at the foreign land.
All Risks
‘All risks policy’ as the name suggests does not cover all the losses or damages. ‘All risks’
insurance policy covers only those losses or damages, which arise due to fire or burglary
or theft. It also covers losses due to accidental or unexpected circumstances. Since all
risks policy covers a wide range of risks and perils, it is difficult for the insured to prove
that he has incurred the loss.
This type of policy is especially suitable for valuables like jewellery, gold and silver
articles, art and painting works, cameras, clocks, and other valuables. It is difficult in all
risks policy to estimate the value of risks covered under the policy like art and paintings. In
such case, the valuables are insured on value agreed by insured and insurer and claims
are settled on this basis after deducting depreciation. But the value of items like jewellery,
gold and silver plates is calculated by consulting a professional appraiser. The policy can
be limited to a single article or set of articles. If inventory and valuation clause is included
in the policy, then there is no need for the insured to show the invoices and to prove cost.
In this case, the claims are settled according to the values assessed by professional
valuer and mentioned in the policy.
The following risks are covered under golfer insurance:
• Any material damages to golf equipment while transporting the equipment, which
includes breakage of golf clubs.
• Injury to third party who is not a family member or employee of insured person.
• If the insured is injured during the golf course in India, he is entitled to receive
personal accident benefit up to Rs.25,000.
The golf indemnity insurance does not cover the following losses:
• Losses due to war or invasion, nuclear perils, riots.
• Damages due to earthquakes, floods etc.
• Loss or damage brought about by the insured either directly or indirectly. Any
consequential losses, losses due to depreciation and wear and tear.
In India, National Insurance Company (NIC), Oriental Insurance Company (OIC), United
India Insurance Company (UIIC) and New India Assurance Company (NIAC) and other
private insurance companies offer Golf insurance.
7. Crime Insurance
Crime is one thing that all the countries in the world want to eliminate but are
unsuccessful. Crime has also become one of the most serious problems of the recent
times. Unfortunately crime is also the field that has received less than the required
attention from the insurance companies. A study reveals that in US less than 10% of loss
from the ordinary crime is insured. Imagine then, in a new market like India. Looking at the
grave necessity of crime insurance, U.S. Federal Government itself started extending
burglary and robbery insurance. There are two types of financial protection that are
available against the losses caused by crime. They are fidelity and surety bonds and
burglary, robbery and theft insurance.
Bonds and insurance are very much alike. A bond is a legal instrument in which a third
person (surety) ensures the performance of a contract properly by the principal or the
obligator. He does this by promising reimbursement of damages in case of default in the
performance of the contract by the principal. For example, if a contractor is asked to
deposit a bond by the owner of any building, it means the surety will pay the damages in
case the contractor is not able to complete the project. Hence to a great extent bonds
sound just like insurance. Yet it is not insurance. We will see the difference between
insurance and bonds after going through them.
The classification of bonds and insurance is shown in the figure above. So in the coming
section only the definitions of these terms are given. Fidelity bonds deal with assurance of
bonafide behaviour by an employee during the course of his employment. In fidelity bond,
as the word itself suggests the surety assures the employer of trustworthiness and
honesty of the employee and agrees to pay the damages that arise due to the dishonest
acts of that employee. If the fidelity bond is meant for a single individual, his name is
mentioned in the bond and it is called individual bond, whereas if the bond mentions a
class and indemnifies the acts of all the employees falling in that class, it is called the
schedule bond.
Surety bonds, also called the financial guarantee bonds, are the bonds in which the surety
promises to make good any loss arising from the default of the principal in fulfilling his
liabilities towards the obligee. The example of the contractor cited in the beginning of the
discussion falls under this category. To be more specific, it is an example of the
construction bond and the bid bond. In contract construction bond the contractor
guarantees that the bidder will sign the contract if it is awarded to him at his bid.
Now let us go through the insurance covers available against crime. While reading them,
think of the basic difference between the type of perils covered by them and those covered
by the bonds. Insurance cover is available basically for burglary, robbery and theft. It is
necessary to see the meaning of each to differentiate them from one another. When
somebody forcefully enters the business premises and unlawfully takes any property, the
act is called burglary. The ‘forceful entry’ is a prerequisite to burglary. Hence if a customer
hides in the business premise until it closes, steals something and leaves without forcing
the door or the windows to open, the act would not be considered as burglary. Personal
contact is a prerequisite for robbery. It covers the acts of unlawful taking of any property
from any person by force, threat of force or violence. Therefore pick-pocketing or theft of
luggage of a person while he was sleeping, would not be classified as robbery. Here the
personal contact is there but the force, threat of force or violence is missing.
Theft is a wider term that includes all the crimes of stealing, whether or not covered by
burglary or robbery. Acts like passing false cheques come under forgery. Now that we
have gone through the various crime bonds and the crime insurance covers, did you
notice any difference between the perils covered by the bonds and the insurance? The
bonds cover the losses that arise due to the dishonesty or incapacity of the person
entrusted with some work, money or property, whereas, insurance covers the losses due
to stealing or theft by strangers, the people who are not trusted by the work, money or
property. The crimes committed by the insured, officers, employees or the directors of the
insured do not come under the purview of burglary, robbery or theft i.e. they are not
covered by crime insurance but by fidelity bonds.
This is the specific difference between fidelity bond and crime insurance. The general
differences between a bond and insurance are as follows:
• In bonding, the surety does not expect the loss to actually happen and if the loss
happens and he is required to pay for it, he reserves the right to recover it from the
defaulting principal, whereas the insurer is prepared to pay for the loss and works on
the principle of spreading this loss over the group of insured people.
• The nature of risk is different, as we have seen in case of fidelity bonds and
insurance. Usually, the matter covered by bonds is under the control of the insured
and the losses covered by insurance are matters outside the control of the
• The insurance contract is cancellable, usually, by either of the parties. The bonds
cannot be cancellable until all the obligations of the principal are fulfilled.
• Insurance contract involves two parties, whereas bonds involve three.
8. Burglary Insurance
Burglary insurance is as common in business houses as fire insurance. It involves forceful
and illegal entry into the business premises for the purpose of stealing. “Forceful entry” is
the prerequisite for burglary. It is necessary to differentiate it from theft, robbery or
Robbery requires a forceful personal contact. It is an aggravated form of burglary where
force is used against a person. Housebreaking is entering the house for the purpose of
committing any crime. Six ways of entry that come under the purview of burglary have
been listed in the Penal Code. Theft is a wider term and includes whatever is covered or
not covered under burglary or robbery. The other way to understand the scope of any
policy is to look at what is not included in it. But before going through the exclusions let us
get acquainted more with the policy. Burglary insurance is not only for the goods owned by
the person but also for the goods he is responsible for like those held in his trust. It also
includes the relationship of bailment or agency regarding the goods. Under burglary
insurance, various types of schemes are available. The policy with wider cover excludes
the items that are specifically covered under other policies. For example, if the jewels of a
person are covered under jewellery and valuables policies and he avails all risk policy of
burglary insurance jewellery would not be covered under it.
Moral hazard is of special significance in burglary insurance, especially in the private
dwellings policies. Fraudulent or exaggerated claims may be presented to the insurer to
avail the benefits of the policy. The value of the property may be misrepresented to take
advantage in the amount of premium charged. These things might happen in other
insurance policies also but the burglary insurance is more susceptible to moral hazards.
The main policies available under the burglary insurance are:
here is that the level of inventory might not remain the same always. In goods like food
grains, cash crops etc. the level of inventory varies greatly over a period of time. As the
level of stock decreases, the loss that the burglary could cause would also decrease.
For goods whose inventory levels vary at different points of time, there is a ‘declaration
policy’. In declaration policies the maximum value of the stocks is estimated in the
beginning. The insurance is based on this amount and premium is charged on 75% of this
amount on provisional basis. Later the stock is valued and declared at the end of every
month. At the termination of the policy period, the average stock during the year is
calculated and the actual premium payable is arrived at. The difference between the
premium payable and premium paid is then adjusted (paid or refunded) accordingly.
The declaration provides insurance cover at cheaper rates. A policy buyer needs to keep
in mind the following points:
• In case the insurer fails to declare the stock for any month, the maximum value is
taken as the stock value for that month.
• An alteration in the maximum value is possible only with the consent of both the
• The condition of averages is applicable whereby the insurer pays only pro-rata loss,
if the value on the date of the loss is in excess of the maximum value for which the
cover is operative.
In non-declaration policies, the amount of inventory need not be declared every month and
the premium is charged on the full value recorded in the proposal. If the full value of the
stock changes, it can be given effect through endorsement by insurer.
The floating policies are meant for situations when the stock lies in more than one
location. The subject matter should be the same in all the locations and these locations
must be within the same city, town or village. This policy cover is extended only to few
well-known clients of the company. For items like paintings, stamps, antiques, etc.
sometimes the sentimental value is more than the intrinsic value. For such items, ‘valued
policy’ is available. In this policy the insurance amount is decided in the beginning and
whenever loss occurs during the period of the policy, that value is paid to the insured. As
the value of loss is not determined at the time of its occurrence it appears that the
principle of indemnity is violated in valued policy. But some experts argue that the
premises policy, the person who can lawfully remain present within the premises include
the tenant, lodger or any member of the insured family.
9. Baggage Insurance
This policy covers the baggage carried during a journey and temporary stay in any hotel or
rest house during the course of the journey. The cover includes apparels, wrist watches,
fountain pens and other items but excludes articles like jewellery and valuables, cameras,
opera glasses etc. the maximum sum that can be insured depends upon the insurance
company’s underwriting policy. Pilferage is not covered under this policy.
A separate department deals with the claims of the burglary insurance policy. As soon as
the insured intimates information of burglary to the insurer, a bank claim form is sent to
him along with the suggestion to file a police complaint, if not filed yet. The claim form is
required to be filled and returned to the insurer within a week with the copy of FIR
The claim form contains the details of the burglary. Examples: the description and value of
property stolen, the details of the burglary and premises, the ownership of the property,
other insurance policies covering the lost or damaged property, previous losses if any and
the details of the notice to the police (if notice has not been given, the reasons for it).After
the claim form has been submitted a thorough investigation of the case is carried out by a
professional claim investigator. They work in cooperation with the police and check
various details like:
• The authenticity of the claim
• Whether the event that has caused the loss was an insured peril
• If the loss was excluded in the policy
• Whether the property was insured under the policy
• Whether the insured followed the conditions and warranties stated in the policy, etc.
A mere disappearance of articles does not constitute a valid claim. The article should not
have been recovered even after bonafide search measures have been undertaken. The
amount to be awarded in the claim is arrived at after a proper valuation. The insured
submits various evidences to establish the intrinsic value of the property lost. Intrinsic
value means that the profits on the insured items would not be included. Only the cost will
be refunded. The insurer reserves the right to reinstate, replace or repair the property
instead of making the cash payment. Lastly if the loss exceeds the insured amount, the
insured bears a rateable share of it. For example, if the stock in trade was insured for
Rs. 10,000 with its actual value at Rs. 20,000. and the loss of Rs. 4,000 occurs the insurer
would pay only Rs. 2,000 and the rest will have to be borne by the insured.
After the claim is settled, the rights and remedies of the insured against third parties will
get transferred to the insurer. For instance, if any property is recovered from the burglar or
any third party, the insurer will have the right to have it. However this right of subrogation
is restricted to the extent of loss indemnified by the insurer. On payment of the claim, the
amount of the claim paid automatically reduces the sum insured, but it can be reinstated to
the previous level by payment of additional premium. Generally, after settlement, the
insurer suggests additional measures of safety to the insured on the basis of the
experience of past burglary.
perils, burglary, cash in transit, fidelity guarantee and marine insurance. This policy
provides comprehensive insurance cover to the banking sector.
This policy covers the direct losses of money and/or securities discovered during the
period specified in the policy. More specifically, it covers the following losses:
Premises- By fire, riot and strike, burglary or house breaking or hold up resulting in loss to
money/securities at the premises.
Transit - Lost, stolen, mislaid, misappropriated or made away either due to negligence or
fraud of employees of the insured whilst in transit.
Forgery - Loss by bogus, fictitious or forged or raised cheque/drafts/FDRs or forged
Dishonesty- Loss of money and/or operations due to dishonesty.
Hypothecated goods - By fraud and/or dishonesty or criminal act of the insured
Registered postal articles - Loss of parcels by robbery, theft or by other causes to the
parcels insured with the post office.
Appraisers - Infidelity or criminal acts by appraisers on the approved list.
Janata Agents - Infidelity or criminal acts by Janata agents/Chhoti Bachat Yojana
Agents/Pygmy collectors.
These include losses due to:
1. Default of Director or partner of the insured other than salaried
2. War and allied risks
3. Acts of God
4. Incendiaries
5. Direct or indirect nuclear reactions
6. Acts of omission by the concerned employee after discovery of a loss in which the
said employee was involved
7. Losses of money, securities or personal property of the insured, the nominal value
and description of which have not been ascertained by the insured before loss
8. Trading losses, and
9. Losses sustained or discovered beyond the period specified in the policy.
The insured has to bear certain percentage of loss according to its type.
bankers might take undue advantage of special reinstatement clause. As this clause
reinstates the amount to the previous level, whenever it reduces, the bankers might
purchase the policy of small amount. This is because the policy is not going to be
exhausted anyway. That is why an upper limit has been placed on the total policy amount
(original amount + reinstated values or value of the claims paid). This limit is twice the sum
originally insured. In case of liability insurance it is equal to the sum insured.
subrogation. But isn’t useful as it is very difficult to trace the guilty. The insurer also has
the right for salvage. Prior to policy insurance, a company representative or an inspector
from the cooperative inspection bureau inspects the designated glass.
The premium of the policy is decided on the basis of the following:
• Size: This determines the cost of the glass and hence the expected loss when it is
damaged. A table of premium rates is laid down in the standard form of policy on the
basis of size.
• Cost: The policy considers the price fluctuations of glass.
• Kind and use: In the standard policy, only the rates of ‘plain glass’ are listed. In
actuality other varieties of glass are also used viz., leaded glass, opaque glass and
wired glass to name a few. The rates for these other types of glass are determined
either by increasing the rates of plain glass by a few percentage points or doubling,
trebling and so on.
• The first method of deciding the rates is called valued basis and the second is called
the multiplier basis. Art glass, for example, is decided on a valued basis (applicable
rate is 10% more than the standard rate). And so are Opalite and Argentine. Glass
not set in frames, bent glass (applicable rate is 2-5 times the standard rate); interior
glass, showcases etc are rated according to the multiplier model.
• Location: The location of the glass, obviously influences its exposure to risk.
Display windows stand to face a higher risk than glass above the ground floor.
These factors come into play while deciding the percentage of increase or decrease
over the standard rates.
• Type of occupancy: Mercantile buildings form the majority of policyholders. Glass
used in residences, churches, banks, office buildings etc are written at a discounted
price against the premium charged on mercantile locations.
• Territory: This has a two-pronged influence on the premium. The cost of the glass
includes the freight from the factory. Further, the risk of breakage is relatively higher
in some territories. The risks differ between cities and the countryside and urban
districts and the suburbs. Differentials in the form of percentage are given
The insurer can settle the claim by cash payment or replacement. The liability of the
insurer is limited to the amount stated in the policy. If any changes were made in the
structure of the premises, the policy would cease to be effective. Similarly, any change in
occupancy, tenancy or business carried on in the premises renders the policy ineffective.
Generally claims are settled on replacement basis. Insurers have got arrangements with
manufacturers and suppliers of plate glass to replace the damaged plate glass at a
discounted price.
whole group. If any individual, listed in the group commits fraud and a claim has to
be paid, the guarantee amount is reduced unless reinstated or the policy is renewed.
The employer should be careful in fixing the total guaranteed amount. The amount
should cover the maximum loss that can occur to the company due to individual or
collective fraud.
• Positions policy– This policy is similar to a collective policy (actually an
improvement over it). Instead of the names of the individual, the positions are listed
in the policy with the duties and the amount guaranteed for their behaviour. The
advantage of this policy is that it need not be reinstated if the person is replaced by
another . Moreover, the amount guaranteed is usually associated with the positions
and not the people. If the policy does not distribute the amount over different
positions, but floats the single amount over all positions, it is floating policy.
• Blanket policy – As the name suggests, this policy covers the entire staff of an
organisation. No name or position is shown in the policy. The policy is suitable for
organisations with large staff.
• Excess floating policy – This is a mix of the floating and cumulative policies. The
individual amounts are bundled with the names of each employee but for unforeseen
to unusually big losses, an additional floating amount is fixed. Thatis why the policy
is known as an excess floating policy.
In Fidelity Guarantee, an intangible thing is insured unlike other insurance policies. Hence
it is very difficult to assess the role involved. The value and risk involved can be assessed
by physical examination of the property and security arrangements in fire policy,
machinery policy, etc. In FGI (Fidelity Guarantee Insurance) various forms are required to
be filled to estimate the trustworthiness of the employer.
Employers’ form – This forms the basis of contract between the employer and the
insurer. It is similar to proposal forms in other policies
Applicants’ form – This is an important form to look into the moral hazard involved. The
applicant fills the form and discloses the details of the extent of debts, private income, past
employment and details of his life insurance policy and whether the applicant has ever
been declared bankrupt or insolvent. Besides there are other general details like name,
age, address, marital status, position in organisation, remuneration, etc.
Private referee’s form– The applicant names two persons who can be referred to verify
his character. This is not very significant. The authenticity is doubtful, as the two people
are the applicant’s choice.
Previous employers form – This is an important form, usually referred to while
underwriting the policy. It contains the applicant’s employment details for the previous 5
years and is filled by respective employers. The form also contains the reasons for the
applicant leaving the previous jobs.
Collective proposals – The employer fills this proposal form for collective, floating and
blanket policies. As in the employers’ form, he gives information about the whole group
instead of the individual. He may categorise the people according to their responsibilities
or work and give information about each category to ease his work. The system of
supervision and the enquiries made by the employer about the applicant before hiring are
also contained in the proposal form.
The name of the employee leaving the organization is dropped from the policy. If he
rejoins the organisation again, he is not automatically included in the list. He is treated as
a new employee and all the formalities required to include a new employee in the list are
carried out.
• While acts of dishonesty are covered, loss due to inefficient accountancy, are not
• Forgery, embezzlement, fraud
Other important terms related to FGI
• Performance risk: The performance of the work entrusted to the employee is
guaranteed under this policy. If the employee does not carry out his responsibilities,
the pecuniary losses suffered by the principal are reimbursed under this policy. This
is more a branch of credit guarantee policy than FGI.
• Service security policies: When a new employee joins an organisation, the
employer first spends money and time in training him suitably for the job. In return,
the employee should render a minimum period of service specified. If he leaves
before that, the expenditure on his training is futile and the organisation suffers.
Service security policies cover such losses.
Section – I
This section provides for loss of money in transit by the insured or insured’s authorized
employees occasioned by Robbery, Theft, and any other fortuitous cause. Money is
differentiated into three categories:
(a) Money for Wages/ Salaries/ Petty cash in transit from bank to premises till paid out
or otherwise kept in locked safe/strong room on the premises.
(b) Money other than (a) in the personal custody of the Insured/ employees while in
transit between premises and bank/post office.
(c) Money other than (a) and (b) collected by Insured/employees during collection round
upto 48 hours from the time of collection.
Section – II
This section covers money loss by Burglary, Housebreaking, Robbery or Hold up whilst
retained at Insured’s premises in safe(s) or strong room. The underwriting factors for
premium calculation for this policy include maximum distance and areas through which the
money will be passing, how it is to be carried, mode of transit, whether accompanied by
armed guards, number of persons carrying money, the maximum amount carried at any
one time. The estimates of annual carryings form the basis of premium.
The policy does not cover the loss or damage in respect of:
(a) Shortage due to error or omission.
(b) Loss of money entrusted to any person other than the insured or an authorized
employee of the insured.
(c) Loss of money where the insured or his employee is involved(except loss due to
fraud or dishonesty of the cash carrying employee occurring whilst in transit and
discovered within 48 hours).
(d) Loss occurring in the premises after business hours unless the money is kept in the
locked safe or strong room.
(e) Loss occasioned by riot, strike and terrorist activity.
corporations operating in high-risk areas around the world, such as Colombia and Peru.
K&R insurance policies typically cover the perils of kidnap, extortion, wrongful detention
and hijacking. K&R policies are Indemnity policies – they reimburse a loss incurred by the
insured. The policies do not pay ransoms on the behalf of the insured. The insured must
first pay the ransom, thus incurring the loss, and then seek reimbursement under the
policy. Losses typically reimbursed by K&R polices are ransom payments, Loss of
Ransom-in-transit and additional expenses, such as medical expenses. The policies also
typically indemnify Personal Accident losses caused by a Kidnap. These include Death,
Dismemberment, and Permanent Total Disablement of a kidnapped person. They also
typically pay for the Fees and Expenses of Crisis Management Consultants. These
consultants provide advice to the insured on how to best respond to the incident. Policies
typically require clients to restrict the knowledge of the existence of the coverage. The
policies may be written to cover families and corporations. Some policies include kidnap
prevention training.
Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion insurance provides numerous benefits and services to the
applicant and the insured. Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion Insurance provides coverage for
kidnappings and other events through a combination of financial indemnification and
expert crisis management.
A basic policy can cover items such as ransom payment, loss of income, interest on bank
loans and medical/psychiatric care. Besides insurance, companies can also utilize crisis
management teams and employee training in what to do in a hostage situation to minimize
losses due to kidnap or ransom. The Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion insurance covers
named employees for individual or aggregate amounts, with deductibles requiring the
insured to participate in about 10% of any loss. Kidnap and Ransom insurance plans
provide assistance to the family and business with regard to independent investigations,
negotiations, arrangement and delivery of funds, and numerous other services vital to a
safe, speedy and satisfactory resolution. Generally extortionists do not discriminate. Any
company of any size and any of its employee can be a target for extortion threats. People
tend to associate business extortion and kidnapping with global companies. The fact is
radical groups and criminals exist everywhere.
Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion Insurance in such situations helps to manage the costs
associated with an extortion threat against products, proprietary information, computer
system or employees that can push a small to medium-sized company to its financial
limits. These risks may not look like everyday exposures, but too often they are. And when
they happen, one may need financial assistance to meet extortion demands and the
extensive costs associated with negotiation and recovery. Due to globalization of
economies, multinational companies need to prepare for the possibility of attacks on their
employees and facilities virtually anywhere in the world.
The policy covers either for only the building (structure), or only the contents (belongings)
or both.
The policy covers the losses to the structure and contents due to any natural and man-
made calamities.
The calamities covered are:
(a) Fire
(b) Lightning
(c) Impact Damage
(d) Aircraft damage
(e) Explosion / implosion
(f) Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and Inundation
(g) Riots, Strike, Malicious and Terrorism Damage
(h) Subsidence and Landslide including Rockslide
(i) Bursting and/or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes
(j) Missile testing operations
(k) Leakage from automatic sprinkler installations
(l) Bush Fire
(m) Earthquake
The contents of the home are also covered against loss due to burglary or an attempted
burglary / housebreaking including theft. It also covers loss of jewellery, silver articles and
precious stones kept under lock and key, up to 25% of the total content sum insured or Rs.
1 Lac, whichever is lower.
Optional covers
The policy also provides additional coverage of the following:
Additional expenses of rent for alternative accommodation: If one is forced to shift into an
alternative accommodation because of damage due to insured peril, the policy will cover
the insured against the additional rent. The maximum coverage is up to 1 Lakh for up to
6 months. This cover is available only if the structure of the house is insured ad covered.
