M.A Political Science

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The course of study for the M.A examination will consist of eight papers
and a viva voce examination. The eight papers will be equally divided between M.A
Previous and M.A Final Examination.

M. A Previous

Paper-I = Genesis of Pakistan (1857-1947)

Paper-II = Political Philosophy
Paper-III = Public Administration
Paper-IV = Political Systems
M. A Final

Paper- I Research methodology (Compulsory)

Select any three from the following
Group A
Paper- II International relation
Paper- III International Law
Paper- IV International organizations (Global + Regional)
Group B
Paper- V Foreign policy of Pakistan
Paper- VI Public Administration in Pakistan
Paper-VII Government and Politics in Pakistan.
Each paper carry equal Marks that is 100 marks
Viva voce = 100 Marks
Total Marks = 900 Marks

Details M.A Political Science (Previous)

Paper-I: - Genesis of Pakistan

i. The War of independence 1857 , its causes , events and Results :
ii. The British policy towards the Muslims after the war.
iii. The services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
iv. The Indian National Congress and the all India Muslim League.
v. The partition of Bengal 1905.
vi. Simla Deputation 1906.
vii. The Act of 1909, the Act of 1919 and of 1935, Lucknow Pact 1916.
viii. The Khilafat Moment its causes, events, result and causes of its failure.
ix. Siman‟s Commission report , Nehro Report 1928 and Jinah‟s 14 Points
x. Alla abad Address of 1930, round table conference, congress Ministries of

xi. The pakisan Resolution of 1940, Cripps proposal of 1942, Simla Conference
of 1945
xii. The cabinet Mission Plan 1946, the 3rd June Plan and the independence Act of

Books Recommended
1. Abdul Hamid “ Muslim Separation”
2. Waheed Uz Zaman “ Towards Pakistan”
3. W.W Hunter “ Indian Musalmans”
4. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi “ Struggle for Pakistan
5. K.K Aziz “ Making of Pakistan”

Paper II: - Political Science

Political thoughts of the following thinkers

Section 1
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Machiavelli
4. Hobbes
5. Locke‟s
6. Rousseau
7. Mill
8. Bent ham
9. Karl Marx
Section II
1. Mawardi
2. Ghazali
3. Farabi
4. Ibn-Khaldun
5. Jamal-ul-din Afghani
6. Iqbal

Books Recommended

1. George Sabine “ History of Political Science “

2. Berhand Russell “ History of western Philosophy”
3. Machia Velli “ The Prince of Western The Discourses”
4. Sher Wani “ Muslim Political thoughts and Administration”
5. Prof M.M Sharif “ A history of Muslims Philosophy”
6. A.W.Chudhary “ Muslim Political Thoughts”
7. Shaukat Ali “ Muslim Political Thoughts”
8. Judd Harmon “ Political Thoughts from Plato to present

Paper III Political Systems

Political Systems of U.K, U.S.A, Russia, France, India and Turkey.

This course to make a comparative and analytical study of the Political Systems of these
countries. Emphasis is to be given and political process, political culture, interaction
among various political and governmental forces and developmental aspect. Decision
making is also to be studied including various factors influencing it. It should also be
included study of structured and functional aspect of the governments.

Books Recommended

1. Backer /Pamper/McWilliams.983 “American Government”.

2. Cocker,P.G.1983 “ Contemporary British Politics and Government”
3. Mazher Ul Haq “Modern Constitutions”.
4. Palmer, Norman D. “The Indian Political System”.

