UG Syllabus Final - Updated 25.03.2022

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(Applicable from the academic session 2020-2021)

[An Autonomous Institute]

Haldia, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India, 721657

Approved by: All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

Affiliated to: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT),
West Bengal
(Formerly Known as - WBUT)

1st Year: 1st Semester

A. Theory
Contact Hours/week Credit
Sl Points
No Field Theory
L T P Total
1. BS-M 101 Mathematics-I 3 1 0 4 4
2. BS-CH 101 Chemistry-I 3 1 0 4 4
3. ES-CS 101 Programming for Problem Solving 3 1 0 4 4
4. HM-HU 101 English Language & Technical Comm. 2 0 0 2 2
Total Theory 14 14
B. Practical
5. BS-CH 191 Chemistry-I Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
6. ES-CS 191 Programming Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
7. ES-ME 192 Engineering Drawing 0 0 3 3 2.5
8. HM-HU Language Lab 0 0 2 2 1
Total Practical 11 6.5
Total 25 20.5

1st Year: 2nd Semester

A. Theory
Contact Hours/week Credit
Sl Points
No Field Theory
L T P Tota
. l
1. BS-M 201 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 4 4
2. BS-PH Physics-I 3 1 0 4 4
3. ES-EE 201 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engg. 3 1 0 4 4
Total Theory 16 12
B. Practical
4. BS-PH Physics-I Lab 0 0 3 3 1.5
5. ES-EE 291 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engg. 0 0 3 3 1.5
6. ES-ME Workshop Practice 1 0 3 4 2.5
Total Practical 10 5.5
Total 26 17.5
C. Non Credit Course
7. XC-281 Extra Curricular Activity (NSS, etc.) 0 0 2 2 0

2nd Year: 3rd Semester

A. Theory
Contact Hours/week Credit
Sl Points
No Field Theory
L T P Tota
. l
1. EC301 Electronic Devices 3 0 0 3 3
2. EC302 Digital System Design 3 0 0 3 3
3. EC303 Signals and Systems 3 0 0 3 3
4. EC304 Network Theory 3 0 0 3 3
5. ES-CS301 Data Structure (ES) 3 0 0 3 3
6. BS-M301 Mathematics-III(BS) 2 0 0 2 2
Total Theory 17 17
B. Practical
7. EC391 Electronic Devices Lab. 0 0 2 2 1
8. EC392 Digital System Design Lab. 0 0 2 2 1
9. EC393 Signals and Network lab 0 0 2 2 1
10 ES-CS391 Data Structure & Algorithm Lab 0 0 2 2 1
11 HS- Soft Skill Development Lab 0 0 2 2 1
Total 8 5
Total 25 22
C. Non Credit Course
12 MC381 Environmental Science 0 0 2 2 0

2ndYear: 4th Semester

A. Theory
Contact Hours/week Credit
Sl Points
Field Theor
No L T P Tota
. l
1. EC401 AnalogCommunication 3 0 0 3 3
2. EC402 Analog Electronic Circuits 3 0 0 3 3
3. EC403 Microprocessor &Microcontrollers 3 0 0 3 3
4. ES-CS401 Design & Analysis of 3 0 0 3 3
5. BS-M401 Numerical Methods(BS) 2 0 0 2 2
6. BS-PH401 Engineering Electromagnetics (BS) 2 0 0 2 2

Total 16 16
B. Practical
7. EC491 Analog Communication Lab 0 0 2 2 1
8. EC492 Analog Electronic Circuits Lab. 0 0 2 2 1
9 EC493 Microprocessor & Microcontrollers 0 0 2 2 1
10 BS-M491 Numerical Methods Lab (BS) 0 0 2 2 1
Total Practical 8 4
Total 24 20

3rdYear: 5thSemester
A. Theory Contact Hours/week Credit
Sl Points
No Field Theory
L T P Total
1. EC501 EM Waves and 3 0 0 3 3
Transmission Lines
2. EC502 Digital Signal 3 0 0 3 3
3. EC503 Digital Communication 3 1 0 4 4
4. EC504 Computer Architecture 3 0 0 3 3
5. PE-EC505 A/B/C Program Elective I 3 0 0 3 3
6. OE-EC506 A/B/C Open Elective I 3 0 0 3 3
Total 18 19
B. Practical
7. EC591 EM Waves and Transmission Lines Lab 0 0 2 2 1
8. EC592 Digital Signal Processing Lab. 0 0 2 2 1
9. EC593 Digital Communication Lab. 0 0 2 2 1
Total Practical 6 3
Total 25 22
C. Non Credit Course
10. MC581 Essence of Indian Tradition & Culture 2 0 0 2 0

3rd Year: 6th Semester

A. Theory
C ntact Hours week Credit
Sl o / Points
Field Theory
L T P Total
1. EC601 Control System& 3 0 0 3 3
2. EC602 Computer Network 3 0 0 3 3
3. PE-EC603 A/B/C Program Elective II 3 0 0 3 3
4. OE-EC604 A/B/C Open Elective II 3 0 0 3 3
5. HS-HU601 Economics for Engineers 3 0 0 3 3
Total Theory 15 15
B. Practical
6. EC691 Control System and Instrumentation Lab. 0 0 2 2 1
7. EC692 Computer Network Lab. 0 0 2 2 1
8. EC681 Electronic Design Workshop 0 0 2 2 1
9. EC682 Programming based Mini Project 0 0 2 2 1
Total Practical 8 4
Total 23 19
C. Non Credit Course
10 MC- Effective Technical Communication 2 0 0 2 0

4th Year: 7thSemester

E. Theory
Contact Hours/week Credit
Sl Points
No Field Theor
y L T P Total
1. PE-EC701 Program Elective -3 3 0 0 3 3
2. PE-EC702 Program Elective -4 3 0 0 3 3
3. OE-EC704 A/B/C Open Elective – 3 3 0 0 3 3
4. HS-HU701 A/B/C Principles of Management 2 0 0 2 2
Total Theory 11 11
F. Practical
5 EC781 Internship-I/Industrial Training-I During Sem Break(6&7)4

6. EC782 Project Stage – I 0 0 8 8 4

Total Practical 8 8
Total 19 19

4th Year: 8th Semester

G. Theory
Contact Hours/week Credit
Sl Points
No Field Theory
L T P Tota
. l
1. PE-EC801 A/B/C/D Program Elective – 3 0 0 3 3
2. OE-EC803 A/B/C Open Elective – 4 3 0 0 3 3
3. OE-EC804 A/B/C Open Elective – 5 3 0 0 3 3
Total Theory 9 9
H. Practical
5. EC881 Internship – II/Industrial Training- During Sem 4
II Break(7&8)
6. EC882 Project Stage – II 0 0 8 8 4
7. EC883 Grand 2
Total Practical 8 10
Total Contact 17 19


Sl Course Code Course Title Hours/week Credits Semester

No. L T P
1 PE-EC505A Information Theory and Coding 3 0 0 3
2 PE-EC505B Mixed Signal Design 3 0 0 3 V
3 PE-EC505C Power Electronics 3 0 0 3
4 PE-EC603A Microwave Theory and 3 0 0 3
Techniques VI
5 PE-EC603B Error Correcting Codes 3 0 0 3
6 PE-EC603C Scientific Computing 3 0 0 3
7 PE-EC701A Antennas and Propagation 3 0 0 3
8 PE-EC701B Bio-Medical Electronics 3 0 0 3
9 PE-EC701C Wireless Sensor Networks 3 0 0 3
10 PE-EC701D Satellite Communication 3 0 0 3
11 PE-EC702A Fibre Optic Communication 3 0 0 3 VII
12 PE-EC702B Introduction to MEMS 3 0 0 3
13 PE-EC702C Adaptive Signal Processing 3 0 0 3
14 PE-EC702D Nano Electronics 3 0 0 3
15 PE-EC801A Mobile Communication and 3 0 0 3
16 PE-EC801B CMOS VLSI Design 3 0 0 3
17 PE-EC801C Embedded System 3 0 0 3
18 PE-EC801D Speech and Audio Processing 3 0 0 3


Sl Course Code Course Title Hours/week Credits Semester

No. L T P
1 OE-EC506A Soft Skill and Interpersonal 3 0 0 3
2 OE-EC506B Cyber Law & Intellectual 3 0 0 3 V
Property Rights
3 OE-EC506C Human Resource Management 3 0 0 3
4 OE-EC604A Electronic Measurements and 3 0 0 3
Measuring Instruments
5 OE-EC604B Applied Optimization 3 0 0 3 VI
6 OE-EC604C Object Oriented Programming 3 0 0 3
7 OE-EC704A Millimeter Wave Technology 3 0 0 3
8 OE-EC704B Spread Spectrum 3 0 0 3 VII
9 OE-EC704C Entrepreneurship 3 0 0 3
10 OE-EC803A Internet of Things (IoT) 2 0 0 2
11 OE-EC803B Photonics 2 0 0 2
12 OE-EC803C Cyber Security 2 0 0 2 VIII
13 OE-EC804A Artificial Intelligence 2 0 0 2
14 OE-EC804B VLSI Signal Processing 2 0 0 2
15 OE-EC804C Organisational Behaviour 2 0 0 2
Semester-I & II

Paper Name: Mathematics-I Category: Basic Science Course

Paper Code: BS-M101 Semester: First
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit: 4

Total Lecture: 45L

Course Objectives
 Providing the core concepts of higher Engineering Mathematics and describing the
techniques, this works as an essential tool to solve the problems in their field of
 To provide an overview of Differential Equations, Laplace Transform and Complex
Analysis to engineers.

Matrix& Determinant:
Inverse and rank of a matrix; Elementary row and column operations over a matrix; System of
linear equations and its consistency; Rank and nullity; Determinants; minors and cofactors;
Eigen values and eigen vectors; Diagonalization of matrices; Cayley Hamilton theorem;
Orthogonal transformation.

Differential Calculus:
Successive derivative, Leibnitz’s Theorem; Rolle’s Theorem, Mean value theorem, Taylor’s and
Maclaurin’s theorems with remainders;

Sequence and Series:

Basic concept of Convergence of sequence and series; Tests for convergence: Comparison test,
Cauchy’s Root test, D’ Alembert’s Ratio test(statements and related problems on these tests),
Raabe’s test; Alternating series; Leibnitz’s Test (statement only); Absolute convergence and
Conditional convergence.

Integral calculus:
Improper integrals; Beta and Gamma functions and their properties;Convergence of improper
integrals; Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of
revolutions.Differentiation under integral sign.

Calculus of function of several variables:
Introduction to functions of several variables;Limit and continuity, Partial derivatives,
Homogeneous functions and Euler’s theorem up to three variables, Chain rules, Differentiation
of implicit functions, Total differentials and their applications, Jacobians up to three variables
Maxima, minima;Saddle points of functions; Lagrange Multiplier method and their applications;
Concept of line integrals, Double and triple integrals.

Vector Calculus:
Scalar and vector triple products with related problems, Equation of straight line, plane and
sphere. Vector function of a scalar variable, Differentiation of a vector function, Scalar and
vector point functions, Gradient of a scalar point function, divergence and curl of a vector point
function, Directional derivative. Related problems on these topics. Green’s theorem, Gauss
Divergence Theorem and Stoke’s theorem (Applications only, proofs not required).
Course Outcomes (COs)
CO1. To provide students with skills in algebra and calculus which would enable them to
devise engineering solutions for given situations they may encounter in their
CO2. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice by enhancing the power of knowledge and imagination
CO3. Prepare students for realization of journal papers outcomes, and expose them to the
world of research. Illustrate the current research works and publications of the
subjects in different fields adopted by the students as per course curriculum in
various journals and literature.
CO4. To explore and enhance research potential explain how the ideas those are adopted
can be implemented through projects and demonstrate various models, recent project
proposals executing the knowledge adopted from the course.
CO5. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. Lighten on the latest and modern
developments in the fields.
CO6. Explain about ethical awareness and impact in the field of environmental, social and
safety of the finished products. Describe the pollution, legal aspects and impacts may
arise in large scale production.

Learning Resources
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics , by Erwin Kreyszig is published by Wiley
2. Engineering Mathematics: B.S. Grewal (S. Chand & Co.)
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics: John Bird (4th Edition, 1st Indian Reprint 2006,
4. Engineering Mathematics: S. S. Sastry ( PHI, 4PthP Edition, 2008)
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3E: M.C. Potter, J.L. Goldberg and E.F.
Abonfadel (OUP),Indian Edition.

Paper Name: Mathematics-II Category: Basic Science Course
Paper Code: BS-M201 Semester: Second
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit: 4

Total Lecture: 45L

Course Objectives
 Providing the core concepts of higher Engineering Mathematics and describing the
Techniques, this works as an essential tool to solve the problems in their field of
 To provide an overview of Differential Equations, Laplace Transform and Complex
Analysis to engineers.

Module -1[10L]
Ordinary differential equation (ODE)- First order and first degree: Exact equations, Necessary
and sufficient condition for exactness of a first order and first degree ODE (statement only),
Rules for finding Integrating factors, Linear and non-linear differential equation, Bernoulli’s
equation. General solution of ODE of first order and higher degree (different forms with special
reference to Clairaut’s equation).
Second order and first degree: General linear ODE of order two with constant coefficients, C.F.
& P.I., D-operator methods for finding P.I., Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler
Module -2[5L]
Basics of Graph Theory: Graphs, Digraphs, Weighted graph, Connected and disconnected
graphs, Complement of a graph, Regular graph, Complete graph, Subgraph,; Walks, Paths,
Circuits, Euler Graph, Matrix representation of a graph, Adjacency and incidence matrices of a
graph,Graph isomorphism, Bipartite graph.

Module -3[10L]
Laplace Transform: Introduction to integral transformation, functions of exponential order,
Definition and existence of LT (initial and final value theorem with applications proofs not
required), LT of elementary functions, Properties of Laplace Transformations , Evaluation of
sine , cosine and exponential integrals using LT, LT of periodic and step functions.
Definition and properties of inverse LT Convolution Theorem (statement only) and its
application to the evaluation of inverse LT, Solution of linear ODEs with constant coefficients
(initial value problem) using LT.

Module -4[12L]
Complex Variable: Complex functions, Concept of Limit, Continuity and Differentiability.
Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann Equations (statement only). Sufficient condition for a
function to be analytic. Harmonic function and Conjugate Harmonic function, related problems.
Construction of Analytic functions: Milne Thomson method, related problems. Conformal
mappings, Bilinear transformation, Mobius transformations and their properties.

Complex Integration: Concept of simple curve, closed curve, smooth curve & contour. Some
elementary properties of complex Integrals. Line integrals along a piecewise smooth curve.
Cauchy’s theorem (statement only). Cauchy-Goursat theorem (statement only). Cauchy’s
integral formula, Cauchy’s integral formula for the derivative of an analytic function, Cauchy’s
integral formula for the successive derivatives of an analytic function.

Module -5[8L]
Zeros and Singularities of an Analytic Function & Residue Theorem.
Zero of an Analytic function, order of zero, Singularities of an analytic function. Isolated and
non-isolated singularity, essential singularities. Poles: simple pole, pole of order m. Examples on
determination of singularities and their nature. Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series.

Residue, Cauchy’s Residue theorem (statement only), problems on finding the residue of a given
∞ sin x 2π dθ P(z)
function, evaluation of definite integrals: ∫0 dx, ∫0 , ∮C dz (elementary
x a+b cos θ+c sin θ Q(z)
cases, P(z) & Q(z) are polynomials of 2nd order or less). Evaluation of certain improper integrals
using the Bromwich contour.
Course Outcomes(COs)
CO1. Recall the earlier mathematical thoughts, such as idea of derivative,
integration, ordinary differential equations and complex algebra.
CO2. Exhibit the idea of ordinary differential equation of first and higher order.
Recognize the concept of graph theory and Laplace transform and complex
CO3. Apply the knowledge of Laplace transform to reduce the complexity of
differential equation. Use different graphical algorithm to find optimal
CO4. Analyze the ideas of mentioned mathematical tools so that it can be
implemented to real time engineering problems
CO5. Justify and make gradation of above mentioned mathematical tools and
determine the right approach to solve multidisciplinary engineering problems.
CO6. Build up logical and analytical skills to create a new idea appreciated by
academics, research & emerging trends in industry.
Learning Resources
1. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Miller & Freund R.A.Johnson, Prentice
Hall of India
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, (Wiley Eastern)
3. Graph Theory: V. K. Balakrishnan, (Schaum’s Outline, TMH)
4. Engineering Mathematics: B.S. Grewal (S. Chand & Co.)
5. Introductory Course in Differential Equations: Daniel A. Murray (Longmans &
6. Graph Theory: N. Deo (Prentice-Hall of India)
7. Numerical Analysis and Computational Procedures, Sahajahan Ali Mollah, Books &
Allied Ltd
8. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Gupta & Kapoor, ( Sultan Chand &
9. Schaum's Outlines: Laplace Transforms ,Murray R. Spiegel

Paper Name: Physics –I Category: Basic Science Course
Paper Code: BS-PH 201 Semester: Second
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit: 4

Total Lecture: 42L

Course Objectives
 To introduce the rudimental and relevant concepts of physics to different branches of
Engineering and Technology.
 To compile all the knowledge acquired from the course and to apply in industry,
academia, and research keeping in the mind about ethical awareness and impact in the
field of environmental (pollution), social (legal) and safety.
Module-1 [10L]
Vector Calculus
Gradient of a Scalar function, Divergence and Curl of Vector field, Vector Integration –Line-,
surface and volume integration - Divergence and Stoke’s Theorem

Oscillations And Waves

Simple Harmonic Oscillation- Motion of simple and compound pendulum –Energy
Considerations - Coupled oscillations, approximate solutions, linear and transverse oscillations.
Damped Oscillations – Over damped - critical damping –oscillatory damping – Relaxation time
& log decrement. Forced oscillation – Electromechanical Analogy between Mechanical
Oscillator with Electrical circuit – Mechanical Impedance - Transient and Steady state
oscillations – Resonance - Power considerations - Low and high frequency responses –
Bandwidth – Quality factor - Sharpness of Resonance

Module -2 [11L]
Interference – Division of wave front and division of amplitude - Two-and Multiple Beam
Interference, Interference in parallel and wedge shaped films - Newton’s rings - determination of
wave length and thickness - Thin film Interference - Anti-reflection Coating – its application.

Diffraction – Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction - Single Slit, Double Slit and N-Slit Diffraction
(Qualitative discussion only)

Polarization – Introductory discussion of Polarization – States of Polarization – Brewster’s law

–Malus Law – Phase Retardation Plate –Optical Activity

Lasers – Characteristics of Laser – Classification of Laser - construction and working -

Einstein’s coefficients – Example of Gas Laser, Solid state laser and semiconductor lasers -
Applications of Laser

Module -3 [5L]
Statistical Mechanics
Phase Space (μ- and Γ- phase space) – Macro states and Microstates – Density of States -
Statistical Ensemble and Thermodynamic Probability
Classical Statistical systems (Maxwell - Boltzman statistics) and quantum statistical systems
(Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein Statistics) and their applications
Module -4 [10L]

Quantum Mechanics
Blackbody Radiation – Stefan-Boltzmann law - Wein’s displacement law - Wein’s distribution
law - Rayleigh-Jeans law - Ultraviolet catastrophe - Planck’s Radiation law, Compton Effect,
Dual Nature of Matter – De’ Broglie hypothesis – Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle – Group
velocity and Phase velocity, Wave function – Postulates of Quantum Mechanics – Quantum
Mechanical operator –Eigen function and Eigen value - Schrödinger’s time dependent and time
independent wave equation – Particle in 1D box –Particle in 3D box – Concept of degeneracy

Module -5[6L]
Dielectric Polarization
Fundamentals of Dielectric polarization – Macroscopic and microscopic field – Electronic, Ionic,
Orientational and Space charge polarization (Qualitative overview) - dielectric loss- Loss tangent
- Application of dielectric materials

Magnetic Properties
Fundamentals of magnetic properties – Classification (Dia, Para, Ferro, Anti-ferro, Ferri, Super-
para) of magnetic materials – Curie temperature – Magnetic domain – Hysteresis – hard and soft
magnetic materials –Applications of Magnetic materials

Course Outcomes(COs)
CO1. Describe how different electronic tools, various parameters & variables of
fundamental physics related to the programme. To overcome & eliminate different
constraints those may arises by solving the physical and numerical problems.
CO2. Overall enhancement of innovative problems solving ability by enhancing the power
of knowledge and imagination.
CO3. Describe the current research works and publications of the subjects in different
fields adopted by the students as per course curriculum in various journals and
CO4. Describe how the ideas those are adopted can be implemented through projects and
demonstrate various models, recent project proposals to execute the knowledge
adopted from the course.
CO5. Define how the ideas can be share with the multi - disciplinary personals. Lighten on
the latest and modern developments in the fields.
CO6. Explain about ethical awareness and impact in the field of environmental, social and
safety of the finished products. Describe the pollution, legal aspects and impacts may
arise in large scale production.

Learning Resources
1. Vector Analysis – M.R.Spiegel
2. Waves and Oscillation – N.k.Bajaj
3. Introduction to Classical Mechanics R Takwale, P Puranik, McGraw Hill Education
4. Principles of Physics, 10ed, David Halliday, Robert Resnick Jearl Walker , Wiley
5. Optics –A.K.Ghatak McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited
6. Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, J. R. Taylor, C.D. Zafiratos and M. A.
Dubson, 2nd Ed., Pearson (2007)
7. Modern Quantum Mechanics, J. J. Sakurai, Cambridge University Press
8. Solid State Physics, S.O.Pillai

Paper Name: Chemistry-I Category: Basic Science Course
Paper Code: BS-CH-101 Semester: First
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit: 4

Total Lecture: 42L

Course Objective
 To develop the interest among the students regarding chemistry and their applications
in engineering
 To develop confidence among students about chemistry, how the knowledge
of chemistry is applied in technological field.
Module I [11L]
Thermodynamics: (6L)
Preliminary information on First Law of Thermodynamics (Principle, Molar Heat Capacity;
Relation of Cp and CV (for Ideal and Real Gas); Joule’s Experiment, Joule-Thompson Co-
efficient, Throttling, Adiabatic Relationship); Second Law, Engine; Carnot’s Cycle; Entropy,
Entropy change; Entropy of system/surrounding/Universe; Free Energy, Free energy
expression; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation; Clausius-Clapeyron equation; Maxwell relations.

Electrochemistry: (2L)
Cell construction; Primary and Secondary Cell; Nernst Equation; Relation with ΔG, ΔH and
ΔS; pH of Cell; Batteries; Fuel Cell

Chemical Kinetics: (3L)

Rate equation; Collision and Activation Theory; Temperature dependency; Complex Reaction;
Parallel reaction; Consecutive reaction; Chain Reaction; Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
Catalyst; Acid base catalysis; Enzyme Catalysis; Michaelis Menten equation.

Module II [8L]
Atomic structure:(3L)
Preliminary Accounts on Bohr-Sommerfeld model of the atom (Electronic configuration and
Quantum numbers; Shapes of s, p, d, f orbitals - Pauli’s exclusion principle - Hund’s Rule of
maximum multiplicity – Aufbau principle). Emission and absorption spectra, line and band
spectra; Hydrogen spectrum – Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series; de-
Broglie’s hypothesis; Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle – wave nature of electron –
Schrodinger wave equation (No derivation). Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues.

Chemical bonding and Coordination Chemistry: ( 5L)

Elementary information on Chemical bondingincluding VBT, Shapes of molecules with
hybridization, Valency shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory. Molecular orbital of
diatomic molecules (e.g. H2, O2, N2, CO, HF, CN-, NO+). Pi-molecular orbital of butadiene and
benzene. Crystal field theory of coordination compounds- magnetism, spin and orbital
contribution, quenching of magnetic moment: d-d transitions, color. Metallic bond – concept of
conductor, semiconductor, insulator; photoelectric effect.

Module III [7L]

Organic Spectroscopy ( 7L)
UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Types of electronic transitions, chromophores and auxochromes;

Bathochromic and Hypsochromic shifts; intensity of absorptions (Hyper-/Hypochromic
effects); application of Woodward’s Rules for calculation of λmax for the following systems:
conjugated dienes, relative positions of λmax considering conjugative effect, steric effect,
solvent effect.
IR Spectroscopy: Introduction; modes of molecular vibrations (fundamental and
nonfundamental); IR active molecules.
NMR Spectroscopy: Basic principles of Proton Magnetic Resonance; NMR active molecules;
equivalent and non-equivalent protons with examples; chemical shift. Significance of the
terms: up-/downfield, shielded and deshielded protons.
Fluorescence, phosphorescence and their application.
Mass Spectroscopy: Introduction; Principles, Ion sources, Fragmentation and analysis of mass

Module IV [6L]
Polymer (3L)
Molecular weight of Polymers (number average, weight average, viscosity average),
Polymerization processes (addition and condensation), Mechanism of addition polymerization
(free radical, cationic, anionic, coordination), Poly Dispersity Index (PDI), Degree of
Polymerization, Stereo-regularity of polymers (crystallinity and amorphicity). Vulcanization.
Conducting, semi-conducting polymers and doping.

Corrosion (3L)
Types of corrosion (dry, wet),Pitting corrosion, Crevice corrosion, Galvanic series, Stress
corrosion cracking, Corrosion of polymers. Protection from Corrosion (Surface treatments,
Reactive coatings, Anodization, Biofilm coatings) Sacrificial anode protection, Rust removal,
Passivation, Water treatment (waste, surface), Alkalinity, Scale-sludge.

Module V [6L]
Stereochemistry (4L)
Different types of isomerism;concept of chirality and optical activity (upto two carbon atoms);
elements of symmetry [plane (σ), center (i) and alternating axis (Sn) of symmetry];
interconversion of Fischer and Newman representations; threo and erythro, D and L, CIP
Rules: R/S (upto 2 chiral carbon atoms),E/Z nomenclature. Conformational analysis of ethane,
Structure and reactivity of Organic molecule (2L)
Molecular Effects: Inductive, resonance, hyperconjugation, steric effects. Oxidation and
reduction reactions for organic compounds. Some name reactions: Aldol, Cannizzaro, Michael,
Claisen-Schmidt, Wittig reactions.