The policy however, does not cover the following losses :
• Willful destruction of property.
• Loss, damage and destruction caused by war, wear and tear etc.
• Losses if the house is unoccupied for more than 30 days, without prior notice to the
• Cash, bullion, painting, works of art and antiques.
Calculation of the Sum Insured
The home insurance policy insures the structure of the house for its reconstruction value
(and not for market value). Reconstruction value is defined as the cost incurred to
reconstruct the home if it is damaged. On the other hand, market value is a combination of
cost of land, demand & supply scenario, etc. Sum insured is calculated by multiplying the
built up area of the house with the construction rate per sq. feet.
• For example: If the house has a built up area of 1000 sq. feet and the construction
rate is Rs 800 per sq. feet, the sum insured for the house structure is Rs 8 Lakh.
However, this value can be revised appropriately if expensive material - like marble
flooring, etc. - has been used in the construction. If the house has lawn / garden
surrounded by a perimeter wall, the construction rate can be revised to include the
cost of construction of this wall.
Home Contents
For the valuation of the contents of the house such as furniture, durables, clothes,
utensils, jewellery, etc. are to be valued on market value basis i.e. the current market
value of similar items after depreciation.
Claim Process
• Upon intimation of the loss to the company, and after providing the relevant
information, which includes the policy and other details regarding the claim, the
claim request is authenticated and is escalated to the company's claims department.
• After receiving the intimation of the loss, the company's claims department validates
and registers the request, and then the company appoints a surveyor within 48
• The insured is required to submit all the relevant documents to the surveyor.
• The surveyor then submits the Final Survey Report (FSR) along with the documents
within 7 days.
• On receipt of documents, the claims department processes the claim within 7 days.
Method B: There shall not be any automatic increase in sum insured as in method A.
However appropriate discounts shall be allowable on applicable gross premium as per
table below:
Duration of Policy Premium to be charged
3 years policy 3 years premium in advance less 15% discount
4 years policy 4 years premium in advance less 20% discount
5-7 years policy 5-7 years premium in advance less 25% discount
8-10 years policy 8-10 years premium in advance less 30% discount
11-15 years policy 11-15 years premium in advance less 35% discount
16-20 years policy 16-20 years premium in advance less 40% discount
21-30 years policy 21-30 years premium in advance less 45% discount
N.B. Mid-term increase in sum insured shall be allowed on pro rata basis for the balance
Policy Coverage
This policy is divided into 4 sections as under:
Section – I
This section covers loss or damage to property whilst contained in the premises where the
insured’s business is carried on/or at other premises where the insured property is
deposited by fire, explosion, lighting, burglary, housebreaking, theft, riot and strike, hold-
up, robbery, and Malicious damage only. Property kept in the bank lockers can also be
covered provided separate register is maintained to record all deposits/ withdrawals from
the locker.
Section – II
This section covers loss or damage to property insured carried outside the specified
premises for the purpose of insured’s business by any cause whatsoever, except the
causes excluded specially.
Section – III
This section covers loss or damage to the property insured by any cause whatsoever,
except those specifically, whilst in transit in India by:
1. Insured Post parcel
2. Air Freight
Section – IV
This section covers loss or damage to office furniture, fixture, fittings, and the property
being used in connection with the insured’s business by Fire, Explosion, Lightning,
Burglary, Hold-up, Robbery, Housebreaking, and Theft only. Air conditioners, refrigerators,
generators, closed circuit TV can be also covered under this section.
The policy also covers damage caused by burglars and /or thieves to the premises and or
landlord’s furniture and fixtures for which the insured is legally responsible as tenant and
such indemnity would be subject to a maximum of 1% of the sum insured under Section
Classification of risks
The risks are classified as under:
Class – I: Having 24 hours watchman for the premises employed by the insured
Class – II: Common watchman for 24 hours for the Building or separate night watchman
for insured premises
Class – III: All others
The policy can also be extended to cover perils like earthquake, and STFI perils by
charging additional premiums.
principally calculated on the basis of actuarial science as is true in most other types of
insurance. Instead of correlating the probability of losses with their projected costs, title
insurance seeks to eliminate the source of the losses through the use of
the recording system and other underwriting practices. As a result, a relatively small
fraction of title insurance premiums are used to pay insured losses. Substantial portion of
the premiums is used to finance the title research on each piece of property and to
maintain the title plants used to efficiently do that research. There is significant social
utility in this approach as the result conforms with the expectations of most property
purchasers and mortgage lenders. Generally, they want the real estate they purchased or
lent money on to have the title condition they expected when they entered the transaction,
rather than money compensation and litigation over unexpected defects. This is not to say
that title insurers take no actuarial risks.
Losses incurred include
There are several matters that can affect the title to land that are not disclosed by the
recording system but that are covered by the policies. Some examples are lack of
capacity, competency, or legal authority of a party (e.g. deeds executed by minors or
mentally incompetent persons)forged instruments (in some cases), impersonification
corporate instruments executed without proper corporate authority and errors in the public
records, undisclosed (but recorded) prior mortgage or lien, undisclosed (but recorded)
easement or use restriction, erroneous or inadequate legal descriptions, lack of right of
access, deed not properly recorded
Cost of Title Insurance
The cost of title insurance has two components:
• Premium charges and
• Service fees.
Title insurance premium rates are based on five cost considerations, including those
relating to:
1. Maintaining current title information on property local to that operation, i.e., title plant
2. Searching and examining the title to subject properties
3. Resolving or clearing defects to title
• The insurance industry is developing rapidly, not only in the scope of activities
covered but also by the various new insurance covers that are being introduced.
• One area that saw rapid growth in a short span is miscellaneous insurance
• The risks covered by miscellaneous insurance are classified into four main
categories concerning person, property, pecuniary risks, and liabilities.
• Crop insurance has been introduced in India to provide a boost to the agriculture. All
farmer’s including sharecroppers, tenant farmers growing notified crops in notified
areas are eligible for coverage.
• Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), is primarily an Area Yield Index based
scheme, where losses (in reference to Pre-Notified Threshold Yield) for a notified
area are determined based on requisite number of sample Crop Cutting Experiments
(CCEs) under the General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES).
• Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) is primarily
envisaged as a scheme for those crops for which historical yield data is not available
or the yield estimation process does not exist, but are also exposed to climatic risks
and production loss
• Aviation industry is vulnerable to risks of devastating losses. If a single aero plane
crashes, lives of hundreds of people are lost along with the aircraft besides the
damage caused to the place where the accident occurs.
• Personal accident insurance provides protection to the insured person financially, if
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Miscellaneous insurance policies cover losses concerning
(a) person (b) property
(c) pecuniary risks (d) liabilities
(e) all the above
2. Workmen’s compensation policy takes care of the liability of the
(a) Employer (b) Owner
(b) Tenant (d) Mortgagee
(e) None of the above
3. Crop insurance in India to all loanee farmers is
(a) compulsory (b) not obligatory
(c) optional (d) voluntary
(e) none of the above
4. Which of the following losses are not covered by the personal accident policy
(a) natural death (b) disability
(c) accidental death (d) suicide
(e) none of the above
5. For items of high sentimental value, a burglary policy can be issued as a
(a) floater policy (b) declaration policy
(c) valued policy (d) open policy
(e) none of the above
6. Which of the following does constitute “money’
(a) bank notes (b) coins/ currency
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (e) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (e) 14. (e) 15. (c) 16. (e) 17. (c)
Short & Essay Questions
1. What are the risks covered under miscellaneous insurance policies ?
Ans: The risks covered by miscellaneous insurance are classified into four main
categories concerning :
• Person
• Property
• Pecuniary risks and Liabilities.
2. What was the rationale behind the introduction of the Workmen’s
Compensation Insurance?
Ans: The objective of this Act is to take over the liability of the employer under the Act in
return for payment of appropriate premium to the insurer. It provides compensation
for workers for death and disability due to accident arising out of and during the
course of employment for which the employer is liable under the Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1923. The Act thus provides a comprehensive protection for the
timely payment of compensation to the injured employee. The compensation amount
is directly proportional to the wages drawn by the employee.
b. On a voluntary basis: All non-loanee farmers growing notified crops who opt
for the scheme.
4. Define the scope of Aviation insurance policy?
Ans: The most common coverages of aviation insurance are:
• Aircraft liability insurance - Hull coverage
• Personal accident
Aircraft Liability Insurance:
The liability in case of aviation insurance is divided into two categories:
• Passenger liability
• Death and injury to third parties
There are some policies that cover both these categories as well as property
damage with a single limit to cover all three of them (like floating policies in fidelity
guarantee). The aircraft liability insurance also provides coverage of medical
payments for injuries sustained while travelling in or entering or alighting from the
aircraft. This policy coverage is available only if the policy includes passenger bodily
injury liability. Some policies also provide for Hull coverage which include coverage
of the body and machinery of the aircraft. Some policies provide open perils
coverage both on ground and in flight whereas others restrict the open perils
coverage to ground only. In-flight policies do not cover crash or collision. They cover
perils of fire, lightning or explosion in air.
5. How is “insurance of a person” policy different for life insurance policy?
Ans: While in life insurance a claim can be made only on the death of a person or the
attainment of a specific age, ‘insurance of person’ policy provides cover against any
personal accident or specified diseases. Secondly, the Life Insurance Corporation of
India provides the former policy, while the latter is provided by the General
Insurance Corporation of India. Like life insurance the amount to be awarded in case
of accident is pre-decided in the policy. Personal accident insurance is not a
contract of indemnity. The coverage is linked to the income of the insured.
Generally, sum insured is restricted to 5/6 times of annual income or 50/60 times of
monthly income in case of salaried employees. The Schedule of the policy specifies
the amount to be paid in case of death of the insured, total or partial loss of
eyesight, amputation or irrecoverable loss of limbs without physical separation.
Personal insurance also covers many insurances like personal accident insurance,
disability insurance, baggage, medical, individual liability covers for professionals
like doctors, architects, etc.
6. How is “Burglary” defined in a Burglary insurance policy?
Ans: Burglary is defined as forceful and illegal entry into the business premises for the
purpose of stealing. ’Forceful entry’ is the prerequisite for burglary. It is necessary to
differentiate it from theft, robbery or housebreaking. Robbery requires a forceful
personal contact. It is an aggravated form of burglary where force is used against a
7. What is the cover available for loss in a burglary policy?
Ans: Burglary insurance is not only for the goods owned by the person but also for the
goods he is responsible for like those held in his trust. It also includes the
relationship of bailment or agency regarding the goods. The policy with wider cover
excludes the items that are specifically covered under other policies.
The main policies available under the burglary insurance are:
(i) Burglary business premises insurance policies.
(ii) Burglary private dwellings insurance policies.
(iii) Combined fire and burglary insurance policies.
(iv) All risk insurance policies.
(v) Baggage insurance policies.
(vi) Jewellery and valuables insurance policies.
8. Discuss the scope of cover available under a Banker’s Indemnity Insurance
Ans: A banker’s blanket cover provides insurance against fire perils, burglary, cash in
transit, fidelity guarantee and marine insurance. This policy provides comprehensive
insurance cover to the banking sector.
Coverage: This policy covers the direct losses of money and/or securities
discovered during the period specified in the policy. More specifically, it covers the
following losses:
Premises: By fire, riot and strike, burglary or house breaking or hold up resulting in
loss to money/securities at the premises.
Transit: Lost, stolen, mislaid, misappropriated or made away either due to
negligence or fraud of employees of the insured whilst in transit.
Forgery: Loss by bogus, fictitious or forged or raised cheque/drafts/FDRs or forged
Dishonesty: Loss of money and/or operations due to dishonesty.
Hypothecated goods: By fraud and/or dishonesty or criminal act of the insured
employees. Registered postal sending ñ Loss of parcels by robbery, theft or by other
causes to the parcels insured with the post office.
Appraisers: Infidelity or criminal acts by appraisers on the approved list.
Janata agents: Infidelity or criminal acts by Janata agents/Chhoti Bachat Yojana
Agents/ Pygmy collectors.
9. Enumerate the exclusions of this policy?
Ans: The policy categorically excludes losses due to:
1. Default of Director or partner of the insured other than salaried
2. War and allied risks
3. Acts of God
4. Incendiaries
5. Direct or indirect nuclear reactions
6. Acts of omission by the concerned employee after discovery of a loss in which
the said employee was involved
7. Losses of money, securities or personal property of the insured, the nominal
value and description of which have not been ascertained by the insured
before loss
8. Trading losses
9. Losses sustained or discovered beyond the period specified in the policy.
10. Discuss the coverage and exclusions of a Plate Glass Insurance
Ans: The policy specifically indemnifies damages to glass, lettering or ornamentation
described in the Schedule caused by breakage or by accidental chemical spills or
acids. The policy also covers repairer replacement of sashes or frames, boarding up
or protecting windows in the event of unavoidable delay in replacements, and
removal of fixtures or other obstructions to replace the glass. Policies also cover
breakage of other than ’regular’ glass, such as neon signs, half-tone screens,
memorial windows, glass bricks, and fluorescent lights.
However, the policy excludes the following risks:
• Fire or explosion
• Earthquakes
• Riots, strikes, war and kindred risks
10. Why is Fidelity Guarantee Insurance policy becoming a necessity?
Ans: Fidelity Guarantee Insurance (FGI) is a necessity in today’s scenario because of
increasing frauds.
11. Enumerate the different types of Fidelity Guarantee Insurance policies
Ans: The different Fidelity Guarantee Insurance policies include
• Individual policy - where the behaviour of only one person is guaranteed. The
individual’s name is written in the policy.
• Collective policy - The behaviour of more than one individual (usually the
whole staff) is indemnified in the single policy. The Schedule of such a policy
contains the names of all the individuals whose behaviour is guaranteed. .
• Floating policy or the Floater - The problem with the collective policy is the
assignment of the amount of guarantee to each individual. It is difficult to
estimate the amount of loss that an individual can create alone or with others.
14. Is the Personal Accident insurance, a contract of indemnity? Give reasons for
your answer.
Ans. No, it is not a contract of indemnity because on some conditions being fulfilled the
Capital Sum Insured (CSI) is payable to the injured. For example, if within twelve
months of its occurrence the injury be the sole cause of death, or of total and
irrecoverable loss of both the eyes, or loss of use of two hands or two feet, the
capital sum insured shall be payable to the insured. Thus, the contract is based on
agreed value of loss. Different compensations for different classes of insured negate
the principal of indemnity.
15. How is the Sum Insured or Limit of Indemnity fixed?
Ans. The sum insured is usually fixed in multiples of the annual earnings of the insured,
for example, at least five times the annual income in most cases. For Group /
Personal Accident Insurance, sometimes two years annual salary is taken.
16. Can a person recover anything under a Personal Accident policy, if he dies a
natural death?
Ans. No, if the insured dies a natural death due to disease or old age or due to his
intentional act like suicide, or even when death results due to War, Seizure, Capture,
Mutiny and so on, he is not entitled to recover anything under the policy.
17. Mention the Conditions or Situations when only 50% of the CSI is Payable in
the PA Cover?
Ans. If the injury to the insured within 12 calendar months of its occurrence becomes the
sole and direct cause of the total and irrecoverable loss of:
• the sight of one eye or of the actual loss by physical separation of one hand or
one entire foot
• total and irrecoverable loss of one hand or one foot without physical
then 50 % of the CSI is payable to the insured.
18. How is compensation for loss of capacity assessed with the help of the
Ans. If the injury immediately, permanently, totally, and absolutely disables the insured
person from engaging in any employment or occupation of any description, then a
lumpsum equal to 100% of the CSI stated in the Schedule is payable to the insured.
If the injury becomes the cause of the total and irrecoverable loss of use or of the
actual loss of any other part of the body, then a percentage of the CSI as indicated
in the Schedule is payable to the insured.
19. What is the compensation payable in case of temporary total disablement in a
PA cover?
Ans. If the injury is the sole and direct cause of temporary total disablement, then so long
as the insured is disabled in any employment or occupation a sum at the rate of one
per cent (1%) of the CSI as stated in the Schedule is paid per week, but in any case
not exceeding Rs. 5,000/- or 25% of the monthly salary whichever is lower for a
period not exceeding 100 weeks in respect of any one injury. The Schedule may
differ from insurer to insurer.
20. What is the liability of the Insurance Company, when the insured dies outside
his/ her residence under a PA cover?
Ans. In the event of death of the Insured Person due to accident as defined in the policy
outside his/her residence, the company shall reimburse expenses incurred for
transportation of Insured’s dead body to the place of residence subject to a
maximum of 2 % of CSI or Rs.1,000 whichever is less. This will be in addition to any
other compensation for death payable under the policy.
21. How is Cumulative Bonus determined under a Personal Accident cover?
Ans. The compensation payable under the policy for death, loss of limb(s), or sight and
for permanent total disablement arising out of accidental injuries shall be increased
by 5% in respect of each completed year, during which the policy is in force, prior to
the occurrence of an accident for which CSI shall be payable and if no claim has
been made earlier.
22. What are the exceptions under a PA policy?
Ans. The Personal Accident policies contain exceptions like death, injury or disablement,
directly or indirectly caused by, arising out of, or resulting from, or traceable to
(a) Intentional self injury, suicide, insanity or influence of intoxicating drinks or
drugs or
The third party liability insurance is a compulsory under the Motor Vehicles Act. It is
often said that ‘a motor car policy is a unique combination of several types of
general insurances’.
For example, a private motor car comprehensive policy indemnifies the assured
against loss or damage to the insured car by accidental external means, by fire, self
ignition, external explosion, lightning, frost, burglary, house-breaking or theft, and by
malicious acts. Thus it is very clear that the insurer is liable to make good the loss of
a motor car to the owner of the car, for loss of car means loss to the owner of the
26. Describe the ‘Personal Accident Aspect’ of the Personal Auto insurance
Ans. The personal accident aspect of the policy throws upon other risks, which an insured
is likely to face. Besides, ensuring his personal safety under an ordinary policy, the
extension clause indemnifies the assured for the injury caused to him whilst he is
driving a motor car not belonging to him or hired to him and also any person driving
the insured car on the insured’s order or with his permission.
Further, by paying extra premium, he may get extra cover over and above the
general cover under the standard policy like:
(a) Accidents to his wife and other specified relatives or friends;
(b) Loss or damage due to earthquake or flood, etc.
The policy indemnifies the insured to the use of the insured car. However, it extends
to the insured not only when he is driving his own insured car but also when he is
driving a private car not belonging to him nor hired by him.
27. Mention the conditions in a motor vehicle policy to make the insurer liable?
Ans. Some of the conditions in a motor vehicle policy to make the insurer liable are:
(a) The insured will maintain the vehicle in a good state of repair and efficient
(b) He takes all reasonable steps and precautions to avoid accidents and to select
competent and sober drivers .
(c) He takes all reasonable steps to safeguard the car from loss or damage.
28. Mention the provisions and conditions to be adhered to, under the Motor
Vehicles Act with respect to third party insurance?
Ans. The Motor Vehicles Act has made it statutory and obligatory for a third party
insurance cover to be taken by every owner of a vehicle. The Act specifically states
that no person shall use except as a passenger or cause or allow any other person
to use a motor vehicle in a public place, unless there is in force in relation to the use
of the vehicle by that person or other person, as the case may be, a policy of
insurance complying with the requirements of the Act. Thus, third party insurance is
a must for running a motor vehicle in a public place. The following are some of the
important provisions to be adhered to in case of third party insurance, namely:
(i) It applies to any person other than a passenger.
(ii) What is prohibited is the user by himself or allowing another person to use.
(iii) Such use should be of a motor vehicle.
(iv) Such vehicles should be used in a public place.
(v) The using or causing of use by the other person should be without a policy of
(vi) The policy of insurance should comply with the provisions of the Act.
29. What are the personal risks, a person can insure against?
Ans. A person can insure himself against the risk of death, personal injury or damage,
deterioration or destruction of property, and also against the risk of incurring liability
to third parties.
30. What is meant by Third-Party liability?
Ans. Third party liability is the liability which may arise by an insured’s own conduct or in
using his property, but still the risk of liability arising out of the use of the property is
not covered by an insurance of that property. Liability policies are generally
expressed as providing indemnity against ëliability in lawí.
31. What is the meaning of liability in /at Law?
Ans. The phrase ‘liability’ in Law is invariably understood and primarily used to cover the
liability arising out of negligence. For example, the liability of a building contractor to
a third party arising out of the faulty design of a structure was held covered though
there was no negligence.
Similarly, in a householders’ comprehensive insurance policy, the word ’accident’
covered nuisance liability which had occurred without the negligence on the part of
the assured.
32. What is the different insurance coverages offered in liability insurance?
Ans. Under the ’liability insurance category the following liability policies are covered:
• Public liability insurance,
• Liability arising in connection with professional negligence,
• Compulsory insurance,
• Employer’s liability insurance,
• Guarantee insurance.
33. Explain briefly each of the above mentioned liability insurance policies?
Ans. Liability insurance policies are generally expressed as providing indemnity against
liability in law. The various liability insurance policies are discussed at length below.
Public liability insurance: ‘Public liability’ does not mean liability of the state or its
agencies. It means liability as imposed by law as opposed to self-imposed liability as
in contract. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, is intended to provide
immediate relief to the persons affected by accidents occurring while handling any
hazardous substance and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. In
India this policy appears as a sequel to the famous Bhopal Gas Leak case.
Professional Negligence: There are standard policies for professional indemnities
cover for accountants, insurance agents, solicitors, and lawyers. These policies also
cover the risk of loss by their own negligence. The law has made these
professionals liable in respect of any loss or injury due to the negligence in the
conduct of their professional duties.
Compulsory Insurance: For the welfare of the employees, social welfare legislations
have been passed in England and in India making it compulsory for employers to
insure for safety of the workmen.
The Indian Act makes it compulsory for the employer to insure his workmen by
providing certain benefits to them in the event of their sickness, maternity and
employment insurance. The employees insured under the Act are entitled to
(a) Sickness benefit
(b) Maternity benefit
(c) Disablement and Dependent’s benefit.
Employer’s Liability: Though in olden days the liability of the employer has been
extended in the law of torts by vicarious liability, in regard to his liability towards the
employees, a number of defences were recognized, substantially reducing his
liability towards his employee. For example, the doctrine of common employment,
the defence of volenti non fit injuria were vital defences. But, in due course of time,
the liability of the employer was extended due to the development of the industrial
and labour welfare measures and legislations. Now the employers are tempted to
take out insurances against such liabilities.
Guarantee Insurance: Guarantee business of insurance companies assumed great
importance in the modern times. Earlier this was done by contracts of guarantee by
which a friend or a relative of the promisor or employee used to stand as a surety for
the due performance of the promise by the principal debtor or for the honesty of an
employee. As the number of contracts increased, it became increasingly difficult to
find sureties, and as a result, chances of employment and business had to be lost.
In such a situation, the insurance companies developed for themselves considerable
amount of ‘guarantee business.’ There are two methods by which this guarantee
was given, namely:
(i) the insurance company or the underwriter stands as a surety for the due
completion of a contract or fidelity of an employee; and / or
(ii) the underwriter insures the promisee or employer against the loss arising by
non-performance of the obligator or the dishonesty of the employee.
The first type of contracts are simple guarantee contracts and only the second type
34. Discuss the scope of cover available under the Travel Accident insurance
Ans. The scope of the Travel Accident cover extends to all domestic travellers
irrespective of the their age and income group. The benefits under this policy of
insurance are very large and wide in depth for all those who frequently travel and
face the various unforeseen risks of journey.