Paper IV (Public Administration)

1. Definition, Scope, Relationship, with other social sciences, public and private
2. Approaches Traditional, Modern and Behavioral.
3. Rise of Big Government: Contributing factors, public private collaboration and
the growth of NGOs.
4. Bureaucracy concept, Nature and function, Max Weber‟s Ideal type, Criticism
and the changing view of Bureaucracy.
5. Functional elements of Administration:-
a) Organization, its types, Principles and theories.
b) Planning , rational and principles
c) Personal Administrations --- its techniques and functions
d) Communication types and channels
6. Decision making – process, Barrier to rational choice.
7. Administrative Accountability , the role of legislature , Judiciary , Ombudsman
and the Media
8. Financial Administration – Budgeting, Auditing and problem of financial
9. Public policy making machinery with reference to the policy machinery in

Books Recommended
1. P fifner , J.M .Public Administration
2. Public Administration by A.R.Thiagy

3. Public Administration by L.D. White.


Paper I: Research Methodology (Compulsory)

The course will cover recent development in the fields of methodology and
comparable politics including
1. Approaches to the study of Political Science:
a) Normative
b) Positivistic
c) Disciplinary
d) Intra Disciplinary
e) Behavioral
2. Methods
a) Comparative
b) Analytical
c) Deductive/Inductive
d) Quantitative/Qualitative
e) Scientific
3. Scientific Research in social Sciences.
i. Concepts
ii. Variables
iii. Hypotheses
iv. Generalization ,facts , laws , theories
4. Research Design :- Experimental and non Experimental
5. Reviewing Literature
6. Sampling : basis ,types, sampling error
7. Data Collection : Types and collection techniques
8. Documents Analysis : Contents Analysis
9. Observation Direct / Indirect : Ethical consideration in observation
10. Computer application.

Books Recommended

1. Blalock , Hubert M.jr” Social Statistics” New York McGraw Hill , 1972
2. Edward R.Jufte “ Data Analysis for politics and policy
3. Siman , julian and Paul Brustein “ Basic Research Method in Social Science”.

Paper II: - International Relations

1. Contemporary approaches to the study of International Relations, Realistic, Idealistic,

And scientific approaches.
2. Political Ideologies.
a) Communism (Meaning ,Features main principles factor responsible for its rise)

b) Nazism (Meaning , features principles and factors responsible for its rise)
c) Capitalism (Meaning , features principles and factors responsible for its rise)
3. Sovereignty (Concept, Attribute, Kinds, Challenges, Islamic conception of
4. Balance of Power (concept , Growth , Pattern, Techniques ,Balance of Power
after Cold War)
5. Nationalism (Meaning , Factors Responsible for its Risk , features and future
of Nationalism)
6. National Interest (Meaning , Kinds , Criteria , Role in Foreign Policy)
7. Diplomacy (meaning, Kinds, techniques, Role of Diplomacy, Major Actors in
the formation of Diplomacy.
8. Foreign Policies and its determinations
9. Foreign Policies of major Powers (USA ,UK, Russia , China )

Books Recommended

1. Palmer Perkins “ International Relations “

2. H. Morganthan “ Politics among Nations “
3. Peter Calvoconessi “ World Politics science 1945 (sixth Edition)
4. Brown Seyom “ New forces , Old forces and the future of World Politics (Post
cold war Edition)

Paper III International Law

1. Introduction: - Definition, nature and Scope of I/law. Binding Nature of I/Law,

Islamic .I/Law.
2. Origin and Development of I/law .theories of International Law; Codification of
I/Law, relationship of Municipal and I/Law.
3. Sources of I/Law
4. Subject of International Law: - Individual and None State entities.
5. States as International Persons: Pre requisite of Statehood, Kinds of State; Sate /
Government t recognition.
6. State Succession
7. State Sovereignty : Acquisition of territorial Sovereignty
8. State Juridiction :- Territorial Juridiction Juridiction over maritin belt , Contigous
zones < continental Shel , juridictiom Over High Seas , Air Space and outer
9. Individuals in internationalLaw: Nationality, Extradition, Asylum.
10. Agents of International transaction: Diplomatic envoys counsel rights, privileges
and immunities of Diplomatic envoys and counsels.
11. Law of treaties: Kinds of treaties, formation, Invalidation and Termination of
12. I/disputes: Peaceful and: Peaceful and Coercive means of setting disputes.
13. Laws of War and Armed conflict:- Prisoner of war and Human Rights
14. Neutrality and Neutralization

