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1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................2
2. INSTALLATION AND SAFETY PROCEDURES..............................................3
3. DESCRIPTION OF THE AUTOMATIC SYSTEM .............................................4
3.1 Description of the control elements......................................................4
3.2 Description of the display elements .....................................................5
3.3 Description of the measuring and display system ................................6
3.4 Description of the system alarms.........................................................7
3.5 External communications...................................................................13
4. OPERATION MODES ....................................................................................14
4.1 System out of service ........................................................................14
4.2 Main supply in service gen-set blocked .............................................15
4.3 Automatic service Main supply - Gen-set – Main supply ....................16
4.4 Automatic service of the gen-set and manual stop.............................18
5. MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE SHOOTING ..............................................19
5.1 Maintenance......................................................................................19
5.2 Trouble shooting................................................................................19
6.1 Structure of the byte weft per default ................................................ 21
6.2 Weft of reading: function 03...............................................................21
6.3 Weft of writing: function 06 ................................................................21
6.4 Map of memory registers ...................................................................22
6.5 Calculation of the control word CRC..................................................23
Dimensions and location elements diagrams.
General electric diagrams.

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The load transfer control equipments CON-2000MP and CON-2100MP are designed to
automatically control electrical power load transfer systems between mains supply and an
automatic start generating set supply.

The operation of these equipments is based in a microprocessor that they include. A

simple change of a working key allows the user to choose the appropiate program to
control load transfers by contactors, motorised switches, or by motorised breakers of
different models and manufacturers.

The CON-2000MP and CON-2100MP include a display of 32 digits distributed between

two lines, which show the automatic processes of the equipment. This display also
indicates time delays counting down to zero, and displays electrical measuraments of the
mains supply and of the gen-set supply.

Through a synoptic located in the front part of the equipment, it is always possible to
check the state of the load transfer by means of signal LEDs.

These equipments are suitable for installations in which complete control of the load
transfer is required, providing accurate information about the present state of the load
transfer, providing exact information of any anomaly or alarm, and being able to start and
stop the generating set from the load transfer panel connecting manually or automatically
the load to the generating set.

They are also appropiate in installations with more than one load transfer switch, where
an independent control, manual or automatic, is required for each one of them. When they
are in automatic mode, the gen-set will only feed the consumers of the load transfer
switches where mains supply has failed.

The CON-2100MP differs from the CON-2000MP in that the first includes a RS-485
computer communicaton line, allowing remote access to all system functions and alarms.
In order to avoid interruption to the power supply while the generator starts in response to
a power failure, the CON-2100MP can be connected to an external 10-30V DC auxiliar
feed. This auxiliar power can be obtained by the battery of the gen-set.

The CON-2100MP equipment is also capable of measuring the current of the load transfer
switch utilization line, if current transformers have been incorporated in this utilization line
(this is an option in the load transfer panel).

The load transfer power panels manufactured by ELECTRA MOLINS, S.A. for use with
the CON-2000MP are the following models: QC20 with contactors, QS20 with motorised
switches or QI20 with motorised breakers.

The load transfer power panels manufactured by ELECTRA MOLINS, S.A. for use with
the CON-2100MP are the following models: QC21 with contactors, QS21 with motorised
switches or QI21 with motorised breakers.

The CON-2000MP and CON-2100MP can also be supplied separately for mounting in
load transfer switches not manufactured by ELECTRA MOLINS, S.A.

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The installation of the load transfer panels manufactured by ELECTRA MOLINS S.A.
should be carried out according to section 7 of the installation manual of the generating

When the load transfer panels CON-2000MP and CON-2100MP are supplied separately
to be mounted in the load transfer switch of another manufacturer, the customer must
inform to ELECTRA MOLINS of the make and the model of the circuit breaker to be
assembled. ELECTRA MOLINS will then provide the appropriate circuit diagram for the
load transfer assembly with the chosen circuit breakers and the CON-2000MP or CON-
2100MP equipment.

Before assembling the equipment the following checks must be carried out:

• Check the equipment supply voltage. See indication in the same set. Standard supply
voltage: Three phase with neutral 400 V AC (other voltages on request). Frequency:
50/60 Hz.

• Check that the rated current of the breakers is suitable for the installation.

Before putting the equipment under voltage, the following points should be

• Check that all connections have been made according to the “Load transfer panel
electrical scheme”.