35. Which modes of transport are covered under this policy cover?
Ans. This cover is available to travellers by all modes: Road/Rail/Water/Air including by
their own mode of transport.
36. What is the basic objective of this insurance policy cover?
Ans. This cover is valid for transit period subject to maximum of 60 days.
The cover includes incidental local travel also. The basic objective of this policy is to
provide relief in case of accidental death and loss and /or damage to accompanied
baggage during the travelling within the country.
37. Who are the people covered under the policy cover? Can PA also be covered
besides the available cover?
Ans. This policy is designed to provide cover for the insured, spouse, and dependant
children only. Compensation under the Personal Accident will be in addition to all
other existing covers or insurance covers insured might be holding.
38. What are the other Causes of Loss against which the policy extends its cover?
Ans. The policy covers reasonable and actual emergency incidental expenses upto Rs.
1000/- arising out of an accident resulting in a valid claim under a PA section.
Besides, the loss or damage to accompanied baggage arising out of fire, storm,
tempest, hurricane, flood, inundation, riot, strike, terrorism, malicious damage,
accident, theft or burglary.
39. How is the limit of Indemnity fixed for this cover?
Ans. The limit of indemnity under this cover depends on the sum insured and otherwise
as stipulated in the Schedule. The sum insured per article is Rs. 500/- unless
otherwise declared and claim of sum insured per article above Rs. 500/- should be
settled on claimed value basis without applying depreciation and average.
40. What is the underwriting factors to be taken into consideration for fixing the
Ans. The pricing of the policy depends up on the number of persons as mentioned in the
Schedule. In case of more than 8 persons, an additional premium of Rs. 40/- per
head is charged. Service tax is charged extra. The cancellation of journey is to be
intimated to the concerned authorities within 2 days of the schedule journey.
Sometimes, extension of the cover will be granted subject to revised dates chosen
by the insured, but not beyond a period of 60 days.
41. What are the general exclusions under the Travel Accident cover?
Ans. The general exclusions under the Travel Accident cover may be summarized as
• Loss of articles of jewellry
• Jewellery made up of fully/ partially/ semi precious metal/ stones/
• Money
• Securities
• Manuscripts
• Deeds
• Bonds
• Bills of Exchange, Promissory notes
• Stocks or share certificates
• Stamps and travel tickets or travellers cheques
• Business books and documents
Recoveries in baggage claims based on Subrogation principle may be waived if
42. Mention the category of people who can avail the All-risks policy cover.
Ans. This policy is suitable for people owning jewellery or valuables, which are prone to
accidental loss or damage.
Ans. The policy is given to amateur sportsmen (not to professionals) for covering their
sports equipment, personal effects, legal liability to third parties and personal
accident risks. The cover can also be made available in respect of named members
of insured is family residing with him.
49. What are the losses covered under the said policy?
Ans. The following losses are covered under the policy:
• Loss or damage to sports equipment, accessories, and wearing apparel to the
extent of Rs. 2000 per person selected. The limit can be extended on payment
of additional premium.
• Loss or damage to personal effects and wearing apparel while these are left in
clubhouses, sports pavilion, etc. caused by fire, burglary, house breaking, or
theft to the extent of Rs. 1000 per person for each sport selected.
• Legal liability of the insured and named members of the insured’s family to the
public while engaged in or practicing the sport, up to a limit of Rs. 500,000 for
any one accident.
• Accidental bodily injury to the insured and to the named members of the
insured’s family while engaged in or practicing the sports up to Rs. 15,000. or
Golf, the insurer will pay the insured at the rate of Rs. 200 in respect of each
50. Can sportsmen staying abroad avail this policy?
Ans. No, the sportsmen staying abroad cannot take this policy. The geographical limit is
usually India. But, however, the cover can be extended for events worldwide.
51. State the unique features of this policy.
Ans. This is a unique policy designed especially for amateur sportsmen. The premium
depend upon the number of sports selected and the number of family members
included. Some of the benefits offered by this policy are not covered by any other
policy and therefore it is strongly recommended for amateur sportsmen.
52. How is a burglary policy beneficial for a commercial business unit?
Ans. The policy covers the following:
• Stock in trade
• Goods held in trust or on commission
• Fixtures and fittings, plant and machinery that is movable property
The policy offers protection against burglary and housebreaking. Forceful entry is
the chief characteristic of burglary. Other crime perils like theft, larceny, robbery, etc.
are not covered under this policy.
The policy requires proper care of the insured property. If the cash in the safe is
insured, the safe should be locked and keys of the lock should not lie anywhere near
the safe.
53. What is the Relevance of Micro Insurance in today’s, scenario?
• MI comes from the need for inclusive economic growth i.e. the poor also getting a
fair deal when the Indian Economy grows rapidly
• Micro Finance is increasing in Rural India through Banks, NGOs and SHGs.
• The vast credit off-take can be protected by micro insurance only in rural India.
• The large population of the rural India, rural finance and technology can be
seamlessly integrated for viable business and distribution models for MI
• MI is widely popular in other developing countries all over the world due to inability
of large insurers to tackle the small needs of rural poor.
• Public sector Insurance can fit existing policies for filing newer ones without
damaging their existing financial well being
• Understanding the exact needs of various States/ regions by market research can
help to evolve the correct MI product
• In India, MI products should have simplicity, affordability and proximity of services.
• Our option in PSUs is to link our Bancassurance partners and the like and gather
experience and data to evolve the best product.
• The Ideal package product should be savings oriented (No Claim Bonus), protective
of credit, life, disability and properties including livestock.
• Cost of Seeds/Seedlings.
• Cost of manures/fertilizers.
• Cost of pesticides etc.
(vi) For subsequent years of operation for plantation crops additional costs such as cost
of fertilisers, manures, irrigation, cost of pesticide, insecticide, other plant protection
chemicals, labour charges will be added to the first year cost and thus the sum
insured for subsequent years will be the applied.
(vii) Stage wise valuation table of the plantation is to be prepared for future assessment
of loss.
(viii) The Input cost may be derived for each proposal by the experts as stated
hereinabove/from any reputed experts of the relevant field.
(ix) Feasibility Report from the State/Central Government Agricultural Institutions/
Universities to be obtained.
(x) The premium charging as well as claim payment are purely based on the concept of
input cost.
56. Elucidate the scope of cover in Credit Risk Insurance.
Ans. Two types of risks are covered – Commercial and Political
1. Commercial risk refers to the payment risk related to the buyer including
nonpayment due to insolvency default etc.
2. Political risk refers to the payment related to the country of the buyer
Political risk refers also to transfer difficulties due to economic events like export
license cancellation and war
3. Policy excludes Inter company sales
Policy excludes also transactions with Government Institutions
Excludes private individuals
If the defaulter is a subsidiary or other department of the same company, these are
excluded from the scope of the policy
Case Studies
Case study 1.
Govind Rao, a dealer in timber, supplied timber to companies on a contractual basis. He
insured his business with Unity Insurance Company. Govind Rao had different payment
arrangements with each of his clients. While some clients were asked to pay in cash,
others were allowed credit.
Green Earth Public Ltd was one of the companies that purchased timber from Govind Rao.
Govind Rao received fully paid shares of the company as payment for the timber sold to it.
By financing the company during its time of need, Govind Rao had also become an
unsecured creditor of the company.
On 10 April 2000, Govind Rao and Green Earth signed a deal for 1000 teak wood logs.
The delivery of the timber was to take place the next day. Unfortunately, that night there
was a short circuit at the godown where the timber was stored, and the entire consignment
was destroyed in the fire. Govind Rao filed a claim with the insurance company for the
loss he had incurred. Unity, however, rejected his claim and refused to pay for the loss,
alleging that the timber which was destroyed was sold by the insured to
Green Earth and, therefore, Govind Rao no longer had any claim over it.
Questions for discussion:
1. Is Govind Rao entitled to receive compensation from the insurance company for the
loss caused by the fire?
2. What is insurable interest? What are the policy requirements for an insurance
Ans. Issue 1. After having finalized the sale of the timber to Green Earth Public Ltd.,
Govind Rao has no insurable interest in the timber since it has become the property of the
buyer, that is, Green Earth.
Insurable interest is the legal right of the owner of a property to insure the property. One of
the conditions of an insurance policy is that the policyholder should have an insurable
interest throughout the period of the policy. Further, during the tenure of the policy, the
policyholder may lose his insurable interest by way of transfer of ownership, etc. In such a
situation, he is no longer entitled to claim for loss to the insured property as the sold
property no longer belongs to him.
Moreover, a shareholder or creditor of a company cannot insure the assets of a company,
since the assets belong to the company. The company, which is an artificial person, has
an insurable interest in the company’s assets. Thus, in the given case, the timber has
become the property of Green Earth and Govind Rao is not entitled to receive any
compensation from the insurance company for the loss to the timber due to the fire.
Issue 2. The owner of a property has the legal right to insure his property if its loss or
damage is likely to affect him financially. This legal right of the owner is called insurable
interest. The absence of an insurable interest renders an insurance policy void because
one of the conditions of the policy is that the policyholder maintains an insurable interest
throughout the period of the policy. Instead of making the existence of an insurable
interest a precondition for obtaining coverage, insurance policies, instead, limit the
payment on any claim to the extent of the insured’s interest. In addition to this, proof of
loss forms that accompany insurance policies require the insured to specify all interests
that he may have in the property. Limiting the payment of claims to the extent of an
insured’s interest and requiring the insured to specify all interests in the property is
essential for claims adjusting. If it were possible for an insured to be able to collect more
than the interest he has in the insured property, it would serve as an incentive for the
insured to cause deliberate destruction to his property. Also, an insured’s interest can
change due to circumstances such as marriage, divorce, or additional mortgages. This can
create opportunity for false claims if the amount recovered by the insured as insurance is
not limited to the insured’s actual interest.
By identifying all interests in the property, an adjuster is able to treat all parties fairly,
without compromising on the insurer’s rights. It also enables the adjuster to identify other
Case study 2
Shankar Raman joined the Railways in 1975. He started out as a mechanic and worked in
different capacities from 1975 to 1998. As a mechanic, he had to use solvents to remove
engine grease from engine parts and tools as well as from his hands and clothing.
After some years he got promoted as supervisor. However, his exposure to solvents did
not stop there. As a supervisor, he continued to inhale solvents during the daily
After some time, Raman experienced rashes, dizziness, breathlessness, and disturbed
sleep patterns. Because of his problems, he even made the life of other members in his
family difficult.
Raman usually maintained a good rapport with his peers and superiors. But in 1990, he
had problems with his immediate superior PawanSarkar. Sarkar even allegedly waged a
campaign of harassment and intimidation against Raman. Despite his problems, Raman
never complained against Sarkar to higher authorities. Unable to bear the harassment,
Raman thought of quitting the job. But his obligations tied him down. So he faced all kinds
of problems without making an issue of it. In 1995, Raman began to suffer from weight
loss, headaches, nausea, anxiety, memory loss, and other health problems. He even
sought psychiatric treatment for depression in 1995.
One of the psychiatrists attributed Raman’s mental problems to job stress. In 1998, unable
to continue with the organization any more, Raman decided to quit the job.
Even after one year of quitting the job, Raman could not recover completely. He
approached Ayurvedic doctors and used herbal medicines. Unfortunately all his attempts
were rendered futile.
Raman then claimed compensation from the railways for the ailments he had contracted
during the tenure of his service and the financial burden he had to bear in the process of
undergoing treatment for these ailments. The railways forwarded Raman’s claim to its
insurer Fair Insurance Company. The insurer, in turn, appointed a claims adjuster to carry
out the necessary investigations and to decide on the claims amount it had to pay Raman.
The claim adjuster surveyed the workshop premises where Raman used to work, spoke to
Raman’s colleagues and subordinates, and noted down a few things to discuss later with
the management. The claims adjuster even obtained the addresses of the doctors who
had treated Raman and had detailed discussions with them about Raman’s health
problems. Later, while giving the management his report on what the claim amount should
be, the claims adjuster stressed on some vital aspects of Raman’s job which, if suitably
modified would not only help Raman come back to work without causing any further harm
to his health, but would also help the railways lower the disability expenses they were
required to pay Raman.
performed by the affected person. Therefore, the physician cannot assume a disability
purely on the basis of an impairment.
Adjusters and employers can work together to modify the job of an employee by removing
the most physically demanding parts from the job. On their road to recovery, claimants can
be given work that have limited duties. The claims adjuster can also control disability
expenses by constantly encouraging claimants to return to the job. In the process, they
can find out from them the aspects of their work which they are still unable to perform and
suggest the required modifications in the job to the employer, which can help the claimant
to come back to work quickly.
Case Study 3.
Hemant Patel, a real-estate broker, lived in Delhi with his wife and two children. He owned
a bungalow in Karol Bagh which was insured with Elite Insurance Company, New Delhi,
for Rs 35 lakhs. On Dec 31st 1999, Hemant went to the local club with his family to attend
a New Year party. When they returned home in the early hours of the next day, they found
that their house had been burgled and many valuables had been taken away. While the
police investigation was going on, the insurer sent his surveyor to look into the cause of
the loss, the compliance of the insured with the terms of the policy, and the amount of loss
suffered by the policyholder. During the course of investigation, the surveyor observed
significant discrepancies in the statements given by the insured. These discrepancies
pertained to the list of items reported to have been stolen by the insured and the mismatch
between the true value of these items and the amount supposedly involved in the burglary.
When the surveyor submitted his report to the insurance company, he mentioned that the
financial condition of the insured was not good before the burglary and he had increased
the insurance coverage on his house just a few days before the burglary took place.
Hemant’s claim form was therefore rejected by the insurance company on grounds of
fraud. Hemant filed a lawsuit against the insurance company.
Questions for Discussion:
1. Was Hemant eligible to receive the claim amount for the reported loss that he had
suffered? Why do insurers make payments for suspicious claims?
2. What are the precautions that a loss adjuster has to take while handling claims for
loss caused by theft?
Ans: Issue 1. Hemant failed to give convincing replies to the questions posed by the
surveyor. Even the information he supplied was full of discrepancies. Further, he
increased the value of the insurance coverage on the house, which proves that the
insured’s motive behind obtaining insurance was purely to obtain financial gain rather than
protection against risk. Therefore, Hemant is not eligible to receive the claim amount for
the reported loss. Insurers often make payments towards suspicious claims for fear of
being blamed for tardiness in claim settlement. The fear of loss of goodwill, and the need
to maintain good standing with the insurance regulators is also responsible for the insurers
making hasty settlements of suspicious claims.
Issue 2. An adjuster should thoroughly review relevant policy provisions while handling a
claim for loss due to theft. If the policyholder has theft coverage for the type and location
of property concerned, then the verification of the loss becomes a very difficult task for the
adjuster. While verifying a theft claim, both the theft itself as well as the amount of loss
due to theft have to be verified. Since little or no evidence remains after a theft, it is easy
for a dishonest insured to fabricate claims. Even if a theft has truly occurred, there is no
evidence to prove that there was a thief involved in the incident, or to prove the existence
of the property involved in the theft, or even to prove the true value or quantity of the
property involved. The statements of the insured about the nature, quantity and value of
the property that has been allegedly stolen are accepted as evidence in courts. The failure
of the insured to provide receipts to validate his claim cannot form the basis for denial of
the claim by the adjuster.
After completion of the Chapter, the Student should be able to
• Explain the need and importance of liability insurance in today’s world
• Describe the basis for liability on the ground of intentional tort.
• Explain the justification of liability on the basis negligence
• Discuss the coverage and scope of personal and public liability insurance
• Describe the benefits and advantages of professional and product liability
insurance policies.
1. Introduction
Liability Insurance, of late in India, is visibly making a mark in the corporate sector as well as in
other sectors. In the Western countries, liability insurance is very popular and commonly opted
by individuals, professionals and corporates. The liability generally arises out of negligence or
breach of duty.
The purpose of Liability insurance is to provide indemnity to the insured in respect of financial
consequences of legal liability. Whenever liability arises under Civil Law, compensation
(damages) becomes payable. Besides this, there may be legal costs awarded against the
insured and also legal costs of defence of the claim incurred by the insured.
2.3 Negligence
Negligence is also the reason for the liability loss exposures. Negligence typically is defined as
the failure to exercise the standard of care required by law to protect others from an
unreasonable risk of harm. The standard of care is based on the care required of a reasonable
prudent person. The standard of care required by law is not the same for each wrongful act. Its
meaning is complex and depends on the age and knowledge of the parties involved, court
interpretations over time, skill, knowledge, and judgment of the claimant and tortfeasor,
seriousness of the harm, and other factors. In simple words, negligence means “absence of
you are injured and your car is damaged, the third requirement of negligence has been
satisfied. For the injury caused, the law recognizes the payment of compensatory and punitive
damages. (Explained later in detail)
(d) Casual connection between the breach of duty and injury or damage
The final requirement is that a proximate cause relationship must exist. In other words a
proximate cause is a cause unbroken by any new and independent cause, which produces an
event that otherwise, would not have occurred. That is, there must be an unbroken chain of
events between the negligent act and the infliction of damages. For example, a drunken driver
who drives past a red light and kills another motorist would meet the proximate cause
2.5 Damages
In all liability claims the compensation that is awarded through the judiciary procedures is
called as damages. The term ‘damages’ means the pecuniary compensation awarded by a
court of law for breach of contract or for tort.
Claims for damages for personal injury (fatal or non-fatal) fall into two categories:
1. Compensatory Damages are awards that compensate injured victims for the losses
actually incurred. Compensatory damages include Special damages and General
(a) Special Damages relate to expenses that can be determined and documented
such as
(i) actual loss of earnings
(ii) medical, nursing or other expenses
(iii) funeral expenses
(b) General Damages comprise damages for losses that cannot be specifically
measured or itemized such as :
(i) pain, suffering and distress
(ii) loss of enjoyment of life and loss of amenities
2. The Policy covers all amounts one is legally liable to pay the third party during the policy
period including legal costs and expenses subject to the limit of indemnity terms and
conditions of the policy.
3. Policy cannot be issued for unlimited liability.
This policy is suitable for all industrial units exposed to liability arising out of accidents during
the course of their business operations.
• Premium rates are fixed for the four hazard groups classified.
• Premium payable further depends on the limit of liability and annual anticipated turnover.
• Insurance companies at their discretion may permit mid term increase/decrease in the
limit of indemnity during the policy period.
• All policies subject to a minimum excess which is applied on the limit of indemnity per
any one accident.
• Discounts are offered for opting for higher excess.
3. Courts can pass awards against insurance companies direct as privities is created by
the compulsory insurance policy.
4. The sum insured is based on annual turnover of those handling the substances, with a
minimum sum fixed by the act at Rs. 3 crores. The annual freight receipts of a transport
operator would be their limit.
5. The Act also provides (and therefore enshrined in MV Act) that the drivers operating
road vehicles carrying the ‘hazardous substances’ have to possess a special
endorsement on their driving license.
6. If there is any shortfall between the award of a Court and the claim payable under the
policy, same is met out of Environment Protection Fund maintained by the Central Govt.
The insurance is compulsory. Heavy penalties are imposed, which includes prosecution, for
violation of the Act. The compensation payable for bodily injury or property damage is based
on the capacity of the parties to pay compensation.
If however there is any shortfall between the award of a Court and the claim payable under the
policy, the same is met out of Environment protection fund maintained by Central Govt.
The transport operators who transport substances like liquefied petroleum gas, certain acids,
hexane and other toxic substances are required to compulsorily obtain Public liability policy.
The rate of premium is based on annual turnover of an industry to that of sum insured
selected, as provided for in the Act. In addition to the gross premium arrived at, as above, the
proposing party is required to contribute equal amount towards environment protection fund
maintained by the Central Government. The fund is collected along with the premium and
remitted to the Central Government. While the premium element is subject to Service tax, the
fund is not.
The employees of the insured are also covered under the policy. Indemnity is also extended to
officers, committees and members of insured’s welfare associations and personal
representatives of the estate. The policy covers all the incidental expenses like costs, fees and
expenses incurred in investigation, defence and settlement of claim made against the insured,
cost of representation at any inquiry or other proceedings in respect of matters that have direct
relevance to the claim made against the insured. But the amount should not exceed the overall
limit stated in the policy.
Covered Risks
The policy pays for all the claims that arise out of the acts and/or omissions committed during
the policy period. The claims must be first made in writing during the policy period itself. The
claim also covers legal costs and expenses incurred, with the prior consent of insurer and
subject to the limits of indemnity.
Major exclusions
• Criminal act or violation of law or ordinance
• Services rendered while under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics.
The professional liability insurance provides a broad coverage including all the liabilities that
may arise due to error of omission in rendering the service by the insurer or any of his/her
employee (however a nurse is not included as an insured in the medical liability policy). But it
cannot substitute the general liability insurance as it covers only the acts that come under the
purview of professional service. Other things causing the damage are not covered in this
policy. For example, injury caused to a patient from the furniture in the doctor’s clinic would not
be covered by the professional liability policy.
The professional liability insurance policy for doctors and chartered accountants is discussed
in brief.
(a) Professional Indemnity Policy for doctors and Medical Practitioners
This policy is for the doctors who are registered with the IMA (Indian Medical Association). All
acts of the insured that results in any legal liability to the third party will be indemnified in the
• The acts of qualified assistants and employees of the insured who are named in the
policy are also covered in the policy
• The acts of qualified assistants and employees of the insured who are named in the
policy are also covered in the policy
• The claims should relate to the acts or omissions committed during the period of the
• The limit of the indemnity granted under the policy for Any One Accident (AOA) Any One
Year (AOY) (per accident per policy year) will be identical
• No short period policies are permitted
• All claims for compensation must be legally established in a court of law. Jurisdiction
applicable will be Indian courts.
Medical practitioners are classified into 21 categories under this policy. The last category is an
open category for other practitioners.
Major exclusions
Criminal acts, services rendered under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics, third party
public liability, claims under cosmetic plastic surgery, hair transplants, punch grafts, flap
rotations, etc. Even judges are not above the law
Today when we talk about professional liability insurance we have in mind, physicians,
surgeons, lawyers, engineers and even accountants. But do you know even brokers and
agents have been charged in US, Canada and other countries for what has now come to be
termed as ‘malpractice for acts of commission and omission’. Here is some more news on the
subject. In the US, in 1984 a Virginia Judge was convicted for putting behind the bars two
persons for a non-jailable offence. Later the US Supreme Court also held that judges were
liable in such cases. Now you have judicial malpractice insurance that does not come cheap –
only $800 for coverage for a million dollar.
(b) Professional Indemnity Errors & Omissions Insurance for Chartered Accountants/
Financial Accountants/ Management Consultants/ Lawyers/ Advocates/ Solicitors/
Just like the policy for doctors and medical practitioners, this policy indemnifies errors and/or
omissions while rendering services by accountants/lawyers as well as their partners and
employees named in the policy. These include chartered accountants, financial accountants,
management consultants, advocates, solicitors or counsels, insurance brokers and agents.
In normal course all claims for compensation have to be legally established in a court of law.
standards. Also the huge proportion of family-managed businesses and the laws of bankruptcy
aren’t well defined.
Insurers will have to evaluate the company’s financial standing and assess the inherent risks.
Pricing takes into account factors like asset size and composition, financial history of the
company, organisational structure, claims history and amount insured. Information on some of
the parameters is not easy to find. Companies like Infosys, voluntarily roped in independent
credit rating agencies to evaluate their corporate governance. If others follow suit, the
underwriters will find it easier to assess the risk. The companies would benefit too, because if
the risks are not assessed accurately the pricing will be higher. With good corporate
governance ratings, a company actually pays lesser premium.
workers during the working hours in an organisation. It also extends coverage through
reimbursement of medical, surgical and hospitalisation expenses including transportation costs
on payment of additional premium. It will pay medical expenses of workers up to policy limit
specified. The liabilities arising out of diseases that are defined u/s 3C of the workmen’s
compensation act are also covered. The sum insured is fixed on the basis of annual income
employees will earn during the policy period.