Module VI [4L]
Elementary Chemical Biology:
Origin of Life and Chemical Elements; Role of concentration of ions/small molecules in the
growth profile of cells; Trace and Ultratrace elements; Basic Biomolecules, Elementary
reactions in the biological system and roles of metal ions. Function of Fe (with special
reference to Hemoglobin and Myoglobine) and Cu (with special reference to Hemocyanin) in
Biological system. Toxicity of Hg, As, Pb, F, P(V).Synthesis of some commonly used drug
molecules (Aspirin, Paracetamol, Salbutamol and Ibuprofen). Synthesis of some commonly
used Pesticides and Insecticides in Agriculture: DDT, Gammaxene/Lindane (organochlorine
group), Parathion (organophosphate group) and Carbaryl (carbamate group).

Course Outcomes(COs)
CO1. To memorize the elementary topics of chemistry such as chemical
thermodynamics, atomic structures, electromagnetic spectroscopy, corrosion
chemistry, electrochemistry, organic reactions and synthesis of drug molecules.
CO2. To acquire knowledge on the fundamental concepts of chemical thermodynamics,
atomic structures, electromagnetic spectroscopy, corrosion chemistry,
electrochemistry, organic reactions, polymers and synthesis of drug molecules.
CO3. Making use of concepts of drug molecules, polymer chemistry, corrosion
chemistry and battery technology to meet day to day necessities including
application of the organic synthesis, Maxwell’s equations, spontaneity and
equilibrium reactions etc.
CO4. analyse versatileand novel problems and sorting them out,covering all the topics
of the entire course.
CO5. rationalize, explain and corroborate several chemical problems, determine the
most plausible approach of solving real life interdisciplinary chemical
CO6. To construct apurposeful and efficient model through which learners can be able
to develop and solve trivial as well as up to date problems recognized by
academia, researchers and industries.

Learning Resources
1. P.C.Rakshit, , Physical Chemistry Sarat Book House
2. S. Pahari, , Physical Chemistry New Central Book Agency
3. P. W. Atkins, & Paula, J. de Atkins’, Physical Chemistry, Oxford UniversityPress
4. J. D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Ed., Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
5. F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, and P.L. Gaus, Basic Inorganic Chemistry 3rdEd.; Wiley
6. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, & R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles ofStructure
and Reactivity 4th Ed., Harper Collins 1993, Pearson,2006.
7. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, Organic Chemistry, Second edition, Oxford
University Press.
8. S. Sen Gupta, Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press
9. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry (Volume 1) Pearson Education.
10. R. N. Morrison, & R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
11. D. Nasipuri, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Wiley Eastern Limited.
12. E. L. Eliel, & S. H. Wilen, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Wiley: London,
13. B. K. Sharma,Industrial Chemistry (including Chemical Engineering), GOEL Publishing

Paper Name: Category: Engineering Science Course
Programming for Problem Solving
Paper Code: ES-CS-101 Semester: First
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit: 4

Total Lecture: 40L

Course Objectives

 To introduce to students to the field of programming using language.

 To enhance their analyzing and problem solving skills .

Module 1 [ 12L]
Unit 1: Introduction to Programming (4 L)
Introduction to components of a computer system (disks, memory, processor, where a
program isstored and executed, operating system, compilers etc.)
Idea of Algorithm: steps to solve logical and numerical problems. Representation of
Algorithm: Flowchart/Pseudocode with examples.
From algorithms to programs; source code, variables (with data types) variables and memory
locations, Syntax and Logical Errors in compilation, object and executable code

Unit 2: Arithmetic expressions and precedence (2 L)

Unit 3: Conditional Branching and Loops (6 L) 
Writing and evaluation of conditionals and consequent branching
Iteration and loops

Module 2 [ 12L]
Unit 1: Arrays (6 L)
Arrays (1-D, 2-D), Character arrays and Strings
Unit 2: Basic Algorithms (6 L)
Searching, Basic Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Insertion and Selection), Finding roots of
equations, notion of order of complexity through example programs (no formal definition

Module 3 [ 9L]
Unit 1: Function (5 L)
Functions (including using built in libraries), Parameter passing in functions, call by value,
Passing arrays to functions: idea of call by reference
Unit 2: Recursion (4 L)
Recursion, as a different way of solving problems. Example programs, such as Finding
Factorial, Fibonacci series, Ackerman function etc. Quick sort or Merge sort.

Module 4 [ 7 L]
Unit 1: Structure (4 L)
Structures, Defining structures and Array of Structures
Unit 2: Pointers (2 L)
Idea of pointers, Defining pointers, Use of Pointers in self-referential structures, notion of
linked list, dynamic memory allocation, Union (no implementation)

Unit 3: File handling (1 L)
Basic idea about read, write, append operation if time is available, otherwise should be done
as part of the lab)

Course Outcomes (COs)

CO1. To formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems.
CO2. To test and execute the programs and correct syntax and logical errors.
CO3. To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO4. To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program
using divide and conquer approach. To use arrays, pointers and structures to
formulate algorithms and programs.
CO5. To apply programming to solve matrix addition and multiplication problems
and searching and sorting problems.
CO6. To apply programming to solve simple numerical method problems, namely rot
finding of function, differentiation of function and simple integration.

Learning Resources
1. R. S. Salaria, Computer Concepts and Programming in C, Khanna Publishers
2. Byron Gottfried, Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, McGraw-Hill
3. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language,
Prentice Hall of India

Paper Name: Basic Electrical and Category: Engineering Science Courses
Electronics Engineering
Paper Code: ES-EE201 Semester: Second
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit: 4

Total Lecture: 45L

Course Objectives
 To understand the impact of technology in a global and societal context.
 To Provide working knowledge for the analysis of basic DC and AC circuits used
in electrical and electronic devices.

Module 1 [3L]
Magnetic circuits, Analogous quantities in magnetic and electric circuits, Faradays’ law, self and
mutual inductance, Hysteretic and Eddy current losses, Self and Mutual inductance, B-H loop,
Hysteresis and Eddy current loss

Module 2 [10L]
Circuits Analysis

DC Network Theorem: Definition of electric circuit, network, linear circuit, non-linear circuit, bi
lateral circuit, unilateral circuit. Kirchhoff’s law. nodal analysis, mesh analysis. Principle of
superposition. Source equivalence and conversion, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton Theorem,
AC fundamental: Production of alternating voltage, waveforms, average and RMS values, peak
factor, form factor, phase and phase difference, phasor representation of alternating quantities,
phasor diagram, behavior of AC series circuits, power factor, power in AC circuit.

Module 3 [6L]
Single phase transformer: Core and shell type construction, ideal and practical transformer,
EMF equation, no load and on load, operation, phasor diagram and equivalent circuit, losses of a
transformer, open and short circuit tests, regulation and efficiency calculation, Auto-transformer.

Module 4 [10L]
Electrical Machines

DC Machine :Construction, working, torque speed characteristic and speed control of separately
excited dc motor.
AC Machine: Construction, Generation of rotating magnetic fields and working of a three-phase
induction motor, Torque-slip characteristic, Brief idea about Single Phase Induction Motor and
Synchronous generators

Module 6 [8L]

Transistor Biasing and Bias stability: calculation of stability factor with variation of Ico Different
operating modes; CE, CB, CC and their properties; small signal low frequency operation of
transistors; equivalent circuits h parameters as a two port network. Transistors as amplifier:
expression of voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance, frequency

response for CE amplifier with and without source impedance(qualitative)

Module 7 [5L]
Field Effect Transistor
Construction and characteristics of JFET (N channel only), Transfer characteristics; construction
and characteristics of MOSFET (N channel only), depletion and enhancement type; CS, CG, CD

Module 8 [3L]
Operational Amplifier
Concept of virtual earth, inverting and non-inverting mode of operation, voltage summing,
difference, constant gain multiplier, voltage follower, comparator, integrator, differentiator.

Course Outcomes(COs)
CO1. To acquire knowledge of different theorems for electric and magnetic circuits
analysis. Explain the working principle, construction, applications of Transformer,
DC machines, AC machines. Concept of 3 phase power, JFET, MOSFET, OPAMP,
sinusoidal voltages and currents in different machines and circuits. Explain
fundamental laws and theorems governing the working different electrical machines
and circuits. Able to identify the procedures for calculations of different circuit
CO2. Use the concepts of applying mathematics and science principles, trigonometry,
complex algebra, phasor operations to provide solution of different simple problems;
critical circuit problems related to electrical systems.
CO3. Analyze series circuits, flow of currents, algebraic sum of voltages (voltage drops) in
any closed path in a circuit to examine the behavior of electric circuits and
performance characteristics and efficiency of electrical machines.
CO4. Evaluate and judge whether the solutions obtained are correct and matches the
required parameters and characteristics.
CO5. Use the knowledge acquired to investigate unknown problems and design and
assemble to find a solution to the problem.

Learning Resources
1. Basic Electrical engineering, D.P Kothari & I.J Nagrath, TMH, Second Edition
2. Basic Electrical Engineering, V.N Mittle & Arvind Mittal, TMH, Second Edition
3. Basic Electrical Engineering, Nath & Chakraborti
4. Electrical Technology, Vol-I,Vol-II, Surinder Pal Bali, Pearson Publication
5. A Text Book of Electrical Technology, Vol. I & II, B.L. Theraja, A.K. Theraja,
S.Chand &Company
6. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Vincent Del Toro, Prentice-Hall
7. Advance Electrical Technology, H.Cotton, Reem Publication
8. Basic Electrical Engineering, R.A. Natarajan, P.R. Babu, Sictech Publishers
9. Basic Electrical Engineering, N.K. Mondal, Dhanpat Rai

Paper Name: English Language and Category: Humanities and Social Sciences
Technical Communication including Management course
Paper Code: HM-HU 101 Semester: First
L-T-P: 2-0-0 Credit: 2

Total Lecture: 32L

Course Objectives
 To acquire language skills,
 to develop linguistic and communicative competencies for Engineering students.
 to study academic subjects more effectively using the theoretical and practical
components of English syllabus, and hence will develop study skills and communication
skills in formal and informal situations.
Module 1: Theories of Communication [6L]
Theories and Principles of Communication: Definition, Process, Model (Schematic diagram of
Shannon and Weaver’s Model of Communication), Types of Communication – Verbal and Non-
verbal communication, Flows of communication
Barriers to communication
Workplace/ Business Communication which can have the following items:

a) Scope of Oral Communication

b) Oral Business Communication: Introducing oneself in a professional setup - brevity,
context, understatement, body language –
Task: Introducing others - introducing a junior professional to a senior professional,
introducing an employee to a customer, introducing a colleague from your firm to an
employee of another firm.
c) Telephone (audio and video) communication: choice of words, body language,
paralinguistic elements of speech, enunciation, brevity, clarification, effective closure

Module 2 : Applied Grammar [9L]

Common Errors in English
 Subject-verb agreement
 Tenses
 Noun-pronoun agreement
 Articles and Prepositions
 Misplaced or dangling modifiers
 Redundancies
 Cliché
Transformation of Sentences
 Active and Passive voice
 Direct and Indirect speech
 Degrees of Comparison
Use of phrases and clauses in sentences
Synthesis of Sentences: Simple, Complex and Compound

Module 3 Vocabulary Building [3L]
The concept of word formation: Compounding, Backformation, Clipping and Blending
Root words from foreign languages and their use in English
Acquaintance with prefixes and suffixes from foreign languages in English to form
Synonym, antonym, phrasal verbs, one word substitution and standard abbreviation

Module 4 Basic Writing Skills [4L]

Documenting: definition, meaning, basic concept of documenting (print and online media),
types of technical documents
Importance of proper punctuation
Creating coherence: Arranging paragraphs & Sentences in logical order
Creating Cohesion: Organizing principles of paragraphs in documents
Techniques for writing precisely

Module 5 Professional Writing Skills [10L]

Technical Report Writing: Types and formats
Comprehension, Précis and Expansion Writing, Essay Writing, Writing SOPs and Project
Business Letters; Cover letter & CV
Office Correspondence:
 Notice
 Agenda
 Minutes
 Memo
 E-mail

Course Outcomes(COs)
CO1. Understanding the mechanism of interpretation through language learning by
practicing reading, writing and comprehension skills.
CO2. Understanding complex engineering problems by a sound grammatically correct
knowledge of the English Language & honing writing, and reading skills for
software research, solutions, marketing etc.
CO3. Equipping learners to solve various problems related to aptitude test through the
practice of various Verbal reasoning and grammar practice.
CO4. Development of analytical thinking through practice of analytical essays, business
CO5. Learning effective communication strategies for handling criticism and adverse
remarks and also knowing strategies of effective intervention, kinesics and courtesies
and different components of soft skills.
CO6. Awareness about the society, public health and safety, growth and changes in
society, culture and environment through comprehension, technical report writing

Learning Resources
1. Connect: A Course in Communicative English by Debashis Bandyopadhyay and Malathy
Krishnan. Cambridge University Press. 2018.
2. Communication Skills. Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata. Oxford University Press. 2015.
3. Communication Skills for Professionals. Nira Konar, Prentice Hall of India 2nd edition,
New Delhi,2011
4. High School English Grammar by Wren and Martin
5. Common Errors in English by S.Prasad & K.P.Thakur,Bharti Bhhawan Publishers
6. Business Correspondence and Report Writing – R.C. Sharma and Krishna Mohon, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd., New Delhi
7. English Vocabulary in Use- McCarthy
8. Communicative English – E. Sureshkumar and P. Sreehari – Orient Blackswan , 2007
9. Speaking Effectively, Developing Speaking Skills for Business English, Jeremy Comfort-
Cambridge University Press, 1994
10. Practical English Usage. Michael Swan. OUP. 1995.
11. Remedial English Grammar. F.T. Wood. Macmillan.2007
12. A Practical English Grammar – A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet – Oxford University Press
13. Guide to writing as an Engineer, John Willey - David F.Beer and David McMurrey,. New
York, 2004

Paper Name: Category: Basic Science Course
Physics Labotary –I
Paper Code: (BS-PH-291) Semester: Second
L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credit: 1.5

Periods: 36P

Course Objectives
 To provide exposure to the students with hand on experience for data acquisition,
precession, statistical data analysis, graph plotting calculation of fundamental quantities
and error estimation of different fundamental physics experiments relevant to various
engineering discipline.
All students have to perform total 9 experiments taking at least one from Optics,Electricity &
Magnetism, Quantum Mechanics, Miscellaneous experiments and Innovative experiment
sections. (One Innovative experiment is mandatory)

List of Experiments

Optics Experiments
1.Determination of dispersive power of the material of a prism
2.Determination of wavelength of a monochromatic light by Newton’s ring
3.Determination of wavelength of a monochromatic light by Fresnel’s bi-prism
4.Determination of wavelength of the given laser source by diffraction method
5.Determination of numerical aperture, angle of acceptance and bending energy losses of
an optical fiber

Electricity & Magnetism Experiments

1. Determination of thermo electric power of a given thermocouple.
2. Determination of specific charge (e/m) of electron by J.J. Thompson’s method.
3. Determination of dielectric constant of a given dielectric material.
4. Determination of Hall coefficient of a semiconductor by four probe method.
5. Determination of resistance of ballistic galvanometer by half deflection method and
study of variationof logarithmic decrement with series resistance.
6. Determination of unknown resistance using Carey Foster’s bridge
7. Study of Transient Response in LR, RC and LCR circuits using Exp EYES
8. Generating sound from electrical energy using Exp EYES

Quantum Physics Experiments

1. Determination of Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
2. Determination of Planck constant using photocell.
3. Determination of Lande-g factor using Electron spin resonance spectrometer.
4. Determination of Rydberg constant by studying Hydrogen spectrum.
5. Determination of Band gap of semiconductor.
6. To study current voltage characteristics, load response, areal characteristic and spectral
response of a photovoltaic solar cell.

Miscellaneous Experiments
1. Determination of Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a bar by the method of

2. Determination of bending moment and shear force of a rectangular beam of uniform
3. Determination of modulus of rigidity of the material of a rod by static method
4. Determination of rigidity modulus of the material of a wire by dynamic method
5. To determine the moment of inertia of a body about an axis passing through its centre of
gravity and to determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of the suspended wire
6. Determination of coefficient of viscosity by Poiseuille’s capillary flow method
7. Measurement of wavelength and velocity of Ultrasonic wave by using Ultrasonic

Innovative Experiments
1. Studies on Bandgap measurement of thin film using UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
2. Basic UV-VIS absorbance study of organic dyes.
3. Basic UV-VIS study of nano-particles (NPs) and quantum dots (Q Dots).
4. Basic photoluminescence study of organic dyes.
5. Basic photoluminescence study of nano-particles (NPs) and quantum dots (Q Dots).
6. Studies on Basics of Vacuum system and Vacuum measurements.
Course Outcomes (COs)
CO1. Describe the various aspects, parameters, scales of experimental tools and
design to conduct the experiments in the laboratory.
CO2. Analyze the methods of experiments and interpret the output results. Emphasis
on the limitations of theoretical concepts, measuring instruments to perform the
experiments and deviation of results from ideal one.
CO3. Describe the needs of publication of the outcome results and correlate the
results with published papers in various journals and literature in the respective
CO4. Describe how the ideas those are adopted can be implemented through projects
and demonstrate various models, recent project proposals to execute the
knowledge adopted from the course.
CO5. Define how the ideas can be share with the multi - disciplinary personals.
Lighten on the latest and modern developments in the fields.
CO6. Explain about ethical awareness and impact in the field of environmental,
social and safety of the finished products. Describe the pollution, legal aspects
and impacts may arise in large scale production.

Learning Resources
1. B.Sc. Practical Physics – C.L.Arora
2. B.Sc. Practical Physics – Harnam Singh and Dr. P.S.Hemne – S.Chand

Paper Name: Chemistry Laboratory –I Category: Basic Science Course
Paper Code: (BS-CH-191) Semester: First
L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credit: 1.5

Periods: 36P

Course Objective
 To be able to design, carry out, record and analyze the results of chemical
 To demonstrate creative and independent thinking in both learning and work
 To be able to use modern instrumentation and classical techniques, to design
experiments and to properly record the results of their experiments.

Name of the Experiments

1. Preparation of Phenyl and Hand Sanitizer owing to its disinfectant and germicidal values.
2. Determination of the partition coefficient of a substance between two immiscible
3. Complexometric titration for determination of calcium and magnesium hardness of water.
4. Conductometric and pH- metric titration for determination of strength of a given HCl
solution against a standard NaOH solution.
5. Determination of dissolved oxygen present in a given water sample.
6. Determination of chloride ion in a given water sample by Argentometric method (using
chromate indicator solution)
7. Determination of percentage composition of sugar solution by viscosity measurement
8. Saponification/acid value of oil.
9. Preparation of some useful organic compounds: Pthalimide, Aspirin
10. Study on Thin layer chromatography
11. Preparation of some useful polymer: PF resin, MF resin.

Course Outcomes(COs)
CO1. To be able to design, carry out, record and analyze the results of chemical
experiments. Students will demonstrate laboratory skills and show understanding
in all major laboratory techniques and principles including instrumentation,
synthesis, purification, analysis including green chemistry.
CO2. To be skilled in problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning. To
operate a range of chemical instrumentation with adequate hands-on experiences.
CO3. To be able to use modern instrumentation and classical techniques, to design
experiments and to properly record the results of their experiments.
CO4. To be able to use appropriate literature research and go through journal articles for
useful information. Students will show proficiency at scientific communication

including posters, presentations, laboratory reports and even journal articles.
CO5. To demonstrate creative and independent thinking in both learning and work
environments. Work independently and collaborate effectively with other people
in a team. Self-evaluate their own learning progress and develop motivation and
learning skills for lifelong learning.
CO6. To learn the value of a professional work ethic including working as part of a
diverse team. They will develop the ability to recognize ethical issues related to
the impact of technological advances on society.

Learning Resources
1. A. I. Vogel, Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry, Part 2: Qualitative Organic
Analysis, CBS Publishers and Distributors.
2. A. K. Nad, B. Mahapatra, A. Ghoshal, An Advanced Curse in Practical Chemistry,
New Central Book Agency; 3rd edition.
2. University Hand Book of Undergraduate Chemistry Experiments, edited by Mukherjee,
G. N. University of Calcutta, 2003.
3. Furniss, B.S., Hannaford, A.J., Smith, P.W.G., Tatchell, A.R. Practical Organic
Chemistry, 5th Ed.,Pearson (2012).
4. H. T. Clarke, A Handbook of Organic Analysis (Qualitative and Quantitative), Fourth
Edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors (2007).
5. Practical Workbook Chemistry (Honours), UGBS, Chemistry, University of Calcutta,

Paper Name: Programming for Problem Category: Engineering Science Course
Solving Lab
Paper Code: ES-CS-191 Semester: First
L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credit:1.5
Periods: 36P

Course Objectives
 To formulate and test simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical
problems,execute the programs and correct syntax and logical errors for
implementing conditional branching, iteration and recursion.

The laboratory should be preceded or followed by a tutorial to explain the approach or

algorithm to be implemented for the problem given
Tutorial 1: Problem solving using computers:
Lab1: Familiarization with programming environment
Tutorial 2: Variable types and type conversions:
Lab 2: Simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions
Tutorial 3: Branching and logical expressions:
Lab 3: Problems involving if-then-else structures
Tutorial 4: Loops, while and for loops:
Lab 4: Iterative problems e.g., sum of series
Tutorial 5: 1D Arrays: searching, sorting:
Lab 5: 1D Array manipulation
Tutorial 6: 2D arrays and Strings
Lab 6: Matrix problems, String operations
Tutorial 7: Functions, call by value:
Lab 7: Simple functions
Tutorial 8 &9: Numerical methods (Root finding, numerical differentiation, numerical
Lab 8 and 9: Programming for solving Numerical methods problems
Tutorial 10: Recursion, structure of recursive calls
Lab 10: Recursive functions
Tutorial 11: Pointers, structures and dynamic memory allocation
Lab 11: Pointers and structures
Tutorial 12: File handling:
Lab 12: File operations

Course Outcomes(COs)
CO1. To formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems.
To translate the algorithms to programs (in C language).
CO2. To test and execute the programs and correct syntax and logical errors.
To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO3. To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using
divide and conquer approach.
CO4. To use arrays, pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs.
CO5. To apply programming to solve matrix addition and multiplication problems and
searching and sorting problems.
CO6. To apply programming to solve simple numerical method problems, namely rot
finding of function, differentiation of function and simple integration.

Paper Name: Workshop Practice Category: Engineering Science Course
Paper Code: ES-ME291 Semester: Second
L-T-P: 1-0-3 Credit: 2.5

Periods: 39P

Course Objectives
 To gives the basic working knowledge required in various engineering based
constructions, function, use and application of different working tools, equipment, and
machines as well as the technique of manufacturing a product from its raw material.

[Before practice, background lectures will be delivered on the topics. Tool specifications and
their materials will be described. Brief reports on the work done will be submitted by the
students and evaluation will be made on the basis of examination of the report and viva,
conducted by the teachers.]
1. Carpentry (Wood Working)
Timber, Seasoning and Preservation, Plywood and Plyboards, Carpentry Tools, Engineering
applications. Different Joints
2. Metal Joining
Definitions of welding, brazing and soldering processes, and their applications. Oxy-acetylene
gas welding process, equipment and techniques. Types of flames and their applications. Manual
metal arc welding technique and equipment. AC and DC welding, electrodes, constituents and
functions of electrodes. Welding positions. Types of weld joint. Common welding defects such
as cracks, slag inclusion and porosity.
3. Bench work and Fitting
Tools for laying out, chisels, files, hammers, hand hacksaw, their specifications and uses.
4. Metal Cutting
Introduction to machining and common machining operations. Cutting tool materials, geometry
of cutting tool, cutting fluid. Definition of machine tools, specification and block diagram of
lathe, shaper, milling, drilling machine and grinder. Common lathe operations such as turning,
facing and chamfering and parting. Difference between drilling and boring. Use of measuring
instruments like micrometer / verniercaliper.
5. Tin Smithy
Sheet metal introduction, tools and operations, Shearing and Bending of sheets, types of joints
Jobs to be made in the Workshop
Group A(6 P)
Carpentry Shop: T-Lap joints and Dovetail joint
Group B (6 P)
a. Gas Welding practice on mild steel flat/sheet (upto 3mm thick)
b. Lap joint by Gas Welding (upto 3mm thick)
c. Manual Metal Arc Welding practice (upto 5mm thick)
d. Square butt joint by MMA Welding
e. Lap joint by MMA Welding
Group C
Fittings work: Sawing and Finishing by Filing. (6 P )
Group D
a. Jobs on lathe with turning, facing, chamfering and parting operations (6 P)

b. Job on shaper and milling machine for finishing two sides of a job (6 P)
c. Drilling of holes of size 5 and 12 mm diameters on the jobs / External threads making by dies,
Tap size drill hole/ hand tapping operations
Group E
Smithy - making simple products on sheet metal (6 P)
Course Outcomes (COs)
CO1. Define, describe and determine the types and nature of the physical parameters
like cutting speed, feed, depth of cut etc applied on mechanical manufacturing
CO2. Classify and explain the effects of the above physical parameters as applied on
mechanical manufacturing systems for proper comprehension.
CO3. Train the students in metal joining process like welding, soldering, etc
CO4. Impart skill in fabricating simple components using sheet metal
CO5. Cultivate safety aspects in handling of tools and equipment
CO6. Develop the collective skill and potentiality and leadership quality to work in a
group or team.

Learning Resources
1. Hajra Choudhury S.K., Hajra Choudhury A.K. and Nirjhar Roy S.K., “Elements of
WorkshopTechnology”, Vol. I 2008 and Vol. II 2010, Media promoters and publishers
private limited, Mumbai.
2. Kalpakjian S. and Steven S. Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”, 4th
edition,Pearson Education India Edition, 2002.
3. Gowri P. Hariharan and A. Suresh Babu,”Manufacturing Technology – I” Pearson
Education, 2008.
4. Roy A. Lindberg, “Processes and Materials of Manufacture”, 4th edition, Prentice Hall
India, 1998.
5. Rao P.N., “Manufacturing Technology”, Vol. I and Vol. II, Tata McGrawHill House,

Paper Name: Engineering Drawing Category: Engineering Science Course
Paper Code: ES-ME192 Semester: First
L-T-P: 1-0-3 Credit: 1.5

Periods: 42P

Course Objectives
 To teach students to communicate using graphic techniques.
 To accomplish the principles and standards of mechanical drawing and dimensioning.

