RESM Fabregas JordanTaylor 4EE

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University of Rizal System-Morong Campus

Province of Rizal
College of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Department

Research Method

Fabregas, Jordan Taylor F.


Engr. Andrada
I. Watch the following short interview videos and make a summary of their insights about

the research concepts below.

o Rob Denny Says

1. What is research according to him/ her?

- According to Rob Denny, research for him is the process of collecting

information about the world. Using that information to answer questions.

2. What is a research question?

- He/ they try to make inferences on the basis of our data, two sets of conclusions.

And those can be in terms of explanations about the social world, or they can

be interpretations, or they can just be descriptions.

3. What makes a good research question?

- Systematic as you can possibly be and try and say something a little bit beyond

the data itself.

o Sandra halperin
1. What is research according to her?
- Sandra Halperin said that a research is a systematic inquiry that helps to make

Sense of the world and that helps to make sensible the debates and

Interpretations that we have of issues of contemporary significance.

Furthermore, she underlined line the systematic inquiry to put significant that

It’s not about reading a lot of books and finding a lot of facts which gets you to

A research question, which is the place to begin research because it helps to

Orient everything you do and helps to select what goes in, what goes out, what's

Pertinent, what's relevant. “Answers all the questions you have about, should i

Include this and how much time or space should i give to this”, she added.

2. What is a research question?

- Halperin firmly said that research question has to address something of

Significance, some issue, problem, puzzle question that relates to the interests

Of a broad community of scholars that arises in the real world or arises in the

Context of the sort of theories and frameworks that we are always endeavoring

o develop in order to understand the real world.

3. What makes a good research questions?

-A good research question should have three attributes according to halperin.

First, it should address significance to develop in order to understand the real

World. Second, it has to be well researchable. Lastly, the third attribute of a

Research question should be it has to address a question that hasn't been

Definitively answered.
o Michael Hutt
1. What is research according to him/ her?

- According to michael hutt, it's identifying a topic or a subject that perhaps has not
been explored sufficiently well in your opinion. Exploring it, making some findings, presenting those
findings to an audience, usually traditionally in the form of an article maybe a book, increasingly now
obviously in different media as well.

2. What is a research question?

- he increasingly feels the need and i think this goes for many people to try and address an
audience that's a little bit broader just and those people who are interested in the society.

3. What makes a good research question?

- he thinks, you need to know about it even though you may not even know where it is.
Because it's an example of something that a process or a phenomenon that's going on in other societies
too and i think you can learn something from this example that may be of interest to you more broadly.
So, he personally think that moving from this exclusive focus on one society, on one culture and writing
for people who are also engaged with that to try and actually take material from that context and put it
into arguments or discussions that are of relevance and interest to people working in different contexts
and on different topics.

o Myrrh Domingo

1. What is research according to him/ her?

- According to myrrh Domingo, Research is addressing social and pressing issues.

2. What is a research question?

- Research questions should be transformative.

3. What makes a good research question?

- It takes time and repetitive action to come up with a good research and research questions.
II. Interview a researcher (phone/email/etc.) and ask him/her the same questions
above. Also include the personal questions below:

Personal Questions

• Name of the interviewee

- Honeylyn Berina

• Profession
- Accountant

• Research done, ongoing or finished

- Efficiency of Smart Padala in Rizal

• Is his/her research published in a journal?

- No
III. Read reference materials, books, journals, etc. about research and
answer the same three questions in PART I. Cite your references (books
and authors).
o A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Thesis, and Dissertations by
Kate L. Turabian
1. What is research according to him/her?
- You do research every time you ask a question and look for facts to answer it, whether
the question is as simple as finding a plumber or as profound as discovering the origin of
life. When only you care about the answer or when others need just a quick report of it,
you probably won't write it out. But you must report your research in writing when others
will accept your claims only after they study how you reached them. In fact, reports of
research tell us most of what we can reliably believe about our world—that once there
were dinosaurs, that germs cause disease, even that the earth is round.


- Experienced researchers also know that different readers expect them to ask and answer
different kinds of questions. The most common questions in academic work are
conceptual. The ones most common in the professions are practical.

3. What makes a good research question?

- The best research question is not one whose answer others want to know just for its own
sake; it is one that helps them understand some larger issue

IV. Synthesize the answers you gathered in part I, part II, and part III.
Write your definitions of the questions in part I using your own words
which is synthesized from parts I, II, and III.

1. What is research according to him/her?

- A systematic investigation used to develop new information or solve issues
is known as research.
- Research questions are questions that must be answered in order for the
researcher to determine which path to take.

3. What makes a good research question?

- -The best research question is one that helps others grasp a wider issue
rather than one whose answer they wish to know only for the purpose of
knowing it.
To focus upon formulating a research question. Please compose a brief
question pertaining to your proposed research - whatever the subject.
Brief insofar as it would fit on one metaphorical or literal "Post-It" note.

2. Effects on Practice of a BSEE graduate student in their field.
3. What is the effects as new normal learning platform in children on

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