Workmen’s compensation insurance will not provide coverage for the following losses:
• Any accident or injury caused due to war, invasion, nuclear activities etc.
• Any employee who is not considered as ‘workman’ under Workmen’s Compensation Act
• Change in the policy provisions after the policy has commenced
• Removal of safety guards intentionally
• Intentional disobedience of orders, which are meant for employee’s safety
• Accident to a worker who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• It will not cover risks, which are not as per provisions of Workmen’s Compensation Act
(not during the course of employment. It is not 24 hour cover).
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, renamed as Employee's Compensation Act, 1923,
and now as Employees Compensation Act, 2009
The Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 had been framed on the model of the English
Employer’s Liability Act, 1880.The Act was later amended in 1934 and 1946 and in 2009. The
objective of this Act is to take over the liability of the employer under the Act in return for
payment of appropriate premium to the insurer. It provides compensation for workers for death
and disability due to accident arising out of and during the course of employment for which the
employer is liable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.
The objective of this Act is to prevent any sort of delay in settlement of claims arising out of
employment injuries or death. In the event an employee is injured while at work, the employer
becomes liable to pay the compensation to him within a month of the accident. The Act
restricts the employer from delaying the payment. It requires the employer to deposit a
provisional amount with the employee or the Commissioner within a month even if he wishes
to contest the claim for any reason. In case he fails to do so, interest at the rate of 6% would
be levied for the period of delay. Such penalty can be imposed to the maximum limit of 50% of
the compensation amount. Moreover, the Act states that the compensation amount is not liable
to any assessment, charge or attachment. The Act thus provides a comprehensive protection
for the timely payment of compensation to the injured employee.
The Act has specified the amount to be paid in the event of death, permanent, total or partial
disablement and in the case of temporary disablement. The compensation amount is directly
proportionate to the wages drawn by the employee.
If the accident has been caused directly because of:
• The influence of intoxicants consumed by the worker
• His wilful removal or disregard of any safety guard or other device meant for his safety
• His wilful disobedience to any express order or rule meant for his safety;then the
employer is only liable if it results in death and not otherwise.
Legal mechanism for settlement of claims under this Act is as under :
Employer’s liability for compensation is absolute in the following circumstances:
A. If personal injury is caused to a workman by accident arising out of and in the course of
his employment his employer shall be liable to pay compensation in accordance with the
provisions of this Chapter:
Provided that the employer shall not be so liable –
(a) in respect of any injury which does not result in the total or partial disablement of
the workman for a period exceeding three days;
(b) in respect of any injury not resulting in death or permanent total disablement
caused by an accident which is directly attributable to -
(i) the workman having been at the time thereof under the influence of drink or
drugs or
(ii) the wilful disobedience of the workman to an order expressly given or to a
rule expressly framed for the purpose of securing the safety of workmen or
(iii) the wilful removal or disregard by the workman of any safety guard or other
device he knew to have been provided for the purpose of securing the
safety of workman.
B. If a workman employed in any employment specified in Part A of Schedule III contracts
any disease specified therein as an occupational disease peculiar to that employment
Amount of compensation
Subject to the provisions of this Act the amount of compensation shall be as follows namely: -
(a) where death results from the injury an amount equal to fifty per cent of the monthly
wages of the deceased workman multiplied by the relevant factor; or an amount of fifty
thousand rupees whichever is more;
(b) where permanent total disablement results from the injury an amount equal to sixty per
cent of the monthly wages of the injured workman multiplied by the relevant factor; or an
amount of sixty thousand rupees whichever is more.
Notice and claim
No claim for compensation shall be entertained by a Commissioner unless notice of the
accident has been given by the employer as soon as practicable after the happening within
two years of the occurrence of the accident or in case of death within two years from the date
of death.
Reference to Commissioners
The legal authority to settle claims under this Act is the Commissioner on any question arising
in any proceedings under this Act as to the liability of any person to pay compensation or as to
the amount of duration of compensation payable. Further, no Civil Court shall have jurisdiction
to settle decided or deal with any question which is by or under this Act required to be settled
decided or dealt with by a Commissioner or to enforce any liability incurred under this Act.
Appointment of Commissioners
The Commissioners are appointed by the State Government for Workmen’s Compensation for
such area as may be specified in the notification. Every Commissioner shall be deemed to be
a public servant within the meaning of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).
Venue of proceedings and transfer
Where any matter under this Act is to be done by or before a Commissioner the same shall
subject to the provisions of this Act and to any rules made hereunder be done by or before the
Commissioner for the area in which -
(a) the accident took place which resulted in the injury; or
(b) the workman or in case of his death the dependent claiming the compensation ordinarily
resides; or
(c) the employer has his registered office:
Powers and procedure of Commissioners
The Commissioner shall have all the powers of a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure
1908 (5 of 1908) for the purpose of taking evidence on oath and of enforcing the attendance of
witnesses and compelling the production of documents and material objects.
(1) An appeal shall lie to the High Court from the following orders of a Commissioner
namely: -
(a) an order as awarding as compensation a lump sum whether by way of redemption
of a half-monthly payment or otherwise or disallowing a claim in full or in part for a
lump sum;
(b) an order awarding interest or penalty under Section 4A;
(c) an order refusing to allow redemption of a half-monthly payment;
(d) an order providing for the distribution of compensation among the dependents of a
deceased workman or disallowing any claim of a person alleging himself to be
such dependent;
(e) an order allowing or disallowing any claim for the amount of an indemnity under
the provisions of sub-Section (2) of Section 12; or
(f) an order refusing to register a memorandum of agreement or registering the same
or providing for the registration of the same subject to conditions:
Provided that no appeal shall lie against any order unless a substantial question of law
is involved in the appeal and in the case of an order other than an order such as is
referred to in clause (b) unless the amount in dispute in the appeal is not less than three
hundred rupees:
(2) The period of limitation for an appeal under this Section shall be sixty days.
(3) The provisions of Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963) shall be applicable
to appeals under this Section.
The Commissioner may recover as an arrear of land revenue any amount payable by any
person under this Act whether under an agreement for the payment of compensation or
otherwise and the Commissioner shall be deemed to be a public officer within the meaning of
Section 5 of the Revenue Recovery Act, 1890 (1 of 1890).
• Liability Insurance is visibly making a mark in the corporate sector as well as in other
• In the Western countries, liability insurance is very popular and commonly opted by
individuals, professionals and corporates.
• The liability generally arises out of negligence or breach of duty.
• A legal wrong is a violation of a person’s legal rights, or a failure to perform a legal duty
owed to a certain person or to society a whole.
• Law of Tort due to negligence, bodily injuries and/or damage to the property of third
parties may be caused for which damages become payable.
• Legal liability can arise from an intentional act of omission that results in harm or injury
to another person or damage to the person’s property.
• Strict liability means that the liability is imposed regardless of negligence or fault.
• Negligence is also the reason for the liability loss exposures. Negligence typically is
defined as the failure to exercise the standard of care required by law to protect others
from an unreasonable risk of harm.
• In all liability claims the compensation that is awarded through the judiciary procedures
is called as damages.
• Public Liability insurance originated in the U.K. in 1875, when the first policy was issued
to cover TPL arising out of the use of horse driven carriages, later for lifts, boilers,
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which policy is mandatory if your client is in hazardous industry dealing in
hazardous substance?
(a) Product liability (b) Professional liability
(c) Public Liability (Non-Industrial) (d) Public Liability Act Policy
2. For claiming compensation under W C policy, the accident should
(a) Actual liability may arise long after expiry of the policy for claims arising during the
policy period
(b) Provisions for claims have to be maintained on the insurers books for a long
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
25. Which one of the following statement is not correct in respect of Liability
(a) Implied principle of Good faith is not applicable.
(b) Claims are paid to persons other than the insured
(c) The insurer provides indemnity to the insured in respect of his potential legal
(d) Legal costs of the insured incurred with the consent of the insurers are
26. Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of the liability
Insurance covers –?
(a) It covers Civil Liability arising under Common Law
(b) It covers Civil liability arising under Statutory Law
(c) It covers both (a) and (b)
(d) It cover neither of (a) and (b)
27. In Liability insurance policies
(a) Policy period and period of insurance are always different
(b) Policy period and period of insurance are always same
(c) Policy period and period of insurance may or may not be same
(d) There is no difference between the two
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (b)
Questions With Suggested Answers
1. What is meant by Third-Party liability?
Ans. Third party liability is the liability which may arise by an insured’s own conduct or in
using his property, but still the risk of liability arising out of the use of the property is not
made these professionals liable in respect of any loss or injury due to the negligence in
the conduct of their professional duties.
Compulsory Insurance: For the welfare of the employees, social welfare legislations
have been passed in England and in India making it compulsory for employers to insure
for safety of the workmen.
The Indian Act makes it compulsory for the employer to insure his workmen by providing
certain benefits to them in the event of their sickness, maternity and employment
insurance. The employees insured under the Act are entitled to
(a) Sickness benefit
(b) Maternity benefit
(c) Disablement and Dependent’s benefit.
Employer’s Liability: Though in olden days the liability of the employer was included in
the law of torts by vicarious liability, in regard to his liability towards the employees, a
number of defences were recognized, substantially reducing his liability towards his
employee. For example, the doctrine of common employment, the defence of volenti
non fit injuria were vital defences. But, in due course of time, the liability of the employer
was extended due to the development of the industrial and labour welfare measures and
legislations. Now the employers are tempted to take out insurances against such
Guarantee Insurance: Guarantee business of insurance companies have assumed great
importance in the modern times. Earlier this was done by contracts of guarantee by
which a friend or a relative of the promisor or employee used to stand as a surety for the
due performance of the promise by the principal debtor or for the honesty of an
employee. As the number of contracts increased, it became increasingly difficult to find
sureties, and as a result, chances of employment and business had to be lost.
In such a situation, the insurance companies developed for themselves considerable
amount of ‘guarantee business.’ There are two methods by which this guarantee was
given, namely:
(i) the insurance company or the underwriter stands as a surety for the due
completion of a contract or fidelity of an employee; and / or
(ii) the underwriter insures the promisee or employer against the loss arising by non-
performance of the obligator or the dishonesty of the employee.
The first types of contracts are simple guarantee contracts and the second types
involves an element of insurance. The main types of policies included in guarantee
insurance are:
(i) Insurance for performance of contract;
(ii) Insurance of debts;
(iii) Fidelity policies.
A contract of guarantee insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to
indemnify the insured from the loss caused as a result of the breach of contract or
Insurance for Completion of Contract: The subject matter of such contract is due
performance of a contract. A enters into a contract with B but doubts whether B would
complete the contract. In such a case A may insure B’s due performance of a contract.
These are generally taken in cases of contracts of employment.
Insurance for Repayment of Debt: A creditor may insure the repayment of debt, which
he advanced or will advance in future. Such policies sometimes cover non- payment
from specified causes only and in such cases only the causes for non- payment become
relevant. When the creditor insures the repayment of a debt, on default by the debtor,
the creditor can straight claim the money from the insurer. Insurance being a contract of
indemnity, the insurer will be subrogated, on payment to the insured, to all the rights of
the creditor against the debtor.
Fidelity Policies: These are the most common types of guarantee policies and are made
usually for a term of one or more years. These arise generally out of the contract of
employment where the employee has an opportunity to be dishonest. The risk covered
is generally restricted to losses occurring while the employee is engaged in a specified
capacity. Even in the employment, the risk covered may vary according to the specific
terms of the policy in each case. For example, some are restricted to losses arising by
‘embezzlement’ or ‘fraud’.
Fidelity policies may be combined with liability policies, which are normally restricted to
liability incurred through the negligence of the employee while the former policies are
mainly intended to cover losses caused to the employer by the employees theft or
embezzlement of money or securities. A fidelity insurer, like a fidelity guarantor, is
entitled to subrogation.
5. Discuss the rationale for the existence and development of Worker’s
Compensation concept and programme.
Ans. Workers time and again are injured and become sick because of job-related accidents
and disease. Besides pain and suffering, these disabled workers also deal with other
mental tensions and agony such as loss of earned income, payment of medical bills,
partial or permanent loss of bodily functions or limbs or job separation.
Worker’s Compensation (WC) is a social programme that provides:
• Medical care
• Cash benefits
• Rehabilitation services to disabled workers from job related accidents or disease.
These benefits reduce the economic insecurity that may result from job related
6. State briefly the objectives of Worker’s compensation concept.
Ans. The following are the broad objectives of the worker’s compensation laws.
• Broad coverage of employees for job-related accidents and diseases. The
worker’s compensation covers most occupation or job-related accidents and
• Substantial protection against loss of income. The cash benefits are designed to
restore a substantial proportion of the disabled worker’s lost earnings, so as to
enable the disabled worker to maintain the same standard of living.
• Sufficient medical care and rehabilitation services. The workers compensation
laws require employers to pay hospital, surgical, and other medical costs incurred
by injured workers, as well as rehabilitation services to restore the disabled
employees to productive employment.
• Encouragement of safety. The worker’s compensation laws encourage the firms to
reduce job-related accidents and to develop effective safety programmes.
9. What are the benefits provided under the Workerís Compensation Insurance?
Ans. The Worker’s compensation insurance provides four principal benefits:
• Unlimited Medical Care: Generally medical care is covered in full. But medical care
being expensive, and to hold down costs, some employers prefer tying up with some
managed care organizations such as HMO’s, and PPO’s.
• Disability Income: The disability income is paid after the worker satisfies a waiting period
that usually ranges from 3 to 7 days. If the injury lasts or the worker is disabled after
certain number of days or weeks, benefit is given from retrospective date of injury.
The weekly cash benefit is based on a percentage of the injured workerís weekly wage
typically 2/3rd , and is subject to minimum and maximum payments. Disability is
classified into four categories:
— PT (Permanent total)
— TT (Temporary total)
— TP (Temporary partial)
— PP (Permanent partial)
Temporary total disability claims are the most common and account for majority of cash
• Death benefits: The death benefits are paid to the eligible survivors, if the worker dies as
a result of a job-related accident or disease. Two types of death benefits are paid:
— Burial allowance
— Weekly income benefits are paid to eligible survivors.
Weekly incomes are a percentage of the diseased worker’s wages (2/3rd) and is paid to
the spouse for life or until she/ or he remains, and also to a dependant child until a
specified age.
• Rehabilitation services: In most cases, rehabilitation services are also provided to
restore disabled workers to productive employment. Besides weekly benefits, boarding
and room, travel, books and equipment charges are also given and also training
15. How is the professional liability cover different from other liability covers?
Ans. The professional liability insurance differs from other liability insurance policies in a few
ways. These are as follows:
(1) While other liability insurance policies usually specify the ’per occurrence limit’,(
there is usually a maximum limit for each claim) there is no limit per occurrence in
case of a professional liability policy. Further, no distinction is made between
bodily injury and property damage liability.
(2) Professional liability insurance is not restricted to accidental acts: faulty diagnosis
or faulty performance is also covered. Deliberate acts giving unintended results
are also covered in the policy..
(3) Professional liability policies usually cover the damage caused to the property in
the custody or care of the insured as well.
(4) Professional liability insurance does not allow the settlement of the claim without
the prior approval of the insured.
16. Is a doctor also equally liable for the negligence of his assistant and nurse?
Ans. The doctor’s professional liability policy protects the doctor for the acts of the qualified
assistants and the employees of the insured who are named in the policy are also
covered in the policy subject to the following:
• The claims should relate to the acts or omissions committed during the period of
the policy
• The limit of the indemnity granted under the policy for Any One Accident (AOA)
Any One Year (AOY) (per accident per policy year) will be identical
17. What is the protection assured under a crime insurance policy?
Ans. There are two types of financial protection that are available against the losses caused
by crime. They are fidelity and surety bonds and burglary, robbery and theft insurance. A
bond is a legal instrument in which a third person (surety) ensures the performance of
contract properly by the principal or the obligator. A fidelity bond deals with assurance of
bonafide behaviour by an employee during the course of his employment. In fidelity
bond, the surety assures the employer of trustworthiness and honesty of the employee
and agrees to pay the damages that arise due to the dishonest acts of that employee.
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Underwriting
3. Objectives of Underwriting
4. Principles of Underwriting
5. Underwriting Process
6. Need for Underwriting
7. Underwriting Authority
8. Underwriting Activities
9. Underwriting Policy
10. Underwriting Guides
11. Underwriting Results
12. Underwriting Considerations In Special Policies
13. General Insurance Contract Conditions and Warranties
14. Summary
15. Questions
After completion of the Chapter, the Student should be able to
• Comprehend the need and importance of underwriting in selection of risks
• Describe the principles and process of underwriting
• Explain the role of underwriting authorities and activities
• Evaluate the underwriting guidelines and results
• Discuss the underwriting considerations with regards to special policies
• Describe general insurance contract conditions and warranties
1. Introduction
Underwriting as an art began in the United Kingdom since Victorian times. A group of
sailors or marine traders began the practice to insure against the perils involved in sea
voyage, which included the insuring of the goods in transit against known perils such as
piracy, weather perils, and loss of goods destroyed in voyage. However, the practice of
underwriting has evolved with times and the insurance model took shape. In the early days
of marine insurance, the details of a ship or cargo to be insured were described in a slip.
This slip was taken to Lloyd’s and the person, who was to carry the risk read the details,
then signed the slip under the details of the risk. In this way, the person carrying the risk
became known as underwriter. Thus, the genesis of the insurance business also evolved
from the United Kingdom and the first insurers were the Lloyd’s industries.
2. Underwriting Defined
Underwriting can be defined as “assumption of liability”. Underwriting involves the
selection of policyholders after thoroughly evaluating all hazards, establishing prices and
then determining the terms and conditions of the insurance policy.
The term ‘Underwriting’, refers to the formal acceptance of a risk by the insurance
company for a price, which is termed as ‘Premium’. It is a process by which an insurance
company decides as to whether it can accept the proposed risks and if yes, at what price,
terms and conditions. Underwriting is an art and science. It is a science because it is
based on actuarial principles and an art because, it involves an underwriter’s judgment
based on his careful analysis of a host of factors including physical hazards, morale
hazards, past loss data, future loss forecasting, projected law of large numbers, estimate
Probable Maximum Loss (PML), Expected Maximum loss (EML), governmental
regulations, etc.
Underwriting is also often called as selection and classification of risks in a logical manner
as per organizational objectives. While selection signifies the underwriter’s decision to
accept the proposed risk, classification means specification of class of accepted risks to
determine rate, terms and conditions.
The insurer shall consider the following for each of its products:
(i) Develop guidelines for the underwriting procedure and basis for accepting business,
rejecting or loading premiums;
(ii) Set a criteria for the use of further risk assessment, exclusions and reinsurance;
(iii) Have in place methods for monitoring emerging experience, and amending the
underwriting techniques when necessary;
(iv) Ensure that the underwriting approaches are consistent in the in head office
including all branches.
Of the many facets of insurance, underwriting has always been considered one of the
most critical features. During the 1950s, there were specialists who worked as
underwriters and covered almost every type of insurance. The years since then have seen
underwriting emerge as an art in itself.
The importance of underwriting can be well understood by the fact that even though
several activities of an insurance company such as marketing, accounting, claims
processing etc. are sometimes outsourced, underwriting is an area over which the
company always retains complete control.
Once the risk involved is deemed acceptable, underwriting then fixes the rate of premium,
and subsequently, all other terms involved. There are certain guiding objectives and
principles that the underwriter must follow.
‘Underwriting’ in its real sense is being practiced after the de-tariffing and the subsequent
removal of control on pricing from 01.01.2008. Each risk shall be assessed on its own
merit. Gone are the days when rates were quoted blindly based on the tariff or the internal
guidelines of the insurer, without actually assessing and evaluating the risk proposed, for
fixing of premium.
3. Objectives of Underwriting
The objectives of underwriting are three-fold:
• Producing a large volume of premium income that is sufficient to maintain and
enlarge the insurance company’s operations and to achieve a better spread of the
risk portfolio.
• Earning a reasonable amount of profit on insurance operations.
• Maintaining a profitable book of business (by ensuring underwriting profits) – that
contains all the policies that the insurer has in force.
• More spread – across the profile and geography.
4. Principles of Underwriting
Insurance is a concept of creation of a fund of premiums collected from various persons by
pooling all of their risks, from which the financial losses of those few who suffer from the
insured perils are compensated. The theory of probability, which can predict with a certain
degree of precision, the possibility of a certain event occurring that can give rise to a claim
provided there is sufficient data on past experience, is invariably the basis on which the
concept of underwriting rests.
The principles that guide an underwriter before accepting a risk are:
• Selecting insured’s who fit the company’s underwriting standards: only those
insureds whose actual loss experience does not exceed the loss experience
assumed in the company’s rating structure will be selected.
• There should be proper balance within each rate classification: the underwriter must
be able to group insured’s in such a way that the average rate in the group is
enough to pay for all claims and expenses. Units with similar loss- producing
features are placed in the same class and charged the same rate.
• Charging equitable rates: the rates that apply to one group should not be charged to
another group as well. For example, in the case of Health insurance, charging the
same premium rate for people in the age group of 20-25 years and those in the age
group of 50-55 years will result in the younger lot subsidizing the older people.
• Each portfolio (fire, marine, health, etc.) to be self-sustaining without assuming any
5. Underwriting Process
The underwriting process follows a series of stages, at the end of which the status of a risk
is decided. It is only after the risk has been weighed and all possible alternatives
evaluated that the final underwriting is done. When a proposal for insurance is received,
the underwriter has four possible courses of action:
• Accept the risk at standard rates
• Charge extra premium depending on the risk factor
• Impose special conditions
• Reject the risk.
Thus the objectives of underwriting can be expressed as follows:
1. Sell product equitable to Customer
2. Product should be deliverable to the Customer
3. The business and products to be financially feasible to the Insurance company.
Steps followed in Underwriting
The underwriter follows specific steps when evaluating a potential risk. These are as
plan or with Special Conditions such as ‘compulsory excess’. A rate that will fetch
the insurance company a decent profit as well as be acceptable to the applicant is
fixed on the basis of how the underwriter judges that particular case.
(c) Facultative reinsurance can be used: When the business is not covered by the
insurer’s reinsurance treaty or the amount of insurance needed exceeds the net
treaty capacity, the underwriter can transfer that excess to a facultative reinsurer. As
an alternative to this, the insurance can also be divided among several insurers.
The underwriter must also monitor the entire books of business and use premium and loss
statistics to determine what causes the problems that make a business deteriorate. This
will also help in finding out whether the underwriting policy is being complied with.
• Morale hazards
• Financial hazards
• Regulatory hazards
approximately equal loss potential are put into one group and charged the same rate. An
underwriter can also help an insurance company stay one step ahead of its competitors.
Some of the ways by which this is done is through lower premium rates, innovative
marketing strategies etc. The underwriter provides all necessary information and thus
helps the insurer make the best possible decisions.
7. Underwriting Authority
Underwriting authority refers to the degree of autonomy granted to individual underwriters
or groups of underwriters. This authority will differ by position and experience. Different
insurance organisations have varying degrees of decentralisation. In India, the
underwriting authority vests with the insurance company. Post opening up of the insurance
sector, some private insurers are decentralizing certain classes of business like travel
insurance, where an insurance intermediary is allowed to issue(better to put it as
‘generate’) the policy.