[Sessional work should be completed in the class. Problems sheet will be provided. Students
should attempt to solve the problems given in the Problem Sheet. Home assignments will be
given. Evaluation will be made on the basis of seasonal work and viva-voce examination.]
Scales (3P)
Plain scales, Diagonal scales, Vernier scales

Geometrical Construction and Curves (3P)

Conic Section: Parabola, Hyparabola, Ellipse
Projection of Points, Lines, Surfaces (9P)
Orthographic Projection – First angle and third angle projection More no. of problems should be
practiced in first angle projection. Projection of lines inclined to the planes Projection of surfaces
Pentagon, Hexagon
Projection of Solids (12P)
Cube, Pyramid, Prism, Cylinder, Cone, Frustums
Isometric View And Isometric Projection (6 P)
(Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder, Cone and examples of simple solid objects / models).
Sectional Views of Solids, True Shape of a Section ( 6 P)
Development of Surfaces (3 P)
(Cube, Prism, Cylinder, Truncated Cone)

Course Outcomes (COs)

CO1. To represent pictorially different elements and components using basic
engineering drawing guidelines.
CO2. To gain significance of scaling pertinent to engineering drawing problems. The
incumbents should also have knowledge about analytical curves and their
relevance to understand different higher level mechanical engineering problems.
CO3. To understand the concept of projections for 1D, 2D and 3D object representation.
CO4. To develop an idea and ability to view complex interior sections of a solid object,
and they will also be able to analyze and explain how different surfaces are
generated when a solid object is cut along a plane and its surfaces are stretched
CO5. To draw isometric to orthographic views and vice versa.
CO6. To apply the comprehensive knowledge by using a suitable computer aided
drafting package.

Learning Resources

1. Pradeep Jain, AnkitaMaheswari, A.P. Gautam, Engineering Graphics & Design, Khanna
2. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R., (2014), Engineering Drawing, Charotar
Publishing House
3. Agrawal B. & Agrawal C. M. (2012), Engineering Graphics, TMH Publication
4. Shah, M.B. &Rana B.C. (2008), Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics, Pearson
5. Narayana, K.L. & P Kannaiah (2008), Text book on Engineering Drawing, Scitech
6. Corresponding set of CAD Software Theory and User Manuals

Paper Name: Language Laboratory Category: Humanities and Social Sciences

including Management
Paper Code: HM-HU 191 Semester: First

L-T-P: 0-0-2 Credit: 1

Periods: 22P

Course Objectives
 To provide advanced skills of Technical Communication in English through various
activities performed in the Language Lab Practice Sessions to 1st Semester U.G. students
of Engineering and Technology.
 To instil confidence in them so that they can competently communicate in English
language in all spheres.
 To make them efficient enough to communicate about day-to day events and experiences
of life, comprehend lectures delivered in English, read and understand relevant materials
written in English and also to write grammatically correct English.
 To make them capable of shedding their fear of communication and public speaking.

List of Experiments
1. Developing active ‘Listening Skill’ and its sub skills through Language Lab Audio
device; (Listening to conversations, passages, stories, news bulletin, speeches by famous
personalities – Listening for general and specific information etc.,) (3P)

2. Developing ‘Speaking Skill’ and its sub skills; (Interpersonal Communication, Oral
Presentations –– Debate –Extempore – Speech Presentation– Conversational Practice –
Face to Face / Telephonic Conversation ) (5P )

3. Developing ‘Reading Skills’ and its sub skills through reading excerpts from plays,
poetry, news and various technical/non technical passages using Visual /
Graphics/Diagrams /Chart Display etc. and using Literary text(s):
The Homecoming by Rabindranath Tagore
We’re Not Afraid to Die... if We’re Together by Gordon Cook and Alan East(4P)

4. Developing ‘Writing Skill’ and its sub skills by using Language Lab Audio –Visual
input; Practice Sessions (Analytical essay writing, dialogue writing, story writing, etc.)
(3P )

5. Pronunciation: Basic Rules (with emphasis on Accent Neutralisation)

Organs of Speech ( 2P)

6. Introducing ‘Group Discussion’ through audio –Visual input and acquainting them with
key strategies for success; GD practice sessions (unstructured and structured) (4P)

7. SWOT analysis ( 1P)

Learning Resources
1. Nira Konar: English Language Laboratories, A Comprehensive Manual, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
2. Dr. D. Sudharani: Manual for English Language Laboratory. Pearson Education (WB
3. Board of Editors: Contemporary Communicative English for Technical
Communication, Pearson Longman, 2010
4. A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students, T. Balasubramanian,
Macmillan India Ltd.
5. Communicative English – E. Sureshkumar and P. Sreehari – Orient Blackswan , 2007
6. Speaking Effectively, Developing Speaking Skills for Business English, Jeremy
Comfort- Cambridge University Press , 1994
7. Pocket Style Manual - Diane Hacker, Bedford Publication, New York, 2003. (ISBN

Course Outcome (COs)

CO1. Improving comprehension ability in English & understanding the mechanism of
interpretation though language learning.
CO2. Honing conversation skills by learning to substantiate conclusions in grammatically
correct English
CO3. Honing ‘Reading Skills’ and its sub skills using Visual / Graphics/Diagrams /Chart
Display/Technical/Non Technical Passages; Learning Global / Contextual /
Inferential Comprehension for technical competence.
CO4. Learning effective, real life communication skills in English through several
language lab activities pertaining to the four basic skills of LSRW
CO5. Learning basic soft skills and leadership qualities
CO6. Engaging the learner in a positive and imaginative environment to hone socio-
cultural, ethical and moral skills.

Paper Name: NSS Category: Universal Human Value
Paper Code: XC-181 Semester: Second
L-T-P: 0-0-2 Credit: 0

Periods: 24P

Course Objectives
 To create awareness for women’s education, old age education saving of girl child.
Medical issue-blood donation and Thalassemia test.
 To realize, synthesize, and evaluate their personal readiness for leadership by group
work, communicating effectively and to overcome & eliminate different constraints
those may arises in their academic and daily life.
1. Creating Awareness in Social Issues
Blood Donation Camp, Road Safety Awareness, Poster Competition (Saving of Girl
child, saving of water and fuel for future, Pollution and control,Global warming,Equal
education for girls),Thalassemia awareness Programme, Eye Check-Up Camp.

2. Participating in Mass-Education Programme

a. Poster Presentation on Education for All
b. Elocation competition, SA writing on education for all
c. National Education Day celebration (11th Nov)

3. Proposal for Local Slum Area Development

a. Road and Costal Side Cleaning Programme
b. Local Hospital Area Cleaning Programme (with collaboration Haldia Minicipality)
c. Campus Cleaning Programme

4. Environmental Awareness Programme

a. Resource Conversation (By Poster Competition)
i. Water
ii. Energy
b. Poster Competition on Global warming
c. Plantation Programme (5th September)
d. Fire Safety Awareness Programme (With Haldia Fire Station)

5. Relief and Rehabilitation work during Natural Calamities

Course Outcomes (COs)

CO1. To Create awareness for women’s education, old age education saving of girl child.
Medical issue-blood donation and Thalassemia test.
CO2. To Realize, synthesize, and evaluate their personal readiness for leadership by
group work, communicating effectively and to overcome & eliminate different
constraints those may arises in their academic and daily life.
CO3. To Define and correlate different kind of social, cultural and ethical issue in light of
saving of girl child, women education, saving of fuel. Manifest an ethics and

service to the nation as a fundamental duty by organizing seminar symposia, work
shop, essay writing, poster presentation etc.
CO4. To Apply problem solving skills by taking on volunteer and community service in
their professional and social life and show interest to think about eco-friendly
projects for the betterment of the society.
CO5. To Recognize the importance of civic engagement and community activism through
volunteerism, community and campus service, team projects.
CO6. To Realizing his/her importance and duty, feel interest about ethical awareness and
impact in the field of environmental, social and safety of the finished products.


Mandatory Additional Requirement (MAR) for earning B. Tech Degree

The additional requirement of MAR points applies to - every student, who is admitted to the 4
years B.Tech program under Autonomy, as per following:

Level of Entry in B.Tech Course Total duration for Minimum

earning Points Points
1st Year from the academic year 2020-21 onwards 1st to 4th Year 100
2nd Year from the academic year 2020-21 onwards 2nd to 4th Year 75
(Lateral Entry)

These points must be earned on the basis of active participation in co-curricular and
extracurricular activities spanning through all the semesters of study. Every student may choose,
as per his/her liking, activities in order to achieve the mandatory points (as per Table- I,
depending on his/her entry level), before becoming eligible for award of the Degree. These
activities can be spread over the years, as per convenience of the student.

 Every student shall participate in the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and
produce documentary proof to the designated Faculty Members appointed by the Head of
Department / Principal / Director in the respective college. Thereby the student should
earn the required Points before her she appears for his/ her Final Examinations.
 A student's result of his/her Final Examinations will be withheld until he/she completes
the minimum Activity Points by the end of his/her B.Tech Program.
 In every semester, every student is required to prepare a file containing documentary
 proofs of activities, done by him / her. This file will be duly verified and Activity Points
will be assigned by the teachers as appointed above, at the end of every semester.
 The college will form a 3 members committee and finalize the Activity Points for each
 student before entering them into the Online Point Entry System of the Institute
 Every student has to earn at least 100 / 75 (for lateral) activity points. The points students
has earned will be reflected in the student's mark sheet.
 Activity points earned by Lateral Entry students will be multiplied by 1.33.

Table I provides a List of Activity Heads and Sub-Activity Heads along with their
capping of the Activity Points that can be earned by the students during the entire
B.Tech duration.

Sl. No. Name of the Activity Points Maximum

1. MOOCS (SWAYAM/NPTEL/Spoken Tutorial) (per course) 20 40

2. Tech Fest/Teachers Day/Freshers Welcome

Organizer 5 10
Participants 3 6
5. Rural Reporting 5 10
6. Tree Plantation (per tree) 1 10
7. Participation in Relief Camps 20 40
8. Participation in Debate/Group Discussion/ Tech quiz 10 20
9. Publication of Wall magazine in institutional level 10 20
10. Publication in News Paper, Magazine & Blogs 10 20
11. Research Publication (per publication) 15 30
12. Innovative Projects (other than course curriculum) 30 60
13. Blood donation 8 16
Blood donation camp Organization 10 20
15. Participation in Sports/Games
College level 5 10
University Level 10 20
District Level 12 24
State Level 15 30
National/International Level 20 20
21. Cultural Programme (Dance, Drama, Elocution, Music etc.) 10 20
22. Member of Professional Society 10 20
23. Student Chapter 10 20
24. Relevant Industry Visit & Report 10 20
25. Photography activities in different Club( Photography club, Cine 5 10
Club, Gitisansad)
26. Participation in Yoga Camp (Certificate to be submitted) 5 10
27. Self-Entrepreneurship Programme 20 20
28. Adventure Sports with Certification 10 20
29. Training to under privileged/Physically challenged 15 30
30. Community Service & Allied Activities 10 20

Annexture- II
MOOCS list for B.Tech (Hons) 1st Yr
(Credit based courses are only opt by students from this bucket, which may change time to time as on the basis
of availability of online courses)
Module Course Provider Duration Credits
Ethics Ethics in Engineering Practice NPTEL 8 2
Ethics and Law in Data and Analytics edX 6 2
A Life of Happiness and Fulfilment Coursera 6 2
Introduction to Philosophy Coursera 5 2
Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice Coursera 4 1
Soft Skills Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL 8 2
Soft Skill Development NPTEL 8 2
Psychology at Work Coursera 6 2
Communication in the 21st Century Workplace Coursera 4 1
Successful Career Development Coursera 7 2
Working in Teams: A Practical Guide edX 4 1
Communication theory: bridging academia and practice Coursera 9 3
Write Professional Emails in English Coursera 5 2
Effective Writing NPTEL 4 1
Technical Writing Coursera 5 2
Interpersonal Communication for Engineering Leaders Coursera 4 1
Enhancing Soft Skill and Personality NPTEL 8 2
Employment Communication A Lab based course NPTEL 8 2
Speaking Effectively NPTEL 8 2
English Language for Competitive Exams NPTEL 12 3
Programming Introduction to Programming with MATLAB Coursera 9 3
Skills Introduction to Computer Science and Programming edX 9 3
Using Python
Introduction to R for Data Science edX 4 1
Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software Coursera 4 1
Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and Coursera 4 1
Joy of computing using Python NPTEL 12 3
Programming, Data Structures and Algorithm Using NPTEL 8 2
Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development Coursera 15 4
and Coding) Specialization
Statistics Inferential Statistics Coursera 7 2
Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel edX 4 1
Multivariable Calculus NPTEL 8 2
Environmental The Science of Well Being Coursera 6 2
Studies Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation Coursera 5 2
Effective Problem-solving Decision- Making Coursera 4 1
Moralities of Everyday Life Coursera 6 2
Introduction to Logic Coursera 10 3
Digital Security and Human Rights edX 3 1

Guidelines regarding Mandatory Induction Program for the new students
Engineering education has evolved globally in a continuous manner to address the twin needs
of industry and society. It is now an accepted fact that the institutions imparting technical
education should aspire to create manpower who will possess strong technical knowledge and
skill, have leadership qualities and be a team player, capable of coming up with innovative
solutions and be alive to societal and community concerns.The aim of the Induction
Programme is to acclimatize the students to the environment of their engineering institution,
give them a flavour of the exciting new world of education that they are entering, provide
them with mentoring schemes, and make them aware of their neighbourhood, society and
people. This will allow them to evolve as well rounded individuals.

The following schedule is laid down by the Institue to implement the three week long
Induction Programme:

Week 1 1st Day 1 Overall introduction of the new students to the

Half Institution, its different Departments & Faculty

2nd Day 1 (a) Assignment of faculty mentors to the

Half new students
(b) Assessment and allotment for mentoring by
senior students preferably from the second
2 hrs Day 2, 3, 4, Lectures by eminent personalities on different areas
5 such as (a) Introduction to Engineering (b) Various
topics of science and technology
( c) Innovation and entrepreneurship
( d) Creative and performing arts (e) Social issues
2 hrs. Day 2, 3, 4, Participation in Games, Yoga, Meditation etc.
2 hrs Day 2, 3, 4, Visit to the different Departments of the Institute
Week 2 2hrs Scheduled class lectures as per time table.
2hrs Students to be conducted through proficiency modules
to be prepared by respective Colleges for ascertaining
English skills & Computer knowledge of the
students and to prepare a report on the same

2hrs Participation in Games, Sports, Yoga, Creative arts
Week 3 2hrs Scheduled class lectures as per time table
Day 1 Visits to neighbourhood locations
Day 2 Visits to natural spots in adjoining areas to
understand the effect of nature on society
Day 3 Visits to Science Museum / laboratories
Day 4
Day 5 Visits to NGOs


EC301 Electronic Devices 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module I 6L
Energy bands & Current Carriers in Semiconductors:Bonding Forces in Solids, Energy Bands
theory in crystals (Qualitative Analysis), Metals, Semiconductors, & Insulators, Fermi-Level, Intrinsic
and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Concept of Holes, Carrier Concentration. and Mobility, diffusion and
drift of carriers, continuity equation, Injected minority carrier charge, Recombination and generation of
charge carriers. Generation and recombination of carriers; Poisson and continuity equation

Module II 10L
P-N junction: Physical Description of p-n junction, Basic device technologies for fabrication of a p-n
junction,I-Vcharacteristics, and small signal switching models; Avalanche breakdown, Zenerdiode,
Schottky diode.. `
Bipolar Junction Transistor: Basic Construction, I-V characteristics, Ebers-Moll Model.

Module III 6L
Field Effect Transistors: JFET and its characteristics, Pinch off voltage and drain saturation
current, MOSFET: enhancement, depletion mode.


Electronics: Optical absorption in semiconductors, photovoltaic effects, solar cells (p-n
junction), Photoconductors, Photodiode, PIN photodiode, Avalanche photodiode, Phototransistor, LED,
Semiconductor Laser (p-n junction)
Integrated circuit: fabrication process: oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography,
etching, chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, twin-tub CMOS process.

Text /Reference Books:

1. G. Streetman, and S. K. Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition, Pearson,2014.
2. D. Neamen , D. Biswas "Semiconductor Physics and Devices," McGraw-Hill Education
3. S. M. Sze and K. N. Kwok, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley &
Sons, 2006.
4. C.T. Sah, “Fundamentals of solid state electronics,” World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc, 1991.
5. Y. Tsividis and M. Colin, “Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor,” Oxford Univ.Press,

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
CO1. Study and analyze the behavior of semiconductor devices.
CO2. Analyze characteristics of Semi-conductor diodes and solve problems.
CO3. Analyze characteristics of Bi-polar Transistors and solve problems.
CO4. Analyze characteristics of MOS Transistors and solve problems.
CO5: Differentiate between different opto-electronic devices.

EC302 Digital System Design 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Module I 10 L
Review of Number System, Signed and Unsigned Number.
Logic Simplifications: Review of Boolean Algebra and De Morgan’s Theorem, SOP & POS
forms, Canonical forms, Karnaugh’s map, Binary codes, Code Conversion.
Combinational Logic Design:Comparators, Multiplexers, Encoder, Decoder, Half and Full Adders,
Subtractors, Serial and Parallel Adders, BCD Adder, Fast adders, Barrel shifter and ALU.

Module II 6L Sequential
Logic Design: Building blocks like S-R, JK and Master-Slave JK FF, Edge triggered FF,
Ripple and Synchronous counters, Shift registers, Finite state machines, Design of synchronous
FSM. Designing synchronous circuits like Synchronous Counter, Pulse train generator, Pseudo Random
Binary Sequence generator,

Module III 8L
Logic families: TTL, ECL, CMOS Logic circuits, Transfer characteristics, fan-in, fan-out, rise time
and fall time analysis.
Semiconductor Memories: Concept of Programmable logic devices like FPGA. Logic
implementation using Programmable Devices.
Different types of A/D and D/A conversion techniques. Sample & Hold Circuit

Module IV 8L
VLSI Design flow: Design entry Schematic, FSM & HDL, different modeling styles in VHDL, Data types
and objects, Dataflow, Behavioral and Structural Modeling, Synthesis and Simulation VHDL
constructs and codes for combinational and sequential circuits.

Text/Reference Books:
1. R.P. Jain, “Modern digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2009.
2. Schilling &Belove, Digital Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Douglas Perry, “VHDL”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2002.
3.W.H. Gothmann, “Digital Electronics- An introduction to theory and practice”, PHI, 2nd
edition ,2006.
4. D.V. Hall, “Digital Circuits and Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1989
5. Charles Roth, “Digital System Design using VHDL”, Tata McGraw Hill 2nd edition 2012.

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
CO1: Describe and compare digital representation of information with the analog representation. Explain the
fundamental concept of the number systems (Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal and Octal) and understand the
conversion of one number system to another. Classifies the data representation in codes such as Excess-3,
Alphanumeric, EBCDIC and Gray codes and interpret those codes.
CO2: Interpret the basic logic operations of NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR and XOR gates with logic
functions, circuit and truth tables.
CO3: Identify and apply the laws of Boolean algebra to simplify the digital circuits by Boolean algebra
expressions and Karnaugh maps.
CO4: Explain and design the specific model of digital combination circuit and sequential circuits.
CO5: Describe and design the analog to digital converter circuits and the digital to analog converter circuits.

Differentiate and draw the diagrams of the different families of digital integrated circuits and also relate them
with physical applications.
CO6: Understand the concept of different modelling styles in VHDL, behavioural and structural modelling.

EC303 Signals and System 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module I 6L

Continuous Time and Discrete Time signals, Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals, Energy and Power
signal, Unit Impulse and Unit Step Functions, Continuous and Discrete Time Systems, basic System
Properties likes linearity: additivity and homogeneity, shift-invariance, causality, stability, reliability.

Module II 6L
Linear Time Invariant Systems: Discrete Time LTI Systems, Continuous Time LTI Systems, properties
of LTI Systems, causal LTI Systems Described by Difference equations

Module III 8L

Periodic and semi-periodic inputs to an LSI system, the notion of a frequency response and its relation to
the impulse response, Fourier series representation, the Fourier Transform, convolution/multiplication
and their effect in the frequency domain, magnitude and phase response, Fourier domain duality. The
Discrete- Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).
Parseval'sTheorem.The idea of signal space and orthogonal bases.

Module IV 8L

Evolution of Transforms: Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform , Z-transform (single sided and Double

The Laplace Transform, notion of Eigen functions of LSI systems, a basis of Eigen functions, region of
convergence, poles and zeros of system, , solution to differential equations and system behavior using
Laplace Transformation

The z-Transform for discrete time signals and systems- eigen functions, region of convergence, z-domain

Module V 4L

The Sampling Theorem and its implications- Spectra of sampled signals. Reconstruction: ideal
interpolator, zero-order hold, first-order hold, and so on. Aliasing and its effects.Relation between
continuous and discrete time systems.

Text/Reference books:
1. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and I.T. Young, "Signals and Systems", Prentice Hall, 1983.
2. R.F. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter and D.R. Fannin, "Signals and Systems - Continuous and Discrete",
4thedition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
3. Papoulis, "Circuits and Systems: A Modern Approach", HRW, 1980.
4. B.P. Lathi, "Signal Processing and Linear Systems", Oxford University Press, c1998.
5.Douglas K. Lindner, "Introduction to Signals and Systems", McGraw Hill International Edition:
6. Simon Haykin, Barry van Veen, "Signals and Systems", John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Private
Limited, c1998.
7. Robert A. Gabel, Richard A. Roberts, "Signals and Linear Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 1995.
8. M. J. Roberts, "Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB",
9. J. Nagrath, S. N. Sharan, R. Ranjan, S. Kumar, "Signals and Systems", TMH New Delhi, 2001.
10.AshokAmbardar,"Analog and Digital Signal Processing", 2nd Edition, Brooks/ Cole Publishing
Company (An international Thomson Publishing Company), 1999.
Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
CO-1: Understand the basics of continuous time and discrete time signals and systems.
CO-2: Classify systems based on their properties and determine the response of LSI system using
CO-3- Calculate Fourier series and Fourier transform of continuous and discrete time signals
CO-4- Apply the Laplace transform and Z- transform for analyze of continuous-time and discrete-time
signals and systems
CO-5- Comprehend the effects of sampling on a continuous time signal.

EC304 Network Theory 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Module I 10L

Node Voltage Network Analysis: Kirchoff’s Current law, Formulation of Node equations and
solutions, driving point admittance, transfer Admittance,Star delta transformations, Solution of
problems with DC and AC sources.
Mesh Current Network Analysis: Kirchoff’s Voltage law, Formulation of mesh equations,
Solution of mesh equations by Cramer’s rule and matrix method, Driving point impedance,
Transfer impedance, Solution of problems with DC and AC sources.
Network Theorems: Definition and Implication of Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s
theorem, Norton’s theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Compensation theorem, maximum Power
Transfer theorem, Millman’stheorem.Solutions and problems with DC and AC sources.

Module II 6L

Resonant Circuits:Series and Parallel resonance,Impedance and Admittance Characteristics,

QualityFactor, Half Power Points, Bandwidth, Practical resonant andseries circuits, Solution of
Laplace Transform and properties:Transformof f(t) into F(s), transform of step,
exponential, over damped surge, critically damped surge, damped and un-damped sine
functions, inverse Laplace Transform,Partial fraction, Analysis of RC, RL and RLC network
with and without initial condition
Module III 8L
Circuit transients: DC transients in R-L and R-C Circuits with and without initial charge,
R-L- C Circuits with Laplace Transform, AC Transients in sinusoidal R-L, R-C and R-L-C
Circuits, Steady state response, Solution of Problems.
Two Port Networks: Relationship of Two port network variables, short circuit admittance
parameters, open circuit impedance parameters, transmission parameters, relationship between
parameter sets, network functions for ladder network and general network.

Module IV 8L
Graph of Network: Concept of tree and branch, tree link, junction, Incident matrix, Tie set
matrix, Cut set matrix. Determination of Loop current and node voltage.
Coupled Circuits: Magnetic coupling, polarity of coils, polarity of induced voltage, concept
of Self and mutualinductance, Coefficient of coupling, Solution of Problems.
Fourier series: Trigonometric and exponential, discrete spectra and symmetry of waveform,
steady state response of a network to non-sinusoidal periodic input, power factor.
Introduction to low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters.

Text/Reference Books
1. P.RameshBabu- Electrical Circuit Analysis- Scitech
2. A. Sudhakar: “Circuits &Networks:Analysis& Synthesis” 2/e TMH
3. M.S.Sukhija&T.K.NagSarkar- Circuits and Networks-Oxford
4. Sivandam- “Electric Circuits and Analysis”, Vikas

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
CO1: Understand basic electrical circuits with nodal and mesh analysis.
CO2: Implement network theorems to solve any circuit.
C03: Analyze resonance of a circuit with practical aspects.

C04: Apply Laplace Transform for steady state and transient analysis.
CO5: Investigate different circuits with two port network model and
graph.C06: Appreciate the frequency domain techniques.

ES-CS301 Data Structure 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Module 1 6L
Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Elementary Data Organizations, Data Structure
Operations: insertion, deletion, traversal etc.; Analysis of an Algorithm, Asymptotic
Notations, Time-Space trade off.
Searching: Linear Search and Binary Search Techniques and their complexity analysis.
Module2: 8L

Stacks and Queues: ADT Stack and its operations: Algorithms and their complexity
analysis, Applications of Stacks: Expression Conversion and evaluation -
corresponding algorithms and complexity analysis. ADT queue,
Types of Queue: Simple Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue; Operations on each types of
Queues: Algorithms and their analysis.
Module3: 8L
Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation in memory, Algorithms of several
operations: Traversing, Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked list; Linked
representation of Stack and Queue, Header nodes, Doubly linked list: operations on it and
algorithmic analysis; Circular Linked Lists: all operations their algorithms and the
complexity analysis.

Trees: Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of Trees: Binary Tree, Threaded Binary
Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree; Tree operations on each of the trees and their
algorithms with complexity analysis. Applications of Binary Trees. B Tree, B+ Tree:
definitions, algorithms and analysis.
Sorting and Hashing: Objective and properties of different sorting algorithms:
Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort;
Performance and Comparison among all the methods, Hashing.
Graph: Basic Terminologies and Representations, Graph search and traversal algorithms and
complexity analysis.