15. I/Law and present days challenges.
Books Recommended

1. Oppen Leim.L “ International Law”

2. Ian Bromile “ Principles of I/Law”
3. J-J Starke “ I/Law if I/aw”
4. I.A.Shearer “Starke International Law”
5. A cassel “ International Law in a divided World”

Paper IV: - International Organizations (Global and Regional)

1. Origin and development of International Organizations.
2. League of Nations: Origin, Structure, nature, Functioning, Success and failure.
3. UNO :- Establishment ,Principles ,objectives and organizational Framework
4. Issues and problems: Membership, Voting, Domestic Jurisdiction, Role of
General Assembly.
5. Veto in the UN.
6. Civil Servant of UN
7. Collective Security.
8. Peace keeping Operation of UN.
9. Restructuring of UNO
10. Regional Organizations
European Union ECO, SAARC, ASEAN, OAU, OIC OAS and Arab League.

Books Recommended

1. Good speed “ The Nature and Functions of International Organization”

2. Palmer –Perkins “ international Relations
3. Leroy Bennett “ International Organizations”

Paper V Foreign policy of Pakistan

1. Major Determinants and Objectives of Pakistan Foreign Policy.

2. Changing Patterns of Foreign Policy of Pakistan Science 1947.
3. Non- Aligned relations in the post 1971 era.
4. The end of Cold War. The New World Order Pakistan Foreign policy.
5. Pakistan and the Muslim World: “Pakistan.
6. Relations with Major Powers: USA, Soviet Union /Russia and China.
7. Relations with India
a) Major Causes of Strained Relations between India and Pakistan
b) History of Relations :Problems in Early years of independence Kashmir
Dispute ,The 1965 War ,Tashkent Development .The 1971 War :the Simla
Agreement, important development science 1980
8. Pakistan Relations with Afghanistan.
9. Pakistan and the regional Organizations SAARC, ECO, OIC and ASEAN.

Books Recommended

1. Hassan Askari Rizvi “ Pakistan and the Geo Strategic environment”

2. Mehrunn Nisa Ali “Foreign Policy of Pakistan “
3. Z.A.Bhutto “Foreign Policy of Pakistan”
4. S.M.Burke “Foreign Policy of Pakistan.
5. Adbul Sattar “Pakistan Foreign Policy Appraisal(1947-2006)

Paper VI: Public Administration in Pakistan

1. Historical Background and its Development

2. Civil Services of Pakistan
3. Administrative Reforms
4. Organizational Structure and Working of Federal, Provincial and District
5. Policy Making and Planning process.
6. Financial Administration ,Police and Judicial Administration
7. Administrative Accountability
8. Semi Government and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO‟s)

Books Recommended

1. Ahmad „A‟ Public Service in Pakistan Karachi, 1964.

2. Dr Sultan Khan “ Public Administration with special reference to Pakistan”
3. Dr Sultan Khan “ Personal Administration “
4. Charles Kennedy “ Beau racy in Pakistan”

Paper VII Government and Politics in Pakistan (1947 to date)

1. Problem faced by Pakistan soon after independence.

2. Political Development. A general survey up to 1956
3. Constitution making since 1947.
a) Constitution Development from 1947-1956.
b) The constitution of 1956.
4. Failure of parliamentary democracy in Pakistan.
5. Ayub Regin
a) Political development from (1958-1969)

b) Ayub‟s Reforms.
c) The constitution of 1962
6. Yahya Regime
a) Jegal frame work order and the election of 1970.
b) Crissis in East Pakistan
7. Bhutto Regime
a) Bhutto Reforms
b) The constitutions of 1973.
c) Political development from 1972-1977.
8. General Zia Islamization process
9. Political development since 1977 up to date.
10. The process of democratization and the future of democracy.

Books Recommended

1. G.W.Chaudhry “Rizvi .H.Askari “ Military and Politics in Pakistan “

2. M.Ikram Rabbani “Pakistan Affairs”.
3. Keith ,Callard “Pakistan “A Political Study “
4. K.B.Saeed “Political system of Pakistan “
5. Lawrence Ziring “Pakistan in the 20th century “.
6. Constitutional development in Pakistan.

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