Specialty lines like aviation and live stock mortality have retained centralized underwriting
authority, while some other insurers are delegating a considerable part of their authority to
selected brokers. Insurers who follow the decentralization system state that it eliminates
duplication and makes the most of the producers’ familiarity with local conditions. In
return, brokers receive a higher commission rate and a larger share in the profits.
The degree of decentralization permissible depends upon several factors like the line of
business involved, the experience and the track record of the producers. There may be
insurers who allow their brokers to issue personal lines policies and bill the policyholders.
This is certainly a significant amount of underwriting authority. Some other insurers may
permit a high degree of authority but restrict policy issuance only to the company, so that
control over the brokers’ activities is maintained.
There are also lines of business where the producer may have no underwriting authority at
all. These usually include very hazardous or specialised classes of business.
8. Underwriting Activities
Underwriting activities can be divided into two types –
• Line underwriting where daily underwriting tasks are carried out; the underwriters
are usually located in regional offices of the insurer.
• Staff underwriting where the underwriter helps the management in formulating and
implementing underwriting policy. They are usually located at the Head Office.
• They update the rates and rating plans of the company. This is done to address the
effects caused by changing competition, inflation and loss experience. Examining
the operational costs and the profit requirements and combining them with the loss
costs decides the final rate.
• Preparing and updating the underwriting guides and bulletins that contain the
company’s underwriting policy. The guides also differentiate between acceptable
and unacceptable business.
• Underwriting audits are conducted to monitor the line underwriting activities. The
audit is a control tool used by the management to make sure that the underwriting
policy is being properly implemented. This is done through statistical analysis of
underwriting results and also through field audits.
• Staff underwriters also offer advice to other underwriters – by virtue of their own
experience in handling complex accounts.
• Staff underwriters also conduct training programs and other educational activities for
the benefit of line underwriters. They also act as instructors when there is a need for
information on a technical area on insurance.
9. Underwriting Policy
Underwriting policy formulation and implementation is one of the most important objectives
of the insurance management. This policy specifies the lines of risks to be accepted and
those to be avoided or rejected. Underwriting Policy is like the Constitution of a country. It
provides the frame work within which the company would develop products for the market.
It provides the framework for product development and differentiation according to the
needs of the customers and market development. The basic purpose of an underwriting
policy is to transform the objectives of the management into rules and guidelines that will
direct the company’s underwriting decisions. The underwriting policy decides the
composition of the book of business.
An underwriting policy must take into consideration several dimensions while devising
framework for expansion of market with new lines of business and with product
development and customization, by giving due considerations to micro and macro factors
such as – the corporate policy, lines of business, the territories involved and the rating
plans, reinsurance and retention patterns, financial resources, in-house expertise, skill and
experience, levels of centralization/decentralization.
In formulating an underwriting policy, the corporate management should consider the
following :
— underwriting philosophy and objectives
— IRDAI directives
— underwriting stages – corporate underwriting and line underwriting
— risk management policy, process and techniques
— pricing of risks
— reinsurance policy and programme
— underwriting control
— underwriting results and solvency analysis
Thus, the objective of formulating an underwriting policy is to under write the future with
past loss experience and loss forecasting for the future within corporate philosophy,
regulatory norms and reinsurance treaty terms or clauses. Generally, corporate
underwriting philosophy involves penetration with profitability and the underwriting
objectives are business growth, profitability, solvency and liquidity.
However, any change in the underwriting policy must be evaluated on the basis of other
dimensions. Changes must also recognise the effects of certain limiting factors that
influence the underwriting policy.
These include:
• The capacity – the relation between the premiums written and the size of the
policyholders’ surplus is called the capacity.
• Capital & Reserves – It helps to gauge an insurer’s solvency.
• Skilled human resources – insurers require skilled personnel to efficiently market the
product, employ loss control efforts and adjust any loss that occurs. The insurer
must ensure that there are enough personnel and that they are conversant with the
company’s policies.
• Insurers must also follow the rules and regulations laid down by the insurance
regulator in whose territory they operate. The impact of regulation varies from
country to country. They must obtain licenses for writing insurance by individual line
within each State, and all rates, rules and other documents must be filed with
Government regulators.
• Portfolios in which the company operates, e.g., exclusive health insurer/ECGC/other
than health, etc.
• Reinsurance sets limitations on what the underwriter can write. Reinsurance refers
to the contractual relationship by virtue of which, risks are shared with another
increase in underwriting premium. The interpretation of the insurer’s combined loss and
expense ratio, both on an aggregate as well as a line basis, must be tempered by
considering the extent to which the insurer’s premium volume goals have or have not been
For example, an insurer takes on a much stricter underwriting view than in the past,
resulting in a drop from 100 percent to 94 percent in the combined loss and expense ratio,
based on incurred losses and expenses to earned premium. If the written premium drops
by 24 percent during the same year, then an evaluation of the results using an expense
ratio that compares expenses to written premiums will reflect a deterioration of results,
with an increase in the combined ratio.
Yet another way to appraise the functioning of the underwriting department is by setting
standards of performance with respect to several important areas of underwriting.
Standards of performance comprise the following factors:
The success ratio standard is usually employed in commercial lines. Ratios that are too
high or too low require thorough investigation. Under the success ratio, a high ratio is
indicative of an inadequacy in rates; rates that are lower than other insurers; a broader
coverage when compared to other insurers or deterioration in selection criteria. A low
success ratio is indicative of very restrictive coverages; poor service; high rates and very
high selection criteria.
• During repair, there are significant maintenance costs that occur and here the
company can fix a suitable proportion of costs.
• For whatever liability is incurred, the company has the right to approve the type of
repair from a safety aspect as well as with an eye on the future risk aspect.
There are also instances where acceptance of risk is subject to special considerations,
which are accepted by insurance companies. Some of these are listed below:
• Fire – consequential loss (fire) policy may be granted only to those clients whose
books of accounts have been regularly audited by a reputed firm of auditors, or
whose previous loss experience has been inspected and accepted.
• Motor vehicle – older vehicles are accepted, subject to inspection. Comprehensive
insurance on imported cars is allowed subject to the inclusion of an excess clause.
Vehicles like those belonging to the military will be covered only for third party risks.
• Marine and Cargo – ocean marine insurance is divided into three categories:
• Yachts – all sailboats and inboard powered boats including luxury vessels fall under
this category. The underwriting conditions can be grouped under three categories:
— Seaworthiness: This refers to the age, construction and maintenance of the
vessel. The older a vessel, the lower its value. The best way to obtain
information about a vessel is through a marine survey.
— Navigable waters and season: Underwriters restrict coverage to only the
area for which the yacht, equipment and the operator’s experience are
appropriate. This is done with the help of a navigation warranty, which limits
coverage when the vessel is under conditions that have not been agreed to by
the underwriter.
— Operator experience: Insurers also consider the policyholder’s experience
and training. For example, there are insurers who give credit for completion of
Power Squadron or Coast Guard Auxiliary courses. Membership in are
relevant organisation, such as a yacht club, is taken as an indicator of the
policyholder’s interest in his or her chosen field.
• Commercial hulls: As far as commercial hulls are concerned, the emphasis is again
on the physical characteristics such as construction of the ship, equipment and its
maintenance, the area of operation etc. The safety regulations under which the ship
should be operated will be determined by the nation in which the ship is registered.
The quality of maintenance is verified by regular inspections.
In marine insurance, the acceptance of certain risks requires careful consideration. These
• Asbestos/cement pipes and sheets (breakage is excluded)
• Transformers (breakage is excluded and excess imposed on all leakages)
• Refrigerators and air conditioners (risks of denting and scratching are excluded)
• Cargo in paper bags (tearing and bursting of bags is excluded)
• Glass (breakage, scratching and chipping are excluded)
• Sanitary ware (breakage, chipping and denting are excluded)
• Machinery (second hand) breakage is excluded
• Oil in second hand drums (leakage and contamination are excluded)
• Motor spare parts and ball bearing (theft, pilferage and non-delivery are excluded)
Motor vehicles (denting and scratching excluded)
• Watches (TPND, breakage is excluded)
• Close scrutiny of tramp vessels – that includes the financial position of the owners,
the age of the vessel and its tonnage. If the vehicle does not fulfill the criteria, 1
percent extra premium is charged on the sum under marine cargo policies.
The above were the special instances where the underwriter makes exceptions for
accepting risks in special cases. This is because the basic principle of underwriting has
always been that the underwriting must neither be too firm nor too relaxed. Wherever a
risk can be accommodated after suitable adjustment, it must be done.
In this example, Standing charges and Net profit cover 30% of turnover. Loss of profit
policy is to cover the total of net profit and standing charges.
Total of net profit and standing charges = Rs.1,00,00,000 + Rs. 50,00,000
= Rs.1,50,00,000
Turnover = Rs,5,00,00,000
Ratio between the two = 30%
Shortage in turnover of Rs.2,50,00,000 for interruption casued by loss is Rs.75,00,000
(30% of Rs.2,50,00,000) is payable by FLOP, provided
— policy issued for full SI
— claim under fire policy is admissible (irrespective of amount)
— Indemnity is for full period.
Taking this example, some of the important underwriting considerations of FLOP are as
Commercial Automobile Underwriting Practice factors
Commercial vehicles are more exposed to risk and hence the unerwriting factors in
addition to those mentioned above include:
— Weight and type of vehicle
— Use of Vehicle: use for own purposes or for hire
— Radius of Operation
‘Local’: radius of 50 miles, ‘Intermediate’: radius of 51 to 200 miles, ‘Long distance’ :
excess of 200 miles
Vehicles are generally classified into different categories based on the function and need
such as 1. Trucks 2.Food Delivery 3.Specialized delivery 4. Waste Disposal 5.Farmer’s 6.
Dump and Transit Mix trucks and trailers 7.Contractor’s equipment
Accountants etc. Hence, it is important that these policies are to be underwritten very
carefully. Professional indemnity cover is also available to insurance brokers and agents
on account of whose wrong advice to their clients, may be facing repudiation of a genuine
claim from an insurer.
If the assured wants to be covered against the indirect losses, he must obtain separate
policy for the same.
6. Property Exclusions
Property insurance is taken to cover the loss arising out of property damages. Property
insurance policies commonly exclude loss of money, bills, manuscripts, deeds, bullions
etc. Unless provided for, property insurance only covers the integral parts of the property
and excludes all its contents. For example, automobile policies cover any damage to the
vehicle but exclude damage to any property (goods, etc.) transported in the vehicle.
7. Exclusion of Locations
The property insurance policy agreements, in general, specify that the coverage is
available only if the property is within the limits of the location specified in the declaration.
Only a few insurers provide worldwide protection for the policy. Some insurers provide
partial coverage for some specific properties, if it is outside the boundaries of the specified
The exception to the limitation of location is when the property is moved to a safe place for
the sake of safeguarding it from destruction. The removal is generally allowed for a limited
time and the coverage for the removal is generally broad with very few limitations.
Accidental damage during transit is also covered. Courts also allow coverage for thefts
during the removal process even though theft may be excluded from the insurance policy.
(b) Warranties
Warranty is a statement by which the assured undertakes that some particular thing shall
not be done or that some condition shall be fulfilled, or whereby he affirms or negates the
existence of a particular state of facts. Warranties can either relate to facts existing at the
time of the contract or relate to the future. It is an undertaking given by the insured either
voluntarily or at the instance of the insurer about something that will determine the
insurability of the risk. For example, in a Marine Cargo policy, a warranty may read
“Warranted that the condiments transported are packed in airtight containers”.
1. Implied conditions
In the absence of express conditions, the insurance contract is subject to implied
conditions, which relate to
i. Good faith
ii. Insurable interest
iii. Subject matter of insurance
iv. Identification of the subject matter
Implied conditions can be expressed in a policy explicitly, or can be modified or excluded
by express conditions.
2. Express conditions
These are clearly stated on the policy. There are two types of express conditions,
(a) General conditions, which are applicable to all policies of that class and are
therefore, printed on the policy document.
(b) Special conditions, which are applicable only to that specific policy. The special
conditions are thus handwritten or typed or rubber-stamped on the policy. (e.g., type
of packing, compulsory excess, unloading survey, etc.)
All conditions whether expressed or implied are the operative clauses of a policy. They are
recited as conditions to be fulfilled by the insured for assuming the right to recover under
the policy. The conditions are further classified into the following types:
• Conditions precedent which precede the formation of the insurance contract. The
statements made in the proposal must be true and complete. The contracts also pre-
requires that the subject matter must be adequate in all respects, and should exist
when the contract comes into force. The fulfillment of the conditions is essential for
the validity of the contract.
• Conditions subsequent to validity of the policy are matters that are considered by
the parties as required for the continued validity of the policy. One of these is that
the insured would not transfer his interest in the property or the subject matter
without the consent of the insurer. The risk of the contract should remain constant
and should not be altered.
proof of loss and its amount within the stipulated time. Generally the insurance agent
or an adjuster helps the insured in doing so but the onus is primarily on the insured
to notify the insurer and substantiate the amount of loss.
However the insurer can take adequate time to investigate further if he wishes to.
Lastly, any legal suit must commence within 12 months of the occurrence of the
loss. The insurer has to settle the claim expeditiously after receiving all relevant
• Appraisal: Most property insurance contracts provide that if the parties to the
contract cannot agree on the amount of loss, an independent arbitrator can be
selected by both of them. This arbitrator can act as an impartial umpire and can
value the loss. Although the parties to the contract do not resort to this process
generally, it is mandatory in nature since it is a policy condition.
• Protection of property: Most insurance contracts contain provisions that require
the insured to take up reasonable steps for protecting the property from damage.
The failure of the insured to carry out the requirements of such provisions relieves
the insurer from any liability.
• Cancellation: All insurance contracts mention the conditions under which the policy
might be terminated and cancelled. In case of general insurance contracts, either of
the parties can cancel the policy. The notice for the same is given for 7, 10 or 30
days. This gives the insured time to obtain coverage elsewhere. Any advance
premium paid has to be returned to the insured. Where the insured opts for
canceling the policy he receives a lesser amount than what is otherwise available
calculated on the basis of short-period rates.
• Time limitations: As has been mentioned earlier the insured has to notify the
insurer on the loss suffered within the specified limits of time set forth. The event of
loss has to be notified, the proof of loss has to be submitted, and the claim amount
is to be paid.
Certain other types of time limits are also found in the insurance contracts. In case
of business interruption insurance, the payment is made on account of net profit lost
and necessary continuing expenses. The payment primarily depends on the length
of time for which the business was shut down.
• Waiver of Breach: Where the insurer waives the breach of any of the conditions by
the insured the effect is the same as the condition being fulfilled by the insured.
In Barrett Bros. Ltd. v. Lickiss, the assured was involved in a motor accident. He had
received a notice, which was an intended prosecution for the above accident. The
insured had neither informed the insurer about the accident nor had he forwarded
the notice to them. The insurer on coming to know about the prosecution from the
police, instead of asking for the notices, merely asked for the reason why he had not
complied with the requisite condition. The letter of the insurer was considered as a
waiver of the breach by the insured. The fulfillment of the conditions mostly depends
on the conduct of the insurer, and sometimes is made redundant by his conduct.
(d) Assignment
The policy of insurance is a personal contract, and thus if the insured wants to transfer the
rights of the policy, he can only do so with the consent of the insurer. The transfer of rights
can be made through assignment of the policy. Assignment means transfer of the rights to
another person usually made through a written document.
When the property on which insurance has been obtained, is sold the existing policy
might be transferred to the buyer of the policy, with the permission of the insurer.
• Assignment of Proceeds of the Policy: Mere transfer of the rights of receiving the
benefits of the policy, which the insured is entitled to, does not require the approval
of the insurer. This is because it does not amount to the assignment of the policy or
its subject matter. The assignee thus only stands in the place of the insured for
receiving the benefits of the policy. Where due to a breach of a condition the insurer
declines to pay, the assignee cannot recover anything from the insurer.
• Premium: The consideration for assuming the risk, by the insurer is the insurance
premium. The payment can be in the form of a lump sum or in the form of a series of
periodical installments (in certain portfolios such as marine cum erection, marine
hull, etc.). The form of payment would be determined by the terms of the contract.
Under section 64VB of the Insurance Act 1938, the insurer is prohibited from
assuming any risk in India without receiving the premium in advance. Where the
payment is made in the form of a cheque against the cover note, the risk on the part
of the insurer only arises on receipt of the premium. In case the cheque bounces the
insurer is not liable to pay anything. (but the procedures to be followed by the
insurer such as intimation of cancellation by RPAD, passing cancellation
endorsement, intimate RTO in case of motor insurance, etc.)
The insurer should actually receive the premium before he can assume the risk. The
insurer can assume risk if the amount is paid to the agent or a money order is
booked or is posted. It must also be noted that acceptance of the premium by the
insurer does not amount to conclusion of the contract (acceptance of the money as
‘advance deposit’ only saves the insurer. Otherwise, insurer is most likely to be held
liable in a legal proceeding).
(d) Premium amount can be refunded partially when the insurance contract is
terminated before the normal expiry date, either through mutual agreement or
by virtue of the right to terminate the contract (as may be contractual) at any
If and when a claim arises it is paid in the same proportion. Insurer A who is having
a larger share is the leader and he will issue policy and service the account.
2. Co-insurance also means sharing the loss by the insured. When a claim arises
under the policy the insured bears an agreed portion of loss. This may be expressed
as a percent or certain specified amount.
Example: Under a Mediclaim policy it may be agreed that in every claim the insured
bears 10% and the balance is paid by the insurer. This is also known as deductible
or excess. In some policies there will be compulsory deductible.
Along with compulsory deductible there can be provision for voluntary deductible,
which will result in reduction in premium depending upon the size of deductible.
Higher the deductible more will be the discount in the premium.
• Operational aspects
The losses are calculated and divided between the insurer and the insured on a pro-rata
basis. This depends on the ratio between the actual insurance carried and the amount of
insurance required. The amount to be collected from the insurer is thus calculated using
the following formula: -
insurance carried * loss
Recovery =
insurance required
• Underwriting as an art began in the United Kingdom since Victorian times.
• The term ‘Underwriting’, refers to the formal acceptance of a risk by the insurance
company for a price, which is termed as ‘Premium’.
• It is a process by which an insurance company decides as to whether it can accept
the proposed risks and if yes, at what price, terms and conditions.
• The objectives of underwriting are producing a large volume of premium income that
is sufficient to maintain and enlarge the insurance company’s operations and to
achieve a better spread of the risk portfolio.
• Earning a reasonable amount of profit on insurance operations, maintaining a
profitable book of business (by ensuring underwriting profits), contains all the
policies that the insurer has in force.
• The principles that guide an underwriter before accepting a risk are selecting
insured’s who fit the company’s underwriting standards.
• The underwriting process follows a series of stages, at the end of which the status of
a risk is decided.
• The need for underwriting arises because of some basic reasons namely to avoid
the concept adverse selection and certain other hazards, to maintain fair prices and
subsidization and to stay ahead of competition, to check adverse selection.
• Underwriting authority refers to the degree of autonomy granted to individual
underwriters or groups of underwriters.
• Underwriting policy formulation and implementation is one of the most important
objectives of the insurance management. This policy specifies the lines of risks to be
accepted and those to be avoided or rejected.
• Underwriting guides outline the ways to realize the objectives stated in the
policy.(basically ‘do’s and ‘dont’s)
• They contain the standards for acceptability and summarize the underwriting
authority requirements.
• Rate making, also known as insurance pricing, has an important part to play in the
overall profitability of the company.
• Rate making involves the selection of classes of exposure units on which statistics
can be collected regarding the possibility of loss.
• Underwriting results are an indication of the effectiveness of the company’s
underwriting policy. Statistically, it is represented by the insurer’s combined loss and
expense ratio.
• Conditions describe the ways which must be followed or eschewed by the insured
and may be quite detailed, depending on the nature of the risk and the extent and
duration of cover required.
• Warranty is a statement by which the assured undertakes that some particular thing
shall not be done or that some condition shall be fulfilled, or whereby he affirms or
negates the existence of a particular state of facts.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The term ‘underwriting’ for an insurance company implies
(a) cash flow income (b) asset generation
(c) assumption of liabilities (d) generating reserves
(e) none of the above
2. Personnel engaged in the underwriting department are called as
(a) underwriters (b) auditors
(c) sales executives (d) actuaries
(e) none of the above
3. ‘Producers’ of insurance business are
(a) agents (b) accountants
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (b)
Questions with Answers
1. ‘Underwriting is the heart of insurance operations’. Elucidate.
Ans. Underwriting is the process of evaluation and classification of risk. It is this core
function of the company that determines its financial soundness . It is rightly termed
as assumption of liability. With the issuance of every policy, the insurer makes a
future promise and is therefore undertaking a liability.
If the proposal is accepted, then the applicant should be briefed about the decision
along with all the modifications made. If rejected, the underwriter must convey this
decision to the agent with clear, valid and sound reasons explaining why the
particular application has been rejected.
• Preparing the documents which includes the work sheet to be sent to the
policy writing department and also issue of certificates of insurance.
• Recording information about the applicant and the policy for accounting,
statistical and monitoring purposes, specially the details like the location,
coverages, limits, and risk features.
• Monitoring the activities as to any changes in the loss exposures of the
insureds, through regular premium audits and audit reports.
• Maintaining the records of business which involves evaluating the profitability
of all the business written during a particular period of time, covering a specific
territory and for a certain type of insurance.
5. Define the principles of underwriting.
Ans: The principles that guide an underwriter before accepting a risk are:
• Selecting insureds as per the company’s underwriting standards
• Striking proper balance within each rate classification, so that the average rate
in the group is enough to pay for all claims and expenses. Therefore, units
with similar loss- producing features are placed in the same class and charged
the same rate, ensuring that a below average insured is compensated for by
an above average insured.
• Charging equitable rates based on the risk factors, that is charging less for
younger persons and more for older people.
Case Studies
1. A top equestrian, Vijay Mallay, insured his prize show horse, Karishma, for Rs. 2.5
lakhs. After a series of lack lustre performances, Karisma died suddenly from what
to your property as well as the potential for environmental hazards. Depending on the age
and condition of your oil tank, you may be encouraged to replace it.
Electricity: A variety of factors associated with your electrical system can affect the risk of
fire and, with it, the cost of insuring your property. Breakers pose less of a risk than fuses.
If the flow of electricity into your home is less than 100-amps, it increases the risk of
overloading and fire. Older types of wiring can also raise the level of risk, particularly if the
wiring has deteriorated.
Pipes: Lead or galvanized pipes are usually found in older plumbing, which increases the
risk of cracking, leaking or other damage. Copper or plastic pipes are considered less of a
Wood stove: Wood stoves can pose an increased risk of fire. Older model wood stoves,
especially if they have not been correctly installed or maintained, are a common source of
house fires and carbon-monoxide poisoning.
Roofs: Roofs that are older than 20 years increase the potential for leaks and other
damage. Some insurers will pay only depreciated values for roofs that are near the end of
their service life.
Other considerations: How you use your home, as well as some structural features, can
also affect your insurance cost. Here are a few examples: If you build or plan to build a
rental unit into your home. If you decide to operate a business from home. If you make any
other major changes to the structure or how it is used. If you have other structures on your
property (a swimming pool, pool house, guest house or storage shed) that are worth more
than 10% of the total insured value of your home. Finally, here are a couple of things that
normally do not affect the cost of your property insurance: The type of appliances (gas or
electric) typically does not affect the cost of your home insurance. The exterior (brick or
aluminum siding) is usually not a factor in calculating premiums, however, it is a factor
when calculating the building replacement cost (i.e., the cost to rebuild with materials of
like kind and quality, if the building were destroyed).