Suggested books:
1. “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Illustrated Edition by Ellis Horowitz,
SartajSahni, Computer Science Press.
Suggested reference books:
1. Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++”, Illustrated Edition by
Mark Allen Weiss, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
2. “How to Solve it by Computer”, 2nd Impression by R.G. Dromey, Pearson Education.
Course outcomes
CO1: Analyze the algorithms to determine the time and computation complexity; hence justify the
CO2: Implement search problems using linear and binary search techniques..
CO3: Analyse time and computation complexity involving stacks, queues and linked lists.
CO4: Comprehend and compare selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, quick sort,
merge sort and heap sort algorithms on basis of their performance in term of space and time
CO5: Implement graph search and traversal algorithms to determine the time and
computation complexity.

BS-M301 Mathematics III (Probability and Statistics) 3L:0 3 credits

Module I 8L
Basic Probability: Probability spaces, conditional probability, independence; Discrete random
variables, Independent random variables, the multinomial distribution, Poisson approximation to the
binomial distribution infinite sequences of Bernoulli trials, sums of independent random variables;
Expectation of Discrete Random Variables, Moments, Variance of a sum, Correlation coefficient,
Chebyshev’s Inequality.
Module II: 4L
Continuous Probability Distributions: Continuous random varibales and their properties,
distribution functions and densities, normal, exponential and gamma densities.
Module III: 4L
Bivariate Distributions: Bivariate distributions and their properties, distribution of sums and
quotients, conditional densities, Bayes’ rule.
Module IV: 6L
Basic Statistics:Measures of Central tendency: Moments, skewness and Kurtosis - Probability
distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal - evaluation of statistical parameters for these three
distributions, Correlation and regression - Rank correlation.
Module V: 6L
Applied Statistics: Curve fitting by the method of least squares- fitting of straight lines, second
degree parabolas and more general curves. Test of significance: Large sample test for single
proportion, difference of proportions, single mean, difference of means, and difference of standard
Module VI 4L
Small samples:Test for single mean, difference of means and correlation coefficients, test for ratio of
variances Chi-square test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes.

Suggested Text/Reference Books

(i) Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
(ii) P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Universal Book Stall,
(iii) S. Ross, A First Course in Probability, 6th Ed., Pearson Education India, 2002.
(iv) W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rd Ed., Wiley, 1968.
(v) N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications,
(vi) B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 35th Edition, 2000.
(vii)Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics (for semester III), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,

Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with statistical techniques. It aims to equip
the students with standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to advanced level that will serve
them well towards tackling various problems in the discipline.

The students will be able to:

Develop basic ideas of probability and random variables with various discrete and
continuous probability distributions.
Comprehend basic ideas of statistics including measures of central tendency,
correlationand regression.
Implement various statistical methods to study data samples.

MC381 Environmental Science 0L:0T:2P 0 credits
Purpose: We as human being are not an entity separate from the environment around us rather we are
a constituent seamlessly integrated and co-exist with the environment around us. We are not an entity
so separate from the environment that we can think of mastering and controlling it rather we must
understand that each and every action of ours reflects on the environment and vice versa. Ancient
wisdom drawn from Vedas about environment and its sustenance reflects these ethos. There is a direct
application of this wisdom even in modern times.
Idea of an activity based course on environment protection is to sensitize the students on the above issues
through following two type of activities.

(a) Awareness Activities:

i) Small group meetings about water management, promotion of recycle use, generation of
less waste, avoiding electricity waste
ii) Slogan making event
iii) Poster making event
iv) Cycle rally
v) Lectures from experts

(b) Actual Activities:

i) Plantation
ii) Gifting a tree to see its full growth iii)
Cleanliness drive
iv) Drive for segregation of waste
v) To live some big environmentalist for a week or so to understand his work vi) To
work in kitchen garden for mess
vii) To know about the different varieties of plants
viii) Shutting down the fans and ACs of the campus for an hour or so


1. Attendance: 15
2. Assignment: 15
3. Posters : 15
4. Participation in events: 25
5. Assesment by Teacher: 40

Grading: >90% : O

80-90%: E

70-80%: A

60-70%: B

40-60%: C
Below 40%: D

EC391 Electronics Devices Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

1. Identifying and study of different components like resistor, capacitors, diodes,

LED, Transistors, FET(JFET & MOSFET) etc
2. Study of different instruments used in the laboratories like, power
supply, Oscilloscope, Multi-meter etc.
a) To Plot the Volt Ampere Characteristics of PN Junction Diode under Forward and
Reverse Bias Conditions.
b) To find the Cut-in voltage, Static Resistance, Dynamic Resistance for Forward Bias
& Reverse Bias


a) To Obtain the Forward Bias and Reverse Bias characteristics of a Zener diode.
b) Find out the Zener Break down Voltage from the Characteristics.
c) To Obtain the Load Regulation Characteristics.
a) To plot the Input and Output characteristics of a transistor connected in Common
Base Configuration and to find the h – parameters from the
a) To plot the Input and Output characteristics of a transistor connected in Common
Emitter Configuration and to find the h – parameters from the
a) Drain characteristics
b) Transfer Characteristics.
c) To find rd, gm, and μ from the characteristics.
9. Study Characteristics of Photo transistor
10. Study Characteristics of LED & LDR

Course Outcome
a) An ability to verify the working of different diodes, transistors, CRO probes
and measuring instruments. Identifying the procedure of doing the experiment.
b) Ability to understand the characteristics of BJT and FET and how to Determine
different parameters for designing purpose..
c) Ability to understand properties of photoelectric devices
d) Ability to measure and record the experimental data, analyze the results, and
prepare a formal laboratory report.

EC392 Digital System Design Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

1. Introduction to Digital Electronics Lab- Nomenclature of Digital Ics,

Specifications, Study of the Data Sheet, Concept of Vcc and Ground,
Verification of the Truth Tables of Logic Gates using TTL ICs.
2. Implementation of the Given Boolean Function using Logic Gates in Both Sop and
Pos Forms.
3. Verification of State Tables of Rs, J-k, T and D Flip-Flops using NAND &
NOR Gates
4. Implementation and Verification of Decoder/De-Multiplexer and Encoder using
Logic Gates.
5. Implementation of 4x1 Multiplexer using Logic Gates.
6. Implementation of 4-Bit Parallel Adder Using 7483 IC.
7. Design , and Verify the 4- Bit Synchronous Counter
8. Design, and Verify the 4-Bit Asynchronous Counter.
9. Simulation of MOS Inverter with different loads using PSPICE software
10. Simulation of CMOS Inverter for different parameters Kn, Kpas a
design variableinsuitable circuit simulator software.
11. Design of a 4-bit Multiplexer using VHDL\Verilog
12. Design of a decade counter using VHDL\Verilog.
13. Design of a 3-input NAND gate and its simulation using suitable logic simulator

Book List
1. Douglas L.Perry, “VHDL: Programming by Example”, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
2. Charles H. Roth, LizyKurian John, “Digital systems design using VHDL”, Thomson, 2008.

Course Outcomes:

On completion of this lab course the students will be able to:

CO1: Realize the fundamentals of Digital Electronics along with logic gates and its simulation
using simulator.
CO2: Construct arithmetic circuits-Adder, Subtractor using logic gates and 7483 ICs. Also
implement different Boolean Functions using Logic Gates in Both SOP and POS Forms.
CO3: Implement simple Decoder, Encoder and Multiplexer circuits using logic gates and
CO4: Realize of RS-JK, D and T flip-flops using Universal logic gates.
CO5: Realize different type of Shift Register and Counters VHDL\Verilog.
CO6: Realize the working of MOS and CMOS and their parameter analysis using PSPICE

EC393 Signals & Networks Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits
List of Experiments:

1. Spectrum analysis of different signals.

2. Generation of Periodic, Exponential, Sinusoidal, Damped
sinusoidal, Step, Impulse and Ramp signals using MATLAB in
both Discrete and Analog form.
3. Evaluation of Convolution integral, Discrete Fourier
transform forPeriodic & non-periodic signals and
simulation of difference equations using MATLAB.
4. Determination of Laplace transform and inverse Laplace
transformation usingMATLAB
5. Representation of poles and zeros in z-plane, determination of
partial fraction expansion in z-domain and cascade connection of
second order system using MATLAB.
6. Transient response of R-L and R-C network: simulation with
7. Transient response of R-L-C series: Simulation with
8. Study the effect of inductance on step response of series RL
circuit in MATLAB/Hardware.
9. Determination of Impedance (Z) and Admittance(Y)
parameters of two port network.
10. Frequency response of LP and HP filters.

Note: College may opt for some othersoftware or hardware simulation

wherever possible in place of MATLAB

Course Outcomes:

On completion of this lab course the students will be able to:

CO-1. Demonstrate knowledge on signals, transients, two port networks & filters and their experimental
CO-2. Analyse and relate the experimental observations & measurements for validation.
CO-3 Design a suitable experimental/simulation procedure for practical investigations on signals, systems
and networks.
CO-4 Demonstrates skills in evaluating various parameters and interpret the observations to provide feasible
CO-5 Select appropriate technique for experimental investigations, analysis and interpretation of signals and

ES-CS391 Data Structure & Algorithm Lab. 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

Experiments should include but not limited to :

1. Implementation of array in List, Stack and Queue ADTs, Circular Queue, Multiple stacks &

2. Implementation of linked lists: inserting, deleting, and inverting a linked list

3. Linked list implementation of List, Stack and Queue ADTs

4. Applications of List, Stackand Queue ADTs (Polynomial

addition, Polynomial multiplication, Evaluation of expressions operations)

5. Sparse Matrices : addition, Multiplication

6. Recursive and Nonrecursive traversal of


7. Implementation of Binary Search Trees

8. Graph representation and Traversal algorithms (BFS,


9. Implementation of searching and sorting algorithms

10. Hash tables implementation: searching, inserting and deleting


EC401 Analog Communication 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module I 10 L
1. Random variable-continuous and discrete, cumulative distributionfunction,
probability density function – Gaussian distribution with numeral example.
2. Fourier Transform, properties, time shifting, frequency shifting, Frequency spectrum
for sine or cosine wave.
3. Multiplexing, Time division multiplexing (TDM), Frequency division multiplexing
(FDM), Code Division Multiplexing (CDM), Orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM).
4. Noise in Communication Systems: Basic concepts, Types of Noise (Internal and
External), White Noise, Thermal Noise, Shot Noise.
5. Types of Communication systems, Elements of Communication System –
Transmitter, Receiver and Channel. Communication Channels – Additive White
Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel, Limitations and Problems in communication
system, Modulation,Need for modulation, effect of noise in analog communication.
Module II 10 L
1. Standard Amplitude Modulation (DSB-FC/DSB-TC): Time domain and Frequency
domain description, Modulation index, Single tone modulation, concept of
under, over and critical modulation of AM, Power and efficiency calculations in AM
waves, Applications and Limitations. Generation of AM wave: square law modulator,
switching modulator.
Detection of AM wave: square law detector, envelop detector.
2. Double side band suppressed carrier modulation (DSBSC): Time-Domain and
Frequency-Domain representation, Applications. Generation of DSBSC wave:
balanced modulator, ring modulator. Coherent detection of DSBSC modulated
waves, Effect of phase and frequency errors, Costas loop for carrier recovery.
3. Single side band suppressed carrier modulation (SSB-SC): Hilbert
transform, properties of Hilbert transform,Quadrature carrier multiplexing,Frequency-
Domain and time-domain description of SSB wave, Applications. Generation ofSSB
modulated wave: Filter method, Phase shift method and the Third method,
Demodulation of SSB waves.
4. Vestigial side band suppressed carrier Modulation (VSB-SC): Frequency-domain and
time-domain description, Generation and detection of VSB modulated
wave, Applications, Comparison of different AM techniques.

Module III 8L
1. Time domain and Frequency domain representation of Angle modulation, block
diagram representation of generation of Angle Modulated Waves (FM & PM),
Bessel’s Function.
2. Frequency Modulation (FM): Single tone frequency modulation, Spectrum analysis
of sinusoidal FM wave, Narrow band and Wide band FM, Modulation index,
Constant average power. Generation of FM wave: Direct and Indirect method.
Detection of FM wave: Foster seeley Discriminator, Slope Detector, Zero crossing
detector, Phase Locked Loop.
3. Phase Modulation (PM), Calculation of Bandwidth for FM and PM with Narrow and Wide
- band modulation. Comparison of Narrow band FM and AM.

Module IV 4L

1. Characteristics of Radio Receiver, Types of Radio Receiver, Tuned Radio Frequency
(TRF) Receiver.
2. Super heterodyne Receiver: principle, intermediate frequency, Local oscillator
frequency, image frequency, RF section and characteristics – Frequency changing and
tracking, AGC.
3. Stereo AM and FM: basic concepts with block diagram, AFC, Pre-emphasis and De-
emphasis in FM.

Module V4 L

1. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Figure of Merit, SNR calculation for DSB-TC/DSB-FC, DSB-
SC, SSB-SC and FM. Noise threshold effect in AM and FM.
2. Noise Figure, Noise equivalent bandwidth, Effective noise temperature, Noise Figure in
cascade connection of two-port networks.

Text Books:
1. Taub and Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, Mc-Graw Hill
2. Lathi, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, Oxford Univ.
3. Prokais and Salehi, “Fundamentals of Communication Systems”, Prentice Hall
4. Haykin, “Communication Systems”, Willey
5. Chandrasekhar, “Analog Communication”, Oxford Univ.

1. Carlson—Communication System,4/e , Mc-Graw Hill
3. Singh &Sapre—Communication Systems: 2/e, TMH
4. P K Ghosh- Principles of Electrical Communications- University Press
5. L.W.Couch Ii, “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, 2/e, Macmillan
6. Blake, Electronic Communication Systems- Cengage Learning
7. S Sharma, Analog Communication Systems- Katson Books

Course outcomes
CO1: Identify and understand the basic concepts of Analog communication systems and
CO2: Describe and explain the need for modulation and the type of continuous-wave modulation
methods (AM, FM & PM) suitable for various analog communication applications.
CO3: Evaluate and differentiate different modulation and demodulation methods to be adopted and
solve the problems associated with the particular method(s).
CO4: Understand the working principle of the super-heterodyne radio receivers and determine the
IF and image frequencies for given specifications.
CO5: Characterize and understand the influence of noise in the transmission channel as well as the
effects of noise on communications system models in terms of SNR on different analog modulated
CO6: Carry out, analyze and report simple hardware-based experiments as well as Simulate as per
given specifications using Matlab/ Simulink in a knowledgeable and confident manner.

EC402 Analog circuits 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Module I

Diode Circuits: Rectifiers, Clipper,


Amplifier models: Voltage amplifier, current amplifier, trans -conductance amplifier

and trans-resistance amplifier.

Biasing schemes for BJT and FET amplifiers, bias stability, various configurations
(such as CE/CS, CB/CG, CC/CD) and their features, small signal analysis, low
frequency transistor models, estimation of voltage gain, input resistance, output
resistance etc., design procedure for particular specifications, low frequency
analysis of multistage amplifiers.

Module II

High frequency transistor models, frequency response of single stage and multistage
amplifiers, cascode amplifier. Various classes of operation (Class A, B, AB, C etc.),
Feedback topologies: Voltage series, current series, voltage shunt, current shunt, effect
of feedback on gain, bandwidth etc.,
Module III

Oscillators: Review of the basic concept, Barkhausen criterion, RC oscillators(phase shift,

Wien bridge etc.), LC oscillators (Hartley, Colpitt, Clapp etc.), Multivibrators (Monostable,
Astable and Bistable)

Current mirror: Basic topology and its variants, V-I characteristics, output resistance and
minimum sustainable voltage (VON), maximum usable load.

Module IV

Differential amplifier: Basic structure and principle of operation, calculation

of differential gain, common mode gain, CMRR and ICMR.

OP-AMP: Basic structure and characteristics, inverting and non-inverting


OP-AMP applications: Integrator and differentiator, summing amplifier, Log-Antilog

amplifiers, , Schmitt trigger and its applications.

Active filters: Low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop, design
1. J. Millman and A. Grabel, Microelectronics, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 1988.
2. J.V. Wait, L.P. Huelsman and GA Korn, Introduction to Operational Amplifier theory and
applications, McGraw Hill, 1992.

3. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, 2nd edition, Cambridge University

Press, 1989.
4. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Saunder's College11
Publishing, Edition IV
6. Paul R. Gray and Robert G.Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated
Circuits, John Wiley, 3rd Edition

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Understand the characteristics of diodes and transistors
2. Design and analyze various rectifier and amplifier circuits
3. Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators
4. Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits

EC403 Microprocessor & Microcontroller 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module I 10L
Microprocessor 8085 – Architecture, pin description, Address / Data Bus multiplexing
and demultiplexing. Status and Control signal generation. Instruction set, Classification of
instructions, addressing modes, timing diagram of the instructions.Interrupts of 8085
Assembly language
Addition, Multiplication, Block Transfer, Ascending order, Descending order, finding
largest & smallest number, Look-up table etc.

Module II 6L

Memory interfacing with 8085 microprocessor, Serial and parallel data transfer – Basic
concept of serial I/O, DMA.Support IC – 8255A PPI, 8237, 8253, 8259.ADC /DAC
interfacing with 8085.

Module III 8L

Microprocessor 8086 - Architecture, Pin details, memory segmentation,

addressing modes.Familiarization of basic Instructions, Interrupts.
.Assembly language programming:
Addition, Multiplication, Block Transfer, Ascending order, Descending order, finding
largest & smallest number etc.
Module IV
L Advanced microprocessor – 80286, 80386, Pentium processor; Architecture,
register organization, multitasking.
Microcontroller 8051 – Pin configuration, input/output pins, ports, external memory,
counters and timers, instruction set, addressing modes, serial data i/o, interrupts.
Assembly language Programming using 8051.
Brief introduction to PIC microcontroller (16F877): Architecture, PIN details,
memory layout etc.

1. Microprocessor architecture, programming and application with 8085 – R. Gaonkar
2. The 8051 microcontroller - K. Ayala (Thomson)
3. Microprocessors & interfacing – D. V. Hall (Tata McGraw-hill)
4. Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals, Ray &Bhurchandi, TMH
5. The 8051 microcontroller and Embedded systems - Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinley
6. An Introduction to Microprocessor and Applications –Krishna Kant (Macmillan)


1. Microprocessors and microcontrollers - N. Senthil Kumar, M. Saravanan and
Jeevananthan(Oxford university press).
2. 8086 Microprocessor –K Ayala (Cengage learning)
3. Microprocessors – The 8086/8088, 80186/80386/80486 and the Pentium family – N. B.
Bahadure (PHI).
4. The 8051 microcontrollers – Uma Rao and AndhePallavi (PEARSON).

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

1. Understand the architecture, instruction set, timing diagram of 8085, 8086
2. Execute assembly language programming for microprocessors & microcontrollers.
3. Design interfacing of peripherals like I/O, A/D, D/A, timer etc.
4. Distinguish advanced microprocessors like 80286, 80386 etc.
5. Investigate systems using different microcontrollers like 8051, PIC microcontroller etc.

ES-CS401 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Analyze the asymptotic performance of
algorithms. Write rigorous correctness proofs for
Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data
structures. Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and
methods of analysis. synthesize efficient algorithms in common
engineering design situations.

Detailed contents:
Module1: 8L
Introduction: Characteristics of algorithm. Analysis of algorithm: Asymptotic
analysis of complexity bounds - best, average and worst-case
behavior; Performance measurements of Algorithm, Time and space
trade-offs, Analysis of recursive
algorithms through recurrence relations: Substitution method, Recursion
tree method and Masters’ theorem.

Module 2: 8L
Fundamental Algorithmic Strategies: Brute-Force, Greedy,Dynamic
Programming, Branchand-Bound and Backtracking methodologies for
the design of
algorithms; Illustrations of these techniques for Problem-Solving , Bin
Packing, Knap Sack TSP. Heuristics -characteristics and their application domains.

Module3: 6L
Graph and Tree Algorithms: Traversal algorithms: Depth First Search (DFS)
and Breadth First Search (BFS); Shortest path algorithms,
Transitive closure, Minimum
Spanning Tree, Topological sorting, Network Flow Algorithm.

Module4: 6L
Tractable and Intractable Problems: Computability of Algorithms,
Computability classes - P, NP, NP-complete and NP-hard. Cook’s
theorem, Standard NP-
complete problems and Reduction techniques.

Module5: 4L
Advanced Topics: Approximation algorithms, Randomized algorithms, Class of
problems beyond NP - P SPACE

Suggested books:
1. Introduction to Algorithms, 4TH Edition, Thomas H Cormen, Charles
E Lieserson, Ronald L Rivest and Clifford Stein, MIT Press/McGraw-Hill.
2. Fundamentals of Algorithms - E. Horowitz et al.

Suggested reference books

1. Algorithm Design, 1ST Edition, Jon Kleinberg and ÉvaTardos, Pearson.

2. Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Second
Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Wiley.
3. Algorithms—A Creative Approach, 3RD Edition, UdiManber, Addison-
Reading, MA.

Course Outcomes
1. For a given algorithms analyze worst-case running times of algorithms based
on asymptotic analysis and justify the correctness of algorithms .
2. Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls
for it. For a given problem develop the greedy algorithms.
3. Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic
design situation calls for it. Synthesize divide-and-conquer algorithms. Derive and
solve recurrence relation.
4.Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic
design situation calls for it. For a given problems of dynamic- programming and
develop the dynamic programming algorithms, and analyze it to determine
its computational complexity.
5. For a given model engineering problem model it using graph and write
the corresponding algorithm to solve the problems.
6.Explain the ways to analyze randomized algorithms (expected running time,
probability of error).
7.Explain what an approximation algorithm is. Compute the approximation factor
of an approximation algorithm (PTAS and FPTAS).

BS-M401 Numerical Methods (BS) 2L:0T:0P 2 credits

Module I 10L
Approximation in numerical computation: Truncation and rounding errors, Fixed
and floating-point arithmetic, Propagation of errors.
Interpolation: Newton forward/backward interpolation, Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided
difference Interpolation.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule, Expression for corresponding
error terms.

Module I 8L
Numerical solution of a system of linear equations:
Gauss elimination method, Matrix inversion, LU Factorization method, Gauss-
Seidel iterative method.
Numerical solution of Algebraic equation: Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method,
Newton- Raphson method.

Module III 4L

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta

methods, Predictor-Corrector methods and Finite Difference
method. (6)
Text Books:
1. C.Xavier: C Language and Numerical Methods.
2. Dutta& Jana: Introductory Numerical Analysis.
3. J.B.Scarborough: Numerical Mathematical Analysis.
4. Jain, Iyengar ,& Jain: Numerical Methods (Problems and Solution).
1. Balagurusamy: Numerical Methods, Scitech.
2. Baburam: Numerical Methods, Pearson Education.
3. N. Dutta: Computer Programming & Numerical Analysis, Universities Press.
4. SoumenGuha& Rajesh Srivastava: Numerical Methods, OUP.
5. Srimanta Pal: Numerical Methods, OUP.

BS-PH401 Engineering Electromagnetic 2L:0T:0P 2 credits

• To provide solution to real life problems in electromagnetics.
• To understand the concept of vector calculus and solve field theory problems dealing with
electric and magnetic fields.
• To learn about time varying fields and appreciate the concept of EM waves.

Module I
Vector Algebra and Calculus 6L
Review of vector algebra. Review of Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate systems and
their inter conversion. Introduction to del and Laplacian operator, Use of del operator as gradient,
curl and divergence and significance. Vector field classification: solenoidal and irrotational. Line,
surface and volume integrals-application of Stoke’s and Divergence theorem.

Module II
Electrostatic Fields 8L
Introduction to Coulomb’s law and electric field intensity, electric flux density.Electric potential.
Gaussian law and its applications in determination of field for various charge distributions.
Maxwell’s equation for static electric fields.Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.Effect of dielectric
on capacitance, Boundary conditions at electric interfaces. Energy storage for electrostatic
field.Boundary conditions for electrostatic fields.

Module III
Magnetostatic Fields 5L
Introduction to Biot- Savart’s law.Magnetic field strength and flux density.Ampere’s law and its
application, Maxwell’s equation for static magnetic fields. Magnetic scalar and vector potential,
Magnetic forces, Energy storage for magnetostaticsfield.Boundary conditions at magnetic

Module IV
Time Varying Fields and Maxwell's Equations6L
Continuity of charge, Concept of displacement current.Faraday’s lawof electromagnetic induction.
Maxwell’s equations in integral and differential form for time varying fields: for free space, for
good conductors, for harmonically varying fields.Concept of Poynting theorem: Energy stored
and radiated power. Properties of conductors and dielectrics.Wave equations for free space and
wave equations for conducting medium.

On completion of the course, student will be able to
CO1- Appraise need analysis for different coordinate systems in electromagnetics and their
CO2-Apply vector calculus to solve field theory problems.
CO3-Calculate electric and magnetic fields in different coordinates for various charge and
current configurations.
CO4- Understand boundary conditions associated with interfaces.
CO5- Appreciate Maxwell’s equations for static and time varying fields.
CO6-Understand the concept of time varying fields and wave equations.

1.E.C.Jordan,andK.G. Balmain, “Electromagnetic
WavesandRadiatingSystems”,2ndEdition, PHI,2006.
2. S.P.Seth, “Elements of Electromagnetic Fields”, 2nd Edition, DhanpatRai and Sons, 2007.
3.R. K. Shevgaonkar, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
4.G.S.N. Raju, “Electromagnetic field theory and transmission lines”, Pearson Education India,2006.
5.M. N.O. Sadiku, and S.V. Kulkarni, “Principles of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University
Press, 2007.

EC491 Analog Communication Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

1. Measurement of modulation index of an AM signal.

2. Measurement of output power with varying modulation index an AM signal(for both
DSB- & SSB).
3. Measurement of distortion of the demodulated output with varying modulation
index of an AM signal (for both DSB-SC & SSB).
4. Measurement of power of different frequency components of a frequency
modulated signal & the measurement of the bandwidth.
5. Design and set up a PLL using VCO & to measure the lock frequency.
6. Design and set up a FM demodulator using PLL.
7. Measurement of SNR of a RF amplifier.
8. Measurement of selectivity,sensitivity,fidelity of a superheterodyne receiver.
9. One innovative experiment.