• Check the panel has its mass terminal connected to an effective earth wire.

• Check that the insulation of the electrical installation complies with the Low Voltage

• Ensure that the neutral conductor of the alternator follows the regulations of “earthing”
in one of the three following systems: TT (neutral to earth and mass to earth with
independent earth points); TN (neutral to earth and mass to neutral); IT (insulated
neutral and mass to earth). The most common system in Spain is TT.

Safety precautions:

• Do not touch electrically live parts of the panel or interconnecting cables or conductors
with any part of the body or with any non insulated conductive object.

• Use only class BC or class ABC extinguishers in electrical fires. Never use water or
foam extinguishers if the generating set or the equipment are under electrical voltage.

• In the event of accident by electric shock, do not touch the victim with bare hands until
the source of electricity has been turned off. If this is not possible, separate the victim
using insulated material, or stand on an insulated material and pull the victim clear of
the conductor.

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The location of the elements that compose the equipment can be seen in the plan
“Dimensions and location of the elements in CON-2000MP equipment”.

3.1 Description of the control elements.

S1 Selector of three positions that determine the mode of operation:

System out of service ………………...................……Upper position.
Mains supply service. Gen-set blocked ……….....…Intermediate position.
Automatic service mains - set - mains ……..…....... Lower position.
For the “Automatic service mains-set-mains” to be effective it is necessary that
the AUT-MP10 panel of the genset is also in “Automatic service”.

S2 “Gen-set manual run and stop” button. This button is only operative when the
S1 selector is in “Automatic service mains - set - mains“. The use of this button
will give the order to start or stop the generating set. The start order is signalled
with a luminescent pilot of the “led” type.

S3 “Gen-set in priority service” button. This button is only operative when the S1
selector is in “Automatic service mains - set - mains”. When this button is
pressed, priority will be given to the generating set´s service. The load will be
connected to the generating set, provided that the set is running and available.
This operation will be signalled by a luminescent pilot of the “led” type. The use of
this button does not give an order to start. The gen-set can previously be started
manually by S2 button. When the S3 button is pressed again, the generating
set´s service priority is cancelled and the priority of the mains service is restored.

S4 “Fix display of measures” button. The digital screen can show several
informations which are displayed one after the other in a cyclic way. The button
to fix the display of measurements is only operative when the display shows
measures of time or electrical magnitudes. When the “Fix display of measures”
button is pressed, the measures on display at that moment are fixed in the
screen. It is only fixed the display of the measures, but not the value of the
measures that is updated every second. When the button is pressed again, the
following screens of measurements or messages will be displayed.

S5 “Alarms reset” button. When this button is pressed, the memorisation of all the
tripped alarms will be erased.

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3.2 Description of the signalization LEDs.

H1.0 Out of Service LED. Indicates that the equipment has been put in the mode of
“System out of service”.

H1.1 Mains Service Only LED. It indicates that the equipment has been put in the
mode of “Mains supply service” and “Gen-set blocked”.

H1.2 Automatic Service LED. It indicates that the equipment is programmed for
“Automatic service mains - set - mains”.

H2 Gen-set start LED. It indicates that the order has been given for “Manual run of
the gen-set”.

H3 Gen-set Priority LED. It indicates that the button “Gen-set in priority service” has
been pressed.

H4 Measurement LED. It indicates that the measurement parameters of the display

have been fixed.

H5 Alarm LED. It indicates, with a flashing light, that an alarm in the system exists.

H6 Mains Voltage LED. This LED indicates the presence of voltage on the input
terminals of the mains circuit breaker. The flashing of this LED means that there
is voltage at the input of the mains breaker but that the voltage is incorrect. When
the lighting is fixed, it means that the voltage is correct and that the time delay of
the “stabilization cycle” has finished. Mains supply is available for immediate

H7 Gen-set Voltage LED. This LED indicates the presence of voltage on the input
terminals of the generating set breaker. The flashing of this LED means that
there is voltage in the input of the gen-set breaker but that the voltage is
incorrect. When the lighting is fixed, it means that the voltage is correct and that
the generating set is available for immediate service.

H8 Mains Service LED. It indicates that the mains breaker is connected.

H9 Gen-set Service LED. It indicates that the gen-set breaker is connected.

Tx Transmission LED. (Only for CON-2100MP). It indicates that data transmission

through the RS-485 line is going on.

