15 Aug Assessment 1 Is Done
15 Aug Assessment 1 Is Done
15 Aug Assessment 1 Is Done
Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:
Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Kamaljeet Kaur Date 15/8/2022
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Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
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o serving food and beverage
o taking orders
end of shift procedures:
o cleaning work areas and equipment
o debriefing sessions and quality service reviews
o preparation for the next service period
o restocking
o safe storage of products, equipment and supplies
roles and responsibilities of service team members
organisational policies and procedures for:
o administration and reporting relating to:
completing financial transactions
completing work plans and schedules
o hygiene, health, safety and security:
completing incident, work health and safety (WHS) and maintenance reports
o customer service
o complaint handling.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
RTO to complete
Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, Workplace information relevant to the job role where training is provided for and work
placement is undertaken.
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Kamaljeet Kaur Date:26/6/2022
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This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /
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Assessment 1
Your Tasks
You are required to address all the key points listed in section 1-5 below, relevant to your job role (for example
food and beverage, front office, housekeeping or as relevant.
The purpose is to assess your ability to perform the basic tasks common for your job role prior to engaging in
practical tasks in a workplace.
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In order to effectively work in an organisation providing services to customers, you need to have knowledge
about the business, its nature, the services it offers, the products available and its policies and procedures.
In addition you need to know how to prepare for service of a day’s shift, the procedures and expectations to
work a service or shift as an effective team member, solving problems, completing different tasks, and keeping
your workplace clean and tidy during and after a shift.
In the hospitality industry, where multiple shifts can cover 24 hour periods this also requires effective
communication, reporting, administration duties and effective handing over for the next shift.
Provide an overview of the key aspects required for each point below relevant to the job role you will undertake
during the 36 service periods in the workplace or workplace organised for this purpose.
Where you are unsure how a particular task will be undertaken or completed in the workplace, refer to and
apply the procedures from the practical training you have participated in with your training provider.
1. Organisational information
2. Customer information
3. Performing operational tasks
4. End of shift procedures
5. Organisational policies and procedures
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Section 1: Organisational information
This would need include for example (but is not limited to):
In a restaurant/cafe environment:
Customer loyalty programs
Food menu options and specials
Specials and promotions
Prices of products and services
Product knowledge of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
Wine and cocktail drink list choices and specials
Prize nights and special events
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In a housekeeping environment
Gymnasiums and health facilities
In-room services
Laundry services
Room service
Lost and Found Services
o Which work areas and equipment do you need to clean in your department?
o What are the preparation tasks you usually need to perform for the next service period?
o Which items do you need to restock after service? What is the process for doing this?
o What are the procedures in place to ensure the safe storage of products, equipment and supplies?
o Provide details about debriefing sessions and quality service reviews. Who organises these and what do
these entail including provisions for recording details?
o Which policies and procedures exist in your workplace for customer service provisions?
o What are the procedures you need to follow for handling complaints ort where complaints arise?
o To whom do you report once you have completed any tasks which were assigned to you?
o What is your role in providing a hand-over at the end of a shift?
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o What are your duties for handling payments or completing reconciliations if you are assigned to
undertake these tasks as part of your job role?
o Which procedures do you need to follow for Work Health and Safety matters including accidents?
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Making sure all the customers are satisfied.
Clean the restaurant and the bar following all the standard procedures.
Other job roles in your department and the job roles and tasks performed by them:
The restaurant manager and the Owner: he gives tasks to FOH staff and supervising their job,
handling complaints, handling problems with payments and system, closing the till, managing
tips for the staff.
Section waiters: taking food and drink orders, refilling drinks, checking on customer orders,
organising cutlery for entrees, main courses, and dessert.
Food runner: delivering food to customers and polishing plates and cutlery.
Baristas and bartenders: set the bar ready for the shift, preparing drinks, maintaining all the bar
areas clean.
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Specials and promotions:
Every week we have a different meat, fish, pasta, and risotto specials. For party more than 11 people we
have set menus.
Prices of products and services:
All the prices are specified in the menus, all the front of the house need to know the price of the
Product knowledge of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages:
I know all the food menu, with all the possible variations to fulfil customers’ requests and dietaries. I
know alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available in the bars and I keep stay updated with any new
product or any shortage.
Wine and cocktail drink list choices:
The Wine list is Italian oriented, so I’ve a very good knowledge of them. Classic Italian spirits and
What are the procedures for taking and/or executing orders in your department? The manager or supervisor
assigned to welcome the customers check the booking an escort customer to the assigned table.