On completion of the course, student will be able to
CO1: Design & implement Standard AM modulator and demodulator to measure modulation index
of an AM signal.
CO2: Examine AM signal with suppressed carrier (both DSB- & SSB) to understand principle of
CO3: Experiment FM signal to understand modulator and demodulator operations.
CO4: Construct a PLL circuit using VCO to measure the lock and capture frequencies.
CO5: Simulate & analyze performance of FDM using standard simulators.
CO6: Identify various functional blocks of a super-heterodyne receiver.

EC492 Analog Electronic Circuits Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

1. Conduct experiment to test diode clipping (single/double ended) and clamping circuits
2. Design and set up the following rectifiers with and without filters and to
determine ripple factor and rectifier efficiency:
(a). Full Wave Rectifier (b). Bridge Rectifier
3. Design and set up the BJT common emitter amplifier using voltage divider bias with
and without feedback and determine the gain- bandwidth product from its frequency
4. Set-up and study the working of complementary symmetry class B push pull
power amplifier and calculate the efficiency
5. Realize BJT Darlington Emitter follower with and without bootstrapping and
determine the gain, input and output impedances
6. Conduct an experiment on Series Voltage Regulator using Zener diode and
power transistor to determine line and load regulation characteristics.
7. Design and set-up the following tuned oscillator circuits using BJT, and
determine the frequency of oscillation.
R-C Phase shift Oscillator/Wien Bridge Oscillator
8. Plot the transfer and drain characteristics of n-channel MOSFET and calculate its
parameters, namely; drain resistance, mutual conductance and amplification
9. Design, setup and plot the frequency response of Common Source JFET/MOSFET
amplifier and obtain the bandwidth.

Course Outcome:
Students will be able to:
CO1: Design and test rectifiers, clipping circuits, clamping circuits
and voltage regulators.
CO2: Compute the parameters from the characteristics of JFET and MOSFET
CO3: Design, test and evaluate BJT amplifiers in CE
configuration. CO4: Design and test JFET/MOSFET amplifiers.
CO5: Design and test a power amplifier.
CO6: Design and test various types of oscillators.

EC493 Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

1. Familiarization with 8085 & 8051simulator on PC.

2. Study of prewritten programs using basic instruction set (data transfer,
Load/Store, Arithmetic, Logical) on the KIT. Assignments based on above
3. Programming using kit and simulator for:
i) Table look up
ii) Copying a block of
memory iii) Shifting a block of
iv) Packing and unpacking of BCD
numbers v) Addition of BCD numbers
vi) Binary to ASCII conversion
vii) String Matching, Multiplication using shift and add method and Booth’s
4. Program using subroutine calls and IN/OUT instructions using 8255 PPI on the
trainer kit e.g. subroutine for delay, reading switch state and glowing LEDs
5. Study of timing diagram of an instruction on oscilloscope..
6. Interfacing of 8255: Keyboard and Multi-digit Display with multiplexing using 8255
7. Study of 8051 Micro controller kit and writing programs as mentioned in S/L3.
Write programs to interface ofKeyboard, DAC and ADC using the kit.
8. Serial communication between two trainer kits

Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Remember the concept of various different number systems.
CO2: Understand the concept of developing assembly language program.
CO3: Apply the knowledge of Hex codes in entering simple ALP in the trainer kit/Simulator.
CO4: Develop complex ALP in 8085 and 8051 for execution on the trainer kit.
CO5: Understand various intra and inter devices communication systems in microprocessors and

BS-M491 Numerical Methods Lab (BS) 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

Assignments on Newton forward /backward, Lagrange’s interpolation.

2. Assignments on numerical integration using Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule,
Weddle’s rule.
3. Assignments on numerical solution of a system of linear equations using Gauss
elimination and Gauss-Seidel iterations.
4. Assignments on numerical solution of Algebraic Equation by Regular-falsi and Newton
Raphson methods.
5. Assignments on ordinary differential equation: Euler’s and Runga-Kutta methods.
6. Introduction to Software Packages: Matlab /Scilab / Labview / Mathematica.


EC501 EM Waves & Transmission Lines 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

To Provide solution to real life plane wave problems for various boundary conditions.
To Understand the concept of transmission lines types, various line parameters, waveguide types and
To Characterize and analyze the transmission line parameters and Acquire knowledge about the waveguides and
To Learn about basic antenna parameters and radiation characteristics.


Basics of Vectors, Vector calculus, Basic laws of Electromagnetic-Gauss’s law, Ampere’s Circuital law,
Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction., Maxwell’s Equations, Boundary conditions at media Interface.


Homogeneous unbound medium, Wave equation for time harmonic fields, Solution of the wave equation,
Uniform plane wave, Wave polarization, Wave propagation in conducting medium, Phase velocity of a wave,
Power flow and Poynting vector.


Plane wave in arbitrary direction, Plane wave at dielectric interface, Reflection and refraction of waves at
dielectric interface, Total internal reflection, Wave polarization at media interface, Brewster angle, Fields and
power flow at media interface, Lossy media interface, Reflection from conducting boundary.


Equations of Voltage and Current on TX line, Propagation constant and characteristic impedance, and reflection
coefficient and VSWR, Impedance Transformation on Loss-less and Low loss Transmission line, Power
transfer on TX line, Smith Chart, Admittance Smith Chart, Applications of transmission lines: Impedance
Matching, use transmission line sections as circuit elements.

Wave propagation in parallel plane waveguide, Analysis of waveguide general approach, Rectangular
waveguide, Modal propagation in rectangular waveguide, Surface currents on the waveguide walls, Field
visualization, Attenuation in waveguide, Circular wave guides- TE and TM waves in circular wave guides -
Attenuation factor and Q of wave guides-Microwave resonators introduction - rectangular cavity resonator - Q-
factor of micro wave cavities.


Radiation parameters of antenna, Potential functions, Solution for potential functions, Radiations from Hertz
dipole, Near field, Far field, Total power radiated by a dipole, Radiation resistance and radiation pattern of
Hertz dipole, Hertz dipole in receiving mode.

On completion of the course, student will be able to
CO1 -Discuss the fundamental concepts of wave propagation.
CO2 -Calculate reflection and transmission of waves at media interface.
CO3 -Analyze the field equations for the wave propagation in lossy and lossless dielectric media.
CO4 -Understand characteristics and wave propagation on high frequency transmission lines.

CO5 -Analyze wave propagation on metallic waveguides in modal form.
CO6 - Understand principle of radiation and radiation characteristics of an antenna.

1.E.C.Jordan,and K.G. Balmain,“ElectromagneticWavesandRadiatingSystems”,2nd Edition,PHI,2006.
2.S.P.Seth , “Elements of Electromagnetic Fields”, 2ndEdition, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2007.
3.R. K. Shevgaonkar, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
4.Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave devices and circuits”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
5.M. N.O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University Press, 2007.
6. C. A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design”, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
7. G.S.N. Raju, “Electromagnetic field theory and transmission lines”, Pearson Education India,2006.

EC502 Digital Signal Processing 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module I (3L)
Introduction to DSP: Typical Signal Processing Operations; Application Areas of DSP. Discrete-Time Signals
and Systems: Representation of Discrete-time Signals; Elementary Discrete-time Signals; Basic Operations on
Sequences; Classification of Discrete-time Signals; Classification of Discrete-time Systems; Representation of
an Arbitrary Sequence.
Module II (5L)
Discrete Convolution: Impulse Response and Convolution Sum; Linear Convolution of Finite Sequences;
Properties of the Convolution Sum; Deconvolution; Periodic or Circular Convolution; Linear Convolution from
Periodic Convolution; Periodic Convolution from Linear Convolution, Sectioned Convolution.
Module III (6L)
Z-Transforms: Z-Transform and ROC of Finite Duration Sequences; Properties of ROC; Properties of Z-
transform; Inverse Z-transform; Impulse Response and Transfer Function; Stability and Causality; Solution of
Difference Equations Using Z-transforms; Deconvolution Using Z-transform.
Module IV (6L)
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of
Discrete Time Signal; Inverse DFT (IDFT); Properties of DFT; Relation Between DFT and Z-Transform;
Analysis of LTI Discrete Time Systems using DFT; Fast Fourier Transform (FFT); Computation of inverse
DFT Using FFT; Linear Convolution Using DFT; Circular Convolution Using DFT and IDFT.
Module V (5L)
Infinite-duration Impulse Response (IIR) Filters: Frequency response of analog and digital IIR filters,
Requirements for Transformation, Impulse invariant transformation, Bilinear transformation, Specifications of
digital IIR lowpass filter, Design of lowpass digital Butterworth filter, Design of lowpass digital Chebyshev
filter, Analog and Digital Frequency transformation.
Module VI (5L)
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters: LTI system as Frequency Selective Filters; Ideal Frequency Response of
Linear Phase FIR Filters; Characteristics of FIR Filters with Linear Phase; Frequency Response of Linear Phase
FIR filter; Design Techniques for Linear Phase FIR Filters; Fourier Series Method of FIR Filter Design; FIR
Filter Design Using Windows; Design of FIR Filters by Frequency Sampling Technique.
Module VII (3L)
System Realization: Realization of Discrete-time Systems, Structures for Realization of IIR Systems, Structures
for Realization of FIR Systems.
Module VIII (3L)
Effect of finite register length in FIR filter design, Introduction to multirate signal processing, Application of
Total Lectures: 36L (36Hrs)

Text/Reference Books:
1. Discrete Time Signal Processing, A.V. Oppenheim and Schafer, Prentice Hall.
2. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, John G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis,
Prentice Hall.
3. L.R. Rabiner and B. Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall.
4. Digital Signal Processing, A. Anand Kumar, PHI.
5. Digital Signal processing – A Computer Based Approach, S.K.Mitra, TMH.
6. Digital Signal Processing, P. Rameshbabu, Scitech Publications (India).
7. Digital Signal Processing, S.Salivahanan, A.Vallabraj & C. Gnanapriya, TMH.
8. Digital Signal Processing, A. Nagoor Kani, TMH.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
CO1: Understand signals mathematically in continuous and discrete time and frequency domain and the response
of an LTI system
CO2: Illustrate the concepts of arithmetic operations on discrete-time sequences.
CO3: Differentiate different convolution methods (i.e., linear, circular etc.) and explain z-transform on discrete-
time sequences with examples and exercises.
CO4: Evaluate DFT/IDFT and FFT/IFFT using different algorithms/methods.
CO5: Examine and differentiate IIR and FIR digital filters using different techniques.
CO6: Design of different types of digital filters for various applications

EC503 Digital Communication 3L:1T:0P 4 credits

Module I: Introduction to Digital Communication, advantages of digital communication over Analog

Communication 1L

Module II: Review of Random Process: Conditional probability, communication example, joint probability,
statistical independence, random variable-continuous and discrete, cumulative distribution function, basic
definition of Stationarity, Ergodicity, autocorrelation, cross correlation, power spectral density, Response of
Linear systems to Random inputs, Gaussian process, Narrow band noise, Rayleigh pdf .

Analogy between signal and vector, distinguishibility of signal, orthogonality and orthonormality, basis
function, orthogonal signal space, message point , signal constellation, geometric interpretation of signals,
likelihood functions, Schwartz inequality, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, response of the noisy
signal at the receiver, maximum likelihood decision rule, decision boundary, optimum correlation receiver;
probability of error , error function, complementary error function, Type-I and Type-II errors
Module III: Digital Data Transmission (Waveform Coding) : Concept of sampling, Pulse Amplitude
Modulation (PAM), interlacing and multiplexing of samples, Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), quantization,
uniform and non-uniform quantization, quantization noise, binary encoding, A-Law and µ -law companding,
differential PCM, delta modulation and adaptive delta modulation.

Module IV: Baseband Transmission: Digital transmission components, source, multiplexer, line code,
regenerative repeater, concept of line coding – polar/unipolar/bipolar NRZ and RZ, Manchester, differential
encoding and their PSDs, pulse shaping, Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), Eye pattern, Nyquist criterion for zero
ISI, equalizer, zero forcing equalizer, timing extraction . 5L

Module V: Pass band Transmission: Basic digital carrier modulation techniques: ASK, FSK and PSK,
(coherent and non-coherent). Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Differential phase shift keying (DPSK),
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), Offset Quadrature Phase shift Queuing (OQPSK), Concept of M-ary
phase shift keying (MPSK), geometrical representation of BPSK wave; probability of error for BPSK
(Considering With channel noise and without channel noise),generation and detection of BPSK Signal, power
spectrum of BPSK. The average probability of symbol error for coherent M-ary PSK, power spectra of MPSK,
error probability of QPSK signal, generation and detection of QPSK signals, power spectra of QPSK signals.
Coherent Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Binary FSK, error probability of BFSK signals, generation and
detection of Coherent Binary FSK signals, power spectra of BFSK signal, Minimum Shift Keying (MSK),
signal constellation of MSK waveforms, error probability of MSK signal, GMSK, basic concept of OFDM,
constellation diagram.
Text Books:
1) Digital Communications, S. Haykin, Wiley India.
2) Principles of Communication Systems, H. Taub and D.L.Schilling, TMH Publishing Co.
3) Wireless Communication and Networks : 3G and Beyond, I. SahaMisra, TMH Education.
4) Digital Communications, J.G.Proakis, TMH Publishing Co.
5) S.M. Ross,Stochastic Processes, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 1996 (WSE Edition).

1) Digital Communications Fundamentals andApplications, B. Sklar and P.K.Ray, Pearson.
2) Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B.P.Lathi and Z.Ding, Oxford
University Press.
3) Digital Communication, A. Bhattacharya, TMH Publishing Co.
4) J. Medhi,Stochastic Processes, 3rd Edition, New Age International, 2009.

Course Outcome:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
CO1- Understand the basic building blocks of digital communication system , random theory and stochastic
CO2- Understand Sampling Theorem to explain PAM, PWM, PPM, PAM-TDM and process of quantization
to explain PCM, LDM, ADM.
CO3- Understand line coding techniques along with PSDs and describe Inter Symbol Interference (ISI)
equalization techniques.
CO4- Analyze different Passband Digital Modulation Techniques viz. ASK, PSK, FSK, MSK.
CO5- Understand detection theory, optimum correlation receiver and identification of BER.

EC504 Computer Architecture 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module I
Basic Structure of Computers, Computer organization and architecture, Harvard & Von Neumann architecture,
Functional units, software, performance issues software, machine instructions and programs, Types of
instructions, Instruction sets: Instruction formats, Assembly language, Stacks, Ques, Subroutines.
Module II
Processor organization, Information representation, number formats. 3L
Module III
Multiplication & division, ALU design (combinational ALU & sequential ALU), Floating Point arithmetic,
IEEE 754 floating point formats.
Control Design, Instruction sequencing, Interpretation, Hard wired control - Design methods, and CPU control
unit. Microprogrammed Control - Basic concepts, minimizing microinstruction size, multiplier control unit.
Microprogrammed computers - CPU control unit

Module IV

Memory organization, device characteristics, RAM, ROM, Memory mapping and management techniques ,
Concept of Cache & associative memories, Cache memory organizations, Techniques for reducing cache
misses; Hierarchical memory technology: Inclusion, Coherence and locality properties, Virtual memory,
memory replacement policies.
Module V
CPU Organization: Fundamentals, Processor-memory communication [Clock cycles and Timing Diagram],
Instruction cycle, RISC & CISC based architecture. System organization, Input - Output systems, Interrupt,
DMA, Standard I/O interfaces 4L
Module VI
Concept of parallel processing, Details of Pipelining, instruction and arithmetic pipeline, data hazards, control
hazards and structural hazards, techniques for handling hazards, Pipeline optimization techniques. Flynn’s
classification –SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD architectures, Forms of parallel processing, interconnect network,
Instruction-level parallelism: basic concepts, techniques for increasing ILP, superscalar, super pipelined and
VLIW processor architectures, Array and Vector processors. 6L
Module VII
Introduction to Multi-core Processor, Roadmap to modern multi-core processors, architecture and working
principle [brief study] , Various proposed and implemented methods of load balancing in multi-core
processors: their challenges and future directions.

Text/Reference Books:
1. V.Carl Hammacher, “Computer Organisation”, Fifth Edition.
2. A.S.Tanenbum, “Structured Computer Organisation”, PHI, Third edition
3. Y.Chu, "Computer Organization and Microprogramming”, II, Englewood Chiffs, N.J., Prentice Hall Edition
4. M.M.Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, Edition
5. C.W.Gear, “Computer Organization and Programming”, McGraw Hill, N.V. Edition
6. Hayes J.P, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, PHI, Second edition
7. Q. Chen, and M. Guo, Task Scheduling for Multi-core and Parallel Architectures, Challenges, Solutions
and Perspectives, Springer, 2017.

Course Outcomes

At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

CO1: Study and analyze the types of instructions, Instruction sets and Instruction formats and numbering
CO2: Analyze the ALU, Floating Point arithmetic.
CO3: Classify the various memory organization systems, memory mapping and techniques.
CO4:Classify various methods of parallel processing and identify Instruction-level parallelism.
CO5: Differentiate the working principle of modern multi-core processor architecture and their load balancing

EC591 EM Wave & Transmission Lines Laboratory 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

Name of the Experiment:-

(1) Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of a Simple Dipole antenna.
(2) Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of a Folded Dipole antenna.
(3) Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of a Yagi-Uda antenna.
(4) Study of Radiation pattern and measurement of beam width of Parabolic Reflector antenna.
(5) Study of Radiation Pattern and measurement of Gain & Beam width of a Horn Antenna using
Rectangular Wave Guide.
(6) Measurement of input & load impedance of a terminated waveguide using Shift in minima technique.
(7) Study of Smith Chart.
(8) Study the characteristics of Transmission Line for different loading conditions.

EC592 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 0L:0T:2P 1 credits
Simulation Laboratory using standard Simulator:
1. Sampled sinusoidal signal, various sequences and different arithmetic operations.
2. Convolution of two sequences using graphical methods and using commands
verification of the properties of convolution.
3. Z-transform of various sequences - verification of the properties of Z-transform.
4. Twiddle factors - verification of the properties.
5. DFTs / IDFTs using matrix multiplication and also using commands.
6. Circular convolution of two sequences using graphical methods and using commands,
differentiation between linear and circularconvolutions.
7. Verifications of the different algorithms associated with filtering of long data sequences and
Overlap -add and Overlap-save methods.
8. Butterworth filter design with different set of parameters.
9. FIR filter design using rectangular, Hamming and Blackman windows.

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Examine different discrete time signals and compute arithmetic operations of
discrete time sequences using standard simulators.
CO2: Evaluate and Differentiate different convolution methods (Linear and Circular)
and it's properties using standard simulators.
CO3: Experiment sectioned convolution by overlap– add & overlap–save method
using standard simulators.
CO4: Simulate 8-point DFT of a discrete time sequence in direct method using
standard simulators.
CO5: Determine Z-transform of discrete-time sequences and it's properties using
standard simulators.
CO6: Design IIR and FIR digital filters using standard simulators.

EC593 Digital Communication Laboratory 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

1. Design, implementation and study of all the properties of 7-length and 15-lengthpn
sequences using shift register.
2. Study of PAM and demodulation.
3. Study of PCM and demodulation.
4. Study of line coders: polar/unipolar/bipolar NRZ ,RZ and Manchester.
5. Study of delta modulator and demodulator.
6. Study of adaptive delta modulator and
7. Study of BPSK modulator and demodulator.
8. Study of BFSK modulator and demodulator.
9. Study of ASK modulator and demodulator.
10. Study of QPSK modulator and demodulator.
11. Simulation study of probability of symbol error for BPSKmodulation.
12. Simulation study of probability of symbol error for BFSK modulation.

Course Outcomes:
CO1- Understand the basic building of pseudo sequence, PAM, PCM modulation demodulation.
CO2- Understand line coding polar/unipolar/bipolar NRZ, RZ and Manchester.
CO3- Understand delta modulation, adaptive delta modulation and demodulation techniques.
CO4- Understand different Passband Digital Modulation Techniques viz. ASK, BPSK, BFSK, QPSK.
CO5- Simulation study of probability of symbol error for BPSK and BFSK modulation.

MC-581 Essence of Indian Tradition & Culture 0L:0T:2P 2 credits

PE-EC505A Information Theory and Coding 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the concept of information and entropy
2. Understand Shannon’s theorem for coding
3. Calculation of channel capacity
4. Apply coding techniques

Module-I: Basics of Information Theory (7L)

Amount & unit of information, Measure of entropy for discrete ensembles, Information rate, Discrete, Markov
sources and their entropy expressions, Encoding of discrete sources.
Module-II: Discrete Channels and Channel Capacity (8L)
Discrete channel and discrete memoryless channel model, Mutual information, Different types of entropy and
their interrelationship, Channel capacity of various discrete channels, Shannon’s noiseless and noisy coding
theorems, Shannon’s channel capacity theorem for AWGN channel, Shannon’s limit.
Module-III: Source Coding Techniques (8L)
Basics of source coding, Types of code: Fixed length code, Variable length code, Distinct code, Prefix code,
Uniquely decidable code, Instantaneous code, Optimal code and Irreducible code, Shannon’s source coding
theorem, Huffman and Shano-Fano coding techniques.
Module-IV: Channel Codes (15L)
Linear Block Code: Matrix representation of block code, G and H matrix, Encoding, Syndrome computation,
Minimum distance, error detection and correction capabilities, Standard Array and decoding, Different types of
block code.
Cyclic Code: Polynomial representation, Generator and parity polynomial, Encoding and decoding circuits.
Total Lectures: 38 Hours
Text/ Reference Books
1. N. Amramson, Information & Coding, McGraw Hill, 1963.
2. M. Mansurpur, Introduction to Inforfation Theory, McGraw Hill, 1987.
3. R. B. Ash, Inforfation Theory, Prentice Hall, 1970.
4. Shu Lin and D. J. Costello Jr., Error Control Coding, Prentice Hall, 1983.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the concept of information, entropy and information sources.
2. Understand Shannon’s theorem and application of it in different channels.
3. Explanation and derivation of different source coding techniques.
4. Understanding the basics of Channels codes.
5. Design encoder and decoder circuit of linear block codes and cyclic codes

PE-EC505B Mixed Signal Design 3L:0T 3 credits

Analog and discrete-time signal processing, introduction to sampling theory;Analog continuous-

time filters: passive and active filters; Basics of analog discrete-time filters and Z-transform.

Switched-capacitor filters- Nonidealities in switched-capacitor filters; Switched-capacitor

filter architectures; Switched-capacitor filter applications.

Basics of data converters; Successive approximation ADCs, Dual slope ADCs,Flash ADCs,
Pipeline ADCs, Hybrid ADC structures, High-resolution ADCs, DACs.

Mixed-signal layout, Interconnects and data transmission; Voltage-mode signalingand

data transmission; Current-mode signaling and data transmission.
Introduction to frequency synthesizers and synchronization; Basics of PLL,Analog PLLs;
Digital PLLs; DLLs.

Text/Reference Books:
1. R. Jacob Baker, CMOS mixed-signal circuit design, Wiley India, IEEE press, reprint
2. Behzad Razavi , Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
3. R. Jacob Baker, CMOS circuit design, layout and simulation, Revised second edition,
IEEE press, 2008.
4. Rudy V. dePlassche, CMOS Integrated ADCs and DACs, Springer, Indian edition, 2005.
5. Arthur B. Williams, Electronic Filter Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1981.
6. R. Schauman, Design of analog filters by, Prentice-Hall 1990 (or newer additions).
7. M. Burns et al., An introduction to mixed-signal IC test and measurement by,
Oxford university press, first Indian edition, 2008.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the practical situations where mixed signal analysis is required.
2. Analyze and handle the inter-conversions between signals.
3. Design systems involving mixed signals

PE-EC505C Power Electronics 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Characteristics of Semiconductor Power Devices: Thyristor, power MOSFET and IGBT- Treatment
should consist of structure, Characteristics, operation, ratings, protections and thermal
considerations. Brief introduction to power devices viz. TRIAC, MOS controlled
thyristor (MCT), Power Integrated Circuit (PIC) (Smart Power), Triggering/Driver, commutation
and snubber circuits for thyristor, power MOSFETs and IGBTs (discrete and IC based).Concept of
fast recovery and schottky diodes as freewheeling and feedback diode.

Controlled Rectifiers: Single phase: Study of semi and full bridge converters for R, RL, RLE and
level loads. Analysis of load voltage and input current- Derivations of load form factor and ripple
factor, Effect of source impedance, Input current Fourier series analysis of input current to derive
input supply power factor, displacement factor and harmonic factor.

Choppers: Quadrant operations of Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D and type E choppers,
Control techniques for choppers - TRC and CLC, Detailed analysis of Type A chopper. Step up
chopper. Multiphase Chopper

Single-phase inverters: Principle of operation of full bridge square wave, quasi-square wave, PWM
inverters and comparison of their performance. Driver circuits for above inverters and mathematical
analysis of output (Fourier series) voltage and harmonic control at output of inverter (Fourier
analysis of output voltage). Filters at the output of inverters, Single phase current source

Switching Power Supplies: Analysis of fly back, forward converters for SMPS, Resonant
converters - need, concept of soft switching, switching trajectory and SOAR, Load resonant
converter - series loaded half bridge DC-DC converter.

Applications: Power line disturbances, EMI/EMC, power conditioners. Block diagram and
configuration of UPS, salient features of UPS, selection of battery and charger ratings, sizing
of UPS. Separately excited DC motor drive. P M Stepper motor Drive.

Text /Reference Books:

1. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Power electronics” Prentice Hall of India.
2. Ned Mohan, Robbins, “Power electronics”, edition III, John Wiley and sons.
3. P.C. Sen., “Modern Power Electronics”, edition II, Chand& Co.
4. V.R.Moorthi, “Power Electronics”, Oxford University Press.
5. Cyril W., Lander,” Power Electronics”, edition III, McGraw Hill.
6. G K Dubey, S R Doradla,: Thyristorised Power Controllers”, New Age International
Publishers. SCR manual from GE, USA.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Build and test circuits using power devices such as SCR
2. Analyze and design controlled rectifier, DC to DC converters, DC to AC inverters,
3. Learn how to analyze these inverters and some basic applications.
4. Design SMPS.