Rx Reception LED. (Only for CON-2100MP equipment). It indicates that data

reception from the RS-485 line is going on.

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3.3 Description of the Measuring and Display System.

H13 Digital screen (display). The equipment is fitted with a screen that can display 32
digits divided into two lines. This screen displays the electrical measurements, the
operation modes of the system, and the count down of the timers and the alarms of the
equipment. All the messages appearing on the screen are displayed as the program
develops, and appear cyclically.

The first screen of measurements displays the mains voltage in the three phases.
These measurements are taken in TRMS and shown as three digits in 1 v increments,
with a maximum error of ± 1% ± one digit. It is displayed in the following manner:

U.12 U.23 U.31

400V 398V 403V

The second screen of measurements displays the mains frequency. These

measurements are shown as three digits in 0.1 Hz increments, with a maximum error
of ± 0.1 Hz. It is displayed in the following way:

50.0 Hz

The third screen displays the gen-set voltage and frequency. The features of these
readings are similar to the previous screens. It is displayed in the following manner:

402V 50.2 Hz

The CON-2100MP measurements the current of the load transfer utilization line if the
current transformers have been included in this line (this is an option in the load
transfer panel). It is displayed in the following manner:

I1-A I2-A I3-A

638 646 789

The display increment is 1 A and it is measured with four digits. The maximum error is
± 1% ± one digit.

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3.4 Description of the System Alarms.

The equipment controls 4 alarms connected with the mains breaker, 4 alarms
connected with the generating set breaker, and also warns that the gen-set is not in
“Automatic service”. In the case the gen-set is not in automatic service, the start or stop
orders, that are manually or automatically given from the load transfer control
equipment, are ignored by the generating set.

The 4 alarms controlled by the equipment that are connected with the mains breaker
are the following:

Failure of the mains breaker connection.

Failure in the mains breaker disconnection.
Current relays of the mains breaker.
Mains breaker disconnection.

The 4 alarms controlled by the equipment connected with the gen-set breaker are the

Failure of the gen-set breaker connection.

Failure in the gen-set breaker disconnection.
Current relays of the gen-set breaker.
Gen-set breaker disconnection.

When an alarm has been tripped, the display will show the alarm, and the “alarms
reset” LED will flash until the problem is solved. The alarm may be reset with the
“alarms reset” button.

The full list of alarms can be displayed by first placing the S1 selector in “System out of
service” position, and then pressing the “Alarms reset” button.

The alarms are described in detail as follows:

Failure of the Mains Breaker Connection. Following the command to close the mains
breaker, if connection is not made during the first attempt, but the second is successful,
the display will show the following message:


If the connection is not made during the second attempt, but it is successful in the third,
the display will show the following message:


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If it is not connected during any of the three programmed attempts, the display will
show the following message:


When mains has not been connected during any of the three attempts, the equipment
will order the gen-set to start and go into service, thus maintaining the electrical supply.

When the alarms reset button is pressed to erase this alarm, the equipment will switch
off the gen-set breaker and will try to connect the mains breaker again. If the mains
breaker does not connect at first attempt, the previously described process of this
alarm will start again.

Failure in the Mains Breaker Disconnection. If the opening of the mains breaker
does not take place in the specified time, the display will show the following alarm:


When the equipment detects this alarm, it will not allow the connection of the gen-set.
When the alarms reset button is pressed to erase this alarm, the equipment will try to
disconnect the mains breaker again. If it does not disconnect, this alarm will appear

Current Relays of the Mains Breaker. When the mains breaker includes current
relays and overcurrent is detected by these relays, the mains breaker (normally an
automatic circuit breaker) will be disconnected. If the mains breaker includes a signal
contact of the current relays tripped, and it is properly connected to CON-2000MP
equipment, the display will show the following alarm:


Since this alarm trips when an overcurrent is detected, the equipment does not allow
the start of the gen-set, preventing damage to the gen-set for this overcurrent. The load
transfer is then blocked and out of service, and the H10 “System out of service” LED
will flash.

The resetting of this alarm, and restoration of service of mains supply should be done
in three steps. First, selector S1 should be placed in its upper position, “System out of
service,” so that the H10 LED will stop flashing. In this position the “alarms reset
button” will be activated, and the breaker will be automatically replaced in the zero
position. To connect the mains breaker again, it is sufficient to place the S1 selector in
any of the other two positions.

