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APRIL 29, 2019

Definition of map
◦ International Cartographic Association:
◦ A map is a symbolized representation of
geographical reality, representing selected
features or characteristics.

General definition:
◦ A map is a scaled representation of the Earth’s
surface in a flat plane which is drawn using
projection system.
Types of map – based on the
1. Topographic Map (Peta Rupabumi)
◦ A type of map characterized by large-scale detail and
quantitative representation of relief, usually using contour lines,
showing both natural and man-made features.
◦ It is designed to be used as a basemap by GIS professionals and
as a reference map by anyone.
2. Thematic Map
◦ A thematic map is also called a special-purpose or statistical
map. A thematic map focuses on the spatial variability of a
specific distribution or theme (such as population density or
average annual income).
3. Navigation Map
◦ Maps that present graphics that are used to determine direction
or position. Usually it is used for naval and air transportation.
E.g.: RBI of semarang
E.g.: Map of Population Density
Types of map – based on the
making method
1. Qualitative Map
◦ A statistic map which shows qualitative distribution using symbols.
2. Quantitative Map
◦ A statistic map which shows the distribution using lines correlating areas with
the same quantity.
Types of map – based on the
1. Cadastral Map ◦ Used for map of province
◦ 1:100 up to 1:5,000 4. Small scale Map
◦ Used as map in making ◦ 1:500,001 up to
certificate; housing plan 1:1,000,000
2. Large scale Map ◦ Used for map of a
◦ 1:5,001 up to 1:250,000 country
◦Used for map of 5. Geographic scale Map
village, sub-district ◦ Smaller than 1:1,000,000
3. Medium scale Map ◦ Used for map of
continents, world
◦ 1:250,001 up to 1:500,000
Components of map
1. Title ◦ Small letter: name of cities, village
◦ What the map is about ◦ Small italic: name of river, small
2. Legend island
◦ Describe all symbols used in the map 8. Colors
3. Inset map ◦ Black, blue, green, brown, and red
◦ Smaller map used as a locator map 9. Grids
4. Border line ◦ Intersecting lines to help locate
specific places on the map 
5. Orientation longitude, latitude, prime meridian,
◦ Showing the North and other equator
directions 10. Sources and year of making
6. Symbols ◦ To know the most updated map
◦ Three types of symbols: dots, line, and11. Map scale
◦ Shows the proportion of map to the
7. Lettering real condition
◦ Capital letter: name of countries, big
islands, big cities
◦ Capital italic: name of ocean, sea
Types of map scales
Characteristics of contour lines
1. Connect point of equal elevation
2. They never cross, split, or intersect
3. Closely spaced contour lines show a steep slope
4. Widely spaced contour lines show gentle slope
5. Approximately concentric closed contours with decreasing values
towards center indicate a pond
6. Approximately concentric closed contours with increasing values
towards center indicate a hill
7. Contour lines with U-shape with convexity towards lower ground
indicate ridge
8. Contour lines with V-shaped with convexity towards higher ground
indicate valley
MAY 7, 2019
Three (3) properties for map
1. Equivalent
 the area drawn with scale on the map must
match the actual area
2. Equidistant
 the distance drawn with scale on the map must
match the actual distance
3. Conform
 the shape drawn with scale on the map must
match the actual shape
Basic types of map projections

Cylindrical Azimuthal Conical

in map
1. To find the scale by comparing
with other map of the same area

3 12
A cm B A cm B
Scale Scale ?

P2 = d1/d2 x P1
2. To find the scale using contour


CI = 1/2000 x scale denominator

3. To find the elevation of any
point on contour map

Map Scale  A-B = 5 cm; B-C = 3

1:50,000. Elevation of cm
C? Map Scale 
4. To find the slope/gradient
between 2 points on contour map
◦ Given: On a topography map, elevation of X = 335
m and elevation of Y = 235 m. The distance
between X-Y is 4 cm on a map scaled 1:50,000.
◦ Find: the slope percentage
◦ Answer:

◦Slope X-Y = (Elevation difference/Actual

distance) x 100%
Scale 1 : 100,000 Scale 1 : 250,000
Scale 1 : 50,000

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