OE-EC506A Soft Skill and Interpersonal Communication 3L:0T:0P 3 credits


SWOT Analysis, Who am I, Attributes, Importance of Self Confidence, Self Esteem.
Out of box thinking, Lateral Thinking.
Factors influencing Attitude, Challenges and lessons from Attitude, Etiquette.
Factors of motivation, Self talk, Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivators.
Wish List, SMART Goals, Blue print for success, Short Term, Long Term, Life Time Goals.
Time management
Value of time, Diagnosing Time Management, Weekly Planner To do list, Prioritizing work.


Understanding the relationship between Leadership Networking & Team work. Assessing
Interpersonal Skills Situation description of Interpersonal Skill.
Team Work: Necessity of Team Work Personally, Socially and Educationally


Skills for a good Leader, Assessment of Leadership Skills
Causes of Stress and its impact, how to manage & distress, Circle of control, Stress Busters.
Emotional Intelligence
What is Emotional Intelligence, emotional quotient why Emotional Intelligence matters, Emotion
Scales. Managing Emotions.
Conflicts in Human Relations – Reasons Case Studies, Approaches to conflict resolution.
Importance and necessity of Decision Making, Process and practical way of Decision
Making, Weighing Positives & Negatives

OE-EC506B Cyber Law & Intellectual Property Rights 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Cyber World :
An Overview, The internet and online resources ,Security of information, Digital signature
An Overview Cyber Law:
Introduction about the cyber space , Regulation of cyber space – introducing cyber law Scope of
Cyber laws – ecommerce; online contracts; IPRs (copyright, trademarks and software patenting); e-
taxation; e-governance and cyber crimes, Cyber law in India with special reference to Information
Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008

Introduction : Origin and Genesis of IPR , Theories of IPR – Locke’s, Hegel andMarxian Ethical,
moral andhuman rights perspectives of IPR, Intellectual PropertyRights: International Relevance,
Internationalization of IP protection – ParisConvention, Berne Convention, TRIPS Agreement – basic
principles and minimum standards – limits of one-size-fit for all flexibilities under TRIPS

Intellectual Property: Issues and Challenges:

Geographical Indications, Layout designs of Integrated Circuits and Protection of Plant Varieties and
Farmers' Rights. Copyright protection with reference to performers rights and Artist rights, Global
governance towards Patents , Trade Marks: Legal recognition, Comparative analysis in India, EU
and USA, Trade secrets : Legal recognition, Comparative analysis in India, EU and USA

Intellectual Property: Contemporary Trends

Benefit sharing and contractual agreements – International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture – issues on patent policy and farmers’ rights- CBD, Nagoya Protocol and
Indian law, UNESCO – protection of folklore/cultural expressions Developments in WIPO on
traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions

Text Book
1. Duggal Pavan, Cyber Law - An exhaustive section wise Commentary on The Information
Technology Act along with Rules, Regulations, Policies, Notifications etc. UNIVERSAL LAW
PUBLISHING CO. PVT. LTD. C-FF-1A, Dilkhush Industrial Estate, (Near Azad Pur Metro
Station) G. T. Karnal Road, Delhi -110033, INDIA2014
Reference Book
1. Intellectual Property Rights in India : General Issues and ImplicationsPrankrishnaPal
2. JonathanRosenoer, “Cyberlaw: the Law of the Internet”, Springer-verlag, 1997.
3. W. Cornish & Llewelyn – Intellectual Property: Patent, Copyrights, Trade Marks & Allied
Rights”,London Sweet & Maxwell.
4. Nard Madison- The Intellectual Property, Aspian Publication.
5. Carlosm Correa- Oxford commentaries on GATT/ WTO Agreements trade Related aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights, Oxford University Press.
6. Cornish William – Intellectual Property. Cambridge University Press.
Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the students will be able to :
1. understand the role of intellectual property rights
2. identify the main types of intellectual property rights
3. understand the steps for successful registration and protection of intellectual property rightsat

national,regional and international levels

4. search patent and trademark databases
5. understand the legal aspects for intellectual property protection

OE-EC506C Human Resource Management 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

UNIT-1-Human Resource Management :

Meaning & Definition, Functions, Scope & Objectives, Qualities of a HR Manager

UNIT-2-Human Resource Planning :

Meaning & Definition, Importance of HRP,HRP Process. Barriers of HRP, Factors of sound
HRP.Recruitment – Meaning & Definition, Sources of Recruitment, Recruitment Process,
Effective Recruitment.
Training & Performance Appraisal- Definition & Objective ,Areas of Training, Meaning &
Definition of Performance Appraisal, process, Effective principles of performance Appraisal.

UNIT-3- Industrial Relations :

Concept & Meaning, Objective & Importance, Reasons of poor Industrial Relation. Industrial
Disputes- Meaning & Definition, Causes of Industrial Dispute, Prevention of Industrial Dispute,
Conditions for good Industrial Relation.

UNIT-4- Workers Participation in Management :

Meaning & Need, Forms of Participation, Scheme of participation ,Merits & Demerits.
Collective Bargain- Meaning & Definition, Objective & Importance, Process of Collective
Bargain, Effective Condition. Employee Discipline-Guidelines for action, Penalties &
Punishment, Rewards of Discipline.

Text Book
1. Human Resource Management. P. Subba Rao, Himalaya Publishing House, 2012.
2. Human Resource Management. K.Aswathappa. Mc GRAW HILL Education, 2013.
Reference Book
1. Human Resource Development Management . A. M.Seikh S.Chand, 2003.
2. Human Resource Management . S.S.Khanka, S. Chand, 2014.

Course Outcome : At the end of the course the students will be able to :
1. know the professional and personal qualities of a HR manager.
2. learn different methods of selecting human resources through recruitment, training and
performanceappraisal system.
3. know how to develop a favourable working environment in an organisation through
participation in management and maintain a good industrial relation for benefit of the society.
4. know about consequence of industrial dispute and employee indiscipline of an organization.


EC601 Control System and Instrumentation 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module – I:
Concepts of Control Systems- Open Loop and closed loop control systems and their differences- Different
examples of control systems- Classification of control systems, Feed-Back Characteristics, Effects of
feedback. Mathematical models – Differential equations, Impulse Response and transfer functions -
Translational and Rotational mechanical systems. [4L]


Transfer Function of linear systems, Block diagram representation of systems considering electrical
systems as examples -Block diagram algebra – Representation by Signal flow graph - Reduction using
mason’s gain formula. [5L]

Module – II:
Standard test signals - Time response of first order systems – Characteristic Equation of Feedback control
systems, Transient response of second order systems - Time domain specifications – Steady state response
- Steady state errors and error constants. [4L]


The concept of stability – Routh’s stability criterion – limitations of Routh’s stability. Root Locus
Technique: The root locus concept - construction of root loci-effects of adding poles and zeros to G(s)H(s)
on the root loci. [4L]

Module – III:
Introduction, Frequency domain specifications-Bode diagrams-Determination of Frequency domain
specifications and transfer function from the Bode Diagram-Phase margin and Gain margin-Stability
Analysis from Bode Plots. [5L]


Polar Plots, Nyquist Plots Stability Analysis. [4L]

Module - IV:
Compensation techniques – Lag, Lead, Lead-Lag Controllers design in frequency Domain, PID
Controllers. [4L]


Concepts of state, state variables and state model, derivation of state models from block diagrams,
Diagonalization- Solving the Time invariant state Equations- State Transition Matrix and it’s Properties –
Concepts of Controllability and Observability. [5L]

Module - V:
Architecture and function, Input-output modules and interfacing, CPU and memory, Relays, Timers,
Counters and their uses, PLC programming and applications, Introduction to DCS. [4L]

1. Automatic Control Systems 8th edition– by B. C. Kuo 2003– John Wiley and son’s.
2. Control Systems Engineering – by I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited,
Publishers, 2nd edition.
3. D.C. Sikdar, Instrumentation and Process Control, Khanna Publishing House (2018).

1. Modern Control Engineering – by Katsuhiko Ogata – Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd edition, 1998.
2. Control Systems Engg. by NISE 3rd Edition – John Wiley.

Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Explain the concept of open loop and close loop control system transfer function and determine
overall transfer function using block diagram reduction technique and Mason’s gain formula.
2. Demonstrate the transient response of first order and second order control system and solve the
mathematical equation, variation between input and output, realization for instability, marginal
stability and stability of a system using Routh Hurwitz Criterion, Nyquist polar plot.
3. Compute frequency response, frequency domain specification and transfer function using Bode plot,
Root –Locus and determine gain margin, phase margin and stability analysis.
4. Differentiate compensation technique- lag, lead, lead-lag and design PI, PD &PID controller and
implement them using various passive components.
5. Explain the concept of state, state variable, state model, derivation of state model from block diagram,
solving the time invariant state equation, controllability and observability Verification.
6. Demonstrate Input-output modules, interfacing, Relays, Timers, Counters and PLC programming and

EC602 Computer Network 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Module I
Overview of Data Communication and Networking: [4L]
Introduction; Data communications: components, data representation (ASCII,ISO etc.), direction of
data flow (simplex, half duplex, full duplex); network criteria, physical structure (type of
connection, topology), categories of network (LAN, MAN,WAN); Internet: brief history, Protocols
and standards; Reference models: OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model, their comparative
Physical Level: [6L]
Overview of data(analog & digital), signal(analog & digital), transmission (analog & digital) &
transmission media (guided & unguided); Circuit switching: time division & space division switch,
TDM bus; Telephone Network;

Module II
Data link Layer: [5L]
Types of errors, framing(character and bit stuffing), error detection & correction methods; Flow
control; Protocols: Stop & wait ARQ, Go-Back- N ARQ, Selective repeat ARQ, HDLC;
Medium Access sub layer: [5L]
Point to Point Protocol, LCP, NCP, Token Ring; Reservation, Polling, Mu ltiple access
protocols: Pure ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA Traditional
Ethernet, fast Ethernet(in brief);

Module III
Network layer: [8L]
Internetworking & devices: Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Router, Gateway; Addressing : IP
addressing, subnetting; Routing : techniques, static vs. dynamic routing , Unicast Routing Protocols:
RIP, OSPF, BGP; Other Procols: ARP, IP, ICMP, IPV6;.
Transport layer: [4L]
Process to Process delivery; UDP; TCP; Congestion Control: Open Loop, Closed Loop choke packets;
Quality of service: techniques to improve QoS: Leaky bucket algorithm, Token bucket algorithm,

Module IV
Application Layer [5L]
Introduction to DNS, SMTP, SNMP, FTP, HTTP & WWW; Security: Cryptography (Public, Private
Key based), Digital Signature, Firewalls.
Modern topics: [5L]
ISDN services & ATM, DSL technology, Cable Modem:
Architecture & Operation in brief Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, Introduction to blue-tooth.

Text Books:
1. B. A. Forouzan - “Data Communications and Networking (3rd Ed.) “ - TMH
2. A. S. Tanenbaum - “Computer Networks (4th Ed.)” - Pearson Education/PHI
3. W. Stallings - “Data and Computer Communications (5th Ed.)” - PHI/ Pearson Education
4. Zheng & Akhtar, Network for Computer Scientists & Engineers, OUP
5. Black, Data & Computer Communication, PHI

6. Miller, data Communication & Network, Vikas

7. Miller, Digital & Data Communication, Jaico
8. Shay, Understanding Data Communication & Network, Vikas

Reference Books:
1. Kurose and Rose - “ Computer Networking -A top down approach featuring the internet” - Pearson
2. Leon, Garica, Widjaja - “Communication Networks” - TMH
3. Walrand - “Communication Networks” - TMH.
4. Comer - “Internetworking with TCP/IP, vol. 1, 2, 3(4th Ed.)” - Pearson Education/PHI

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to

CO1: Study and analyze the network components, modes of communication,
network protocols and standards, network reference models.
CO2: Analyze the specifications of physical layer and related protocols.
CO3: Classify the working principle of various layer 3 protocols, routing protocols and
CO4: Differentiate the classes of IP addresses and implementation of subnetting.
CO5: Classify the working mechanism of various transport layer protocols, connection
oriented and connection-less services, identify QoS policies and improvement.
CO6: Differentiate the working principle of different application layer protocols.

HS-HU 601 Economics for Engineers 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

1. Economic Decisions Making - Overview, Problems, Role, Decision making process.
2. Engineering Costs & Estimation - Fixed, Variable, Marginal & Average Costs, Sunk Costs,
Opportunity Costs, Recurring And Nonrecurring Costs, Incremental Costs, Cash Costs vs Book
Costs, Life-Cycle Costs; Types Of Estimate, Estimating Models - PerUnit Model, Segmenting Model,
Cost Indexes, Power-Sizing Model, Improvement & Learning Curve, Benefits.

3. Cash Flow, Interest and Equivalence: Cash Flow - Diagrams, Categories & Computation, Time
Value of Money, Debt repayment, Nominal & Effective Interest.
4. Cash Flow & Rate Of Return Analysis - Calculations, Treatment of Salvage Value, Annual Cash
Flow Analysis, Analysis Periods; Internal Rate Of Return, Calculating Rate of Return, Incremental
Analysis; Best Alternative Choosing An Analysis Method, Future Worth Analysis, Benefit-Cost
Ratio Analysis, Sensitivity And Breakeven Analysis. Economic Analysis In The Public Sector -
Quantifying And Valuing Benefits & drawbacks.

5. Inflation And Price Change - Definition, Effects, Causes, Price Change with Indexes, Types of
Index, Composite vs Commodity Indexes, Use of Price Indexes In Engineering Economic Analysis,
Cash Flows that inflate at different Rates.
6. Present Worth Analysis: End-Of-Year Convention, Viewpoint Of Economic Analysis Studies,
Borrowed Money Viewpoint, Effect Of Inflation & Deflation, Taxes, Economic Criteria, Applying
Present Worth Techniques, Multiple Alternatives.
7. Uncertainty In Future Events - Estimates and Their Use in Economic Analysis, Range Of
Estimates, Probability, Joint Probability Distributions, Expected Value, Economic Decision Trees,
Risk, Risk vs Return, Simulation, Real Options.

8. Depreciation - Basic Aspects, Deterioration & Obsolescence, Depreciation And Expenses,
Types Of Property, Depreciation Calculation Fundamentals, Depreciation And Capital
Allowance Methods, Straight-Line Depreciation Declining Balance Depreciation, Common
Elements Of Tax Regulations For Depreciation And Capital Allowances.
9. Replacement Analysis - Replacement Analysis Decision Map, Minimum Cost Life of a New Asset,
Marginal Cost, Minimum Cost Life Problems.
10. Accounting - Function, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Financial Ratios Capital Transactions,
Cost Accounting, Direct and Indirect Costs, Indirect Cost Allocation.

1. James L.Riggs,David D. Bedworth, Sabah U. Randhawa : Economics for Engineers 4e , Tata
2. Donald Newnan, Ted Eschembach, Jerome Lavelle : Engineering Economics Analysis, OUP
3. John A. White, Kenneth E.Case,David B.Pratt : Principle of Engineering Economic Analysis, John

4. Sullivan and Wicks: Engineering Economy, Pearson
5. R.Paneer Seelvan: Engineering Economics, PHI
6. Michael R Lindeburg : Engineering Economics Analysis, Professional Pub

EC691 Control and Instrumentation Laboratory 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

1. Familiarization with MATLAB control system toolbox and representation of pole zero and
transfer function of control system.

2. Determination of transfer function of a given system from its state model and its vice-versa.

3. Determination of impulse & step response for 2nd order under damped system on CRO &
calculation of control system specifications for variation of system design.

4. Determination of root Locus from transfer function and evaluation of system parameters like
marginal value of gain, frequency etc. of a given control system.

5. Drawing of Nyquist plot and Bode plot from transfer function of a control system and
estimation of relative system parameters like gain margin, phase margin etc.

6. Design PI, PD and PID controller for specified system requirements.

7. Study of static (accuracy, precision, repeatability, linearity) and dynamic (fidelity, speed of
response) characteristics of a measuring instrument.

8. Design and study of Instrumentation Amplifier.

Course Outcomes (COs):

On completion of this lab course the students will be able to:
CO1: Examine different discrete time signals ,compute arithmetic operations using MATLAB and also
Realize Block Diagram Reduction and verify properties using MATLAB.
CO2: Simulate transient response of first order and second order control system using MATLAB and
Realization of variation of output with the variation of input and condition for being in the steady state
using MATLAB commands.
CO3: Evaluate Poles and zeros and locate their position in s-plane using MATLAB and Realization of
step response of a closed loop control system and obtain the time domain response using MATLAB.
CO4: Determine the input vs. output graph, and conditions for stability, marginal stability and
unstability of a system using Nyquist polar plot in MATLAB.
CO5: Simulate frequency response, frequency domain specification and transfer function using Bode
plot and obtain gain margin, phase margin and explain stability analysis using MATLAB.
CO6: Simulate frequency response, frequency domain specification and transfer function using root-
locus in MATLAB.

EC692 Computer Network Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

• IPC (Message queue)

• NIC Installation & Configuration (Windows/Linux)
• Familiarization with
o Networking cables (CAT5, UTP)
o Connectors (RJ45, T-connector)
o Hubs, Switches
• TCP/UDP Socket Programming
• Multicast & Broadcast Sockets
• Implementation of a Prototype Multithreaded Server
• Implementation of
o Data Link Layer Flow Control Mechanism (Stop & Wait, Sliding Window)
o Data Link Layer Error Detection Mechanism (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
o Data Link Layer Error Control Mechanism (Selective Repeat, Go Back N)

EC681 Electronic Design Workshop 0L:0T:2P 2 credits

1. The mini-project is a team activity having 3-4 students in a team. This is electronic product
design work with a focus on electronic circuit design.

2. The mini project may be a complete hardware or a combination of hardware and software.
The software part in mini project should be less than 50% of the total work.
3. Mini Project should cater to a small system required in laboratory or real life.
4. It should encompass components, devices, analog or digital ICs, micro controller with which
functional familiarity is introduced.
5. After interactions with course coordinator and based on comprehensive literature survey/
need analysis, the student shall identify the title and define the aim and objectives of mini-project.
6. Student is expected to detail out specifications, methodology, resources required, crit ical
issues involved in design and implementation and submit the proposal within first week of the
7. The student is expected to exert on design, development and testing of the proposed work as
per the schedule.
8. Art work and Layout should be made using CAD based PCB simulation software. Due
considerations should be given for power requirement of the system, mechanical aspects for
enclosure and control panel design.

9. Completed mini project and documentation in the form of mini project report is to be
submitted at the end of semester.
10. The tutorial sessions should be used for discussion on standard practices used for electronic
circuits/product design, converting the circuit design into a complete electronic product, PCB
design using suitable simulation software, estimation of power budget analysis of the product, front
panel design and mechanical aspects of the product, and guidelines for documentation /report
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Conceive a problem statement either from rigorous literature survey or from the requirements
raised from need analysis.
2. Design, implement and test the prototype/algorithm in order to solve the conceived problem.
3. Write comprehensive report on mini project work.

EC682 Programming based Mini Project 0L:0T:2P 2 credits

1. Study and implementation of basic concept of OOP (Objects, classes, encapsulation and
abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding, message passing etc.)

2. Study and implementation ofabstract class, run time and compile time polymorphism,access
specifies: private, public, package,Files and Streams in java, array of objects etc.

3. Write a program to build a simple Menu-Driven Program for Bank Management Systemusing OOP
which can perform following operations:
a) Open account
b) Deposit Money
c) Withdraw Money
d) Display Account

4. Write a program to build a simple Menu Library Management System using OOP which can
perform following operations:
a) Insert new Book
b) Search for book(s).
c) Update book details
d) Issue a book to any student.
e) Take return of books from student and
f) Collect fine if any

5. Write a program to build a simple Menu-Driven Program for Student Record Systemusing OOP
which can perform following operations:
a) Insert new Students
b) Search any student
c) Update academic records
d) Modify Student Record
e) Generate Mark sheet
f) Delete Student Record

6. Write a program to build a simple Menu-Driven Program for Bus Reservation Systemusing OOP
which can perform following operations:
a) Insert the bus record
b) Show all buses available
c) Show the seat availability of any particular bus
d) Reservation of seat

7. Write a program to build a simple Menu-Driven Program for supermarket billing systemusing OOP
which can perform following operations:
a) Insert Items
b) Buy items
c) Show items in the bucket
d) Discount if amount is more than a specific amount
e) Generate bill
8. Write a java applet program that computes the payment of loan based on the amount of loan,
interest rate/year and the time either in months or year.

Text Book
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++, Reema Thareja, OXFORD University Press,
1stEdition, 2015
2. Java 2: The Complete Reference,Schildt, TMG Hill, 7thEdition.

Reference Book
1. Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Robert Lafore, CourseSams Publishing, 4thEdition

2. Head First Java, By Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, O'Reilly,2ndEdition

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Differentiate between structures oriented programming and object orientedprogramming.
2. Use object oriented programming language like C++ or JAVA and associated libraries to develop object
3. Understand and apply various object oriented features like inheritance, data abstraction, encapsulation
andpolymorphism to solve various computing problems using OOP language.

4. Apply concepts of overloading, abstract class, overriding, constructors and destructors, exception
handling, packaging system.

MC-681 Effective Technical Communication 0L:0T:2P 2 credits


Build confidence in listening, speaking, reading and writing English professionally.

Enable the students to think and speak effectively on everyday topics, including
topics related to technical concepts
Equip students with the basics of Academic writing
Developing industry-ready attitude towards professional communication.
Prepare for competitive exams like TOEFL, IELTS
The classes need to be taken in ICT enabled classrooms, as well as in the Language lab.
Conversational Skills(6hours)
1. General Conversation
Warm-up sessions
Basics of Communication, verbal and non-verbal communication how
to be a good speaker, effective body language.
Practice sessions on:
 Introducing oneself
 Debates on topics like Is India really developing, Indian culture VS
western culture, whether robots will overtake humans one day.
 Just a Minute Sessions (JAMS)
 Situational Dialogues and Role play : where students can enact
everyday situations in their personal and professional lives
Module-II: (6hours)
Intensive Practice Sessions
2.1 Group Discussion on topics like dangers of social media, is internet
killing the print media, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Cloud
Computing, Cyber security


Organisational Writing(4 hours)

Job application letter and CV writing
E-Mail writing

Academic Writing(8 hours)

Techniques for good Technical Writing: Academic Writing and Thesis
Avoiding plagiarism
Project Proposal
Statement of Purpose
Journal Articles

Module-IV: (6 hours)
4.1 Principles and practices of Personal Interview: (Practice sessions)
Do’s and Don’ts of facing an interview.
SWOC Analysis
Rigorous practices of mock-interviews

Module-V: Presentations(4 hours)

Fundamentals of presentation skills
Presentation sessions on Technical topics

Preparation for T.O.E.F.L. and IELTS (Guidance and Practice sessions)


1. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta

Sharma, Oxford University Press, 2015
2. Thesis Writing: A Manual for Researches , F. Abdul Rahim, New Age International
Limited, 1996
3. Professional Presentation, Malcolm Goodale, Cambridge University Press, 2005
4. Academic Writing: a Practical Guide for Students, Stephen Bailey London: Routledge
5. Barron’s TOEFL IBT 2016 Guide(with DVD) Pamela J.Sharpe, New Delhi: Galgotia,

PE-EC603A Microwave Theory and Techniques 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

To Analyze microwave frequencies and microwave components.
To Analyze microwave systems and assess the impact of microwave component performances on
overall system performance.
To Describe the operation and analyze the performance of basic microwave sources and solid
state semiconductor devices.
To Understand the techniques of measuring different parameters at microwave frequency.


History of Microwaves, Microwave Frequency bands;Applications of Microwaves: Civil and
Military, Medical, EMI/ EMC.


Concept of Mode Features ofTEM, TE and TMModes, Losses associated with microwave
transmission, Concept of Impedance in Microwavetransmission.Analysis of - Coaxial line,
Rectangular waveguide, Circular waveguide, Strip line, Microstrip line.


Equivalent voltages and currents for non-TEMlines, Network parametersfor microwave circuits,
Scattering Parameters.


N-port networks-Properties of S matrix, Transmission matrix & their relationships; Microwave
passivecomponents and their S matrix representation: Attenuators, Phase shifter, Directional
coupler, Bethe-holecoupler, Magic tee, hybrid ring, Circulators, Isolators.


Design considerations for microwave tubes, current status of microwave tubes, principle of
operation of multicavity and reflex klystron, magnetron and traveling wavetube.


Operation and circuit applications of Gunn diode, IMPATT diode, PIN Diode, and Schottky
barrier diode; Microwave BJT, MESFET, HEMT and their applications.


Impedance transformation, Impedance Matching, Microwave FilterDesign, RF and Microwave
Amplifier Design,Microwave Mixer Design, Microwave Oscillator Design.


Power, Frequency and impedance measurement atmicrowave frequency,Network Analyzer and
measurement of scattering parameters, Spectrum Analyzer and measurement ofspectrum of a
microwave signal. Measurement of Microwave antenna parameters.
Max: 38L

On completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 -Analyze different parameters of various microwave transmission lines.
CO2 -Realize microwave passive components using network parameters.
CO3 -Outline the characteristics and applications of resonant and non-resonant microwave tubes.
CO4 -Explain the mechanism of microwave generation and application of semiconductor
microwave devices.
CO5 -Describe about the design of different microwave systems.
CO6 -Understand the techniques of measurement at microwave frequency.

1.Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, PHI, 3rd Edition, 1994.
2.R.E. Collin, “Foundation of Microwave Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 1992.
3.K.C. Gupta., “Microwaves”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1995.
4. M.L. Sisodia and G.S. Raghuvanshi., “Microwave Circuits and Passive Devices”, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., 1995.
5.M.Kulkarni, “ Microwave and radar Engineering,” Umesh Publications ,4th edition, 2012.

PE-EC603B Error Correcting Codes 3L:0T 3 credits

At the end of this course students will be able to:
I. Familiar with importance of error correction methods in data communication and storage.
II. Explain the relations between minimum distance, error detecting capability and error correcting,
code rate; and calculate or estimate these quantities for simple block codes
III. Understand the properties of cyclic codes and explain the encoding and decoding techniques.
IV. Define and analyze the properties of BCH and Convolution Codes. Explain their principles of
encoding and decoding techniques.
V. Implement encoder and decoder for Turbo, LDPC and Polar codes using iterative decoding
VI. Analyzing and evaluating the practice of different error correcting coded in digital
communication system and Memory system.