1. Introduction
2. Rate Making
3. Rating Manuals
4. Basic Insurance Terms
5. Fundamental Insurance Equation
6. Rate Making Process
7. Rate Making for Property and Liability Insurance
8. Operational Premium Issues
9. Considerations for Ratemaking and Pricing
10. Summary
11. Questions
After completion of the Chapter, the Student will be able to
• Explain the intricacies and nuances in insurance premium pricing process
1. Introduction
In a free market society, an entity offering a product for sale should try to set a price at
which the entity is willing to sell the product and the consumer is willing to purchase it.
Determining the supplier-side price to charge for any given product is conceptually
straightforward. The simplest model focuses on the idea that the price should reflect the
costs associated with the product as well as incorporate an acceptable margin for profit.
The following formula depicts this simple relationship between price, cost, and profit:
2. Rate Making
Rate making, also known as insurance pricing, has an important part to play in the overall
profitability of the company. Rate making involves the selection of classes of exposure
units on which statistics can be collected regarding the possibility of loss. The underwriter
must think about all aspects before deciding on the pricing of a policy. The rates charged
must have the following basic characteristics –
• The rate must be high enough to pay for any expenses or losses incurred.
• The rate must not be too high.
• The rates must not be inequitable i.e. if two exposures are similar as far as losses
are concerned, they should not be charged significantly different rates.
• The system of rating must be simple and understandable so that premiums can be
quoted promptly.
• The rates must not keep fluctuating i.e. they must be stable. Otherwise rate
consumers may look to the government to regulate the rates.
• The rating system must provide the insured with a strong incentive to adopt loss
• The rates must change with the changing economic conditions- rates must increase
when loss exposure increases.
The final step in this method is to add a loading for expenses, underwriting profit and a
margin for contingencies. The expense loading, also known as the expense ratio is that
proportion of the gross rate available for expenses and profit. The final gross rate is
arrived at by dividing the pure premium by 1 minus the expense ratio.
Pure premium
Gross rate =
1-Expense ratio
• The loss ratio method
Under this method, the actual loss ratio –which is the ratio of incurred losses and loss-
adjustment expenses to the earned premiums- is compared to the loss ratio that was
expected and the rate is adjusted accordingly. The loss ratio that is expected is the
percentage of the premiums that are expected to be used to pay losses.
Rate change = Actual loss ratio - Expected loss ratio
• Physical features of the building – its height, the materials used to build it, the area
surrounding it, etc.
• It’s use i.e. what for the building is being utilised for. For example, presence of
inflammable materials will increase the risk of a fire.
• The protective devices set up in the building. Rate credits are given for the presence
of a fire alarm, sprinkler system etc.
• The building’s exposure – this refers to the likelihood of the building being damaged
from a fire in the adjacent buildings. The greater the exposure, the higher will be the
charges applied.
• The maintenance of the building – debits are applied for poor maintenance and
(ii) Experience rating: Under this rating plan, the class or manual rate is adjusted
upward or downward based on past loss experience. The insured’s past loss experience is
the basis for fixing the premium for the next policy period. If this loss experience is better
than the average for the class as a whole, the class rate is reduced and vice versa. This
system is usually used only for larger firms with a high volume of premiums.
(iii) Retrospective rating: In retrospective rating, the insured’s loss experience during
the current policy period determines the actual premium paid for that period. There is a
minimum and a maximum premium. When losses are small, a minimum premium is paid
and when losses are large a maximum premium is paid. Large firms use this system in
general liability insurance, burglary and glass insurance, workers’ compensation insurance
and auto liability and physical damage insurance.
3. Rating Manuals
The price the insurance consumer pays is referred to as premium, and the premium is
generally calculated based on a given rate per unit of risk exposed. Insurance premium
can vary significantly for risks with different characteristics. The rating manual is the
document that contains the information necessary to appropriately classify each risk and
calculate the premium associated with that risk. The final output of the ratemaking process
is the information necessary to modify existing rating manuals or create new ones. The
earliest rating manuals were very basic in nature and provided general guidelines to the
person responsible for determining the premium to be charged. Over time, rating manuals
have increased in complexity. For some lines, the manuals are now extremely complex
and contain very detailed information necessary to calculate premium. Furthermore, many
companies are creating manuals electronically in lieu of paper copies. Before,
understanding the complex process of insurance pricing and ratemaking, it is important to
be familiar with some basic insurance terminology used in the pricing process for better
(ii) Premium
Premium is the amount the insured pays for insurance coverage. The term can also be
used to describe the aggregate amount a group of insured’s pays over a period of time.
Like exposures, there are written, earned, unearned, and in-force premium definitions.
• Written premium: Written premium is the total premium associated with policies
that were issued during a specified period.
• Earned premium: Earned premium represents the portion of the written premium for
which coverage has already been provided as of a certain point in time.
• Unearned premium: Unearned premium is the portion of the written premium for
which coverage has yet to be provided as of a certain point in time.
• In-force premium: In-force premium is the full-term premium for policies that are in
effect at a given point in time.
(iii) Claim
An insurance policy involves the insured paying money (i.e., premium) to an insurer in
exchange for a promise to indemnify the insured for the financial consequences of an
event covered by the policy. If the event is covered by the policy, the insured (or other
individual as provided in the insurance policy) makes a demand to the insurer for
indemnification under the policy. The demand is called a claim and the individual making
the demand is called a claimant. The claimant can be an insured or a third party alleging
injuries or damages that are covered by the policy. The date of the event that caused the
loss is called the date of loss or accident date(also sometimes called occurrence date).
For most lines of business and perils, the accident is a sudden event. For some lines and
perils, the loss may be the result of continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the
same general hazard conditions; in such cases, the accident date is often the date when
the damage, or loss, is apparent. Until the claimant reports the claim to the insurer (i.e.,
the report date) the insurer is unaware of the claim.
Claims not currently known by the insurer are referred to as unreported claims or incurred
but not reported (IBNR) claims. After the report date, the claim is known to the company
and is classified as a reported claim. Until the claim is settled, the reported claim is
considered an open claim. Once the claim is settled, it is categorized as a closed claim. In
some instances, further activity may occur after the claim is closed, and the claim may be
(iv) Loss
Loss is the amount of compensation paid or payable to the claimant under the terms of the
insurance policy. The actuarial community occasionally uses the terms ‘losses’ and
‘claims’ interchangeably. This text uses the term ‘claim’ to refer to the demand for
compensation, and ‘loss’ to refer to the amount of compensation. This terminology is more
common in ratemaking contexts, particularly as the loss ratio is one of the fundamental
ratemaking metrics. The terms associated with losses are paid loss, case reserve,
reported or case incurred loss, IBNR/IBNER reserve, and ultimate loss.
• Paid losses: Paid losses, as the name suggests, are those amounts that have been
paid to claimants. When a claim is reported and payment is expected to be made in
the future, the insurer establishes a case reserve, which is an estimate of the
amount of money required to ultimately settle that claim. The case reserve excludes
any payments already made. The amount of the case reserve is monitored and
adjusted as payments are made and additional information is obtained about the
• Reported loss: Reported loss or case incurred loss’ is the sum of the paid losses
and the ‘current case reserve’ for that claim. In other words Reported Losses = Paid
Losses + Case Reserve.
• Ultimate loss: Ultimate loss is the amount of money required to close and settle all
claims for a defined group of policies. The aggregate sum of reported losses across
all known claims may not equal the ultimate loss for many years. Reported losses
and ultimate losses are different for two reasons. First, at any point in time, there
may be unreported claims. The amount estimated to ultimately settle these
unreported claims is referred to as an incurred but not reported (IBNR) reserve.
Second, the accuracy of case reserves on reported claims is dependent on the
information known at the time the reserve is set; consequently, the reported losses
on existing claims may change over time.
The incurred but not enough reported (IBNER) reserve (IBNER is also known as
development on known claims) is the difference between the amount estimated to
ultimately settle these reported claims and the aggregate reported losses at the time
the losses are evaluated. Therefore, estimated ultimate loss is the sum of the
reported loss, IBNR reserve and IBNER reserve:
Estimated Ultimate Losses = Reported Losses + IBNR Reserve + IBNER
• Loss Adjustment Expense: In addition to the money paid to the claimant for
compensation, the insurer generally incurs expenses in the process of settling
claims; these expenses are called loss adjustment expenses (LAE). Loss adjustment
expenses can be separated into allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE) and
unallocated loss adjustment expenses (ULAE)
General expenses include the remaining expenses associated with the insurance
operations and any other miscellaneous costs. For example, this category includes costs
associated with the general upkeep of the home office. Depending on the purpose, LAE
can be separated into numerous different components. For example, statutory financial
reporting separates LAE into defense and cost containment (DCC) and adjusting and other
(A&O) expenses. Taxes, licenses, and fees include all taxes and miscellaneous fees paid
by the insurer excluding federal income taxes. Premium taxes and licensing fees are
examples of items included in this category.
premium accordingly. Failure to recognize differences in risk will lead to rates that are not
expenses for the remaining insurance companies as they retain more of the higher risk
pools. This is the reason why insurance companies spend money on actuarial studies with
the objective of identifying every characteristic that reliably predicts future losses.
Note that both the rate making and the underwriting must be accurate. If the rate is
accurate for a particular class, but the underwriter assigns applicants who do not belong to
that class, then that rate may be inadequate to compensate for losses. On the other hand,
if the underwriting is competent, but the rate is based on an inadequate sample size or is
based on variables that do not reliably predict future losses, then the insurance company
may suffer significant losses.
The pure premium, which is determined by actuarial studies, consists of that part of the
premium necessary to pay for losses and loss related expenses.
Loading is that part of the premium which is necessary to cover other expenses,
particularly sales expenses, and to allow for a profit.
The gross rate is the pure premium and the loading per exposure unit and the gross
premium is the premium charged to the insurance applicant, and is equal to the gross rate
multiplied by the number of exposure units to be insured.
The ratio of the loading charge over the gross rate is the expense ratio.
Pure Premium = Total Amount of Losses Incurred per year/Number of Exposure
Example: an average loss of Rs. 1 million per year per 1000 automobiles yields the
following pure premium:
Pure Premium = Rs. 1,000,000 / 1000 = Rs. 1000 per Automobile per Year
Gross Rate = Pure Premium + Load
The loading charge consists of the following:
• commission and other acquisition expenses
• premium taxes
• general administrative expenses
• contingency allowances
• profit
Loading charges are often expressed as a proportion of premiums, since they increase
proportionately with the premium, especially commission and premium taxes. Hence, the
loading charge is often referred to as an expense ratio. Therefore, the gross rate is
expressed as a percentage increase over the pure premium:
Pure Premium
Gross Rate =
1 – Expense Ratio
Example: If the premium is Rs.600 and the expense ratio is 40%, then:
Gross Rate = Rs. 600 / (1 – 0.4) = Rs.600/0.6 = Rs. 1000
Gross Premium = Gross Rate x Number of Exposure Units
Expense Ratio = Load / Gross Rate
Other business objectives in setting premiums are:
(a) simplicity in the rate structure, so that it can be more easily understood by the
customer, and sold by the agent;
(b) responsiveness to changing conditions and to actual losses and expenses; and
(c) encouraging practices among the insured that will minimize losses.
The main regulatory objective is to protect the customer. A corollary of this is that the
insurer must maintain solvency in order to pay claims. Thus, the 3 main regulatory
requirements regarding rates are :
1. they must be fair compared to the risk;
2. premiums must be adequate to maintain insurer solvency; and
3. premium rates are not discriminatory—the same rates should be charged for all
members of an underwriting class with a similar risk profile.
Although competition would compel businesses to meet these objectives the States want
to regulate the industry enough so that fewer insurers would go bankrupt, since many
customers depend on insurance companies to avoid financial calamity.
The main problem that many insurers face in setting fair and adequate premiums is that
actual losses and expenses are not known when the premium is collected, since the
premium pays for insurance coverage in the immediate future. Only after the premium
period has elapsed, will the insurer know what its true costs are. Larger insurance
companies have actuarial departments that maintain their own databases to estimate
frequency and the dollar amount of losses for each underwriting class, but smaller
companies rely on advisory organizations or actuarial consulting firms for loss information.
There are two methods to determine a class rated premium or to adjust it.
In the pure premium method, the pure premium is first calculated by summing the losses
and loss-adjusted expenses over a given period, and dividing that by the number of
exposure units. Then the loading charge is added to the pure premium to determine the
gross premium that is charged to the customer.
Actual Losses + Loss-Adjusted Expenses
Pure Premium =
Number of Exposure Units
To increase credibility, insurers will sometimes observe losses over several years, but
taking observations over a longer period of time may be less accurate because some
variables affecting losses may have changed. To improve forecasts based on longer time
periods, the insurer may give greater weight to later years than earlier years, or a trend
factor may be used, based on average claim payments, inflation, or some other factor that
may affect the insurance company’s exposure.
Experience rating is typically used for general liability insurance, workers compensation
and group insurance. It is also extensively used for auto insurance, including personal
auto insurance, because losses obviously depend on how well and how safely the insured
charge for the loss adjustment, and state premium taxes. Businesses often choose retro
rating plans for general liability, workers compensation, and group health insurance. This
is a typical formula for calculating the retrospective premium for workers compensation:
Retrospective Rating Formula
Retrospective Premium = [Basic Premium + (Ratable Losses × Loss Conversion Factor)] ×
Premium Tax Multiplier
The loss conversion factor is expressed as a percentage of the ratable losses. This
percentage is added to 1, then multiplied by the amount of losses during the retrospective
period. Likewise, the premium tax multiplier is a percentage of the premiums charged, so
the premium tax percentage is added to 1 before multiplying it by the total premium.
Therefore if the loss adjustment expenses equals 10% of the losses, then the loss
conversion factor = 1 + 10% = 1.1. If the premium tax is 4% of the premiums charged,
then the premium tax multiplier = 1 + 4% = 1.04.
A pure risk premium is a quantitative assessment of the liability of the risk. The technical
pricing relies on the insurer having quality statistical information, based on historical loss
details and exposure information, collated at market level or intra – company e.g. national
fire statistics, weather records, crime statistics etc. from a comparison of loss experience
over a period of time, compared to exposure at risk over the same period, a technical rate
can be identified, which can then be adjusted for expenses, commission, a small level of
profit etc. This will be converted to produce a rate per cent or per mille on sums insured,
wage roll or turnover etc. depending upon the type of risk and type of policy as also based
on the level or rate required for the average risk. Such a rate is called “Book Rate”.
(v) Attractiveness: Items such as mobile phones, Laptops are attractive in the first
year but with the falling prices and greater availability move them into commodity
areas and relatively unattractive mode in comparison.
(vi) Miscellaneous: These include climatic changes, global warming and their likely
impact on flood risks etc.
• Pricing is critical to the success of any insurance venture.
• Underwriting profits should be a consistent target.
• The basic pricing element comprises of amount of premiums in & claims paid out,
which leads to pure premium.
• Pure premium needs adjustment for all the working expenses and normal outgoings
of any insurer.
• Technical rate and book rate are critical for long term underwriting profits.
• Operational premium issues include rating, catastrophe loading and commercial
• Insurance pricing is different from most products as it is a promise to do something
in the future if certain events take place during a specified time period.
• The price the insurance consumer pays is referred to as premium, and the premium
is generally calculated based on a given rate per unit of risk exposed.
• The goal of rate making is to assure that the fundamental insurance equation is
appropriately balanced.
• “A rate is an estimate of the expected value of future costs”.
• Historic costs are only used to the extent that they provide valuable information for
estimating future expected costs.
• Rate making is the determination of what rates, or premiums, to charge for
insurance. A rate is the price per unit of insurance for each exposure unit, which is a
unit of liability or property with similar characteristics.
• Rates for most insurance is determined by a class rating or an individual rating.
Individual rating includes judgment rating and merit rating.
• Merit rating can be further classified as schedule rating, experience rating, and
retrospective rating.
• Some factors that influence the process of rate making include Management
Expenses, Commissions, Claims expenses, Bonus and Malus.
1. 2000 factories require a Sum Insured of Rs.10 crores each. Statistically, we know
that 2 factories get destroyed by fire each year, but we do not know which two if
the losses are to be paid for by all of the 2000 factory owners, what should be the
contribution by each factory owner by way of pure premiums?
(a) Rs. 75,000 (b) Rs. 1, 00,000
(c) Rs. 2, 00,000 (d) Rs. 3,00,000
2. Which of the following does not form a part of “Book” price calculation?
(a) Claims Costs (b) Management Expenses
(c) Commission (d) Investment income
3. When we look at claims trends, we look at a number of factors. Which of the
following factor is not to be considered:
(a) Inflation (b) Technology
(c) Legal changes (d) Exposures
4. If the total premium is Rs.50,000 and the Limit of Liability is Rs. 20,000,000, what
is the rate of line?
(a) 2.5 % (b) 0.25%
(c) 4 % (d) 0.4%
5. When insurance companies undercut each other to grab the market share by
reducing premium, it is known as
(a) Soft market (b) Hard market
(c) Competitive market (d) None of the above
6. “The Loss lighteth rather easily upon the many than heavily upon the few” –[ The
English Act of Parliament in 1601 It is the Act of the English Parliament, 1601.
What does it best sum up?
(a) Concept of insurance pooling
(b) Concept of responsible underwriting
(c) The need for more insurance companies
(d) The need for more claims handling
7. Which of the following is the correct definition of ‘pure premium’?
(a) Total amount of claims incurred per year divided by the number of exposure units
(b) Total amount of claims divided by premium
(c) Total premium divided by the total claims
(d) Total premium divided by the number of exposure units
8. Within the calculation of technical pricing there are a number of future trends the
underwriter needs to consider. Which one of the following is incorrect?
(a) Inflation (b) Claims made during the year
(c) Technology (d) Legal changes
9. Which of the following is unlikely to be a rating underwriting factor in Fire
(a) Construction (b) Fire Extinguishers
(c) Building Security (d) Deductible
10. The claims loading applied to a policy is known as:_
(a) Claims Bonus (b) Claims Malus
(c) Claims Fides (d) Claims Minus
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
1. Introduction
2. What is a Claim?
3. Common Practice for Claims Processing
4. Post Settlement Action
5. Recoveries
6. Salvage
7. Loss Minimization and Salvage
8. Modes of Settlement (Liability Insurance)
9. Claims Recoveries
10. In House Settlements
11. Illustrations
12. Protection of Policyholders’ Interests Regulations, 2017
13. Summary
14. Questions
After completion of the Chapter, the Student shall be able to
• Describe the intricacies involves in a general insurance claim
• Explain the common practices followed in general insurance claims processing
• Evaluate the different stages involved in settlement of claims
• Examine the post settlement activities and actions
• Explain the processes for recoveries and salvage instituted by the insurer
• Describe the provisions for in-house settlements of claims
1. Introduction
The settlement of claims constitutes one of the important functions in an insurance
organization. Indeed, the payment of claims may be regarded as the primary service of
insurance to the public. It is the purpose for which an insurance contract is entered into.
The proper settlement of claims requires a sound knowledge of the law, principles and
practices governing insurance contracts in particular, a thorough knowledge of the terms
and conditions of the standard policies and various extensions and modifications
In addition, the prompt and fair settlement of claims is the hallmark of good service to the
insuring public. A company’s claims service is therefore the principal point of service as
regards the insured. Failure in this area can cause irreparable damage to the insurance
company’s reputation and lead to loss of valued customers and even lead to law suits
being filed against the company. It is equally important that claims negotiations should be
on the basis of patience, tact and courtesy.
Before understanding the process and methods of settlement, it is important to understand
the following:
2. What is a claim?
Definition: A claim is a notification to an insurance company requesting the payment of an
amount, on the happening of a specified event, under the terms of the policy.
The payment of a claim is the primary reason why the insurer is in the business. Insurance
is an unusual industry compared to most of the industries. In insurance business, nothing
other than a policy document and a promise to pay an insured claim is given to the
customer when he hands over his or her premium.
A claim is a right to receive the amount secured under the policy of insurance contract.
The benefits:
(i) For the individual, peace of mind that the property and liabilities are insured.
(ii) For the corporate, the satisfaction in knowing that the risks to the balance sheet are
taken care of.
Therefore, it is the duty of the insurer to satisfy both the above bye fair and equitable
handling of a claim should an insured contingency arise.
As a general rule, claims incurred constitute the largest cost for an insurer. Out of every
Rs.100 that an insurer receives as premium, he is likely to pay out Rs. 65 or more to settle
claims, the balance of Rs.35 being required for covering other expenses such as
commissions, management expenses etc.
Obviously, on the happening of the event, the insured suffers financial loss, which he or
she puts forth for compensation before the insurer.
3. the subject matter affected by the loss is the same as is insured under the policy;
4. notice of loss has been received without undue delay.
After this check up the loss is allotted a number and entered in the Claims Register. A
separate file is opened for the claim with a copy of the policy, or relevant extracts thereof
filed with the claim papers. Thereafter, a claim form is issued to the insured.
(iv) Claim Forms
The contents of the claim form vary with each class of insurance. In general the claim form
is designed to elicit full information regarding the circumstances of the loss, such as date
of loss, time, cause of loss, extent of loss, etc.
The other questions vary from one class of insurance to another. For example, motor
claim form provides for a rough sketch of the accident, burglary claim form contains a
question regarding notification to the police; where the insurance is subject to pro-rata
average a question is asked on the values of the property at the time of loss. In those
classes of policies which are contracts of indemnity, a question is asked to ascertain the
other policies held by the insured covering the same subject matter and whether any third
party was responsible for the loss. This information is necessary to enforce contribution
and subrogation.
The issue of a claim form does not constitute an admission of liability on the part of the
insurers. The insurers make this position very clear by making a remark on the form to that
effect. All letters that the insurers send to the insured in connection with the claim are also
sent without prejudice to their rights and hence they carry the remark without prejudice.
These words are intended to make it clear that although the insurers are engaged in
correspondence and processing of the loss, the question of liability under the policy is left
open. Thus claim forms are issued without prejudice, which means that by the issue of the
claim form liability is not admitted under the policy. Claim forms are invariably used in fire
and accident insurance. They are not used in marine insurance except in respect of inland
transit claims. (The practice varies)
Rs.20,000). Sometimes even this may be waived and the loss settled on the basis of the
claim form only.
(a) Appointment of Surveyor
The investigation of larger or complicated claims is entrusted to independent
professional surveyors who are specialists in their line. The practice of assessment of loss
by independent surveyors is based on the principle that since both the insurers and
insured are interested parties, the opinion of an independent professional person should
be acceptable to both the parties as well as to a court of law in the event of any dispute.
The appointment of a surveyor is intimated to the claimant. The surveyor is furnished with
all relevant claim papers such as claim form, copy of policy, etc. However, many a times,
surveyor is appointed and survey is carried out immediately on receipt of notice of loss,
that is, even before claim form could be issued.
Section 64UM of the Insurance Act provides that no claim in respect of a loss which has
occurred in India and requiring to be paid or settled in India equal to or exceeding
Rs.20,000 on any policy of insurance shall be admitted for payment or settled by the
insurer unless he has obtained a report on the loss from a person who holds a license to
act as a Surveyor or Loss Assessor.
Under the provisions of the Insurance Act as amended by the Amendment Act of 1968 a
Surveyor and Loss Assessor is required to hold a valid license issued by the Controller of
Insurance. The license is valid for a period of five years and is granted subject to
submission of application form and payment of fee as prescribed under the Act.