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Mains Breaker Disconnection. If while being connected the mains breaker is

disconnected for an unknown reason, the following alarm will appear:


This alarm operates in different ways, depending on whether the mains breaker has or
not an external signal contact of breaker trigged by the current relays of the mains

If the mains breaker includes this contact, the equipment relates this alarm to a
different cause from an overcurrent.

In this case, when this alarm is detected, the equipment will order the generating set to
start and go into service, thus keeping the electrical supply.

When the “alarms reset” button is pressed to cancel this alarm, the equipment will
switch off the gen-set breaker and will order the connection of the mains breaker. If it
does not switch on, the gen-set breaker will switch on again and this alarm will appear.

If the mains breaker does not include the external signal contact of breaker trigged by
the current relays of the mains breaker, the equipment considers an overcurrent the
most probable cause of disconnection.

For this reason, the equipment will not order the start of the gen-set, preventing
damage to the gen-set for this overcurrent. The load transfer is then blocked and out of
service, and H10 LED “System out of service” will flash.

The resetting of this alarm, and restoration of service of mains supply should be done
in three steps. First, selector S1 should be placed in its upper position, “System out of
service,” so that the H10 LED will stop flashing. In this position the “alarms reset
button” will be activated, and the breaker will be automatically replaced in the zero
position. To connect the mains breaker again, it is sufficient to place the S1 selector in
any of the other two positions.

Failure of the Gen-set Breaker Connection. Following the command to close the
gen-set breaker, if connection is not made during the first attempt, but the second is
successful, the display will show the following message:


If the connection is not made during the second attempt, but it is successful in the third,
the display will show the following message:


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If it is not connected during any of the three programmed attempts, the display will
show the following message:


When the alarms reset button is pressed to erase this alarm, the equipment will try to
connect the gen-set breaker again. If the gen-set breaker does not connect at first
attempt, the previously described process of this alarm will start again.

Failure in the Gen-set Breaker Disconnection. If the opening of the gen-set breaker
does not take place in the specified time, the display will show the following alarm:


When the equipment detects this alarm, it does not allow the mains breaker to connect.
When the alarm reset button is pressed to erase this alarm, the equipment will try to
disconnect the gen-set breaker again. If it does not disconnect, this alarm will appear

Current Relays of the Gen-set Breaker. When the gen-set breaker includes current
relays and overcurrent is detected by these relays, the gen-set breaker (normally an
automatic circuit breaker) will be disconnected. If the gen-set breaker includes a signal
contact of the current relays tripped, and it is properly connected to CON-2000MP
equipment, the display will show the following alarm:


Since this alarm trips when an overcurrent is detected, the load transfer will be blocked
and put out of service until the problem is resolved, and the H10, “System out of
service” LED will flash.

The resetting of this alarm and setting into service of the gen-set should be done in
three steps. First, selector S1 will be placed in its upper position, “System out of
service”, so that H10 LED will stop flashing. In this position the “alarms reset button”
will be activated, and the breaker will be automatically replaced in the zero position. To
connect the gen-set breaker again, it is sufficient to place the S1 selector in “Automatic
service” position.

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Gen-set Breaker Disconnection. If, while being connected, the gen-set breaker is
disconnected for an unknown reason, the following alarm will appear:


This alarm operates in different ways, depending on whether the gen-set breaker has
or not an external signal contact of breaker trigged by the current relays of the gen-set

If the gen-set breaker includes this contact, the equipment relates this alarm to a
different cause from an overcurrent, and thus it will not order to block the load transfer.

When the “alarms reset” button is pressed to cancel this alarm, the equipment will
order the gen-set breaker to switch on. If it does not connect, this alarm will reappear.

If this alarm is on and the load transfer is not blocked, when the main supply is
restored, it will come into service immediately.

If the gen-set breaker does not include the external signal contact of gen-set breaker
trigged by the current relays of the gen-set breaker, the equipment considers an
overcurrent the most probable cause of disconnection. For this reason, the equipment
will order to block the load transfer in order to avoid damage to the mains due to thhis
overcurrent when mains supply is restored. The H10 LED “System out of service” will

The resetting of this alarm and putting the gen-set into service, should be done in three
steps. First, the S1 selector should be placed in its upper position, “System out of
service” so that H10 LED will stop flashing. In this position the “alarms reset button” will
be activated, and the breaker will be automatically replaced in the zero position. To
connect the gen-set breaker again, it is sufficient to place the S1 selector in “Automatic
service” position.