Module 01:
Introduction To Block Codes, Single Parity Check Codes, Product Codes, Repetition Codes,
Hamming Codes, Minimum Distance of Block Codes, Soft - Decision Decoding, Automatic
Repeat Request Schemes. Error Syndromes, Error Detection and Correction, Shortened and
Extended Linear Codes.

Module 02:
Definition of Cyclic Codes, Factors of XN +1, Parity-Check Polynomials, Generator and Parity-
Check Matrices of Cyclic Codes, Encoding Cyclic Codes, Decoding Cyclic Codes, Cyclic
Hamming Codes, Dual Cyclic Codes,

Module 03:
BCH CODES (07 Hours)
Linear Algebra, Galois Field, Definition and Construction of Binary BCH Codes, Error
Syndromes in Finite Fields, Decoding SEC and DEC, Reed- Solomon Codes.

Module 04:
Encoding of Convolutional Codes, Generator Matrices for Convolutional Codes, Generator
Polynomials for Convolutional Codes, Graphical Representation of Convolutional Codes, Viterbi

Module 05:
TURBO CODES (04 Hours)
Introduction to Turbo Coding, Distance properties of Turbo Codes, Performance analysis of
Turbo codes, Design of Turbo Codes,

Module 06:
Introduction of LDPC Codes, A Geometric construction of LDPC codes, Tanner Graph
Introduction of Polar Codes.

Module 07:
Introduction of BEC, Encoding and Decoding of Single & Double Burst Error Correcting Codes.
Total Lectures: 38 Hours
1. Gravano Salvatore,"Introduction to Error Control Codes", Oxford University Press, 1st Ed.,
2. Bose Ranjan,"Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography", Tata McGraw-Hill, 1st Ed.,
3. Moon Tood K.,"Error Correction Coding - Mathematical Methods and Algorithms", Wiley-
Interscience, 1st Ed., 2006.
4. Sklar Bernard,"Digital Communications - Fundamentals and Applications", Pearson
Education-LPE, 2nd Ed., 2009.
5. Glover Lan and Grant Peter,&qout;Digital Communications", Pearson Education-LPE, 1st Ed.,
6. Shu Lin and D. J. Costello Jr., Error Control Coding, Prentice Hall, 1983.

PE-EC603C Scientific Computing 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Introduction: Sources of Approximations, Data Error and Computational, Truncation
Error and Rounding Error, Absolute Error and Relative Error, Sensitivity and
Conditioning, Backward Error Analysis, Stability and Accuracy

Computer Arithmetic: Floating Point Numbers, Normalization, Properties of Floating Point

System, Rounding, Machine Precision, Subnormal and Gradual Underflow, Exceptional
Values, FloatingPoint Arithmetic, Cancellation

System of liner equations: Linear Systems, Solving Linear Systems,Gaussian

elimination, Pivoting, Gauss-Jordan, Norms and Condition Numbers, Symmetric Positive
Definite Systems and Indefinite System, Iterative Methods for Linear Systems

Linear least squares: Data Fitting, Linear Least Squares, Normal Equations
Method, Orthogonalization Methods, QR factorization, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization,
Rank Deficiency, and Column Pivoting

Eigenvalues and singular values:Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Methods for Computing

All Eigenvalues, Jacobi Method, Methods for Computing Selected Eigenvalues, Singular Values
Decomposition, Application of SVD

Nonlinear equations: Fixed Point Iteration, Newton’s Method, Inverse Interpolation Method
Optimization: One-Dimensional Optimization, Multidimensional Unconstrained Optimization,
Nonlinear Least Squares

Interpolation:Purpose for Interpolation, Choice of Interpolating, Function,

Polynomial Interpolation, Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation
Numerical Integration And Differentiation: Quadrature Rule, Newton-Cotes Rule,
Gaussian Quadrature Rule, Finite Difference Approximation,

Initial Value Problems for ODES, Euler’s Method, Taylor Series Method, Runga-Kutta
Method, Extrapolation Methods, Boundary Value Problems For ODES, Finite Difference
Methods, Finite Element Method, Eigenvalue Problems

Partial Differential Equations,Time Dependent Problems, Time Independent

Problems, Solution for Sparse Linear Systems, Iterative Methods

Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Algorithm, Limitations, DFT, Fast polynomial

Multiplication, Wavelets,Random Numbers And Simulation, Stochastic Simulation,
Random Number Generators, Quasi-Random Sequences
Text/ Reference Books:
1. Heath Michael T., “Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey”, McGraw-Hill,
2nd Ed., 2002
2. Press William H., Saul A. Teukolsky, Vetterling William T and Brian P.
Flannery, Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing”, Cambridge University
Press, 3rd Ed., 2007
3. Xin-she Yang (Ed.)., “Introduction To Computational Mathematics”, World
Scientific Publishing Co., 2nd Ed., 2008
4. Kiryanov D. and Kiryanova E., “Computational Science”, Infinity Science Press, 1st
Ed., 2006
5. Quarteroni, Alfio, Saleri, Fausto, Gervasio and Paola, “Scientific Computing

With MATLAB And Octave”, Springer, 3rd Ed., 2010

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the significance of computing methods, their strengths and application areas.
2. Perform the computations on various data using appropriate computation tools.

OE-EC604A Electronic Measurement & Measuring Instruments 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Block Schematics of Measuring Systems:
Performance characteristics, Static characteristics, Accuracy, Precision,Resolution, Types
Errors, Dynamic Characteristics, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Fidelity, Lag;
Measuring Instruments: DC Voltmeters, D' Arsonval Movement, DC Current Meters,
Voltmeters and Current Meters, Ohmmeters, Multimeters, Meter Protection, Extension of
Range, True RMS Responding Voltmeters, Specifications of Instruments.

Signal Analyzers: AF, HF Wave Analyzers, Harmonic Distortion, Heterodyne wave
Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers, Capacitance-Voltage Meters, Signal Generators: AF, RF
Signal Generators,
Sweep Frequency Generators, Pulseand Square wave Generators, Function
Generators, Arbitrary waveform Generator.

Oscilloscopes: CRT, Block Schematic of CRO, Time Base Circuits, Lissajous Figures,
CRO Probes, High Frequency CRO Considerations, Delay lines, Applications: Measure
ment of Time, Period and Frequency.
Special Purpose Oscilloscopes:Dual Trace, Dual Beam CROs, Sampling Oscilloscopes, Storage
Oscilloscopes, Digital Storage CROs.

Transducers:Classification, Strain Gauges, Bounded, unbounded; Force and Displacement
Transducers, Resistance Thermometers, Hotwire Anemometers, LVDT,
Thermocouples, Synchros, Special Resistance Thermometers, Piezoelectric
Transducers, MagnetoStrictive Transducers.

Bridges:Wheat Stone Bridge, Kelvin Bridge, and Maxwell Bridge.
Measurement of Physical Parameters:Flow Measurement, Displacement Meters, Liquid level
Measurement, Measurement of Humidity and Moisture, Velocity, Pressure
-High Pressure,
Vacuum level, Temperature
-Measurements, Data Acquisition Systems.

1. Electronic instrumentation: H.S.Kalsi, TMH, 2nd Edition 2004.
2. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques: A.D. Helbincs, W.D.
Cooper: PHI, 5th Edition, 2003

1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, David A. Bell, Oxford Uiv. Press, 1997.
2.Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: B. M. Oliver, J. M. Cage TMH Reprint.
3. Measurement Systems, Emest O. Doebelin and Dhanesh N Manik, 6th Ed., TMH.
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentations by K. Lal Kishore, Pearson Education, 2010.
5. Industrial Instrumentation: T. R. Padmanabham Spiriger 2009.

Upon a successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Describe the fundamental concepts and principles of instrumentation

2. Explain the operation of various instruments required in measurements
3. Apply the measurement techniques for different types of tests
4. To select specific instruments for specific measurement function.
5.Understand principle of operation and working of different electronic instruments
Students will understand functioning, specification and application of signal analyzing

OE-EC604C Object Oriented Programming 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Object oriented design [4 L]

Concepts of object oriented programming language, Major and minor elements, Object, Class,
relationships among objects, aggregation, links, relationships among classes-association, aggregation,
using, instantiation, meta-class, grouping constructs.
Object oriented concepts [4 L]
Difference between OOP and other conventional programming – advantages and disadvantages.
Class, object, message passing, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism
Class & Object properties [6L]
Basic concepts of java programming – advantages of java, byte-code & JVM, data types, access
specifiers, operators, control statements & loops, array, creation of class, object, constructor, finalize
and garbage collection, use of method overloading, this keyword, use of objects as parameter &
methods returning objects, call by value & call by reference, static variables & methods, garbage
collection, nested & inner classes, basic string handling concepts- String (discuss charAt(),
compareTo(), equals(), equalsIgnoreCase(), indexOf(), length() , substring(), toCharArray(),
toLowerCase(), toString(), toUpperCase() , trim() , valueOf() methods) & StringBuffer classes
append(), capacity(), delete(), deleteCharAt(), ensureCapacity(), getChars(), insert(), setCharAt(),
setLength() methods), concept of mutable and immutable string, command line arguments, basics of
I/O operations – keyboard input using BufferedReader & Scanner classes.
Reusability properties[6L] – Super class & subclasses including multilevel hierarchy, process of
constructor calling in inheritance, use of super and final keywords with super() method, dynamic
method dispatch, use of abstract classes & methods, interfaces. Creation of packages, importing
packages, member access for packages.
Exception handling & Multithreading [6L] – Exception handling basics, different types of
exception classes, use of try & catch with throw, throws & finally, creation of user defined exception
classes. Basics of multithreading, main thread, thread life cycle, creation of multiple threads, thread
priorities, thread synchronization, interthread communication, deadlocks for threads, suspending &
resuming threads.
Applet Programming (using swing) [4L] – Basics of applet programming, applet life cycle,
difference between application & applet programming, parameter passing in applets, concept of
delegation event model and listener, I/O in applets, use of repaint(), getDocumentBase(),
getCodeBase() methods, layout manager (basic concept), creation of buttons (JButton class only) &
text fields.

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the students will be able to :
1. Understanding the concept of Object Oriented Programming. Able to prepare object-
oriented design for small/medium scale problems
2. Able to explain class structures as fundamental, modular building blocks and
can identify the class, object, methods, different access specifiers, constructors,
polymorphism by overloading and overriding, string class, string buffer class etc and
their usage.
3. Define various classes with constructors, methods and create objects and use them in
solving small/medium scale problems. Able to demonstrate the differences between
traditional imperative design and object-oriented design.
4. Learn JAVA basics and syntax and use it for implementing OOP to solve problems. Design
and implement non-trivial object-oriented program using appropriate object-oriented design.
Use the concept of packages and different access specifiers.
5. Implement the concept of OOP for solving various large programmes into a modular
approach using abstract classes, interfaces-multiple inheritance, extending interfaces etc. (i.e.,
reusability of code) and realize the benefit of OOP approach. Able to use classes written by
other programmers when constructing their systems. Understand the concept of

multithreaded programming for solving various large programmes into a sub programme.
6. Try to solve different real life problem using exception handling in an Object Oriented way
where ever changing future can adopt easily with less coding and less changes is required. Like
they should able to understand and to use stacks, queues etc. Develop different real life
application using applet programming.


HS-HU701 Principles of Management 2L:0T:0P 2 credits


1. Basic concepts of management: Definition - Essence, Functions, Roles,

2. Functions of Management: Planning - Concept, Nature, Types, Analysis,
Management by objectives; Organisation Structure -Concept, Structure, Principles,
Centralization, Decentralization, Span of Management; Organisational Effectiveness.


3. Management and Society - Concept, External Environment, CSR, Corporate

Governance, Ethical Standards.

4. People Management - Overview, Job design, Recruitment & Selection,

Training & Development, Stress Management.
5. Managerial Competencies - Communication, Motivation, Team
Effectiveness, Conflict Management, Creativity, Entrepreneurship.


6. Leadership: Concept, Nature, Styles.

7. Decision making: Concept, Nature, Process, Tools & techniques.
8. Economic, Financial & Quantitative Analysis - Production, Markets, National
Income Accounting, Financial Function & Goals, Financial Statement & Ratio
Analysis, Quantitative Methods - Statistical Interference, Forecasting, Regression
Analysis, Statistical Quality Control.


9. Customer Management - Market Planning & Research, Marketing Mix,

Advertising & Brand Management.
10. Operations & Technology Management - Production & Operations Management,
Logistics & Supply Chain Management, TQM, Kaizen & Six Sigma, MIS.

1. Management: Principles, Processes & Practices - Bhat, A & Kumar, A (OUP).
2. Essentials for Management - Koontz, Revised edition, Tata McGraw Hill (TMH)
3. Management - Stoner, James A. F. (Pearson)
4.Management - Ghuman, Tata McGraw Hill(TMH)

PE-EC701A Antennas and Propagation 3L:0T 3 credits

To learn the basic antenna parameters.
To understand the radiation mechanism of dipole antennas.
To explore the various antenna arrays and calculate the maxima, minima and half power
To discuss characteristics of travelling wave radiators and high frequency antennas.
To study antenna measurements techniques.
Basic Antenna elements-properties of antenna-Isotropic radiator. Antenna parameters(definition
only):Radiation Intensity, Radiation pattern, Gain, Directivity, FBR, EffectiveLength, Effective
Aperture, Radiation Resistance, Antenna Terminal Impedance, Polarization, Beamwidth,
Bandwidth, Antenna temperature, Friis transmission formula. Wire Antennas: Retarded
Potentials, Short Electric Dipole, Radiation from alternating current element, Half wave Dipole,
quarter wave monopole-Fields, Power radiated and Radiation Resistance.
Types of arrays-Broadside, End fire, Collinear, Parasitic arrays. –Arrays of two-point sources. N
element of uniform linear arrays– Array of N elements with equal spacing and currents equal in
magnitude (broadside array)-Array of N elements with equal spacing and currents equal in
magnitude but with progressive phase shift(end fire array)-Hansen-woodyard array-Pattern
Multiplication-Binomial arrays.
Effect of ground on ungrounded antenna-Methods of excitation-Travelling wave radiators: basic
concepts, Long wire antennas-field strength calculations and patterns-V-antennas, Rhombic
Antennas, Small Loop antennas-Concept of short magnetic dipole, Helical Antennas, Folded
Dipole Yagi-Uda Arrays, Log periodic antennas. Reflector Antennas: Huygens’ principle-Flat
Sheet and Corner Reflectors, Paraboloidal Reflectors, Cassegrain Feeds. Slot antennas-Babinet’s
principle, Horn antennas, Lens antennas, Microstrip antennas overview.
Factors involved in the propagation of Radio Waves-Ground wave propagation, Structure of
Ionosphere and its effects on radio waves-Refraction and Reflection of skywave by the
ionosphere, Ray paths-Measures of Ionosphere propagation: critical frequency, skip distance,
virtual height, Maximum usable frequency,OWF. Ionospheric abnormalities. Fading of signals
and Diversity reception. Space wave propagation-Considerations in space wave propagation,
LOS, Atmospheric effects in space wave propagation. Super Refraction-Duct Wave Propagation.
Tropospheric scatter( brief idea only).
Introduction to basic concepts in antenna measurements with error sources-Anechoic Chamber.
Radiation Pattern Measurement-Gain measurement-Beamwidth and Directivity

Measurement.Impedance Measurement-Measurement of antenna radiation efficiency.
On completion of the course, student will be able to
CO1 –Define the antenna basic parameters.
CO2 –Explain the radiation mechanism from different antennas.
CO3 –Classify antenna arrays and infer their significance.
CO4 –Analyze the characteristics of low and high frequency antennas.
CO5 –Compare the properties and measures of radiowave propagation.
CO6 -Design practical antennas & perform antenna measurements.

1.K.D.Prasad,“Antennasand WavePropagation”, 3rd Edition,SatyaPrakasan,NewDelhi,2003.
2.R.L.Yadava,“Antennas andWavePropagation”,2nd Edition,PHI,NewDelhi,2011.
3.C.A.Balanis,“Antenna Theory and Design”,4thEdition,JohnWileyandSons,2016.
4.E.C.Jordan,andK.G.Balmain,“Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”,2nd
Edition,PHI, 2006
5.R.E.Collin,“Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation”,McGrawHill,1985.
6. J.D. Kraus, “Antennas”, McGraw Hill, 1988.

PE-EC702A Fiber Optic Communication 3L:0T 3 credits

Introduction to vector nature of light, propagation of light, propagation of light ina

cylindrical dielectric rod, Ray model, wave model.

Different types of optical fibers, Modal analysis of a step index fiber.

Signaldegradation on optical fiber due to dispersion and attenuation. Fabrication of fibers
and measurement techniques like OTDR.

Optical sources - LEDs and Lasers, Photo-detectors - pin-diodes, APDs, detectorresponsivit y,

noise, optical receivers. Optical link design - BER calculation, quantum limit, power penalties.

Optical switches - coupled mode analysis of directional couplers, electro-

opticswitches. Optical amplifiers - EDFA, Raman amplifier.

WDM and DWDM systems. Principles of WDM networks.

Nonlinear effects in fiber optic links. Concept of self-phase modulation, groupvelocity

dispersion and solition based communication.

Text/Reference Books
1. J. Keiser, Fibre Optic communication, McGraw-Hill, 5th Ed. 2013 (Indian Edition).
2. T. Tamir, Integrated optics, (Topics in Applied Physics Vol.7), Springer-Verlag, 1975.
3. J. Gowar, Optical communication systems, Prentice Hall India, 1987.
4. S.E. Miller and A.G. Chynoweth, eds., Optical fibres telecommunications, Academic
Press, 1979.
5. G. Agrawal, Nonlinear fibre optics, Academic Press, 2nd Ed. 1994.
6. G. Agrawal, Fiber optic Communication Systems, John Wiley and sons, New York, 1997
7. F.C. Allard, Fiber Optics Handbook for engineers and scientists, McGraw Hill, New
York (1990).

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the principles fiber-optic communication, the components and the
bandwidth advantages.
2. Understand the properties of the optical fibers and optical components.
3. Understand operation of lasers, LEDs, and detectors
4. Analyze system performance of optical communication systems
5. Design optical networks and understand non-linear effects in optical fibers

PE-EC702B Introduction to MEMS 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Introduction and Historical Background, Scaling Effects.

Micro/Nano Sensors, Actuators and Systems overview: Case studies. Review of Basic
MEMS fabrication modules: Oxidation, Deposition Techniques, Lithography (LIGA),
and Etching. Micromachining: Surface Micromachining, sacrificial layer processes,

Bulk Micromachining, Isotropic Etching and Anisotropic Etching, Wafer Bonding. Mechanics
of solids in MEMS/NEMS: Stresses, Strain, Hookes’s law, Poisson effect, Linear
Thermal Expansion, Bending; Energy methods, Overview of Finite Element Method,
Modeling of Coupled Electromechanical Systems.

Text/Reference Book:
1. G. K. Ananthasuresh, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalkrishnan K. N. Bhat, V. K. Aatre, Micro
Smart Systems, Wiley India, 2012.
2. S. E.Lyshevski, Nano-and Micro-Electromechanical systems: Fundamentals of
Nano-and Microengineering (Vol. 8). CRC press, (2005).
3. S. D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
4. M. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 1997.
5. G. Kovacs, Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill, Boston, 1998.
6. M.H. Bao, Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelerometers,
and Gyroscopes, Elsevier, New York, 2000.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Appreciate the underlying working principles of MEMS and NEMS devices.
2. Design and model MEM devices.

PE-EC701B Bio-Medical Electronics 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Brief introduction to human physiology.

Biomedical transducers: displacement,velocity, force, acceleration, flow, temperature,

potential, dissolved ions and gases. Bio-electrodes and bio-potential amplifiers for ECG, EMG,
EEG, etc.

Measurement of blood temperature, pressure and flow. Impedanceplethysmography.

Ultrasonic, X-ray and nuclear imaging.

Prostheses and aids: pacemakers, defibrillators, heart-lung machine, artificialkidney, aids

for the handicapped. Safety aspects.

Text/Reference Books:
1. W.F. Ganong, Review of Medical Physiology, 8th Asian Ed, Medical Publishers, 1977.
2. J.G. Websster, ed., Medical Instrumentation, Houghton Mifflin, 1978.
3. A.M. Cook and J.G. Webster, eds., Therapeutic Medical Devices, Prentice-Hall, 1982.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the application of the electronic systems in biological and medical
2. Understand the practical limitations on the electronic components while handlingbio-
3. Understand and analyze the biological processes like other electronic processes.

PE-EC703B Nano Electronics 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Introduction to nanotechnology, meso structures,Basics of Quantum Mechanics:

Schrodinger equation, Density of States. Particle in a box Concepts, Degeneracy. Band Theory of
Solids. KronigPenny Model. Brillouin Zones.

Shrink-down approaches: Introduction, CMOS Scaling, The nanoscale MOSFET, Finfets,

Vertical MOSFETs, limits to scaling, system integration limits (interconnect issues etc.),

Resonant Tunneling Diode, Coulomb dots, Quantum blockade, Single electron

transistors,Carbon nanotube electronics, Bandstructure and transport, devices, applications,
2D semiconductors and electronic devices, Graphene, atomistic simulation

Text/ Reference Books:

1. G.W. Hanson, Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Pearson, 2009.
2. W. Ranier, Nanoelectronics and Information Technology (Advanced Electronic
Materialand Novel Devices), Wiley-VCH, 2003.
3. K.E. Drexler, Nanosystems, Wiley, 1992.
4. J.H. Davies, The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Cambridge University
Press, 1998.
5. C.P. Poole, F. J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley, 2003

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand various aspects of nano-technology and the processes involved in making
nano components and material.
2. Leverage advantages of the nano-materials and appropriate use in solving practical
3. Understand various aspects of nano-technology and theprocesses involved in making
nano components and material.
4. Leverage advantages of the nano-materials and appropriate use in solving practical

PE-EC703A Satellite Communication 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Introduction to Satellite Communication: Principles and architecture of satellite

Communication, Brief history of Satellite systems, advantages, disadvantages, applications and
frequency bands used for satellite communication.

Orbital Mechanics: Orbital equations, Kepler's laws, Apogee and Perigee for an elliptical
orbit, evaluation of velocity, orbital period, angular velocity etc. of a satellite, concepts of
Solar day and Sidereal day.

Satellite sub-systems: Study of Architecture and Roles of various sub-systems of a satellite

system such as Telemetry, tracking, command and monitoring (TTC & M), Attitude and orbit
control system (AOCS), Communication sub-system, power sub-systems etc.

Typical Phenomena in Satellite Communication:Solar Eclipse on satellite, its effects,

remedies for Eclipse, Sun Transit Outage phenomena, its effects and remedies, Doppler
frequency shift phenomena and expression for Doppler shift.
Satellite link budget

Flux density and received signal power equations, Calculation of System noise temperature
for satellite receiver, noise power calculation, Drafting of satellite link budget and C/N ratio
calculations in clear air and rainy conditions.

Modulation and Multiple Access Schemes:Various modulation schemes used in

satellite communication, Meaning of Multiple Access, Multiple access schemes based on time,
frequency, and code sharing namely TDMA, FDMA and CDMA.

Text /Reference Books:

1. Timothy Pratt Charles W. Bostian, Jeremy E. Allnutt: Satellite Communications:
Wiley India. 2nd edition 2002
2. Tri T. Ha: Digital Satellite Communications: Tata McGraw Hill, 2009
3. Dennis Roddy: Satellite Communication: 4th Edition, McGraw Hill,2009

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Visualize the architecture of satellite systems as a means of high speed, high
range communication system.
2. State various aspects related to satellite systems such as orbital equations, sub-systems in
a satellite, link budget, modulation and multiple access schemes.
3. Solve numerical problems related to orbital motion and design of link budget for the
given parameters and conditions.

PE-EC702C Adaptive Signal Processing 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

General concept of adaptive filtering and estimation, applications and motivation, Review of
probability, random variables and stationary random processes, Correlation structures, properties
of correlation matrices.

Optimal FIR (Wiener) filter, Method of steepest descent, extension to complexvalued The LMS
algorithm (real, complex), convergence analysis, weight errorcorrelation matrix, excess mean
square error and mis-adjustment

Variants of the LMS algorithm: the sign LMS family, normalized LMSalgorithm, block LMS
FFT based realization, frequency domain adaptive filters, Sub-band adaptive filtering.
Signal space concepts - introduction to finite dimensional vectorspace theory, subspace,
dimension, linear operators, rank and nullity, inner product space, orthogonality, Gram-
Schmidt orthogonalization, concepts of orthogonal projection,orthogonal decomposit ion
vector spaces.

Vector space of random variables, correlation as inner product, forward andbackward

projections, Stochastic lattice filters, recursive updating of forward and backward prediction
errors, relationship with AR modeling, joint process estimator, gradient adaptive lattice.

Introduction to recursive least squares (RLS), vector space formulation of RLSestimation,

pseudoinverse of a matrix, time updating of inner products, development of RLS lattice
filters, RLS transversal adaptive filters. Advanced topics: affine project ion and subspace
based adaptive filters, partial update algorithms, QR decomposition and systolic array.

Text/Reference Books:
1. S. Haykin, Adaptive filter theory, Prentice Hall, 1986.
2. C.Widrow and S.D. Stearns, Adaptive signal processing, Prentice Hall, 1984.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the non-linear control and the need and significance of changing the
control parameters w.r.t. real-time situation.
2. Mathematically represent the ‘adaptability requirement’.
3. Understand the mathematical treatment for the modeling and design of the signal
processing systems.

PE-EC701C Wireless Sensor Networks 3L:0T 3 credits

Introduction to Sensor Networks, unique constraints and challenges, Advantage of Sensor

Networks, Applications of Sensor Networks, Types of wireless sensor networks

Mobile Ad-hocNetworks (MANETs) and Wireless Sensor Networks, Enabling technologies

for Wireless Sensor Networks. Issues and challenges in wireless sensor networks

Routing protocols, MAC protocols: Classification of MAC Protocols, S-MAC Protocol, B-

MAC protocol, IEEE 802.15.4 standard and ZigBee,

Dissemination protocol for large sensor network. Data dissemination, data gathering, and
data fusion; Quality of a sensor network; Real-time traffic support and security protocols.