(b) Claims Documents
In addition to the claim form, independent survey report etc., certain documents are
required to be submitted by the claimant or secured by the insurers to substantiate the
claim. For example, for fire claims, a report from the Fire Brigade is obtained; in burglary
claims, a report from the Police; for Workman’s Compensation Fatal Claims a report from
the Coroner, Police report and post mortem report; for motor claims; driving license,
registration book, police report etc.
In marine cargo claims, the nature of documents varies according to the type of loss i.e.,
total loss, particular average, inland transit claims etc. For example, the documents
required for total loss claims are the following
disagreement between them to the decision of two arbitrators one each appointed by the
parties. These two arbitrators appoint an umpire, who presides at the meetings. The
procedure during these meetings resembles that of a court of law. Each party states his
case, if necessary with the help of a counsel and witnesses are examined. If the two
arbitrators do not agree on a decision, the matter is submitted before the umpire, who
makes his award. Costs are awarded at the discretion of the arbitrator/arbitrators or
umpire making the award.
Policy conditions provide for limitation to apply to claims. For example, the fire policy
provides that in no case whatsoever shall the Company be liable for any loss or damage
after the expiration of 12 months from the happening of the loss or damage unless the
claim is subject to pending action or arbitration; it being expressly agreed and declared
that if the Company shall disclaim liability for any claim hereunder and such claim shall not
within 12 calendar months from the date of the disclaimer have been made the subject
matter of a suit in a court of law then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have
been abandoned and shall not thereafter be recoverable hereunder.
amount to relieve the insured from the hardships or boost their morale. This payment
of insurance amount is beyond the scope of the terms of the claim and payment is
made on sympathetic grounds.
(ii) Payments of claims into courts: Payment of claim in the court is one of the
devices for the life insurance company to get discharged from the obligation of payment of
the insurance claim. However, this device is not applicable to the transactions of the
general insurance contracts. When the insurance company is not able to resolve the
dispute relating to the identity of genuine or eligible claimant, when a number of claimants
have applied to receive the claim, the insurance company may shift the burden of
identifying the correct eligible claimant to the court by following the procedure mentioned
in section 47 of the Insurance Act, 1938. By paying the claim amount in the court, the
intention to settle the issue can be established by the insurance company. The duty to
identify the claimant and conduct the proceedings will be with the court and filing the
petition and payment of the amount in the court will discharge the insurer from the liability.
The discharge is valid and effective as the insurer has performed its part of the promise.
(iii) Leakage: Leakage is the term for any additional costs incurred by the insurer
beyond those necessary to fulfill its claim obligations under the insurance contract,
excluding fraud. Thus, it covers any inefficiencies or errors in handling or settling of the
claim, failures of service or replacement goods suppliers to act efficiently or according to
their service contract, or any other unnecessary cost.
Examples of leakage include:
• Failure to recover excesses / deductibles from policyholders
• Failure to recover amounts reclaimable from third parties, other insurers, re-insurers,
• Unintentional overpayment of the claim (e.g. payment in excess of limits of cover or
amount claimed)
• Excessive claims administrative costs, inefficiency etc.
• Failure to decline claims that are not covered by the policy.
Leakage to a large extent can be managed through effective management, by establishing
some form of audit or benchmarking process, to regularly assess the effectiveness of
claims handling service and the level of leakage experienced.
The common practice followed by insured for processing of claims could be tabulated as
Heading Comment
Notice to the The insured must:
Insurer – • Minimize the damage and recover any missing property
immediately • inform the insurance company in writing
• get in touch with relevant authorities (police etc.)
• send an intimation not admitting ANY responsibility / Liability)
Notice to the The insured must
Insurer – within a • put a claim in writing detailing the amount lost or damages
period of 30 days suffered
• advise of any other insurance , possibly covering the loss
Provide detailed Insured must provide all relevant information – books of account,
information to the etc to the insurer.
Possession to the Insured must allow the insurer to take possession of any building
Insurer – Property or property that is the subject of the claim. However, this does not
Claims allow the insurer to abandon the property.
No admission of Where a claim involves a Third Party suing the insured, it is a
liability – Third condition that the insured must make NO admission of liability but
Party Liability pass on the summons, notice, claims for damages, etc. directly
to the insurer.
The claims process can be summarized thus :
As soon as a Contingency occurs, which the insured believes falls within the scope of the
policy, the insurance company should comply with the following steps:
(a) Initial intimation of a claim – with regard to the policy number
(b) Forwarding of further details
(c) Setting up of reserves by Insurer
(d) Investigation
5. Recoveries
Recoveries may be in the form of salvage or from third parties under subrogation rights.
Recoveries of salvage are to be entered in the claims register. After settlement of claim,
the insurers under the law of subrogation, are entitled to succeed to the rights and
remedies of the insured and to recover the loss paid from a third party who may be
responsible for the loss under respective laws applicable. Thus, insurers can recover the
loss from shipping companies, railways, road carriers, airlines, Port Trust Authorities etc.
In the case of non-delivery of consignment, the carriers are responsible for the loss.
Similarly, the Port Trust is liable for goods which safely landed but subsequently found to
be missing.
For this purpose, a letter of subrogation duly stamped is obtained from the insured. The
letter is worded along the following lines :
XXX Insurance Co. Ltd.
In consideration of your paying to me/us a sum of Rs. __________ in respect of the under
mentioned goods insured with you under Policy No. __________ I/We hereby assign and
transfer to you all my/our right(s), title and interest in respect of the said goods, and all
rights or claims against any person or persons in respect thereof.
AND I/We also authorize you to use my/our name in any action or proceedings you may
bring in relation to any of the matters hereby assigned and transferred to you, and I/We
undertake for myself/ourselves to concur in any matters or proceedings and __________
to execute all documents which may be necessary, and generally to assist therein by all
means in my/our power.
I/We further undertake if called upon by you to do so, myself/ourselves to undertake any
such action or proceedings that you may direct on your behalf; it being understood that
you are to indemnify me/us and any other persons whose names may necessarily be used
against any costs, charges or expenses which may be incurred in respect of any action or
proceedings that may be taken by virtue of this Agreement.
Date: Signature
6. Salvage
Salvage refers to partially damaged property. On payment of loss, salvage belongs to
insurers. For example, when motor claims are settled on total loss basis, the damaged
vehicle is taken over by insurers. Salvage can also arise in fire claims, marine cargo
claims etc.
Salvage is disposed off according to the procedure laid down by the companies for the
purpose. Surveyors, who have assessed the loss, will also recommend methods of
Finally, recoveries have to be made from reinsurers, under relevant reinsurance
arrangements, if applicable, and this is done at Head Office level.
11. Illustrations
(i) Fire Legal Liability Coverage and Claim
Fire Legal Liability Coverage is mentioned at the end of exclusions for Damage to Property
under Coverage A, which states that. “…Paragraphs of this exclusion do not apply to
damage by fire to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with
permission of the owner…” It is subject to separate limit of insurance as specified in limits
of insurance. This limit is generally lower than per occurrence limit.
The salient aspects of this cover are:
• Part of Premises and Operation Coverage, but a distinct coverage
• Rented to or temporarily occupied by the named insured with the owner’s permission
• Subject to Separate limits to be specified in limits of insurance
• Subject to exclusions for expected or intended injury or contractual
Following example will explain the calculation of insurers’ liability.
X Ltd. leased one room in a big building in Delhi for his shop of motor spare parts. Due to
negligence of an employee the rented premises caught fire resulting in damage to the
extent of Rs. 20,0000 for the rented one and Rs.40,0000 for other parts. Workers in other
shops got injured and Claimed Rs. 100000. If Fire Damage Limit is Rs. 500000, each
occurrence limit is Rs. 500000 & aggregate Rs. 20 lakhs.
Nature of Loss Claimed Loss payable
1. Damage to rented premises 200000 50000
2. Damage to rest of building 400000 400000
3. Bodily Injury 100000 50000
Total Rs. 500000
(d) Premium Audit: Provision for computation of final premium after audit for
adjustment against advance premium and for due return of excess premium if paid
in advance and for recovery of the shortage, if any.
(e) Representations: Statements in the policy issued are based on the insured’s
(f) Separation of Insured: Application of insurance to each insured separately against
whom claim is made
(g) Renewal of Policy: Providing rule and procedure for non-renewal of policy (by
notice before 30days)
(h) Transfer of Recovery Rights: The insured will bring suit or transfer those rights to
(i) Bankruptcy: Insolvency of insured will relieve the insurer of their obligation under
coverage part.
in effect, because claim-made period was not renewed and claim was for bodily injury
caused by an occurrence reported to P Ins. Co within 60 days of the expiry of the policy,
P’s policy will respond to the claim.
(ii) Supplemental Reporting Period is granted under the same circumstances as above
provided the named insured requests in writing within 60 days from the expiry of policy
and pays an additional premium specified by the insurer. The supplemental tail begins
when basic tail ends and it continues indefinitely for the occurrence reported to the insured
within 60 days, but did not result into claims even after 5 years.
The above example has made the application of insurance limits very clear and will help
the underwriters to decide the limits for determination of exposures and determine rates
and terms therefor accordingly.
• The settlement of claims constitutes one of the important functions in an insurance
organization. Indeed, the payment of claims may be regarded as the primary service
of insurance to the public.
• The payment of a claim is the primary reason why the insurer is in the business.
Insurance is an unusual industry compared to most of the industries.
• The procedure in respect of claims under various classes of insurance is a
common pattern and may be considered under three broad headings Preliminary
stage, Investigation stage, and Settlement stage.
• It is most essential that insurers receive early notification of the loss. The time limits
within which notice of loss shall be given by the insured are provided for in policy
• On receipt of the claim form duly completed from the insured, the insurers decide
about investigation and assessment of the loss
• The claim is processed on the basis ofthe claim form, independent report from
surveyors, legal opinion, medical opinion, and various documents furnished by the
insured and any other evidence secured by the insurers.
• Post settlement action taken after settlement of the claim in relation to underwriting
varies from one class of business to another.
• Recoveries may be in the form of salvage or from third parties under subrogation
rights. Recoveries of salvage are to be entered in the claims register
• Salvage refers to partially damaged property. On payment of loss, salvage belongs
to insurers.
• The primary duties of a surveyor are to determine the cause and extent of loss, to
examine compliance with terms and conditions and warranties and to give a report
on the basis of which insurers may take decision regarding settlement.
• In case of a liability cover, the payments are not made to the insured, butto the Third
party claiming damages arising from the insured’s negligence.
1. Describe the basic parts of an Insurance Contract.
Ans. Insurance contracts generally can be divided into
• Declarations
• Definitions
• Insuring agreement /Operative clause
• Exclusions
• Conditions
• Miscellaneous provisions
Generally, most of the insurance contracts contain these parts:
Declarations: In the declaration part information regarding property or activity to be
insured by the insurer is presented. It is useful for underwriting and rating purposes.
It is generally found on the first page of the policy. In property insurance, the
declaration page contains information regarding the identification of the insurer,
name of the insured, location of the property, period of protection, amount of
insurance, amount of the premium, etc. In life insurance, the declaration
page contains the insured ís name, age, premium amount, issue date and policy
Definitions: Insurance contracts generally contain a page of definitions. They are
highlighted in bold or different type face. For example the insurer is always referred
to as ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’ and the insured is referred to as ‘you’ and ‘your’ These
definitions make easy to determine the coverage under the policy.
Insuring Agreement: It is the most important part in the contact. It summarizes the
major promises and conditions to fulfil the promises by the insurer. In property and
liability insurance there are two forms of an agreement-(1). Named peril policy and
(2)All risk coverage. In the named peril policy the policy covers only the
specified perils, whereas under an all risk coverage policy the policy covers all
losses except those losses specifically excluded. All risks coverage is preferable to
named perils coverage because of its broad coverage and also as the burden of
proof to deny the payment is placed on the insurer unlike the insured in the named
peril policy. Life insurance is an example of all risks policy and it covers all causes of
death with some exceptions like suicide, aviation, war, etc.
Exclusions: There are three types of exclusions in an insurance contract:
(a) Excluded perils [ex. The peril of war is excluded in disability income policy]
(b) Excluded losses [ex. Professional liability losses are excluded from personal
liability section of home owners policy]
(c) Excluded property [ex. Cars and planes in a home owners policy]
Main reasons for these exclusions are:
• Some perils are uninsurable like wars.
• Some perils are predictable declines [wear and tear and inherent vice]
• Some perils are extraordinary hazards [in cars and cabs - cabs are more
prone to accidents than car]
• To avoid duplication of coverage [ ex. A car is excluded under home owners
policy because car is covered under the personal auto policy]
• To avoid moral hazard - If unlimited amount of money were covered fradulent
claims could increase.
• Finally exclusions are used because the coverage is not needed by the typical
Conditions: To meet promises by the insurer, the conditions section imposes certain
duties on the insured. If the policy conditions are not met, the insurer can refuse to
pay the claim.
Miscellaneous Provisions: In property and liability insurance, miscellaneous
provisions refer to cancellation, subrogation, and assignment of the policy; and in life
insurance, grace period, reinstatement of a lapsed policy and misstatement of age,
Most of the policy owners make a common mistake of not reading policies
fully and understanding the contractual provisions that appear in the policies
Indirect losses: These are losses that result due to business interruption and power
failure, costs of transportation, detours, assistance, storage, accommodation,
provision of essentials, and communications.
Intangible losses: These include psychological trauma and impairments, losses of
intangible values, and losses due to evacuation from areas under risk.
A risk management plan consists of the following steps:
Risk Identification: It involves identifying the extent and intensity of past
events, areas that are hit by one event at the same time, potential risk areas, and
climatic trends.
Risk Evaluation: It involves assessing the probability of the occurrence of a disaster
and the severity of the disaster.
Risk Control: This step covers measures aimed at avoiding, eliminating or reducing
the chances of occurrence of loss-producing events and eliminating the severity of
the disasters that could happen.
Risk Retention: This step pertains to the ability of the country or the society
in particular to withstand disasters. There are two aspects of risk
retention - psychological and financial. The psychological aspects have a lot to
do with the involvement of government machinery and voluntary agencies and also
to a great extent on the tenacity of the people.
Risk Transfer: This is a risk financing method and provides a means for handling risk
which have a high severity of losses and one cannot afford to retain such risks.
1. Introduction
2. The Insurance Act, 1938
3. General Insurance Business Nationalization Act, 1972
4. Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA)
5. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)
6. Establishment of Insurance Advisory Committee
7. Insurance (Amendment) Act, 2015
8. IRDAI Regulations and Guidelines
9. Other Important legislations governing general Insurance business
After the completion of the Chapter, the Student will be able to
• Explain the need and importance for regulations for insurance business
• Describe the evolution of the insurance laws for monitoring insurance
1. Introduction
Insurance business is one of the most highly regulated businesses globally for reasons of
equity and efficiency. It has a well-defined regulatory and legislative framework to operate.
Insurance law by itself is both unique and comprehensive because it operates within the
limitations of all the other governing legislations and ensures the legal provisions by
incorporating the same in its various policies.
The transactions of general insurance business in India are governed by two main statues,
• The Insurance Act, 1938
• General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972
• The Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA)
• The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, 1999
Accounts and audit: An insurer is required to maintain separate accounts of the receipts
and payments in each class of insurance viz. Fire. Marine and Miscellaneous Insurance.
Apart from the regular financial statements, the companies are required to maintain the
following documents in respect of each class of insurance:
• Record of Cover notes specifying the details of the risk covered
• Record of policies
• Record of premiums
• Record of endorsements Record of Bank guarantees
• Record of claims
• Register of agency force and business procured by each with details of commission
• Register of employees
• Cash Books
• Reinsurance details
• Claims register
Investments: Investments of insurance companies are usually made in approved modes
under the provisions of the Act. Guidelines and limitations are issued by the Central
Government from time to time.
Limitation on management expenses: The Act prescribes the maximum limits of
expenses of management including commission that may be incurred by an insurer. The
percentages are prescribed in relation to the total gross direct business written by the
insurer in India.
Prohibition of Rebates: The Act prohibits any person from offering any rebate of
commission or a rebate of premium to any person to take insurance. Any person found
guilty would be punished with a fine up to five hundred rupees.
Powers of Investigation: The Central Government may at any time direct the Controller
or any other person by order, to investigate the affairs of any insurer and report to the
Central Government.
Other Provisions: Other provisions of the Act deal with the licensing of agents,
surveyors, advance payment of premium and Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC).
• Prohibition of rebates
• Powers of investigation
• Licensing of agents
• Advance payments of premiums
• Tariff Advisory Committee
Companies Act of 1956, with an initial authorized share capital of rupees seventy –
five crores
• to aid, assist, and advise the companies in the matter of setting up of standards in
the conduct of general insurance business
• to encourage healthy competition amongst the companies as far as possible
• to ensure that the operation of the economic system does not result in the
concentration of wealth to the common detriment.
• to ensure that no person shall take insurance in respect of any property in India with
an insurer whose principal registered office is outside India
• to carry on of any part of the general insurance business if it thinks it desirable to do
• to advice the companies in the matter of controlling their experience and investment
of funds.
The IRA consists of not more than seven (see below) members out of whom a Chairman
and two members representing the Life and general insurance business are appointed on
full time basis. The whole time members shall hold office for 5 years or until the age of 62
(65 years for the Chairman) whichever is earlier. The part time members hold the office for
not more than 5 years.
(b) All sums received by the Authority from such other source as may be decided upon
by the Central Government;
(c) The percentage of prescribed income received from the insurers. The fund shall be
applied for meeting –
• salaries, allowances and other remuneration of the members, officers and
other employees of the Authority;
• other expenses of the Authority in connection with the discharge of its
functions and for the purposes of this Act.
• The Committee will establish standards of conduct and practices for efficient
customer service, advise IRDAI on controlling insurers’ expenses and serve as a
forum that helps maintain healthy market conduct
• It will create and manage a process for agent examination and certification
• The Life Insurance Council is funded by the Life Insurers in India.
The Life Insurance Council seeks to play a significant and complementary role in
transforming India’s life insurance industry into a vibrant, trustworthy and profitable
service, helping the people of India on their journey to prosperity.
Its mission:
• To function as an active forum to aid, advise and assist insurers in maintaining high
standards of conduct and service to policyholders
• Advise the supervisory authority in the matter of controlling expenses
• Interact with the Government and other bodies on policy matters
• Actively participate in spreading insurance awareness in India
• Take steps to develop education and research in insurance
• To bring the benefit of the best practices in the world to India.
The Council will
• Strive for a positive image of the industry through media, forums and opinion-
makers and enhance consumer confidence in the industry
• Assist the industry in maintaining high standards of ethics and governance
• Promote awareness regarding the role and benefits of life insurance
• Organize structured, regular and proactive discussions with Government, lawmakers
and Regulators on matters relevant to the contribution by the life insurance industry
and act as an effective liaison between them
• Conduct research on operational, economic, legislative, regulatory and customer-
already been notified on 19th Feb 2015 under powers accorded by the ordinance. The four
public sector general insurance companies, presently required as per the General
Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 (GIBNA, 1972) to be 100% government
owned, are now allowed to raise capital, keeping in view the need for expansion of the
business in the rural and social sectors, meeting the solvency margin for this purpose and
achieving enhanced competitiveness subject to the Government equity not being less than
51% at any point of time.
brokers, insurance consultants, corporate agents, third party administrators, surveyors and
loss assessors and such other entities, as may be notified by the Authority from time to
time. Further, properties in India can now be insured with a foreign insurer with prior
permission of IRDAI; which was earlier to be done with the approval of the Central
the Regulator to create an operational framework for greater innovation, competition and
transparency, to meet the insurance needs of citizens in a more complete and subscriber
friendly manner. The amendments are expected to enable the sector to achieve its full
growth potential and contribute towards the overall growth of the economy and job
The 2015 amendment act has substituted Section 29 with a new section which provides
for approval of loans and advances but as per the norms which can be or are to be
specified by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and on the basis of the
scheme which needs to be duly approved by the board of directors of the insurer. This
amendment provides for liberalization of the highly restricted section and provision.
The amendment act has omitted Section 44 which provided that “an insurance company
cannot deny payment of renewal commission after termination, if an insurance agent has
served for five years with an insurer. If the agent has completed 10 years, such
entitlement to renewal commission after termination vests only if the agent, after
termination, does not work directly or indirectly with any insurer. Such renewal commission
is payable to the legal heirs of deceased insurance agent after his death”. When this
omission was suggested by the 2008 amendment bill, the standing committee proposed
for retention of this section as according to it, it works for the interest of a large number of
agents. But the section was finally omitted, because “while compensation is paid after
termination, the policyholders are not serviced resulting in lapsation”.
Section 45, policy not to be called in question on ground of misstatement after three years
Globally, insurance contracts are considered to be the contracts made in utmost good faith
i.e. “uberimma fides”. What we mean by utmost good faith is that you won’t conceal
anything and as a customer are obligated to disclose all the required details to the best of
your knowledge, e.g., health condition, income sources, etc. The disclosure helps the
insurance company in effectively assessing the risk involved under the policy cover and in
consequently fixing the premium. Prior to the amendment, Section 45 of the Insurance Act,
1938 do not allow the insurance company to deny the claim made after two years from the
date when the policy came into effect.
There are three exceptions to this policy which are
• such mis-statement or concealment was made on a material fact,
• that it was fraudulently made by the policyholder and that
• the policyholder knew at the time of making it that the statement was false or was
material to disclose”.
The 2008 Bill recommended that the insurer should not be allowed to deny the claim if the
claim was made after five years from the date of policy coming into effect, irrespective of
the conditions involved. This means even if the fraudulent statement (or the other two
conditions as mentioned above) was made by the policy holder, it won’t affect the claim, if
the claim was made after five years from the date when the policy came into effect. The
Standing Committee had recommended three years term instead of five years term. The
2015 amendment act has reduced it to three years. Therefore, now if a claim is made
under an insurance policy after three years from the taking of policy, the insurance
company won’t have the right to repudiate it under any condition whatsoever.
IRDAI has the power to suspend or cancel such registration under certain stipulated
Section 3(2) of the Insurance Registration Act, 1938 has been amended and the
requirement of depositing a certain amount with Reserve Bank of India for the purpose of
the registration of the company has been removed. Now, they will just have to fulfill
whatever will be prescribed by the regulations. Though this requirement has been
removed, the company will have to maintain a solvency margin as provided by the IRDAI.
The amendment act has added Section 32D which states that “Every insurer carrying on
general insurance business shall, after the commencement of the Insurance Laws
(Amendment) Act, 2015, underwrite such minimum percentage of insurance business in
third party risks of motor vehicles as may be specified by the regulations”. The act has
given the power to IRDAI to exempt any insurer who is primarily engaged in the “business
of health, re-insurance, agriculture, export credit guarantee”.
The amendment act has substituted Section 40B and 40C of the Insurance Act, 1938 and
the new sections provide that management expenses of any insurance company should
not exceed the limits which would be prescribed by IRDAI and the details of the
management expenses will be provided to IRDAI as per the regulations promulgated.
above trigger levels. Margin of safety ratio for the industry can be calculated by
taking the average of this ratio of all the companies in the industry. For categorizing
companies for Supervisory Rating, standard deviation of margin of safety in relation
to industry average can be considered in the following ways:
1. Companies having Margin of safety ratio above and equal to industry average
2. Companies with margin of safety below industry average
(a) Between industry average – BARELY SECURE
(b) Between ½ standard deviation and 1 standard deviation below
(c) More than 1 standard deviation below average – UNSECURE
(vii) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Assets, Liabilities,
and Solvency Margin of General Insurance Business) Regulations, 2016
Readers are advised to visit for latest version of the Regulation.