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Gen-set in Non-automatic Service. When the gen-set is not in “automatic service”,

the display wil show the following message:


This situation can happen when the AUT-MP10 control panel is placed in “Manual
service” or in “System out of service”. It can also happen when an alarm, which has led
to the stopping of the generating set, has tripped.

Even though as in all other alarms, the “alarms reset” LED of the CON-2000MP will be
flashing, the “alarms reset” button of the CON-2000MP cannot operate the AUT-MP10
equipment of the gen-set. The situation “Gen-set in non-automatic service” can only be
modified from AUT-MP10 panel of the generating set.

Meanwhile, while the gen-set is in non-automatic service, the orders to start or to stop,
given either manual or automatically from load transfer equipment, are ignored by the
generating set.

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3.5 External Communications

Outlet communication by contacts:

When the equipment detects any of the alarms previously described, it can produce a
remote external signalization using a volt free non-biased contact included in CON-

The equipment provides another signal by a volt free contact to partially block the
utilization load when the generating set is in service. This signal can be used in case
the power of the gen-set is lower than the load normally supplied by mains, assuring
sufficient electrical supply to the prioritary consumer.

Optionally, the last signal can be temporized. For example, it is possible to connect part
of the load 5 seconds after the initial connection step. This avoids the possibility that
the load connected initially to the generating set exceed the first step of the gen-set
admissible load.

The orders to the mains and gen-set breakers are given by contacts. One or more
outlet contacts will be used depending on the kind of breaker, with a maximum of 7
contacts per breaker.

Inlet Communication from External Contacts:

There are two inlets for introducing the tripping signal of overcurrent or short-circuit
relays of some mains and gen-set automatic circuit breakers in the CON-2000MP
equipment, to make better the operation logic of the equipment.

There are two more inlets used for knowing if the breakers have carried out correctly
the orders previously sent by the CON-2000MP equipment.

The system also includes a biased inlet to start the gen-set from a remote signal. This
signal can be given from an hourly or weekly programmer. The CON-2000MP
equipment can be supplied programmed from the factory so that the activation by the
programmer produces the connection of the load to the generating set or that it does
not, according to the customer indications.

External Communication Bus.

The CON-2100 MP includes a RS-485 bidirectional system of communication Mod-bus

opto-coupled allowing communication with a remote control centre with a computer or a
programmable automate. In order to avoid interruption to the power supply while the
generator starts in response to a power failure, the CON-2100MP can be connected to
an external 10-30V DC auxiliary supply. This auxiliary power can be obtained from the
battery of the gen-set. For details of the communication protocol, see section 6 in this

It can be checked if the communication is taking place through two LEDs located in the
front part of the equipment. If there is data transmission the Tx LED will light, and if
there is data reception it will light the Rx LED.

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4.1 System Out of Service.

The S1 selector in “System out of service” position switches off both breakers, mains
and gen-set, and desactivates the gen-set. The display will show the following


If the equipment receives the mains voltage, the display will show the voltage and the
frequency by means of two successive screens:

U.12 U.23 U.31

400V 398V 403V

50.0 Hz

Even though the load transfer control equipment is in “System out of service” position,
it is possible that the generating set is running, due to a manual start from the gen-set
itself, or because it has received a starting order from another load transfer panel (in
the case that there is more than one load transfer). If the generating set is running, the
screen will display the measurements of voltage and frequency:

403V 50.2Hz

If any button is pressed while the generating set is out of service, (except from “alarm
reset”), the display will show the most importants indications for data transmission
through RS-485 (only in CON-2100MP model).

00H 2K4 18I1 V12

The three first digits indicate the identification of the equipment, H being the reminder
that this identification is done in hexadecimal. The following group of three digits
indicate the speed of data transmission of the equipment in thousands of bauds: 1k2,
2k4, 4k8, and 9k6.

The third group is composed of four digits. It indicates the communication byte
structure. The first digit indicates the number of bits of start, (it will always be one). The
second digit indicates the number of bits of data, (it will always be 8). The third digit is
the parity control digit that detects errors: N means that the parity bit does not exist, P
means pair parity, and I means odd parity. The fourth digit indicates the number of stop
bits. It can be one or two.