Design Principles for WSNs, Gateway Concepts Need for gateway, WSN to
Internet Communication, and Internet to WSN Communication.

Single-node architecture, Hardware components & design constraints,

Operating systems and execution environments, introduction to TinyOS and nesC.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Waltenegus Dargie , Christian Poellabauer, “Fundamentals Of Wireless Sensor
Networks Theory And Practice”, By John Wiley & Sons Publications ,2011
2. Sabrie Soloman, “Sensors Handbook" by McGraw Hill publication. 2009
3. Feng Zhao, Leonidas Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks”, Elsevier Publications,2004
4. Kazem Sohrby, Daniel Minoli, “Wireless Sensor Networks”: Technology, Protocols
and Applications, Wiley-Inter science
5. Philip Levis, And David Gay "TinyOS Programming” by Cambridge University Press

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Design wireless sensor networks for a given application
2. Understand emerging research areas in the field of sensor networks
3. Understand MAC protocols used for different communication standards used in WSN
4. Explore new protocols for WSN

PE-EC703C Wavelet Transforms 3L:0T 3 credits
Origin of wavelets and its history
Different communities of wavelet
Classification: continuous and discrete wavelet transforms
Developments in wavelet theory applications

Continuous Wavelet Transform:

Continuous time
wavelets Definition of
Constant Q factor filtering interpretation and Time Frequency Resolution
CWT as an operator
Inverse CWT

Introduction to the Discrete Wavelet Transform and orthogonal Wavelet decomposition:

Approximations of vectors in nested linear vector subspaces
Multi-resolution Analysis of
L (R) Haar Scaling function
Haar wavelet
Haar wavelet decomposition.
Haar wavelet packets and application.

MRA Ortho -normal wavelets and their relationships to filter banks:

Construction of an ortho-normal MRA
Wavelet basis for the MRA
Digital filtering interpretation
Examples of orthogonal basis generating wavelets
Interpreting ortho-normal MRA for discrete time signals
Generating scaling functions and wavelets from filter coefficients.

Bi-orthogonal Wavelets:
Bi-orthogonal Wavelet bases
Filtering relationship for Bi-orthogonal
filters Bi-orthogonal scaling functions and
wavelets Two dimensional wavelets
Non separable Multi-dimensional
wavelet Wavelet Packets.

Wavelength Transform and applications:

Transform coding
DTWT for image compression, audio compression

Wavelet based audio coding, video coding and multi resolution Techniques
Wavelet de-noising, Speckle removal, Edge detection and
object isolation
Image fusion, Object detection, discrete wavelet multi-tone
modulation. Beyond


Ridge lets and curve lets:Ridge let transform and Digital Curve let
Curve let construction
Properties and applications.

Reference Books:
1. RaguveerM.Rao and AjitS.Bopardikar-Wavelet Transforms –
Introduction and applications- Pearson Education, 2008
2.K.P Soman, K.I.Ramachandran – Insight into Wavelets from Theory to practice, PHI2006

Course Outcome:
After successfully completion of this course, students should able to –
1.Classify various wavelet transform and explain importance of it.
2. Describe Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).
3.Explain the properties and application of wavelet transform.
4. Develop and realize computationally efficient wavelet based algorithms for signal and image
5. Explain brief features and strengthof transform beyond wavelet.

OE-EC704A Millimeter Wave Technology 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

To understand the fundamentals of Millimeter wave devices and circuits.
To understand the various components of Millimeter wave Communications system.
To know the antenna design at Millimeter wave frequencies

Millimeter wave characteristics- implementation challenges, Radio wave propagation for mm wave: Large scale
propagation channel effects, small scale channel effects, Outdoor and Indoor channel models, Emerging
applications of millimeter wave communications.


Millimeter wave generation and amplification: Peniotrons, Ubitrons, Gyrotrons and Free electron lasers .
HEMT, models for mm wave Transistors, transistor configurations, Analog mm wave components: Amplifiers,
Mixers, VCO, PLL. Metrics for analog mm wave devices, Consumption factor theory, Trends and architectures
for mm wave wireless, ADC’s and DAC’s only.


Modulations for millimeter wave communications: OOK, PSK, FSK, QAM, OFDM, Millimeter wave link
budget, Transceiver architecture, Transceiver without mixer, Receiver without Oscillator, Overview of
Millimeter wave calibration, production and manufacture, Millimeter wave design considerations.
Massive MIMO Communications, Spatial diversity of Antenna Arrays, Multiple Antennas, Multiple
Transceivers, Noise coupling in MIMO system, Potential benefits for mm wave systems.Spatial, Temporal and
Frequency diversity, Dynamic spatial, frequency and modulation allocation-Brief idea only.


Antenna beamwidth, polarization, advanced beam steering and beam forming, mm wave design consideration,
On-chip and In package mm wave antennas, Techniques to improve gain of on-chip antennas, Implementation
for mm wave in adaptive antenna arrays, Device to Device communications over 5G systems , Design
techniques of 5G mobile.
Max: 38L
On completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 - Understand the fundamentals of Millimeter wave technology.
CO2 –Acquire knowledge about working of Millimeter wave devices and circuits.
CO3- Explain the mechanism of millimeter wave generation and amplification.
CO4 -Outline the characteristics of various components of Millimeter wave Communications system.
CO5 - Design antenna for Millimeter wave frequencies.
CO6 –Apply knowledge of Millimeter wave technology in emerging applications.

1. K.C. Huang, Z. Wang, "Millimeter Wave Communication Systems", Wiley-IEEE Press, March 2011.

2. Robert W. Heath, Robert C. Daniel, James N. Theodore S. Rappaport, Murdock, "Millimeter Wave Wireless
Communication", Prentice Hall, 2014.
3. Xiang, W; Zheng, K; Shen, X.S; "5G Mobile Communications: Springer, 2016.

OE-EC704C Entrepreneurship 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

New Industrial Policy of 1991,Meaning and Definition of Entrepreneurship, Incentives and benefits
available to SSI Units and New Entrepreneurs. Dearth of entrepreneurial talent in India, Growth of SSI
in India. Procedures to startSSIs.

Market survey and research pricing and techniques, Distribution Channel, Sales promotion
activities. Raising Finance and enterprise launching.
Financial Management, Working Capital Management, Costing,Book Keeping, Break-Even-
Analysis. Taxation: Income Tax, Excise duty, Sales tax and VAT.
Decision making – Types, Forecasting-Qualitative and Quantitative methods, Personal Management,
Motivation and theories of motivation. Preliminary Project Report (PPR), Detailed Project Report (DPR)

Text Book
1. Entrepreneurial Development.S.S.Khanka. S.Chand, 2007.
Reference Book
1. Industrial Organisation and Engg.Economics. Sharma & Banga.Khanna Publication, 2003.
2. Entrepreneurship New Venture Creation. David H.Holt.Prentice Hall .PHI, 2013.

Course outcome : At the end of the course the students will be able to :
1. know the contribution of an entrepreneur and role of SSI units in growth and development of
socioeconomic condition of our country.
2. learn market survey, sales promotions and management of working capital through costing and
book keeping.
3. know different decision making technique and benefit of personal management system as well
asmotivational methods of an enterprise.
4. learn how to prepare a project report and knowledge about different tax system of an

EC782 Project Stage I L:0T:8P 4 credits

The object of Project Work I is to enable the student to take up investigative study in the broad field of
Electronics & Communication Engineering, either fully theoretical/practical or involving both
theoretical and practical work to be assigned by the Department on an individual basis or
two/three students in a group, under the guidance of a Supervisor. This is expected to provide a good
initiation for the student(s) in R&D work. The assignment to normally include:
1. Survey and study of published literature on the assigned topic;
2. Working out a preliminary Approach to the Problem relating to the assigned topic;
3. Conducting preliminary Analysis/Modelling/Simulation/Experiment/Design/Feasibility;
4. Preparing a Written Report on the Study conducted for presentation to the Department;
5. Final Seminar, as oral Presentation before a departmental committee.


PE-EC801A Mobile Communication and Networks 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Cellular concepts-Cell structure, frequency reuse, cell splitting, channelassignment, handoff,

interference, capacity, power control; Wireless Standards: Overview of 2G and
3G cellular standards.

Signal propagation-Propagation mechanism- reflection, refraction, diffraction and scattering, large scale
signal propagation and lognormal shadowing. Fading channels-Multipath and small scale
fading- Doppler shift, statistical multipath channel models, narrowband and wideband fading
models, power delay profile, average and rms delay spread, coherence bandwidth and coherence time,
flat and frequency selective fading, slow and fast fading, average fade duration and level crossing

Capacity of flat and frequency selective channels. Antennas-Antennas for mobileterminal- monopole
antennas, PIFA, base station antennas and arrays.

Multiple access schemes-FDMA, TDMA, CDMA and SDMA. Modulation schemes- BPSK, QPSK
and variants, QAM, MSK and GMSK, multicarrier modulation, OFDM.

Receiver structure- Diversity receivers- selection and MRC receivers, RAKEreceiver, equalization:
linear-ZFE and adaptive, DFE. Transmit diversity-Altamonte scheme.

MIMO and space time signal processing, spatial multiplexing, diversity/multiplexing

tradeoff. Performance measures- Outage, average snr, average symbol/bit error rate. System
examples- GSM, EDGE, GPRS, IS-95, CDMA 2000 and WCDMA.

Text/Reference Books:
1. WCY Lee, Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Systems, McGraw Hill, 1990.
2. WCY Lee, Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 1993.
3. Raymond Steele, Mobile Radio Communications, IEEE Press, New York, 1992.
4. AJ Viterbi, CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communications, Addison Wesley,
5. VK Garg &JE Wilkes, Wireless & Personal Communication Systems, Prentice Hall,

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the working principles of the mobile communication systems.
2. Understand the relation between the user features and underlying technology.
3. Analyze mobile communication systems for improved performance

PE-EC801B Digital Image and Video Processing 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Digital Image Fundamentals-Elements of visual perception, image sensing andacquisition, image

sampling and quantization, basic relationships between pixels - neighborhood, adjacency,
connectivity, distance measures.

Image Enhancements and Filtering-Gray level transformations, histogramequalization and

specifications, pixel-domain smoothing filters - linear and order-statistics, pixel-domain sharpening
filters - first and second derivative, two-dimensional DFT and its inverse, frequency domain filters -low-
pass and high-pass.

Color Image Processing-Color models-RGB, YUV, HSI; Color transformations- formulation, color
complements, color slicing, tone and color corrections; Color image smoothing and sharpening; Color

Image Segmentation- Detection of discontinuities, edge linking and boundarydetection, thresholding -

global and adaptive, region-based segmentation.

Wavelets and Multi-resolution image processing- Uncertainty principles of FourierTransform,

Timefrequency localization, continuous wavelet transforms, wavelet bases and multi-
resolution analysis, wavelets and Subband filter banks, wavelet packets.

Image Compression-Redundancy-inter-pixel and psycho-visual; Losslesscompression - predictive,

entropy; Lossy compression-predictive and transform coding; Discrete Cosine Transform; Still image
compression standards-JPEG and JPEG-2000.

Fundamentals of Video Coding-Inter-frame redundancy, motion estimationtechniques - full- search,

fast search strategies, forward and backward motion prediction, frame classification - I, P and B;
Video sequence hierarchy-Group of pictures, frames, slices, macro-blocks and blocks; Elements of a
video encoder and decoder; Video coding standards - MPEG and H.26X.

Video Segmentation-Temporal segmentation-shot boundary detection, hard-cutsand soft-cuts;

spatial segmentation-motion-based; Video object detection and tracking.

Text/Reference Books:
1. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Second Edition, Pearson
Education 3rd edition 2008
2. Anil Kumar Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of
India.2nd edition 2004
3. Murat Tekalp , Digital Video Processing" Prentice Hall, 2nd edition 2015

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Mathematically represent the various types of images and analyze them.
2. Process these images for the enhancement of certain properties or for optimized use of the
3. Develop algorithms for image compression and coding

PE-EC801C CMOS VLSI Design 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

VLSI Methodologies: Introduction to VLSI design, Moore’s Law, VLSI Design flow, Design
hierarchy, VLSI
Design style: Full custom, Gate array, standard-cell, Macro cell based design, Field
programmable devices, design quality.
MOSFET: Electrical characteristics of MOSFET, Threshold voltage, Body effect, current
expression (gradual channel approximation method), Channel length modulation, MOSFET
scaling: constant field and constant voltage scaling, Short-channel effects.

Unit process in VLSI and IC fabrication: Unit process in VLSI: Wafer preparation, Oxidation,
Diffusion, Ion implantation, Deposition, Metallization, Etching and Lithography. nMOS
fabrication, n-well and p-well process .

CMOS Logic Circuits: General CMOS logic structure, VTC of inverter, noise margin, Different
types of inverter (resistive load, enhancement and depletion nMOS load and CMOS), Switching
characteristic (propagation delay and parasitic capacitance estimation), NAND, NOR and other
complex CMOS logic circuits, Sizing of CMOS logic circuits, CMOS Power: static and dynamic
power dissipation, latch-up, sizing for large capacitive load,. Dynamic CMOS logic circuits, charge
leakage and charge sharing problem, dynamic gate cascading problem, Domino and NORA logic,
Introduction of sequential CMOS logic circuits, Stick diagram. Layout and Layout design rules.

Physical Design Automation: Objectives and goals of partitioning, floor planning and
placement, Global routing.

Text Book
1. CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits – S. Mo. Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, 3rd Ed, TMH
Reference Book
1. Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective -Jan M. Rabaey, Prentice-Hall
Publication, 2nd Edition.
2. VLSI Design and EDA Tools – Angsuman Sarkar, Swapnadip De & Chandan
Kumar Sarkar, Scitech Publication(India) PVT, LTD
3. Basic VLSI Design – D. Pucknell & Eshraghian _PHI, 3rd Edition.
4. Principle of CMOS VLSI Design – Neil H. E. Weste – Pearson Edition, 2nd
5. CMOS Circuit Design – R. Jacob Baker, Harry W. Li, David E. Boyce –

PE-EC802A Embedded System 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Overview of Embedded System: Embedded System, Embedded Processor in System,

Components of Embedded
System, Brief introduction to Embedded software in system, Design Process in Embedded

Embedded Hardware:
Processor & Memory: Brief overview of 8051 Architecture and real world interfacing,
Introduction to advanced
Processor Architectures-ARM, Processor and Memory organization, Parallelism in instruction
level, Processor and
memory selection.

I/O Types: Serial and Parallel communication Ports, Timer and Counting devices, Watchdog
timers, real time
clock, Serial bus Communication Protocols- I2C, CAN, and Parallel Communication Protocol-

Interrupt Service Mechanism: Concept of ISR, different interrupt sources, Interrupt handling
Multiple Interrupts, Interrupt Latency and deadline.

Embedded Software Development-

Software Development: Programming concept in ALP (assembly language programming) and
High level
language-C, Processor directives, functions and macros and other programming elements,
Embedded C++ concept

RTOS(Real time operating System)- OS overview, Process, Interrupt and memory

management, RTOS overview,
Basic Design rule using RTOS, Task scheduling using Priority based scheduling, cyclic
scheduling and round robin

Embedded system Design using PIC microcontroller: Introduction toMicrochip PIC16 family,

processor architecture- features, memory organization, on chip peripherals, Watchdog timer, ADC,
Asynchronous serial port, SPI mode, I2C mode, Interfacing with LCD, ADC, sensors, stepper motor,
key board,

Case study of different types of Embedded System: Design of Automated Chocolate Vending
Machine, Digital

Text Book
1. Microcontrollers Theory and Application, Ajay V. Deshmukh, TMH, 2011.
2. Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming & Design, Raj Kamal, TMH, 2011
Reference Book
1. Embedded System Design: A unified Hardware/ Software Introduction, by Frank Vahid, Willey,
2. Design with PIC Microcontrollers , J. B. Peatman, Pearson India,2008

PE-EC802C Speech and Audio Processing 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Introduction- Speech production and modeling - Human Auditory System;General structure of

speech coders; Classification of speech coding techniques - parametric, waveform and hybrid ;
Requirements of speech codecs -quality, coding delays, robustness.

Speech Signal Processing- Pitch-period estimation, all-pole and all-zero filters,convolution; Power
spectral density, periodogram, autoregressive model, autocorrelation estimation.

Linear Prediction of Speech- Basic concepts of linear prediction; LinearPrediction Analysis of

nonstationary signals -prediction gain, examples; Levinson-Durbin algorithm; Long term and short-
term linear prediction models; Moving average prediction.

Speech Quantization- Scalar quantization-uniform quantizer, optimum quantizer,logarithmic

quantizer, adaptive quantizer, differential quantizers; Vector quantization - distortion measures,
codebook design, codebook types.

Scalar Quantization of LPC- Spectral distortion measures, Quantization based

onreflection coefficient and log area ratio, bit allocation; Line spectral frequency - LPC to LSF
conversions, quantization based on LSF.

Linear Prediction Coding- LPC model of speech production; Structures of LPCencoders and
decoders; Voicing detection; Limitations of the LPC model.

Code Excited Linear Prediction-CELP speech production model; Analysis-by-synthesis;

Generic CELP encoders and decoders; Excitation codebook search - state-save method, zero- input
zero-state method; CELP based on adaptive codebook, Adaptive Codebook search; Low Delay
CELP and algebraic CELP.

Speech Coding Standards-An overview of ITU-T G.726, G.728 and G.729standards

Text/Reference Books:
1. “Digital Speech” by A.M.Kondoz, Second Edition (Wiley Students‟ Edition), 2004.
2. “Speech Coding Algorithms: Foundation and Evolution of Standardized Coders”, W.C. Chu,
WileyInter science, 2003.

OE-EC803A Internet of Things(IoT) 2L:0T:0P 2 credits

The Internet of Things: an Overview:
The flavour of the Internet of Things, The "Internet" of "Things", The Technology of the Internet of
Things,Enchanted Objects, Who is Making the Internet of Things?
Design Principles for Connected Devices:
Calm and Ambient Technology, Magic as Metaphor, Privacy, Web Thinking for Connected
Devices, Affordances.
Internet Principles:
Internet Communications: An Overview (IP, TCP, The IP Protocol Suite (TCP/IP), UDP), IP
Addresses (DNS, Static IP Address Assignment, Dynamic IP Address Assignment, IPv6), MAC
Addresses, TCP and UDP Ports, Application Layer Protocols.
Thinking About Prototyping: Sketching, Familiarity, Costs versus Ease of Prototyping,
Prototypes and Production, Open Source versus Closed Source, Tapping into the Community.
Prototyping Embedded Devices:
Electronics, Embedded Computing Basics, Developing on the Arduino, Raspberry Pi,
Beaglebone Black, Electric Imp, Mobile Phone and Tablets, Plug Computing: Always-on
Internet of Things.
Prototyping the Physical Design:
Preparation, Sketch, Iterate, and Explore, Non-digital Methods, Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, CNC
Milling, Repurposing/Recycling.
Prototyping Online Components:
Getting Started with an API, Writing a New API, Real-Time Reactions, Other Protocols.
Techniques for Writing Embedded Code:
Memory Management, Performance and Battery Life, Libraries, Debugging.
Prototype to Reality:
Business Models: A Short History of Business Models, The Business Model Canvas, Who Is
The Business Model
For Models, Funding an Internet of Things Startup, Lean Startups.
Moving to Manufacture:
What Are You Producing?, Designing Kits, Designing Printed Circuit Boards, Manufacturing
Printed Circuit Boards, Mass-Producing the Case and Other Fixtures, Certification, Costs, Scaling
Up Software,
Characterizing the Internet of Things, Privacy, Control, Environment, Solutions.

Text Book
1. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley
publication, 1st Edition, November 2013.

Course Outcome : At the end of the course, the students will be able to :
1. understand the application areas of IOT.
2. realize the revolution of Internet in Mobile Devices, Cloud & Sensor Networks.
3. understand building blocks of Internet of Things and characteristics.

OE-EC803C Cyber Security 2L:0T:0P 2 credits

Cyber Security – Cyber Security policy – Domain of Cyber Security Policy – Laws and Regulations –
Enterprise Policy – Technology Operations – Technology Configuration - Strategy Versus Policy –
Cyber Security Evolution –
Productivity – Internet – E commerce – Counter Measures Challenges. Botnets.
Cyber security objectives and guidance
Cyber Security Metrics – Security Management Goals – Counting Vulnerabilities – Security
Frameworks – E Commerce Systems – Industrial Control Systems – Personal Mobile Devices –
Security Policy Objectives – Guidance for Decision Makers – Tone at the Top – Policy as a Project –
Cyber Security Management – Arriving at Goals – Cyber Security Documentation – The Catalog
Approach – Catalog Format – Cyber Security Policy Taxonomy.
Cyber governance issues
Cyber Governance Issues – Net Neutrality – Internet Names and Numbers – Copyright and
Trademarks – Email and Messaging - Cyber User Issues - Malvertising - Impersonation –
Appropriate Use – Cyber Crime – Geo location – Privacy - Cyber Conflict Issues – Intellectual
property Theft – Cyber Espionage – Cyber Sabotage – Cyber Welfare.
Cyber infrastructure issues
Cyber Infrastructure Issue – economics ,finance and banking – Health care – Industrial Control
systems. Cyber insurance, cyber security in international relations.

Text Book
1. Jennifer L. Bayuk, J. Healey, P. Rohmeyer, Marcus Sachs , Jeffrey Schmidt, Joseph Weiss
“Cyber Security Policy
Guidebook” John Wiley & Sons 2012.
Reference Book
1. Rick Howard “Cyber Security Essentials” Auerbach Publications 2011.
2. B.G Raggad, “ Information Security Management”, CRC Press, Taylor Francis, 2015

Course Outcome : At the end of the course, the students will be able to :
1. understand the concept of cyber security

OE-EC804A Artificial Intelligence 2L:0T:0P 2 credits

Overview; Foundation; History; The State of Art.
Intelligent Agents:
Agents and environment; Rationality; The nature of environment; The structure of agents.
Solving Problems by Searching:
Problem-solving agents; Well defined problems & solutions; Formulating problems; Searching for
solution; Uninformed search strategies: (BFS, DFS, DLS, IDDFS, Bidirectional Search) Informed
Search and Exploration:
Informed search strategies; Heuristic functions; On-line search agents and unknown
Constraint Satisfaction Problems:
Constraint satisfaction problems; Backtracking search for CSPs; Local search for CSPs.
Adversial search:
Games; Optimal decisions in games; Alpha-Beta pruning.
Logical Agents:
Knowledge-based agents; The wumpus world as an example world; Logic: Propositional logic
Reasoning patterns in propositional logic.
First-order Logic:
Syntax and semantics of first-order logic; Use of first-order logic.

Text Book
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach – Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education,
Reference Book
1. Artificial Intelligence - Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Shivashankar B Nair, 3rd Edition, Tata
Hill, 2008.
2. Artificial Intelligence: A new Synthesis – Nils J. Nilsson, 1st Edition, Elsevier, 1997.
3. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems- Dan W. Patterson 2nd Edition, PHI,

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. understand the modern view of AI as the study of agents that receive percepts from the
environment and
perform actions.
2. demonstrate awareness of the major challenges facing AI and the complex of typical problems
within the field.
3. exhibit strong familiarity with a number of important AI techniques, including in particular
search,knowledge representation, planning and constraint management.
4. asses critically the techniques presented and to apply them to real world problems.

OE-EC804C Organizational Behavior 2L:0T:0P 2 credits

UNIT-1-Introduction to Organization and OrganizationalBehaviour :

Meaning and definition of organization, features and principles of organization, Organizational
structures and nature of organizational behavior.

UNIT-2-Personality :
Meaning of Personality, Personality Development, Determinants of personality, Application of
personality in the organizational level. Motivation-concept of motivation, motivation and behavior,
Theories of motivation, Need theory, Hygiene theory, Theory X and Theory Y,Elements of sound
motivational system, Motivation in Indian organization.

UNIT-3-Leadership :
Meaning,Theory of leadership, Trait theory,Behavioural theory, Leadership styles, Leadership in
Indian Organisation. Group Dynamics-Concept of Group Dynamic, Types of Group, Group
Behaviour, Group Decisions, Techniques to improve group decision, merits and de-merits of group

UNIT-4- Organizational Change :

Meaning and Nature of organizational chage,Factors of organizational change, Resistance to
change, Factors in resistance, Overcoming resistance to change, Organizational Development-
Concept, Objectives and process of organization development.

Text Book
1. ORGB, An innovative Approach to Learning and Teaching ,Organizational Behaviour,
Nelson, Quick, Khandelwal, Cengage Learning, 2012.

Reference Book
1. Organizational Behaviour Dr S.S.Khanka, S.Chand, 2014.
2. Organisational Behaviour. Arun Kumar and N.Meenaskshi .Vikas Publishing House, 2009.
3. Managing Organisational Behaviour, Moorhead & Griffin. CENGAGE Learning, 2014.
4. Human Behaviour at Work. Keith Davies, 2002.

Course Outcome : At the end of the course the students will be able to:
1. know about organisational structure, organisational behaviour and personality development.
2. learn about motivational techniques and skill required to work in a group and the process of
group decision making.
3. know various leadership styles and the role of leader in achievement of organisational
4. learn about the reasons organizational change and its development.

EC881 Project Stage II L:0T:15P 7.5 credits

The object of Project Work II & Dissertation is to enable the student to extend further the
investigative study taken up under EC P1, either fully theoretical/practical or involving
both theoretical and practical work, under the guidance of a Supervisor from the Department
alone or jointly with a Supervisor drawn from R&D laboratory/Industry. This is expected to
provide a good training for the student(s) in R&D work and technical leadership. The
assignment to normally include:
1. In depth study of the topic assigned in the light of the Report prepared under EC P1;
2. Review and finalization of the Approach to the Problem relating to the assigned topic;
3. Preparing an Action Plan for conducting the investigation, including team work;
4. Detailed Analysis/Modelling/Simulation/Design/Problem Solving/Experiment as needed;
5. Final development of product/process, testing, results, conclusions and future directions;
6. Preparing a paper for Conference presentation/Publication in Journals, if possible;
7. Preparing a Dissertation in the standard format for being evaluated by the Department.
8. Final Seminar Presentation before a Departmental Committee.


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