Insurer’s assets can be divided into three major categories.
• Invested assets
• Other admitted assets
• Non-admitted assets
Invested assets produce interest, dividend, rent and capital gain income, and include
• Cash
• Bonds
• Common and Preferred Stocks
• Preferred Stock
• Mortgage Loan on Real Estate
• Real Estate
• Policy Loans and Premium Notes
• Collateral Loans
Certain other assets not included in investments shown in the balance sheet are
• Risk management assets
• Investment income due and accrued
• Premium due and uncollected
• Accrued interest
• Non investment assets
The greatest part of life insurer company’s liabilities, including policy reserves supported
by assets held to fund future benefits under the company contracts.
Other liabilities include-
• Amounts held on deposit
liquidity problems. The cash flow statement reports the sources and uses of all insurer
cash for a given reporting period for both insurance operations and investment activity.
Managerial Accounting
The insurer management requires accounting both for managerial purposes, which include
• Budget accounting
• Cost accounting
• Audit and control Procedures
Economic Value Analysis
To measure adequately the long-term financial impact of current-year management
decisions, it is necessary to avoid the limitations inherent in SAP and GAAP accounting
The goals of management oriented measurement are as follows:
• No distortion of long-term results of surrenders.
• Recognize anticipated profits on future business
• Recognize the long-term value resulting from current investment
• Recognize the unrealized capital gains and losses associated with investment
management programs.
The primary management objective of every (non life insurer is to ensure solvency at all
times and meet the contractual liabilities arising out of each contract of insurance)life
insurer is to create value for shareholders and in mutual companies for policyowners.
Performance measurement systems based on the creation of value are increasingly being
adopted by Life insurers as a standard for judging the effectiveness of management
Two of the important techniques are
• Value added analysis
• Return on equity analysis
Value Added Analysis
Net worth is defined as statutory surplus, plus the present value of future statutory
earnings on existing business, plus the present value of future statutory earnings on future
business. Present values are calculated by taking appropriate discount rate on cash flows.
Whenever the present value of future cash flows exceeds the investment under analysis,
management is creating value for shareholders or policy owners.
Value added analysis for a given planning or analysis period is measured as follows:
Ending Net Worth
Less: Beginning Net worth
Plus: Stock and Policy owner Dividends paid
Less: Capital Infusions
Equals: Value added for the period.
Return on Equity Analysis
Return on equity method is used to calculate profitability as a return on an insurer’s
investment in a product line or other venture. Return on equity is the implicit internal rate
of return associated with the cash flow or statutory profits of a profit line or other venture.
When the return on equity exceeds the insurer’s cost of capital, value is created for
shareholders or policy owners.
Some Important Prophylatic Ratios Used By Insurers
The system of solvency margin can be supplemented by a set of early warning system.
1. Margin of safety Ratio:
*Adjusted Actual Solvency Margin > 15 times
Required Solvency Margin
*Adjustments to be made for non-compliance of various
front-end regulatory prescriptions.
2. Leverage/Exposure ratios:
Property Liability
Business Business
a) Growth in Net Premium Written 3 5
Insurers and other interested parties (such as insurance regulators, rating agencies, and
investors) rely on asset of basic ratios to monitor and evaluate the appropriateness of an
insurance company’s rates.
Some of the basic ratios are discussed here:
(a) Frequency
Frequency is a measure of the rate at which claims occur and is normally calculated as:
Frequency = Number of Exposures / Number of Claims
Number of claims
Frequency =
Number of Exposures
For example, if the number of claims is 100,000 and the number of earned exposures is
2,000,000, then the frequency is 5% (= 100,000 / 2,000,000). Normally, the numerator is
the number of reported claims and the denominator is the number of earned exposures.
As other variations may be used depending on the specific needs of the company, it is
important to clearly document the types of claims and exposures used. Analysis of
changes in claims frequency can identify general industry trends associated with the
incidence of claims or the utilization of the insurance coverage. It can also help measure
the effectiveness of specific underwriting actions.
(b) Severity
Severity is a measure of the average cost of claims and is calculated as:
used to pay for loss adjustment and underwriting expenses and is calculated as:
OER = UW Expense Ratio + LAE / Earned Premium
The OER is used to monitor operational expenditures and is key to determining overall
OER = UW Expense Ratio +
Earned Premium
(i) Combined Ratio
The combined ratio is the combination of the loss and expense ratios, and historically has
been calculated as:
Combined Ratio = Loss Ratio + LAE /Earned Premium+ Underwriting Expenses /
Written Premium
LAE Underwriting Expenses
Combined Ratio = Loss Ratio + +
Earned Premium Written Premium
In calculating the combined ratio, the loss ratio should not include LAE or it will be double
As mentioned in the section on underwriting expense ratio, some companies may compare
underwriting expenses incurred throughout the policy to earned premium rather than to
written premium. In this case, the companies may choose to define combined ratio as:
Combined Ratio = Loss Ratio + OER.
The combined ratio is a primary measure of the profitability of the book of business.
(j) Retention Ratio
Retention is a measure of the rate at which existing insured’s renew their policies upon
expiration. There tention ratio is defined as follows:
Retention Ratio = Number of Policies Renewed / Number of Potential Renewal Policies
Number of Policies Renewed
Retention Ratio =
Number of Potential Renewal Policies
If 100,000 policies are invited to renew in a particular month and 85,000 of the insured’s
choose to renew, then the retention ratio is 85% (= 85,000 / 100,000). There are a
significant number of variations as to how retention ratios are defined. For example, some
companies exclude policies that get cancelled due to death and policies that an
underwriter non-renews, while others do not. Retention ratios and changes in the retention
ratios are monitored closely by product management and marketing departments.
Retention ratios are used to gauge the competitiveness of rates and are very closely
examined following rate changes or major changes in service. They are also a key
parameter in projecting future premium volume.
(k) Close Ratio
The close ratio (also known as hit ratio, quote-to-close ratio, or conversion rate) is a
measure of the rate at which prospective insured’s accept a new business quote. The
close ratio is defined as follows:
Close Ratio = Number of Accepted Quotes / Number of Quotes
Number of Accepted Quotes
Close Ratio =
Number of Quotes
For example, if the company provides 300,000 quotes in a particular month and generates
60,000 new policies from those quotes, then the close ratio is 20% (= 60,000 / 300,000).
Like the retention ratio, there can be significant variation in the way this ratio is defined.
For example, a prospective insured may receive multiple quotes and companies may
count that as one quote or may consider each quote separately. Close ratios and changes
in the close ratios are monitored closely by product management and marketing
departments. Closed ratios are used to determine the competitiveness of rates for new
Thus, investment management of an insurance company is very crucial for the
sustainability and continual operations of the company. Ratio analysis is one of the
scientific tools to help check the deviations from the operations of the company.
whilst in their custody and also prescribes the time limits for filing monetary claims, or suit
against the Port Trust Authorities.
and sea. The provisions define the limits of liability of the operator, for any loss, contents
of the various documents, notification etc.
authority shall refer the parties to the arbitration unless it finds that prima facie no
valid arbitration agreement exists. A provision has also been made enabling the
party, who applies for reference of the matter to arbitration, to apply to the Court for
a direction of production of the arbitration agreement or certified copy thereof in the
event the parties applying for reference of the disputes to arbitration is not in the
possession of the arbitration agreement and the opposite party has the same.
4. Amendment to Section 9 (Interim Measures): The amended section envisages
that if the Court passes an interim measure of protection under the section before
commencement of arbitral proceedings, then the arbitral proceedings shall have to
commence within a period of 90 days from the date of such order or within such time
as the Court may determine. Also, that the Court shall not entertain any application
under section 9 unless it finds that circumstances exist which may not render the
remedy under Section 17 efficacious.
The above amendments to Section 9 are certainly aimed at ensuring that parties
ultimately resort to arbitration process and get their disputes settled on merit through
arbitration. The exercise of power under Section 9 after constitution of the tribunal
has been made more onerous and the same can be exercised only in circumstances
where remedy under Section 17, appears to be non-efficacious to the Court
5. Amendment to Section 11 (Appointment of Arbitrators): In so far as section 11,
"appointment of arbitrators" is concerned, the new law makes it incumbent upon the
Supreme Court or the High Court or person designated by them to dispute of the
application for appointment of arbitrators within 60 days from the date of service of
notice on the opposite party.As per the new Act, the expression 'Chief Justice of
India' and 'Chief Justice of High Court' used in earlier provision have been replaced
with Supreme Court or as the case may be, High Court, respectively. The decision
made by the Supreme Court or the High Court or person designated by them have
been made final and only an appeal to Supreme Court by way of Special Leave
Petition can lie from such an order for appointment of arbitrator. The new law also
attempts to fix limits on the fee payable to the arbitrator and empowers the high
court to frame such rule as may be necessary considering the rates specified in
Fourth Schedule.
6. Amendment to Section 12: Amendment to Section 12, as per the new law makes
the declaration on the part of the arbitration about his independence and impartiality
more onerous. A Schedule has been inserted (Fifth Schedule) which lists the
grounds that would give rise to justifiable doubt to independence and impartiality of
arbitrator and the circumstances given in Fifth Schedule are very exhaustive. Any
person not falling under any of the grounds mentioned in the Fifth Schedule is likely
to be independent and impartial in all respects. Also, another schedule (seventh
schedule) is added and a provision has been inserted that notwithstanding any prior
agreement of the parties, if the arbitrator's relationship with the parties or the
counsel or the subject matter of dispute falls in any of the categories mentioned in
the seventh schedule, it would act as an ineligibility to act as an arbitrator. However,
subsequent to disputes having arisen, parties may by expressly entering into a
written agreement waive the applicability of this provision. In view of this, it would
not be possible for Government bodies to appoint their employees or consultants as
arbitrators in arbitrations concerning the said Government bodies.
7. Amendment to Section 14: Amendment of Section 14 aimed at filling a gap in the
earlier provision, which only provided for termination of mandate of the arbitrator. If
any of the eventualities mentioned in sub-section (1) arises. The new law also
provides for termination of mandate of arbitration and substitution and his/her
substitution by another one.
8. Amendment to Section 17 (Interim Measures by Arbitral tribunal): The old Act
had lacunae where the interim orders of the tribunal were not enforceable. The
Amendment removes that lacunae and stipulates that an arbitral tribunal under
Section 17 of the Act shall have the same powers that are available to a court under
Section 9 and that the interim order passed by an arbitral tribunal would be
enforceable as if it is an order of a court. The new amendment also clarifies that if
an arbitral tribunal is constituted, the Courts should not entertain applications under
Section 9 barring exceptional circumstances.
9. Amendment to Section 23: The new law empowers the Respondent in the
proceedings to submit counter claim or plead a set-off and hence falling within the
scope of arbitration agreement.
10. Amendment to Section 24: It requires the arbitral tribunal to hold the hearing for
presentation of evidence or oral arguments on day to day basis, and mandates the
tribunal not to grant any adjournments unless sufficient causes shown. It further
empowers the tribunal the tribunal to impose exemplary cost where adjournment
11. Insertions of new Section 29A and 29B( Time limit for arbitral award and Fast
Track Procedure) : To address the criticism that the arbitration regime in India is a
long drawn process defying the very existence of the arbitration act, the Amended
Act envisages to provide for time bound arbitrations. Under the amended act, an
award shall be made by the arbitral tribunal within 12 months from the date it enters
upon reference. This period can be extended to a further period of maximum 6
months by the consent of the parties, after which the mandate of the arbitrator shall
terminate, unless the Court extends it for sufficient cause or on such other terms it
may deem fit. Also, while extending the said period, the Court may order reduction
of fees of arbitrator by upto 5% for each month such delay for reasons attributable to
the arbitrator. Also, the application for extension of time shall be disposed of by
Court within 60 days from the date of notice to the opposite party.
The Ordinance also provides that the parties at any stage of arbitral proceeding may
opt for a fast track procedure for settlement of dispute, where the tribunal shall have
to make an award within a period of 6 months. The tribunal shall decide the dispute
on the basis of written pleadings, documents and submissions filed by the parties
without oral hearing, unless the parties request for or if the tribunal considers it
necessary for clarifying certain issues. Where the tribunal decides the dispute within
6 months, provided additional fees can be paid to the arbitrator with the consent of
the parties.
12. Amendment to Section 25: The new Act empowers the tribunal to treat
Respondent's failure to communicate his statement of defence as forfeiture of his
right to file such statement of defence. However, the tribunal will continue the
proceedings without treating such failure as admission of the allegations made by
the Claimant.
13. Amendment to section 28: The new law requires the tribunal to take into account
the terms of contract and trade usages applicable to the transaction. In the earlier
law, the arbitral tribunal was mandated to decide disputes in accordance with the
terms of the contract and to take into account the trade usages applicable to the
transaction. To that extent, the new law seeks to relieve the arbitrators from strictly
adhering to the terms of the contract while deciding the case. However, the arbitrator
can still not ignore the terms of the contract. Therefore, the new amendment seems
to bring in an element of discretion in favour of the arbitrators while making of an
14. Amendment to Section 31: This provides for levy of future interest in the absence
of any decision of the arbitrator, on the awarded amount @2% higher than current
rate of interest prevalent on the date of award. The current rate of interest has been
assigned the same meaning as assigned to the expression under Clause (b) of
Section 21 of the Interest Act, 1978.In addition, the new Act lays down detailed
parameters for deciding cost, besides providing that an agreement between the
parties, that the whole or part of the cost of arbitration is to be paid by the party shall
be effective only if such an agreement is made after the dispute in question had
arisen. Therefore, a generic clause in the agreement stating that cost shall be
shared by the parties equally, will not inhibit the tribunal from passing the decision
as to costs and making one of the parties to the proceedings to bear whole or as a
part of such cost, as may be decided by the tribunal.
15. Amendment of Section 34 (Limiting the gamut of Public Policy of India): As per
the new amendment, an award passed in an international arbitration, can only be set
aside on the ground that it is against the public policy of India if, and only if, – (i) the
award is vitiated by fraud or corruption; (ii) it is in contravention with the fundamental
policy of Indian law; (iii) it is in conflict with basic notions of morality and justice. The
present amendment has clarified that the additional ground of "patently illegality" to
challenge an award can only be taken for domestic arbitrations and not international
arbitrations. Further, the amendment provides that the domestic awards can be
challenged on the ground of patent illegality on the face of the award but the award
shall not be set aside merely on the ground of an erroneous application of law or by
re-appreciation of evidence. The new Act also provides that an application for
setting aside of an award can be filed only after issuing prior notice to the other
party. The party filing the application has to file an affidavit along with the application
endorsing compliance with the requirement of service of prior notice on the other
party. A time limit of one year from the date of service of the advance notice on the
other parties has been fixed for disposal of the application under Section 34.
Significantly, there is no provision in the new Act which empowers the court or the
parties to extend the aforesaid limit of one year for disposal of the application under
Section 34.
Composition of the ACI: The ACI will consist of a Chairperson who is either: (i) a Judge
of the Supreme Court; or (ii) a Judge of a High Court; or (iii) Chief Justice of a High Court;
or (iv) an eminent person with expert knowledge in conduct of arbitration. Other members
will include an eminent arbitration practitioner, an academician with experience in
arbitration, and government appointees.
Appointment of arbitrators: Under the 1996 Act, parties were free to appoint arbitrators.
In case of disagreement on an appointment, the parties could request the Supreme Court,
or the concerned High Court, or any person or institution designated by such Court, to
appoint an arbitrator.
Under the Bill, the Supreme Court and High Courts may now designate arbitral institutions,
which parties can approach for the appointment of arbitrators. For international
commercial arbitration, appointments will be made by the institution designated by the
Supreme Court. For domestic arbitration, appointments will be made by the institution
designated by the concerned High Court. In case there are no arbitral institutions
available, the Chief Justice of the concerned High Court may maintain a panel of
arbitrators to perform the functions of the arbitral institutions. An application for
appointment of an arbitrator is required to be disposed of within 30 days.
Relaxation of time limits: Under the 1996 Act, arbitral tribunals are required to make
their award within a period of 12 months for all arbitration proceedings. The Bill proposed
to remove this time restriction for international commercial arbitrations.
Completion of written submissions: Currently, there is no time limit to file written
submissions before an arbitral tribunal. The Bill requires that the written claim and the
defence to the claim in an arbitration proceeding, should be completed within six months
of the appointment of the arbitrators.
Confidentiality of proceedings: The Bill provides that all details of arbitration
proceedings will be kept confidential except for the details of the arbitral award in certain
circumstances. Disclosure of the arbitral award will only be made where it is necessary for
implementing or enforcing the award.
Applicability of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 2015: The Bill clarifies that the 2015
Act shall only apply to arbitral proceedings which started on or after October 23, 2015.
The amendment brought to the 1996 Act is certainly a positive step towards making
arbitration expeditious, efficacious and a cost effective remedy. The new amendments
seek to curb the practices leading to wastage of time and making the arbitration process
prohibitively a costly affair. The new law also makes the declaration by the arbitrator about
his independence and impartiality more realistic as compared to a bare formality under the
previous regime. Making the arbitrator responsible for delay in the arbitration proceedings,
for the reasons attributable to him, would ensure that the arbitrators do not take up
arbitrations, which are beyond their capacities. Such a deterrent would imbibe self-
discipline and control amongst the arbitrators. It can be said that the present amendments
certainly travel an extra mile towards reducing the interference of the Court in arbitration
proceedings that has been a consistent effort of the legislature since passing of the 1996
• Insurance business is one of the most highly regulated businesses globally for
reasons of equity and efficiency. It has a well-defined regulatory and legislative
framework to operate.
• The first Insurance Act was passed in 1938 and was brought into force from 1st July,
1939. This Act applies to the GIC and the four subsidiaries. The Act was amended in
the years 1950, 1968, 1988, 1999.
• The GIBNA Act came into force on 1st January, 1973. This Act is in pursuance of
clause (c) of Article 39 of the Constitution of India which reads thus:.
• The Insurance Act, 1938, recommended the appointment of the Controller of
Insurance, to ensure compliance of the various provisions under the Act by
insurance companies.
• The Committee on reforms of the insurance sector under the chairmanship of Shri R
N Malhotra, ex-governor of Reserve Bank of India, recommended the creation of a
more efficient and competitive financial system in tune with global trends.
• The Life Insurance Council seeks to play a significant and complementary role in
transforming India’s life insurance industry into a vibrant, trustworthy and profitable
service, helping the people of India on their journey to prosperity.
• The general insurance council aims to provide leadership on issues having a bearing
on the industry’s collective strength and image and to shape and influence decisions
made by the Government, regulator and other public authorities, within the country,
in order to benefit the industry collectively.
• The Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2015 was passed by the Lok Sabha on 4th
March, 2015 and by the Rajya Sabha yesterday i.e. on 12th March, 2015.The
passage of the Bill thus paved the way for major reform related amendments in the
Insurance Act, 1938, the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972
and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) Act, 1999.
• The investment performance of an insurance company affects profits, dividends,
interest credits on term etc.
• Insurance industry is highly regulated in all the countries, though the regulatory
framework differs from country to country. In some countries, regulation is in the
form of State monopoly and in some other countries, the Government controls
important aspects of business like licensing, minimum tariff, product approval etc.
• The purpose of financial reporting is to allow an assessment of the financial
condition and current operating results of a company. Life insurance contracts are,
on an average, long-term.
1. The LIC was nationalized in the year
(a) 1955 (b) 1962
(c) 1956 (d) 1966
(e) None of the above
2. The GIC was nationalized in the year
(a) 1977 (b) 1947
(c) 1972 (d. 1975
(e) None of the above
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (e)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (a)
1. Enumerate the circumstances when a member can be removed from the office
Ans. A member can be removed from office by the Central Government under the
following circumstances:
1. When he is adjudged an insolvent
2. When he has become physically or mentally incapable
3. When he has been convicted of any offence which involves moral turpitude
4. When he has acquired financial interest which is likely to prejudicially affect
his function as a member
5. When he has abused his position so as to render his continuation in office
detrimental to the public interest
2. Outline the functions of IRDAI, which highlights its developmental role?
Ans. Out of the innumerable functions of the IRDAI, those that highlight its developmental
role for the growth of the insurance markets in India are as follows:
• To regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance business and
reinsurance business.
Ans. Till recently, Government owned companies offered insurance services in India and
hence there was little doubt in the minds of the policyholders about the safety of
their savings. However, the same level of confidence cannot be expected in the
case of private companies. To gain this confidence, it is essential that there is a
fairly high level of transparency in their operations. Further, as the risk involved is
high, there should be adequate capital base for companies offering these services.
Larger capital base is also essential to spread the business and increase the volume
of business in order to gain the economies of scale. In this regard, IRDAI has issued
the following guidelines:
• Minimum paid-up capital of Rs.100 crore, for life/general insurance and
Rs.200 crore, in case of reinsurance business.
• Deposit with RBI, the least of (a) Rs. 10 crore, in cash or marketable approved
securities, or (b) a sum of 1% (for life insurance), 3% (for general insurance) of
the total gross premium written in India. In case of reinsurer the deposit
amount is Rs. 20 crore.
• Annual actuarial investigation.
• Solvency margins.
5 What strategies do you recommend to a new private sector insurer?
Ans. Insurance is comparatively a new business to the Indian corporate world as the LIC
and GIC and its subsidiaries were the only players in this market. In this new market,
the following strategic issues are to be identified:
• Tap potential market: There is vast untapped market for insurance in India.
• Investments in secured assets: For an insurance company the risk arises from
its liabilities side, i.e. due to the policies underwritten. Thus, investing in
secured assets should reduce risks on the assets side.
• Customized products: A large untapped market also gives scope to customize
the products. There was no proper product innovation that has been taking
place in the country.
• Market research: To identify the market to research identity the needs of
customer has to be undertaken. While LIC has more than 100 types of
policies, the level of awareness is very low. Historical data will enable the new
players identify the depth in the market and the scope for developing various
6 Why are most of the Indian companies venturing into the insurance sector
going through the JV ís route?
Ans. There are three important reasons due to which most of the Indian companies are
going through the JV ís route to enter into the insurance business:
• Regulatory prescriptions: Regulations require the Indian players to open an
insurance firm in collaboration with a foreign player, which has an equity
holding of not more than 26 per.cent in the company
Case Studies
XYZ Ltd. manufacturer of pharmaceuticals products , took a Consequential insurance
Policy (FLOP) for SI of Rs. 1,11,50,000 (Gross Profits). A fire occurred on 7. 3. 2015,
causing material damage of Rs. 20.50 lakh payable under Standard Fire Policy. The
Surveyors have collected the following information for determination of loss under fire loss
of profit policy:
Business trend: Increase 12%
3,40,12,000 3,40,12,000
Is it Admissible?
Loss as calculated above is to be adjusted with turnover trend, time excess,
underinsurance, etc. as given below:
Time excess: 3 days
Gross profit loss: 24.25 + 14.75 = 39 days
Loss for 3 days: 6,67,016 / 39 x 3 = Rs. 51.309
Indemnity for 36 days: 6,67,016 – 51,309 = Rs. 6,15,707
Now underinsurance to be verified
Annual turnover (as per last account) : Rs. 3,13,29,000
Adjusted turnover with increase trend 12%: Rs.3,50,88,480
Gross profit @ 32.1 % on Rs. 3,50,88,480 : Rs. 1,12,63,402
It is underinsurance as Rs. 1,12,63,402 is more than the SI of Rs. 1,11,50,000
Therefore, admissible claim is : Rs.6,15,707 x 1,11,50,000 / 1,12, 63,402 = Rs. 6,09,508