The last group of three digits indicates the version of the operation program
incorporated to the equipment. This group is also in the CON-2000MP equipment.
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4.2 Mains Supply Service - Gen-set Blocked.

When the S1 selector is in “Mains supply service-gen-set blocked” position, the

equipment only controls the mains breaker depending on the mains voltage. It keeps
the mains breaker connected while the mains voltage remains inside a range of values.

In case of mains failure, it will not give the order to start the gen-set. When mains
supply is restored with a correct voltage, the following screen will display:


Once the mains stabilization time has finished, the following message will appear:

IN 05.0 SEC.

The delay time for getting mains into service, which can be programmed to the desired
time, within a valid range, will be used to avoid, in the case that there is more than one
load transfer, that they enter at the same time. In the case that there is only one load
transfer, it will be adjusted to zero seconds. Once this time delay has finished, the
mains breaker switches on and it displays the following message:


In this mode of operation the digital screen will display cyclically the mains voltage and
the frequency:

U.12 U.23 U.31

400V 398V 403V

50.0 Hz

If the equipment is CON-2100MP model, and in the power load transfer panel have
been mounted current transformers in the utilization circuit, the screen will display the
measurements of current of each phase:

I1-A I2.A I3-A

1238 1246 1589

After this screen displaying the currents, another screen with the display of the
electrical parameters of the gen-set will appear:

000V 00.0Hz

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4.3 Automatic Service Mains - Set - Mains.

The S1 selector in “Automatic Service Mains - Set - Mains” position is the position for
the starting of the gen-set on mains failure. The equipment includes a three phase
detection of mains failure for minimum voltage, maximum voltage, unbalanced phases
voltage, and repeated microcuts.

To avoid that the equipment activates the order to start the gen-set when a microcut in
mains supply happens, the equipment takes a time delay, normally 1 second, when it
detects a mains failure before ordering to start to the generating set. If this time delay is
completed and the mains failure remains, then it orders the start. If the mains failure is
less than 1 second, it is considered a microcut and the gen-set does not start.

Even though the equipment does not start the gen-set when a microcut happens, it will
be considered a mains failure if there are repeated microcuts during a preset time, and
then it will order the start of the generating set.

The CON-2000MP has no voltage while the generator starts in response to a power
failure, so there will not be any indication. This is not a problem so the order to start is
generated by a contact normally closed when there is no voltage. In the CON-2100MP,
if the auxiliary supply has been connected to the battery of the gen-set, the screen will


When the gen-set is available the following message will be displayed:

IN 05.0 SEC.

This time delay until getting the gen-set into service, which can be programmed to the
desired time within a valid range, will be used to avoid, in the case that there is more
than one load transfer, that they do not enter at the same time. In the case that there is
only one load transfer, it will be adjusted to zero seconds. Once this time delay has
finished, the gen-set breaker switches on and it displays the following message:


With the gen-set in service, the display will show the voltage and frequency of the gen-
403V 50.1Hz

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If the equipment is CON-2100MP model, and current transformers in the utilization

circuit have been mounted in the power load transfer panel, the screen will display the
measurements of current of each phase that correspond in this moment to the current
provided by the gen-set:

I1-A I2.A I3-A

0456 0467 0458

It will also display the mains voltage of the three phases and the frequency:

U.12 U.23 U.31

000V 000V 000V

00.0 Hz

When the mains supply is restored to a correct value of voltage, the screen will display
the stabilization cycle:


IN 0300 SEC.

Mains supply is not considered to be correct until the time delay of the stabilization
cycle has passed without any incidence. This means that if, during this time delay,
mains supply undergoes micro-cuts, or it is beyond the limits for a moment, the time
delay initiates again.

Once the time delay has finished without any problem, the display will show the
following message:

05.0 SEC.

This time delay until getting mains into service will be used to avoid, in the case that
there is more than one load transfer, that they enter at the same time. In the case that
there is only one load transfer, it will be adjusted to zero seconds. Once this time delay
has finished, the mains breaker switches on and it displays the following message:


Once the load transfer is completed, it will order the gen-set to stop.

When the S1 selector is in “Automatic Service Mains - Set - Mains” position, selectors
S2 (“Gen-set manual run and stop”), and S3 (“Gen-set in priority service”) are
operative. The gen-set can be manually started by pressing S2, and the load manually
connected by pressing S3.
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4.4 Automatic Service of the Gen-set and Manual Stop.