He needs to clarify with section waiters or baristas/bartenders about the booking name or any other
important info about customers (dietaries, special needs, etc.).
Customers are welcomed to the table with water (sparkling or tap) and menus (food menu and drink
list) are given from the section waiter.
Waiters take orders from the table explaining about daily specials and clarifying item from the menu.
If there are special requests from the customers about wine and food pairing, waiters need to call the
sommelier, normally me.
After order taking the section waiter must put the order through the computer and send it to the
kitchen and the bar.
Bartender or barista organise and prepare all drinks, the waiter delivers those.
Section waiters must organise cutlery and set the table.
Food runner or waiter deliver food to the table nominating the dish.
The waiter check if customers are happy about drinks and food.
A manager or supervisor need to be called in case of any problems.
What are the typical tasks you need to perform at the start of a shift? Check the specials on the board, check
the waiter’s allocation, or find this information and breath the rest of the staff; set up waiter station and
restock needed items; fill up jugs of tap water, chilly and parmigiano.
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Preparing the Waiter's Station: Also known as the service station, the waiter’s station is a table, or a
drawer set up in a restaurant that contains the necessary items to assist the staff in the performance of
their duties.
The following are the items that should be found at the waiter’s station:
1. Menu list
2. Service trays
4. Clean crockery
5. Water Pitcher
6. Clean glassware
8. Bill folder
9. Clean cutlery
10. Centrepieces
2. Water
3. Wine
4. Beer
6. Cocktail
7. Jugs
8. Crockery
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11. Cups and saucers
12. Cutlery
14. Condiments (flavourings on the table for the customer to add to their meal)
This all should be clean, polished and there should be no chips or cracks.
Provide an overview of the tasks you typically perform during the shift or during a service period and explain
what this entail:
During the shift I must:
Provide 2 examples how you can proactively promote, up-sell and cross-sell products and services relevant to
your work area:
When the customers arrive and I escort them to the tables, before giving them the menus I may suggest
a drink to start with (prosecco, spritz, etc.).
When customers order food I may suggest some entrees before the main course, or alternatively some
sides to have with the mains.
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Wash and polish all the dirty glasses.
Wipe menus.
Clean the toilets
What are the preparation tasks you usually need to perform for the next service period?
Refill salt and pepper, prepare chilly oil, put the chairs up the tables for next day cleaning.
Which items do you need to restock after service? What is the process for doing this?
Provide details about debriefing sessions and quality service reviews. Who organises these and what do these
entail including provisions for recording details?
We don’t have a debriefing session now but sometimes all the staff sit down and eat and drink together
with owner and management.
To whom do you report once you have completed any tasks which were assigned to you?
At the end of a shift, I must communicate to the waiter or the other staff member that will replace me, the
situation on my section, if there are customers to look after and any task, I didn’t complete that my colleague
must complete.
What are your duties for handling payments or completing reconciliations if you are? assigned to undertake
these tasks as part of your job role?
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My duties are to collect all the payments to any the tables ask after checking the bill with the waiter involved.
Which procedures do you need to follow for Work Health and Safety matters including accidents?
In case of a Work Health and Safety matters occur, I must take prompt measures and report straight away to a
manager or supervisor or Owner in charge at the moment.
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Provides information as relevant to the industry environment:
In a restaurant/cafe environment:
Customer loyalty programs
Food menu options and specials
Specials and promotions
Prices of products and services
Product knowledge of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic
Wine and cocktail drink list choices and specials
Prize nights and special events
Provides information as relevant to the industry environment:
In an accommodation services environment:
Gymnasiums and health facilities
In-room services
Laundry services
Room service
Food menu options and specials
Customer loyalty programs
Local area and venue facilities
Lost and found services
Membership benefits
Provides information as relevant to the industry environment:
In a housekeeping environment
Gymnasiums and health facilities
In-room services
Laundry services
Room service
Lost and Found services
Provides information as relevant to the industry environment:
In a gaming operations environment.
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The tasks typically performed during service are explained (tick all that are
communicating orders to the kitchen
ordering stock
preparing rooms for guests
processing financial transactions
providing portering services
selling and preparing drinks
selling gaming tickets
serving food and beverage
taking orders
Example 2:
Organisational Procedures
Provides an overview of policies and procedures in place for customer
service provisions
Provides the procedures to be followed for complaints handling
Provides details for reporting requirements upon completion of
The hand-over provision at end of shift are explained
The requirements for handling payments are explained
The procedures and requirements for completing reconciliations are
The procedures to be followed in case of WHS incidents or accidents are
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