This mode of operation is carried out by placing the S1 selector in “Automatic service
mains - set - mains” position and leaving the S3 selector activated (“Gen-set in priority

If there is a main supply failure, the generating set goes automatically into service.
When the S3 selector, “Gen-set in priority service” is activated, and the mains supply is
restored, the load transfer from gen-set to mains is not carried out automatically. This
load transfer will be manually carried out by switching off the S3 selector.

This mode of operation is useful when it is desired that the load transfer from gen-set to
mains is done at the right moment. For example, when the shift of a factory ends,
which is when the small cut, characteristic of any load transfer, causes less

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5.1 Maintenance.

To carry out maintenance of the electrical equipment, it is only required check all the
automatisms through its automatic system once or twice per year. If it is needed,
retighten all its terminals, both handling and power, and clean the gen-set with dry
compressed air or with a vacuum cleaner.

It is recommended to have a book of incidents to keep a record of all operations carried

out on the generating set. This record should include the following: dates and hours of
operation, work done, problems found, parts replaced, and the name of the technician
or technicians who carried out the maintenance.

5.2 Trouble Shooting.


Gen-set does not start There is no 1. Check visually if the gen-set has started.
on mains failure. voltage in the gen- 2. Check if the equipment has given the start order.
set. 3. Check the fuses of the gen-set that feed the
4. Check that the gen-set has the signal of gen-set
Mains breaker 1. Check the handling circuit breakers of the gen-set
does not connect, breaker.
and there is the 2. Check that gen-set breaker receives the closing
signal of gen-set order from the equipment.
available. 3. Check the operation of the gen-set breaker.
When mains supply is It does not appear 1. Check the three phase circuit breakers of the
restored, the load the indication of mains voltage detection.
transfer is not carried mains available.
out. It appears the 1. Check that the button of gen-set in priority service
indication of mains is not activated.
available. 2. Check the handling circuit breakers of the mains
3. Check that mains breaker receives the closing
order from the equipment.
4. Check the operation of the mains breaker.

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The connection of a computer to one or more CON-2100MP is done through an screened

cable line that allows the series communication RS-485 master-slave between the
computer and the CON-2100MP equipment. To connect a RS-485 line to the PC
computer a converter module from RS-485 to RS-232 optocoupled with RTS control as it
is shown in the drawing will be used:

In the case that the communication is established with a PLC, the RS-485 communication
line must also be optocoupled in the appropriate inlet of the PLC.

Each CON-2100MP equipment connected to the RS-485 communication line has

assigned an identification number, from 90 to 99; (for other identifications ask), to allow
the communication with the PC computer. This number is marked in a label with the word
“Control” in the back part of each equipment. If the identification number was 00, all the
equipment connected to the RS-485 communication line would reply.

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6.1 Structure of the Default Byte Configuration.

The default programmed byte configuration is the following:

Baud rate: 9600 baud

1 start bit – 8 data bits – No parity bit – 1stop bit

6.2 Reading Structure: Function 03.

Inquiry - AFXXYY[CRC] – It reads from XX address, YY registers.

A = Identification number (00h-FFh).

F = Function to execute (03h).
XX = Initial address to be read (0000h-FFFFh).
YY = Number of addresses that it will read (0000h-FFFFh).
[CRC] = Control character (calculated according to section 6.5)

Answer - AFNZZ...ZZ[CRC] – It returns the requested data.

A = Identification number (00h-FFh).

F = Executed function (03h).
N = Number of returned bytes (00-FEh).
ZZ...ZZ = Each address has two bytes of data (0000h-FFFFh).
[CRC] = Control character (calculated according to section 6.5).

6.3 Writing Structure: Function 06.

Inquiry - AFXXYY[CRC] – It writes in XX address the data YY.

A = Identification number (00h-FFh).

F = Function to execute (06h).
XX = Address where to write the YY data (0000h-FFFFh).
YY = Data to be written in XX address (0000h-FFFFh).
[CRC] = Control character (calculated according to section 6.5).

Answer – AFXXYY[CRC] – It returns the writing.

A = Identification number (00h-FFh).

F = Executed function (06h).
XX = Address where we have written YY data (0000h-FFFFh).
YY = Data that we have written in XX address (0000h-FFFFh).
[CRC] = Control character (calculated according to section 6.5)

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6.4 Map of Memory Registers.


7A00 R Mains voltage L1-L2 (LSB:MSB)
7A01 R Mains voltage L2-L3 (LSB:MSB)
7A02 R Mains voltage L3-L1 (LSB:MSB)
7A03 R Mains frequency with two decimals (LSB:MSB)
7A04 R Gen-set voltage (LSB:MSB)
7A05 R Gen-set frequency with two decimals (LSB:MSB)
7A06 R Utilization current L1 (LSB:MSB)
7A07 R Utilization current L2 (LSB:MSB)
7A08 R Utilization current L3 (LSB:MSB)
7A09 R Bit 14 = Non-automatic gen-set service alarm.
Bit 13 = Current relays gen-set breaker alarm.
Bit 12 = Current relays mains breaker alarm.
Bit 11 = Failure in the disconnection of the gen-set breaker alarm.
Bit 10 = Failure in the disconnection of the mains breaker alarm.
Bit 9 = Failure of the connection of the gen-set breaker alarm
when the closing order is given (at first attempt for
contactors or at third attempt for circuit breakers), or Alarm
of disconnection of the gen-set breaker if it is disconnected
for unknown reason.
Bit 8 = Failure of the connection of the mains breaker alarm
when the closing order is given (at first attempt for
contactors or at third attempt for circuit breakers), or Alarm
of disconnection of the mains breaker if it is disconnected
for unknown reason.
Bit 3 = Free.
Bit 2 = Free.
Bit 1 = Failure in the connection of the gen-set breaker
when the closing order is given at firs and at second
attempt alarm. Only for circuit breakers.
Bit 0 = Failure in the connection of the mains breaker
when the closing order is given at firs and at second
attempt alarm. Only for circuit breakers.

7A0A R Bit 14 = Out of service LED.

Bit 13 = Alarm LED.
Bit 12 = Measurement LED.
Bit 11 = Starting gen-set LED.
Bit 10 = Priority gen-set LED.
Bit 9 = Automatic service LED.
Bit 8 = Only mains service LED.
Bit 3 = Gen-set service LED.
Bit 2 = Mains service LED.
Bit 1 = Gen-set voltage LED.
Bit 0 = Mains voltage LED.

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7A0B R
Bit 15 = Mains current relay inlet.
Bit 14 = Mains in service inlet.
Bit 13 = Gen-set current relay inlet.
Bit 12 = Gen-set in service inlet.
Bit 11 = Gen-set available inlet.
Bit 10 = Non-automatic gen-set inlet.
Bit 9 = Optional inlet.
Bit 8 = Programmer inlet.
7A0C R Version number programme in ASCII (LSB:MSB)
0000 (Note 1) W Register of key tap:
2000 (Note 2) 0003h = "Manual start and stop of the gen-set" button
0004h = "Gen-set in priority service" button
0005h = "Fix display of measurements" button
0006h = "Alarms Reset" button
Note 1: C42 versions or preceding
Note 2: C43 versions and following

6.5 Calculation of the Control Character CRC.

1.- Load a register of 16 bits with FFFF hex (all bits to 1). Name this register CRC.

2.- Apply an Exclusive OR to the 8 former bits of the message with the least significant
byte of the CRC register; note the result in the CRC register.

3.- Move the CRC register one bit to the left (towards the least significant bit LSB) and put
to 0 the most significant bit (MSB). Extract and analyze the LSB.

4.- If LSB is 0, repeat step 3 (another displacement). If the LSB is 1, apply an Exclusive
OR to the CRC register with the polynomial value A001 hex (1010 0000 0000 0001).

5.- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until having displaced 8 positions. Once carried out, one whole
byte will have been processed (8 bits).

6.- Repeat steps 2 to 5 for the following byte (8 bits) of the message. Continue doing this
until having processed all the bytes of the message.

Result: The ending content of the CRC register is the value of the CRC.

7.- Once the CRC is placed in the message, the upper and lower bytes must be
interchanged in the following mode

Transmit CRC with the Message

When the CRC, which includes 16 bits (2 bytes of 8 bits each one), is transmitted with the
message, the least significant byte will be transmitted first, and immediately behind will be
the most significant byte:
For instance: if the CRC value is 1241 hex (0001 0010 0100 0001), the transmission
sequence would be 4112 hex (0100 0001 0001 0010).

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